Chronograph of the Russian-Japanese war 1904 1905 table. How the tsar Mikado was cooked. Causes of war and spivv_dnoshennia forces

The main reason for the cob of warfare between Japan and Russia in 1904. lie on the surface 1 . The geopolitical ambitions of these powers have stalled at Pivnichno-Skhidniy Asia. Ale, like in the riches of other evil conflicts, without any intermediary causes of the war of deception.

Tse and plans of Russia from everyday life zaliznitsi on the Distant Descent, and the victory of Japan in the war with China in 1895, and the project of some Petersburg guards officers for the launch of a lumber business on the Yalu river, and the battle of Tokyo and the river of St. Petersburg in Korea. A great role was played by a hopeless, unstable diplomacy.

Ale, as if on the cob of the First Light War, it is clearer to understand that, as if having vibrated the Russian-Japanese conflict, we can lead us beyond the framework of historical science.

Vidpovіd stosuetsya important, but often important understanding of diplomacy, and honor itself 2. If you try to encroach on the international authority of the powers, they can be vvazhatitsya just as unsafe, like a military invasion of their territory. Oleksandr II once declared about those who are in the life of powers, as if in life, be-like people, the moments linger, if you need to forget about everything, the Crimea will defend your honor 3 .

Nerazbirka on the sleeping bridge

Russia and Japan left before the war in 1895, at the hour when the Japanese caused an effective blow to the Chinese in the non-trivial conflict over Korea. The attempt of Russia to cross over Japan into the Chinese territory called for a great turbulence in the island empire. And it began to Russian vtruchanny after laying on April 17, 1895. Simonoseksky peace treaty, which marked the end of the Sino-Japanese war. Among the most powerful of the Japanese side was the Volodinnya Liaodunsky Pivostrov, which was located not far from Beijing, and the strategically important naval base of Port Arthur. The Qing Dynasty was lucky enough to give up the right to pivostrіv, and St. Petersburg got Berlin and Paris until the deeds of Liaodong Russia were powerful.

The Russian demarche passed after the hot super rivers at the number of dignitaries of Mikoli II, who called out to us in front of the proximity of Shidny Siberia to the theater of the fighting of the Sino-Japanese conflict. The head method of the Romanovs' buv was a non-freezing vihіd to the Pacific Ocean. Volodymy as the Pacific port of Vladivostok, sharpened by freezing seas, Russia is not a small safe harbor, bathed in warm waters, for the end station of the Trans-Siberian Railway, which will be there. Visible Russian naval commanders respected what had come away hour for burying the port price in Korea | The idea was enthusiastically supported by Mikola II. Not wanting the necessary encouragement for the development of such a crock, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prince Andriy Lobanov-Rostovsky, urged to please Tokyo about a new port near the region.

Ale bula and another thought. The most pleasant її prihilnik buv Minister of Finance Sergiy Vitte, who vvazhav garni vodnosiny with Chinese statements at the development of the Russian Far Descent. Vіn аnіtrohi, no doubt that in an hour the Romanovs would dominate China. But the empire can go to it peacefully and economically. It is my fault to compete with Russian and Chinese foreigners, banks, trade houses and non-Viiska. In addition, Witte often said to Mikoli: "... for the infamous, I will be right in the middle of Russia, it is very important to uniqueize everything that can call out the most beautiful things" 4 .

Through the war, following the Simonosek svita, Russia played the role of the protector of Beijing. The Minister of Finance quickly won dividends for the promotion of Chinese people. Winning with the help of the Zongli yamen (Chinese office of foreign references. - Approx. Prov.) for the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway through Manchuria, which signifi- cantly passed away a similar airway. A 3 worms 1896 p. the two empires signed a secret agreement on the settlement of resistance against possible aggression from the side of Japan 5 .

However, the emperor Mikola sharply changed the course through the river. Inheriting his cousin Wilhelm, who zahopiv Tsіngdao, vіn paying off the pivdenny part of the Liaodong Pivostrova, which included Port Arthur. Three years later, the Cossacks unexpectedly entered between the recessionary provinces of the Qing dynasty near Manchuria. Although the diplomats of Mikoli officially announced the news, the military did not collapse from the month and began to think of going to the land of Korea.

Similar silliness caused deep divisions in the far-flung politics of St. Petersburg. A good bastard friendly friends Sergius Witte, who was encouraged by Count Volodymyr Lamsdorf, Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1900 to 1906, was abandoned in China. A coalition of "hawks" opposed, which included, at different times, naval commanders, Lamsdorf's champion Count Mikhail Muravyov, Guards captain Bezobrazov, and the imperial monger on the Far Descent of Russia, Admiral Evgen Aleksiev. Vtіm, razbіzhnosti did not bother the opponents to agree on one thing: Russia can play an active role in Pivnіchno-Shіdnіy Asia.


The Japanese dignitaries also agreed on one thing: the main method of geopolitics of their country was Korea, the country-state, as a tributary of the Qing dynasty. However, until the end of the 19th century, the progressing ailment of China caused a weakening of the panuvannya on the farm and gave the opportunity to develop here to the strongest powers. Before the rest, Japan was included, but at the time of the restoration, Meiji left the middle-class isolation and turned into a modern power with a European army and powerful colonial aspirations.

The simple logic of geography pointed to Korea as one of the main goals of Genro, a group of nine royal deacons, What was the policy of the empire?

Already in 1875. The Japanese military clashed with the Koreans on the island of Ganghwado, and after 20 years, the empire began a war with China, weakening it by pouring it into the desert country. The shards of the Western powers divided China into spheres, they heroically claimed that they could fulfill their colonial ambitions, giving Russia the dominant role of Manchuria for their control over Korea. The Coming Vіsіm Rocіv went out "Man-Kan kokan" ("Korea for Manchuria") became one of the leading Japanese imperatives foreign policy 6 .

April 13, 1898 Baron Rosen, Russian envoy and minister of foreign affairs of Japan Tokujiro Nisi signed a joint protocol in Tokyo, which recognized the economic dominance of the Japanese in Korea. But at one time the offending sides of the goiter were to protect the political sovereignty of the country. Rosen himself called the agreement "inaccurate and stupid", the Japanese were also thinking about the new one 7 .

The next few years, since Russia was moving further and further away from Korean rights, Japan tried again to try to obtain official recognition of its first place on the breeding grounds. However, the Russian diplomats did not dare to take it into account and allowed them to take such a turn of the policy. As explained by Oleksandr Izvolsky, the current envoy to Tokyo, the Tsar and Yogo Admirals "were overthrown in Korea" 8 . At the same time, Lamsdorf was afraid of the Japanese fortune-telling, ahead of Witte, General Kuropatkin and the Naval Minister Tirtov: if Russia cannot calm down the new serious superman, then take care of "obviously the danger of an evil strike against Japan" 9.

If the detachment of Japan slew Marquis Hirobum Ito, they took a mountain of cold heads from Tokyo. From the hour of the Simonosek world in 1895, the marquis shied up to the protective policy of moving to Russia. One of the most prominent sovereign fiends of the Meiji epoch, It was a great authority both among dignitaries and in the emperor. Ale, unapologetically, at the grass, 1901. yogo kabіnet vtrativ dovіru parliament, the new premier-minister prince Taro Katsura entered the landing. The young members of the yoga cabinet became richer and more aggressive due to their age to Russia 10 .

Truth, Marquis Ito, who leaned back in a pose, without giving up. An hour for a private visit to St. Petersburg near the fall of the leaves 1901 r. vin shukav ways to carry out the policy of reconciliation. Dosvіdcheny dignitary otrimav in St. Petersburg warm welcome and buv awarding Nicholas II with the Order of St. Oleksandr Nevsky, and under the watch of Witte and Lamsdorf in the Korean-Manchurian project. And just as the Minister of Finance sympathized with this idea, then the Minister of Foreign Affairs, as before, was against 11 .

Golovne, if you had a talk with the king and officials, the Japanese ambassador to London, Count Tadasu Hayasi, secretly enacted a defense alliance from Great Britain 12 . The Russian diplomats were caught by a sign. Two leading opponents of the Far Descent united their forces, dramatically changing the political landscape in the Pacific region.


The ministers of Mikoli II hastily chanted the light that the Russian troops will flood Manchuria at the next hour. However, even here thoughts in St. Petersburg sharply shared. Count Lamsdorf and Witte knew that Manchuria needed to be turned around. The stinks were saying that the unimportant thing was to calm the atmosphere in the region calling for new praises 13 . Qu point of the dawn was raised and rich Russians - from simple mirrors, so at home there are no less problems 14 . Before that, the "Kingdom of Witte" - the life of the Chinese-Skhidnoy Zaliznitsa (KVZ) - prospered, and the military presence near Manchuria became a serious threat to the plans of the Minister of Finance.

However, the idea of ​​saving Manchuria for Russia had no less splashy backers. The Viysks believed that Manchuria had reached the warehouse of the Russian Empire in Khiva, Kokand and Bukhari, arriving at the other half of the 19th century 15 . The most prominent "hawk" was Admiral Yevgeny Aleksiev, who had changed at Port Arthur. Tsei naval commander maw had authority on the Pacific Fleet, and in the middle of the garrison of the Liaodong Pivostrov. Yogo's non-gammon temperament and ambitions at once and a little about those who Alexiev was the illegitimate son of Oleksandr II, provided for his fortune teller rich fellows. I was ahead of Sergius Witte, a kind of bachelor at the new unsafe superman of the Russian Distant Descent.

Pathologically insufferable Mykola II roared. Rogue, that unstable policy of the empire sharply raised the fortunes of other powers. Prote after the fate of folding negotiations with China on April 8, 1902. Russia signed a pleasing from Beijing, as a way to see the military from Manchuria maw three stages stretching for 18 months 16 . July 8, 1902 the first phase of the evacuation began in the western part of the province of Fengtian, including the ancient capital of the Qing dynasty Mukden (present-day Shenyang). But another stage, plans for the spring of 1903, without seeing, Russian dignitaries could not get along with themselves. Petersburg did not finish the word.


Vlitka 1903 Russia and Japan re-entered the debate, arguing that they were violating their strife among the Skhidniy Asia. Moreover, the unspoken Japanese Prime Minister Taro Katsura showed the initiative. Until that moment, the Russian line had also grown significantly, spilling the shards into Witte, the principle defender of the world in Skhidniy Asia, falling sharply at the court. The tsar called the short line, adopted in spring 1903, "the new course" 17 . Yogo method was "not to allow the penetration into Manchuria of a foreign influx in one's eyes" 18 . Russia to reinforce its own courage by writing to Aleksiev, proceeding to the military and economic presence in Western Asia 19 .

Having exhausted himself from the innumerable super-eyes of the middle ministries, Mykola made two important decisions. On the 12th of September, he recognized Admiral Aleksiev as the nascent of the Far Departure, which actually made him a special representative of the tsar in the Pacific region with the full reign of power here 20. And two days later, Mykola replaced the main opponent Aleksiev Sergius Witte and planted the Minister of Finance 21 .

Aleksiev's announcement called out a sharp reaction from Tokyo. Baron Roman Rosen, a Russian envoy, reminded that Japan would see the appearance of a monastic leader of the Far Descent as an act of aggression 22 . The Japanese were especially shaped by the situation that the recognition was made two days after the fact that the order had called for a new round of negotiations 23 .

Stretching the whole 1903 r. the ministers of foreign affairs of the European lands were more spantelic, most often torn apart by the constant sharp turns of the tsarist policy, which gave Russia more and more international isolation. Ale, a compromise can still be brought to such a stage of life. However, the tsar and yogi priest, like before, did not take Japan seriously.

Mykola, obviously, without regard for endless talks with a good drive in order to interrupt his long autumn trips abroad or for a shower. And vvazhav, that "you will not fight, to that which I do not want" 24 . After the fruitless, until the very winter, the negotiations of the Japanese cabinet on the basis of a joint winding, it is impossible to end the conflict peacefully. February 6, 1904 Minister of Foreign Affairs Komura called Baron Rosen to himself, voicing about those who have spent patience in all these "marny negotiations". To that, she won the end of them and rose diplomatically with Russia 25 .

After returning to his residence, the Russian envoy was recognized by the naval attaché, but earlier that day, about the 6th anniversary of the morning, two Japanese squadrons weighed anchor for unknown reasons. Nevdovzі after opіvnochі on the 8th of February 1904 torpedoes of Japanese destroyers hit three Russian ships that were on the roads of Port Arthur. Two empires entered the war...


The Russian-Japanese war is often regarded as a classic imperial conflict. Tse truth is more often than not. Although the expansionist cultures brought Petersburg and Tokyo to the heights of Pivnichno-Skhidnoy Asia, such a supernation cannot be called unique among the centuries of aggressive colonial wars. For ten years that have passed since the 1880s. And until the beginning of the First World War, in Asia and Africa, there were repeated tangles between the great powers of Europe. However, their love did not outgrow the war. Rarity was invariably blamed on "diplomacy of imperialism" 27 , a tool for getting out of the colonial superechok, which recruited chivalry like the 19th century.

The unwritten code was signifying the blueprint between the great powers of Europe. Although there were no strictly fixed rules here, the stench was clear. Based on a zhorstka rosrahunka and a little bit of garlic, the diplomacy of imperialism was effective. Critical for її success was the understanding of the great powers of the fact that all stinks may have legitimate interests beyond the borders of Europe. The 1st line successfully contributed to the edge of the struggle on other continents.

But the diplomacy of imperialism itself showed itself not without waters. The head of them was the lack of success of the powers to recognize the new non-European lands that are developing. Like an old-fashioned gentlemen's club, membership here was swelled only by European orders. So, the critical Belgian monarchy was respected by the colonial power, just as the ambitions of the States of Japan were put on food. The very unhappiness of a member of this club - Russia - to adopt an all-out colonial aspirations of an outsider - Japan - caused the 8th of February 1904. until the end of the war at the Cross of Asia.

Tokyo bachiv, like Petersburg does not care about his honor. And the sovereign men, who do not honor the interests of other lands with a proper rank, inflicted a serious rizik on their own authority. And after a hundred years, this kolіzіya has not lost its relevance in international vіdnosinakh.

Translated by Evgenia Galimzyanova

1. This article is based on the chapter Russia s Relations with Japan before and after the War: An Episode in the Diplomacy of Imperialism from the book: The Treaty of Portsmouth and its Legacies. Steven Ericson and Alan Hockley, eds. Hanover, NH, 2008. P. 11-23, and also to my monograph: Schimmelpenninck van der Oye D. and the Path to War with Japan. DeKalb, 2001.
2. Honor Among Nations: Intangible Interests and Foreign Policy. Elliot Abrams, ed. Washington, DC, 1998; Tsygankov A.P. Russia and the West in Alexander to Putin: Honor in International Relations. Cambridge, 2012. P. 13-27.
3. Wohlforth W. Honor as the interest of the Russian Duma for War 1600-1995 // Honor Among Nations...
4. Witte Mikoli II, memorandum, 11 September 1900 // RDIA. F. 560. Op. 28. D. 218. L. 71.
5. Collection of agreements between Russia and other powers in 1856-1917. M., 1952. S. 292-294.
6. Nish I. Origins of the Russo-Japanese War. London, 1985. P. 45.
7. Rosen R.R. Forty Years of Diplomacy. Vol. 1. London, 1922. P. 159.
8. A.P. Izvolsky L.P. Urusov. Sheet dated 9 February 1901 // Bakhmetievskiy archive. Screenshot 1.
9. V.M. Lamsdorf S.Yu. Witte, O.M. Kuropatkin and P.P. Tirtov. Sheet from 22 May 1901. // GARF. F. 568. Op. 1. D. 175. L. 2-3.
10. Okamoto S. Japanese Oligarchy and Russo-Japanese War. N.Y., 1970. P. 24-31.
11. V.M. Lamsdorf, reported 11/20/1901 // GARF. F. 568. Op. 1. D. 62. L. 43-45; V.M. Lamsdorf Mikoli II, memorandum, 11/22/1901 // Chervony archives (M.-L.). 1934. T. 63. S. 44-45; V.M. Lamsdorf O.P. Izvolsky, telegram, 22.11.1901 // Ibid. pp. 47-48.
12. Nish I. The Anglo-Japanese Alliance: The Diplomacy of Two Island Empires 1894-1907. L., 1966. P. 143-228.
13. V.M. Lamsdorf O.M. Kuropatkin. Sheet 31 birch 1900 r. // RGVIA. F. 165. Op. 1. D. 759. L. 1-2. also: O.M. Kuropatkin V.V. Sakharov. Sheet from 1 lime 1901 r. // same there. D. 702. L. 2.
14. Suvorin A. Small leaves. New hour. 1903. 22 fierce. S. 3; Chinese zaliznitsya // New hour. 1902. May 3rd. S. 2; Kravchenko N. Z Dalekoi Immediately. // New hour. 1902. 22 days. Z. 2.
15. A good example of similar thoughts of divas.: I.P. Balashev Mikoli II, memorandum, 25 birch 1902 // GARF. F. 543. Op. 1. D. 180. L. 1-26.
16. Glinsky B.B. Prologue of the Russian-Japanese war: materials from the archive of Count S.Yu. Witte. Pg., 1916. S. 180-183.
17. Khocha Mikola figuring out the term, B.A. Romanov popularized yoga among historians for the description of the growing inflow of Bezobrazov.
18. Romanov V.A. Russia in Manchuria. Ann Arbor, 1952. P. 284.
19. Ibidem.
20. Mykola II E.I. Aleksiev, telegram, 10 spring 1903. // RDAVMF. F. 417. Op. 1. D. 2865. L. 31.
21. Mykola II S.Yu. Witte, sheet, 16 serpnya 1903 // RGVIA. F. 1622. Op. 1. D. 34. L. 1.
22. Rosen R.R. Op. cit. Vol. 1. R. 219.
23. Gurko V.I. Facts and Features of the Past. Stanford, 1939. P. 281.
24. MacKenzie D. Imperial Dreams/Harsh Realities: Tsarist Russian Foreign Policy, 1815-1917. Fort Worth, 1994. P. 145.
25. Nish I. The Origins... P. 213.
26. Rosen R.R. Op. cit. Vol. 1. R. 231.
27. The phrase is taken from the name of William Lenger's classic practice about European diplomacy at the turn of the 20th century: Langer W.L. The Diplomacy of Imperialism. N.Y., 1956.

* Mikado is the oldest title of the high king of Japan in the world.

Russian-Japanese war- tse war, as it was fought between the Russian and Japanese empires for control over Manchuria and Korea. After interrupting a dozen years, I became the first great war іz zastosuvannyam novіtnyoї zbroї : distant artillery, armadillos, destroyers, dart fences under a high-voltage stream; as well as with various projectors and outdoor kitchens.

Reasons for war:

  • Lease to Russia of the Liaodong Pivostrov and Port Arthur as a naval base.
  • Life of KZZ and Russian economic expansion in Manchuria.
  • The fight for the spheres is in the vein of China and Kopee.
  • Zasіb vіdvolіkannya vіd revolutionary rukh in Russia (“small warfare”)
  • The strengthening of the position of Russia to the Far Descent threatened the monopolies of England, to inspire the militaristic aspirations of Japan.

The nature of war: unfair on both sides

In 1902 p. England laid the military alliance with Japan and at once from the USA became on the way to prepare for the war with Russia. In a short term, Japan built an armored fleet at the shipyards of England, Italy, and the USA.

The bases of the Russian fleet in the Pacific Ocean - Port Arthur and Vladivostok - stood in front of each other for 1100 miles and were badly possessed. Before the beginning of the war, out of 1 million 50 thousand Russian soldiers, about 100 thousand were stationed at the Far Skhod. The far-flung army was far away from the main centers of supply, the Siberian lagoon had a low throughput capacity (3 trains for production).


September 27, 1904 Japanese attack on the Russian fleet. Cruiser Wreck "Varangian" that gunboat line "Koreets" near the Chemulpo bay of the coast of Korea. Blockade in Chemulpo "Varyag" and "Koreets" made a proposition about the building in full. Trying to break through to Port Arthur, two Russian ships under the command of Captain 1st Rank V.F. Rudnev entered into battle with 14 enemy ships.

September 27 - December 20, 1904. Defense of the Viysk-Marine Fortress Port Arthur. Under the hour of the obloga, a new type of fire was planted: rapid-firing howitzers, Maxim's machine guns, hand grenades, mortars.

commander Pacific Fleet vice admiral S. O. Makarov getting ready for active operations at sea and the defense of Port Arthur. 31 years later, we’ve brought our squadron to the outer raid, in order to break up the enemy and lure that ship under the fire of coastal batteries. Prote on the cob of battle yogo flagship "Petropavlovsk" sunk on the min and protyazh 2 hvilin. Most of the team died, the entire headquarters of Z. O. Makarov. After the first Russian fleet crossed to the defense, the shards of the commander-in-chief of the distant forces, Admiral E. I. Aleksiev was watching active children on the sea.

The ground defense of Port Arthur was devastated by the head of the fortified Kwantung region, General A. M. Stessel. The main struggle at the leaf fall flared up behind Mount Visoka. 2 breasts having died the head of the land defense, її the organizer and the breather general R. I. Kondratenka. Stessel 20 chest 1904 signed surrender . Fortress vitrimala 6 storms and bula was built only after the commandant, General A. M. Stessel. For Russia, the fall of Port Arthur meant the loss of access to the Zhovta Sea, which does not freeze, the worsening of the strategic situation in Manchuria and the aggravation of the internal political situation in the country.

Zhovten 1904 Porazka Russian troops on the river Shah.

February 25, 1905 Defeat of the Russian army near Mukden (Manchuria). The largest land battle in history before the First World War.

May 14-15, 1905 Been at the Tsusimskiy prototsі. Destruction by the Japanese fleet of the 2nd Pacific Squadron under the command of Vice Admiral Z. P. Rozhestvensky, directed to the Far Expedition from the Baltic Sea. The Japanese occupied the island of Sakhalin from lime.


  • Support of Japan from the side of England and the USA.
  • Weak preparation of Russia before the war. Viyskovo-tekhnichna perevaga of Japan.
  • Pardons and ill-conceivedness of the command of Russia.
  • The possibility of a Swiss transfer of reserves to the Far Skhid.

Russian-Japanese war. PIDBAGS

  • Korea was recognized as the sphere of the infusion of Japan;
  • Japan occupied Volodinnia Pivdenny Sakhalin;
  • Japan took away the right of fishing on the Russian coast;
  • Russia leased the Liaodong Pivostrіv and Port Arthur to Japan.

Russian commanders in the war: O.M. Kuropatkin, S.O. Makarov, A.M. Stessel.

The legacy of the defeat of Russia in the war:

  • weakening the position of Russia to the Far Descent;
  • suspіlne dissatisfaction with the autocracy, as if the war with Japan had been progred;
  • destabilization of the political situation in Russia, the growth of the revolutionary struggle;
  • actively reforming the army, signifi- cantly increasing the number of workers.

Summary of the lesson from the history of Russia "Russian-Japanese war (1904-1905)".

On the 8th of the fierce Japanese fleet, attacking the Russian military ships, they stopped at Port Arthur. As a result of such an unstoppable move, the army of Japan was on the side of the most powerful ships of the Russian fleet. After all, Japan officially voted war. Viyskove goloshennya prolunalo 10 fierce. For historical tributes from the side of Japan, the main reason for the failure of the war was the appropriation of Russia to its citizens immediately, as well as the burying of the Japanese Liaodong Pivostrova. The unstoppable attack of Japan and the slander of the Viyskian wilds of Russia called out to the wind in the Russian, but not to the savage supremacy. Immediately, England and the Successful States of America began to follow Japan, and sharp anti-Russian vipads appeared in magazines and newspapers. An ally of Russia, France, has taken a friendly neutral position, driven by the fear of Nimechchina, which will prevail. It was a bad time for the price: France crossed over to England on April 12, 1905, chilling its blue with the Russian order. At this hour Nimechchina, huddled in a camp, voiced warm and friendly neutrality for Russia.

Ignorant of the opportunities for cobwebs and impersonal allies, the Japanese could not get a fort from the Japanese. Bula was crushed a second test on the 26th sickle - General Oyama, commanding the military, attacked the fort of Port Arthur, attacking the fort of Port Arthur, and having recognized the great losses, buv zmusheniya vіdstupatis. Russian General Kondratenko died on the 2nd of December, the commanders of the signing act, and fortifications, no matter how strong they were, and the ability to thrive far away, was given to the Japanese at once with 30 thousand soldiers and the Russian fleet.
Peremoga bula mayzhe on the battles of the Japanese, ale, vysnazhiv ekonomіku dovgoy and vіynoy vіynoy, the Emperor of Japan buv zmushenii signed a peace treaty from Russia. On the 9th of September, the detachment of Russia and Japan began peaceful negotiations. At Tokyo, this agreement was praised coldly and with protest.

In the Russian politics, the war showed a lot of breaches, which needed to be laid down. A lot of soldiers and officers defended the country and deserted, and the Russian army was unprepared for the war. Thus, the weakness of the tsar's power was revealed, on the basis of which the revolution of 1906 was won by the year. Odin Buv I Dobri Naslіdok Viyni: Zavyaki Kolishnim have mercy on, Sho, in Prosyysko-Japancoi Viyni, Rosia was reproduced by Doslіdzhuvati Khizdi Kravyu, she was to conduct the reform of the zbilshnya, so the yake of the yoke, so

Shang Dynasty

The Shang abo Shang-Yin dynasty (1600 - 1650 BC) is the only prehistoric Chinese dynasty, under which the power was established, as it was officially recognized as a real archeological excavation. As a result of excavations, stone slabs with ancient hieroglyphs were found, which describe the life of that order of emperors of that era.

I think that Shan-Yin pishov came from the imperial son Xuan-Xiao, who threw off his father Huang-di from the throne for the help of minister I-Yin, who was close to you. After this incident, a long-standing Chinese astrologer, historian and writer, vіdomiy tim, who wrote “Shi dzi” - a historical litopis in the mythical centuries until the thirteenth hour, in the morning of the capital five times, the Shan rulers turned it around.

The state of Shan was not numerous - in total close to 200 yew. osib. The stench lived near the basin of the Chinese river Huanghe, which bled into the way of life of the Meshkans of the Shan-Yin state. So, since this state practically did not have a war (there were only rare raids of nomads in the suddnіh kraїn), some people were mainly engaged in arable farming and watering, and others prepared for the purpose of labor. The women were engaged in picking, they were chasing after the booth, and they were raising children. Basically, the lads were taken for training by the men, and the girls at home were taught by the mothers all the wisdom of life.

The inhabitants of the Shan state were more religious. The sky chi Shandi was the head deity, as if it was ottozhnyuvalas with the souls of the supreme rulers and emperors. The Emperor, having accepted the gift of this gift, as well as having performed the rituals of worshiping the spirits of the dead, was called among the people the Blue of Heaven and holy nedorkannistyu. Swing on the life of the Sin of Heaven, vvazhavshis blasphemy and carouse death penalty.

The Palace of the Emperors of the Shang-Yin Dynasty is richly embellished with frescoes and paintings on the walls. High gilded columns roamed under the stele, as if depicting scenes from ancient Chinese mythology and history. In the pictures, there were painted ole moments from the wars and foreign trips.

At the sight of the rich palaces of the emperors, typical residents lingered in dugouts, awakened from the hanging wooden "cegli", as if they were creaking among themselves with clay.

The Shang-Yin dynasty was interrupted when the Emperor Xia Jie Shang was slaughtered for a year and Tang Zhou, the advancing emperor of China and the successor of the Zhou dynasty, came to the throne. A new era in the history of the Ancient Chinese Empire has begun.

Elizabeth II

The eldest daughter of King George VI (Prince Albert on the cob) Elizabeth (Oleksandra Maria) of York (abbreviated as Elizabeth II) with the title of "The most powerful ruling monarch of Britain". Elizabeth II On April 21, 2018, the fate was exactly 92 years old, to rule the country for twenty-five years, then there are 67 years on the throne, which is a record in the history of England. Crimea of ​​Great Britain, she is also the queen of 15 powers. The ruler of Great Britain is the lucky bag of the kings of England, which means the purest royal adventure.

Basically, Elizabeth vikonu zovnіshnopolitichnі dії, practically not spitting on the internal government of Britain. Before the її royal obov'yazkіv enter the reception of foreign ministers and the aftermath, handing over the city, inspecting the country from diplomatic rights, then. However, she does a good job of her role. The Queen herself, under her zavdyaki, to the computer technologies, can communicate with the people behind the castle. So, the ruler of Great Britain is already a rіk participant and koristuvach of such social measures like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Regardless of her high status, the monarchy loves gardening and breeding dogs (mostly don’t breed spaniels, dogs and labradors). In recent feasts, she has also become addicted to photography. Vaughn takes a photographer's job, she's been there for her life. After the nobility, the queen visited 130 countries, and on її rahunka over 300 overseas trips - Crimea is native to English, she knows French perfectly well. She is also more punctual, but not to rob її less than good.

Ale, no matter what garni yakosti, the Queen of England is clearly aware of the royal ceremonial: in the newspapers, sometimes there were articles about those, like the queen, watching the liquor, Bula z usima is borderline vvchliva and what, but she didn’t allow anyone to hang up to her and wear sleeves. Without a doubt, to be wonderful, but to invite especially important guests for tea (for example, officials and important persons from other lands), especially for Elizabeth, as soon as possible, to set up an okremium, to which none of the outsiders are allowed.

Based on the experience of the population of Great Britain, all the inhabitants are satisfied with their ruler and even value and respect her, who exactly sings in її good-natured and pleasant character, as they were so worthy of all її royal piddanim.

Basic Russian-Japancoi Viyni 1904-1905 Rockiva 26-27 sichnya 1904 Roku 31 birch 1904 Rock Luti Cherven 1905 23 September 1905 Raptov attack of Japanese destroyers on the Russian squadron on the outer roads of Port Arthur. Minutes of arrival to the port → The Russian fleet cannot be used for the crossing of military operations. Two Russian ships (cruiser "Varyag" and gunboat ship "Koreets") stood against 15 enemy warships in the port of Chemulpo (Korea). In a nervous battle, the commander of the cruiser V.F. Rudnev having punished the ship; The "Varyag" was sunk, and the "Koreets" was hit. Vereshchagin A number of defeats of the Russian army in the uneven battles of the m. Tyurenchen → Rus. The troops entered Laolian. Japan occupied the port of Daleky (Lyaodong Pivostriv) - a springboard for operations against Port Arthur. Ros. The military base was defended for 7 months under the attack of General R.I. Kondratenko, having seen 4 assaults on the Russian fleet, which, having tried to break through to Vladivostok, recognized the defeats of Japan, led a forced attack on Port Arthur, and then launched an attack on the opir → pinning the assault, fortifications. Liaoyang battle: three Japanese armies attacked the Rus. positions, but stumbled out of the baked support and recognized great losses. Commander of the Manchurian Army O.M. Kuropatkin, having reinsured himself, virishiv entered the pivnich to Mukden. Fight on the river. Shanghe (important to spend both sides) try the land army to help the taxed Port Arthur → Biy on the river. Rozhdestvensky to help Port Arthur (it was necessary to circumnavigate Africa) Capitulation of Port Arthur (Having given General A.M. Stessel, without regard for the decision, For the sake of defending the fort, continue the opir) The battle of Mukden → the threat of complete sharpening of the Rus. armії → order (on the 22nd of the fierce) Kuropatkin about negaine sharpened The Japanese occupied the Mukden Tsusіmskaya battle: The Japanese fleet, which was able to prevail in strength, artillery and squadron, defeating the 2nd Pacific squadron Landing of two Japanese divisions on about. Sakhalin → Ner_vna struggle of militias from penal servitude lasted for two months parts about. Sakhalin; - evacuation of both countries from Manchuria; - Vіdmova Rosії vіd claims; - The right of fishing from the Russian coast.

The more people are built to look at the historically that zagalnolyudskoe, Tim Shirsha Yogo nature, Tim rich її life and Tim build such a person to progress and development.

F. M. Dostoyevsky

Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905, briefly about what we will talk about today, one of the most important sides of the history of the Russian Empire. In the war, Russia recognized the blows, demonstrating the presence of the military plan in the fading lands of the world. Another important podia of the war - for її pіyni bula residually molded the Entente, and the light of the earth in full, but still unsuccessfully rolled up to the first light of the war.

Change your mind war

In 1894-1895, Japan defeated China, as a result of Japan, it was possible to cross the Liaodong (Kwantung) Pivostrіv at once from Port Arthur and Farmosa Island (Native Taiwan). Nimechchina, France and Russia got into the conversation, as if they were pushing against the fact that the Liaodong Pivostrіv was overrun by China.

In 1896, the Mikoli order 2 signed an agreement with China about friendship. As a result, China allows Russia to fly to Vladivostok through Pivnichna Manchuria (Chinese Skhidna Zaliznytsya).

In 1898, the fate of Russia, within the framework of friendship with China, was rented in the rest of the Liaodong Pivostrіv for 25 years. Tsey krok called out sharp criticism from the side of Japan, as it also claimed the land. But there were no serious reports at that time. In 1902, the roci of the tsarist army entered Manchuria. Formally, Japan was ready to take over the territory for Russia, but still recognized the panuvannya of Japan from Korea. Alya in the Russian order pardons began. They did not take Japan seriously, and they did not think of entering into negotiations with her.

Reasons for the nature of the war

Causes of the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905

  • Lease to Russia of the Liaodong Pivostrov and Port Arthur.
  • Economic expansion of Russia from Manchuria.
  • Rozpodіl spheres infusion from China and Korea.

The nature of the Viysk's diy can be defined as follows

  • Russia planned to conduct a defense and build up reserves. The transfer of the battle was planned to end at the sickle of 1904, after which it was planned to go on the offensive, right up to the landing of the landing force to Japan.
  • Japan planned to lead offensive war. The first blow was planned on the seas to the wreckage of the Russian fleet, so that nothing would respect the transfer of the landing force. The plans were to bury Manchuria, Ussuriysk and Primorsky Krai.

Spivvіdnoshennia forces to the cob of war

Japan at the war could put up about 175 thousand osib (another 100 thousand at the reserve) and 1140 regiments. The Russian army was formed from 1 million people and 3.5 million in reserve (reserves). Ale on the Far Slope Russia is small 100 thousand people and 148 policemen. So, at the order of the Russian army, the prikordonniks fell down, like 24 thousand inhabitants out of 26 garmats. The problem was in the fact that the strength of the force, which to sacrifice for the numbers of the Japanese, was greatly scattered geographically: from Chiti to Vladivostok and Blagovishchensk to Port Arthur. During 1904-1905, Russia carried out 9 mobilizations by clicking on military service close to 1 million people.

The Russian fleet has 69 warships. 55 of these ships stayed at Port Arthur, which was even worse fortifications. To demonstrate that Port Arthur is not ready for production and ready to go to war, it is enough to bring such figures. The forte has little buti 542 harmat, ale had more than 375, but more than 108 harmat added to victoria. Tobto harmonious security of Port Arthur at the time of the cob of the war was 20%!

It is obvious that the Russian-Japanese war of 1904 - 1905 began with the obvious superiority of Japan on land and sea.

Head of the military

Map of military activities

Rice. one - Map of the Russian-Japanese war 1904-1905

Podії 1904 rock

In September 1904, Japan opened diplomatic lines with Russia and on September 27, 1904, attacked Russian ships under Port Arthur. Tse buv cob of war.

Russia began to transfer the army to the Far Skhid, but it was more appropriate. Standing at 8,000 kilometers and the Siberian airfield was not filled up, everything respected the transfer of the army. The throughput capacity of the road was 3 echelons for mining, which is very little.

On September 27, 1904, Japan attacked Russian ships near Port Arthur. At the same time, at the Korean port of Chemulpo, an attack was launched on the cruiser "Varyag" and the escort vessel "Koreets". After an uneven battle, the "Koreets" was sunk in the air, and the "Varangian" was flooded by the Russian sailors themselves, so that the enemy did not get the blame. After that, the strategic initiative on the sea passed to Japan. The encampment on the sea lost its strength after the battleship “Petropavlovsk” was launched on the Japanese mines on the 31st of January, on board of which the commander of the fleet, S. Makarov, was known. The Crimean commander, having vanished the entire headquarters, 29 officers and 652 sailors.

In the fierce fate of 1904, Japan hung a 60,000-strong army in Korea, and destroyed it to the Yalu River (the river divided Korea and Manchuria). Significant battles at the same time, and in the middle of April, the Japanese army crossed the cordon of Manchuria.

Fall of Port Arthur

At the grass of a friend, the Japanese army (50 thousand people) hung on the Liaodong Pivostrov and straightened to Port Arthur, creating a springboard for the attack. At that moment, the Russian army often came to the end of the war and its number was 160 thousand people. One of the most important battles is the battle of Liaoyang near the sickle in 1904. Tsya battle dosi viklikaє rich food among historians. On the right, in the fact that in this battle (and it was practically a general one), the Japanese army recognized the blows. Moreover, the flooring is strong, because the command of the Japanese army declared that it was impossible to carry out combat operations. The Russian-Japanese war could end, the Russian army went on the offensive. Ale commander Kuropatkin vіddaє absolutely absurd order - vіdstupati. In the course of the distant marches of the war in the Russian army, there will be a smattering of opportunities to give the enemy a vicious blow, but to Kuropatkin, either by giving absurd punishments, or by calling with demons, giving the enemy a necessary hour.

After the battle of Liaoyang, the Russian army stepped up to the Shah River, when a new battle was fought at the spring, as the victory did not show. After that, calm came, and the war passed into a positional phase. General R.I. died at the chest. Kondratenko, who commanded the land defense of the fort of Port Arthur. New Commander Viysk A.M. Stessel, not respecting the categorical command of the soldiers and sailors, having built the fort. On December 20, 1904, Stessel gave the Japanese Port Arthur. In this Russian-Japanese war of 1904, the period passed into a passive phase, continuing active fighting already in 1905.

Nadali, under the pressure of enormity, General Stessel buv vddany before the court and yogo sentenced to death. Virok on vikonannya not buv. Mikola 2 having pardoned the general.

Historical proof

Map of the defense of Port Arthur

Rice. 2- Map of the defense of Port Arthur

Podії 1905 rock

The Russian command led the active Kuropatkin. Bulo praised the decision - rozpochati attacked the fierce. But the Japanese got ahead of it, having crossed on the 5th of the fierce 1905 rock at the advance of Mukden (Shenyang). From 6 to 25 of the fierce Trival, the greatest battle of the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905. From the Russian side, 280 thousand inhabitants took the fate of the New, from the Japanese side - 270 thousand inhabitants. Eat a lot of darkness in the battle of Mukden for the one who has won over the new one. In fact, bula was nothing. The Russian army spent 90 thousand soldiers, the Japanese - 70 thousand. Least spend on the side of Japan a partial argument for greed and victory, but the battle did not give the Japanese army a chance to win. Moreover, if they were sensitive, that Japan, until the end of the war, no longer tried to organize great land battles.

It is very important that the population of Japan is less rich than the population of Russia, and after Mukden, the island country has exhausted its human resources. Russia could and is small go on the offensive, so that I can win, but 2 officials played against the other:

  • Kuropatkin factor
  • Chinnik of the revolution of 1905

May 14-15, 1905 the Tsusim sea battle took place, in the Russian squadron they recognized the blows. Spend the Russian army laid down - 19 ships and 10 thousand killed and captured.

Kuropatkin factor

Kuropatkin, commanding the land forces, for the entire Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905 did not win a chance for a friendly attack, to lead the great shkoda to the enemy. There were a few such chances, and we talked about them more often. Why did the Russian general and commander act in active duty without stopping to end the war? Adzhe vіdday vіn order to attack after Liaoyang and the great power of the Japanese army ceased to be used.

Obviously, it’s impossible right on the chain, but the historian is low on such a thought (I’ll give you reasons why it’s argued and it’s very similar to the truth). Kuropatkin buv tightly po'yazany z Witte, which, I guess, at the time of the war, baptized by Mykola 2, put the prime minister. Kuropatkin's plan was slandered by the one who created such a mind, turning bi Witte for some kings. Staying in vvazhavsya miraculous negotiator, it was necessary to bring the war with Japan to such a stage, if the parties sit down at the negotiating table. That war could not be ended with an additional army (the defeat of Japan is a direct capitulation without daily negotiations). Therefore, the commander robbed his mustache, to bring war to nothing. Zim zavdannyam vіn successfully vporavsya, and true Mikola 2 until the end of the war, calling Witte.

Revolution maker

Іsnuє impersonal dzherel, scho instructing on the financing of the revolution of 1905 rock from the side of Japan. The real facts of the transfer of pennies, of course. Ni. Ale є 2 facts, yakі I vvazhu tsіkavimi:

  • The peak of the revolution and the rush fell on the Battle of Tsusim. Mikoly 2, an army was needed to fight the revolution and win the first talks about peace from Japan.
  • Immediately after the signing of the Portsmouth world, the revolution in Russia began to decline.

Reasons for the defeat of Russia

Why did Russia recognize the defeats of the war with Japan? The reasons for the defeat of Russia in the Russian-Japanese war are as follows:

  • Weakness of the grouping of Russian troops to a distant descent.
  • The lack of Transsib, which did not allow the full exchange of the railway.
  • Pardons of the army command. I already wrote about the Kuropatkin factor.
  • The victory of Japan at military-technical equipment.

The rest of the paragraph is important. Yogo is often forgotten, but undeservedly. In terms of technical equipment, ahead of the fleet, Japan was ahead of Russia.

Portsmouth World

For the establishment of peace between the lands, Japan yearned for the US President, Theodore Roosevelt, to act as an intermediary. Negotiations began and the Russian delegation was greeted by Witte. Mykola 2, having turned yoga to plant it, having trusted the conduct of negotiations, knowing the talents of these people. And rightly so, having taken a rather zhorstka position, not allowing Japan to take away the ban on the war.

Wash the Portsmouth world like this:

  • Russia vindicated Japan's right to panuvannya from Korea.
  • Russia gave up part of the territory of the island of Sakhalin (the Japanese wanted to capture the entire island, but Witte was against it).
  • Russia handing over to Japan the Kwantung Pivostrіv at once from Port Arthur.
  • Having paid no tribute to anyone, Russia is too small to pay wine to the city of the enemy for the morning of the Russian army captives.

The legacy of war

During the course of the war, Russia and Japan spent approximately 300 thousand people each, but through the number of people for Japan, the costs were practically catastrophic. Spend a pov'yazanі z tim, scho was the first great war, at the hour when the automatic strike was stopped. On the sea, the great lulled buv u bik vikoristannya min.

An important fact, which is a lot to bypass, even after the Russian-Japanese war, the Entente (Russia, France and England) and the Trinity Union (Nimechchina, Italy and Austria-Ukraine) were formed. Zvertaє vin fact osvіti Entente. Before the war, Europe had an alliance between Russia and France. The rest did not want this expansion. Ale podії wars of Russia against Japan showed that the Russian army can have a lot of problems (there was a lot of problems), to which France signed for England.

Positions of world powers during the period of war

In the period of the Russian-Japanese war, the world powers occupied the following positions:

  • England and USA. For tradition, the interests of these lands were very similar. The stench promoted Japan, but it is more important financially. Approximately 40% of Japan's war money was covered for the Anglo-Saxon pennies.
  • France declared neutrality. Wanting for the fact, there is little allied favor with Russia, but the allied obov'yazkiv did not win.
  • Nіmechchina from the first days of the war declared about its neutrality.

The Russian-Japanese war was little analyzed by the tsarist historians; After the end of the war Russian empire waking up mayzhe 12 rokiv, yakі vmіsti in themselves a revolution, economic problems that holy war. Therefore, the main event was taken already for radian hours. Ale, it’s important to understand that from the Radian historians there was a war and an autonomy of the revolution. Tobto "the tsarist regime has defied aggression, and the people are united by the forces of this change." To this very fact, it was written by the Radyansk assistants that, for example, the Liaoyang operation ended in the astonishing Russia. Wanting to formally cebula nichia.

The end of the war is also viewed as a new defeat of the Russian army on land and in the fleet. While on the sea the situation was close to destruction, on land Japan stood on the edge of the river, the shards of human resources for the continuation of the war were no more small. I will propagate on the food chain to marvel at the things more widely. How did the wars of those epochs end after the unforeseeable shock (even the Radian historians often spoke about it) on one side? Great indemnities, great territorial deeds, frequent economic and political stalemate, which is a program. Ale, the Portsmouth world has nothing like it. Russia did not pay anything, spent only half a part of Sakhalin (insignificant territory), which was rented from China. An argument is often made that Japan has won the fight for panuvannya from Korea. But Russia did not fight for this territory at all. Її cіkavila less Manchuria. And as soon as we turn to the rounds of war, it’s like, that the order of Japan would not have started a war, having known Mikol the 2nd panuvannya of Japan in Korea, so it’s like the Japanese order having known bi at the same position of Russia in Manchuria. For this reason, for example, the war, Russia nurtured those who had little labor in 1903, not leading up to the war. And yet the food was already up to the individual Mikoli 2, which today it is fashionable to call the martyr and hero of Russia, and even the same yoga provoked the war.

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