How to cook borscht with Pekin cabbage, pokrokovy recipe with photo. Chinese cabbage soup with chicken Soup with Chinese cabbage recipe

Chinese cabbage є under the type of ripi and does not appear as a relative for instead of brown tongues. 100 g of the product contains: protein - 1.5-3.2 g, fat - 0.18 g, carbohydrates 1-8-2 g, food fibers - 1.25 g, ash - 0.82 g, mono - i disaccharides 1 0 g vitamin C - 65-95 mg, B1 - 0.10 mg, B2 - 0.08 mg, B6 - 0.16 mg, PP - 0.5 mg, A - 0.2 mg.

In this article, there are recipes for the first herbs, which can be prepared from zastosuvannyam Peking cabbage. You can also know the rules, tsey ovoch, and also, how to serve straw with Chinese cabbage.

    Can you add a Chinese sheep from the first line?

    This representative of the Kapustny family is more and more often seen in the culinary regions of the world. Moreover, vicorists are not only fresh looking. In beloved countries, more and more often white cabbage is replaced by Chinese. Thermal processing do not add vitamins and micronutrients to the product.

    Citric acid, which is a warehouse of Chinese cabbage, is significantly larger, lower in white, significantly increasing the hour of harvesting the product without wasting vitamins.

    Recipes from photo

    How to cook light borscht?

    Can you cook borscht with Chinese cabbage?


    • 600g Chinese cabbage;
    • 300 r. boiled meat chicken;
    • 4-5 medium sized potatoes;
    • 1 cibulin;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 2 tbsp. dewy olії;
    • beat the spices, so that we can make a special soup for you.


  1. Potato cubes, smeared with tsibule and boiled carrots in 2 liters of water.
  2. Dip the Chinese cabbage leaves and chicken meat in portioned pieces into a saucepan for 5-7 quills until cooked.

Calorie content - 37 kcal.

cabbage soup rich


  • 500 meat for brushes;
  • 700 r. Chinese cabbage;
  • 5 large potato bulbs;
  • 2 bottles of tomato juice or 0.5 kg. fresh tomatoes of medium roses;
  • carrot 1pc;
  • hourglass 2-3 cloves.

Cooking order:

  1. Put the carrot troch in the olives in the frying pan.
  2. Add tomato sik or cleaned from tomato skins. 5. Potim - rubaniy chasnik, black pepper, bay leaf. Close the lid and turn off the stove.
  3. M'yaso zvіlniti vіd kіstki, narіzati with portion shmatki. With potatoes and tomato dressing cooked in broth.
  4. Put Chinese cabbage in the pot for 3-4 hvilin until the soup is ready.

Calorie content - 57 kcal.

How to cook borscht and winch Chinese sheep?

Can you put Beijing-style cabbage in borscht? Borsch - that simple strain is foldable overnight. The gentleman's skin can be his secret ingredient in this soup.


  • 350g. chicken fillet;
  • 1 dark beet;
  • 1 malted carrot;
  • 1 cibulin juice;
  • 6 medium maps;
  • 2 tomatoes or 1 tbsp. tomato paste;
  • 700 g of Chinese cabbage;
  • oliya 2 tbsp;
  • watchmaker-2 cloves.

Cooking order:

  1. Pour olive oil on a roasted frying pan and brush it with carrots, cibula, and beetroot. Add a tomato without skins and tomato paste.
  2. Dip the chicken fillet into the pan, cut into portions of slices and potatoes, cut into cubes. Salt.
  3. If the masa boils, add a cup of tea, season with your favorite herbs, black pepper.
  4. Add fragrant vegetables to the pan with boiled potatoes and shredded cabbage.

Calorie content - 38 kcal.

It is worth watching a video about how to cook borscht from additional Chinese cabbage:

Red borscht

Can you put a Chinese sheep at the red borscht?

Borscht made from Chinese cabbage is not only succulent, but also brown grass.

Chervony aromatic rich borscht can be cooked on a steep broth from two types of meat, or you can make a song, like I have a recipe. I that, and the other savory and fragrant.


  • 700 r. Chinese cabbage;
  • 1 carrot, better for licorice varieties;
  • 2 beetroots rich Bordeaux;
  • 900 g potatoes;
  • 2 cibulini 4-5 pcs;
  • licorice Bulgarian pepper;
  • 3 large tomatoes or 2 tbsp. tomato paste;
  • 1 st. tsukru.

Cooking order:

  1. In the morning, open it up, or zap the beetroots.
  2. on the growing olive let the carrot and cibula go. Add tomato paste, a spoonful of zucru, aromatic herbs, Bulgarian pepper, bay leaf and black pepper. Keep languishing for 1-2 hvilini.
  3. Put the potatoes near the boiling water. Cook 5 chills|minutes|.
  4. Shift the stewed vegetables to potatoes.
  5. Peking cabbage cut into squares 1.5-2 cm and beetroot, cut into cubes, lower into a saucepan.
  6. Dribno pour a chasnik, add to the boiling borscht and take the pot out of the fire.

Calorie content - 32 kcal.

chicken soup

On a saucepan with a volume of 4 liters you need:

  • 800 r Chinese cabbage;
  • 1 head of cybuli;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 800 r. potatoes;
  • 700 g of chicken meat without a brush;
  • 1 clove of watchmaker.

Yak cook:

  1. Chicken meat vіdvariti, narizuvati|narіzati| pieces in portions.
  2. In a frying pan on olive oil, grease carrots and cibula.
  3. Pour potatoes with cubes of water and cook 5 khvilin.
  4. Put into a saucepan, cover, add cabbage and spices.
  5. The soup is ready. Put the chicken meat on the skin plate, fill it with vegetable water, sip on the greens. You can add sour cream.

Calorie content - 28 kcal.

With vermicelli


  • Chinese cabbage - 400g;
  • carrot - 2 pcs. tomato - 1 pc;
  • cock carcass - ½ carcass;
  • potatoes are large - 3 pcs;
  • vermicelli - 60 g;
  • qibulya - 1 pc.

Yak cook:

  1. Zvariti chicken broth from 3 liters, drive that ½ carcass of the chicken, adding 1 carrot and peppercorns.
  2. To another carrot, cibula, tomato, trim, grease on a strong fire.
  3. Strain the broth. Taste the brushes, cut the meat. Meat, vermicelli and potatoes boil 2 hvilin in broth.
  4. Add obsmazhuvannya, give boil.

Calorie content - 44 kcal.

Soup puree


  • tops - 180g;
  • Chinese cabbage -0.45 kg;
  • selera (root) - 45 g;
  • potatoes -0.45 kg.

Yak cook:

  1. Korіn seleri podrіbnit.
  2. Potatoes, cut into cubes 1.5 * 1.5 cm, put in a saucepan, pour water, salt. Cook until done.
  3. Chinese cabbage is cut coarsely, and with bay leaf and ground pepper, grind to potatoes. Varity 3-5 quills.
  4. Vikoristovuyuchi zanuryuvalny blender, grind in the pan.
  5. At the vegetable puree, vility tops, boil.

Calorie content - 25 kcal.

Z Celery


  • Yalovich brisket for brushes - 500 g.
  • Chinese cabbage -0.45 kg.
  • Carrot -1 pc.
  • Potato -0.45 kg.
  • Celera - 200 rubles. (stem).
  • Bulgarian pepper - 200g.
  • Cibulya - 1 pc.
  • Hot pepper - 1 pc.

Cooking order:

  1. Prepare brisket broth with a hint of spiciness, adding a whole pod of hot pepper.
  2. Dribno cut the cibula, pіdrum'yaniti in a frying pan on olive oil.
  3. Carrots and licorice peppers, viklasti selera in a hot frying pan, brush 2 hvilini. Add 0.5 bottles of meat broth, stew until ready.
  4. Cut the brisket into tassels, cut into portions of shmatki. Put the m'yaso and potatoes near the pan. Varity 5-7 quills.
  5. Straws of Chinese cabbage at once from the stewed vegetables are transferred to the pan. Let it boil.

Calorie content - 87 kcal.

Potatoes in multivartsi


  • Ready broth from chicken meat or vegetables - 1.5 l.
  • Potato - 500-600 g.
  • Cabbage leaves -200 g.
  • Cibulya -1 piece Carrot - 1 piece.
  • Celera (stalk) -1 pc.
  • Clockmaker - 2 cloves.

Yak ready:

  1. Extinguish on olive oil carrots, selery root, cibula.
  2. Cook potatoes in cubes and vegetable oiled in 2 liters of water in the "soup" mode.
  3. Use a blender to blend the masa into a puree.
  4. Shake Chinese cabbage, grind the teaspoon, add in mashed potatoes, cook until ready, like a “soup”.



  • Potato - 3 pcs.
  • Cibulya, carrot, selera (root), licorice pepper - 1 pc.
  • Chinese cabbage - 400g.

Yak cook:

  1. Put the carrot, cibula, selera and pepper on the olives.
  2. Potatoes in the soup boiled until ready to drink in 2 liters of water.
  3. Put vegetables and cabbage leaves into straws in a casserole.
  4. Give the soup some fresh greens and greens.

Calorie content - 26 kcal.

With pork


  • Pork (possible brushes) - 500g.
  • Beijing cabbage - 400g.
  • Tomato, licorice pepper, cibula, carrot, chasnik (chive) - 1 pc.
  • Potato - 3 pcs.

Yak cook:

  1. Prepare the meat broth, wilt the tassels, like the stench of the boules, cut the meat into portions.
  2. Carrot, cibula, tomato and pepper stewed in olive oil.
  3. Pore ​​the potatoes and place them in the broth.
  4. Add cabbage leaves with straws for 3 hvilin | minutes | until ready.

Calorie content - 86 kcal.

Sitniy with green peas

List of ingredients:

  • Chicken gomilka -250g.
  • Smoked pork belly - 300g.
  • Potatoes - 5 pieces.
  • Chinese cabbage - 200g.
  • Green peas - 150 g.
  • Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.
  • Chasnik - 2-3 cloves.
  • Olive oil.

Yak cook:

  1. Make prozory broth from chicken.
  2. Brisket, cut into small cubes and put into a frying pan, drizzled with olive oil, fried on a strong fire.
  3. Tsibulya and the watchmaker are trimmed, smeared to the brisket. Don't close the lid.
  4. Potato cubes potіm in a frying pan with fragrant brisket.
  5. Aromatic obsmazhuvannya vіdpravity near the broth. Varity 3-5 quills.
  6. Shake Peking cabbage finely and add її that green peas at the soup Give 7-10 quills. Get out of the fire.

Calorie content - 106 kcal.

With mushrooms (for multicookers)


  • Pecheritsa (or forest mushrooms) fresh frozen - 300 g.
  • Cibulina - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Perlovka - 0.5 bottles.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Roslinna Oliya.
  • Strength.
  • Pepper.


  1. Barley is added to the “groats” mode.
  2. Let the cibula and carrots go on the olії. You can blow it as usual - with straws, cubes, grate on grated.
  3. Mushrooms add to obsmazhuvannya, extinguish under the krishkoy 5-7 quills.
  4. Add to the roasted cereals, bay leaf, pour water, salt and cook in the "soup" mode until cooked.

Calorie content - 36 kcal.


Required products:

  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Cibulina - 1 pc.
  • Chasnik - 1 clove.
  • Oliya Vershkove - 50
  • Chinese cabbage - 200 r.


  1. At the bowl of the multicooker lightly brush on vershokov oil cut cibula with crushed cubes, carrot straws, tomato without skins. Add details of the clock.
  2. Put potatoes into cubes in a saucepan, pour water and cook until cooked.
  3. Trim the Chinese cabbage and add it to the soup. Salt.

The hour of preparation is 24 hours.

Calorie content - 26 kcal.

How to submit?

You can give a special relish to the soup with Chinese cabbage, if you add greens to the soup when serving. Adding to the soup can become chasnikov_ grіnki.


Chinese cabbage is rightfully considered a valuable product, it contributes to the vital health of the body: it strengthens the immune system, cleanses the judges, lowers cholesterol, normalizes the work of the endocrine system nervous systems. Indispensable in case of illnesses for hepatitis, acme, Alzheimer's.

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It is really important to say exactly how many grams of the skin product to put. Put stilki, stilki you need and adjust the consistency of the soup with homeland (broth and water). A delicious soup with cooked-smoked brisket, bacon or ham. Ale їх it is possible and not to put. Also, for beauty, you can throw a sprig of tomatoes in black rose navpils (primary tomatoes in our collection are sour and tasteless, and black licorice). Well, when it comes to Beijing cabbage, then it will play in porivnyannі zі svechaynoy bіlokachannoy: kolіr priyomnyy zelenenky, ready to stretch dekіlkoh khvilin і for relish richer lower.

Rіzhemo bacon in small pieces.

Dribno rіzhemo tsibulyu, chasnik that carrot.

I also cut potatoes with small cubes.

Cabbage is cut with thin wives. At this stage, focus on your taste - love you in soup with rich cabbage or less. Wash the cabbage in a masher with cold water.

At the pan, pour trohi of olії and smear the bacon with a little kіlkoh khvilin.

Before the smeared bacon, we visipaemo carrots, qibul and chasnik. Lubricate to the clarity of the cibul. And such an aroma in the kitchen is already beginning to come from greased bacon with a cibulka.

Visipaemo potatoes and lubricate all at once whilin 5-6.

Pour in hot broth and cook on a full fire until the potatoes are ready. Some of the vegetables came out too rich, and the broth was not enough - add hot water.

Let's sweat peas and kvassola (no need to defrost). Here it is necessary to take care that sometimes the stench does not rise for 5 quills (deposit and type of variety, and type of picker ...). To the one, as if you are not convinced, that you have brewed vegetables for 5 fines, rather throw them in the next day after you poured the broth. Let them cook at once from potatoes. My kvass is enough 5 khvilin, to become soft, so I put it on practically for example.

Through hvilin 5 we add cabbage that ...

M'yaso, as if you have lost your broth. Cook at once khvilin 8-10.

The axis is such a yakkravy and appetizing soup to come out. I have a good appetite and a warm mood!

2 years ago

Mostly we add Chinese cabbage to salads or snack bars. This crispy sheep will become an ideal addition to the first grasses. Chinese cabbage soup is a good knowledge for those who want to lose weight or replenish their vitamin supply. And also the wine is indispensable in the diet of mothers who are yearning, and those other people who happened to look at white cabbage.

In the main master, they called to add color to the first countries, or white cabbage. And the axis of Peking, the sap and the crunch, was always taken for preparing light salads and vishukanih snacks.

As if thinking about it, why can you add Beijing cabbage to the soup? And here a lot of culinary experts began experimenting, as a result, they came up with a formula for ideal soups with the addition of cabbage of the same variety.

Such a soup can be prepared with meat, vegetable broth and filtered water. Strava can be low-calorie or even lively. Leave everything in order, if you add the ingredients. The traditional set of products is meat for brushes, potatoes, carrots, Beijing cabbage and cibula.


  • 6-7 pcs. potato bulb;
  • 300-400 g meat fillet per brush;
  • 3 art. l. tomato paste;
  • 4 things. clockwork teeth;
  • 0.3 kg Chinese cabbage;
  • 1 st. l. apple otstu;
  • one cibulina;
  • carrot - 1 root;
  • for relish, spices, herbs, bay leaf.


  1. Learn from the preparation of meat broth. For whom you can take some sort of meat for brushes or soup sets.
  2. Rinse well the pieces of meat, put them in a saucepan and fill them with filtered water.
  3. After boiling, let’s start with the noise of the pin, and boil the broth until the meat is ready.

  4. The broth is processed if necessary.
  5. Vіdvarene m'yaso narіzaєmo with small shmatochki chi with hands pod_lyaєmo on fibers.
  6. The broth is poured into a saucepan, put on the stove and brought to a boil.
  7. Time to time, the potato bulbs are cleaned and thoroughly washed.
  8. Shred potatoes in cubes and add them to a saucepan with boiling broth.
  9. Carrots and cibulin are cleaned.
  10. The carrot root is trimmed on the third, and the cubula is shaky with small cubes.
  11. A saw of Beijing cabbage is cleaned from the top leaf and washed well.

  12. At the frying pan we pour refined oil of sonyashnik and we play yoga.
  13. At the rozіgіtu olіyu we put Peking cabbage.
  14. Covered її to ruddyness and adding to the frayed cibula.
  15. Through a sprat of quills we add carrots, everything is mixed and quenched with a stretch of 3-4 quills.
  16. Add tomato paste to the vegetable dressing. You can replace it with tomato puree and juice.

  17. Now salt the broth to taste.
  18. Chasnikov's teeth are cleaned in the form of luspinnia.
  19. With a knife, we cut the clockworker with crushed cubes. To make it easier to shake the watchmaker, crush the tooth with the blade of a knife, and then we’ll fix it.
  20. We add all the ingredients to the broth, add the meat and bay leaf to the new brew.
  21. All good is mixed and cooked soup with a stretch of 3-5 quills on a minimum fire.
  22. Trochs are filled with soup and served to the table, having adorned the greens and seasoned with favorite spices and spices.

Help gourmets evaluate

The skin cook has its own treasury of recipes. And in this screen there are a couple of recipes for falling in love with the first passions. As you have seen, we have added variety to the home menu, made soup from Peking cabbage and chicken.

To prepare such a sauce, you can take a set of soup, chicken fillet, and legs. Especially savory vide soup from the addition of smoked meats. You can add some smoked chicken stegens, shinki, balik. I, obviously, spices. The stench itself gives a strange, unforgettable note to the aroma and a savory relish.

Note! Such soups can be supplemented with a sum of black and white peppers, nutmeg, curry, paprika.


  • 0.2 kg Chinese cabbage;
  • 0.25 kg of smoked meat;
  • 1 liter of broth;
  • 2 pcs. clockwork teeth;
  • 100 g frozen green peas;
  • 120 g tsibuli;
  • 0.1 kg of zucchini;
  • 2 tbsp. l. refined olії nasіnnya dormouse;
  • for relish black pepper and strength.


  1. Narizaemo diced smoked meat. You can choose pork, yalovichina, chicken. Rely on your taste likeness.
  2. We clean the cibulin from the shell and chop it with a knife.
  3. Chasnikov's teeth are passed through the press.
  4. We take the tovstіnny utensils, in which we cook soup, and put yoga on the stove.
  5. Pour in the refined oil of the sonyashnik and warm up the yoga.
  6. At the hot oliyu, we sipped smoked meat and a chasnik.
  7. We mix, we smear a couple of quills and add a cibul.
  8. Once again, everything is well mixed up and tormented by the fire of death. Stezhimo, so that nothing burned.
  9. Zucchini is cleaned from the skin, washed. If the old one is old, then it is cleared up now.
  10. Shred zucchini cubes.
  11. Let's take a look at Chinese cabbage.
  12. Dodaёmo zucchini near the pan and obsmazhuєmo with a rack of ingredients with a stretch of 3-5 quills.
  13. Potim dodaemo shredded Chinese cabbage, frozen green peas.
  14. Fill everything with meat chi vegetable broth.
  15. Mixed and seasoned to taste and taste.
  16. We cook the soup with a stretch of 10 quills on the minimum fire and it is put on the stove.

Note! Options for preparing such soups are impersonal. You can add other vegetables, for example, fresh tomatoes, harbuzov pulp, squash. Shorazu soup will fill up a new taste.

Soupi with Peking cabbage can be brought up to universal herbs. Cooking grass on the water and all the vegetables, you eat a low-calorie soup. Do you want to please everyone to my heart's content? Add meat ingredients.

Shchi is the main hot grass on the Russian table, it has already been over a thousand. It was saved steadily in different epochs, although tastes changed, and did not know social changes at all, it was implanted by the majority of the population.

Ingredients for 6-8 servings:

  • 500 g of chicken meat on the bone;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 200 g Chinese cabbage;
  • 1 carrot,
  • 1 cibulin;
  • 2 teaspoons of tomato paste;
  • roslinna oliya;
  • strength, pepper for relish.


Promit the chicken, put it in a saucepan, pour it over with cold water and bring it to a boil, add strength, take the pin and cook on the right fire for 40 hvilin|minutes|.

Carrots should be minified, peeled, grated. Vimiti potatoes, peel, cut into cubes. Chinese cabbage cut into strips. Clean the cibula, mitigate, cut into cubes.

Transfer the meat to a plate, cool it and remove it from the brushes.
Transfer the cabbage to a saucepan, cook for 10 chills|minutes|. M'yaso turn back at the pan.

Smear carrots on olive oil, pepper until soft.
Transfer the potatoes to a saucepan, cook for 10 chills|minutes|. Add carrots, cook 3 hvilini.

In a frying pan, brush the cibula, pepper until soft, add tomato paste, warm up 1-2 chilli. Transfer to a saucepan, cook for 5 chills|minutes|.

Then we cover it with a krishka, take it out of the fire and let the soup infuse 10 hvilin.

Ready soup is poured into bowls and served to the table with sour cream and mayonnaise.


Shchi is a miracle traditional Russian cuisine. In the basis of cabbage soup, cabbage, sorrel, and nettle can be used. The cabbage soup is prepared as if it were empty (“empty”), so it is better (“rich”). Empty shchi were prepared in a pist on water or a vegetable vіdvіr, mushrooms, ripa, rozsil and various herbs were added to them. Traditional boules are prepared on yalovichi and meat birds. Shchi was a constant, fast grass, as if "didn't bother." It’s not for nothing that in the Russian language there are adjectives and orders about cabbage soup: “Cabbage soup is porridge - our hedgehog”, “Let’s cook soup for the squad” - it was said that cabbage soup is a simple and everyday dish. The good spirit is in the skin hut of our ancestors, so let us prepare this miraculous soup.

Today we cook borscht with Chinese cabbage. The peculiarity of this cabbage is in the fact that it is soft and lower for a white head, it is safe in cooking. Shchi with Pekin cabbage can be prepared in the wild version, on vegetable broth. We traditionally didn’t put thermally processed products, so that we wouldn’t be able to simmer and “contaminate” the world (if I want to rarely graze vegetables in soup, so my mother and grandmother cooked).

Otzhe, prepare the necessary products. I cooked borscht with Pekinka in a 3-liter saucepan, the wiyshov soup was rich and thickened, as I like.

At the pan, the water will be cold, and if necessary, wash the pieces of the trigger. I’ll start the vicorous stalks of green for preparing the broth, tying them with a thread, so that I could see them manually, if the stench gives off its aroma.

Let's put the pan on a strong fire, and for now let's take care of the vegetables. Tsibulyu and carrots will be cut into cubes.

If the broth starts to boil, it is necessary to take a kick ("noise"), then the soup will be clear.

At the broth, which is boiling, dodamo cibula and carrots. Adding fresh carrots to some kind of broth helps to grow yoga. The fire is built in the middle.

Oskіlki shchi traditionally simmered in chavunts in the Russian oven, let's cook it on a medium fire, not allowing boisterous boiling, it's important.

While our savory broth is being cooked, we will prepare the vegetables. Peking cabbage is picked on the leaves, we dry it. Cut the outer part, and the lower part of the sheet, open up to an hour. Let's cut a thin piece of leaves into thin straws.

We clean the potatoes and cut them into sticks or cubes, as you like.

After 30 quills, our broth is ready, we will tie the stalk into the broth and add the cabbage into the broth. Let's bring it to a boil.

Oskіlki pekinskaya cabbage is ready to be cooked more for a big white cabbage, but after 5 hvilin it is put into a saucepan and potatoes. Prikriemo krishkoy and varitimem schі sche 5-7 strands on a medium fire. In the meantime, we cut the lower part of the cabbage leaves with straws.

Half of the Bulgarian pepper and tomato are cut into small cubes. Dodamo cut leaves of Chinese cabbage, tomato and pepper near the pan. At this moment, add details to the watchmaker, if you want. I will add the hourglass to the plate.

Bring it to a boil, salt and turn off the fire. Dodamo laurel leaves and too much cabbage soup infused with a stretch of 20-30 quills. Nasichenny, savory and fragrant borscht with Chinese cabbage is ready!

Serve shchi with pekinki with sour cream and greens. In the second option, add more greens. The spirit of good will invariably increase the appetite of your relatives, as it were, call them to the table!

Prepare healthy!

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