Capricorn is a man of penny and undivided kokhannya. Cholovik Capricorn Piven - what kind of wine? Characteristics of the sign in various aspects of life. Horoscope of the woman Kozerig-Piven

People and women show their kohannya in a different way. Do not start to understand how a person is put before you. And always want to be inspired by the one who is the only one, appointments for a long, happy, happy life.

Characteristics of a person Capricorn - Piven

Cholovik Capricorn Piven is a bright person. Yogo is commemorated by everyone, to the one who, according to life, lives somewhere, live for the sake of the extravagant world and walk, who are born. Yogo positive mood energizes, gives strength to that life.

Cholovik Kozerig - P_ven shows his comradeship in early childhood. Such lads always make a lot of friends. Often stinks become the spiritual leaders of their company. Tse, so be moving, masovik-vitivnik. You won't be bored with him. Such a lad will always think up how to play, where to drink.

Cholovik Piven - Capricorn is happy in life. Vin privertaє to yourself good people. It is not less for you to be happy in special spheres, but in other spheres of life of a person. Vin easily copes with failures. It's easy to set a vin before them. Ring out your pardon, don't take it like a tragedy. From her wines, you get a lesson and go far with your head held high.

Cholovik Piven - Capricorn love everything control. Even children of yoga were crying out for various strategic games. Do not be surprised if you say that you love the money at Monopoly. However, do not forget to rework everything, as you need it for your needs. Somebody should listen to what the cosmos gives us. It is not necessary to put up a change before everything. Such lads sometimes reshape their lives in such a way that they don’t understand why everything turned out so suddenly. Ale, for the most part, stinks are happy and it’s rare to vomit.

Cholovik Piven - Capricorn is tremblingly raised to his career growth. It is important for a new person to reach a high position and become a company's core manager. Ale vin can be careful with the choice of profession. The most ideal sphere of activity for a new one is the art and creativity. Here, perhaps more beautifully, you can see your oratorical talent and love of intercourse with people.

From a financial point of view, from my life, everything is better. Vin does not require anything. It is rare to ask such a person from a position. Vin values ​​his independence and independence.

Wisdom at the kohanna man Kozerig-Piven

Cholovik Pіven - Capricorn - is a true representative of the strong half of the people, you don’t care if you need to be blamed for the show. Such lads are vvazhayutsya prihovaniya shkodo zvyazku z d_vchina. I don’t know how to make the best friends, if someone has a plan in a special life. The stinks try not to get involved in the whole life of a person Kozerig - Piven, tk. know what not to blame.

Cholovik Capricorn Piven vmіє speak on different topics. Alezovsіm nіyakovo yomu go out to know the maidens in the kohanna. That th, on yoga thought, it’s something hidden, shobi constantly spread out. I seem to the world of wines just to be afraid to have mercy. Raptom is not the same, one for all life.

Through their sumnіv and unruliness, these lads swear at family blue it’s less for a mature woman, if the stench is roaming, let’s drag a little more. Sound the stosunki of a girl between a man and a woman who are positive, calm, good-natured. Golovne, that a representative of which sign of the zodiac has chosen a couple that suits him. For example, a woman is considered ideal for a new one, as for the Chinese horoscope to lie down to the fate of the Serpent, Bika and Pivnya. And the axis of the female Goat, Rabbits and Pigs are recognized for other signs of the zodiac. With them, they can’t see stosunki.

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Tsey Piven clearly knows what he wants in life. Vіn tsіlespramovano go uphill, roaring your strengths, roaming all possible factors, rozumіyuchi and clearly estimating your abilities. Crim of discretion, Piven-Kozerig may be sparsely virtuous and banquet seen from the natovpu.

The character of Pivnya-Capricorn

Piven-Kozerig will always take away those that I don’t, really, I don’t see. Tsya people go to high goals, saving their glance at the speech. Until then, you must live up to your principles and you don’t want to stick to the furnishing - you yourself create these furnishing. Without a doubt, Piven-Kozerig itself reaches heights only to the middle. way of life, Then yoga reach not mittev. Yogo success - a lot of merit and stable!

Friendship and businesslike friends have Piven-Kozerig so serious, true to their word and even more hopeful. With him you can spivpratsyuvati, ale, you need to know that this person herself is picking her friends and business partners. You can’t succumb to anything just to the one who’s guilty of hearing to himself and less then we’ll swear - chi varto hear someone else ...

The kohanna Piven-Kozerig is very distant, distrustful, which always shows obachnistnost. Yogo is not so easy to calm down, because this person is already self-sufficient. Yogo can almost be slammed, and yet you can finally gain control over them. Svіy pobut that family life Piven-Kozerіg organizes and regionally better. Yomu needs vodkrity, yaskravy, and with him a soft partner, which is not pragmatic of undivided power.

Cholovik Piven-Kozerig

I don’t care about “stupidity”, just a person Piven-Kozerig is a realist and a perfectionist. Vіddaєtsya without too much of your right, depriving yourself of the satisfaction of that love.

I, it is necessary to say that you don’t feel any discomfort from this drive of wines - now, you have lost your right to practice and grow up on the caravan, fight to the end for your principles and priorities. No one can see this way… You can fight about the skeleton, only the skeleton can’t be destroyed! Women need to remember about it, they plan to sleeping life with such a person. Yogo business life and special interests will always go ahead. You can either take yogo to some path, or take it out of the way, so as not to envy.

Vіn dosit patient, tsіnuє those that you can and accept a woman, how you can respect yoga vibіr ...

Woman Piven-Kozerig

Axis here the situation is folded. A woman is flint, a woman is a monolith, a woman has a strong will and an unshakable character ... A man is not ready to confess. Here, verbally speaking about people of a soft, romantic temperament, gnuchkish and self-sufficient. In other words, the proliferative type of a person is the most important for such a woman. Instructed by such a person to help herself, so that it would be better for her to realize herself in all spheres of life that are important for her.

The second option is a person close to the spirit. Then it will be easier for them to stay at home, it is possible, to conduct sleep well and all nutrition is based on compromises. However, the love sphere of life is clearly cultivating ... In this situation, women Pivnya-Capricorn will have a chance to take care of themselves more: develop in themselves chuynist, kindness, gnuchkist, which will definitely be demanded in family vіdnosinah.

So Pivni do not quarrel with balakuchism, calm and streaming - right conservatives. Vperti, Serious Capricorns-Pivnі are not strong enough to compromise. They are rejoicing at the vitremkoy and terpinnyam, deyut rіshuche: for whatever circumstances, they will surely defend their point of view. They create emotions of emotionally cold, closed people. However, behind the mask of innocence one wants to touch a sensitive nature. People of this day are joking about love and roaming, wanting not to be ready to know it. Behind the confusion of the horoscope, Kozerig-Piven is the leader: he will strengthen the power of his own mind. May the gift of reconciliation, easily suffocate others with your own ideas. Pivni-Kozeroz has charisma and charms, which is impossible not to believe.

Characteristics of Capricorn Pivnya

Tsya is a brave, daring person to be famous for his showmanship, building to endure all inaccuracies. Vіdmіnna singularity sign Piven-Kozerig - principles: true to oneself and to one's ideals. Yogo cannot be beaten from pantelik or introduced into oman. Yakshcho Kozerig-Piven virishiv - so be it. Tse deeply orderly people, not in її rules to behave in an improper rank. In no way violate the norms of morality, on the contrary, stand on the right defense. Wanting to zaderikuvaty Piven gives to the respectful Capricorn intransigence, but all the same, this person is a vision for succession. May masu wins: strength, courage, arrogance, strength. Navkolishni do not just trust Pivnya-Capricorn, but hoard his talents.

Capricorn-Piven is a born fighter: fearlessly accept the vikliks of the share. Ready to fight until the end for your reconciliation. Capricorn-Piven - far away, which endows its representatives with marvelous strength and purposefulness. Tsі people clearly know what they want in life, themselves vyrіshuyut z kim splkuvatis, like a way to follow. To build only on one’s own strength and not to ask for help - it’s too proud of self-confidence. Piven-Kozerig is penetrating, reasonable and logical, so it is easy to pierce all possible risks. Forget the bad luck that trapleyaetsya with him very rarely, do not hesitate to come in. Know the way to get around all the transitions and obov'yazkovo reach success. Moreover, there are interests of the power, and for the benefit of prosperity.

Regardless of their busyness, Piven-Kozerig loves to sit in the soul. Tse priєmna, easy at a splkuvanni person, even if he copes with the anger of an intelligent prideful person. Do not be afraid to be like everyone without a blame, but start radium, I feel myself taking it. Nebaiduzhy to compliments, require podtrimki, want and be afraid to know. However, Kozerig-Piven trusts few people, does not like intrusive people, it is unique in dealing with them. Resolutely choose friends, ready to become an overriding support, a true comrade. But if you don’t give up the leader’s position, you can’t relax and let the situation go. For an hour, I become overly restless and immhlivy - not to endure the pressure of that unimportant staging. Still, be an ideal person - an important task.

Sense of Capricorn Pivnya

Rozvazhlivy Kozerig-Pіven zvik vіdpovіdalno goes to all meals, yogo special life - not blaming. Do not hurry with the choice: for a long time you are attracted to people. per love horoscope Kozerig-Piven is a vibratory, fastidious partner. It is very important to reach this powerful person, then you can be completely impressed by the new one. Yakshto vin having started to zalitsyan - vesilli buti. Well, it’s true, you’ve got to be ready, but you’re ready to the point that your thought in this food is not the head one.

Capricorn-Piven love your loved ones, relatively prorakhovu all the details family life: order, cleanliness, calm Chi does not listen to the thoughts of the other half, always and in the end rely only on yourself. Kozerig-Piven is ready to engulf loved ones with love and turbo, one mind: vin is the leader. This is a temperamental and untransformed person - signs are given of the infusion of Pivnya, to which the taman sleeps are fierce and aggressive. Ale is less for the vinyatkovy vipadkah: that criticism from the side of close people is respected.

Kar'єra Capricorn Pivnya

For the ambitious Pivnya-Capricorn, it is important to be smart in the profession. Never put up with the shock: with the marvelous zazyatistyu reach goals. Do not fuss and do not try to get around the transition: what is the problem, the success is good. Zavdyaki praciovitostі and tіlespravovannosti, Kozerig-Pіven' is easily accessible to core posts. Then, yak pіdlеglіy іѕ nοt hаνе conflicts: tο nοt tο love vikonuvat vkazіvki. If you want to be sensible, respectful and smart, a professional is at his right.

Pivni-Capricorns do not just practice, but serve high purposes. Choose professions that can bring mischief to the soul, even if you don’t forget about your high ambitions. These people are closely within the singing framework: the fuse and fearlessness of Pivnya in the discipline of Capricorn is the guarantee of success in any field. People with combinations of signs become successful actors, athletes and businessmen. In addition, Pivnyam-Capricorns are suitable for professions, tied with roses, planning for scientific activities.

Tsі people vvazhayut for the better not to spread words, but to love to show off, try to cope with friendly affection. Hopeful, serious Capricorns-Pivni call out the most important interest in women. They are given by right people, old-fashioned pіdtremati at skrutnu khvilina. Created creations of mіtsnoї sіm'ї, short-hour novels їkh tsіkavlyat. Capricorn-Piven is a wise man, so obov'yazkovo is within reach of the pretentiousness of his appearance. In this world, the word can only lie to you, the leader and unparalleled authority for the squad of those children. Chi do not tolerate zaperechen, tim more criticism. Natomist for your loved ones I create the most best mind richly pratsyuє, not harming mental and physical forces.

The woman of Kozerig-Piven is purposefully straightened by any means to gain popularity. Їy is respectfully in the profession, so the strength is spent on the work. True, it’s rather nice to be put up to zalitsyan shanuvalnikov. To love to hear compliments, I will be glad, as a person to take a decision on all food. Capricorn-Piven, the woman is virna, she won’t flirt, she’s good on the boats, she’s so clayed by her beloved robot. You can trust me to keep that secret, for you to help me in word and deed. Be happy with the union with the person, we are preparing to win the victory. A supporter of the kohanoi people to give strength to the most complicated problems.

Capricorn, people on the river Pivnya, - dosit conservatively astrologically today. People, people in this period, have a double nature: from one side of the stink of fighting and hard work, from the other side - without compromise. Endowed with a philosophical warehouse of reason, calm and proud vdacha. Your share is piling up far away, life is flowing without global changes. Rishuchist and impulsiveness Pivnya є his own dvigun until reaching the set goal. The sounds are cold, in the middle of the conflict and romantic features, like taking the light in their own way.

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Significant characteristic of Capricorn Pivnya

Women and people, people under the sign of Capricorn on the river Pivnya, must know what they want to achieve in life. It is reconciled and goal-directed to go to what was planned, competently estimating the power of that power. Stand and watch for a vdacha, stink to think seriously and pragnate, constantly see the NATO. Chi does not respect their life principles, they are conservative in everything.

Under the intercession of Pivnya and Capricorn, there are those who were born from 22 December to 19 September at the onset of fate: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017.

Capricorns-Pivnі require constant turbot and respect, regardless of a strong character. These are born leaders, in the description of which they see such figures:

  • empathy;
  • rіshuchіst;
  • impulsivity;
  • fearlessness;
  • optimism;
  • activity;
  • dilova grip;
  • practicality;
  • arrogance and logic.

Pererahovanie more characteristics allow Capricorns-Pivnyam to successfully implement their plans, which they have dreamed of. Podіbne poєdnannya on єsyatsyakh and rotsi far away in terms of achieving significant results in life, but tsyu energy should be directed in the right direction.

People do not change their minds at the drіbnitsa, they join the fight exclusively for the meaning of that global vision. Think of everything they have realistic and primed. Capricorns are in love with in power, building independently virishuvati be-like nutrition and involuntarily practice, as if spryaє prosuvannya forward. You yourself choose, with whom you make friends, for whom you go out to make friends.

Regardless of their indestructible stamina, Pivni-Capricorns are privileged, promoters and communicative. Vmіyut know pіdkhіd before we will need people that taxation is more accurate.


Child-Kozerіg, people on the river Pivnya, is rebellious and rebellious in nature. To the fathers, they should report chimalo zusil, so that I can pinch them to the point. Yogo should want to look for positive vibes, but not spit.

For such children, take this rice:

  • practicality;
  • diligence;
  • sitting;
  • tsіkavіst;
  • vitrivality (moral and physical).

Let's list the peculiarities of the stink well and show a lively interest in everything new and unknown.

Boys-Capricorn love to screw up a big respect, it's easy to make contact. By virtue of their initiative and purposefulness, for the sake of being a robot: both physical and sensible. The stench rarely take part in the galaslivyh games, to those who are free to spend their free time with greed.

The girl of this day is a sign of good-natured and positive,called to plan all your actions. To be able to do it right, it’s good enough and you’re ready to achieve a satisfactory result, without throwing yourself at bad luck. Їm pritamanni smilivist, generosity, emotion, practicality and hospitability. At early age can be challenged by a nimble and its centric character.


Capricorns-Pivnі - right-wing warriors, spovneni rіshuchostі and fearlessness. Do not begin to bow to anyone and do not know the pressure of calling. Spiryutsya viklyuchenno vlasnu dumku. Their priority is work and career growth, they are only followed by love. This is explained by innate leadership traits and pragnia to power.

Khlopets-Kozerig, due to his young age, is not too ambitious and less obsessed with careers, which radically changes in maturity. It costs and the character, which step by step transforms. But the main risks - stability and confidence in one's rightness - are deprived of people for the rest of their lives.

For vdacheyu Capricorns are tolerant, and yet they keep their shoulders to themselves from the side of others, especially from partners. The squad is chosen with the mind, not the heart. Leadership positions are shown in them and in the club: the stench does not take the woman's pride either on the right or on the other side. Sounds like friends early, but soon they separate and then do not dare to enter until new beginnings for a long time.

The people of a similar astrological reason are intelligent and talented, start to stay at the center of respect. This stately manner of behavior not only makes it easier to become protilezhnu, but also calls out the honor of comrades in the service. Іstotnimi nedolіkami Capricorns - promoted self-suffocation and pulling up to the outrageous exile.


Women-Capricorns, people on the river Pivnya, are inspired by charisma, charm and sexuality. Like people, love panuvati and buti remember, but let go of ostentatious coquetry. Mayut firmness and strength of character, not spared brilliance and adventurism. Nevimushenno tremble at the delivered mark, but it’s fair to shy away. Taken from all their initiatives, which are worth the cost and kar'єri, and special stosunkiv.

These women are out of a saline will and a businesslike grip that helps them in the professional sphere. It looks like a nice friendly fold, especially if you stay with a well-known company and that comfortable environment.

To the weak sides of nature, impertinence, inconsistency and agility can be seen. The calm, calm woman-Capricorn, who is ready, can sharply change to drativity and nervousness. With such sharp mood swings, it’s important to get in touch with your partners for an hour. People who are weak in spirit do not show such a thing, but they run wildly.

Behavior in different areas of life

Capricorns are inspired by conservatism and unpretentious reconciliation with the correctness of their thoughts. For the rahunok of the richness and temperament of Pivnya, the stench of the heights is reachable by the car'er, but in special waters it is possible to fold.

Robot that career

Pivni-Capricorns are endowed with a marvelous building of life with people who, together with a businesslike grip, give them a chance to achieve success in professional activity. Tse pratsiovity, energy and nature, to pragmatic power. As a rule, they allow them to pay whether they are to cross the path to the mark. On the right, only a few thoughts rush to the right, not a wave of arguing from the side, not succumbing to the pressure.

Prote prosuvannya kar'єrnimi descents at Capricorns-Pіvnіv vіdbuvaetsya not so fast, as he wanted to b. This is maddened by their transcendental arrogance and lack of curiosity. They are characterized by periodic inactivity, if a postal call is needed, it helps to activate and spread out with new forces.

The professional and career plans have the most signs in the distance.

Types of professions:

  • opinions;
  • drug;
  • teacher;
  • engineer;
  • manager;
  • jeweler;
  • bank clerk;
  • doslidnik;
  • official.

Up to pennies, Capricorns should be placed v_dpov_dalno and judiciously. In youth, not dreaming of great finances, in order, build up a solid sum. Nadali compassion helps to become a whole lot of people. Irrespective of the price, Pivni always spend pennies with a mind.

Kohannya ta slub

Pivnі-Capricorns borderline guards and vibrkovі in special waters. The choice of the companion of life is left behind them, and none of the charms of the relative status are not known to bring them out of jealousy. Have Kokhanni strimani and malemotsіynі, but zdatnі schiro and vіddano love. Through its self-sufficiency, that independence rarely gains respect from the side of the opposite state, so the special life of the wealthy representatives of the signs is only better in the mature age.

Sex for Pivniv-Capricorns is importantrole. Until the friendship of the stink, they try everything and try it out. Capricorn people are popular with girls and know how to get ahead in their interests. The stench is charismatic with splintering and є rightful cochants.

Women-Capricorns sometimes fall into the extreme: otherwise they don’t let anyone in, or they start to lead an indiscriminate sexual life. In nature, the stench is endowed with charm and femininity.

Through the authority of the ladies, people often enter from pragmatic marriages - their priority is to secure financial well-being.

Sims claim leadership. A partner can be safely reconciled with such a camp. Ale not varto stray such power with tyranny and despotism: Capricorns in nature, wise and strange rulers, become a strong support for their partner in life. Between them, live calmly, hopefully and calmly.

The people who were born on the days of Capricorn-Pivnya are ideally suited as the squad of a calm and tolerant woman. Capricorns-Pivnі become old-timers and dbaylivimi people, as if they are completely secure with this financially. Such fathers give due respect to their children, but choose to zhorstki come in vihovannya, which often leads to conflicts from the squad.

Women-Capricorns choose their own temperamental, self-sufficient and romantic partners.. In a row with a rosy and turbotlivim person, the "pivnyachiy" character of such women is fading. As soon as the choice falls on people with similar ambitious looks and a warlike spirit, you should learn to know compromise.

With the zodiac constellation of partners, the hats are folded in the distance and mіtsnim. In this way, the blues between friends are based on friendship, mutual understanding and support. Horoscope of the totality of representations in the table:


Capricorns-Pivnі zavdyaki merry vdachi and chuynostі it is easy to get acquainted with the people of the tribe. Friends and friends from them sound rich. People feel better in a human company, with women they become squeezed and insecure. For the nature of Capricorn they are the same, so their right friend is in a single person and for all life.

Friendly victories of the mіtsnіshe are formed with Capricorns and symbols of Water and the Earth. From the people of the fiery and poignant elements, one looks at unsettled glances.

Representatives of this astrological day will be friends and keep secrets. Take care of your vіddanіst prodovzh rich rokіv. I have a friend who is smart, I’m a good person, I’ll listen to you free of charge and I’ll help you with a twisted whip. Sound stingy and economical, Capricorn doesn’t harm anything for his loved ones, but they don’t show any particular activity in the noses: don’t call the first ones yourself and don’t see it. It is similar to closeness and that familiarity is powerful to them from childhood, people do not feel discomfort like that. Representatives of this zodiac sign love to spend an hour on their own.

Capricorns do not tolerate surprises and unsolicited visits, so spontaneous friendly gatherings are not suitable for them. At the splurge, flattery and foolishness are unimportant, always tell the truth about what you check and in the sight of your friends.

History of one of our readers Alina R.:

Pennies forever be mine the main problem. Through tse I buy small complexes. I felt bad for myself, the problems on the robot and in a special life retried me. However, I believed that I needed special assistance. Some people know that right in you yourself, all failures are less than traces of filthy energy, I will attach more like filthy forces.

And someone else will help you in a folded life situation, if you know, that all life will go on under the wind and pass you. It’s easy to be a happy working cashier for 26 thousand rubles, if you need to pay 11 for renting an apartment. I couldn’t show that it was possible to earn a few pennies, that at first glance, like a dribnichka, it could slip in like that.

Everything started from the fact that I closed my own vlasny ...

The mass of everything that can be said about a person can be rospovisti її zodiac characteristic. Cholovik Kozerig-Piven is a very bright, extraordinary specialty, like a leader for the sake of life, and you know happiness for the little one. Vtіm, only one yakіst іz bagatioh, such as volodya out there. Ale about something else - a few reports.


For the cob - a piece of words about the zodiac infusion, which depends on how a special characteristic is formed. Cholovik Capricorn-Piven chimalo changed into his zodiac sign. Tse tsіlespryamovanі, volovі those strong people, yakі zdayutsya cold and respectful. However, behind such an impregnable shell, there is a charismatic specialness, which is not alien to the world, the sound of fun is that wide.

In Caperose, practicality and romance are far away. Yogo mrії - tse, sooner, qіlі. You don’t see any obvious hopes and don’t live with erysipelas on your eyes. Capricorn is the sound of a dream about those who are far away from fantasy and illusion. Moreover, wines are not recognized by such people - it’s just that the whole person is such a person himself, that he is recognized for his equal. For new happiness, there is a mіtsny budinok, and not a damaged castle, which is in the dark.


A similar patron also designates those who will be a special characteristic. The person of Kozerig-Piven is a unique combination of two larger and lower signs. Yogo the similar patron of the hour is given to the absolute opposite of the zodiac. Pivni - people who sounded like a whole storm of emotions and experiences, moreover, it was fast. The stench is addictive, rich before them, pull with a magnet. Vtіm, it's not marvelous, even Pivnі vmіyut worthy of tribute to himself.

Tsі cholovіki love that vmіyut command. And the axis podkoryatisya komus - it was hellish for them, just like that, yak and poddatisya in superechtsi. It is not recommended to enter into a debate with him. A piven, if they fight with it, see if it kills the frame and starts with such virazes, which can be easily imagined. In such a moment, wines do not know about a little otochyuchih. And if you don’t get along with him, then you’ll “spread out” and start a scandal. Until the speech, more people do not tolerate criticism, but a few of them comment on satisfaction.

At the same time, the shocking individuals were illuminated, well-read, accurate, respectful and organized. I practice. Increased work more, lower power is the absolute norm for Pivniv.

Zagalna characteristic

The man Capricorn-Piven, as you can already guess, is an absolutely unique symbiosis. Yogo invigorates self-confidence, love to the point of respect, seriousness, purposefulness and self-confidence. Until then, people are more positive and clearly understand, in some moments it is necessary to show strictness and zhorstkist character, and if the time has come to relax and have fun.

Such a person is not only constantly rebuying in the center of respect - he is turning to himself "visible" special features. This person is happy in life. Youmu is lucky to be rich in chomu. Vin easily copes with failures, and with pardons he learns a lesson and, as a rule, is no longer deprived. Such a man-Kozerig on the river Pivnya.

Dilov sphere

The character of this person is mindful of love and control everything. But all the same, some wines can spontaneously let everything go on self-fueling. Tіlki yakscho tse do not stop working.

Career for the new one is everything. Capricorns-Pivnі mrіyut occupied kerіvnu posada in be-yakіy solid organization. Abo, as a minimum, be important fahivtsy. The most important thing for such people is not to have mercy on the choice of the sphere of activity. The best successes of the stench can be reached by engaging in creativity and mysticism. Tsya sphere is more acceptable to show their oratorical talent and love to the point of intercourse.

Feel like stosunki

This topic is also necessary to signify respect, rozpovidayuchi about those who may be a man at the kohanna. This person is the one who does not care about the need for the guilt of his feelings for show. If the wines are repaired serious stoks, then only the stink of kokhana is known about them. Moreover, even if some of your friends and relatives try to talk about the “special front” of Capricorn-Pivnya, then for all the stench you will take a scandal away from you. You can't stand it if you're stuck with such an intimate part of life.

Cholovik-Kozerig on the river Pivnya, a characteristic of a kind of duzhe tsikava, a miraculous spirit. You won't be bored with him. Alas, why should a girl be a chekat for a long time - so it’s a confession in a kohanna. Youmu nіyakovo say garni words And even more so, open up your feelings.

Before the speech, often stench and hesitate, why are you out yourself? Through the battle of mercy, Pivni-Capricorns make friends with the mature vіtsі. Then, the splits practically do not fall apart.

Away couple

Well, more bula is briefly described as such a person, like Kozerig-Piven (person) characteristic. Wisdom - stay, about what I wanted to guess.

This people will be kinder to the girl, as she was born under the sign of Taurus and in the river of the Dog. Why? To that she is a gospodarska and domovita, she is ready to go through with him plіch-oh-plіch through be-yaki difficulties - all for the sake of the greater good. Until then, the girl is an introvert, but not with a weak character. In critical situations, it’s natural to reveal the strength of will that masculinity. BUT close people there to hone that wide turbo that love, without seeming already about vіddanіst. This is the girl herself, how far away to add Capricorn-Pivnya and to please Yogo Vimogi to the partner program.

Even such a person can have a stature with Cancer, who seriously approaches family life, and a practical, rational Diva. Zі Strіltsem stink to come not only to the school, but th, perhaps, to a successful successful business.

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