The most productive snipers. The best snipers of another light war The best snipers in history

A sniper is one of the most advanced and most recent military professions. I want to go with her zvichaynіsіnkі lads.

Recognize five of the coolest people-shooters, whose brilliance and guilt put a fuss on the enemy.

5. Carlos Norman (05/20/1942-02/23/1999)


One of the most famous snipers in the history of the US military forces. Having become famous for my fate at the Great War. One of the legendary posts is honored by the United States Marine Corps. There are 93 fortune-tellers on the yoga battle board.

4. Adelbert F. Waldron (03/14/1933-10/18/1995)


Famous American sniper. Taking the fate of the Great War. Waldron, having become the record holder of confirmed victories among the US archers. I won 109 on yoga rahunka. In the 1970s, Waldron was a sniper on the right at the SIONICS training camp in Georgia. One of the poor, who won two awards for the Order for the Military Service.

3. Vasil Zaitsev (03/23/1915 - 12/15/1991)


Sniper of the 62nd Army of the Stalingrad Front, Hero of the Radian Union. Under the hour of the Battle of Stalingrad between 10 leaf fall and 17 December 1942. 225 soldiers and officers of the German army and their allies, including 11 snipers. Having developed a sprat of sniper snipers, with which the current generation of snipers is rooted.

2. Francis Pegamagabo (March 9, 1891-August 5, 1952)


Hero of the Other World War, Canadian Francis, who fought 378 German soldiers, was rewarded with a medal of three and seriously wounded girls. And then, after turning back to Canada, home, one of the most effective snipers of the Other Light War was bogged down.

1. Simo Häyhä (17.12.1905-1.04.2002)

Lyudin, as a Volodymyr of a rich profession, will be especially afraid and hate enemies. Like a self-sufficient fighting unit, a talented sniper building a leader of the enemy’s vigilant shkodi living forces, having lost a significant number of guard soldiers, and to bring disorganization and panic to the lava of the enemy, liquidating the commander of the enemy. Taking the title of “best sniper” is even more difficult, for whom you need to be not only a super-strong shooter, but also a majestic visor, vibrancy, inner calm, analytical health, special knowledge and good health.

The sniper performs most of his operations autonomously, independently develops the mission, plans the main and reserve fire lines, exit routes, possesses caches with food and ammunition. Using a sniper gun with an optical sight as the main weapon, and a heavy bag-loading pistol, as an additional weapon, the modern sniper organizes high-tech shovanka with products and ammunition for three-dimensional autonomous robots in his positions.

Seemingly the nameless names of the most effective snipers in the hours of various wars and local conflicts that occurred in the world in the rest of the capital. Deyakі z tsikh strіltsіv one by one vanished in an hour of combat fighting style of manpower of the enemy, so the number of those killed can become like a battalion and build more.

The world has a deep sense that the best sniper is tse fin Simo Hayha, on the prize of "Death was," who fought in the 39-40s of the last century against the Radyansk Union in Radian-Finnish War. Rakhunok of the victims Simo Haya, who was a wise man before the war, for more confirmed tributes to become over 500 osib, and for unconfirmed reports, as the Finnish command sounded - 800 more than soldiers and officers of the Chervonoy Army.

Simo Haya had developed his own method of successful robotics against the great fortune teller who attacked the area of ​​the sniper position. At the front line of the Finns from the Mosin’s twine, fire was fired at the back ranks of the enemy, now it’s up, pragmatically inflicting sick wounds on the soldiers in the abdomen, trying to disorganize the attackers through the screams of the wounded at the body. The most effective injuries in different cases were affected by liver damage. The prophetic soldiers, who went to the distance of a direct shooting, Simo Haya drove into the head with good shootings.

Simo Khaya was struck on the fret of the 6th Birch, 1940, after an important stump injury, which opened the lower part of the skull and blew the slit. The best sniper, who has become alive with a diva, has been enjoying himself for a long time. Simo Haya lived a long life, died in 2002 years, in 96 years.

The best snipers of the Other light war. German, radian, Finnish arrows played an important role in the war hour. And in this look, it will be a little more difficult to try to look at them quietly, as they have become the most effective.

The appearance of the sniper mystic

Starting from the moment of vindication in the armies of a special armor, which made it possible to fight the enemy at great distances, they began to see excellent archers from the soldiers. Over the years, they began to form okremі pіdrozdіl єgerіv. As a result, an okremic variety of lung fever has formed. Before the main orders, as the soldiers fought back, there lay the slaughter of the officers of the fortune-telling soldiers, as well as the demoralization of the opponent for the rahunka of the archery at significant distances. For whom the shooters were equipped with special screws.

In the 19th century, the modernization of construction was carried out. Changed, obviously, and tactics. Whom was blamed for In the period of the First World War, snipers entered the warehouse of a large cohort of saboteurs. This meta poked in Swedish and effective damage to the living force of the witch. On the cob of war, snipers were mostly victorious by the Germans. However, the year began to appear special schools and in other lands. In times of protracted conflicts, the “profession” began to be demanded.

Finnish snipers

In the period from 1939 to 1940, the Finnish arrows looked like the best. Snipers The Finnish archers were nicknamed "zozuly". The reason for this was those who made special “nests” on trees with them. Tsya characteristic was characteristic of the Finns, even though the trees were vicorous in those who were recognized as Mayzha in the us kraina.

Then to whom will the best snipers of the Other world war be wounded? The most famous "zozuleyu" was introduced by Simo Hayhe. Yogo was nicknamed "white death". The number of confirmations of the battles that were beaten by him outweighed the sign of 500 liquidated soldiers of the Red Army. At deyakih dzherelakh yoga, the performers added 700. Vin otrimav dosit gravely injured. Ale Simo zmіg dress up. Died in 2002.

Propaganda played a role

The best snipers of the Other light war, and the very reach of them, were actively victorious in propaganda. It was often traplyalos to finish, that the individuals of the archers began to overgrow with legends.

The famous vіtchiznyany sniper ran out of close to 240 prophetic warriors. This pokaznik was average for effective archers of the tієї war. Ale, for the sake of propaganda, yogo was killed by the most famous Red Army sniper. At the stage, historians are seriously doubtful about the cause of Major Kenig, Zaitsev's main opponent at Stalingrad. Before the main merits of the military archer, the next step was to zarahuvat the program of training snipers. Vin especially took the fate of their trainee. Okrim moreover, having formed a povnotsіnnu sniper school. Її graduates were called "bunnies".

Highest performing arrows

Who stinks, the best snipers of the Other light war? The names of the most productive shooters of the next nobility. Mikhailo Surkov is on the first position. Nearly 702 enemy soldiers were killed by him. Following him on the list is Ivan Sidorov. Winning 500 soldiers. Mykola Ilyin was ranked third. 497 fortune-telling soldiers were driven in by him. With a badge in 489 killed, Ivan Kulbertinov followed him.

Best snipers of the USSR Women were actively joining the ti roka to the lavas of the Chervonoy army. Deyakі from them began to finish off with effective arrows. about 12,000 enemy soldiers were killed. The first most effective bula was Lyudmila Pavlichenkova, on the rahunka there were 309 dead soldiers.

The best snipers of the SRSR in the Other World War, such as there were many, have a great number of effective shootings on their account. Approximately fifteen arrows were used to undermine over 400 soldiers. 25 snipers killed over 300 guard soldiers. 36 archers fell short of 200 Germans.

There is little information about fortune tellers

Danikh about "colleagues" from a fortune-telling side is not so rich already. For this reason, no one dares to boast of their exploits. That is why the German best snipers of the Other light warfare are practically not known in those ranks. It can be said for sure only about those arrows, which were heaped up with the Litsarsky crosses. It became tse 1945 fate. One of them was Friedrich Payne. Nearly 200 enemy soldiers were driven in. The most effective, the most effective, buv Matthias Hetzenauer. Nearly 345 soldiers were killed by him. The third sniper, who was awarded the order, was called Josef Ollerberg. Vіn having left his memoirs, in some bulo it is written a lot about the activity of the German shooters during the period of the war. And the sniper himself killed close to 257 soldiers.

sniper terror

It should be noted that the Normandy of 1944 saw the landing of the Anglo-American allies. I myself, in the same city, stayed with that period of the best sniper of the Other Light War. The German arrows drove in a lot of soldiers. I їх effectiveness was taken by mіstsevіst, yak just brightened with chagars. The English and the Americans in Normandy got stuck with the right sniper terror. Only a few years of the soyuzní vіysk have made plans for the preparation of special riflemen, yakі used to practice with an optical sight. However, the war has already reached the end. That's why the snipers of America and England were never able to set records.

In this manner, the Finnish “zozuli” gave their hour a good lesson. Zavdyaks in the Red Army of the Viysk served the best snipers of the Other Light War.

Women fought against people

From long ago, it turned out so that people are engaged in war. For the fate of 1941, if the Germans attacked our country, they became the people. Tremblingly I’ll take it in my hands, I’ll beat it up on the collective fields, Radyansk people fought against fascism - men, women, old children. And the stench could overcome.

The chronicle has a lot of information about women, who took away the best snipers in the middle of them were also present. Our girls were able to defeat over 12,000 warriors. Six of them took the high rank

Girl legend

As it has already been said more, let us praise the sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenkova, about 309 soldiers were killed. Of these, 36 were fortune tellers. In other words, she herself was able to defeat the whole battalion. For її exploits, a film was made under the name "Battle for Sevastopol". The girl went to the front voluntarily in 1941. Vaughn took part in the defense of Sevastopol and Odesa.

At the black 1942 rock, the girl took off the wounded. After all, she didn’t take any more part in the combat actions. Wounded Lyudmila was wrecked from the battlefield by Oleksiy Kitsenok, who succumbed to death. They were filing a report about the registration of the club. However, happiness was not long overdue. At the birch tree of 1942, the lieutenant, having taken off the gravely wounded, died in the arms of the squad.

Why did Lyudmila go to the warehouse of a delegation of young Russians that went to America. There she made a splash. After the turn, Lyudmila became an instructor at the school of snipers. Under the її kerіvnitstvom, a sprat of dozens of good archers was prepared. The axis is the axis of the stench of the bulls - the best snipers of the SRSR in the Other World War.

Creation of a special school

Possibly, having informed Lyudmila, having caused those, the kerіvnitstvo of the country began to teach the girls' archery art. Courses were specially formed, for which girls were never given to men. From the beginning of the course, it was decided to re-form to the Central Women's School of Sniper Training. In other countries, snipers were less than human. At Another world war, the girls did not learn this art professionally. And only in the Radyansk Union the stench touched science and fought like people.

Zhorstoke bulo to the girls from the side of the enemy

We’ll okrіm vintivki, sapper’s shovel and binoculars, women took grenades from them. One was assigned to the opponent, іnshu - sobі. Mustaches knew that German soldiers behaved zhorstoko with snipers. In 1944, the fascists were far away from wanting the country sniper Tetyan Baramzina. If our soldiers її revealed, then they could recognize only by the hair of that uniform. The body of the fortune-telling soldiers stabbed the daggers, the breasts were wiry, the eyes were stabbed. Live stinks have a bugnet built in. In addition, the Nazis shot at the girl from an anti-tank towel. Since 1885, the graduates of the sniper school could not live up to Peremoga close to 185 girls. They tried to save, did not throw especially important tasks. But all the same, in the sight of optical sights on the sun, archers were often seen, which were then known to the soothsaying soldiers.

Less than an hour changing the shutters to women-shooters

The girls, the best snipers of the Other world war, photos of which you can look at every look, survived their hour terribly. And turning back home, some people stuck with contempt. It is a great pity that a special shutter was formed at the tilu to the girls. Bagato їх were unfairly called dirty-polov squads. Zvіdsi y pіdli zvіdlivі vіdnіvіlі look, yakіh awarded zhіnі-snipers.

For a long time they did not tell anyone that they were at war. The stinks cared for their hedges. I only after 20 years of setting before them began to change. At the same time, the girls began to roar, telling about their numerical feats.


Whomever looked at the bula zroblen try to describe quiet snipers, which became the most productive for the whole hour that the Druga went light war. Їx finish the bagato. Ale slіd signify that far from all the arrows are known. The deyakians tried to slander more about their exploits.

If you are talking about sniping during the Other Light War, then start talking about Radian snipers. Really, such a wide range of sniper movement, like a boo Radianskaya Army in tі roki there was no other army in the same day, and the wild rahunka of the guards of soldiers and officers, who were killed by our arrows, are counted in tens of thousands.
And what do we know about German snipers, "opponents" of our archers from the other side of the front? Previously, it was not officially accepted to objectively assess the adversary’s strengths and shortcomings, with Russia, it was possible to carry out a great war by stretching through several fates. The hours of the day have changed, and yet a rich hour has passed, after a quiet time, so there are plenty of opportunities to improve and bring sumnivny. Let's try to get some additional information available to us.

As you can see, at the hour of the First World War, the German army itself, the first, began to actively zastosovuvat precise twinkling fire, specially trained snipers in peacetime for the most important targets - officers, zv'azkovyh, chergovyh servicemen, artillerymen. It is significant that, for example, in the war, the German infantry is small in its order of up to six sniper rifles per company - for equalization it is necessary to say that the Russian army of that hour was not small in rifles with optical sights, an
The German army instruction noted that “with an optical sight, it is precisely possible to shoot with a winder up to 300 meters. Seeing yoga is more necessary for trained archers, as they can defeat the enemy in yoga trenches, more importantly in the day and night. ... The sniper is not assigned to the song month and song position. Vin can and is guilty of moving and taking a position in such a way that he shoots an important mark. Vіn is responsible for victorious optical sight for guarding the enemy, write down in a notebook your respect for the results of the guard, and spend the ammunition and the results of your shooting. Snipers fired in the form of additional footwear.

The stench may have the right to wear special badges at the sight of a crossed oak leaf over the cockade of the headdress.
German snipers played a special role in the positional period of the war. Navіt not attacking the front line of the enemy, the troops of Entente recognized the intrusions with manpower. Warto only soldiers and officers carelessly hang out from behind the parapet of the trench, like a mittevo from the side of the German trenches, a clatter shot a sniper. The moral effect of such investments is exceedingly great. The mood of the Anglo-French parts, that a day spent a few dozen people killed and wounded, humiliated. There was only one way out: let your arrogant archers go to the front line. In the period from 1915 to 1918, snipers were actively victorious on both sides that fought, for which reason the concept of military sniping was mainly formed, combat tasks were assigned for the "overhead shooters", in the practice of the main tactical tricks.

The very German evidence of practical sniping in the minds of pre-stroke positions, which stood up, serving as a messenger for the emergence and development of this kind of military art among military allies. Prior to the speech, since in 1923 the German army - the Reichswehr began to be equipped with the new Mauser carbines version 98K, the skin company took off 12 units of such a rifle, equipped with optical sights.

Prote in the interwar period about snipers in the German army seemed to be forgotten. Vtіm, there is nothing unimaginable in this fact: maybe in all European armies (with the blame of the RSCHA) the sniper mysticism was simply taken in, but by an insignificant experiment of the positional period Great War. The future of the war was battling the military theoreticians against us in front of the military motors, the infantry was de-motorized only following the shock tank wedges, as if for the support of the front-line aviation they could break through the front line and quickly destroy it from the way out at the flank and the operational teel of the enemy. For such minds for snipers, there was practically no real job.

This concept of stagnation of motorized troops in the first few years proved its correctness: the German blitzkrieg swept through Europe with a stingy swede, zmіtayuchi army that zmіtsnennia. However, due to the beginning of the invasion of the Nazi troops on the territory of the Radyansk Union, the situation began to change rapidly. The Chervona Army, even though it stepped up to the onslaught of the Wehrmacht, but also repaired such a hardened operation that the Germans repeatedly had to go over to the defensive in order to counterattack. And if vzimka 1941-1942 r.b. snipers appeared on the Russian positions and snipers began to actively develop, supported by the political departments of the fronts, the German command realized the need for training and their “overhead shooters”. The Wehrmacht began to organize sniper schools and front-line courses, step by step became the “nursery of the vaga” of sniper rifles in terms of up to other types of light shooting armor.

The sniper version of the 7.92-mm Mauser 98K carbine was tested in 1939, but the serial version began to be carried out only after the attack on the SRSR. In 1942, 6% of all rifled carbines were equipped with a bracket for an optical sight, but the German soldiers were afraid of a lack of sniper ammunition. For example, in April 1944, the Wehrmacht took off 164525 carbines, but the optical sights were less than 3276 їх, tobto. close to 2%. Vtіm, zgіdno z pіslyavоєnnoy otsіnkoy nіmetsіvіyskih fakhіvtsіv, "equipped with standard optics carbine type 98 at the same time could not vodpovidat vimogam battle. Paired with radyansky sniper rifles... the stench was utterly blown up on the highest beak. To that, the skin was hoarded like a trophy, the Radyansk sniper rifle was immediately won by the soldiers of the Wehrmacht "

To the speech, the optical sight ZF41 zy zbilshennyam 1.5x sipping to special vitsenih on the priestly blessed, so the vidstan vid Okika to the eyepiece wrapped near 22 cm. in the eye of the eye, the arrow to the eyepiece, can be effective, the shards allow you to point the cross at the target, without being afraid of misfortune. With this small multiplicity of sight does not give a significant difference in scale between objects that are guarded through the aim and on top of the new one. In addition, such a variant of the placement of optics allows you to load the twine for additional clips, without losing sight of the target and the muzzle of the stovbur. But it’s natural that a sniper rifle with such a low-power sight could not be a vikoristana for shooting at great distances. In the meantime, this kind of attachment, all the same, was not more popular among Wehrmacht snipers - most of the time, similar twinkles were simply thrown on the battlefield, being able to know oneself better.

The self-loading rifle G43 (or K43), which vibrated from 1943 to 7.92 mm, is also small in its sniper version with a 4-fold optical sight. The German military ker_vnitstvo vymagalo, so that the mustache of the G43 twine had a small optical sight, but it was still impossible to viconate. Prote s 402 703 launches before the month of 1945, the year may be 50 thousand small ones before the installation of an optical sight. In addition, all twinkles have a small bracket for installing optics, so theoretically whether a twinkle can be fired like a sniper rifle.

Due to the shortcomings of the German riflemen, as well as the numerical shortcomings in the organization of the sniper training system, one can hardly negate the fact that the German army defeated the sniper war on the Hidden Front. Tse confirm the words of the great Colonel of the Wehrmacht, Eike Middeldorf, the author of the published book “Tactics in the Russian Campaign”, about those that “the Russians overcame them in the art of conducting a night battle, in the battle in the forest and in the swampy battlefield, in the battle of winter readiness equipping the infantry with machine guns and mortars.
Відомий поєдинок російського снайпера Василя Зайцева з керівником берлінської снайперської школи Коннінгсом, який мав місце під час Сталінградської битви, став символом повної моральної переваги наших «надмітних стрільців», хоча до кінця війни було ще дуже далеко і ще дуже багато російських солдатів віднесуть у могилу кулі German arrows.

At the same time, on the other side of Europe, in Normandy, German snipers could achieve rich great success, against the attacks of the Anglo-American troops that were hanging on the French coast.
After the landings of the allies at Normandy, there were several months of bloody battles, the first part of the Wehrmacht was terrified, and they started to attack the enemy, so that everyone would be strong. For the very last month, the German snipers showed that the buildings still stink.

The American military correspondent Yerni Pyle, describing the first days after the allied troops were suspended, wrote: “Snipers are everywhere. Snipers in the trees, at the booths, at the ruins, at the grass. Ale, the stench of the head rank hovayutsya at tall, dense livestock, like the vzdovzh of the Norman fields, and є on the skin uzbіchchi, be it a provulk. Such a high activity and combat effectiveness of the German shooters can be explained by a small number of snipers in the military allies, as they appeared not to be able to repair a sniper’s gun against the sniper terror from the enemy’s side. In addition, it is impossible to throw off rachunkiv and a daily psychological moment: the English and especially the Americans, in their own masses, are able to perceive war as a kind of risky sport, it is not surprising that a lot of soldiers of the allies were morally aggravated by the very fact of the front the enemy, which doesn’t mind to try the gentlemen’s “laws of war” and shoot from the ambush. The moral effect of sniper fire was really even more significant, shards, according to some historians, in the first days of battles, up to fifty thousand dollars of losses in American pdrozdilah were on the rack of sniper snipers. The natural legacy of this was the blissful expansion of the "soldier's telegraph" of legends about the combat ability of the prophetic archers, and the panic fear of the soldiers before the snipers became a serious problem for the officers of the allied military.

The leader, like the command of the Wehrmacht, put in front of its superficial arrows, which were standard for army sniping: the reduction of such categories of military servicemen of the enemy, like an officer’s warehouse, sergeants, artillery posters, stars. In addition, snipers vikoristovuvalsya as rozvіdniki-posterigachi.

American veteran John Huyton, who was 19 years old by the day of the landing, cast his sniper from a German sniper. If yogo raised the zmіg to see the point of landing and the reach of the fortune-telling fortifications, having tried to install his armor on the top of the hillock. Ale shorazu, if the red-hot soldier stumbled to the sight, he shot in the distance - and the red-hot gunner settled out of the sack in the head. Significantly, according to Khaiton's words, the distance to the position of the Germans was even more significant - about eight hundred meters.

About the number of German "overshooters" on the shores of Normandy, it is an offensive fact to speak: if the 2nd battalion of the "royal archers of Ulster" collapsed to bury the command heights of Per'є-sur-les-Denes, then after a short battle, having hoarded seventeen poloneny, moreover, seven they were seen by snipers.

The next child of the British fury hung out of the shore as far as Cambrai, a small village, chiselled with ashlar wood and a stone fence. Shards of guarding the enemy were impossible, then the English made a quicker wink at the one that the opir could be insignificant. If one of the mouths reached the edge of the forest, then it consumed a strong twink and mortar fire. The efficiency of the twine fire was wonderfully high: the orderlies of the medical service were driven in when trying to blame the wounded from the battlefield, the captain was beaten on the spot with a shot to the head, one of the platoon commanders was seriously injured. The tanks, which supported the attack of the infantry, were powerless to fight through the high wall, which left the village. The command of the battalion was in a turmoil, but before that moment the commander of the company and still fourteen men were killed, one officer and eleven soldiers were wounded, and several people appeared missing. In fact, Cambrai showed a well-fortified German position. If, after the completion of all types of artillery - from light mortars to marine garmats - the village was nevertheless taken, then it appeared to be filled with dead German soldiers, richly from such small guns with an optical sight. The sniper had a lot of hits and one wound from the SS units.

A lot of shooters, with whom the allies got stuck in Normandy, went through a good shooting training in the "Hitler Youth". Before the cob of the war, this young organization strengthened the military training of its members: all the stench wielded the power of the combat armour, trained at shooting with small-caliber rifles, and the gunners from them were directly trained. If in the course of time the “children of Hitler” were dragged down to the army, then they were given full sniper training. Zokrema, the 12th SS Panzer Division "Hitler Youth", which fought in Normandy, was manned by soldiers from among the members of this organization, and officers - from the sum total of their atrocities of the SS Panzer Division "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler". At the battles near the Cannes region, the soldiers took away the battle baptism.

Vzagali Cannes buv is practically an ideal place for a sniper war. Practicing at once from the artillery koriguvalniki, German snipers completely controlled the mission for a few places, the British and Canadian soldiers were frightened and resolutely turned over literally the skin meter of the territory, so that they could change, that the mission was cleared.
On the 26th of the black rank-and-file esesіvets in the name of Pelzmann, he took a long distance and resolutely disguised position for a long time, having been undermining the soldiers of the allies, streaming them out on his own quarters. If the sniper ran out of cartridges, he fired his “prone”, breaking a twine on a tree and shouting to the English: “I have finished enough of yours, but if I run out of cartridges, you can shoot me!”. Without a doubt, you can’t say it for a moment: British infantry from the satisfaction of viconals of yoga stay the fuck. Poloneny nіmtsіv, yakі were present at this scene, the brothers of all those killed in one place were embarrassed. One of these stalkers then stverdzhuv, who beat the positions of Pelzmann, ripping up at least thirty dead Englishmen.

Regardless of the lesson, there was no sacking of allies by the fire of the allies in the first days after the landing in Normandy, there were no more attacks against the German "overhead shooters", the stench became a permanent headache. The presence of invisible archers, ready to shoot a sack at anyone, was possible, it shook the nerves. Clearing the mist from snipers was just as important on the right, sometimes it was a good day, to comb the outskirts around the field encampment again, but without it, nobody could vouch for their safety.

The soldiers of the allies in practice stumbled upon these asia of foreign approaches against the sniper fire, as the Germans themselves acquired three fates, having leaned against the same situation under the guns of the Radyansky archers-vinischuvachs. In order not to calm down the fate, the Americans and the English began to change their heads, bending low to the ground, jumping from corner to corner; the rank and file stopped fighting officers, and the officers, with their blacks, began to wear their uniforms, I’m already going to the soldier’s - everything was working to change the risk as much as possible and not to provoke the sniper to shoot. Prote became a constant companion of the soldiers in Normandy.

German snipers spread out near the folding landscape of Normandy. On the right, in the fact that the greater part of the cієї mіstsevnostі є pravizhnіm labirint z poliv, obgorozhdenih livestock. Qi living flesh appeared here already during the hours of the Roman Empire and victorious in order to signify land plots. The earth here was divided by livestock from hunger, reap those resonant growths on small fields, with which the carpet was strongly guessed. Deyakі so fencing buli hanging on high mounds, in front of yak buli viritі drainage ditches. If it’s a little wood - and it’s often a wine - the mud stuck on the soldiers’ shoes, the cars got stuck, and they had to be pulled out for the help of the tanks, and then there was only a little haze, the darkness of the sky and the walls were fenced.

It is not surprising that such a city became an ideal battlefield for conducting sniper warfare. Protruding from the flagstones of France, the pidrozdili robbed their tactful body of the faceless guardian archers, as if later they started a planned airstrike of the turbotless soldiers-tiloviks. Living fences allowed to look at the city of everything for two hundred or three hundred meters, and from such a view, you could use a sniper-cob in the head figure with an optical sight. The dense growth did not obscure the glance, but it allowed the arrow-"zozuli" after a few shoots to easily shoot the fire at the wind.

The battles of the midst of the living creatures conjured Theseus's lunacy in the labyrinth of the Minotaur. High, narrow chagar-growers on the roads stirred the soldiers of the allied troops to feel in the tunnels, in the depths of which the foot pasta was covered. Mіstsevіst represented for snipers the numerical capacity for the choice of “lizhok” that obshtuvannya strіletskiye seredkіv, at that hour, like their opponent, having changed at the right opposite situation. Most often, in the fences on the paths of the most powerful enemy, snipers of the Wehrmacht commanded numerical "prone", from which they fired, which they turbulently, and also covered up machine-gun positions, set up mini-surprises, etc. – otherwise it seems that there is a lot of planning and good organization of sniper terror. One by one, the German arrows, leaning against the deep body of the allies, were shooting at the soldiers and officers of the enemy, dots, the docks ran out of patrons and food, that bov ... they simply gave themselves up at the full, sho, guarding them with the military servicemen of the enemy, it was done with the right.

Utіm, not all of them jumped at the full. In Normandy itself, the so-called “boys-self-killers” appeared, yak, despite all the canons of sniper tactics, they didn’t change their position after a lot of shootings, but on the contrary, they continued to conduct an uninterrupted fire, until they were undermined. Such tactics, self-destructive for the archers themselves, in rich vipadkah allowed them to suffer heavy losses to the daring fawns of the allies.

Nіmtsі ruled ambush not only in the middle of the fence of that tree - crossing the roads, on which such important figures were often called, like senior officers, they were also a handy place for ambush. Here the Germans had a chance to fire from small distances, the shards themselves, crossing over, sounded strongly protected. Vinyatkovo handy for shelling with the aims of bulimia, the shards of the infantry were bored here, and only a few shots could call for panic in the middle of the unshelled assault, which is straight to the front. Okremі budіvlі were natto obvious places for the choice of positions, that snipers sounded camouflaged on the side of them, but the numerous ruins in the villages became their favorite place - however, here they had to change positions more often, not at the most important political minds, most importantly .

Natural bazhannyam whether a sniper boulo roztashuvatisya in the city, from which it would be good to look through the whole city, then water pumps, mlins and bunkers were ideal positions, and even the most objects of the object knew us in front of artillery and machine-gun fire. Irrespective of the price, the deaky German “overhead arrows” were nevertheless posted there. Zruynovanі znaryaddym allies in the Normandy sіlskі churches became a symbol of the terror of the sniper nіmtsіv.

Like the snipers of the army, the German shooters tried to attack the most important targets: officers, sergeants, posterigachiv, harmonic servants, zv'yazkivtsiv, tank commanders. One of the zahopleniy at the full of Germans on a drink, explaining to the British, what a rank of time in the great age of officers - even the British officers have long worn the same uniform with privates and are not small in size. Vin said: "We just shoot at people with whiskers." On the right, in what was traditionally worn by officers and senior sergeants in the British army.
На відміну від кулеметника, снайпер при стрільбі не розкривав своєї позиції, тому за сприятливих обставин один грамотний «надвлучний стрілець» міг зупинити настання піхотної роти, особливо якщо це була рота необстріляних солдатів: потрапивши під обстріл, піхотинці найчастіше залягали і навіть не намагалися відстрілюватися . A large commander of an officer of the American army, having guessed that “one of the main pardons, as the recruits were gradually allowed in, believed that under the shelling of the stench they simply kicked on the ground and did not collapse. Once I punished, so that the platoon poked its way through one fence to the other side. Under an hour of rush, a sniper with the first shot killed one of the soldiers. All the other soldiers immediately fell to the ground and were more or less killed one by one by the same sniper.

Vzagali, 1944 became a turning point for the sniper art in the German military. The role of sniping was assessed by the greater commanders: numerical punishments strengthened the need for a competent sniper squad, bazhano in pairs of “arrows plus posterigach”, razroblyalis different types of camouflage and special equipment. It was said that by the end of the other half of 1944 the number of sniper pairs in the grenadier and national grenadier parts would be subdued. The head of the "black order" Heinrich Himmler also started sniping at the SS troops, he approved the program of the specialized dead training of archers-vinischuvachs.

Why did the Luftwaffe take command of the Luftwaffe for the first time in the beginning of the film “Invisible armor: a sniper in battle” and “Polyova training of snipers”. Having offended the filmmakers in a whole competently and even more eloquently, navit from the heights of this day: here are the main points and special sniper training, the most important recommendations for children in the minds of the sexes, and everything is in a popular form, from the national elements.

A memo under the title "Ten commandments of a sniper" was widely circulated at the same time:
- Take care of yourself.
- Keep the fire calm and usually, concentrate on the skin wound. Remember that the shooter's coat does not have an effect.
- Shoot only once, if there are blows, there will be no manifestations.
- Your main opponent is a fortune teller sniper, outwit yogo.
- Do not forget that the sapper shovel will continue your life.
- Consistently practice with the appointed guardians.
- Become a master at zastosuvanni mіstsevosti and masquerading.
- Train steadily - on the front line and in the body.
- Take care of your sniper rifle, don't give it to anyone.
- Survival for a sniper for nine parts - camouflage and only one - shooter.

In the German army, snipers were victorious in various tactful equals. The very conclusion of the establishment of such a concept, having allowed E. Middeldorf at the time of war, to propagate such a practice in his book: Some vvazhayut for the necessary mothers in the skin company, or, hiring, a regular platoon of snipers in the battalion. Others say that snipers are the most successful, as they are in pairs. We will try to find out the solution, as if it would please us both points of dawn. We are in front of a line of distinction between "amateur snipers" and "professional snipers". Bazhano, the skin officer had two freelance amateur snipers. It is necessary to give a 4-fold optical sight to the assault rifle. The stench is filled with sniper archers, they took off additional sniper training. If we won’t be able to fight them like snipers, then they will stink like zvichayn soldiers. If there are snipers-professionals, then there are two mothers in a skin company, or six in a group of management companies. The stench is to blame buti ozbroєnі ozbroєnі spetsіlєnі sniperskoy gvintіvkoy, scho maє pochatkovu shvidkіstі kіl more than 1000 m / sec., with an optical sight of 6-fold increase in the great light. Qi snipers, as a rule, conduct "free watering" on the field of the company. If a platoon of snipers needs to be victorious, then it will be easy to take it off, because there are 24 snipers in the company (18 snipers-amateurs and 6 snipers-professionals), together." It is significant that such a concept of sniping is considered one of the most promising.

The soldiers of the allied military and officers of the Lower Lanka, who suffer the most in the sniper terror, vibrated different methods of fighting with the invisible archers. And yet, in the most effective way, like before, I was able to defeat my snipers.

For statistics, for the protyag of the Other Light War, call out 25,000 shots to drive a soldier. For snipers, the number was on average 1.3-1.5.

If by those army of the fascist Nazis, then I can tell you the history of such її fiends The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Posilannya on the article, with which zrobleno tsyu copy -

Viraz "one hundred hundreds" can literally zastosovuvat up to tsikh people. Stinks, like heroes of myths and legends, were building one by one to turn the result of the battle and win the victory, if the chances were not lost.

"RG" tells about the soldiers and officers of the Chervonoy Army, whose special rahunoks oppose enemies.

Khanpasha Nuradilov: machine gunner, over 900 killed

Khanpasha was born in 1922 in the village of Minai-Tugai, Dagestan region. Early lost without a father, having lost his elder brother. Before the war, I got to work on naphtha, and in 1940, there were a lot of vocations to the army, which I wrote about.

The battle christening of the young machine-gunner looked like a heroic one. Near the battle, the village of Zakharivka in Ukraine, from its rozrahunka of wines, alone was left alive, before that there were wounds. Not bazhayuchy zdavatisya in full, from the remaining forces of Khanpash, one by one, attacking a whole squadron of Germans, driving in over 120 people. If zhahlivі vіd ї іdsіchі nіdsіchі nіtlerіvtsі pіdstupati іn іn vіg uzyatі vіd sche simoh.

After a few months, Nuradilov to rob a new feat - at once with his roaring of wines, he will sink into the ranks of the enemy and oppose 50 enemies and, more importantly, 4 kulemets. A month later, at the fierce fate of 1942, I re-wounded and re-destroyed the fascists, increasing their special rahunoks by 200 osib. Krіm tsikh "Stakhanovskih" battles, Nuradilov also manifested himself masterfully in cross-border battles.

Such divine statistics could not be seen as in the eyes of the Radyansk command, as the Red Army was awarded the Order of the Red Prapor, and in the eyes of the enemy bosses. For Yogo, his head was stunned in the city in a kіlka tens of thousands of Reichsmarks, intrusive snipers so and check on him an unhandled ruh. Before the hour of the Battle of Stalingrad in the autumn of 1942, the fate of Khanpash Nuradilov, having died a good death, poised in front of another 250 fighters of the enemy.

The title of Hero of the Radyansk Union was taken off posthumously, consecrated to Mamaev Kurgan. Dedicated to the memory of Mikoli Sergeev "The Sun in the Blood" and Mohammed Sulaev "The Sun Overcome", the Chechen State Theater is to bear this name.

Mikhailo Surkov: sniper, 702 killed

Legend of the Radian sniper school. For the whole hour of the war, there were over 700 fortune-telling soldiers and officers, who unofficially rob him with the most effective sniper in the history of the world. It’s not surprising that such a master was born and viris near the Krasnoyarsk Territory: taiga watering is the best training of excellence and stealth. In the midst of the merchants of the native village, Mikhailo was always seen as the best trophies, he was given signs of a miraculous decline, even in this Surkov's mustache, the people were mischievous.

At the front, there were several spetsialnyh tactic "polyuvannya" on the prophetic soldiers, even if the sniper's intransigence implied in the middle on his manifestation. If it was necessary, lying at the back in the snow of the year, or silently hovering on the tree, angry with the crown. There were no equals to Surkov and the revealed wise archers: they commemorated the least vadis of their ukrittivs, having observed and commemorated whether there was some kind of movement on the horizon. If one of the special rahunoks exceeded 700 killed fascists, the command assigned up to two cameramen to the new one, so that the ear of the attacking hundreds of opposing enemies did not go to waste. Vіdomy front-line cameraman Arkadіy Levіtan zagaduav:

"Mikhailo saw a garbuz in the city, put on a new helmet and hung over the parapet of a hibny trench, 400 meters away from him. On the side of the enemy, this garbuz with a helmet "read" like a soldier's head. soon they began to hit the hamelon - they shot the head of the guinea pigs, then hit the mortar. At the hour of the skirmish Mikhailo and having seen the enemy sniper. On that day, he killed the 702nd enemy.

Tsіkavo, that the title of Hero of Radyansk was not given to the Union of Surkov, having acquired the orders of Lenin and Chervonoy Zirka. And yet Mikhailo Illich himself, lovingly repeating, that the best city for the new one is the best of the gates of the Batkivshchyna.

Ivan Sidorenko: sniper, 500 killed

Born in 1919 rock near Smolensk in the everyday village family. The number of koshtiv did not appear on the path to knowledge of the art: after completing the 10th grade, Ivan enters the Penza Art School.

In 1939, officers were called up to the army and the country, perhaps, employing a miraculous artist and sculptor, and also recruiting a brilliant sniper. Viyna Sidorenko was opened by a mortar. The unskilled retraining right in the fighting minds became, through the trash, the supply of parts with ammunition: the grenade was getting smaller and smaller, and the axis of the twins "triohliniyok" - even though I was rowing the gati.

Such a turn in the fate of the early spring of 1944 ruined the lives of 500 Nazis. The lack of success of a sniper, having turned the respect to the headquarters, and it was not without reason that a whole sniper school was created under the implacable curiosity of Sidorenka. Vaughn presented the front with 250 miraculous fakhіvtsіv, as if the German soldiers lapped their presence on the battlefield. Tsіkavo, scho, at the sight of more snipers, in the special chambers of Ivan Mikhailovich to enter a hitting tank and a spear of tractors - like a "spadshchina" of a mortar.

Stepan Pugaev: machine gunner, 350 killed

It was born in 1910 right at the railway station of Yuryuzan (nine of Bashkiria): the whole homeland of the future virtuoso machine gunner practiced here. Vin himself became a switchman, and in the course of time - a chergov at the station.

Stepan was called to the front from the first days of the war, de mayzhe, once becoming the most productive archer, back in the battalion, and then - in the division. In 10 months after that I will call on the yogo home list to tell about 350 killed nіmtsіv: the axis was so pratsyuvav for the benefit of the Fatherland Stepan Pugaev and yogo virny kulemet. Already being the commander of the division, in 1943, in the battle of the village of Novy Petrivtsi, he was the first to overflow the Dnipro and, especially, having conquered two machine-gun points of the enemy, for which he was awarded the title of Hero of the Radyansky Union.

comrades in the service predicted him as a faithful comrade and his best officer, to which one could always turn for joy. The figure of 350 beaten soldiers and officers was confirmed by the papers and official, but for the help of comrades in the service, it is small more than vdvich.

Pugaev, having fallen to the death of a good man in 1944, was one of the first attacking fortune-tellers for the first time. Yogo im'ya to wear in the street near the town of Tirlyan, at the town of Beloretsk a yoga chest was installed.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko: sniper, 309 killed

The only woman on the list, then yak! Lyudmila was born in 1916 near the town of Bila Tserkva, which is not far from Kiev. From the childhood, she was filled with gliding and shooting sports, which dazzled her military career. Having finished the ninth grade, young Lyuda became a grinder at the Kiev plant "Arsenal", to help the fathers financially.

1941 the fate of the volunteer went to the front, de її sent to the defense of Odessa at the warehouse of the sniper platoon. Under the hour of one of the battles, the platoon lost her mind after the death of the commander, she was shell-shocked, but she did not leave the battlefield, she was taken to the medical aid. Unexpectedly, the entire Primorsky army was thrown to the defense of Sevastopol, and here, for the last 9 months, Pavlichenko had 309 German soldiers and officers (zokrema - 36 enemy snipers).

In red 1942, Lyudmila was seriously wounded, її, the future Hero of the Radyansky Union, was transported to the hospital in the Caucasus. In the middle of 1942, Pavlichenko was at the warehouse of the Radianian delegation from the United States, especially familiar with President Franklin Roosevelt and his retinue Eleanor. The rest will organize the same legendary performance Lyudmila Pavlichenko at a rally in Chicago:

"Gentlemen. I'm twenty-five years old. At the front, I've already come across three hundred and nine fascist guardsmen. Why don't you, gentlemen, why are you longing for a long time behind my back?! ..".

Such a speech could not be blamed for the occasional brutality of the politicians of the American NATO, lulled cries of lamentation and in a second the noise of applause slammed the peeps in the ear.

They welcomed Pavlichenko in the United States cordially, presented her with a Colt and a Winchester, and the legendary match in the country style of Woody Guthrie was written by writing a song about her Miss Pavlichenko.

The school near the native city of Bila Tserkva and near the city of military glory - Sevastopol was named after the female sniper.

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