The greatest long-living creatures in the world. The oldest things on earth Yaka the oldest creature

Original taken from masterok in Roztin showed that death came after Rostin

The axis is so out - SCIENCE.

Vcheni drove the oldest creature on Earth, trying to recognize її vіk

Biologists from Great Britain and the USA have established the age of the oldest creature. Molyusk, who was known to be the beneficiary of Iceland in 2006, at the time of his death he reached the 507th century. The results of further publication in the journals Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, short description stats to guide ScienceNordic

a dekilka of creatures, whose triviality of life exceeded 300 years, and one century 507 years, became the oldest living non-colonial creature at the moment, whose life at the time of death was exactly the same appointments, go to the articles, published by translators in the journal Palaeoclimatology.

Dosi the oldest mollusk and the oldest creature zagali, as the Guinness book says, entering the 220-river two-headed sea mollusk, knowledge of 1982 roci. Protearctic molluscs have already done it.

A group led by Paul Butler from the British University of Bangor discovered the Methuselah mollusk back in 2006 to the rock of Iceland's beer shores. Vcheni were engaged in selecting mollusks and their shells in order to maintain their structure, restore, like behind river rings of trees, climatic changes for the remaining hundreds of rocks.

The two-shelled molluscs Arctica islandica were born, living in their dovetails. The growth of their shells can be deposited depending on how easy the mind is, and how easy it is to reach, so the balls on them can tell about climate change. As a result, we deededly decided to take away the low tribute, which is 1.35 thousand years away, but in one moment the stench still had mercy.

You can see the rings on the shells, the best of them are in the region, the chairs are shaken, that person had to open the shell and drive in the mollusks. Significantly for the ages of the mollusk, having issued the number 061294, the wedding came to the visnovka, for yoma 407 years, and gave the yoma of the name of Ming in honor of the imperial dynasty of Ming, which reigned in China for hours of the first people.

However, the stench missed the appointed century by 100 rivers of rivers in the one that hundreds of river villages needed to be blown out only a few kilometers of space. Now they have published clarified data on mollusks appearing at 100 years older (though the years of youth are still spent on the epoch of Min). Vin was born around 1499 as a partner of Christopher Columbus and Martin Luther.

We incorrectly marked the century earlier, and, perhaps, a little bit hurried with the publication of our data today (the first article with a pardon assessment was published in 2008). But now we are absolutely convinced that they called it right, having told Butler about ScienceNordic knowledge. ()

CYPRINA ISLANDSKA (Arctica islandica) Vіdoma also under the old name Cyprina islandica, the only modern representative of the genus Arctica (іїprіn) (Arctica). It is worth noting that the warm-water pivnіchno-Atlantic mollusk, like a sack, is also in the western part of the Barents Sea and in the largest warm villages of the White Sea. Cyprina can grow a large (up to 12 cm long) shell, covered with a glossy brown periostracum. Folding lock, out of kindly opened teeth. The mantle edge establishes two short siphons, open with sharpened lower papillae. The leg is short, but strong; the creature s її for help quickly buries itself at the soil.

Zavdyaki confinement to the warm waters of cyprinus is a good indicator of the expansion of warm Atlantic waters near the past. Near the period of the warm Littorin Sea, the buv was broader, lower now, and descended to Taimir. Juvenile cyprinids are eaten with rich donni ribi, and mature ones - sea birds, for example, a silvery gull. Break the shell with a dzhobom without force, then the seagull, having kicked, removed the turtle and, angry, throwing її on the coastal stones, about yak smashed to wind the largest and thickest shells. The next seagull without crossing over the body of a mollusk.

P.S. the axis is alive sobі 500 rokіv, sitting under the water, and then came the british vchenі she drove in :-(

Let's continue about long-term residents already ...

І one more long-liver:

New research has shown that the sea urchin of the Red Sea is a small prickly spineless, like lingering in the ancient coastal waters, a long-living creature on Earth. stinks can live close to 200 years or visit more, and die only in khyzhakiv and ailments. The stench is not as old as it used to be and multiply in any age, moreover, the older, the more active.

Marine zoologists at the State University of Oregon have carried out such a visnovka in the course of their research.

They showed a number of spineless long-livers of the Red Sea to the fact that on one of the spied specimens there was a mark from 1805, that "Lewis and Clark arrived in the State of Oregon", and I multiply this sea hedgehog It may be important for the management of commercial fishing and our understanding of marine biology, as well as throw a viklik to some pardons about the cycle of life of that marine spineless.

It was important that the sea urchins of the Red Sea live only about 15 years. After the identification of this specimen, more detailed investigations were carried out, which are based on two different methods for the identification of sea urchins - one biochemical and another isotopic. The stench showed identical results and significantly raised the bar for more creatures. Dosledzhennya show that the sea urchins of the Red Sea can mother a great trivality of life, that over an hour practically be like a creature on the planet, and we dare not show the signs of antiquity, or age-old dysfunction. It is evident that the stench only perishes in the wake of the wind (when eaten by huts, sickness or fishing). In this manner, the yakbee could create a friendly environment for the sea hedgehogs, turning off the huts and ailments, wind up hundreds of lives of stench.

Everyday creatures, Crimean sea hedgehogs do not have such zdіbnosti do not grow old and practically be immortal. A detailed examination of the sight of the creatures showed that the 100-point sea hedgehog is healthy and building up to reproduction, like the 10-point sea hedgehog.

Moreover, the surviving sea hedgehogs of the Red Sea inspire the blues of the virobniks of that caviar. The stench doesn't last the same period of menopause.

These new data can reveal a lot of new things about the roaming ecology of sea creatures. Zokrema is now beginning to understand why in the 1960s in the United States, sea hedgehogs were considered the scourge of the sea and a real threat. The stench ate the seaweeds and algae, and multiplied superbly quickly.

The formation of sea hedgehogs from the larval stage to a mature individual takes a month. At the age of 2 years, the sea hedgehog grows at the heights of the dvorazovo - from 2 to 4 cm.

Bowhead whale - the oldest living creature of the earth (211 years)

Giant tortoise Aidvat (256 years)

Karp-koi "Khanako" (226 years)

Guidak (168 years) - report about them here - you will sing-songly think about it obscenely, ... but it’s less than a guidak!.

And now closer to the record holders:

A lot of people can’t be taught that sponges are real creatures. Naturally, sponges are not much more rotten than they are, and the deuces of them crumble less, lower by 1 millimeter per day, it is not surprising that the stench grows even more properly, like a lot of other creatures from this list. The very calm growth will take care of them for a long time. The world has five to ten thousand species of sponges, and most of them live from 3 months to 20 years. However, the Antarctic sponge is alive richer, and one of the known scientists has lived a long life, and itself 1550 years.

Antarctic sponges that are similar to them can be seen in Antarctic waters to grow even more correctly and at even low temperatures. Estimates based on the vimіrі zbіlshennya zbіlshennya zrostannya protyazh one rock, to give dazzling results. A two-meter sponge that lives in the sea of ​​Ross is the fault of its mother for 23,000 years! If you want to take data to respect about changing the level of the sea in quiet places, you can’t overthink the sponge 15 000 years. Ale y tse, wait a minute, chimalo. And now, on the whilina, show yourself, the sprouts of the whole cicada have succumbed to the sponge on your life

Skolimastra sponge, giant sponge, yak can reach up to 10 thousand yearst. Deyakі vchenі klassifіkuyut її yak Anoxycalyx in class Vikly sponge. The scolymastra sponge is the only species of the genus Scolymastra.

The scolimaster sponge was revealed during the hour of the French Antarctic expedition near the rock from 1908 to 1910 under the ceramics of Jean-Baptiste Charcot. In 1916, the roci sponge bula was described by the French sponge specialist Emile Topsent. And named її Bulo in honor of Louis Joubin, professor at the Zoological Museum of Paris.

Vaughn may be the least of the middle of the day, seeing the exchange of speech and the low calm of the sour. Mature sponges can reach up to 2 m and reach a diameter of up to 1.7 m. The color varies from pale yellow to white.

Rozpovsyudzhennya in the Antarctic waters of the purest Shetland Islands at a depth of 45 to 441 m. English languageїї called sponge-volcano.

In 1996, Thomas Brey and Susanne Gatti from the Bremerhaf Expedition Polar Zirka died for 10,000 years. Tse happened after that, the American scholar Paul Dayton (Paul Dayton) stretched ten years by force to change the growth of lips.

The main enemies for Sponge scolimastra and Slimak Doris kerguelenensis and sea stars Acodontaster conspicuus.

And from cicavia fact got me, while I'm here shukav creatures long-lived. Marvel!

Great bows of "sea grass" Posidonia, as for the estimates of the scientists for 80 to 200 thousand years, were revealed by biologists from Australia near the Mediterranean Sea. The organism, having found the term “life in the world,” is created by the method of cloning, to confirm the genetic identity of all taken individuals, which grow clearly for kilometers one in one on the bottom of the sea.

Zvichayna was given to the sea grass of the species Posidonia oceanica, it is possible to give offspring in a lot of ways. “The roseman is growing up to the statue, the statue, the yak, go through the Etap Tsvitіnnya to the movements of Cholovo, the hay genom, the tobto to the clonovannami, if the genuine genuine is transmitted without be the most remote -sophistic.” Haond, Scientific Companion to the Institute of Maritime Studies in France.

A report on the DNA of the mysterious seaweed by Carlos Duarti, a researcher from the University of Western Australia. Not far from the island of Formentera, the biologist drank on a gigantic meadow similar to grass seaweed, which stretches for 15 kilometers, being a single organism. We collected a sprat of grass genetic material from 40 different places, during the hour of the expedition from Cyprus to Spain. DNA, as shown by analysis, was identical in all samples.

Prote vcheni turbovanі tim, scho diyalnіst lyudina can negatively vplinut on the future of grass-long-liver. “In this hour, strong changes are observed in the unprecedented swedishness, and the short population of Posidonia oceanica and other varieties of sea grasses caused doubts among the past of the population of these species and clones, which went through a long time and a difficult path in the life,” signified the author.

The dazzling vibrancy of the sea grass cannot vanquish the dying, as the survivors said, the shards of water in the Mediterranean Sea are heated three times faster, and it is necessary to bring P. oceanica grass meadows to a speedy pace by about 5% more.

Trohi earlier such a bula chagarnikova growth of the species Lomatia tasmanica, as it was also propagated by the path of cloning. Paleontologists of the past knew yoga in Tasmania back in the 1930s. Recently, not far away, one of the roslins was exposed to the growth of a leaf, about 43,600 years old. Vecheni allowed, that the current chagarnik, perhaps, is a clone of the one that, if it had long been lying on its own.

Well, now it’s sing-song the organism that found it alive, but it’s simply immortal :-)

For everything, rich people, this point does not strike, to that for the rest of the rock, about the unparalleled ability of jellyfish, it became rich to see. The species of jellyfish under the name of Turritopsis nutricula cannot be any special. The dove of the new people becomes 1 millimeter, and the stench with eight tentacles is born, just as mature individuals have 90 tentacles and the dove of their body becomes 4.5 millimeters. These little jellyfish were originally from the Caribbean, but now you can know them all over the world.

However, everything is not so good, as it seems at first glance, even if stinks can multiply and multiply. To kill them uniquely not only among the jellyfish, but also among the living beings, shards of stench can turn to a petty age. Numbers of jellyfish grow up and grow as if it were another creature, but if the stench reaches the singing age, the stench can turn back to the polyp stage and begin to grow up anew. At the human equivalent, it would have been about a yakbi 50-year-old man turned to the camp of speechlessness. Tse means what ci jellyfish are potentially immortal.

The jellyfish Turritopsis Nutricula, as it is respected by the only immortal essence on the planet, leaned down under the scrutiny of the vchenih. Geneticists and physicists from the biology of the sea are actively breeding the jellyfish, in order to understand how to reverse the process of old.

Jellyfish of this type are relatively small: only 4-5 mm in diameter. Firstly, in view of the majority of jellyfish, after participation in the reproductive cycle they die, Turritopsis Nutricula after pairing turns to the juvenile stage.

Having reached maturity, Turritopsis Nutricula can be reborn as a young person and can repeat the cycle indefinitely. The values ​​that represent the class of hydrozoans, die, only as soon as they get or get in. For one hypothesis, the cells in the organisms of such jellyfish transform, transforming from one type to another.

Vrahovoyuchi, scho stinks do not die natural death, Turritopsis Nutricula for the singing minds of the building, having multiplied strongly, destroy the equal ocean of light. Dr. Maria Miglietta from the Smithsonian Institute of Tropical Studies in Panama said in an interview with The Sun: "We are afraid of the invasion of these jellyfish in the whole world." The head of the jellyfish Turritopsis Nutricula is similar to the Caribbean region, but gradually the stench penetrated into other geographic zones.

At human world Even if you reach 90 or more fates, it is important that you have a miraculous trivality of life. Ale in the world of creatures 90 rokiv still vvazhayutsya as a child. The deyakі z tsikh іstot іsnuvali so long ago that in the given hour they are vvazhayut live kopalins, shards of dinosaurs are direct relatives.

We call on you to marvel at the realities, like to live richly on the Earth, lower people, and deaks were born from them, if the Age of Vidkrittya has not yet begun.


1. Hatteria, older than 110 years.

Hatters are small reptiles that inhabit New Zealand. The stinks can look like lizards, but the stinks are part of a special line, connected with dinosaurs, as if they lived on Earth more than 200 million years ago. If you want to see some of them perebuvayut under the threat of zniknennya, deyaki from them may at random for a long time of life - for over 110 years.

2. Guyak, 168 years.

Guidak is the great mollusk that lingers on the Western coast of Pivnichnoy America. There is a small shell in the middle of the soft part of the body, so the wine cannot hide in the middle of it. Guys are more productive; їх females vibrate over five billion eggs with a long life. And it’s not surprising, vrakhovuuchi the fact that the oldest guїdak mav vіk up to 168 years.

3. Sea urchin, about 200 years old.

Chervonogo sea ​​urchin you can know less in the Pacific Ocean. Their bodies are seen to be full of hoary thorns, as if helping them to protect themselves, swaying the bottom of the ocean. The stench is old enough, and through the deuces individuals can live 200 years.

4. Bowhead whale, 211 years.

Hocha bowhead whale is not so famous, like a blue whale, vin may day noteworthy features, yakі robyat yogo with a primordial view. Firstly, the bowhead whale has the largest mouth among creatures, and in another way, they can live for more than 200 years, so that they can live long-lived from sea creatures that they live. The oldest sighting of the bowhead whale may be 211 years old.

5. Koropi koi, 226 years.

As a rule, korop koi live up to 50 years, but one of them, red rib koi on the name of Hanako, was the most long-lived fish if ever registered. Vaughn died at the vіtsі 226 rokiv and the dosі is covered with a riddle, why the fish lived so long. Most people think that the fish simply enjoyed life, taking away the love and turbot of their masters and swimming near the clear waters of the Japanese mountains.

6. Tubular, richly bristled marine chrobak, up to 250 years.

See tubular chrobakiv, found near the depths of the Mexican tributary, buildings lived up to 250 years. Grow up properly. The stench can also create a biogenous space of foundation, creating great amalgamations of hundreds to thousands of individuals.

7. Giant turtle, 255 years.

Giant tortoises to be killed in their own neimovirny dovgolittyam, but the giant tortoise Aldabra was truly a unique creature, as it died at 255 rokiv. They respect the richest vchenih її the oldest earthly creature, as if you had a reason.

8. Greenland shark, 400 years.

The stinks reach state maturity less at the age of about 150 years and sound to live up to 400 years.

9. Oceanic venus, 507 years.

Ocean quahog - a kind of natural mollusk, a marine two-shelled mollusk, which has been alive for a long time, giving one ball to its shell to a shoroku. The stench is demonstrating vinyatkovu dovgotrivalist, and I'm going to shoot with the butt of which Ming, molluscs, which have lived 507 years, the most registered in the midst of non-colonial species.

10. Antarctic sponge, 1550 years.

More importantly, it is important that the Antarctic sponge is able to live for centuries through the extremely low temperatures of the Antarctic Ocean, and that it is quite swishy and growing. According to official estimates, the oldest of the known copies is 1550 years old.

Sidekicks of Caesar and Raphael? The stench linger here on the planet. You can probably know that contemporary dinosaurs. Long-lived record-holders are a little like us, but people learn that one day science will learn from these creatures to continue actively Homo sapiens



Turritopsis dohrnii

Type - warm
Class - hydroelectric
Zagin - Anthoathecata
Family - Oceaniidae
View - Turritopsis dohrnii
The trivality of life is theoretically unfettered

medusa Turritopsis dohrnii often referred to as immortal. More precisely, it’s good to live forever. Axis like zvichaynya jellyfish multiply. Pochatkova stage of development of the organism from flooded cells - ce polyp (for a moment it is quiet, so that coral reefs form). At the singing stage, the polyp peoples jellyfish. And that one, reaching state maturity, takes a lot from the reproduction of that gyna. A mature jellyfish cannot turn to the polyp stage. Ale only not Turritopsis dohrnii- in the presence of unfriendly minds, they attach themselves to the surface, and the cells transform, turning around at the “child” stage. Then the polyp will re-spawn the jellyfish... And, it seems, there is no place of death for Lancuse metamorphoses.

Up to 250 million years

super girl

Bacillus permians

Domain - bacteria
View - Bacillus permians
The trivality of life is possible, up to 250 million years

The one on the right is theoretically immortal, the other is life for 250 million years! In 2000, a robot was published, in which it was confirmed that the American successors were able to awaken the bacilli from hibernation Bacillus permians, revealed in salt deposits (state of New Mexico) For the entire quarter of a billion rocks, the bacilli have been running like a superchick, in the middle of which the process of exchange of speeches practically zupinilis. Although the price of naming is refusing new confirmations, we are firmly aware that bacteria have no longevity of competitors.

10 000 years



Domain - bacteria
Method of origin - chemotrophic bacteria.
Trivality of life - 10,000 years

Navit not satisfying superchicks, building bacteria to live for a long time. Microorganisms that linger under the bottom of the ocean at a depth of 700 m, vibrate colossal pressure and high temperatures (about 100 degrees), and live at least 10,000 years - from bottom to bottom. Super-long-living people were found in samples of the soil, taken from the drilling of the seabed on board the scientific vessel JOIDES. Imaginatively, in the past, life has been close to 100 million years - such a lifetime, from which samples were taken.

Over 5000 years


Pinus longaeva

Class - conifers
Family - pines
Rid - pine
View - pine ostist mizhgirskaya
Trivality of life - over 5000 years

Speaking about the longevity of trees, we most often guess oaks and baobabs, but the champions here have conifers. Vіk їli Old Tїkko, which grows on the mountains of Fulu near Sweden, is estimated at 9560 years! Truthfully, the current trunk is very young, and for thousands of years the old root system has lived, since the death of one trunk has grown genetically identical to the new one. So, perhaps, the yalina was propagated by vines, if the chick, which had shriveled to the ground, took root and gave life to new growth. Zagalom, Old Tykko is a clonal tree, and the nuts of clonal trees, connected one with one root, can bear tens of thousands of rocks.

The lead contender for the individual record is also similar to conifers. Tse pine ostista mizhgirskaya (Pinus longaeva), which grows high in the mountains of Pivnіchnoi America. Vik - 5666 years. For now, Roslin can live longer! Russian veins have sprouted our resinous resins (Silene stenophylla) that lay under the ball of permafrost for 32,000 years.

2300 years


Xestospongia muta

Zagin - Haplosclerida
Family - Petrosiidae
Rid - Xestospongia
View - Xestospongia muta
Trivality of life - 2300 years

Here in the ocean one can know the truth that was born 300 years before Christ. The body of a sponge is made up of two balls of curved cells and a jelly-like mesochil, which is found between them, filtering the water in the whispers of a living thing. If there are no nerves, we will forgive the life of the floors, that you can wake up and up to 2300 years, yak, for example, a sponge Xestospongia muta, її still called a giant barrel sponge. Vtіm, longevity among the water spineless є chimalo. Vidomy mollusk Arctica Islandica who lived 507 years

Up to 500 years


somniosus microcephalus

Class - cartilaginous ribs
Zagin - katranopodіbnі
Family - somniose sharks
Reed - polar sharks
Species - Greenland polar shark
Trivality of life - up to 500 years

Behind the boundaries of the world of bacteria, roslin and intestinal emptying figures become richly modest. "Something" until the 5000th anniversary, it is possible, zdatna to survive the Greenlandic polar shark - large, plump, lingering in the cold Arctic waters of the Atlantic. There, in the cold of that darkness, there is nowhere to hurry and there is no one to be afraid of, at the ribini there has been an increase in the exchange of speeches, which, perhaps, has become the main cause of longevity. That kind of roaming quickly is not up to anything - the livelihood base of a dirty hut is not so already without land. Therefore, children are few people, and the age of maturity of the female shark reaches only 150 years.

Up to 250 years


Megalochelys gigantea

Zagin - turtles
Family - land turtles
Rid - giant tortoises
View - turtle turtle
Trivality of life - up to 250 years

Giant Seychelles tortoises live to a frail century. Megalochelys gigantea, and the stench of the champion of the middle plazunov. It seems that nature gave the turtles biological mechanisms that shorten the telomeres - the shortening of the DNA strands after the worm bottom of the clitin. Another reason, through the yak tortoise it is easier to save yourself for life in the centuries. Being a cold-blooded creature, she does not waste the resources of the body on keeping the required body temperature. Tse reduce the burden on the heart-vessel system and the transition to wear and tear.

Over 200 years


Balaena mysticetus

Kingdom - creatures
Type - chords
Class - savtsі
Zagin - whale-like
Family - smooth whales
View - bowhead whale
Trivality of life - over 200 years

From ssavtsіv for all the bowhead whale "breeds", which can live a hundred years and more. On this day, there is only one fall, if the creature of its kind died its own death, and did not become, for example, a victim of a human being. Kit practically does not have natural enemies. How can you let yourself fight old age? As biologists from the University of Alabama told the University of Alabama, the bowhead whale's body can in its own order mechanisms that often ignore the main ailments of old, including cancer. The creature leads a very calm way of life, in some ways similar to the way of life of the Greenland shark. It's true, Greenlandic whales start having sex over 150, and 20 years. Still, ssavtsі, not archaic ribi.

LUDINA 122 rocks

86 years


Elephas maximus

Zagin - proboscis
Family - elephants
Rid - Asian elephants
View - Asian elephant
Trivality of life - 86 years

The savts, yak linger on land, the record holder is the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Well, it’s true that we can turn on the rating of a person (after all, the priority is to lie Homo sapiens- Vіdomo bezlіch prikladіv longevity with exit for storіchny rubіzh). If there are Indian elephants, then in the wild the stench will live up to 60–70. Until old age, the cuts are worn away and they can no longer turn the growth into a hedgehog. The creature is doomed. In captivity, for the help of people, gigantic buildings stretch out and dove - a vіdomiy vіpadok, if an elephant died near the zoo near the city of 86 rokіv.

83 rocky


Phoenicopterus roseus

Zagin - flamingo-like
Family - flamingos
Reed - flamingo
View - horny flamingo
Trivality of life - 83 rocks

Almost everyone heard the legend about the ravens of the Tower, which have been living for 300 years. The fairy tale is innate, but science cannot confirm anything similar. Є vіdomosti about those who at the time of death to the crow, who lived near the Tower and found a life, were 44 years old. And in fact, in the regiment of birds, the record holder for a long time became Greater - an erysipelas flamingo. (Phoenicopterus roseus) from the Adelaide Zoo (Australia). Vin died in 2014 roci u vici 83 roki. Long-lived supermen in the midst of condorіv and great parrots such as cockatoos and macaws. Usі records dovgolittya in captivity. In nature, the relatives of the ghost birds live less richly, because old age is far from the only factor that causes the body to die. Tse i to "eternal" jellyfish are worth it.

To whom you can give up, that the savts (and mi in the same row) were twisted by nature. Protecting the life of the organism is only a strategy, imposed by the selection of the population. And to inspire one-day blizzards to continue their lives, multiply and procreate, which means that the strategy has been adopted correctly, and the proportion of a small individual, as biologists seem, is not important for evolution. Everything that does not die for a long time, but is primitive, otherwise it is a way of life that is galvanized. And hardly any of us would like to become a bacterium or a jellyfish.

Photo: Getty Images (x2), Alamy (x2), SPL (x2) / Legion-media, AGE, Imagebroker / Legion-media, Alamy (x3) / Legion-media

1. Macaw on the name of Charlie. Charlie was born in 1899, yoga century - 119 years. Master of Birds Peter Oram bought Charlie from 1965 for his pet store. In the past, Peter Oram, having taken the bird home, to that Charlie behaved obscenely - even loving to bark. Є version, that in the 1930s Charlie lying down to Winston Churchill, and the same wine, having taught the papa husky. In 2004, Churchill's daughter chanted the following information: the Prime Minister of Great Britain was right with a similar bird, but, after these words, we don't call Charlie.

2. Giant marine sponge. This creature struck the dosledniks, nasampered, with its dimensions: 3.7 m long and 2.1 m wide. The bula sponge was revealed at a depth of 2100 m near the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Estimate the exact age of the creature is impossible, but vcheni vvazhayut that the giant is not less than a thousand fates. In these places, sea sponges linger for over 2300 years: it is possible that our giant is already alive.

3. Lobster named after George. In 2009, George was recognized as the oldest lobster in the world, at that time George was 140 years old. The majestic lobster was whittled like the 2008 rock in Canada. A bunch of lobster was sold to a local restaurant, Ale, PETA advocates (the world's largest organization for the protection of the rights of creatures) got into the situation and demanded George's return to the natural habitat. After 10 days, miraculously, George was released into the wild.

4. Without a Greenland shark. In order to evaluate the number of other sharks that got lost in the fishing nets, we tested the method of radiocarbon analysis in the tissues of the eye lenses. It turned out that the Greenland shark born between 1501 and 1744. Navit the lower bar of the worldly age - 274 rocks - to talk about those who are before us the oldest backbone creature in the world.

5. Alligator Muja. Aligator arrived at the Serbian zoo in 1937 as a mature male. For the ratings of fahivtsiv, the creatures are revisiting 80 rokiv. At the rock of another light war Belgrade, having experienced strong air strikes, after which mayzhe perished all creatures zoo. Ale Muja, it seems, was born at the shirt: the alligator survived heavy hours and having lost my neushkodzhenim.

6. Giant turtle Jonathan. Doslidniki affirm that the creature was born in 1832, although the average life span of turtles is 150 years. 186-year-old male sacks on the island of St. from 1882 to rock, and the first photo of Jonathan dates back to 1902 rock. Z tієyu tortoise po'yazuyut comedy іstorіyu. In 1991, a female was brought to the territory, where Jonathan lingered, in the name of Frederik. For 25 years, the pairing of turtles rushed repeatedly, but Frederika did not lay eggs. It was less than a sprat of rock that it was blatantly explained that Frederika was a male.

7. Indian elephant Lin Wong. Tse creature can be found in the Guinness Book of Records: Lin Wong was known as the oldest elephant, which, if ever, is alive on the planet. It's a pity, Lin Wong can no longer dabble in his eyes: the elephant died in 2003 at the age of 86 years. However, in 2016, information appeared about those that the time had come to welcome a new candidate. Another long-liver - the elephant Dakshayani - the power of the Indian religious community Travancore Devaswom Board. Spivrobitniki TDB went to the Book of Records because Dakshayana was recognized as the oldest elephant in the world, but they didn’t give any evidence.

8. Korotkovuha kazhan from Siberia. Longevity of Brandt's mind was revealed in 1964. Todі vchenі marked nіchnytsia and let go back to the natural center of living. Ale y 2005 roci kazhan bulo rediscovered successors! The male has already sprung up the scientists: it is worthy of the one who the maidens live no more than 20 years.

9. Albatross Vizdom - the oldest bird in the world. The history of the albatross is similar to that of the Siberian kazhaniv. Formerly Uїzdom knew from 1956 roci, even birds were about 5-6 roki. In 2002, after 46 years, Uzdom was again revealed by the successors. Vcheni show that Uzdom is completely fruitful: the female has grown up in the world of 39 children. Zaraz Birds near 67 Rocks.

10. Killer whale on the name of Granny. Greni born 1911 roku I live in the Pacific Ocean in natural minds. Killer whales were first sighted in 1967 in Puget, Washington. Shards of Grena at that moment had already gone out of childbearing age, the creature was turned into a natural place of origin. Grenier is not easily marked, but it is easy to identify it behind the characteristic scar on the fin. It’s a pity, it seems, that the killer whale has already died: the resurrection of Greni was marked at the yellow of 2016.

Old-timers are like among people, so among creatures. Turtles vvazhayutsya most sily up to a trivial life, especially as they live in ideal minds - a pleasant climate, ryasne and korisne eating, mating with relatives. Is the tortoise the oldest on the planet?


Tsya creature lay down to breed Galapagos tortoises. Vaughn lived to 270 years (315 for other information), having died in 2006 in the Kahirsky Zoo, as it seems, in old age. Samira bula was presented to the park by the remaining king of the state, Farouk, who lives weakness to exotic animals. Samira under the end of life practically did not collapse.


Another oldest tortoise lay in the world to the age of lingering in the Seychelles, and lived for about 250 years. Back in the 19th century, English soldiers delivered її from the Seychelles and presented it to Lord Clive, first breaking home in 1867. Earlier, in the middle of the 18th century, the lord ruled to India with the method of establishing a colonial regime there. Under the hour of daylight, the creature lingered in the garden of the palace. In 1875, the turtle was placed in the zoo of Calcutta (even though there is no official confirmation that it is the turtle itself, after all).

In the birch of 2006, the fate of the mosquito was known to be dead zookeepers. It was all over, the shards of Advaita were badly felt in front of them already a few days ago. The great shell was saved for a riddle about the beloved of a large generation of city dwellers. Later, a yoga examination was carried out for a non-milking tortoise's death.

The exact name of the variety of Advaiti sounded like "aldabra", apparently up to the same name atol. This place, which is under UN protection, serves as a home for 150,000 more of these turtles. The average weight of the creature is 120 kg.

Tuy Malila

Behind the legend, this Madagascar promenista tortoise was presented by Captain James Cook to the natives of the island of Tonga in 1773. There are no official records, but if you believe it, then it turns out that at the time of the death of 1966, there were 193 years. Until that moment, she was already blind and could hardly live a hedgehog, that zoo practitioners had to attach a company right up to the anniversary.


This majestic great Seychellois tortoise was brought in 1882 to the island of St. Eleni, together with three more specimens of about 50 years each. Jonathan, who is 185 years old, lives in the garden booth of the island's governor, Spencer Davis. In 1900, a photo was smashed, on which a majestic tortoise lies against the aggravated Anglo-Boer war. In 2008, a confirmation was published that the tortoise itself was Jonathan, who at that time was 70 years old.


In his hour, the elephant tortoise on the prize of Garietta having spent up to the Guinness Book of Records for his life - in 2005, he had 175 years, all of which he spent in captivity. It’s not exactly clear who I’m spying; for one version, for Charles Darwin;

Remaining 30 years of life of the creature was a blueprint for the zoo in Queensland.

At wild nature, For the pіdrakhunkami vchenih, lost only a dozen її sworn brothers.

Significantly, that the population could be bigger, they didn’t catch the yakbi Harietta: until the end of life, she was building up to the flood, but not a small partner.

Beloved by even the marvelous tortoise, they were hіbiskusi, and so she loved to cut eggplants and parsley, and she began to mow down the modest one. Pratsivniki tell the zoo about it.


In April 2004, another one of the long-lived turtles died. At that time, Timothy was 160 years old. Vіn provіv miraculous life, serving as a talisman on the British ship, then sailing together as soldiers to China and Skhіdnoї Іndії, and retired viyshov for 100 years before death. All the whole hour the tortoise called in the garden near Powderham Castle, which had been planted in Devon; Then they attached a sign to the new one saying don’t stomp. In 1926, roci on all chanuvalniks of the tortoise received a surprise: it appears, Timothy is a female. Vzagali can say that the creature led to dosit active image living in porivnia with other relatives of the same age.

The axis of such marvelous creatures lived and continues to live on our planet. I would like to believe that all the representatives of the creaturely world should spare their lives with their minds, so that the stench could spend a long time of life.

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