The fate of Russia in the first world war. The fate of Russia in the first world war Results and legacy


Total: 137 1-20 | 21-40 | 41-60 | 61-80 | 81-100 | 101-120 | 121-137

Read the rhyme with a guess and say the name of the war, about how to go to the urvka.

“The parade insult to the honor of Poincaré was held at the Great Peterhof Palace. Having stood a miraculous warm evening, through the vіdchinenі vіkna the halls filled the noise of the water, which was vibrated by the mighty "Samson". With a particularly tactless, and perhaps, simply out of inadvertence, I was imprisoned for obidu by the order of the German Viysk Atache. Rozmova, of course, was surrounded by an exchange of hostility about the equal beauty of Peterhof and Potsdam. But if Mykola II moved forward and started his promo, I didn’t want to fall into the misery at once. I didn’t have a moment to admit that the nourishment of the war had already ripened.


Note: The First World War.

Vidpovid: the first world war | persha svіtova

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

vin is correct

On the basis of historical knowledge, state three reasons for the war, to which the star must lie.

From the official call

“Rik was marked by the unkindness of France and England that was obvious to us, as if the alliance with Turkey had all the power to inspire against us that other powers of Europe.

With an attack on Russia, the escaping enemies of the Polish vihіdtsi sent emisarіv, directing them, most importantly, to the Kingdom of Poland; the English and the French tried to settle the frantic leaflets and pamphlets to Finland, near our northern provinces; they transferred money to Lithuania and released Russian counterfeit pennies.

It’s a pity, after all, that in the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Poland the war destroyed the evil spirits of that dream. The stench succumbed, that Russia did not show the fight, to my thought, nervous with the European powers, and dreamed about the renewal of the vast Poland.

The Russians were inspired with a little love to the Fatherland ... It is seen by the pious diligent people during church prayers for the messenger of success in our country; the living one speaks to the bells about our victories ...; skrіz, and in the temples, and in theaters, skin talk about the glorious deeds of our soldiers


At the same hour, from the sides, the victims crouched on the vіvtar of Vitchizni and to help the wounded warriors who were fighting for the bedroom on the right. Krіm important donations, crushed by the nobility of the tsilih provinces and the inhabitants of the city, people of all stanіv ... - everyone sacrificed what they could; others bringing the rest.

When ... the folding of the Naval militia, there appeared a few myslivtsiv, who inspired little ...

At the capital, the calm is not broken, and the thoughts of all are more directly directed on the military footing. For the unfriendly signs from Krim, forever commemorate the fate of the heart of the heart and tell a dirty story about the great spending in our good warriors ... "

Write the name of the war, for an hour to lie down. Tell the fates of the war. Name the Russian emperor, until the reign of which the cob of war lies.


1) war - Krimska (Skhidna);

2) rocks - 1853–1856;

3) emperor - Mykola I


1. Regulations on the establishment of the population before the war:

- the population is stunned by the patriotic pidom.

2. You may be appointed to prove:

- active participation in prayers for the glory of the Russian army;

- show joy when you hear about victories and blessings in case of failures;

– mass donations to different versions of the population;

- Ready to go to the militia.

Elements required may be formulated differently


There may be such reasons for the Crimean War:

1) exercise of Russia virishiti Skhidne nutrition - put under control the Black Sea channels;

2) Turechchini's exercise to take revenge for the defeats of the XVIII - the first half of the XIX century;

3) Europe's bazhanna to weaken Russia, as if it played the role of a leader of the world;

4) the anti-Russian mood of the public opinion of Europe through the role of the “gendarme of Europe”, as if the imperial Russia was trying to help.

Other reasons may be named. Reasons can be formulated differently

Read the quote from the words of W. Churchill and write the name of the phenomenon he described.

“Chi knew the stench, the allies [of the land of Entente], at the camp of the war Radyansk Russia? Obviously, no. Ale... the stench of the boules on the Russian land was like conquerors. The stench attacked the enemies of the Radyansky order. The stinks were blocking Yogo Porti. The stench sank the Yogo Viysk ship.”


Talk about the intervention of foreign powers against Radyansk Russia. If Radyansk Russia left the Brest world from the First World War, then Russia's allies - the land of Entente - launched an intervention.

Suggestion: intervention

Read the quotes from the tips of the presenter and tell about how the historical path goes.

“The Zhovtnev revolution is one of its legacy in the gallery of the old politics, there is little change in the exchange between Russia and other powers. The most important of these permutations were those that Radyanska Russia came out of the imperialist war with the powers of the central bloc (Nimechchina, Austro-Ugorshchina, Turechchina, Bulgaria). Nіmechchina, officially recognizing the Radyansk rule and making peace with it, at one hour ... paid for Ukraine and Finland with its troops.


The text contains information about the arrangement of the Brest peace between Radyansk Russia and Nimechchina on the 3rd of February 1918. This world, having allowed Russia to leave the First World War, at the cost of territorial losses - Russia has spent part of Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic states.

Reference: Brest Svit

Dzherelo: Yandex: Trenuvalna EDDI robot from history. Option 4.

Read the passage from the historical journal and briefly give an answer to questions 20–22. Vіdpovіdі transfer vykoristannya іnformatsії z dzherel, as well as zastosuvannya historical knowledge zіstoriї vіdpovіdnogo period.

3 diplomatic notes


1) nickname - Lenin;

2) r_k - 1917;


- democratic;

- Without annexes;

- Without contributions;


On the basis of the text, that knowledge of history is no less three reasons described in the text below.

Read the passage from the historical dzherel and briefly give an opinion on nutrition C1-C3. Vіdpovіdі transfer vykoristannya іnformatsії z dzherel, as well as zastosuvannya historical knowledge zіstoriї vіdpovіdnogo period.

Zі spogadіv sovereign diyach.

“For example, on the 27th of the fierce day, all of Petrograd was in the hands of the rebels. A huge sovereign machine pinned the robot ... At the Duma, at that hour, the central body for the implementation of control over the affairs of the military and the rebels fell asleep. For an hour, the elements suddenly swelled such an agonizing swing that, it seemed, the axis-axis suffocated all of us, and little by little the onslaught of it subsided, giving us a sprat of chvilin perepochinka. Zovni Tavrіysky palace more guessing viysk tabir, lower legislature. ... We were rattled by checks of the night, if the people's natovs rose up and the halls were filled with corridors. Silence fell, and in the rooms of the Timoshovy Committee, endless discussions, conferences, and biased superchicks began. There, by the silence of the night, the world's contours were set apart in the new Russia...

Blessed is the person who falls to the share of surviving the fatal turning points in the history of the world, for it will not be possible to look into the depths of the history of humankind, becoming a sign of how the world is collapsing, the old world, and the new one.

That is a historic moment that gave birth to [ new Russia], as it occupied the place of Russia, desecrated and polluted by the Rasputin and the hated monarchy. Unpopular officials were literally swept away from their posts, many of them were killed and wounded. Workers at the factories, pinning on the robot, began to use the undesirable to them and the engineers, who transported them on wheelbarrows between enterprises. In some areas, the villagers ... began to develop agrarian food in their own way, roaming assistants and hoarding their lands ... After three years of war to the edge, the soldiers, who were weary at the front, were encouraged to support their officers and continue the war.

About how to go to the document? Until what fate will it lie? What are the two main new organs of power vlady on the cob?


Correct opinion may revenge foot elements:

1) podium - Lute revolution (toppling the monarchy);

2) r_k - 1917;

3) organi vladi:

Timchasovy order;

Petrorad (Petrograd Rada of Workers and Soldiers' Deputies)


The following elements are correct: the author's statement: the author is leading the revolution; prove, for example:

I take an active part in the creation of the new government, in the creation of the "new Russia";


Can you name the following reasons for the Lute Revolution:

The inviolability of agricultural nutrition;

Non-violence of working food;

The inviolability of national nutrition;

Super strength between the tsarist regime and opposition to the power of the political structure of Russia;

Porazki that spent the first hour of the First Light War;

Then the army, the nebzhannya of the soldiers to continue the war;

Unpopularity in order;

Write the name of the war, as indicated on the diagram.


Note: The First World.

Vidpovid: the first light | first world war

Read the rhyme from the speech of the intercessor of the chief of the general staff of the French army, General Chassin, and tell the battle, about how to go.

"The 1941 century, which was the fate of the residual establishment of the German Panuvannya in Europe, ended with a terrible defeat of the Nazis ... The battle ... marked an important turning point in the war."

1) for Dnipro

2) Stalingrad

3) at the Kursk Railway

4) Moscow


Go about the Battle of Moscow in the spring of 1941-sichnya 1942. This was the first great blow to the nimtsiv from the cob of Another light war. The victory of the Chervonoi army against Moscow was violating the German plan of the Bliskavych war.

The correct statement is given under the number: 4.

Suggestion: 4

Read the passage from the tsar's manifesto.

“We deafen to all of our followers:

Dorimuyuchis its historical injunctions, Russia, united by faith and blood among the word-Yan peoples, did not marvel at their share of the Baiduzh. With a new singleness of that special force, the fraternal ones, like the Russian people, reached the words of the remaining days, if the Austro-Ugric region presented Serbia with a view of the unacceptable Sovereign power of the vimogi. Following the actions of that peaceful supporter of the Serbian order, having seen the good-natured mediation of Russia, Austria hastily went over to the enemy attack, breaking the bombardment of defenseless Belgrade.

Vimusheni, by virtue of the creation of minds, to live the necessary foreign entries, We were ordered to bring the army and fleet to the military camp, ale, dear to the blood and bannim of Our piddanih, reported all the efforts to a peaceful result of the negotiations. Sereda friend of the union Austrian Nimechin, vovus our supervisor in the vіkovo good, do not listen to the nasal nashi, they’re not to come in the vibrant tsille, I was scorched by a nonsense of the navigation, and it was blessed by the habitation of

Nina should no longer intercede only for the unfairly squandered homeland of Us, the country, but to defend the honor, dignity, integrity of Russia and the camp of the middle of the Great Powers.

It is not easy for us to believe that on the defense of the Russian Earth, together and independently, we must stand on the virn of Our piddan.

At the dirty hour of tasting, the internal brew will be forgotten. Let's see even more quietly the day of the Tsar with Yogo's people, and let's imagine Russia, that it rose like one person, the onslaught of the enemy.

Tse deep faith in the rightness of our help and submissive hope for the Almighty Promisel, We prayerfully call on Holy Russia and the valiant war of Our God of blessing.

Which roci has seen this manifesto? Give the name of the war, about the cob of which there is in it. Name the monarch who saw this manifesto.


At the same time, they may be appointed: 1. The date of the Manifesto: 1914; The name of the war: First Svіtova; Name of the monarch: Mykola II.

Dzherelo: EDI z istoriї 05/30/2013. Basic fluff. Far off. Option 5.

How long does it take to see what manifesto? Name the war, at the hour when this manifesto was seen. Name the Russian emperor, until the reign of which the cob of war lies.

Read the passage from the historical journal and briefly give an answer to questions 20–22. Vіdpovіdі transfer vykoristannya іnformatsії z dzherel, as well as zastosuvannya historical knowledge zіstoriї vіdpovіdnogo period.

To the manifesto of the political party

"Communists! The strongholds of the Russian king fell. The prosperity of the tsar's country, awakened on the hands of the people, called. The capital is in the hands of the insurgent people. Parts of the revolutionary troops began to rise. The revolutionary proletariat and the revolutionary army are guilty of destroying the country in the face of residual death and collapse, as if preparing the royal order.

With majestic zusills, blood and lives, the Russian people have cowardly enslaved themselves for centuries.

The head of the robotic class and the revolutionary army - create a Timchasovy revolutionary order, which can be on the basis of the new republican way that people will be born.

The timing of the revolutionary order can take over the creation of the timing of the laws, which protect all the rights and freedoms of the people, the confiscation of the monastic, landlord, office and nursery lands and transfer them to the people, the 8-year-old day and the call of the founding election without a statistical foundation, , vorospovidannya, direct, equal voting rights with secret voting ...

Reaction Hydra can raise its head. The task of the people of that її revolutionary order is to strangle all anti-national counter-revolutionary thoughts.

Negaine, I did not open the head of the Timchy Revolutionary Udida - to take from the bogosini with the Proletarian Krayan, the Vojyut, for the revolution of Borotbi, the Krayan is oppressed by the Kardii Kholisti Klik, for the whole. yazan to captive peoples.

Workers of factories and factories, as well as those who rose up in the military, negainely convert their representatives to the Timchasov revolutionary order, which can be created under the protection of the rising revolutionary people of that army.

Tell me three more orders placed at the manifesto in front of the new order.


You can specify the following tasks:

1) ensuring the rights and freedoms of the population;

2) transfer of monastic, landlord, cabinet and pet lands to the population;

3) occupancy of an eight-year working day;

4) calling installation fees;

5) struggle against counter-revolution;

6) the establishment of contacts from the proletariat of the warring lands for the revolutionary struggle of the peoples of the ukrainian lands against their own orders and the initiation of the war of light.

With the benefit of historical knowledge, name at least three reasons for the participation of Russia in this war, for an hour that the manifesto should be seen.


Can you name the following reasons for the participation of Russia in the war:

Pragnennya to defend the brother of the word "yansk" and Orthodox Serbia against the Austrian aggression;

Allied goiter of Russia in front of France, the conflict with Germany was inevitable;

Pragnenny tsarist regime podkrіpit svіy authority, zgurtuvat nation on the throne for the minds of the military hour;

Pragnennya Russia Virishiti Skhidne nutrition.

Other reasons may be named. Reasons can be formulated differently.


The following elements are correct:

1) rіk - 1917;

2) vyyna - Persha svitova;

3) the emperor - Mykola the Other.

Viyskov operation radyansky viysk near Stalingrad ended

1) exit of the Ryansk troops to the Sovereign cordon of the SRSR

2) stabilization of the front and the transition to a positional war

3) the battle under Prokhorivka

4) sharpened and reduced German army under the command of F. Paulus


That's right: the Battle of Stalingrad ended with the sharpening of the German army under the command of F. Paulus. Everything else is wrong: to the sovereign cordon of our military fought in 1944, the battle under the Prokhorivka influx in 1943, the stabilization of the front and the transition to the positional war is characteristic of the First light stink.

The correct line is indicated under the number: 4

Suggestion: 4

Dzherelo: Demonstration version of ЄDI-2015 from history.

Name the Russian emperor, for the hour of his reign, which is to lie on the cob of war, which is indicated on the scheme. In vіdpovіdі, state im'ya that serial number (for example, Petro the First).


On the map of the Skhidno-Prussian operation of 1914, which ended with the death of the army of Samsonov, and the commander of France at the first hour of the light.

Suggestion: Mykola Another.

Suggestion: Mykola is different

Write the missing word in the text. Until what fate to lie down tse animal? Tell me the name of the war, about the pinnacle of what she has to go.

Read the passage from the historical journal and briefly give an answer to questions 20–22. Vіdpovіdі transfer vykoristannya іnformatsії z dzherel, as well as zastosuvannya historical knowledge zіstoriї vіdpovіdnogo period.

3 diplomatic notes

“I honor May to tell you, Mr. Ambassador, that the All-Russian Union of Workers and Soldiers’ Deputies organized on the 26th of Zhovtnya (8th leaf fall) a new Order of the Russian Republic at the sight of the People’s Commissars. The head of the Order of the є _______________, the curiosity of the state policy was entrusted to me as the People's Commissar from foreign rights.

Giving your respect to the praises of the All-Russian Z'izd for the pleasure of the workers and soldiers' deputies, the text of the proposition of a truce and the democratic world without annexations and indemnities on the basis of self-determined peoples, the honor of May I ask you to marvel at the appointments of the document as a formal proposition of a non-gay truce on all fronts that negajnogo vodkrittya peace talks, proposition, z what an all-important order of the Russian Republic is sent at once to all the warring peoples and to their orders.

Receive a memorial, Mr. Ambassador, at the grave of the Radyansk order to the people of the Successful States, which cannot fail to break the world, like all other peoples, who were blessed with an unapplied slaughter.

Z of the rank and file

“Gromadyanin is the supreme commander-in-chief. The Rada of the People's Commissars, having taken, for the instructions of the All-Russian Order of the Rada of the Workers and Soldiers' Deputies, at their own hands the power, at once from the goiter to proclaim to all the belligerent peoples those ranks of the negaine truce on all fronts democratic ambushes. ... The official notice was sent by the People's Commissar from beyond the borders to the most important representatives of the allied lands near Petrograd.

How are ambushings characterized in a rank-and-file animal, on which it is suggested to lay light?

Induce at least two positions from a diplomatic note that support these fundamentals.


The following elements are correct:

1) a description of the basics of laying down the world, for example:

- democratic;

2) regulations about mind the world, for example:

- Without annexes;

- Without contributions;

- on the basis of self-determination of peoples.

The provisions of the vіdpovіdі can be formulated differently

Luckily for historical knowledge, show at least three reasons for the participation of Russia in the war, a cry to the pinning of the beast.


There may be such reasons for the participation of Russia in the First World War:

- defender of Russia's fraternal (Slovak and Orthodox) Serbia in the face of Austrian aggression;

- defender of Russia's interests in the Balkans, the exercise of the implementation of the Skhidny nutrition (establishment of control over the Black Sea channels);

- Vikonannya Russia its allied bond to France in the minds of the innocence of the Franco-German conflict;

- bazhannya rahunok patriotic supporter of the authority of the tsar's power, who was kidnapped.

Other reasons may be indicated


1) nickname - Lenin;

2) r_k - 1917;

3) the name of the war is the First World

Set the date between the international dates and dates. To the skin position of the first spatula, take the same position of the other. Write down in the table the selected numbers under the double letters.



NATO was created in 1949. The Ugorsk crisis became the fate of 1956. The Berlin wall was built in 1961. "Prazka Spring" bula 1968 rock. Zaive: 1945 - the end of the Other Light War.

ID: 2345

Dzherelo: Yandex: Training work of EDI from history. Option 6

Set the difference between the processes (yavami, podia) and the facts that stand between these processes (phenomenon, podia): to the skin position of the first step, take the second position from the other step.

Write down the numbers at the end of the line, putting them in order, so that you match the letters:



A) oprichnina - the death of Metropolitan Pilip at the hands of Malyuti Skuratov.

B) Gromadyanskaya war in Russia - the assault on Perekop.

C) the reforms of Oleksandr II - the creation of the court of light.

D) the struggle of Moscow and Tver for leadership in the Russian lands - the death of Prince Mikhail Yaroslavich in the Horde.

ID: 2435.

ID: 2435

Below are named some of the historical children of different epochs. Choose from them ONE and hit the task.

1) Volodymyr Monomakh;

2) Mykola II;

3) Franklin Roosevelt;

4) L.I. Brezhnev.

Indicate the hour of the life of a historical fiend (with accuracy up to ten years of part of the century). Name at least two direct activities and give them short description. Show the results of yoga activity for the skin from the names directly.


Mykola II (1868-1918)

6. Russian.Japanese war

11. First world war

12. Speech to the Throne

4. Revolution of 1905-1907

Volodymyr Monomakh (1078-1125)

Main directions of activity:

1. Z 1078 r. Prince Chernigivsky

2. Z 1094 Prince Pereyaslavsky

3. Z 1113 p. Grand Duke of Kiev

4. Organization of the establishment of princes near Lubech "to rule the world"

5. Viysk's march against the Stepoviks-Polovtsians

6. Ordering the "Statute of Volodymyr Vsevolodovich", the final legislative act of "Ruska Pravda"

7. Ordering by the prince "Povchannya"

8. Later edition for the Grand Duke "About times of years"

1. Legalization of the transfer to the throne in the princely princedoms according to the ancestral principle (from father to son), and in Kiev according to the similar principle (for seniority in the family)

2. Weakening of the stepoviks on the Russian lands

3. Further development of writing law

4. Expansion of cordons in Kievan Rus

5. The test of spiritual and religious ambushes against the “code” of honor of an Orthodox ruler

5. Development of church architecture

6. Development of religious and secular culture

Brezhnev Leonid Illich (1906 - 1982),

Main directions of activity:

1, party member since 1931, member of the Central Committee since 1952, member of the Politburo (Presidium) of the Central Committee since 06/29/57. (candidate 16.10.52-06.03.53 pp. and 27.02.56-29.06.57), Secretary of the Central Committee 10.16.52-06.03.53 pp., 02.27.56-16.07.60 pp. that 22.06.63-14.10.64 pp.,

2. Z 1954 the other, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan. In 1956-1960 pp. and 1963-1964 pp. secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, one hour at 1958-1964 pp. deputy Head of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Russia from the RRFSR.

3. U 1960 - 1964 pp. and from 1977 Head of the Presidium of the Supreme Council for the sake of the SRSR. Z 1964

3. First, from 1966 General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPRS, one hour from 1964-1966 rr. head of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Russia from the RRFSR. Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada SRSR 3-10 click.

4. Hero of the Radian Union (1966, 1976, 1978, 1981), Hero of Socialist Pratsі (1961). Marshal of the Radyansky Union (1976). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1979). Laureate of the international Lenin Prize "For the promotion of peace among peoples" (1973).

5. Being one of the main participants in the movement, which led to the adoption of Khrushchov, in 1964 he played a very important role in the development of the new collegiate policy of the SRSR. Vistupiychi guarantor of the stabilian situation of the vigorous of the Country, pushing the Kosigina Vidpov -will for the conduct of the Ekononichny reforms, and the M. Suslovim - for the Dorimanni "Correct" ideologiy lines. For the invasion to Czechoslovakia in 1968, there was a trail of smuggle in the ways of relieving tension in the waters from Zakhod, until the fatal invasion to Afghanistan did not show the right individual of the old, the bones of the regime. Having satisfied my ambition, I am like a cult of specialness,

6. After a drastic change in politics for Khrushchev, Brezhnev came to the station Secretary General the party means a turn to greater peace in the political life, which is turning, in the middle, in the supra-divine, in line with the previous period, the stability of the warehouse of the country's ceramics. During the 18 years of Brezhnev’s rebuking, under the rule of the Radyansky order, to pursue a realistic policy, inspired by Khrushchev’s “plans”, incited communism to reproach the modest concept of “exasperated socialism” as a stage of SR, de, to think of Deeply conservative in its political views, Brezhnev's "team" develops its activity from the fact that it is focused on the nutrition of the economic development and development from 1965 until the implementation of low reforms, oriented towards greater independence of the enterprise. The result of the QIX reforms of the STAR of PIVSHSHSHSHNNE RIVNYA ZHITTYA, especially SILSKY, PISLAL PERSULE PERSOUD OF THE EKONOIKI of the CREMINALY Until the mid-70s, Impae to be stagnated, and the non-imminent Kerivnitva is to the rosrol nomenclature, the dinosaulite of the nomenclature. The party's claim to a crucial role in all spheres of life of the society is reflected in the obsession with the idea of ​​a new control over the intelligentsia. The image of the almighty power begins to give cracks to the appearance of the phenomenon of dissidence, as if it symbolizes - although the dissidents themselves are scantly small - a failure to expand between power and prosperity. In the international arena, Brezhnev continues to follow the rosy Khrushchev course in the development of a dialogue from Sunset. Regulating the status of Berlin, recognizing the inviolability of the cordons in Northern Europe, and especially the first bilateral favors, as well as the best achievements of the detente policy, culminating in the signing of the Gelsinian lands. These successes, however, are being seriously undermined by the steps of the SRSR in Africa, and then by direct invasions to Afghanistan in 1979, after which there is a new wave of tension in the international right.

Pouches: Domestic policy for hours, B. began militarization of the economy, led to the restoration of Stalinism, and the improvement of development. Evil current policy - from the introduction of tanks to Czechoslovakia in 1968 to the invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 - was only a logical consequence of the internal policy. Fixed by the Constitution of 1977. The key role of the CPRS was no longer conserved by the current camp. The activity of B. called to crisis, stagnant phenomena in the economy, gave rise to an epoch-making phenomenon - free-thinking, or dissidence, showed to the adversaries the undeathness of the "accused to Socialism" and the need for reforms.

Roosevelt Franklin Delano

Roosevelt F.D.

Roosevelt Franklin Delano (January 30, 1882 - April 12, 1945), state fiend United States, President of the United States y 1933-45. Behind the light is a lawyer; having studied at the privileged private schools at Groton, Harvard and Columbia Universities. In 1910, appeals to the New York State Senate in the form of the Democratic Party. In 1913-20, being an assistant to the naval minister in the order of T. V. Wilson, speaking for the strengthening of the military and naval power of the United States. In 1920 - Candidate for the seat of Vice President of the United States of the Democratic Party. After the blows at the elections, I turned to private legal practice and pіdpriєmnitskoi іyalnostі. Z sickle 1921 r. as a result of poliomyelitis for all life, having spent the building, it is free to change your mind. Regardless of the disease, R. continued to play an increasingly important role in the Democratic Party's core. In 1928, he was elected governor of the state of New York. In the situation of the world economic crisis of 1929-33, that heated class struggle in the country, criticism of the R. reactionary policy of the ruling Republican Party, received an increase in popularity. In 1932 buv appeals by the President of the United States in the form of the Democratic Party. Having entered the plantation (1933), R. having lived a low, supra-national approach to the state regulation of the economy, yakі, like wine vvazhav, zdatnі improve the economy and vryatuvati capitalist system. Under the pressure of the working masses, the order of R. went on to do the same deeds in the social area. In a whole ninth of the reforms of R., they took away the name "new course", marked a new streak in the development of state-monopoly capitalism in the USA. In 1936 for the virishal support of the people's masses R. buv appeals by the president to another term. Irrespective of the exchanges, the superbly clearness of the results of the "new course", which was mind-boggling by the class nature of bourgeois reformism, R. and nadalі zberіg pіdtrimku bіlshostі vibortsіv. First in the history of the United States, R. was elected president for the third (1940), and then for the fourth (1944) term.

In the sphere of the modern politics of Ukraine, R. showed himself as a realistically thoughtful sovereign fiend. 16 leaf fall 1933 R.'s order, having installed diplomatic vodnosiny from the SRSR. Vrahovyuchi opir ekspansії American imperialism, scho growth in the lands of Latin America, R. voted the doctrine of "good-naturedness", which gave priority to the veiled forms of penetration into the tsі krainy. R. having seen the danger that I will threaten the USA from the side of fascism, and suing the aggressive ideas of Germany, Italy, Japan. From the beginning of the 2nd World War of 1939-45, he stood up for the support of Great Britain and France against the fascist Germany. Following the attack of the Nazi Germany on the Soviet Socialist Republic, on 24 March 1941, announcing the readiness of the United States to give support to the struggle of the Radian people. In opposition to the reactionary forces of the United States, they acted in the position of anti-Sovietism, showing the idea of ​​bringing the two countries closer together and providing material assistance to the SRSR. After the United States entered the war (breast 1941), R. made a great contribution to the creation of that anti-Hitler coalition. Representing the United States at the Tehran (1943) and Crimean (1945) conferences, giving important significance to the development of the military international spivpratsi that UN creation. Highly appreciating the masculinity and stamina of the people of Radyansk in the fight against zagarbniks and acting as a bastard of savings and zmіtsnennya spіvrobіtnitstv between the SRSR and the USA in the last military period, succumbing to the most important mental link.

Subbags: Domestic Politics: The leaders of the United States' activities gradually emerged from the world crisis of 30 years, promoting the role of the state in the economic life of the country, and the social sphere has improved.

The old politics: Yogo diyalnist played a great role in overcoming the fascist Nazi Germany. We were approaching from the SRSR. Having created a change of mind for the transformation of the United States into a great superpower.

Below are named some of the historical children of different epochs. Choose from them ONE and then write down the task: indicate the hour of the life of a historical child (with accuracy up to ten years or part of a century), name the main directions of yoga activity and give a short description of them, indicate the results of yoga activity.

1) Dmitro Donsky;

2) M. M. Speransky;

3) N. S. Khrushchov;

4) Adolf Hitler.


Dmitro Donsky

Main directions of activity:

1. The struggle of Dmitry Ivanovich with the support of the Russian Orthodox Church for the preservation of his rights in the great Volodymyr princedom

2. Life of the white-stone Kremlin near Moscow

3. Promotion of the policy of "land selection"

4. Viddzerkalennya raid on Moscow military of the Lithuanian prince Olgerd

5. Viysk trip to Tver 1374-1375.

6. The battle on the river Vozhe - the first battle of the Russian troops with the orders

7. Victory of the united Russian army at the Battle of Kulikiv

8. Carrying out military reform

9. The cob molding of the Grand Duke's court

1. Preservation for the Moscow prince of rights on the great Volodymyr prince

2. Improvement in the combat power of Moscow

3. The arrival of low lands and the expansion of the territory of the Moscow princedom

4. Vіdmova of the Prince of Tverskoy vіd domagan Volodymyr throne and residual assertion of the rights of Moscow on the great Volodymyr princedom

5. Ruining the traditional reconciliation at the impossibility of the Golden Ordi

6. Reformation of the Moscow Vіysk and zmіtsnennya grand duke's power

Mikhailo Mikhailovich Speransky (1772-1839)

Main directions of activity:

1. Main directions of activity:

2. Russian hromada and sovereign fiefdom of Oleksandr I and Mykoli I

3. Having developed projects and reforms of the system of state power

4. Document - "Entry before the laying of sovereign laws"

5. Proposition to introduce into the basis sovereign arrangement the classic principle of giving power to the legislator, vikonavch and court

6. It was necessary to set up the division into three ranks: the nobility, the “middle camp”, “the people of the worker”

1. Deputy for the sake of neo-management zapochatkovo to the Sovereign Rada at the warehouse 35 osib, recognized by the emperor

2. The whole complex of reformations, proponations by Speransky, was not created through the support of reforms from the side of the nobility and indolence of Oleksandr I

Mikita Sergiyovich Khrushchov (1894-1971)

Main directions of activity:

1. First Secretary of the Central Committee of the KPS, Head of the Radi Ministers of the USSR

2. Reforms in the sphere of industry management

3. Decentralization of the management of the economy and reorganization of the industry from the Galuze principle on the territory

4. Elimination of 10 great ministers of industry and replacement by their territorial administrations - radnargospas

5. Consolidation of radiopharmaceuticals. Created for the sake of the people's domination of the SRSR and the allied republics, as well as the government committees from the galluses of industry, as a test to correct negative trends in the economy

6. N. S. Khrushchov's reforms in the halls of the rural state

7. The harvest

8. Strengthening the administrative pressure on the agricultural sector

1. The changes gave a short-term effect, and then the tendencies began to appear in the Kremlin, the single technical policy was broken

2. The reform did not bring cardinal changes in the economy, but only made more power for industrial management swindle

3. The fall of the agricultural industry

4. Increase in the supply of food to the population

5. Cob to the import of grain from abroad

6. Increasing dissatisfaction in the life of N. S. Khrushchov

Adolf Hitler

Rocky life: 1889 - 1945 born

Main directions of activity:

The main bags of activity:

3. Europe appeared to be divided into two camps: the old capitalistic one and the similar socialist one. Vіdnosinі vіzh two blocks sharply pogrіrshilis. Already through the spit of rock, after the end of the war, the Cold War began.

Svyatoslav Igorovich (957-972)

Main directions of activity:

Mykola II (1868-1918)

Main directions of activity:

1. Emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland, remaining Emperor of the Russian Empire

2. Manifesto on the 3rd of February 1899 about the order of legislation for the Grand Duke of Finland

3. It was laid for the sake of Russia and Austria for 10 years

4. Introduced penny reform

6. Russian.Japanese war

7. On April 17, 1905, a decree was issued on the date “On the change of cobwebs of toleration”, which, having approved a number of important delimitations, allowed the “rozkolniks” to be protected

9. Vydannya of the new law on elections before the First State Duma

10. Agrarian reform began

11. First world war

12. Speech to the Throne

1. Establishment of the gold standard of the ruble

2. Period of economic growth

3. Striking at Russian-Japanese War

4. Revolution of 1905-1907

5. Russia became the leading exporter of agricultural products, її 2/5 of the total light export of agricultural products accounted for

6. Formation of political parties

7. Creation of the State Duma

8. Reform of the state for the sake of - reorganization of the upper house of parliament

9. Confirmation of the "Basic Laws of the Russian Empire"

10. Voting for freedom of speech

11. Chastkova political amnesty

12. The fate of Russia in the First World War

13. Revolution of 1917 and Gromadyanskaya war

14. Adoption of the coalition timchas order on the basis of A. F. Kerensky

15. The coming of the bіshovikіv to vlady

16. Rozstrіl Mikoli II and yoga sim'ї. Fall of the monarchy

Egor Timurovich Gaidar (1956 - 2009)- Russian sovereign and political fiance, economist, doctor of economic sciences.

Main directions of activity: I Yak economist:

1. Manager and Director of the Institute economic policy im. Є. T. Gaidar.

II Yak politician and sovereign fiance:

1. One of the main authors and ideologists of the economic reforms of the 1990s in Russia.

2. In 1991-1994, the rocks embraced the high plantings of the Russian ranks, the zocrema stretched for 6 months. about. head in order.

3. Taking part in the preparations for Bilovezkoy please.

4. Under the leadership of Gaidar, the transition from a planned economy to a market economy was marked by the liberalization of prices, the reorganization of the tax system, the liberalization of foreign trade, and sometimes privatization.

5. One of the key participants in the near future of the Constitutional crisis of 1993 to the fate and purpose of the Z'izd of people's deputies and the Supreme for the sake of Russia.

6. Organizer of anti-war rallies during the first hour of the First Chechen War.

7 The founder is one of the supporters of the parties “Democratic Choice of Russia” and “Union of Right Forces”.

8. The flagman of the faction "Viber of Russia" at the Sovereign Duma of the first call (1993-1995) and the deputy of the faction of the UPS Duma of the third call (1999-2003).

9. Taking the fate of the rozrobtsі Tax Code, Budget Code, legislation on the Stabilization Fund

Podbags and results:

Putting before Gaidar that її reforms is super-cheerful. Gaidar's followers vvazhayut that yogo reforms in 1992 roci forfeited the mass famine and hromada wars, created the foundations for the future growth of the economy. Gaidar's opponents resound in various negative consequences of reforms in the fall of life to the collapse of the economy. It is also necessary to establish the intermediate points of the dawn, which inspire yoga activities as positive and negative sides. The memory of Gaidar was honored by the decree of the President of Russia.

Jacques Chirac

Born 1932 p.

Chirac Jacques - French sovereign and political fiend, President of France (1995 - 2007), Prime Minister (1974 - 1976, 1986 - 1988).

Main directions of activity:

Prior to being appointed President:

1. Galmuvannya growing unemployed in France.

2. Development of business. Short-term donations for admission. Transfer to the private hands of the nationalized socialists enterprises, insurance companies, banks.

At the President's seat:

1. Pragnennya integration of France to the European Union.

2. Stronger policies for immigrants.

3. Declaring laws that convey the liberalization of police robots.

The main bags of activity:

1. Dissatisfaction with the policy of Chirac led to the failure of the referendum on the ratification of the EU Constitution in 2005.

2. In 2005 in France, the entanglement of immigrants from the Arab lands was saved.

3. Vidmov Jacques Chirac's encouragement of the United States in the anti-Iraqi campaign caused the Franco-American waters to cool down.

4. The Parisian Museum of Primitive Art was created.


Svyatoslav Igorovich (957-972)

Main directions of activity:

1. Hidden trip of Svyatoslav 964-965 R.R. (The defeat of the Khazar Khaganate, the weakening of the Volzka Bulgaria, breaking into the Caucasus and the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, rooting the lands of the Vyatichi)

2. Hike near the Dunav river 967-968 pp.

3. War with Byzantium 970-971 pp.

1. Significance of the Grand Duke's power in Russia

2. Expanding the territory of the state

4. Consolidation of the border between Russia and Byzantium

Mykola II (1868-1918)

Main directions of activity:

1. Emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland, remaining Emperor of the Russian Empire

2. Manifesto on the 3rd of February 1899 about the order of legislation for the Grand Duke of Finland

3. It was laid for the sake of Russia and Austria for 10 years

4. Introduced penny reform

6. Russian.Japanese war

7. On April 17, 1905, a decree was issued on the date “On the change of cobwebs of toleration”, which, having approved a number of important delimitations, allowed the “rozkolniks” to be protected

9. Vydannya of the new law on elections before the First State Duma

10. Agrarian reform began

11. First world war

12. Speech to the Throne

1. Establishment of the gold standard of the ruble

2. Period of economic growth

3. Porazka at the Russian-Japanese war

4. Revolution of 1905-1907

5. Russia became the leading exporter of agricultural products, її 2/5 of the total light export of agricultural products accounted for

6. Formation of political parties

7. Creation of the State Duma

8. Reform of the state for the sake of - reorganization of the upper house of parliament

9. Confirmation of the "Basic Laws of the Russian Empire"

10. Voting for freedom of speech

11. Chastkova political amnesty

12. The fate of Russia in the First World War

13. Revolution of 1917 and Gromadyanskaya war

14. Adoption of the coalition timchas order on the basis of A. F. Kerensky

15. The coming of the bіshovikіv to vlady

16. Rozstrіl Mikoli II and yoga sim'ї. Fall of the monarchy

Mahatma Gandhi

Rocky life: 1869 -1948 born

Gandhi Mohandas Karamchang is an Indian suspense-political fighter, one of the leaders of the national-voluntary movement, an ideologist of Gandhism.

Main directions of activity:

1. Anti-racist activity. Reaching 1914 p. saying the most imaginative Indian racist laws.

2. Reorientation of the Indian market to Indian goods. Campaign for the spinning of national fabrics.

3. Speak out against the lack of torment and castes, against religious witches.

4. The struggle for the English presence in India and the course for the independence of the country to another world war. Perform that demonstration to the people. Vidmova as a salt monopoly of the state.

5. Religious essences between India and Pakistan. Gandhi stumbled upon the minority, the greater INC came in handy with the British minds. 14 sickle 1947 the Indian Union was voted. Millions of people were destroyed from India to Pakistan and beyond. Tse caused to massive zіtknen, among them nearly 700 thousand people perished.

The main bags of activity:

1. In 1936 Great Britain was embarrassed to carry out reforms in India. The regional organs of self-regulation were created, and the INC (Indian National Congress) won the election hour.

2. "Deadly" starvation of Gandhi became an agonizing factor in a suspenseful life, which appeased extremist religious witches.

September 12, 1948 Gandhi, having voiced a “deadly” hunger strike, might be able to stop the silence. Zіtknennya stumbled. On September 30, Gandhi, at the hour of a public performance, was driven in by a terrorist from an extremist Hindu organization, who knows that the leader of the national and arbitrary movement has caused the interests of the Hindus to the greed of Muslims.

Main directions of activity:

1. The final stage of the “seizure of lands” policy (admission of Yaroslavl, Rostov, Novgorod, Tver, Perm, trans-Ural lands, etc.)

2. Walk against Kazan

3. Vidmova sent Danina to the Horde and “Stoyannia on the River Ugria”

4. Wars with the Livonian Order. Life of Ivangorod, like an outpost in the Baltic

5. Fight with Lithuania

6. The cob of winning the official title of "sovereign of all Russia"

7. Creation of the Sudebnik 1497

8. The introduction of "Jur'eva of the Day" and the payment of the frail villagers

1. Creation of the single Moscow (Rus) state

2. Strengthening the political influx of Moscow on the Kazan Khanate

3. Liquidation of data sources and deposits of Russia in Ordi

4. The beginning of the consolidation of the Moscow state in the Baltic. Laying a truce with the Livonian Order for 50 years

5. Restoration of the power of Moscow over the large Lithuanian cities (Novgorod-Siversky, Chernigiv, Gomel, Bryansk and other)

6. Laying the foundations for the transformation of the Grand Duke's power into the autocratic Tsar's

7. Creation of a single crypt of laws of the united Moscow state (the beginning of the formation of a single legal space on the territory of the state)

8. Cob krіpachennya villagers

9. The beginning of the development of the Urals and Siberia

Sergiy Yuliyovych Witte (1849-1915)

Main directions of activity:

1. Russian sovereign fiend, minister of wealth, minister of finance, head of the Committee of Ministers, head of the Radi of the Ministers

2. Prikhilnik of an accelerated promissory development

3. Zhorstkova tax policy, the increase of indirect taxes, the introduction of the state wine monopoly

4. Protectionism, calls to protect Russian industry from foreign competitors

5. Financial reform

6. Wider coverage of the country of foreign capital

7. Railroad tariff reform

8. Reform of the subsidies to industry

1. Introduction of gold security of the ruble and legal conversion

2. Liquidation of the great collection of untransported interests that have become a great phenomenon

3. The creation of the Sovereign Duma, the reorganization of the Sovereign's Radiation, the promotion of selective legislation and the editing of the Basic Sovereign Laws of the Russian Empire

4. Arrangement of the Trans-Siberian Railway and the Chinese-Skhidnoy Gulf

Adolf Hitler

Rocky life: 1889 - 1945 born

Adolf Hitler - Fuhrer and Imperial Chancellor of Nimechchini (1933 - 1945).

Main directions of activity:

Prior to the recognition of Hitler as Reich Chancellor:

1. At the rock of the first world war, I volunteered to destroy the German army. Bouve of rewards Zalіzny cross.

2. Transport to the warehouse of the German Labor Party. Shvydko vindicated the party of її creators, becoming the new leader - the Fuhrer. In 1919 the party was renamed to the Nimets National Socialist Labor Party of Nimechchini.

3. Participant of the "beer coup". The court having sentenced Hitler to 5 years of imprisonment, the protesters were released into the wild within 9 months.

After being recognized as Chancellor of the Reich:

1. "Unification" of Nimechchini. Were fenced communist and that social democratic party. A number of parties dissolved themselves. It was liquidated professional splits.

2. Massive re-examination of "inorodtsiv". The culmination was the operation "Endlozung", directed at the physical demise of the entire Jewish population.

3. It was a low cost of entry, a loan for the people's support. It was liquidated without work. Large-scale campaigns for humanitarian assistance to the population were fired up.

4. Preparation for revenge for the program Persha Svitov. Reconstruction of industry, creation of strategic reserves. Propaganda work of the population.

5. Expansion of the territory. For the help of the leading European powers, Czechoslovakia was divided, Czech Republic was clayed, Austria was annexed. Enlisting the praises of Stalin, Hitler conquered his military territory of Poland.

6. Another world war (1939 - 1945). Z 1939 Hitler may have occupied the entire Western part of the continent and occupied the Baltic States, Belarus, Moldova and part of Russia, having established the highest occupational regime on the occupied territories. Prote, from the end of 1942 Hitler's armies began to recognize defeats. In 1944 the territory of Radyansk was surrounded, the battles were approaching to the German cordons.

The main bags of activity:

1. Nіmechchina prograded to the Friend the war of the world, having recognized great expenses at that. (Hitler did not live to see Berlin sacked by Russian troops).

2. Fascist and Nazi ideology were recognized by the evildoers at the Nurember trial. In the rich western lands, the support of communist parties grew up, and they began to take an active part in the anti-fascist struggle during the war.

3. Europe appeared to be divided into two camps: the old capitalistic one and the similar socialist one. Vіdnosinі vіzh two blocks sharply pogrіrshilis. Already for a few years after the end of the war, a cold war began.

In 1944 against Hitler, a zmov was organized, a method of such a boulo and physical adoption and laying down to the world with the allied troops. April 30, 1945 in polished Berlin, Hitler laid his hands on himself.

Period 1914-1918 poov'azaniya usamered іz First svitovoj vyynoy - large-scale podієyu, sho zahopila from their vir of the most powerful state.

The war broke out after the Serbian soldiers were driven in near the Bosnian city of Sarajevo near Chervnya, 1914. the fall of the Austrian throne Franz Ferdinand. Austria voted for the Serbian war, and Russia, as a guarantor of the independence of Serbia, began mobilization - a ghost of the enemy forces in combat readiness.

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The real reasons for the cob of war in 1914-1918 years. began to fight among the groups of capitalist powers, the struggle for spheres was pouring in, the markets were zbutu, which led to the transfer of the world. From one side, the whole of Nіmechchina, Austria-Ugric region, Italy, which took shape in the Trinity Union, from the other - England, France and Russia, which united in the Entente. Mykola II, having taken into account that Russia is well prepared before the war, and also, I cannot bring my allies. At the manifesto about joining the war, Mikola declared that Russia was ready until the war and called on all the people to go to the defense of the Batkivshchyna. As a result, the war became a national podium in Russia, promotion of the honor to Emperor Mikoli II, as a protector of the people, growing the edge of anti-Nimite sentiments, renaming the capital to Petrograd. The war was received positively by the people.

However, the development of the Viyskian diy buv is weak, already in 1915. the war was of a positional nature, the only success of the allied troops was in view of the plan of the Bliskavich attack of Nimechchini. Brusilivsky Proryv became the biggest spur of the military campaign, the reasons for which were to try the Russian head command to break through and defeat the Austrian troops in the area of ​​Lutsk and Kovel. 4 limes 1916 of the Pivdenno-Zahidny Front under the command of General A.A. Brusilov went over to the offensive. Brusilov was able to occupy Bukovina and Pivdenna Galicia, having improved their position, as if they were being taken in by lawless enemies. As a result of the “Brusilian breakthrough”, the Germans took the term from the Western Front 11 divisions and sent them to help the Austrian troops.

Unfortunately, a single success did not signify the course of all the war, the army was demoralized, there was no hope for the sovereign, the country had not been calm for a long time. The soldiers abandoned their front lines and already after the Zhovtnevoi revolution, 3rd Birch, 1918. a separate peace treaty was laid, without the participation of the Ukrainian ally, near Brest. The head of the Radian delegation, buv Sokolnikov, and the great role of the signed engraver L.D. Trotsky, like hanging on the concept of "no peace, no war, disband the army." Itself, through the idea of ​​Trotsky, Russia has squandered majestic territories without fighting and signed peace on absolutely innocent minds. The result of the signing of the Brest Treaty was the isolation of Russia, the cost of the great part of the territories of the Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine, the goiter and the payment of a great contribution. "Robbish world" causing dissatisfaction with the policy of the Belarusians in the middle, and beyond the borders of the country.

Thoughts about the role of Russia in the First World War, the country's war is forgotten through the influx of Radiant ideology. Well, among them, W. Churchill, they appreciated that Russia recognized the greatest losses from the war, having taken the brunt of it.

Updated: 2018-03-18

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Tim himself will give unappreciated malice to the project and other readers.

Thanks for the respect.

It appeared as a practically drawn-in buckle on the side of the Entente bloc. Ale in 1917 in Russia there was a revolution, the tsar was sunk into power, handed over to the Bolsheviks, who formed a new order, which did not want to fight fights. Nіmechchini, as the main enemy of Russia in the First World War, was informed about the proposition about the establishment of a peace treaty. Under the sum of the negotiations, becoming the end of Russia from the war and the slander about the establishment of the Brest peace treaty of 1918.

First world war. Minimum for EDI.

The official reason for the war was the driving of a representative of the Austrian imperial homeland Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist on 28 April 1014. But the real causes of the conflict were significantly worse.

Scheme: Russia's first light war.

Side, scho to take the fate, їх іхі that task

Not long before the onset of the war, two main war blocks were formed in the world:

  • Entente (main participants - Russia, British Empire, France, Serbia);
  • Potryny Union (Nimechchina, Austro-Ugric region, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria).

Skin block maw cause your own. In addition, their own causes are small and well-taken by the powers.

Party to the conflict

Tsіlі i zadannya

british empire

Bazhala to take revenge on Nimechi for supporting the storms near the war 1899-1902. and zapobіgti її ekspansії to Skhіdnoї and Pivdenno-Zakhidnoї Africa. Nіmechchina began to actively explore the sea, panuvannya on the sea earlier belonged exclusively to the British Empire, it was imperceptible to forego it.

She tried to take revenge on the German Empire for the collapse of her plans at the Franco-Prussian war of 1870, and also to snatch a trade competitor. French goods could not compete with German ones. Super strength was in the sphere of control over the colonies in Africa.

Russian empire sought free access for the її fleet in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as control over the Dardanelles, the Balkans and all the lands where the Slavic peoples (Serbs, Bulgarians) lingered.


Panuvannya jumped in Europe, trying to find something that could only be done on a Viysk way. She wanted to conquer new colonies and territories.


The main enemy bachiled from the Russian Empire, as if trying to steal power over the Balkan peoples. The reason for joining the war is the consolidation of positions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, against Russia.

Ottoman Empire

Spent a part of the territory during the Balkan crisis and wanted to turn it back.

Serbia wants to assert its right to independence and become a leader among the Balkan powers. Bulgaria tried to take revenge on Serbia and Greece for the defeat in the conflict of 1913, fought on the return of the old and the arrival of new territories. Italy rushed to gain land in Pivdni Europe and establish the first place of its fleet in the Mediterranean Sea (it entered the war for others on the side of Entente).

As a result, the First World War became an ideal drive for transferring the map of Europe.

Spivvіdshenie forces

In total, at least 28 powers fought in the battles of Entente near the First World in various periods, including the United States (38 countries took the fate of the war), but at the time of the beginning of the fighting, the main sides were as follows:


Lost Union

Number Warehouse

10,119 million soldiers (Russians - 5.3 million, English - 1 million, French, 3.7 million).

6 122 000 osib.


12,308 garmats (Russia nadala 6848 garmats, France - close to 4 thousand, England - 1.5 thousand).

9433 harmati (Nimechchina - over 6 thousand, Austro-Ugric region - 3.1 thousand)

449 aircraft (Russia - 263 aircraft, Great Britain - 30 and France - 156).

297 letakiv (Nimechchina - 232, Austro-Ugric region - 65).


316 ships of the cruising type.

62 cruisers.

Serbia (Entente) and Bulgaria (Triple Alliance), as well as Italy (Entente) did not have significant combat resources, nor were they able to recover. Italy gave more than 1 million people to the orders of the allies.

Commanders and commanders

Fighting actions on different fronts from the side of Entente were cherished:

  1. Russian Empire:
    • Brusilov A.A.
    • Aleksiev M.V.
    • Denikin A.I.
    • Kaledin A.M.

    Commander-in-Chief - Romanov Mikola Mikolayovich.

  2. France:
    • Foch Ferdinand.
    • Joffre J.J.
  3. England:
    • French D.D. Pinkston.
    • Douglas Haig.

Erich Ludendorff and Paul Hindenburg were guarded by the enemy forces of the Potry Union.

Main stages

First Svitova Vіyna Trival 4 roki. In historiography, they add the following periods:

    First (1914-1916). At this time of the war, the Union was led by successful companies on land, and the Entente at sea.

    Another (1917). The United States enters the war, for example, during the period in Russia, a revolution is going on, which puts under doubt the possibility of further participation in the war.

    Third (1918). Not far away, the allies attacked on the western front, the revolution in the Austro-Ugric region, the establishment of a separate Brest world, and the residual program of Nimechi in the war.

The arrangement of the Versailles Peace Treaty marked the end of the First World War.

Map: Russia First World War of 1914-1918

Khіd vіyni (table)

Russia on three fronts - Pivnichno-Zakhidny, Pivdenny-Zakhidny and Caucasian.


The Russian armies that were advancing near Skhidny Prussia, know the blows, but Galicia appears at the sickle-veresn in the order of Entente. In the defeat of the Austro-Ugric region, ryatu nad_slan Nimechchina support. As a result of the Sarakamish operation (breast 1914 - September 1915), the Turkish military may be mostly imported from Transcaucasia. Ale in the campaign 1914 zhі storіn, scho b'yutsya success did not reach.

From now until yellow, the battles on the Pivnichno-Zakhidny front are being sharpened. Russia has spent the Baltic States, Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. During the Carpathian operation, the Austro-Ugric peoples turned their backs on Galicia. Yerzurum and Alashkert operations are taking place near the red-linden on the Caucasian front. On all fronts, they became more active, Nimechchyna fared to lead Russia out of the war.

Defensive battles are being fought on the Pivnichno-Zakhidny front, Bukovina and Pivdenna Galicia were taken from the grass and limes at the hour of the Brusilovsky ravine, the Russians were able to destroy and destroy the Austro-Ugric military. From now until Thursday, the battles for Yerzurum and Trebizond will go on, the Turks will know the blows. We are going to be beaten by Verdun, which ended with the second Nimechchina strategic initiative. Rumunia enters the Bik Antanti.

Nevdal for the Russian military, Nimechchina fought Moonsund, operations in Galicia and Belarus were not a little successful.

At the result of the critical Entente offensive in the autumn of 1918. Austria and Nіmechchina were left without allies. 11 leaf fall Nimechchina capitulated. It happened at the Companion Forest near Paris.

For the Russian Empire, the first world war ended on the 3rd of February 1918, if the empire itself was no longer alive. Mіzh Nіmechchinoy and Russia was signed a separate peace treaty, vіdomiy yak Brest peace 1918.

Change your mind before laying the Brest peace in Russia, yoga is the essence of that legacy

At the fierce 1918 p. Russia had a revolution. The Bolsheviks, who came to power, pragmatic exit from the war, inculcate as super-readable agreements with the allies of the Entente. The country cannot fight for the following reasons:

  • in the army there is a day-to-day fashion, the number of troops has significantly changed because of the fault of the short-sighted generals;
  • the peaceful population is starving and can more secure the interests of the army;
  • a new order of turmoil, turn all your respect on the internal slander, the conqueror's policy of the imperial power is not to cackle.

On the 20th of the fierce, talks about peace with the Trinity Union begin, March 3, 1918. such a light was laid. For yoga minds, Russia:

  • spent the territory of Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Finland, partly the Baltic.
  • acquitted Turkey a number of Batum, Ardagan, Kars.

Wash the world boules zhahlivimi, but there was no bulo in the order. A Gromadyan war began at the krai, more allies were encouraged to leave the Russian lands and paid for them. Change the camp away after the completion of the First World War and the stabilization of the internal political course.

Paris Peace Treaty

In 1919 (sichen) Representatives of the powers-participants of the First World War took part in a special conference near Paris. Meta collection - the development of the minds of the world from the skin side, which was programmed, and the signing of a new world order. For the Companion’s favor, Nimechchina’s goiter paid a great indemnity, the fleet was spared those low lands, the number of the army, that escaping, was quickly reduced.

Results and results

For example, the allies did not rattle. 1919 confirming the earlier signed paragraphs of the Comp'єnskoi please and the goiter'yazuvav Nіmechchina rose the peace of Brest from Russia, as well as the unions that please, as if they were laid down with the radyansk order.

Nіmechchina spent over 67 thousand. sq. km, with a population of 5 thousand. man. The lands were divided between France, Poland, Denmark, Lithuania, Belgium, Czechoslovakia and the great city of Danzig. The rights to colonies Nimechchina also spent.

Not the best rank came and went with allies in the Potry Union. Saint-Germensky was laid behind Austria, Trianonsky - with Ugorshchyna, Sevressky and Lausanne peace treaty was made with Turechchyna. Bulgaria signed the Neues Treaty.

Historical Significance of the First World War

After the end of the First World War:

  • standing before Europe on the territorial plan;
  • three empires broke up - Russian, Austro-Ugric and Ottoman, new powers settled in the new place;
  • a new organization was created, calling to promote the world of that peaceful people - the League of Nations;
  • before European politics, the Americans are actively involved - in fact, the creator of the League of Nations - the American President Woodrow Wilson;
  • Russia opined in diplomatic isolation, it wasted a chance to take back the Bosporus and the Dardanelles;
  • Great Britain and France seized colonies in Africa and Indo-China;
  • Italy came to itself Tyrol and Istria.
  • dividends in the territory of Denmark, Belgium, Greece, Romania, Japan;
  • Yugoslavia settled.

In the military plan, all sides that take the fate of the war, have gained an unappreciated knowledge, have developed new ways of conducting combat operations and defenses. Ale, at once, great were those significant human sacrifices. Over 10 million soldiers and 12 million civilians perished.

Russia has recognized significant human costs. Through the war and caused devastation in the country, famine arose, confusion, the order could not Gromadyanskaya war that foreign intervention. The trival of international isolation, the recognition of the rights to the establishment of a new state on the side of the European powers, the encampment loomed. From the First World War, Russia turned out to be very weakened. Visnovok of the Brest svіt allowed for a day to improve the camp, but it was caused by those who didn’t ask Russia for a conference in Paris and won’t be recognized by the country-reminder, and therefore, didn’t take anything away.

Causes, nature of that cycle of war

The First World War (1 September 1914-11 leaf fall, 1918) was due to the nature of the imperialist, that was carried out for the transfer of the already divided world. Її podії rozgortalis in the form of an open conflict between two military-political blocs of powers, which formed like the XIX century - on the cob of the XX century. (Entente and Trinity Union) and those satellites who fought for:

  • Viysk-political dominance on the European continent;
  • rediscovered the spheres of the colonial infusion;
  • dzherela cheap sirovini and markets zbutu vlasnyh comrades.

The goals of Russia in the war were to ensure the lack of torcanism of the upper territories, to increase the influx near Pivdenno-Skhidny Europe in the area of ​​the Mediterranean channels, as well as the accession of the Western Ukrainian lands, which were included in the warehouse of the Austro-Ugric Empire.

On the eve of the war, the Russian army was changing at the “disassembled” camp. Viysk reforms, which began after the failure in the Russian-Japanese war, were finished enough. The exchange of finance was marked by the navy's budgetary capacity and did not allow the army to complete the redesign, as it was married to the current automatic strike, cars, making a call. The greater part of your command warehouse is small in the old notice about the methods of warfare. The only problem is the weak development of the transport and communication system. Tim is no less, the Russian Empire has already taken the most active fate in the first days of the war.

Russia at the military campaign of 1914

Russia stood on the side of Serbia in the “Saraiv crisis”, calling out Archduke Franz Ferdinand, who fell to the Austrian throne, voicing a wild mobilization. At the end of the Nimechchina, an ultimatum order was hankering for the mobilization of Russia, and after taking away the 1st Serpnya of 1914, the government announced its war. On the 6th of September, the war of Russia was voted out by the Austro-Ugric region. For example, the sickle of 1914, having broken through the French border defense lines, the German army approached Paris.

Being an ally of France in the Entente, the Russian army, yak changed under the head command of Grand Duke Mikola Mikolayovich, went on the offensive at Skhidny Prussia (4 sickles - 15 spring 1914), having created the Pivnichno-Zakhidny front. Pochatkov's successes (the rout of the Nazis under Gumbinnen) were quickly replaced by blows. The failure of the offensive plan of the offensive command of the Russians allowed the Germans to defeat one of the armies near the area of ​​​​the Masurian Lakes, the commander - General A. Samsonov, laying his hands on himself. The second Russian army, under the command of General P. Rennenkampf, was rattled. However, this operation allowed the French to stand at the battle of the Marne and thwarted the plans of the German blitzkrieg.

The biggest in the distance was the offensive of the Russian parts of the Pivdenno-Zahidny front in Galicia (23 sick days - 3 spring 1914), where the Austro-Ugric troops stood against them. Zavdyaki Perevagi in Zhiviy Siliy, Vikoristanny of Mobilny Kavalieri Pirzdiliv, Important Artillery, Rosiyani Rosilled the enemy’s strengths, borrowed a part of Polshi. Fearing a German flank attack from the side of Lodz, for example, in 1914, the Russian army went over to the defensive.

Russia at the military campaign of 1915

In 1915 the main podії rozgortalis Skhіdnomu frontі. At the fierce - birch, the Russian army, at the cost of majestic expenditures, streaked the current of the German armies at Skhidny Prussia. At once, the Russians launched their offensive against the Austro-Ugric peoples near Bukovina and Poland. For the Chergovian time, the Germans came to help the Austrians, breaking through the Russian front (Gorlitsky Proriv) and vitiating the Russians, like a small marriage of ammunition, from Poland, Galicia and the western parts of Belarus and Ukraine. The protégé of the Russian army went far away and vanished, then, on the back of the head, robbing the enemy. Until the end of the year, the war on the same front had a positional character.

At this fate, the Caucasian front was blamed, at which Russia stood Turechchina. As a result of successful actions, our troops were far away to fortify the Turkish forts of Trebizond and Yerzerum.

Russia at the military campaign of 1916

Russian warriors near red 1916 carried out a successful offensive operation - the Brusilovsky Proriv (22 January -5 Cherry, 1916), named after the natnik A. Brusilov (1853-1926) - a general, a talented military leader and a military teacher. Under the hour of the First Light War, having developed a plan for the offensive of the Russian army, having staked on breaking through the positional front, one-hour attacks by a large number of armies, which was tactful innovations and gave the enemy the opportunity to transfer a direct head blow.

In the wake of the strimkoї operation, which was to help the allies to take positions during the defense of Verdun, it was possible to break through the front of 450 km of the zavdovka and push through 80-120 km of the corner of the territory of the enemy, zahopivsh Lutsk, Chernivtsi. Bulo brought practical possibility of a deep breakthrough of the positional front. Austro-Ugric army spent 500 thousand. we killed and captured. The Russian army reoccupied Galicia and Bukovina. Tsei attacked, pulling 11 German divisions from the Western Front, allowing the French to stand at the "Verdun meat cutter". However, the presence of reserves and, not long ago, the dividing fronts did not allow success to develop. Autumn 1916 the war on the Hidden Front has resurfaced the character of the position.

Injection of war on the Russian society

Russian Suspіlstvo and war

The first world war is of little importance to the development of the history of Russia. Vaughn became a catalyst for rich revolutionary changes, which have long been brewing in Russian society.

On the cob of warfare, the country was overwhelmed with a fierce national whiff of patriotism. And yet, the first strikes of the Russian army brought to the test the greater part of the suspenst, which saw the lack of prospects for Russia. Already 1915. vodchuvavsya shortage of ammunition - "shell hunger". Looking back at the pidyoma of the military promiscuity and the galluses of the people's state, which were connected with the military deliveries, they experienced a deep crisis. Lack of fossil fuel resources, which led to the collapse of the transport system. Z 1915 surplus appropriation was carried out in most regions of the empire, anti-war propaganda was intensified. The country was in ruin.

Until the end of 1916, 9 million wasted money in Russia, of which 2 million were irrevocable. Majestic, often untrue, in a negative rank poured into the morale of the army and a huge thought from the drive of the war. Revolutionary moods were fueled by the progressively eroded economic crisis, which included the marriage of the main products, inflation, the supply of the rationing system, the collapse of rural states and others. Introduced in 1916 a number of hard-drink bread and card system, the distribution of the main products did not give a clear effect. The villagers vvazhali for better zbuvati grain in the black market.

Suspile-political life at the rocky war

In the first days of the war, all parties, the Crimean RSDLP (b), supported the order and voted for military loans. From the spring of 1915 became children Special for the sake of protection, fire, food and transport. The stench stole an increase in the amount of ammunition and ammunition, a reduction in the supply. evil forces. Deputies of the Sovereign Duma, members of the order, military officials, representatives of community organizations, and great entrepreneurs took their part from the robot. Also, in parallel, they founded the military-industrial committees. The central military-industrial complex has become the leader of the Octobrists O. Guchkov. Similar structures are less effective in interplay between the front and the front, riming and spreading the military promise.

Ale, the blows at the fronts, the crisis of prosperity, which smom_syatsya was aggravated, led to the fact that the authority of the tsarist government fell sharply. In times of political crises, the State Duma develops a Progressive Bloc (Serpen 1915), which forges a new order, as if it were trusted by the people and proved to be before the Duma. Vin representing the union of deputy factions of the IV Sovereign Duma.

The critics of the emperor Mikoli II, born from the side of the monarchical organizations (V. Shulgin), are reconsidered. At the fall of the leaves 1916 at the State Duma, the speech of the leader of the cadets P. Milyukov was heard, which criticized the activity of the order and the link between the Empress Oleksandri Fedorivna and the “dark forces”. I skin the thesis of my own speech in podkrіplyuvav rhetorical nutrition: What is it? Wrongfulness chi zrada?

Grigory Rasputin (1869-1916) has become a symbol of this tragic hour for the Romanov dynasty. Being a member of the villagers, he became a friend of the closeness to the family of Emperor Mikoli II. Mav reputation psychic and healer. Koristuyuchis his plea on the empress, often vtruchavsya at the right of the sovereign administration, repeatedly yelling at the costs of that immoral behavior. Bouv murders at the breast 1916 zmovniks close to the Black Hundreds (V. Purishkevich, F. Yusupov).

In the face of the crisis of tsar's power, the discreditation of Mikoli II, weaknesses in a row, in what is more than 1916. the prime ministers were changed several times, radical forces (Bilshoviks, Menshoviks, Eserivs) were organized, and they carried out anti-order and anti-war propaganda. The activity of the people's masses grew. Before 1917 Russia had all the signs of a revolutionary situation. Knocking down tsaratu became inevitable.

EDI on the topic “The First World War. Lutnev revolution of 1917

Part A.

1. What are the causes of the First Light War?

a) the exercise of the leading world powers to redraw the map of the world in their interests

b) the exercise of the ranks of the krai - private women of the war to return their people to the revolutionary struggle

c) the country-participant in the selection of a colony from the largest colonial power-Great Britain

2. What was the main result of the 1914 military campaign?

a) signing of a separate svіtu of Nіmechchina and England

b) Nіmechchinі did not go far enough to implement his plan of bliskavych war

c) France turned Alsace and Lorraine

3. When did Lyutnev 1917 turn to the fate of the revolution in Petrograd?

4. What are the main bags of the Lute Revolution?

a) the monarchy fell)

c) the democratization of the country began

5. What is the meaning of order No. 1?

a) the establishment of dictatorships among the proletariatb) the democratization of the army beganc) the State Duma was liquidated

6. What was the main cause of the daily crisis in Timchas' order?

a) Milyukov's note about the continuation of the warb) ledge of Lenin on the І Z'їzdі Rad

c) breakthrough on the front of General Brusilov

7. Why did the Russian army in the course of the First World War know bad luck?

a) the filth of the army delivered by shells

b) divided the front lines

c) England and France violated the allied treaty

8. What are the bags of the First light war for Russia?

a) in the country, the internal political and economic situation has sharply deteriorated

b) Russia has reached quiet goals, for the sake of which it took the fate of the war

c) under the hour of war, Russia will have the First Russian Revolution

9. Did they become a drive for mass turmoil at the fierce fate of 1917 near Petrograd?

a) demonstration of women in honor of the International Women's Day

b) 30,000 strike workers from the putilivo plant

c) the march of the soldiers of the Petrograd garrison

10. Like two organs of power appeared at Petrograd at the hour of the Lute Revolution?

a) Installation choices

b) Petrograd Rada of Robotic and Soldiers' Deputies

c) Timchasovy order

d) Derzhavna Rada

11. What changes were introduced into the life of Russia by the Declaration of Timchas, adopted on the 3rd of February 1917?

a) went wide community rights that freedom

b) provided the villagers with land

c) brought Russia out of the first world war

12. Yakim buv Antanti warehouse ahead of the war?

a) England, USA, France; b) England, Russia, France; c) England, Russia, Italy.

13. Nimechchina voted out the war of Russia:

a) 06/28/1914; b) 07/28/1914; c) 1.08.1914; d) 3.08.1914

14. Brusilivsky proriv passing at:

15. Verdun operation took place in:

a) 1914, b) 1915; c) 1916; d) born in 1917

Part B.

1. Roll out the pods for the rocks:

A) 1914; b) 1916; c) born in 1918

1. Battle of the Somme; 2. Brusilivsky proriv; 3. first gas attack at Cape Ipr; 4. Joining the US war; 5; battle on the Marne; 6. Battle of Jutland; 7. Battle of Verden; 8. Miliukov's note about the fate of Russia in the war until the transitional end; 9. Brest world; 10. Companion truce;

2. Write the name of the historical foundation.

Russia was ruled by the Ukrainian territories, occupied by the troops of Nimechchini. Bula goiter was to demobilize the army, pay compensation for the slaughter, the head of the power of the German citizens of the її territory.

3. The reasons for the lute revolution were.

1 . Agrarian nutrition has not been violated

2. The fate of Russia in the First World War

3. Vіdsutnіst working legislation

4. Creation of the Timchas order

5. Creation for the sake of robotic and soldier deputies

4. Spivvіdnesіt.

1. G.Є.Lviv A. Minister of Justice

2. A.I. Guchkov B. Minister of Foreign Affairs

3. P.N.Miliukov V. Head of the Timchasov order

4. A.F. Kerensky G. Minister of Viysk rights

D. Minister of Finance

5. Causes of the red and lime crisis of the government became.

1. Mass speeches of workers

2. Nearby counteroffensive on the front

3. Rizke worsening of the economic situation of the country

4. Speech of Mykoli II to the Throne

5. Introduction of G.Y.Lvov

6. Choose the right ones, as if they are standing for the revolution of 1917.

1. Crooked Sunday

2. Fall of autocracy

3. Dual owner installed

4. Manifesto "On the improvement of the sovereign order"

5. Kronstadt rebellion

Part C

Read the text and read the assignment.

For the garrison of the Petrograd district, to all the soldiers of the guard, army, artillery, fleet for negai and accurate vikonnanny, and to the workers of Petrograd to see.

  1. The council of workers and soldiers' deputies praised:
  2. 1. In all companies, battalions, police, batteries, squadrons and other services of various kinds of military administration and on the ships of the military fleet, it is not necessary to elect committees from elected representatives of the lower ranks of the military districts
  3. 2. In all military districts, which have not yet collected their representatives until For the sake of working deputies, send one representative of the company, which will appear with letters of engagement until the State Duma wakes up to 10 years on the 2nd of Birch
  4. 3. At all their political vistups, the military part is ordered for the sake of workers and soldiers' deputies and for their committees
  5. 6. At the ranks and under the hour of the administration of the service uniforms, the soldiers are obliged to do the best military discipline
  6. 7. Rough reason for the soldiers of any kind of military officials and, zokrema, fighting before them on the “tee” is defended

Z 1. Write the name of the document and the date of acceptance.

C2. Expand the main theses of the document, which characterize the setting to military.

C3. How did the acceptance of this document cause the acceptance of this document?

C4. Pointed below 2 look at the signing of the Brest svit. Tell me, as the names of the points of dawn you see as the best. Point out at least three facts, positions, which can be arguments that I will confirm by you to the point of dawn.

  1. The signing of the Brest svіtu was inspired by the entry of the Radyansk order.
  2. The signing of the Brest Light was a sign for the Belarusians, the stink shards were afraid to waste power.

C5. . Equalize the historical precedents of the revolution of 1905 and the revolution of 1917

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