Why is it impossible to let the human soul out. About the physiological morbidity of death. Medicamentous method of healing

>Could you please tell me about your practice of prohibition against sex?

(Bazhenov Oleksiy):
I took up the stretching of the remaining 6 rocks hatha yoga. It woke me up to what nakraz vtrata nasіnnya. I read the book "Taoist Yoga", after which it became clear to me that without special physical rights now it's just impossible to lose. I think no one can rebuke me for this obvious fact. If you still say that I'm wrong, then I'll bring the following arguments:
1. The old-timers showed that there is nothing folded in this world, that you can’t take away in yourself the old days, the old people’s old ones.
2. Folding at the offensive: we are now seen by the body permanently, independently, if we want some more, that if yogo stavati is rich, yogo is thrown off, either uphill, or down the name . It is necessary to use dekilcoma in ways, at one hour of sleep, if you don’t have enough erection (sound in deep sleep, if you don’t have sleep), if you don’t have deep sleep (if you have a sexual dream), or if you go to the toilet, in the wrong order rank (mayzhe dermal rash occurs in all), with physical rights (rarely).
3. Wake up in a dream, you can only stick out a yogi;
4. As soon as the sadhaka goes to try to calm down the present, if he wants to stretch out for three months, then his hair will become black, the wrinkle will appear, the teeth will grow again, then the diva will simply recover. Ale ni krapli cannot be spent, it will become the same.
For the past year I have lived in the Himalayas for a few months, there in the ashrams of Shivavandi Swami. At Hrishikesh, I read a lot of books on yoga, talking to other yogis, it turned out that the problem was to waste our money on trying to squeeze out the yogis. Moreover, the rise of the day uphill was seen at the special ones directly at yoga, it is called Urdhvareta yoga, it includes the singing set of asanas, kriya and wisdom. It’s worth to make fluent speeches, but even more effective. All these cunning help us to get better of the present, but if you do your best, then make it more important, sometimes it’s just unbearable that rich sadhaks have psychic respiration, so yoga is not recommended for Kali-yuga navit to the best sadhaks . Yogis recognize the fleeting waste of the day as a normal function, do not care about falls, and if they are more likely to trap, then it is better. After many years of research and practical insight into what is purely mechanical, we can only save the present for the help of Vajroli-wise, 100% guarantee to get a good hour of deep sleep sadhak RYATUE YOUR NATIONAL VID OF AGNI (AGNI TSE SPECIAL WATER YAKIKI VITALKU NASINNYA, YOGO CAN BE EXTINGUISHED that meditation). Sensation at the offensive IF AGNI GOES DOWN INTO MULADHARA CHAKRA (stateva chakra), IT IS NECESSARY FOR THE FAMILY TO SEE IT DOWN, FOR THE SIGHT OF FIRE TO BE STUCK EVERYTHING /VID-VIT, EVERYTHING TICKET VID FIRE, VIN DEATH/, at the right time, be it to come to you, as if to wake up after a deep sleep, and now you can’t change anything. Vajroli mudra allows you to close the gate of death ignite the fire, so that now safely turn back , and the sadhak again lie down to sleep . A teacher is needed to teach this wisdom, otherwise it is possible to harm the entire system of the body. Meni did not recommend the practice of Urdchvaret yoga і Tsu mudra dies, the deprived of the Trusky Rukhati Yogo Vogor, and for the Tsyogo Robit Bagato Asan I sit in the Meditatsi, I will become a boron, sketchyuvyati, ili, there are nye -nasty people. And desecrate, our mindset is strongly influenced by the shukri's fineness; To clean Yogo, I need to work again asani and meditate for an hour, and now we continue to see each other. I so yogo become more rich, the sadhaka starts to get stronger sexually, moreover, the flooring is stronger, so the sadhaka simply can’t stop thinking about sex, and you can’t know yourself calmly, just hell, GO CRAZY /practices in the form of Shivi, Satan, and not in the form of God - in the right righteous man, by natural order, they are transformed like in the Golden Capital, as well-known people-yogis try to create directly, improve the practice of yoga, it is possible, but the foundation of the views of Shivi, "readers of readers." My thought is to remember everything and check again. Meditation? The activity is necessary for the good - to create the kingdom of heaven on earth, but if you don’t take in the light of illusion and go to sleep - meditation. ENERGY TO SPEND, BE ACTIVE IN THIS WORLD - what is needed. For good reason I know that if you are physically right, sports, then it’s easier not to spend today. and if you sit all hour - problems. It is worth recommending to young lads at the book for boys in the juvenile period. I don’t eat richly, asceticism is in eating, and I only live extremely well and not richly (gluttony => fornication, Agni does not need to be served).
Shiva to read the immovability - to the mind, sit in the asana, do not dihati in pranayam (bring the breath to the top of the head, which will improve life) - but it is necessary now - to remake the planet in a quiet garden, create without ruin, be on earth the Kingdom of heaven, satya-yuga, ACTIVITY AND NOT PASSIVITY. THE SUN BI HAD TAKEN AND WENT AT THE CAVE TO ENGAGE IN MEDITATIONS, SIT IN THE ASAN, AND LET US B LEFT WITHOUT LIGHT AND HEAT - ALE VON CHOGO DO NOT WORK IN THE BEING NOT PRACTICE. Yogis LOOK FORWARD TO THE SVIT, FEELINGLY SEE THE OBJECTS, GO TO THE SHELL, COLLAPSE IN THE MIDDLE, RESPECT THE SVIT ILUZIYU, ETC. ЇХ FOUNDATION - VІD SHIVI, YOGO IS NECESSARY TO CLEAR THE VIEW OF YOGO nonsense, perevіrit everything. Shiva’s task is to bring yoga to Kaul-Yoga+Bhog, engaged in debauchery not to lose the seed, from this he becomes even more sophisticated and enjoyment is even stronger, the addict is ready, Shiva Cupid, Kama-Vev, his task is to bring the whole Kali-yugu to bring TO REVERSE DEGRADATION AND ZROBIT THE KINGDOM OF PEKLO - GROUP ORGIES AND T.P. MONTHLY CULT WITHOUT MASKS/
. In the Himalayas, you can, for example, lie down for a whole day at the krizhanіy Ganzi, otherwise I’ll be as an austerity of work, only if you’re more hospitable, you can beat your thoughts and cleanse your soul /SO READ SHIVA - GET OVER THE FLESH, DO SADISM, SUIT ME, DIE SHALOT/
. That th fight God will be close to the woman, you may become incomprehensible. Tom on the way to practice urdhvareta yoga is just great stupidity. Well, the results of total celibacy are added - 12 fates of total celibacy (so that you don’t miss the last drop) and all 8 maha-siddh lie for your nig.
>Often I guess whatYogis to work the post on the head. What does it really do to help direct the connection to the brain?
(Bazhenov Oleksiy):
Crazy tsya asana to rob tse, however, the minimum effect will be eliminated, as it costs more than 10-15 times a day, Ale schobnuty shkіdlivyh naslіdkіv vіd tsієї аsana, її work at the complex with other asanas, scho occupies 15-20 khvilin and that 30-40 khvilin per day on qiu on the right time. There are a lot of other asanas, which are not less able for the plan of the day. Ale stink folded and renew the hour. Moreover, in urdhvareta yogaє two tasks, 1 - save the present 2 - lift yoga, do not take asana. (Tsya asana improves memory like a beast- Korisne addition). Once again I want to express your respect, in order to show up the least chance to save (do not seem to be about yoga) for the present, I want to spend two months (!) to take care of the rights of yoga for at least 3 years plus dotrimuvatisya rules of conduct ( how to walk, wonder, stand up ...) plus, if you don’t feel Vajroli-wise, you need to sleep in the cold at a temperature of 10 degrees, but rather 5. I think that you don’t show your skin, psychologically and physically.
>How do you get it right in yoga Do you recommend controlling your sexual energy?
(Bazhenov Oleksiy):
Otze, the essence is simple, if you read japa to work tse perebuvayushchi in one of the classic sitting asanas (padma, Sidha, swastika or vajra) zіyde, in Turkish abo sing-lotus. On the right in what is right with the texts yoga shastra, now /nonsense, fire/rise uphill through the sushumna - the canal in the middle of the ridge / as they say in Dattatreya-yoga-shastra sushumna - tse mahapathі-ovfifyf - the great path of cremation, self-immolation, self-burning / the back is to blame . It will definitely make the process easier. If you sit in the asana, I create a vice on the Muladhara chakra and as if I see it up the mountain. And it literally begins to flow uphill. You are to blame for the coming: after some resting in the asana of the genitals, you will come in a light awakening, but after a couple of whilins you will pass, then you are to blame for the heat in the base of the ridge / kundalіnі tse, agnі "at the bottom" of our microcosm, raising like a yogi to the head of the yogi, they will burn themselves down, burn at the mystical fire, Shiva is the destroyer of lights and priyshov, all the living and vіn pіnіmaє fire from the bottom - kundalіnі / vіn vіdchuvatimetsya more and more, until you hit the roof, you'll be scorched all the time / raising the fire to go and not to the present day, yogis zmagayutsya in the sushi prostrate near the mountains, rotting krizhins - they are engaged in the nitty, rather they robbed the korisne, his їsti tsі /And you will remember to sweat, it’s good just prana cleans all clogged channels, especially the sushumna. Such a station has a lot of money going uphill. If you practice in time, then after a year of perebuvannya in asana you will feel great joy and happiness, if you see your eyes at that moment, then sip on everything, just pour milk over everything, or s close ochima at the mid-briv'ya there is bright light / fire deyshov? /. Tse will be brahma-sukhi, tse will be seen through those that all the streams of prana in the body were seen and the mind of the hearts on one object. The threshold of duality is even lower for someone, the body may not be noticed. What can be attained and for a few months you can practice at once, you can immediately.
> How do you recommend the yoga system?
(Subal das):
I put the chain of food to Prahladananda Swamі, and wow, having pleased the yoga of Ayengara, which I myself have been doing for a long time. In Moscow, the Ayengara Yoga Center (313 83 89) is run by Ayengara's student Olena Ulmasbaeva. Yoga Ayengara tse hatha yoga for kshatriyas and one of the most authoritative directives in the world. Russian language has seen a handful of Ayengara's books "Yoga Deepika" in English "LIght on Yoga" and "Pranayama", that yoga daughter of Giti "Yoga for Women" in English title "Yoga gem for women". Also, the book Yoga for Women by Mehra is not bad.

Whose helper allow you to learn how to save your sexual energy (do not spend this afternoon orgasm), mind directing it from your body to those organs, which will require likuvannya. Also, you will learn how to experience a rich orgasmic orgasm.
It is necessary to save sexual energy in order to continue living in the body in which we live. Our ancestors of the Slovyans and the Aryans knew better about it and from the very childhood they taught children how to cherubate the sexual energy in the middle of their bodies.
Tsey helper to avenge at least theories i maximum practices.
practices more effective and health impact on your health and sexual life.
Guard: If you have a bloody vice moving, if your heart is ill, if your body is weak, you shouldn’t overly indulge yourself. Practice is guilty of bringing satisfaction.


It’s clearer on the back, what do we practice and for what?

  1. First, it is necessary to open the method " finger lock”, so that you don’t waste your time until we learn to marry bagatora-razor orgasm.

Bagatorasian orgasm it means to direct your sexual energy through the central channel near the spine and experience bliss with both the lower chakras and the upper ones. When we are vigilant bagatora-razor orgasm the sexual energy does not bend down the name (nasal reversal), but rises uphill along the central channel, reaching the brain, then descending along the anterior channel to the area of ​​the troch below the navel (center of the body), drawing all the organs and accumulating there.

  1. Friend, develop your own Lk-m'yazu, as if it would be a galm for sim'yaviporskuvannya that directing energy uphill along the ridge.
  2. The third thing that is necessary is to understand those how the energy processes proceed in our thin style. For whom the world needs meditation pidyom - lowering the fire.
  3. Get it right dihati pіd hour of sexual practices.
  4. So you will be given solitary practice. Force constipation”, for the accumulation of strength in the middle and sealing our homeland.

Theory and practice

finger lock

    1. Vіdchuvshi, scho sіm'yaviporskuvannya inevitably, press vkazіvnіm, middle and ringless fingers of the main hand (for example, right, yakshcho vy right-handed) The point, I'll point to the little one; squeezing can be done with the strong, so that you can save the day's sweat.
    2. The middle finger is guilty of pushing without a middle on the urethral canal (secural), the fingers' ridges are bent. Immediately before ejaculation, the urethral canal expands, so it will not be difficult for you to smear yoga. With a grate of two fingers, fix the channel from the sides, protecting it from damage.
    3. Squeeze LK-m'yaz in such a way that she will shove the prostate strongly, and at once lift up the area of ​​the crotch. Direct the energy of orgasm uphill, directing the breath of the spine to the brain.
    4. For an hour, hold your fingers in the palm of your hand until, until that hour, after crushing the m'yaziv.
    5. Pick up your fingers after that, as you see, that the mails have stuck to you. With whom you can remember that the erection has changed.

This method is good for beginners, since I still don’t see the energy of my body and I can’t cherubate it. By having sex and zastosovuchi tsey method for an hour of orgasm, you can easily save your current and viable energy. Orgasm is experienced, so it’s the same as it sounds, but first time you can be unacceptable.
Obov'yazkovo after the stagnation of this method, pull your testicles and trim 5 strands with them, it is necessary, so that the native land does not stagnate in the sechostate ducts.

Do you know that an orgasm and an ejaculation are known to exist in the world?
In order to experience a rich orgasmic orgasm, and if you don’t waste your time, you must know the basics of your anatomy. Orgasm and ejaculation are the name of the world of appearances.
Physiologically, orgasm- this pulsation is short, like more people feel at their penis, prostate and pelvic space.
ejaculation- It's just a reflex, which is blamed on the base of the ridge and ends with the upheaval of the present.


Lk-m'yaz your sexual health is significant. At whom m'yazі rooted five-very centimeters of your penis, and chim vіn mіtsnіshiy, tіm stronger erection, glibsha orgasm and effective streaming of ejaculation.

Lk-m'yaz- this is the very same m'yaz, like you vikoristovuєte, if you stream sechoviperation when it is impossible to use the toilet. Lk-m'yaz vydpovida for rhythmic contractions in the pelvis and anus at the hour of orgasm.

“How can a man increase his strength Lk-m'yazi, you can understand, how to build up to a multiple orgasm and how to expand an orgasm and sim'yaviporskvannya.
The easiest way to know your Lk-m'yazu Pole at the teeth of the cut while squeezing the pelvis for an hour in the toilet. For strong Lk-m'yaz you can start in the middle of the semester and then we’ll recommence it again. Whatever is important to you, it means that your mind is weak.

To the right for the development of LK-m'yazi

    1. Breathe in and concentrate on the prostate, perineum and anus.
    2. Vidihayuchi strain the LK-m'yaz around the prostate and anus.
    3. Take your breath away enough and take it out of LK-m'yaz at the pressure.
    4. Breathe in and relax, letting in LK-m'yaz.
    5. Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4, stretching the mind when breathing in and relaxing when breathing, nine to thirty-six times.

Watch the right time before waking up and in the evening before going to bed; Understandably, m'yazi can fall ill, as if you were born after a constant strain. Do not stress yourself out, increase the number and pace step by step.
If you train well, you can strain LK-m'yaz for an hour of orgasm and calm down your sweat.

Energy in our body

Our energetic body is made up of 72,000 channels, which, intertwined, establish knots called chakras. Energy (prana) collapses through the channels. From a group of 72,000 channels, we can twirl the head canal, the central one roztashovuetsya in the ear of the cup to the top of the head, where the hair is twisted into a spiral. By the same channel, we need to direct sexual energy. The central channel of bindings is with the usima of the seven main chakras, to which the energy rises up, we feel the orgasm with usima with the seven chakras, and not with the two as it should sound.

The small image shows the chakri and the central channel.
Sim chakras (muladhara - at the coccyx, svadhistana - in the area of ​​the state organs, manipura - the navel area, anahata - the center of the breasts, vishudha - the throat, ajana - the center of the interbrow and sahasrara - the top)

In order to learn how to raise your sexual energy, it is necessary to stop the practice. "Pidyom-lowering the fire". This practice clears the central channel, thus directing the sexual energy uphill.

Pidyom - lowering the fire

    1. Sit in a pose with crossed legs or on a stile. The back is obov'yazkovo can be straight, hands lie on the knees. Mova is pressed to the bottom.
    2. Show your body as empty, which shines with an indistinct white light, and the central channel looks like an empty pipe of red color, a comrade’s thumb arms.
    3. Visualize the muladhara-chakra in the area of ​​the kuprik in the form of a yellow square, on the sides of which chotiri pellets of red color are rolled. At the yoga center there is a dark-red trikutnik, turned upside down, like a half-witted hoarseness.
    4. Vikonuyuchi three times the stalk of LK-m'yazi, zmusіt polum'ya in an inverted trikutnik flare up brighter. And do not hurry, lift yoga up the mountain with the central channel of the vzdovzh ridge.
    5. Raise the fire uphill, show yoga thin, hot, and bright. Move up to the anahata chakra (on the level of the back), do yoga for a few seconds to clear the anahata chakra more quickly.
    6. The half-mind, having risen to the vishuddha-chakri (throat), swells. If you continue to raise the fire to the top of your head, then, perhaps, you will be able to raise and sublimate rich energy (prani) in the Sahasrara-chakra, prote є the ability to spend energy, to that. You can get out through your eyes, your mouth. It is recommended to bring the energy to the vishuddha-chakri and fire on the throat.
    7. At a distance of a few centimeters above the top of the head, you can see a shrill-white bag (bindu), the size of a troch is larger than a pea.
    8. The heat of the half-light is strong, which begins to melt the bindu and, melting, from the bindu begins to drip down the nectar of immortality (amrita) onto the chakri. Imagine the bindu and nectar fresh, white and clean, homely clearing up all the confusion in the energy channels.
    9. Visualize, as if dripping from the bindu, the nectar purifies the sahasrara chakra (top), vishuddha chakra (throat), anahata chakra (center of the breasts). In the anahati-chakra, on the front part of the body, the nectar is stored for a few seconds longer, lower in other chakras, in order to cleanse it more quickly. Let's continue the nectar to continue kapati and remind the manipura-chakra (the navel area), the svadhistana-chakra (the area of ​​the state organs) and enter back at the muladhara-chakra (kipchik).
    10. Nectar, drinking on a dark-red tricoutnik, calls out stronger hissing and viruvannya, potent fire that flares up, in the muladhara-chakra (kipchika). Shipinnya can be vaguely aware and tell the shipinnya olії, which she ate on a baked frying pan.

Let's start the fire anew and rise up the hill. That's one cycle.
Repeat for 30 to 50 cycles.
It is necessary to rob 10 000 cycles(with a stretch of two years) to allow, denounce the practice and kindly consider all the subtle processes that are experienced in an energetic style.

Sexual arousal and sexual energy

The one who, in spite of his wakefulness, easily feels a rich orgasm, not reaching ejaculation.

Іsnuє chotiri stages of awakening:

  1. Downtime
  2. swelling
  3. hardness
  4. Warm

First the stage of the penis begins to subside, but it still does not rise.
To another wine begins to expand and rise, but it is still not firmer (at this stage, it is even more important to introduce it into the pikhva).
For the third the stages of the wines are rising again and more firmly, and yet they are not yet played out.
On the fourth the stages of wine become more hard and hot, with which the testicles are drawn into the body and pass from the camp of maximum readiness to ejaculation.
The relaxation of the breath and the rise of sexual energy uphill, filed in the form of a penis, will help you to get to the third or to the cob of the fourth stage, three steps below the “point, beyond which there is no turning”.
In order to curb your waking up and learn how to taste a rich orgasmic orgasm, you must first learn to curse your breath.
Having learned to calm down and swallow your breath, you can treat your awakenings and enjoy orgasms without ejaculating.
gliboke, or Cherevne dihannya it’s important as a care for the awakenings, and I’m healthy for the whole body.

"Cherevne dihannya for people"

    1. SIT: Sit down with your hands and relax your shoulders.
    2. HANDS ON STOMACH: Lay offending hands on life under the navel.
    3. DEEP INHALE: Breathe in deeply with your nose so that your life is twisted forward.
    4. REVIEW: Relaxing the chest wall, seeing the deakim zusilly, so that he lives as close as possible to the ridge. If you are guilty, like your penis, that testicle is slightly lifted uphill.
    5. FOLLOW THE CHEREVNA DIHANNYA: Breathe in and see nine, eighteen, thirty-six times. Right 1 and 2 are simple, but even more effective.

To see a rich orgasmic orgasm Lk-m'yazu for the prevention of ejaculation.

cranial pump and cranial pump

In place of that underbelly of your spinal column and head, the very heart of your nervous system. Pom'yakshuvalny lining for the new є dorsal root, "mozkova" for the head and "spinal" for the calves. Tsya motherland, as it appeared, collapsed with two pumps. One of them is known near the krizhakh and in the house yak krizhova pump. Insha, which is located in the area of ​​​​the upper part of the head, є cranial pomp. A lot of people, as if they were embarrassed by the pompi pratsyuvati, reminded about the sight of the "great mіkhur" energy, which moves at the hour when the energy rises up the ridge uphill.

Daoxi can be seen up to krizhovі yak up pomp, yaka allow pіdtremuvati ruh sexual energy, what are you going to scrotum and transform її in the process. This is similar to a road station, as it cleans the energy that circulates in the air. How to open križce blocked, then life force can't enter the new one until other center.
The skull for a long time looked like the main Taoist water pump, what do you care about energy circulation from the lower centers to the upper ones. Cranial ruh є vіdpovіdalnym for virobnizstvo and circulation of the spinal cord, superficial brain and spinal cord, that for normal energized in the whole world. wu taoist full sexual energy tazova and sechostateva diaphragms, krizhі cranial pump Mayut important meaning for nadanny help transferring sexual energy uphill to higher centers.

Force constipation - solitary practice

If you are well trained to the right, you can win this option for the hour of the statute act. The method of forceful humming is victorious without a partner, as if rightly so. The method is the best for accumulating strength in the crotch for sealing the inside.
Have the right " power constipation“We are awakened by the article’s organ, I’m burning energy, as it is in our protocol. Tse heat is generated by the hand of millions of spermatozoa. Tsya energy is more vibukhovy, it is more important to follow the management and start looking for the most direct route of the name, in the cold in the middle. The greater number of people on the path of the smallest support is the path through the penis. For those who have lost the practice of raising energy uphill, the easiest path will be the path at the greater temporal center (chakri) of the body. But in order to avoid ending through the penis and direct sexual energy into the spine and other parts of the body, you need a lot of practice to manage Lk-m'yazom.

Є chotiri equal practice of power constipation:

  1. Pochatkіvtsі: vikoristannya m'yazіv hands, slits, shії, stop, crotch, seat of the abdomen for the release of sexual tension, blocking of the excercise before ejaculation and for pushing up the hot energy, created in the awakened state.
  2. Intermediate stage: a lesser world of victorious hands, crevices, feet and when sexual energy is pushed uphill, it is more important to lie down in the pelvic diaphragm and in the sphincter pumps, creases and skulls.
  3. Pushed through the stage: change of the whisker of the crotch and the change of the whisker of the cranial pump. The greater world wins the power of the thought for pushing energy into the poppy center. Concentrating force at the upper part of the head, you draw energy from the lower center to the greater center.
  4. Biggest stage pushed through: vikoristannya for cherubing only the strength of thought, there is no need to vikoristovuvat m'yazi. The power of thought to control the erection and the weakened penis and to push the energy uphill and down behind your bajan.

You have the right to be guilty of destroying your state member to the level, which results in approximately 90% of the level of orgasmic sim'appearance. Do not cross that point beyond which there is no turning, otherwise you will not have spermatic energy for practice for an hour. If you are happy forceful constipation You can more accurately determine the proximity of the ejaculation to ejaculation, and it should be 98 hours 99 hours. Rub the head of the member until an erection sets in. If you see that an orgasm is coming, apply stimulation and use the method of forceful constipation three to nine times, or use yoga doti, docks do not attach erection. Tse vvazhayutsya one to the right. Repeat this procedure - stimulate the state penis to an erection, and then beat the contraction until the erection changes - 3-9-18-36 times at a time.

Tsya practice may have ideal results. As a result of її zastosuvannya nabuli povny control over their statutory bodies, then vy, naturally, matimet povny control over them that in the case of a statutory act. I recommend vikonuvat tsyu right up to ten thousand times, sob to completely destroy the control of the organs of the state, although, naturally, master all the mustache better, as they have already trained their mind for the help of yoga, meditation and other similar disciplines. If you have not been trained to the programs of good physical rights, I recommend that you, before practicing the forceful contraction, work and have the right to play, and the right to draw up the m'yaziv. It raises the tone of energy in your organs and makes your internal energy feel better, speeding up the process of rejuvenating your sexual energy in this way.

Practice Force Constipation Croc by Croc

1. The position is sitting, the legs are flat on the floor, you are wearing wide trousers, or you are naked below the belt. Stimulate your member to an erection. Center your respect on your state organs and on the expanded energy in your penis and scrotum.

2. If you are close to orgasm, inhale deeply through the nose. Clench your fists at once, clench your fingers with "claws" at the pidlog, so that you can stop yourself with a vacuum pump, while you wet the pidlog. At the same time, clench your teeth, squeeze your cranial pump in the back of your neck, and squeeze your tongue hard until midday. Breathe in again and stretch out the entire genital-anal area, concentrating on the crotch, on the diaphragmatic diaphragm and, especially, on the penis. By the way of the maximum possible squeeze of all m'yazіv pull the energy from the penis into the crotch. Zatrimuyuchi breath that povnistyu napruzhuyuchi all m'yazi, povіlno otrahite up to nine. If you don't see it again, see and relax all the troubles of the body. You can see how the energy spreads on all sides, especially in the area of ​​state organs.
After vykonannya tsієї have the right to stretch out one or two tizhnіv, you will be aware that the compression of m'yazіv pulls your penis uphill and in the middle. You will be vigilant that the anal opening is nastily closed. As long as you don’t show up in a different way, all the dihannia is guilty of zdіysnyuvatisya through nіs. With nasal breathing, there is less control over the breath that is inhaled. Nіs filtruє ta zіgrіvaє poіtrya ta vida vita zhittєva force of good zbalansirovannoї akostі. When you see the whole body can relax. Allow all the pressure of vitekti from you, nibi vi buli in meditation.
Breathe in again, strain the mucus and pull energy from the areas of the state organs, primuyuyu її bіla crotch. Utrimuvannya її bіla intermediary may great value. So loosen up your respect, hot energy to go down at the state of the body or flow to the penis. If you release energy, you will go down and you are to blame for everything. Vicone tse, as a minimum, one day.

3. Get rid of the awakening of the penis. Clench your fists inhale, stop, slit that slit. "Pull" uphill the organs, the diaphragm, anus and, especially, the penis, pull the hot energy uphill into the gap and continue to pull it uphill to the kuprik, the troch is higher than the lower end of the ridge. See how you can enter at the opening at the gates.
Activate your cristal pump with a path through the name of the lower part of the back, to straighten the spine. Tse zrobit pіdёm energy lung. Utrimayte energy in the field of crevices, continue to inhale and pull, inhale and pull the sexual energy from the state organs of the dot, do not realize that the erection is weak. Sometimes you can vimagati from three to nine breaths from the last increase in squeezing m'yaziv. More tightness can help you drive energy into a crisis. If you start to reject again, look out. Let's relax and let the krizhovі and shiї turn in their post position, which helps to activate the two pumps.
Yakshcho pіd hour vykonanny right " power constipation“If you also practice lowering the fire (because you have already opened your central channel and learned how to direct and direct energy in a new way), then you will be richer easier to get hot sexual energy to go into crisis. In the other direction, this area is cheaply foldable for opratsyuvannya, oskolki spermatic energy є more open, lower іnshі vidi energy, and uphill її it is necessary to swing. Itself here and vikoristovuetsya krizhova pomp. Deyakі people vіdchuvayut bіl, nіbi pokolyuvannya stilettos. Let you not be turbulent, as it seems to be with you at that hour, if the sexual energy is hot to enter at the krizhovy opening. Just as you are turbulent, you can help the energy to pass through the kuprik, hour after hour massaging this place with a seam cloth.

4. As you have gone uphill through the krizh, spend the coming day on those to stretch the energy to point 11 on the ridge, opposite the sleepy gossip. Repeat the same procedure - awakening the penis, straining the mind and breathing. Swing the energy uphill to the trough, to the creeks, and then to the point T-11, you are guilty of pacifying it, until you realize that this area is filled with energy. If you see the energy itself, then you see the truth. I am again, the shards of spermatic energy are more powerful, you are guilty of adhering to it by the path of the viginanny tire of the name for straightening її, which will help you to increase the spirit and give a greater passage uphill.

5. Let's move on to the mass of your teeth - "jade pillow". The area was ripped in the back of the head between the point C-1 and the base of the skull. Look at those that have been described above - continue to pull the energy uphill to the crotch, creeks, point T-11 and further to the base of the skull. The cranial pump can fill up with energy and pulse wildly, if energy flows through it first.

6. The forward point of the tooth for energy is the point on the top of the head. When extending the energy uphill, repeat the same process of awakening and calming the erection. Move over, as you slightly pulled in the ridge, squeezed the skull for a further activation of the upper pompi and trim the upper part of the ridge straight. Continue pulling energy until dark doti, the docks are not weakened by the erection of your penis.

Right" Force Constipation“Step by step, instill your mind with sexual energy at the top of the head without straining the mind
If the energy reaches your head, you will take away new sensations of warmth and vibration. An obvious, uninterrupted reaction to the price, you can see the goodness and marvelous freshness. Deyakі people stverdzhuyut, scho stinks to start a clearer mind and strengthen their creative vibes; stench, perhaps, perebuvayut at the station, at whom they can easily automatically convert energy to the expansion of information. Tsya spermatic energy in the past, on the spiritual equals of Taoist yoga, transforms into cob energy, pure life force. If we become older, we are so rich in our brain energy that the streams step by step begin to hang, filling empty empty heads in the head. Force constipation allows you to transport sexual energy filling it with empty; deputy savings in the scrotum will accumulate in more high areas the body of that brain, so that it can be cured without a trace. Taoists vvazhayut sexual energy to create energy, as it can be transformed into a part of our life organs, or a brain.

Practice forceful constipation, you won't be able to draw sexual energy from your penis into your head in one pass. On the back you will cross the building only one station to the next. Pіznіshe ridge canal (central canal) looks like vіlnіshim. In the final chamber, you can enter thoughts into the testicles, and into the top of the head, and push the sexual energy from the testicles along all the way to the top. To effectively see sexual energy for an hour of practice, you need an hour. Don't hurry up, don't marry her. Let's start a pіd hіvіv vdikhіv i vidihіv practice pompi. Step by step, more and more win the obvious, and not the physical thrust of energy. Let your guide be a sensible energy.

7. If you see that the energy has filled the brain, concentrate on the point between the eyebrows and move it down through the lower part of the tongue and down the tongue to the throat center, heart center, sony plexus and, nareshti, to the navel. Tsіy tsirkulyatsії priyaє vnutrishnіy vice, creations under the hour of power constipation. You turn the energy of the lower part of the tunic into the ridge and uphill along it. At the same time, you draw the energy from the upper part of the body down, raising this pressure so long, as much as possible. If you see it again, relax your whole body. By natural direct flow of energy, move along the stake up the back of your body and down the front part of the body to the navel.
Continue this cycle of energy doti, docks will not weaken your erection. On the cob itself, and especially if you are sexually aroused, you may need three to nine such cycles. And after a few hours of practice, one such stake will suffice.

8. Celebrate 36 new stiskіv in the evening. Even though you already tightened your neck, then for a normal person, repeating a lie in the evening does not mean great zusil. If you are very excited, then you need less repetition, shards of skin erection take more than an hour. For such an intensity of training for a month or two, you can easily develop that tone of mind, which is necessary for the effective use of energy. How fast you progress - there is no meaning; it is important that you progress steadily. As a minimum, there may be one cycle per day - just for the sake of raising the voice. How do you happen to sip for a long day garnu zhіnku or a photograph to wake you up, you can mittevo vikonati force constipation and extend energy uphill.
The most important hour for vikonannya tsikh right is the hour from the eleventh year of the evening until the first year of the night, or from the eleventh year of the wound to the year of the day. Qi has a period of energy flow Yin change for the future Jan, i navpak. The sun begins to rise after the night, and it begins to fall after noon. Qi intervals have a good flow of energy. Even if you can’t practice in the middle of the year, don’t fall into the practice: you will surely achieve success, as you will take up the day.

9. And the rest of the clarification, as it is necessary to remember, I believe that the lower pressure is not concentrated in the tube or the empty neck. We concentrate on the anterior part of the lower part of the tuba - on the penis, in the middle and on the diaphragm. Our method is to so train the dirt, so that the stench, roiling unruly, like rowing blocked the river. Then we can turn right around the flow of the river and saturate the body with the energy that is blowing.
Conducted energy from the upper and lower parts of the body right up to the center of the energy in the navel area. Shards of our native land (like blood) do not follow the energy, then the navel, in fact, sinks into the native land and vishtovhuє її at the upper part of the body along the ridge. So squeeze the sechostate diaphragm, neither did you trim the latest sechovy mіkhur. Flicker the passage so strongly, so that the inside does not suddenly break through the zahisne ring of m'yaziv.

Come in safe for the hour of vikonanny practices

1. Under the hour of vikonanny tsikh is right not to lie flat on your back. Energy can get stuck in the chest cleft, calling out strong alertness and an extra squeeze on the heart.
2. For an hour of practice, never lie on your left side. It is also necessary to repair the vice on the heart and renew yoga energy.
3. Perebuvayuchy at the recumbent position, do not put it under yourself, no matter what. Tse to distort the channels of the flow of energy and can cause pain at the back.
As if blaming the problems identified in paragraphs 1-3, safely release the energy, the vicarist has the right to dropping the high vise. After this day, vikonannya tsієї have the right to all the pains and handlessness of the guilt.
4. It is possible, as it were, to work on an empty boat. If you have a temper, you don’t have to work less than a year later, then go.
5. For an hour of practice, be dressed or wrap yourself in a light carpet. If you have the right to win correctly, you will sweat and you can catch a cold, if you will not be covered by anything. After practicing, change your clothes, so that you can see the matter for the vologer. The occupant may have a weak stream of pure air. Be unique if you stretch that wind. Wind may tend to increase energy. Vin can easily stir up your cold energy.
7. For an hour, do not breathe with your mouth. If you breathe through nіs, it is easier to control the potik again. Inhale through the nіs charging again that zmіtsnyuє brain.
8. Do not worry, as in the first days of practice you will not get good results. It will take a different hour for the heat to start flowing from the testicle uphill.
9. You are responsible to increase the building to an intensive concentration. Raise your mind as a blur. Let your thoughts and images overwhelm you without accompanying them. Empty the dishes of the mind like thoughts: the empty energy is straightened out. Your building up to the concentration will be constantly developed, so you will be easy-going in tsoma. Practice meditation let down the fire ta vikonite її negainno after practice power constipation.
10. For an hour of practice, flatten your eyes and follow the paths of energy. Rozum is not guilty of straying into thoughts and fantasies, but you can judge the course of energy wisely. Tse can be built even more foldable. You will be happy, like a swede you can become sensitive to the power of energy. If you see the energy in the middle of yourself, you will know for sure what we can take away. Shards of energy flow through natural paths, there is your mind as it is, as the mind knows power.
11. The one who suffers from constipation, can practice lying, for a year of active intestinal activity. Qi have the right to do more help to get rid of these problems.
12. In order for the method Force constipation Be effective, you are not guilty of ejaculation for 30 days. After an orgasm with ejaculation, the body can again accumulate a sufficient amount of energy in the testicles. If you don’t have enough information, in order to cancel today’s hour of the statutory act, stay in sex for 30 days. In this rank, you see the full strength of this method.

I, obviously, do not speak out against your majestic mother of the statue. I’ll just get ahead of you, if you spend your life, then your progress will be more successful. Learn at once to sacrifice satisfaction in the form of ejaculation for the sake of future satisfaction. As if you have died, you are right, you can more easily make love by the method of saving your life for an hour.

To the right to drop the high vice

After practice Force constipation with a stretch of two days of the day with a great bloody grip, they signify a great surge of energy to the head. The stench looks at the vice at the head, to the fact that the blood follows uphill following the flow of life energy. Nothing is disturbed by one of the mild symptoms of the "Kundalina Syndrome", when the energy is increased uncontrollably over the body.
If you are suffering from a high blood pressure, you do not practice meditation pidyom - lowering the fire(I will describe it later), as you evenly spread the energy over the body, then to reduce the excess pressure, you can meditate on two points. Tse dot Minmen on the ridge, directly opposite the navel (between points T-1 and T-13), i point yongquan (point K-1) on the pedestals of your feet.
For the appointment of a point Minmen Lean on the waist with a sash like a belt. Expand the plane exactly horizontal and install it on the level of the navel. Krapka Minmen to lie at the crossroads of a hank with a ridge. If you have a great live bait that hangs, then work to fight against that mist, de bov the navel, to the lowering of the stomach. If you bend back at the waist, then this point will look like an opening at the ridge.
Іnsha point, yongquan be on your feet. If you squeeze your fingers on your nose, then it will be the most central point on the foot of the crypt of the foot.
After that, as you know this point on both legs, tie small prickly bags to them, like a prickly chestnut or a pod from the tops of a magnificent tree. Place offending hands on the back and press hard on the back bag, concentrating respect for it on the point Minmen . Tse vіdtyagne there energy and blood.
Since you see that the energy is flowing into Minmen , direct її down the back of the ridge and nіg to the point yongquan . Press on the bag so that you can clearly see the ridge. In folding vipads, those who want to bring energy to the spot Minmen , and then bring її into yongquan may be needed in one to two months.
Yakshcho blood over to flow in the head for an hour or a day Force constipation give me energy. Nevrіvnovazhen energy vitіkatime z tіla through qi two points.

P_vedemo p_bags

Perche, that we need to learn how to win the method finger lock, In order to be able to have sex and not waste your energy. And so let's get into it correctly dihati and victorious in sex.

friend we try to correct our day Lk-m'yazu i robimo 30-50 cycles per day pidyom - lowering the fire(since there is no opportunity to practice, then we change the hour of practice for a pleasant one for us).

Third vikonuemo solitary practice Force constipation for bajannyam, we recommend a day. If this practice gains strength, you can stream your current sex hour and direct the energy uphill.

Success in practice!

The fish of the old fish was sipping gold, and it seemed to him in a human voice: “Until quiet feast, old, as long as there are bajans in you, I will beat them, but if you don’t become a bazhan, I will let you in and you will become Vilnim”... From folklore

We live in a marvelous hour, if science has become the slave of people's untidy passions. Under the influence of the so-called "scientific" propaganda, the masses of people what is so good, and what is so bad, literally turned upside down. For example, more than a dozen years ago, I can’t think of anything, that a hen is a shkidliva zvichka. Ninі w burn more than half of the population. Moreover, already at the conferences of the International Association for the Protection of Health, serious statements began to be made about those that a chicken can be brown, accepted, in small quantities - no more than a pack of cigarettes for a day !!!

Yakshcho Schodo drug addicts, alcohol Tu Kurinnya in people Scho Sumniy, then the Sexual Nasolod Zabobo Masovoi Informas for the Pіdkovikh Authority of the Number Vasyukinsky Academy of Medican Vikhovnitsy, Yaki knew the tributaries " Without a regular state life, a normal person cannot live, for the most important warehouse of human life".

Hundreds of “proofs” and results will be brought to you to confirm this stink, and also to support these current “scientific” theories.

Popular science is to blame for the need to call the mind of a reasonable person. Likewise, as if shouting sumniv, declare that it is like a Chinese chi in the "tnamsky shirvzhitka", which all markets are filled with. Yakіsnі speech zavzhdi dear and їх it is necessary to search. So it is in today's reference science that there is a small number of shamanic scientists, whose practice confirms the inestimable melancholy of the state's humility.
The axis of the lines of one of the typical articles ( Dr. R. W. Bennard, Last Center Health, California), under the title "Physiological value of peace": “Not only the middle of the mass population, but also the middle of the likars have taken root, look at what the statement about the physiological value of state peace is to be put up until the dark hours of religious obscenities and scientific non-government and unimaginable with the curiosities of physical science. Some pseudo-sexologists scrambled for the idea in their commercial interests and created in the minds of the masses of people a phobia of stately peace, as it became the cause of nervous and rozum ailments and brought undoubted health problems. Just look at the fear of doctors and psychoanalysts at peace, the cause of nervous illnesses among young people and for the sake of young people to fight against the changes, taking into account the risk of contracting venereal diseases of a lesser evil, less troubles, as if it were necessary to take control.
However, it is more important to know the facts pointed out below, whether it’s a kind of open reader, what a guess, look at the hell, and that peace itself can’t hurt shkodi, but it’s always beneficial, and if a person doesn’t live by systematic state of life, in, the fault lies not with humility, but with alternative ways of expressing sexual blasphemy, transcendental nighttime simi- larities, and so on. Zvayayuschie on those that are rich in lecithin, cholesterol, phosphorus and other warehouses of the nervous and brain tissue, it is clear that the very thing is unstoppable, or the consumption of these valuable living things for the nervous system of the speeches, the pull of the sap and, as a result of the yogic, disruption of the nerve function system and brain, and even in no way able to composure, against the non-scientific views of psychoanalysts.

It was believed that internal secretions, which are seen as stasis, lay the foundation for physical and rosum vitality, and that statutory hormones are present in both internal and external secrets of the gonads. Many of the effects that are given by such hormones, like mi bachili, are manifested as physiological manifestations of effects, that are given to the secondary aging organism (resorption) at the moment, which is eliminated. Conservation of life means the preservation of state hormones and an increase in vitality, in that hour, the expenditure of energy means the expenditure of hormones and a change in vitality. A chronic shortfall of such hormones before the onset of symptoms of old, like Voronov and Steinakh, tried to fight for the help of an increase in the number of state hormones in the blood.
Today it is a viscous white-like motherland, puddle medium, rich in calcium and phosphorus, as well as lecithin, cholesterol, albumin, nucleoproteins, saline, vitamin E, etc. Under the hour of sіm'yaviporskvannya a healthy person releases about 226 million spermatozoa, which have richly phosphorized fats (lecithin), cholesterol (the progenitor of state hormones), nucleoproteins and saliva. Drops of the present are valued for the price that is worth sixty drops of blood., For example, they won the deeds of the most important warehouses, which vouch for the vitality of the body.
Dr. Frederik McCann respect the call: " From the hardened more, there is a trace of recognition, that our native land can effectively have the potential to be able to, just look at it. ancient authors of some life-creating authorities".
Today, there are speeches of high physiological value, especially vital for the brain and nervous system. As a result of resorption through the walls of women's paths, life-giving influx on the woman's body, they can also fall into the body of a person, in which it is formed and saved. First of all, the expenditure of the present is due to help the body with vitality and valuable speech, necessary for eating nervous tissue, such as lecithin, which great success vikoristovuvavsya for the exuberance of neurasthenia, which is blamed for the results of the statuary transcendences.
The axis of deeds from the richness of physiological evidence, which demonstrate the value of death:
1. Іsnuє note the similarity of chemical warehouse between us and the central nervous system. And those, and especially rich in lecithin, cholesterol and phosphorus-containing complexes, which indicate those that are taken away from the body of speech, which are necessary for eating nerve tissues.
2. Spend the rest of the world (through masturbation, coitus, interruption of coitus and anti-parasitic infections) to loosen that harshness for the body and the brain.
3. Superfluous mimicry spend a day (through night or day symptoms, spermatorrhea, etc.) weaken the nervous system and may cause neurasthenia.
4. Watch out for the unmediated effects of the state act indicative of those that are temporally dependent on the nervous system, and even more often, leading to chronic nerve weaknesses (state of neurasthenia).
5. Pomirnist is beneficial for the brain (because of savings lecithin from the morning of the morning - the help of the hedgehog for the brain). In this manner, the deacons of the greatest intellectual geniuses for a long time led a life of humility. Among them: Pіfagor, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Spinoza, Newton, Kant, Beethoven, Herbert Spencer and others.
6. Non -core fіziologiychin, pushy to the fact of that fact, the nasinniva Rydina Mіdina, the great -great -great -fuel fіziologiy (cost, spermin of the stimulant, vitamin, cholic .
7. Conducting physiologists, urologists, fahivts sechostate system, neurologists, psychiatrists, sexologists, gynecologists and endocrinologists confirm the physiological value of the status of death. Among such authorities: Moll, Kraepelin, Marshall, Lydston, Talmey and others.

Prof. von Gruber Munich, An eminent sexopathologist, to say that it is absurd to inject sperm like a shkіdliva, inappropriate secretion into the vaginal section, like a regular vision of the body. Sperm is the life of the motherland, as it is not only re-victorized by the body under the hour of statuary complacency, but it is the cause of reabsorption;
Dr. Bernard S. Telmi, An eminent American gynecologist, dorimuetsya tsієї w points of dawn, and vvazhє that the sperm, without disturbing factors, will be wetted through the bulbs, with the very help of the child's death, light and vicious.

Professor Alfred Fournier, a famous physiologist, embraced the idea of ​​"not safe death for a young person," and that by stretching the rich fates of yoga medical practice, without ever colliding with the everyday of such vipadkiv. Professor Montegazza, from the lower side, crossing the positive infusion of color and on the body and on the brain. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, point the butt of the bagatioh vіdomih athletes Ancient Greece(like Astylos, Dopompos and others, guessed by Plato) practiced the same humility at the hour of their training, which took them to an unimaginable high level of energy. Professor Furbringer, Yaskravy German Doslednik, write: "The state of peace in the face of the thoughts of modern medicine is not shkidlivy for health". We write that the problems of bachelors are blamed not through peace, but through masturbation and other forms of contentment. Krafft Ebing, fahіvets іz nurture sex, vvazhає "illness of death" myth. Gynecologist, Loewenfeld vvazha as much as possible healthy people live in the minds of total peace without any side effects. Professor endocrinologist F.G. Lydston University of Illinois: “Utrimannya can’t be shkidlivy. Moreover, saving money in the testicles is often positively signified on physical and mental energy". Chassaignac stoverzhu scho chim a healthy person, it is easier for him to practice pomіrnіst; We are only pathologically ill, people with an ailing nervous system, it is important to be calm. famous heir, acton, write, that the pardon about peace has been expanded as the cause of atrophy of the state organs and impotence - a serious pardon.
Pereconlivy proof of the vanquishness of the submissions to the stately orgasm. Havelock Ellis, at yoga "Reports in the Psychology of Gender", ask for follow-up Dr. F.B. Robinson. It means that if the stallion is allowed to go to the kobili, after a short energy fight, the stallion often shows evidence, the reason for which Robinson is suffering from cerebral anemia, such a rank of viroblen. Vіn zagaduє one vpadok, if pіsljagannya stallion fell dead. Young biks also often spend time after the first tie with a cow, and even more often you can watch a young whip, tormented beds, which will take you to a quiet hut and lie there for a long time. However, in dogs, the unpretentiousness of the slander does not growl, the shards of the state of the act are three years older, and before that, dogs do not have any ordinary bulbs. When a boar hangs, then the orgasm of these creatures is strong, when a creature feels a strong pain shock, because of such a slander, you can’t see it for a long time. Havelock Ellis write: "Зрозумівши, наскільки великий вплив надає детумісценція (припинення ерекції після еякуляції та оргазму, прим.), ми можемо пояснити виникнення серйозних наслідків слідом за зляганням. Молоді бики і жеребці втратили свідомість після першого сполучення; борови можуть серйозно постраждати після сітці; У людини ( чоловіки) час детумесценції триває дещо довше, проте відомі численні нещасні випадки після статевого акту, які є наслідком судинних і м'язових спазмів, залучених до процесу детумесценції. людей після першого в їх житті злягання.Епілепсія траплялася рідко.Іноді траплялися поразки різних органів, Navige the spleen. I have a zrovsky vіka pirl stream acted Mozkov, the result of non -post -Chinity OPIR OPIRA ROMICHICH. poviami".

The famous Russian General Skobelev died before the hour of sleeping with a young girl, maybe I will. The successor Robinson swears respect for being a judge, who died unfortunately after an affair with a girl in a brothel, and for being a man of seventy fates, who died after a statute of honor. Such sums of vipadias sound like trappings with summer people as a result of state closeness with young girls.
Acton, a famous contributor to medicine, write that in some people orgasm is accompanied by processes that predict a mild form of epilepsy. After the statute act for a certain hour, the nervous system suffers. It was also marked for the hour of watchfulness for rabbits, as if after a skin attack, they fell at the attack of light epilepsy, their eyes wandered. Creatures often snickered spasmodic spasmodic convulsions with hind limbs, nervous system did not inspire. Acton thinks about the lethal episodes that one had in brothels, as a result of an unacceptable injection of orgasm on the nervous system and on the body as a whole, especially in sensitive people. Geddesі Thomson, in their books, "The Development of the Sex", they go to the point, if they see spiders die after the flood of the female. Such flutters trap and in such kinds of coma.
After a statutory act in a living state, for a certain hour, the threshold of support for ailments is lowered, that lowering of energy is tired. "Multiplying (creating) is the seed of death."
The intake of lecithin and phosphorus with skin intake in some cases leads to a thymic deficiency of speech in the body, after which the nervous system of the brain suffers. Psychiatric likarni perepovneni ailments, yakі suffered in the aftermath of super-worldly status activity. A small amount of lecithin is already harmful to the brain, scientists have shown it is not enough in all mentally ill people.

The greatest geniuses of old and present reached the peak of their creativity at the same time under the hour of extinction. Like an example, you can point Dante, who wrote The Divine Comedy in Vignanna, Miguel de Cervantes wrote Don Quixote in Vyaznitsa. Milton wrote "Paradise of Tranquility", being blind, unable to lead a stately life. Newton saved his mind up to 80 years of death, the same can be said about L. Da Vinci, Michelangelo and other great geniuses.
If you use your skin with sperm and you use everything best in your body, a drop of sperm will be compensated for by your blood. Sperm can be re-clayed by the body and become a material for molding healthy m'yazyv, suglobiv, brushes and brain. By giving sperm, you are giving away your life».
“If you see such manifestations as paralysis, apoplexy, rheumatism, ailments of the brain, tired, tormented appearance, stooped shoulders, if young people pretend to be people of a frail age earlier than an hour, you can be insane that the result of transcendental losses is no more than a mouthful orgasm, zlozhivannya statyu znosin ".
“You posterigatimete tsі traces for yourself. We will recount the memories, explain all the ailments of the body, whether there are other reasons, but we sing you, that nothing is so virulent not, like a transcendent state of activity, and be it a state of exaltation - this transcendence, like a child for itself.
“The legacy for disobedience to the law is laid down in a short life, that zbіlshennі zahvoryuvan, you can use them everywhere.” Zgidno Acton, stately orgasm predicts an epileptic attack and its manifestations and its effects. Rozum's weakness and physical weakness are the companions of stately orgasm. Acton it seems that a more peaceful state of life can be blamed without naslіdkі for even more healthy statesmen. Young people have all the strength to save up for growth and development.

Likar Ryan write that the statutory act can be matched with the stroke of the struma; under yoga, the mind and body swell, pouring in the great pavement, that people don’t feel anything for seconds and don’t sip, and deyak people are separated from life after the statute act. To this very article, the act is unsafe after important wounds, bleeding thinly. Axis as described Rouband effect of state orgasm, reversing yoga with a slight epileptic attack: “The bloodless is scattered, the bitthe arteri is rivhed, the vein of the shelter is blocked by the m'yazy speed, the zbilshu is tilted the temperature of TIL, the Timchasovy Zastyi, especially in the Brain, the Skorchennya M'yazyvyu, the viklika of the grunts, vicolian . the hour of sprynyattya navkolishnogo svіtu vtrachaєtsya, zdatnіst pripinyaєєє to the mislennya. The eyes bulge with a characteristic tormented, inflamed look. Often the eyes of the orgasm start to close spasmodically, in order to get into contact with the light. The breath is more frequent, sometimes it is interrupted, and it may be called by spasmodic contractions of the larynx, and again, for an hour it is tight, you get let out at the sight of stogoniv or urivkіv slіv. Slits, strong clenching, often injure teeth, destroy partner's shoulders. All the naughty becomes even a short interval, the last hour is enough to exhaust the strength of the body, especially the people.
Professor Leadston Keep in mind that the effects of state extremities are similar to those of masturbation, in both cases there is a change in the blood structure of the global metabolism, as a result of the use of lecithin, cholesterol, salt, calcium, phosphorus, etc. At the same time, the thought is broadened, that on the basis of masturbation, the article is a non-negotiable act for any minds and for any number of people. However Leadstone categorically opposed to the firmness. Win you know what state of supremacy - the widest reason for the ailment of the current suspense. More than that, according to the professor's opinion, the state of supermundaneity is perniciously injected not only into the human, but also into the female organism.

Axis how to describe the legacy of statuary supermundaneities Tissot: “States of supermundaneity break the activity of practically all organs… Etching, sweating break down. There are rheumatic pains, weakness in the back is characteristic (putting damage), underdevelopment of the state organs, impaired appetite, head bіl etc. In a word, nothing rushes life so fast like being slandered by nasolods.”
Dr. Telmi declares that part of the state of the act leads to anemia, asthenia, m'yazyv and nerves, not mastered їzhі, nedoidannya, rozumovogo vysnazhennya. People who are superciliously overwhelmed by statuary satisfactions can be recognized for their blіdim, lowered, sluggish persons, as if they were especially stressed by the rank. These people are depressive and sound so unsuitable for whether it’s a hard-working, trivial, physical, and intelligent job. Professor von Grubber, despite the fact that part of the use of our blood is produced to "fast specific internal secretion of the testicles", otherwise they were consumed in the bloodstream. Depression, toma and deep exhaustion, almost a squeeze in the head, sleeplessness, ringing in the air, spitting in front of the eyes, fear of a bright light, tremtinnya, supernatural sweating, m'yazov's weakness, weakened memory, neurasthenia, insufficiency to the mind and physical, decrease in efficiency - so, in the professor's opinion, the legacy of supernatural things for a person.

What is supermundane? Whether it be a statutory act that does not carry in itself the concept of conceiving children, in fact it is an overworld.
The person is sexually twisted. Vіn - one creature, as if prostituting prostitution, one creature, as demoralized by all forms of states of health, one creature, a man (male) that attacks a woman (female), one creature, debazhannya woman is not a law, the only one who does not win his sexual energy in harmony, as nature intended.

From us ssavtsiv, less civilized people suffer because of state contentment caused by the cult itself, ailments of state superciliousness. Wild creatures mate only at songs of fate, and only with the method of creation. A civilized person practices this act for ever, and for good without conception. From the other side, how to designate Havelock Ellis, more primitive human races, like leading a more natural way of life, richly rich and not suffering from stately supernaturalities. TSA MAH to the Duma, it is sexy of the Zhitty Cyivlizovsiykivi, I am an incorrect, the permix manifest the sexually active middle of them is not through the natural izstink, but through the piece of ovyni, but still through the Zyokobilkovo , tyutyun, alcohol and kawi, sexually stimulating literature, films, talk toshcho. It can be explained in full, why among civilized people people have incomplete offspring more often, less among primitive peoples (dikuniv) and creatures.

The ancient Spartans were a people with a high level of sexual ethics, among whom the practice of eminence of sexual transcendences was expanded. The people and the women lived well, made friends.
In order to preserve the value, like Likergus (the legislator of Sparta) by introducing ideas for saving the energy of the Spartan race, wine (Likergus) by saving meat and other stimulating products and centuries of a vegetarian diet. Alcohol is also under the fence. Likergus also fenced in the reception of їzhi in the house, so that the people of Sparta accepted їzhu only at the collective huge tables, in such a rite of guarding their diet, and managing their ethics in a moment. The people of Sparta became famous throughout the world for their morality, choir, physical and rozum rozvinenistyu. Vedic look
A reader who is not known in modern science, wants to get ahead of him, that on the basis of scientific proof, you can always know other scientific proofs that you can prove.
“Logic is not to be produced until the next day,” says the Mahabharata.
Numerical numbering Srili Prabhupadi on the topic of state death practical one to one fight with Professor Bennard's suggestions, saying that you have lost your brain tissue. It is called in Sanskrit urdhva-reta, or "pіdnіmati nіnnya vgoru". Shastri stverzhyuyut, sho brahmacharya(Period of education) gives good health, strong memory, vitality, clear mind, willpower, building to change others, etc.Dhvanvantari, instillation of Krishna, in which Vin gave the people Ayurveda (the science of Vedic medicine), taught them their own teachings, saying that brahmacharya- best faces.
“I will tell you, brahmacharya, indeed expensive stone. Tse found faces. Tse nectar, which destroys all ailments, decay is death. To know light, syayvo, memory, knowledge, wealth and self-information, next to reach brahmacharya. Brahmacharya is the greatest dharma, the greatest knowledge, the greatest strength.”

From the described above, we become aware of why it is a sin to state a stosunka. Why not more pleasurable calls that abortion, as well as victoria whether there are any protizaplіdnyh zasobіv that zahodіv zabіgannya vagіtnostі. Crime of psychological and social heritage, about which we have already been told and said more distantly, sex flooring is destructively embedding on the body, which is the only thing that really does yoga and transforms it into a right sacrifice for the Krishna - this is the birth of the people and the birth of good children. lift love to God and turn back to Goloka-Vrndavana. In this way, sex is not allowed, like alcohol, smoking or drugs, destroying the human body, which is the purpose for the greater goal - self-information. That is why such a sin itself, otherwise, in my own, violated the laws of the nature of God, for we happen to bear natural reactions like in every life, so in the future. The names of the Vedic sages, such as Narada Muni, Vyasadeva, Shukadeva Gosvami, or some of the most prominent features of the recent past (i.e. Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, Seraphim of Sarov, Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Newton, Kant, Beethoven, etc.) are destined to give us little, by nature, as the norm of the intellectual well-being of the average person, and far away, in the wake of their lips, they are greater than us.
Physiology female organism naturally arouses like a human. Here, the Ayurvedic "nasіnnya" is confirmed by the follicular tissues of the ovaries, which are found in the body with the skin menstrual cycle, so it is impossible to speak about the yak "morning day" here. Tse, to the point of speech, it is necessary to learn from the given statistical data, which confirm, that the best manifestations of intellect are heard among the people, lower among the women (at the Kali-yuga of NAVPAKI).
Vedic hour practice brahmacari was the norm for all people And so, “show your intellect” among the people zestrichalis on the skin crotch. Tse allows you to understand the physiological understanding of the Vedas about those that “women are generally less intelligent, less human.” Also, the problem of today is not with women, but with men. Ale, despite the influence of physiology and psychology of people and women, Ayurveda in the equal world speaks about the beneficence of the practice of celibacy for women (about the lack of rich anti-parasitic benefits for years). Vin is also beneficially signified on health, but psychological factors may still be more vaga- flooring, what value is the main dharma for a woman.
It is significant that the principle of celibacy, or statutory complacency, is only practiced in union with various positive spiritual practices. These potential physiological and psychological discords on the basis of sexual dissatisfaction, about how to talk about modern medicine, as a mother can be in the life of a person, as I do not have a higher relish of spiritual life. Together with tsim, like Krishna in the Bhagavad Giti, “having filled the highest relish, a person easily fills the lower one”. In such a rank, vіddany, one simply gets rid of the bajan himself and in such a rank automatically solves the problem of how to please him. Tobto brahmacharya- not just celibacy, but “activity on a spiritual platform”.

The book "Shiva-samhitu" says:
“If we now leave the body, death is approaching; saving our lives, saving our lives and continuing yoga, supporting the body. That is why it is necessary to carefully save. I don’t have any hope that people, like saving their lives, live healthy life and that you, who waste your money, die to the term, knowing about it, the yogi is forever guilty of saving our lives and promoting the suvory of celibacy.
Celibacy is a hard work for warfare with internal demons - greedy, anger, greed, etc. Vin gives unstoppable joy, uninterrupted and unstoppable bliss. Vin gives majestic energy, clarity to the mind, gigantic willpower, a clear mind, and a memory of that great drunkenness. For the help of celibacy alone, you can develop physically, mentally and spiritually.
Celibacy is the basis of perfect body. In order for the mother to have a thorough body, it is necessary to achieve absolute celibacy. Tse more, more importantly. For an hour to do yoga, we transform into ojas-shakti. The one who practices yoga will have a perfect body. All yoga movements will have grace and charm. Live as long as you like. Lord Krishna unviolently defeated Arjuna to become a yogi!
Those who seek celibacy often swear at the psychological reason associated with peace. It's less of a deceit of information. Sometimes you feel like hunger, prote, if you sit around, you say you don’t want to eat. So it’s just hibna rozumova vtom. As you see celibacy, you have great mental strength and energy. You can’t stand it fast, but if the opportunity arises, you show it like a wrestler showing all your strength in the sports arena, wanting not to think about it in a great life.
Dotrimany celibacy in a lot of times more mental energy and strength. Such strength greatly outweighs physical strength. Guess Mahatma Gandhi. Physically, wine is weak, ale, respect, wine is majestic inner strength. Vіn adding її zavdyaki to the fast and inveterate pretrial principles of non-violence, honesty and celibacy. Vіn pouring in light for the help of his inner strength. Zavdyaki pomirnosti rozum becomes hospitable and clear. The strength and vitrivality will come.
The one who strives for celibacy easily gets into trouble with some kind of ailment. If zvichaynіy people a month is needed, to dress, brahmachari will be in the same order already for tyzhden. Celibacy gives strength, inner health, peace of mind and longevity. It tones the nerves and the mind, helps to save the physical and rozum energy, gives vigor and vitality, and also the strength to resist whatever difficulties. everyday life. A person, like to strive for absolute celibacy, can destroy the fire, she can command nature with those elements, just like Jnanadev is ceremonious.
Awaken your own reserves, discover your potential, reaching celibacy. Know God and rise above the sufferers of worldly life with the whirlwind of death, the people of that turmoil.

Listed below eight "thresholds" to respect the rhythm of absolute celibacy. You must be respectful and go around these thresholds with extreme obedience and great diligence:
1. A look at representatives of the protilezh state.
2. Bazhannya bumps, hugs them to change the order from representatives of the opposite state.
3. Flirt, have fun with erotic bastards.
4. Praise at її or yogo address, zroblenі in the number of your friends.
5. Chat with him or with her forever.
6. Thoughts about a man and a woman.
7. There is a strong need to create an article from a man and a woman.
8. Sexual pleasure.

Wanting the first of these appearances not to lead to a serious loss of life, it will be watered down in the blood and it will turn out to be called, as soon as it is possible to imagine, more sleep at a later hour. In the first seven paragraphs, there is a mention of people being malnourished.

LOVE- diya, to bring satisfaction ("la" - soul, "ska" - rivna; that is smoothing, resurrection of a wounded, created soul).

YAN- the strength (energy) of the human essence of the All-Vishish:
expansion, evolution, creation, light, fire, sony infusion thinly.
Sprinkle the sprout of the Cob Light.

YIN- energy of Causal matter, female cob:
squeezing, claying, dark, cold, watery, monthly infusion, etc.
Sprinkle more causal matter.

The main rules of the state energy control and ejaculation management, the meaning of the woman's satisfaction and understanding that a human orgasm and ejaculation are not the same.
The Vedic writings are given a joy, as the reach of the foreign camps of the knowledge of the hour of success:
“Earn the day, stream the thought, hold your breath.”

Explaining the meaning of the first part for the sake of, "Tao of Sex" (translated by Ishikhara and Levi; div. Louis V. Moldman "Mystical Sex", p.97-98. "Sofia", Kyiv, 1996)

Zhovtiy Imperator said

“I want a little, what will be the result, how will you collapse (take care of the kohanny), but don’t spend (sinnya)?”.
Just a woman said:
“If you collapse, if you don’t spend it, then your life force and energy will increase.
As if you are collapsing again, but if you don’t spend it, your mind will become more sensitive.
Whenever you meet, you collapse, but if you don’t spend it, you will leave your sickness.
If you collapse in a quarter, if you don’t spend it, then five of your internal organs (liver, heart, spleen, legends and nirk) will come to peace.
As soon as you fall down, if you don’t waste it, your blood will flow through your veins with new strength.
Even if you are collapsing, but you don’t waste it, your waist and back will shake and fill with strength.
For the last time you collapse, but if you don’t waste it, your knees and quilts are inexpressibly wrinkled.
For the eighth time you collapse, but you don’t spend it, your body shines more.
Even if you are ruined, but if you don’t spend it, you won’t spend your long time.
Even if you collapse ten times, if you don’t spend it, you can speak with the gods.

The middle part of it is for the sake of talking about the need to change the internal verbal understanding of one’s own children to equal, if one doesn’t change the emotional closeness of a person and a woman, uniting their life forces and achieving spirituality.
Explaining the rest of the part, Choraka Samhita seems to be:
“For the time being, we are still living, now we are also rebuying in Russia.
If the breath starts to collapse, it’s not a mess.
If the breath is collapsing, the mind is also rebuked by Russia; if the breath ceases to crumble, the mind becomes unbreakable.

The famous Taoist healer Sun Xiu-Mo

The famous Taoist doctor Sun Xiu-Mo, who was born 581 r. BC and having lived 101 times, having vvazhav, that the th person can cohat a hundred times without sim'yaviporskuvannya, you can live a long life.
Vіn stverdzhuvav, if zhin (day or day) a person will become insufficient, a person will become ill, and we will die.
Sun, knowing that a lot of people cannot reach that ideal, having established a simpler rule, which can reach more people:
“A person can also live a healthy and long life, so that you can increase the frequency of spending money on 2 or 24 days.
Yakshcho vin at once give respect healthy hedgehog I’m right, I can win a long time.”
Let's sweat it out by pronouncing one more criterion:
“A person in 20 years can mother 1 spend 4 days on the skin.
A person at 30 years can spend once for 8 days.
A person at 40 years old can spend 10 days on the skin.
Person of 50 years - skin 20 days.
The man of 60 years is not guilty of spending more; as well as viklyuchno mіtsniy i zdorovy, vіn can still spend once a month.

People, who know, know, what after spending the last day, a person feels that, in the air at a new buzz, his eyes are stinging and you want to sleep.
Vіn vіdchuvaє sprаgu, and yоgo kіntsіvki become mlyavіmі і neguchkih, and then it's time for a long time to come.
It is natural that in such a weakened state it is impossible to attract the strong spirit of an aristocrat for conception.
This is created by Nature for the satisfaction of the senses, and the instillation of offspring, knowing that people do not waste their lives for nothing.
As a result of this whole body, those shells accumulate energy and shine, and this love grows to a squad.
At the same time, the woman draws the energy of the person, increasing her Yin-day, passing it back to the person.
Vіn, vrіvnovazhuyuchi their power Yang іz the power of Yn squad, reach even greater zbіlshennya єї Yang-dayness.
In this rank, making friends reach the oppressive calm, necessary for the Great Soul to enter.
If, having made friends spiritually, the stench can rush deep without a rush so that now you don’t wake up; at the same hour, the couple is guilty of revealing that in their navels there is a red energy sack of a chicken egg.
The stench can shtovhati zovsіm without zusil, but if the stench is broken, they should come.
For a stretch of 24 years, such a couple can zdіysnyuvat tsey kind of slander dozens of times.
Vchinyayuchi so, the stench can live long.

Just as a woman cannot live happily without a man, so a man is not guilty of living a long time without a woman.
with this wine, the whole hour is pragmatic for a woman’s status, and it’s not enough to wear out your spirit.
And if the spirit of languor, a person cannot live long.
If a person does not really need a woman, otherwise do not be afraid of them, if you can be kinder, and if you have lived a long life, but still people are superbly radiant.
As a person tries to stifle the natural need in the sim'yaviporskuvanni stretching a trivial hour, it would be more important to save the day, but it would be easier to spend yoga.
It will be ruined under an hour of sleep, or become confused by the slaughter, or the person suffers from a sick mating with ghosts.
How to spend your life in such a rank, you will be a hundred times shkidlivish.

If you want to take care of your energy, then the more women you have to make love, the better for your health, and for the one who tries with the unknown, stick one woman to bring him closer to the grave.
Under the hour of state closeness at the same time, the appearance of a person to a woman is transmitted from the flow of energy and moral integrity, the program of the life of the body (genetic code) and the energy of the creation of the energy structure in the form of a disease.
Programs and energy codes for various state partners maybe mami, superimposed one on one, strengthened through resonance
The whole united "smіtya" is transferred to the woman's cell, and then - to the body of the future child.
Information about the number of occurrences is collected in the gender structure of the woman's body, doty, docks won't be born, or there won't be a weekend, but not an abortion.
Bo woman to transfer tsyu shkіdlivu energy, yak prignіchuє її tіlo, at the body of the child.
In the case of a piece-by-piece vaccination (abortion), there is no loss of information.
A lot of women's ailments, cut off on the field level in the form of people, appear in the next few days.
When the body of a woman is renewed, she becomes pure in the form of a chosen smit.
Axis why natural canopies go to the fury.
That is why our ancestors affirmed that a woman fights through childishness.

The Vedic scriptures confirm that in order to instill a Great Soul with an oppressive Spirit, it is necessary to create an energy whirlwind among friends of the same great tightness. Even if you go through the day with insufficient tension of feelings, sincerity and spirituality, making friends, then the power of the Great Soul cannot be taken away from the viability to the current energy whirlwind and conception.
With whom, less than that soul, the strength of which is the power of the father’s energy strength, will sink in at the hour of conception.

The Vedic texts point to the 9th sign, for which it is possible to indicate that the woman has fully reached the full height for conception

If you start a quick dihati - її zhittєva force perebuvaє at the legs;
- if there is a whole person out - the power of life slipped through his heart;
- won mіtsno obіymaє cholovіka - strength in selezintsi;
- її pіhvu staє vologim - strength in nirks and in state bodies;
- she collapses with her pelvis and gently bites - strength penetrated into the brushes;
- її legs shіlno shove a person - strength in m'yazakh;
- won't pester the penis - strength in the blood;
- won tsіluє z deep predilection - power reached її shkіri;
- She sees herself and a stone in her capture - life's strength has gone into the liver and made her spirit.
Vaughn, in a right way, is ready until the arrival of a human being for the creation of a Great Soul with a strong Spirit.

There are also 4 signs of reaching the readiness of a person to complete similation

The first achievement is the firmness of a human state member. Even if you have an erection, then it’s straight, but not more, then, in the blood there is not enough life force.
- Another reach - yoga zbіlshennya; but even if you don’t have any sin, it means that life’s strength has not yet penetrated the brush.
- third dosyagnennya - fortress; Ale, even if wine is mіtsny, but not hot, yoga life strength has not yet reached the spirit of a person.
- Quarterly reach is warm.
- In this rank, having reached the stage of readiness, making friends to know the anger thoroughly.


Ale, it was important to look at it. Vaughn just knew yoga thought.
- Dmitre, be like that, like you. It is not required to change and attach. I know what you see, and don’t fight what you hurt me. Before us is still no kohannya, є predilection and fuse. Behind the cym, start a fire. І tsey fuse will be with a skin year of growth, while we are in order. But it’s too early for us to think about closeness, because I don’t know what can happen: I’ve lost my scythe and now I can’t turn back, but here I am at the same time. And if I want to share one bed with you, I can come back.
Dmitro heard it and said it. You can’t talk to her about it: she herself, without her knowledge, knew what she was thinking about. Let's sweat, laughing, quietly saying:
- Vzagalі, at once I feel naked before you, and me, rozumієsh ... - I didn’t get home.
- Don't worry about your thoughts. You are a man and always thinking and thinking about the continuation of your family for an hour of breeding from women. There is nothing nasty in it. You just can’t help but think about what the people are endowed with and what the sky has laid in us - you can’t change it, you call it instinct. Do you think I have no thoughts in other women similar to yours? The stench will be and forever will be. All living earth under the sun has the strongest instincts. I yakbi stench were different rows, for a long time there would have been no life on earth.


1. The function of the anterior follicle affects the divergent nasin, millions and millions of spermatozoa, which carry the DNA code of a woman and a person. The stinks signify a healthy person and that yogo dovgolittya, as well as yogo strength to the point of ailment. In Taoist medicine, the wiki is called jing, "the day of the right life force." Tse means that jing is the motive force of sexual energy, which gives the form of the matter of a new life for the help of some encrypted message - the DNA code.

2. Vіdpovіdno to tsogo look, ejaculation is a collapsible process. In the process of stimulating the penis, the frontal ridge begins to become engorged with motherland. Having reached the maximum degree, there will be a quick sprat soon, the docks will turn to normal sizes.

3. In the end, it’s soon, like a person feels like an orgasm, the motherland vishtovhuetsya from the front of the mihurova slough through the sieve canal at the penis, and then we get out of the tip of the penis. As soon as before mihurov's lash, it rushes along with the onset of relaxation, the prostate vishtovhuє nasіnnya іz nasіnєvih bulbashok. A man who practices “immortal madness” (you know the right qigong “deer”, “crane” and “tortoise”), building up to 49 soon. From such, an orgasm quickly develops, which is why the impaired function of the prostate negatively injects the likeness of an orgasm.

4. Human stalk folds - front fold fold and testicle. The penis is not respected by the stave of the shaft, for that which is not closed and, in fact, does not vibrate anything. It’s just a kind of pipe, through which the secrets of the vine are twisted, a tool, a kind of wicker for the reproduction of the stave of the vine.

Testicles vibrate sperm and hormones; before mihurova zilza viroblyaє nasіnєvu rіdina, in yakіy mіstya zhivnі speechovina, hormones and life energy. The two mothers, which vibrate with the testicles and the prostate, satisfy those that we call our own - the transfer of sperm.

5. At the hour of sіm'yaviporskuvannya, a normal grown-up person consumes close to one tablespoon of our day. Vіdpovіdno to the rest of the scientific achievements, in my kіlkosti today there is a life of speech of two great steaks, 10 eggs, 8 oranges, 6 lemons and 5 bananas. Now it's time to take the same proteins, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, so practically everything that a person needs for life. In addition, in our country there is a large amount of living energy, and therefore, the skin of the present day means a significant shortage of energy. I explain that I see emptiness, as if I feel like a man after ejaculation.

The vtrata nasіnnya is often called “parish” by the common people, although it would be more correct to call it “sight”. Approximately 200-300 million live spermatozoa, hormones, vitality of speech, vitamins, strength, vitality and inspire a part of a person’s specialty and self-esteem “go” and are spent literally in a few seconds. Vikid is a majestic sacrifice of a person, to that, as a result of this physical, mental and emotional vigor, they hang out for a trivial hour. This appearance can be compared with a lighted candle, which was extinguished by pouring water on it.

6. After ejaculation, all these diseases appear empty, especially the state of the disease, which provides energy to the endocrine system. Taoist medicine comments on such a camp as follows:

“As you go down this path and straighten the sexual energy down, you empty this creep. Later, you entered the paths of people, and all people die before their term (ejaculation - the expenditure of millions of living spermatozoa - a short term of life). The living building lion transforms into dead dog for the shortest hour, and the man wasted part of his youth. However, if you follow a different path and direct your sexual energy uphill through this climb, you will reach the eternal and divine life (reverse ejaculation - the continuation of an erection of that life).

Grounded on special guards, ancient Taoist sages contrived to make such a visnovok.

“Knowing at home, or more expensive in the other part of the world, you can remember that there are much more richly than summer and still affluent women, lower people. Women, who do not know the cost of sexual energy (because it’s quiet for a little bit, who should have a lot of vacancies), live on 15 years more, less people.

For this reason, the ancient Taoist sages were engaged in a search and knew a way to allow people to enjoy an orgasm without sacrificing that waste of life energy, but for the sake of saving those victories.

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