Rossekrechenі data about spending at the rock of war. How many people perished at the Great Vitchiznyanіy war? Great dates about the great war

How did the official data about spending the SRSR change

Not long ago, the State Duma announced new figures for the human costs of the Radyansky Union at the time of the Great Vitchiznyanoy War - maybe 42 million. 15 million people reached the previous official data "dodatkovo". Head of the Museum-Memorial of the Great War of the Kazan Kremlin, our columnist Mikhailo Cherepanov, in the author's column of the "Real Hour" spoke about the secrets of spending by the SRSR and Tatarstan.

Irreversible loss of the Radyansk Union in the aftermath of the factors of the Other World War - over 19 million military servicemen.

Незважаючи на багаторічний і добре оплачуваний саботаж і всілякі зусилля генералів і політиків приховати справжню ціну нашої Перемоги над фашизмом, 14 лютого 2017 року у Державній думі на парламентських слуханнях «Патріотичне виховання громадян Росії: «Безсмертний полк» розсекретили, нарешті, найбільш наближені. :

“It is with secret tributes to the State Plan of the SRSR that the Radyansky Union should spend 41 million 979 thousand, and not 27 million, as it was considered earlier. The total decline in the population of the Soviet Socialist Republic in 1941-1945 was over 52 million and 812 thousand inhabitants. From them, irrevocably lose in the aftermath of the factors of war - over 19 million military servicemen and close to 23 million civilian population.

As it is confirmed by the additional evidence, the evidence is confirmed by a great number of reference documents, authoritative publications and testimonies (details - on the site "Immortal Regiment" and other resources).

History of nutrition

At the birch tree of 1946, the fate of the interview with the newspaper Pravda I.V. Stalin voiced: “Due to the German invasion, the Radyansky Union irrevocably lost in the battles with them, as well as the German occupation and the stolen Radiansky people for German penal servitude, about seven million people.”

1961 Roku N.S. Khrushchev wrote to the list before the Prime Minister of Sweden: “The German militarists unleashed war against the Radyansk Union, as they took two dozen million lives of the Radyansk people.”

On January 8, 1990, at the meeting of the Supreme Council for the sake of the SRSR, in honor of the 45th anniversary of the Victory at the Great Veterinary War, a sum of human expenses was announced: “Mayzhe 27 million osib”.

1993 to the fate of the team of military historians under the supervision of Colonel-General G.F. Krivosheev published a statistical report “Secrecy stamp removed. Spend the WWII forces of the SRSR in wars, combat actions and military conflicts. The new one has been assigned a sum of massive expenses - 26.6 million osіb, including the previously published combat expenses: 8,668,400 soldiers and officers.

In 2001, the book was reviewed by G.F. Krivosheev “Russia and the SRSR in the wars of the XX century. Spend zbroynyh forces: Statistically doslіdzhennya. In one of the tables it was said that the Radyansk Army and the fleet were irrevocably spent in the rocks of the Great Vytchiznyanoy war - 11,285,057 osib. (div. side 252.) 2010 to rock in black vision “Great Vitchizniana without a stamp of mystery. The book of expenses ”I am again for the editors of G.F. Krivosheev, the data on the expenditures of the belligerents in 1941-1945 were specified. Demographic spending reduced to 8,744,500 military servicemen (page 373):

Blame natural nutrition: why did they take away the data given to the State Plan of the SRSR about the battles of our Army, for over 70 years, the specialists of the special commissions of the Ministry of Defense could not learn? How much stink do they show?

Everything is known in pairs. Varto Zgadati, Sho Mama at the writings “Rosіya that SRSR at the VINYS of the XX Station” We were allowed, naresti, in 2001 Rotsya, the Skilki of our spіvivizniki Bulol was mobilized to the lavat of Chervonoy (Radyanzo) 596.).

How to accept on faith the official figure 8744 yew. osіb, then a part of our military expenses becomes 25 vіdsotkіv. That is why, according to the orders of the commission of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the fourth radyansky soldier and officer did not turn back to the front.

I think that it will not be enough for a bagman of any settlement of the colossal SRSR. In the skin village, chi auli є slabs with the names of dead fellow countrymen. On them, at the best time, less than half is quiet, who went to the front 70 years ago.

Statistics for Tatarstan

We wonder how statistics our Tatarstan has, on the territory of which there were no battles.

In the book of Professor Z.I. Gilmanov “Labor of the Tatars on the fronts of the Great Witches War”, seen in Kazan in 1981, it was confirmed that the military committees of the republic sent 560,000 people to the front and 87,000 of them did not turn.

2001 Professor A.A. Ivanov at his doctoral dissertation “Fighting the peoples of Tatarstan at the fate of the Great War of Vyna 1941-1945” having voted that from 1939 to 1945, about 700 thousand people were called up to the army from the territory of the Tatar Republic, and 350 thousand of them did not turn.

Yak Kerivnik Robochka Grupi editsi Books of Pam'yati Tatarstan Z 1990 to 2007 Rocks, I am able to clarity: Zhekhuvannya Uzodzhev, Yaki Plikani of the regions of the Country, I took it to Tatarstan to the rocks of other tyesye soldiers of soldiers.

I tse irrevocably spend the republic, on the territory that the enemy’s bomb or projectile did not fall!

Why not spend the other regions of the large SRSR in the middle of the country?

Show time. And our task is to bring virvati from the inability to bring to the database of the data of the Republic of Tatarstan, presented at the Park of Peremogi Kazan, you can name all the fellow countrymen.

And the work can be no less than the same - enthusiastic for their own initiative, and professional searchers for the hand-me-downs of the self-power.

It is physically impossible to dig at the excavations at the battlefields at all Watches. Memory is physically impossible. For what purpose is it necessary to post a robot in the archives published on the websites of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other thematic resources on the Internet.

Ale tse already zovsіm іnsha іstoriya.

Mikhailo Cherepanov, illustrations by the author


Mikhailo Valeriyovich Cherepanov- Head of the Museum-memorial of the Great Vitchiznian War of the Kazan Kremlin; head of the association "Viyskovoy Glory Club"; Merited practitioner of culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, corresponding member of the Academy of military-historical sciences, laureate of the Sovereign Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan.

  • Born 1960 rock.
  • Finished Kazansky state university im. V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin for the specialty "Journalism".
  • Since 2007, rock is practiced at the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan.
  • One of the creators of the 28-volume book "Memory" of the Republic of Tatarstan about those who perished at the rock Another light war, 19 volumes of the Book of Memory of the Victims political repressions Republic of Tatarstan and in.
  • Creator of the Electronic Book of Memory of the Republic of Tatarstan (to the list of natives and residents of Tatarstan, who perished in the fates of the Other world war).
  • Author of thematic lectures from the cycle "Tatarstan at the Rocks of War", thematic excursions "The feat of fellow countrymen on the fronts of the Great Vitchiznyanoy".
  • Spivator of the concept of the virtual museum "Tatarstan - Batkivshchyna".
  • Member of 60 expeditions from the burial place of the remains of soldiers who perished near the Great Eastern War (since 1980), a member of the board of the Union of Russia's hunting pens.
  • Author of over 100 scientific and educational articles, books, participant of all-Russian, regional, international conferences. Columnist of the "Real hour".

In 1993, after the breakup of the SRSR, the first public radyanska statistics appeared on the light of the hour of the Other World War, created under the patronage of General Grigory Krivosheev by order of the Ministry of Defense of the SRSR. The axis of the article by the St. Petersburg amateur historian V'yacheslav Krasіkov is about those who themselves supported the Radyansk commander's genius.

The topic of radyanskikh vtrat at Another svitovіy vіynі dosі zalishaєtsya taboo in Russia, we are ahead of us through the unpreparedness of the state and the state to look at this problem in a grown-up way. The only "statistical" report on this topic is the work "Secret Classification: Spend the Armed Forces of the SRSR in Wars, Fighting Actions and War Conflicts", which was published in 1993. In 1997, the fate of the Anglo-movement was completed, and in 2001 the fate of another vision appeared, “Spending the Soviet Armed Forces in the wars, combat actions and military conflicts.”

Yakshcho, I don’t atrocity, respect on the gannosto pіzno, I have mumtened statistics about Radyanzki (Mayzha after 50 Rocks Pisly Zakinchennya Viyini), a robot of Krivosheva, a paw of the cobblestone of the spiral of the defense, the great span was not in the science of the authors. soul, spent the shards of Radyansk on one ruble from the Germans). One of the main sources of data for the team of authors under Krivosheev’s research is the fund of the General Staff in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (TsAMO), which is a dossi of secrets, and where access to the doslidniks is closed. It is objectively impossible to distort the accuracy of the work of the Russian archivists. From the point of reason on the way to work, Krivosheev’s scientific knowledge, as for the past 60 years, has been dealing with the problem of spending at Another world’s war, it was put coldly and її they simply didn’t remember.

In Russia, they repeatedly tried to criticize the investigations of Grigory Krivosheev - critics complained to the general of methodological inaccuracies, victoria of unverified and unproven data, and utterly arithmetical inconsistencies. As a butt, you can marvel. We want to propagate to our readers not so damned criticism of Krivosheev’s own practice, as if I were trying to introduce new, additional data (for example, party and Komsomol statistics), as if to allow more light to be shed on the rozmir of the outrageous radyansky expenses. Possibly, we accept this step-by-step approach to reality and the development of a normal, civilized scientific discussion in Russia. The article by V'yacheslav Krasіkov, in which all the messages are put down, can be more interesting. Mustache scans of books, ask for yak vins,

Radyansk historiography: how many people lost their forgetfulness?

After the war in the civilized lands, begin to comprehend the head of the battles, following their critical discussion in the light of the enemy’s documents that have become available. Such a robot, zrozumilo, will require a maximum of objectivity. Otherwise, it is simply not possible to create new visas, so as not to repeat past pardons. However, the practices that were seen in the Soviet Socialist Republic in the first decade of the war cannot be called historical achievements by a great stretch. There were a lot of stench on the topic of the inevitability of victory for the heroic party of the Belarusians, the pochatkovy victory of the Radianian military art and the genius of comrade Stalin. Memoirs for the life of the “leader of the peoples” were never seen before, for those that happened together are more like fantastic literature. In fact, there was no serious robotic censorship in such a situation. Hiba scho to reveal the lack of diligence in the right glorification. That is why, to the point of inconsistency and metamorphoses of the Khrushchev’s metushkin “in the league”, this institute was not prepared for it.

Proteo information vibukh of the 1950s is the merit of more than one Mikity Sergiyovich. The above-described kindness idilia was vanquished by the banal human ambition.

On the right, in the fact that at Zahodі the process of comprehending the recent combat actions was considered a normal civilized way. The generals told about their gains, and they shared with enormously sensible thoughts. The Radyansky Viysky upper-class people, obviously, also wanted to take part in such a cackling and hoary process, the prote "Kremlin mountaineer" did not like to take this kind of job. And then after the birth of 1953, the fate of the transition arose. As a result, radian censorship was negligently attacked by the order to publish translations of other works about the Other World War, written by many opponents and allies. At to this particular type they cluttered up with less banknotes of especially unacceptable sides and editorial comments, as if they helped the Radian readers to "correctly" understand the creativity of "smart to falsification" foreigners. But if for the sake of this and many of their gold-chasing authors they took away the abuse, the process of “comprehending” is still beyond control. I vaccinated to failure for yoga initiators of results. To the overheads of the bulk it became impersonal under the digits, like, supplementing and clarifying one of the one, they formed into a similar mosaic, the lower picture of the war that had been created earlier. Why is there more than one three-time increase in the official figure of the total expenses of the SRSR from 7 to 20 million cases.

Obviously, the writers themselves figured out “what to what” and tried to hug the city of Moscow’s misfortune. But about similar moments at the battle path, many comrades-in-arms were told deshcho. At zv'yazku z chim z'appeared and side effects. So, like a public scandal with letters of one-on-one in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, marshals Zhukov and Chuikov, they did not share many laurels. Until then, be it a reception, at first glance, a fact can, in one fell swoop, destroy a myth that is created by fate. For example, for the high-ranking "workers of the tylu" the information that the Radianska industry gradually released more technology, lower the German, inevitably put the summation of the general's praise about the "not in numbers, but in the minds".

In such a manner, military-historical science has made a giant leap ahead of the scales of the Radyansk Union. After that, turning around before the Stalinist hours became already impossible. With the arrival of Vlad Brezhnev, they tried to put things in order again in the hallway of the Great Vitchiznian War.

In this way, until the mid-80s, the intellectual middle ground of the domestic historiography of the Other Light War was still formed. Її Traditions have made more fakhіvtsіv, yakі sogodnі razroblyayut tsyu theme. It is impossible, of course, to affirm that all historians continue to follow the stereotypes of "hours of Ochakov and the root of Krim." To finish Zgadati "overdo" in herfors Vikrittiv, the Grandiznim of the scandal of the 1991 rock ended, if the generals of the general ostorii, the izteritskiy, for the surroundings of the general, was sophisticated, the Chishchennya of the 10-volume " analysis, following the latest scientific standards. As a result, there was an observation of "landless cosmopolitans" in the archives, as well as in the event of organizing events. Head of the Institute military history General D. A. Volkogonov sent the soldiers from the army, and most of the young assistants - the soldiers from the army. Control over the work was strengthened from the preparation of a 10-volume book, for which they added trials and revisions for a lot of activity of marshals and generals. For the sake of the great obligation of statistical information on this topic, for decades of war, I have been wandering behind the archive doors. Try to systematize.

Official Radian numbers

Although it is respectful to note the history of how the “numbers of equivalents” of the victims of the Other World War were changed in the SRSR, we can clearly see that these changes were not in the nature of a frenzyless digital chaos, but rather were interconnected, so it’s easy to put it simply.

Until the end of the 80s of the last century, the logic was brought to the point that propaganda, even if it was quite right, but in a step-by-step manner, still acted as a mistress of science - let it be and transcendently ideologized, based on archival materials. For this reason, Stalin's 7,000,000 expendable military expenditures of the SRSR turned into 20,000,000 for Khrushchev, for Brezhnev for "more than 20,000,000", and for Gorbachov for "more than 27,000,000". In addition, they directly “danced” and the numbers of the expenditure of the Evil Forces. As a result, already on the cob of the 60s, they officially recognized that only at the front (not rahuyuchi quietly, who did not turn around in full) died over 10 million soldiers. In the 1970s of the last century, the figure “more than 10,000,000 perished at the front” (not rabidly perished at the crowd) has become a wildly accepted one. Її pointed at the most authoritative sources of that hour. As a butt to complete the article, correspondent member of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Colonel General of the Medical Service. I. Smirnov, published in a collection prepared by the collegiate experts of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR and the Institute of Russian History of the Ministry of Defense of the SRSR, and the light of a chat with the publisher "Nauka".

Before the speech, at the same time, another “stage-by-stage” book was presented to the readers’ judgment – ​​“The Radian Union at the Great Veteran War of 1941-1945”, the figures of the army’s military expenditures and those who perished at the full of Chervonoarmytsiv were publicized. For example, up to 7 million civilians (?) and up to 4 million soldiers of the Red Army died in the German concentration camps, which gives a total of up to 14 million dead Red Army soldiers (10 million at the front and 4 million at the army). Here, perhaps, it’s more likely to guess what was similar in the SRSR to a skin-like figure of an official-sovereign - obov'yazkovo passed through the crisis of the most censorship “sieve” - bagatatora-likely turned over again and often in other advanced-information publications.

In principle, in the Soviet Socialist Republic, 70-year-olds, in fact, found out that in 1941-1945, spending the army perished at the front and in full, the rocks became approximately 16 million - 17 million osib. Truth be told, the statistics were published in front of a veiled look.

The axis at the 1st volume of the Radyanskaya Viyskovoy Encyclopedia (the article “Fighting in the waste”) says: “ So, as in the 1st world war, about 10 million people were killed and died in wounds, then in the 2nd world war, more than 27 million were killed at the fronts.". Spend the same army, shards Zagalna kіlkіst died at Another light war, 50 million errors were marked in the same one.

If you choose to spend 27,000,000 for the savage forces of the other participants in the Other World War, the Crimea of ​​the SRSR, then the surplus will be close to 16-17 million. The very same digits i є were recognized in the SRSR as a number of dead military servicemen (at the front, they were in full). Pіdrakhuvati "vsіh, kіm SRSR", it was possible to follow the book of Boris Urlanis "Vіyni ta populyacionna evropi" as it was published in the Union in 1960. At the same time, it is easy to know on the Internet under the name "History of military expenses."

All the statistics of military spending have been brought up more than once in the SRSR for the remainder of the 80s. However, in 1990, the Russian General Staff published the results of its new "refined" pidrakhunkiv irreversible army expenditures. It's wonderful, but the stench seemed to be a mysterious rank, no more for a lot of "stagnation", but less. Moreover, less cool - practical in 2 times. Same - 8,668,400 people. The solution to the puzzle here is simple - during the period of Gorbachev's reformation, history was again politicized to the end, transforming into a propaganda tool. І "great lamps" from the Ministry of Defense virishi in such a rank "under the noise" to improve the "patriotic" statistics.

There were no explanations for this marvelous arithmetic metamorphosis. Navpaki, nevdovzі tsі 8.668.400 (but still without explanation) were “detailed” at the doc “The Classification of Secrecy of Records”, which was then supplemented and revisited. And what is the most striking - about the Radyansk figures mittevo zabul - the stench just quietly emerged from books that are seen under the patronage of the state. But nutrition to the logical absurdity of a similar situation has been lost:

It appears that in the USSR for 3 decades they have been trying to "denigrate" one of their worst beasts - I will overcome Hitler's Nazi Germany - they went on, that they fought harder, lower the truth and published false data about army losses twice, for the defense.

And the real “beautiful” statistics were taken under the heading “secretly” ...

Classified secrecy that eats the dead

Analyzing all the marvelous data of Krivosheev's "research", one can write a few solid monographs. Different authors are most often filled with butts of analysis of subbags of about 4 operations. Tse, zrozumіlo, good initial illustrations. However, the stink to put pіd sumnіv lily private figures - on the tlі zagalnih vtrat not so great.

The main mass of expenses Krivosheev hovaє middle “repeatedly called”. The "Grіfі sekretnostі" vіn vіn єєєєїї kіlkіst, yak "ponad 2 milioni", and in "Russia u viyny" vzagalі vіynaє z vіdє z vіnі text of the book vіnkaіvka ієєєї її їїї її її categorії ї conscripts. Just write that there is a large number of mobilized 34.476.700 cases - without urakhuvannya re-calling. Precisely, the number of re-clicked - 2.237.000 cases - was named by Krivosheev only in one article, published in a small-circulation collection already sixteen years ago.

Who is “re-clicking”? Tse, for example, if a person was seriously injured in 1941, and after a trivial exultation, they were “written off” from the army of “healthy”. Ale, if the other half of the war's human resources had already reached the end, then the medical vimogi looked at it and lowered it. As a result, the person was again recognized as a subordinate to the service and was called up to the army. And 1944 rock yogo was driven in. In this rank, for the people of Krivosheev vrakhovu, they were mobilized only once. Ale z lava armії "bring" dvichi - a bunch of people with disabilities, and then like murders. It’s okay, to go out, that one of the “visions” is in the form in the sum of the irreversible losses.

Second example. Lyudina was mobilized, but the nevdovs were handed over to the military NKVS. After a few months, a part of the NKVS was transferred back to the Red Army (for example, on the Leningrad Front in 1942 from the NKVS to the Red Army, one whole division was transferred - they simply changed the number). Ale Krivosheev of that soldier in the postal transfer from the army to the NKVS vrakhovu, but the return transfer from the NKVS to the Red Army is not mentioned (repeated calls from the new one were excluded from the list of mobilizations). To go out, that the person is again "zahovana" - in the army of the last hour, in fact, he is rebuked, but Krivosheev is not insured.

Another example. Lyudina was mobilized, but in 1941, the fate of obscurity arose - she was left in sharpened and "taken root" among the civilian population. In 1943, the territory was forfeited, and the “Primak” was again called up to the army. Prote 1944 Yomu broke his leg. As a result, the disability is written off “cleanly”. Krivosheev qiu people can see 34.476.700 as many as three - as if they were missing, then at the number of 939.700, who called for a lot of occupancy of the territory of otochennyh, and still like a disabled person. Come out, scho "hove" two spend.

It is possible to resurrect all the tricks, vikoristan in the doc to improve the statistics for a long time. But it’s more productive to pererakhuvat those numbers themselves, like Krivosheev proponing as basic. Ale pererakhuvat in normal logic - without "patriotic" cunning. For whom I’m going back to statistics, as ordered by the general at the already guessing of a small-circulation selection about spending.

Todi mi otrimaєmo:
4.826.900 - the number of the Red Army and the RKKF for 22 worms in 1941.
31.812.200 - The number of mobilized (at once from repeated calls) for the entire war.
Usyi - 36.639.100 osib.

After the end of combat operations in Europe (on the cob of 1945) the whole in the Red Army and the RKKF were taken into account (at once from the wounded at the hospitals) - 12.839.800 osib. You can find out about the total spending: 36.639.100 – 12.839.800 = 23.799.300

Far away, it’s quiet, who, for other reasons, we’re living from the Armed Forces of the SRSR, but not at the front:
3.798.200 - commissions for the camp of health.
3.614.600 - transferred to industry, MPPO and VOKhR.
1.174.600 - transferred to the NKVS.
250.400 - transferred to the allied armies.
206.000 - insured, as unfavorable.
436.600 – arraignment and remand before the court of punishment.
212.400 - deserters were not identified.
Usyogo - 9.692.800

We can see a lot of “live” in the wake of the deep losses and in such a rank we know how many people perished at the front and in the crowd, and also were killed in the crowd in the rest of the war.
23.799.300 – 9.692.800 = 14.106.500

In order to establish a residual amount of demographic costs, which fell on a piece of the Armed Forces, it is required to see 14.106.500 quietly, who turned from the full, but suddenly didn’t spend up to the army. Krivosheev from a similar method, 1.836.000 cases were insured by the repatriation authorities. There is one more trick. From the collection "War and Suspility", prepared by the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute Russian history the article by V. N. Zemskov “Repatriation of the Relocations of the Radian Gromadyans” was published, de reportably revealing all the stock figures of the military population, which are squealing us.

It appears that 286,299 prisoners were sent to the territory of the Soviet Socialist Republic before the end of 1944. Of these, 228.068 were re-mobilized to the army. And in the years 1944-1945 (during the period of fighting outside the cordons of the SRSR), they mobilized and mobilized to the army 659.190 cases. It seems simpler, the stench is also safe in the midst of repeated calls.

Tobto 887.258 (228.068 + 659.190) of 12.839.800 souls who served in the Red Army and the RKKF. Later, from 14.106.500, not 1.8 million, but approximately 950.000 were required, called from the crowd, but not suddenly mobilized before the army for the hour of war.

As a result, we take no less than 13,150,000 servicemen of the Red Army and the RKKF, who perished in 1941-1945 at the front, and among the crowd they were among the “infidels”. However, not all. Krivosheev is also “hove” spent (killed, died among the crowd of those who did not turn) among those written off behind the camp of health. Axis, "Secrecy Classification" st. 136 (abo "Russia in the wars ..." page 243). The figure has 3,798,158 handicapped persons in the state of health and quiet, who were sent to the admission for injury. In other words, people did not join the army - in fact, they were listed in її lavas, and the leader of them turned off and in such a rank of "hovaє" there were no less than a few hundred thousand killed.

So, as it appears from quiet numbers, as Krivosheev himself propagates as a cob base for rozrakhunkivs, but behaves with them without generals' tampering, then we take not 8.668.400 dead on the front, among the crowd of "infidels", but close to 13.500. 000.

Through the prism of party statistics

However, these data about the number of mobilizations in 1941-1945, which are stated by Krivosheev as "basic" figures for the cost of spending, also seem to be underestimated. You may ask for a similar visnovok, as if to misinterpret it with the official statistics of the CPSU (b) and the Komsomol. The number of tabs is richly accurate for army zvіti, shards in the RSCA, people often swipe not a few documents and swipe posthumous medallions (Tlumach's blog is often associated with those tokens in the RSCA). And kommunists and Komsomol members were insured more inconspicuously. Leather from them obov'yazkovo maw in the hands of a party ticket, regularly taking part in party elections, the protocols of which (from the assigned number of "komirka") were filed to Moscow.

Numbers of data went along with the army - a parallel party line. The 1st figure in the Khrushchev-Brezhnev Soviet Socialist Republic was published more eagerly - censorship was placed more indulgently before it - as if it were ostentatious in ideological defeats, de navit and spent were taken as proof of the unity of supremacy and giving to the people of the system of socialism.

The essence of the rozrahunka is to get to the point where you need to spend the Zbroynyh forces of the SRSR to kill the Komsomol members and the communists in the house for sure. For a cob of war, the SRSR had three less than 4,000,000 members of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Of these, 563,000 people perebuvalo have Zbroynyh forces. 5.319.297 osib entered the fates of the war before the party. Immediately after the completion of the combat operations, about 5,500,000 rounds were carried out at її lava. 3,324,000 of them served with the Evil Forces.

Tobto zagalnі spend members of the CPSU (b) became over 3.800.000 osib. Of these, close to 3,000,000 perished at the front near the lavas of the Evil Forces. About 6,900,000 communists passed through the Zbroyni forces of the SRSR in 1941-1945 (from 9,300,000 for the party during that same period). This figure adds up to 3,000,000 dead at the front, 3,324,000 who were killed by the Armed Forces, immediately after the end of the fighting in Europe, and also close to 600,000 invalids, commissioned from the Armed Forces in 1941-1941.

Here, it’s hard to give respect to the support of the disabled and the disabled 3,000,000 to 600,000 = 5:1. And Krivosheev has 8.668.400 to 3.798.000 = 2.3:1. Tse duzhe promotional fact. Once again, we repeat that the members of the party were insured richly retelnіsh, lower without the party. I saw the party card in the general language order, at the skin podrosdile (right up to the mouth of Lanka) I organized my own party center, which took on the appearance of the new skin of the party member. That is why the party statistics were too accurate for the great army. And the difference in its own accuracy is clearly illustrating the spivvіdshennya between those killed and disabled among the non-party and communists in the official radian figures and those of Krivosheev.

Now let's move on to Komsomol members. At the beginning of 1941, the VLKSM had 1,926,000 people from the warehouse of the Red Army and the RKKF. Yet, as a minimum, a few dozen thousand osib were listed in the Komsomol organizations of the Viysk NKVS. It can be accepted that the total of the armed forces of the SRSR was close to 2,000,000 members of the Komsomol until the beginning of the war.

More than 3,500,000 members of the Komsomol were called up to Evil forces for the fates of war. For the fates of the war itself, the Evil Forces themselves received 5,000,000 osibs before the lavas of the Komsomol.

In 1941-1945, over 10,500,000 cases passed through the VLKSM in the Armed Forces. Of them entered the CPSU (b) 1769458 osib. In this order, it appears that in 1941-1945 no less than 15,600,000 communists and Komsomol members passed through Zbroynist forces in 1941-1945 (about 6,900,000 communists + more than 10,500,000 Komsomol members - 1,769,458 com.

Tse approximately 43% in 36 639 100 cases, yak, for the assertions of Krivosheev, passed through Zbroyni forces for the fates of war. Prote official statistics of the 60-80s do not confirm such a spіvvіdnoshnja. You can tell that the beginning of September 1942 had 1,750,000 Komsomol members and 1,234,373 communists. There are more than 25% of the total number of all enemy forces, which amounted to close to 11.5 million cases (at once they were wounded, as if they were rebuffed).

For twelve months, the share of communists and Komsomol members did not exceed 33%. For the beginning of September 1943, the Zbroyny forces had 1,938,327 communists and 2,200,200 Komsomol members. Tobto 1.938.327 + 2.200.000 = 4.150.000 communists and Komsomol members from the Armed Forces, which was about 13.000.000 cases.

13.000.000, the oskіlki Krivosheev himself stverzhuє, scho since 1943 the fate of the SRSR supported the army on the level of 11.500.000 osіb (plus approximately 1.500.000 at the hospitals). In 1943, a part of the communists and non-party members did not grow much, having reached only 36% in the linden. At the beginning of the month of 1944, 2,702,566 communists and approximately 2,400,000 Komsomol members entered the Zbroyny forces. The exact figures are still unknown, but in the chest of 1943 it was 2.400.000 - the biggest number in the entire war. So the Sich of 1943 could not have been more. Leave - 2.702.566 + 2.400.000 = approximately 5.100.000 communists and Komsomol members from the army up to 13.000.000 individuals - close to 40%.

At the beginning of September 1945, the Zbroyny forces had 3,030,758 communists and 2,202,945 Komsomol members. So, on the cob of 1945, the share of communists and Komsomol members (3.030.758 + 2.202.945) in the army was approximately 13,000,000 people, but about 40%. Here, it’s also possible to guess that the main mass of the Red Army and the RKKF (depending on the number of mobilized, calling on them for a replacement) fell on the first and second years of war, if the part of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League became less than 33%. To come out, that in the average for the war, the share of communists and Komsomol members in Zbroynykh forces was no more than 35%. In other words, if we take as a basis the total number of communists and Komsomol members (15.600.000), then the number of people who passed through the Soviet Union’s Zbroyni forces in 1941-1945, becomes approximately 44.000.000. And not 36.639.100, as instructed by Krivosheev. Vіdpovіdno, zrostі і zagalnі vtrati.

Before the speech, the hard work of the Soviet Union’s military forces for 1941-1945 can also be approximately bolstered, as if in the form of official radyansky tribute to the expenses of the middle of the communists and the Komsomol members, common in the 60-80s. Look, the army organizations of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks spent approximately 3,000,000 people. And the organizations of the Komsomol - approximately 4,000,000 cases. Otherwise, it seems that 35% of the army spent 7,000,000. Later, all Zbroyni forces spent close to 19.000.000 - 20.000.000 souls (killed at the front, perished in full that "unreturned").

Spend 1941 rock

Analyzing the dynamics of the number of communists and Komsomol members in the Armed Forces, you can achieve a clear rozrahuvat and radyansk fronts to spend behind the fates of the war. The stench is the same, at least, udvіchі (often more lower udvіchі) is more, lower t data, like published by Krivosheevsky Dovidnik.

The axis, for example, Krivosheev reminds that in the red-breasted 1941 the fate of the Chervona Army irrevocably lost (killed, lost sight, died from wounds and ailments) 3.137.673 individuals. Qiu figure is easy to misinterpret. In the encyclopedia "The Great Vitchiznyana War of 1941-1945" it is said that before the worm of 1941 there were 563,000 communists in the army and navy. It is further stated that in the first six months of the war, over 500,000 members of the CPSU (b) perished. As of September 1, 1942, 1,234,373 party members were in the army and navy.

How to recognize, how to cry out for “burn”? In the twelfth volume of the "History of Another World War of 1939-1945" it is confirmed that over 1,100,000 communes flowed from the "gromadyanka" to the army and navy organizations for the first time. Exit: 563 (by 22 roubles) + "more" 1.100.000 (mobilized) = "more" 1.663.000 communists.
Dali. In the sixth volume "History of the Great Vitchiznian war of the Radyansk Union 1941-1945" from the plate "Number growth of the party" it can be recognized that the vii party organizations were accepted to their lava for the lime-breast of 1941 145.870

Exit: "More" 1.663.000 + 145.870 = "more" 1.808.870 communists were planted at the Red Army in 1941. Now, from the sumi, we can see that number, which was on the 1st day of 1942:
"more" 1.808.870 - 1.234.373 = "more" 574.497

Tse mi took away the irrevocable losses of the CPSU (b) - they were killed, they were taken, as if they were unknown.

Now it is significant among the Komsomol members. From the "Radyansk Viysk Encyclopedia" it can be recognized that in the army and navy there were 1,926,000 members of the Komsomol on the cob of warfare. Encyclopedia "Great Witches War 1941-1945" shows that in the first six months of the war, over 2,000,000 members of the Komsomol were called to the army and the navy, and before that, before the Komsomol was already in the lava of the Red Army or the RKKF0. So much so, that until the end of 1941 the fate of the organization of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League in the Armed Forces had 1,750,000 cases.

Pіdrakhovuєmo - 1.926.000 + “on top” 2.000.000 + 207.000 = “on top” 4.133.000. Tse blatant number Komsomol members who passed through Zbroyni forces in 1941. Now you can find out about irrevocable losses. In the total amount, those who were taken on September 1, 1942 were taken: "Ponad" 4.133.000 - 1.750.000 \u003d "ponad" 2.383.000.

Tse mi took away the beaten, the dead of obscurity, the dead.

Vtіm, here the figure needs to be changed a little - for a number of quiet ones, who vibrated from the VLKSM for a century. Tobto about one tenth part of the species is quiet, which was lost in the ranks. It is still necessary to take the Komsomol members, who joined before the CPSU (b) - approximately 70,000 osib. In this rank, for the arc of a protective assessment, the irrevocable spending of the Red Army and the RKKF among the communists and Komsomol members became less than 2,500,000 souls. And Krivosheev has the number 3.137.673 in the second column. Zrozumіlo, together without a party.

3.137.673 - 2.500.000 = 637.673

Skіlki in 1941 roci was mobilized non-partisan? Krivosheev wrote that before the beginning of the war, the Red Army and the Viysk-Navy Fleet had 4,826,907 souls. In addition, 805,264 specimens perebuvali at the camps near the lavas of the Red Army at the same time. To go out - 4.826.907 + 805.264 = 5.632.171 people until 22 worms, 1941.

How many people were mobilized from the red-breasted people in 1941? The evidence is known from the article of General Gradoselsky, publications from the "Viyskovo-istorichny zhurnal". From the analysis of the figures put there, it is possible to draw a new visnovka, that in the first hour of two mobilizations in 1941, 14,000,000 people came to the Red Army and the RKKF (not guarding the militias). And in 1941, 5632171 + more than 14,000,000 = approximately 20,000,000 people were appointed to this rank in the army in 1941. Also, in the form of 20.000.000 we take "more" 1.808.870 communists and close to 4.000.000 Komsomol members. We take away close to 14,000,000 non-party members.

If you marvel at the number of figures through the statistics of the cost of the Krivosheevsky dovidnik, then it turns out that 6,000,000 communists and Komsomol members irrevocably spent 2,500,000 osib. And 14.000.000 non-party 637.673 individuals ...

Seemingly simpler, spend the non-party underestimated less than six times. And in 1941, the hard and irrevocable losses of the Radian's Defensive forces in 1941 may become not 3.137.673, but 6-7 million. Tse for the least estimates. Shvidshe for more and more.

It’s hard to guess that Zbroyni forces of Nimechchini in 1941 spent about 300,000 people in the Skhidny front, driven in and smashed into obscurity. That is why the Germans took less than 20 souls from the Radian side for their skin soldier. More for everything, more - up to 25. This is about the same spivvіdnoshennia, with whom the European armies of the ХІХ-ХХ century beat African wilds at the colonial wars.

Approximately the same way the difference in information looked, like the orders told their peoples. Hitler, in one of his remaining public speeches near the birch of 1945, voiced that Nimechchina spent 6,000,000 money in the war. None of the historians vvazhayut that tse did not much vіdznyalos in reality, indicating the final result of 6.500.000-7.000.000 died at the front and in the body. Stalin in 1946 said that the Radians’ spenders had accumulated close to 7,000,000 lives. During the coming century, the number of human costs of the SRSR grew to 27 million. And there is a strong suspicion that there is no boundary yet.

One of the most important food, as if calling out super girls among the wealthy successors, - how many people perished in another Holy War. There will not be any wild data about the number of deaths from the German side and the side of the Radyansky Union (the main opponents). folded approx 60 million people from the earth.

Tse spawned a few myths and a little untrue. Zdebіlshoy perished є civilians, yakі perished under the hour of shelling of settlements, genocide, bombardment, combat actions.

War is a great tragedy for the people. Donin’s don’t pripinyayutsya about the legacy that is under discussion, even though more than 75 years have already passed. Over 70% of the population took the fate of Adje near the war.

Why is it necessary to establish a difference among the kіlkіst of the dead? All on the right on the vіdminnostі pіdrakhunkіv, yakі conducted by different methods rіznih dzherel And the hour of skilki has already passed ...

History of the fuck of dead people

Varto raspochati z the fact that the motherfuckers of the sum of dead people began less in the period of glasnost, so like the twentieth century. At that time, I didn’t do anything. About the number of dead ones, one could only guess.

They justified Stalin’s words, saying that 7 million people perished in the Union during the war, and Khrushchev, who told the Swedish minister about spending 20 million people.

Formerly, a large number of human losses were denounced at the plenum dedicated to 45 fates on the day of victory in war (8 January 1990). Tsya figure folded mayzhe 27 million dead.

After 3 years at the book, the title “The secrecy stamp has been removed. Spend your best forces ... ”the results of the investigation were observed, in the course of which 2 methods were won:

  • oblіkovo-statistical (analysis of documents of the Armed Forces);
  • demographic balance

The death of people at Another Svіtovіy Krivoshiev:

One of the vchenih, a kind of pratsyuvav among the collective, doslidzhuyuchi nourishment of many died in war, buv G. Krivosheev. For the bags of yoga, the following data was crowded:

  1. The people's expenses of the SRSR during the period of the Other Svitova (together with the civilian population) were folded 26.5 million dead.
  2. Spend Nіmechchini 11.8 million.

Tse doslіdzhennya may th criticism, for the assertions of such Krivosheev not vrahuvav 200 tysyach vіyskovopolonennyh, zvіlnennyh nimetsky zagarbnikami after 1944 to the fate of those deyakі іnshi facts.

There is no doubt that the war (as it broke out between the SRSR and the Nimechchina and її partners) was one of the most bloody and stingy in history. I spent all my life with the number of krai-participants, and the zhorstokost, zhorstokost, ruthlessness of the peoples to each other.

The soldiers did not have an absolutely hospitable attitude towards peaceful people. Therefore, the food of a lot of dead people in the Other Svitovіy war becomes debatable and contagious.

On the day of the 70th anniversary of the cob of the Great Vitchiznyanoy war, Gazeta.Ru publishes a controversy of military experts about the assessment of the number of deaths in this war.

“Estimation of the value of radian military expenses is left to the most important nourishment of the history of the Great Vitchiznyanoi war. The offices of 26.6 milions of the bent I died, the number of 8.7 milions Vіskovoovtsyv, ryzko rye the sink, especially in the lavas of Chervona cherish for nіmtsіv, - vvazha , candidate of historical sciences, doctor of philological sciences, member of the Russian PEN Center, author of 67 books on the history and philology, translations of Latin, Polish, Estonian and Japanese language. - The correct value of the expenses of the Chervona Army can be established for additional documents published in the first half of the 90s, if there was no censorship by those military expenses.

Zgidno with our assessment, crushed on their basis, the soldiers of Radyansk Zbroynih forces killed and perished became close to 27 million osib, which may be 10 times outweighing the Wehrmacht on the Skhidny front.

The total cost of the SRSR (at once among the civilian population) was 40-41 million osib. The numbers of assessments are known to confirm the date of the data censuses of the population of 1939 and 1959 years, and the oskіlki є podstav vvazhat that in 1939 the year was even more significant underestimation of the people of the conscripted contingents. On tse, zokrema, vkazuє on fixed by the census of the 39th year, I will signify the night of victory already in the 10th-19th rokiv, de suto biologically can be navpaki.

An estimate of 27 million dead military men, given by Boris Sokolov, may converge even if there are wild data about the number of citizens of the SRSR, which dressed up the military uniform in 1941-1945, vvazhaє Oleksiy, the author of 20 books about the Great Vitchiznyanu war, a graduate, a kind of pratsyuvav at the Russian Sovereign Military Archive and the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, as well as at the Institute of Military History of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

“Before the beginning of the war, 4826.9 thousand people entered the army and the navy, plus 74.9 thousand people from the formation of other departments, as they were transferred to the security of the People's Commissariat of Defense. For the fates of the war, 29,574.9 thousand were mobilized (since the anniversary of 29 chervny 1941 at the war camps) 29,574.9 thousand osіb, - to bring tribute to Isaev. - Tsya figure іz zrozumіlih reasons not vrakhovuє re-clicking. In this rank, a total of 34,476.7 thousand firepowers were received up to the Evil Forces. On the 1st line of 1945, 12,839.8 thousand hospitals were left in the army and navy, including 1,046 thousand hospitals. Provіvshi incoherent arithmetic calculations, we omimuєmo, that the difference between the number of people who were trained to the army of the bulk and the number of the Armed Forces, who were listed in the Armed Forces, until the end of the war, to become 21629.7 thousand osіb, rounded - osіb

Tse is already strongly confounded by the number mentioned by B. Sokolov - 27 million died.

Such a number of dead simply physically could not settle down with the equal number of human resources, as there was little space in the SRSR in 1941-1945.

To get 100% of the human population of the prize-winning age up to the Evil Forces could not be afforded by the native land of the world.

In any case, it is necessary for a young man to lose a few people from the versativ in the military craftsmanship, not respecting the wide practice of women and pidlitkiv. I'll give you a few more numbers. On the 1st September 1942, at plant No. 183 - the leading breeder of T-34 tanks - the share of women in the number of workers was only 34%. By September 1, 1944, the money had dropped a little and stood at 27.6%.

Well, in the people's state in 1942-1944, the share of women in the western population of the working class was from 53 to 57%.

Pіdlіtki, most importantly at the age of 14-17, became approximately 10% of the number of workers in the plant number 183. A similar picture was observed in other plants of the People's Commissariat of Tank Industry. Over 60% of the practitioners of the Galusia became people for 18 years. Ponad those, even before the hour of war, from the army, significant human resources were transferred from the military industry. It was tied up with the lack of working hands and the plinnist of personnel at the factories, the armor of tanks.

When assessing irrevocable losses, it is necessary to rely on us in front of the results of the appearance of irrevocable losses that have died behind file cabinets at the IX and XI branches of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense (TsAMO) of the Russian Federation, , Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Scientific Researcher (for the specialty "History of Russia") of the Encyclopedic Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University.

“There were over 15 million such special cards, as if I had inspired the birth of 2009 at the birth of the rozmovi z, one of the spivrobitniks of the IX viddil (both officers and political practitioners).

Even earlier, in 2007, the year before, at one of the scientific conferences close to the data of centuries, the senior scientific researcher of TsAMO and the researcher of the Institute of Russian History, Colonel Volodymyr Trokhimovich Yelisєєv. Vіn having told the hearers that

The total figure of non-refundable expenses due to the appearance of cards in the card indexes of two TsAMO banks was over 13.6 million cases.

I’ll give it a second thought: because of the examination of duplicating cards, as it was carried out methodically and resolutely by archivists earlier rocks, - Kirilo Alexandrov clarified. - Naturally, many categories of dead military servicemen were not guarded in advance (for example, those who were called up without middle ground in some battles from municipal settlements), or information about them is collected in other relevant archives.

There is a discussion about the number of Zbroynyh Forces of the SRSR until 22 worms, 1941. For example, a group of Colonel-General G.F. in 4.8 million osіb, and it is not clear which included up to the number of prikordonniks, a special warehouse of the UPU, the VIS PPO and the NKVS. Proteo Vіdomy Russian Teachings M.I. Meltyukhov nave bigger numbers - 5.7 million (with the correction of the number of military servicemen of the UPU, military NKVS and frontier troops). It was rotten that the shape of the callers of 1941 was delivered. in the army of the people's militia. In such a manner, imovirno,

the real numbers are quiet, who, having perished at the lava of the Zbroynyh Forces of the SRSR (including partisans), according to our estimates, become approximately 16-17 million cases.

It is even more important that this reference figure correlates with the results of the long-term qualifications of a group of qualified Russian demographers from the Institute of National Health Forecasting - Є. M. Andreeva, L. E. Darsky and T. L. Harkova. May 20 years ago, having analyzed the majestic array of statistical material and censuses of the population of the SRSR for various years, they made a note that the number of dead young people spent on that day in 15-49 years was approximately 16.2 million. At the same time, demographics of the Russian Academy of Sciences were not published by TsAMO card indexes; Naturally, for the sake of completeness of the picture, we turned off some of the 15-17th rivers, but they did not die like that. military service, and also include women and people who died in military service for 49 years. But in general the situation is obvious.

In this rank, and the official figures of 8.6 million dead radian military servicemen, and the figures of Boris Sokolov seem to be inaccurate.

The group of General Krivosheev announced the official figure of 8.6 million rubles on the cob of the 1990s, but, as if arguably showing Colonel V.T. Boris Sokil. as I am given, pardons are allowed in the method of rozrahunka. I think that the figure of 27 million perished hulks of the SRSR is completely realistic and paints a correct picture. However, in spite of the widening of the manifestations, the main part of the dead was laid down by the military servicemen themselves, and not by the population of the Radyansk Union.

Spend at the Great Vitchiznyanіy war

Іsnuyut different assessments of the expenses of the Radyansk Union and Nіmechchini at the hour of the war of 1941-1945. Vidminnosti po'yazanі yak іz ways otrimannya vihіdnyh kolkіsnyh danih z raznyh groups vtrat, і z methods rozrahunkіv.

In Russia, official data on spending at the Great Vitchiznyanii war are given by a group of contributors under the supervision of Grigory Krivosheev, consultant of the Viysk Memorial Center of the Legislative Assembly of the Russian Federation in 1993. Zgіdno with clarified data (2001), they were as follows:

People spent the SRSR - 6.8 million military servicemen were killed, and 4.4 million were consumed in full and lost their lives. Global demographic costs (which include the death of civilians) - 26.6 million;

People in Nimechchini - 4.046 million military servicemen died, died from wounds, as if they were missing (including 442.1 thousand dead at the field), another 910.4 thousand. turned back in full after the war;

People spend the country-ally Nіmechchini - 806 yew. military service dead (including 137.8 thousand dead near the crowd), another 662.2 thousand. turned back in full after the war.

Irreversibly spend the armies of the SRSR and Nіmechchini (including military captives) - 11.5 million and 8.6 million people. (because of 1.6 million vineyards on April 9, 1945) obviously. Spivvіdnoshennia irreversible input of the armies of the SRSR and Nіmechchini from satellites to become 1.3:1.

Spend the Radyansky Union

The history of the pidrakhunka and the official state exoneration of expenses

The contribution of the Radyansky Union to the war actually started less like the 1980s. from the advent of publicity. Until tsyogo in 1946. Stalin voiced about those that the SRSR spent 7 million osib at the fate of the war. For Khrushchev, the figure grew to "more than 20 million." Lishé 1988-1993 rr. a team of military historians under the supervision of Colonel-General G.F. internal military NKVS. Under what circumstances, the results of the work of the commission of the General Staff for the appointment of expenses, chosen by General of the Army S. M. Shtemenok (1966-1968), and a similar commission of the Ministry of Defense under the supervision of General of the Army M. A. Garev (1988) were victorious. The team also made assumptions about the secrets of the 1980s, for example. to the materials of the General Staff and the head headquarters of the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Defense, the FSB, the cordon troops and other archival institutions of the large SRSR.

The estimated figure of human expenses at the Great Vitchiznian War was firstly publicized in a rounded form (“mayzhe 27 million osib”) at the meeting of the Verkhovna Rada for the sake of the SRSR on January 8, 1990, the fate assigned to the 45th anniversary of the Great Union of the Great Vitch. In 1993 The results of the investigation were published in the book “Secrecy Classification of Employment. Spend the WWII forces of the SRSR in wars, combat actions and war conflicts: Statistical follow-up”, as it was later translated into English language. In 2001, the book “Russia and the SRSR in the wars of the XX century. Spend zbroynyh forces: Statistically doslіdzhennya.

In order to determine the scale of human costs, the whole team was trained by different methods, zocrema:

oblіkovo-statistical, that way the analysis of the latest oblіkovyh documents (for us, a report about spending a special warehouse of the Armed Forces of the SRSR),

balance, with a way of demographic balance, that way of setting the number and age structure of the population of the SRSR on the cob and put an end to the war.

In 1990-2000 years. the press was like a robot, scho proponut amendments to the official figures (zocrema, for the calculation of the clarification of statistical methods), and alternatively dosledzhennya z duzhe vіdmіnnimi dannymi about spending. As a rule, in robots of the remaining type of human spend, which are estimated, richly overturn the official recognition of 26.6 million people.

For example, a contemporary Russian publicist Boris Sokolov assessed the massive human losses of the USSR in 1939-1945. 43 448 thousand osіb, and zagalna kіlkіst perished at the lavas of the Radyansky Zbroynyh Forces in 1941-1945. in 26.4 million cases (out of which 4 million cases perished in the colony). If you believe it to the authorities about spending 2.6 million German soldiers on the Radian-German front, then the cost ratio is 10:1. At tsomu, zagalni lyudski vtrati Nіmechchini 1939-1945. Vіn estimated at 5.95 million deaths (including 300 thousand Jews who died at the concentration camps, gypsies and anti-Nazis). The first estimate of the dead military servicemen of the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS (including those with foreign moldings) is 3,950 thousand. osib). However, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that Sokolov’s expenses for the SRSR include demographic expenses (for those who could be born, or not be born), but for Nіmechchini such a faggot does not know. Pіdrahunok zagalnykh vtraty SRSR zadvertіy falsification: the number of the population of the SRSR in the middle of 1941. taken at 209.3 million osіb (12-17 million osіb higher than the real one, at the same time as 1959), on the cob of 1946 - from 167 million (3.5 million more than the real one), - in sum, we give a difference between official and Sokolov figures. B.V. in.)

People spend

Global assessment

A group of evangelicals according to G. F. Krivosheev estimated the heavy human costs of the Soviet Socialist Republic in the Great Vitchiznyaniya war, determined by the demographic balance method, at 26.6 million osib. These include all the deaths in the wake of the military and other enemy, who died in the wake of the increased level of mortality during the war on the recaptured territory and in the land, as well as individuals who emigrated from the SRSR near the rocks of the war and did not turn back after the war. For equalizing, according to the assessments of the same team of veterans, the decline in the population of Russia in Persh holy war(expenditure of military servicemen and civilian population) was 4.5 million, and a similar decline in Hromadyansky war- 8 million osib.

If the state warehouse died and died, then more important, naturally, fell on people (about 20 million). Zagalom until the end of 1945. the number of women in the same century from 20 to 29 years of age outweighed the number of people in the same century in the USSR.

Looking at the work of the group G. F. Krivosheev, American demographers S. Maksudov and M. Elman come to the conclusion about those who have given an estimate of human costs for 26-27 million people per year. However, they point out both the possibility of underestimating the number of expenses for the wages of the unimportant appearance of the population of the territories that came to the Soviet Socialist Republic before the war and, for example, the war, and the possibility of stating the expenses for the expenses of the unsettled emigration from the SRSR in 1941-45. In addition, the official motherfuckers do not pay for the fall of the equal of the people, for the salary of any population of the SRSR until the end of 1945. it would be a little bit but about 35-36 million osib more, lower for the duration of the war. Vtіm, this figure is recognized by them as hypothetical, the shards are based on insufficiently suvorih allowances.

According to the idea of ​​another foreign reporter M. Haynes, the figure 26600000, taken by the group of G. F. Krivosheev, put the lower boundary between all the costs of the SRSR in war. The massive change in the population from 1941 to 1945 was 42.7 million people, and this figure reflects the upper limit. That is why the number of military expenses is real for this intermediary. Youmu, however, will recount M. Harrison, who, on the basis of statistical reports, comes to the conclusion about those who, looking back at the day, insignificance in the evaluation of emigration and a decrease in the rate of nationality of real nationality in spending SRSR may be estimated at 25.8 in the range of 25.8 million osib.


For the tribute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, irrevocably spent in the course of combat actions on the Radiansk-Nimets front, from 22 chervnya 1941 to 9 May 1945, 8,860,400 military servicemen were laid down. In 1993, rozі danny served as a source of secrecy - 8,668,400 military servicemen and dani, taken in the course of research work of Watches of Memory and in historical archives. Of them (given from tribute to 1993):

Driven in, died from wounds and ailments, non-combat losses - 6,885,100 people, including

Killed - 5,226,800 people.

Died due to injuries - 1,102,800 people.

Died due to various reasons and unfortunate depressions, shot - 555,500 people.

For tribute, M. V. Filimoshin spent the hour of the Great Vitchiznian war in full and arose an absence of 4,559,000 radian military servicemen and 500 yew. viyskovozobov'yazanih, calling for mobilization, but not insured to the lists of viysk.

For the tribute of G. F. Krivosheev: on the eve of the Great Vitchiznian war, there was a total absence and consuming 3,396,400 servicemen in full; 1,836,000 military servicemen turned around in full, 1,783,300 did not turn around (died away, emigrated)

Gromadyansk population

A group of evangelists under G. F. Krivosheev estimated the loss of the civilian population of the Soviet Socialist Republic in the Great Vitchiznian war at approximately 13.7 million. The sum figure is 13.684.692 people. is composed of advancing warehouses:

was navmischennoy navmischennoy territorii occupied – 7.420.379 people.

died and perished in the wake of the zhorstok minds of the occupational regime (hunger, infectious ailments, lack of medical assistance) - 4.100.000 people.

perished on primus robots near Nіmechchina - 2.164.313 people. (Another 451,100 people did not turn around for various reasons and became migrants)

The prote peaceful population also recognized the great losses in the enemy’s combat flow in the front-line areas, blockaded and taxed places. More statistical materials show how much the impact of the civil population during the day.

According to S. Maksudov’s estimates, in the territories covered by the siege and in the besieged Leningrad, about 7 million deaths perished (of which 1 million perished in the besieged Leningrad, 3 million were Jewish victims of the Holocaust), and nearly 7 million perished in the aftermath of the promotion mortality in unoccupied territories.

Main spend

Over the course of the war, 1710 towns and settlements of the Mist type were built on the territory of Radyansk, and over 70 thousand. strength and strength, 32 thousand. industrial enterprises, 98 thousand were destroyed. kolgospіv, 1876 radgospіv. The Sovereign Commission established that material gains were close to 30 hundred rubles of national wealth for the Radyansk Union, and in areas that recognized the occupation, close to two thirds. The amount of money spent by the Radyansk Union is estimated at about 2 trillion. 600 billion rubles. To equalize the national wealth of England, it has changed by more than 0.8 thousand, France - by 1.5 thousand, and the United States of material inputs, in fact, has gone down.

Spend Nіmechchini and їх allies

People spend

In the war against the Radyansk Union, the German commanders won the population of the krai’s payback through the recruitment of volunteers. Such a rank was zrezhami vіyskovsky, the number of huge franziyas, nіderland, norweg, Croaty, and such a community of the SPSR, Yaki was based on the ibsi terita (Rosiyki, Ukrainians, and Gruzinskiyki, Gruzizniki, Gruzizniki, Gruzovkiyki, Gruzovkiyki, Gruzovkiyki, Gruzovkiyki. . As if they themselves were insured during their molding, there is no clear information from the German statistics.

In the same way, a permanent change to determine the real amount of expenses of a special warehouse of the military was a change in the expenses of military servicemen from the expenses of the civilian population. For reasons in Nіmechchina, Ugorshchina and Rumunії, the use of military forces was significantly changed, and part of them were insured among the victims of the civilian population. (200 thousand people. Spend military services, and 260 thousand - civilian population). For example, in the Ugorshchyna there was a “1:2” spivation (140 thousand - to spend the military service and 280 thousand - to spend the civilian population). All the same, I just support the statistics about the losses of the Ukrainian krai, who fought on the Radian-German front.

The German radiotelegram, which looked like a guard to the Wehrmacht on January 22, 1945, addressed to the Quartermaster General of the OKW, had the following messages:

On the radiogram of the OKW, the quartermaster general No. 82/266 on 18.5.45 I remind:

1. a) Bending, including 500 yew. died from wounds - 2.03 million. In addition, died after unfortunate falls and ailments - 200 thousand;

c) Wounded ……………………………………………… 5.24 million

c) Reported missing…………………………… 2.4 million

Spending big ………………………………………… 9.73 million

2. On 02.5.45 r at the SRSR, about 70 thousand. wounded and 135 thousand. - in Americans and English.

3. Nearly 700,000 people were wounded by the Reich by the fire…

Vіddіl vtrat Wehrmacht 22. 5. 45 p.

For the approval of the organizational decision of the OKH on May 10, 1945. only land forces, including the military SS (without the UPU and the Navy), for the period of 1 spring 1939. on May 1, 1945 spent 4 million 617.0 thousand. chol.

Two months before his death, Hitler announced in one of his speeches that Nimechchina spent 12.5 million killed and wounded, and half of them were beaten. I povidomlennyam vіn actually prostuvav estimates of the scale of human costs, razroblenі іnshimi fascist leaders and ryadovyh bodies.

General Jodl after the end of the military actions, having declared that Nimechchina, in a flash, spent 12 million 400 thousand. people, of which 2.5 million were killed, 3.4 million were killed and 6.5 million were wounded, of which approximately 12-15% did not turn out of order for other reasons.

With the addendum to the law of the FRN "On the protection of the city of incarceration", the total number of buried German soldiers on the territory of the USSR and Northern Europe was 3.226 million, with these names 2.395 million.


Radyansk Viyskopoloneniya

Vіyskopolonenі Nіmechchini and її allyіv

Vіdomosti about the number of military forces of the German Empire and the allied їy kraїn, enlisted at the camps of the NKVS SRSR by the camp on April 22, 1956.


Usyi was insured by the military

Repatriated and repatriated

Died near the full


Czechs and Slovaks







Other Nationalities

Together with the Wehrmacht


Together for the allies

Usyi Viyskovopolonenikh

Alternative theories

In 1990-2000s, publications appeared in the Russian press with tributes about spending, which are strongly criticized as accepted by historical science. As a rule, when evaluating radians, spend richly overturning historians.

For example, a contemporary Russian publicist Boris Sokolov estimated the massive human losses of the USSR in 1939-1945 43,448 thousand. people, but a large number of those who perished at the lavas of the Radyansky Zbroynyh Forces of 1941-1945. 26.4 million deaths (of which 4 million people perished in the crowd). Zgіdno z yogo rozrahunami about the expenditure of 2.6 million German soldiers on the Radian-Nimets front, the ratio of expenses is 10:1. In the years of 1939-1945, the number of deaths in Nazi Germany was estimated at 5.95 million deaths (including 300 thousand Jews, gypsies and anti-Nazis who died at the concentration camps). The first estimate of the dead military servicemen of the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS (including foreign molding) is 3,950 ths. osib). However, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that Sokolov’s expenses for the SRSR include demographic expenses (for those who could be born, or not be born), but for Nіmechchini such a faggot does not know. Pіdrahunok zagalnykh vtraty SRSR zadvertіy falsification: the number of the population of the SRSR in the middle of 1941. taken at 209.3 million osіb (12-17 million osіb higher than the real one, at the same time as 1959), on the cob 1946 - from 167 million (3.5 million lower than the real one), between official and Sokolov figures. B.V. in.)

In contrast to Sokolov's great older publications, there are works by other authors, who are richly concerned with the installation of a real picture of what was happening, and not by the current political conjuncture. The robot Garybyan Igor Lyudvigovich is vibrating from the zagalny row. The author of victorious reviews of the official dzherela that data, clearly pointing out the inconsistency in them, emphasizing respect for methods, victories for manipulating statistics. Tsіkavі methods, yakі vіn vykoristav for vlasnoї otsіnki vtrat Nіmechchini: zhіnocha vaga v statevo pіramіdі, balance method, the method of assessment for the structure of the total and the assessment for the rotation of army z'ednan The leather method gives similar results - in the form of 10 to 15 million people of non-returnable expenses, not paying expenses of the country's satellites. Otrimani results are most often confirmed by indirect, which are sometimes direct facts from official German dzherel. In robots, svіdomo zrobleno stole away on the indirectness of rich facts. Such data are more foldable than falsification, to the fact that the sequence of facts and their ups and downs during the hour of falsification is impossible to rebuff, and it means that trying to fake it is not possible to re-verify the falsifications different ways estimates.

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