How to grow a dough for zvichayn shortcakes. Simple, but still appetizing! Cookies for a taste

Simple, but still appetizing! Cookies for a taste.

Korzhik is a biscuit or a lubrication of a boron virib, which has the most round flat shape. Shortcakes are popular with rich countries of the world, and for rich peoples - traditional bread.

Prepare dough for cakes different ways To this, cakes are fresh, healthy, life and other. At the dough you can add spices, cheese, berries, fruits and other ingredients. Tim people, like chasing after your figure and at the same time do not mind pampering yourself with savory, miraculously cook life shortcakes, like cooking with a life boar, and not with traditional wheat.

The simplest homemade shortbreads are prepared with boroshn, water, olії and salt. Roast in a frying pan with two sides under a closed lid on a povіlny fire. Such shortbreads are prepared easily and quickly. The stench is a miraculous alternative to bread.

For the quiet, who love sour and tasty food, the best option is to become sirn korzh, as they are ready to cook themselves. Ingredients for such cakes: borosno, egg, sir, sonyashnikova oliya and sil. You can also cook them with stuffing.

In Finnish cuisine, potato shortcakes are popular. Ingredients for their preparation: borosno, potatoes, tops, Vershkov oil that strength. Zapikati їh better at the spirits.

Be famous for cooking and honey cakes. For their preparation, the following products are needed: borosno, honey, zukor, egg, oliya. Good stench th y tim, scho help to get out of the cold.

For snacks, corn shortcakes with milk are served. Rice cakes look even more original, they are also miraculously suitable for a sieve meal.

In the kitchens of the world, Turkish, Uzbek, Indian and Mexican shortcakes are becoming very popular; For example, Uzbek shortbreads sip at a special clay oven - tandir. That's why the stink can be especially relish that aroma.

Syrn shortcakes are especially popular, they are prepared for less than 5 khvilin. Prepare їх іz borosna, kefir and hard syrup. For bazhannyam, you can cook them with stuffing, for a delicious taste. Shortcakes look soft, with a unique top-heavy relish (zavdyaki sir). Start greasing them in a frying pan, or it will be tastier, like cooking in an oven. You can cook such shortbreads on sour cream, then the stench will become more savory. Such shortbreads are already called donuts.

Syrni cakes for 5 quills.

To make syrn cakes for 5 quills, you will need:

Hard Sir - 200 g
borosno - 2 tbsp.
zukor - 0.5 tsp
sil - 0.5 tsp.
kefir - 1 tbsp.
rozpushuvach - 1 tsp.

How to cook sirnі korzhі for 5 khvilin:

1. Pour kefir into a bowl, add fluff, mix and let stand for about 2-3 quills.
2. Sir is rubbed on a dry third, added to kefir. Let's dodaemo borosno, zukor that strong. Let's mix it up.
3. From the dough, shortbreads are roaring.
4. We heat the frying pan with olive oil. We offer our shortcakes.
5. We smear shortcakes from two sides under a closed lid on a medium fire.

You can cook sirn cakes with stuffing. The filling can be buti tavern, boiled cowbass and greens. We add products for the filling, then put them in the middle of the rozkochennoy shortbread and pinch, like white, but do not leave the dirochki. Rozkochuєmo shortbread with filling again, after being smeared in a frying pan from two sides.

The sirnі korzhі is more beautiful for a warm look. As soon as the stench caught cold, it is recommended that roses be used before the vzhivanniya.


Sirni cakes with meat filling.

To prepare sirni cakes with meat filling, you will need:

Sil їdalnya - 0.5 tsp.
solid sir - 1 tbsp.
tsukor pіsok - 0.5 tsp
minced meat - 1 tbsp.
soda їdalnya - 0.5 tsp
borosno wheat - 2 tbsp.
oliya sonyashnikova refined
kefir - 1 tbsp.

How to cook sirnі korzhі with meat stuffing:

1. Sir three on the arch of the great third.
2. At kefir, we add the necessary quantity of soda, salt and zukra and everything is mixed well.
3. Now add flour to kefir | borosno | And the third sir, I am resolutely mixing all the ingredients together.
4. Quietly, as it has settled down with us, we add sprats of shmatochkiv. Roskochuєmo small flat shortbreads.
5. On the shortbreads we put the meat stuffing with minced meat. For bajannya її you can replace the sum of greens, mushrooms and taverns with cheese.
6. Z'ednuemo the edges of the shortbread, curling the minced meat, and the trishki are roaring with a rocking chair for the dough.
7. Add some refined olive oil to the pan, so that the dough does not stick, and grease it from both sides. Abo zapіkaєmo at the oven. Deco in this way is also smeared with oil, otherwise the shortbreads will be chіplyatis, and it will burn.


Sirn cakes in the oven.

To prepare syrn cakes in the oven, you will need:

Boroshno - 2 tbsp.
vershkov butter - 50 g
sil - ½ tsp
solid sir (natertium) - 0.5 tbsp.
hot sauce - 1 year.
milk - 2/3 tbsp.

How to cook syrn cakes in the oven:

1. Boroshno ask in a bowl, dodaemo rezm'yakshene oil | i sil | salt |. We destroy everything.
2. Add ¼ bottle of syrah, grated on a dry grater, milk and hot sauce. Zamіshuєmo softly.
3. Let the dough rest for 10 minutes. Potim rozkochuemo layer zavtovshki 2 centimeters. From the layer, there are close to 12 cakes.
4. Heat the oven up to 180 degrees. Get deco, paint with olive oil. Let’s make shortbreads and sip on them, rub them with syrah, which is overflowing (1/4 bottle).
5. Weep shortcakes with a stretch of 20 strands, bazhano on the lower tier of the oven.


Mexican tortilla.

To make a Mexican tortilla shortbread, you will need:

Borosno wheat - 2 tbsp.
oliya vershkove - 1 tbsp. l.
water - ½ tbsp.
rozpushuvach - 1 tsp.
sil - 1 tsp.

How to cook a Mexican tortilla cake:

1. Have a large bowl of wheat with fluffy and fluffy wheat.
2. Add a tablespoon of softened butter to the flour. Grate the ingredients until the powder is crisp.
3. Pour water into the bowl and keep it warm until that hour, until you become good in shape. If it is necessary, you can add a little more water.
4. Download it in a sack, cover it with a clean towel, soak it near the water (vologim), and remove it for 15 strands.
5. After a quarter of a year, add it to 12 equal pieces for the size. Download the leather shmatochok into a small bag.
6. Put the bag of dough on the surface of the sippan with flour (steel, doshka) and rock it with a rocking chair into shortbreads. The diameter of the skin cake can be close to 20 cm.
7. Kindly heat the chavun pan.
8. Waving one at a time, brush the shortbreads over medium heat on both sides until golden-brown hens appear.
9. Ready to put the shortbreads in a glass on a dish and serve on the table. In order to keep the shortbread warm until the moment it is served on the table, you can cover it with a dry kitchen towel.

In order to make the tortilla more savory and fragrant, you can add aromatic herbs, chalk paprika, red or black chalking pepper, sumish pepper, chasnikov powder to the dough.

You can serve tortillas as an independent appetizer (for example, with sauce for your taste), vicory as a basis for impersonal appetizing passions or as an alternative to bread.

Have a great appetite!

Shortcakes with Adigean cheese.

To prepare shortcakes for Adigeian sir, you need:

Boroshno - 500 g
water - 1 tbsp.
dry yeast - 15 g
strength - 0.5 tsp
For filling:
Sir Adigey - 300 g
eggs - 2 pcs.
sour cream - 3 tbsp.

How to cook shortcakes with Adigean cheese:

1. At the great mist, with warm water, we breed yeast, let it stand for a little while. Potim dodaemo borosno that strength.
2. We mish it up to a smooth state, then we crook it with a kitchen towel and fix it in a warm place. Let's stay close to the year.
3. Let's sweat it out again, we'll let it go for 12-14 shmatochkіv, we'll curl it with a towel and let's stand.
4. Tim will start for an hour before preparing the filling. The cheese is broken with a fork, add 1 egg and 1 protein, sour cream, trochi subsolution and mix thoroughly.
5. Now we form a shortbread with sides from a skin stump, then add the filling. Vіdpravlyаєmo in a warm place for 20 minutes.
6. Zhovtok back with a small amount of water. We brush the top of the shortbread.
7. Weep shortcakes in the oven, roast up to 200 degrees, until golden color.


Sirny cake on sour cream.

In order to make sirni cakes with sour cream you need:

For one shortbread:

Boroshno - Mayzhe bottle
sour cream - pivsklyanki
sir hard tertiy - mayzhe bottle
strength, spices, greens - for relish
soda on the tip of a knife

How to bake sirnі cakes with sour cream:

1. We put soda, strength, spices in sour cream. At prosіyane it is borosno - cheese, greens, more yakіs additives. Let's mix it up. Rozkochuєmo on flour shortbread.
2. We play a frying pan, zvichaynu. More like a chavoon. And the axis is now - if you want, to coat the pan with olive oil, if you want to dry it - it's not sticky! Rozіvaєmo strongly. They put the shortcake - they covered it with a lid. Medium fire. Turn over with a spatula. You can put it on a dish.
3. On the other side, we bake quills. Without difference with or without lid. All.


Uzbek shortbread.

For the production of Uzbek shortcakes, you need the following ingredients (rozakhunok for 4-5 shortcakes):

2 bottles of milk
50 g melted olives
11 g dry yeast (1 sachet)
2 eggs
2 teaspoons zucru
3 tsp salt
6.5 flasks of boron (about 1 kg)
1 st. a spoonful of sour cream
1 st. a spoonful of yogurt
sesame seeds for sipping (can be replaced with poppy seeds).

Uzbek shortbreads are prepared like this:

1. Pour 1 bottle of warm milk into a bowl, add 2 teaspoons of zucru and yeast, dilute them and place on a sprat of whilin, until the yeast does not spin.
2. In another bowl mix a bottle of warm milk with butter, eggs, sour cream, kefir and 3 teaspoons of salt.
3. Nasipte at the large pot or bowl 2 flasks of borosna and add | add | fit both bowls. Razmіshayte that zamіsіt tіsto, step-by-step adding borosno. The dough can be elastic and not sticky to the hands.
4. Put it in a warm place (you can put a saucepan with dough in a bowl with warm water) for 1-1.5 years. For the whole hour, the test could be increased twice.
5. If it’s tiring, it’s necessary to embrace yoga. Then let's divide the yogo into a sprat of portions (depending on which kind of shortbread you want to eat). Razkotit a skin portion or cut it off at the shortbread, put it on the preparation sheet and give the dough 20. You can cut the shortbreads with a rocking chair, then cut it with a plate, and from the leftovers you can cut one shortbread.
6. If the shortbreads stand apart, dig at the center with a fist and take the middle kindly. In Uzbekistan, for this, there is a special attachment under the name "chakіch" (hammer). Ale, you can make little ones on the dough in the center behind the help of a mallet for vydbivnyh or a great fork.
7. Coat the cakes with yellow or milk, sprinkle with sesame seeds and put on the 15th min. boil in the oven, roast in front to 200ºC. Put more on the police troch below the middle. Like you have a grill, obov'yazkovo yogo in the kіntsі for a couple of whilins, so that the shortbreads wiyshli rum'yanimi.

Better for everything, all shortcakes cannot fit on one deck, it is recommended that you put it on papyrus for a vypіchka and cover it with a towel, but rob the middle and smear the zhovt with a zhovt already directly in front of the vypіchkoy.


Virmensky shortcakes matnakash.

Virmensky shortcakes matnakash - tse even savory bread: a new crunch has a quick bite and white m'yakush, which for a lot of wild can be smelt with Italian chabatta. The prepared matnakash has its own little tricks: if the dough on the matnakash is roaring, it is not possible to squeeze hard, so that the bulbs are left on the dough - the very veins of the matnakash and come out in the middle such a soft one.

Schob spekti vіrmenskie shortcakes matnakash, necessary such ingredients:

500 g boroshn
350 ml water
1 teaspoon of dry yeast
1.5 teaspoons of salt
3 art. spoons of rosemary olії

Virmensky cakes matnakash are brewed like this:

1. Ask boroughly that dryness, add strength, tsukor, warm water that roslinna oliya.
2. Knead softly, so that it sticks to the hands. Yogo needs to be done more well around the 20th century.
3. Cover it tightly with a towel and leave it at 1:00, so that it’s gone. Lay it down, as it happened, on a burrowing steel and let it lie down for 5 quills.
4. Now it is necessary to sharply expand the 1-1.5 cm into the oval of the zavtovka, but it is necessary to work more carefully, slightly pressing, so as not to see the bulbs again from the dough.
5. Transfer to a sheet, covered with a paper for a wine, or on a silicone kilimok, cover with a clean servlet and leave it for 20-25 strands. Do not forget to sprout 2-3 shortbread shortbread.
6. Place the matnakash in front of the oven, after 15 quills, sprinkle with water and bake until brown.
7. If you take matnakash out of the oven, spritz it once more with water and light it by the towel, so that the wine will be “sweated”.


Tatar shortbread with stuffing.

Tatar shortbreads with stuffing are called brushes and are also included in the Bashkir national cuisine. Traditionally, for the filling, vicory porridge was used, proteo can be used for vicory and other fillings, zokrema and mashed potatoes. An even better way to get rid of porridge and mashed potatoes. In addition, the filling for such cakes in a modern way can be an original sirna appetizer. Get ready to finish it simply, but one thing is satisfied.
Tatar shortcakes with stuffing can be brewed from different kinds of dough, but we suggest you fresh-brewed: it is easy to work, it is more handy in robots, and it is simply a pleasure to grow it.

To prepare Tatar shortcakes with stuffing, the following ingredients are needed:

For filling:

Mashed potatoes - 1.5 bottles
cibulya ripchasta - 1 cibulina

green cibula - 1 bunch

For test:

Boroshno - 3 bottles
okrip - 1 bottle
sil - 1 teaspoon
oliya - 2 tbsp. spoons
rosemary vershkov butter - 50-70 g

Tatar shortcakes with stuffing boil like this:

1. Cleaned the cibula with pivkiltsy and smear it on olives to a golden color. Together from the green tsibuleya, cut with calves, mix with mashed potatoes.
2. Ask for flour | borosno |, add | add | sіl|salt| and roslinna oliyu, pour in the dill and mix it with a spoon, so that it is firmly picked up in the breast. Give him some sprat of chill to cool, so as not to scorch his hands, and then knead it smooth and dry. Give youm a drink 20-30 min.
3. Razdіlіt іsto into shmatochki with rosemary zі plum and rіzkotіt kozhen shmatochok а thin shortbread frying frying pan. Prick shortcakes with a fork, shob | abi |
4. Place a ball of stuffing on the hot cake in such a way that all of it is on one half of the cake, then cover it with the other half and brush the cake with butter.

An excellent addition to such a snack would be a salad with tuna and an egg. This option is for the quiet, who love the blue and savory snacks.


Khichin shortbread recipe.

To prepare Hichin shortcakes you need:

Boroshno - 300 g
kefir - 150 ml
middle potatoes - 2 pcs.
sir - 200 g
cilantro - 2 tbsp. l.
strength for taste

How to cook Khichin shortcakes:

1. Beware.
2. Zmіshati kefіr z|іz| flour | boroshnoy |, add | add | salt for savor and mix non-zhorstke dough.
3. Throw the breast of dough with the force on the table, turn it into a spit and put it in the refrigerator for 60 quills.
4. Rub the cheese on a dry tertz.
5. Chop cilantro roughly.
6. Peel the potatoes, boil them in mashed potatoes, cool.
7. Z'ednati potatoes, cilantro and sir, mix.
8. Quietly add to the shmatochki with a size chicken egg, flatten with your hand.
9. On the skin of the shortbread, we add the fillings of the stilt, skіlki and tista. Bend the edges of the shortbread and pinch it in the mountains, so that you have a round pie. Rock the beast gently with a rocking chair to the tovshchina pіv centimeter.
10. Brush on a dry frying pan on both sides until brown eggs appear.
11. Kozhen ready Khichin smear with top oil.

Serve hot, you can decorate with greens.


Chechen cakes Khingalsh.

To prepare Chechen cakes Khingalsh, you will need:

For test:

Borosno wheat - 600 g
kefir - 500 ml
soda - 1 g
strength - 2.5 g

For filling:

Garbuz - 650 g
zukor - 75 g
cibulya ripchasta - 100 g
water - 15 g
strength - 2.5 g
oliya melted - 150 g

How to cook Chechen cake Khingalsh:

1. Peel the pumpkin from the bottom and put it into the pan with a scruff of the hill. Pour in water, cover with a lid and cook until ready.
2. Clean the cibula, cut it dry and brush it.
3. From the finished garmelon, take the skin with a spoon, rose it. Add strength, zukor and smeared tsibula. Pour a small amount of water and mix to a homogeneous mass.
4. Kefіr pіdіgrіti i pour into flour. Add strength | salt |, soda and mix to a homogeneous mass.
5. Quietly divide into little pieces and form bags. I skin the bag of rozkotiti into a shortbread.
6. Put the stuffing on one half of the skin cake, cover with the other half of the stake and seal the edges.
7. Putting shortbreads in 2 pieces, put them on a dry frying pan in front. Ready-made shortcakes should be put in a saucepan, wrapped in a towel, and tightly closed with a lid.
8. When the skin is ready, dip the shortbread into hot water. Weaklasti on a tray, we melt the skin with oil. Cover with a krishkoy and let it brew.
In the process of preparation, you can replace kefir with sulfur. After that, how to infuse the cakes, it is necessary to cut them into pieces - for 3, 6 hours and 9 parts. After what to put on a dish and serve with hot melted butter, pour into a bowl of dishes.

Have a great appetite!

Virmensky lavash at home.

Option number 1

To prepare homemade lavash lavash, you will need:

Borosno wheat - not less than 2 tbsp.
egg - 1 pc.
water - ½ tbsp.
sіl - ½ year l.

How to cook homemade lavash virmensky:

1. In a bowl of medium rosemary, break an egg and add strength, resolutely mix it up, or lightly beat the ingredients, so that the salt crystals will open again.
2. Add water to the bowl, boil 2 tbsp. borosna and good mix.
3. Weeping hard on the table, snoring a small number of borosna and good vimіsity. Add more slid to the dot, the docks will not become soft and elastic and stop sticking to the hands.
4. Ready to put it in a bowl, cover it and let it brew for 30-40 quills.
5. Narizat it with small pieces and form into balls about the size of a chicken egg.
6. Cut the skin bag into a thin layer and beat it in a dry frying pan with 1-2 strands from the skin side.
7. Ready lavash should be placed in a polythene bag for saving food products and deprive for 5-7 quills, otherwise the wine will become dry and brittle.

Option number 2

To prepare thin virmensky lavash, you need:

Boroshno - 2.5-3 tbsp.
dry drizzle - 1 tsp.
oliya sonyashnikova - 1 tbsp. l.
water - 1 tbsp.
zukor - 1 tsp
sil - 2/3 tsp.

How to prepare Virmensky thin lavash?

1. Pour water into a small saucepan and heat it up to a temperature of 40-50 degrees.
2. Pass through a sieve.
3. Dry dry yeast in warm water, add tsukor, silt, olive oil and millet.
4. Mix elastically thick, stretch 2 strands and place in a greased olive bowl. If you smear it with a clean towel and deprive it for 1 year, then it’s gone.
5. A year later, tightly hug and cut into 8-10 pieces. Cover the little pieces of dough with grub and 5 more quills.
6. Kindly heat the pan of the great rosemary.
7. Roll dough pieces into thin shortbreads (no more than 1-2 mm) and boil in a dry frying pan for 10-15 seconds from the skin side. Just like on the surface of the dough there are first ruddy flecks, you need to lift the frying pan, otherwise the pita bread will dry out.
8. Ready to lay the lavash in a cup on the table, or to the great weed, and roll it with a kitchen towel.
9. If the pita bread is refrigerated, transfer the yogo to a clean plastic bag and store it in the refrigerator.

Let’s dry your lavash viyshov troch, otherwise you didn’t catch it right away, put the yoga in the bag - don’t be! In Virmenia, thin lavash should be dried on a special basis, so that dry-looking wines can save up to fate. Well, then, if it is necessary, sprinkle pita bread with warm water, lighten up at the towels and place it at the polyethylene. After 20 minutes, lavash becomes soft and just as savory as fresh baked goods. Take this note to the point of respect, even with such a rank you can not mess around with the dough, but prepare pita bread for measles and beat it up, if you want!

One more variant of a tribal saving Virmenian lavash- Freezing. We put the shortbreads in a bag, tightly seal it and freeze it. Everything is simple!

Maybe you want to cook shawarma at home. Ale yak buti, adzhe pita bread in a frying pan with a small diameter, and you won’t burn a lot of stuffing in a new one. Don't be embarrassed, let's find out! You can simply turn on all the burners on your stove (gas or electric), fry the big deco, take it from the oven, and boil the pita bread on the new one. In such a time, it is necessary to divide the quantity of shmatochkiv into a smaller one, the lower one is indicated in the recipes above.

From the lavash of the time you can cook a lot of different snacks, leafy cakes, rolls. Also wine is a miraculous alternative to divine bread. And also - you can just soak the pieces of pita bread at the top of the melted butter and drink it with mіtsnim licorice tea. It's so delicious!

Have a great appetite!

Khichini shortcakes with potatoes and cibulea, khichini with cheese and greens.

To prepare khichini with potatoes and tsibuley, khichini with cheese and greens you need:

For test:

Boroshno - 3 tbsp.
kefir - 1 tbsp.
soda - 1 tsp
sil - 1 tsp.

For topping #1:

ripchasta cibulya
Vershkov oil

For topping #2:


How to cook khichini with potatoes and tsibuley, khichini with cheese and greens:

1. Cooking dough. For whom we have a large bowl of kefir, add soda, then we’ll boro that strength. In order to make it easier to write more, you can ask ahead more bountifully. Kindly keep it quiet, so that it will be elastic and not torn under the hour of distant roaming.
2. Ready to wrap tightly with a grub plіvkoy and put on 30-40 quills.
3. While it is still fresh, it is necessary to prepare the fillings.
4. For the first filling, peel the potatoes from the skins and boil in salted water until cooked. Anger the water, prepare mashed potatoes z | iz | dodavannyam butter | oil |. Potatoes need to be grown more seriously, so that the great shmatochkivs are not left out, otherwise the stench can tear tightly. Peel the cibula, cut it into pieces, brush it with a full-length oil and mash it with mashed potatoes. Stuffing number 1 is ready!
5. To prepare another filling, sir (Adigeian, brinza, Russian) rub on a coarse or middle third. Clean the clock and pass it through the press. Greens (parsley, krip, cilantro, green cibula) wash, dry and chop with a knife. Mix all the ingredients in one bowl and mix well. Filling number 2 is ready!
6. Divide it with your hands into shmatochki, or download a cowbass into a tovst and cut it on equal parts. Form a shortbread with your hands from a skin shmatochka. At the center of the skin cake, place the filling (on one half of the cake - filling No. 1, on the other - filling No. 2). Fill the edges of the dough, forming your own small bag.
7. Dali rozkotiti leather "bear" rocking chair in a thin shortcake zavtovshki close to 5 mm. Rozkochuvati need to be more careful, so that the dough does not break.
8. Smear khichini on a baked dry frying pan on 2 sides of the doti, the docks will not be white and the chickens will not begin to roam. Approximate hour of smearing from one side - 3-5 quills. As in the process of smearing khichini with potato filling, you can begin to puff up - you can lightly pierce them with a fork, so that you can let it out again, which is stingy. Khіchini with syrom pierce not varto, so that the filling is more likely to come quickly and burn.
9. Ready to put the khichini in a plate one by one, generously smearing the skin of the cake with butter.

Appetizing khichini can be served on the table after cooking. However, it is better to cover them with a plate and a dry kitchen towel and let them brew for 10-15 strands. Leaked with butter and the aroma of the filling, the shortbreads will be more savory!

Before Khichyn, you can serve melted butter, natural yogurt, ayran, sour cream, fresh vegetables and greens.

Chat to health!

Cookies from corn boroshn.

To prepare shortbreads from corn boar, you need:

Borosno kukurudziane - 400 g
borosno wheat - 400 g
semolina - 200 g
sil - 2 tsp.
zukor - 5 tsp
kefir - 300 ml

How to cook shortbreads from corn boar:

1. It’s just that everything is mixed up, covered with spitting and let’s stand up (corners are bountifully that semolina take in the homeland, it’s lightly swollen).
2. We take one breast of dough, and, having sunk yoga into flour, it won’t, singsongly, doesn’t stick, roaringly.
3. We transfer the pink mugs with paper for a whiskey or tracing paper, with which we do not forget about any kind of sipping on the trochs.
You can freeze the shortbreads, or you can just take them from the refrigerator, but at this time, don’t forget to burn them in a bag, that term of saving in the refrigerator will be less, lower in the freezer, or if you want to repeat the stench, lie down normally put down the cameras.
The stench is prepared even more simply: pour the stuffing (as usual) and put it in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius, or you can grill it, like wine. How to gild only shortcakes - leave them and zhte!


Finnish life shortbreads.

To prepare Finnish bread shortcakes, we need:

Life borosno - 1 tbsp.
natural (non-malted) yogurt - 200 ml
honey - 1-2 tsp
soda - 1 tsp
sil - 1 tsp.
oliya roslinna - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook Finnish bread shortcakes:

1. Let’s start with what is mixed in one bowl (it’s better to take a handy bowl) yogurt at once with honey, and here we add olive oil. Good, everything is mixed up to uniformity (beaten with a fork or wine).
2. In an okremіy єmnostі zmіshuєmo dry components - borosno, sіl that soda (with komu borosh it is necessary to pass through a sieve). Now add dry ingredients with rare ones, step by step adding borosho to the bowl to yogurt. Zamіshuєmo sticky dough (there can be buti without breasts), so we jump into one big sack. Wrap yoga in a grub and put it on the sidelines in the summer.
3. I work well on top of the borosh table, then we lay on it quietly and roaringly yoga for the help of a rocking chair in a clearly thin layer (approximately 1 cm of a zavtoshka). Now, it’s clear that small cakes like this will help you form and add them to the preparation of the sheet (so that you cover with a sufficient amount of dewy oleage and lightly stick with a boar).
4. If you burn the leather shortbread in a few places with a fork and then cook it at the back of the oven, boil it until the ruddy taste is ready (approximately 15-20 quills, at a temperature of 220 degrees).
5. Serve ready-made shortbreads from the oven as warm as possible, at the same time with soft cheese, fresh chi tomatoes, navpaki, with pickled vegetables. And the stench is even more savory with pear and thin bacon sticks, believe me, it’s true! Golovne, do not be afraid to experiment!

Zagalom, a swedish and handy recipe, which will become you in good fortune for all the fluctuations of life - like for embellishment Christmas table, so for the introduction of a deacogo rosemage to the daily diet! Until then, you can prepare new varieties of Finnish wheat cakes, adding new spices - cumin, coriander, and other dried herbs and seasonings. And the stinks are saved for a long time.

All delicious!

Life shortcakes.

To prepare life shortcakes, you need:

Boroshno zhitnє - 450 g + more trochs
chicken egg - 4 pcs.
oliya vershkove - 150 g
sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
tsukor - troch less, lower pivsklyanki
rozpushuvach - 1 sachet
strength for taste

How to cook wheat shortcakes:

1. Borosno ask on the steel, work in the center of a small dig, add the components and mix it up.
2. You can work in a different way. Eggs are beaten from zukrom. Without ceasing to beat, we add sour cream, and then we spread butter. As a result, the Masa is obliged to be more homogeneous.
3. Vilivayemo sumish step by step in boroshno and zamіshuєmo dosit cool dough, giblets dosipayuchi boroshna.
4. Divide the dough into bags of approximately 100 g each (as a result, we can make 10-11 bags), give it the shape of cakes with a rocking chair, smear with a beaten egg, rob it with a knife.
5. We put the shortbreads on deco, well oiled, and boil in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees 15-20 chills.
Let the cakes cool down on the decision and serve with milk or else we will drink to your taste.


Zhitnі shortcakes on sour cream.

To cook bread shortcakes on sour cream, you need:

Zukor - 1 tbsp.
oliya vershkove - 1 tbsp.
chicken eggs - 5 pcs.
sour cream - 0.5 tbsp.
soda, slaked with otstom - 0.5 tsp
strength for taste
borosno-900-1000 g
chicken egg for zmaschuvannya -1 pc.

How to cook shortbreads from wheat boar and sour cream:

1. With the help of ingredients, we mix it up.
2. Now the time has come to roll up the bag dough.
3. The skin of the bag is not too thin.
4. On the skin cake, we put a sprat of cross-like incisions and smear them with a beaten egg.
5. Our future shortbreads are baked in the oven at approximately 25-30 quills at a temperature of 200-220 degrees Celsius.
Let the guts cool and serve warm on the table.

The axis is now all ready. It's just that delicious. I already love such shortbreads with sour cream (as they say, sour cream shortbread sour cream is not spicy) and hot green tea.

don't forget

Dessert for an allergy sufferer.

Kharchov's allergy - tens of thousands of fences.
“You can’t get bored, healthy, licorice. Anniversary cakes with cream, anniversary buns and pastries. The stench is rich in allergens, food additives, barniki, thickeners, and succulents. And we can't do anything. We have allergies. We also have childishness without licorice. While explaining to the children, You forcibly stream tears of speech.
However, there is a way not to injure the little one with similar spirits. The allergist of the Palace of Health Yanovska Tetyana Yuryivna helped to know the way out of the camp. Appearing, appetizing, savory and versatile dessert can be hypoallergenic

I don’t know the warehouse of confectionery products that they bathe, just give the child products, if they can’t stand it - maybe milk, egg powder and that’s it. At factory ovens, cakes and cakes, preservatives, barvniki, various flavors of additives can be added, moreover, like in imports, and in vicinities. What is work? Drink by yourself. You won’t take so much time, but the profit is both moral and material, it will be undoubted.
We have given below the recipes for the choice of rozpodіlenі for products. You will not know any eggs or milk from one of them. At the I and II stages, try to get rid of the cold, instill for the presence of the manifested intolerance. For yeast test and mlintsіv can vikoristovuvaty soevі zaminniki milk, the child is good to endure. At the III stage, you can turn the egg and milk into milk. drіzhdzhovoe tisto 1-2 eggs. Zvichayno, for the mind of їхної new portability. You can vicorate condensed milk - for the test and occasionally for the cream.
Zayve zakhopluvatisya with virobami іz tіsta not varto. Through gluten, which is avenged in wheat flour, it is important for victories to be overetched. Zukor, which in great quantities is added to confectionery bread, you won’t bring special crust either. Therefore, do not forget about peace, which would be a savory vipіchka.
Otzhe, today, in the menu, allergy is made from dough.

TISTO: flour + water
Quite from the boroshna and water - the best for re-verification of the wheat borosh. With every choice, it is guiltless, but without filling, and when cooked, it is not guiltless to beat the oliya. Tse, for example, lokshina, dumplings chi pechivo. Even though all products are already selected, you don’t need cold water, focus on your taste. Vіdminnіst mіzh test z boroshna and vіdmіnіst іd test z boroshnа, vіdmіnіst і іѕ thе dwarf olії, vіdmіnіst і mіzh і vykorivuєєєєєєєєєєєєє only for sruchnostі carrying out "perevіrka".
Chotiri ways to cook dough with boroshna and water:
1. Dough: flour + cold water, strong.
Shine 2 flasks with hot water, dig in the center of burying and gradually pour in close to 30 g of cold water, knead coolly. Leave for 20 - 30 quills, curled with a servlet, and trim
2.. Dry: borough + warm water. Strength.
500 g of borosna, pour in 30 g of warm water and knead smoother.
3. Tisto s boroshna and water for two people.
One flask of boroshna was asked and mixed with such a quantity of water, so that the thick consistency of sour cream came out. Leave for 20-30 quills, add strength, a bottle of boroshna to a friend, what you ask, and fill the fluff down.
4. Quiet borosna and hot water (brew).
З|із| flour|boroshna| (500g) and boiled water (350g), salt for relish, knead smooth dough. Cool that rozkotiti in a thin layer. Vykoristovuvati for cooking dumplings, pirіzhkіv and іn.
It is possible to prepare thin dough for rolls, lazni platinum, etc. For cih virobiv, you can vicorate and thinly thin, like for lokshini. From boroshna, water and olії can be prepared and dough for mlintsіv.
Quiet for rolls, lazni, etc.
250g dry good quality borosna ask, add 2-3 tbsp. olії, a pinch of salt, 4-5 tbsp. lukewarm water and sprats of otstu. Zamisity cool. Ready to take it in your hands and smash it against the steel with force until it bubbles up. After that, put it on a sip of flour | boroshnoy | a plate, sprinkle with warm water and cover with a heated bowl for 1/2 year (in the cold season of rock). Lay a clean servlet on the table, sip a boar and roll it on a thin sheet of dough, then stretch it with your hands to the parchment paper. Potovschenі kraї - vіdrіzati. Rozkatane dry for a deaky hour, so that the troch has dried up, and vikoristovuvat for the preparation of fresh virobiv.
Apple strudel.
Prepare dough for the recipe "Tisto for rolls and lazni" subtly rozkotit and brush with linden or melt top butter. On 2/3 of the surface lay the filling with slices of peeled apples, sprinkled with zucr and breadcrumbs. For the help of the servette, carefully burn the roll, viklasti yogo on the deco lined, drizzle with oil and boil in the oven at a calm temperature of 30 - 45 chills. Ready roll sip with tsukrovy powder and cut into portioned shmatki. Serve after that, like okholone, or slightly warm.
Roll with cherries.
Kindly stretched out tightly to cover | smear | let's melt with butter, oil, sip with breadcrumbs and lay the cherries without tassels. Posipati tsukr or tsukrovy powder, burn the roll and vipіkati on a medium fire until golden color. Cool the finished roll and sip it with zukrovoy powder.
From boroshna and sour cream, fallow in their spivvіdnoshennia, you can cook different varieties of mulls to cakes. So, like sour cream, as a rule, it’s good to be tolerated, if it’s possible for you to come in handy.
Boroshno and Vershkov oil is the basis of sand and leaf dough. See the most wide-ranging dough that is victorious for preparing a majestic amount of cakes and ovens. Margarine is often stale in traditional recipes for replacing top butter, for children, who suffer from allergies, it is necessary to exchange the rich component of this product and brewing and canning speeches, which should be included in the warehouse. However, in case of intolerance to top butter (sound with other dairy products), the well-tolerated margarine will prevail.
Pisochne tisto (basic recipe).
250g soft butter|oil| grind s | iz | 1 flask tsukr i add | add | 2 bottles of borosna, pinch | salt | soda, slaked kіlkom with drops of otstu. Quietly mix it up.
Listkove testo (1 variant).
250 g of borosna zmishati with 400 g of butter | oil |, spread into a layer of 2 cm thick and place in the refrigerator. More 250g borosna zmіshati z|іz| 1/2 bottle of water, dissolved in 1/2 tsp. salt and 1 tsp otstu, i zamіsiti іsto. Nacriti otrimane with a servlet and deprive it for 30 khvilin. Roll out the second test, the square is twice as big as the first one. Place a square with a boroshna and olії in the middle of a square with a boroshna and water, fold it tightly with an envelope and pinch the edges. Rozkachati zavtovshki 1 cm, fold four times and put on 30 quills near the refrigerator. I’ll cool it down and freshen it up, fold it into quarters and put it in the refrigerator. Repeat three.
Listkove testo (2nd option).
3 two bottles of borosna, 1/2 bottle of water, 1/2 tsp. salt and 1 tsp otstu zam_siti іsto іz ZOO g of well-chilled vershokovy oil | oil | split into 6 parts, one part of the rubbed on the third and evenly split along the surface of the rolled dough. Fold it tightly in chotiri, rub it thinly on a friend. After adding the rest of the olії, fold the dough in chotiri razi and put it in the refrigerator for 1 year.

Listkove testo (3 option)
2 flasks of borosna ask for a doshka, zm_shati z|іz| 1/4 tsp salt, add 200 g of finely cut chilled topsoil | oil | and cut with a knife at once z | iz | flour | boroshnoy |, add | add | 1/2-2/3 bottles
coldly drive with cold hands to knead the dough.
With borosna, a crown of butter and sour cream, you can prepare one variant of leafy dough, you can cook it in the same way healthily, Deshcho guesses the pisochno is quiet, ale m'yakshe after the vipіchki.
Listkove testo (4 variant).
3 flasks of dry wheat borosh for a doshka and rubat at once from 30 g of vershokov
oliї (from the refrigerator), step by step add 500 g of sour cream and then download it into the sack.
Put the dough in the refrigerator for at least 12 years. Tisto rozkotiti and fold it with an envelope
- Repeat 3 times. З|із| otrimany dough you can cook pies, bakery, cakes, etc.
This is a good place for pancakes and donuts. Zrobivshi yogo rіdkіshim, you can play mlintsi. Having kneaded cool dough with kefir, that borosna, subtly rozkotivshe and stretching her hands, you can take one more savory tisto for rolls.
TISTO: FLOUR + KEFIR (yogurt and others) + VERSHKOVE OLIA. Quiet for pirozhkiv.
0.5 l of kefir with 1/2 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. sodi, 1/2 bottle of tsukru, 2 tbsp. roztopenny olії and boroshnoy so that it was thick sour cream for the consistency. Put the bowl z | iz | dough for 2 years in the refrigerator, add | add | flour | boroshno |, so that it came out softly and with a tovshchina of 1 cm. Lubricate the pirіzhki on the rosіgrіtіy olії. As a filling, you can vicorate minced meat, rice with cibulea, potatoes, thick jam, etc.
In the recipes of virobivs from sulfuric acid, sometimes vicorist is added to other dairy products - vershkov butter, sour cream and other. Caution must be exercised when choosing prescriptions for children with intolerance to other dairy products.
250g syrah rozterti s|іz| 2 tbsp zucru, pinch salt, 1/2 tsp sodi, add 1-3 flasks of boroshn. Make the bags, form shortcakes from them and grease them on the rosemary olії.
Linen dumplings
Prepare sirne dough. Download from the new jug and cut it on the edge of the cloak with a dozhin close to 2 cm.
Sirn Bush
Prepare sirne tisto (borosho 2-3 flasks), for the bazhannya, add a sip of promitih rodzinok. Zrobiti z tista bags and z halves of tsikh sacks - shortbreads. Lay the shortbread on the leather according to the kultsi and viklasti bushe on the deco, smeared with oil. Whip at the oven until golden color.
Drіzhdzhi, yakі є є obov'yazkovym component tsgo test, can vyklikati simalergіchnі zahvoryuvannya. That is why, first of all, it is necessary to change the type of dough widely, change the tolerance of the yeasts.
In case of allergy to yeast, the symptoms of infection can be blamed on the use of such products as kefir, syrup and beer. It’s not a trace to forget that bread is brewed with victories, that it is widely used, that it is necessary to heal when folding a diet for a child with a similar type of allergy.
However, let’s hope that the yeast doesn’t come up to cause-significant allergens in your child, leading up to that savory ration.
It is not uncommon to include roselin or top oil in the recipes of this distribution.
Rolls from wheat boroshn
Dissolve 50 g of dried fruits in warm water and add 1 tsp. tsukru. Prepare a sourdough from raising yeast and 1 flask of borosna, adding water, so that the sourdough has the consistency of thick sour cream. Put for pidyoma, schob її obsag zbіlshivsya vdvіchі. Adding 1.5 tsp. salt, 4 flasks of water and 11 flasks of millet boar, knead the dough. Put it in a warm place for pidoma for 1.5-2 years. If it is necessary to increase at 2-3 times, kindly vimіsity and put it anew for pіdyoma. Ready to divide it into pieces of the required size and leave it for 5-8 strands. From tsikh shmatkіv to form rolls, vyklasti їх on the deco lining and leave for vistoyuvannya for 20-40 quills (fallow according to the rozmіru vorobіv). Vipіkati in a hot oven, soaked with water or drank boar, 25-60 hvilin|minutes|. Ready to roll the buns and cover with a servlet.
Z 40g drіzhdzhiv, 2 bottles of water, 1 tbsp. zucru, 1 tsp salt, 3 tbsp. dewy olії and 7 bottles of boroshna zamіsiti tіsto. Let the dough rise again, kindly celebrate and renew the date, make shortbreads from the finished dough, put the stuffing on them, pinch and shape the pies. Viklasti їх on the deco painting and deprive them of the vistoyuvannya. Lubricate on rose oil or in a hot oven.
Cake from yeast dough.
Cook pastry according to the previous recipe, divide yogo into 2 parts and cut it with a torso of 1 cm. 15 whilin. Spread the top of the pie with olive oil, sip with breadcrumbs, prick with a fork or make a small opening and boil in a hot oven 50-60 strands. The ready-made pie is served on a tatsiu and covered with a servlet.
English buns
40g drіzhdzhіv rose near the water and add 1 tsp. tsukru. Zmіshati prepared drіzhdzhі z|іz| 500 g of borosna and 1 bottle of warm water so that it is clear in the hands. Leave it out for a drink in a warm place for about 1 year, so that it will grow bigger, a new promisity. Roll it thinly into an oval layer and grease 2/3 with olive oil or melt it with butter (you will need about 300 g of butter in total, as it should be divided into 3 parts). Fold tightly with an envelope, pinch and put in the refrigerator for 30 quills. After that, I’ll respawn, cover with another part of the olive, burn, pinch the edges, shave 15 whilins for vistoyuvannya. Repeat the whole process three times and get rid of it again for 15 minutes per whistle. Then divide the dough into small pieces and form oval buns from them. Weak them on a sheet, leave them for 30 strands in a warm place, grind them on a small late cut on the skin and vipkati in a hot oven 20-25 strands.
For 1 kg of borosna - 3 tbsp. olії, 2 tbsp. zucru, 1.5 tsp salt and 1/2 dried sticks. From 2 bottles of warm water, brewed yeast and 500 g of borosna, prepare a dough. Remove the dough in a warm place for about 1 year, if it doesn’t come out, add oil, strength, zucor and more borosno, vimishyuchi crisply to smoothness. Razvesti otrimane with warm water (4-5 flasks), gradually pouring in 1 flask. Leave the dough for pidyomu, if yogo obsyag zbіlshitsya vdvіchі, razmіshat і once again for pidyomu. Pekti mlintsі on rozpechenіy frying pan, smeared with olієyu, like only tіstо pіdіyde.
From 15 g of drіzhdzhiv, 1 flask of water and 1 flask of boroshna to prepare a dough. If there is more than 2 times, add strength, 1 more bottle of water, that stilka is boar, so that it will be soft. If it’s not necessary to make a vdnіmіchі, rozkotiti comradeship 1-2 cm and round vіmkou virіzat mugs with a lapel at the center. Leave for 20-25 quills for vistoyuvannya and lubricate with a great number of rozіtoї olії. Written on paper, so that you could get away with too much oil.
Donut with stuffing.
Prepare a dough for donuts, spread a breakfast dish 1-1.5 cm and make a kitchen. In the middle of the skin lining, the filling was made from thick jam or grated syrah with zukr. Pinch the donut in such a way as to preserve the shape of a round cake and grease it in deep fat.
Zamіsiti tіsto from 250 g of boroshna, 20 g of drіzhdzhіv, pinch of salt and 1/2 bottle of water. Put a warm place for pidoma. Rozkachati tovshchina 1 cm and virіzati mugs. Leave them for vistoyuvannya and lubricate on rose oil from both sides. Hot muffs can be slashed and put in small pieces of salted butter.
Zamіsiti іsto іz zо g bred drіzhdzhіv, 500g boroshn, 1/2 flask of dewy olії and a pinch of salt. Tisto may buti is not cooler. Put for pidyoma for about 1 year, rozkotity 1-2 cm, virіzati kukhlі and pіch after vistoyuvannya until zarum'yanyuvannya. Before brewing, brush with salted water.
For the test: 500 g of borosna, 3 g of dryzhzhiv, 250 g of warm water, 2-4 tbsp. olії, a pinch of salt. Mix it up in a safe way and grow one great shortbread or small shortbreads, vibrating them in an additional bottle. As a filling, you can vicorate melena meat, variously sliced ​​vegetables, salted oysters, etc. We grate the beast's meat with cheese and boil it until it's ready.
Basic yeast dough recipe:
1/2l of water or soy milk, 1/2 sticks of dried fruits (30-50g), 50-200g of melted lightly warm butter, 1 tsp. salt, 1/2-1 bottle tsukru, about 1 kg boroshn.
Drіzhdzhi slid in front of a small amount of cold or warm water (so that the water covered the drіzhdzhi) and 1 tsp. tsukru and deprive for a deaky hour, so that the drizzle "was up". Tisto can be put in a double and a safe way. With the sourdough method, drizzle with water and partly boroshna, mixing to a consistency of thick sour cream and leaving it for pidyoma, after which you introduce other components, boil it boroughly, it’s too much, and it’s good enough. Give the test an increase in volume, good vimіsity and a new surplus for pidyom.
With the safe method, all the components are crushed, and then the two are also left out for use.
Molded dough from yeast dough cannot be put in the oven right away, they should be left to stand for 15-60 quills, fallow in the amount of wheat and the quality of the dough. They sip the yeast dough in a hot oven, and the readiness to try a torch go with a sirnik. Vynyaty iz virobu sirnik may be dry. Baked pies and pirіzhki are put on a clean servlet, or they make a plate with a servette, then the top crust will not be zhorstkoy. Vzhivat sprouts from the yeast test were slid to be cold and in the dying kilkos.
Mix it loosely in a safe way, form small bags, make the skin look like fingers with a length of 10-12 cm.
Testka from yeast test.
Prepare dough following the main recipe in the same way. Ready to download it in jguti, cut into small pieces and cut shortbreads. In the middle of the skin shortbread, put the stuffing from the meat, rice and іn. licorice stuffing s fruktiv chi jam. Form pirіzhki, put them on the deco on the deakіy vіdstanі one type of one and leave them for display. Bake pies in a hot oven.
Cake from yeast dough
Put the dough behind the main recipe in the same way. If you want to try the pie with a non-licorice filling (meat, potatoes, rice, etc.), let’s close it better. another rozkochenim layer of dough. Pinch the edges of the cake, for which from the bottom layer, manually form a side. Leave the pie on a whisker, and then prick the top of it with a fork, or make a small opening at the center. The top of the pie in front of the vipіchkoy can be smeared with melted butter, sip with breadcrumbs and smear with sour cream, vipіkati 30-40 quills, viynyat and cover with a servlet.
For licorice pies (with thick jam, apples, thin dried apricots) it is necessary to divide into two parts. From the larger part, a layer of dough is spread and laid on a sheet or in a form. In the form of the same layer, it is possible to form a board, or to make a board okremo, from a bundle to the dough. Then the filling is laid at the pie, and on top of it, with a smaller part of the dough, a palette-lattice is fought. The top of the grate can be smeared with sour cream, melted with butter or licorice water. Vipіkati for zagalnimi rules.
Listkov dry dough for pies.
3/2 flasks of water, 3/4 flasks of kefir, 1/2 sticks of fermented yeast, 1/2 tsp. salt,
st.l. cucru and 3-4 flasks of boroshna mix it up. Put dough in the refrigerator for 20 chills,
Potim Rozkotity and Rivnomirno Rozpodility 70g grated chilled top
Olii. Fold it tightly in an envelope, spread it out and add 70 g of olive oil. Repeat it all
3 times. Divide the dough into 2 parts and reshape the pie. From the proponated amount of dough, one great pie or two small ones will come out. Wrap one part of the pastry in the form, having made the bottom and sides of the pie, lay the filling (meat or cabbage), cover with another.
part of the test and pinch the edges. Leave for vistoyuvannya (close to 1 year), then chop the top
a layer of videlkoyu and robiti a small opening. Vipkati at the hot oven is close to 20 hvilin.


Forgive shortcakes on the water and borosno in a frying pan - it’s both savory and tasty, but it’s also handy. It’s like that with you, that you were preparing the truth, and at the last moment it appeared raptly that there was nothing in the booth
piece of bread? I have, zznatisya, this is not often, but buvay. What is work? Run to the store (especially, as wines are not in order from houses) for one loaf of bread? Wait a minute, don't ever want to go to the supermarket and go to the supermarket.

Surely, you can win and a bread pot, but think for a moment, it’s about 3 years old, even if it’s about 3 years old. And what if we don’t have time to call? At this time, there is a wonderful recipe for shortbread in a frying pan on water, so you can serve bread instead. I’m sure, the recipe will come in handy and you, even if it’s a right wand-viruchalochka!

If you want to sound similar shortbreads, they are cooked on fermented milk products - sirovattsі or kefir, turn, on the water stench, anіtrochs are not hotter!

Tim is bigger, with sour-milk products, they are the same, as with bread - the stench will end at an unfavorable hour for that. And the axis is water є zavzhdi. Therefore, I’ll give you a recipe for swedish (mabut, most seen, yakі menі vіdomі) shortcakes. Aje, everything that is needed - only about 15 hvilin an hour, and sleepy rounds are already standing on the table.

Until then, such flat cakes are richly decorated for a dry brew, especially, as a part of the great boroshna, replace it with life or whole-grain borosh, or with whiskers. And you can also add fresh greens, cibula (greased with green chi), fragrant spices for kshtalt oregano, paprika with small pieces, cheese, mushrooms, prunes, dried apricots, sun-dried tomatoes ... Zagal, everything you want. And to inspire at times of frequent cooking, but with different fillings, such shortbreads cannot be made - even if the stench will be with a new relish. And yet, as an option, additional ingredients can be put in the middle of the shortbread itself, and then the shortbread with the filling. Oh, are you ready?


  • Boroshno - 500 g (3 flasks with hot water)
  • Kharchov soda - 0.5 tsp. (you can її replace 20 g of baking powder)
  • Citric acid - dribochka (as vicorist is not baking powder, but soda)
  • Strength - 1/2 tsp.
  • Water - 1 bottle
  • Roslinna Oliya - for lubrication

How to cook shortcakes in water in a frying pan

  1. She looked boisterously on the back. I have vagas in my kitchen, so I shrug them off. Well, if you don’t have any vagi, then just drink flasks - 3 flasks with hot water.
  2. Dali threw strength into the flour.
  3. I added grub soda citric acid(You can vicorate baking powder).
  4. Potim poured water.
  5. I made dough for cakes on the water of the doti, the docks didn’t start to get in the hands, and the garniy spring bun didn’t viyshov.
  6. I crushed small shortbreads for the size. I put them on a frying pan with olive oil. І under the krishkoy smear on the middle fire (from two sides).
  7. Potim viklala on a plate, so that the stench reached the troch.
  8. Cooled shortcakes are best kept in bags so that the stench does not hang.

Axis and everything, like a bachite, it took a little time to prepare a good change of bread - shortbreads from the drive and borosna, like a vіdmіnno go to the first fears, and to others, and bring to tea! So now, if you run out of bread at the booth at once, you know what work - shvidki and savory shortbreads.

It's easy to bring out one's own people, so as not to love the virobivs of the dough. Dumplings, dumplings, healthy cheesecakes. Literally, tell me about the number of stray calls you have an appetite.

Just gently vryatuє skin!

Stravi z tіsta zavzhdy vruchayut master, because the stench is even more succulent, savory and inexpensive. And the smell homemade vipіchki associated with the lull and the warmth of the family fire.

Navigable simple recipes different mind tista, yakі, singsongly, to become a blessing to the gospodars.

Quite simply leaflet of swedish preparation

The results of such a test are not so lower, and less rosy, lower with a test of trivial preparation. Ale, Tim is not less, the stench is all the same stench more savory and fragrant!

  • 200 g margarine or butter
  • 2 flasks of borosna
  • ½-1/3 flask boroshn
  • 1 tsp tsukru
  • tsp salt

Drizhdzhovo leaflet it's simple

Proponuёmo gospodarkam recipe nezvechayny dough. From the new one, the lower ones come out, the m'yaki and the rozsipparts of the virobi, as if for a thriving hour they are filled with fresh ones and not stale. The dough is absolutely unpretentious, it can be cooked and the master is informed.

One umova, that as soon as the zamіsu is guilty, go to the cold place. To those who have been waiting for an hour of vistoyuvannya, to them savory and sharuvaty will see the virobi. The minimum required hour of standing is 1.5-2 years, optimally close to 12 years.

Yakshto put it up to stand in a warm place, the hour of the approach will significantly speed up, prote you will see a great drіzhdzhove zdobne cleanly.

To prepare a simple dough, you need:

  • 200 g olive oil (margarine)
  • 3 flasks of boroshn
  • 5-7 g of dry drіzhdzhіv or 25g fresh drizzle
  • 1 bottle of rіdini (egg, milk, water)
  • 3 tsp tsukru

Recipe for making a simple dough

  1. In 1/3 of a bottle of warm water, dissolve yeast, add | add | 1 tsp tsukru.
  2. Ask bountifully, eat yogo with zukr, which is overflowing, chop and chop with margarine or butter. For bazhannya you can work with your hands, prote the oil is not guilty, but be soft! The best vikoristovuvat frozen butter, grated yogo on the third and z'єdnavshi with boroshnoy.
  3. Put an egg near the water with yeast and stir it in the bottle with a fork until it is homogeneous.
  4. Add warm milk, so that the flask is fresh.
    Pour some sumish into the boroshnyana and mix it smoother. If it comes out dry, add 1-2 tbsp. drive, like wet - troch borosna.

    Quietly burn at the stove and put it at the refrigerator for at least 1.5 years, but rather for the night. З|із| form dough and vip_kayte їх, smeared in front | smeared | їх egg s | iz | dodavannyam bet krapel sonyashnikovo ї olії or drive.

Quite simply pisochne

Sandy is one of the most popular. From the new cook licorice vipіchka, and turn off the tsukor, replacing it with a couple of pinch of salt, you can cook savory pie with stuffing from mushrooms, potatoes and meat.

To prepare a simple dough, you need:

  • 300 g butter (margarine)
  • 3 flasks of boroshn
  • 1 bottle of tsukru
  • 2 eggs

Recipe for making a simple dough

  1. Zukor, put the eggs and olives in a bowl near the pan. Mix with a wooden spatula all the way, so that it viishla homogeneous mass.
  2. Add|Add| in qiu masu and with your hands knead tightly. Leave the dough for 1-2 minutes in a cold bowl, and then you can proceed to the molding of the molds.
  3. Let's get one more recipe sand test. Virobi from the new one will also appear in the same way, rozsipchasti and lower ones.

To prepare a simple dough, you need (licorice):

  • 150 g butter
  • 260 g boroshn
  • 1 egg
  • 1 st. l. sour cream
  • 2-3 tbsp. tsukru
  • 1 tsp vanilla zucru
  • dribka salt
  • 1 tsp lemon zest (for bazhannyam)

To prepare a simple dough, you need (non-licorice):

  • 260 g boroshn
  • 150 g butter
  • 1 egg yolk (whole egg)
  • 1 st. fatty sour cream
  • dribka salt

Recipe for making a simple dough (licorice)

  1. Boroshno іz sіllu ask gіrkoy on stіl. Add vanilla and wonderful zukor. Add lemon zest for bazhannya. Put butter on small cubes for the animal.
  2. Chop coarsely with a knife. At the result, you are to blame for the uniform boroshnyan krichta. You can work the procedure in a combine.
  3. Break an egg into a clean cup and beat it with a saw or a wine glass. Pour in the egg until it's barren.
  4. Mix it up. Yakshto rozsipayetsya, put at the new one 1 tbsp. sour cream. When preparing the dough, you can add eggs and sour cream to the bowl. How do you want to cook sleepy quiet, you can replace sour cream and eggs with 5-6 tablespoons of cold water.
  5. Zamіsіt іsto, download yogo in a sack and burn at the grub's plіvka. Try yogo in the refrigerator for 40-60 hvilin (you can do more).
  6. Non-licorice is prepared in a similar way, when you turn it off: tsukor, vanilla tsukor and lemon zest.

Tisto dryzhove

For those who are trying to Lent, we propagate the recipe pisnogo test, at the warehouse of ingredients there is no milk, that egg. Vyrobi from the new on vіdmіnu vіd vіd svіchayny dіdzhdzhovy kіst krupnoporistі. Vyrobi from the pisnoy tіsta are better saved: the stinks are more limp and soft and do not bleed.

To prepare a simple dough, you need:

  • 5-7g dry yeast or 25g live yeast
  • 3 tsp tsukru
  • 1 vial of water
  • 1.5 year. l. salt
  • 3-3.5 bottles of borosna
  • 3-5 art. dewy olive

Recipe for making a simple dough

  1. Pour warm water near the deep dishes, put yeast and zukor, mix it up, so that the stench is cleared up.
  2. Put the dishes in a warm place, check, the docks will show up for food. In the heat of the time of rock, it is possible to deplete the cold for the room temperature, bring the charge close to the warmth.
  3. Put some strength at the drizhdzhov masu and pour in the oil. Add 1 flask of borosna and mix it up with a spoon so that it becomes homogeneous.
  4. Sip one more flask of borosna. Mix it again with a spoon. It’s better to go thicker.
  5. Steel pricipte 1 bottle of flour | boroshna | and lay it down. Mix yoga with your hands. It is guilty to be smooth, watery, but it is not guilty to be sticky. On another occasion, add more borosna. Quietly cover it with a spit and fill it up.
  6. If the mass is increased in volume by 1.5 times, then embrace it with your hands and leave it, so that it rises again. If so, you can already start molding the molds.

Tisto simple dryzhove

All, sing-song, chuli, that it’s worth loving, if you work with him in a warm mood. Quietly more kindly see our mood. Bazhano, if you see it quietly, so that there are no sharp and loud sounds, otherwise it can be dangerous, otherwise it’s rotten.

Sob pratsyuvati bulo is not boring, but it is acceptable, to increase peace, the best option is classical music. І axis shake, your virobi will be, insanely, even more savory that you will taste! Cook with love - and then, you have everything!

To prepare a simple dough, you need:

  • 1 bottle of water chi milk
  • 20-30 g fresh yeast
  • 4 bottles of borosna
  • 1 egg
  • 4 tbsp. olive oil (you can use margarine, butter)
  • ½ bottle of tsukru
  • tsp salt

Recipe for making a simple dough

Gingerbread just plain

Nі, maybe, simple vipіchka, nizh gingerbread. The stench is getting ready for a quick bite, and ready for relish - you will lick your fingers! The number of gingerbread is ordered to come out. For bread, change the number of ingredients, increasing the proportions.

To prepare a simple dough, you need:

  • 250g honey
  • 100 g olive oil
  • 250g zucru
  • 3 eggs
  • 7.5 bottles of boroshn
  • 1 tsp with hot soda
  • spices (for bajan: cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, vanilla)

Recipe for making a simple dough

  1. 3 art. melt the zucru in an aluminum pan, turning brown. Take it out of the fire and cool it down a little, stirring constantly. Seek out the outsiders! If you add water to boiling tsukor, the hot homeland will be strongly sprinkled.
  2. If tsukor is okholone, pour 0.3 bottles of dill, mix well, add all the tsukor and put the pan on the fire. Bring the mass to a boil. Zukor is guilty of reopening.
  3. Put olive oil and honey in a large bowl. As the honey is strongly cured, melt the yogo in the front in a water bath.
  4. Pour boiling syrup into honey. Oliya and honey are due to re-open and may be the same weight. Cool down until it becomes warm.
  5. Put eggs and lightly beat. Add soda and borosno (fill in pivsklyanki). Zamіsiti іsto. Half of the borow, which is left out, visipte on the steel and lay it down. Borosno need to house for consumption.
  6. We hope that our recipes will be right for you!
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