Cocktails with Bacardi rum are more homely minds. Cocktails with rum at home minds: the best recipes. Rum Cocktail - Cooking Secrets

For more than one century, Bacardi has been one of the world's leading manufacturers and manufacturers. Particularly popular was the sale of rum of the highest quality. In this article, recipes for drinks are promoted in the base.

1. Pina Colada with white rum

The creator of this alcohol is the pirate Roberto Cofres. After the new recipe was ruined, then one of the bartenders at the result, having tried his drink, conducting experiments with proportions.

In order to prepare alcohol, it is necessary in a blender to mix five dozen milliliters of white Bacardi rum and coconut syrup, one hundred milliliters of pineapple juice and lime juice, 2 tsp, fifteen milliliters of black Bacardi, one hundred and sixty grams of a bit. The sumish is ready to overflow at the wine glass and garnish with a piece of pineapple.

2. Mojito

To prepare Mohito, you need kelih, on the bottom you need to put a leaf of mint and pour into a new lime juice (1 pc) and syrup from zucru (thirty milliliters).

After that, put a couple of lime slices, and the wine glass will be filled with ice (500 grams) on top. Now rum (one hundred milliliters) and soda (two milliliters) are being poured, everything is slowly mixing and embellishing with mint. We looked at a similar recipe for Mojito in another article.

3. Cuba Libre

For the creation of which alcohol you will need a high cellar.

You need to fill it with ice (two hundred grams), then add lime juice (forty grams) and add rum (fifty milliliters) with cola (one hundred and fifty milliliters) and mix gently.

4. Hot orange

Serve with a hot eye. To prepare yoga with a blender, beat midnight (5 pcs.) With midnight syrup (thirty milliliters).

Motherland is poured into a teapot of foreign metal, where rum is added (fifty milliliters) and orange juice (one hundred milliliters). Warm it up, but do not bring it to a boil and pour it into cells.

5. Spice and ice

So that you can make sure that the cells are filled with ice (160 rubles) and rum (one hundred milliliters).

Dried apricots from prunes (twenty grams each) are served on a plate. At to this particular type you need to work a bowl of rum and take a piece of dried fruit.

6. Pacha Ibiza

The wine is ready at the blender. For whom kiwi (1 piece) and jam (3 tablespoons) are beaten.

Let's add zucru syrup (twenty five milliliters), rum (fiat dozen milliliters) and ice (one hundred and sixty grams) and beat everything again. Pour into a tall wine glass and decorate with a couple of cherries.

7. Licorice help

A cocktail of creations near Norway.

When preparing, mix orange liquor (twenty milliliters), vermouth (thirty milliliters) ta rum (thirty milliliters) in a shaker, add two grams of ice and beat everything. Cool the cocktail and pour it into the sides.

8. Cubachito

This drink has recently appeared in Europe.

Mayzhe will be necessary to shake in a shaker, and a hundred grams of ice itself, sixty milliliters of rum, thirty milliliters of mint syrup, sixty milliliters of juice from a lemon. I'm ready to transfuse sumish special room, and add fifteen milliliters of Coca-Cola.

9. Hot Ferrari

Original drink from an effective presentation. For preparation, orange liqueur is poured into one of the shots, and dark rum (50 ml) is poured into the other.

At the kelihu for cocktails, ten milliliters of grenadine, twenty milliliters of Blue Curaçao and Bacardi-151 are placed in balls. Kelikh podpaluєtsya and at the same time pour in the motherland from the cups.

10. Bi-Black

Tse alcohol does not have a taste of flavor. To reveal all the savory notes, you need to choose the right snack.

To prepare, take a stack and add 50 ml of dark Bacardi, then take an orange chasm, so you need to sip cinnamon. We sip rum on the back, and then we bite into a chastochka.

If you have drunk enough, then it is recommended to get acquainted with more cocktails with rum.

Video: Cocktail Bacardi Bacardi recipe

A lot of people love rum Bacardi, a cocktail from the cim we will drink so befits a great number of people. Іsnuyut different alcoholic drinks, yakі you can prepare z th alcohol at home. Ale next of memory, scho overworld vzhivannya alcohol shkidliva for zdorov'ya.

Cocktail with white Bacardi - Pina Colada.

Pina Koladi warehouse includes tops, white rum, coconut and pineapple juice. Through licorice relish and lower vision Danish view alcohol is often called a woman's cocktail. Serve yogo at the high kelikhas, which will guess the shape of the figure of a girl. Live this Bacardi in the country, with dessert.

I have a copy of the version of how the drink was created. For one of them, Pina Colada Vigadav Don Maroni, a bartender from Puerto Rico. In 1954, a roci cholovik, having discovered earlier the recipe of the pirate Roberto Confresi, introduced changes to the vlasny relish. Since 1978, the cocktail has become the official drink of Puerto Rico.

You can prepare this kind of alcohol based on Bacardi rum at home, as well as all the necessary ingredients. For preparation, you need to take 30 ml of white Bacardi, 90 ml of pineapple juice, 10 ml of coconut syrup, 30 ml of low-fat tops and 1 circle of pineapple (you can use both fresh and canned). Rіdkі components wag around the shaker and zbovtuyut. After that homeland is placed at the cells, some kind of fruit can be embellished. For the bajans, you can add a beaten top and a sheet of m'yati.

This is a non-alcoholic version of the cocktail. For її preparation, it is necessary to turn off the component that removes alcohol.

Recipe for a cocktail with bilim Bacardi - delectable Daiquiri

This cocktail, based on Bacardi, began to work in the Cuban city of Daiqir, having taken away its name for some wine. Gin was added to the drink, but it was drunk so that the Danish alcohol ran out and yoga was replaced with rum. Oskіlki relish vouchsafed not to all vіdvіduvacha, the bartender began to add lime juice to the motherland. Passionate Daikіrі vіdrіznâєєtsya vіd klаsіchіє variant vіdі varіant warehouse and color keliha, maє smakovі osoblіstі.

Whose alcohol based on Bacardi rum has a simple recipe. Requires 40 ml of rum, 20 ml of lime juice, 10 ml of passion fruit syrup, 7 ml of zucru syrup. Usі skladovі zmіshuyut at the shaker and waddle at the cell for martinі on dіbnі grains of ice. To decorate the vicorist cherry.

Cocktail with Bacardi White - Daiquiri.

This cocktail with Bacardi is served at the kelikhakh for a martin. For yoga preparation, you need to take Bacardi with a volume of 40 ml, 20 ml of lime juice and 7 ml of citric syrup. Components flutter around the shaker with small pieces of ice, then wag the homeland into the cells. Drink embellish with a piece of lemon chi lime.

Cocktail with Bacardi Black - Pacha Ibiza

Whose alcohol is branded by the Pacha company, like Volodya, by 26 clubs in 14 different countries. Celebrities and stars fall in love with a great number of people. For the last part of the cocktails, we use white, lesser varieties of rum, but we prepare the dark version, which we spicy. Served at the high kelikhas, which will tell the figure of a girl with a shape.

The recipe is easy to repeat at home minds. To prepare a drink, take 50 ml of dark Bacardi, 3 tbsp. l. cherry jam, 25 ml citric syrup, 1 medium rosemary, 2 cherries and sprats of ice cubes.

Peel the kiwi from the skin, cut into cubes and beat at once with cherry jam for the help of a blender. Potim next add rum, syrup and ice. Sumish beat again. After that, the motherland is poured at the cells and decorated with cherry berries.

Other cocktail recipes

On the basis of Bacardi, you can prepare a large number of different alcoholic drinks.

For the preparation of the wine found by the bartender from Norway, Egil Moum, I will drink Licorice Spogadi, take 30 ml of white Bacardi and dry vermouth, 20 ml of orange and sprat of ice cubes. Lіd slid rozfarbuvati on dіbnі grains, wiklasti on the bottom of the keliha. Other warehouses roam at the shaker and wag the beast. You can decorate the kelih with a cherry berry and a pineapple leaf.

At the prestigious bars of Western Europe, a few years ago, they began to serve the cocktail Kubakhito. For yoga preparation, take 60 ml lemon juice i Bacardi superior, 30 ml of syrup with a taste of mint and 15 ml of Coca-Cola. Besides, you need ice. In a shaker, you need to mix rum, lemon juice, syrup and ice cubes. Zbiti. Place the motherland in cells and fill the beast with cola.

Cocktail "Hot Orange" - one of the few alcoholic beverages, prepared on the basis of rum, which are served with a piquant look.

For yoga preparation, you need to take 50 ml of white Bacardi rum, 100 ml of fresh orange juice (recommended to remove the pulp), 30 ml of midnight syrup, 5 half-berry juice. I will leave a trace for the help of a blender with syrup. Move the otriman masa into a metal pan, fill the beast with juice and rum. Hush, heat up. Motherland is not guilty of boiling. Serving a drink at the kelikhakh for Irish cavi. To embellish the vicorist, cut half-berries.

The Cuba Libre cocktail was invented in 1900. The wording was proponed by Captain Russell, who, having fallen in love with an alcoholic drink, could not name it. Literally, the name translates as "Vilna Cuba": it symbolizes the independence of the island from Spain. To practice yoga at home, take 50 ml of golden rum, 40 g of fresh lime, 150 ml of ice cubes. At the high kelih they sip the krieg, the beasts drink lime sik. Add rare components and mix it up with a special spoon. Decorate with lime wedges.

With black rum you can drink alcohol, drink on fire. Consumed 30 ml, 14 ml, 120 ml of natural espresso, 2 cubes of refined sugar, a slice of lemon. Rare components and tsukor zmіshuyut at kastruli. Heat the homeland, to avenge alcohol, follow the normal fire, it is not necessary to bring it to a boil. To embellish the vicorist, lemon chasm.

It seems that, in order to see the holy relish, it is necessary to compose a cocktail, for which the main creator will be the wonderful Bacardi rum. This well-known and yakіsny rum is deliciously eaten with fruit juices, coconut milk, as well as hot tekіla and cold gin.


Today, Bacardi rum is the brand of liquor that is sold in the world. The production of this rum began in 1862 in Cuba. Today, Bacardi rum is vibrating and being bottled in rich countries of the world. Bacardi is a trademark, as it has a unique spirit, which is distinguished by other brands and culture. Bacardi - a little bit of freedom, a little passion, that contentment. Zustrich z Bacardi - tse zustrich іz friends is more holy.

Rum miraculously goes with usual juices, especially with lemon, as well as with coconut milk, Grenadine syrup, black liqueur. Dark rum can be warmed up hot, at the warehouse, it can be mixed with zucr, lemon juice, cinnamon and hot water. Rum, which has passed through a glass of wine in oak barrels, is drunk with a clean look like a digestif.

We recommend to your respect the most sexy cocktails, clumsy for their recipe. Bring your satisfaction - winkow recipes for recognition, prepare a cocktail or another type of Bacardi.


Vitoncheniy i bezdoganny!

After that, as a family of Bacardi won a lawsuit against the copyright for the Bacardi cocktail, in 1936 New York adopted a law on those that this cocktail could be made with branded rum.

Cocktail Bacardi - minty, sour, and intoxicated without a hitch!
This version of the classic recipe appeared in the 1920s.

Rum Bacardi white- 36 ml (6 tsp).
Sik half a lime.
Pomegranate syrup Grenadine - 6 ml (1 year l.).
Mix all the ingredients with ice in the shaker. Protsіdіt at the cell for a cocktail. Add a splash of lime.

You can turn the cocktail into Bacardi Special by adding 25 ml of gin.


Yaskraviy and refreshing!

Rum miraculously pairs with lemon juice, it's more like rum Bacardi. Widely expanded recipes for cocktails based on lemon juice and lemonade (Lemon fanta). The next cocktails are simple and perfectly suitable for a cocktail party or friendly get-togethers.

Bacardi & Lemonade (rum with lemonade)


Pour Bacardi Carta Blanca rum into a tall flask with ice. Fill the glass to the top with lemonade.

Bacardi & Lemonade Pitcher (rum with lemonade and lemon)

240 ml Bacardi Carta Blanca rum.
Kiltsya lemon.
Take a little ice cube about 1.5 liters and fill it halfway with ice. Add rum and lemonade and garnish with lemon wedges (8-12 persons).


Small and sensitive!

The rum Bacardi Oro has a burshtin color, and a soft relish. The cream of the head wood aroma, in which you can recognize the nuances of vanilla, hairy pea, spices and tropical fruits.

Bacardi Acapulco

20 ml Bacardi Oro rum.
20 ml tequila.
50 ml pineapple juice.
10 ml grapefruit juice.
Mix the ingredients in a shaker with ice. The cocktail is served at the chilled cocktail martini without ice.

Bacardi Boston Freeze

40 ml Bacardi Oro rum.
90 ml of crane juice.
30 ml coconut tops.
Detailed lead.
Blend in blender until homogeneous mass. Serve in a cocktail kelikha "Kharikain" (410 ml kelikha). Drink can be embellished with cranes or cocktail cherries.


Know that unforgettable!

Classical drinking of citrus alcoholic drink and citrus juice. And let's try a cocktail with a funny name “Monkey Wrench”, you will be closely associated with the mega-popular “Vikrutka”.

50 ml Bacardi Carta Blanca rum.
100 ml orange juice.
A piece of lemon chi lime.
Pour a glass of Bacardi Carta Blanca rum into a tall flask with ice. Top up with orange juice to burn and to the beast vychavte and throw a piece of lemon or lime.

Bacardi Monkey Wrench

50 ml Bacardi Carta Blanca rum.
100 ml grapefruit juice.
Pour the Bacardi Carta Blanca rum into a tall flask with ice. Top up with grapefruit juice. Smile.


Solodky and richly flavored!

An ideal drink for those who are unimpressed to the soul with fun and a party spent an hour with friends.

Bacardi Sweetie (Nasoloda)

20 ml Bacardi Oro rum.
15ml amaretto.
90 ml apple juice.
Detailed lead.
Mix at the blender until you get a homogeneous mass. Serve in a Margarita cocktail kelikha.

Bacardi Almond Passion

30 ml Bacardi Oro rum.
10 ml amaretto.
5 ml apricot liqueur.
60 ml (fresh) orange juice.
Mix all the ingredients in a shaker with ice and serve at a high glass, 2/3 filled with ice. Embellishment - chastochki orange and cocktail cherry.


Popular and fruity!

This drink of wines from the small town of Daikіrі on the cob of the XX century. Rum Bacardi gave this popular cocktail an even deeper and lower relish.

Bacardi Pineapple Daiquiri (Pineapple Daiquiri)

20 ml lemon juice chi lime juice.
1 teaspoon zucru.
50 ml Bacardi Carta Blanca rum.
Detailed lead.
10-20 seconds, cook all the ingredients in the blender. Serve in a chilled Margarita cocktail glass. Embellishment - chastochka pineapple.

Bacardi Orange Daiquiri (Orange Daiquiri)

20 ml lime juice chi lemon.
30 ml fresh orange juice.
1 teaspoon zucru.
50 ml Bacardi Carta Blanca rum.
Detailed lead.
10-20 seconds, cook all the ingredients in the blender. Serve in a chilled Margarita cocktail glass. Embellishment - a little orange.


Neperesіchny and mіtsny!

Bacardi 8 is a premium class dark rum, which looks like it lasts 8 years.

Bacardi Chilly 8

1 part Bacardi 8 rum.
Shake rum vigorously in a shaker crushed with ice pour martin in a chilled bottle or serve it in a glass with ice.

Bacardi 8 Hemingway

3 shots of Bacardi 8 rum.
1 part Maraschino liqueur.
2 parts grapefruit juice.
Nine drops of lemon juice.
Mix all the ingredients in a shaker with ice. Pour into a cocktail bottle or into a stack. Decorate with cherry.

Rum is also used to make all-world cocktails Cuba Libre, Mojito and Pina colada.


The Bacardi company also produces low-alcohol drinks of the cocktail type, which have become popular all over the world.

Bacardi Breezer is a refreshing drink that combines Bacardi rum, orange/lemon/lime or kavun juice, other exotic flavors and sparkling water. Bacardi Breezer is a miracle way to malt Bacardi rum. Drink cold.

Bacardi Rigo is a new drink that allows you to spend an hour with the congregation. Instead of alcohol - less than 5.4%.

Post Views: 980

You have a dance of light Bacardi rum, but don't you like yoga over that savory relish? Ale, scho robiti, aje not vikidati yoga? You can prepare a lot of coffee-based cocktails on this basis, and drink new farbs with other alcoholic drinks.

Alcoholic cocktails with Bacardi rum: recipes, photos

The most popular cocktails in the warehouse are mild alcohol - gin, vodka, whiskey. Do not forget about the rum, which drink is victorious for preparing hundreds of cocktails. For this reason, the light rum of Bacardi is victorious.

Cocktail Hemingway Daiquiri

According to one version, the famous writer loved this drink and often made yoga in bars.


  • 60 ml Bacardi rum
  • 20 ml fresh lemon or lime juice
  • 15 ml fresh grapefruit juice
  • 15 ml Maraschino liqueur

How to cook:

Fill the shaker with ice, add all the ingredients (rum, citrus juice and liquor), good chill. Serve in kelikha, chill. Garnish with a lime slice.

pina colada

Cocktail recipes from Bacardi rum are known to the whole world. I coconut Pina Colada - no blame. The recipe for drink bula was invented by the bartender on behalf of Romon Marrero, 1954. From that hour the cocktail did not lose popularity.

What do we need:

  • 60 ml Bacardi light rum
  • 20 ml dark rum
  • 100 ml pineapple juice
  • two teaspoons lemon chi lime juice
  • 60 ml coconut syrup
  • pineapple slices for decoration
  • details lead

How to prepare drinks:

We mix ice in the shaker, two vidi rum, syrup, two vidi juice. Strushuimo, poured into cells, with bajanni embellished with pineapple.

Bacardi and Cola

Suitable for those who do not have time to prepare folding cocktails. You need less than two ingredients.

  • 30 ml light rum
  • 100-150 ml coli (for relish)
  • ice cubes

How to cook:

Pour the rum at the temple glass, filled with ice. Pour in some amount of coli, decorate the bottle with a piece of lemon.

Cocktail "Citrus Svitanok"

  • 45 ml Bacardi
  • 30 ml orange juice
  • 15 ml lemon juice
  • ½ teaspoon zucru
  • details lead


We mix ice in the shaker, lemon and orange juice, zucor and rum. Strushuimo, pouring into cells.

You can find recipes for cocktails from Bacardi in our article. One of them is Mojito, a recipe for some boulevardano 1929 rock. classic recipe you will know the cocktail in our blog for help.

Bacardi Collins (Rum Collins)

  • 60 ml rum
  • 2 teaspoons lemon syrup
  • ½ teaspoon zucru
  • soda


Mix rum and syrup with ice and zucr in a shaker. Strusіt, roll in cells and add | add | soda for savor.

Another popular cocktail with Bacardi rum is Daikiri, you will know the recipe for yoga

Cocktail "Solodki Spogadi"

Chantly, drunk, it is worthy of the representatives of the beautiful state, to impress you with an orange note.

What do we need:

  • 30 ml light rum
  • 30 ml martin
  • 15 ml orange liqueur

How to cook:

Poured into a shaker with ice, martin and rum, strashuimo. Pour into the keli, decorate with cocktail cherries.

We have presented you the most popular cocktail recipes from Bacardi, yakі can be prepared to navіt at home minds. And what kind of drink do you like?

For over a hundred years, the Bacardi company has taken one of the leading positions among the world's leading manufacturers and exporters of alcoholic beverages. The biggest popularity brought sales of high-acid rum. Here are 10 of the best recipes for cocktails based on Bacardi rum for the version of Alkofan website.

Drink vigadav pirat Roberto Cofres. 1820 to the fate of the wines, having treated their team with a cocktail, raising their fighting spirit. Ale after Roberto's death, the recipe was taken. Less than 1954, the Caribbean bartender Romon Marrero zoomed in on the right proportions. On the experiment, vitrative over 30 days.

white Bacardi - 50 ml;
black Bacardi - 15 ml;
pineapple juice - 100 ml;
coconut syrup - 50 ml;
lime juice - 2 teaspoons;
pineapple - 80 grams;
lead - 160 grams.

Preparation: blend Bacardi rum, syrup, pineapple and sik lama in a blender. Add a krieg, then beat it. Pour the cocktail at the cellars and decorate with a piece of pineapple.

For one version of "Mojito" is translated from the African movie as "little chaklunstvo". The recipe appeared in 1942 in the Havana bar, which should belong to the Martinese family. Mortgage pratsyuє dosi.

white Bacardi - 100 ml;
soda (sprite) - 200 ml;
tsukrovy syrup - 30 ml;
mint - 15 leaves;
lime - 1 piece;
ice cubes - 500 grams.

Preparation: put the mint in the cell, add | add | juice of one lime and zucrovy syrup. Let's put a sprat of lime in the pot and fill the cell to the top with ice. Pour in rum and soda, mix gently. Decorate with mint.

In the literal translation "Vilna Cuba". The name appeared in 1900, when Captain Russell, serving in the US Army, drank a cocktail in one of the bars of the Harbor of his loves, which is made up of rum, lime juice, and if. Vipadkovo vin recognizing that the drink cannot be named. Russell urged to name yoga "Cuba libre" in honor of the independence of the island in Spain. Every day this cocktail refreshes millions of people.

golden rum Bacardi - 50 ml;
cola - 150 ml;
ice cubes - 200 g;
lime - 40 grams.

Fill a high kelih with ice cubes, simmer in a fresh sik quarter of a lime. Add rum from cola and mix with a cocktail spoon. Decorate the kіlkom with lime slices.

There are not so rich cocktails with Bacardi rum, as they are served at the hot one. It is necessary to try the skin.

white rum Bacardi - 50 ml;
orange juice - 100 ml;
midnight syrup - 30 ml;
midnight - 5 days.

Cooking: beat in a blender midnight s | iz | syrup. Pour sumish into a metal teapot, add rum and orange juice. Do not bring to the boil, heat up, constantly stir. Pour a cocktail at the keli for Irish cavi. Decorate with a torn midnight.

The original version of serving golden rum with dried fruits. You can call it a cocktail every day with a stretch, but it’s even more delicious to go out.

golden Bacardi - 100 ml;
prunes - 20 grams;
dried apricots - 20 grams;
lead - 160 grams.

Cooking: fill the fire with kelih for whisky (rocks) with ice and add rum. Viklasti dried apricots and prunes on a saucer. Submit together. Drinking on the cob to rob a bowl of rum, then we will eat a piece of dried apricots and prunes.

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