Preparing for a degree in geography. Material for preparatory work to geography. Algorithm for developing typical GIA test tasks

i, , а, , а, , , , (China), , (Korea), Abkhazia, I,

by sea - i

3. Information about the climate of Russia.

Atlas 8 class . Climate card.

In the meantime, the temperature is increasing again from night to day. The fee is changed at sunset (the closer it is to sunset, the warmer it is). Quite a few fall down on the west, near the mountains, saving the Pacific Ocean.

5. Nutrition of the Russian economy.

Atlas 9th grade. Cards, for example, "Machine Industry", "Palivna Promislovist" and so on.

6. Questions about reserves.

Atlas 8th grade. Natural shrines of Russia

7. Which of the regions has the highest population density?

Atlas 9th grade. Map "Population size". Spivvіdnestate two cards: "Population size" and "Administrative card". The size of the population is the closer to the pivdnya and to the European part. (The main smuga of the settlement: the European part of Russia, the Crimean peninsula and the peninsula of Siberia).

8. Catering for charts.

Calculate the required value for the graph, table.

9. Power supply: signify:

Natural growth \u003d Population - Mortality

Mortality \u003d People - Natural growth

Migration growth = Immigration - Emigration

Migration income \u003d Tі, who arrived - Viїhali

Global Population Growth = Migration Growth + Natural Growth

Migration growth \u003d Global population growth - Natural growth

Natural growth \u003d Global population growth - Migration growth

Population size =Population


Density of mesh zaliznit = Dovzhina of kolіy kolіy

Territory area

Immigration - to the country

Emigration - a way out of the country

10. Yake z mіst znahoditsya in the zone of dії cyclone or anticyclone.

Nutrition for a synoptic map.

At – anticyclone (high vice)H - Cyclone (low grip)

11. Nutrition for a synoptic map .

Which place can get cold? (There, where the cold front goes)

Which place can get warmer? (There, where go warm front)

De vipadatimut opadi - there, de cyclone chi atmospheric front

12. Nutrition with ecology

Wetting of acid boards with spray - spitting of vugill, color metallurgy

Greenhouse effect - an increase in carbon dioxide (transport, spitting fire)

I was able to settle down at the centers of black metallurgy

natural resources

Vicherpnі nevicherpnі (energy of the Sun, wind, tides

Nevіdnovnі Vіdnovnі

(korisn_ kopalini) (forest, water, soil, live. light)

13. In which way to go about the process:

Urbanization - increasing the role of the city and the Russian way of life

Migration - the movement of the population from one place of residence to the next

Revival of the population - the process of uninterrupted change of generations

The natural growth of the population - the difference between the people and the death rate

The mode of the river - the change of the water level in the river for the seasons of rock (freezing of the river, the growth of the ice curve)

Galuzev structure of the state of Russia - tse a collection of galleys that satisfy the same needs the state of the country.

14. Determine the coordinates .

Like a place - Atlas 7 class - a political map of the world. (Atlas 8th class - places of Russia)

Yakshcho mountain, volcano - Atlas 7 class - physical map of the world (Atlas 8 class - Russia)

Coordinates: fore, 40 0 Mon.Sh.; 80 0 s.d.

Latitude : pіvnіchna ta pіvdennaDovgota : zahіdna ta skhіdna

h.d. s.d.


16. Appointment for rosrahunki

The task of appointing a part (%). Let's make a proportion. Tsile (hard) -100%, those who need to know x%.

20 - 100% x = 8x100

8 - x% 20

Vznachiti vіdnosnu vologіst (folded proportion).

Take the temperature at the top of the mountain.

Determine salinity (Determine in ppm % 0, even saltiness 15% 0, then in a liter of water 15 g of salts are added)

17. Change the place in order to increase (change) the number of population .

Atlas 9th grade. Catalyst population. We marvel at the place in mugs.

Mista Millioneri of Russia:

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara,

Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Volgograd, Voronezh

18. Designate a topographic map.

1. We use a line between objects 2. Multiply by the scale value (for example, 100 m)

4 cm x 100 = 400 m

19. Signify directly from one object to another. Topographic map



20. Designate a yak z d_lyanok p_dhodit for:

Sledding, mountain licks (1. Є schil 2. No chagarniks, pits)

Football field (1. Smooth relief 2. No holes, chagarnik, fox)

Fruit garden

21. Decide which profile is right for you

According to the height of the specks, lowering of the relief, etc.)

22. Maps of which area you need to choose in order to vacate the territory.

Atlas 8 class "Administrative map", 9 class "Economic district"

24. Roztashuvati regions in that succession New river

Atlas 8th grade. Administrative card. Know the needs of the regions and places. New river starts onget off .

26. Expand the indications for the little balls of girls in the order of increase in their age

(from youngest to oldest).

Chimmore balls of gіrsk porіd - the team is younger

28. Head of tables. Analyze tables

29. - In the capital of which of the listed republics does the sun rise above the horizon after the Moscow hour?Chim down, the sooner you get up above the horizon.

- De kut fall of sleepy exchanges will be the greatest.

The closer it is to pivden - tim kut fall of sleepy changes will be the greatest

The Sovereign Pidsumkova attestation 2019 for graduates of the 9th class of graduates in geography of geography is carried out according to the method of assessing the level of graduates in graduating from the category of discipline. At the heads of the departments, the following types of activities are changed between the disciplines of geography:

  1. To know and understand the geographical features of the nature of the continents and oceans, the peoples of the Earth; control over the state's development of various territories and water areas; the results of other geographical surveys are more expensive.
  2. Know the specifics of the geographical distribution of Russia.
  3. To know and understand the peculiarities of the nature of Russia.
  4. To know and understand the natural and anthropogenic causes of the blame for geoecological problems; come in for the protection of nature and the protection of people from natural and man-made phenomena.
  5. To know and understand the features of the main galleys of the state of Russia, natural state zones and regions.
  6. Vmіti induce natural resources, their victories and protection, the formation of cultural and butt features of the peoples under the influence of dovkіlla їх living; remember to know rіznih dzherelakh information, necessary investigation of environmental problems.
  7. To know and understand the peculiarities of the population of Russia.
  8. Vmіti know information, necessary knowledge of different territories of the Earth, their security with natural and human resources.
  9. Vmiti analyze in different regions the information, the need to study the different territories of the Earth, their security with natural and human resources.
  10. Understand geographical phenomena and processes in the geospheres.
  11. To know and understand the natural and anthropogenic causes of the blame for geoecological problems.
  12. Vmity see (recognize) present signs geographic objects and phenomena.
  13. Vmіti indicate on the map geographic coordinates.
  14. Know and understand the basic terms and understand; vmіti vykoristovuvati nabutі knowledge of that vminnya at practical activity that everyday life for the accomplishment of practical tasks.
  15. Vmіti vykoristovuvati nabutі znannya that vminnya prakticheskogo dіyalnostі and povyakdennomu zhittі for chitannya kartіzny zmіst.
Date of issue of ODE in geography 2019:
4 chernya (Tuesday), 14 chernya (Friday).
Change the structure and change the exam work of 2019 to the fate of 2018 the fate of the day.
You will find online tests at this branch, which will help you prepare for the OGE (GIA) exam in geography. Thank you for success!

The standard ODE test (DIA-9) for the 2019 format of geography is completed on the 27th day with a short break and the 3rd day with a fired break. This test has only 27 days, which will require a short review. Considering the flow structure of the experiment, the middle of the tasks of the variant of the withdrawals are promoted only in 17 tasks. In three tasks, a record is given of the difference between the words or the word receipt, and in 7 tasks, which are missing, the note is the number or the sequence of numbers. And for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all the tasks. However, for the task, for some variants of tests, the order of real control and simulation materials (KIM) was not transferred, the number of options for tests was significantly increased, in order to bring our test as close as possible to the point where you happen to close on the example.

The standard ODE test (DIA-9) for the 2019 format of geography is completed on the 27th day with a short break and the 3rd day with a fired break. This test has only 27 days, which will require a short review. Considering the flow structure of the experiment, the middle of the tasks of the variant of the withdrawals are promoted only in 17 tasks. In three tasks, a record is given of the difference between the words or the word receipt, and in 7 tasks, which are missing, the note is the number or the sequence of numbers. And for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all the tasks. However, for the task, for some variants of tests, the order of real control and simulation materials (KIM) was not transferred, the number of options for tests was significantly increased, in order to bring our test as close as possible to the point where you happen to close on the example.

The standard ODE test (GIA-9) for the 2018 format of geography is completed on the 27th day with a short break and the 3rd day with a fired break. This test has only 27 days, which will require a short review. Considering the flow structure of the experiment, the middle of the tasks of the variant of the withdrawals are promoted only in 17 tasks. In three tasks, a record is given of the difference between the words or the word receipt, and in 7 tasks, which are missing, the note is the number or the sequence of numbers. And for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all the tasks. However, for the task, for some variants of tests, the order of real control and simulation materials (KIM) was not transferred, the number of options for tests was significantly increased, in order to bring our test as close as possible to the point where you happen to close on the example.

The standard ODE test (GIA-9) for the 2018 format of geography is completed on the 27th day with a short break and the 3rd day with a fired break. This test has only 27 days, which will require a short review. Considering the flow structure of the experiment, the middle of the tasks of the variant of the withdrawals are promoted only in 17 tasks. In three tasks, a record is given of the difference between the words or the word receipt, and in 7 tasks, which are missing, the note is the number or the sequence of numbers. And for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all the tasks. However, for the task, for some variants of the tests, the order of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not transferred, the number of options for the tests was significantly increased, so that our test could be as close as possible to the point where you happen to get stuck on the example.

The standard ODE test (GIA-9) for the 2018 format of geography is completed on the 27th day with a short break and the 3rd day with a fired break. This test has only 27 days, which will require a short review. Considering the flow structure of the experiment, the middle of the tasks of the variant of the withdrawals are promoted only in 17 tasks. In three tasks, a record is given of the difference between the words or the word receipt, and in 7 tasks, which are missing, the note is the number or the sequence of numbers. And for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all the tasks. However, for the task, for some variants of the tests, the order of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not transferred, the number of options for the tests was significantly increased, so that our test could be as close as possible to the point where you happen to get stuck on the example.

The standard ODE test (GIA-9) for the 2018 format of geography is completed on the 27th day with a short break and the 3rd day with a fired break. This test has only 27 days, which will require a short review. Considering the flow structure of the experiment, the middle of the tasks of the variant of the withdrawals are promoted only in 17 tasks. In three tasks, a record is given of the difference between the words or the word receipt, and in 7 tasks, which are missing, the note is the number or the sequence of numbers. And for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all the tasks. However, for the task, for some variants of the tests, the order of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not transferred, the number of options for the tests was significantly increased, so that our test could be as close as possible to the point where you happen to get stuck on the example.

The standard ODE test (DIA-9) for the 2017 format of geography is completed on the 27th day with a short break and the 3rd day with a fired break. This test has only 27 days, which will require a short review. Considering the flow structure of the experiment, the middle of the tasks of the variant of the withdrawals are promoted only in 17 tasks. In three tasks, a record is given of the difference between the words or the word receipt, and in 7 tasks, which are missing, the note is the number or the sequence of numbers. And for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all the tasks. However, for the task, for some variants of the tests, the order of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not transferred, the number of options for the tests was significantly increased, so that our test could be as close as possible to the point where you happen to get stuck on the example.

The standard ODE test (DIA-9) for the 2016 format of geography is completed on the 27th day with a short break and the 3rd day with a fired break. This test has only 27 days, which will require a short review. Considering the flow structure of the experiment, the middle of the tasks of the variant of the withdrawals are promoted only in 17 tasks. In three tasks, a record is given of the difference between the words or the word receipt, and in 7 tasks, which are missing, the note is the number or the sequence of numbers. And for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all the tasks. However, for the task, for some variants of the tests, the order of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not transferred, the number of options for the tests was significantly increased, so that our test could be as close as possible to the point where you happen to get stuck on the example.

The standard ODE test (DIA-9) for the 2016 format of geography is completed on the 27th day with a short break and the 3rd day with a fired break. This test has only 27 days, which will require a short review. Considering the flow structure of the experiment, the middle of the tasks of the variant of the withdrawals are promoted only in 17 tasks. In three tasks, a record is given of the difference between the words or the word receipt, and in 7 tasks, which are missing, the note is the number or the sequence of numbers. And for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all the tasks. However, for the task, for some variants of the tests, the order of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not transferred, the number of options for the tests was significantly increased, so that our test could be as close as possible to the point where you happen to get stuck on the example.

The standard ODE test (DIA-9) for the 2016 format of geography is completed on the 27th day with a short break and the 3rd day with a fired break. This test has only 27 days, which will require a short review. Considering the flow structure of the experiment, the middle of the tasks of the variant of the withdrawals are promoted only in 17 tasks. In three tasks, a record is given of the difference between the words or the word receipt, and in 7 tasks, which are missing, the note is the number or the sequence of numbers. And for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all the tasks. However, for the task, for some variants of the tests, the order of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not transferred, the number of options for the tests was significantly increased, so that our test could be as close as possible to the point where you happen to get stuck on the example.

The standard ODE test (DIA-9) for the 2016 format of geography is completed on the 27th day with a short break and the 3rd day with a fired break. This test has only 27 days, which will require a short review. Considering the flow structure of the experiment, the middle of the tasks of the variant of the withdrawals are promoted only in 17 tasks. In three tasks, a record is given of the difference between the words or the word receipt, and in 7 tasks, which are missing, the note is the number or the sequence of numbers. And for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all the tasks. However, for the task, for some variants of the tests, the order of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not transferred, the number of options for the tests was significantly increased, so that our test could be as close as possible to the point where you happen to get stuck on the example.

The standard ODE test (DIA-9) for the 2016 format of geography is completed on the 27th day with a short break and the 3rd day with a fired break. This test has only 27 days, which will require a short review. Considering the flow structure of the experiment, the middle of the tasks of the variant of the withdrawals are promoted only in 17 tasks. In three tasks, a record is given of the difference between the words or the word receipt, and in 7 tasks, which are missing, the note is the number or the sequence of numbers. And for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all the tasks. However, for the task, for some variants of the tests, the order of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not transferred, the number of options for the tests was significantly increased, so that our test could be as close as possible to the point where you happen to get stuck on the example.

The standard ODE test (DIA-9) for the 2015 format of geography is completed on the 27th day with a short break and the 3rd day with a fired break. This test has only 27 days, which will require a short review. Considering the flow structure of the experiment, the middle of the tasks of the variant of the withdrawals are promoted only in 17 tasks. And for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all the tasks. However, for the task, for some variants of the tests, the order of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not transferred, the number of options for the tests was significantly increased, so that our test could be as close as possible to the point where you happen to get stuck on the example.

The standard ODE test (DIA-9) for the 2015 format of geography is completed on the 27th day with a short break and the 3rd day with a fired break. This test has only 27 days, which will require a short review. Considering the flow structure of the experiment, the middle of the tasks of the variant of the withdrawals are promoted only in 17 tasks. And for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all the tasks. However, for the task, for some variants of the tests, the order of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not transferred, the number of options for the tests was significantly increased, so that our test could be as close as possible to the point where you happen to get stuck on the example.

The standard ODE test (DIA-9) for the 2015 format of geography is completed on the 27th day with a short break and the 3rd day with a fired break. This test has only 27 days, which will require a short review. Considering the flow structure of the experiment, the middle of the tasks of the variant of the withdrawals are promoted only in 17 tasks. And for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all the tasks. However, for the task, for some variants of the tests, the order of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not transferred, the number of options for the tests was significantly increased, so that our test could be as close as possible to the point where you happen to get stuck on the example.

Testimony presents food less choice one correct answer.
So if you have a letter number 14, and then viyshov 18, then it means that on 15, 16, 17 food you need a letter with a fired letter, we didn’t start to turn them on.

How to effectively prepare students for the task of ODE in geography

Clarification of the reader's knowledge of geography.

Jordan Oksana Volodymyrivna

I start my work from preparation to ODE from the fact that I know the students with the specifics and the KIM codifier. Let's learn how to win the entrance to the robot (call the trial version of the ODE)

Tsya robot gives the ability to calculate the knowledge of learning. Understand what you learn, like a gap in knowledge, like a leader of the animal, especially respect.


Diagnostics is important. The first and farther robots allow you to improve the dynamics of the acquired knowledge, reduce that learning experience. I will carry out diagnostics and then vibudovuyu schedule, which will show how many points were scored for 1, 2 and advanced work.

On deakі topics, for example, "Topographic map" (No. 18,19,20), "Synoptic map" (No. 10) I wrote a vicorist cover instruction.

Zavdannya: Find out all the places, de die cyclone (anticyclone)

to the front.

Passage of warm and cold fronts.

Warm front - warming, cold front - cooling. Task: find out all the places, in which it is warmer (or colder).

Topographic map

1. Take a line and keep it straight in a straight line from A to B - 10 cm.

2. It seems that 1 cm on the map is 100 meters in reality. So, to know the distance, you need 100 m * 10 cm = 1000 m or 1 km. Distance: 1km.

3. Cyclones, anticyclones.

(When the nature of the surrounding regions has been cultivated). (#10, #11)

4. Relief, natural phenomena. (When the nature of the surrounding regions has been cultivated). (#14, #15, #4, #24)

5. Mista - milliononery (hour of pickup at the warehouse of the districts) (No. 16)


In 2013 roci, in 2014 roci uchni, yaki took ODE from geography, all buildings were given "5".


Natural origin and ecology Basic concepts, processes, regularities and findings

Water resources rozpodіlenі vkray nerіvnomіrno. Leaders in the provision of river water resources per capita are DR Congo, Canada, Norway, New Zealand, Liberia; minimal indications to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, PAR, Poland.

Land resources include such types of land: rilli (11%), pastures (24%), forest lands (31%), earth vineyards are not vicorous.

Mineral resources accepted to submit to fire-energy, mines, non-ores brown copalini. Almost all stinks can be classified as nevіdnovlyuvanih.

3 fuel and energy resources the most significant wash naphtha, gas and vugillya. From open reserves vugillya 40% sit on the windstorm, 60% - on the stone. The largest coal basins are Tunguska, Lensky, Kansko-Achinsky, Kuznetsky, Rursky, Appalatsky, Pechersky, Taimirsky. Biggest oil and gas bearing basins: Persian tributaries, Marakaibska, Orinokska, Mexican tributaries, Texas, Illinoiska, Kaliforniiska, Zakhidno-Kanadska, Zahidno-Sibirska, Sumatrinska, Gvineiska zatok, Sakharska. Rudni korisn_ kopaliny vіdpov_dat foundations and ledges of ancient platforms and folded areas.

Great mine belts- Alpine-Himalayan, Pacific and other. non-hard brown copalins are seen in the gypsy breeds and minerals that are vicorous in everyday life, in the chemical industry, etc. Light forest resources are characterized by two main indicators: the size of the forest area (4.1 billion hectares) and the reserves of the village (333 billion m3). You can see two great forest belts - pivnichny and pivdenny.

natural resources- see all the riches of nature, yak without middle vikoristovyvayutsya by a person, but they are vikoristovuyutsya by her for the production of material values.

natural mind- all the characteristics of natural dovkіllya, the components that infuse virobnitstva and people, but without any intermediary they do not vicorist.

Nature-bearing- The activity of human society is directed towards the satisfaction of one's needs with the path of winning natural resources.

Rational nature conservation - the system of nature -browned, at the Yaki, finish the natural resources to the man’s collapse, the vicious (I viddov is a seniority of the storage resource), to forget the vicinity of the natural resources, and the bagotorzovo is vicorized, the vicoroseni is permitted by the vicorentine, the vicosa is permitted. Rationally naturalization of a taman-intensive state.

Resource security- Spivvіdshennya mіzh size of natural resources and rozmіry їх vikoristannya. There are a lot of rokiv, where you can get this resource, whose reserves are the soul of the population of the territory.

The first ten countries for the worlds of fresh water resources


Resources, km3






Country leaders for the reserves of hot-energy brown copalins


Country leaders from reserves

Kam'yane vugіllya

USA, China, Russia, India, PAR, Australia

Bure vugillya

Russia, USA, Australia, Nіmechchina

Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, UAE, Venezuela

Russia, Iran, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkmenistan.

Country leaders for the reserves of ore brown copalins


Country leaders from reserves

Zalizna ore

Russia, Brazil, China, Australia, USA, India, Canada, Ukraine

Boxity (aluminum ore)

Australia, Guinea, Brazil, Jamaica, Suriname, Guyana, China

Midna ore

Chile, USA, Congo (Zahir), Zambia, Canada, Russia, China, Kazakhstan

Manganese ore

PAR, Australia, Gabon, Brazil, Ukraine

Tin ore

Malaysia, Brazil, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, China, Russia, Bolivia, PAR

USA, PAR, Australia, Canada, Russia

Country leaders in stocks of non-metallic brown copalins


Country leaders from reserves

PAR, Russia, Namibia, Australia, Botswana


Kazakhstan, Morocco, PAR, Australia, Algeria

Potassium salts

Belarus, Nіmechchina, Brazil

Ukraine, Italy, Turkmenistan, Iraq

Fox belts


Area, billion ha

Warehouse porid

Areas of expansion


Conifers - 67%
Leaves - 33%

Russia, Canada, USA, lands of Pivnichnoy Europe

Broadleaf - 97%

Brazil, DR Congo, Congo (Zahir), Indonesia, India, Myanmar, Venezuela and other.

The first ten countries beyond the area of ​​​​rilli


Square rilli

million ha

% to land fund




Come in and fight against the negative consequences of the state's activity of the people

Components of nature


Come in and fight the negative things

Increased erosion, salinity, vysnazhennya, swamping

Land reclamation: promotion of efficient agrotechnical entrances, smoky soils


Zvedennya lіsіv, mourning of shepherds, blame of rare species of roslin

Planting a fox, planting greenery in settlements, improving pastures, protecting rare species of roslin

Creature world

The blame of the okremikh vidiv, the deterioration of the minds of living.

Protection of rare species, their piece breeding

Surface water

Zabrudnennya rivers, lakes, their settlements and overgrowth

Exchange of waste waters, life of purifying spores and recycling systems

Russian breeds, relief

Osvita kar'єrіv, vіdvalіv, terikonіv

Land reclamation

Atmospheric show

Consumption of CO2, SO2, CH4 and in; change in atmospheric transparency; the appearance of aerosol, saw and other. house

Budіvnitstvo povіtroochisnyh spores, appearance of self-cleaning building atmosphere and іn.

Atmosphere Basic concepts, processes, patterns and implications

Absolute moisture b - the amount of water vapor that can be removed in 1 m3 each time.

Anticyclone- a low atmospheric vortex from a closed area of ​​​​a raised vice, near the center of the wind, to the periphery behind the annual arrow near Pivnichniy pivkul.

Atmosphere- Povіtryana (gas) shell of the Earth, which otochuє the earth's sack and is tied to it by the force of gravity, which takes the fate of the industrial tar Russian of the Earth).

Atmospheric fall- water in a rare and hard state, which falls out of the cold (rain, snow, hail, hail thinly), and is also seen from above (dew, snow, frost thinly) on the earth’s surface and that object. Number of fallouts on the territory to fall in:

Temperatures are repeated (influencing the vaporization and moisture retention); sea ​​currents (above the surface of warm currents, it heats up, swells with water, rises uphill - fall is easily seen from it. Above the cold currents, an overflowing process rises - fall does not settle); circulation of the atmosphere (there, de povіtrya they move from the sea to land, - falling more); the heights of the mountain and the straight mountains ridges (burn over the passage of the water-covered masses; latitudes of the moon (for equatorial latitudes, a large number of falls is characteristic, for tropical and polar ones - small); the degree of continentality of the territory (changes every hour of the day when the river is protected from the depths of the mainland).

Atmospheric fron t - the zone of distribution of the various due to the power of the rising masses in the troposphere.

Wind- ruh mass povitrya in a horizontal straight line from the areas of the raised vice in the area lowered vise. The wind is characterized by speed (km/year) and directly (which is directly indicated by the side of the horizon;

Povitrya- sumish gas, to create the earth's atmosphere. per chemical warehouse The amount of air is composed of nitrogen (78%), sour (21%), inert gases (about 1%), carbon dioxide (0.03%). In the upper spheres of the atmosphere, water and helium are transported. Vіdsotkove spіvvіdnennia kіlkostі gazіv majzhe zavzhdi, ale spitting naphtha, gas, vugіllya, reducing lіsіv to increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Look at the mask- great obsyagi across the troposphere, which may have the same power (temperature, moisture, transparency, etc.) and collapse like one unit. The power of the conquered masses is determined by the territory and the water area, from which the stench is formed. Two subtypes are seen at the link with the vіdmіnnosti vіdmіnnosti vіdmіnnosti — continental (mainland) and oceanіchny (maritime). According to the temperature, one can see the main (zonal) types of surviving masses: equatorial, tropical, demise, arctic (antarctic).

Atmosphere vice- ce tisk, which should be repaired on the earth's surface and all objects that are on it. Normal atmospheric pressure on the ocean equals 760 mm Hg. Art., with the height of the value of the normal vice changes. The pressure of a warm wind is smaller, lower than a cold one, the chips expand when heated, and shrink when cooled. Zagalny rose under the grip of the Earth maє zonal character, heating and cooling again in the air of the Earth is accompanied by its redistribution and serpentine vice.

Isobari- Lines on the map that connect points with the same indications of atmospheric pressure.

Isothermy- Lines on the map that connect points with the same temperatures.

Viparovuvannya(mm) - entry into the atmosphere of water vapor from surface water, snow, ice, dewdrops, thin soil.

Viparation(mm) - the maximum amount of water, as it can be evaporated in a given place for singing minds, wait (amount of sony heat, temperature).

Climate- bagatorіchny mode of weather, pritamanny given ї mіstsevosti. He subdivided the climate of the Earth zonally; They are seen for the peculiarities of the temperature regime and falling. You can see the main and transitional climatic zones. The most important climatic factors are:

Geographical latitude of the territory; atmospheric circulation; ocean currents; absolute height of the territory; distance to the ocean; the nature of the underlying surface.

Coefficient of investment- tse vіdnoshennia kіlkostі opadіv before viparovuvannya. If the coefficient of health is greater than 1, then health is superficial, close to 1 is normal, less than 1 is insufficient. The rise, like a fall, on the earth's surface, spreads zonal. The zones of the tundra, the forests of the peaceful and equatorial latitudes, are overworldly blessed, in the navpustels and the deserts - insufficient.

Vіdnosna vologіst- Vdnoshnennia (at vіdsotkah) of the actual amount of water vapor in 1 m3 again up to what is possible at the given temperature.

greenhouse effect- The power of the atmosphere to pass to the earth's surface sony radiation, and also to trim the thermal vibration of the Earth.

Direct radiation- Radiation, which reaches the Earth at the sight of a beam of parallel exchanges, which looks out from the Sun. Її Її іntensіvnіst deposit in vіd vіsoto Sontsya i prozorostі atmosphere.

Rossiyana radiation- Radiation that rose in the atmosphere and went to the Earth from the sky crypt. It plays a vital role in the energy balance of the Earth, being in a gloomy period, especially in the polar latitudes, the only source of energy in the earthly balls of the atmosphere.

Sonyachna radiation- all sukupnіst dormouse vipromіuvannya; live in thermal units (the number of calories per song hour per unit area). A lot of radiation to lie down during the trivality of the day in different times of rock and the fall of sleepy changes: the less the sun, the less the sleepy radiation takes away the surface, and also, it heats up less over it. Total sleepy radiation - the sum of direct and pink radiation. Кількість сумарної сонячної радіації збільшується від полюсів (60 ккал/см3 на рік) до екватора (200 ккал/см3 на рік), причому її найбільші показники спостерігаються в тропічних пустелях, тому що кількість сонячної радіації впливають хмарність і прозорість атмосфери, колір поверхні, що pіdstilaє (for example, white snow vіdobrazhaє up to 90% of sleepy shifts).

Cyclone- a rising atmospheric vortex from a closed area of ​​a reduced vice, near the periphery, near the periphery, to the center of the anti-annual arrow near the Pivnichny pivkul.

Atmospheric circulation- a system of repeating currents on the earth's backwaters, which absorbs the transfer of heat and water from one region to another.

short description atmospheric balls

Atmosphere ball

short description


Retrieve over 90% of the air mass and may all the water vapor. Height above the equator - up to 18 km, above the poles - 10-12 km. and so on.


Occur at altitudes of 10–18 km up to 55 km. At an altitude of 25–30 km. poserіgaєtsya maximum for the atmosphere instead of ozone, which dries up sony radiation. The temperature in the lower part is characterized by insignificant changes, in the upper part the temperature is moving upward


To be located at a height of 55 km to 80 km. The temperature decreases with altitude


To be located at a height of 80 km. up to 400 km. Temperature rises with altitude


Under the influence of ultraviolet dormouse and space changes, it is again strongly ionized and becomes electrically conductive.

Atmospheric Vise Belt

Geographic location

Atmospheric Vise Belt

Change by stretching fate

Equatorial latitude


Take care of their borders

Tropical latitudes


Above the continents, the vise is vicious, below, over the oceans, stretching the mustache rock

Pomirnі latitude


At Pivdenniy pivkul, all rivers are saved at their borders. At Pvnіchnіy pіvkulі vzymka is saved less over the oceans, because the pressure is sharply moving over the continents.

Polar latitudes


Vzimku - expanding, vlіtku - fast. Іsnuyut the whole river

See the windows


Districts roseseveryday


Tropics (blowing from 30 latitudes to the equator)

N-E (Pivnichna pivkulya), S-E (Pivdenna pivkulya)

Winds of good transference

Pomirnі latitudes (from 30 to 60 latitudes)

Save the Eurasian and Pivnichnoy America

Vlitka - from the ocean to the mainland, vzimka - from the mainland to the ocean

Stichnі vіtry


From the center of the mainland to the periphery

Marine protection

During the day - from the sea to land, at night - from land to the sea

Hydrosystems, especially Alpi, Pamir, Caucasus

Z gir near the valley

Por_vnyalny characteristic of a cyclone and an anticyclone




Wash away viniknennya

Vice at the central part

Low (reduced)

Visoka (moved)

Rukh povitrya

Viskhidne, from the periphery to the center, the anti-year arrow in Pivnichniy pivkul, and behind the annual arrow - near Pivdenny

Skhidne, from the center to the periphery, behind the annual arrow at Pivnichniy pivkul and the anti-annual arrow at Pivdenny

The nature of the weather

Nestіyka, windy, with falls

Clear, without falling

Influence on the weather

Changes the sintering wind and the cold winter, the indignant windy weather

Pіdsilyuє speku vlіtka that cold winter, the weather is clear that calm

Poor characteristic of atmospheric fronts


cold front

Warm Front

Wash away viniknennya

With the intrusion of a cold wind in warmth

When invading a warm wind in a cold

Kupovo-dashovі, ​​kupchastі

Cirrus, pinnate-sharuvat, sharuvat-wooden

The nature of falling fall



Biosphere and natural complexes of the Earth

Biosphere- the totality of all living organisms of the Earth. Tsіlіsne vchennya about the biosphere razrobiv Russian teachings V. I. Vernadsky. The main elements of the biosphere can be seen: growth (flora), creaturely light (fauna) and soil. Endemic- Roslini or creatures, yakі zustrichayutsya on one mainland. At this time, near the biosphere, beyond the species warehouse, the three creatures over the roslins are transported; In the ocean, the biomass of the fauna overwhelms the biomass of the flora. The biomass of the land 200 times outweighs the biomass of the oceans.

Biocenosis- A combination of mutually related living organisms that inhabit the land of the earth's surface with the same minds.

Height explanation- natural change of landscapes in the mountains, zoomed in by the height above the sea level. Altitudinal belts match natural areas on the plains, behind the belts of alpine and subalpine bows, which are between the belts coniferous forests that tundra. Changes in natural zones near the mountains seem to be like that, nibi mi collapsed along the plain from the equator to the poles. The natural zone in the base of the mountains is in the latitudinal natural zone, in which there is a mountain system. A number of highland belts near the mountains lie in the height of the girnichoy system and geographical position. The closer to the equator the mountain system and the higher altitude are, the more altitude zones and landscape types will be presented.

Geographic shell- especially the shell of the Earth, in the boundaries of which they stick together, mutually one into one penetrate that mutually lithosphere, hydrosphere, lower spheres of the atmosphere and the biosphere, and the speech is alive. The development of the geographical shell has its own patterns:

Tsіlіsnіst - єdnіst husk for rahunok іs tіsny vzaєmozv'yazku її storozhnyh komponentіv; manifests itself in the fact that the change of one component of nature inevitably calls for a change of decision; cyclicality (rhythmicality) - repetition in the hour of similar phenomena, to understand the rhythms of different trivality (9-bean, rhyme, period of horogenesis only); the circulation of speech and energy - in uninterrupted Russia, all the components of the shell are transformed from one camp into another, which zooms in on the uninterrupted development of the geographical shell; zonality and vertical zonation - a regular change of natural components and natural complexes from the equator to the poles, from the bottom to the peaks of the mountains.

Zapovidnik- a natural site, which is especially protected by law, is completely excluded from state activity for the protection of typical or unique natural complexes.

Landscape- Territory of the natural according to the relief, climate, land waters, soils, biocenoses, which are interchanged with each other and establish a non-robust system.

National park- the territory is large;

Priming- Upper thin ball earth measles, Populations by organisms, to avenge organic speech and water of birth - building to protect the growth of the necessary living speech and water. Utvorennya tієї chi іnshої type of soil to deposit rich chinnikіv. The presence in the soil of organic speech and water is determined by the humus, which ensures the fertility of the soil. The largest amount of humus is found in black soils. Fallow in the mechanical warehouse (spіvvіdshenie raznyh by the size of the mineral particles of sand and clay) soils are subdivided on clay, loamy, supіshchanі and pіshchanі.

natural zone- Territory with similar temperatures and temperatures, which naturally stretch in a latitudinal direction (on the plains) on the surface of the Earth. On the continents, some natural zones may have special names, for example, the steppe zone near Pivdenniy America is called pampa, and Pivnichniy America - prairie. The zone of watery equatorial forests near Pivdenny America is a selva, the shroud zone that occupies the Orinok lowland is llanos, the Brazilian and Guian flatlands are campos.

Natural complex- Dilyanka of the earth's surface with the same natural minds, yakі zumovleni osobennosti similar to that historical development, geographic camp, scho to develop between modern processes. In a natural complex, all components are mutually related to each other. Natural complexes are differentiated according to their dimensions: geographic shell, mainland, ocean, natural area, yar, lake ; їх molding is carried out for a long time.

natural zone

Climate type


Creature world


Arctic (antarctic) deserts

Arctic (antarctic) maritime and continental

Mosses, lichens, algae. The greater part is occupied by ice-makers

White witch, penguin (in Antarctica), gulls, guillemots and others.

arctic kestrels


Bushes, mosses, lichens

Pivnіchny deer, leming, arctic fox, vovk and іn.

forest tundra


Birch, yalina, modrina, chagarniki, sedges

Elk, brown witch, squirrel, hare-bilak, animal tundra and others.

Tundra-gley, opidzol

Pomirno continental, continental, sharply continental

Pine, yalica, yalina, modrina, birch, wasp

Elk, brown witch, rice, sable, chipmunk, squirrel, hare-white and other.

Pidzolic, permafrost-taiga

Zmishani foxes

Pomírno continental, continental

Yalina, pine, oak, maple, linden, wasp

Elk, squirrel, beaver, mink, marten and others.

Sod pidzolic

Broad-leaved foxes

Pomirno continental, monsoon

Oak, beech, hornbeam, yaz, maple, linden; on the Far Skhodі - cork oak, oxamite tree

Roe deer, marten, deer and others.

Sіrі ta storm lіsovі


Pomirno continental, continental, sharply continental

Pine, modrina, birch, wasp, oak, linden, maple with patches of herb steppes

Vovk, fox, rabbit, gryzuni

Sіrі lіsovі, opіzolenі chernozemy

Pomirno continental, continental, sharply continental subtropical continental

Kovil, fescue, thinnig, rіznotrav'ya

Ground squirrels, babaki, polіvki, korsak, steppe wolf and other.

Types of black earth, chestnut, black earth similar

Napіvpustelі and emptiness of the peace belt

Continental, sharply continental

Polyny, cereals, napіvchagarniki, kovili that іn.

Grizuni, saiga, goitered gazelle, corsac

Light-chestnut, solonets, gray-storm

Mediterranean evergreen foxes and chagarniki

mediterranean subtropical

Cork oak, olive, laurel, cypress toshcho.

Rabbit, herons, rams


Vologa subtropical foxes

subtropical monsoon

Laurel, camellia, bamboo, oak, beech, hornbeam, cypress

Himalayan witch, panda, leopard, macaque, hiboni

Chervonozem, Zhovtozem

Tropical deserts

Tropical continental

Solyanka, polyna, acacia, succulenti

Antelope, camel, moose

Food, sirozemy, sreblo

Baobab, parasol acacia, mimozi, palm trees, spurge, aloe

Antelope, zebra, buffalo, rhinoceros, giraffe, elephant, crocodile, hippopotamus, lion


Musonic foxes

Subequatorial, tropical

Teak, eucalyptus, evergreen edges

Elephant, buffalo, mavpi ta in.

Chervonozem, Zhovtozem

Vologa equatorial foxes


Palm trees, hevea, legumes, liani, banana

Okapі, tapir, mavpi, fox pig, leopard, pygmy hippopotamus

Chervono-Zhovtі feralіtnі

Endemics of the continents




Baobab, ebony tree, velvichia

secretary bird, smugasta zebra, giraffe, tsetse fly, okapі, marabou bird


Eucalyptus (500 species), plyashkov tree, casuarini

Echidna, kachkonіs, kangaroo, wombat, koala, lucky crit, lucky devil, lyrebird, dingo


Penguin Adele

Pivnichna America

Skunk, bison, coyote, grizzly bear

Pivdenna America

Hevea, cocoa tree, hinne tree, ceiba

Armadillo, murahoid, linivets, anaconda, condor, hummingbird, chinchilla, llama, tapir

Myrtle, ginseng, lemongrass, ginkgo

Bison, orangutan, Usuri tiger, panda

The largest empty spaces in the world



Area, yew. km2

Pivnichna Africa


Pivdenno-Zakhidna Asia

Mongolia - China

Patagonian Plateau


Velyka Kestela Victoria

Zahidna and Pivdenna Australia

Great food empty

Western Australia

Takla Makan

Western China

India - Pakistan

Geography of Russia Basic concepts, processes, patterns and implications

Agro-industrial complex (APC)- sukupnіst vzaymozalezhnyh galuzy gospodarstvo, scho in virobnitstvі and processing silskogospodarskoї produktsії і on brought її to spozhivacha.

Unified Energy System (EES) - a system of energy supply, connected by means of energy transfer. It will ensure the possibility of quick maneuvering with energy pressures, the transfer of energy or energy carriers there, de growth of energy reduction.

Intensive government(Vid lat. intensio- "voltage, strength") - the state, as it develops on the basis of scientific and technological progress and the shortest organization of practice for high productivity of practice. With an intensive state, production is being launched without increasing the number of working places, without opening new areas, without a total increase in natural resources.

Combine(Vid lat. combinatus- "z'ednany") - the association of industrial enterprises of various galuzeys, in which the production of one is syrovina or a drink product for another. Dekіlka spetsіalіzovanіh pіdpriєmstv pov'yazanі tekhnologichnіchіch lansyug, scho sсіdоblyає syrovina. Combination creates a pleasant opportunity for a complete change of syroviny, a change of entrances, and a change in the confusion of dovkil.

Machine building complex- the most important complex gallery detailed wording, which includes workbench production, accessory production, energy production, metallurgy and chemical machine production; agricultural machinery production at once from tractor production; transport machine building of all types; electrical engineering industry; radioelectronics and calculation technology.

Mizhgaluzevy complex- Tse system of undertakings of various galleys, united by the release of singing products (or by the production of singing services).

Science and Virobnicheskiy Territorial Complex (SVTK)- on one territory of scientific, pre-construction installations and industrial enterprises.

Rinkova economy- the state, which is based on the laws of the market, so that the proposition of goods will drink on them at the scale of the country and the world state, and the balance of prices, foundations on the laws of vartost (regulating the exchange of goods in terms of quantity of work, smelting on their variety). in the minds market economy develops a commodity state, oriented towards the purchase and sale of goods, on the basis of a natural state, in which the products of the work are satisfied with the needs of the workers.

Territorial and virobnichesky complex (TPK)- mutually mutual understanding of the collection of material production on the singing territory, which is a part of the state-owned complex of the entire country, or some kind of economic region.

Fuel and Energy Complex (PEC)- Sukupnіst girnicho-productive (palivnoї) industry and power industry. PEK takes care of the operation of the services of industry, transport, the agricultural state, and the needs of the population. PEK includes a variety of vugillya, naphtha (like syrovin for the possession of the fire), gas, oil shale, peat, uranium ores (like the syrovin for the possession of the fire).

Material for preparation to ODE from geography

2. Lands that are between Russia. extreme points.

Atlas 8 class. Map "Geographic position of Russia".

Lands between Russia: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China (China), Mongolia, North Korea (Korea), Abkhazia, Pivdenna Ossetia,

by sea - Japan and USA

3. Information about the climate of Russia.

Atlas 8 class. Climate card.

In the meantime, the temperature is increasing again from night to day. The fee is changed at sunset (the closer it is to sunset, the warmer it is). Quite a few fall down on the west, near the mountains, saving the Pacific Ocean.

№4 Natural and anthropogenic causes of geo-environmental problems; come in to protect people from natural phenomena.

Atlas 7th class "Budova earth's crust of the world", 8th class "Physical map of the Russian Federation"

5. Nutrition of the Russian economy.

Atlas 9th grade. Cards, for example, "Machine Industry", "Palivna Promislovist" and so on.

Quantity of aluminum Z district: Kandalaksha, Nadvoitsi. N-W r: Volkhov. N-zhye: Volgograd U: Krasnotur'insk, Kamensk-Uralsky ZapN: Novokuznetsk E-N: Krasnoyarsk, Sayanogorsk, Bratsk, Shelikhov

P-in midi District: Monchegorsk Near: Krasnouralsk, Kirovgrad, Revda, Upper Pishma, Karabash, Kishtim V-S: Norilsk.

M-rizh w / rud Wed Olenegorsk, Kovdor (Cherepovets) C-Ch Mikhailivske, Lebedinsky (Stary Oskol, Lipetsk) Near Serovske, Kachkanarsk, Kushlinsk, Nizhnyotagilsk. W N Tashtagol, Temirtau, V-N Irbinsk, Krasnokamyansk, Korshunivsk, Rudnogirsk (Novokuznetsk)

Smelting steel(recent cycle) Cherepovets Lipetsk (Stary Oskol electrometallurgical) Tula Magnitogorsk Chelyabinsk Nizh.Tagil Novotroitsk Serov Novokuznetsk.

Energy efficient machine building- St. Petersburg Podilsk Bilgorod Rostov Volgodonsk Barnaul Biysk Khabarovsk. Combines Omsk Novosibirsk Rostov Krasnoyarsk.

HES Sayano-Shushenskaya Krasnoyarsk Bratskaya Ust-Ilimskaya Boguchanskaya Volgogradskaya Volzka Bureyskaya Cheboksary Saratovskaya Zeyskaya Nizhnyokamskaya

AES Kursk Balakivska (Saratov) Leningradska Kalininska (Tver) Smolenska Nvoronezka Kolska Rostovska Bіloyarska (Sverd.reg.) Dmitrivgradska (Ulyan.region) \ Bilibinskaya - ATEC (Chukotka)

Nitrogen goodness (natural gas- Shkokino, Novomoskovsk, Dzerzhinsk, Nevinnomysk, Veliky Novgorod, Rossosh.

coke oven gas- Lipetsk, Cherepovets, Kemerovo.

Phosphorus- Voskresensk (Mistor. Egor'evske - Moscow Region), Uvarovo, Balakovo, Perm. \\

Rubber- Yaroslavl, Voronezh, Efremov, Omsk, Nizhnokamsk, Togliatti.

Chemical fibers- Barnaul, Klin, Serpukhov, Tver, Ryazan, Krasnoyarsk, Samara, Kursk.

Tractor-budding- Petrozavodsk St. Petersburg Volodymyr Cheboksary Lipetsk, Volgograd, Chelyabinsk, Rubtsovsk (Alt.).

Cars- Moscow "AZLK" "Moskvich", Nizhny Novgorod "GAZ", Naberezhni Chovny "KamAZ", Ulyanovsk "UAZ", Togliatti "VAZ", Sizran "Roslada", Izhevsk "Izhmash", Serpukhov "SeAZ", Mias "UralAZ" . Moscow - "ZiL",

trolley bus- Engels,

Bus- Moscow, Likino "LiAZ", Nizhniy Novgorod "GAZ", Pavlovo "PAZ", Krasnodar, Ulyanovsk, Kurgan.

6. Questions about reserves.

Atlas 8th grade. Natural shrines of Russia

7. Which of the regions has the highest population density?

Atlas 9th grade. Map "Population size". Spivvіdnestate two cards: "Population size" and "Administrative card". The size of the population is the closer to the pivdnya and to the European part. (The main smuga of the settlement: the European part of Russia, the Crimean peninsula and the peninsula of Siberia).

8. Catering for charts.

Calculate the required value for the graph, table.

9. Power supply: signify:

Natural growth \u003d Population - Mortality

Mortality \u003d People - Natural growth

Migration growth = Immigration - Emigration

Migration income \u003d Tі, who arrived - Viїhali

Global Population Growth = Migration Growth + Natural Growth

Migration growth \u003d Global population growth - Natural growth

Natural growth \u003d Global population growth - Migration growth

Population size = Population

Density of the curtain wall = Dovzhina of kolіy kolіy

Territory area

Immigration - to the country

Emigration - a way out of the country

10. Yake z mіst znahoditsya in the zone of dії cyclone or anticyclone.

Nutrition for a synoptic map.

At– anticyclone (high vice) H- Cyclone (low grip)

11. Nutrition for a synoptic map.

Which place can get cold? (There, where the cold front goes)

Which place can get warmer? (There, where is the warm front)

De vipadatimut opadi - there, de cyclone chi atmospheric front

12. Nutrition with ecology

Wetting of acid boards with spray - spitting of vugill, color metallurgy

Greenhouse effect - an increase in carbon dioxide (transport, spitting fire)

I was able to settle down at the centers of black metallurgy

natural resources

Vicherpnі nevicherpnі (energy of the Sun, wind, tides

Nevіdnovnі Vіdnovnі

(korisn_ kopalini) (forest, water, soil, live. light)

13. In which way to go about the process:

Urbanization - increasing the role of the city and the Russian way of life

Migration - the movement of the population from one place of residence to the next

Revival of the population - the process of uninterrupted change of generations

The natural growth of the population - the difference between the people and the death rate

The mode of the river - the change of the water level in the river for the seasons of rock (freezing of the river, the growth of the ice curve)

Galuzev's structure of the state of Russia is the sum total of galuzes, which satisfies the same needs of our society and creates the unity of the state of the country.

14. Determine the coordinates.

Like a place - Atlas 7 class - a political map of the world. (Atlas 8th class - places of Russia)

Yakshcho mountain, volcano - Atlas 7 class - physical map of the world (Atlas 8 class - Russia)

Coordinates: for example, 40 0 ​​; 80 0 s.d.

Latitude: pіvnіchna ta pіvdenna Dovgota: zahіdna ta skhіdna

16. Appointment for rosrahunki

The task of appointing a part (%). Let's make a proportion. Tsile (hard) -100%, those who need to know x%.

20 - 100% x = 8x100

Vznachiti vіdnosnu vologіst (folded proportion).

Take the temperature at the top of the mountain.

Determine salinity (Vimiryuetsya in ppm % 0, if salinity is 15% 0, then 15 g of salts are calculated in a liter of water)

17. Change the place in order to increase (change) the number of population.

Atlas 9th grade. Catalyst population. We marvel at the place in mugs.

Mista Millioneri of Russia :

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhniy Novgorod, Kazan, Samara,

Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Volgograd, Voronezh

18. Designate a topographic map.

1. We use a line between objects 2. Multiply by the scale value (for example, 100 m)

4 cm x 100 = 400 m

19. Signify directly from one object to another. Topographic map

20. Designate a yak z d_lyanok p_dhodit for:

Sledding, mountain licks (1. Є schil 2. No chagarniks, pits)

Football field (1. Smooth relief 2. No holes, chagarnik, fox)

Fruit garden

21. Decide which profile is right for you

According to the height of the specks, lowering of the relief, etc.)

22. Maps of which area you need to choose in order to vacate the territory.

Atlas 8 class "Administrative map", 9 class "Economic district"

23 The peculiarity of the state to the region for the accommodation of business life

Atlas 8th class Physical map, 9th class "Economic district"

24. Roztashuvati regions in that succession, in such a stink the New River is sounding

Atlas 8th grade. Administrative card. Know the needs of the regions and places. New river starts on get off .

25 Slogan of that country

Atlas 7 class "Physical map of the world", "Natural zones of the world" "Political map of the world"

No. 26. Stash the indications for the baby balls of the geriatric breeds in the order of the largest century (from the youngest to the most recent).

Chim more balls of gіrsk porіd - the team is younger

28. Head of tables. Analyze tables

29. - In the capital of which of the listed republics does the sun rise above the horizon after the Moscow hour? Chim down, the sooner you get up above the horizon.

- De kut fall of sleepy exchanges will be the greatest.

The closer it is to pivden - tim kut fall of sleepy changes will be the greatest

30 Appoint the country (region of the Russian Federation) for short description

Creatures roslyn

Africa: chimpanzee, tsetse fly, cheetah, leopard, elephant, hyena, gorilla, cocoa. \\Savanah: giraffe, hippopotamus, zebra, rhinoceros, okati, lion, baobab, Pustel: scarlet, spurge, \Ebenova tree (black, dark green wood)\\\

Australia: koala, kangaroo, kachkonіs, ostrich to him, wombat, crocodile, kivi. \ Eucalyptus, plyashkove tree, casuarini (trees without leaves) \\

South America: murachoid, armadillo, tapir, cougar, hummingbird, anaconda, piranha, orangutan, macaw parrot, lily, toucan, condor, rhea ostrich, llama, spectacled witch, pampaska gut, pampas deer, pig-bakers, capi, , chinchilla, \ \\Cocoa, orchids, hevea rubber, ceiba (tree) Selva (equatorial forest), pampas (steppe), Patagonia (arid zone in the Pomeranian belt) \\\

S. America: Vіvcebik, coyote (vovk), skunk, oposum, grizzly (wedmid), black wedmid, bison, meadow dog. \\\Sequoia (the largest tree) Prairії (step) \\

Asia: Tiger, pavich, irbis, porcupine, leopard, pheasant, rhinoceros, panda (China)

Step: Bustard, howrah, hamster, taiga: wolverine, chipmunk, rice, musk deer, capercaillie, sable

Antarctica: Penguin, sea elephant, sea lion, seal, albatross.

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