Falling leaves at the vіlhi vlіtku scho robiti. How to look and grow a tree of the wilha - a description of the main features. Likuvalni power and contraindication

It's easy to blow the air out of the wasps. Suffice it to drink the sprat tree. Ale, if you don’t have pictures on your vazі, this article will help you invigorate the tree to make a payment.

By leaf

Trees are strongly perturbed by leaves. Aspen leaves are larger. The edges are smooth, the shape is classic. The vilha has a stench with jagged edges. The shape is twisted, closer to an oval.

For fruits

Vilhu is easy to tease for the fruits that cones predict. Hang that stink of green color, and dry up before winter, turn brown and bone. You will not find anything like you on the aspen.


The bark of cich roslin tezh is strongly permeable. The wasp has a smooth, greenish-gray color, sometimes with a slight bluish tinge.

At the wilha, the bark is different. Siroy won't have many expressions gray color with a light wooden texture. The bark of the black wilkha is dark brown, mayzhe black. In mature trees, it cracks and peels off.

on wood

In my opinion, characteristic vіdmіnnosti є vlastivostі village. How to cut an aspen tree white color. And the wood of the vіlkha, black chi sіroї is ore.

Svіzhospilyan tree light color. Ale literally starts redness in front of his eyes, going into orange or horn-bearing eyes. It is especially clear that a manifestation can be used to watch out for a charge, if the reaction is more rapid.

Koristuyuchis tsimi knowledge, you can easily vіdіznit vіlkha vіd osiki. And it will be unimportant to be leafing on a tree, otherwise we will lie in your yard at the sight of firewood.

  1. Description
  2. Viroshchuvannya
  3. Zastosuvannya

You must know how the wilha looks. It is not showy at first glance, but it’s the right spring for the coming spring. If all the trees are still with bare black stovburs, which cause tightness and turmoil, the wilha already blooms. The life cycle of this tree begins with the flower itself, then the young leaves begin to appear. Vіlha is a whole deciduous tree,. Fallow in the form of roztashuvannya mozhe buti in the form of a tree or chagarnik.


Pagons of young growth have a cylindrical shape with a greenish core.

Nirks grow on legs, weave two stripes. The leaves are in the height of the ridge order, the shape of the leaf is a large shovel, sometimes serrated along the edges. The shape of the leaf can change - from round to trochic, to twisted.

The flower looks like monoecious flowers, like the shape of fluffy earrings - a family of birch trees. noteworthy peculiarity. At the same time, the chicks settle into the beast at the sight of long earrings, and the queens are formed in the lower part and form the shape of dribny spikelets.

Vіdmіnnoy osoblivіstyu vіlhi є є scho vіte vіte bіte up to аbо one o'clock wіth thе cob raspuskannya leaflets. Zavdyaki tsomu files are more likely to be carried by the wind.

Succulents are formed by stretching the front flower to the rock, moreover, at different times: women, tichinkov - begin to form in the middle of summer (during the trivality of about 5-6 months), cholovic, matochkovi - in autumn (formed 1-2 months).

When molded, shrink, personal cards utvoryuyuyutsya at a kіlkostі 3 pieces, more - one at the sight of earrings. Women's lives are settled in pairs, at the bottom of the flow.

Plid - a hard, woody bump, characteristic of a wilkha. In the midst of the faceless trees, near the fox tree, you can recognize yourself from these cones.

Stovbur sound stringy, sound covered with a bark of a smooth shape. The size of the village is small.

It is possible to resurrect the air from other trees according to the following parameters:

  • start early blooming;
  • maє earrings;
  • on pagons there are small cones.

Vіlha growth in the zone of the world climate, volіє rich and volozy soil, and also can grow, and in dry, and clay soil.


Zalezhno in the minds of the minds of the living can mothers of the skilki in all kinds of different forms. You can know about a hundred different species - trees and chagarniks. On the territory of Russia, 2 such species are most often seen - a whole black and sira, and itself:

  • Black look. Named such for leafing the rahunok, which has a sticky element, and through those that the stovbur has a black color. In Greek myths, their appearance is described as a spring breeze. Description: building view swedish sprout, Often the height is 20 meters. Grows in the forest, most of the time, the order does not grow the growth of other breeds. Roslin starts blooming from the middle of spring. The fruits are small black cones. light-loving and loving watery soil, so often yoga can be used on missions. Quite often such a species will grow up, satisfying the vіlkhovі chagarniki. It is respected by the familiar sight of the deyaky regions of Russia. Visajuyut uzdovzh water, roslin decorates parks and public gardens.

  • The second type of tree - sira wilha - can be easily dried in other trees. Starry look the tree (pictured) is not similar to its "black" relative - the stovbur with bark may be slightly bent, which may have a gray tint, with which the leaves of the tree also may have a gray color. When the flowers are released, the earrings are of a brown color. In the period of flowering, the tree looks even more staggeringly and unimaginably. On the vіdmіnu vіdnіh іnshih svoїkh svїkhіvі, іriy looked nevibaglivy ії іїїїї їїї zhanіvannya і live navitі іnіdnih ґruntah і іn marsh mіstsyah. May great resistance to frost and windy weather. Juvenile pagons grow rapidly, often satisfying the dense chagar forests of trees and chagar forests. Such dominance of trees often wins over industrial purposes - trees hang around the shores, thereby additionally fixing their types of deboning.

Krіm tsikh, є sche і іnshі see, yakі widely expanded the territory of Russia. Among them you can see such a look, like a wilha chagarnikova chi wilha siberian. Such growths are small trees with a maximum height of up to 6-8 meters. It is important to linger in the Siberian part of Russia and the Far Descent.

The greater number of the species of the tree begin to bloom with a spring - from the flower to the grass. As it was already planned higher, the flowers begin earlier, the leaves are released lower. Kviti - old earrings and small black knobs.


Although the wind is often vvazhaetsya by the Buryans, it is far from being the case. Such a thought is formed through the wood of the tree. The wood of the wilkha is often frizzy, crooked, and it is easy to wink for industrial purposes. However, the deacons who see the tree miraculously take root in the minds of the unseen, who have the miraculous power to breed roses or the cob of the fox.

So, for example, sira vіlha live in be-yakіy mіstsevostі and on be-yakoy ґruntі. In addition, on the roots of the bulbs, a large amount of nitrogen is accumulated, which step by step settles into the ground, that building rebirth of the soil around itself.

Viroschuvannya trees and chagarnikiv vіlhi - it's easier to do the job. It's easy to go down the hill. The cones of the wilha are hard to finish, which will help them to grow up for the hour of choosing the present, not to turn off third-party houses before them.

Varto signify that the black wilha is more richly folded at the viroshchuvannya. A tree to love only gratifying soil, rich in mineral elements, and may not grow on poor excavated soil with insufficient calculus, so the tree is unsuitable for raising a rose, it is more often visadzhu vzdovzh shore of a river and water.

Viroshchuvannya vіlhi - perevagi:

  • deyakі see nevibagly to ґruntu, scho allows you to grow a tree in be-yakіy mіstsevosti;
  • easy to pick up;
  • start early blooming;
  • zavdyaki skupchennyu on the roots of nitrogenous brothels, building to improve the nativeness of the soil.


The trees of the family of the Vilhovs are littered with brilliance and power. The cones from the trees can have anti-septic and disinfecting power, like vicarious for the preparation of various medicines. Elements, which are found in leaves and bark of trees, are detrimental to see the simplest microorganisms. Therefore, parts of the tree can be victorious in the preparation of koshtіv in the case of skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, and various fungi.

The bumps of the wilha also knew their stasis in the medical field. Tinctures of this kind are vicorous with them in case of venous colitis, dysentery, as a viscous component in case of shlunkovyh or intestinal bleeding. Zavdyaki in the astringent authorities, leafing those cones in the vicarious vіlha with likuvannі opіkіv, nasal and oral bleeding, shlunkah, rіzny shkіrnih inflamed.

Jubilant authorities vіlhi buli in the home of our ancestors. Vіdvar z vіlhi z vіlhi z vіdnіh yavnіh vykoristovuvali, like a sweatshop zasіb with colds. Also, you can create beautiful, relaxing baths for him.

Vikoristannya for promissory purposes

Zastosuvannya vіlhi at industrial goals to do it widely:

  • even though the wood of the vilkha does not look like a high mіtsnіst, but it’s pliable to harvest the soft, which means it’s easier to work with it for industrial purposes;
  • vіlhi not to produce until cracks are fixed, in connection with which this material is often vicorated for preparation musical instruments;
  • I make small and soft wood, so that the material of the tree is widely vindicated by artists, like zdіysnyuyut carving on wood;
  • from the vіlhi from time to time swell the mіtsnostі, from it to roar wells, barrels, underground constructions;
  • Virobi from the villages of the vіlhi can be wide-width - like decorative panels and screens to furniture;
  • budіvelny svіt materialiv also widely vikoristovuє wood vіlhi - for internal improvement or the preparation of furniture.

Nasamkinets varto signifies the low varty of the village, which was marked by a wide zastosuvanni in craftsmanship.

Vilkha is one of the widest zones of the world climate. Vaughn victorious in everyday life folk medicine. Alece can often be confused with a birch, as well as earrings. It is important for him to say, what kind of tree is the wilha and why should I give such an honor.

Botanical description

Vіlha is a watery roslina, a close relative of birch. This river includes both yak and trees, for that there is a great number of sights and sights. The type species is black wilha (Alnus glutinosa).

Vilha, as they call it roslin, is deciduous, as it can be attached to different places of residence. The leaves of the vilha are puffed in rich green, petiolate and on the edges of the teeth, and their form is deposited in the life form.
Cicavoye peculiarity - epidermal clitiny, small pubescence, like on the needles, leaves and nirks. This particularity helps in life, but does not win the function of protection of the mind.

Roslin is often described as a "tree with earrings." It was tied with tse z tim, that on the ends of the pagons there was a spike-like flower. The saws themselves settle into them. The last rudiments are found in dry spikelets. The tree has a plaid - a small pot.

Area of ​​residence

The tree is broader in the territories, yakі trapplyayut to the zone of peaceful climate. The place of residence is also to lie down and in the form of life. Therefore, yoga can be learned from the mountains of Pivdennoy America.

The most common growth is in marshy forests. The area of ​​residence is expanding and the tundra, like the subarctic climate zone.

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In the skin of us, there may be different manifestations about those who look like a wilha. Adzhe її kind of fallow in the place of growth. Rods have up to 40 species. The main view among trees is in the growth of that leaf, so let's take a closer look at the photos of the most popular representatives of the Wilha family.


At wild nature growth of Pivdni Italy and Albania. The tree is not viable until, but the place of residence sounds to be known as water. "Italian" reaches 15-20 meters at height (more than 25-28 m), stovbur at a diameter of no more than 1 m.

The Danish species often stray from the hearty wilho. Ale, the stinks are awakened, in a first way, I will call (Alnus cordata - Italian (heart-like), Alnus subcordata - heart-shaped); in another way, the area of ​​​​residence.
The leaves are on the Italian Italian valley, smooth and can be trimmed up to the chest, may be oval in shape and dovzhina up to 12 cm, even similar to the leaves.

Tsei syagaє 3 m of the zavviski. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence is the island near the Japanese archipelasis - Kyushu. Vіtrostіyky, leafing teeth, dovgaste up to 12 cm zavdovka. Gilks ​​are thin and gnuchki, sometimes with sirim sawings.

Earrings are often for men up to 7 cm. Color is from birch. well get used to the moisture climate. The tree is thick, lower in other species.

Chorna is the type species of the genus. Vіdoma is also like a European for living quarters. Young people leafing through sticky, they also call it “glue”. A tree can have two stovburi, which reaches a height of 35 m.

The crown is not dense, scarlet with a volume (12 m in diameter). Stovbur with a diameter of up to 1 m and black bark. The flowers will sound at the door. The light-loving tree is kindly endured by the vologda for the account of the vitality of the organs, which is reckoned for by the vitrata of the vologda.

As a black wilha grows in lowland swamps, then the wilkhova drapes can be established.

In the wild, this type of tree grows in China. But at the same time, yoga can be seen in the rich parks of England. This tree is breathtaking with its height (up to 40 m) and lowered needles. Leaves dovge and vuzka, catkins are single and ruffled in the axils of the leaves.

The skin of the species can be attacked by mushrooms, and the lichen is not a vine. Mushrooms infect women's earrings and can vibrate their growth. Deyakі see mushrooms of the genus Tarfin utvoryuyut "vydomi mіtli" - crowded in the middle of the crowns, sound like a nest.

Vilha sira is spreading throughout Europe, Pivnichniy America and Asia Minor. In wild nature, it grows swiftly, bears fruit quickly, ale brightly, and is carried by wind and water. Often growth in pairs from the black wilhoy was water.

It is also widened near Siberia at once from the fluffy wil. mid-height (20 m) with a perceptibly thin trunk (up to 50 cm in diameter). The tree grows in dormouse territories, frost, and it shows strong winds of the weeds of the bushes.

Leafing toothed, short, oval and dozhinoy up to 10 cm. On food, that soup does not sound through low acidity and wateriness.

A Japanese species of growing sack along the entire shores of Asia. Show off your own olive color. The height is standard (up to 25 m). The crown is dense, rounded. The leaves are rarely toothed, smooth and no more than 12 cm at the bottom.

Women's flowers - up to 8 pieces on the end of the brushes. Zavdyaki to the fact that the leaves are trimmed until the first frost is popular in.

One of them, ale can reach the height of a tree. The description of this species does not fit into the typical one. Prote area of ​​residence includes only the state of Pivnichnoy America. The crown is not dense;

Sercelist can be seen in Iran and Azerbaijan. Tsei species can not endure winters. In the life of the heart, there are daily organs, which are surrounded by vitraty vologists. That is why the roslina grows on the swampy areas.

The leaves are narrow and slightly rounded. Less than those foxes, de growth of the wilha sercelista, can grow up in the valley of the rivers.

This species thrives in both a peaceful and subarctic climate. shvidkozrostayuchy іz dense crown. It is easy to stick to the minds of living. Awakens its frost resistance, even as it grows in the Arctic.

Vіlkha green is often called a transitional slab between birch and vilkha. Aje is also Danish view accept life form tree (on the Far Descent). Tichinkov's earrings are often men's.

Leafing jagged, light short, dark green color. In the tundra, the wilha is green, it can bloom in lindens and sickles.

Spheres zastosuvannya roslini

The versatility of the views of the vilha, widened in all Pivnichniy pivkul, allows you to win in rich areas. The adzhe tree sprouts quickly and grows in the wild, aggressively occupying large territories.

To its warehouse vіlha includes tanneries of speech. Zavdyaki gnuchkosti stovbura soft wood that is easy to work with.

In folk medicine

The bark of that leaf of the tree is endowed with viscous speeches. To that wetting a sheet of black wilha can be applied before the wound, so that it heals better. Also, the wound can be disinfected with bitter infusion from cones or earrings.

Infusions from catkins grow and help with constipation. Vykorivuyuchi infusions of flowers, zirvanih flowers on the cob, can cause diathesis in children. Vіdvar іz measles helps to get into pain in the slug.

For this, it is necessary to brew 15 g of measles with one bottle of dill. Let's cool down and cool down. Take a few days for 3-4 days a day. 1 tablespoon at a time will suffice.
Ale remember that likuvannya vіlhoyu not zavzhd can help or only usun symptoms. Therefore, seek qualified medical help.

Vilha - wide-leafed tree or chagarnik from the Berezov family. The largest population is concentrated in the Pomirny climatic zone of Pivnichnaya pivkul. Okremі see so zustrіchayutsya in Pivdenny America and Asia. Vilha growth in healthy leafy forests on watery, well-fertilized soils. Seeing the success of the state with oak and beech. The scientific name of the roslin "Alnus" is translated - "bіlya shore". It is not surprising that most of the roslins grow on the birches with fresh water and rivers. Among the people, the tree is also called “valkhal”, “lishinnik”, “olekh”, “yalinka”. Vilha is famous for its wood and jubilant powers. Vaughn miraculously looks at the dilyantsi, victorious in folk medicine and woodworking crafts.

Roslin description

Vilha is a bagatorichny deciduous chagarnik, or a tree with a rose, ale with a superficial rhizome. Through tse great rіznovidi often bring down the wind. On the roots of the year, small swellings are established, filled with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Recycling nitrogen from the atmosphere, the vilha is already effectively growing and enriching the soil. Pagons have a rounded cut and are covered with a smooth grayish-brown bark. At the places where new berries appear, horizontal wrinkles are established. On the bark of young pagons, pomіtnі trikutnі chi heart-like lentils.

The leaves are oval or ovate, with a wide rounded tip and serrated or wavy edges. The surface of the leaf is smooth, wrinkled between veins. Leafing growth on short petioles. Leaves fall off early.

As a reminder of spring, one-state tickets are issued in Poland. Tichinkovi concentrated on the tips of young pagons in long-term tufted buds (catkins). The stench is tainted with a red-brown or yellow-brown color. Earrings with queen flowers are more short and slitted at the bottom of the thread. Flowering begins at once from the opening of the leaves.

Sawed off for help wind. After the new, the fruits ripen - miniature bumps with stripes. Ripening is completed by mid-autumn. In the middle of the skin pea there is a single pea with wings (more likely without them). The chairs of the mature knobs are crooked and now hanging. The process of wilting can last until spring. The wind spreads us on the chimali vіdstanі, and the spring winds complete the process of migration for a lot of kilometers through the mother's thicket.

See wilhi

Today, 29 species of roslin were brought to the genus Vilkha. However, until a single thought of the future can not come yet, the shards of the roslina itself are stylized to the point of modification and hybridization, that part of the species can be brought to hybrid varieties of others.

Roslin sacks in the peaceful climate of Western Asia, Pivnіchnoy Africa and all over Europe. It is a tree up to 35 m at height, often with kilkom stovburs with a diameter of up to 90 cm. The life cycle consists of 80-100 years. Alone specimens live up to the 3rd century. Rozvinene rhizomes roztashovuetsya at the top balls of the soil and cover with bulbs. Leaves may be rounded in shape with pinnate venation. Їх dozhina become 6-9 cm, and width - 6-7 cm. Pistil catkins may be black, the stench grows on a lower bellows and is folded at the dove 1.2-2 cm with a width of up to 1 cm. In the autumn, they are flattened most often on the surface of the flock with a wrinkled, reddish-brown.

Even more decorative is a beautiful tree up to 20 m high. Yogo stovbur and hulls are covered with smooth light gray bark, and young parosts are dark red. The back of the head is green, densely pubescent, and then becomes bare. Egg-like dark green leaves may have sharpened edges and serrated sides. On the back side, the leaf plate is covered with ruddy villi. Tichinkovy blossoms show a red-brown color. The egg-like cones of the plant grow up to 15-25 mm.

Nevibagly rozlogy chagarnik or a tree up to 20 m, the crown can have a vuzku ovoid crown. The cylindrical curvature of the Stovbur reaches a width of 50 cm. Rіznovid y early age grows too fast. The rhizome grows at a depth of up to 20 cm. The bark is dark gray, not sticky. The oval or lanceolate leaves the beast with a smooth, woolly surface, and on the fold, densely cover it with a shiny pile. It should be 4-10 cm long, and 3-7 cm wide. Flowering blooms on the cob of spring, before the leaves open.

Willow tree

Vilha is actively victorious in woodworking and furniture crafts. I want the wood of the rosline not to be resented by the high space and the magic, it is worthy of popularity for its lightness, stamina to rot and water. With a low sobіvartosti wood is easy to finish. It's good to behave with dryness (do not twist and do not crack). Perevagou є uniformly zabarvlennya kernels and sapwood.

From the vіlhi they prepare parts for wells, ships, internal fittings. Itself with her to love pratsyuvati carved on wood. Also, spools for threads and other fibers are made from this tree.

Firewood from the vіlhi burn without a zavoї kіptyavі vіpromіnjuyut priєmny smell. Tse best material for laznі chi cooking їzhi.

Reproduction methods

Willow is propagated by us, live bait by that root growth. The largest expansion of our method and especially self-sowing. Until the autumn, the cones have matured and begin to grow and grow. By stretching the leaf fall-birch tree, the stench is consumed near the ground and it goes through natural stratification. If so, during the period of tannennya, snow in the present day is covered with water and cursed. When planting, the soil is laid at the rostanutias on a depth of 2.5-3 cm. Step by step, the sіyantsі become mіtsnіshimi and dosit shvidko turn into a food bush, or a small tree. More broadly added at a height of 50-100 cm.

Quite often young parosts appear in the trunk. In total for rivers, the height can reach 1-1.5 m. It is recommended to save someone old land on the roots and do not let it dry out.

Hangings and inlets from young pagons are cut with live bait 12-16 cm. to the critical soil. The best survival is shown by the growths, enriched with a stimulant for the establishment of roots. Livestock needs to be watered regularly. Until the autumn, let the roots grow and harvest the seeds for the winter without shelter.

Landing Rules and Oversight

Vilha is already unviable to the point of roztashuvannya and the warehouse of the soil. There is a good growth in pіvtinі and on vіdkritomu sun, on humous loams and bіdnih pіschanih soils. Zavdyaks of their building to enrich the earth with nitrogen, vilha herself to create a life-giving ball for herself those other representatives of the flora. Vinyatok to become black vіlha, as normal growth can be less on living and watery land. Vaughn pіdіyde for the ennoblement of that zmіtsnennya coastal zone or beams, de gruntovі vody go close to the surface.

For planting, it is recommended to vicorate the soil with a neutral or weak reaction. At the ground, bring in front of the vapno, humus and kindness (Kemira). Planting should be carried out more often under the growing season. A ball of drainage material (sand, gravel) is laid at the bottom of the landing pits. Then let us straighten the roots and sip in the open space with kind soil. The root neck is to blame for being flush from the surface. The earth should be thoroughly watered and tamped, and the surface should be mulched with a ball of trimmed straw, peat and codfish.

A closer look behind the wilhoya is practically not necessary. At the rivers of planting, the growths need to be watered more often, not allowing water to stagnate in the upper balls of the soil during any stagnation. For short aeration, the root land is regularly fluffed and weeds are removed. It is not necessary to use the tool too deeply, so as not to damage the root.

Also, the first river should be grown with compost and organic fertilizers. Already from the advancing fate of the need for my procedures in the fall.

It is not necessary to carry out any special visits ahead of the winter, because the weather is high winter hardiness. Don't be afraid to bring up the suvor and snowless winters.

Jubilant authorities

Vіlkha can be called korisnoy and navіt tsіlyuschy dew, as we give great melancholy to the healthy people. Cones, leaves, bark and roots contain tannins, flavonoids, minerals and vitamins. From the medicinal syrovina, black and syroy, they prepare alcohols and water infusions, as well as infusions. The preparations help with colds, bronchitis, teasing and abscesses on the skin, inflamed mucous membranes, bleeding. Vilha may be anti-seizure, knitting, blood-spinning, expiratory dia.

It is taken from the cones to treat colitis, dysentery, diarrhea, bleeding from the shkt, nose and mouth. Rinse your mouth with stomatitis and periodontitis. Tinctures from the root are recommended for women to normalize the reproductive function of the menstrual cycle, fight against inflamed organs.

Call the preparations from the vіlhi there is no contraindication, krіm allergic reactions. However, the whole world needs it, it is not recommended to overexamine the recommended dosing, the shards of the song components may accumulate power in the body.

Wikoristanya at the landscape

An oval, openwork crown of a wilha with ruffled needles and three leaves looking already chewy. Roslins do not suffer from the gas pollution of the miserable weather, so they can be hung up on the road. In the quality of livestock, there are low-growing trees or hedgehogs with a height of up to 3 m.

Great single-stemmed trees vicorist in single plantings or as a group in a great territory. Їх visajuyut uzdovzh dorіzhok and alley. Likewise, you can victorious in compositions with chagarniks and trees, along with the growths of the spring forest and the bud leaves.

Shhoroka about the coming spring will hurry to tell a lot of roslin. You can give a good tip to summer residents and wilha. A photo of this tree allows the skin to understand, it can be beautifully seen at the right time of rock. The wilha is embellished with a smooth bark, and its rounded leaves retain their green colors until the first frost.

Willow tree: description

Tse tree may even with a written crown, prote all the same, there’s a little bit of a rose through those who roztashovuyutsya nerіvnomirno. If the snow has not yet broken, the wild will already signal the coming of spring, which manifests itself in its active bloom. To that it is sufficient to know, if the wilha blooms, to understand that winter is beginning to expend its strength.

Moreover, in front of a lot of other growths at the entrance to the phase of blooming, they help the wind, the zavdyaks seem to be spillennya.

If you start flowers, you decorate beautiful earrings, like they are added to women and people. As soon as the molding hour stinks look green, then at the stage of ripening they become red-burim.

Women's earrings milking is small and reaches about 1 cm at the dozhin, hangs on the heels in groups of up to 8 pieces, a sign of their stiffness and the addition of a wooden husk. Human earrings have their own vіdmіnostі: stench grows on needles of 4-5 pieces, vіdrіznyayutsya great roses, Mayuchi dozhina 5-9 cm.

Like fruit here serve the green cones of small roses. Moreover, the rest also grow one after the other: some grow without wings, others become fluffy and shkiryasty. In the winter, the cones are rebuffed at the closed camp, and yet, in the present birch, the stench is roaring, after which we are consuming at the soil. The stages of ripening of the stench reach only like autumn. The leaves of the vines are already brown-brown, the shards in the warehouse are rich in nitrogen.

Vilkha as a part of the natural complex

At the middle qi of a tree growing close to 100 years. If you want to live long-term, if you can keep quiet with your look, you can support 150 years. Loved by the places of their growth, there are plots with watery soil. Therefore, it is often possible to see the wind on the banks of the rivers.

With the help of friendly officials, overgrowth can be established - wilhi. In the pіvnіchnyh areas vіlha grows like a coniferous tree. On pіvdnі vаn may є vra small representation, through scho to enter the warehouse of zmіshanih lіsіv order from oak and beech. Likewise, the tree is miraculously felt by other representatives of forests - birch, yalina, oak, linden and aspen.

Vilha can win not only for decorative purposes, ale y tsikava yak honey plant. Under the hour of its development, I will make nirks of that leaf, rich in resinous speech, like vicarious bjolami like syrovine for the production of propolis.

You can know the stagnation and dry leaves of the wilha, and even їx you can vicorate like food for thinness.

Chorna vіlha: tree leaves

Although the whole tree includes impersonal species, in the middle of them it is most often possible to use black wilhu, as it is called so through the color of measles. This tree is also mentioned in Greek mythology, it often appears on the holy fire, symbolizing the coming of spring. Wilha є light-loving dew, so it’s like a foreigner in Vologda. If you plant near the watery places, then in a year there can be made up of the wilkhova drapes. However, the water that stands is fatal to her.

For r_k chorna vilha to finish it off, it's gaining height. Mature growths can grow up to 20 m. Sometimes the situation is different with the fruits, which reach the stage of maturity only in the end of the coming spring.

At a glance in the view of other species of black wilha under special supervision. This variety is found under the protection of rich countries - Moldova, Kazakhstan and other regions of Russia. Often black wilhu vicorist for mixing landscape design parks and squares. Also, they can vicorist for planting vzdovzh with water, following the mark of the marked coast. Zim zavdannyam vіdmіnno copes, oskolki can widely spread the root system.

Krasunya with brown earrings

Sira vilha to enter to reach the widest species of the birch family. It is seen as great roses, shards can grow up to 16 m. For the selection of planting material, it is possible to vicorate young shoots, live bait or old ones.

Stovbur tree May characteristic Syrian color, so look and leaf, like a decorative part protrude storm earrings. To that, bachachi tree, as if there are signs, know that the vile is in front of you. It is rich who appreciates this growth through building, vitrimuvat strong frosts and good growth on the soils rich in lively rivers and near swampy places.

victoria sphere

Vilha is valued not only because of her pleasant look, but because she has a lot of other brown powers.

At decorative art

Viroshchuetsya s young gardeners wilha milking shvidko, It is not uncommon to produce before the appearance of wild chagars. At this stage of the life cycle, there is no equal structure of the village, as it is idle in the work. Through tse її often vikoristovuyut at craftsmanship.

Wilha is one of the most popular materials for creating artistic carvings. Її vykorovuyut when preparing carved dishes, decorative panels and sculptures. As a result of the processing of wood by the method of dry distillation, one can take vugillya, which is highly valued by artists. Particularly vaga in decorative dressing are filled with specimens, which are embellished with infusions.

In folk medicine

This tree is valued and how it is zasib for likuvannya rich ailment. Korisn_ authority mayut cones, leaves and bark of the wilha, rich in tannins. Divimi medical practicesє infusions and tinctures on the basis of cones and measles, shards of stink can have an astringent, anti-spasmodic, disinfectant, antibacterial and blood-spinning effect.

  • like a festering wound, put a leaf of a black wilkha tree on it, and soon it will drag on;
  • bitter nasty earrings can help people who suffer from hemorrhoids and fix;
  • to fight against diathesis and eczema, plant flowers in the form of flowers, as it is necessary to prepare flowers on the very cob.

Revealing the natural microflora of the intestine after a course of antibiotics is possible for the help of the cones of the vine. Also, this help helps to get out of ailments of the intestinal tract. Often yoga zastosovuyut for such stanіv, yak:

  • inflammation of the nasopharynx and throat;
  • cold;
  • angina;
  • pharyngitis.

In order to start bleeding from the nose, trim the corian in a new tampon from a fresh willow leaf. Folk doctors recommend taking vodvar to fight gout, arthritis and deep pains.

Dієvim apart є dry baths, as if prepared on the basis of a fresh leaf.

  • Let them heat them up in the sun or the oven, and then put them on a bed and let the sick person lie down on them. In the same way, we can heat the leaves of the wilha to cover the body’s wounds, and wrap the beast with a warm carpet. In this case, the effect will be maximum, as the procedure is similar to the last time;
  • more beautifully than this zasіb dіє, like the leaves are heated at the deep neck, in the yak potim it is necessary to put the ailing on the neck. For such a scheme, they fight against ailments with birch leaves.

When you look at the lazn, it’s necessary to make the vines from the vines brightly, like a cleansing, disinfecting, toning effect, as well as building energy.

At the factory

The clumsiness at the village of Vilkha led to the fact that її often vikoristovuyut at the craft. It is possible to carry out various operations, including polishing, varnishing and staining. Also, the tree retains a solid structure when screws are screwed into it. Changes can be wary of when flowers are slaughtered, which is manifested in a weeded village.

Drying in the vіlhi does not spit on її power: it takes at least an hour, and every hour of the operation does not cause any defects in the appearance of warping or cracks. This particularity has made it one of the best materials for the preparation of musical instruments and accessories to them.

Selecting and harvesting cones

A pleasant moment for harvesting cones is like autumn. Until then, you can continue to pick them up right up to the birch. The process of picking the cones itself has its own peculiarities: first, I need to carefully trim the ends of the needles from the cones with a pruner, and then bear fruit from them. Cones, like lying on the ground, do not have the necessary powers, so they cannot win. After harvesting, the cones are laid out in an even ball under the overhang, or on the hills, where you can have security access again, where the drying procedure is carried out. If it’s warm on the street, then you can dry the fruit even in open air, without forgetting to stir them hour after hour. With proper drying, the cones save their crooks of authority stretching three rokiv.


Few of us know such a tree, like a wilha, and for nothing. Aje is one of the first signals about the coming of spring, starting early blooming more, if not breaking all the snow. At what stage її development of a tree make beautiful earrings, yakі give you more decorative powers. However, the most pleasantly looking wilha, if it has bumps.

Wanting to be patient in this weather, shards of stink are formed more than the coming spring. Ale vіlha tsіkavit not only through its decorative power, even її often vykorovuyut for the preparation of effective preparations for the treatment of ailments. Wood zastosovuєtsya in craftsmanship, even if it's easy to endure different kinds of cuts, without slacking off any serious defects.

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