Mod for those bachiti craft. Not Enough Items - speech mod. Vіdminnі risi Not Enough Items

Creations especially for beginners mod Just Enough Items (JEI) assignments for minecraft's swedish creation of speeches and revision of the crafting recipe. Vіn є the successor is not less than the one who reduces the functionality. The key to the ability of the JEI mod is to be able to look over and in one click to create all the speeches with the magic of crafting recipes.

Modification can be as simple as hand-picking for additional buttons on the keyboard. Zruchny Poshuk help to know Shvidko I will need rich. Beginners learn how to craft, be it blocks and objects, and easily get parts to reject, but more often you need to get Just Enough Items (JEI) for Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.13.2, 1.14.4, 1.15.2, 1.11.2, 1.10 .2, 1. .4 or 1.8.9.

How to win?


  • Show crafting recipe: Hover and click R.
  • Show wiki options in Minecraft: Hover over item and click on U.
  • Change old look list: ctrl + O.

JEI list of speeches:

  • Show recipe: Click on speech or instruct R.
  • Choice options: Click right mouse or U.
  • The glottis of the sides is applied to the scroll (wheel of a mouse).
  • Open the menu on the button: Click on the wrench at the bottom of the right hand.
  • Switch the cheat mode: Ctrl + Click on the wrench at the bottom of the right hand.

Video look around Just Enough Items


  1. Request a quote Minecraft version Forge.
  2. Download JEI mod 1.12.2, 1.13.2, 1.14.4, 1.15.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2, 1.9.4 or 1.8.9 and place %appdata%/.minecraft/mods.
  3. Open launcher, select profile Forge and play!

Just Enough Items, or even a basic mod, which can add a lot of Minecraft functions and in such a rank, you can add your deep information. Yakscho V vikoristovuvali abo Persh, then you will know s tim, how tse pratsyuє. However, in view of these two mods, it is much easier to add more mods to vikoristanny and through the whole way more accessible to the average minecraft koristuvach. The main mod, respect for stability and productivity, which is why you want to, you can’t make the least impact on productivity.

Just Enough Items mod for Minecraft 1.15.2 1.15.1 1.14.4 1.13.2 1.11 1.10.2 1.10 1.9.4 , what kind of breakup, look at the items of those crafting recipes right in the game, so you don’t have to open the crafting side to the song mod, otherwise you have a lot of mods to open a lot of tabs, so you can see the information, so you know. The order of choice of recipes for the skin element, wine can also be used to choose the chosen element, which can be more similar to other scenarios. The success of the keys of this fashion is easy to learn to improve so by stretching dekіlkoh hvilin z to help you to achieve a stable understanding, like wine pracyuє.

Just Enough Items may have a lot of features to propagate, ale, maybe, the most important function, like bringing a joke to the table. To scribble this panel everything that you need to smash, press the price ctrl+f Then we will enter it, be it as it is, and we will give you all the necessary information. The search function allows you to search for elements that are implemented for additional mods. Everything is said and broken, it’s even a smart and brown fashion, which will allow you to spare a lot of money, which you would spend on stoly jokes.

Not Enough Items - another mod in speech for Minecraft, so you can pick up any block, item and find a mob, without running a card in jokes and without hacking for this craft. And one of the main features of such mods as Recipe Book, are those that NEI can show recipes for crafting all speeches and blocks directly in the game and you will not need to search for information on the Internet. Vіn pіdtrimuє and more modifications, like adding new speeches to Minecraft and also modifying the recipes for your craft. In addition, the mod will show you the recipes for baking and the recipes for potions and wines, you can also enchant items into a pair of rukhivs. Such a corny function is to spare you a lot of time, which you can spend in the country for the rest of the world, or for the life of a booth, or the place of your dream.

Vіdminnі risi Not Enough Items

  • You can take away whether blocks, objects, speech resources.
  • Enchantment (button "X").
  • Possibility of changing the time, the hour of that regimen.
  • The function of the magnet for attracting objects to the engraving.
  • You can marvel at the recipe for crafting, rudeness and zilla. "Recipe" mode - button "R"; "Victory" mode - "U" button.
  • Modi are encouraged, yakі add new recipes to the group.
  • You can heal the grave. Heart button.
  • I will ask for a name.
  • Saving that quick access to a wet set of objects.
  • Keeping up with the gris by measure (multiplayer).

Days details

Recipes in the same fashion may have two functions: Recipes and Vikoristannya. Move the mouse cursor over the item you want to click on, and press "R" (Recipes) or "U" (Wiki) and you will switch between different modes. Recipes show the available options for crafting that item. The wiki shows how the item is wicked as a resource for crafting.

Poshuk (black rectangle at the bottom) gives you the opportunity to know any object. Can you vicariously symbolize * that?. The results of the search are shown on the right hand panel.

The "Item Subsets" button will show you all the options for the item you have selected. For example, choosing a pickaxe and pressing this button, you will be shown a sprat of її types of different materials (wood, stone, metal, gold, etc.).

By clicking on the "X", you will see the enchantment menu. Place on the table the item you want to enchant, and then choose the effect and enchantment level. The maximum amount of enchantment is 10.

Button "Trash can" (Koshik) can have 4 functions. The cat itself works just like your inventory so and in any case, which you can see, screenshot for example.

  1. To see, take the object and press the left mouse button on the cat.
  2. Shift+LMB with an item at hand to see all items in inventory.
  3. Shift+LMB Empty your inventory to clear your inventory.
  4. Simply by pressing the left button on the cat, you enter the cat mode. In this mode, left click to see yoga, and shift+left click to see all objects of that type.

You can save up to 7 stocks of inventory. Right-click on the saved station to allow it to be changed. You can see yoga with a cross. Preservation - it is global river and їх it is possible to transfer like between the worlds so and navit mizh

The version of the speech mod and crafting recipe Not Enough Items has been updated for the latest versions of Minecraft. Vzagali vіn becoming the successor of such mods as TooManyItems and Recipe Book. In fact, wines have combined their functionality and added a cup of their coryne. Here you can see all the words and all the recipes for crafting, regardless of the standard Minecraft or with a hundred installed mods, all the words and all the recipes for all the mods you can look at, take a look at and win at your own judgment.

I don’t know if I don’t know, or if I don’t know which mod, I’ll say those that suit me in a new way. The leather item in Minecraft with the Not Enough Items mod can be seen from two sides:

  1. Why can you rob, tobto. yogo crafting recipe ("R" button),
  2. Decay the subject, in some recipes vikoristovuetsya (button U).
Craft recipe display mode
Display mode, devicorization of the whole object

Fashion has a great system of speeches. I don't use language to write the whole name. You only know a part of the name of the subject, or you can name a couple of letters of which you can be sufficient. For a joke, write what you want to know in the black rectangle at the very bottom of the screen and filter for only those words in which the letters are written in the same order in which they were written. You can also twist such symbols like “*” and “?”. Zirochka replaces a number of symbols, but power replaces only one symbol. For example: you know what the river starts on blo if you don’t know what was there, then write blo*, and if you don’t know more than one letter, you can write blck And I have seen everything, the words “black” and “block” are spoken.

Yak pracyuє poshuk

For a whim, you can filter speeches for types and different groups. Press the Item Subsets button and select the ones you need from the list.

Directly from here, through the Not Enough Items interface, you can start enchanting items.


For lovers of integration, there is your own API.

New expansion of inventory is as minimalistic as possible. The Just Enough Items (JEI) mod allows you to review the recipes for crafting any items from vanilla Minecraft and modifications. Vіkno do not avenge cheating functions, and tsim vіdіznyаєєy vіd NEI. However, the function of automatic crafting of any speeches is significant to ask. game process. Gravity can create any object in a couple of clicks, but on the other hand you need to get Just Enough Items 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2, 1.9.4, 1.9 or 1.8 and install the mod in Minecraft.


  • Simple functionality and easy installation without additional files. Install the Just Enough Items mod on Minecraft, you can be a beginner.
  • Zruchne keruvannya that review of resources.
  • To review the recipe, it is enough to hover the cursor over the item’s box and click R.
  • The fashion is indispensable, even retailers often do not produce recipes for speeches and are brought to victorious such modifications.

Video look around


  1. Install Minecraft Forge.
  2. Zavantage mod Just Enough Items 1.12.2, 1.11.2/1.11, 1.10.2/1.10, 1.9.4/1.9, 1.8.9/1.8 and throw it in a folder mods in the root of gris.
  3. Open launcher, choose profile Forge and Grati!
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