Cookies made from old sour cream. Fragrant sour cream shortcakes: recipes.


In a big bowl, pour a portion of sour cream and beat in a chicken egg.

Okremo on the stove, melt a little piece of butter | oil |, give it an hour to chill the troch and pour oil | butter | to sour cream and eggs. Also add bloody pisok and a pinch of salt to balance the taste.

Roughly mix the base and mix it with parts of wheat borosno, ahead of milling with soda. A lot of boroshna is ordered to be done mentally, even if everything is left in your sour cream; At the process, you will understand, if you need to be sharpened - it will look smooth, not sticky to your hands.

Later, having kneaded it, cover it with a clean towel and give it a year for reparation. At the same time, you can take care of your butt rights.

In another hour, divide the dough into even parts, and go for the help of a rocking chair. The thinner your dough will be rolled, the thinner the shortcakes will look as a result, control that yourself.

Pour in a heated frying pan Sonyashnikova Oliya, grease the shortbreads from both sides for 30-40 seconds. Serve hot shortbreads to the table - you can with jam or jam, you can with cheese and fresh tomatoes - you love it more. Give the same respect to the people who are not vivacious

For me, sour cream shortbreads are worth the hell out of children. So, we did not have marsіv - snіkersіv and іnshoy ninіshnogo affluence, then the axis was so savory shortcakes. Fragrant, healthy, lower, delicious! You can't buy these! I wrote about them and forgot about them, and then I sipped on the guest’s recipe, guessed and so I wanted those sour cream cakes ... Don’t believe it, I immediately ran to the store for sour cream, put it down ... Os wanted to!

Wonderful dough, from which you can cook not only simple cakes, ale and pirіzhki, which you can cook, like licorice filling so and not with licorice. Try this vipіchka for this recipe. Won you obov'yazkovo befitting.


500-600 gr.
-140 ml of water (warm),
-100 g sour cream (30% eggplant)
-75 g zucru (3 tablespoons),
-5 g salt (one teaspoonful),
-75 g of butter,
-2 teaspoons of dry yeast,
-1 egg

From qієї kіlkostі vyyshlo 8 korzhіv.


Dough for sour cream cakes is prepared in a double way, and for this we need to knead the dough. For steaming, drink a little warm water, let it stand for 5 - 7, so that you are fed up with water and more willingly go to the rozchin, and then stir it up until it is completely rozchinennya.

Add such a quantity of boroshna (from the total norm), so that the dough is thick in consistency porridge, Take it no longer dripping from a spoon, but lazily joining it.

Cover the bowl with the dough and pour it in the warmth of the ferment. At the process of wandering, the dough will sprout on the cob in obsyaz, growth, and then on the surface it will be covered with bulbs, folds, which have burst, and there will be a turn of the tobto. settle. The cob of osіdannya opari is a sign of її maturity tobto. the time has come to mix it up.

For the test, ask for what is missing from the recipe.

Add strength, tsukor, rosemary butter and sour cream. All rozіtrіt at krihtu.

Add steam. Mix everything together in the same mass and mix it up thickly. Oskelki borosno skryzne, at the process of zamisu you may need to add a little bit of water (as it is not soaked dry boroshna) or boroshna (as it is quite viide rіdkuvatim).

After zamіsu dizhu with dough, cover it and add 20 quills.

Quite, which has grown, resolutely rises to smooth and uniform. Mіsiti need to be milked intensively and for a long time - about 10 quills. So, razumіyu, scho vtomlyuє, but without whom it’s impossible ...

Vimishane cover it quietly and leave it warm for a drink. Vono can be brought up, and then you will get into trouble.
Tisto, what happened, divided into 8 equal parts.

Roll the skin part of the dough into a smooth bag.

Roll it up thinly and cover it for 5-7 quills, if necessary. For the whole hour, the gluten is more likely to relax, it will become softer and it will be easier to loosen.

Cut the skin of a bag of dough into a biscuit cake 1 - 1.5 cm.

Cover the formed shortbreads and fill in the quills for 30-40 minutes. At the process of vistoyuvannya, it’s easy to remember.

After vistoyuvannya zrobіt pierced on shortcakes.

For 5-7 minutes before the brewing, cover with beaten zhovtok.
Whip in rose heat up to 180 ° C in the oven until a beautiful intense golden brown color.

My mother in childhood often made us sour cream shortbreads. As if at once I remember the name, that the healthy smell of corzhiv is spreading throughout the house. I, it would be given b, there is nothing special in them. Zvichaine tisto on sour cream, that top, smeared with chewing gum. The melodious feeling of childishness, homely warmth, and lack of turbotness added a special touch to these cakes, baked by a daring mother. Never before have I baked them myself. I don't know why. І axis recently, having already become a mother myself, I sang performances of those best shortbreads for a son and a man. Understandably, the mini-master of the theoretical part of the class was held by my mother on the phone. The result is stovidstkovim, so I’ll hurry to tell you all the nuances of cooking, for which I took the recipe from the photo. Sour cream shortcakes went with a bang! Mustaches were left satisfied with quiet family teas.

Ingredients for 8 pcs.

  • Boroshno - 500 gr.
  • Water - 140 ml.
  • Drіzhdzhi dry - 5 UAH. (or ½ standard sachet)
  • Strength - 1 year.
  • Zukor - 100 gr.
  • Oliya Vershkove - 75 gr.
  • Sour cream 30-35% - 100 gr.
  • Zhovtok for top coating - 1 pc.

You need a papier for a vip.

Recipe for sour cream cakes:

For sour cream cakes, dough is prepared in a double way. I'm going to make a couple. I pour 140 ml of water into the bowl. The water is needed a little bit of water, but so, so that it won’t be hot (it’s better to fill up the yeast). I sip dry dry drizzle by the water. I leave to stand for 5 hvilin, so that the yeasts are fed with water.

And then we will expand to a complete expansion.

The kіlkіst boroshna can be such that it's not too thick for the consistency, but rather rare. It can be more viscous to fall off a spoon.

I curve the bowl with the dough with a clean towel and put it near the warm place for about a year. Sprinkle a little sprattime, then we will cover ourselves with small bulbs, as if they burst without a hitch. I gave away a little more to settle. It’s time to stop talking about those who have come the hour to mush quietly.

In the other deep mist, I’m boisterous, what is left, strength, zukor, rosemation Vershkov oil that sour cream. I grind to hell.

I add the dough and zamіshuyu shіlne tіsto. At the process of zamisu, it is possible to need a little bit of water or a little bit of water.

I’m leaving the dough for 15 minutes. Then I’ll start again, vimishing quietly until I become smooth and uniform. Mission is required intensively with a stretch of 10 strands. Tse is not easy.

Quietly, what happened, I crush. I subdivide into 8 equal parts.

I'll slip the skin part into a bag. Let's sweat a leather bag rozkochuyu in a colo, tovshchina 1-1.5 cm.

I cover the deco with paper for a VIP. I put biscuits on them. I’m leaving for vistoyuvannya for 20 whilin. Let's sweat on the skin cake. For whom you can beat the sirnik or a skewer.

Smearing sour cream shortbreads with whipped zhovtok.

I sip in rosemary up to 180 degrees oven to a bright golden-brown color (about 30-40 minutes to lay in the oven).

Ready korzhiki vіdokremlyuu vіd sheet. You can serve it to the table both warm and cold. Savory!

Calorie content: not shown
Cooking hour: Not specified

- Vershkov oil - 50 gr.,
- sour cream - 1 bottle,
- borosno - 2.3-2.7 bottles,
- soda - 1 tsp,
- tsukor - 1.5 tablespoons,
- eggs - 1 pc.,
- strength - 1 pinch.


In a big bowl, pour a portion of sour cream and beat in a chicken egg.

Okremo on the stove, melt a little piece of butter | oil |, give it an hour to chill the troch and pour oil | butter | to sour cream and eggs. Also add zukrovy pіsok and a pinch of salt, for a balance of relish.

Roughly mix the base and mix it with parts of wheat borosno, ahead of milling with soda. A lot of boroshna is ordered to be done mentally, even if everything is left in your sour cream; At the process, you will understand, if you need to be sharpened - it will look smooth, not sticky to your hands.

Later, having kneaded it, cover it with a clean towel and give it a year for reparation. At the same time, you can take care of your butt rights.

In another hour, divide the dough into even parts, and go for the help of a rocking chair. The thinner your dough will be rolled, the thinner the shortcakes will look as a result, control that yourself.

Pour olive oil into the heated frying pan, brush the shortbreads on both sides for 30-40 seconds. Serve hot shortbreads to the table - you can with jam or jam, you can with cheese and fresh tomatoes - you love it more. Give the same respect to the people who are not vivacious

Calorie content: not shown
Cooking hour: Not specified

I bake often, and every now and then I try to try new recipes. Not long ago, having consumed the recipe for sour cream cakes, I had to cook them in the oven without yeast. Vyvchivshi warehouse dough for cakes, I remembered that in the new one it is practically not possible to add zukor. On the back of my mind, I thought that after all the shortcakes would be seen, but as a result, I played their performances and didn’t mess up the antrochs. You can also prepare not less savory.
Sour cream shortbreads, the recipe in the oven without any yeast, which is less surprising, turned out to be even more savory, soft, troch rosy, and for the rahunka of that stench of non-licorice, they can be served instead of bread. Until then, the recipe does not have yeast, the process of preparing it will take a little time. In a word, shortbreads look wonderful, so I'm happy to share the recipe!


- 250 gr. flour,
- 150 gr. sour cream
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp. tsukru,
- 1 tsp fluffy dough,
- 1 tsp soft butter,
- a drop of salt.


1. We put all the sour cream in a bowl, here we break an egg.

2. Kindly mix sour cream with an egg. homogeneous mass. As necessary, victorious wine.

3. Let's add dry ingredients to a bowl: borosno, fluffy, tsukor, sil.

4. Zamіshuєmo sour cream. Vono can be done with schіlnim and not stick to your hands.

5. For example, add soft butter and bring it to an elastic state.

6. With whom for a long time, it is not necessary to keep quiet. If you're ready, we'll leave yoga for 10-15 minutes at peace.

7. They gave a roaringly thick, lightly sticking to the working surface of the boar, the layer of the zavtovshka is 0.5 centimeters.

8. For the help of a kitchen, or a bottle, it is possible to make mugs of small diameter.

9. Deco is covered with parchment and transferred to new sour cream shortcakes. The skin in a few places is cut with a fork. Please your relatives with such

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