Chocolate fondant chi cupcake: French cuisine recipe. Meister-class: make chocolate fondant Keksi fondant recipe with milk chocolate

And tsі lasoshchi go for a romantic evening in a homely atmosphere. Do you want to surprise your friend half and taste a restaurant dessert without leaving the house? Come to your services - chocolate fondant from a rare center. I will report on the recipe below, so that it’s easy to cook, and it’s easy to cook, but it still needs some nuances. On the way out, you take away the lowest French pastry, as in the Fatherland, serve from a bag of frost, and you can experiment with serving on your own, like a right chef!
Otzhe, let's do it.

Chocolate fondue recipe for two servings:

  • Chocolate (in the original recipe, hot, with 70-90% cocoa) - 70 grams
  • Vershkov oil at room temperature - 25 g.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Tsukrovy pisok - 25 g.
  • Boroshno wheat - 30 g.

How to cook:

Chocolate (70 g) cut into small pieces, place in a bowl at once with a piece of butter (25 g). We need to melt chocolate and butter in a water bath. As I cherish, I gave a good recipe, but I’ll show it to someone else.

It is necessary for the saucepan to boil water and take it out of the fire. Place the bowl with chocolate and olive oil on water bath.

Cover it with a small cap and put it on five quills. As soon as the chocolate melts, you will become a homogeneous sum.

In the next bowl, beat one egg with a mixer bloody pisok(25 gr).

Egg-butter sumish step by step lightness.

At the result, you will become a light food mass.

In an hour, the chocolate and oliya melted and we had no more to spare for the help of the shoulder blades.

The same chocolate sum is added to the beaten egg with zucr with constant mixing.

Potim dodaemo borosno (30 g) and mix it up not with a mixer, but with an additional spatula.

Quite for chocolate fondant can be rare. When you lift your shoulder blades, you will get angry with it with a great line.

Form a small expansion of the world vershkov oil(you can also add cocoa powder) and pour it into 2/3 molds.

At the back of the oven, we put the fondant for the wine (up to 180 C). My electric oven brews 7 whilins. All ovens are different, you need to take into account the individual features of your oven, in order to understand what hour of boiling is necessary for you, so that the center becomes rare. For which raju you vipkati desserts one by one. If the first one was overwhelmed in the spirits, then for the coming hour it will be short.

Ready chocolate lasoshchi cool down.

Turn over on a saucer and stick with cucrum powder.

Let's warm the fondant. It is necessary to break it with a teaspoon, so that the filling will flow, having mixed with a frosty or yagid sauce, with which fondan is served.

And now I'll show you what you see, how to take a closer look in the oven. For example, I sipped 12 hvilin of this cake: miraculously rose that virus at rosemaries. This dessert is impossible to eat! If you don’t see fondant with a rare center for the first time, in extreme cases you will see a savory chocolate cupcake or a big one, similar to chocolate cupcakes

Behind its structure, chocolate fondant, overtrimmed by the oven, comes out like a savory cupcake from the smashed m'yakush.

I see a little bit of this miraculous dessert: with a rare center (stench is served warm), with a soft center (already similar to brownies), and also not baked, but cooled in the refrigerator. All tsі raznovidi poєdnuє zagalna osoblivіst: zavdyaki great kolkostі olії that chocolate tsі tіstechka just sink in your mouth!

Before speech, at translation from French, fondant- means "melting", a common name for a testicle.

Savory! I'm glad to hear about all the food you blame on the recipe! Be a caress, don't hesitate to put food, share reviews, add photos of desserts that you wished. I will be more welcome, be it like advice.

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chocolate fondant otherwise, more understandable for the Russian people - a popular French dessert, literally translated like chocolate, scho "tane" (fr. Fondant au chocolat). Vіn also vіdomy yak Lava Cake(The name is victorious in the English lands), it is translated as “tistechko with lava”, so often in Russia this dessert can be used under the names “ chocolate lava» or « chocolate volcano". One more name for dessert, yak me traplelas - chocolate flan«.

How often do you bang, goiter your appearance of idle time: the cook took his cupcake out of the oven before one o'clock and revealed that it was rare in the middle, and the hot stuffing simmered like a lavi. Despite being pardoned, the dessert has become incredibly popular with the best restaurants in the world.

Well, axis, we understood that chocolate fondant vin Gosh, vin Zhora, vin Gog can be named impersonally, but the essence of everything does not change. It's just charіvnі, like I cold-heartedly recommend you to eat in the freezer!


  • dark chocolate 60-80% 100 g
  • Vershkov oil 60 g
  • zukor 40 g
  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • borosno 40 g
  • strength 1 pinch

Let's get some chocolate on the cob. I chant cook chocolate fondant with hot chocolate (70-80% of cocoa), and I respect that such chocolate itself looks ideal cupcakes with a rare filling. The wonderful contrast of hot hot chocolate with sweet cold frost is the axis for the sake of which, everything started, but, obviously, only my thought. More than once I have come across clues that the cupcakes came out more than hot. So, if you don’t like hot chocolate, if you prefer all licorice, then take chocolate from mixed cocoa 50-60%. I do not recommend taking milk chocolate, because. with him, cupcakes look like licorice, that one does not look so appetizing.

More importantly, schob chocolate boo good quality, On the right, in the fact that at the same time, the brewers often add a lot of cocoa products in place of the cocoa products for the rahunka, adding cocoa powder to the chocolate. Good chocolate delivers only cocoa mass (crushed cocoa bean kernels) and cocoa butter (butter that is made from crushed cocoa beans). The cake is hung and trimmed, as if it is overwhelmed after cocoa-olive - tse and є cocoa powder. Cost of wine, obviously, is significantly cheaper for the main cocoa products, and that’s enough for someone Russian pickers add cocoa powder to chocolate, so that you can add more than one hundred cocoa products to chocolate, so that the warehouse is good to go, there are no cocoa equivalents. Ale such chocolate, as a rule (deeply like a lot of cocoa powder), may be dirty, cocoa powder thickens yogo, when melted, such chocolate does not become rare. І vіdpovіdno rіdkoї stuffing, scho vіkaє z such chocolate, you don't have to go out for everything.

And now, if it’s with chocolate, sing-song, everything has made sense, it’s better to cook. From the assigned quantity of ingredients, 4-6 fondants come out (deposit according to the size of the forms).


Gotta have the ingredients. Good, as the eggs will not be colder, you can take them out of the refrigerator a long way, or just touch them by warm water.

The chocolate is broken into little pieces, and the butter is added to a new top. Roztoplyuєmo їх on a water bath or in micro-furnace(be careful, do not overheat the masa, otherwise the chocolate may burn out. As if melting in a micro-furnace oven, do not set an early hour, remove dishes with butter and chocolate from a micro-furnace skin oven for 10-20 seconds and mix well). Relatively rozmіshuєmo to otrimannya homogeneous mass Yakshcho vyyshla even hot, cool її. If at any stage the masa does not become rare, then either you overheated the chocolate and burned it, or the wine is not as good as a good quality and may be dirty.

At the utensils for churning eggs are beaten, we add zukor that strength.

We mix them up to uniformity, and mix the zucru and salt, it is not necessary to beat it strongly, just mix it with a mixer, with a wine glass, or simply wind it with a saw.

Let the chocolate mass be chilled in the egg and mixed. Prove it obov'yazkovo after it, so that the chocolate-butter sumish is not too hot, otherwise the eggs may burn.

Ask for flour | borosno | in chocolate-egg mass. Change to uniformity, but don’t keep it up for a long time, because with a long time of imishing, gluten can be seen from the boroshna and it will be thick, cupcakes can be too strong.

If you vicorist silicone molds, then they are simply smeared with a thin ball of butter, if you vicorist porcelain, ceramic or metal molds, you can not only smear them with ale oil and then stick with a thin ball of borosna or cocoa powder. Another variant I like more, more might be a little overflowing on cupcakes after the vipichka, which zips them old look, And cocoa will be unfamiliar. From the forms prepared in this way, it will be easier to make ready-made cupcakes without harming them. It is poured in neat forms, I have 4 pieces. We put it in the oven up to 200 ° C for 7-10 minutes (I use cupcakes from the oven, if the stench rises, and the middle of the troch falls in the middle).

The axis looks like the cupcakes are ready, I just turn the molds on a plate.

Otzhe, chocolate fondant get ready, serve your dessert immediately, without chilling the wine docks. І do not forget about my recommendations about freezing, turn, hot chocolate cupcakes with a rare filling even savory with a bag of cold frost. Savory!

Today I have for you a perfect recipe for chocolate fondant with a rare center. This dessert comes from France and is served at rich restaurants, so be it a master, like to love food, you can cook it. Most of them are afraid of pect, because it is important to make such a dessert foldable through some nuances, let’s talk about it.

This is a recipe for chocolate fondant with a rare filling, to the one who is guilty of such a thing, even if I bake the wine again, it will be a wonderful cake. Deyakі robyat yoga without flour, but in to this particular type it is necessary.

Dessert chocolate fondant is more like chocolate and if you don’t like black hot chocolate, replace it with milk chocolate, but if you happen to change the amount of zucru, otherwise it will be more licorice. Also, sometimes you can add a little bit of butter to the new margarine, or you can add more butter to the lint-top butter. I also have the recipe of Liza Glinskaya, and you’ll be better educated in desserts.

Whoever calls fondant a cake, but you will become like a vee yogo in the oven and the middle will be baked. Try yoga robiti just for variety. And yet to marvel, as if to grow, as to cheer you up with your gusto.


  • Black chocolate (70 - 85%) - 170 g
  • Vershkov butter - 150 g
  • Chicken eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Zukor - 70 g
  • Borosno wheat - 70 g
  • Cocoa powder - 1 - 2 tbsp

How to make chocolate fondant

The fondant recipe is not too complicated, it is important to know the nuances and everything. I break the chocolate at the saucepan and add butter, and by that time the steam room is ready. It is important to take chocolate at least 70% and higher, everything lower is bad for making desserts.

On a steam bath, melt yoga with olive oil to a uniform temperature of 45 - 50 degrees. I measure the temperature with a kitchen thermometer. It is important not to overheat the chocolate, otherwise you will become just breasts and you won’t do anything with it. If I leave yoga to reach a temperature of 30 - 36 degrees, do not complain if it does not get worse.

In an okremіy єmnostі I beat the eggs from the zukra until the zucru is wide. It is important that I reopen the wines.

At the end of the chocolate masa I add egg sumish. It is important to do it yourself so and not in the same way, so that your dessert will be drunk.

I mix it up to homogeneity and add it boroughly. Її it is necessary to ask in front and renew it to a homogeneous mass. The consistency comes out like that of fatty sour cream.

Oskіlki recipe for chocolate fondant from a rare center, I will show you a little trick. At the mold for ice, I pour it with a teaspoon. I fix them in the freezer for a year. I roll the dough with grub and put it in the refrigerator for the whole hour.

Now I am preparing the molds, for which I will smear the bottom and sides with oil, and then I will sprinkle them with cocoa powder. This is necessary in order to make them easier to emerge from the forms. Before speech, form less silicone, or you can take special ones, as they are assigned to a swindler.

Then I lay it down with them, and in the center I put one frosted little piece and I crimp it with dough, so that I lean in the middle. Yak bachite, the recipe for chocolate fundan in home minds is even simpler, so work everything in stages.

I have 6 completed forms of this size and 12 more small ones. I put them in the heat in the oven, at 180 degrees for 10 - 12 quills, in the staleness of the size of the form.

From silicone molds, the stench is easily removed, and if I cut them, we twist a thin middle, then everything is cut correctly. On top, you can sip with grated chocolate, or like I’m with tsukrovoy powder.

Axis and the whole recipe for chocolate fondant with a rare center, like a bachite, it’s not easy to cook wine, because you know the nuances. As a chocolate lover, and dark chocolate, I recommend that you prepare such a dessert. Good tea!

  • Cuisine:French
  • Dessert
  • Cooking method: In the oven
  • Servings:8
  • 30 min
  • Kharchov (pozhivna) price per 100 g:
    • Calorie content: 347.96 kcal
    • Fat: 23.32 g
    • Protein: 8.32 g
    • Carbohydrates: 26.50 g


  1. Black chocolate - 100 g;
  2. Oliya Vershkove - 100 g;
  3. Boroshno - 60 g;
  4. Egg - 6 pcs.;
  5. Cocoa powder - 10 g;
  6. Zukor-pisok - 70 g;

Cooking method

1. Before Tim, how to prepare chocolate fondant, take dishes. We need a deep bowl. Let's heat it up in a hot oil in a water bath and add chocolate to it. Let everything become a rare hot homogeneous mass. Correctly tse zrobiti so. We put a small pot of water on the stove. In the next, I draw a saucepan, I add olive oil and chocolate. Sob the stench was more rozm'yakli, better than їх trohi narіzat. We put it on a bowl and check until the water boils. As soon as butter and chocolate begin to melt, it is necessary to stir them. This is necessary so that the chocolate does not stick. Yakshto for tsim do not add dessert girchitime

2. When preparing other dishes, beat all the eggs. The recipe for chocolate fondant with a rare center can be on the vase, so the tsukor should be added to itself at this stage. Let's do yoga.

3. Eggs and zukor need to be beaten. If possible, beat it lightly on a blender or speed it up with a mixer. Like such a day, take a great wine.

4. Let's switch to sumish olії and chocolate. Let everything cool down to a comfortable temperature. As soon as the chocolate will be a little warm, it is necessary to introduce step by step into the egg sum. It is necessary to pour in more appropriately, with all the ingredients it is necessary to fast and well mix with the same wine.

5. Let's stop until our dessert mi dodamo borosno. We ask you to pass through a sieve, let it be collected again and become fluffy. I need to change everything to the point of becoming a homogeneous mass. Lumps need to be unique. Heat the oven up to 180 degrees. Prepare silicone molds, lightly sticking with cocoa. It is poured into the form and put into the oven for 10 minutes. To bring respect, the hour of swearing to lie in the sight of an oven. The top of the dough can be baked well, and the filling is rare.

6. The finished dessert needs to be cooled, and then we will take it out of the forms. Serving chocolate fondant, for this recipe, you can crush it with chives powder.

Cooking hour - 30 minutes. Number of servings - 8.

For making an ideal fondant, a good oven is needed, both with convection and with upper heating. The hour of zapіkannya tіstechka of the flooring is not enough, so be it as if you were breathing at the appointed hour, that temperature will threaten us, so that everything can go wrong, as it was intended.

Cooking method

1. On the cob itself, let's turn on the oven to the full intensity, as well as the upper heating. Now we mix eggs with zukrovoy powder and three zb'emo їx with a mixer. Let tse be low m'yaka pina.

2. Put the oil into a small saucepan or a metal ladle. Before the new one, I’ll add a quantity of chocolate.

3. We put the saucepan more on the fire, remind it with water and heat it up. We put chocolate with butter on the water lane and slowly stir everything with a spatula, check, if everything is separated and becomes the same.

4. Now cool the masa with chocolate. It will be necessary for us to zmіshuvat її iz beaten eggs and the stench is not guilty.

5. If the butter is mixed with chocolate trohi okholone, pour yoga into the eggs with a thin glass, beaten with chives powder. Do not pinch the masu, what happened.

6. Dodamo borosno, like obov'yazkovo pass through a sieve and mix everything again.

7. Brush with topsoil and lightly sprinkle with cocoa powder. Remember with chocolate dough and put it in the oven.

8. Hour of brewing chocolate fondant, yak і v cover recipe from photo, last 10 lengths. Readiness is checked with a spoon. Tap on the cupcake, the crackle may be hard.

9. The fondant is served warm from a broken vein. The filling may be trochi vitecti on a plate. You can decorate chocolate fondant with spices of mint and melisi.

Cooking hour - 30 minutes. Number of servings - 6.

Also, you can have some recipes:

How to properly serve dessert

It became clear that the preparation of this part was not as easy as it was supposed to be. Now post food, how can I give yoga, sob chocolate fondant buv, why in the photo? The axis of the kіlka options for the classic serving of this dessert:

  1. Razlamat the crust, and put a small bag of vanilla ice cream on the beast. Hot with cold - ce effectly and even more tasty.
  2. Chocolate fondant from a rare center is served sprinkled with cocoa and sugar powder. For the help of a stencil, you can paint different vizierunki: leaflets and quilts.
  3. It will be more brightly and unforgettably, like on a cupcake figuratively put a half-berry berry cut into rings, and in order to attach a crushed sheet. A taste of red, green and brown is always visual and appetizing, as if you are talking about the design of the country.

Chocolate fondant - enchantingly beautiful is that incredible grass, even though the recipes can be different. Yakshcho you did not try to cook anything like that, to build it this year. It is especially so to love children. Rejoice your relatives, give them a piece of your soul that shares the warmth of the prepared herbs.

Chocolate fondant is a very popular French dessert. It seems simpler, it’s a kind of cake with a rare center and a hard crisp shell. The dough for fondant is prepared on the basis of a full-length butter and a large amount of hot chocolate. That's why the dessert can be even lower, trochs of hot chocolate relish. Є cіkava version of the history of the journey of chocolate fondant. A French cook prepared chocolate muffins and oversight served them unbaked (sirimi) to the table. To get out of the awkward situation of the cook, saying that having invented a new dessert - chocolate, that “tanuv”, which became more popular like Fondant.

Chocolate fondant vypіchka is even tsіkava and unimaginable, but at one time it is even primhliva. For the first time, the middle may not be ideal. Bo ovens have all kinds. Just as my oven bakes a perfect chocolate fondant with a rare filling that looks like a shiny cream, which is hot, then in other ovens for the whole hour, or you will see a hot cream, or a wonderful cupcake. (Moreover, they will be even more savory.) So if you spend a day for an hour, experiment with cooking for an hour, then you can delight and amaze guests and loved ones with a chic French dessert.


  • Hot chocolate (70% cocoa) - 100 UAH.
  • Oliya Vershkove - 60 gr.
  • Zukor - 50 gr.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Borosno wheat - 30 gr.
  • Cocoa powder - 18 gr. (2 tsp with hot water) + 1 tsp. (For attaching forms)
  • Cognac (rum, liquor) - 20 ml. (4 tsp)

For the preparation of fondant, I vicorated silicone molds. The same goes for ceramics and metal.

Preparing chocolate fondant:

You need to drink hot chocolate on a water bath. For whom do I need a saucepan and a firebox, a bowl that can be inserted into a saucepan. The bowl is guilty of trimming on the edges of the pan, with which it does not stick around for її days. You can beat two pots - bigger and smaller. Abo vikoristovuvati casserole and kіvsh.

I add water to the pot. Vaughn may soon reach the bottom of the tієї єmnostі, in which chocolate melts. I'll put a bowl on top. I break the chocolate into small pieces and put it in a bowl. There I put Vershkov's oil at room temperature.

I put the structure on fire. If the water boils (but it will be quick, more water will not be rich), the fire will change. I will constantly remember. Pieces of chocolate and butter begin to tanuti, and step by step the same chocolate mass is established.

I take a bowl from the water hole and put it on the table. I give a little chill (so that you can calmly stick your finger on chocolate and not spit).

Poki chocolate masa reaches, I beat eggs with zukr.

Okremo I want to talk about eggs. Oskіlki the middle of the fondant is not cooked until the end, then, and the eggs at the warehouse will not be cooked until the end. For that very reason, it is necessary to victoriously (!) fresh eggs. Before living in them, it is necessary to bring sweetness (abo soda), to that on the scale, even a lot of bacteria can be avenged.

Otzhe, beat the eggs from the zucr. I am a vicorist mixer. It is necessary to beat on a swedish swede. The egg mass is guilty of zbіlshitisya in rozmіrah i pobliti (knock about 5 quills).

If the egg mass is beaten, and the chocolate is melted, the chocolate is cooled, the heart of the two sumishi. I shake it carefully, I mix it with a wine glass.

Then I add cognac, borosno, cocoa powder.

I once again kindly mix with a wine glass to uniformity. Masa is guilty of not being too thick. Vaughn is guilty of importantly draining from a spoon (approximately like dough for pancakes).

I smear silicone molds with butter and add cocoa powder. Remember, though, that nothing sticks to your silicone forms, you can not brush it. I don’t know Bula in whom I am enticed, I also covered it. Like victorious ceramic or metal molds, smear and stick as necessary on the clothes!

I have a skin mold diameter of 6 cm, a height of 3 cm. I pour chocolate masa at the mold. Fondant is practically not lifted, but still I did not add 5 mm to the edge.

From the last quantity of chocolate mass I had 4 fondants. I sipped them at 2 come in, picking up that hour, which is necessary for my oven for that very right consistency of fondant. If you don’t know well the capacity of your oven, then raja with a handful of spectacles of 1 fondant and understand what hour is needed.

An hour of sipping fondant can be rolled from 5 to 10 whilins.

Otzhe, I put the form of chocolate masa at the oven to 180 degrees for 6 chills! I have an electric oven and I changed the mode, which heats equally to the top and bottom.

An ideal fondant can be rare in the middle, but we repeat the names. If you try yoga in the oven and the middle is baked, then you just eat the same chocolate muffins. And if you don’t finish baking, then the cake will not trim the shape and fall apart when it is twisted from the shape.

I remove the ready-made fondant from the oven and let it cool down right at the mold. Then I put a plate (saucer) on the beast and turn the form with a cupcake onto a plate. I carefully take the form. The fondant is too loud!

To serve such a dessert, we need to warm it up, having cut the middle, so that the filling spilled onto the plate. You can decorate with berries, fruits, mint leaves. Serve well with ice packs. You can also sip cocoa chi with sugar powder. Savory!

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