I really want children, but not to go out. I want a child, but don't go out! What work? Choose the right hour for conception

In life, more women have such a period early, if they know that they are ready to become a mother. Ale, it's a pity that not everyone has a connection with such officials. So how to get busy, how not to go out?

There were few reasons why not to come out. Nasampered, obviously, it is necessary to pay respect to the 2 main officials of the skin people - this is eating that way of life in general.

Proper eating

As a woman, if she wants to be smart, it’s necessary to take a look at her good diet. However, although the study did not bring the impact of any specific products on the reproductive function and conception in general.

It is necessary to include more fat, salt and add more vitamins - vegetables, fruits. Oysters will be brown, as they will pleasantly infuse that sensitivity of ovulation onto the conception. Well, few do not know that it is one of the most popular aphrodisiacs. Also, for swedish vaginess, it is often necessary to eat porridge, dairy products, low-fat meat and fish. When it’s better, don’t add strength, shards won’t have the power to tame the water. If a woman has problems because of a zayvoi vag, then for the cob of the next three sit on a diet.

For current bagan vagity, please turn off the list of kawi products. Why? The reasoning is simple: on the client’s level, the building’s coffee house should ignore the child’s function through its influence on the central one. nervous system. Basically, kava gets used to itself for these reasons, which gives a rapt rush of goodness. In this case, the whole organism is sharply restored but in tone and through the process androgens do not get transformed into state hormones. That fakhіvtsі do not please zaholyuvatisya kava zhіnki, yakі planning to conceive.

Adjusting the way of life

The human organism is a folding mechanism, the organs of which are closely mutually connected with each other. Constant stress, smoking, alcohol addiction and low immunity - under the influence of these factors, the body is aware that it is not yet ready to vaccinate. Obviously, not conceived.

To that, schob zavagіtnіti, it is necessary to bring yourself into shape. As it was said, the first clerk, who pours in the flood, is the tse vaga. Go in for sports and enjoy the singing hour of diet, so that your attempts to have a child will be successful.

Tim is not less, low vaga tezh not vplivatime on future vagіtnіst. As a rule, in women, which is of little importance, the menstrual cycle and ovulation can be angry with each other, which is also practically impossible to conceive.

Chi varto talk about shkidlivі zvichki? For women, like living alcohol, like getting cigarettes and drugs, pregnancy may not come. As soon as the moment is finally cleared up, it will not be safe to save the baby, as for your health, so for moms. In the presence of shkіdlivih zvichok it is necessary to move and to people, as if they want to indulge themselves in the role of a future father.

In some cases, do you need to go through obstezhennya at the gynecologist?

So, like a woman, I’m thinking about “what to work for?”

Help fakhіvtsya can be needed in such situations:

  • The transfer of illnesses that are transmitted by the state path and venereal diseases.
  • Current problems of the female reproductive system, which are important for normal conception and the development of pregnancy.
  • Abortion.
  • Pozamatkova vagіtnіst.
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Implantation of oral contraceptives and other hormonal preparations.
  • Early life is the cob of state life.

Do not swear by the doctor. It is better to tell everything to the gynecologist, like this, and the same wine can help you with your situation. At our hour without a flight - it’s not virok. At the same time, the impersonal methods of gain appeared, and fakhivts plundered for the least benefit.

One of these methods is extracorporeal flooding or, otherwise, apparently, EKZ. A woman takes eggs, a man spermatozoa, they are placed in a friendly middle. There, zaploidnenya and the fruiting egg are attached to the uterine wall, after which the woman becomes pregnant.

How to properly razrahuvat?

If the menarche (the first month) is in the women, then in the її life there is a new period: now it is ready for the birth of children. It is not uncommon to delight in the calendar method of rozrahunka "happy days", if the ability to conceive a new life.

Otzhe, the first day of menstruation is the first day woman's cycle. Vіn vvazhєtsya from the day of the first day of the month and until the first day of the coming. Normally, the menstrual cycle can be 28 to 40 days. To find out, if the woman is ovulating, it is necessary to open middle dozhina cycle i add її by 2. For example, if the month goes exactly once a month on that very day, then the cycle is 30 days. To mean, " pleasant moment»Nastaє in 15 days from the moment of the arrival of menstruation.

Don’t forget that 2 days before that 2nd day after ovulation is also a garniture for planning vagity and “not safe” for an unlucky conception. Another name for this period is the fertile period. At the same time, you’ll know the impersonal tests, the initial ovulation time, and then the woman herself will intuitively recognize the arrival. The body of power is so that in this period the woman has an increased libido, and it becomes more suitable for the human state.

Basal temperature - help in the process of conception

The control of basal temperature allows women to determine the level of hormones in the body. To plan vagity, start keeping track of the first day of the menstrual cycle at one and the same hour. It is necessary to coristuvatisya with one and the same thermometer. In addition, it is necessary to fix the air of the day: depression, peace, joy, too.

Sound the basal temperature in the mouth, rectum, chi pohvu. For women, the last way is better. The vimiryuvannya is carried out on the day after awakening, without zayvih ruhіv. So it is not possible to rozmovlyat at once.

About the current ovulation, the temperature rise is approximately 0.4 degrees. At the norm, the figure becomes 37.2. Indicator lower than 37 sound in the first half of the cycle, if the woman has more estrogen, lower progesterone.

Constantly win basal temperature it is necessary already and after the present vagity, in order to get away from further problems from її overrun. Especially on the tse varto, give respect, as if the woman had a fleeting weekend earlier. If the temperature is lower than the norm by 0.8-1 degrees, then it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to prevent the fetus from dying and possible recovery.

Posi for conception baby

So how to get busy, how not to go out? Get to the problem from the very cob. Sexologists recommend a whole list of positions for successful conception.

Nasampered, varto, it means that far from everyone is suitable for stench, less for women with a traditional form of the uterus without any relief:

  • Missionary pose. In such a position human being I’ll drink it right into the uterus, and look up to the tubes and if there are enough living spermatozoa, then it will be flooded.
  • "Doggy-style". Well, in this position of the day, it is also smacked in the middle of the cervix. Fakhіvtsі sounded like a reminder that in such a position there is a great chance to conceive a boy, oskolki access to the oocytes robs the best spermatozoa.
  • On boots. The woman pulls her knee up to herself and lies on her hips, and the man is behind her. Frictions that uninterrupted closeness of the bodies of the building will ensure the baby is conceived, especially as the woman ovulates on that day.

As practice shows, for current pregnancy it is necessary to have sex regularly, but do not forget. And if not, then the person will have a decrease in the number of vital spermatozoa, and all attempts to conceive a child will be maritime.

Do not varto alleviate discomfort. Also, women with the peculiarities of the uterus (sagging thin) should have sex in quiet positions, in which they are handy. The very same feeling is satisfied with the process to increase the chances for success.

Preparations in traditional medicine

As practice shows, more problems that call for safety, as much as possible can be overcome, vicorist methods that promote traditional medicine.

Doctors see a few ways:

  • Hormonal preparations Most of the time, a woman cannot become pregnant through a hormonal imbalance. Dosvіdcheny fahivets podbiraє for the patient a complex of preparations, aimed at the establishment of a normal hormonal body, zavdyaky zachatsya zachatya.
  • Surgical intervention. As in the reproductive system, there are pathological processes (lightening of adhesions, myomas, cysts, etc.), it is necessary to start therapy earlier, which affects the passage of the tubes and the health of the uterus before the child's winemaking. Since hormonal and medical treatments did not give the expected results, then an operation is prescribed for the removal of adhesions and other women.
  • ECO. As it was appointed, extracorporeal flooding is suitable for these women, as they were helped by the previous methods of rejoicing. The operation is not cheap, and even if it is, then after it has been completed, the pregnancy will still come, more.

People's interests

There are also impersonal benefits of folk medicine, which help to improve the health. Doctors do not recommend going into them without special consultation. The deyakі can not only not save, but also the leader of a significant shkodi future mother, once again having saved the building to the birth of children.

Three neutral ways to conceive are as follows:

  • Positive attitude. If the woman is happy and satisfied with herself, then, as the ancient healers said, the chances of becoming successful grow. That one from the current point will be highlighted. Even with depression and stress, the body of oppression and independently recognizes that it’s not an hour for a baby to wine.
  • Phase of the month. Buvay, that for a girl, a pleasant period of conception is important for that monthly cycle, if she was born herself.
  • Roslinny vіdvari. For example, from shavlії. A teaspoon of dried flower is poured into the kitchen with hot water. Such tea is necessary to take a sprat of tizhniv. A bonus will be a miraculous injection of shawli on the immunity of a future mother.

How to get swept up in another child?

A rich woman after the birth of the first child, when trying to conceive a friend, the child is stuck with such a problem, like a child without a child.

It can but be zoomed out by such factors:

  • Hormonal beat.
  • Transferring disease of the reproductive system and ill.
  • Poshkodzhennya endometriyu before the hour of abortion, after which the fetal egg cannot attach to the wall of the uterus.
  • Biological inconsistency of partners. Vcheni dosі cannot explain to the end the appearance, but, unfortunately, there may be a place.
  • Vіk vіd 35 rokіv.

With whom there is little difference, they ended in front of vagity canopies. For the diagnosis of secondary infertility, it is necessary to go to the doctor in order to incapacitate the illness of that pathology. If there is a stench, the doctor should recognize it as a viable lust, or give a referral for an operation.

Don’t fall into marriage with the wife, while the woman is in childbearing age, she still has a chance to get another child. It is necessary to consult with a specialist every hour and look at your way of life. Those same warto grow and partner, for some woman you want to give birth to a child.

Apply that zaboboni - the most popular myths about the conception of a baby

Vagіtnіst i polovy opovitі nelitіchchyu mythіv, more z yakіh take svіy cob shіv shі v Old Rusі.

Here is the list of the most popular ones:

  • Vagіtnim fenced to cut the hair, otherwise vinikne rizik front curtains. Vecheni have long called out a call between the children of the people and the hair, but from the neat old look for a woman, let it be in the position, we definitely won’t get it.
  • Zhіntsі nebhіdno yakomog better prihovuvati that fact, scho to wear under the heart of the little one, іnakshe yogo can do it.
  • You can’t marvel at that terrible lakayuchi speech, otherwise a child can be born ungrateful.
  • As soon as a garmata appears on the stomach, then a boy will be born. The appearance of vellus hair is a sign of the development of human hormones in the body, and in women with similar growth, girls often became popular.
  • Before the people of a child, it is impossible to bathe a child of speech, a stroller and an arena. Everything is not more, less zaboboni. Even in the old days, more problems were accepted to write off on the basis of ignorance. Try not to cheat on your respect.
  • Follow your words: don’t swear and don’t say to yourself “I’m useless.” This myth can be in real life, to the fact that people form moods with their thoughts, which can be positive or negative.
  • Vagіtnim need to eat for two. Partly tsezh, really. So now the woman needs to be turbulent not only about herself, but about the child, as more part of the living speeches come, future mother hedgehog.

“I want a child, but don’t go out,” is one of the most widespread problems in Russia today. Why, for an hour, we can’t bet on health from a medical point of view. At once I will tell you about the nuances of the deeds, which, if possible, do not give you the way to the path to the long-awaited diva, and I will give you the trouble simple pleasures that recommendation.

I want a child, but don't go out! Poradada No. 1

Have sex more often!

A lot of couples are simply convinced that it is necessary to have sex only on the days before the woman's ovulation. Stink all the time to think that peace in the face of a state act of stretching ... a whole month is the guarantee of a successful conception! How can I explain the stink? Too simple! Nibito for this hour, that accumulated sperm is saved for the "control shot". great mercy! Possibly, to that very fact, you don’t have a zaplodnennya that conception. Obviously, in the case of monthly morbidity, the sperm will be richer, but it will be smutty and "toxic" ... Spermatozoa in it will be low-rotten, the stench simply cannot zaplydnit zhіnochu ovum! To conceive with the greatest ease, you need fresh, active sperm. Therefore, do not check special days, but tell your partners: "I want a child!" І pounce on the new word in the literal sense! Good, like a lad (person) before the conception of a sprat, he masturbated for a long day. In this season, the spermatozoa will be "on edge"!

I want a child, but don't go out! Rada No. 2

Throw in the oil!

It's a pity, such an hour is necessary for a sexy woman, like a piece of butter, litterally changes the chances of vacancy.

Most of the synthetic oils just keep your ears in mind, pari, like you are planning a child, such shop speeches are completely contraindicated! Before you speak, if you need it, you won’t need to repeat the carpet, then you can beat the natural blue egg white - it’s a good “friend” for human sperm, which doesn’t enter into conflict with it, believe me!

I want a child, but don't go out! Rada No. 3

There is no place for people here!

In principle, about this simple truth, the fault of the nobility is a skin woman and a skin man who plans children. During this period, it is necessary for you, according to your ability, to look at your faces, as you accept. If you are healthy and do not allow this growth, then you want to see the greater half!

Stress and vaginess

If I was planning a pregnancy, then my friends repeatedly repeated: "You loosen up, and everything in you will come out!" Without a doubt, you too, dear sir, have repeatedly had a slightly similar sleep motivator. Support of dear people - not insanely, an important psychological moment, but not in any mood! In the light of the rich, someone, on the contrary, is even more stressed! Adzhe zhіnka, yak maє problems іz zachattyam, perebuvaє in postіyniy pruzі. I'm not talking about the fact that stress is not enough to endure a frequent and serious shift to the road to a happy hour ... The joy is like this: do not listen to anyone! Pray to the All-Vishishny and think of a dream: "I want a child (a girl or a boy)". After that, "recovered" by the support of the Lord himself, proceed to the most important ones: have sex every day, and nothing, do not get used to it, no matter how filthy the type of liquor and other preparations, while drinking alcohol, using piece oils and so on.

Maybe it’s the fault of the fates that it’s fast to fly, but it’s disappointing in the fact that the vagity was not confirmed. Otherwise, maybe you see yourself as a woman in the whole world, having tried all the joys and baptisms of motherhood, but more and more often you see a disturbing thought: “I want a child, but there is no man ...”

People can feel the joy of the fatherhood and in the spirit of the frail vіtsі. Newspapers and Internet sites sometimes report news about new folders for 70 or even 80 years. It’s not accepted that people should worry that they can’t catch the stink from the necessary life program of “booths, wood, decay” of the viconate of the last - and most important - point.

Biological Yearbook

Women have a different situation. The biological year is clinking, and anxiety is rising from the skin's lived fate: "What will I achieve to become a mother?" Aje after 40 years, the building of zavagity is sharply reduced, and the procedure of piece-by-piece filling is far from the skin of the homeland in the gut.

That is why in love the conflict on the ground is often blamed for the fact that the girl has already matured to the people of the baby, and the man wants to enjoy life and live only for himself.

Confiscated methods

Do not negotiate successfully, and sometimes the squads are brought to the best methods, for example, “forget” to drink an antiseptic pill.

Let's not talk about moral nutrition at once. To deceive a person - it’s already nasty, ale, mabut, reach the reach like a pretty little one, really, this is a small deception.

Nation child chi ni?

Still, it’s easier for foreign ladies. And what about the lonely girls, how do they think about the little one? People chi ni, power axis? And it is the wife’s own fault to praise the folded solution, so that later we won’t say through the rocks: “Through my matir, I lost myself in my old age. Get out, just get out of everything wine.

The first step is to begin to make practical decisions about those who give birth to one baby, it is necessary to clearly name the cause of the chimney. It’s not serious - to give people only to those who will not come to visit in old age, or for those reasons that all girlfriends have a child, and you have only a gut.

Admittedly, after a long thought, a positive decision was praised. Children buti, and wanted to b - the next hour. Place for nesting, and navit є rahunok at the jar, which allows you to live in a difficult maternity period.

De take dad

Ale vinikaє one small problem. To become a self-sufficient business lady will never be able to get along with her right without a biological father. The food about those who want to know a person and live with him and his children for a long time and happily with a legitimate love is not seen at once.

Yakbi tse bulo so easily, then qu statyu did not require bulo to write. Unfortunately, the statistics about those who do not exist and that there are more, less women, are confirmed in practice.

Be aware of those, de take a man, who will help the people for himself. And you don’t need to say that the women, as if they were singing for the whole time, his women, as if they were thinking exclusively about themselves.

It is necessary for us to virishiti, choose the natural option of conception or a medical procedure in the clinic. The solution is stale in view of the woman's glance, її moral principles. Leather way can be a plus, so are underwater stones.

Situation 1. The future father of the child of friendship

It’s no longer judging the woman, they praised it for a difficult time, without peresbіlshennya, decision. Do you think that they themselves will bring great satisfaction to sit on the lava of the spare ones, mriyuchi, if the father of the little one will deprive him of his family and go to her?

Such a dream may be a place to inspire in times, as if the first homeland had three children, that beautiful squad. “Ale, I wonder if I started a romance with me,” a note of hope sounds in the girl’s voice, “it means that not everything is so smooth in the new.”

At times, if the father has taken friendship of a person, less likely to be infected with obscene ailment I, marveling at the blue-eyed little hero’s curly-haired donya, you are supposed to take away a pair of such blue eyes, so similar to the eyes of the father.

Situation 2

Tsya situation is still better for the front of the moral world. Here the woman does not try to wake up her own happiness on the ruins of someone else's.

Call on a person who, according to the criteria (health, intellect, well-being), is suitable for the role of a father, a friend, a colleague, a son who knows chi susidom from home, on the contrary.

Chi tell Yomu without intermediary about your bazhannya vikoristovuvati Yogo as a biological father - here again the woman is victorious. Some people build honesty to the point where they plan to collapse.

At to this particular type, from one side, you may have a chance to choose the biological father of your son, or your daughter is aware, knowing melodiously his way of life, zvichki, nedoliki. From the other side, if you don’t want to, then we’ll kick you out of the stroller, which you can’t hide.

Situation 3. Acquaintance at the resort

The method is relevant even in our time, although we want to be popular in the radian period. Coming from the heart of the belly, the woman can save in the taemnitsa of the father's food.

Tsei method of bandaging with frequent extreme. Aje, in order to make sure, to be able to risk and wait for non-contact with a person, about which we don’t see anything.

It doesn't matter what you seem to be, like a bright sim'yanin and a loving tatka, ready to become the next hour. Possibly, you are not the first woman, you can feel the yogic knowledge of the season. And how to worry, how many of them were past, past fate ...

Then, after you have completed the repair, you will be separated from hundreds of thousands of kilometers, then there is hope that the little one will be only yours, and the biological father does not know about his reason.

Situation 4. "Piece tatco"

Like a woman shaking as a thought to lie down in a lizhko with a man, with whom she knows less than a few days, as a matter of moral principle not to allow a friend to win a friend chi susida, then this option is abandoned.

Which one has to pay N-well, a sum of pennies for the procedure. Then, you can be instilled with the severity of the infection after that, and a healthy dad will also be overwhelmed by medical personnel.

Ale, if you have chosen this option, it is necessary to make up all your thoughts about those who, if the father and son will get together, talk. Rozrakhovuvati happen to be fully and fully on your own strength. And as if the donka asked: “Who is my tato?”, to come up with a legend about the sailors, who went on a voyage.

Visnovki. Nothing compares, that in ideally it is necessary to make a child with a full-fledged family, to win at once, for the sake of success and to survive the failures. But if you want a child, that critical age is just around the corner, and the stamp on your passport still doesn’t show up, you can’t indulge yourself in happy motherhood.

At the same time, nothing can be pointed at you with fingers for an hour of walking with a baby in the park, even, unfortunately, a lot of modern children grow up without fathers. And, perhaps, the very little one, which pulls you by the hand along the road, will be a signal for a pretty stranger: “The axle is out, MY woman. It is necessary to know the terminology”.

A lot of couples, having made their family and tying the bonds of their slut, dream about those who have had a wife with their family. To whom it is possible to conceive a child from a small number of trials, otherwise, navpaki, for a long time to conceive a child, but Bazhan’s pregnancy does not come. Why is absolutely healthy, at first glance, a person and a woman can not mother children? When to make a diagnosis of "bezpіddya" and what work was done with him?

If there is no concern, then there are few objective reasons. Most people simply don't care about them until they're especially stoked with the problem of conceiving a child. So, what are the main causes of folds, what can be blamed on such an important for our skin right?

Why not get interested?

Possibly, you richly razіv chuli vіd znayomih, how easily they managed to conceive an aubergine child. Dehto navit not plan vagіtnіst, but there it is. Tse, obviously, so, but also the second bek of the medal. A lot of couples live long lives, but they have no children. Why so vіdbuvaetsya? Why not get interested?

There are a number of reasons that can be added to the possibility of conceiving and giving birth to a child. The main ones are as follows:

  1. Illness of the organs of the state system. The presence of any problems with the ovaries, the uterus and the fallopian tubes can interfere with the possibility of getting pregnant. For example, the manifestation of hormonal illnesses, the development of polycystic ovaries, to cause ovulation until the day of ovulation. This means that there is no ripe egg for zaplodnennya, obviously vagity just can not come. Also obstruction fallopian tubes you can call up soldering joints, as if in your circle you will change the present vaginess. The category of such illnesses includes endometriosis, fuses of the small pelvis and others. In case of any type of illness, illness is accompanied by severe symptoms and in case of these manifestations, a doctor's consultation is necessary.
  2. Health problems in a person. In the rest of the hour, the number of couples grew significantly, as they seek help for the andrologist to reduce the number of spermatozoa or their activity. According to statistics, 10-20% of couples cannot mother children themselves through human infertility. A year later, special preparations were made available to solve this problem.
  3. Vik. As a rule, over time, a woman's reproductive health decreases and the woman's fertility becomes more important. Why don't you get excited through the century? On the right, in women after 35 years, the hormonal body changes, which changes both the frequency of ovulation and the quality of the eggs.
  4. Sex on the wrong day. Let's see that there are only a few days per month, if the woman's life before conception is maximum. These are the days to fall on ovulation. As a matter of fact, your contacts will be made at this hour, as a whole, which will become the cause of your vaginess. On this day, for the appointment of the hour of ovulation, there are a large number of different methods.
  5. Above the world or not enough vaga. It doesn't matter what you mean by a large number of zayvih chi per day kilograms. In any case, the function of the ovaries is broken, and the vagity does not come. Sometimes it’s enough to throw off the chi, now, collect a few kilos of kilograms to solve the problem. Control your vag to help the index of mass of the body, which is developed as an extension of your vag to the square of growth. If the value is higher than 25 or lower than 20, then think about your vaga.
  6. Day of physical activity. With all your respect, you should go yourself about dying of ambition. Not a lot of fluff, like transcendental physical activity lowers your chances of success.
  7. Chronic stress. If a person is constantly aware of negative emotions, rests in a depressed, depressive state, the present vagity is extended to the worst hours. Your body does not have enough strength to wine a child, if the stench goes to the top of stressful situations. Learn to calm down, relax, and then your fertility will significantly increase.
  8. Shkіdlivі zvichki. Too many people don’t think about it, but are addicted to cigarettes, alcohol and more important types of drug speeches zgubny infusion not only for the whole organism, but also for the child-bearing function of the cream. Women, who burn, may have a chance of getting 50% lower, lower non-currency. Alcohol contributes to the state function as a man and a woman. The regulation of the state hormones is broken, the quality of the eggs is reduced, which, in its own way, leads to problems from conception.
  9. The psychological aspect of Bagato couples, yakі stverdzhuyut about the mother's child's mother's bazhanya, pіdsvіdomo can be up to what you're not ready. Psychologists explain to them the appearance of vaginess as a psychological blockage of the fathers themselves. Sometimes, navpaki, zayva obsession with which food causes the conception of a child. Vіdomі vіpadki, if the bet hadn't had a chance for a long time, but let's let the situation go and, for example, viїhati to the sea, like vagіtnіst didn't bother the checks.
  10. Conflict of article clitin. Buvay, that healthy men and women cannot have sleeping children. When changing a partner, skins from them can be finely savored with the joys of motherhood and fatherhood. Why so vіdbuvaetsya? There is no clear evidence on the food chain this year.

If any of the above listed points can become your own opinion on the question: “Why can’t you be interested?”. Remember that the most important thing is not to panic. Bezpіddya - tse diagnosis, which is to be put for nezdatnostі before conception is more fatal. Prote not varto start up food and self-fuel. In times of manifest illness, it is necessary to vitiate them hourly, so as not to cause problems from conception.

Father, why work, why don’t you think about it? What methods and ways can bring you to dovgoochіkuvanoї vaginostі, and chi varto engage in self-admiration?

How to take care, why not go out?

A great number of friendly couples ask questions about those, how to make sure, how not to go out? I would like to know that in front of them, how to work as specific children, it is necessary to turn to fahivtsiv, so that the stench included the presence of pathologies on both sides, chronic illnesses, to ignore childbearing function, and gave a negative effect on the onset of

How miraculously help that way you can zastosovuvat, so that the vagіtnіst has come to you? Zagalom, glad not so rich already. Axis of action from them:

  1. and take care of the nourishment of the family of the amiable for this hour. Such a rozrahunok is better than a robiti ultimate test for ovulation, which is sold today by any pharmacy.
  2. Review your diet. For the most obvious present of pregnancy, the woman is guilty of saturating her body with vitamins E, C and folic acid as much as possible. The stench helps the robotic ovaries and beneficially pours into the state function of both partners. Cholovikіv tse, before speech, tezh stosuєtsya. For this, include in the diet greens, vegetables, cereals and olives, rich in folic acid, peas, syrah, fish. Malt, boron products and all preservatives, now, try to turn it off as much as possible. Decreasing caviar and products that avenge caffeine should also be reduced.
  3. Have sex in positions that will give you the deepest penetration. More shortly, as a woman's quilt will be three days. It is recommended to relax after the statute act and lie down calmly, wanting 10-15 minutes. There are no single thoughts about choosing a position. Who cares that women need to lie on their backs, and if they do, they must be sure that a person can stand back. If you’re in a mood, don’t hurry to take a shower and don’t work on your own ruins, so that our homeland doesn’t start to vitiate.
  4. Normalize your way of life. Watching the shkіdlivih zvichok, more often you go out in the fresh air, hang out.
  5. Surround the living medicinal products. Various antibiotics and analgesics interfere with the process of egg maturation. Also, there is no trace of vikoristovuvaty under the hour of the statutory act of lubricant, stink shards reduce the quality of spermatozoa.
  6. Fix your psychological problems. Independently, but for the help of a psychologist, if there is a problem in the psychology room, you should take care of it.

Otrimavshi information about those, as zavagіtnіti, yakshcho not to go out, a lot of couples are actively repaired and unhunted by the first crock - a visit to the doctor. Do not hesitate to voice your problem, or be afraid of a slightly unfamiliar diagnosis. Tim is no less, if you have such a diet, first, if you are guilty of growing up, you should turn to the doctor for a full meal. Remember that if you want to help out of the rehabilitated methods, you don’t help and the pregnancy doesn’t come, you always lose the ability to turn for help to the center of the EKO or a surrogate mother.

People's ways of making a difference

A rich woman, not otrimavshi bazhanu vagіtnіst protyag rock or two znevіryayutsya and repair shukati other ways of vagіtnіti. Some go to the services of a fortune teller and a shaman, as they are unlikely to be able to help with their right. Others seek help before folk medicine. Chi is so safe, how does it seem at first glance, and how is it actually practiced by the “folk” ways of getting excited?

As a folk way, to shove the present vagity, vicarious, various herbal teas and infusions. Before them, one can see a shawliya, a hog's uterus, a plantain, a red shield, I argue. Prestemenno nevidomo, chi є їhnya merit in the current vagity, but those who їх vzhivannya without consulting a doctor can harm - absolutely for sure.

Cream of herbal infusions to folk methods of zavagіtnіti lie like this:

  1. Drink from the kitchen, from which the lady woman drank.
  2. Stroke the "vagіtny" tummy.
  3. Sit on the chair, on which the woman sat.
  4. Buy a child's speech, for example, schos іz clothes.
  5. Come ficus and look at Yogo, like a living one.

It’s only a small part of the example, yakі, zgіdno with folk beliefs, to lead you to the bazhany conception. So tse chi nі - virishuvati less for you. It is rich to know the deeds of the zbіgi with the most significant reasons already after the current pregnancy.

Be sure to remember that everything that is worthy of future offspring can start with the help of a gynecologist. Be sensible, respectfully care for your health and let the joy of motherhood do not bother yourself for a long time!

As we should, I guess, we see that the woman’s vaginess comes at the hour of ovulation in a woman.

The reality, in our time, is such that the sperm of a person is still correctly vibrated at the hour of ovulation, but it is not a guarantee of the onset of such a bad vagity. Nuances є, yak zavzhdi, і їх tezh treba vrakhovuvati.

Varto singsongly guess that the skin woman is individual, and the reasons why to add to the building of the beauty of her skin.

However, you can't Shvidko zavagіtnіti, you can speed up our joys and try them on yourself. Who knows, maybe, those that you need!

Go through medical treatment

Before the cob of "official" samples, conceive a child, go through a medical obstezhennia, so as to incapacitate any medical reasons. So obov'yazkovo ask your doctor about vitamins for women, I will accept them like a mother, so for a future baby, and also change the risk of viniknennya vad at a rosette. It is best to start taking prenatal vitamins later, for a few months before the cob of pregnancy tests.

Try to turn off life stress

Stress is one of the leading reasons that can change the current pregnancy. To make a wholesome bet on this stress and heightened nervousness and stubbornness do not go out quickly.

If you want to get swept up, you need to learn how to relax. Sposobіv rozslabitsya that znyati stress at once dosit rich. A hot bath with aromatic olives will help you, ask for a kohan massage for you, and simple walks in the park or shopping will have a good anti-stress effect.

Say "Hi!" shkidlivym zvichkam

Chicken ... in women, if they may lose my voice, there is less chance of getting lucky. The reason is that all the eggs, like a woman “cooking” for her life, are laid for an hour for the development of a girl in the womb, new eggs are not a prolong life. That is why all the toxic and toxic speeches that are consumed in the body of a woman, that they burn, often settle in the eggs and buildings and the health of the disease until flooding, or the vindication of pathologies in the future child.

Nicotine and tar from cigarettes are also used in the oven, which undoubtedly weakens the function, even if it cleanses the body and cleans the blood. Through the influx of the chicken, the liver begins to work more intensively and produces excess hormones-androgens, a high level of such changes to the onset of ovulation.

Chicken also changes the level of the hormone estradiol in the blood of a woman, which also changes the chances of pregnancy.

In people who burn less spermatozoa and the stench is less active.

Too much caffeine also negatively affects the possibility of conception, so it’s better to turn off kava from your diet, so you don’t have a chance to get pregnant.

Try to eat properly

Tse, singly, is not a secret for anyone. Sche Hippocrates saying: You are the ones you are! I don't feel like it.

In order to increase the chances of good health, it is necessary for women to improve the correct, healthy and regular diet. A large number of vegetables and fruits are needed, as rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which will be significant not only for the building of the Swedish capital, but also for the whole camp. Also necessary bread, porridge and roslinnі olії, rich in folic acid and vitamin E, which has a positive effect on the reproductive function of both partners.

Special positions for swedish conception

Do not spend an hour looking for ryativnyh and magical poses, as they will help you to get swept up. There is no good scientific evidence that in one position is more conceived than in others

Don't overdo it

Staying busy with sex in tests of a little more viable does not increase the chances of conception.

With frequent use, the value of human sperm decreases, spermatozoa in them become less and less, and obviously the chances of success decrease.

On the whole, having sex at night before the hour of ovulation, you win your chances, to the fact that sperm can become active until the age of 72. Ale, if you need to have sex more often, then the sperm is simply incomprehensible.

Get on with your cycle

The skin woman is obliged to know her cycle and pleasant days for a child to be able to conceive. Ovulation is the optimal moment for flooding. Tse - shortest hour, sob zoreditsya on zachatti. It is also possible to use special tests for the purpose of ovulation, they are impersonal at a time and costing the stench is not expensive.

If your cycle is normal, then ovulation may be approximately in the middle of the cycle. So, protect the middle, take a supply a couple of days ahead and back and start!

In women with a typical 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs approximately on the 14th day, but there is no 100% guarantee for this.

Stabilize your vaga

For thin or thin women, they can often blame problems from conceived, and they don’t get lucky. Qi problems are blamed, obviously, not through the zavoi vaga, but through a hormonal zbіy, which is due to a zayva or a lack of energy.

However, it doesn’t mean that it’s necessary to throw yourself on a diet to lose weight, or start to start, until the problem is solved, it’s necessary to come from the other side, and diet can be less harmful.

For the cob, if your vaga is already waking up to the norm, see an endocrinologist. Before the speech, women, the vaga of such a post (and unimportant yogo value) can be more richly svidshe for a woman, the vaga of such is constantly changing.

It is also necessary for people to think about the vagus: with constant colivans, the vagi vibrates less spermatozoa and the stench is less active.

Surround the vzhivannya likіv

And especially antibiotics, analgesics and antihistamines (such as allergies), stinks affect the maturation of eggs.

Antibiotics are negatively injected into the liver, and the broken robots are respectful of the concerns. Antihistamines often interfere with ovulation.

Do not sting with mastils under the hour of the state act, the stench creates the middle, which drives the spermatozoa. Deyakі recommend vikoristovuvati zamіst zmashchennya egg white. no way! A protein may have such a large number of pathogenic microorganism, that it is less likely to make it easy to look at them.

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