I just saw everything. Vіdsіkti all zaive. Faculty of necessary speeches

The active companies have already emerged from the crisis. And the axis of the supporters of enterprises, as they continue the struggle for foundations, is worth remembering: not all cats are good in war.

Under the hour of crisis, the behavior of people in an organization can be easily described by two models - central and pre-central. Moreover, the stench can manifest itself overnight.

Skhilny to vіdtsentrovih attitudes personnel begin to move from the ship, which often threatens even with unacceptable side effects on the capital of the company or a round of data bases. Even worse are those who are active in such elements that “vibrate”, internally ready to overcome a crisis situation with a profit for themselves, provoking panic on the equal footing of other teams, and then - ruining the business as a whole.

Standing part of the staff, navpaki, dіє at the borders of the pre-center paradigm. Qi people pochinayut gurtuvatisya under the ensign of the system, sob to live itself in nіy. Accept as long as possible. As a result, a core is formed, with the help of which an anti-crisis ruler can be quickened. Such people are born independently of reasons, through like stench they are left behind: the motive can appear as if it seems to be hopeless, indifferent to their future society beyond the borders, which, having become primary, so is the company’s loyalty, and perhaps, the courtesy of colleagues. Tim is no less, fight for your work space, such defenders will be zatsіkavlenі and in the reach of sleeping goals.

It is possible to stverdzhuvati in a snarky way: the most recent times of crisis are systems that are inspired by an authoritarian principle; As if such a company seems to be struggling with a hard ideology - the system is showing up with a stable light, unaffected by a stormy storm. Especially as a lie, that authoritarian systems sound miraculously feel itself in the minds of chaos.

All decisions in such companies are accepted by the anti-crisis key one-on-one, just as top management is transformed into a foreign country. The head support of the manager is the ball of “self-propelled”, which in such minds sounds like it is formed to finish the job. The stench is shaping the kіstjak of the team, like a safe robot of the company and nadali.

It's true, the next thing is to reach out to some real minds. So. communication channels between the carriers and the company are guilty, but without intermediary, relieving "noise" and zayvih transmission lanes. For example, the first person of the goiter is constantly buti present at the reception and, bazhano, do not turn on the phone. The spheres are clearly separated: a team has been formed to control the inner core, just like a scientist of the greater world is engaged in the inner core. At the same time, the leader is to carry out ideological work in order to organize and unite people, to panic, to ignite the middle support and to liquidate the ruins of the water center tendencies. Far from being a resource for the first individual of a hundred agents in the middle of the company, they will step by step carry out the anti-crisis line of the kerivnik. This role can be conquered entirely by those who understand the severity of the camp in the business and the mind, there are simply no other ways for survival.

As a whole, during the crises, there are companies that are inspired based on developing model organizational behavior. Briefly, this model can be designated as a “riy” or “gray”: skin exercising to survival is the key to the order of all.

This is also a stable construction, moreover, the adaptability and mobility of being equal to authoritarian systems seem to inspire greater chaos in the minds. And yet, all industrial, hybrid systems of organizational behavior are collegiate, which promotes and others - in the minds of chaos, they are constantly being valued.

In a crisis situation, like in a war, there is only one global task: to survive. The future is not taken to the point of respect, for the whole system should be marveled from a tactful point of view. In that number - quickly vyyavlyayuchi and usuvayuchi weak mіstsya.

minus people

The implementation of the anti-crisis program follows the development of the accumulation of financial flows in the middle of the organization. For which it is necessary to reveal those points, in which “sold to capital” is to be found, - the most important elements of concrete people, which generate vitrati and do not create material additions to the tactful hour.

The first category, which sells the resources of the company, is, obviously, top management, and in the first line of rotting with "golden parachutes". Moreover, the leaders of a part of the management elite are often powerfully speculative, Shakhrai thinker, which in the minds of chaos can lead to theft of resources and theft of capital.

Qiu group need to get lost in the first black. And yet, to bring “normal” top management to the population, as the company could manage during the period of successful and stable work, the crisis is not needed during the hour, the shards do not create added value for the tactful hour. The axis of which in a number of vipadkіv can be found part of the effective practitioners. It’s better to reduce wages or freeze bonuses, so managers as a whole can move into that category of top management, which the company would like. Here everything is left to lie in addition, if the top manager of the company is more or less loyal. Also, mothers on the street, when there is an hour of crisis, top managers (especially when it comes to the authoritarian model) will have nothing to do: anti-crisis key, as a rule, fully competent in all areas.

Top management was short-lived, followed by a rapid increase in the number of administrative and line personnel, and especially one part, as a service management organization. You can call either all the time, or after the list "through one" - it's more convenient. This category spіvrobіtnikіv formє one of the centers of “proїdannya resursіv”, and besides, it can generate negative building damage on objects that are shvidko worn out. The mustache of the office dribnitsy, which are buried near the names of the kilkos, sound to lie on the advice of the administrative staff. And, as practice shows, it is impossible to enter the economy mode in the office until the “administrators” are removed from the system.

The third group, like obov'yazkovo pіdlyagaє skorochennu pіd hour crizi, - vsilakі nahlіbniki, like obov'yazkovo z'yavlyayutsya in a company that has entered the time of maturity and maє great penny mass. To pass without special purposes. The stench not only does not create the finished vartost, but it is not possible to show a clear description of the results in your work. Various experts, consultants, first intercessors, outsourcers of all stripes and types, speech writers, special PR agents, coaches - all of them help you during the crisis without a doubt.

A dira is coming, where capital is coming in, - services, like a direct connection to business, and sometimes to build service structures for the company. The “games” of Vlasniks are often heard, and for re-verification they are a by-product of the great pre-crisis penny flows.


in the organizational chart and strategic management can be short without any unacceptable consequences

Meni vіdoma showed a story, tied up with a great budіvelny company, like a nіnі rested in a god. Managers could not get the resources from the Vlasnik to modernize that important equipment, even as the first person, right-handed and left-handed, churned millions, financed the sum of wines and home-grown kulibins. "Finance of HI-OKR" - a toy that is not small for a business, - was a direct legacy of the mania of greatness of a businessman who did not adequately evaluate the business.

The coming year of the anti-crisis program is a revision of the organizational development and strategic management, which is easy to succumb to if I don’t, then already by 99 years - for sure. Sweat the time has come

to rise with the leaders of branding and marketing, and especially - with promotions, occupied by internal and external PR. It’s just mind-bogglingly, how many pennies of a company spend is absolutely unproductive, most of the time it doesn’t seem to show different signs of nutrition about the result of the practice of such structures! The best example is branding budgets. You can stink like a penny company.

Now comes the line of functional vidilivs. So, in the sphere of IT, the functions of updating are most often included: these operations are too expensive for the company, as if they are going through a crisis: it is more necessary to ensure the stability of the entire system. And the axis of the legal system was responsible, the accountants of that security service were fast paced, borderline accurate. What are the main service functions for the company, which play the same role as blood-bearing and nervous system- in the human body. In such cases, it is necessary to take a handful of quiet, who do not reliably add to the given vartist, then assess the situation and, as necessary, continue the shortness of time, moreover, strictly according to the attestation, deleting the best and discussing the functions with them. And already in the rest of the circle you can hang around the fermentation processes. Even more so, that a part of the people, like pulling the docents of power behind them, with the cob of the masses, will soon roam independently.

Murashnik alive

If soon people (we are in front of the keruuchy company) that poddrozdilіv the structure of the company becomes cramped, selected. The next stage will be the foundation of all projects, the Crimean operational ones, without which the company cannot collapse further. So, the project of in-line modernization of the enterprise cannot be carried out at any time, no matter how expensive it is. Obviously, as it is not a promising project, directing from the future, forget about any company of goiters for the time being.

After such a preparation work, we can accumulate financial flows and costs, restructure debtors and creditors' debts. And as the first block of operations was correct, at the moment the system already turned inefficiently spent pennies earlier, and also, zhorstkoї zalezhnostі vіd debіtorskoї zaborgovannosti may not be blamed. Repayment of accounts payable debt is required.

Nastaє stage of optimization of all vitrates. Zrozumіlo, start with the management (the stink of invoices, the stink of transactions). І only in the last part of the day, sens to carry out an audit of the production, taking care of the food of the company, tying it with syrovina and technological processes.

After optimizing tsikh vitrat the very hour of rozpochati dіy, yakі vplyvayut zbіlshennya penny mass. Let’s say, it’s quite effective, but at the same time, we’ll “zayvim” the team members, you can encourage them to create a new business on the strains that have been called, otherwise it’s under the umbrella of entrepreneurship. Tim the company itself mines the black phase of the zvilnen, which, after the great rahunka, is not appropriate and acceptable, but we can see it later - from a strategic perspective. The company can give its staff the ability to live independently. There is a need to expand the technology of crushing, as a result of which independent business units can become, for example, a food block or a car service. You can also rent out the premises to “your own” - for printing works, for breeding worms, for sure: everything should be deposited in the form of a plateau and the structure of the region. Winickly duplicating financial flows may seem insignificant. Then the stinks are like ants, building up at once the majestic vaga, which richly outweighs the bulk of all the ants. These projects are important not only from a social point of view, but also from a financial one. It would have been better, "copies". Ale, let the anti-crisis keruyuchy do not bless the cі drіbnі business. Multiply penny flows, like bulbs again, building afloat organization, supporting the central process. Taking part in the process of developing new businesses, the company can take on the role of an expert in order to save Shakhrai and non-residential schemes, as well as to accept the efficiency of projects.

At this stage, it is possible to hold low negotiations, as if it is necessary to restructure payments, in order to complete the first stage of anti-crisis management.


for the minds of the crisis, vipkati is simply stupid. Tse direct path to the ruins. Enough of two varieties: black and white

Faculty of necessary speeches

Another stage of the fight for entrepreneurship for the survival of the minds of the crisis may be a direct step to marketing. Only not up to the marketing of the vulgar, traditional connection "advertising and PR", but to the modeling of the marketing medium. They call marketing the heart of the anti-crisis program. Indeed, there is no evidence for food about those for whom specifically (with some products or services) the company is viable and as if it is vacant, all other things are stupid.

As a show of the history of the Russian market, a lot of companies appeared to be injured by their workers, as if they were engaged in the dismantling of possessions, not even sleeping about food about those, as the products of the stink will be vibrated at a distance and you will drink on it. As a result of the undertaking, the very quiet intensities were spared, exploiting the stench could reach competitive advantage. Tse typical behavior during the period of early ineffective anti-crisis management.

In order not to happen again, it is necessary to start with the modeling of the assortment. And for yourself: at the hour of the crisis, you need to sharply shorten the assortment, make a variety of yoga and expand the distribution of new goods. From the above positions, like the "eternal" drink, it is necessary to choose the greatest hope

not in an economical way, five-seven, no more, - and surround yourself only with them.

This tactic is well illustrated with the butt of bakery plants. Under the hour of the systemic crisis, it is categorically impossible to let go of the daily buns - only white and black bread, moreover, the most popular varieties. I everything! Let's get rid of less than two names, the natomist virobnitstvo will be, like before, uninterrupted and yakіsnim. And only if the client needs to eat more and more often, if there are more buns, you can step by step expand the assortment. It is significant that the crisis has passed, and the company has survived.

Zagalnovidomo: maybe all the mini-bakeries, like those near Moscow, were selling the most innovative varieties of bread, ruining even faster1. They give away an irrationally large "tonnage" of bread, and not only through the wiggle room of the wine. The stench did not understand simple speeches: it is not necessary to pick up 18 positions of bread at once! It's not visible. Especially at the hour of the crisis. As if marveling at a statistically average French shop, there you can see only black and white bread. If a bun is needed by the buyers of the vrants, you should inculcate it to the point that you need it in the evening.

In addition, as the assortment will be shortened to an inelastic one, I will become strategically supporting positions and a small number of modifications, it is necessary to check that now work with the brand. Particularly as a result of all activities, the company was focused on the selection of inexpensive brands.

Keep in mind that a corporate brand cannot be firmly established overnight in two areas: in the zone oriented to the premium segment, the one in the "base" - high-margin and low-cost segment, in which the company earns its main income. Like a butt, you can bring the "basement" products of "Chervony Zhovtnya" to enter the group "Associated Confectioners". This plant produces a very important, inexpensive product. But at the same time, as the brand of the company will be fixed for the price of products, the loyalty of the clientele from the premium segment (capricious and sensitive to psychological nuances) will appear under nutrition.

It is necessary to say that the audience is the most important for the company, and to the extent that, obviously, the corporate brand is put on. That uzagalі zrozumіti, chi it is necessary to promote the brand. Possibly, at the time of crisis, it’s easier to “turn on”, having left the names in front of you, so that the post-employees and wholesalers can only protect. In addition, follow the virishity that you work from the other part of the conscience. For whom you can rebrand or save sales, or without additional marketing approaches. Zrozumіlo, first of all, work similarly, it is necessary to submit to the most serious marketing analysis.

And the axis about the vision of the market in the minds of the crisis, be it new products, forget it. The penny mass of the hamants is quick. It is necessary to remember about those who, in principle, are burdened by primary products. In hard times, new commodities can only promote the financial stability of the company, which may have a harder basis. That and then - at small obsyagi.

Проаналізувавши маркетингову зону і, бажано, перевіривши адекватність своїх рішень на експериментальному майданчику, можна підходити до виробництва, проводячи ретельну санацію всіх видів капіталу та демонтуючи непотрібне обладнання (його, до речі, можна віддати в лізинг своїм співробітникам зі сформованого навколо компанії «мурашника») , As a result, the area changes, yak For example, renting them out to their spivrobitniks or renters from the side. At any other time, it is not possible to rely on such incomes, for which the cost of overcoming is even wider in the rich markets, and the installation to similar forms of growing a penny stream. Under the hour of the crisis, the skin was dying of finances for the company - Korisne. It's only one of the ways to survive.

So, you can guess the first future fates, if the backwaters, zupinyayuchy virobnitsvo, inexorably built their area and as a result ceased to work. And then I didn’t have a drink ... It’s wonderful to die for the idea of ​​​​your market. How can you not guess about the old Radyansk brand "Parizka Komuna": the company has been successfully working, more often it was waking up on its territories shopping mall"Community". Brilliant solution!

Having completed the optimization of the manufacturing program and planning, as a rank of victory, literally the skin of the earth’s clapboard, the cleaning of the office space, you can proceed to the restructuring of the hut. For example, for yogo restoration of old canals, a significant increase in the number of people living. In case of need, mothers are on the verge, that BTL-actions in the company's activity will be rare, and advertising will be streaming, highly direct and highly professional.

clenched fist

What is the result? The leaders of the implementation of the anti-crisis algorithm of the company are a flat structure with a tight hardened, as well as substantially stronger forms of security and control. Loyal members of the control team shall exercise all volatility and work tse "for the laws of the hour of war." All at once, the stench is a clenched fist, which is the only mental vision of that development.

Wait, the idea is simple. It’s more necessary to see everything, squeeze the structure and know the rational mind in the end. If there is a systemic crisis, it is time for us to spend the last time with the help of such personnel.

Magazine " BUSINESS MAGAZINE", spring 2010

Reveal that your life is that career - tse shafa. Todi speeches, as they are saved there, is a list of available references and obov'yazkiv. If you are similar to most people, then, more than everything, your wardrobe is richly bunny. You won’t dress up your jacket, a few pairs of old pants were taken away for walks with the fox (really do you go mushroom picking so often?), And you take those drops out of sentimentality. Chi is not an hour to rob the general cleaning?

Vykinte zі svoєї shafi and zі svogo zhittya everything is uncommon. Dekіlka glad from Greg McKeon's book "Essentialism" to help anyone.

What is essentialism?

Essentialism (Lat. essentia - daylight) is a post-suggestion of the lesser, the better.

The path of the essentialist to educate us, which is really important, so that we can look at all the essential options and choose only the most important ones. І remembrance: those whom you do not rob are so very important, like those who you rob.

Otzhe, to hell!

1. Never forget about freedom of choice

Have you thought about those who don't love their job? Chi, maybe, you will study for a lawyer for a long time, wanting to understand for a long time that jurisprudence can’t fool you?

Put your own question: “What can I change now?”. Suggestion: insane.

Remember that you have the right to choose. As soon as you understand, you can proceed to the next step.

2. Set the readings

Approximately and approximately - far from the same, which is clear and clear. The foggy formulation of the mission of the company can harm the working process more, but you care. This calls for disorientation in the team: no one knows who and for what wine is engaged. Spivrobitniki spend more than a lot of strength on insignificant tasks, forgetting.

Those are the same with skin people. Try to formulate clearly what you want to achieve in career and special life. Vіd tsogo to fall, like you diyatimete. Having learned your rightfulness and values, you will stop worrying about those that you do not need.

3. Be the editor of your life

Italian sculptor Michelangelo Buonarotti said: "I take a stone and see everything." Tse same those that you should work for your lives.

One more cicava break:

Reveal that your life is an article in a magazine, and you are the editor-in-chief. You know, like an editor is supposed to be uncommon, unimportant, dumb, thoughtful? That's right - screw it up.

You can have dozens of prospects, but not varto take on all the chances. Choose one - the one to whom you are truly ready to consecrate yourself. If you turn to our shafi, know that you can get 90% indecent without special shkodi.

4. Be inspired by goiter

Were you playing a game of chance, having spent a significant amount of money, could not say “stop” to yourself? On the right at the fixed windows. It is important for more people to be aware of the fact that the stench has already invested money, the strength of that hour.

Ale chi varto polyagati and report even more zusil, as it is obvious that the project is unpromising? It dawned on me that no. Do not sip on pasta, learn at once from the goiter you have taken on yourself.

One more pasta - the effect of volodinnya. If we are busy with a project, then we take it as our own authority, and then, estimating more richly, it’s really worth it.

Always ask yourself: “Yakbi tse zavdannya didn’t belong to me, what am I ready to do, to take it off?”.

So you can take care of the right value and you can work in it, like a light candle.

5. Speak boldly "nі"

Have you ever had a chance, in front of your bajans, to say so to the hell of colleagues, friends, relatives? Yakshcho you didn’t trap like that - blame it. As a rule, we are afraid to show someone, we are afraid of the boss and we try not to disappoint people. Ale ce Vede before what we spend more importantly: the best of life.

We need to become a husband and learn. As if you were going to dedicate the holidays to your family, you could not wait for the boss's proposition to help you on Saturday. They planned to write the first division of their books - vіdmovtesya vіd zustrіchі zі znayomimi. Possibly, you see the squalor of unhandedness, indulging in the widow. Ale tse less whilina. Aje, don't you want to spend an evening, a few days, or to make the fate of your life, solving other people's problems?

6. Tick the 90% Rule

This rule is necessary to zastosovuvat in the situation, no matter what choice. Evaluating this option, think about the most important criterion and put it in the balls from 0 to 100. If one of the options is rated lower than 90 - forget about it. So you indulge yourself and immediately choose the alternatives with ratings of 60 to 70. Choose not good opportunities, but beautiful ones. How many speeches in your wardrobe did you rate at 90 points and more? It's time for the reshta to the name.

7. Find a place for reflection

The Stanford School of Design has a hidden backyard - noir booth. Tse krihіtna kіmnata, in yakіy no windows, nі objects that show respect, and the walls are upholstered with soundproofing material. There you can come, be it a student, to get away on your own and mumble.

Try to know a similar place, de vie you can comprehend and think calmly. There you concentrate more on the problems, analyze all the alternatives, choose the most important of them and praise the important decision.

Essentials respect for better work less today, sob more richly tomorrow. So, tse act. And all the sums of small deeds lead to majestic success.

Based on the book by Greg McKeon "Essentialism".

Apple boss Steve Jobs having realized that the best idea is the result of more early ideas in the form of impersonal ideas. And billionaire Warren Buffett is convinced that even successful people practically always seem “no” to rich ideas that come to their mind sideways.

It’s not enough to talk about grandiose plans, but about tribni ideas that our heads see today. Some thoughts are right to stand, but more are just “noise”, which takes strength and does not give a result. Often those are new and original, what you dreamed of, unimaginable, irrelevant or impractical at the moment for you or your company. So dzherel "noise" can be і navkolishniy svit. You are to blame for becoming a “cleaner” of good ideas, and also learn how to check everything, so that it does not respect you at your attained goals and does not lead to deplorable results. Axis sprat pleased, yakі dopomozhut vporatis іz "noise".

Internal "noise": brilliant ideas - stop

A waste of focus - threatening to reduce as a special, and business efficiency. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​the task is not to lead directly and indirectly to a profit, not to give quick results at the next hour, it is necessary to deposit for later.

Idea for a million. If you see that the idea that has come to you is good - write it down. Let's have fun with 2-3 experts chi critical thinking people, if you could objectively evaluate it, otherwise let it lie at your head. In the year of remembrance, calmly fade away. Sometimes ideas fall on their own, but if there is a list of tasks for її ventilation at the head, plan the optimal hour for її implementation. Golovne here - nutrition priorities zavdan, motivation and time management. For example, if you want to take care of yourself as early as tomorrow, as if you have painted a shokhvilin, or in the next hour for an impersonal purpose, then you will have to report more zusil or kidney. Realistically estimate which option is best for you.

Idea now. It turns out that you are guilty right now. And guess what, how did everyone work in the student’s may at the last moment, barking at themselves for those who were braving, docks at an hour? Couldn't you have a walk with friends or go to the cinema/cafe to learn from the terms and important tasks? Therefore, think about how important it is for you to help a wheel, a friend, a judge for the accomplishments of your tasks (like working ones, so happy ones), as you are completely innocent food. Even more often than not, we are able to invent our own activities, often for the sake of helping others, so that an important decision can be made. As soon as an idea appeared in your head, for the sake of which you make it a priority task, honestly give yourself an opinion, chi does not help you turn around, like a student.

Priorities. The rule “don’t hurry to win over the boss’s order - say it with a rapt” is also applied when setting the task for yourself. Ask yourself immediately: “What is it true that I can think of it as important to me at once? Yaku melancholy bring me at once? How is it in my future?”. The assigned priority of the worker is pripinyaє rushes of the body and working fuss, informational noise and inconclusive syndrome of imitation of boisterous activity. Zavdyaki tsomu vy zavzhdi kontsentrovanі less on important rights and thoughts.

Before the cob, be sure to conduct an analysis, so that I can see all the input:

1. What is the idea’s right potential?

2. What will help the implementation of the task to improve the showings: and special KRI, and all companies?

3. What is the result of the creation of an idea in the future, and what do you give?

Rozmirkovuchi in such a key, you learn to accept the decision quickly and, perhaps, navit correctly. It means that your skin quilt will be filled with crust and zmіst.

Zovnishhnіy "noise": everything is clear

“Noise”, which raises respect, creates not only you. "Noise" could be a diya, a podium, a person. For the shortest efficiency and internal concentration, try to get some, huddled with our joys.

Post. Looking at the leather sheet of electronic mail, always think, how much wine is valuable for your career/business, your hobby? Like a leaf - just "noise", see yoga, subscribe to the roses.

Zustrichi. Cheer up with your colleagues, objectively filter the skin idea from three foods, we were talking about more. Save an hour for the implementation of true good ideas and unite the team.

Fuck. Listening to a friend or a colleague for help, think, maybe a person is simply calling his shoes on you, or just linuetsya. So, mind you - it's complicated. Alée, cheer on the power of the word "nі", as you will conduct a small experiment. Try for a stretch of the day or a few days for everything that you can pronounce (from working food to the rose), to confirm the spirit. A small welcome. Sometimes "nі" is just another form of "so": "Ні, not at once / Ні, in such a look it didn't make sense / Ні, ale ...". In fact, you wait with the proposition that you need to call (there are situations, if you can’t control it), but you know your mind, it’s convenient for you. Often, it helps the current “problem” to self-adjust in the shortest terms. The beginning of such an experiment is more understandable, like a lot of right thoughts and thoughts you let through yourself, like you take the credit for the vnіdpovidalnіst and vantage of other people's tasks.

List of references

A sprinkling of books on the topic, to help you get rid of the "noise":

1. William Yury, Harvard School of Negotiation. How to say NІ that achieve results.

2. Jim Kemp, Hi. The best strategy for conducting negotiations.

3. Kelly McGonigal, “Willpower. How to expand that zmіtsniti.

4. M. J. Ryan, “Who fate am I ... How to change the stars, stream the obitsyanki chi rob those that you dreamed for a long time”,

5. Tina Sіling, “Do it yourself. Please for those who want to get rid of their trace.

The words of the Italian sculptor, artist Michelangelo Buonarotti (1475 - 1564). To the food "How do you dare to create such miraculous statues?" vіn vіdpovіv tsієyu phrase.

on the English language induce more new versions Yogo Dumok on this topic:

"At the skin block of a meager one, I can, that the statue is like a flat, as it is before me, shaped and perfect in attitude and action. see it" - at the skin block of a marmur, I can see the statue so clearly, don’t stand in front of me. I am left with less rude stani, like a miracle bachelor, to show yoga for others.

"At the skin block there is a fireplace - a statue in the middle of the new one and a hairpin for the sculptor to discover it" - a leather block of stone can have a statue in the middle of itself and the task of the sculptor to discover it її.

"I bachiv an angel in a marmoru cloak and virizav until I sang yogo."



(1860 - 1904)

"Your lack is one, great, in my opinion, not enough, - all those that you don’t work out, why your speeches are stretched out, characerized, they don’t have those compactness, as if to rob short speeches with liveliness. Your words have reason, є talent, є fiction, but not enough art. You correctly stick a figure, but not plastically, you don’t want to, or you try to see everything with a sharp eye.

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