Por_vnyannya to the image of Peter 1 and Charles 12. Por_vnyannya of Peter I and Charles XII for the hour of the battle. These sponge hunters turned from their traditional craft in Pivnichny Africa to home on the island of Simi, which is not far from Rhodes, if a storm hits

(1 option)

A.S. Pushkin values ​​Peter the Great in 1828. Pushkin, having written Poltava for this, at the same time with a loving, romantic plot, live in history storyline, connected with the social and political problems of Russia during the Petrovsky hour. The creation is blamed for historical heroes for that hour: Peter I, Charles XII, Kochubey, Mazepa. Kozhen from these heroes sings characterizing as independent specialty. A. S. Pushkina us in front of the clique of the behavior of the heroes at the hour of the turning point for Russia in the Poltava battle.

Showing the two leading participants in the Battle of Poltava, Peter I and Charles XII, he sings special respect for attaching this role, as two great commanders played at the battle. The sound of the Russian tsar before the grand battle is beautiful, the whole of Russia has a wine, at the look of the future, the devil is the devil herself:

... To enter Petro. Yogo eyes

Syat. The appearance of yoga is zhahlive.

Vin all, like God's thunderstorm.

With his special butt, Petro cracks down on Russian soldiers, vindicates his accountability to the fullest, due to the characteristics of the hero A.S. Pushkin victorious discourse:

I rushed in front of the shelves,

Mighty and radiant, like a bey.

Vіn field devouring eyes ...

The Swedish king, Charles XII, represents the extent of Peter the Great, who portrays nothing more than the likeness of a commander:

Nesomiy faithful servants,

Goydaltsі, blond, unruly,

Suffering from a wound, Karl appeared.

The whole behavior of the Swedish king is to talk about yogo zdivuvannya, zbentezhennya before the battle, Karl does not believe in victory, does not believe in the strength of the butt:

Raptom with a weak wave of the hand

On the Russians, destroying the regiments.

The result of the battle is vindicated by the behavior of the generals. Describing two military commanders in Poltava, A.S. Pushkin characterizes two types of commanders: the phlegmatic one, who only cares about the power of the Swedish king - Charles XII, and the headless participant in the battle, ready for the ultimate battle, and the next major victory in the Battle of Poltava - the Russian Tsar Peter the First. Here O.S. Pushkin commends Peter I for his military victories, for this moment he made a single decision at an important moment for Russia.

(2 option)

Image two emperors at the poem "Poltava" compared one to one. Petro and Karl were already chatting:

Suvoriy buv at the science of glory

Їy given to the teacher: not one

The lesson of failure and crookedness

Asking їth Swedish paladin.

But everything has changed, and out of anxiety, I’m angry to run in front of me Charles XII

Already not confused gloom

Unfortunate Narva vtikachiv,

And a thread of regiments of glittering, stringy ones,

Hearing, smart and calm.

We will describe the author, both emperors characterize Mazepp, moreover, as O.S. Pushkin describes Peter and Charles in the hour and after the battle, then Mazepa will predict the future and the future. Peter, in order not to make his own enemies, did not need to belittle his goodness, smacking Mazepa for his head. Karl Mazepa is called "a lad who lives and lives", resurrects the facts of the life of the Swedish emperor ("jump to the gate for the evening", "reply to the bomb with laughter", "exchange a wound for a wound"), and yet "I can't fight with the autocratic velet". "Autocratic velet" - Petro, who led in the biy Russian viy. Characteristic, seen by Karl Mazepa, more pіdіyshla bіnakovі, іnіzh іnіmіnіmі vodtsevі: "Vin blind, stubborn, impatient, sly…”, “warrior vagabond”. The pardon of the Swedish emperor is a hell of a thing, Mazepi looks at the one who underestimates the enemy, “the forces of the new enemy will be less successful”.

Pushkin's Karl is more "powerful", "respectable", but "beautiful grim", and two velvets closed. Petro comes out of the plan of "natovpom's lovers of exiles," his voice is resonant.

… Yogo eyes

Syat. The appearance of yoga is zhahlive.

Rolls of swedes. Vin is beautiful

Vin all, like God's thunderstorm.

Ide. Youmu horse lead.

Retiviy and humble virny kіn.

Feeling the fatal fire

Throttle. Eye askance

I rush at gunpowder battlefield,

Writing with a mighty leader.

How unlike the heroic portrait of Peter before the battle, the description of Karl.

Nesomiy faithful servants,

Goydaltsі, blond, unruly,

Suffering from a wound, Karl appeared.

The leaders of the hero followed him.

Vin at the thought quietly torn.

Zbentezheny glancing depicting

Nadzvichaine hvilyuvannya.

It was given, Karla pointed

Bazhaniy bey at zdivuvanni.

Raptom with a weak wave of the hand

On the Russians, destroying the regiments.

Just stay two rows, laming the picture, the rhythm, talking about those people who are somehow unsafe and unpermissible, how much power that threat is attached to Karl. Petro is powerful and radiant, Charles is bright and unruly, but insults in front of the battle. Order from the Russian emperor "chickens of Petrov's nest", from the Swedish - "leaders of the hero". For an hour of battle, everything was mixed up: “Swede, Russian - stake, rubaє, less”. The leaders, who started the battle in such a different way, behaved the same way in the heat of battle: “In the midst of anxiety and praise // At the battle with a look of tension // Leaders calmly marvel, // Stir the battles ...”. Ale is already close to win, and the Swedes are evil.

Sings Petro. I proud, I clear

I glorify yoga with a glance.

I royal benket yogo is beautiful.

At the clicks of your own,

Have a name for your wine often

Their leaders, the leaders of strangers,

And glorious brothers to cherish,

I for my readers

Healthy Cup lift.

One of the teachers of Peter was Charles XII. De vin? How do we react teacher, do we learn how to overcome?

Nebezpeka close that anger

Grant strength to the king.

Vin your heavy wound

Forgetting. Shaking his head,

Vіn gallop, Russian women...

“Hundred years have passed”, but why remember these strong and proud people? “At the enormity of the brewing state, // At the її warlike share, //… you argued, the hero of Poltavi, // The majestic monument to yourself.” And Carla?

Three buried near the ground

I moss overgrown go

Talk about the Swedish king.

The heroes of Narva and Poltavi could tell a lot about that fame, sing, read and remember a lot of generations of readers.

4.38 /5 (87.50%) 8 votes

One of the biggest battles of the 18th century took place on Poltava, at the hour of the Pivnichnaya War on 27 chervnya 1709, between the Russians and the Swedish Viysks. The key role of the battle, and to bring about the results of the war, was played by the commanders of the skin side: Peter I and Charles XII.

Leading directors of the military podia, young and pragmatic rulers of the two major powers in their hour they miraculously understood what the battles of the war are at stake, what dragged on, - I will overcome the victory and laurels, otherwise the program and humiliation of the program. The peculiarities of the quality and the strategic vision of the commanders’ skin during the hour of the battle broke up the whole movie.

Tsar Peter I began to think about making the right decision in a difficult situation. The 1st Battle of Poltava did not become a culprit - smart maneuvers of the military, effective victorious artillery, fire and cavalry, practical implementation of the idea of ​​redutives - all of that richly became the cob of kintsya for the Swedish opponent. It is important that with the special butt of Petro, he instilled in the souls of Russian soldiers the will to win, the spirit of their forces. Strimki and firm vkazіvki under the hour of battle at the zv'yaztsі z vdvazhnymi, and in some adventurous actions did not stop the check for a long time for the result - the army of Peter masterfully crossed the defensive line until the onset of the residual defeat of the army of Charles XII.

The protegezhnistyu of Peter was under the hour of the battle of Karl XII. The short-sighted decision and zarazumila surrender of the king made him sick and weakened, if strong, the state of Viysk. The innocence in one's own strength and the pessimistic mood ahead of the battle could not be transferred to the army in a moment. Zlamaniy Karl led his soldiers to death - the redoubt and artillery of Peter. Under the onslaught of the enemy, Karl turned wild, leaving his soldiers and top generals depleted.

As a result of the opposition of the characters of Peter I and Charles XII at the Battle of Poltava, the history of Europe took a new turn - the strong army of King Charles XII no longer existed, Charles himself went to the Ottoman Empire, the Swedish might of Sweden was exhausted.

The uniqueness of Oleksandr Pushkin lies in the richness of his style, the depth of ideas and, of course, the richness of the themes of his works. Readers of children are familiar with yogic tales, and in adulthood they are aware of the wondrous world of deep lyrical and epic verses and singing. Pushkin tsіkavivsya іstoryієєєє єї єї її її stanovlenyanyam, її stanovlenyâ, її it was to go through the rise of the great tsar-reformer, Peter I. Himself becoming the central hero of yoga sing "".

The creation is based on the image of the main battle near Poltava during the hour of the Russian-Swedish war. On the background historical backgrounds the characters of the main characters are revealed - Peter and Charles, the Swedish king. The key to understanding such a complete battle near Poltava is hidden in the pairing of two important historical features.

- Peremozhets, - progr. But why did it happen this way, and why not otherwise? The author step by step rozkrivaє images of heroes, giving advice to the food.

About the Swedish ruler, he sings to speak inappropriately, imagining him as a “warrior tramp”. In the course of the war, Karl began a not-so-safe intrigue - to transfer the country to Ukraine, and enlist the help of the Ukrainian hetman.

"Wreathed in marna's glory,
Vіdvazhny Karl kovzav over the abyss.

The glory of the king is shown by marna, even if it is not confirmed by his valor. Carl is the most important, what the author doesn’t like, he’s a sloppy protagonist. Vіn "kovzaє over prіrvoyu", so that you punish your own war on the falsehood of risks, thinking about destroying the Russian young state. Karl is an adventurer, like a dream about the glory of Viysk. For the sake of winning the wines of the building to be a low vchinok. Vіn enters the zmovu, rozumіyuchi, that the Russian tsar trusts you.

Absolutely the best images are from Poem Petro. Pushkin idealizes the tsar-reformer, giving yoga the best capacities the ruler of that people. For the sake of Charles, for the benefit of the state to the people, and not in special interests. Do not glorify me, you will get well.

You can know the oxymoron of Peter's characterization: "zhahlivy - beautiful." The author reiterates that before the gates of Petro, merciless - "the face of yoga is greedy." Ale for his soldiers' wines, serving as a butt, forever fighting on a par with them, that's what makes him beautiful. After the battle, having won the victory over Charles, the Russian tsar of the vlashtov great benket. І in every peaceful hour I show you other positive vigor- Generosity, mercy. Vіn schiro dyakuє to his warriors and allies, and so he himself shows indulgence to the point of loneliness.

However, the author still points to one pardon of Peter. I even trusted Ivan Mazepa as a representative of the new nobility, and did not believe the faithful Yom Kochubey. Having survived the evil, Petro becomes a wise ruler.

Porivnyuyuchi tsikh istorichnyh features of the Poltava Poem, Pushkin added the nobility of the Russian Tsar Peter and the Swedish king Charles. For the poet, the victory of Peter I is the triumph of justice.

Golovna > Lesson

Movie development lesson

The characteristics of Peter I and Charles XII are equal (according to a line from A.S. Pushkin's poem "Poltava").

1. Rozmova z nutrition:

2. Reading the verses that depict the commanders at the hour of the battle:

Todі over Nathnenny

Having pierced the deep voice of Peter:

"For the right, with God!" 3 intent,

Natovpom lover of exile,

Exit Petro. Yogo eyes

Syat. The appearance of yoga is zhahlive.

Rolls of swedes. Vin is beautiful

Vin is like a thunderstorm.

I rushed in front of the shelves,

Mighty and radio yak bey.

Vіn field devouring eyes.

He was followed by the NATO.

Yogo comrades, blue...

І in front of the blue rows

His warrior squads,

Nesomiy faithful servants,

Goydaltsі, blond, unruly,

Suffering from a wound, Karl appeared.

The leaders of the hero followed him.

Vin at the thought quietly torn.

Zbentezheny glancing depicting

Nadzvichaine hvilyuvannya.

It was given, Karla pointed

Bazhaniy bey at zdivuvanni.

Raptom with a weak wave of the hand

On the Russians, destroying the regiments.

3. Paired portrait characteristics of two generals. Folding plan.

    The appearance of commanders. Yak Petro? Karla? Yakі diєslova "appear" vikoristovuє sings?

    Portraits of heroes. What encouragement sings at the sight of Peter? (eyes, disguise, ruhi) Why do we give our respect to the portrait of Karl? (blidist, zbentezhennya, suffering) How can you create portraits of heroes with virtuosity?

    Posy. (Peter rode on horseback, Carl was carried on burdens).

    Sharpening. How do Peter's associates blame? How do you characterize the spirit of the spirit? What does Pushkin write about Karl's associates? Is it dієslovo to speak about їhnіy Rukh?

    Behavior at the battle. On what side is the moral priority? Who will take away the pleasure of taking part in the battle?

    The mood of the heroes.

Can you judge by these descriptions that the author is ranked as a hero?

4. Tell one of the heroes behind the plan.

Homework: a story about one of the heroes, supported by quotes from the text

Methodical recommendations
  • These sponge hunters turned from their traditional craft in Pivnichny Africa to home on the island of Simi, which is not far from Rhodes, if a storm hits


    On Great Day 1900 a group of walnut catchers of sponges turned around their traditional jobs Pivnichniy Africa home on the island of Symi, which is located near Rhodes, if a storm has come.

  • Explanatory Note


    The planning was prepared according to the program of educational institutions of literature for grades 5-11 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, edited by G.M.

  • N.G.

    Primary-methodical complex

    Vymogy of the State Educational Standards of the Higher Professional Education to the professional preparation of the faculty and bachelors of non-humanitarian specialties determine that the graduate student can take the task of graduating from the analysis

  • Working program of literature 7th grade MBOU "Gymnasium No. 2"

    Working program

    The reference program of literature for the 7th grade was created by the basis of the federal component of the sovereign standard of the main global education and the program of the global lighting installations "Literature" edited by U.

  • We see a 28-year-old man who started a war with the 17-year-old Swedish king, Petro knows a new opponent, at first glance he is razyuche intrigued by his character, direct political will, understanding the needs of the people. A more respectful view and setting of the circumstances of their life, the most important features of their life, reveal a rich sleepiness in them, obviously they have attached the controversy of shares and mindsets, which gave additional drama to their struggles.

    We fall into the vіchі, scho zhoden zhoden did not take away the systematic, completed education and enlightenment, wanting the illuminating-moral foundation, laying the foundations of Karl Yogo as teachers, it seems to be more grounded. Until ten years ago, Peter, so that the docks of the crooked path did not make it out of the Kremlin, took less time to pass the maisternosti of the Church-Slovak literacy under the cerebration of the dyak Mikiti Zotov. Those same sciences, like Karl having learned from the learned teachers - arithmetic, geometry, artillery, fortification, history, geography and so on, - Petro himself, without any plan, for the help of Jan Timmerman’s doctor (mathematics is more than average, like more than once, robbed of pardons, for example, at the heads of the multiply) and others are no more recognized by the readers. Then I’ll sip until vchennya and zhvavist in independent wellness the knowledge of Petro, richly overturning his opponent. The waving of the Swedish king can be called bookish-heroic, the waving of Peter - military-craftsman. Offending sovereigns loved military fun in their youth, but Karl, standing up to the right to the right idealistically, bachachi in a new way to satisfy his ambition, and the tsar, who suited the subject, was daily practical, like a crowning sovereign task.

    Karl early appeared virvanim from the stake of children, and later spent his fathers, Petro - through a coup d'état. And just as Charles firmly acquired the traditions of Swedish sovereignty, then Petro, breaking into the traditions and retelling the Kremlin palace, became the basis of the old Russian tsar's political skygazer. Understanding that Peter was sick in his youth, they took it off in a one-sided straight line. Behind the words of Klyuchevsky, all of this political thought for a long time was tarnished by the struggle of that sister Miloslavsky; the entire hromadyansky mood yogo was formed from hatred and antipathy to the clergy, boyars, archers, dissenters; soldiers, armaments, fortifications, ships occupied the mind of people, political institutions, national needs, civil vodnosin: The area to understand about the supremacy of that huge bandages, the bulky ethics "had been thrown away for a long time by the spiritual reign of Peter." It is strange that the Swedish king soon conquered the supremacy and sovereign needs for the sake of special malice and sympathy, and the Kremlin izgoy laid down his life for the service of the Batkivshchyna, hanging his soul in immortal words: blessedness and glory for your goodness.

    I Karl, i Petro became autocratic sovereigns of the great empires early age, and resentment in the aftermath of a political upheaval (at a glance with Peter, it’s true, more dramatic). Offending, however, they fooled themselves and did not become a toy in the hands of the palace parties and spitting calls. Petro, having watched the carriage under his throne, stretched out the thrive hour and after the archery of the rebellion, having guarded for a long time to deprive Russia, just as Karl for a moment and fifteen years did not come to Sweden without an annual battle for a share of his crown. The same watering before the change of the month was, however, more characteristic of both: the king and the king were eternal guests, like abroad, and at home.

    So it was to him that he was taman and schilnist to an unbridled rule - neither one nor the other ever doubted that the stench of the anointed of God and freedom on their own rozdozudzhatsya life and mine of their piddanih. Offending zhorstoko punished any swing at their power, but at the same time Petro easily fell into a fierce and wickedness. Vlasnoruchnaya crackdown on archers and Tsarevich Oleksiy - a textbook butt. It’s true, remembering the memory of the senior to his rank, it’s clear that Petro did not hesitate to take control of the subject of fire, majestically, for example, Prince F.Yu. Romodanivsky as king, sovereign, “your most glorious royal majesty”, and for yourself “make a slave and serf Piter” or simply Russian Petrushka Oleksiyev. It is important to accurately indicate the passion for such bliss. I got to Peter as a father, “who also loves to fire, even though he was wary of buti blasphemy.” Vtim, we are more likely to ask for similar windings of Ivan the Terrible Simeon Bekbulatovich(*). Mabut, here it’s possible right from the bottom of a Russian phenomenon - attacks of foolishness from an autocratic sovereign, to whom his own power is sometimes unrelenting. Insha characteristic of rice the sovereignty of Petra, in her mind, listened to the obedient mind and entered into her own decision, as it were, after a mature thought, it’s wrong, it’s shkidly, - rice, like Karl’s day in the morning, with a maniacal mania

    *Simeon Bekbulatovich (? -1616) - named after being christened by Kasimiv Khan Sayn-Bulat; Vіn becoming the nominal ruler of the Russian state from 1575, if Ivan the Terrible succeeded in slaying the royal crown.

    At a close connection with the blissfulness of Peter, by the age of his rank, they perebuvali and even obscene to blues parodies of church rituals and hierarchy, moreover, the ciphers were staff, clothed in clerical uniforms. It was founded earlier for the other collegium of the feast, or for the official appointment of the “divine, all-hot and all-praying cathedral”, looked at the heads of the greatest blasphemy, which bore the title of prince-pope, or the all-noisy and all-time patriarch of Moscow, Kukuysky. Under the new conclave of 12 cardinals and other "spiritual" officials, they wore a badge, like, according to Klyuchevsky's words, they should not appear at the press for any censorship statute. Petro, bearing the rank of protodeacon at his cathedral, and writing a statute for him himself. The cathedral has a special order of priesthood, or, to put it more simply, p'yanodiya, "serving Bacchus that honest occasion with mіtsnimi drinks." For example, the newly-accepted member was given a meal: "Che Pіesh?" On Maslyanitsa in 1699, the fate of the tsar, having served Bakhus: patriarch, prince-pope Mikita Zotov, Peter’s great teacher, drinking and blessing the guests, who shook the columns in front of him, falling on top of them with two chibouks, like before to slander the bishops dikirієm and trikіrієm*; Let's sweat with a club in the hands of "Volodar" and start dancing. It is characteristic that only one of the present is not guilty of the foul species of Orthodox blaznіv - the foreign ambassador, who has left the harvest. The foreign posters were ready to fight in these inconsistencies politically and inspire a people-friendly trend, straightened out against the Russian church hierarchy, zaboboniv, and also against the vice of the party, which is put up in a funny way. It is possible that Peter was rightly similar to stupidity, raising his annoyance at the clergy, among which there were so many opponents of this innovation. But there was no serious swing at Orthodoxy, at the ієrarchіya in tsomu, Petro was left with a devout person, as she knew and played the church rite, she loved to sleep on the choir with svіvachami; moreover, the miraculously understood the protective significance of the Church for the state. At the meetings of the all-zhartivlivy cathedral, one can clearly see the blatant rudeness of those Russian vdachas, rooted in the Russian people, the call to fire in the p'yana khvilin from church objects, from the clergy; even more you can see in them the permissiveness of the sovereign revelers, which reveals a wild deep fall of church authority. Carl, having given the zovsіm proliferative butt to his pіddanim; But still, those who did not tolerate the claims of the clergy for authority on the right of the state were close to Peter.

    * Dikіrіy, trikіrіy - two or three candles, with which they bless those who believe in the church.

    The instinct of svaville determined the nature of the government of these sovereigns. They did not recognize the historical logic of life, their children were not satisfied with an objective assessment of the abilities of their peoples. Vtіm, you can’t call them too much for the price; navitt naividatnіshi minds of the century it is important to understand the laws of the suspіlny rozvitkovі. So, Leibnitz, on Peter’s wickedness, having expanded the projects for the development of that government in Russia, having sung the Russian tsar to whom it is easier to plant science in Russia, which is less than prepared. All that great sovereignty of the king and tsar was straightened out by a thought about the necessity and omnipotence of the sovereign primus. The stench was generously respected, that the strength is everything that the hero can direct people's life in a different direction, and to that the stench strained the national forces to the extreme, stained the human forces that life without any mercy. The power of sovereignty and omnipotence was respected by brothers to the respect of other people, bachiti in the people of the people, specialness. I Karl, and Petro miraculously thought of someone who was attached, and they chided people as if they were working shells, suffocating people with suffering to the point of human suffering (however, even though it’s wonderful, it didn’t bother them to often show justice and generosity). Two of the greatest women of that hour, Elector of Hanover Sophia and her daughter Sophia Charlotte, Elector of Brandenburzka miraculously caught the middle of Peter, paradoxically described him as a sovereign "Earlier than good and at the same time worse than nasty". Tse appointment is worthy of Karl.

    Peter I and Charles XII. German engraving 1728

    Їх old look indulging their sovereign natures and dealing with strong hostility to aliens. The gentry-looking Charles was wearing the tribal badge of the Palatinate-Zweibrücken dynasty: black eyes that vibrate, a high forehead, aquiline nose, sharp folds of a slightly beardless and beardless mouth with full lips. With a small increase in wine, it is not flint and well folded. And the axis, having shaken Peter for the hour of his rebuking in Paris, the Duke of Saint-Simon, the author of the Memoirs, who respectfully admired the young tsar: beautiful eyebrows; nіs at the new one is short, but not over it until the end of the sprat; destroy the great, the color of the guise is dark and swaggering, beautiful black eyes, great, lively, penetrating, garnet form; a majestic and friendly look, if you look after yourself and stream, otherwise suvory and wild, with judgments on the faces, like they are not often repeated, but they make the eyes look like a mustache, lakayuchi of all those present. The sudoma tried for one minute, and then the look of the yogo, timidly fearful, did not ruin it, then everything at once swelled the splendid look. All the callousness of yogo showed reason, thought and greatness and bula beauty was spared.

    If there is a sound of everyday life and special nahiliv, then even here the similarity of these people is seen in stark contrasts. The Swedish and Russian sovereigns were people of hot temperament, sworn enemies of the court ceremonial. Calling out to feel like rulers everywhere and everywhere, the stench became embarrassed and ruined in the midst of the urochist environment, they went wild, red and drenched in sweat at the audiences, listening to the writings of the clergy in the presence of such a message. Neither of them had a few delicate manners and even loved the calmness of a rose. Їm buli power and simplicity of reason and nonviolence in the mind. Peter was often dressed in worn-out slippers and panchokhas, mended by a retinue's daughter. At home, getting up from the bed, having taken the wines from the simple “Chinese” dressing gown, having looked out from the unsightly cloak from the rough cloth, which does not like to change often; vletku, wandering not far, mayzhe never wearing a cape; Riding on one-ring or on a filthy pair and in such a cabriolet, in which, for the respect of a foreign eyewitness, not every Moscow merchant would dare to vihati. In all Europe, only the door of the Prussian King-Sknari Frederick William I instantly competed with the simplicity of Peter’s (Karl, with special asceticism, did not care about state pennies). Writing, which Petro sharpened from Rest of the Rocks Katerina, perhaps, is simply small for the wandering forgetful її over something simple.

    Tsya stinginess poednuvalis at Peter with gurgling inconsistency in that drink. Vіn mav is like an unbreakable appetite. Sochasniki seem that the wines of the moment are forever and creaking; if you hadn’t arrived at the guest’s wine, before or after the offense, wine would be good at once for the style. No less hostile yoga predilection for piyatik i, smut, neumovirna virtuality at the guilty. The first commandment of the envisioned all-encompassing order was to get drunk today and not lie down and sleep hard. Tsyu commandment Petro chanuvav holy, celebrating the anniversary of the evening let us have fun gathering behind the bottle of the Ugrian, or else what is minuscule. During the urochist vpadkah, they drank terribly at the meetings of the cathedral, I respect the present. At the pavilion on the Yauza palace, the honest company faltered for three days, following the words of Prince Kurakin, “for the celebration of the great floor, which cannot be described, and richly trapped in that death.” The journal of the extraordinarily expensive Peter's notes on kshtalt: “We were at home and had fun doing it,” so they drank the whole day of the night. At Deptford (England), Peter and his entourage were taken to a private booth near the shipyard, having possessed yoga at the order of the king with a senior rank. As soon as the housekeeper left the embassy, ​​he filed a bag of bulo rahunok poshkodzhen, crushed by the guests, and let's go. Tsei described as the best monument to drunken Russian squalor. The walls and walls were flooded, zabrudnenі traces of merry-go-rounds, the furniture was broken, the fireworks were torn off, the pictures on the walls were victorious like a target for the shooter, the lawns in the garden were trampled down like that, no one was marching there tsiliy regiment. We unite, even if weak and true, similar sounds are those that Petro has conquered the p'yanі zvichaї in the German settlement, cooperating with the departures of that world, which is so arrogantly pragnuv.

    As soon as Karla is hung up, then I’m nibbling like a sovereign settlement and in mature rocky I’m satisfied with a plate of millet porridge, a bowl of bread and a bottle of weak dark beer.

    The tsar’s woman’s welfare was not unique, on the vіdmіnu vіd of Karl (the rotten one is not occupied), but in his youth he suffered from superworldly rubbish and stinginess. At Koppenburze you had a chance to hang out with the Electors we already knew. The stench speaks, like a king on the back of the head, he doesn’t want to go to them. We’ll tell you the truth, then, after a long time to think, after a while, but with a mind, so that there were no outsiders. Petro uvіyshov, having folded his face with his hand, like a rubbish, a stingy child, and for all the love of the ladies, having given only one:
    - I can't talk!

    However, after the evening, I got to know each other, talking, drinking in the mouth in Moscow style, knowing that I didn’t like music, I didn’t love music (although I diligently danced with the ladies, having fun in the spirit of the soul, moreover, the Moscow cavalry adopted corsets for German ladies), to love to sail the seas, to be ships and fireworks, showing their callused hands, with which they lifted their hands and kissed the decimal princess, the future mother of Frederick the Great, who zipsuavshi їy zachіsku.

    Residually signified the character and way of life like Karl, and Peter Pivnichna war, but he also chose his own role from the newcomers, playing the same role as zvichnym occupations and relishes. Tsikavo, that the stench acted as the role of the sovereign-ruler, directing them to the palace. The role of the combat general-commander-in-chief could also please them more. Charles with the understanding of Viking valor will soon see the victory of the glory of the commander of the glory of the reckless slayer. Petro, having given the military affairs to his generals and admirals, in the near future to his technical battlefield: recruiting recruits, compiling military plans, life of ships and military plants, procurement of ammunition and ammunition. Vіm, Narva and Poltava will forever be left with the great monuments of the Viysk mysticism and royal enemies. Varto also signifies the cicada paradox: Sweden, a maritime power, swung the miraculous land commander, who stepped on the ship mayzhe twice in life - when sailing from Sweden and when turning back; even as it sailed from the seas of Russia, it was controlled by an inexhaustible shipbuilder and a skipper.

    The war, which exalted the innocent vigor and tension of all the moral forces of Peter and Charles, vicuated their characters with one-sided, alle embossed, shattered them folk heroes, with such a cost, that the greatness of Peter was not hardened on the battlefields and could not be stolen by blows.

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