Battleships of England in Another Light War. Shvidkokhidni battleships in another light war and after her. From "Gangut" to "Revolution"

The proportion of these flood monsters, conceived as a thunderstorm of the oceans and seas, developed differently. Viyskove kerіvnitstvo of all the lands that fought, put great hopes on them. However, it was not without reason that it was not clear that the expansion of the world could not mean anything. Linear ships step by step gave way to aircraft carriers.

1. Before the beginning of the Great Vitchiznyanoy war, three battleships of the Sevastopol type were built in the Soviet Socialist Republic: Pariska Komuna, Zhovtneva Revolyutsiya, and Marat. The stench was laid in red 1909 at the shipyards of St. Petersburg and launched in red-spring 1911 and was called either, simply, or else: "Sevastopol", "Gangut" and "Petropavlovsk". "Marat" and "Zhovtneva revolution" were victorious in the coastal defense system of Leningrad, and the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet "Pariska Komuna" captured Sevastopol in 1942. All three battleships were taken from the battlefield only after the war.

2. The history of the German battleships was vague. "Bismarck" was sunk by the British squadron on May 27, 1941 at the first battle campaign. "Tirpits", operated by Norwegian authorities in 1942 to monitor Arctic convoys with five-ton bombs at the station as a result of an air raid by the British in the leaf fall of 1944. At midnight against February 27, 1942, near the Pivnichny Sea, a 500-kilogram English air bomb pierced the upper deck of the Gneisenau battleship; Vіn so i was not renewed. "Scharnhorst" was sent to the bottom of the river in Norway, the battleship "Duke of York" and the cruiser "Jamaica" on December 26, 1943.

3. The French battleship “Rishelje” in 1943-1944, together with the forces of the British Navy, took the fate of the savage Norway. The morally obsolete liner ship was sent to the ship in 1968.

4. Mayzhe, two dozen battleships of the King George V, Queen Elizabeth, Nelson and Revenge types of the Royal Navy of Great Britain fought against the barriers of the English Channel to the Mediterranean and the coast of Africa.

5. American battleships were sunk and more were seriously damaged as a result of the attack on the naval base in Pearl Harbor. Other American line ships fought near the warehouse of the Pacific Fleet of the United States. On board the battleship "Missuri" an act of capitulation of Japan was signed on the 2nd of spring 1945. Missouri appeared to be a long-liver: its last salvo of wines was made in 1991 in the Persian convoy. The ship is figured in the old film "In the Obloz" by Steven Seagal. Truth be told, the captures were carried out on the decommissioned battleship "Alabama".

6. Japanese battleships "Yamato" and "Musashi" were the largest ships of this type in the world. Imperial Japan has already secured that the ships of the line should be allowed to take a bath on the sea. However, the first combat campaign of the "Yamato" near the Philippian Sea appeared very close to the edge: on 19 chervnya 1944, firing on its flies. On July 24, 1944, fate in the sea of ​​Sibuyan caused bombs and torpedoes of American planes to kill "Musas". On April 7, 1945, as a result of an exhausting attack, carrier-based aircraft crashed to the bottom of the Yamato, taking with them more than three thousand crew members.

7. Italy was by no means a maritime power. The three battleships Litorio, Vitorio Veneto and Roma were not marked by great successes. Vittorio Veneto and Litorio after the war went to the allies and were taken to the metal plating, and Roma on the 9th of spring 1943, the coming day after the capitulation of Italy, was sunk by the German aircraft.

More precisely, two vіdpovіdі. The first is Strasbourg. Vin, obviously, is not a battleship, but "an important artillery ship." The main features of such a type of current cruisers are as follows: a ship cannot sink 250 kg dive boats and carry 500 kg with bombs; the ship does not suffer from one torpedo hit to the CMU zone; a ship of hijackings from high-explosive projectiles of the lead line calibers (for more, you can think about it lower).

The correct conclusion number two can be taken as a guess: the best ships of the Other Light were designed in the Soviet Socialist Republic, like the 40s and on the cob 50s. I battleships were vinyatok. Apparently, the best battleship of WWII - project 24, the axis of which axis:

The peculiarities of this project - theoretically, so - lie in the fact that it allows the ship to be taken away, the building to save the battlefield after torpedo hits; zone of free maneuvering under fire 16 "garmat (100-160 cables); deployed anti-aircraft and radar equipment, back to the project; And with all this, live at 30 universities. Pohizuemosya vіtchiznyanimi engineers and rushimo far away.

Radyansk projects of the 40s are the only projects of classic ships, for some larger and smaller ones in the whole world, they had a good deal of war. Vlasne, that stench and boules are the best. It's really important. The collapsible phenomenon of the "aviation-artillery fleet" woke up already unlucky. To a ridiculously unsatisfactory - not only with the classic sailing and artillery, but with the steam armored. The real dosvid - technical and especially combative - be even more obmezhenim, that we don’t allow you to use it even though skilki-nebud vicherpnym, so that you have given advice on a lot of vital ones. That is why radyansky projects are especially cіkavі.

Dali, in the future, why is it not customary to discuss great battleships. Japaneseophiles were suspected to sing here an Anglo-Saxon zmou, as if they did not know the first name of "Yamato". Singing consensus like "with monsters of 70 thousand tons, they all went off the pipe." Tse is wrong, unacceptable consensus. Bula is Japan. The country with the economy and industry of Italy, the country, since 1937 leading a large-scale war - i, not less, prompted 2.7 battleships in 70 yew. v. It would not be enough to think about the correctness of the "trumpet theory". Chi varto allow, scho where the strongest economy of Great Britain would fall when there were, say, 5 "monsters".

On the other side, that Great Britain itself successfully survived the rise of a battleship in 1900-1910. With tsiom, the zavdyaki of the "Fischer revolution", in 1910 p. spending on the fleet was 36 million pounds - against 31 million pounds in 1901. Chi buv space for similar maneuvers between the First and the Other light wars? So it was. The mass life of the "Washington" cruisers was satisfied with the cheap. The ship's weight was about 0.6 times the weight of the "Washington" battleship. In the United States in the 1930s, the morning wages for the personnel of important and light cruisers were 1.5 times higher for the morning hours for the personnel of the line ships. Total bills for the morning of 2...3 cruisers of 10,000 tons for 10 years were divided with bills for the life of a battleship of 35,000 tons. In other words, it’s time replacement(with a certain reduction in the number of) liner ships with new ones and cruising "hypercompensation" ensured the possibility of creating a total liner fleet from the great liner ships.

Such an axis, approximately, rank. The fight against battleships within the framework of the "Washington system" did not take place without middle tied with the road of the battleships themselves. The basis of this struggle was the simple reason of the Great Britain - to get rid of the direct and far-reaching program from the United States, to save the "two-power" standard in terms of reaching Japan and Italy - the United States, which escaped from the simple and understandable reason for so a fleet that is older than the British.

Another light war became the golden age of battleships. Powers, yakі claimed to panuvannya in the sea, at the front of the war and the sprat of the first viyskian rocks were laid on the stocks of a sprat of dozens of giant armored ships with heavy shells of the head caliber. The practice of combat stowing "steel monsters" has shown that, battleships were more effective against the strikes of enemy warships, navigating in numerically less, building targeting zhah on convoys from vintage ships, practically nothing can be opposed to torpedoes bombs can let go. rich-toned giants to the bottom. Under the hour of the Other Holy Winter, the Germans and the Japanese willed not to attack with battleships, trimming far from the main naval battles, throwing more critical moments, vicoristing even more inefficiently. At their side, the Americans victoriously victorious battleships for covering aircraft carrier groups and landings near the Pacific Ocean. Shoot the ten largest battleships of the Other Light War.

10. Richelieu, France

Battleship "Rishelje" of the same class, 47,500 tons of weight and 247 meters of length, 380 mm of head caliber garmat, placed at two wings. Ships of the same class were created by the French against the Italian fleet in the Mediterranean Sea. The ship was launched in 1939, and was taken to the French military-naval forces across the river. "Risheli" actually did not take part in another light war, so they did not take until respect the closeness with the British aircraft carrier group in 1941, during the hour of the American operation against the forces of the Vishis in Africa. During the last war period, the battleship went to war in Indo-China, covering the sea convoys and supporting the fire of the French military under the hour of amphibious operations. The battleship was seen from the warehouse of the fleet and decommissioned in 1967 roci.

9. Jean Bar, France

French battleship "Jean Bar", class "Rishelje", launched in 1940, sailed to the ear of the Other World War and never entered the fleet. At the time of Nimechchin's attack on France, the ship was 75% ready (only one bashta garmat of head caliber was installed), the battleship under its own power could reach from Europe to the Moroccan port of Casablanca. Regardless of the day of the attack, "Jean Bar" took the fate of the fighting on the battlefields of the "Axis", defeating the attacks of the American-British forces at the hour of the landing of the Allied landings near Morocco. After a few shots of the head caliber of American battleships and aerial bombs, the ship fell to the bottom on the 10th leaf fall of 1942. In 1944, the shipyard "Jean Bar" was launched and reorganized at the shipyard for repairs and refurbishment. The ship reached the warehouse of the French Navy only in 1949, but did not take part in the current military operation. In 1961, the rotation of the battleship was carried out in the warehouse of the fleet and in the administration of evil.

8. Tirpits, Nimechchina

German battleship "Tirpitz" class "Bismarck", launched in 1939 rotations, accepted for launch in 1940 rotations, maw water tonnage 40.153 tons and depth 251 meters. The main projectiles with a caliber of 380 mm were placed in four towers. Vessels of this class were recognized for raider operations against the merchant fleet of the enemy. On the eve of Another Holy Day after spending the battleship "Bismarck", the German command decided not to win important ships at the maritime theater of military operations, so that their losses could be saved. "Tirpitz" mayzhe all the war standing fortified Norwegian fjords, having taken the fate of only three operations from convoys and supporting the landing on the islands. The battleship went to the bottom on the 14th leaf fall, 1944 at the first hour of the British bombardment, after the release of three aircraft bombs.

7. Bismarck, Nimechchina

The battleship "Bismarck", adopted in 1940, is the only ship from this list, which took part in a real epic naval battle. Protyazh three dіb "Bіsmarck", at Pіvnіchnomu morі that Atlantic, opposing one by one almost the entire British fleet. Battleship zmіg near the battle to sink the pride of the British fleet, the cruiser "Hood", and destroy the sprat of ships. After the number of shots of shells and torpedoes, the battleship hit the water on May 27, 1941.

6. Wisconsin, USA

The American battleship Wisconsin, Iowa class, water tonnage 55,710 tons, 270 meters long, on board is three ships and nine 406 mm head-caliber shells. The ship was launched into the water in 1943 roci, buw was accepted for launch in 1944 roci. In 1991, the ship was decommissioned from the warehouse of the fleet, but was left in the reserve of the US Navy until 2006, becoming the remaining battleship in the reserve of the US Navy. Under the hour of the Other Holy War, the ship was assigned missions for the escort of aircraft carrier groups, support for landing operations and shelling of the coastal fortifications of the Japanese army. In the last war period, taking the fate of the war in the Persian zatoc.

5. New Jersey, USA

Battleship "New Jersey", class "Iowa", launched in 1942 rotation and accepted for launch in 1943 rotation. The ship went through a lot of serious modernization, as a result, it was decommissioned from the warehouse of the fleet in 1991. Under the hour of Another light war victorious for the escort of the aircraft carrier groups, and then took part in the daily serious sea battle. At the onset of 46 fates, taking the fate of the Korean, the Vietnamese and the Libyan wars, like a ship of support.

4. Missouri, USA

The battleship "Missuri" class "Iowa" was launched in 1944, and that time it was taken to the warehouse Pacific Fleet. The ship was first seen from the warehouse of the fleet in 1992, and transformed into a floating ship-museum, which is immediately available for viewing by anyone. Under the hour of another light war, the battleship was assigned for the escort of the aircraft carrier groups and supported the landing of the landing, and did not take part in the annual serious sea battle. On board the Missouri, a pact was signed about the surrender of Japan, which put a spot on the Other Holy War. In the last war period, the battleship took a fate only in one serious military operation, and the war itself in the Persian siege, at the hour of such a “Missuri” pressing the fire of the bagatonic forces from the sea.

3. Iowa, USA

The Iowa battleship, of the same class, was launched in 1942 and was taken to the river through the river, having fought on all ocean fronts of the Other World War. On the back, patrolling the peninsular latitudes of the Atlantic coast of the USA, after which the boats were thrown over to the Pacific Ocean, de-curling the aircraft carrier groups, pushing the landing force, heading strikes on the enemy’s coastal fortifications and taking the fate of a number of maritime operations from the overthrow of the strike groups of the Japanese fleet. Under the hour of the Korean War, having slammed the artillery fire of the ground forces from the sea.

2. Yamato, Japan

The pride of the Japanese imperial fleet is the battleship "Yamato" with a length of 247 meters, weighing 47,500 tons, three ships on board with 9 garmats of 460 mm head caliber. The ship was launched into the water at 1939 roci, and ale buv was ready to go to sea at the combat voyage, less than 1942 roci. For the whole hour of the battle, the battleship, having taken the fate of more than three right-handed battles, from which only one could fire on the enemy’s ships with the head caliber bullet. Yamato was sunk on April 7, 1945 by enemy aircraft, after hitting 13 torpedoes and 13 bombs. Today, Yamato-class ships are rated by the world's largest battleships.

1. Musashi, Japan

"Musasi" is the younger brother of the battleship "Yamato", may have similar technical characteristics and design. The ship was launched into the water in 1940 rotation, it was accepted for escort in 1942 rotation, but it was ready to go to combat trips less in 1943 rotation. The battleship took a lesser fate in one serious sea battle, trying to cross over to the allies to land on Philippine. On July 24, 1944, after the 16th battle, Musas sank near the Sibuyan Sea, after hitting a lot of torpedoes and aircraft bombs. Musashi, along with his brother Yamato, is the largest battleship in the world.

After the arrival before the reign of Hitler, Nimechchina taєmno rozpochala life of great ships. For example, thirty years, the ranks of plan “Z” were divided into such ranks, as a matter of fact, until such time, the Germans were chosen to inspire the largest battleships, five important cruisers, and 12 cruisers of smaller tonnage. "Tsvyakhi" programs became the battleships "Bismarck" and "Tirpits".

Anglo-Nimetska favor from maritime threats in 1935. allowed Nimechchini to stay two 35,000-ton battleships, but for their water tonnage "Bismarck" and "Tirpitz" exceeded the setting limit. The standard water tonnage of a battleship is 42,000 tons, and with a full load - 50,000 tons.
The head-caliber projectile, weighing 381 mm, was placed at four double-sided veils. Mustaches bore divine names: nose - Anton and Brun, stern - Caesar and Dora. I of that fate, if the Wehrmacht had opened the cordon of the Reich from the Pyrenees to the North Cape, from the Atlantic to the Oder, the ship became operational.

"Bismarck" and "Prince Eugen" at the military campaign

Until May 1941 together with the cruiser "Prince Yevgen" already dead at the Pivnichny Atlantic, the first voyage was judged to be the last. The battleship could not reach the desired convoy of the allies, if it was revealed by the CVMF officers. "Hood" and "Prince of Wales" made visual contact with the German troops early on May 24th. British ships rozpochali about 5:52 wound on 22 km. Until 06:00, the ships were transferred to the station 16-17 km. At this hour on the "Khudi" having sunk a vibe, maybe, calling out to the hits of the fifth volley of the "Bismarck", the ship was torn into two parts, and drowned for the treatment of the whilini. Okrim three osib, the whole team, which consists of 1417 osib, perished. The battleship "Prince of Wales" continued the battle, but it was not far off at all: the storms were fired at a distance of up to 14 km from two German ships, so that they could get away from the "Thin". Battleship viyshov from the battle under the smoke curtain, taking away this hit. "Hood" became one of the largest expenses, the head of the British fleet during the hour of the Other Light War. The death of Hood was taken by the English people as a national tragedy.

"Bismarck" to transfer fire to the battleship "Prince of Wales" after the sinking of "Khuda". Nayvіdomіsha photo "Bismarck"

Bismarck is too far gone. Not those English sailors, who died without carnage. Three important shells hit the left side of the battleship, which was better for everything, three of them - from the Prince of Wales. The water began to come up to the sudny boiler room No. 2, and then the emergency party of the tekti was rung. Another shell penetrated the hull through the armored belt and through the starboard side, without vibrating, but pierced a hole with a diameter of 1.5 meters. As a result, about 2000 tons of water poured into the tank, the fire tank was damaged, and the battleship consumed 1000 tons of fire. Plus, there was a trace of a fire that rose up ... A big hit was those that Bismarck's speed fell to 28 knots. There was a trim of 3 degrees on the bow and a list of 9 degrees on the left side, through which the right screw turned up at the hour. I had a chance to take water in ballast tanks, so that I could roll.
All the titans were struck - the largest at that time the line ships of the world tried themselves and their strength, and on the right the death of one of these giants ended.

And then the time has come to pay. The Bismarck was chased by a squadron of 47 ships and 6 submarines of Її Majesty. "Bismarck" having tried the reach of the coast of France, ale buv anew manifestations and recognizing the torpedo attacks of the "Suordfish" aircraft from the British aircraft carrier "Ark Royal". As a result, a flood of torpedoes hit the ship in one of the most prominent places. Why did the British battleships "King George V" and "Kin" attacked from a distance of 20,000 meters, and later they were attacked by "Norfolk" and "Dorsetshire". Zreshtoi 27 May 1941 the German battleship went to the bottom, torpedoed by the British cruiser Dorsetshire. From the beginning of the battle to the death of Bismarck, maybe two years passed, the battleship showing supremacy survivability. Hood is the flagship of the British fleet, which was sunk for 6 hvilin, Bismarck could be sunk for only 74.
After the battle, the British cheered: to flood the Teutonic beast, they had a chance to launch 8 torpedoes and 2876 shells of head, medium and universal caliber (406 mm to 133 mm).

Battle of the Danish Protoci

The battle in the Danish protoci, similarly to the Icelandic battle, was essentially a short battle, which lasted three years more than a quarter of a year. And then there was the stagnation of the titans - the largest at that time the line ships of the world tried themselves and their strength, and on the right the death of one of these giants ended.

Early on May 24, the weather turned brighter, visibility improved. Nimtsі yshli heading 220 degrees zі swidkіstyu 28 whistles, and about 05.25 Prinz Eugen's hydroacoustics revealed the noise of the twins of the two ships on the left side. About 05:37 the Germans visually commemorated what they thought was a light cruiser at a distance of 19 miles (35 km) on the port side. About 05:43 another silhouette was revealed, the combat alert was sounded. On Bismarck, they still haven’t been assigned to them, that the stink itself is guarding, pardoning, that these are important cruisers. And on the right, in that, more precisely, the recognition of the enemy’s ship is of little great importance for the future battle, for that it was necessary to designate the type of projectiles for shooting. The commander of the artillery of Prince Eugen, Lieutenant-Captain Pauls Jasper, having overcome the volitional decisions that the stench guarded the important English cruisers, and punished them to load the missiles with explosive shells. The Hood and the Prince of Wales were really close to them, heading 280 degrees, sailing at a speed of 28 knots. It is quite imaginative that Vice-Admiral Holland, knowing about the weakness of the battlecruiser Hood in battle at long distances, wants to get close, as far as possible, to take advantage of admiration, or want to know the best for the enemy. So Lutyens did not have a choice, to get lost in the fight. The fight is inevitable.

The English also knocked off at the recognition of silhouettes, and virishivshi that Bismarck was the head mav, Holland punished Hood and the Prince of Wales with fire on the head. Why did the British ships turn 20 degrees right-handed, and they themselves took a course of 300 degrees. About 05:52 Holland nareshti rose, that Bismarck was not the leader, and after the second command, Leaked Hud followed the lead - Prince Eugen. The Prince of Wales correctly called the command and shifted his sights on Bismarck, which was right at the wake of Prince Eugen for about a mile. Unsuccessful for everyone, at 05.52.5 Hood fire broke out, at a distance of 12.5 miles. Behind him, screeching the first volleys, the Prince of Wales. Having offended the ships, they fired volleys from the bow veins, the stern could not be brought in from the right through that hostile cooter of approach. Admiral Lutyens, after giving command with a radiogram "Having entered the battle with two important enemy ships" - and in the midst of the battle.

The first shells from the Prince of Wales were scattered - some flew over Bismarck, some fell into the sea as food. At the Prince of Wales, technical problems began unexpectedly due to the fire, and the first line of the first nasal vein was out of tune. The offensive volleys of Welshsky were not consumed by the target, whistling over the Aryan heads and roaring at the safe distance. Hud's first volleys became undershot, dousing, vtіm, the cruiser with water roaring - I guess that Hood fired up the fire for Prince Eugen.

The shells of the scoundrels of the English began to kick the Daedals closer, and the German harmonics still mumbled. Bismarck Artillery Commander, Lieutenant Captain Adalbert Schneider, requesting "go-ahead" for firing without checking commands from the ship's command post. Adalbert changed the fire control on the fore-glass to the CP. Nareshti, about 05.55, if the English went down by 20 degrees and they themselves helped the Germans to understand what the stench could be on the right with the Hood and the King-class battleship George V, Bismarck fired fire, and Prince Eugen followed him negligently. At this hour the distance was close to 11 miles (20,300 meters). Having offended the German ships, they set fire on the lead ship of the enemy, the battle cruiser Hood. The first volley of Bismarck is undershot. At this hour, the commander of Prince Eugen orders the commander of the mine-torpedo warhead, Lieutenant Reimann, to load the torpedo launchers on the left side with torpedoes with a diameter of 53.3 cm and fire, without checking commands from the spot, as soon as the ship reaches the torpedo fire zone, at a glance. The 5th volley of the Welsh znovu with a flight, a protest, was not turned off, hitting the battleship, although the Prince of Wales did not fix the attack. The fire at the front of the Nazis can not be called like a sniper. About 05.57 Prinz Eugen, after fixing the first shot, hit Hud near the grotto-schogli area. Exploding the shells called out to the great fire, the half-light expanded to another smoke trumpet.

Distantly and Bismarck, it was famous for the explosion, as if it had pierced a fire tank, and now, behind the battleship, it has lost a trail of what looks like wide black oil. Lutyens ordered Prince Eugen to transfer the fire to the Prince of Wales, and to the gunners of Bismarck - fire a fire with a different caliber for the Prince of Wales.

About 06.00 Hood and the Prince of Wales began to turn to the left by 20 degrees, thereby giving the opportunity to enter the right stern of the head gauge. I myself at this hour of the fifth volley of Bismarck hit the Hood with direct beams. The distance at that time was already less than 9 miles (16668 m). Only one projectile from a volley, caliber 15 inches, pierced through Hood's armor belt, flew in at the powder flakes and vibrated there. Let's sweat the vibes, sighing the eyewitnesses with our strength. Hood, the Great Hood, which, with a stretch of 20 years, was the largest ship of the line in the world, the pride of the Royal Navy, split in two and sank in just three hours. At the point with coordinates 63 degrees 22 degrees of pivnіchnoy latitude, 32 degrees 17 degrees of longitude. The first part of the stern sank, the stern uphill, after it went the bow, the stem uphill. Nobody could leave the ship, everything was so fast. Z 1418 people, yakі perebuba on board, vryatuvalis less than three ... Died Admiral Holland and yoga staff, commander of the ship Ralph Kerr and other officers. Three of them were rescued from the driver of the destroyer Elektra and later they were sent to Reyk'yaviku.

Following the vibe of Hood, Bismarck turned right-handed and transferred the fire to the still living Prince of Wales. The battleship of the English embarrassment was also turned away, so as not to vrіzatisya in the thin remains of Hood, and in such a rank, leaning between the sinking Hood and the Germans, representing a miracle meta. The Germans did not miss theirs. On 06.02, Bismarck's projectile exploded at the battle scars of the Prince of Wales, driving in everyone who was there, for the vinnyatka of the battleship commander John Catterall, that one more person. The distance was shortened to 14,000 meters, now the shells of the largest anti-aircraft caliber of Prince Eugen could reach the Welsky boulder, and, of course, anti-aircraft installations also fired fire. As the English battleship did not want to share the share of Hud, he needed to carry his legs. I swidshe. The English put up a dim curtain and rushed to step on the maximum speed. Їm mіtsno dіstalosya - chotiri vluchennya in the form of Bismarck and three in the form of Prince Eugen. Nasamkinets, palyuchi on the ground, the English fired three volleys from the “Y” bullet, Kerovan at the time of the shooting independently, protesting unsuccessfully, all the volleys went through. On September 06, the Germans fired the remaining salvo, and the Battle of the Danish Channel ended. A lot of sailors from the Prince of Wales, maybe, after his campaign, they put candles in the church on a riddle about their ryativnik, Admiral Lutyens. On the right, in the fact that the English were opposed by this fact, that the German raiders did not finish off the Prince of Wales. It’s better for everything, there is only one reason - Lutyens hastened to escape the leading forces of the English, who were faster before the month of battle, and did not spend an hour on the chase. No sumnіvіv, Lutjens and okrilenі peremoy sailors raiders didn't want anything stronger at that moment, they didn't want to overtake Welsky and govern in the company of Hood, prote set it up through vibіr, zrobleny Lutjens, were stronger.

Prince Eugen in the fire of the English did not suffer in any way, so as not to hit the deck, which became wet from close openings, and splinters of splinters, which sounded helpless about the deck. And Bismarck's axis was too far away. Not those English sailors, who died without carnage. Three important shells hit the left side of the battleship, more than anything, all three - from the Prince of Wales. The first battleship hit the battleship in the middle of the hull below the waterline, penetrating the skin below the armored belt and bursting in the middle of the hull, as a result of which the power plant No. 4 was flooded on the port side. The water began to come up to the sudny boiler room No. 2, and then the emergency party of the tekti was rung. Another shell penetrated the hull behind the armor belt and pierced from the starboard side, without vibrating, but pierced a hole with a diameter of 1.5 measures. As a result, about 2000 tons of water poured into the tank, the fire tank was damaged, and the battleship consumed 1000 tons of fire. Plus, there was a trace of fire that rose up ... The third shell penetrated the boat without any other traces.

The final result of all these hits was that Bismarck's speed fell to 28 knots. There was a trim of 3 degrees on the bow and a list of 9 degrees on the left side, through which the right screw turned up at the hour. I had a chance to take water in ballast tanks, so that I could roll.

Technically seemingly, nothing serious happened to Bismarck. Vіn did not spend the fight, the security was left with enough, the crew was less than 5 osіb taken away lightly injured - it's easier to say, podryapini. The most significant legacy was the loss of a small part of the paliva.

After the battle, the raiders lost their way on a colossal course, straight to pivdenno-zahodnogo straight. Lutens maw two possibilities - or turn around, until it's pizno, to Norway, or continue the breakthrough to the Atlantic.

Today, all experts are aware that the best way out was to turn back to Norway, having finally won the Prince of Wales. Two ways - either the Dansk channel, or a shorter way, the passage of the Faroe - Iceland, wanting there to be chimaliy rizik zustrіchі with the main forces of the English - the battleship King George V, the aircraft carrier Vіctorієs, the light cruisers Kenya, Galatea, Aurora, Neptіn_n_nіde Intrepid, Lens, Punjab and Windsor. Undoubtedly so, that the commander of Bismarck Lindemann had impinged on this option.

Prote Lutyens commends the command, and instructs the raiders to go straight to France, to St. Nazaire. In one fault mauration, in that about the operation of Reinburg, the next thing is forgotten and bothered with the repair of Bismarck. Tim an hour, neushkodzhenie Prince Eugen was there and there to bite the guards of the convoy. But why Lutyens virishiv progryzatisya in St. Nazaire zamіst Norway, yak bula richer closer? Maybe to the one who still thinks more about the raids in the Atlantic, less about those camps, in which he stumbled? Even from the ports of France, nabigi zdiisnyuvati bulo richer, lower from Norway, and shorter. Or maybe the one who, only two months ago, successfully grafted the battleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau from Brest? Speaking in a cliché, we are by no means aware of it.

About 09.50 Commander Eugen Brinkmann, having taken the order with a semaphore from Lutyens, to go to Bismarck's wake and visually assess the battleship's damage - and to itself, a turn of fire. About 11:00 Eugen revival of the column. The British ships continued to follow the command of Rear Admiral Wake-Walker - Suffolk on the starboard side, Norflok and Prince of Wales, who was born again - on the left. Opivdnі nіmtsі fell on the course of 180 degrees, on pіvdn, and reduced the speed to 24 vuzlіv.

The axis of which was not recognized in the Admiralty - the death of Hud. Bewildered admirals began negainoly to punish them for investigating all those who were found at the reasonable boundaries of the course of the ships until they landed on Bismarck. That number had quiet ships, like they were behind the guards of the convoys.

The English and the Americans miraculously figured out how the tyrannosaurus battleship of the Bismarck class was against the shameless sheep in the convoys, and the Bismarck raid demonstrated that the tyrannosaurus rex was in danger. The axis of why the stench, otrimavshi rozvіddanі about the departure of Tirpitsa, knew and saw everything that was possible, and threw it ahead of the raid. Boyova viuchka Tirpitsa bula nіtrohi not gіrsha for such a Bismarck, there were vershoks of the Kriegsmarine, and the stench would not have perished cheaply.

Most of the convoys in the Atlantic were abandoned without protection. Battleship Rodney (commander Frederick Dalrymple-Hamilton) went straight to US Boston for repairs at the escort destroyers in Somalia, Tartar, Mashona and Yeskimo 6th flotilla, along the way the accompanying liner Britannic (27759 tons of water tonnage) and transportation and transportation and transportation and transportation at the transportation of yoga, without blowing the liner. Bulo was said: "If a liner cannot follow you, fill it with one destroyer, and throw yoga to the encore."

Battleship Ramilles (commander Artur Rid) escorted convoy HX-127. Order: "Negaily follow in the right direction in order for the enemy raiders to oppose between you and our forces, so that we can follow it." And the convoy, apparently, is supposed to get over.

Battleship Revenge (commander Ernst Archer), having formed a convoy at Halifax, on the same day about 15.00 was already rushing at full steam to the stars from Bismarck, as a leader of such a strong image of the Grand Fleet of the Lady of the Seas.

On the 24th of May, Lutjens said that the cruiser needed to go independently, and about 14.20, by semaphore, he informed the commander Eugen Brinkmann about his decision. The order was saying: “Before the hour of the squall, Bismarck lay down on the course of a suvoro sunset. Prinz Eugen followed the course and swidkistyu less than three years after the entry of Bismarck. Then the cruiser should be refueled with fuel from the tankers Belchen or Loringen. We will sweat the children against the convoys of the enemy independently. The code word for the beginning of the operation is Hood.

At this hour, Karl Denіts punishes his wolves, usmeni chovns near the brewery Atlantic, to fight again and prepare to help Bismarck. Denis wanted to rule for the English a grandiose pasture - set up at the singing square of the chant in order for the stench to attack the ships of the English, like Bismarck was revisited. Vіdpovіdno to tsogo conceive, Denіts rozmіst chuvny U-93, U-43, U-46, U-557, U-66, U-94 on the p_d v_d p_denny edge of Greenland.

About 15.40 a squall came and the word "Hood" sounded. Bismarck turning right-handed and heading to the rear, increasing speed to 28 knots. However, Suffolk was close, Bismarck turned on the plate to feed Eugen. For two years, the test was repeated, once successfully. Prince Eugen fought back, and Bismarck, about every turn, about 18:30 fired on Suffolk from a distance of 18,000 meters. The cruiser quickly retreated under the cover of the smoke screen.

After that Bismarck attacked the Prince of Wales, exchanged volleys leaning about 18:56, there was no hit from both sides. However, Suffolk pishov from the starboard side of the Bismarck and came to Norfolk and Wales, fearing that Bismarck would still piss him off and pretend. In this rank, from the starboard side of the Bismarck, no one has been revisited. The Trochy of the year cost the English dearly.

In the meantime, it was clear that the battleship was very bad with fire, so that Lutyens of confusion would take a decision to go straight to St. Nazaire, about which and recalled the command. The battleship lost close to 3,000 tons of fire, and it was not enough for maneuvering and trying to break through the next ones.

Yakby todі in Bergen, the stench refueled... Yakbi didn't destroy the fire tanker in the battle in the Danish protocy... History, what can you tell about it! Є "yakby" and є those that є. Don't overdo it and don't overplay it.

One more edge, unacceptable for the Nimtsiv, is not a success of the fire - the winding with underwater pasta failed, that Bismarck had a chance to turn around to direct the course at St. Nazaire. The pasta was left on the sidelines, and for the uninitiated, it is respectful that diesel sub-water lines and in the surface position are not equal to surface ships for their speed. So the people simply could not catch up to change their position. Having punished the men at Biska, Denitz was ready to cover up Bismarck, which is approaching, and everything that Denitz could raise for the zatskovannoy battleship.

On 15.09, Admiral Tovey led a team under the command of Rear Admiral Alban Kurteis, a kind of ensign on the cruiser Galatea. The aircraft carrier Viktorias, the light cruisers Galatea, Aurora, Kenya and Hermion left the group. The order was given by the commander - to get close to Bismarck and conduct a torpedo attack.

About 22.10, at a distance of about 120 miles from Bismarck, all torpedo bombers in number 9, 825 Squadron flew from the aircraft carrier under the command of Captain-Lieutenant Eugene Esmond. About 23.50 on the radar of Esmond's torpedo bomber, a sign appeared, it was not Bismarck, but the American cutter of the Coast Guard Modoc. Bismarck was 6 miles away, we mentioned the airfoils, fired the fire and increased the speed to 27 knots. One Swordfish appeared in front of the squadron during the passage of a gloomy ball, reshta 8 went on the attack at about the same night. Bismarck, having looked at the right ones, navit the leading one and another caliber, entered from the right. Backward Lindemann and Kermanich Hans Hansen successfully turned around, and six torpedoes passed through. But still, the English drank. An 18-inch torpedo of the MK XII hit the midsection on the starboard side near the area of ​​​​the midsection frame, trapping it in the armored belt, that armored belt was hit by a blow! Ushkodzhennya were minimal. The first victim appeared - oberbotsman Kurt Kirchberg, who had perished. Six people were injured.

Mustaches of torpedo bombers turned to the aircraft carrier, not caring about the battleship's scorching fire.

In the wake of the season, Bismark reduced the speed to 16 knots, in order to ease the pressure of the water on the forepeak and try to repair it. The distance between the opponents has changed, and about 01.31 on May 25 Prince of Wales started fire. Bismarck at the borg did not run out, and at a distance of 15,000 meters two battleships exchanged two volleys of skins to no avail. On board the Bismarck, a superbly high spirit was saved, for the ship's broadcast, the crew, having welcomed Admiral Lutyens from 52 rivers - the day of the admiral's birthday fell on the 25th of May.

The Trinity, as if following Bismarck, began to make an opposite maneuver through the fight against the attacks of German submarines. About 03.06 Lutyens, after giving his chance to him, turned right-handed. Away - the English ruined yoga. After all, Bismarck lay on a course of 130 degrees - just on St. Nazaire.

For a good hour the English tried to make contact, but then they gave up, and about 04.01 Suffolk was guiltily rejoicing: "Contact was lost." Vice-Admiral Wake-Walker's order to get Suffolk off the starboard side of the Bismarck turned out to be a pardon. Bismarck having taken away the ability to maneuver, and without failing the ability to speed up. Leave Suffolk in his place, Bismarck is unlikely to be in trouble.

It’s funny, but they didn’t realize at Bismarck that the stench was blowing. About 07.00 Lutyens is happy: "One battleship and two cruisers of the enemy are continuing the investigation." About 09.00 Bismarck send one more thing, do it wide, send it to the headquarters. Offended by the announcements of the withdrawal of the command significantly later than 09.00, and also significantly earlier, the British took direction from the radio notifications and approximately calculated the position of Bismarck.

About 11.52 Lutyens received a vital radiogram to his address from Raeder: “Your heartfelt greetings for your birthday! I have no doubt that in the new rotation of your life you will achieve new glorious victories, similar to tієї, like you got two days ago!

Through a sprat of wheezing, Lutyens turned back to the entire crew from the ship's broadcast: “Sailors of the battleship Bismarck! You have already covered yourself with glory! The drowning of Hood is no less than a victorious victory, but a victory for the spirit. Hood for the pride of England. Now, obviously, the enemy has taken all his strength and kine them against us. Therefore, having admitted the teaching of Prince Eugen at independent swimming, we are conducting our own war against the merchant fleet of the enemy. Youmu rushed in. With us on the right, we took away the damage from the battle, and now we can go straight to the French port. The enemy will try to take us to the path to the port, and impose a bey. All the German people are with us, and we are beaten, to the last shell. For us, now only one motto is left - win over death!

Having stuffed the crew with such a rank, Lutyens at the same time takes a new shelter, the first time he saw Hitler. The Fuhrer praises you the best drive and desires. At that hour, a party of sailors under the command of the chief mechanic of the battleship Walter Lehmann sporadzhivated a chimney of a dim pipe, to change the silhouette of the ship and the spantelchit ozvirilih breeches. At nothing from 25 to 26 Bismarck, following the colossal course and speed, without any fluctuations.

Remaining battle

On the 26th of January, on the battleships, they turned over a mountain of harmonic vezhs of the head and another caliber in yellow colors. It is not easy for a robot to call for praise, prote її vikonali. Nezrozumіlo navіscho, shards of farb bulge in the face of zmit.

And for a couple of years before the cob of lakofarbovyh robots, from the small town of Loch Earn, which in the pіvnіchnі Іrlandії, flew two rows of Catalina, which are flying, of the Coastal Defense Forces. The task was forgiven and obvious at that moment - to know the curses of the battleship! Be-yaky, the devil take it, at a price! І about 10.10 Catalina Z (crew commander Dennis Briggs) of the 209th squadron cursed the battleship. The battleship also її having revealed and negainoly fired fire, to finish the best. Catalina threw off 4 clay bombs that were on board - not in order to sink the battleship, or to harm the yoma of the enemy, but in order to make it easier to fight off the evil-radiant fire of the Nazis. The corps of chovna letters of permission to shrapnel, which did not start up my laconic radio command - “Battleship, bearing 240, distance 5 miles, heading 150, my coordinates 49 33 hv pivnich, 21 47 hv zakhid. The hour of transmission is 10:30 am on the 26th.” After 31 years of contact with Suffolk, the battleship was again caught at the death guard.

Ale Tovey's ships were far away, King George V at 135 miles on the pivnich, Ridni (with a maximum speed of 21 ships) at 121 miles on the pivnichny. Not mav chances to override Bismarck, everyday. Think that Bismarck saves his speed and strength.

This nightmare of the Admiralty could only be overcome by a group of H under the command of Vice-Admiral Sir James Somerville, who is going from Gibraltar. However, the British admirals, having joined forces with Hood, did not want to sink the battleship Rinaun (commander Roderik McGrigor), which, having stunned the group, was ordered to fight against Bismarck and not be a hero. With the only opportunity to zatrimat the battleship, and if you don’t stock up your battleships, you’ve lost your strength. It is possible to use the airships of the Ark Royal aircraft carrier.

At about 08:35, ten Swordfish torpedo bombers flew from Ark Royal in response to the pranks of the Germans, and just a little help came from Catalina, the two closest Swordfish rushed to the battleship. About 11.14 the stench of yoga was revealed. Three years later, two more torpedo bombers with additional fire tanks replaced the first two.

About 14:50 15 Swordfish torpedo bombers under the command of Captain-Lieutenant Stewart-Moore flew from Ark Royal (aircraft carrier commander - Loben Mound) from the command to attack Bismarck. About 15:50 the stench was installed with the battleship radar contact. In the course of the attack, the British fired 11 torpedoes, although they did not use them, the shards were not so from magnetic drivers. Mitsno had mercy - it was not Bismarck, but the English light cruiser Sheffield (commander Charles Larcom). Vіn vіdokremivsya vіd forces Nіz zavdannyam pokuku Bismarck, buv stray litchiki z cim Bismarck, and pardon attacks. Two torpedoes swelled, but only fell near the water, three passed along the stern and swelled in the wind, calling out the course of the cruiser, while 6 other cruisers managed to turn back. About 17.00 torpedo bombers turned to the aircraft carrier, and it is unlikely that they were sounded with an orchestra. Lucky Sheffield, at the same time, having established contact with Bismarck - visual.

The English realized that there was still a chance. Axis-axis dark. Like Bismarck at once, the coming day will be with France. About 19.15, 15 Swordfish, mostly those, who demonstrated their combat skills on the cruiser Sheffield, appeared at the door again. Drivers on all torpedoes for the first time installed contact - English and pardon, which did not become fatal, victorious for the fair.

Under the hour, the rest of the group H on the battleship Rinaun and the aircraft carrier Ark Royal entered the combat position of the German submarine ship U-556 (commander - Lieutenant Herbert Wohlfarth). The position for the shooter was ideal. Ale... not a maw of torpedoes, their remaining "fish" stench spent a few days ago on the ships of the HX-126 convoy. Everything that Volfart needs to know, tell the headquarters about the fortune of the group, the month, the course and the speed. Vіn tse y robiv, that tіlki Bismarck did not help. What can I say - share ...

The attack squadron of Swordfish once flew under the command of Captain-Lieutenant Cudi, and flew over Sheffield to the track to Bismarck to clarify the distance and bearing to the battleship, and for the second time Sheffield did not let anything go, waiting for torpedoes. Liotchiki nareshti forgot, like their own cruiser looked from the outside.

Remaining anniversary of "Bismarck"

The attack broke out at 20.47, the artillery of the battleship negainoly fired the fire. Ale did not help, only two torpedoes were consumed before the battleship. One or two struck the battleship from the left side in the middle of the hull, the other one sank into the aft part on the starboard side. The hit and hit on the left side of the Shkodi practically did not hit, the Krupp steel turned, and the axle hitting the stern jammed the kermo in position 12 degrees to the left. Bismarck zrobiv circulation, and then, mayzhe nekerovaniya, pochavvat straight at pіvnіchno-zahіdnogo straight. As before, the torpedo bomber didn’t hit the distance, although a sprat of litakiv and recognized the poshkodzhen.

For the first time, the battleship’s damage was serious, which Lutyens rejoiced: Beatimosya to the rest of the projectile. Long live Fuhrer! What is the Fuhrer up to?

The kermo was not only jammed into the stern, but it caused the kerm and the suds with it to be flooded. So that repair work could be carried out only under water. A group of divers went near the water, but it was impossible to move through the strong viri. From the outer side - tobto overboard, it turned out the same way - over a strong boulder of praise. We wanted to bulo pіdіrvati kerma and then keruvatsya cars, the protés were afraid, the vibukhs could harm the gvinti. Bismarck buv adjectives. Nayprikrіshe - vіn, like earlier, but in a beautiful way, but not in a drowsy state, no serious poshkodzheny, but the kermіv’s jamming condemned yogo to nekerovanіst and imminent death.

Following the added heat of practical non-certification, Bismarck became nishporiti in different sides and approached Sheffield. In order to get some air, the Germans fired on the light cruiser with six volleys at a distance of about 9 miles. They didn’t drink it, the proteo tricks damaged the cruiser’s radar antenna and injured 12 people, three of them died a year later. The cruiser was aghast at the smoke curtain and the wind. Contact with the battleship was made, about 22.00 the cruiser informed about the approximate bearings and distance to the battleship destroyers of the 4th flotilla (commander of the flotilla Phillip Vaillant), which went to the new one, Kossak, Maorikim, Zulu, Sskh and Poland, left the flag

About 22.38 the Poles (commander Ezhenish Plavsky) fired on the battleship, and took three volleys from the enemy. Irrespective of the naughty barrage of fire, the destroyers rushed to the attack. About 23.42 Ulamki knocked down the radar antenna of the destroyer Kossak. After zero anniversary, the destroyers began to shoot with illuminating shells, one of them falling on the tank of the battleship and screaming fire, yak bula was extinguished.

The weather for torpedo attacks was inconspicuous - much more lamentation, squalls from the board, may be no visibility. Not a single word was left behind Bismarck - the lion, which he saw, grimacing at once and strongly, went to the “poster-poster” did not dare to call the Polish lancers.

There was no hit, but until 07.00 Bismarck fired 16 torpedoes at the wound.

The rest of Bismarck's day was stormy from the pivnіchny sunset. Yogo's strength reached 8 points. At the combat scars of the battleship, the atmosphere is unlikely to be zhiteradisnoy. Everyone understood that the enemy’s firepower would attack the battleship without a hitch. Bismarck abiyak shkutilgav zі shvidkіstyu 7 vuzlіv i chekav kіntsia - and what else did you have left?

About 08.33 King George V and Rodney fell on a course of 110 degrees, and in 10 minutes they showed Bismarck at a distance of 23,000 meters.

The next day the fire broke out at 08.47, King George V arrived through the whilina to the new one. The distance was 20,000 meters. Bismarck began to snarl with the bow veils "Anton" and "Bruno", aiming for the Family. About 08.54 until the right of the Norfolk with its eight 203mm garmats, about 08.58 the additional caliber of Rodnya came to the head, also exploding fire.

On 09.02, the first shots began, a spear of shells hit the tank, the fore-glass and they brought the distant world out of the fret on the fore-glass. On 09.04 fire along Bismarck in Dorsetshire (commander Benjamin Martin). Now two battleships and two large cruisers were firing along Bismarck. Zrozumіlo, tsey rozstrіl quickly bringing results - just about 09:08 a.m. "Anton" and "Bruno" went out of tune.

The fire control on the battleships switched to the stern command post, the shards of the bow far away from the life. Artillery officer Lieutenant Müllenheim-Rechberg, commanding the fire of Bismarck from the stern command post, fired 4 volleys from the stern vezh and mayzhe fired King George V, and on 09.13 a large-caliber projectile was fired from the stern command post at once from the lieutenant.

The feeders began to lead an independent shooter, focusing on Ridnya. Ridni fired 6 torpedoes, but didn't use them. About 09.21 the stern vezha "Dora" went out of tune - a projectile vibrated near the right barrel. Like an inexplicable diva about 09.27, the bow veins came to life raptly and fired one volley, after which they closed it again forever. 4 hvilini entangled, about 09.31 the remaining volley was fired by the “Tsar” tower. A sprat of an additional caliber was lost in the ranks, and ale and ti were not long worn out under the hurricane fire of the English. And at this hour, the commander of the battleship Lindemann is punished to deprive the ship that has died.

In the world of that, like the weak fire of Bismarck, the English came closer to the Daedals. Rіdnіv vyyavivshis nahabnіshim and pіdіyshov at a distance of about 2500 meters, vydkrivshi fire from the mustache, as far as possible, for little not from pistols. At about 09:40, the back plate of the Bruno vessel was shattered, and the vessel was engulfed in flames.

About 09.56 This morning, they continued their torpedo practice and launched two more torpedoes, one of which, it seems, hit the left side of Bismarck. All the ships of the Englishmen went to the pistol shooting - it was impossible to miss the bullet, and they put into the battleship, which they fired, shell after shell of their calibers.

Vrazhayuche, ale Bismarck not drowning! Trochy late at 10.00 Norfolk fired two torpedoes, one of them sank into the starboard side. On board the Bismarck, without sinking, everything that could only be seen was wrecked. People started stribati overboard. All the signs were brought out of harmony, their storms died down in different, sometimes chimerical, positions. Dima's pipe and lashing were similar to a sieve. Bulo ruynovano litakovy hangar on the port side. The head deck was telling a story about the slaughterhouse. Vtsіlіla was less than a grotto-shoulder, and on nіy majorіv Bismarck's battle ensign!

About 10.16 March, having pinned the fire and killed it, the fire hung on the battleships.

About 09:20 from the Ark Royal, 12 torpedo bombers flew, about 10:15 the stench flew to Bismarck, they didn’t crawl into the slaughter - the fire of their own moment was like a flies. King George V at the fire vyrishiv, sho tse nimtsі, and fired fire on the litaks - nibi on the platform for Shefeld, but having risen, they pinned the fire. Tim is no less, there was nothing for the litaks to work there. The torpedo-bombers had no more time to circle over the ships more than enough to watch out for this drama - a unique boon.

About 10.20 Dorsetshire pіdіyshov to Bismarck didn't close and fired two torpedoes 21 inches MK VII, near the starboard side of the battleship. They ate the insults, ale Bismarck, which you see without turning on your respect. Zhodny, tobto visible effect. The cruiser turned around and fired one more torpedo into the port side. The battleship was on the verge of sinking, when a strong list appeared on the port side, they went near the water on the port side.

Nareshti, to the delight of the languishing English, about 10:39 Bismarck reluctantly turned over and sank at the point 48 degrees 10 degrees of wind, 16 degrees 12 degrees of wind.

From the beginning of the battle to the death of Bismarck, maybe two years passed, the battleship showing supremacy survivability. The first fire began on 09.02, the fire started on 10.16, 74 hvilini had slept at Bismarck, everyone had had a sleep, from anti-aircraft caliber shells to torpedoes and 406mm "valid". Hud was drowned for 6 khvilin, Bismarck could not be drowned for 74 - even though the armored belt of the battleship was shattered by the blows, and indeed the battleship having sunk in the hands of the nimtsiv themselves, the stench of the kingstones! Due to the storm and the fear of the English, shells were fired:

380 shells caliber 40.6 cm
339 shells caliber 35.6 cm from King George V
527 shells caliber 20.3 cm from Norfolk
254 rounds of caliber 20.3 cm from Dorsetshire
716 shells caliber 15.2 cm
660 shells caliber 13.3 cm from King George V

About 11.00, less than 20 minutes after the death of Bismarck, Churchill reminded the Parliament: “Today, the British battleships entered the battle with a sweatshirt at the battle of Bismarck. Why everything went down, I still don’t know. It seems that it was not possible to sink Bismarck with artillery fire, but to achieve it with torpedoes. It seems that ours at once took the same cim. So, our loss, Hood, is great, prote vіddamo nalezhne and Bismarck - the most powerful battleship, with whom our sailors fought. Mi yogo znischimo, but it’s still far from the control of the Pivnichny Sea, win a victory over the German fleet before the victory over Bismarck would be a pardon. Churchill siv, at the same time a note was handed over to him, he stood up again and said: “I have carefully taken away the information - Bismarck has been reduced!” Parliament instilled new things with cries and splashes.

Eternal parking of the battleship "Bismarck"

The hostile success of the battleship "Tirpitz" - a recession, which was lost in the presence of the legendary "Bismarck" - the same type of battleship, zustrіch from which for a long time instilled fear in the hearts of the English.

In total, there are 20 single British, Canadian and Polish ensigns, as well as 2 naval tankers and 13 squadrons in carrier-based aircraft - only in such a warehouse in April 1944, the British ventured close to the Alta Fіordu, Norway - there, de pomiskid gloomy. - "Tirpits".
Deck planes were far from bombing the German base and under the grounds of the battleships of serious battles. However, the "Pearl Harbor" was not seen - the head of the "Tirpitsa" could not have mortally wounded the English.
Nіmtsі spent 123 people beaten, ale battleship, like before, becoming a threat to navigation in Pivnіchnіy Atlantic. The main problems were caused not by the number of bombs fired and fired on the upper deck, but by the leaks that reappeared in the underwater part of the hull - the result of a forward British attack against the mini-submarines.

For an hour of parking in the Norwegian waters, the Tirpitz saw dozens of strikes in turn - in a flash, for the fates of war in the raids on the battleship, about 700 British and Russian aircraft took the fate! Marno. The British were able to save the superlinkor only until the end of the war for the help of the stingy 5-ton Tolboy bombs thrown off by the Lancasters of the Royal Air Force. After two direct flights and three close ones, the Tirpitz turned over and sank.

Tallboy ("Big Boy")

Short tactical and technical characteristics of battleships of the Bismarck type

Water tonnage is standard: 41,700 tons; outside 50 900 t
Main lines: dovzhina (covered) 248 m; width (at the waterline) 35.99 m; siege 8.68 m
Energy plant: 12 Wagner-type boilers, three Blem-und-Vos-type turbines with a total heat output of 138,000 k.s., which wrap three guinea combs
Maximum speed: 29 knots
Armoring: side belt width 317 mm to 266 mm; decks 50 mm; armored decks from 119 mm to 89 mm; torpedo installation 44 mm; basht znaryad of the head caliber of 368 mm to 178 mm; basht protiminnyh znarad vіd 102 mm to 38 mm
Design: Vіsіm 15-inch. (381-mm) head caliber round, 12 - 6-inch. (152 mm) and 16 - 4.1-in. (105-mm) universal munitions, 15 - 37-mm and 12 - 20-mm anti-aircraft automatic munitions, up to six aircraft
Team: 2092 individuals

It's an hour, if the strength of the military-naval fleet began to be a large number of battleships. Those hours have long passed, yet the brutal beauty of these sea mastodons, like before, rose up and spawned super-girls. What do you need battleships? Chi boules stinks brown, or boules are a great method? Look at five legends of the era of battleships.

The battleship of the Third Reich "Bismarck" lived a short, but bright life, like a dosi give material for literature and cinematography. On May 24, 1941, the “Bismarck” at the pair with the “Prince Eugen” was caught up with the two British “Hood” and the “Prince of Wales”. In the course of the battle "Hood" was drowning, and "Bismarck" took off serious damage. The tridenial pursuit of the German battleship began.

On May 27, "Bismarck" took on an uneven battle and took off the weight of the poshkodzhen, and left afloat. Navit vycherpavshi all the ammunition, the ship did not lower the ensign. Zreshtoy, the commander of the ship Lutyens, having punished the kingston and deprive the ship. The next thing to note is that the Bismarck's loss of life is more critical after taking off the type of torpedo launched from the aircraft. The sinking of the "Bismarck" became an important signal that the battleships were playing the leading role in the fleet.

The ancient Japanese called their country Yamato, which means "great harmony", "light". As if gluzuvannya at the one who called such a name the largest Viysk ship in the world. Yoga gigantic armaments with a caliber of 460 mm were built to carry double-ton shells at a distance of 25 nautical miles (46 km). The ship's side armor was folded 410 mm. Regardless of its majestic vag, "Yamato" developed the speed of 27 nodes, but it's true, giving in to light American battleships with its own speed of 33 nodes.

At the sight of the "Bismarck" the lead Japanese battleship was left without work for an hour, the Japanese command took care of the battleships for the transfer of the general battle of the Japanese and American fleets. For an hour of idleness, I crossed between the Yamato Islands, standing in the port, having taken a hole in the torpedo from the American underwater line. Having perished this battleship, it is like shells from American ships, like bombs and torpedoes from US naval aviation. It was the 7th of April 1945, when the shores of the island of Okinawa were beaten, where “Yamato” together with other ships in directions to support the garrison of the island, which died in uneven battles and self-destructive attacks.

The first two battleships "Iowa" and "New Jersey" of the class "Iowa" showed themselves the hour of war in the Pacific Ocean. On the night of the faceless battles, she won. “Missuri”, which belongs to the class, did not show itself in battles, but went into history, like a ship, on which General MacArthur accepted the capitulation of Japan. This ship has been retired for a long time in the service of the US Navy, even though it was seen from the main warehouse of the fleet. The remaining combat volley of "Missuri" gave 1991 fate a new hour of war at the Persian Zatoc.

"Zhovtnev revolution" and "Marat"

Offended by the battleships of the Baltic Fleet to the Sevastopol project, they laid the foundations and waited before the ear of the First Light War and before the Great Vytchiznyanoi war already vvazhali old. The stench did not take part in the sea battles, the shards of the Baltic Sea were mined from both sides, so our ships could not safely sail from the Finnish inlets, nor could the Germans enter there.

"Zhovtneva revolution" and "Marat" took part in the defense of Leningrad, supporting the defense of the city with fire from 305-mm and 120-mm garmat. The offending ships were aware of serious troubles (especially the Marat) at the time of the flood of the air force in the spring of 1941, but they were left afloat and after the repair they continued to protect Leningrad. The anchors of the anti-aircraft gun (Zbroya Ivan Tombasov) of the "Zhovtnevoy revolution" after the decommissioning of the ship in 1956 were installed on the Yakirny Square of Kronstadt to riddle about the heroic defense of the besieged Leningrad.

"Paris Comune"

On the Mediterranean Sea, the British fleet sank, and passed through the Gibraltar canal, and there were many plunders, that German ships could not sail to the Black Sea. The only battleship of the Black Sea Fleet "Parizka Komuna" took part in the defense of Sevastopol, destroying the enemy's ground forces, which afflicted the city. Three thousand shots were fired at the head caliber of the battleship. The anti-aircraft artillery successfully hit the 21st repeated attack, to the brink of why the ship for the whole war did not take the long-awaited serious damage.

Friend light war became the swan song of the great ships of the line. Operations in the Pacific Ocean clearly showed that panuvannya on the sea passed from battleships to aircraft carriers. From that hour, the United States increased its stake on aircraft carriers, as they became the main instrument of global dominance. Ale tse already zovsіm іnsha іstoriya.

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