Cake from pistochny dough. Simple pіsochny cake. Sandwich cakes in a frying pan

All about the dog test.

It is freshly cooked with a large quantity of olives (26%) and zukra (18%); It is easy to come out even thicker and the moisture content of yoga does not exceed 20%. In such minds, drіzhdzhі cannot develop, and it is not possible to beat them like a fluffy type of dough. The main rozpushuvach in dog test is oliya. It gives the test a rise in frequency, envelops the particles of the boar and does not let them get stuck. Boroshno for shortbread dough take from the middle amount of gluten (28-36%). If you take a large amount of gluten with a small amount of gluten, it will come out too much and it will be important to shape it, if you take a large one, the chips will be tightened.

For greater fluffing of the dough, add chemical fluffing agents to the new one - ammonium carbonate and cooking soda, which, when heated, are laid out with a variety of gases.

In a good vimish test, it’s not guilty, but the breasts are borosna or olії. Vono may be a homogeneous, thin, elastic oily mass of a gray-yellow color. The moisture content of the test is 185-195%. The main components of shortbread dough are wheat boar, butter or margarine, egg or egg zhovtok, tsukor, fluffy dough. Fruits made from shortbread dough are characterized by a pleasant relish. You can make pies, cakes, pastries, baked goods and other varieties from the pastry. Sometimes, when preparing a shortbread dough, part of the boar is replaced with starch, ground peas, add mayonnaise or sour cream, cocoa or other components. Zukor is the best addition to have a thick look of tsukrovoy powder.

Pіsochne tіsto

1 pack of butter or margarine, 1 flask of tsukru or tsukrovy powder, 1 egg, 8 tablespoons of borosna of the highest gatunka, sil, soda on the tip of a knife.

Nedolіki, yakі can blame the hour of preparation of the test, and the reasons for the blame are placed lower.


Reasons for vindication of shortfalls

It is very non-plastic, when rotting, it crumbles, and when it boils, fat protrudes

Quietly mixed

Let's melt abo

Heavily rosy olієyu

Abo s іnshimi warm


Bake the bread rudely, cry

Quite warm

Quietly protracted, when rotting, it squeezes

Rich borosna and rіdini, little fat

When vipіkannі virobu go out small obsyagu, zhorstki

The fat is at the back of the donations. For a long time we missed it

Plast podekudi burned down

Nerіvnomіrno rozkocheny layer. Deco was not turned in the oven at the same time

Virib duzhe rozsipchasti

Zamіst yaєts add one egg zhovki or rich olії

Virobi zhorstki, sklopodibni

Deputy egg to add egg white or rich caxapa, little olive oil

Cake recipes

Cake "Leningradsky"


Quietly sandy

Boroshno - 500g

Oliya Vershkove - 280g

Tsukrovy pіsok - 200g

Soda - 1/2 tsp + ocet

Oliya Vershkove - 200g

Tsukrova powder - 100g

Condensed milk boiled - 400g

Cocoa - 2 tablespoons

Orange liquor - 2 tbsp. (not obov'yazkovo)

Apricot jam - 350g

Pea hairs - zhmena

Form 25x25, oven 180


Ready to clean

With a mixer we beat olive oil and sour pisok about 5 mins, add an egg and beat more 5 mins. to writing. We add borosho with soda (+ ocet), change the nozzle on the hook (for dough) and stir until smooth. The dough comes out not tight, more elastic. Dilimo yogo for three equal pieces and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Ready cream cream.

Oliya, powder, cocoa, condensed milk and liquor are beaten with a mixer until crispy, about 5-7 min. Ready cream before picking up the cake, put it in the refrigerator.

For the sake of flourishing the dough, we take the shape 25x25, draw a contour on the parchment, turn the parchment over and give the dough the required size (I cut the back of the hand with my hands and then helped with a rocking chair). Vipkaєmo in the front rose to 180 ° oven 20 min. (Up to a golden color) The same manipulations are carried out with the dough. While the cakes are warm, carefully lift the edges, close to 1 cm, so that we can grow a crochet. Cool.

Let's start folding the cake. For 1 cake, spread with a thin ball of jam, for a new 1/3 cream, another cake, etc. Coat the top and sides of the cake with jam and cream. The sides are covered with frizzy streaks, the top of the cake is trimmed with hairy peas. Required to write “Leningradsky”, but in whom hands are gaki)

All! Ready! I would like to spend some time in the refrigerator.

Cake "English"

Starch - 160 g, Vershkov oil- 125 g, zukor - 125 g, borosno - 1 cm. spoon, eggs - 3 pcs., Migdal - 2 cm. spoons, candied cherries - 3 cm. spoons, raisins - 2 cm. spoons, chopped candied fruits - 2 cm. spoons, rum - 2 cm. spoons, lemon zest - 1/2 teaspoon, vanilla zucchini - 1/2 sachet, soda - 1/2 teaspoon, a pinch of salt.

Beat butter, zucor, lemon zest and vanilla zukor, add starch, borosno, strength, soda, eggs. Put in a paste of cleansings and rozterty almonds, vimit and rodzinki, candied fruit. Cherry narizati, sip with flour | boroshnoy | i add|add| in dough with rum. Place the masu in the form, smeared with fat, and vipkati 40 quills at an average temperature.

Cake "Olenka"

1 bottle of tsukru, 1/2 bottles of sour cream, 100 g of olive oil, 2 zhovtki, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of soda, 4 bottles of borosna, vanilla tsukor.

For cream: 2 whites, 3 teaspoons of zucru.

For filling:

Sour cream, zukor, vershkov butter, chewing gum, strong soda, vanilla zukor, and bountifully zmіshaemo carefully until I become crispy. We put half of the dough on a dry deco ball of 1 cm. On top we put the filling: raspberry, midnight, crane or lingonberry jam, grated apple with zucr, threshing rodzinka through a meat grinder or prunes without tassels, or you can take it all. On top of the test, scho sloshishivsya. Pechemo is also baked in a non-hot oven 30 khvilin. While the cake is at the oven, we beat the whites that are left out, in the mitzna pina, we add step by step three teaspoons of zucru. ready cake it’s swishy covered with whipped whites and once again put in the oven, the docks of the stench won’t get reddened.

Cake "Vidensky"

Boroshno - 350 g, top oil - 250 g, zucrova powder - 250 g, eggs - 8 pcs., fruit jam - 200 g, vanilla or lemon flavor, candied fruit.

Grind Oliya with eggs, add zukrovu powder, mix with wheat beetroot, add spices.

Cooked dough divided into 2 parts, rosemary, spices 2 cakes. Refrigerate. Lay fruit jam between cakes, grease the cake for the beast, decorate with candied fruits.

Cake "Cherry"

Pisochne tightly rozkotit at the sight of a round cake, put in a round shape with corrugated edges, prick in a few places with a fork, vipecti until golden color and cool.

For the filling: peel the cherries from the brushes, pour over the chilled zucchini syrup, boil the zucru and 1 bottle of water from 150 g, and saturate the berries in the syrup near the year. Put the berries on a sieve, put the syrup in a bowl and beat the yogo for making jelly.

For cherry jelly:

Syrup like cherries, zukor and swollen gelatin are heated to a boil, taken out of the fire, cooled slightly, not leading to catching. Place the berries in a sintered and chilled dog shape. Let's cool the jelly for the help of the penzlik to smooth the cherries, let them catch the troch. Leave a ball of excess jelly on top of the yagіd and cool the cake for 2-3 years.

Cake "Girka"

2-3 eggs, 1 bottle tsukru, 250 g margarine, 1/2 teaspoon of soda, 3 bottles of boar, 1 bottle of hairy peas, 2-3 eggs, 1 bottle of tsukru, 250 g of margarine, 1/2 teaspoon of soda, flasks of boroshna, 1 flask of detailed hairy gorіkhіv.

Eggs rubbed z | iz | tsukrom, margarine potovkti i zmіshati z|іz| eggs, add | add | soda and flour | boroshno |, mix it up and put in the cold. Quietly scroll on meat cutters and zmishati with a bottle of podribnenih gorіkhіv (rodzinkami). Vipіkati kilkoma sacks.

Cream: 800 g of sour cream with zucr (1 bottle), soak the bag in the cream and lay it with hot water, grate the beast with chocolate.

Cake "Olena"

Pіsochne tіsto rozkotity at the sight of a round cake of a zavtovshka 1-1.5 cm, put it in the prepared form, zastosovuchi so that it is empty. Whip in a hot oven until golden color, cool, tighten the shape and transfer it to a dish.

For the cream: beat (more often with a mixer) 250 g of 30% cold tops or thick sour cream with 2-3 teaspoons of cherry powder.

Fill the form with pieces of tangerines and fill with sour cream. Decorate the cake with a look of ornament along the edge and small flowers on the surface of the cake, crushed with thick jam or jam. Let the cake be chilled.

Cake "Karakul"

2 eggs, 1 bottle of zucru, 1/2 pack of margarine, 6 tablespoons of milk, 1/2 teaspoon of soda, (slaked), 3.5 bottles of borosna, troch salt.

For the cream: 200 g olive oil, 1 can of milk, thickens|thickens|.

Eggs rubbed z | iz | tsukrom, margarine roztopiti, add | add | into the new milk, then pour the sum into the eggs, put soda, salt | salt | and flour | boroshno |, knead the dough, divide into large parts and freeze, then grind on the great third and vipkati.

Pour the plastics with cream, mix well, give the form and put it in the cold. You can add peas to the cream.

Cake "Prince Igor"

For making a cake: 500-600 g of fresh sunnitsa, sprat leaves in lemon balm.

For the cream: 250 g of tops of 30% fat or thick sour cream, 2 teaspoons of tsukrovy powder.

Tisto rozkotity at the look of a round cake of a zavtovshka 1.2 cm, put it in a round shape with a corrugated edge, pressing firmly into the glib form, so that the empty one is tucked away (like a bit of a “cat” in miniature). Prick the dough (dense) with a fork without fail, so that it doesn’t get puffed up at the hour of the boil. Vipecti at a temperature of 180-200 ° C until golden color. Chill, vytyagti s | iz | shape, fill with fresh sunnitsa berries.

Beat tops (thick sour cream) from zucrum, flavor with vanilla. Decorate with cream near the ornament (border) on the edge of the cake. Between the sunflower berries and the cream of the sprats of fresh fried flowers, crusty with a rococo cut tube, beautifully spread the leaves of lemon mint (melisi). Put the cake by the fridge for 20 minutes|minutes|.

cat cake

200 g of butter | mastila |, 400 g of borosna, 1 cup of rum, 1 cm spoon of sour cream, 1 egg, 1 bottle of zucru, 1/2 lemon.

Mix olive oil, borosno, rum, egg, sour cream, zucor and lemon zest at once, beat it thoroughly. Prepare a deep frying pan, grease | smear | oil | oil |, sipati with zukr, spread it thinly on the bottom and sides of the pan, smear | smear | egg and spectrum. Transfer the prepared form from the test to a round grass, fill it with fresh berries or apples and cookies with zucr and cover everything with tops beaten with zucr.

Cake "Natasha"

3 eggs, 1.5 bottles of zucru, 1 teaspoon of soda, 1 pack of margarine, 2 bottles of borosna.

For the cream: 250 g sour cream, 150 g zucru, 1 bottle of peas

Beat the eggs with zukr, add 1 teaspoon of soda, redeemed with otts. Okremo grind 1 pack of margarine with 3 flasks of borosna. Get it all together, mix it up. Otriman masu podilіt on chotiri parts. Cakes can be baked in the oven, and in a frying pan on the stove. Only they need to be kind.

Cream: beat sour cream from zucr and add to the whole pea.

Sandwich cake (Shvidky)

150 g of butter | butter |, 200 g of wheat boroshn, 130 g of zukrovy powder, 100 g of grated almonds or chickpeas, 4 whole eggs and 1 chewing gum, 200 g of vanilla cream.

All products for dough zmishati, zamіsiti, razdіliti navpіl, spekti 2 korzhі, cool. Cover the cakes and the top of the cake with marmalade or cream. Decorate with candied fruit.

Pіsochny cake with cheese

350 g of wheat boar, 2 eggs, 200 g of zucru, 100 g of butter, a pinch of soda, 0.5 teaspoon of otstu.

For the filling: 2 eggs (zhovtki), 200 g zucru, 300 g syrah, a pinch of vanilla.

Beaten whites: 2 eggs (whites), 200 g zucru.

Rub the zhovtki with zucrum, add butter, soda, quenched with otstom to the rosemation, mix everything thoroughly, add it bountifully, and not thicker and thicker. The rest is laid out at the cake with a thickness of up to 1 cm and boiled at the oven at a temperature of 230 ° C with a stretch of 20 strands.

Prepare the filling: sir is rubbed with zhovtki, vanilin and zukr until finished homogeneous mass. Put the stuffing on the boiled shortbread, fill the animal with whites beaten with zucr and put it in the oven again (temperature 200-220 ° C), so that the cream is lightly pіdrum'yanivsya.

Cake "Gift for Grandma"

Prepare a crispy pastry, make it look like a round cake after a rosemary, or form a frying pan (it’s better to make a shape with a rose-shaped bottom with corrugated edges), smearing it in front with olive oil and sipping borosny.

Accurately and evenly, kneading the shape with your fingers, close it to the brim, piercing it in the middle of the grave, piercing it in a few places with a fork. Vipekti z testa form in hot oven until golden color and cool.

For jelly: 1/2 bottle of fruit syrup, 3 tbsp. spoons of zucru, 1 cm spoon of gelatin, 1/2 bottle of water.

Pour gelatin with warm water and leave for 1-2 years to swell. Add tsukor to the fruit syrup, warm it up to a boil, add gelatin preparations, mix it up to the yogo, do not bring it to a boil, take it out of the fire and strain the strainer. Chill the jelly until viscous.

Transfer the dough form to a dish, fill it with a fruit filling (600-700 g of canned or fresh fruits to relish) and pour the fruit and drink jelly for an additional penzlik.

Put the cake in the refrigerator for at least a year.

Spice Cake "Piramida"

400 g of butter | oil |, 15 eggs, 1 lemon, 12 buds of cloves, 1/2 nutmeg, 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, 500 g of zucru, 800 g of jam or marmalade.

Rozm'yakshene vershkov oil|mastilo| beat eggs in a pin with zhovtkami, add according to your heart, do not cease to respect, lemon zest, cloves, nutmeg peas, cinnamon, tsukor, borosno. Gently introduce proteins into the masa, which are beaten into a kick, and mix everything down to the beast. Transfer the dough to the prepared form and beat it in a hot oven close to the day.

Transfer the cooling cake to a dish, vibrate in the middle with a round shape, or with a bottle, a part of the m'akish and the dead, which has been done, fill it with jam or marmalade. The cake can be shaped in different sizes, stacking ready-made cakes one on one with a “pyramid”. On top of the cake, lightly sprinkle with zukrovy powder and decorate with almonds with whole luscious kernels.

Cake "Ripsody"

Prepare 2 cakes from the pastry dough, cook in a hot oven and cool.

For the filling: 400 g of mashed syrah, 3 scrambled eggs, 120 g of zucru, 40 g of small peas or almonds, 4 egg squirrels, vanilla zucchini for relish.

Eggs are well mixed with dry, non-acidic, wipe the sieve with syrup, add crushed peas and vanilla zucchini and carefully introduce the stuffing into the whipped squirrels.

Vіdokremiti 2/3 of the prepared shortbread dough, spread layer, put on a sheet and cover with a ball of stuffing. From the dough, which is too much, spread the jellies and put them on top of the filling near the look of the mesh. Whip the cake in a medium-heated oven until cooked, transfer the yogo to a dish, let it cool and lightly sizzle with the icing powder.

Sirny cake "Special"

50 g of boroshn, 110 g of butter | oil |, 60 g of zucru, 1 chewing gum, vanilla for relish.

Z vershkovy oil | butter |, mashed z | іz | tsukr, boroshna, zhovtka and vanilina prepare dog dough. Rozkotiti with a layer of 2/3 part of the dough, put in a smeared with olive oil and sifted with flour | boroshn | form and cover with stuffing.

For the filling: 400 g of mashed syrah, 3 zhovtki eggs, 120 g of zucru, 40 g of crushed kernels of hairy peas or almonds, 4 squirrels, beaten in pina, vanilin to relish.

Zhovtki good rozm_shati z | iz | syrup, zukr, vanilin, crushed kernels of peas and add | add | until the cієї mass is beaten into mіtsnu pіnu squirrels of eggs. From the dough, which is empty, download the jgutiki, put them on the filling near the net and bake the cake in a medium-heated oven until cooked. Chill the finished cake and lightly warm it with icing powder and grate it with chocolate. You can cover the natomist with milk glaze.

For the glaze: 250 g tsukrovy powder, as you wish, 5 cm. a spoonful of fat milk and low-fat tops, 1 teaspoon of rum and sprats of rum essence.

Zm_shati hot milk s | iz | zukrovoy powder and grind to the required density of masi. For example, cooking add rum to the essence.

Cake "Tsarskoye Selo"

Tіsto pіsochne (basic recipe) - 1 portion.

For the cream: 200 g of butter | oil |, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 2 tablespoons of sugar powder, 3 tablespoons of cognac.

For icing: 150 g of zukrovy powder, 2 tablespoons of powder, 2 tablespoons of melted butter, 3 tablespoons of hot water.

Divide dough into 3 equal parts, cut into 3 round shortcakes, cut at a temperature of 180-200 ° C, cool, glue them with cream, filling a part of the cream for decorating the cake. Top the cake with chocolate icing. If the glaze is caught, for the help of a confectionery bear or a parchment bag with a cut tube, put little ones from the cream at the sight of small flowers.

To prepare the glaze, pass cocoa powder and zukrovu powder through a frequent sieve, add hot water, melted olive oil, stir vigorously until a glossy homogeneous mass is removed.

Cake "Cheburashka"

2 eggs, 1 flask for dough and 5 teaspoons for the cream of dried zukrovy pishku, 100 g of butter, 3 flasks of borosna, soda on the tip of a knife.

Roughly rub the zhovtki, sour pisok, top butter, add offal borosno, zmishane with soda, mix everything, so that there is a great krichta.

Grease the frying pan or shape with oil, put half of the sum on it with an even ball, which came out, on top of it, carefully put a ball of some kind of jam, or grate on the great third of a fresh apple, zmishani with zucr. Above, visipati sumish, what is left out, fill the surface and put the form with the cake in the oven.

Two squirrels, which are left out, beat in a mitzna pina, add 3-5 teaspoons of zucru step by step. If the cake is ready to be ready, put the beast on the new beaten squirrels (with a grate, zirochki or sacks) and put it in the oven again on a weak fire, so that the squirrels dry up and pidrum'yanilis. Serve the cake on the steel trochi warm.

Cake "Apple Tree"

210 g of boroshn, 140 g of butter | mastila |, 140 g of zucru, 4 eggs, 50 g of rodzins, 750 g of peeled apples.

Zamіsiti pіsochne tіsto z|іz| flour | boroshna |, 70 g tsukru, rodzinok | izyumu | і 1 egg, rozkoti z|іz| new 2 same layers, lay them in a cake mold and vipkati. Spread the cakes with licorice apple puree. U pіnu z|іz| 3 eggs add 70 g of zucru and cover with masa apple puree. Put the cake in a hot oven for 5 hvilin | minutes |, shob | abi | the pina blushed.

Cake from Virochka:

I'll share my "cake". Be-like pіsochne іsto + 1 egg. The dough has less chewing gum, and you can put less zucru. Proteins are beaten with | iz | zukrom i in the refrigerator. Vipіkaєmo "cat" mayzhe until fully ready. For instance, berries (the most delicious half a full day) can be frozen in a glass of water from the refrigerator. If the berry is sour, you can stick it with zukr. From above we spread the white and zapіkaemo. Whilst in the form of "virіvnyuvannya" the white with a spoon is sure to get stuck behind the color. Mine all love this pie.

My man's love cake

German shortbread cake "Baumkuchen"

In the sight of this cake, he accidentally cut down a tree with river rings, stars of wine and otrimav his name. Such an effect is given by the special technology of the vypіchki - a wooden roller dries in a rіdk tіsto, pіdrum'yanyuєіtsya on vіdrіtomu vgnі, then urinate anew in іsto and again pіdrum'yanuієtsya sprat timesіv.
Obviously, the right Baumkuchen is getting ready in a more promiscuous way, but I will share with you no less tasty homemade recipe. I to the point, not such a terrible devil, like yogo is painted)) Pekti tsey cake turned out to be richly light, lower ochіkuvalos))


For dough
250 grams of room temperature
200 grams zucru
1 sachet of vanilla zucru
dribka salt
5 eggs
125 grams boroshn
125 grams of starch
75 grams ground almonds
by tongs of crushed cinnamon and cloves
2 s. cognac or rum
do not add soda chi baking powder

For seepage
8-10 s. orange liqueur (I have orange juice)
100 grams of apricot jam or confiture (without chips)

200 grams of marzipan
75 grams of sucrose powder
200 grams milk chocolate(or chocolate glaze)
for bazhannyam for decorating a little bit of white chocolate


Raise the oven to 250 degrees.

Seek well with starch and eat with chalking almonds and spices.

Beat butter | oil |, tsukor, vanilla tsukor i sil | salt | to the written mass.

Add eggs one at a time, gradually beating. The skin of the egg is guilty of good zadnatisya for the mass before the addition of the attack.

Prodovzhuvati beat until the end of the written light vaga.

Add|Add| boroshnyanu sumish and cognac and carefully mix it with a spatula.

Cover the bottom of the rose mold with parchment.

Place two tablespoons of dough on the bottom and evenly spread yoga over the entire surface of the bottom.

Put in a preheated oven for 3-5 minutes | minutes |.

The cake is baked on the upper level of the oven, so you can speed up the grill function.

Open the oven and spread two more tablespoons of dough on top of the baked cake.

Prodovzhuvati docks do not shinchitsya everything is clear.

Zvіlniti korzh vіd kіltsya and put on a dish.

Poke holes with a wooden skewer and bleed with liquor / juice.

Leave it until it's completely over.

Grind the apricot jam and rub it through a sieve to break up the pieces of fruit, just like that.

Cover the cake with jam.

Mix marzipan with 50 grams of powder to uniformity and rosiness on the edge of the powder layer is approximately 30 cm.

For the help of a rocking chair, transfer the layer to the cake and gently press down and smooth it over the entire cake.

Melt chocolate in a water bath and pour yogo on top, spread with a spatula on all surfaces and sides.

Let me cool down a bit and decorate with melted white chocolate for the bajans.

This cake is taken from a dry, cold place for up to two days.

Sandwich shortcakes are used for rich desserts, you can eat them in pastries, bagato ball cakes, fruit pies. It's no wonder that the sand cake corrosives to spicy kohanny, and even vin can change the texture and mix with a lot of creams: brewed, oily, sour cream.

In order to prepare a pisochne tіsto, you will need a sprat of whilin. It is not necessary to have a diploma in culinary arts in order to keep up with these tasks, all manipulations are borderline simple for the vikonan.

Immediately I will teach you how to make a cake with a romantic name, and appreciate your taste, as soon as you reach the final goal. So, read this article from the cob to the end, and you will know the recipes for savory cakes.

Cake Ivan and Maria

4 eggs; repeat flasks tsukru; a tablespoon of mayonnaise; a small spoonful of soda; 160 g margarine; 350-360 g borosh; a jar of boiled milk that thickens|thickens|; 200 g peanuts; pack of oil; 100 gram dark chocolate bar; 30 ml cups of milk; salt on the tip of a knife.

The recipe for the cake does not include a lot of products, but, regardless of the price, you can quickly prepare a delicious cake. There will be no leaks, but the new one has its own birthmark: rich peanuts and cream made from condensed milk. Let's make a cake today like Snickers chocolate bars, like children love so much.

Like you tsіkavlyat recipes for desserts, cooked in the home minds, negainno Start cooking!

The classic recipe for mixing pistachio dough:

  1. Podіlіt eggs in two warehouses: zhovki and squirrels. Others must be placed in a clean and dry dish without traces of fat and put in the refrigerator.
  2. Tim will take an hour to beat the zhovtkiv z squeaky squeak(Yogo take half of the assigned amount). Masa is obliged to live with light that food.
  3. Add mayonnaise to zhovtkiv, re-produce sumish with a mixer.
  4. Enter rozm'yaksheniy margarine, rozterty in front of a spoon. To make the masa easier to whip, the margarine is obov'yazkovo, but it has a soft consistency. Put yoga in a micro-hibernation room, so it doesn’t take an hour, otherwise it’s too late to leave yoga at room temperature for a few years.
  5. Pay off soda lemon juice, pour into the dough.
  6. Boroshno add parts, but ask for a handful of її through a sieve. Mix the dough with a spatula or a spoon. You don’t need it, so that the masa was cool and roamed around the sack. It's enough that it has become homogeneous.
  7. Put the dough in the refrigerator, like margarine, you’ll catch it, it won’t stick to the palm of your hand.

You can’t wait, win the whole hour to prepare other components:

  1. While you have mixed the dough on the zhovtka, the squirrels are milked with okholon and now they are easily mixed into food. You can add a pinch of salt to speed up the process.
  2. Vsipte reshtu tsukra and continue churning until you reach the desired result: the mass will not grow and trim the shape well.
  3. Take it out of the refrigerator, it’s fresh, you’ll have a good cake for the cake.
  4. Take metal deco and paint with yoga olive oil.
  5. Lay the dough in the center, flatten the yogo, pressing with your fingers, spread it on all surfaces.
  6. Spread the white mass from above and spread it out. Form a whiff, for which you press a spoon to the white mass, and then sharply crush it.
  7. Roast the oven to 140 degrees and right the shortbread cake and vip the meringue. Such a temperature is optimal for preparing meringue, as it reduces the heat, it will leak or stick together.
  8. After one year, the white fluffs are rumbling, this is a signal before it is time to finish the oven. 9 Fill the cakes with cold, do not let them out of the oven (this is how the recipe works).

Prepare the stuffing:

  1. Dry the peanuts at the oven or smear them in a dry frying pan.
  2. Rose the peas between the bottoms, in such a rite you will spare the lushpinnya and trim them into halves. Yakshcho є bajannya, pozhte peanuts on dribnish shmatochki.
  3. Razm'yakshіt butter and beat garnenko, add milk to the boil, thickening|thickening|

Choose biscuit cake right on the table covered with parchment paper:

  1. Divide the cooling cake into three equal parts.
  2. Lay the first part down with a ball down and carefully, so that the meringue does not crumble, smear with cream.
  3. Sip peanut halves.
  4. Cover the other part with cream and, turning it over, put it on the first cake. As a result, there is a twisted cake, where on the outer edges there are cakes, and in the middle - meringue, between like a ball of cream and peas.
  5. Apply the cream on a soft spot.
  6. Cover with the third cake, and so, so that the meringue was known to the beast.
  7. Apply a ball of cream, sip peanut halves.
  8. Pour the top of the cake with melted chocolate, zmіshanim іz tops. Paint chaotic lines so that the cake looks better.
  9. With excess cream, cover the sides of the cake and sprinkle with peanuts, as you recommend culinary recipes.
  10. The very cool and appetizing cake of Ivan and Mary is practically ready, but before the wine tasting, you can spend two years at the cold place.

There are more recipes, for which you can make cakes before tea, and the cake itself is made from dog dough, mixed with sour cream.

Cake on sour cream (pisochny)

Sandy cake, which you learn to cook at once, claims to be a natural dessert. Judge for yourself, wine is made up of two types of creams (protein and custard), chocolate, and for the dough you will need one more component - sour cream.

You have one year in a quarter to prepare. I think that spending an hour on a pink dessert will not hurt you.

Mixing the test with you will have the following ingredients:

320 g boroshn; pivpachki olії; 170 g granular zucru; 0.5 bottles of fatty sour cream; 5 g of grub soda; 10 ml of one pinch of salt.

Іsnuyut raznomanіtnі recipes for protein cream, our type of wine consists of: one protein and a glass of white powder.

Recipe for custard perebachay the presence of such products:

one chewing gum and two eggs; 2/3 bottles of tsukru-pisku; trochs less than a pack of butter; 500 ml high fat milk; 2-3 tbsp. spoons of white boar; add vanilla zukor for savor.

Decorate the cake with chocolate (look at the photo), you need 70 g.

In the meantime, all recipes for mixing dough are based on pros_yuvannya boroshna. Let us help you:

  1. Place it in a bowl and there, pierce the chilled olive with dry shmatki.
  2. Chop the masa with a knife, and then rub it between the palms. Viishla krichta, it is necessary to add sour cream and slaked soda to the yak.
  3. Shvidko, so that Oliya does not overtake roztanuti, knead the dough with your hands and download from the new bag.
  4. Wrap yoga with swimwear for food products, put at the refrigerator compartment and do not turbo 60 chills.
  5. After the end of the hour, remove the dough and add yogo to 6 parts, boil the cake.
  6. The temperature of boiling is 180-190 degrees, even for 7 minutes of cake you can win.

Brew delicious custard:

  1. Recipe for custard with eggs and milk. Our vipadka has one, two eggs and one zhovtok. Milk is fatter, then cream is tastier.
  2. Otzhe, mix eggs and zhovtok, beat with a mixer.
  3. Vsipte tsukor, vanilla, borosno, rosemary and diluted with a small amount of milk.
  4. As soon as you have the same sumish, pour in the milk and put it on the stove.
  5. Treat the cream in the right light, constantly stirring. If the wine gives the consistency of thick jelly, take it to the glass and cool it.
  6. Cut Olya into cubes, put a warm cream and beat.

With a white cream, everything is simple: the recipes are to cool them before churning the whites, and then we take up the mixer. If the masa is trimmed without any problems on the wine, sip the tsukrovu powder and beat it again.

Choose pisochny cake:

  1. Form a cake on a dish with a wide plate, pidide be a dish of a wide size. Put the first cake, apply a ball of cream. Yogo tovshchina can not be less, lower the cake itself, but you can wind more. Recipes allow cerebration, as the cream is thick and does not rise.
  2. Put all the cakes in a pile, cover the top and sides with cream.
  3. Grate the chocolate bar and decorate the cake.
  4. With a protein mass, grind the sides on the surface, filling a confectionery syringe with it.
  5. Like a bazhannya, remember the nozzle and form small white triplets.
  6. A savory cake is important to cook before living, if you spend 8-10 years in the refrigerator.

And just one more recipe:

fruit cake

For shortbread dough in this dessert, the role of the base is introduced, fruits and seasonal berries fit on it. A light summer dessert will help you entertain your guests and treat them to tea.

For the test, take the ingredients: egg; 4 tbsp. spoons of zucru; 75 g sl. olії; 160 g boroshn.
Soufflé recipes are different, we have it in stock: 4 tbsp. a spoonful of milk; one egg; 30 g borosna, zucru, gelatin; 40 g cl. olії and vanilla extract.
In addition, you need: fruits (200 g each of kiwi, oranges and seminits), they should be used for dessert recipes and embellish the surface; 100 ml of water; 30 g of swedish gelatin. Tsukrovu powder vikoristovyte for bazhannyam.

Start mixing dough, recipes and recommend:

  1. Rozm'yakshiti Oliya.
  2. Chop yogo with a borosnoy.
  3. Add an egg and a bloody pisok.
  4. Shvidko zamіsiti tіsto and vіdpraviti yogo in a cold place.
  5. Whip the cakes in a round shape, having formed the sides.

Soufflé recipe:

  1. Soak the gelatin, and then melt it in the right heat.
  2. Zhovtok rose from tsukr and boroshny. Spread sumish with milk and boil sprats of whilin.
  3. After cooling, beat with butter.
  4. Kill the white.
  5. Take three masi in one dish.
  6. Lay out the soufflé on a cake and let it be caught in the cold.

Choose a delicious homemade cake:

  1. Lay small pieces of fruit on the soufflé and fill it with gelatin transparent rosemary.
  2. So that the cake is leftover prepared, the recipe is to give you peace of mind for the second or two years and decorate with fresh mint leaves (like in the photo).

Savory! Cook the cake more often!

Dry shortbread cakes are vicarious in rich forms - the basis for soufflé cakes, fruit desserts, wonderful bagato-ball cakes, oozing cream, tistek. Tisto unseen - thin, rozsipchaste, dry. Cream vikoristovuetsya be it for your bajannyam - custard, chocolate, condensed milk. You will learn how to cook the simplest pіsochny cake for the treatment of illness.

So that the homemade shortbread cake is viyshov defiantly savory, the right consistency, not too dry and “hammered”, it is important to take into account the following recommendations:

  1. It is worth going out especially at the bottom and rozsipchatim, as if to beat the yogo preparation of only a zhovtka.
  2. Obov'yazkovo add a pinch of salt.
  3. Margarine is acceptable to beat in the test, the protein is just like natural butter to give it a unique aroma and lower texture.
  4. Beat firmly by hand. It is important not to "kill" yoga - it can be soft, smooth, gleaming.
  5. After beating, it may be kept for less than 1 year in the cold.
  6. Cakes, while the stench is hot, tend to be lower - transfer them carefully to the table or let them cool down on the deck. When the cooling is cold, it becomes tighter - don't let it beat you. After seepage cream stench become soft.
  7. The cakes leak out rarely, the shards of the stench can get wet and rise up. However, you can vicorate, like in biscuit, syrup, sik or aromatic alcohol.

classic recipe

The standard recipe for the preparation of a sand cake will be at your disposal for all your life's adventures. For this recipe, you can prepare a swedish cake before tea or a Christmas masterpiece. The hour of preparation is 1 year 15 minutes.



  1. Oliya - 200 grams;
  2. Borosno - 2 ½ bottles;
  3. 2-3 eggs;
  4. Pivsklyanki tsukor;
  5. Rozpushuvach (soda + ocet) - 5-6 grams;
  6. Vanilla - to your liking.


  1. Vershkov butter - 220 g;
  2. Thickened milk - 2/3 cans;
  3. Jam from raspberries, currants - 100 ml;
  4. Cocoa - 3 tablespoons.


  1. Oliya vershkove - 50-60 grams;
  2. 200 g of sugar powder;
  3. 120 ml of milk;
  4. Cocoa - 3 tablespoons.

Cooking process

Let's start, like and for sure, from the mixing of the dough and the brewing of the cakes:

  1. Ask hard. Sip in it tsukor, vanilla and rozpushuvach. Wu qiu dry part of the dough add | add | mixed eggs with a whisk.
  2. Chop the soft olive and put the beast on the boar.
  3. Chop all the ingredients with a knife, mixing them step by step, until the stench turns into a crichta. You can rub it all with your hands, only a bit too fast, so that the oil at the warehouse does not break the dough.
  4. Form a round bliskuch bag, burn it into a puff and keep it cold for at least 2 years.
  5. Remove the dough and divide it into 3 parts. Download 3 cakes from them. The thickness of the skin mass is not less than 0.5 centimeters (even thin cakes simply break when taken from the sheet).
  6. Take a fork and prick it on cakes at a few places.
  7. Place in the oven, heat up to 180 degrees. Korzh vypіkaєtsya shvidko - dosit 5-10 quills in fallow land in the dough and tightness of the pichka.
  8. The cakes need to be cut (cut the uneven edge), while the stench is hot.

Robimo cream:

  1. Condensed milk in this recipe is overwhelmed. You can cook її at home or buy boiled in the store.
  2. Oliya is far away from the refrigerator. If it becomes soft, cut it with small pieces and transfer it to a deep dish.
  3. Start churning the giblets, adding condensed milk with spoons.
  4. For example, insipte cocoa. The consistency of the cream is a smooth mass without breasts. Make sure to beat the cream for a short time, otherwise the oil in your warehouse can be redeemed.


  1. Cakes, if you want to cool down the stench, pass the skin with jam.
  2. Then smear them with cream and fold one by one. Drive from the sides and lightly press the beast with your hands for gluing.
  3. Pour homemade chocolate icing: mix the zucchini with cocoa, boil the milk in boiling water, boil, stir gently, and put a little olive oil at the masu.
  4. You can decorate the cake with a crumble of dough, trimmed with peanuts or hairy peas, coconut flakes. The decor is attached to the glaze, which has not yet cooled.

On sour cream

Such a recipe for a shortbread cake can be classified as a Christmas dessert. Here, a rich component warehouse is victorious: sour cream is added to the dough, two types of cream are victorious - white and custard - and right chocolate. The cake at the vikonanni will become the right center of the Christmas feast. An hour of preparation is 75 minutes.



  1. 100 g of butter;
  2. 2 flasks of white borosna;
  3. Pivsklyanki thick sour cream;
  4. 2/3 bottles of divine tsukru;
  5. Dribka salt;
  6. Soda (0.5 teaspoon) and otset (1 tablespoon).


  1. Pivlitra of milk 3.2%;
  2. 2 eggs and 1 zhovtok;
  3. 170 g zucru;
  4. 70 grams of olive oil;
  5. 2 ½ tablespoons of borosna;
  6. The extract is vanilla, rum and other.

Protein cream:

  1. Pivsklyanki tsukrovy powder;
  2. 1 protein from a large egg.

You will also need 70 g of pure chocolate for embellishment.

Cooking process:

  1. Ask for flour|boroshno| in a wide bowl or in a bowl on the steel with hot water.
  2. Spread an oliya in it, you can wind up not over that m'yaku.
  3. Shvidko grind oliya with borosnoy with your hands to a crisp.
  4. Dilute the soda with otstom and pour in the dough.
  5. Add|Add| sour cream.
  6. Not vikoristovuyuchi mixer, shvidko zmіshuєmo hands іngredієnti to become m'yakoї bliskuchoї sacks. We burn the breast in a bath and take it for a year in the refrigerator.
  7. Let's remove the bag, divide it into 6 parts, cut the cake from the skin and boil 7 pieces of skin at the oven (190 degrees).


  1. Create one zhovtok and mix with two big eggs. Beat until I'm kicked.
  2. Add milk, millet, zukor, vanilla and mix everything, so that there are no breasts, so that they do not break out.
  3. Brew in a water bath, do not forget to brew the masa regularly. The consistency is like a thick jelly.
  4. Cool, stirring, add oil and beat with a mixer.

Protein cream:

  1. Beat one protein that is overflowing with a mixer. Guilty to stay st_yka masa.
  2. Add|Add| tsukrovu powder and manually mix it with protein pinoy.

Choosing a cake:

  1. Pass the cakes with custard. The tovshchina of the ball is at least the same, like the cake itself, or more, like the cream is thicker and does not rise.
  2. So choose mustache cakes, smear them with cream on the mustache sides, freshen up.
  3. Rub the chocolate and obsipte the sides and the top of the cake.
  4. Shift the white cream at the cornet, pull on the nozzle, see the sides or the cream flowers on the top.
  5. Clean up the refrigerator for 10 years.


Sandy cake, filled with fruit and filled with a ball of jelly, is like a pastry dessert, which can be prepared at any time of the season. As a filling of cream fruit, you can vicorate cream, sour cream filling, soufflé. Sandy dough in the new vicor is not rich enough - it’s more than a thin “lining” with sides near the looking bowl for stuffing. Cooking hour - 1.20 years.



  1. one egg;
  2. The flask is boroshn;
  3. Oliya Vershkove - 75 grams;
  4. 60 g zucru.


  1. one egg;
  2. 30 g borosna;
  3. 60 ml of milk;
  4. 30 grams of gelatin and zucru;
  5. vanilla;
  6. 40 grams of olive oil.


  1. Fruits (orange, kiwi, midnight) - approximately 200 grams;
  2. 30 g gelatin;
  3. 100 milliliters of water;
  4. Tsukrova powder for dressing jelly malt - for bajannyam.

Cooking process

Replace pisochne tіsto:

  1. Let the butter soften, chop the yogo with small pieces.
  2. Ask for flour on top of the olive | boroshno | and chop the masa with a knife to a crisp.
  3. Break in this egg and sip the zukor.
  4. Stir the spatula with a spoon, and then stir it with your hands.
  5. Form a sack bag, wrap it in a swimsuit and take it away for one hour in the cold.
  6. Remove, cut into one layer, lay the shape so that the bottom and sides come out.
  7. Put in the oven (190 degrees) and boil until golden brown (no more than 15 chills).


  1. Soak gelatin (15 g) in water, and if the wine is swollen, melt the yogo in a steam bath, slowly zavazhayuchi with a spoon.
  2. Beat the zhovtok from the zukrom. Add milk to the new one borosno. Boil 3 hvilini on a small fire.
  3. Sumish to cool and beat with olive oil.
  4. Beat the Zhovtok in the piss. Take all 3 masses: protein pina, boiled zhovtkov sumish and gelatin, when you reach it, beat it.
  5. Pour into a cake-cat and take it from the refrigerator.


  1. If the cream is cold, cover it with quite a few pieces of fruit.
  2. Soak 15 grams of gelatin in water, which is left out, let it swell. Roztopіt, add zukrovu powder to the taste.
  3. Pour the fruit and put it in the refrigerator for zastigannya.

Radimo cook:

What to serve before tea shvidko? The most speedy desserts from dough can be combined with pistachio bread. Of course, we won’t be busy with cakes and pastries, but the axis of shortbread cookies will go to lasuns. Today we see it in our kitchen - an economical variant of rozsipchasti home-made shortbread shortcakes with lemon glaze.

An hour for cooking is not enough, because your guests are already on the nose, don’t worry - home-style shortbread shortcakes won’t bother you for a long time. Variation of our licorice sprat. Quietly mixed with sour cream, kefir, milk and margarine - like our fancy.

Otzhe, the products are taken for the transfer.

Chop the margarine into pieces and put it near the firebox in a glass bowl or a great saucepan.

Come tsukrovy pіsok.

Why does the bowl break into the steam room. Zukor with margarine needs to be melted and thoroughly mixed, adding, for example, rotting.

Pishna masa, what happened, cool down. The heat sumish add up chicken eggs.

Potim masa huddle together, the docks separate eggs. In a bowl with melted ingredients, it is poured boroughly (1 bottle).

Pochatkove is softly mixed and aromatized with crystal vanilla.

Let's sweat for the shortbreads again, it's going to be borosno and mixed up. So it is necessary to work doti, until it is easy to transform on the soft, but a little loose.

Ready to chill the crumbs, and then pour them into pieces and place them on a parchment sheet.

Roll between two parchments a layer of the middle class.

For help, form circles with a diameter of 10-15 cm - for the bajans. Shortbread cakes are brewed in good rozіrіtіy duhovtsі trohi more than 15 quills.

The top of the shortbread can be covered with zukr, powder, or covered with glaze. We have a variant of lemon-tsukrovoy glaze, as it is prepared from tsukrovy powder, drive that lemon juice. Ingredients are mixed into a single glaze, as if applied on the surface of a wine-glass for an additional confectionery mix or a paper cornet.

Homemade shortbread cookies are ready! Serve dessert vipіchka before tea with milk.

Krok 1: Ready dough for a food cake.

Mix in a deep bowl of chicken eggs with chick squeak and vanilla zucr, thoroughly mix and beat for help with a mixer or a blender until white mass is thickened. After all add margarine to room temperature, beat all at once again. Add a fluff for the dough, step by step, sip borosno, pro_yane through a dribne sieve. Mix everything and start mixing softly, so that it is not sticky to the hands.
When ready, carefully download it into a bun, cover the beast with a bowl of grub and put it at the refrigerator on pіvgodini.

Krok 2: Prepare cream for the cake.

While our pastry is in the refrigerator, we will prepare the cream. For this, add an oliya of room temperature with vanilla zucr, add boiled condensed milk in front (cook it on medium heat in a saucepan with water, so that a jar of condensed milk was covered with water, not less than 2-3 years). Combine all the ingredients and beat for the help of a mixer or a blender until a light homogeneous mass is made.

Krok 3: Rozkochuєmo and zapіkaєmo cake cakes in the oven.

Now, if it’s cold again, take it out of the refrigerator, increase the spit, distribute it on 4 approximately the same parts. I work on the surface of the table with a light sip of a boar, lay one piece of dough and swing a rocking chair behind a straight-cut ball. Cut the edges of the dough for the help of a sharp knife, so that you have a round cake. Scraps of tіsta vіdkladіt ubіk, stink we need troch pіznіshe. Also, add 3 parts to the dough.
Cover the deco with parchment paper for brewing and for an additional rocking chair, carefully transfer it to a new shortbread dough. Heat up the oven until 180 degrees, place a sheet with her and fill it out for 15 quilin zakatisya. The hour of preparation of cakes for the cake is also to lie down due to the individual features of the skin oven, that hour for brewing you may need three more or less.
If the cake is browned, remove the sheet, transfer the cake to small board, and transfer a new cake to the sheet. So eat until you have boiled all 4 cakes. When ready, stack the cakes one by one, so that the stench could easily steam one into one and soften. After that put one cake on a serving plate, serve the dish to the table in such a way, spread it with a clear cream, cover the animal with another cake and so on, spread all 4 cakes.

Krok 4: Robimo from a sample of grapes and leaves.

Cut the dough into one sack, divide it into 2 approximately the same parts. In one part, pluck small pieces of dough and jump in the hands of small vineyards. Place one type of one on parchment paper on a stand, which you can carefully transfer to a sheet and bake in an oven at the same temperature until browned. For the preparation of grape leaves, we need template from paper paper. Cut a grape leaf from a leaf. For another part of the dough, cut and for the help of the finished template, cut three grape leaves with a knife. The veins on the leaves are also cut with a knife. Lay the leaves on parchment and bake until zarum'yanyuvannya.

Krok 5: Decorate the cake with bags, leaves and hot chocolate.

Break the chocolate bar into pieces, store it in a small container and melt it in a water bath. Potim for the help of a great toothpick zanurіt at the new one, while the wine is still hot, half of the size of the bag of dough (grapes) and store them on a flat surface, lined with grub plіvkoy. Leave them pidsyhati, schob | abi | chocolate caught again. Then put on the rest of the cream ball of the cake two crowns of grapes from chocolate and simple bags. In good order, lay grape leaves. Melt the chocolate once again in a water bath, pour it into a pastry bag (you don’t have anything like that, you can replace it with a large plastic bag, with a small opening in one of the cups). I can see a grape vine on the cake, whiskers and veins on the leaves.

Krok 6: Serve a simple pisochny cake.

A ready-made cake is better to place everything for the whole night in the refrigerator for seepage. For this hour, the cakes will catch the good seeping cream, and the cake will be unforgettable relish. Have a great appetite!

If you didn’t know a sachet of fluff for the dough, you can replace it with the great grub soda, slaked with ott or lemon juice - 0.5 teaspoon.

Vanilla tsukor can be replaced with vanilin, but it is also necessary to beat it in a smaller proportion, on the tip of a table knife.

Boroshno for zamisu testa may need troch more or less, lower is indicated in the recipe.

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