Deadly pardon is that ailment of Steve Jobs. Why did Steve Jobs die? Cause of death of Steve Jobs. Biography, family. Leader of Apple

Stephen Paul Jobs(Steven Paul Jobs, 1955-2011) - American engineer and entrepreneur, co-founder and executive director of Apple Inc. Yogo vvazhayut one of the key figures in the computer industry, human beings, as a richly defined in what її razvitok.

Steve Jobs was born near San Francisco 24 fierce 1955 rock. It is impossible to say that I was a bazhan child. A week later, after the people, his unmarried mother - graduate student Joanna Shible - gave the child for adoption. The adoptive fathers of the children were Paul and Clara Jobs (Paul Jobs, Clara Jobs) from Mountain View, California. They named yoga Steven Paul Jobs. Clara worked at an accounting firm, and Paul Jobs was a mechanic at the company, vibrating laser machines.

When Steve Jobs was 12 years old, for childish amusement and not without an early display of feisty impudence, he called William Hewlett, then president of Hewlett-Packard, to his home phone number. Just Jobs was choosing electrical equipment, and he needed some details. H'yulet, having spoken 20 quills with Jobs, having waited for the necessary details, and propagating his summer job at Hewlett-Packard, the company, within the walls of which the whole industry was born. Silicon Valley. Himself on a job at Hewlett-Packard Steve Jobs was familiar with the people, knowing a lot about what yogo signified a further share - Stephen Wozniak (Stephen Wozniak). The one in power worked at Hewlett-Packard, having thrown tedious employment at the University of California at Berkeley. The work in the company was significant to you, and through it you were prejudicedly overwhelmed by radio engineering.

In 1972, Steve Jobs graduated from high school and joined Reed College in Portland, Oregon, and after the first semester, I graduated. Steve Jobs explains his decision to quit the apprenticeship: “I naively chose college, which is as expensive as Stanford, and all my dads' rewards went to pay for college apprenticeship. After six months, I'm not succumbing to this sensation. I don’t know how I can work for my life, and I don’t know how the college can help me understand. I used some miraculous spells, but looking back, I will understand that it was one of my best decisions in life.”

Throwing the head off, Jobs concentrated on what was right for him. However, it was not easy now to get a good student at the university. “Not everything was so romantic,” Jobs guesses. - I didn’t have a room in a maiden coat, I had to sleep on a bed near the rooms of friends. I gave you dances in Kolya for five cents apiece, to buy your own food and sleep in the evening, walking for seven miles through all the places, so that once for a day you can normally eat in the temples of Krishnaites.

Help Steve Jobs on the campus of the college after the rehab lasted 18 months, after which autumn 1974 the fate of wine turned to California. There I met my old friend and technical genius Steven Wozniak. To please his friend, Jobs was in power as a technician at Atari, as he made popular video games. Steve Jobs doesn't have any ambitious plans. Vin just wanted to earn a penny to travel to India.

Ale krіm fashionable at that time of interest to India and the subculture of hippi, Steve Jobs had an interest in electronics, which today became the strongest grandfather. Together with Wozniak, Jobs came to the Homebrew computer club in Palo Alto, which at that time had united a lot of young people who were chewing on computers and electronics. The club gave a lot to the future founders of Apple. Zokrema, the stinkers of the club rozpochali their “spіvpratsyu” with the telephone giant AT&T (T), really, not like this company wanted to. Steve Jobs, having read about the call of the American radioamators, which allowed them to illegally connect to the AT&T telephone line and make a soundless call in a distant country, and slamming the new one with a promising right. Having worked with John Draper (John Draper), while actively popularizing the idea, Jobs and Wozniak decided to start preparing so-called blue boxes, special outbuildings, which allowed the operation of a cost-free ring in faraway places. So Wozniak and Jobs started tinkering with electronics at the father's garage of Steve Jobs.

However, the "blue boxes" stench did not take long. Jobs had already packed speeches for a philosophical tour of India, as if he were planning. From India, Jobs turned with a rich expression, bare-headed and in a traditional Indian dress. At the same time, Apple's founders have become a cicavi vipadok, which especially clearly describes the technical talent of Steven Wozniak and the business acumen of Steve Jobs. On a robot at Atari, Jobs was given the task of creating an electronic circuit for the Breakout video game. Following the words of Atari's successor, Nolan Bushnell, the company urged Jobs to minimize the number of chips on the board and pay $100 for a leather chip, which wine can be purchased from the circuits. Steve Jobs was not well known on the basis of electronic circuit boards, so he asked Wozniak to distribute the premium, so that he could take it on the right. Atari got a good deal of cheers when Jobs presented them with a fee, for which 50 chips were taken. Wozniak created the flooring scheme, which could not be considered as a mass variance. Tody Jobs told Wozniak that Atari paid less than $700 (and not $5,000, as it was true), and that he took his share of $350.

Prote z naypershoy zustrіchі Jobs hooting Steven Wozniak. "Vіn bv a single person, yak sorted out computers better for me," - Steve Jobs knows through the years. Without a doubt, Wozniak played an important role in the life of his friend, without his engineering genius there would be neither Apple nor the triumph of Steve Jobs, which simply represents the new product of the company.

Steve Jobs was less than 20 years old, if he wobbled the computer, a kind of Wozniak zirbrav for the wet koristuvannya. The thought of the mother in itself vlasny - personal - computer impressed Jobs, and having reconquered Wozniak, he would start working on the creation of computers for sales. At the same time, they planned to take up more preparation of other schemes - the basis of a calculation machine, and then they decided to select ready-made computers.

On the cob of 1976, Jobs asked to see Ronald Wayne, an armchair on the right, and at the same time worked at Atari. Jobs, Wozniak and Wayne planted the Apple Computer Co. April 1, 1976, the date of the partnership form. Needless to say, only young people, who have not yet come out of the rebellious age, could come up with the idea to call the computer company "Yablukom" (Apple - English means "apple").

For the newly created company, the startup capital needed was Steve Jobs selling his minibus, and Wozniak his favorite programming calculator Hewlett Packard. The results were taken close to $1300. Jobs, having changed Wozniak, moved from Hewlett Packard to become vice-president of the same company.

Unexpectedly, the stench was also taken away before the big purchase from the local electronics store - 50 pieces. However, a young company is also not small pennies to buy parts for folding such great number computer Todi Steve Jobs, having reconsidered the post-employee components, to submit materials for a loan for 30 days. Having taken care of the details, Jobs, Wozniak and Wayne picked up the cars in the evenings, and in 10 days they delivered the entire batch to the store. The first computer of the company was called Apple I. At the store, having bought the number of cars, the wine was sold for a price of $666.66, so Wozniak deserved the numbers from the same numbers. Ale not caring about the big deal, Wayne spent the faith in the success of the deal and got out of the company, taking $800.

In the fall of that year, Wozniak completed the work on the Apple II prototype, which became the first mass personal computer in the world. Vіn mav plastic housing, attachment for reading floppy disks and supporting color graphics. To ensure the successful sale of the computer, Jobs arranged for the launch of an advertising campaign and the distribution of beautiful and standard packaging of the computer, on which the new company logo can be clearly seen - a bitten apple. According to Jobs's idea, the colors of the merry-go-round can be blatant on the fact that the Apple II is building color graphics. Since the release of the Apple II lineup, more than 5 million computers have been sold, and about 16,000 add-ons have been created for these programs. For example, in 1980, Apple held a successful first placement of shares, after which Steve Jobs became a millionaire in 25 years.

In 1979, the rock of Steve Jobs and some of Apple's other supporters were denied access to last center Xerox (XRX) in Palo Alto. There, Jobs was first to inform the company's development - the Alto computer, which was a kind of graphical interface that allowed to set commands by hovering the cursor over the graphical object on the monitor. How do colleagues guess, whose wines have hit Jobs, and once upon a time they start to say excitedly that all future computers will win this innovation. And it’s not surprising, even though it was like three speeches, through yaki lie the path to the heart of a calm person. Steve Jobs has already learned something about simplicity, clarity, and aesthetics. Win once again destroyed the idea of ​​creating such a computer.

In the company of a few months, the new Lisa computer, named after Jobs' daughter, was being developed. In 1980, Steve came up with an interesting project, in which he succumbed to revolutionary innovation, having worked in the laboratories of Xerox. Prote Apple President Michael Scott (Michael Scott) vodmoviv Jobs. The project was stunned by another person. After a few months, Jobs begged Scott to recognize him as the head of another project for a smaller, harder mass computer, the Macintosh. Why did Jobs's filing between teams of Lisa and Macintosh retailers get a boost.

As a result, Jobs lost the race when Lisa became the first mass computer with a graphical interface in 1983. However, given the commercial failure of this project, the main rank through the high price ($ 9995) was the acquisition of software add-ons for this computer. That's another round for Jobs and Yogo McIntosh. Yak i Lisa, Macintosh vykoristovuvav іnnovatsiyu, pіdgljanutu in laboratories Xerox - graphic interface and mouse. Ale on vіdmіnu vіd Lisa, Macintosh was a commercially successful computer, which made a revolution in the gallery. The interface of the Macintosh operating system, having become the standard, її principle vikoristovvavsya in all operating systems that were created from the first moment.

If, in 1983, Jobs replaced John Scully with Pepsi-Cola to become Apple's chief executive officer, he added emphasis to the fact that Apple's spokespeople write new sides of history: change light? This time it didn't work for Jobs to change his mind, and Scully became the director of Apple. However, for an hour it became clear that the computer business was very different from Jobs's, which, at the same time, was unbearable to a different point in the morning. The conflict between Skalli and Jobs grew, and as a result, it called for Jobs to be embarrassed by Apple, and to oppose projects.

In 1985, a number of recent computer models (commercial failure of the Apple III) were released on aphids, while a significant part of the market and uninterrupted conflicts in the hardware s Apple pishov Wozniak, and in one hour the company filling and Steve Jobs. In addition, in 1985, Jobs's role was to fall asleep at the NeXT company, which specializes in building hardware and work stations.

In 1986, Steve Jobs became one of the founders of the Pixar animation studio. Pixar released such films as Jobs's story, such as "Toy Story" and "Monsters, Inc." 2006 Jobs sold Pixar to Walt Disney for $7.4 million in company stock. Jobs left the radio directors of Pixar and suddenly became the biggest physical specialty- Shareholder of Disney, having occupied 7 hundred shares of the studio.

Steve Jobs turned to Apple in 1996, if the company founded by Jobs failed to come to NeXT. Jobs succumbed to the directors of the company and became the team leader of Apple, as he was going through a serious crisis at that time.

2000 r. after naming Jobs, the word “timchasovy” appeared, and the founder of Apple himself, having spent up to the Guinness Book of Records, as a high-ranking director from the world’s most modest salary (for official documents, Jobs’s salary at that time was 1 dollar per rіk; corporate clerks).
In 2001, Steve Jobs introduced the first iPod player. Through the years of sales, iPod became the main source of income for the company.
In 2006, the company introduced a multi-media player Apple TV.
Have 2007 r. sales of mobile phone iPhone started.
Have 2008 r. Steve demonstrated the world's thinnest laptop, which is called the MacBook Air.

Life Specialist
Jobs befriended Lauren Powell on 18 February 1991. Wesillam cheruvav dzen black man Kobun Tino Otogava. Pari has a son and two daughters. Jobs also had a daughter, Lisa Brennan-Jobs (born 1978), born of artist Krisanne Brennan. A handful of wines, having recounted his fatherhood, but having recognized yoga with a year.

Jobs was a fan of The Beatles. Vin repeatedly referred to them in his promotions, as well as giving interviews at a show of Paul McCartney's concert. If yoga was asked about the business model in 60 hvilin, vіn vіdpovіv:
Mіy zrazok for biznesu - The Beatles: Stinks were four lads, yakі strimuvali negative nahil one one; stench vrіvnovazhali one of one. І їhnіy zagalny result bіl greater, lower just the sum of all parts. It is great in business, if you don’t have to be one person - you have to be a team.

In 1982, Jobs bought an apartment in The San Remo - a booth in New York with a politically progressive reputation, like the apartments of Demi Moore, Steven Spielberg and Steve Martin. For the help of Bey Yuimin, Jobs spent a long time repairing his apartment in two upper floors of a pub, only to sell it for two decades through the U2 soloist Bono. Jobs never went over there.

In 1984, Robert Jobs bought a mansion in the Spanish colonial style with an area of ​​1600 m² with 14 bedrooms, designed by George Washington Smith near Woodside (California) and also in the house of Jackling's Budinok. Wanting, as it turns out, to be left alone without furniture, Jobs is alive for ten years. For obvious tributes, vin trimming an old BMW motorcycle in the air, and allowing Bill Clinton to win yoga in 1998. From the beginning of the 1990s, Jobs lives in a booth in Old Palo Alto on the outskirts of Palo Alto. President Clinton offended New Jobs and the 14th CEO of Silicon Valley on the 7th of September 1996. Jobs is in his room, the greatest sponsor of the Democrats, sleeping by Lincoln's bedroom in the White House.

Jobs grafted Jackling's booths into zanedbaniste, planning to bring yoga and encourage a smaller booth in his city; prote, mіstsevі zahisniks of old-fashioned reminders repaired opіr yogo plans. In the black of 2004, the city of Woodside's council gave Jobs the opportunity to build a mansion for wisdom, which is to advertise power for a long time, so that the possibility of moving yoga to another world and promoting yoga is small. A number of people showed interest, but no one was able to achieve the desired goals. After that fate, a group of mischievous defenders began to shukati legally come in to intimidate the toll. In September 2007, Jobs' fate was granted the right to exercise power for the decisions of the court. The decision of the court was ruled in the appellate instance at the birch of 2010, and the mansion was taken on the cob of the fierce 2011.

Vіn wearing a black turtleneck St. Long-sleeved Croix, Levi's 501 blue jeans and New Balance 991 sneakers.

Vin driving sribniy Mercedes SL 55 AMG 2006 without number plates.

In the middle of 2004, Jobs announced to his interviewers that he had been diagnosed evil puff at the subslut's ridge. The prognosis for the development of cancer of the subshlunkovo ​​follicle, as a rule, is rather unacceptable; Jobs, however, stating that the new reddish, less aggressive type is more like a neuroendocrine bulge of Ostrіvtsev's cells. Following the cob support of the idea of ​​​​a splendid medical intervention and the introduction of a special diet, Jobs recognized pancreatoduodenectomy (“Whipple operation”) in 2004, after which the plump bula was successfully seen. Jobs probably didn't need any chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Tim Cook is the manager of Apple's international sales and operations.

Early in 2006, Jobs spoke from a promotional conference at the Worldwide Developers Conference. The one who, looking “thin, we may be thinner” and superficially “mlyavim”, before that, having pressed a significant part of his speech to other additional statements, becoming the subject of discussion ZMI and the Internet bit. Prote, for the tribute to the Ars Technica magazine, WWDC participants, as if they were fighting Jobs in disguise, they said that they were “looking good”. Following this, an Apple spokesperson said that “Healthy Stiva Mitsne.”

Two fates later similar to the recognition came after Jobs' speech at WWDC in 2008. Apple representatives said that Jobs, having become a victim of a “severe virus” and that he was taking antibiotics, was allowed to do so, which looked like an indication of the Whipple operation. On the eve of the conference about the financial results of Apple її, the participants went to the nutrition about the health of Steve Jobs, which is repeated, that is “private on the right”. Others, however, have speculated that shareholders may have a right to know more about improving Jobs's practical approach to running his company. The New York Times published an article based on telephone line s Jobs, stating that "there are more health problems at that time - more, less "great virus", stinks are not unsafe for life and do not think of cancer recurrence."

December 16, 2008 Apple announced that the final speech at Macworld Expo 2009 was held by Vice President of Marketing Phil Schiller, re-invigorating the nutrition about Jobs' health. In a statement dated September 5, 2009, on, Jobs said that for many months he suffers from "hormonal imbalances." On September 14, 2009, Jobs wrote in Apple’s service note that last week “I found out that my food is healthy, I think lower” and voiced about the six-month-long admission until the end of Earth 2009. I'm healthy. Tim Cook, who had previously won the rank of CEO in 2004 for the position of Jobs, having become the runner of the CEO of Apple, and Jobs, as before, was educated to "major strategic decisions."

In April 2009, Jobs underwent a liver transplant to the Methodist Clinic at the University of Tennessee at Memphis. Forecast for Jobs buv "vіdminnim".

On September 17, 2011, the second year after Jobs' turn for a liver transplant, Apple announced that he had been given a medical clearance. Jobs voiced about the exit from the list to the spokespersons, saying that this solution was praised, “to get angry at your health”. Like the first hour of the liquor in 2009, Apple announced that Tim Cook is taking part in successful operations, and Jobs is continuing to take part in great strategic decisions. Irrespective of the entrance, 2 weeks of vin speaking at the launch of the iPad 2, 6 rounds representing iCloud at the Worldwide Developers Conference and 7 rounds of speaking before the Cupertino city council.

For example, since the beginning of 2011 (tobto a few days after the planting of the Apple stone plant), the publication of Jobs' photographs is low. It was visible on them that he was very thin and that he needed a disabled visa.

On June 5, 2011, Steve Jobs died at the age of 56 after a long battle with cancer. Having learned about the death of Jobs, the Americans came to Apple stores near New York, Los Angeles and other places. People brought tickets, lit candles, flooded leaflets with sounds.

Apple Corporation CEO Steve Jobs he himself prikl to his death, following the traditional methods of exalting cancer to the melancholy of alternative ones. Such a thought was expressed by an expert in gallus cancer of the colony, professor of the Harvard Medical School (USA) Rams Amri on the Quora forum, which is often mentioned by the scientists of Silicon Valley, reminiscent of The Daily Mail.

For yoga words, in the form of a cancer of the sub-slug, like a billionaire’s boo, it’s rare to die. "Jobs has lived more than his last years, and only one more way of exultation having caused an unbelievably early death," the expert said.

With which doctor to scold, that Jobs did not switch to the primary methods of exaltation if there were clear signs of yoga decline. So many photos and videos of Jobs were shocked by their enormity: the skinny head of Apple can’t move around without outside help.

"Here you go, wake up for the hour of the phase of pan Job, want to take your time to see Apple. The disease has progressed, ale wine, like before, having made chemotherapy and other methods of traditional cancer rejoicing," says Amri.

About his ailment, Jobs recognized in 2003. and after nine months, having undergone surgery, having tried alternative medicine. Ale special diets, although they were small to relieve yoga ailments, they did not give results, and in lipny 2004 r. The head of Apple saw a part of the sluice, twelve-fingered intestines, sub-slut burrow, bugle mikhur and bugle ways.

Dr. Amri is aware that this procedure would not be necessary, as if the head of Apple turned from the very cob to professional doctors for traditional rejoicings.

It seems that the billionaire could be turned back to a great life after the operation. "Among my patients, the survival rate for this type of cancer is 100%," naming Amri.

However, Jobs did not go as far as the best methods of jubilation, and in five years he had a chance to perform a liver transplant. This operation may have a lot of side effects. For the engraftment of the donor organ, immunosuppression is needed, and a decrease in immunity increases the likelihood of the appearance of new metastases.

At the sickle of rock, Steve Jobs followed a three-fold release through the ailment of the feelings of the head of Apple. A 5th July 2011

"I dedicate the second time to Steve Jobs' ailment, and I have a strong thought. I will say, not only as a master of yoga creativity, but also as a doctor, that the course of healing of the head of Apple was far from optimal," the professor said, adding nasamkinets, that I don’t want to portray anyone with my comments.

Jobs' funeral was held on August 7th. For deakim tributes, they were carried out for a Buddhist rite. As if having reminded The Wall Street Journal of the message to inform the dzherelo, farewell to the legend of the computer industry was modest, only a few people took the fate of him. The place of the ceremony was not named.

"Apple has wasted a creative genius, and wasted a wonderful person. Tim of us, who were spared by the nobility of Steve and worked with him, wasted a dear friend and mentor, who lost his breath. Steve, having left his company for the moment, just create only wines, and his spirit Forever be a support for Apple," read the official announcement on the company's website.


Steve Jobs is central, key to the development of the computer and mobile industries. Vin was born on February 24, 1955 near San Francisco. From the very childishness of Yogo, the technique and everything that was connected with it was alienated. Mother was an accountant, and father was an auto mechanic, so when the potential genius was brought up to programmers and engineers. І tse little great injection into the molding of the interests of the future head of the Apple company.

Way to success

Tsіlespryamovanіst that bazhannya zmіnіt svіt zavzhd were the main movers of Steve Jobs. I opened my computer together with my friend Steven Wozniak. The stinkers created their own club, from which they took fellow thinkers - lovers of digging at everyday microcircuits.

Wozniak himself, having created a computer, which even hit his friend. Steve urged to sell this miracle technology. Friends did their homework: Voznyak worked on the "stuffing" of the technique, and Steve gave it its shape and created that interface, which is the most suitable for purchases (Steve is motivated by people's bajans).

They started selling the first Macintosh personal computers (Mac for short) available to the average person. A novelty was those who could be a human being with such a technique. Why, the unique advertising campaign also helped the whole world to learn about the technique of Steve Jobs in a short hour. It formed the foundation of the company, and the same products called the trust of all the coristuvachi in the world.

Why did Steve Jobs die?

The head of that creator of the "Apple Empire" said goodbye to life on July 5, 2011. The cause of Stiva's death did not immediately become familiar. Regardless of the protracted ailment, Jobs continued to work on the creation of new products for the company. Navit being at the exit, not pripinya supervise the work of spivrobitnikov and control the quality of the creation of new products. Only the rest of the month Steve will dedicate his family to Palo Alto. There he died.

Cause of death of Steve Jobs

The leader of a successful company, he was a fan of non-traditional medicine. Vіn vvazhav, scho eat properly, special herbs and techniques are better for being like faces and doctors in principle, so repeatedly going into Indian practices of meditation and yoga.

For some reason, since in 2003 Steve was diagnosed with a new diagnosis, which is shocking - cancer of the subscapular ulcer, he was categorically advised during the operation. For nine months, trying to strangle the ailment with various non-traditional methods, but everything is boule marno. Therefore, in 2004, the roci vin was in time for the operation, as the result was successful. Acceptance, declaring that I will get rid of cancer again. Ale yoga ailments old look speaking for himself. This situation called out a bit among journalists.

Regardless of Steve's memory, plump cells continued to grow, and he had a chance to undergo a course of chemotherapy. Ale tse zdіysnyuvalos taєmno, all suspected that ailments were seen.

Navitat 2006 roci pod an hour to speak at the Worldwide Developers Conference, Steve Jobs looked dumb. It reminded me a little bit of the turn of the ailment. Ale Jobs and representatives of the company vehemently saw that they were allowed.

In 2008, the same situation repeated itself, only after I spoke at WWDC. The painful look of the head of the Apple company is an explanation for the most obvious viral illnesses.

At the beginning of 2009, the fate of Stiv pishov at the entrance, they argued for the worsening camp of health. Dedicating this hour of wine to this. In April 2009, youmu needed a liver transplant. Її the need for a bula viklikana tim, that the cancer of the subshlunk's follicle "grows", metastases pouring into the liver, through which it is simply inspired. The operation, as the doctors say, was successful.

Jobs is back at the entrance to the sichni 2011. Ale vin didn’t seem to think so at once, he was able to do his whole life, having helped his intercessor to care for the company. Started, like before, speaking at the official launches of the sale of their products. But the journalists noted that the person was worse and stronger and sang that I needed a disabled visa.

Death of Steve Jobs

Serpen 2011 - Steve Jobs planted his own seeds, and put Tim Cook on the floor of the grave, after which he violated a well-deserved permit. At one time, the doctors made unfortunate forecasts about the term of life of acceptance.

After the death of 5 years old, the doctors made a few versions, like having died Steve Jobs and what a bula right reason yogo died: cancer of the subslut, visceral liver, or untreated immunosuppressants, like veins after organ transplantation. Still, doctors shirk to the first option. It seems that for such a diagnosis, exuberance is necessary to start negainoly. Ale vpertiy character Stіv not allowing you to vіdraz tse robiti.

Steve Jobs, having left the world of marvelous reach in the closet of technology, as if they cannot surpass other companies until this day. Be-yak products from the image of an apple do it associativity with coristuvachiv from high quality, simplicity and superiority.

John Jobs. 2004 was diagnosed with cancer.

Jobs died, povodila Apple at night for four (after the Moscow hour).

"Today, in the light, in perfect sympathy", - go in a short necrosis. The successor to that great vice-director of Apple, as a pioneer, became the most expensive technology company with a capitalization of over $ 350 billion, it was 56 years old. The new one has lost a great homeland - Lauren's team and four children.

Apple does not name the cause of Jobs' death. Vіn dovgo ailments for cancer of the colon, underwent a liver transplant, but continued to practice. In 2009, jobs Jobs broke at the admission to the hospital, took a trip to the hospital at the beginning of 2011. Put the former director of Apple Jobs less at the sickle of streaming rock, depriving him of the sake of directors.

Vіn propraciuvav near the technological gallery for over thirty years, becoming one of the quiet, who made the American Silicon Valley the center of the innovation breakthrough.

Colleagues saw off Yogo from planting the head of Apple After Jobs's corporation was stunned by Yogo's old colleague. In the midst of the wines, we rose to the attention of Apple’s followers: “The company spent a visionary and a creative genius, and the light, having spent one of the most amazing people, if they ever lived on Earth.”

Top managers of technology corporations have always emphasized the fact that Jobs (as and his colleague, Bill's co-founder) zooms in important for the people not only the technology itself, but also the design of the outbuildings, in which the technology is implemented, showing people, showing people how just that comfortable.

In order to achieve this, Jobs has long established the Apple business. There were legends about yoga pidkhid before being told by spivrobitniks.

Zokrema, they sang a lot of support for Jobs, as if they didn’t deserve to be promoted ideas, they called them stupid, and the authors were fools.

Vikonavchiy director of Apple zavzhda napolyagat on the "crazy cool aesthetics" and "boundary simplicity from that moment, if the buyer zaishov to be-yakoy z Apple stores." So Jobs introduced the mode of secrecy in the company, respecting that it not only helps the business, but also motivates spokespeople for the accountability to "commercial mystery".

Before the release of new Apple gadgets, there are always turns, sometimes curiosities - for example, information about the introduction of a new version of the iPhone is unverifiable by Apple's lawyer at the bar. But as a result, stinks appear as part of an advertising campaign.

Jobs explained that it is possible to develop goods "on the border between science and technology."

Apple's turnover in 2010 was $65.2 billion. In 1997, the company's turnover was $7.1 billion.

Ahead of the day, Tim Cook held the presentation of the new iPhone 4S, but earlier, Jobs did not take part at the entrance. Also presented was the Apple iCloud online service, which allows you to save data on Apple's Internet servers and automatically synchronize files with your system's devices - smartphones, tablets and computers. Analysts are already checking for the release of the fifth version of the iPhone.

Gene Munster with investment bank Piper Jaffray Cos forecasts fourth-quarter sales of the new iPhone at 25 million units.

Steve Jobs' heart beat on the 5th of July 2011. Vinahіdnik and one of the founders of the Apple company, a spate of fatal ailments for cancer of the slough. Unfortunately, the ailment did not overcome the distance, the plumpness expanded on other organs, which caused a toothache in the stomach.

Steve Jobs never commented on the state of his health, relying on the mystery of private life. The official opinion of the company on the supply of journalists was mainly made up to the first formula. About the illness of the head of the corporation, there are only a few prosaic facts, but the scale of the peculiarity increases interest to the circumstances of death, giving rise to that paradoxical judgment. It can be said for sure that the cause of Steve Jobs's death was cancer.

peaceful death

Steve Jobs died at the age of 56 years near his motherland on the 5th of July 2011 because of a toothache. It happened about the 3rd year of the day in California, at the yogi's damp booth. Behind him were only a close squad, children and that sister. Stіv pіshov іz zhittya spokoіyno. Yogo sister Mona, having arrived at their home, found Stiva at the bridge, who was talking about his retinue Lauren. Behind її words, making friends, it was hot. Saying goodbye to my sister, Steve was sorry that the stench could not grow old at once, as he wanted to before. Before his death, he marveled at his children for a long time and that squad.

In the official statement, it was said that in the special life of the wines about their family and the coast, and in the suspіlny engraving, the role of the seer is that of the winemaker. Relatives hung out to everyone who shared their feelings and sumuvatim together with them, and also asked to respect their right to private life at these days of sorrow. Unexpectedly, a special website was launched, on which everyone could lose their voice.

Ordered to death

Irrespective of those that the ailment of Apple's co-founder was both serious and serious, yo ties with the company, that fate in the most important nutrition of current projects was abandoned active, like before.

On March 12, 2005, Steve Jobs spoke from a promo to the graduates of Stanford University. Being already ill and blindly stuck with the prospect of his death, he added a part of his prostration to those topics. The first price was the most optimistic and її part.

Quote:“Remembrance of those who die - the best way for me to hide a clear paste, as it bothers you to think what you are, what you spend. You are already naked. There are no good reasons not to follow your heart.”

Vіn calling death the best wine of life and the agent of yoga change. Oskilki hour of life of encirclements, crying out not to scatter dogmas into a pasture and not to live with other people's thoughts, but mothers have the courage to follow their heart and mind, as if it were already possible to know in a rank how a person wants to become. “Be hungry. Get rid of the reckless”, - citing the slogan from the magazine, which was against Stiva in the 70s, if the graduates were guilty, before some speakers.

History of illness: diagnosis and first operation

The ailment that caused the death of Apple's co-founder, cancer of the scrotum, was diagnosed in a new man in 2003. On the back, the prognosis was extremely unfriendly, doctors administered it for three to six months per life. However, as he himself had clearly described his experience at the Stanford promotion, after a new obstezhennia, a biopsy of the cells of the swell, the doctors shouted in radiance, the shards appeared, that this is a very rare type of swell, which should be treated with bliss.

A further development of the subdivision may be interpreted as a sprat. Vvazhaetsya, zokrema, likars, yakі vvchali yogo іstorіyu ailment, scho Stіv unfairly tightening conservative likuvannya, not pogodzhuyuchisya for surgery. Vіn went to special diets and other non-traditional methods, first lіg on the operating style. Nearly nine months passed, and although the puff was successfully removed, it caught metastases to the liver. Jobs stverdzhuvav, scho vylikuvavsya in the form of cancer that publicly did not comment on the details of the overcoming of the disease.

Away from the glee of Steve Jobs

The next stage was the passage of a course of chemotherapy, and then targeted therapy for the results of sequencing the tuft genome. There was a jubilation in the taєmnitsі, at the hour of the day of the head of Apple Cheruv Tim Cook. However, Steve did not go into the secrets of health, which is to get better, while holding presentations of Apple products. Yogo zvnіshnіy looking, zokrema abnormal leanness, called out the nurturance of that nervousness of the shareholders.

The stock of the company was reduced due to the total lack of official information about the health status of Steve Jobs and that of the unmarried one. Through the use of pain-relieving drugs, which ignored the immune system, attacks of depression were spreading in him, ignoring the guilt. In one of the presentations for the press, there was a frame with the numbers 110/70, which meant a normal pressure and good health advice.

In September 2009, the fate of two novelties will follow one after the other with a double break. Firstly, it is said that the cattle of the head of the company is explained by a harmless hormonal imbalance. Another Steve Jobs denounces about a six-month permit for a health camp. Jobs's service note said that he was "having found that my health problems turned out to be more foldable, I didn't think."

In April 2009, a liver transplant operation was performed. Forecast after the doctor's confirmation buv vіdmіnniy, and after the second time, Jobs will have to take one more admission for medical indications. At Serpnі Vіn tell about those who pass on all the latest care to Tim Cook's company and slander about the power supply.

For official tribute, the puff gave metastases to the liver and other organs, zocrema, in legenia. At the final stage, ailments of breath caused death.

Thought fahіvtsya: Stiv had lived 8 years on the cob of ailment, which meant for such a terrible diagnosis, like cancer. In the opinion of Harvard Medical School professor Ramzi Amri, fahivtsya in the galley of the same type of cancer, which, having planted the history of Jobs's illness, that yogo exuberance, the cob of the call, played a fatal role in the development of the disease. Likar also criticized the choice of methods at the last stages, calling them "far from optimal".


On July 7, 2011, a private funeral ceremony took place, in which only a handful of people took the fate. Steve Jobs funeral at the non-denominational Alta Mesa church in Palo Alto. For some kind of tribute, the funeral was held for the Buddhist rite, but there is no public information about the value.

Vіdomo pro dvі pubіchnі panahidi, yakі vіdbulisa pіznіshe.

  • On the 16th of July, which was the day of the deafening of Steve Jobs by the governor of California, a ceremony was held at Stanford University, for which there were attendees of the Apple company, representatives of ZMI, politicians, friends and relatives of Steve. Among celebrities Bono and Joan Baez.
  • On July 19, near Cupertino, one of the cities in Silicon Valley, on the territory of Apple's headquarters, a memorial service was held for the defense company. There were also members of this family and famous guests on it.

The death of Steve Jobs called out a great response from ZMI, which became main topic releases of channels of news. For the next two days, the official website of Apple showed a side with a portrait of Steve and the dates of his birth and death. Flags on campuses and headquarters of Apple and Microsoft, as well as on all Disney properties, were lowered.

Apple said in a statement: “With a hefty sum of money, it is said that Steve Jobs died today. Blisk of Steve, his passion for that energy was the source of inconspicuous innovations, as they enriched our lives. The light has become richer than the zavdyaki to Stiv.

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