Black sea yak. Black sea. Geographical expansion of the Black Sea

Today, there is an article about the main resort and economic value not only in the Krasnodar Territory, but in Russia. Tse head is a reminder of the waters of the warm Black Sea. For a long time I wanted to write an article about our sea, I collected all the information. At this article, not everything that I wanted to write, I think to wake up one more small addition to the qiєї.

General information about the Black Sea

Width - 1150 km; dozhina - 580 km; Area - 422,000 km2; volume - 555,000 km3; valley of the coastline - 3400 km; the largest depth - 2210m; middle depth - 1240 m; water intake area - over 2 million km2; flowing rivers - Danube, Dnipro, Dnister.

Black sea similar to the symbol of inconsistency. The contours of the coast of the sea are clear. At a depth of over 150 m there are daily living organisms, so the water is full of sir-water.

The Black Sea is the inner sea, part of the basin of the Atlantic Ocean. Through the channel of the Bosporus (Turechchina) we cross over the Marmur Sea, then through the Dardanelles we cross over the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Through the Kerch channel Chorne, the sea crosses over the Sea of ​​Azov. At the pіvnochі Krymskiy Pivostrіv deeply vrіzaєtsya near the Chorne sea.

The Black Sea to pass the cordon (water) between Asia Minor and Europe. Itself here Ide podіl tsikh parts of the world.

Take care that washes the sea, it is called "Prichornomor'ya". The black sea omivaє the coast of the krai of Russia, Abkhazia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine.

The Black Sea is an especially valuable area for transport transportation. It is exceptionally one of the best and great resorts.

So here are the great military bases. Novorossiysk and Sevastopol have Russian military bases. At Novoozerny and Sevastopol, the military bases of Ukraine were roztashovanny. At Samsun and Sinop, the Black Sea fleet of Turechchini was roztashovanny. At Varna - the military foundations of Bulgaria. Near Batumi and Poti - the coast guard of Georgia. At Mangalia and Constanta - Viysk bases of Rumunia.

There are few islands near the Black Sea. One of the great islands Dzharilgach, area 62 km. All other islands are smaller, large - Berezan and Zmіїniy (with an area of ​​approximately less than 1 km?).

Not rich in the history of the Black Sea

Old Greek name of the sea - Pont Aksinsky(Greek ?????? ??????, "Negostinne sea"). Why did the Black Sea take away such a name, here are some versions. One of those who were difficult to navigate. Another version - through not friendly ancient tribes, yakі lived on the shores of yoga. The third one is those that the ancient Greeks simply did not correctly interpret the long-standing name of the sea, which was given by the Scythians - “dark blue”, and the stench of Yogo understood it as “innocent”. And even worse, if the sea was far away and the sea was taken care of, it was renamed - Pontus Evksinsky (Greek ?????? ???????, “Gostinne Sea”). In the 6th century, the name of the sea was already guessed, like the “Russian Sea”.

And the axis of the current name took off for a number of reasons:

  • The Turks tried to conquer the territory of the uzberezhzhya, but they baked victories from the side of the Abkhazians, Adighivs, Circassians and other tribes that inhabited. The Turks called the vodi Karadeniz - unholy abo black;
  • The second version - if you lower metal objects, for example, a yakir is higher than 150m on the long sea, then metal objects become black through a day of water;
  • The third version - in the Asian countries, it is accepted to dilute parts of the light for colors. І pіvnіch is signified by black color. The black sea is the same as the sea, according to the distance to Asia. The І name apparently became such a rank.
  • Є th such a hypothesis, pov'yazana іz spogadami about breaking through the Bosphorus about 7000 years ago. Through it, the majestic land area was warmed up, which could not but signify a catastrophic situation at that hour.

The black sea was established on the misty ocean Tetis, approximately 1.5-2 million years ago. It happened at that moment, when the Crimean and Caucasian mountains began to take shape. On the back of the head, it was washed with water, and we covered it with weakly salty water.

Approximately 6-8 years ago, in the process of tectonic movement of the plates, the Bosphorus channel was established. Some of the salty waters of the Mediterranean Sea began to penetrate the slightly salty Chorne lake at that hour. Through such an exchange of salt water, the rich bagatians of the Black Lake could not attach themselves to new minds and perished. The remains of the dead Meshkans sank to the bottom of the sea;

For life, the upper ball is about 200 meters long. Bacteria live below the qiu line, yakі i viroblyayut sіrkovodny.

Russia has the warmest sea. The water temperature is up to +26 degrees in the air and +6 in the winter. The warmest little piece of our country. Here the Krasnodar Territory is rotting, which is famous for its hotel sanatoriums and bases for recovery. The very people come here on the Black Sea to try and correct their ailments. Here plantations of sukrovy grapes are planted, from which we will later grow the most delicious wine of Russia. The length of the Russian coast is 457 km.

Bags of the sea are about 2000 species of creatures from the simplest to savtsiv. Three species of jellyfish linger here, molluscs over 200 species. The most popular mussels and rapani. Krabi shrimp hang around here too. Over 180 species of ribs: horse mackerel, sprat, mullet, sturgeon, katran shark, red mullet, flounder, sea fox, sea dragon and others. The main dignity of the dolphin, here by the sea there are three species of 48 dolphins: the bottlenose dolphin, the white dolphin and the azovka.

There are about 100 species of light underwater roslins. The deyakі see reach the zavdovka of a sprat of meters. And so you see, how the power can shine by the water.

Algae is one of the main values ​​of the Black Sea. Deyakі iz them korisnі, іnshі can be brittle, є so, yak, for example, sea kale - їstіvna. Red algae is a valuable product, which is obtained by agar-agar, which is vicarious in confectionery production.

Obviously, everyone was watching on the sea birch for the edge species of turtles of different colors, like to love picking and detlahi and grown up. Turtle tse budinochok for moluskіv. As if speaking from the point of view of science, then the skeleton of a mollusk is like the shell of a shrimp. One-sided rings are settled on the shells; The most popular rapani shells.

This is a hizhak, a kind of delivery to us from the Pacific Ocean, for example, the 40s of the 20th century. Having drunk wine at the Chorne Sea, clinging to the day of the ship. Here, there are not many enemies (sea star), that’s why it’s so bad here. Having begun to eat oysters and combs (there were no shortages of them). On this year at the new one for a snack, obid that evening, midi and live bait. Now the stench is on the border of the total slum. Yogo system of the Black Sea is overflowing.

The bottom of the sea near the coastal zone: pebbles, sand, gravel. The bottom is already farther away from the shore: silt and sand. On the pivnіchno-zahіdnіy part of the bottom of the turtle.

Korisn_ kopalini: sand, natural gas and naphtha.


The black sea is the best in the world! On a daily basis, the situation is getting worse. Mayzhe shroku in the news tell about the death of dolphins. The stench themselves swim up to the shore and break on the shore. The dolphin is one of the oldest and wisest creatures on the planet. If a dolphin is dying, then a catastrophic period has begun in the world. If a dolphin cannot live in such a middle ground, then the people can not wake up under the force of falling into this catastrophe. I will write a report about it at the nearest post. Sign up so you don't miss out on the articles.

The dead dolphin was found on the birch of the village of Sukko, 30 meters from the sea. Possible reasons: a strong storm tossed Yogo ashore. Dolphin is not great. On such an arch, it’s motorosh to marvel.

I will bring a sprat of examples of the zabrudnennya of the sea:

  1. The rivers that flow into the Chorne Sea are already zabrudnenі with the entrances of the life of the people;
  2. Strongly fermented with naphtha and naphtha products. Naftovі plyami pozblyayut baggers of the sea sour, to destroy them. The widest range of maritime sports (jet skis, motor boats) is essential for the aquatic ecosystem. Oil tankers and other large ships roam the waters of the paliva;
  3. Skidannya at the water is not cleared out. A hotel and a sanatorium industry have been opened on the coast of the Black Sea. It’s a lot of someone to save on what I don’t rob the sewerage system, which I clean, and I just lower everything into the sea. I myself especially bachiled such a system of zlivu. To the question: “why are you working so hard?” directors say: “not ours!”;
  4. Massive vivalennia ribi. Often young dolphins trapleyatsya near the merezha. The stink of dying at the fishing nets!

It is important that in the lower regions of the Azov, Caspian, Mediterranean, Aral and Black Seas there was one of the inflows of the ancient Tetis ocean. During the process of evolution, there were floods, and close to a million years ago, after the appearance of the ridges of the Crimean and Caucasian mountains, the Black Sea was resurrected in the light ocean and became a cremated, mayzhe palom lake. Such a camp saved a three-hour hour, and only about eight thousand years later, in the wake of a strong earthquake, the Bosphorus duct became established, a lake began to appear in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, and as a result, the Black Sea became presently black.

Name the history of the Black Sea.

Why is the Black Sea, like the greater part of rock with its greenish-blue surface under the change of pure sun, called "Black"? What was the name of the sea? Don't wait. By stretching history, it changed the name of the sprat. The ancient Greeks called Yogo Pont Evksinsky, tobto the sea is a guest. This is the best way to characterize the sea itself, take care of it with the colorful farbs of the forest vegetation, again, drunk on the breath of the sea and the aroma of flowers. Our ancestors called the Black Sea Pontsky or Russian.

What is the current name of the sea, based on hypotheses. One of them, drawn by historians, explains the campaign to call the “Black Sea” because the Turks and other conquerors, who came to this coast with the method of growing the local population, made a serious opir of the Circassians, adigiv of those other tribes. For the price nibito, the Turks called the sea Karaden-Giz - Chornim, inhospitable.

Another hypothesis is to name the “Black Sea” until there are no strong storms, and perhaps even before the water in the sea is dark for the hour of the storm. However, it must be said that storms are not yet a characteristic sign of yoga. Heavily praised (over 6 points) will be here no more than 17 days on the river. Whenever it gets dark, lead a storm for an hour, then dominion over all the seas, and not even the Black Sea. Vіm, vіdomo, scho Magellan calling the "Pacific Ocean" the most bubbly ocean of the Earth, shards during the sailing hours of Magellan's ships there were no strong storms there. Possibly, how and when the Black Sea has become such a pardon.

The third hypothesis is called “Black Sea”, hung up by hydrologists, based on the fact that metal objects (for example, anchors) are lowered onto a deaky depth, rise to the surface, blackened by a deep water that is found in the depths of the sea. This version gives us the most imaginative, shards out of the characteristic signs of the waters of the Black Sea.

More hypotheses. It is admitted that the sea was so named because of those who, after a storm, sometime on its shores, a black mule (actually not black, but Syria) is overflowing. Description of the Black Sea.

The Black Sea is the inland sea to the basin of the Atlantic Ocean. The channel of the Bosphorus connects with the Marmur Sea, further, through the channel of the Dardanelles - with the Aegean and the Mediterranean Seas. The Kerch Channel runs past the Sea of ​​Azov. From the pіvnochi by the sea, the Crimean Pivostrіv rises deeply. On the surface of the Black Sea to pass a cordon of water between Europe and Asia Minor. The area is 422,000 km (for others - 436,400 km). The outlines of the Black Sea form an oval from the largest height for about 1150 km. The largest valley of the sea from pivnochi to pivden - 580 km. The largest depth is 2210 m, the middle one is 1240 m. The sea washes the shores of Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia. On the pivnіchno-shіdny uzberezhzhі of the Black Sea, there is a roztashovan of ignorance sovereign illumination Abkhazia.

A characteristic feature of the Black Sea is the surface (with a number of anaerobic bacteria) the daily life on the glens over 150-200 m per rahun of the abundance of celestial balls during the day. The Black Sea is an important transport area, and also one of the largest resort regions in Eurasia. Crimea tsgogo, Black sea takes important strategic and military significance. Sevastopol and Novorossiysk have the main military bases of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

The shores of the Black Sea are scarcely cut and mainly in the peninsula part. The only great pіvostrіv - Krymsky. The largest tributaries: Yagorlitska, Tendrovska, Dzharylhatska, Karkinitska, Kalamitska and Feodosijska in Ukraine, Varnensky and Burgassky near Bulgaria, Sinopska and Samsunsky - the bіla pіvdennyh shores of the sea, in Turechchinі. At the pivnich and pivnichny entrance, when the river flows in, estuaries spill. Zagalna Dozhina coastline - 3400 km.

Inflows of the peninsular part of the Black Sea At the entrance to the pivnichny entrance, take care of the lowlands, the streams of the stream; at Krimu - more importantly lowland, krіm pіvdennyh mountainous shores. On the similar and pivden shores to the sea, the winds of the Caucasian and Pontiysky mountains came close to the sea. There are no islands near the Black Sea. The largest - Berezan and Zmіїniy (offending with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bless than 1 km²).

The black sea fills the isolated depression, roztashovana between Pivdenno-Skhidnaya Europe and the Pivostrov Minor Asia. Tsya depression settled down in the Miocene epoch, in the process of active mountain creation, dividing the ancient Tetis ocean into sprats of water (for some reason, the Black Sea Crimea, the Azov, Aral and Caspian seas were settled).

The clearing of the lake that arose on the Black Sea One of the hypotheses of the Black Sea vindication (zokrema, vysnovka of the participants in the international oceanographic expedition on the scientific vessel "Akvanavt" in 1993) to say that 7500 with how many meters. After the end of the ice age period, the river of the Light Ocean rose and the Bosphorus Isthmus broke through. Bulo was flooded with 100 yew haul. km² (kindred land, which is already cultivated by people). The flooding of these great lands, perhaps, became a prototype of the myth of the all-world flood. The vinification of the Black Sea was based on the hypothesis, imovirno, accompanied by the mass death of the entire freshwater living world of the lake, the product of the expansion of these - the sirvoden - reaches high concentrations on the bottom of the sea.

The Chornomorskaya depression is composed of two parts - zahіdnoї and skhіdnoї, razdіlenyh pіdnyatty, є є natural prodovzhennyam Krymskogo pіvostrov. Pivnіchno-zahіdna part of the sea is characterized by a wide swarming shelf (up to 190 km). Pivdenne uzberezhzhya (to lie in Turechchini) and skhіdne (Georgia) have a more steep character, smuga shelf does not exceed 20 km and is pierced by a number of canyons and depressions. The depths of the shores of the Crimea and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus increase even more quickly, reaching a sign over 500 m already for a few kilometers from the coastline. The maximum depth (2210 m) the sea reaches in the central part, on the day from Yalta.

At the warehouses of mountainous rocks, where the bottom of the sea is folded, at the coastal zone, coarse-grained warehouses are transported: pebbles, gravel, sand. In the distance from the shore, fine-grained sands and silt change. Turtle turtles are wider near the peninsular-western part of the Black Sea; for the schilu that bed of the sea trap is a zvichayn pelitov muli. Among the main brown copalins, lay some of them on the bottom of the sea: naphtha and natural gas on the pivnіchno-zahіdny shelf; Coastal roses of titanomagnetite sands (Taman Pivostrіv, saving the Caucasus).

The black sea is the greatest meromic in the world (with equal waters that do not mix) with my water. The upper ball of water (miksolimnion), which lies to a depth of 150 m, is more cold, less salty and less salty, rich in sour, water-creaming in the lower, more warm, salty and alkaline, rich in sir-water ball (monimolimnion) (chemocline) zone).

There is still no single primordial explanation of the trip to the Black Sea. There is a thought that today's water near the Black Sea is the main rank of the result of the life of sulfate-reducing bacteria, a sharply pronounced stratification leading to a weak vertical exchange. There is also a theory that the sirkovoday was settled in the wake of the spreading of freshwater creatures, as if they perished under the hour of the penetration of the salty Mediterranean waters under the hour of the establishment of the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles. Deyakі doslіdzhennya rokіv let us talk about the Black sea like a gigantic reservoir, not only sіrkovodnya, but methane, which is seen more for everything, as well as in the process of activity of microorganism, as well as from the bottom of the sea.

The black sea may have an ocean blue that transparency at a depth of up to 25 m, and in the depths, like in the oceans, there is eternal darkness. The Black Sea can be subdivided along the depths into two zones - the Kisnev (up to the depth of 150-200 m) and the relief of the life of the day (the depth is lower than 200 m), which occupies 87% of the water mass. The thickness of the water with the depth increases, and the mass is resting at the dead station, the water exchange is insignificant, there is no sourness, algae and living waters, the bacteria of the microspire. Like living near a great number in the depths of the sea, the stench spreads the corpses of creatures and roslin. In the wake of their activity, there is a day of the day, which accumulates on the day.

It is important that for millions of years bacteria have accumulated in the sea over a billion tons of circulating water. Circumnavigation is trash gas, moreover, wine can burn and vibrate. Prote the threat of vibuha does not threaten the Black Sea; So only the upper ball of the sea, which becomes approximately 13% of the total amount of water, settlements with flora and fauna. Hydrobiologists have more than 250 species of algae and close to 2 thousand species of living organisms.

At the Black Sea, the salinity of water on the surface in the average becomes 18.5 g / l, to save money, it sounds less, for the Anapa milk water, the average salinity reaches 18.7 g / l. The Black Sea water is less salty, the lower water near the Holy Ocean, the salt tree becomes 35–36 g/l. The lower salinity near the Black Sea against the ocean is explained by the great supply of fresh water from the rivers, and the flow of water from the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov from the lower mineralization. Fresh water can also remove salt, however, in even small quantities, so, in thirty liters of fresh water, the amount of salts should become less than 1 g.

Why lay the color of water by the sea? Someone thinks about the color of the sky. We don't call it that. The color of the water is to be deposited in view of the fact that the sea water and її houses are rosy with a sleepy light. The more houses there are near the water, the squeak and other important particles, the more green the water. The water is salty and pure, the water is blue. At the Chorne sea, a lot of great rivers flow in, like they freshen up water and carry a lot of fresh suspensions, so the water in the night is more greenish-blue, and the white of the coast is green with different shades of emerald.


The climate of the Black Sea, at the link with the mid-continental camp, is predominantly continental. Only the Pivdenniy shore of the Crimea and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is protected by mountains in the cold winter winds and after all, a mild Mediterranean climate can be expected. Significant impact on the weather over the Black Sea May atlantic ocean more cyclones are born over which bring bad weather and storms to the sea. On the pivnіchno-skhіdny uzberezhzhі sea, especially near the region of Novorossiysk, there are low mountains and a crossroad for cold pivnіchnih poіtryanyh mas, yaks, moving over them, sound a strong cold wind (pine forest). Pivdenno-zahіdnimi winds sound near the Black Sea region to bring warmth and bring water to the Mediterranean winds. As a result, for the greater part of the territory of the sea, warm winters and hot dry summers are typical.

At Chorne the sea flows...

Nearly 300 rivers and rivers carry their fresh water in the sea, the largest are the Danube, Dnister, Dnipro, as well as other rivers Mzimta, Rioni, Kodori, Enguri (at the merging sea), Chorokh, Kizil-Irmak, Eshli-Irmak, Sakar'ya ( on pivdni), Pivdenny Bug (on pivnoch). . The black sea is spread in the middle of the Eurasian continent and covers an area of ​​423 thousand square kilometers. Zagalna dozhina coastal line to become 4340 km. Through the Kerch and Bosporsk channels, the Chorne Sea exchanges waters with the Seas of Azov and Marmur.

How many rocks to the Black Sea?

Dozens of millions of rokiv there, de contagiously know Pivdenna Europe that Pivnichna Africa, From the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific, pouring the ocean Tetis as a planet. Approximately in a million years of that year, the majestic mirror began to shatter, and from the bottom at the sight of young mountains, growing up, the Balkans and the Carpathians, the Crimea and the Caucasus rose. Vcheni vvazhayut, scho per hour development earth measles a water pool, about which the world is known, two wolves flowing from the Mediterranean Sea and three - from the Caspian Sea. It took less than 6-7 thousand years from that hour, as the Black Sea found the sea of ​​the day.

Yaka glybin of the Black Sea?

One of the best inner seas. It will take revenge on six times more water, lower the Caspian Sea, and sixteen times more, lower Baltic, although the area of ​​all three waters is approximately the same. The middle depth of the Black Sea is 1280 m, and the largest (marked by the Turkish coast, near the Sinop region) is 2245 m. On the Evpatorian beaches, you can go on a peep and to the buoy. Such milky bays are specially created for those who are only able to swim.

Are the sounds of the worst wind coming?

The least and safest wind on the Black Sea is Novorossiysk boron. Especially vzimku, in the cold that ozeleditsu. Novorossiysk closure from the pivnіchny descent by the mountain ridge of Varada, tobto like bi plunders. Tsey "zahist" streams on the cob a pivnіchno-shіdny wind, accumulating cold wind in the valley, similar to a saucer. Ale step by step, the masa resurfaces the valley and rises above the ridge, so that for the whole month it will fall on the place, on the shore, on boats and motor ships in the port and near the open sea. The storm is gazing from the houses of the Dahu, carrying boards and tiles in front of you, throwing over wagons, thrashing the ships zhorstok, as if they didn’t take the birds far into the sea, or huddle in the upper harbor. Skіlki їх there broke and sank! More and less strong storms travel to Novorossiysk about ten times per river. There are no tall trees on the outskirts of the city: the wind blows them or breaks them on the roots. Podіbnі pіvnіchno-shіdny wind (only with less force) traplyayutsya and on Pvdenny birch of the Crimea. Having gathered at the frontier, it is colder again to fly to the sea through the passes, moreover, once through the mustache, nibbling with gigantic natural gouges. In the wind, you see the gloom that hung on the mountains, and the stench clouded the heavenly crypt, roaming over the sea. Burn trimali obloga, skilki could, and the axis of the wind changed. The water is calm, with light breeches, but even for a kilometer from the shore, it was heavily broken by large breakers, and far... You don’t need to wake them up, but it’s better for them to sit at the oars: you can see the sea! Such evil weather is more characteristic of our winter. Ale, as if trapleyaetsya inflow, then, as a rule, like a sickle, as a bivodyachi between best hour rock - warm, turbo-free, lag_dnim.

Why on the shores of the Caucasus did they have a bad day, lower in the Crimea and Turech?

On the shores of the Caucasus, especially in Batumi, the winds come, breaking through the sea, in front of Bulgaria itself. To Krimu, from Turechchini, this way mayzhe is five times shorter.

Chi trapleyayutsya at the Black Sea tsunami?

Tsunami is Japanese for "quiver in the harbour". Spawned by underwater earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, such a whiff to rush to the coast from the speed of 50 to 1000 km / year. In the open ocean, as a rule, it is not unsafe, although it grows from 1m to 5m. Ale beat the shores, a water shaft sag 10-15 (and sometimes 50) meters and collapse, sweeping the rocks, piers, budinki, trees with its path ...

Tsunamis traplelis and in the Black Sea, on the days of such a boule and, ymovirno, will be the epicenter of earthquakes. Chornomorsk shock winds rarely reach a meter height, and Medium swedishnessїх - 120-160 km/year. Ale, there were blames! Nayzhahlivishe - in 1 tbsp. BC, if the impact of the tsunami vanished, the place of Dioscuria became clayed by the sea, which rose on the site of modern Sukhumi.

Chi buvayut at the Black Sea tide?

The reason for these phenomena is the gravitational influx of Mіsyatsya, which lifts up the water mass to itself, passing over the ocean (wіdlіv), and let it out, if you want to go for the tide (tide). On the shores of the oceans and the waters of the seas, the water rises and sinks through the skin for 12 years. Black sea - internal; pour it into the new flooring small, which may be unremarkable.

How are storms going around the Black Sea?

O seas, yakі may zavzhd storm. Tse water areas of the oceans between the fortieth and fiftieth parallels. About those latitudes sailors seem: forty - fatal, fifty - roar. First of all, closer to the equator, the ocean is mostly calm. The squadron of Magellapus crossed the Great Ocean for 110 days and stormed the storms of the city. For this reason, yoga was named Quiet.

The black sea inflow sounds also calm, specially created for bathing. In the spring, it starts to whine, and the charge is stormed so that the anger breaks the concrete moorings - they are repaired until the skin resort season. In the open sea, the winter winds reach heights of 6-7 m, and sometimes even more, but they were able to attract small and medium-sized floating boats, and then drop them in such a way that they are bare and shalo jingling in the face of the crests of the guinea.

In the winter of 1969, a nine-point storm hit Yalta. Whilst broke the movement and freely walked along the head berth. Motor ships were on the stocks for repairs - they were thrown into the sea. Portal cranes fell down, slats with virvanim shaves of the tightest hydroconcrete bent and entangled, like thin fittings. Chergovy's watcher of the lighthouse did not manage to go ashore, and he did not get far either by floating boats or by helicopter. Luckily, the lighthouse is up. Then the motor ships were seen from anchors and mooring lines, fought against the pier one by one, drowned. The parapet of the embankment cracked, but the everyday hvilerizi did not help. The foxes were scattered, those bushes buckled under the hail of salty ice.

Ale passes an hour - and everything is forgotten. A new moon, a golden path, an ice chutny sherekh hvil bіla nіg vіdpochivayuchih. The sea is a living room.

How do mud volcanic islands settle down?

The only natural volcano near the Black Sea erupted in the middle of the Jurassic period of the Mesozoic era (150-160 million years ago), having been extinguished by the sea and having settled the sacred massif of Kara-Dag.

Then there are mud volcanoes, if on the bottom of the sea there are flammable gases vibrating from the earth. Together with gases, as if at times, the half-lights are spalled, water comes out, suffocating clay, stone, sand. On the days of the hump rises from the crater, and, even though the depth in this area is small, the wines can rise above the surface and make the mud island. Mud volcanoes, revealed near the central part of the Black Sea on the first day of Sevastopol, are far from the surface (2000 m). Ale on the milky waters, in the area of ​​the Kerch channel, in the channel itself and on the Azov Sea, periodic gas falls and mud islands settle down. As long as these islands do not roam with storms, they can be seriously respected by ship navigation.

Behind the description of the eyewitnesses, Akadika, 5 Veresnya 1799 Near the VID Mista Temryuk in Mor, the Stravity Vibu was, the stage was in the same way, and Potim was deprived of a 100m I with a template 2 m. the vibrations of the new phenomena of the island called out a mystical gasp.

D. Tarasenko "Mosaic of the Black Sea"

The area of ​​the Black Sea is 422,000 km (for other taxes - 436,400 km). The outlines of the Black Sea form an oval from the largest height for about 1150 km. The largest valley of the sea from pivnochi to pivden - 580 km. The largest depth is 2210 m, the middle one is 1240 m.

The sea washes the shores of Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia. On the pivnіchno-skhіdny uzberezhzhі of the Black Sea, the absence of the state of Abkhazia was planted.

A characteristic feature of the Black Sea is the surface (with a number of anaerobic bacteria) the daily life on the glens over 150-200 m per rahun of the abundance of celestial balls during the day. The Black Sea is an important transport area, and also one of the largest resort regions in Eurasia.

Crimea tsgogo, Black sea takes important strategic and military significance. Sevastopol and Novorossiysk have the main military bases of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

The long-standing Greek name of the sea is Pont Aksinsky (Greek Πόντος Ἄξενος, "Negostinne Sea"). Strabo's "Geography" mentions that the sea took such a name through difficulties in navigation, as well as wild fortune-telling tribes that inhabited Yogo. Later, after the distant development of the coast by the Greek colonists, the sea began to be called Pontus Evksinsky (Greek: Πόντος Εὔξενος, "Hosting Sea"). Utіm, in Strabo (1.2.10) there are riddles about those who in antiquity Chorne called the sea simply “the sea” (pontos).

In ancient Russia X-XVI centuries, the litopists used the name "Ruska Sea", in some dzherels the sea bears the name "Scythian". The current name "Black Sea" has known its own specialty among the majority of mov: Greek. Μαύρη θάλασσα, Bolg. Black sea, vantage. შავი ზღვა, rum. Marea Neagră, Eng. Black Sea Tour Karadeniz, Ukrainian The best dzherela, which guessed its name, can be seen until the 13th century, the prote є pevnі signs of the fact that it was victorious earlier. The reason for the low hypothesis is that there are reasons for vindication of such a name:

The Turks and other conquerors, yakі namagalis pіdkority populace uzberezhzhya sea, zastrіchala baked vіdsіch from the side of the Circassians, adigіv and іnshih tribes, for which they called the sea Karadengіz - Chornim, unholy.

Another reason, according to the thought of a number of previous ones, may be the fact that during the hour of storms the water near the sea is very dark. Tue, storms near the Black Sea are not frequent, but dark water under the hour of storms near all the seas of the earth. One more hypothesis is based on the fact that metal objects (for example, anchors), lowered near the water of the sea more than 150 m for three hours, grimaced with a black color of zavdyakova for a sirkovodnyu.

Another hypothesis is connected with the adoption of the “colourful” designations of the sides of the world in a number of Asian lands, denoting “black” meaning pivnich, apparently to the Black Sea - the pivnіchnogo sea.

One of the most wide-ranging hypotheses is the assumption about those that were named after the 7500-5000 fates of the Bosphorus rupture, the result of which was the catastrophic rise of the Mayzha sea level by 100 meters, which led to the flooding of the great sea of ​​the Azore shelf. .

There is a Turkish legend that a heroic sword is resting near the waters of the Black Sea, which is thrown there on the enchantress Ali’s path, which he died. Across the sea they whine, spitting out their deadly armor, and turning into a black color.

The shores of the Black Sea are scarcely cut and mainly in the peninsula part. The only great pіvostrіv - Krymsky. The largest tributaries: Yagorlitska, Tendrovska, Dzharylhatska, Karkinitska, Kalamitska and Feodosijska in Ukraine, Varnensky and Burgassky near Bulgaria, Sinopska and Samsunsky - the bіla pіvdennyh shores of the sea, in Turechchinі. At the pivnich and pivnichny entrance, when the river flows in, estuaries spill. Zagalna Dozhina coastline - 3400 km.

A number of villages saving the sea can be called by the authorities: Pivdenny coast of Crimea in Ukraine, Black Sea coast of the Caucasus in Russia, Rumelian coast and Anatolian coast near Turechchyna. At the entrance to the pivnichny entrance, take care of the lowlands, the streams of the stream; at Krimu - more importantly lowland, krіm pіvdennyh mountainous shores. On the similar and pivden shores to the sea, the winds of the Caucasian and Pontiysky mountains came close to the sea.

There are few islands near the Black Sea. The largest - Berezan and Zmіїniy (offending with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bless than 1 km²).

Near the Chorne Sea, the largest rivers flow: the Danube, Dnipro, Dnister, as well as other rivers Mzimta, Bzib, Rioni, Kodor (Kodori), Enguri (at the merging sea), Chorokh, Kizil-Irmak, Eshli-Irmak, Sakar'ya (at pivdni) ), Pivdenny Bug (at pivnoch). The black sea fills the isolated depression, roztashovana between Pivdenno-Skhidnaya Europe and the Pivostrov Minor Asia. Tsya depression settled down in the Miocene epoch, in the process of active mountain creation, dividing the ancient Tetis ocean into sprats of water (for some reason, the Black Sea Crimea, the Azov, Aral and Caspian seas were settled).

One of the hypotheses of the Black Sea vindication (zokrema, vysnovki of participants in the international oceanographic expedition on the scientific vessel "Akvanavt" in 1993) indicates that 7500 years ago it was the largest freshwater lake on earth, more than a hundred meters After the end of the ice age period, the river of the Light Ocean rose and the Bosphorus Isthmus broke through. Bulo was flooded with 100 yew haul. km² (kindred land, which is already cultivated by people). The flooding of these great lands, perhaps, became a prototype of the myth of the all-world flood. The vinification of the Black Sea was based on the hypothesis, imovirno, accompanied by the mass death of the entire freshwater living world of the lake, the product of the expansion of these - the sirvoden - reaches high concentrations on the bottom of the sea.

The Chornomorskaya depression is composed of two parts - zahіdnoї and skhіdnoї, razdіlenyh pіdnyatty, є є natural prodovzhennyam Krymskogo pіvostrov. Pivnіchno-zahіdna part of the sea is characterized by a wide swarming shelf (up to 190 km). Pivdenne uzberezhzhya (to lie in Turechchini) and skhіdne (Georgia) have a more steep character, smuga shelf does not exceed 20 km and is pierced by a number of canyons and depressions. The depths of the shores of the Crimea and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus increase even more quickly, reaching a sign over 500 m already for a few kilometers from the coastline. The maximum depth (2210 m) the sea reaches in the central part, on the day from Yalta.

At the warehouses of mountainous rocks, where the bottom of the sea is folded, at the coastal zone, coarse-grained warehouses are transported: pebbles, gravel, sand. In the distance from the shore, fine-grained sands and silt change. Turtle turtles are wider near the peninsular-western part of the Black Sea; for the schilu that bed of the sea trap is a zvichayn pelitov muli.

Among the main brown copalins, lay some of them on the bottom of the sea: naphtha and natural gas on the pivnіchno-zahіdny shelf; Coastal roses of titanomagnetite sands (Taman Pivostrіv, saving the Caucasus). The black sea is the greatest meromic in the world (with equal waters that do not mix) with my water. The upper ball of water (miksolimnion), which lies to a depth of 150 m, is more cold, less salty and less salty, rich in sour, water-creaming in the lower, more warm, salty and alkaline, rich in sir-water ball (monimolimnion) (chemocline) zone). There is still no single primordial explanation of the trip to the Black Sea. There is a thought that today's water near the Black Sea is the main rank of the result of the life of sulfate-reducing bacteria, a sharply pronounced stratification leading to a weak vertical exchange. There is also a theory that the sirkovoday was settled in the wake of the spreading of freshwater creatures, as if they perished under the hour of the penetration of the salty Mediterranean waters under the hour of the establishment of the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles.

Deyakі doslіdzhennya rokіv let us talk about the Black sea like a gigantic reservoir, not only sіrkovodnya, but methane, which is seen more for everything, as well as in the process of activity of microorganism, as well as from the bottom of the sea.

The water balance of the Black Sea is composed of advancing components:

  • atmospheric fall (230 km³ per river);
  • mainland stik (310 km? per river);
  • water supply from the Sea of ​​Azov (30 km on the river);
  • viparovuvannya water from the surface of the sea (-360 km³ on the river);
  • drive through the Bosporus channel (-210 km ³ on the river).

The magnitude of the fall, overflowing from the Sea of ​​Azov and the river runoff outweighs the magnitude of the evaporation from the surface, after which the rhubarb of the Black Sea outweighs the rhubarb of the Marmur. For this reason, the upper current is formed, straight from the Black Sea through the Bosporus channel. The lower current, which is guarded in the lower balls of the water, is less pronounced and directed through the Bosporus at the turning point. The interaction of these flows dodatkovo support the vertical stratification of the sea and vikoristovuetsya fish for migration between the seas.

Consider the fact that due to the difficult exchange of water with the Atlantic Ocean near the Black Sea, there are practically no tides and high tides. The circulation of waters at the sea hoards only a surface ball of water. This ball of water has a salinity close to 18 ppm (in the Seredzemny - 37 ppm) and the presence of sour and other elements, the necessary activity of living organisms. Qi balls in the Black Sea are shilling to circular circulation in anticyclonic straightness along the entire perimeter of the waters. Vodnochas, at the western and lower parts of the sea, there is a circulation of the water near the cyclonic direction. The temperature of the surface balls of water in the fallow, at times, fluctuates from 8 to 30 °C.

The lower ball, in the wake of the presence of sirkovodnym, do not take revenge on living organisms, for a number of anaerobic sirchanih bacteria (a product of the life of such sirkovodny). Salinity here grows up to 22-22.5 ppm, the average temperature becomes ~ 8.5°C.

The climate of the Black Sea, at the link with the mid-continental camp, is predominantly continental. Only the Pivdenniy shore of the Crimea and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is protected by mountains in the cold winter winds and after all, a mild Mediterranean climate can be expected.

A significant impact on the weather over the Black Sea is given by the Atlantic Ocean, above which more cyclones are born, bringing bad weather and storms to the sea. On the pivnіchno-skhіdny uzberezhzhі sea, especially in the area of ​​Novorossiysk, low-lying mountains do not є rebuff for cold pivnіchnih pіtryanykh mas, yakі, passing through them, call a strong cold wind (pine forest), mіstsevі inhabitants call yoga Pіvnіchniy ost. Pivdenno-zahіdnimi winds sound near the Black Sea region to bring warmth and bring water to the Mediterranean winds. As a result, for the greater part of the territory of the sea, warm winters and hot dry summers are typical.

The average temperature today near the peninsular part of the Black Sea is -3 °C, but it can drop to -30 °C. On the territories that lie up to the Pivdenny coast of Crimea and save the Caucasus, winter is richly mild: the temperature rarely drops below 0 °C. Prote snow falls periodically in all areas of the sea. The average temperature of the lime on the pivnochi sea is 22-23°C. The maximum temperature is not so high, the wind blows the water reservoir and does not exceed 35 °C.

The greatest fall in the Black Sea region falls on the Caucasus (up to 1500 mm on the river), the least - in the western part of the sea (about 300 mm on the river). Khmarnist for the river at the average to become 60% with a maximum of winter and a minimum of air.

The waters of the Black Sea, as a rule, are not cold until freezing, for the wine of the coastal part of the waters. Coastal waters in these months freeze up to a month or more; estuary and girla river - up to 2-3 months.

The growing world of the sea includes 270 species of rich green, brown, red bottom algae (cystozira, phylophora, zoster, skarbnitsya, ulva, enteromorpha and in). There are at least six hundred species of phytoplankton in the warehouse of the Black Sea. Among them are dinoflagellates - the shells of the guzzlers (prorocentrum micans, ceratium furca, small skripsila Scrippsiella trochoidea and in), dinoflagellates (dinophysis, protoperidinium, oleksandrium), various diatoms and algae. Near the Black Sea sacks 2.5 yew. species of creatures (of which 500 species are single-celled, 160 species are ridged - rib and ssavtsiv, 500 species are crustaceans, 200 species are mollusks, otherwise - spineless different types), for equalization, near the Seredzemny - close to 9 yew. vidiv. Among the main reasons for the viability of the creaturely world: a wide range of water salinity, calmly cold water, the presence of sirvodnya on the great glens.

At the link with the Cim Chorne, the sea is suitable for living to see unimportant sights, at all stages the development of such great depths is not necessary.

At the bottom of the Black Sea, mussels, oysters, pectin, as well as molluscs-hizhak rapana linger, entering with the ships of the Far Descent. In the gorges of the coastal skel and in the middle of the stone live numerous crabs, shrimps, various jellyfish species (the widest cornerot and aurelia), sea anemones, sponges.

Among the ribs that can be found in the Black Sea: different vidi bichkiv (bichok-golovach, bichok-batig, bichok-round timber, bichok-birch, bichok-rotan), Azov anchovy, Black Sea anchovy (anchovy), shark-katran, flounder-glossa , five species of mullet, bluefart, hake (hake), sea yorge, red mullet (special Black Sea sultanka), haddock, mackerel, horse mackerel, Black Sea-Azov sedentary, Black Sea-Azov sprat and sturgeon (Russian) and Atlantic sturgeon) .

Among the not-so-safe fish of the Black Sea are the sea dragon (the most safe - the bristle spines of the dorsal swimmer and the zyabrovyh kryshok), the Black Sea and the memory of the scorpionfish, the stingray (sea whale) with bristle spikes on the tail.

There are broader birds like gulls, petrels, pitching-pirks, cormorants and a number of other species. In the Black Sea, there are two types of dolphins (dolphin dolphin and bottlenose dolphin), the Azov-Black Sea porpoise (often called the Azov dolphin), and also the white-bellied seal.

You can see the creatures that do not linger at the Black Sea, most often drift up to the new through the channels of the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, or swim independently.

The history of the Black Sea encroachment began in ancient times, at the same time from the voyages of the Greeks, as if their settlements fell asleep on the birch of the sea. Already in the 4th century BC, periplis were formed - ancient sea boats. Nadali є urivchastі vіdomosti about the swimming of merchants from Novgorod and Kiev to Constantinople.

Another milestone on the way to reach the Black Sea - sailing of the ship "Fortetsya" from Azov to Constantinople in 1696. Peter I, ordering the ship to sail, punishing him to carry out cartographic work with a path. As a result, a “straight chair of the Black Sea from Kerch to Tsar Grad” was laid down, and glibin was measured.

The most significant achievements of the Black Sea were made until the end of the 18th-19th centuries. Zokrema, at the borders of the Russian century, academicians Peter Pallas and Middendorf exercised the power of the waters and fauna of the Black Sea. In 1816, a description of the Black Sea coastline was published by F. F. Bellingshausen, in 1817 the first map of the Black Sea was published, in 1842 the first atlas, in 1851 - the pilotage of the Black Sea.

The cob of systematic scientific research of the Black Sea was laid by two epochs of the 19th century - the discovery of the Bosphorus currents (1881–1882) and the two oceanographic glide expeditions (1890–1891).

Since 1871, in Sevastopol, the Biological Station (Institute of Biology of the Pvdennyh Seas) has been engaged in systematic studies of the living world of the Black Sea. For example, the ХІХ century expedition for ceramics I. B. Spindler discovered the abundance of the deep sea in the sirkovodnym; A former participant of the expedition, Russian chemist M. D. Zelinsky, explained this phenomenon.

The Black Sea war continued after the Zhovtnevoy revolution of 1917. In 1919, an ichthyological station was organized in Kerch (it was later reorganized into the Azov-Chornomorsk Institute of Fisheries State and Oceanography, the Pivdenniy Scientific and Last Institute of Sea Fishing State and Oceanography (SouthNIRO)). In 1929, in Krym, in Katsiveli, a marine hydrophysical station was opened (at the same time a branch of the Sevastopol Marine Hydrophysical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).

In Russia, the main scientific organization is the research organization of the Black Sea;

Great is the transport significance of the Black Sea for the economy of the krai, which are bathed in this wash of water. Іstotny obsyag maritime transportation to establish flights of tankers, yakі to secure the export of oil and petroleum products from the ports of Russia (forward from Novorossiysk and Tuapse) and ports of Georgia (Batumi). At the same time, the supply of carbohydrates is constantly streamed by the intermediary throughput capacity of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles. The largest oil terminal was built in Illichivska to receive oil within the Odesa-Brodi oil pipeline. Also, a project is underway for the life of the oil pipeline Burgas - Oleksandrupolis bypassing the Chornomorsky canals. Naphthoterminals of Novorossiysk building to accept supertankers. Crimean oil and products of processing, from Russian and Ukrainian ports of the Black Sea are exported metal, mineral additives, machinery and equipment, wood, lumber, grain and other. Sirovinnyh goods and others. The Black Sea basin has a wide range of container transportation, and there are large container terminals. Transportation with help of lighters is being developed; Pratsyuє zaliznichni poromnі ferries Іllіchіvsk (Ukraine) - Varna (Bulgaria) and Іllіchіvsk (Ukraine) - Batumi (Georgia). Separated by the Black Sea and sea passenger transportation (in fact, after the collapse of the SRSR, it has significantly decreased). The international transport corridor TRACECA (Transport Corridor Europe - Caucasus - Asia, Europe - Caucasus - Asia) passes through the Black Sea. The Black Sea ports are the end points of a number of Pan-European transport corridors. The largest places-ports on the Black Sea: Novorosijsk, Sochi, Tuapse (Russia); Burgas, Varna (Bulgaria); Batumi, Sukhumi, Poti (Georgia); Constanta (Romania); Samsun, Trabzon (Turechchina); Odessa, Illichivsk, Pivdenny, Kerch, Sevastopol, Yalta (Ukraine). River Don, which flows into the Sea of ​​Azov, pass the river waterway, which gets the Black Sea from the Caspian Sea (through the Volga-Don ship-floating channel and the Volga), from the Baltic Sea and the White Sea (through the Volga-Baltic waterway and the White Sea-Baltic Canal ) . The river Danube is connected with the Pivnichny Sea through a system of canals. The bottom of the Black Sea laid a unique deep-water gas pipeline "Blakitniy Potik", which connects Russia and Turechchina. The length of the sub-water part of the gas pipeline, which runs between the village of Arkhipo-Osipivka on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and the coast of Turechchini for 60 km from the Samsun township, is 396 km. Establish a plan for expanding the tightness of the gas pipeline by laying an additional tube pipe.

In the Black Sea, you can see ribs in the same way: mullet, anchovy (hamsa), mackerel, horse mackerel, pike perch, lyash, sturgeon, oseledets. Main fishing ports: Odessa, Kerch, Novorossiysk and other.

At Rest of the Rocks XX - the beginning of the XXI century, the fish industry has significantly shrunk in the wake of the change in the fishery and the deterioration of the ecological state of the sea. I mean the problem is also becoming a fenced donna trawling and poaching, especially sturgeon. So, less than a friend in 2005, the authorities of the Black Sea State Basin Administration for the Protection of Water Living Resources of Ukraine (“Chornomorribvod”) on the territory of Krym were accused in 1909 of the violation of fish protection legislation, 33 tons of ribi were taken, and 33 tons of ribi were caught by illegal signs.

The favorable climatic conditions near the Black Sea make it an important resort region. The largest resort areas on the Black Sea are connected to: Pivdenny shore of Crimea (Yalta, Alushta, Sudak, Koktebel, Feodosiya) in Ukraine, Chornomorsk off the Caucasus (Anapa, Gelendzhik, Sochi) in Russia, Pitsunda, Gagra and Batumi in Georgia, Golden Piska and Sonyachny coast near Bulgaria, Mamaia, Eforia in Romania.

Chornomorskoye saves the Caucasus, the main resort region Russian Federation. In 2005, close to 9 million tourists saw the rock of yoga; In 2006, according to the forecasts of officials in the Krasnodar Territory, this region is not enough to see at least 11-11.5 million people. On the Russian coast of the Black Sea, there are over 1000 boarding houses, sanatoriums and hotels, that number is constantly growing. Natural products of the Russian Black Sea coast and the coast of Abkhazia, the most important resorts such as Gagra and Pitsunda were popular for radio hours. The development of the resort industry in the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is driven by an apparently short (for example, pierced by the Mediterranean Sea) season, environmental, transport problems, and in Abkhazia, it is also indifferent to its status and the threat of a new spalah-Russian conflict with Georgia.

The coast of the Black Sea and the basin of the river that flows into it, are areas with a high anthropogenic density, heavily populated by people from ancient times. The ecological camp of the Black Sea is unfriendly.

Among the main factors that disrupt the ecological system of the sea, the following can be seen:

Strongly zabrudnennya river, which flows into the sea, especially with runoff from irrigation, which avenges mineral dobriva, especially nitrate and phosphate. This is the reason for the overdosing (eutrophication) of the waters of the sea, and, as a result, the growth of phytoplankton (the “flowering” of the sea is an intensive development of blue-green algae), a change in the transparency of the waters, the death of rich algae.

Contaminated waters with naphtha and petroleum products (the most fertile areas are the western part of the sea, which is the largest area for tanker transportation, and navit water areas of ports). As a reminder, it is necessary to cause the death of sea creatures, as they drank in naphtha smelts, and also to the fermentation of the atmosphere for the evaporation of naphtha and naphthoproducts from the surface water.

Contamination of the waters of the sea with the inputs of human life - the throwing off of uncleaned and insufficiently purified sewage waters is too thin.

Masovy vilov ribi.

Zaboronene, but everywhere vikoristovuvane donna trawling, which roams the bottom biocenoses.

Changing the warehouse, changing the number of features and mutation of the aquatic world under the influx of anthropogenic factors (including the replacement of the root species of the natural world with exotic ones, which are attributed to the influx of people). So, for example, according to estimates of fahіvtsіv from the Odessa department of YugNIRO, in less than one decade (from 1976 to 1987) the population of the Black Sea bottlenose dolphin flocked from 56 thousand to seven thousand individuals.

In a thought to a number of fahіvtsіv, the ecological camp of the Black Sea for the rest of the decade has become irresponsible due to the decrease in economic activity in a number of coastal regions.

The President of the Crimean Academy of Sciences, Viktor Tarasenko, expressed the idea that the Black Sea is the best sea in the world.

For the funeral dovkilla in the area of ​​the Black Sea in 1998, it was accepted for the sake of ACCOBAMS (“Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantik Area”), de one of the main food is the protection of dolphins and whales. The main of the MIMENTERY Document, the regali, Patannya Hunts of the China Sea, the Convention about Zachist of the Chorny Sea Vid Zavruudennya, is painted by the Chornomoric Country - Bulgarian, Gruziyu, Rosyyu, Rumuniyu, Turechini, Ukrainians in 1992 Rotski in Bucharest). Also, in 1994, representatives of Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Nimechchina, Ugorshchyna, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine and the European Union in Sofia signed the Convention on the development of the steel industry in Sofia. As a result of the appointments, the Black Sea Commission (Istanbul), and the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (Viden) were created. These bodies serve the function of coordinating nature conservation programs that operate at the borders of conventions. On the 31st of July, all the lands of the Black Sea region celebrate the International Day of the Black Sea.

The black sea is the inner sea to the basin of the Atlantic Ocean. The channel of the Bosphorus connects with the Marmur Sea, further, through the channel of the Dardanelles - with the Aegean and the Mediterranean Seas. The Kerch Channel runs past the Sea of ​​Azov. From the pіvnochi by the sea, the Crimean Pivostrіv rises deeply. On the surface of the Black Sea to pass a cordon of water between Europe and Asia Minor.

The area is 422,000 km. The outlines of the Black Sea form an oval from the largest height for about 1150 km. The largest valley of the sea from pivnochi to pivden - 580 km. The largest depth is 2210 m, the middle one is 1240 m. The sea washes the shores of Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia. On the pivnіchno-skhіdny uzberezhzhі of the Black Sea, the absence of the state of Abkhazia was planted. The shores of the Black Sea are scarcely cut and mainly in the peninsula part. The only great pіvostrіv - Krymsky. The streams are small. There are few islands near the Black Sea. The largest rivers flow into the sea: the Danube, the Dnipro, the Dnister.

The old Greek name of the sea is Pont Aksinsky (“Negostinne Sea”). Strabo's "Geography" mentions that the sea took such a name through difficulties in navigation, as well as wild fortune-telling tribes that inhabited Yogo. Later, after the distant development of the coast by the Greek colonists, the sea began to be called Pontus Evksinsky (“The Sea of ​​the Sea”). At the same time, Strabo has riddles about those who in antiquity Chorne called the sea simply “the sea”.

In ancient Russia X-XVI centuries, the litopists used the name "Ruska Sea", in some dzherels the sea bears the name "Scythian". Today, the name "Black Sea" has known its own fermentation among the majority of people. Іsnuє tsіla low hypotheses about the reasons for the blame for such a name. on the thought of a number of doslednikiv, maybe the fact that during the hour of storms the water in the sea is very dark. Tue, storms near the Black Sea are not frequent, but dark water under the hour of storms near all the seas of the earth. One more hypothesis is based on the fact that metal objects (for example, anchors), lowered near the water of the sea more than 150 m for three hours, grimaced with a black color of zavdyakova for a sirkovodnyu. Another hypothesis is connected with the adoption of the “colourful” designations of the sides of the world in a number of Asian lands, denoting “black” meaning pivnich, apparently to the Black Sea - the pivnіchnogo sea.


The history of the Black Sea encroachment began in ancient times, at the same time from the voyages of the Greeks, as if their settlements fell asleep on the birch of the sea. Already in the IV century BC, the first seas were formed. The most significant achievements of the Black Sea were made until the end of the 18th-19th centuries. During this hour, Russian academics Peter Pallas and Middendorf exercised the power of the waters and fauna of the Black Sea. In 1816 p. the description of the Black Sea coast appeared, vikonan F.F. Bellingshausen, in 1817 the first map of the Black Sea was published, in 1842 - the first atlas, in 1851 - the charter of the Black Sea.

Bottom relief

One of the hypotheses of the Black Sea vindication is to note that 7500 years ago it was the largest freshwater lake on earth, the rhubarb was more than a hundred meters lower than the current one. After the end of the ice age period, the river of the Light Ocean rose and the Bosphorus Isthmus broke through.

The Chornomorskaya depression is composed of two parts - zahіdnoї and skhіdnoї, razdіlenyh pіdnyatty, є є natural prodovzhennyam Krymskogo pіvostrov. Zahidna part with a wide shelf swarm, but rather have a more steep character and is pierced by a number of canyons and depressions. Here, on the first day of Yalta, the sea reaches its maximum depth (2210 m). At the warehouses of mountainous rocks, where the bottom of the sea is folded, at the coastal zone, pebbles, gravel, sand are transported. In the distance from the shore, fine-grained sands and silt change. Turtles are widely wide at the peninsular-western part of the Black Sea. Among the main brown copalins, lay some of them on the bottom of the sea, naphtha and natural gas on the pivnіchno-zahіdny shelf and coastal roses of titanomagnetite piskіv.

Climate and hydrological regime

The climate of the Black Sea is predominantly continental. The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and the pure coast of the Crimea are protected by mountains in the cold spring winds, and therefore a mild Mediterranean climate is possible, and on the main slope of Tuapse - a humid subtropical climate. A significant impact on the weather over the Black Sea is given by the Atlantic Ocean, above which more cyclones are born, bringing bad weather and storms to the sea. Most of the sea is characterized by warm winters (average temperatures -3..-1 °C) and hot dry summers (+23..+25 °C). The greatest fall in the Black Sea region falls on the Caucasus (up to 1,500 mm per river).

The waters of the Black Sea do not freeze. Ale, in the arc of winter and winter near the penny part, coastal ice can be established - fast ice. The waters of the Black Sea are unique. Yogo blame lies in the fact that 87% of the obligation is occupied by water, most of which is circulating. This zone begins at a depth of about 100 meters, and the cordon rises step by step from the rocks.

Flora and fauna

Biological resources to dosit bіdnі, opposite seas of these latitudes. Among the main reasons: a wide range of salinity of water, darkened cold water, the presence of sirkovodnya on the great glens. The growing world of the sea includes 270 species of rich green, brown, red bottom algae. Near the Black Sea sacks 2.5 yew. seeing creatures.

At the bottom of the sea, mussels, oysters, pectin, and also the mollusk-hizhak rapana linger, entering with the ships of the Far Descent. In the gorges of the coastal skel and in the midst of the stone live numerous crabs, shrimps, various kinds of jellyfish, sea anemones, sponges. Among the ribs that can be found in the Black Sea: different species of bichkiv, Azov anchovy, Chornomorsk anchovy (anchovy), katran shark, glossy flounder, five species of mullet, bluefish, hake (hake), sea yorge, red mullet, haddock, mackerel, becoming, Black Sea-Azov sedentary, Black Sea-Azov tyulka and іn. Sturgeons are hustling. Among the not-so-safe fish of the Black Sea are the sea dragon (the most safe - the bristle spines of the dorsal swimmer and the zyabrovyh kryshok), the Black Sea and the memory of the scorpionfish, the stingray (sea whale) with bristle spikes on the tail.

Gospodarske meaning

Across the expanses of the Black Sea, there are numerous transportations of various passengers and passengers. On the Black Sea coast there are well-placed ports, as if they receive ships like the Russian state, and other lands. Tse spryaє development of trade vіdnosin. On the shores of the Black Sea, a large number of resort places and villages have been planted. Here there is a large number of various institutions, the activity of which is directed to the exaltation of that order of people.

The meaning of the word at the Black Sea is ribi: sprat (sprat), mullet, anchovy (hamsa), mackerel, horse mackerel, pike perch, lyash, oseledtsi. The main fishing ports are: Sevastopol, Kerch, Novorossiysk and others. Here, in order with the ribal state, a species of mollusks and algae was found.


The ecology of the Black Sea is terrifying for the best. Great problems associated with wikis in new exits. Go to the sea with the waters of the Dnipro, the Danube and the Prut, for a greater peace, go to the streams of sewage waters from the public services of the great places and resorts, industrial businesses. Increased concentration of naphthoproducts to bring to extinction rich species of fauna, catch soon. Naftove zabrudnennya vіdbuvaetsya zdebіlshoy through catastrophes with sea vessels, and navіt emergency wikis of industrial enterprises. Most of all, the pollution of naphtha smelting is guarded by the vzdovzh of the Caucasian shores and the Crimean Pivostrov.

From the waters of the river near the sea, there are important metals and pesticides, and nitrogen and phosphorus from water. Phytoplankton, obsessed with adding too much life to the speeches, multiply boisterously, the water blooms. The bottom of the coastal zones and the shores are zabrudnenі majestic kіlkіstyu pobutovoy smіttya. Vіn come from ships, smіtnikіv, organizovannyh uzdovzh river and zmitih floods, from the shores of the resorts. Dozens of rocks are laid out near salty water, and hundreds of plastics are laid out.

In the rest of the XX century - the beginning of the XXI century, the fish industry significantly decreased due to the overfishing of the fish and the deterioration of the ecological state of the sea. I mean the problem is also poaching, especially sturgeon.

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