How to bake Uzbek shortcakes in the oven. Uzbek cakes “Lazzat.

The recipe for Uzbek shortcakes is remarkable for its simplicity and ease of preparation. Such a boron product, broken in the minds of the home, is especially suitable for those who cannot live without fresh and hot brew for a snack.

Inconsistent i Swedish recipe Uzbek cakes, appointments for the wind shafi

Required ingredients for testing:

  • borosno wheat (you can take whatever variety) - 500 grams;
  • active - 4 lines;
  • purified drinking water (cooling okrip) - 170 ml;
  • fresh fat milk - 170 ml;
  • oliya sonyashnikova - 2 large spoons;
  • sіl iodovana - for trial (sound to be taken in a quantity of 2/3 parts of a small spoon);
  • bloody pisok- 0.5 tsp (For breeding drіzhdzhіv).

The process of mixing dough:

Transmission of the victorious dry basis. However, the varto indicates that it is not uncommon for such a savory boroshny grass to be smashed on kefir with the addition of grub soda. In this order, pour 170 ml of chilled dill and fresh fat milk into one container. Offending the ingredients should be smeared with sour piskom (up to 10 g), and then lightly pidgrit on the fire. Dali until the rosemary milk drink is necessary to boil 4 dessert spoons of yeast. Sob the stench was blown up and swollen, the dishes from the confusion are recommended to be put in a warm place for a quarter of the year. After the completion of 15-17 quills to the yeast mass, add 2 more large spoons. Also, for mixing the base until the sum is cooked, it is necessary to boil the wheat well.

So, as a recipe for Uzbek shortbreads based on yeasts, we are ready to recommend dividing them into two or three koloboks, and then place them in different capacities, cut and tidy up in a jar for a distant pidyoma (for 1 or 1.4 years).

Molding of boron virobu:

Uzbek shortbread in homemade minds is easy to finish. For whom koloboks have insisted yeast test roll in wheat flour, and then download from them small, ale tovst milk. After that, the middle part of the skin shortcake needs to be washed for an additional base of a faceted bottle, and then close the vimka, which is settled, piercing it with a fork. Also, moldings of the finished product must be clearly smeared with a chicken beaten egg and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Uzbek thermal processing

Ready mix from yeast dough should be transferred to a sheet or a frying pan smeared with olive oil, and then straightened to an oven rack (180 degrees). As a rule, the Uzbek shortbread is boiled dry (with a draw of 25 or 32 quills).

Proper serving to the table

Through the new year, savory bread, sprinkling for a similar recipe, will be more adjunct for a distant living. Such a shortbread should be served to the table in a hot place with honey, jams or juiced fruits (dynea, kavun, grapes).


Today we learn how to cook Uzbek shortbreads at home. Tsya zapashna vipіchka can become a right rodinka of the yuletide feast. On that wonderful weekday, your household will be happy with such sweets. Tim more than the preparation of Uzbek shortcakes does not mean you have special financial and timely vitrates.

3 secrets of savory cakes:

  • dough for Uzbek cakes needs to be mixed only by hand;
  • after imishuvannya, I’m ready to leave the foundation for the next year, I seem to get out;
  • so that the vipіchka was more appetizing and soft, smear the cakes with Vershkov oil.

Try spekti korzhi for cim recipe. Such a vipіchka can replace bread and pita bread. Surprisingly, but of all the components of the vide, that lower grass is savory.

Tsіkavy fact! In Uzbekistan, serving such cakes to the table is a proper ritual. First, put them on a dish uphill with a visor. In another way, the number of korzhiv can be more than a guy. Thirdly, you can proceed to offense if you break the shortbread.


  • 0.5 kg of borosh, which you ask;
  • 2 tsp dry drizzle;
  • 1 tsp kitchen salt;
  • 1 st. warm clean water.


  • We heat the water up to 35 degrees, we introduce dryness to it and mix it up until the hour until the stench starts to rise again.

  • Boroshno obov'yazkovo dvіchi prosіyuєmo, zadnuєmo s sіllu, peremіshuєmo. Introduced into the otriman masu drіzhdzhovu sumіsh.

  • We mix the base with our hands, until we take away the elastic that is tight in the world.

  • Let's transfer it to a deep pan, nakrymo її and surplus in a warm place in the summer.
  • Yakshcho you did everything correctly, for the whole hour the foundation will rise again. We press our hands tightly.

  • Divide the dough into two equal parts and download into bags.

  • Then we need to roll the balls of dough with our hands, giving them the shape of a shortbread. The axis here needs to be tried: the thickness of the korzhiv in the center can be about 1 cm, and at the edges - about 2 cm.
  • We pierced the middles of the cakes with a fork, so that the stench looked beautiful and did not swell in the process of thermal processing.

  • Deco is decorated with olive oil and we put our blanks on it. Let's take twenty khvilin, so that the stench rises.
  • Let's drink shortbread shorts with a temperature difference of 200 degrees.
  • I’m ready to take the brew out of the oven and curl it with a kitchen towel, so that the cakes are cooled down. The axis can now be drawn with the Uzbek grass.

Classic recipe in a new way

And now let's make some changes to the traditional recipe for Uzbek shortbread in homemade minds and add it to the dough of white sand, and I'll cook the grass with butter. Such a vipіchka guesses pita bread, before it you can burn up like a filling, for example, meat and mushrooms.


  • 2 tbsp. millet borosh;
  • 1 st. l. olії vershkovy;
  • 1 tsp kitchen salt;
  • 1 tsp bloody squeak;
  • 1 st. l. warm purified water;
  • 1 tsp dry drizzle.


  • Z'ednaemo tsukrovy pisok іz dry drіzhdzhami ta silly.
  • We introduce heat water and mix it.
  • Boroshty ask and in small portions add to the decision of the ingredients.
  • We replace the foundation that is left in a warm month for one year, so that it rises. Don't forget to cover it with a towel.

  • We take a round zharomіtsnu form that is covered with її food foil.
  • Z testa robimo shortbread.
  • Foil posyplemo trohi borosnoy and viklademo shortbread. We will pierce the top with a fork in a few places.

  • Melt the butter and smear it on the surface of the workpiece. Leave the shortbread in a warm dish for 15-20 quills.
  • Vipkaєmo shortbread, having twisted the sheet with foil, at a temperature difference of 200 degrees, it will be twenty. Then we clean up the foil and languish in the oven until it is covered with a ruddy garnish.

Listkova vipіchka with tsibulei

Our gentlemen, obviously, made their own corrections to the recipe for chia stravia and rose it, as if making Uzbek shortbread in homemade minds from tsibuleya. Such shortbreads need to be greased in a frying pan. And serve them with tea until noon, or like bread for dinner at dinner.


  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 0.5 kg of borosh, which you ask;
  • 1 tsp kitchen salt;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • 1 tsp bloody squeak;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olії cleared dewy;
  • 1-2 cibulini;
  • 130 g of olive oil.


  • Near the bowl we pour milk at room temperature.

  • We introduce into the milk strength, bloody pisok, oliya and soda.
  • We mix and in small portions we add borosno, what we ask.

  • Let's replace the base. Uvaga: we don’t need cool dough, the shards of yogo will be very rich, and those shortbreads will look zhorstky.

  • Divided into two equal parts. The skin of them rozkochuєmo into a thin ball. Yogo ideal width - 4-5 mm.

  • Cibulini are clean and shaky with thin pivkiltsy. The number of cybuls can be changed in the fallow season to match your smoky ones.

  • Roztoplyuyemo vershkove oil and smeared їm layer of dough.
  • From above, over the entire area, we spread the cibula with one ball.
  • Now we need to cut the plate of the dough with the cibula with the females of the 4-5 cm.

  • Obsipaєmo billets boroshnoy, scho prosіyuє, and the beast neatly pressed with his hand.

  • Let's sweat the skin blank into a shortbread.

  • Lubricate the shortbreads on the roasted olії refined dewy or vershkovy until golden brown. The axis of such shortbreads in us came out.

Such shortbreads are respected as the sacred bread of the Uzbek people. We cook them at home minds with our own hands - it's simple!

Shortbreads of the other varieties, which are boiled in the tandir - a special clay oven, give off a special savory flavor, for which many others, including those in our country, fell in love with them. I, zvichayno well, rich hazyayok pragnut learn how to cook taka savory vipіchku with your own hands at home minds. However, the tandir can be served in the kitchen of a far from skin gentleman. How can I be in such a situation? It’s even simpler: learn how to cook delicious shortcakes in the oven.

Try it, and you will be able to change your mind: you can cook even savory shortcakes at the savory oven, as nothing can taste the taste and aroma of tandir.

Recipe for Uzbek shortbread "Non"


500 g wheat boroshn

1 bottle of milk/water

2 tbsp. dewy olive soniashnikovo / corn

1 tsp dry yeast

1/2 tsp. zucru and salt

How to cook Uzbek shortcakes in the oven:

Sip tsukor in a bowl, fill it with warm (but not hot!) water, mix it up, boil the yeast to the beast and so, don’t mix it up, in warmth on a pivgodini.

At the prosіyane, it’s borough, visipan on the working surface with a hot one (in the center, make a hole), pour in the dry mass, add oil and strength there, and knead it.

Correctly, it can be soft, sticky, it is necessary to cover it with a towel and for 30 minutes.

At the center of the shortbread for an additional knife, grind 3-5 pierces.

Vipіkati shortcakes in heated up to 250 degrees oven for 10-15 min, after 5 min after boiling the cob, it is necessary to sprinkle with cold water and so work the skin 5 min until the end of boiling.

The correct shortbreads are to be blamed for food and rum'yanim.

Far cooking!

Have you tried making shortbreads with your own hands, similar to those that are sold in stores, friends? If so, then how did you feel? Share your opinion in the comments.

Video recipe of Uzbek shortcakes at the oven

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Ingredients for the recipe "Uzbek shortbread" Lazzat "":

Uzbek cakes

Even from long ago among the inhabitants of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, to the shortbread, it is truly a reverent setting. Її in the same time it is impossible to cut with a knife and put the “disguise” down - only showing disdain to bread. The shortbread is only broken with hands. For a long time, call for some kind of person, going from your own home, take with you a piece of shortbread, which climbs and climbs up to the next turn.

Buvay, that sometimes in the tandoor the shortbread rolls in the wall and falls at the feathers. She is considered sacred. I believe that at this moment the holy Khizr is near the house of the widows, and bread bows to him. Under the hour of the zaruchin, two shortbreads are laid, after which the names and the name are vvazhayutsya zarucheny. Uzbek cakes at once with bread, plates for pilaf and barbecue, as well as works of art.

In Uzbekistan, dozens of kinds of shortcakes are brewed... So Ferghana shortcakes are brought in: leaf kotlama, zhizalі-non - shortcake with cracklings, zogora-non - mixed with corn flour, kuk patir - on sourdough with grassy shortcakes Samarkand is rightfully left - gala-osієgі-non... Perhaps, if anything, I will know the recipe and obov'yazkovo will share with you.

It seems that the right cakes are baked on special sourdoughs, the recipe for which is not revealed by the native land. The skin is my own secret. I propabuvat performances in the home minds of the "Lazzat" cake - healthy, like sipping at the fun of that saint. I am pleased to share with you the recipe.

How to prepare Pokrokovo grass from a photo in home minds

Krok 1

Krok 2

Krok 5

It’s easy to feel the silence, because it’s too easy to enter the yogo warehouse. For the amount of dough, 2 shortbreads come out.

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