Witchcraft on the fingers. Palmistry on fingers - great, little finger and phalanx. On the skin lobes you can find some of the main lines of the lobes

Zgidno with palmistry, not only by the palm of your hand you can find out about the share and character of a person, but on your fingers.

Fingers carry special information about a person. Fingers are the most crumbling part of the arm and the whole hand, which is too much to talk about. And in general, in terms of physiology - fingers may have numerical functions, the meaning of which can sometimes be underestimated.

INFORMASIA is not to read the fingers themselves, but for the Bagatma by acquaintances - the zagalnaya roshtashuvannya, the roshtashuvannya chore Dolonі, Dovzhin, width, roshyri, roshtashuvannya fingering miz alone, roshyri phalanx of the fingertips. . It is necessary to look at everything as if it were clear, so in a wild picture. All signs and signs will be important when reading information.


Palmistry of fingers

Zgіdno with palmistry, the skin of a finger on the palm of my hand can name it. Tse names of the planets. The finger of Jupiter is called the finger of the finger, Saturn is the middle finger, Apollo is the ring finger, Mercury is the little finger on the hand.

Obviously, it is the same with palmistry, as in life. If a person vibrates most of the dialness with the most expressive and middle fingers, then more details can be drawn on them. And on reshti there is already less information.

On the thumb to judge about the filling of the people.

Dovzhina of the fingers of the hands can be significant. For example, dodgі fingers to say about those that a person loves details, drib'yazkovіst, you can beat the robot, I'll tie myself with kropіtkіst. For a new one, it’s more important, such a person should be engaged in rubbish speeches.

And short fingers will tell about a person, as if about an intolerant one, it will be important for a small robot. Vіn pracovitiy, but it's important for you to cope with a copy of the robot.

The great toe is special. Even behind this rozmіrom, the form can be richly said about the people.

In order to correctly dispel all the meanings of the great finger (that of the other fingers is the same), it is necessary to destroy all officials.

Otzhe. It is important that in the life of the thumb a successful person lies on the right hand side. Tobto. chim dowshe - tim greater success. So dozhina say about the leader's quality of the Vlasnik.

If the thumb is short, it’s not worth talking about those people who don’t have the will and courage to bring it to the final result. Plus, these people are in the middle, so they can stand at the back of the vzaєminah.

The middle dozhina of the great finger will tell about the self-reliance of the ruler.

Likewise, the thumb can be wide and narrow. A wide symbolizes the integrity of a person, a narrow, different m'yasity, say about the straightforwardness, hardness, hissticism of a person.

It is also possible to distinguish a person of that її character, marvel at the phalanxes of the great finger, from the yogo zagalno rozashuvannya shkodo іnshih fingers, tobto. under some kut of vins to be known on the tip of the thumb. For example, the kink at the looking square is about a practical person, and the final one is about being sensitive.

The ring finger is called the finger of Sontsya. Tse is a symbol of creativity, beauty. Here it’s the same, like in a vipadku with a thumb, you can gloomachize the meaning, walking around ominous sign.

For example, if the ring finger middle age, then. in to this particular type like the middle finger, then say about the creative cob, about the risk of a person.
If this finger has three turns at the beak of the little finger, it means that a person does not believe in himself that his creativity. And if the finger on the end bends to the middle finger, tell me about those people who sacrificed their talent and creativity.

If the phalanges on the ring finger are approximately the same size, they symbolize love to everything beautiful. If the middle phalanx is dovsha for the upper one, then tell about those who have a taste for people, almost like style, they all zastosovuє in life. And if the lower phalanx on the ring finger has fallen for others, then it’s worth talking about those people who are ahead of the material, and not the spiritual.

The middle finger is called the Doli finger. It is even more important for this to designate the shape of the finger itself. If the middle fingers are twisted, then such is the share of a person. And exactly the same, if the middle fingers are straight.

For example, if the middle finger is wounded by the nameless one, it means that the person is self-sufficient; When the finger is wound up to the pointy one, it is a symbol of merry people, the soul of the company, splurge. Ale, such a person is serious in all right - pochinayuchi in the form of car'eri to be-any kind of mutual.

For the greater age of the lower phalanx, the symbol of the material.

Crooked fingers can say a lot about people.

Here it is important to vrakhovuvat zagalnu situation on the hands and valleys. For example, with a good share, with a good reading of the palms, crooked fingers symbolize the drativity of a person, and in a rotten aggression of a person.

If the fingers are swaying back, it’s not good to talk about kindness, the friendliness of the sackmaster, and also about the tickle. And if the fingers of the troch grimacing at the bottom of the valley, nibi vglyb її, then tell me about the protection of the people.

There are impersonal signs on our fingers, behind which one can recognize various information. For example, hell.

Well, obviously, everything needs to be balanced with that spivvіdnosti with the strength of the long haul. Ale, for example, if the cross is ruffled on the little finger below, it means that the person is good. Tse in that vipadku, as if the bottom is respected by the good. Navpaki, є filthy thoughts of the people.

So the cross on the little finger can tell about creative people, plant people, about fantasy, intuition.

Grati abo impersonal crosses is a bad sign. Indicates various problems of the life of a vlasnik.

Whether it be a fluke, while reading a share of that life of a person, it is necessary to protect not only the fingers of that їx meaning, but also the lines, the signs. Plus, you can always learn a lot in palmistry about the expansion and shape of the vale itself. Let's not forget, after reading that, having understood all the details and nuances, you can reveal a deep picture of a person's life.


Apparently, palmistry has two different approaches, two systems - Skhidna (the widest and respected by the most ancient Indian (Vedichna) system) and Zakhidna. stink Important information, yakі zagalom zumovlenі bagatma officials - і mova, і kіlka thousand rokіv okremy rozvitku.

And now, all the more active in the future, the association of children, visiting chiromancers know more and more clearings in their system of knowledge, try to fill in their more and more established Skhidnoy school. It seems that in India a palmist can tell the whole share of a person from the thumb of a person, Western palmistry did not attach such sawy respect to the thumb of that sign, as if you were carrying it. Let's try to fill in the gaps, take a look at the new one, and I'll tell you your share.

Today we are singling on the Indian classification of variants of the thumb. We can see 27 templates or types of the thumb in reverse, but for greater accessibility of information, we look at six of them, which are the most wide-ranging.

Type A. Hard thumb.

Such thumb of the hand easy to diagnose, does not require special skills for recognition. I guess I’m sure I’m sure. I can’t bend back, it’s bad to bend. The master of such a great finger is very important to learn, he doesn’t know any object deeply, but he creates his own illusion that his knowledge is in his sphere, he cares that this knowledge is even more significant. From childishness vperty, it is important to know spilnu mova, intolerant, easily vibrated with a lot. To earn a living as a simple profession, to make a high plant reach a high plant, he will have a lot of enemies, he will be wiser in problems. As a rule, until the age of 28-30, it is easy to join a profession, change the place of work, but in the last century to know a good job. The person is tse hisististic, to inspire him to grow rich in hisism.

Type B

Finger bending to the tip of the sword. A person is going to live in full, everything is dbaylivo and transferring to faintness. If you want to praise the surface solutions, correct the pardons. Happy children. Building up to the beginning of the sphere. The main principle of life is self-advocacy, do not listen to the words of others, do not guide to force. Mozhe keruvati bagatma people. An expert in his own right, to love luxury, to be smart to generosity and benevolence. Life will have a sprig of women, but tremulously put up to this stosunkiv. A woman with such a big finger will be a real gospodarka in a booth, navit unrespectfully on a person. Lucky fates for such a person from 21 to 25 years.

Type C. Gnuchky great toe.

At a glance, the finger is bent in the form of a bow. A person with such a finger has a big heart, illumined, dignified. Appreciate the art, kindly. Reach the high station of the old worker, change the place of the robot and the girls and trich, but remain calm and tolerant. It’s nasty to endure welding and that vorozhnechu. It is easy to spend jealousy, as in life there are changes. Even more respectful to the joys of that prohan friend, to destroy everything for the happiness of your children. May mother extrasensory knowledge and knowledge in your room. Mayut deep knowledge in their professional activities.
They don’t have a lot of problems, mostly problematic fates є 23, 27, 33, 43. Rice rice to the character of such a person is not worth accumulating wealth. Often I add cooking. From 36 years, a period of stability begins, three to 41 years.

Type D. Soft, arched thumb.

Such a great finger is already bending back, elastic. Vlasniki of such a great finger suffer from weakness nervous system. The stench of the promoters of promotions, seem generous, enchant, rotten to understand the power of forgiveness. Children called for more than wines, oskelki rarely take help from others. Through their impermanence, it is important for them to reach success. Dzhe vytonchenі in verbal superechki, but if you reach the practical implementation of the stink to come. They can get in at the Borg. They often suffer from headaches, trouble with a hose. Fewer deaks of such people can achieve power. Happy fates will come only after 44 fates.

Recommendations: Treat yourself as much as possible in your hands, do not enter into verbal superechki, do not get nervous through rubbish, talk about healthy sleep. Pratsyuvati over horobristyu and pevnenistyu in yourself. Less succumbing to the infusion of otochyuchih.

Type E. The great toe curves back (1), the neck part of the finger is small (2), the anterior part is arched (3), the upper part is short, wide and narrow (4).

People with such a thumb are more centered than him, do not respect others, do not practice sharpness. Mayut vіdmіnne logical thoughts. Ale, when you want to finish the stench, they sip their heads at the navchanni, rarely they are more illuminated, they have to constantly repeat the knowledge already taken away. Plant high places for them, they are more accessible, better for a strong state, a small business. Often tse pozhnі people. It's important to turn the Borg. Know happiness through your homeland. Happy Rocks 32 and 38 Rocks. After 45 years, there is a chance to get rich or gain popularity.

Type F. Thumb that bends.

To turn respect on the curve from 7 to 8 - won't tell about the adventurism of such a vlasnik thumb. Such a person easily attaches himself to some kind of mind, some kind of polish. Zdіysnyuyuchi be-yaku diyu, easily commemorate pardons and failures. In difficult situations, youma come to the aid of chotiri strategies - soma, dama, bheda and danda (perekonannya, gift, rozbіzhnist, punishment). Might be a rickety intellect, talent. Know a little about everything, tell your mentors, teachers. Intuition is kindly awakened, to love mandruvati. Such people have a penny, stench extravagant, love to help others, gain popularity, even more privabliva.
Successful century 25-27 years.

Of course, for the purpose of that chi іnshoy type, a deaciful dosvіd is necessary, but a little bit of practice for you is not difficult.

Only the first few steps in deciphering our great fingers, we can’t continue!

Witchcraft on the thumb

First of all, the chiromancer's respect is the great finger; The first phalanx (nigtova) of the thumb expresses will, guilt, initiative. Another phalanx is a symbol of logic, clear reasoning, reason. The third phalanx - the tubercle of the base of the great toe - visvitlyuє more and less schilnіst to kokhanny.
In this rank, the great finger gives a blatant statement about the character of a person, as if it’s not enough to change the data about other fingers.

The great finger є nibi with a cotton wool of other fingers, as if it were due to you to give up, to that in the new there are three brutish motives of life - will, reason and love. Still such a whistle: "Get your will into a fist." And it appeared out of nowhere, even if the great finger itself is on top of others, if the hand is clenched into a fist. To that, looking at the thumb, you can make a visnovy about the specialness of a person.

Let's take a look, for the cob, pershu phalanx finger. Those who have the first phalanx of dovga and are strongly blamed, have a strong will, great self-confidence and suprawichine bazhannya self-dosing in chomus. If the first phalanx can already have a great dozhina, then in the people there is a fearful panuvannya, which manifests itself in tyranny. As a phalanx of medium size, then a person takes equal measure between the exercises to panuvannya and that support for that. If the first phalanx of the great toe is short, then it will not show up enough will and strength - that is, that a person can always doubt himself, do not trust his thoughts, fool other people. Like the first phalanx is too short, it means that the person is not built up to be a support, timid, in a new shvidko, moods can change.

Another phalanx vyznaє logic and mind of a person, naskіlki won't be true to their views. As a friend of the phalanx of dovg and mіtsna, then logic and reason will be the strong powers of the people, as if it is short - weak. The friend of the phalanx of the great finger has already been blamed to make sure that a person is more and more in the world of ideas, thoughts, lower in the sphere of emotions, repairing faults, as if punishing him with svodomistry, reconciliation, but with a spit of hvilinny, mood.

third phalanx (P'yastkova brush) expresses the power of sensitivity. As if the third phalanx is more than tovst and dovg, then the people are under order panuvannya of unstriking passion, as if they are in harmony with the other hand, the people will suffocate, ale in the world. Likewise, the third phalanx is weak, flat and lower-bent, so, in humans, the slenderness is slightly pronounced to the point of being sensitive to malt.

In order to signify, on the scale of forgiveness, the great finger, put the thumb (in a relaxed state) on the back of the thumb. If the thumb reaches the middle of the third phalanx of the showy finger, then the thumb is good for forgiveness, if the thumb is more than enough forgiveness, if lower the thumb is weakly forgiven.

A person who has a strong will, as if it is expressed in the first phalanx of the thumb, and not with logic, which is expressed in the shortness of the other phalanx, be it, panuvatime. Vіn postіno tsgogo bazhatime, do not wait with your logic and reason. Yogo life will be a struggle;

If you are guilty of both will and logic, then you can reach your own goal.

Like the first and friend of the phalanx of the same dovzhina and the great finger of harmony with the second fingers, it means that a person can have a stronger will, like rutting on logic. Tse mozhe can lead to dominance, but not tyranny.

The middle size of the thumb means those that the person herself does not have the right to rule, but does not allow herself to be squeezed, succumbs to any violence.

As if a friend’s phalanx of the great finger had crossed over the first phalanx, then a person’s strong side will be reason and logic, but the will will be weak. Such a person will be a good friend for others, but she herself will not speed up anything.

If the third phalanx of the great toe is already in the people, then you can be satisfied with the sense of life. And yet, if the first phalanx is goodly blamed, then a person can curb his addiction, as we pass into the lower. Such a person is loved by people, relatives, friends. You can be engaged in charity, missionary work, spiritual services.

Varieties of the thumb

A mace-like great finger, with a bowed shape to talk about a person's uprightness. Such people often get irritated, stench can blame rapt poriv fiercely, stench is weaker to despotism, violent acts.

Like the great finger of the gnuchkiy and the first phalanx, it can be called names (Fig.a), it shows that the person is tolerant of other people, vin maє gnuchkіst, diplomatic zdіbnosti, can be arrogant with the mustache.

As the great finger is strongly bent in the name (Fig.b), it means that a person can always be true to himself, instill harm and harm from his side, his conscience is rarely tormented, and to torment is not long.

If the thumb is bent in the middle (neguchky), then it means that the person is often restless in the state of nervousness, and so the wine itself is stingy.

The “waist” of the thumb is to tell about those that the person is tactful, forever streaming to yourself in the emotions of other people, to be able to see.

If the great finger has a straight shape and is soft, then the hairdresser of such a finger will sometimes be more open in his thoughts, that in his thoughts, straightforwardness is so powerful in itself.

The first phalanges of the fingers can be three different:




The skin of them mold their own character. So slid respect for the “wuzli” - sweating on the fingers. Yakshcho "vuzol" (between the first and other phalanx of the finger) is strongly derogatory, it is necessary to talk about the soul of order, systematicity in thought. The second vuzol (between the 2nd and 3rd phalanxes) characterizes love to order in life meaning. The first "vouzol" is by no means alone, but always accompanied by another, and the other can be the same, if one is not manifested.

Characterize the person zukhvaloy, pіdpriєmlivoї, laudatory, how to squawk in the main material values ​​of life. People with such fingers feel comfort, feel the taste. Vlasnikov in shovel-like fingers can be called practitioners, the stench cannot be tolerated by different theories. Such people respect physical strength, build up to the work of the artisans and scientific practice. The stench rarely makes love to philosophy, poetry.

If the spade-like fingers are not afraid of "buzzles" or there are few of them, then we can say about the person that there is no way, following their instincts, feelings. Vlasnik of such fingers is quickly learned practically. Vіn can appear brown in practical sciences and successfully prove yourself in applied knowledge.

“Vuzoluvati” shovel-like fingers point to those that a person knows his own decision. A literate rozrahunok is one of the main features. Such a person can become a good engineer, architect, military man.

Lyudina Z chotiricutny fingers a sound to order, regularity in one's actions, wines of organizations, slender to thoughts, philosophical reflections. People with such fingers can achieve success in architecture, literature, sciences.

“Smooth” chotiric fingers to talk about a person, how you can fall in love, or else you can be absolutely unfamiliar, sometimes without any reason.

"Vuzoluvatist" on chotirikutnyh fingers reminisce about those that your sergeant-major thinks about everything, first proceed to the next step.

Characterize people who are slender to the humanities, sciences.

"Smooth" fingertips show on zdіbnosti to plastic art, painting, sculpture, architecture and poetry. People with such fingers are romantic, become even more religious, practice freedom, love to take away the aesthetic satisfaction from the beauty of the beautiful, stench shirk before beauty, material values ​​\u200b\u200bthey rarely chirp.

"Vuzolatist" on the fingertips points to those who are in charge of their master to know the truth, to understand everything. Such a person is much more democratic than others.


Gypsies wear a leather finger to name one of the planets and є a representative of the power of the planet.

Great finger - Apollo.
Vkazivny - Jupiter.
Middle - Saturn.
Bezymenny - Sun.
Little finger - Mercury.

Ozhe, with what rank can one mark the future and today's people for everyday fingers?

Great toe (Apollo)
Zagostreniy - talent, staleness in the form of inspiration. Ale, as a reshta of the fingers is not zagostrena, but be it some other form - surface, balakuchi.
Square - breadth, truthfulness, intelligence.
Neznachennoї form - gruntovnіst, komertsіynі zdіbnostі, pragnennya wealth.
The shape of the spatula is dramatic zdіbnostі, shvidkіst thought, friability.

Pointing finger (Jupiter)
Zagostreniy - Nathnennya.
Square - merrily.
A spatula - shillnist to mysticism and everything cryptic, pardons and pardons are possible.

Middle finger (Saturn)
Zagostreniy - lightness, lightness, non-turboness.
Square - seriousness, gruntovnist.
Bloating - turmoil and pulling to self-destruction.
Spatula - gloominess, ignorance of character, misanthropy, hypochondria.

Ring finger (Sun)
In all its forms, this is the other world (to lie in other signs) - a manifestation of strength, love to family life exercise to well-being.

Little finger (Mercury).
Zagostreniy - skhilnist to mysticism, cunning, to theological sciences, krasnomovstvo and peredbachlivist.
Square - building up to experimentation, scaling up to winemaking, smart to express one’s thoughts clearly and clearly, a logical mind.
Spatula - schilnist to everything exotic, which "b'є to fall", like in life, so in science, art. For filthy nahil - a talented villain, a falsifier and a shakhrai.

Dovzhina finger and okremikh suglobiv also may have a gypsy palmistry of its own meaning. So, people are narrow-minded and a little wary of a straight and short pointed finger. At the melancholic fingers of Saturn (middle) take great roses. The size of the finger of Apollo (great) shows talent, richness. The little fingers (fingers of Mercury) tend to have the same life with the fourth finger most often in people who know science. Like the finger of Jupiter (vkazіvniy) that has grown into others, in life the pride and religion are more important. Yakshcho of Saturn (middle) - zoom, fallowness in the share. Yakshcho Apollo (bezimenny) - the prevailing art and wealth, wondering along the lines. Yakshcho Mercury (little finger) - science and cunning. Like Apollo (great finger) or Mercury (little finger) who fell behind Saturn (middle), it means that the science of science will overcome rock.

The value, spіvvіdnoshnja suglobіv paltsіv graє pevnu role vorozhіnâ rutsі gypsies. The 1st suglob means a dilyanka divine; 2nd - abstract area and 3rd - material area.

The drifts of the vkaz_vny finger.
Likewise, in pairs with other swamps, the 1st swamp of Jupiter is Dozhina, it’s not enough to talk about inspiration, religion.
Yakshcho 2nd swag - ambition, pride. Yakscho more rozvineny and dozhina 3rd suglob - bazhannya of honors, pride, bazhannya to command.

Suglobi of the middle finger.
1st cloud of Saturn, long and wide, showing confusion, zabobon. Yakshto vin arguzhe razvineniya - bazhanya death. 2nd suglob, marveling at how many faults there are of strong resentment, to talk about more and less building up to agriculture and exact sciences, and behind equal fingers - to abstract sciences. The lowering of the 3rd suglob is sknarist.

At Apollo: podovzheniya 1st suglob - not exhaustive addiction to mysticism. 2nd — exercise of self-perfection in the path of practice, intelligence and logic.
3rd - Marnoslavism, pragnennya show yourself from a vantage point of dawn.

At Mercury - subovenie 1st suglob - love to science and redness. 2nd - shillnist to commerce. 3rd - cunning and spritnist.

The great finger on the hand is the basis of analysis in Indian palmistry.

Whose finger tells us about those, how a person accepts decisions about those, how they realize them. On the vіdmіnu vіd іnshih, vіn іn't mає the name of the deity, wanting in some books of yoga to be called the Finger of Venus, in honor of the mound, which is known to be yogo's sleep.

Our great finger makes the human look like other creatures, including human-like creatures. The basis of such intelligence is a nerve, not a simple one, but a promenevium, which avenges your own nerves, which is our head brain. It is not for nothing that the stimulation of the finger positively flows into the frontal parts of the brain and enhances intellectual activity.

Nasampered, palmistry pronounces its respect for the dove of the thumb.

Indian palmistry is strong, that the dozhina of the second finger is tied with success. That is why, behind the guardians, people with a do-iron thumb reach the life of a greater, lower. The greater number of special features, actors, managers, are a few good fingers.

  • Like the great finger is long (the dozhina reaches the middle of the other vkazіvnoї phalanx), then the person in front of you, more for everything, vіdverta, straightforward. With whomever is the right dictator, what is the right to take away absolute power.
  • Like a great finger of the middle roses (a dozhina yogo reach the middle of the third expressive phalanx), it’s not enough to talk about the rozvinenist of leadership qualities. Such people are vrіvnovazhenі managerіntsi, zdatnі viriti at home.
  • A short finger (dozhina yogo is less likely to reach the bottom of the lower phalanx of the vkazіvny) to talk about those people in the big world who are irrational and smart to mittvih moods. The stench is choked and angry. And in the reach of goals, she was stuck.

Rozmir and roztashuvannya

  • The great one is to talk about a broken will, about those that a person can not only set himself for a goal, but go to it, no matter what, once and again, repeating to yourself.
  • Small, thin, not fragmented - to talk about those who are given nature more about their emotional side, less about the physical. Tse sings and romantic, and at the same time not an athlete.

It is important to think, like a finger comes, sticks to the shoulder. It’s even easier to make it, in palmistry it’s customary to divide the palm with two lines into squares. One line may pass through the lower phalanx of the middle finger down, the horizontal line is guilty under a clear cut, over the very middle of the vertical line. In order to calculate the middle more quickly with a line.

In this rank, you can have three vidi arrivals.

  • Joining in the middle (if the finger touches the palm at the point of the horizontal and vertical lines), it strengthens all the positive characteristics of the thumb, and the bullock component itself, leadership and integrity.
  • Arriving at a high place (comes more than a point of horizontal and vertical lines), such people are creators, the stench of a building unconventionally goes to the top of the day, moreover, most decisions come to them unsuccessfully, similarly to the dawn.
  • Riding low (pried below the point of the horizontal line and vertical lines), so people are endowed with courage and goodness. You know what it feels like to be obov'yazka and that nobility. The stench of the gnuchka and the buildings are attached to the most insatiable minds of life.

Step on, on which palmistry gives respect, tse kut, under the likeness of a person in a great life, his great finger. Under the hood, it becomes clear to see the great to the finger of Jupiter (instructive). Ring out tsey kut looking at right hand.

  • Also, it’s less than 45 degrees (to get close to the vkazіvny), so people are straight and straight. The stench does not want anything in the bosom and speak everything directly from the vіchі.
  • Under the cut of 90 degrees - such people have a sense of justice, the stench is able to survive for themselves, so for others and fight for justice. Such people are friendly, they are wise.
  • Kut more direct - so people are kind and trustworthy. For them, the team is important, that reliance on otochyuchih people, stench with ease lend their friendly shoulder to colleagues and friends.

Gnuchkist - zdatnіst vydіgnut big toe near the area of ​​loam. Everything is simple here.

  • If the thumb of the hand bends, then the person may be flexible in character, merry and joker, the center of respect, be it a company. Such people make grass, stench is easy to see in the wind, and also the building adapts to different minds.
  • Even if the wine (especially the right hand) is firm, it means firmness in character and spirit, so people are strong and strong. You can fight with the lilac oaks, the stench of the flooring can stand on the ground, but nothing can harm them.


Palmistry to rob the accent both on the shape and size of the finger, and on the shape and size of the phalanges. Like phalanxes are equal for rosemary. That in the people, however, the arrogance and the arrogance are blamed.

As if the first phalanx had done for a friend, then such a person is stuck and nevgamovna. Vіn bude through difficulties and pereskodi to go to your goal. Such people of the city are raised by carnival gatherings from the very bottom, they do not pardon them, but slander them with the strongest.

Like a friend, the phalanx is bigger than the Persian. Here the situation is directly opposite to the front. Such a person can have a wild and spiky mind. We don’t rush into battle, the docks don’t work out the tactics and strategy, and then we think a little more and we don’t sweat, maybe, we do more.

Kinchik form

Palmistry attaches special respect to the fact that the thumb of the hand is completed.

  • The square shape speaks of the practicality and prosaicity of the people. Such people are down to earth, they do not hover in the dark, they will not break the locks.
  • The shape of the scapula - such a person is dilova, energetic and already active.
  • The final form - zustrіchaєtsya in people mystetstva, sensitive, subtle and emotional.
  • The shape is zagostrena - so people can think of the victorious vibes. The stench of vrіvnovazhenі she can know more positively, inspire in difficult situations.
  • A wide kіnchik - such people are skhilnі carefully and sіm razіv vіdmіryati, persh nizh vіdrіzati.

That flat shape is wide (especially on the right hand) - such people are very patient, they can endure bad behavior towards themselves from the side of the sick, but the accumulated stress they need to "piss off" at the gym busy with extreme sports. Author: Dar'ya Potikan

Hand shape. The songs of character can be recognized by the shape of the hand. The valley of the valley goes down from the wrist to the lower part of the fingers. Main interpretations:

  • Earth- wide, square-length fingers, tovsta or rough coat, ruddy color, long-haired long fingers.
    • Solid values ​​and energy, sometimes vpertist.
    • Practicality and durability, different materiality.
    • Love to practice with your hands.
  • Povitrya- square or straight-cut dolons with long fingers, sometimes loamy to protrude, low-set thumbs, dry skin; the dowzhina of the palm is less for the dowzhina of the fingers.
    • Communication, balakuchy and warm.
    • Might be drib'yazkovim, angry and cold.
    • To love pratsyuvati like rozumovo, so with hands.
    • Approach to the robot and raznobіchno that radically.
  • Water- Dovgi, possibly, oval-shaped palms, with long, flexible, terminal fingers; the length of the valley is longer than the length of the fingers, a little less, the lower width is at the widest part of the valley.
    • Creative, penetrating and chuyny.
    • We can be immhlivim, emotionally and closed.
    • Introvert.
    • Practice quietly and intuitively.
  • Into the fire- square or straight-cut dolonya with ruddy or erysipelas skin, short fingers, the dorsum of the dolon is larger, the lower dolon of the fingers.
    • Spontaneous, choking and optimistic.
    • It is also hisististic, impulsive and baiduzhiy.
    • Extrovert.
    • Practice boldly and instinctively.
  • Pagorbi and pagorbi. Tse tі sіmі "m'yasisі" mіstsya pіd fingers, yаkі roztashovanі navprotra tassels. Sob to remember them, to store up a long sack. Which of the humpback viishov is the greatest?

    • The high pommel of Venus (under the thumb) is the strength to hedonism, sexless sexual intercourse and mitt's vigodi. Visibility of Venus's hillock - lack of congestion on the family's right.
    • The hump of Jupiter is rolled under a pointed finger. The regrets of Jupiter's hump are about dominance, hissticism and aggressiveness in character, as if it were daytime - on the marriage of one's self-interest.
    • Under the middle finger, the hump of Saturn is shaken. The resentment of the hump points to the vpertist, cynicism and schilnist to depression. Well, the hump of Saturn is filthy, it shows on the surface and disorganization.
    • Under the ring finger of rotting the hillock of Sontsya. The resentment of the hump indicates extravagance, pride, ardor. Like the humpback is low, it indicates problems for the woe.
    • Under the little finger is the hump of Mercury. If you remember well, then the person is a goofball, if not, then modest.
      • Understanding, there is no scientific confirmation of this. More than that - with the hour the valleys change! Don't take palmistry too seriously.
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