Creation of the calendar of historical podia 4 cells. Creation of the calendar of historical events

PROJECT "Creating a calendar of historical events"
Vikonali: 4th grade student
under the patronage of the teacher Ikonnikova L.Є
2016-2017 navch. rіk
Basic nutrition What is a calendar?
Calendar (lat. calendarium, calemdae - the first day of the month) - a system for calculating the hour
project meta:
- more information about the dates of historical cases
Project manager: - raise interest to the most important futures of the past,
- wiggle self-reliance,
- get to know schoolchildren from famous dates
Historical information about calendars. For a long history, people foresaw a lot of different calendars. In Russia, for a three-time hour, three calendars began: civil, ecclesiastical, and folk (natural) months, and three times the hour did not count. For example, the dawn of a new fate for the hromadyansky calendar fell for a long time on 1 birch, which little matched the rhythm of the ruler's life. church calendar v_dkrivav rik 1 spring. 1348 p. at the Orthodox Cathedral in Moscow they sang, schob and gromadyansky, and church rіk started from the 1st spring. Tsei order trivav until the era of Peter I, by decree new river becoming counted from 1 day. Peter I, having brought the Julian calendar from Russia, just like the majority of European lands celebrated the exact Gregorian calendar.
Important historical undertakings in Russia
Khreschennya Rusi 988
As of 6496 the year of the creation of the world (approximately 988 AD), Prince Volodymyr Svyatoslavich of Kiev accepted the decision to be baptized into the Church of Constantinople. Because of what, for the kingship of the emperors Vasil II and Kostyantyn VIII Porphyrogenitus, baptized by the Patriarch of Constantinople Mykola II Chrysoverg, the clergy baptized the people of Kiev near the waters of the Dnipro and (or) Pochaini.

1237-1240 - Conquest of Russia by the Mongol-Tatars
Knockdown of the Mongol-Tatar yoke wіdbulos 1480 r. The Sovereign of Muscovite Rus was compelled to pay tribute to the Khan of the Great Ordi Akhmat. The Great Horde was the successor of the Golden Orda, and in the course of the 15th century they split step by step: the Nogai Horde, Kazan, Astrakhan, Krimsko khanates. At that time, the Russian princedoms were residually united under the architecture of Moscow. However, near the battle in 1480, Khan Akhmat tried again to try to order Russia. The Russians and the Ordinary troops went to the river Ugra, where there was little general battle between them. However, the Lithuanian allies of the Mongol-Tatars could not reach the Ugria through the attack of the Crimean Tatars. Before that, the White Horde had problems. Tsі obstavin zmusili Akhmat to step in without a fight. This was the rite of the tumbledown of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. rіchtsі Ok, the Mongol-Tatars took a serious look at the Russian warriors and stepped out.

1367 - Building of the stone Kremlin in Moscow
In 1366-1368, for the sake of the Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy, the wooden walls of the Kremlin were replaced by walls and veils of white stone (behind the archeology of the stone were the most important parts of the wall, the signs of the bula were the most unbearable for the assault). From this period in the chronicles the name is often mentioned - "Moscow of the White-Kam'yana". Nezabara after arguing the white-stone walls of the stench of two - in 1368 and 1370 - stood against the vіysk vіysk of Prince Olgerd

1613 - He came to power in Russia to the Romanov dynasty.
After the end of the Time of Troubles and the enthronement of the country by Tsar Mikhail Romanov, a new political situation developed. I will remember the role of the ruler of the state, the Zemsky Sobors played foreign policy, finance, taxes. Zemsky Sobors were regularly elected for Tsar Michael. Weakly tsarist government demanded support from various social groups - the boyars, the nobility, the clergy, the townspeople and service people, the villagers.

1550 - Sudebnik of Ivan the Terrible.
Code of Laws of Ivan IV, Code of Laws of 1550, a collection of laws in the period of the establishment of the monarchy in Russia, a monument of Russian law of the 16th century, the first normative legal act in Russian history, voted by the single body of law. Acceptance to the first in the Russian kingdom Zemsky Sobor in 1549 with the participation of the Boyar Duma. In 1551, the Sudebnik was confirmed by the Stoglav Cathedral, calling for the initiatives of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible. Mist one hundred articles.
The code of law of Ivan IV may have a strong pro-state directiveness, liquidate the judicial privileges of the princes and strengthen the role of the central sovereign judicial authorities. Tsim Sudebnik 1550 developing mortgages in the Sudebnik 1497 tendencies of state administration that
1696 - decree on the establishment of the fleet in Russia
Before the hour of another Azov campaign in 1696 against Turechchini, before the Russians hung 2 ships of the line, 4 firehouses, 23 galleries and 1300 strugivs, visiting the river Voronezh. After the conquest of the fort of Azov, the Boyar Duma discussed Peter's report about the march and decided on the viability of the Viysk-Navy Fleet on July 20, 1696. This date is considered to be the official day of the birth of the regular Viysk-Navy Fleet of Russia, the ships of which were built at the shipyards of the Voronezsky Admiralty.

1721 - voted by the Russian Empire
The empire was voted on 22 Zhovtnya (2) leaf fall 1721 fate for pіnіchnі vіyni pіnіchnі vіyni, if the senators of the Russian tsar Peter I the Great took the titles of the Emperor of All Russia and the Father of Vіtchizni.
the capital Russian Empire from 1721 to 1728 and from 1730 to 1917 St. Petersburg (1914-1917 Petrograd), and in 1728-1730 - Moscow.
The Russian Empire was the third in the area of ​​any of the major powers (after the British and Mongol Empires) - it attacked the Frozen Ice Ocean on the pivnochi and the Black Sea on the pivdni, to the Baltic Sea at sunset and the Pacific Ocean at the exit. The head of the empire is the All-Russian Emperor, I will not be surrounded by anything, absolute power until 1905.

1803 p. - Decree about free grain harvesting. The villagers took away the right to redeem themselves from the land.
On February 20, 1803, a legislative act of the Russian Emperor Oleksandr I, as a helper, took away the right to call the kripaks one by one and the villages from the foremen of the land plot. Vision within the framework of the reformation of the Russian Empire, which was introduced in the 1800s.
For the will of the villagers, they paid a ransom and paid duties. As if the brainwashed goiter did not win, the villagers turned to helper. Nothing mattered to the helper to let the villager free of charge - everything was signed by an agreement between the villager and the helper. The villagers, who took away their will in such a rite, were called free chi free grain growers (stars are popularly called the decree).

1837 r. - persha is awake Zalizna road in Russia.
Decree of Emperor Mykoli I dated 21 February 1836 about the conquest of the Tsarskoye Szaliznitsa was publicized on 15 April 1836. Budіvnytstvo began on May 1, 1836. Opened the road on July 30, 1837. Kolії width 1829 mm.
The back of the Tsarskosіlskaya zalіznitsa bula was laid from St. Petersburg to Tsarskoye Selo, and later it was extended to the dacha town of Pavlovsk, with which the haul road grew up to 27 km. The first trial trip of the train with a film traction between Tsarskoe Selo and Pavlovsk took place on the 27th of spring 1836.

1861 - Enforcement law in Russia.
The peasant reform in Russia (in the common sense of the strong law) - the reform was launched in 1861, as it was about the strong law in the Russian Empire. It was the first after an hour and the greatest of the "great reforms" of Emperor Oleksandr II; was spoofed by the Manifesto about the enforcement of the strong law on the 19th of February (3rd Birch), 1861.
Long overdue, zapіznіla reform opened the way to the development of capitalism in Russia's industrialization. Russia and the United States remained the "great powers" in their time to end slavery on their territory. Not vipadkovo Karl Marx wrecked the process of allowing the kripakiv from Russia with the rush for the freedom of the slaves

1917 - Revolution in Russia
The Russian Revolution (Great Russian Revolution) is a mental name for the revolutionary pods that took place in Russia in 1917, starting from the fall of the monarchy with the Lute Revolution, if the power passed to the Timoshovsky order, which, at its own side, was thrown down as a result of the Zhovt_revolution voted radyansk vlad.

1918 - 1922 - Gromadyanskaya war in Russia
The Gromadyan war in Russia is a series of violent conflicts between different political, ethnic, social groupsі sovereign edifications on the territory of the large Russian empire, who came after coming to the rule of the Bilshoviks as a result of the Zhovtnevoy revolution of 1917.
Glumadyanska Viina became the PIDSUMK of the Revolutionary Crisi, she picked up the roar of the XX Table, she was taking a rooster 1905-1907, the rocke, pushed in the passage of the monarchy, and the Grisodaric, and the global, the global, the global, the global, the global, the global, the globo The apogee of this split was baked war on the scale of the Ukrainian country. evil forces radianska vlady that antibіlshovitskoї vlad.

Velika Vitchiznyan war 1941-1945
war to the Union of Radyansk Socialist Republics against the Nazi Germany and її allies (Bulgaria, Ukraine, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Finland, Croatia). Having won the military victory over Nimechchyna, the Radyansk Union made a decisive contribution to the defeat of Nazism in Europe.

1961 - The first flight of people to space
On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in world history, as he created a flight in space. The launch vehicle "Skhid" with the ship "Skhid-1", which Gagarin was on board, was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome. After 108 minutes of flight Gagarin successfully landed in the Saratov region, not far from the Engels town. Beginning on April 12, 1962, the day of Gagarin's flight to space was stunned by the saint - Cosmonautics Day.

1991 - The collapse of the SRSR and the fall of socialism.
As a result of which, on 17 February 1991, an all-Russian referendum was held, for which the post of President of the RRFSR was introduced.
On March 12, 1991, as a result of the first national elections, B. N. Yeltsin became the President of the RSFSR, having taken 45,552,041 votes of the electorate, which added up 57.30 votes to the number of those who took part in the vote, and significantly outperformed Mikola Rizhkova, yakiy to the support of the allies. rule, having taken off less than 16.85 votes. Together with B. N. Eltsinim, Vice-President Oleksandr Rutsky was elected. On March 1, 1991, representatives of democratic movement, G. Kh. Popov and A. A. Sobchak, were chosen by the measures of Moscow and Leningrad. Afterwards, the main speeches of Boris N. Yeltsin were the struggle for the privileges of the nomenklatura and support for the sovereignty of Russia at the warehouse of the SRSR. On April 10, 1991, Boris N. Yeltsin took an oath of allegiance to the people of Russia and the Russian Constitution, and entered the landing of the President of the RRFSR.



Municipal budgetary lighting installation
ZOSh No. 165Project "Creating a calendar of historical podias"

Calendar (lat. calendarium, calemdae - Calendar (lat. calendarium, calemdae - Calendar)
first day of the month) - hourly calculation system

Project manager:
- raise interest to the most important events of the past,
- wiggle self-reliance.

01.01. A penny reform has begun: 10 old rubles are exchanged for 1 new ruble01.01. The SRSR started a penny reform: 10 old karbovanets are exchanged for 1 new karbovanets
02.12. Vision into orbit Radyansky important piece satellite of the Earth
02.15 It was dark outside, which passed through the territory of the SRSR in a narrow smog from Odessa to the Taymir Pivostrov

02.18 Radyansk solicitors of Antarctica opened a new scientific station near the area of ​​Queen Maud Land. The station was named Novolazarevskaya
02.19 At the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR completed
telescope mounting
03.09 A spaceship from the last creature was put into orbit near the USSR
03.18 The underground river was discovered by geologists near the waterless Mirzor-Abad gorge in Tajikistan. Sverdlovina with a depth of 80 meters gives water 500 liters of water
03.25. Five satellite ship was put into orbit near the Radyansk Soyuz
04.12 The USSR successfully launched a spacecraft with people on board. Yuri Gagarin circles the planet for 108 miles and safely turns to Earth.

05.11 Radiolocation of the planet Venus was assigned to the Radiansky Union.
06.03 Friday afternoon Khrushchev and Kennedy at Vidnia (3-4 pm) Radian leader prophesies to the President of the United States to hold a conference with a method of laying down a peace treaty with Germany and voicing Berlin in a free city, as well as discussing food about the defence, and trying to hold talks in parallel.
07.20 Working at the Kiev Historical Museum, visiting archaeologist Academician B.O. Ribakov completed the deciphering of the enigmatic signs in the words of the Yan language of the 4th century.
08.06 Pilot-cosmonaut Major German Stepanovich Titov aboard the Skhid-2 spacecraft

08.10 Moscow hosted the 5th International Biochemical Congress. At the congress, an idea about ways to decipher the code of recession 08.10 5th International Biochemical Congress was held. At the congress, an idea about a way to decipher the code of recession was discussed
10.17 At Moscow, having opened the robot 12 stars of the CPRS. M. Khrushchov speaks with Stalin's new words and denounces those that communism will be encouraged until the 1980s. On the page it was announced about the possible development of the Radian-Chinese waters
10.31 The body of Stalin was buried in the mausoleum and it was buried near the necropolis on the Chervoniy Square of the Kremlin wall

12.08 All-Union People's Choice of Astronomers for the accomplishment of the month
12.09 SRSR opens stosunki for Albania

Working program
"I feel like creating a project"
Explanatory note
The working program to take part in the after-hours activities “Showing, Doing, Doing” is compiled with the help of the implementation of the FGZS post-primary education on the basis of the author's program R.І. Sizova and R.F. Selimova “To young wise men and to wise men. I feel like creating a project" (Sizova R.I., Selimova R.F. A methodological guide to the course "Young smart people and smart people. I feel like creating a project." - M .: Vidavnitstvo ROST, 2013).
The working program “Let's do it, do it, do it” is recognized for the organization of after-school activities of science and education directly in grades 1-4 and is directed to the formation of the development of the students to self-development, the motivation to the beginning and the establishment of the recognition of the knowledge of the holy dance itself.
Normative documents that ensure the implementation of the program:
1. The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010, approved by the Order of the Russian Federation on December 29, 2001. No. 1756-R.
2. “Recommendations for the organization of admission to the first class” (sheet of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 21, 2003, No. 03-51-57 in / 13-OZ).
3. “About the organization of education at the first class of the first class of choti-riric school” (sheet of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated September 25, 2000, No. 2021/11-13).
4. “Recommendations for organizing the training of first grade students during the adaptation period”, (sheet of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated April 20, 2001, No. 408/13-13).
5. “About the system of estimating the initial achievements of young schoolchildren for the minds of an unqualified education at the global lighting installations, which the experiment has to improve the structure and the cost of the global education” (sheet of the Ministry of Education of Russia, dated 03.06.2003, r. No. 13).
6. “Recommendations from the choice of computers post school"(sheet of the Ministry of Education of Russia and NDI hygiene and protection of the health of children and
March 28, 2002 No. 199/13).
7. "Federal component of the state lighting standards for postal education" (addition to the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 05.03.2004 No. 1089).
8. "About educational programs" primary subjects federal basic initial plan "(sheet of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 07.07.2005 No. 03-1263).
9. "Hygiene to the minds of the minds of navchannya at zagalnosvіtnіh installations" (Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN Approved by the decision of the Ministry of Health of Russia in 28.11.2002 p. No. 44)

Pedagogical faculty of the education program is motivated by the fact that there is no transfer
molding at the bases of the mind to learn and build up to the organization of one’s own activities - vminnya
accept, take care of the values ​​and inherit them from the primary duty, plan your duty, take care of it
control and assessment, in cooperation with a teacher and single-year-olds at the initial process. In the implementation of tsієї
Programs create brains for project activities.
Head idea project activities - directing the initial and learning activity of schoolchildren to
The work on the project gives us the opportunity to learn about the search for information, practical self-learning, self-development,
self-realization and self-analysis of one’s activity, developing such basic and basic skills:
- rozumovі navychki - navchannya young schoolboy analysis that uzhagalnennya, porivnyannyu, clasifikatsiy too.
- more skills directing to molding in the meantime to win the next job, posterigati
viyavlyat, spіvvіdnosti toscho.
- communicative skills are directed to the molding of a child, it’s not enough to speak, but to hear that a little
svіvrozmovnika, proving that calmly express your thoughts and take a point of view for the sake of others.
- social learners convey the development of smart practice in a group, spivpracise in a small group,
different roles: the leader of the convict. To teach a child to be mutually with a household: with a collective, with one-year-olds
- With people, yakі yogo otochuyut;

Assimilation of the sing patterns of the previous design work can be recognized already in
pochatkovy school. Learn how to learn such a job in a post school, it’s easier to get into
system of project activities of the main school area
It is required to say that among young schoolchildren, it is possible, to inculcate more, lower among the students of the main language of the school, expressions
motive for working on projects
navkolishniy svіt. The leader of the grown-ups - encourage the child to drink, do not take the activity of the child
numerical fences, even with the century, the natural knowledge needs of the child will become the basis of її
successful education at school. Project activity is a good mechanism for the implementation of consumer needs
without a hitch at the head office.
Pedagogical Associate of Project Technology
The scope of design technology is large - from the process of training to forging, molding of special
ditini. The essence of the design technology influences the stimulation of the interest of the students to the main ones
problems, the manifestation of such transfers of volodinnya (that advent of the hour of work) with a singing bag of knowledge that
practical zastosuvannya nayavnyh that naboutih knowledge in the course of zmіstu project activities. So
In this way, this method allows you to really gain academic knowledge with practical proof of their knowledge.
The relevance of the program is motivated by the fact that the new social and economic minds are of particular importance
nabuvaє dіyalnostі, yak the most effectively realizing the social and pedagogical potential
free time of children, which expands traditional directions, forms, technologies of work with children.
Socio-pedagogical feasibility of various types of social activities, before which children are included
within the framework of the program “Show, do, create”, based on the fact that the stench is caused by satisfaction
especially important for children of educational, social and spiritual needs.
The activities of the students at the boundaries of the implementation of the programs are straight forward as an advancement of competencies
yakі navchayutsya in singing subject galuzy and in the development of the creative zdіbnosti child, and y in the creation
product that may be significant for others.
Within the framework of the program, it is ensured that there are various types of educational activities, de-needs
practical be-yakі zdіbnostі dіtіnі, realіzovanі sоbіzі prіbіstі to chi іnshoy type of activity, scho
to create new possibilities for the creation of the interest of a young schoolboy, both to individual creativity and to
Tsya program є preparation for independent advanced practice at the II stage of education.
This course is especially important for children who are oriented towards self-supporting informational research
knowledge in the lower reaches, and by the same token giving them a wide range of opportunities for self-realization
molding of the value setting before the recognition process
Purpose of the program:
Rozvitok navichok vikoristannya rіznih dzherel information for the creation of projects;
Molding newcomer business communication at the process of working on the project.
Develop the independence of the child;
Develop vitality to self-illumination;
Start planning your own work;
To consolidate and absorb knowledge and vminnya uchnіv pіd hour of work with design technologies;
Create mind self-development of students;
Develop rozumovі zdіbnostі and vminnya virishuvati min-problems;
Develop respect, logic, creative thought, dopitlivist, memory, building up to spriynyattya;
Expand your horizons and enrich your vocabulary with new concepts for the light of the project;
Vihovuvat self-advocacy to a positive self-assessment of the author of the project;
Vihovuvati a little self-control, reflection;
Implementation of the program
The program includes 136 years of 1 lesson per week and is covered for children ages 7-11.
Representation programs by such modules:
"Know" (32 years old)
The tasks of this module include a thorough mental process: memory, respect, analysis, synthesis,
creative, reveal, spriynyattya, orientation in the expanse of thinly.
"Dosledzhuemo" (48 years)
The tasks of this module include the formation of knowledge, reduction, skills, necessary for the organization of work
from a recent joke. Here the children are familiar with the concepts of "delivery", "methods of attainment" just.
"Creating" (48 years)
The tasks of this module є: the formation of a statement about the last work, like a pro
one of the most efficient ways of gaining new knowledge, development of creative practice in the team, conducting
self-confidence and experimentation, creating projects.
"Uyavlyaemo" (8 years)
For this module, the molding should be done in advance
scientific achievement, the development of a special child, building up to self-realization and self-denial.
Main distribution programs
It is important that having taken the opportunity to carry out the first major investigations, the child herself learns to be dignified. However, neither a young schoolboy, nor a student of an advanced secondary school, nor a senior student can carry out an academic study, as they are not specially trained. You can, obviously, try to learn how to do the last minute of the process, but it’s also more effective in that plan special programs to promote the development of past achievements of the students.
In addition, be it initial activity, and design and completion here cannot be blameless, it will require a special support system and capacity control. She will transfer the information about the forms of organization and methods of evaluating the results.

Stages of design and final activities:

Development of past achievements
In the course of the implementation of this stage of activity, they are taught to acquire the necessary knowledge of special knowledge, and the knowledge of the past research, and themselves:
-batchiti problems;
- put food;
-visuvat hypotheses;
-give understanding to understand;
- conduct experiments;
- robiti visnovki and visnovki;
- structuring the material;
-Prepare texts of high-level dopovіdey;
-Explain, bring and protect your ideas.
The programming of this initial material is based on the principle of "concentric kіl". Naturally, for the sake of saving the raw straightness, the stink of the stench escalates from class to class.
Independent work on the project
The main benefit of the work is the independent studies carried out by the academics and the completion of creative projects. Tsey stage appears as the main one. Busy at the borders of this stage, the steps of the self-reliance of the child were already encouraged in the process of design and final activities of stepwise growth.
Evaluation of the success of the project activity
This part of the program is less for more for obsyag, but it is just as important as two in front. Evaluation of success includes visits necessary for managing the process of completing the design and final training (mini-courses, conferences, completion of creative projects and other). The child is guilty of the nobility, that the results of її robots of the cіkavі іnhim, and they will be respected obov'yazkovo. It is necessary for you to master the practice of presenting the results of the authorities' investigations, to give arguments to the authority of judgement.
At the result of the implementation of this stage of the child, create your own portfolio. The insane value of the portfolio lies in the fact that it contributes to the improvement of the self-esteem of the student, the maximum development of the individual abilities of the skin child, the motivation of the outward creative growth. Two types of portfolios are recommended for folding: accumulation and demonstration.
As a self-assessment of one’s activity, one learns to win the card “My reach”. At this child, it is suggested to evaluate your project for the help of advancing criteria:

Checking the results of mastering the programs of 1-2 classes:
The one who learns will know:
- What is an informational project and a practical orientation project;
- follow-up methods: experiment, interview;
- Rules for choosing subjects and objects for follow-up, see the design of projects;
- Rules for building self-control;
- Rules for a successful presentation of work.
The one who learns will remember:
- choose the way to complete the order of completion;
- classify objects, phenomena and objects;
- correctly determine the number of problems in the course of the work, put together a plan for
sleepy stay;
- zdіysnyuvati spіvpratsyu with grown-ups;
- Vikoristovuvaty different dzherel information.

come in:
- Exhibitions of creative robotic scientists;
- min - conferences from the defense of past projects.
Ochіkuvani results of mastering the program 3-4 class.
The one who learns will know:
- Main features of the research work carried out;
- follow-up methods: questioning, modeling;
- found a job with a computer;
- what is the social project and its significance for the life of the lonely;
- ways and methods that stimulate the self-development of mental
processes that ensure the success of the robot;
The one who learns will remember:
- Independently propagate the authoritative ideas of follow-up;
- correctly identify the number of problems in the case of vikonannі dolіdnіtskoї ї work;
- Fold a plan for a sleeping arrangement;
- select and rework the material necessary for the follow-up;
- use different vimiruval accessories: a calculator, a stopwatch, a tape measure;
- zdіysnyuvati svіvpratsyu with grown-up and classmates;
- present your work, take part in the discussed collective assessment activity;
Methods for reviewing the results of mastering the program.
As a result of the development of this program, the results of the development of this program can be organized
come in:
exhibitions of creative scientists;
min – conferences from the pastoral projects;
school scientific and practical conference

Features of the universal school department
The learning will be formed:
-positive setting to design and final work;
-interes to new knowledge and new methods of knowledge;
- focusing on understanding the reasons for success in the design and subsequent activities, including self-analysis and self-control of the result, on the analysis of the results of a particular task, understanding the propositions and assessments of the teacher, grown-ups, comrades, fathers;
-Building up to self-assessment on the basis of the success criteria of the design and subsequent activities.
The one who learns, takes away the opportunity for molding:
-internal position learns only on the level of understanding of the need for design and long-term work, expressed in overwhelmed educational motives and the importance of the social method of assessing work;
- Expressed cognitive motivation;
- Steady interest in new ways of learning;
- an adequate understanding of the reasons for the success of the design and subsequent activities;
-moral evidence, building up to the height of moral problems on the basis of the appearance of the partners' positions in the partnership, steady improvement in the behavior of moral norms and ethical vimog.

Regulatory universal study rooms
- accept and save the initial task;
-vrakhovuvati vіdіlenі teacher orientiru dії;
-plan your activities;
-zdiyasnyuvati pіdpozkovy and pokrokovy control;
-adequately accept the assessment of your work;
-distinguish the way and the result of dії;
- make adjustments to the dії on the basis of their assessment and the appearance of broken pardons;
-vikonuvaty headlines in the material, movement, in the mind.

- to show the awareness initiative;
- self-trust the teacher's vision of orientation in unknown material;
to transform the practical task of the meeting;
-independently know the options for accomplishing the learning task.
Educational universal education departments
-Research the necessary information for the study of the initial study of the primary and supplementary literature in the open information space, incl. controlled space of the Internet;
- twist signs, symbols, models, schemes for the completion of educational tasks and the presentation of their results;
-vislovlyuvatisya in common and written forms;
- Focus on different ways the celebration of the last anniversary meetings;
-volody with the basics of semantic reading of the text;
-Analyze the objects, see the smut;
-zdіysnyuvati synthesis (tsіle z parts);
- Carry out a match, classification according to different criteria;
-Establish causal and inherited links;
-Buduvati mirkuvannya about the object;
-Uzagalnyuvati (see the class of objects for some sign);
-Let me know;
-Install analogies;
- operate with such concepts, like a problem, hypothesis, caution, experiment, umovivіd, visnovok too thinly;
- solve problems, put nutrition, develop hypotheses, plan and conduct vigilant and experimental experiments, draw judgments, work on winches and winches, argue (protect) your ideas.
The one who learns, takes away the ability to learn:
-zdiyasnyuvati extensions of the search for information in the future up to the last and design task with the selection of resources in libraries and the Internet;
- Fixing information for additional ICT tools;
-confirmed that it will be sufficient to be informed in written and written forms;
-Being logical mirkuvannya, which includes the establishment of causal and hereditary links;
- operate with such concepts, like a phenomenon, reason, consequence, podia, delusion, staleness, vіdminnіst, similarity, spіlnіst, insanity, insanity, possibility, impossibility that іn;
- vikoristannya doslednitskih methods of training in the main initial process and everyday practice in cooperation with the world.
Communicative universal primary school
- to allow the use of different points of light;
- vrakhovuvaty different thoughts, pragmatic coordination;
- formulate a clear thought and position;
-Home, come to the final decision;
-To improve the correctness of the language;
-Ask food in essence;
- vikoristovuvat mov for the regulation of their own dії;
-Control your partner;
-volody monologue and dialogic forms of the language.

The one who learns, takes away the ability to learn:
- vrakhovuvat raznі thoughts and obґruntovuvat your position;
-argument your position and coordinate it with the position of your partners in case of a variant joint decision in joint activity;
-to improve the goals of communication to ensure that it is accurate to convey to the partner the necessary information as a guideline for encouraging action;
- to allow the possibility of inducing different points of dawn in people, among them they do not escape with yoga, and to protect the position of a partner in cooperation with each other;
- zdіysnyuvati mutual control and pressure on partners at spіvpratsі nebhіdnu mutual assistance;
-Adequately vykoristovuvat language for planning and regulation of their activities.
Vimogi until the training of students
To assess the effectiveness of taking PID, you can score the following indicators:
- Vminnya see the problem
- put a follow-up meta
- Vminnya formulate a hypothesis
- Vminnya see the object of follow-up
- Vminnya to designate the subject of doslіdzhennya
- to describe the parameters and criteria of the subject of research
- Vminnya pіdіbrati vіdpovіdnі methods of follow-up
- Vminnya pick up tools
- Change the analysis of the results
- vminnya evaluate the interim and final results
- step help, as we hope a grown-up hour for the project
- the behavior of students in the classroom: liveliness, activity, zatsіkavlenіst
-Vikonanny results test heads, under the hour of vikonanny, such steps of self-reliance vikonanny appear
- an indirect indicator of the effectiveness of the design and subsequent activities can be promoted
success in various school disciplines, as well as the caution of teachers for the work of students in other lessons
(Increase in activity, practicality, respect, fullness of pink activity.

Perelik of initial-methodical security
Literature for students:
Sizova R.I., Selimova R. F. "Young wise men and wise men. I am learning to create a project" 1st grade. Working clothes for two
Sizova R.I., Selimova R. F. "Young wise men and wise men. I am learning to create a project" Grade 2. Working clothes for two
particles. - M.: Vidavnitstvo ROST, 2013).
Sizova R.I., Selimova R.F. Working clothes for two
particles. - M.: Vidavnitstvo ROST, 2013).
Sizova R.I., Selimova R.F. "Young wise men and wise men. I am learning to create a project" 4th grade. Working clothes for two
particles. - M.: Vidavnitstvo ROST, 2013).

Literature for the reader:
1. Sizova R.I., Selimova R.F. A methodical guide to the course “Young wise men and wise men. I'm about to start a project." -
M.: Vidavnitstvo ROST, 2013.
2. A. I. Savenkov "Methods of early education of young schoolchildren" Help for readers, fathers,
vihovateliv. vidavnichy booth Fedoriv, ​​Samara, 2013
3. Sheremetyeva M.A. The development of the beginning of the pre-school activities of senior preschoolers and young children
4. Design activity in post-school schools \ ed. M. K. Gospodnikova and in. Volgograd: Vchitel, 2012.
5. Organization of project activities at school: robotic system / ed.-order. S. G. Shcherbakova et al. Volgograd: Vchitel,
6. N.V. Babkina “Recognition activity of young schoolchildren” exhibition “Arkti”, Moscow 2012

Initial plan for class 1 "I'm starting to create a project"

Naming the topics

All year

Theoretical employment
Practical activities
Control tasks







All year

Starting plan for class 2 "I am a successor"

Naming the topics

All year

Theoretical employment
Practical activities
Control tasks







All year

Initial plan for class 3 "First projects"

Naming the topics

All year

Theoretical employment
Practical activities
Control tasks







All year

Initial plan for class 4 "Our projects"

Naming the topics

All year

Theoretical employment
Practical activities
Control tasks







All year

Thematic planning for class 1 "I feel like creating a project"

Naming the topics

All year



Behind the plan

Who am I? My family.

Look at, read worksheets. Discuss zmist zoshitiv. Orientation at the assistant's assistant. Take that analysis of the initial information (smart designation, zmist, headings, roztashuvannya on the side, little ones, diagrams, vocabulary). Enter into an argument, dotrimuyuchi rules of an argument, show your point of view. Formuvati vminnya pratsyuvati s іnformatsієyu.

What do I like to do? Hobi.

Formuvati vminnya know information from dictionaries and docs;

Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

About what I most want to tell. Select those for the project.

Formuvati pratsyuvati with the text, shukati necessary information. Speeches from the comments. Understanding the concept of "theme".
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

How to choose material? Your helpers. Stage.

Formuvati pratsyuvati at the team.

Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

repetition. Let's guess

Zastosovuєmo knowledge is practical.
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).


Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

Problem. Solution of the problem.

To solve the problem, to form in the meantime to get an insufficient way of diy (knowledge). Practice over the concept of "problem".
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Hypothesis. Admission.

To use an admission about the unknown, an admission to the method of reversing one’s hypotheses, to staging a search for a test using and unknown methods.

Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Hypothesis. Let's hang out at the parole.

Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

Project meta.

Forming the importance of that zdіbnosti in search of ways to solve the problem of projects. Pratsyuvati over the design concepts of the "meta project". Learn to put the meta in a specific plot situation.
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

Project manager.

Forming the importance of that zdіbnosti in search of ways to solve the problem of projects. Pratsiuvati over the design concept of "project manager".
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).

Select required information

Tsіkavі people. Your helpers.

Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).

Project product.

Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

See the product. Layout.

Familiarization with the forms of product design activities. Choose the required form for the project.
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Repetition of the passed design ones to understand.

Zastosovuєmo knowledge is practical. It is correct to win the understanding of the design understanding of the process of independent work.
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

Business card. How to properly fold a business card before the project?

We want to present our achievements (to transform the result of our work into a product, appointments for others). We prepare a business card from cardboard.
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Min-information. Semihvilinne

Show your point of view, develop guilt, guilt in yourself. Formuvati and develop
communicative competencies, forming in the mind "trimat" the audience at the field of view.
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

Speaking in front of a familiar audience.

Show your point of view, develop guilt, guilt in yourself. Form and develop communicative competence, form in the mind "trimat" the audience in the field.
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Graemo at the vchenih. Zabarvlennya vouchers in different colors. Tse tsikavo.

Farbuvannya vouchers have two colors.
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

Preparation of opinions on the inquiries "from the audience" on the topic of the project.

Show your point of view, develop guilt, guilt in yourself. Forming and developing communicative competencies, forming in the mind "trimat"
audience near the floor.
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Try speaking in front of an unknown audience.

Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

repetition. Let's guess.

Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Graemo at the vchenih. "Mobile phones". Tse tsikavo.

Vchimos control and evaluate your activity and prosuvannya in її different types. Meisterimo mobile phones from plastic cups.

Graemo at the vchenih. Otrimannya electrician for help hair. Tse tsikavo.

Form the foundations of practical thought and evidence. Otrimannya electricians for help rowing.
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

Graemo at the vchenih. Natukovka for tickets. Tse tsikavo.

Familiarity with various project competitions. Preparation of sackcloths for tickets.
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

Test. "What have I learned?"

Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher


Formuvati vminnya evaluate your work and bachiti pardon the safe place.
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).

A tribute to future designers. Send the wise Dolphin to the summer.

Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher.

Thematic plan 2nd grade "I am a successor"

Naming the topics

All year

See that form of initial activity

Behind the plan

Number of your interests. Hobi. zakhoplennya

Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).

Select those for the project.

Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

Familiarity with the concepts of "formulation"

Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

Choice of assistants at the work on the project

To form a vminnya vyslovlyuvaty pripuschennya pro nevidome, pripuschennya method of reverification of their hypotheses, vminnya іstsenuvat poshuk that test vіdomih and nevіdomih vodіv іd. Know the joys of the Wise Dolphin.
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

Stages of work on the project

Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

Relevance of the topics to the project

Forming the importance of that zdіbnosti in search of ways to solve the problem of projects. Pratsyuvati over the design concepts of the "meta project". Learn to put the meta in a specific plot situation.
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Problem. Problem Solving

Forming is important, present signs be it for someone, be it for the process. Practice over the concept of "problem".
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

Problem. Problem Solving

Formuvati vminnya know and important, suttevі signs of whether it be instigated, in the process. Practice over the concept of "problem".
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).

Project meta

Learn how to interpret and understand the information, choose ways to take away the information. Practice over the concepts.
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).

Project manager

Get to know other people of those professions. Develop communicative competence.
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

Selecting information for the project

Learn how to interpret and understand the information, choose ways to take away the information. Practice over understanding
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Getting to know the people of the Church. Interview

Get to know other people of those professions. Develop communicative competence.
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Processing of information

Familiarization with the forms of product design activities. Choose the required form for the project.
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

What is the product of the project?

Familiarization with the forms of product design activities. Choose the required form for the project.
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher


Let's evaluate your work according to variable criteria.
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

Let's evaluate your work according to variable criteria. Independent work with dough
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

Vіdbіr іnformatsії ї iї vіdbіr іnformаtsії ї ї septuhvilinny vistupu

To form in the mind of the public manifestation of the results of the work.
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Creativity robot. Presentation

Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

The value of the computer in the creation of projects

Let's create powerful creative ideas and bring them to the realization of a creative product.
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

The first steps of folding
presentations on a computer

To form in the mind of the public manifestation of the results of the work.
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Follow the text with a presentation

To form in the mind of the public manifestation of the results of the work.
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Preparation of requisitions for food "from the hall"

Show your point of view, develop guilt, guilt in yourself.
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher


Form and develop communicative competence, form in the mind "trimat" the audience in the field.
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

Test "Good luck in the sight of the wise Dolphin"

We want to present our achievements (to transform the result of our work into a product, appointments for others).
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).


Graemo at the vchenih. Tse tsikavo


Let's evaluate your work according to variable criteria. Independent work from the test.
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Various design competitions
previous activities

Familiarity with various project competitions.
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

Trial performance in front of an unknown audience
Memo to the jury for the competition

To form in the mind of the public manifestation of the results of the work. Formuvati vminnya evaluate your work and bachiti pardon the safe place.
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

33- 34
Self-analysis - reflection after the performance
Send the wise Dolphin to summer

Vchimos work straight vysnovki, vysnovki on the basis of essential facts. Be respectful to the team members, to your designers. Enter into an argument, dotrimuyuchi rules of an argument, show your point of view.
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

Calendar-thematic plan 3 class "First projects"

Naming the topics

All year

See that form of initial activity

Theoretical employment

Number of your interests. Hobi.
zakhoplennya. Etapi work on the project. (Zoshit No. 1).

Mold smartly present your zahoplenya, zdobutki. Master the understanding of the stages of work on the project.
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).

Select those for the project. Select material for the project. Problem. Solution of the problem.

To shape the creation of your creative ideas and bring them to the realization of a creative product. Envelop with the help of the methods of creating your own ideas. Develop the problem and know the necessary ways to do it.
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Select those who follow. Admission. Hypothesis. Solution

To form a vminnya vyslovlyuvaty pripuschennya pro nevidome, pripuschennya method of reverification of their hypotheses, vminnya іstsenuvat poshuk that test vіdomih and nevіdomih vodіv іd. Know the joys of the Wise Dolphin.
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).

Wimogi up to the passport project
Folding the project passport.
Practical busyness.

Form smart at the folded passport for the project.
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Wimogi before folding the questionnaires for the project. Questionnaire.

Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Poster. Wimogi until the poster is folded. Wash the placement of the material on the poster.

Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

Practically busy. Creation of a mini-poster.

Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

Exploring and mastering the capabilities of the MPP program. Inserting photographs, drawings, figures, diagrams.

Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

MRR program. Animation, roses. Nalashtuvannya

Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

MRR program. Design. (Zoshit No. 2)

Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).

Light on slides. Robot z
photographs on slides.

Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Wimogi to computer

Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Fixing otrimanih remove that skill from a robot with the MRR program.

Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Practically busy. Folding the first presentation for a given text.

Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

Preparation project documentation to participate in the competition Obrobka іnformatsії. Interview Business card.

Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Testi. Testing. Self-analysis. Reflection.

Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).

Your vision of the robot over

Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

A tribute to future designers.

Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

Storinka podyaki tim, hto
otochuvav and pіdtremuvav you tsgogo rock. (Kerivnik of the project is a teacher, consultants are fathers, helpers are friends, Wise Dolphin). Bring on the summer the Wise Dolphin.

Otrimuyut for the sake of seeing the Wise Dolphin in the summer. Organize a round table “Khvilinki okrovennya”. Compose my own problem book. Otrimuyuyut information about dosledi in the minds of the home "Tse tsikavo".
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

Calendar-thematic plan 4 class "Our projects"

Naming the topics

All year

See that form of initial activity

Theoretical employment
Practical activities, excursions

Your interests are buried

Mold smartly present your zahoplenya, zdobutki. Master the understanding of the stages of work on the project.
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).

See projects

To shape the creation of your creative ideas and bring them to the realization of a creative product. Envelop with the help of the methods of creating your own ideas. Develop the problem and know the necessary ways to do it.
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Doslidnitsko-creative project.

To form a vminnya vyslovlyuvaty pripuschennya pro nevidome, pripuschennya method of reverification of their hypotheses, vminnya іstsenuvat poshuk that test vіdomih and nevіdomih vodіv іd. Know the joys of the Wise Dolphin.
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).

creative project

Form smart at the folded passport for the project.
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Role-playing project

Familiarize yourself with the nutrition for questionnaires; molded at the warehouse food for questioning.
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

The final project from the hypotheses and further revision.

Know the minds of placing the design material on the poster; form the mind at the created poster.
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

Information and follow-up project

Forming a poster with messages and illustrations, graphic schemes and plans. Develop vminnya svoryuvat podomlennya raznoy prirody (synta that pissovі tekst).
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

Information and orientation project

They learn and master the capabilities of the MRR programs. Forming those new beginnings for an hour of work with photographs, little ones, figures, diagrams.
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Practice orientation project

Form cleverly create animations on slides. Independently they try to step on the robot: insert a photograph, little ones. Get to know new concepts: animation, imitation. Creativity of the robot: creation of the magazine "Svit ochima tvarin".
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Mono-subject project

Develop imagery of thought, relish, logic. Forming a clever creative approach to the creation of a speech. Be familiar with the concepts of "design", brucht, modern, interior, curtains.
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).

Interdisciplinary project

Form smart pratsyuvati with the teams "Obrizannya", "Kordoni malyunka". Conduct follow-ups, create photographs on slides.
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

See presentation projects

Be familiar with the concepts of "presentation", with the help of a computer presentation. Formayut vminnya know pardons from the finished presentation and correct them.
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

See the presentation of the project as the participants of the last expedition

Forming a smarter vikoristovuvaty otrimani knowledge under the hour of test reverification.
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it. Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Type of presentation of the project within the framework of the scientific conference

Victory otrimani knowledge pіd hour folded presentation to the specified text. Create your first presentation after this text. Divide the text into parts, create slides of parts of the text, arrange writing on the slides. Work on the design and animation. Virishuyut logical orders.
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

Proper preparation of the presentation before the project

Develop in the mind to create a folder for the project, see the necessary information and enter data; to form a vminnya to take an interview and create a business card for the project.
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher

Work with "Memory" for the hour of preparing a public performance

To form in the mind to evaluate your work and bachiti clear it, to develop self-criticism. Take a test on the topic “For the sake of the Wise Dolphin”.
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).

Work with "Memory" to put together a list of vicoristic literature for an hour of work on the project

Form smart pіdbivati ​​deyakі pіdbags of their activity.
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

Typical pardons for designers

Formed in the meantime robiti visnovki, visnovki at the sight of future designers. Solve puzzles, logical problems, know the laws.
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

Criteria for sub-bag evaluation of project activity of students

Forming in the meantime to sing along to the team, who, having estranged and supported the designer with a stretch of fate. Write words like words to your teacher, paint little ones on a riddle.

Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

MPP software. Molding in the robot with a diagram

To form in the mind to evaluate your work and bachiti clear it, to develop self-criticism. Take a test on the topic “For the sake of the Wise Dolphin”.
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).

MPP program. Molding in a robot with a table

Familiarize yourself with the rules for folding tables.
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

Practical robot

Victory otrimani knowledge pіd hour folded presentation to the specified text. Create your first presentation after this text. Divide the text into parts, create slides of parts of the text, arrange writing on the slides. Work on the design and animation. Virishuyut logical tasks
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

Testing. Self-analysis. Reflection.

Form smart pіdbivati ​​deyakі pіdbags of their activity.
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).

Withdrawing resources on the Internet during the hour of preparation of the presentation

They learn and master the capabilities of the MRR programs. Forming those new beginnings for an hour of work with photographs, little ones, figures, diagrams.
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

Microsoft Office Word. Formation of the beginning of the work with the text and adjustment of the fields of paragraphs

They learn and master the capabilities of the MRR programs. Forming those new beginnings for an hour of work with photographs, little ones, figures, diagrams.
Regulatory: learn how to formulate the initial problem together with the teacher, pick up the topic of the project for the help of the teacher
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

Your guess is how to work on the project.

Forming in the meantime to sing along to the team, who, having estranged and supported the designer with a stretch of fate. Write words like words to your teacher, paint little ones on a riddle.
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

A tribute to future designers

To form in the mind to evaluate your work and bachiti clear it, to develop self-criticism. Take a test on the topic “For the sake of the Wise Dolphin”.
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Communicative: organize the initial interaction of the group (split the roles, keep each other together.).

Storіka podjaki tim, hto otochuvav that pіdtrimuvav you tsgogo fate. Please the wise dolphin for summer.

Otrimuyut for the sake of seeing the Wise Dolphin in the summer. Organize a round table “Khvilinki okrovennya”. Compose my own problem book. Otrimuyuyut information about the past in the minds of the home
"Tse tsikavo".
Specialties: explain to yourself: “what is good in me, and what is bad” (special qualities, draw character), “what I want” (mark, motive), “what I can” (results).
Knowledge: self-admit, such information is needed for the completion of a subject-matter primary task, which is a lot of it.

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Slide 8

The presentation on the topic "The creation of the calendar of historical events" can be downloaded free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: History. Barvy slides and illustrations will help you to win over your classmates and audience. For a review, use the player instead, otherwise you want to add additional text, press on the text under the player. Presentation 8 slides.

slide presentations

Municipal budgetary solar lighting installation ZOSh No. 165

Project "Creation of the calendar of historical events"

slide 2

Basic nutrition What is a calendar?

Calendar (lat. calendarium, calemdae - the first day of the month) - a system for calculating the hour of the task of the project: - Raise interest to the most important moments of the past, - wiggle self-reliance.

slide 3

Historical information about calendars. For a long history, people foresaw a lot of different calendars. In Russia, for a three-time hour, three calendars began: civil, ecclesiastical, and folk (natural) months, and three times the hour did not count. For example, the dawn of a new fate for the hromadyansky calendar fell for a long time on 1 birch, which little matched the rhythm of the ruler's life. Church calendar vіdkrivav rіk 1 spring. 1348 p. at the Orthodox Cathedral in Moscow they sang, schob and gromadyansky, and church rіk started from the 1st spring. This order was trivav until the era of Peter I, by decree of the new rіk becoming counted from 1 sіchnya. Peter I, having brought the Julian calendar from Russia, just like the majority of European lands celebrated the exact Gregorian calendar.

slide 4

historical background of 1961 rock

01.01. The SRSR has launched a penny reform: 10 old karbovanets are exchanged for 1 new karbovanets 02.12. Radyansky important piece satellite of the Earth was put into orbit 02.15 It was dark outside, as it passed through the territory of the SRSR in a narrow smog from Odesa to the Taymir Pivostrov

slide 5

02.18 Radyansk solicitors of Antarctica opened a new scientific station near the area of ​​Queen Maud Land. The station was named Novolazarevskaya 02.19 The installation of a telescope was completed at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR 03.09 A spaceship with the last creature was put into orbit near the USSR 03.18 Geologists discovered the underground river in the waterless boiler Sverdlovina zavglybshki 80 meters gives water 500 liters of water 03.25. 5th space ship-satellite was launched into orbit near Radyansk Soyuz 04.12 A successful launch of a space ship with people on board was successfully launched near the Soviet Socialist Republic. Yuri Gagarin circles the planet for 108 miles and safely turns to Earth.

slide 6

05.11 Radiolocation of the planet Venus was received from the Radyansk Union. 06.03 PID Hour Zustrichi Khrushchev Ta Kennedi at Vidnі (3-4 worms) Radyanski Lider Propona to the President of the United States to hold a conference of the Mirny Dogovir in the same berlin, Takotin, Takannya about the ranging of the pivotion. Kyiv Historical Museum, led by Radyansk archaeologist Academician B.O. Ribakov completed the deciphering of the enigmatic signs in the words of the Yan language of the 4th century. 08.06 Pilot-cosmonaut Major German Stepanovich Titov aboard the Skhid-2 spacecraft

Slide 7

08.10 Moscow hosted the 5th International Biochemical Congress. At the congress, an idea about a way to decipher the code of recession 10.17 In Moscow, the 12 stars of the CPRS were announced. M. Khrushchov Vikliyu, I was stubborn about those, the Komonism of the way up to 1980 Rock on Z'yzdі stated about the junction of Radyanco-Chitai Vidniysk 10.31 Til Stilin, the Mausoleum I was repaired in the necropolis on the Chervoni bail. from the end of the month 12.09 SRSR opens tickets for Albania


"The creation of the calendar of historical podia"

Vikonali: 4th grade student

under the patronage of the teacher Ikonnikova L.Є

2016-2017 navch. rіk

    Basic nutrition

    What is a calendar?

Calendar (Lat.calendarium, calemdae - the first day of the month) - the system for calculating the hour

project meta:

More information about the dates of historical cases

Project manager:
- raise interest to the most important events of the past,

Wiggle self-reliance,

Recognize schoolchildren from famous dates

Historical information about calendars.

For a long history, people foresaw a lot of different calendars. In Russia, for a three-time hour, three calendars dawned:civil, ecclesiastical and folk (natural) months, and three different times, the hour was not charged. For example, zustrіch new rock oncivil calendar a long time ago, it fell on 1 birch, which little matched the rhythm of the ruler's calendar v_dkrivav rik 1 spring.U 1348 p . at the Orthodox Cathedral near Moscow they sang, the gromadyansky, and the church rіk rose from the 1st spring. This order was trivav until the era of Peter I, by decree of the new rіk becoming counted from 1 sіchnya. Peter I, having brought the Julian calendar from Russia, just like the majority of European lands celebrated the exact Gregorian calendar.

Important historical undertakings in Russia

    Khreschennya Rusi 988

Vіdpovіdno up to "Posti temporal litas", 6496 roku vіd svіtu svіtu (that's about 988 roku sv. e.) Prince of Kiev Volodymyr Svyatoslavich christened the Church of Constantinople. Because of what, for the kingship of the emperors Vasil II and Kostyantyn VIII Porphyrogenitus, baptized by the Patriarch of Constantinople Mykola II Chrysoverg, the clergy baptized the people of Kiev near the waters of the Dnipro and (or) Pochaini.

    1367 - Building of the stone Kremlin in Moscow

In 1366-1368, for the sake of the Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy, the wooden walls of the Kremlin were replaced by walls and veils of white stone (behind the archeology of the stone were the most important parts of the wall, the signs of the bula were the most unbearable for the assault). From this period in the chronicles the name is often mentioned - "Moscow of the White-Kam'yana". Nezabara after arguing the white-stone walls of the stench of two - in 1368 and 1370 - stood against the vіysk vіysk of Prince Olgerd

    1613 p. -Coming to power in Russia, the Romanov dynasty .

    After the end of the Time of Troubles and the enthronement of the country by Tsar Mikhail Romanov, a new political situation developed. I remember the role of the governing power played by the Zemsky Sobors, as they were violating the nourishment of the state policy, finances, and taxes. Zemsky Sobors were regularly elected for Tsar Michael. Weakly tsarist government demanded support from various social groups - the boyars, the nobility, the clergy, the townspeople and service people, the villagers.

    1550 - Sudebnik of Ivan the Terrible.

    Sudebnik of Ivan IV , Sudebnik 1550 - a collection of laws in the period of the establishment of the monarchy in Russia, a memo of Russian law of the 16th century, the first normative legal act in Russian history, voted by the single body of law. Acceptance to the first in the Russian kingdom Zemsky Sobor in 1549 with the participation of the Boyar Duma. In 1551, the Sudebnik was confirmed by the Stoglav Cathedral, calling for the initiatives of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible. Mist one hundred articles.

The code of law of Ivan IV may have a strong pro-state directiveness, liquidate the judicial privileges of the princes and strengthen the role of the central sovereign judicial authorities. Tsim Sudebnik 1550 developing mortgages in the Sudebnik 1497 tendencies of state administration that


    1696 - decree on the establishment of the fleet in Russia

    Before the hour of another Azov campaign in 1696 against Turechchini, before the Russians hung 2 ships of the line, 4 firehouses, 23 galleries and 1300 strugivs, visiting the river Voronezh. After the conquest of the fort of Azov, the Boyar Duma discussed Peter's report about the march and decided on the viability of the Viysk-Navy Fleet on July 20, 1696. This date is considered to be the official day of the birth of the regular Viysk-Navy Fleet of Russia, the ships of which were built at the shipyards of the Voronezsky Admiralty.

    1721 - voted by the Russian Empire

    The empire was voted on 22 Zhovtnya (2) leaf fall 1721 fate for pіnіchnі vіyni pіnіchnі vіyni, if the senators of the Russian tsar Peter I the Great took the titles of the Emperor of All Russia and the Father of Vіtchizni.

    The capital of the Russian Empire from 1721 to 1728 and from 1730 to 1917 was St. Petersburg (1914-1917 Petrograd), and in 1728-1730 - Moscow.

    The Russian Empire was the third in the area of ​​any of the major powers (after the British and Mongol Empires) - it attacked the Frozen Ice Ocean on the pivnochi and the Black Sea on the pivdni, to the Baltic Sea at sunset and the Pacific Ocean at the exit. The head of the empire is the All-Russian Emperor, I will not be surrounded by anything, absolute power until 1905.

    1803 p. -Decree on free grain harvesting . The villagers took away the right to redeem themselves from the land.

    20 fierce 1803 - a legislative act of the Russian Emperor Oleksandr I, for which the assistants took away the right to hire kripaks one by one and villages from the foreman of the land plot. Vision within the framework of the reformation of the Russian Empire, which was introduced in the 1800s.

    For the will of the villagers, they paid a ransom and paid duties. As if the brainwashed goiter did not win, the villagers turned to helper. Nothing mattered to the helper to let the villager free of charge - everything was signed by an agreement between the villager and the helper. The villagers, who took away their will in such a rite, were called free chi free grain growers (stars are popularly called the decree).

    1837 r. - awakenedpersha zaliznytsia in Russia.

    Decree of Emperor Mykoli I dated 21 February 1836 about the conquest of the Tsarskoye Szaliznitsa was publicized on 15 April 1836. Budіvnytstvo began on May 1, 1836. Opened the road on July 30, 1837. Kolії width 1829 mm.

    The back of the Tsarskosіlskaya zalіznitsa bula was laid from St. Petersburg to Tsarskoye Selo, and later it was extended to the dacha town of Pavlovsk, with which the haul road grew up to 27 km. . The first trial trip of the train with a film traction between Tsarskoe Selo and Pavlovsk took place on the 27th of spring 1836.

    1861 -The case of the strong law in Russia .

    Peasant reform in Russia (at the spaciousskasuvannya kripatstva ) - Rozpochata reform in 1861, yak kasuvala krіposne right in the Russian Empire. It was the first after an hour and the greatest of the "great reforms" of Emperor Oleksandr II; was spoofed by the Manifesto about the enforcement of the strong law on the 19th of February (3rd Birch), 1861.

    Long overdue, zapіznіla reform opened the way to the development of capitalism in Russia's industrialization. Russia and the United States remained the "great powers" in their time to end slavery on their territory. Not vipadkovo Karl Marx wrecked the process of allowing the kripakiv from Russia with the rush for the freedom of the slaves

    1917 -Revolution in Russia

    Russian revolution (Great Russian Revolution) - the mental name of the revolutionary pods that took place in Russia in 1917, starting from the fall of the monarchy with the Lute Revolution, if the power passed to the Timchas order, which, from its own side, was tumbled down as a result of the Zhovtnevo ї lshovskiy revolution vlad.

    1918 - 1922 -Gromadyanskaya war in Russia

    Gromadyanskaya war in Russia - a number of violent conflicts between different political, ethnic, social groups and sovereign establishments on the territory of the Great Russian Empire, which followed the arrival of the Belarusians in the wake of the Zhovtnevoy revolution of 1917.

    Glumadyanska Viina became the PIDSUMK of the Revolutionary Crisi, she picked up the roar of the XX Table, she was taking a rooster 1905-1907, the rocke, pushed in the passage of the monarchy, and the Grisodaric, and the global, the global, the global, the global, the global, the global, the globo The apogee of this rozkol and was baked war on the scale of the Ukrainian krai between the armed forces of the radyansk power and the anti-billshovitsky power.

    Great Vitchiznyan war 1941-1945

    war to the Union of Radyansk Socialist Republics against the Nazi Germany and її allies (Bulgaria, Ukraine, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Finland, Croatia). Having won the military victory over Nimechchyna, the Radyansk Union made a decisive contribution to the defeat of Nazism in Europe.

    1961 -The first flight of man into space

    On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in world history, as he created a flight in space. The launch vehicle "Skhid" with the ship "Skhid-1", which Gagarin was on board, was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome. After 108 minutes of flight Gagarin successfully landed in the Saratov region, not far from the Engels town. Beginning on April 12, 1962, the day of Gagarin's flight to space was stunned by the saint - Cosmonautics Day.

    1991 -The collapse of the Soviet Socialist Republic and the fall of socialism .

    As a result of which, on 17 February 1991, an all-Russian referendum was held, for which the post of President of the RRFSR was introduced.

    On March 12, 1991, as a result of the first national elections, B. N. Yeltsin became the President of the RSFSR, having taken 45,552,041 votes of the electorate, which added up 57.30 votes to the number of those who took part in the vote, and significantly outperformed Mikola Rizhkova, yakiy to the support of the allies. rule, having taken off less than 16.85 votes. Together with B. N. Eltsinim, Vice-President Oleksandr Rutsky was elected. On March 1, 1991, representatives of democratic movement, G. Kh. Popov and A. A. Sobchak, were chosen by the measures of Moscow and Leningrad. Afterwards, the main speeches of Boris N. Yeltsin were the struggle for the privileges of the nomenklatura and support for the sovereignty of Russia at the warehouse of the SRSR. On April 10, 1991, Boris N. Yeltsin took an oath of allegiance to the people of Russia and the Russian Constitution, and entered the landing of the President of the RRFSR.



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