Have some amount of water to cook rice. Rice with pineapple juice. Rice for porridge

Rice is one of the favorite options for children and adults. And it’s not surprising, even if it’s miraculous, you’ll get together with some kind of seafood, vegetables, meat, chicken, ribi. It is even more important to cook the cereal correctly, so that it doesn’t get boiled and doesn’t turn into porridge. With whom the gentlemen will help, how to cook rice, so that we can grow wine.

For us, the peculiarity of preparing rice is to fall in the same variety. For example, it is more convenient to save the round-grained parts. Ale, if you try hard, you can turn the whole variety into an appetizing lower side dish.

Round grain

Round-grain rice quickly expands, shards near the warehouse are richly starched.

Wine is ideal for preparing cereals and casseroles. If it is necessary to turn such rice into a different side dish, then it is necessary to cook it in a special order.

  1. The groats are thoroughly washed with cold running water, hanging in a saucepan with a large amount of okrop (rodini can be 4 times larger, lower groats).
  2. It is more important to cover the capacity with a lid. As if the rest does not fit too tightly to the pan, the wart is quickened by the vantage.
  3. Cook rice on the back of the head 3 quills on a strong fire, then - 6 quills on a medium heat, 3 quills on a minimum one.

Zagalny hour of cooking cereals to lay down in її kіlkostі. As soon as the indications are an hour away, the casserole burns with fire and 10 more cracks do not come out. After that, you can add it to rice for a side dish of strength, spices, and also be like an olive.

Long grain rice

In rice grains of this type, the length is 5.5 mm. Yogo Head Feature I believe in the fact that the grains take their shape well in the process of thermal processing and do not stick together. Therefore, preparing such rice is often awkward. All the main secrets of the publication process were given.

  1. 350 r. Rice hangs in a bowl that is filled with water. After a resolute change, the homeland gets angry, it is recruited anew. The remembrance is repeated until quiet feasts, until the water from the reservoir becomes clear.
  2. The groats are filled with clean water in such a way that the motherland was about 2 cm thick for a grain.
  3. Rice is salty. If you become more than a part of a folding side dish, you need to guess what strength to add in other ingredients, sauce, pidliva, etc.
  4. The groats are cooked exactly 5 times a day after boiling water at maximum pressure.
  5. Then 15 more quills on the minimum fire.
  6. After turning off the burner, rice is to blame for the next hour. After 5-7 whilins, it is necessary to add 1 tbsp to the new one. dewy olive and resolutely mix the mass.

Even for a couple of khvilin you can serve chastuvannya to the table. Cooking rice in such a way is possible in a dish with any material.

wild brown

Rich gentleman at the process of preparing wild brown rice, they are stuck with some difficulties and are driven to the taste of savory that even barley product. Really, it’s not easy to cook such cereals, it’s only necessary for the nobility to be cunning.

Before cooking, the variety of rice, which is discussed, must be soaked near the water. For which wines I will be covered with cold water, it will be flooded for the whole night. Then you can proceed without delay until the product is cooked.

  1. Rice after soaking 2-3 times is washed under running cold water. In the process, it is good to rub the cereal with your hands, so that you can remove the starch from the warehouse from the surface and avoid sticky rice.
  2. In a pot with rice, a homeland is added in proportions of 1 to 2. Before speech, instead of water, you can take broth from vegetables and meat. Pіdіyde navіt preparations from the cube.
  3. As soon as the country boils, the fire changes to the minimum and the product is boiled under the cover of 35 hvilin. Rice is guilty of absorbing all the water. It is important, respectfully, to follow the hour, so that the future side dish is not ready.
  4. If the stove will be simmered, the pan with cereals will need to be squandered for 5-7 quills. With whom rice cannot be mixed.

Before serving, an olia is added to the table before serving. It is also necessary to mix the rice well, so that the grains are cremated one kind of one.

wild black

Black wild rice is easy to cook. A new one has to miss the faceless brown speeches. The cooked looking groats have a pleasant pea taste.

It is less often called black, or it can be dark purple.

Such a product will become a wonderful side dish to be-like meaty fish chia. for 1 st. Rice needs to take 2 times more water and salt.

  1. Groats are well washed with warm water 2-3 times. Tse allow me to zabigti її zdalipannyu nadali. It is best to wash the rice, dangling it into a deep container and pouring water, just like a grain sinks to the bottom.
  2. The product is filled with water and brought to a boil. When the fire changes to the minimum, the pan closes with a lid and the rice is cooked close to the fire, the docks do not get water.
  3. After turning off the burner, the dish can be infused for at least 15 chills without remixing.
  4. Before serving, the rice can be salted and seasoned with your favorite spices.

It is important not to forget about those that black wild groats are built to seal pottery or enamel dishes, it’s better to cook them in a glass. It is also possible to vicorate the dark space in the middle.

Rossipchasty rice for garnish.

As it has already been appointed, the rice, rozsipchay, is an ideal side dish to be-that meat, bird chi ribi. Blue wine, savory and brown. Different seasonings and other additives allow you to perfect the taste of rice. For example, to grow yoga is more spicy or to inspire licorice.

At the pot on the water

Most of the time, the gentlemen prepare, be it sorts of cereals, which are discussed, themselves in a pot on the water. Even savory to go out the grass in a similar way. For such a portion, krіm rice (250 g), you need to take: 5 g each of turmeric and red ground pepper, a piece of nutmeg pea and the same amount of granulated teapot, oliya.

  1. A small amount of grain is needed to hang in a cauldron, whether it be some other dishes from thick walls.
  2. Rice is poured with sprinkles and left over for 10-12 strands. Water, as you will white color it is necessary to anger and wash the groats, rubbing them with your hands, until the homeland appears more clearly.
  3. Rice at the vibrating container is again filled with water. The ball of the rod is guilty of being a couple of centimeters thicker grained.
  4. It was left to add seasonings to the room, strong to savor and add її to cook for a full fire for 25 khvilin. The lid of the cooking process does not open.

One more cicada recipe allows you to turn rice into full grass to the point of resentment. It's a miracle pidide for the period of fasting. To prepare such a portion, to the grains (130 g) add: 70 g of canned licorice corn, a couple of teaspoon cloves, 1 pc. tsibuli and carrots, as well as 160 g of broccoli and young squash, sil, oliya. Vegetables are well smeared on olive oil, salted and mixed with rice in the way described above. At once, the ingredients are prepared in a frying pan for 5-7 more quills.

At the multicooker

For the help of the multicooker, you can ask yourself for the preparation of a rosy lower side dish. At the annex, the obov'yazkovo can have the "Porridge" mode. For such a strain, you need to take: 220 g of rice and 2.5 times more broth with vegetables or meat, a clove of teapot, 40 ml. olive oil, a pinch of salt. How to cook rice at the multicooker, it was reported further.

  1. The groats are soaked by the crying water in the evening. Before cooking, the vranci are thoroughly washed under running water, and then transferred to the multicooker bowl. Rice is poured with broth and salted.
  2. The watchmaker is pressed into the middle of the grain. You can not clean your skin from the skin.
  3. The "Porridge" program is getting ready for 30 minutes. Deyakі multicookers zagalі mayut special mode "Rice". Lose less vistaviti in the new hearing hour.
  4. After a good signal, I will attach the lid to open. The chasnik rises and falls, the groats are added with olive oil, and they are resolutely mixed up.

Rice can be served with a gostry sauce based on yogurt or mayonnaise. Pidіyde to such a side dish and traditional tartar with pickled cigars.

At the steamer

The steamer also beats the preparation of a savory, rosy side dish - rice.

For sieve, you can add a new shank (220 g) and hard cheese (220 g) to it. In addition, you need to take: 280 g of steamed rice, 2.5 times more be-like motherland (water or broth), half of white cibulini, sil, butter (better than vershkov).

  1. So, as for the preparation of the strain, the rice is steamed, it is not necessary to soak it in front and miti yoga. You can straighten the product in the bowl for cereals, adding strength and Vershkov oil. The rest can be replaced with olive oil or hairy pea.
  2. Groats are poured with dill and 20 quills are prepared.
  3. While the rice is cooking, you can make a dressing.
  4. The shank cut into cubes is smeared with an acres of butter, with a white onion in some refined way. Sir rubbed on the great third.
  5. If the rice is ready, wine will go with shinkovo-syrnoy dressing. At this stage, the groats are obov'yazkovo can be hot. Otherwise, the sire will not melt. If the rice has already become cold, then it is possible to stir the food at once.

You can embellish the grass with peeled cedar peas or chopped fresh greenery. Three sauces to go to the new one, be it on the basis tomato paste.

Garnish serving options

You can serve rice as a side dish yourself different ways. And I’m ready to decorate the grass with greenery, peas, fresh and pickled vegetables.

  • If you want, the portion of rice looked not hotter, lower at the restaurant, it is necessary to put on the original form. For example, I’m ready to heat up the cereal in a round or oval bowl, tamp it well, and then turn it over onto a plate. A leaf of parsley is placed on top, and the meat is entrusted to abo riba. For molding a side portion, you can take an original bottle for whisky. Allow wine to be created on a plate of high-rise boiled cereals.
  • Rice can be simply visipati on a plate with hot water and poured with a sauce. For example, smear boroshn with a full inch of oil, pour it with fat tops, rub it on a coarse tert with cheese, granulated tea and simmer, and the docks will become homogeneous. Rice is wonderfully served with all sorts of sauces based on dairy products, tomato paste and vegetable puree.
  • Immediately before serving, boiled cereals can be put into a greased foil with oil or a casserole dish. Above - add meat, vegetables, sauces, grated cheese. Such a rice casserole can be served right at the folzy in portions.

Whole rice can be a food for Christmas table how to decorate yoga beautifully and uniquely present to guests.

Rice jam is one of the widest crops in the world. For example, the Chinese and the Japanese eat yoga Mayzhe every day. It is possible that the stinks look so puffed up. But it’s not so easy to cook the right rice. Often the wine comes out sticky, lumpy and looks like a pudding.

How to cook rice rozsipchatim: instructions

To make rice, you need:

  • a thick-walled saucepan with a volume of about 2 liters - it saves heat more quickly, rice practically does not burn;
  • water;
  • sil.

Nasampered, it is necessary to choose a different variety of rice. You will need the very old-grain rice. Znavtsі recommend varieties of jasmine and basmati. You can take steamed rice, the grains of which make less fragility when cooked. It is not recommended to vicorate round-grain varieties, as they can have a higher high content in carbohydrates and, smut, they are strongly rozvaryuyutsya.

Method number 1: classic

Take into account the necessary amount of rice. To prepare a side dish for 4 servings, 1 bottle will be enough. Thoroughly rinse the cereal, changing the water up to 10 times. Ideally, it is necessary to wash the rice to clean water.

While washing the rice, transfer the yogo to a saucepan and pour hot water over it. Rozsipchasty rice is not boiled in cold water - so in the afternoon of cooking, choose even rich water and boil strongly, you will see "rice for sushi" yourself. Take into account the exact amount of water, so that you do not have to top up your homeland for an hour of preparation, you can strongly sip the grass. The proportions to lay down depends on what kind of rice you have chosen to cook. Dovgozerny“ask” for a second or two flasks, bring cereal to a flask, mid-grain- two - two and a half, round rice vymagaє vіd dvoh іz half to trоkh flasks of water storms Rice. Yakscho rice steaming, then two bottles of water are needed for a bottle of cereal, like wild- then three and a half flasks.

Let the rice be salted and cover the pan with a lid.

A bottle of rice needs a teaspoon of salt without a top

Fire vmicayemo to the maximum. The water in the pot can be hot - practically boiled. Change the fire to a minimum and simmer the rice on a full fire for 15 strands. Zavazhat rice and lift the lid is not required.

If the hour of cooking ends, turn off the fire. Put two tablespoons of melted chi butter on the cooked rice. Close the lid, fill the rice for 20 strands. For the whole hour, I will again pick up a small amount of water, which I have lost, with which the grains will be covered with melted butter, which will add to the rice an additional aroma and a greater mild relish.

After 20 minutes, open the pan, and you will drink white rice, mostly dry, grain to grain. Washing such rice at any time is not a good idea, then you only need to wash it. If you want to add the rice to the salad, cool the yogo beforehand.

Method number 2: from soaking

This method helps in preparation: to make rice wiyshov rozsipchaim, it is necessary to wash it, and then soak it in cold water for production. Let's cook yoga according to the same scheme, which is the first way, just fill it with water so that it curls the rice by about two fingers. Salimo, mixed, covered with a lid and cooked close to 10 quills in the right fire: through the soaking, the rice is boiled better. Let's let the rice stand for 15-20 minutes under the top, and you can serve it to the table.

Another option is to pour rice with dill for a year or a friend, as a check to doba for you too early.

Method number 3: without washing

It is important that it is impossible to cook non-perishable rice. Aje needs to grind all the starch from the grains, through some kind of rice and stick. However, we do not call it that.

I’m going to heat up some olives in a saucepan. Let's sweat the rice, and brush the groats for a friend without interruption. Rice shvidko on the eve of a golden yellow. Together with rice, you can add spices: turmeric, barberry. Pour yogo with dill so that the water curls the croup into two fingers of the beast. Be careful, water can rush! Salim, change, change the fire to a minimum and cook close to 10 khvilin.

This method is especially garnished when preparing long-grain rice, it is rounded differently.

So that the rice does not stick when cooked, follow the next rules:

  • accurately measure the amount of water. You can focus on the proportions, as shown in the list on the packaging;
  • pour rice with hot or boiling water;
  • before cooking, wash yoga with running water, sprat once, until the water becomes clear;
  • do not add spices to water with rice;
  • while the rice is cooking, cover with a lid with a lid so that you can control the cooking process;
  • cook rice on a povіlnogo fire;
  • at the hour of cooking, do not open the lid of the pan, so that no steam comes out;
  • after cooking, let the rice rest for a little while under the lid.

How to cook rice in a micro-furnace

Rozsipchay rice can be cooked in a micro-furnace. For the cob, rice should be thoroughly washed. Let them put yogo in the dishes, for the micro-furnace, and add some water and salt if necessary. Close the vessel with a lid and place it at the microhvilyov's pich. Cook on lower tension for about 17-18 strands. For a while, the rice must be mixed twice. After cooking, let the rice trochs (5-10 quills) stand under the lid, then stir. It is not necessary to wash the rice, it is necessary to wash the rice, the garnish is savory.

How to cook rice correctly for a side dish, so that wine will be rozsipchasti and take all the colorful speech from your own. We will help you with our help, that pokrokove kerіvnitsvo at the prepared rice groats.

How to cook rice correctly for garnish

Rice is better served with fish and meat products, which miraculously complements vegetables. Ale schob vin wiyshov savory and savory, it is necessary to know how to cook rice correctly. In order to take away the miraculous rice garnish, it is necessary:

  • 1 bottle of rice cereal;
  • 2 bottles of water;
  • Vershkov oil;
  • Strength.

Rice revenge richly starch and tserob Yogo sticky. To that, to win the starch, the rice should be washed with water more than once, but until the water, which flows, becomes transparent and clean.

  1. We pour it into a saucepan with a lid, which closes sharply, put water on the fire, check it, boil it for now, and add strength.
  2. We sweat the rice, carefully close the lid, as we recommend the cook, do not care, do not wind the lid until the rice is ready.
  3. The first 5 quills are cooked groats on a strong fire, then we change, so we cook 2 quills.
  4. Remain 2 hvilinny varіnnya prodovzhuєmo on the minimum fire.
  5. Do not rush to open the lid of the saucepan, let the rice stand for more hvilin 10.
  6. Now you can add oil | oil | and serve at once with a cutlet, or just the rice itself.

The advantage of such a brew is that the rice comes out rotting and the pan is practically clean after that, so the groats do not chip and do not burn.

Yak cook round-grain rice: a Chinese recipe for cooking

Round-grain rice vіdmіnno razmyakshuєtsya, shards to avenge the great amount of starch. Yogo dobre vikoristovuvati for cooking different types porridge, casseroles and desserts. The Chinese, like the Japanese, are familiar with rice and it is clear to know how to cook round-grain rice.

In the diet itself, cereals are the basis of practically all diseases. To that, to your respect, the recipe for making round-grain rice rossipchago.

Golovne in the same way varіnnya that more precisely dotrimannya hour and proportions. Rice is rozrakhovuetsya to water at a ratio of 2:3.

I promit the groats soaked in okrip and sharply curve the lid of the pan. Radjat navit zastosuvat vantage, so that there would not be a chink between the pan and the krishka. The final hour of preparation takes 12 khvilin, which is divided into 3 parts:

  • 1) On a strong fire, cook 3 chilli
  • 2) On the middle - 7 khvilin
  • 3) On a weak fire 2 hvilin.

After taking out the fire, without breaking the lid, we check more whilin 12. After exactly the right hour, we open the pan and add strength and oil, mix it up.

How to cook steamed rice parts, saving all yogo melancholy

Rice, which is a kind of proishov, is called steamed. Vіn is supralingually brown. Ale cook yogo need trohi іnakshe, lower spicy rice. And the axis is how to make roses of parboiled rice, we will tell you at once.

  1. Promita groats are poured with water in the spring.
  2. Let's sweat a glass of water.
  3. Hang the cereal in a saucepan and fill it with water at a sp_v_dnoshenn_ 1 to 1.25 (water may be more or less more than rice).
  4. Bringing it to a boil, we change the fire and, closing the lid, cook 25 quills.
  5. Your rice is ready, just need to add top oil that strength.

Far away cooking that priєmnogo appetite!

I wondered what could be simpler than boiled rice? Possibly, you are one of the quiet people who are able to cook the perfect rice in an independent way, dishes, stoves, and a variety of rice. However, the cooks tried to create a unified formula for cooking rice based on the fact that only the knowledge of such numerical experiments will help you to know your ideal way. A lot of zminnyh was bred before the cooking process.

2. Soak rice

Soaking allows you to reach more dry and evenly cooked rice. In addition, soaking allows you not to think about two changes: a sour cream and a drying one. And that, and the other process is to be added to water in rice - like dry rice, more water is needed for yoga preparation. Since you often do not know this information, then by soaking rice, you will avoid unnecessary turbot.

3. Is boiling water cold?

Deposit according to the method that you use to cook rice. Call the cold water to cook the rice at the close of the krishtsi. When boiling water, change the fire and continue to boil the rice when the krishtsi is closed on the right fire until the water is fully absorbed. In the okrop, the rice is boiled at a boil, until the water boils, then the fire changes, the rice is covered with a krishko and the wine is steamed in the arc of the right fire. The vibranium method is to lay rich in what kind of rice variety and strain, which is prepared.

4. Do you care or not? Salt chi not salt?

Do not conquer and do not salt, if you want to cook rice, not risotto and porridge. Pomіshuvannya that force ruin the structure of the grain, robyachi yogo more sticky.

5. Proportions of water and rice

It is possible to write about it “medical” on hundreds of pages from a bunch of formulas, rozrahunkiv that table. I’ll get by with less than a kіlkom of visnovki. The proportion of 1 bottle of rice to 2 bottles of water is far from universal. For the preparation of rice with 64% water content, 145 g of water is required per 100 g of rice with 12% water content. One bottle of rice is about 205 g, so, for yoga preparation, you need 1 bottle of water, or 240 grams. Remember that the process of preparing water does not evaporate.

Otzhe, all to lay down in addition, skilki vody viparovuєtsya in the process of preparation and the hour of preparation.

Most varieties of white rice are being prepared 15-20th century. If the rice is soaked in front, then the hour of cooking will soon be cooked twice (although it doesn’t mean that you need less water, the shards of more water are boiled).

Use water to lie down in two warehouses: the width of the lid and the width of the pan. If you cook rice in a deep and narrow pan, you will need less water, and still.

Since it is impossible to transfer all warehouses, then it is impossible to give universal instructions. Therefore, the only way to ideal rice and ideal proportions is to lead rice to the method of trials and pardons. However, let me remind you that the more rice you cook, the less you need to drive. For example, for the preparation of rozsipchastnogo grain rice (without front soaking) the next step is the "gold" rule:

1 bottle of rice - 1 ½ bottles of water

2 bottles of rice - 2 ¾ bottles of water

3 bottles of rice - 3 ½ bottles of water.

I hope that some more help will help you to perfect the process of cooking rice and achieve an unfinished result. And as a bonus, I will show you an exclusive video: 3 ingenious rules, and rozsipchastny fig vyide zavzhdi!

It’s not so easy to figure out the subtleties of cooking rice, it’s not surprising that someone doesn’t know how to cook rice correctly, so that you can turn yoga not just into a larger-less natural mass, but into a right culinary masterpiece. Rice is one of the most popular and most loved cereal crops on the planet. A good culinary chameleon and a companion, a kind of comrade with sill and chicken, with fish and meat, with fruits and vegetables, with sauces and spices. Such marvelous sumptuousness and magnanimity of rice is explained by its neutral relish. Cunning as a right Asian! And skhid, as you can see, on the right is thin!

As if to believe in ancient Chinese and ancient Indian manuscripts, rice was known to people over six thousand years ago. Cream is used for rice, starch, alcohol, beer are taken from it. Before Russia, rice had been consumed about three hundred years ago, and far away it fit into the culinary traditions of the country. Today, rice is served as a cream of grass, vicorist for cooking pilaf, soups, added to salads and desserts.

Cooking rice by crumbs

to hell

Rice preparation secrets

The preparation of rice is a whole mysticism, which made the greater part of Asians complete the Volodya. Stink with rice on the “tee”, it’s wonderful to know which rice before cooking needs to be sprinkled with sprinkles, which one should be soaked for a year in the water, and which one should be rinsed with cold water and once cooked. Well, let's try and we know with rice spilnu mova.

to hell

Washing and soaking

Before that, how to cook rice, it is necessary to wash it and, if necessary, soak it. The procedure of washing allows you to see big smittya from rice grits, small pieces of saw and zayvy starch, roblyachi relish of rice is rich and rich. You can wash the rice behind an additional sieve under running water, or rather, squirt it with a deep bowl: you need a lot of rice, fill it with cold water and lightly stir it with your hand. We repeat the procedure 3-5 times, pouring in fresh water every once in a while.

The soaking improves the color of the rice and allows it to grow more richly. In addition, having entered the water, the rice is significantly more brewed, but for certain herbs, for example, for risotto, this procedure will be a win. To soak the rice, one part of the groats is poured over two parts of the water and left here for the first half of the year. Having poured water, dry the rice lightly with a towel.

Short round rice, which is suitable for preparing porridge-rozmazni and stuffing for pies, should be soaked for 15 minutes in warm water and then washed with cold water.

Long, but not thin rice after washing with cold water is additionally scalded with dill, then again poured over with cold and only after all these manipulations are boiled.

Dribny, thin, mayzhe prozory rice, without washing, soak for 5-8 years in cold salty water and then wash the sprat once.

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Nuances of the variety of universal cereals

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How to cook rossipchasty rice in a frying pan

to hell

Cooking rice for garnish near the pan

We take one part of rice and two parts of water. Rice is washed and soaked in boiling salted water. We install a medium fire. Cook about 20 quills, stirring occasionally. Do not forget that rice for garnish is not supposed to be soft, but rather undercooked. After the end of the cooking, we take the rice out of the fire and wash it well. Promivannya є obov'yazkovim! The water vims starch from the rice masi, which glues the grains, and we take not rice, but simply a miracle - a grain in a grain! It is not necessary to rinse more than steamed rice. So that the rice does not stick, add a little bit of olive oil.

to hell

Rice a la carte

Wash rice 5-7 times. Pour water into a saucepan (one part rice - two parts water), bring to a boil, salt to taste and sip rice. Curve the krishkoy and get it on a strong fire three quills, two quills - in the middle and close to seven quills - on a weak one. We give a standing 12 hvilin, we add a little bit of olive oil and enjoy the miraculous rice.

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Japanese rice

At the second bottle of sprinkles, we pour a teaspoon of salt and a bottle of washed rice. Shchіlno zakryvaєmo krishkoy and on a weak fire boil exactly 12 strands. Vymikaёmo fire and give a standing sche 12 whilin.

Milk rice porridge

For diversity, you can guess the childishness and cook sitna and korisna rice porridge on milk. At to this particular type you can not boast about rozsipchasti, even for the consistency of porridge and you can make a sticky mass. On a bottle of rice we take 2-2.5 bottles of milk. Pour rice with milk and bring to a boil. For relish, we add tsukor and strength, and for a povіlny fire, we languish about 10 quills. When serving in porridge, you can add fresh fruits and berries, and replace the zucru with vicory.

Well, the axis, the rice is ready, but it’s like a canvas, on which, for help, yaskravikh, savory farb, you can “paint” the most delicious culinary masterpieces. Create! Savory!

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