How thin is the body of a person? Efirne body or thin body and operations with it. How to develop your subtle bodies

I have a lot of hypotheses about the life of a person, his soul, aura, chakri. It’s rich who cares, what a person, the crime of his body, maybe 6. Tse thin body. Їх you can not pat. What is the matter? Do you need more stench? How to expand thin bodies? What is your development? Like the stinks protect it, they protect the people, the rose of the article.

When you look at Christianity, you realize that people are made up of the body, the spirit and the soul. At the gathering, esotericists talk about the presence of 7 thin bodies and more. Qi fields otochuyut physical shell, permeate її krіz. Qi forms create an aura. Energetic bodies roztashovuyutsya one by one, ale, protruding coal, zv'yazok z-pomіzh they are not used. To know for yourself, people need to report richly zusil.

Mentally thin shells are subdivided into sprat categories:

  • physical (3);
  • spiritual (3);
  • astral (1).

It is important that it is astral - that is why the lanka with the forward types is happy. The physical ones speak for the energy of the physical plane, and the spiritual ones - about the treasures of spiritual matter.

The stench is characterized by its frequency of vibration, which is stronger - then far away from the material reality. The husks make their own recognition, color, thickness, rosy at the singing place.

Physical body

Let's just take care of everyday functions that our physical existence is important. Ale, without her, it would be impossible to live on the planet Earth and know the new. Physically, it is also a thin body, to that which vibrates, like a crack of invisible shells. Folding processes are going on in the new one, for example, the brain is functioning, thoughts are ripening, but it is not possible to explain and heal to the greatest processes.

Another body - ethereum

Ether is an intermediate element between matter and energy, to that other thin body of a person took away the name of Efirna. It is allowed that it is roztashovuetsya for 1.5 cm from the material body and the electromagnetic circuit. Efirne body of black color and gray. Long time ago they believed that the shell transmits qi energy.

Tse came the body after the physical. It is already tightly tied with the first body. Golovnya, for which the ethereal shell resonates - the energy that flows through the middle of us. In the presence of the ethereal body, I will lie down the burning camp of the life forces of the people, healthy.

For the help of the ethereal shell, people come together from the all-world. Tsiogo cannot be baited, the threads of the link are not visible. Another is a place of its own kind, a kind of earthly day from the invisible forces of the outer world. Also, with a happy lanka with smaller thin bodies.

From the point of view of science, the ethereum is a matrix, in which the flow of energy flows through the channels of communication, so the flow of electrons is transmitted through the wires. Tsya merezha is even more foldable, it contains all the data about the physical body, the work of all organs, chemical warehouse blood.

Efirna obolonka is the main base of these people. Behind the form, the shell is the same, like a physical body. With injuries, ailments are seen in her. If a person is physically healthy, then she will take away the maximum energy of the whole world, if there are ailments and illnesses, then she will be blocked. I energy to be surrounded.

As a rule, the blocks are located in the chakras of the person or the Nadi channels. There are three Nadi channels:

  • Pingala (right channel);
  • Ida (Livy channel);
  • Sushumna (central channel).

The stinks pass through the 7 chakras of a person. As the chakras and channels are pure, the cosmic energy easily penetrates into the ethereal sheath and expands throughout the whole organism. As a result of this man of badyor, his energy is rediscovered, he shines in the middle and expands his positive vibes on the outside.

Chakri that їх roztashuvannya

  • 7th chakra (sahasrara) - in the crown area;
  • 6-chakra (adjna) - on the forehead, between the eyebrows;
  • 5th chakra (vishudha) - throat area (thyroid gland);
  • 4 chakri (anahata) - white of the heart, along the central line;
  • 3 chakri (manipuri) - in the navel;
  • 2 chakri (svadhistana) - in the pubic area;
  • 1 chakra (muladhara) - the region of the crotch.

If a person often changes in a filthy mood, do not forgive, accumulate negative emotions, її ethereal body does not lose energy and changes to the highest level of its functionality. In that mood, as if a person is not happy to work for him, he is engaged in a job other than his own, so he is so negatively affected by the ethereal obolontsi, and it starts to be wrongly practiced. For effective activity, you need a real robot for yourself, your inner self.

Know in your own mind that problems, yakі prignіchuyut, z'yasuvat pohodzhennya pozbutisya їх. Energize the All-world, and help you to know the right path through the ethereal shell. Golovne learn to understand and її signals. Efirna Lanka is a reflection of the life of a person, you can’t stand on the ground, get stuck in your problems and negative emotions. It’s necessary to fight with yourself, it’s easy, but it’s possible. Be patient and learn to think for yourself, and the energy of prana through the channels of Nad do not embarrass yourself with checks.

Third body-emotion (astral)

The third shell is respected by its own exit from the astral. Vaughn is among all people, like the planets live. Ale pracciuє not at all, only people, as if they knew themselves, they learned to twist with their mind, turn to their astral plane and interact with it. In the past, the Indian sages revealed this day. With the help of a vcheni they brought that the astral and emotional are the same, like a shell of a bazhan.

The astral sphere expands every 10-100 cm. It organizes the energy exchange of a person with other people, bazhanny, emotions. The astral body helps people realize their dream, exercise. Vono є aura and maє kolіr. The whole color scale is black - negative to white - positive. The color of the auri changes in the fall of the psychological become of the people. Different parts of the body are illuminated by a different color.

Science laboratories have special equipment, such as buildings, to take a photo of the astral body of a person and decipher it. Soft, warm pastel colors mean harmony and peace, yaskravi - aggression, dark - depression, humiliation. Fallen in the mood, the color of the shell is changed by stretching a short interval of an hour, a year, a day.

Astral activity to lie in the form of people, її pragnen, zavdan. In that case, if a specific target is set, and a person is nailed to win, to reach, the astral shell opens up to all 100 windows. It will take away the maximum of cosmic energy, actively interacting with others of the same goal-directed people, helping to choose the right ones.

If a person is inactive, she has no trouble, no exercise, her emotions are extinguished, she does not use up additional energy. Like a blessed person, they may have a negative character, created for the satisfaction of the needs of the authorities, not guarding the thoughts of the restless, like asking the shkodi to the soothing, which is badly assigned to the astral plane. Even after pouring filth on the emotional shell, put alcohol, drugs, shards of stink into the hands of the physical body of a person.

In order for the astral to function correctly, having taken away the maximum of positive energy, it is important to do good, pragmatically be brown, and show positive emotions. Aja roblyachi goodness to others, people take away from the wiser richer than solid impulses. For activation, people are obliged to engage in meditation, learn to control their emotions, need, consume. Tse give a good spirit to charge the energy for the whole day. Someone who has learned how to properly interact with his third shell and works with it in new harmony. For them, it will be beautiful for an hour of sleep and the astral work will be more expensive. Under the hour of sleep, a person sleeps, and її the soul passes into the astral shell that sees other light.

Visionary, vyshuni have long learned to wander as to their own astral plane, and so to someone else's. Tsya zdatnistst help them to know the cause of pain, sickness in other people. The way to the information to pass through the astral shell. Shamans, otrimuyuchi access to the astral іnshої people, take the necessary information, without asking for help. In the same way, one's building is being moved by balls of the all-world zavdyaka astral.

Fourth body - mental (intellectual)

Roztashovuetsya for 10-20 cm from the front. I repeat the contour of the physical again and again. May have a yellow color, take the cob from the head and expand throughout the whole organism. At the moment of myslennєvoї activity, the mentality becomes wider and brighter. Under the hour of the rozum process in the intellectual obolontsi, small clumps of energy are scattered - thoughts, stinks show thoughts, perekonannya people.

As if there were only visnovoks without emotions, then the energy of thought forms is formed from the intellectual shell. In that case, if there can be a manifestation of emotions, the energy is accumulated both from the mental and emotional body. The clearer the person reveals his idea of ​​thought and the clearer the perversion of his rightness, the clearer the outline of the thought-form is. At the time of death, the mentality is known for 3 months.

Mentally, astrally and ethereally are born at the same time from the physical ones, and they arise at times of death. Lie down to the material world.

P'yate tіlo - karmіchne (casual)

This structure is collapsible, as it carries all the information about the air and transmits it into space. Everything that a person can rob can be primed. Navitt vіdsutnіst dії not without reason. It is not casual to take away from oneself the information about the possible life of a person from the future. Vono є raznobarvnoy gloomy gloomy breasts of energy. Roztashovuetsya for 20-30 cm from the physical. Energetic clots are indistinctly expressed and may have a clear contour against breasts in an emotional tone. After the death of the material body, the karma does not die, it is reincarnated by the order from other bodies.

For the completion of their karmis, they touch the Dharmi and follow the yoma. This is an individual meta for a skin person, as they touch the process of life. If you follow the laws of Dharmi, there is a lack of negative energy, it is not enough to be positive. People, like destroying the Dharma, in the advancing life to be born in the body of another lower organism in the evolutionary plan, to go through all the stages from scratch.

Shost tіlo - buddhіchne (intuitive)

This is a thin shell, as it picks up folding things of an unseen process. Vcheni call yoga the primordial ethereal field. This is a folding structure, through which another body is organized. In that case, if the links are collapsing in the ethereal obolontsi, data for inspiration are taken from the shostoy. Intuitively dark blue zabarvlennya. May form an oval and roztashovuetsya on the vіdstanі 50-60 cm from the material.

It is more Buddhist to take revenge on oneself for a gap, as if I repeat the efirne exactly. І tse organize yoga form of expansion. Vіdpovidaє for the people of brilliant thoughts, insight. It is important to trust yourself, listen to your intuition, and the All Light show you how to work. Chakra Ajna, or the third eye-symbol. Do not know about the death of a person, but transfer the accumulated energy from the cosmos.

Some tіlo - atmanіchne

The best body of a person. Little is known about him. Ale vvazhaetsya, tse naitonsha obolonka. Atma - the camp of the soul, if it could recognize itself. Atmanichne transmits the message from the soul of a person to God, and she takes away the spirits. With a harmonious development, inner blissfulness and outer calmness are reached.

For otrimannya access to somoї lanka develop first, material. Let's step forward, so that we can learn to lead with all the forward bodies. Atmanichne may have an oval shape that is roztashovuetsya on the vіdstanі 80-90 cm from the first. It is a golden egg, in which all bodies are taken. On the surface of the eggs there is spitting, which does not allow the influx of nasty energy.

Sonyachne that galactic body

Sonyachne - the astral fields of the human being are built up to the astral plane of the Sonyachny system. Tse eighth lanka. Yogo doslіdzhuyut astrologers. Sonyachne carried information about people's people's day. Yak buli roztashovani zirki, planets.
Galactic - is formed from the robots of the astral field of a person for the astral of the Galaxy. Tse nine'yate dead.

Mustache thin fields are closely intertwined one by one. Give a strong infusion of the molding of the share of the people, yoga way. Thinking about the good, a person is charged with positive emotions, taking the energy of the All-World, as if expanding in all versions, programming them for success and success. People are dragged to the center of positive vibrations, giving joy, goodness, navkolishniy svit I support you in return.

The paradox of the current stage of the development of science for those who are more likely to see the “remnants of the past”, the more stench approaches them. The hypothesis about those who physically did not follow a single warehouse person has long been considered by the greatest successors. Invisible to our eye, the thin bodies of people, their forms and budova, ate the dawn in the field in the middle of the twentieth century.

What is such a thin body?

Under thin bodies, they hang on the uvaz of the system, with which energy centers are cherished. chakri . Explain k_lkom with words qi to reach an abstract understanding to the unprepared, to finish it importantly. Deyakis philosophic currents and skhidni religii vvazhayut thin bodies as guides of people in other worlds, de stinks are taken so by themselves, like a physical body in reality, which makes us feel better.

The essence of the subtle world, the classification of which will be presented further, is divided by esotericists into 2 groups. A part of them is immortal and mandating with us from one life in the future. A friend is mortal, like a physical body, like falling apart after a while wet death. The understanding of thin bodies is not a trace of straying from the understanding of the soul. On the thought of the esotericists, the soul - tse svіdomіst, "I", how to save after physical death.

7 thin body people

Non-physical shells - the essence of the subtle light, before lassification, We are deprived of old teachings to vibrate 7 energy systems:

  1. Efirne body(energy center - Svadhisthana chakra ). Consider the closest to the physical shell of all thin bodies. A lot of people build ethereal warehouses like living things, and inanimate objects. Efirne tіlo vіdpovіdaє for blood-bearing sechostate system the material shell of a human being is proven for immunity and thermoregulation of the body. The obolonka itself will require a defense. Efirna warehouse can be harmed by the wrong way of life and negative emotions. One of the simplest and most accessible ways to promote the body and engage in sports.

  2. astral body(energy center - Manipura chakra ). Vіdpovidaє for our well-being astral world. As if it were not bad and not ruynovane, the person is well protected from a negative energy infusion, more visible, like “psuvannya”, “attached”, “cursed”, etc. People, like a healthy astral shell, build up on the soothing. Krіm tsgogo, іsnuyet spetіlіnі nіvchannya, zavdjaki yakіm lyudina otrimuє mozhlivіst podroshuvat sіnі svіt. However, if a mandriving man should pardon, he will not turn around at the physical world.
  3. mental body(energy center - Anahata chakra ). Thin invisible human body, їх form ta budova it is necessary to be vigilant in order to preserve your health. Our skin is an intangible substance that will require a wet meal. The mental body needs knowledge, search for the truth. Most of the Rozumova people's activities will end after a healthy profession. And htos pripinyaє vchitisya already after school. The mental reality is quiet, who does not pragmatically acquire new knowledge, progressively atrophies. As if it were an organ of a physical shell, it transforms into a rudiment. Not taking away the mental progress in this life, the soul is daunted to once again turn to the world, which it has left, or to sink to the lower level of the development.

  4. Karmic body(energy center - chakra Vishuddha ). Virazi "bad karma" that "good karma" is known to wealthy people. Truly, karma cannot be good or bad. Tse sukupnіst of our vchinkіv, skoєnih in past lives. The task of a new breath is not to take punishment for "filthy karma." The soul turns around in order to correct pardons.
  5. (energy center - Ajna chakra ). The thin body of a person, their forms, recognition of that life is not always possible to understand and explain. The buddhic body takes away its development only once, if a person develops his extrasensory vitality. Important is the process itself, and the process itself. If you try to become a clairvoyant only in order to earn fame, your children will be respectful, and the buddhist reality does not take away the flowery development.

  6. Spiritual body(energy center - Chakra Sahasrara ). It is possible to raise the whole body in dekilkom ways, the main ones being serving God, fighting against evil on a subtle level and spiritual guidance. Tsya sutnіst rozkrivaєtsya on the somomu, the most equal development of the people of the earth.

  7. <
  8. Absolutely body(energy center - chakra Atman ). The body is resentful of those who are called the Messiahs and the great teachers, like Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha. The obolonka is filled with absolute energy, as if to resemble the Absolute (that's how others call God, I find the essence). The body can change the physical shell beyond its dimensions.

The thin body of a human being, their form of life is not yet up to the end of the day with modern venerations. The equipment of the new thousand was not completely finished, in order to know the spiritual substance. The skeptics called it less likely for those who can be ingested by the organs of the senses. However, far away from religion, mysticism and philosophy, people recognize that the light of that world is invisible to us.

The ethereal body of a person gives the opportunity to effectively heal ailments and regulate processes in the physical body. Find out how to sway a thin body.

Ultra-modern scientific research in the halls of quantum physics shows the results that the knowledge of the ancients is miraculously gained.

The stench succumb to the daily life of the light, recognize the possibility of the foundation different worlds that plan.

Precisely, the detectors registered the presence of such a manifestation, as all people and living things think, thus confirming the cause of auri.

The physical body of a person is less than one in many. Other bodies are called thin, being at a higher frequency of vibration and invisible to the human eye. The most thin bodies are called efirnim: they make a person look like a shell with a wind up to 5-10 div.

It is made up of ethereal matter (energy).

It is important that a person is not capable of developing this type of energy, develop techniques, for the help of which one can learn how to differentiate the aura and ethereum of the body. It's a simple way, how you can succumb to the ethereal matter.

1 krok: shake the ethereal matter

  • 1. There is only one help - the presence of a clear sky. The practitioner enters the open space and begins to marvel at the sky. You need to look with a sawy look, hooting the whole picture of the sky, do not blink.
  • 2. The person is staring into the block of the sky, showing, as if looking deeper and deeper into yoga nadra.

Concentration on the palate may take 10-15 breaths. If your eyes start to tear up in an hour, you can bring a little of your eyes together, so that the surface of it is wet with motherland, but it’s impossible to curl them up!

  • 3. Practicing step by step, step by step, mark the invisible lines and separation in the sky, napіvprozorі kuli, that it’s easy to fly, figures with invisible forms.
  • 4. With practice, contours become clear.

You can inspire the spirit to fly in the sky, spirits, dragons, etc. Old myths in their stories often describe such things.

2 krok: sing ethereal body

Now it is necessary to learn how to protect your ethereal body, and then the bodies of other people. Another part of the practice is the same, like first, but now it is necessary to focus on the curly palm of the hand. For whom you can take a seated position, pull your hand uphill, so that the sky is clear as ashes. It is necessary to marvel at the hand with the same radiant look, remembering the changes, as if they were looking.

After a certain hour, you will scatter specks that glow, like everywhere they fly around your hand and body. The stench can be white or black in color and make midges that are circling. Tse prana is life energy, as if constantly resting in the air.

Light specks - positive energy (plus), black - negative (minus). Offended by the stench of life on Earth. If a person breathes in a breath, he will see his body with prana, and the corpuscles of energy will rot.

After a certain hour of concentration, you will open the shell of the ethereal body to the opening, as if squeezing your hand on a hundred inches. If you could infuse the ethereal shell, it is necessary to solidify that development in the same time, continuing the regular practice of concentration.

Then you will be able to easily soak up the ethereal bodies of those other people. Constantly developing the building, you learn to bachiti auri in the details, causing sickness and peculiarities to the character.

How to diagnose ethereal body?

In order to analyze the ethereal body of another person, you can use the following method.

1. The practitioner chooses a person whose ethereal body is vivchatime.

The best, shob tse boov close people What can you understand, what do you work.

2. People can stand on a light background. Tse can be light trellises or walls.

3. The practitioner sits next to people on the vіdstanі two or three meters so that a look could instantly suffocate his body.

4. Win to marvel at a rosy people with a sawy look nibi krіz new, not translating a glance and not blinking.

5. After a certain hour of practice, stretch the shell of the shell around the body of a person, then start zitka s repeating the ethereal body of a person.

6. Continuing to concentrate the look, practicing the ability to differentiate the shape and features of that body:

it can be deformed in the hands, de people have ailments;

may appear as dark patches in other parts human body. The stench tells on energy tests in the biofield people have ailments in their organs;

various objects that fly around or are embedded in the ethereal body of a person. For example, "strings" and "keels" are also transparent materials.

7. In order to achieve health, the practitioner will build up these “objects” from the auri and the ethereal body, for the help of the will that will heal the energy gaps.

  • ¹ Aura is a shell invisible to the human eye, as if it were a person’s body, otherwise, be it another living object, it’s a creature, roslin, a mineral too thin.
  • ² Efirne body - the name of the thin body, which is the first or the lower ball in the warehouse of a person or aura.

The divine person is accessible to the attainment of the physical body, to the supreme yogi – the attainment of the subtle body, the enlightenment of the yogis gains the attainment of the Divine. God is one in everything and everything is changed in the new, so the physical body of a person who is impersonal, but for a simple reason, we are mentally divided into 7-9 thin bodies.

1. Physical body to serve as a servant until the birth in the minds of this planet and dovkіllya. It is necessary to serve as a tool for nabuttya zhittєvogo dosvіdu, for vykonannya nebhіdnyh dіy in the open space while vikonnі people's own special, earthly and space programs on the physical plane. Physical human bodyє biological organism, which є sukupnіstyu all storage yogo organs, scho vodіyut different functions. These functions allow the soul to express itself physically, as part of a great organism. Physically, the body revives nine chakras.

2. Efirne bodyє bears that conductor of life force (Prani). Vitality, vitality, support of the physical body to infections are determined by the energy level of the ethereal body. Hunger, spraga, satіst, drowsiness, vtom, badorіst - tse infusion of that manifestation, the energy of the ethereal body.

Efirne body may have one main purpose: revitalize and nurture the energy of the physical body and integrate it into the energy body of the Earth and the sleepy system. This is a bundle of energy flows, a line of power that Light. Cosmic forces flow along these energy lines, just like blood flows through veins and arteries. Such a permanent individual - human, planetary and sleepy - the circulation of vital forces through the ethereal bodies of forms - the basis of all manifested life and the manifestation of the day-to-day inconsistency of the sacred life. I repeat physically the ethereal body, sometimes it is called the ethereal twin of a person. It is important that the ethereal body is dying on the 9th day after the death of a person.

3. Astral body. The area of ​​vibration of this body is variably manifested in the energies of predilections, emotions, bazhan. The astral body chi body bazhan (sometimes called an emotional body) is the result of mutual influence between bazhannyam and the central self, the result of which manifests itself as emotion. The rights of the pivkul coordinate the activity of the emotional body of a person, shaping the energy of the emotional body from the energy of the ethereal body on the basis of the mutual modality of the energy meridians of the left half of the body. the astral body died less on the 40th day. In occultism it is called another death.

In the ethereal and astral bodies, behind the firmaments of ancient and modern spirit-seers, ninety thousand reasons for that unhealthy people are attached.

4. Mental body- A whole body of thoughts, logic and knowledge of people in the process. The mental body has clumps of energy that reflect our reconciliations and thoughts. Qi clots took away the name of thought forms. Heraclitus told us that “the power of the mind overcomes the posture of the body”, that the mind is based on the physiological control of the protein body organization, although it is an informational process that the body has to function. A non-intermediate material structure, functioning like a thought, like an informational image, is a gender formation of a biosystem. Complex thin bodies how to take care of the entire work of the body on a physiological and mental level, how to serve as a treasure trove of information, and as an instrument of thought. The mozok is an attachment that counts, that allows you to scoop up information from the biological system of the people and the information field of the All-World. Vіn is less likely to display the larynx of a mental act, which in another dimensional area: do not think the brain, more the mental process is caused by an interorgan organ. Remember! the brain is not an organ of thought, pochuttіv, svidomosti and memory, but those who sho pov'yazuє svіdomіst, pochuttya, thoughts and memory of the day's life, zmushuє її listen to the daily needs and rob them of the building to the core.

Mozok can't wait for a hundred years to see. Vіn priymaє іnformatsiyu zі sphere svіdomosti і єїї in sledovnіst vplivіv іn nervі tsentry, and stink - іn m'yazi і іnshoy organ of the physical body. Those that we today call instinct are the main set of functions of the human brain. The sphere of knowledge influences all intellectual and emotional processes in the essence of a person. And the decision is taken by the posture of our brain, the posture of our physical body, the stench is formed in another world - in the sphere of knowledge, and in the process of thinking - this is the result.

The brain of a person is the system for managing the physical body and the channel for linking the physical body with the identity of the person.

Liva pivkulya coordinates the activity of the mental body of a person, shaping the energy of the mental body from the energy of the etheric body on the basis of the interdependence of the energy meridians in the right half of the body. The whole body of a woman after the death of a person on the 90th day.

Looked at three thin bodies of people at once with a physical body belong to our material world, people will die together with people.

5. Cause body chi casual (karmic) . The whole body of our vchinkiv, the manifestation of that spryyattya, is more pronounced in our intellect. The very body was our own “watcher”, who is engaged in the “whips” of people, apparently to the utmost of their strength.

Oskіlki causally roztashovan in uninterrupted proximity in the form of the body of emotions and the body of knowledge, there is a lot of possibility, reconciliation of that real thing. I, remembering the damage, get used to it and come in to correct our pardoning emotions and reconcile. Emotional (astral) that mental body, mutually with each other, form the energy of the offensive body - the causal chi of the causal body

6. Budhіchne tіlo chi іntuїtivne - A spiritual cob, or a body of knowledge (soul), as if expressing itself in a transparent person.

This is an intuitive energy body, which concentrates in one's own things an unseen process. It is also called the “body of values” of a person, the body, as the result of the interaction of the astral-mental body of a person with the astral-mental body of the mass. It is not for nothing that rich people of the people have changed, that a person can live and die there, where she was born. Budhіchne tіlo and energetics of mіstsevnostі punish people vikonannya sing tasks, the necessary given mіstsevnostі.

7. Atmanichne body - the body of ideals, the divine beginning, the spark of God and the body of the Spirit.

The Earth, by virtue of its role in the Sonyachny system, the asymmetry of life, global climatic and tectonic processes, also has an astral-mental charge. The interaction of this charge with the astral-mental field of a person creates 7 bodies on the basis of the interaction of all channels and pomeridial points.

The whole body secures calls from the Greater Rozum, taking into account the necessary information for people and transmitting there the necessary information

8. Sleepy body settle for the relationship between the astral-mental field of a person and the astral-mental field of the Sonyach system. It is the most consistent with astrology and the very astrological regularities, the cream of the stars and suzirs, signifies the interaction of the energy of people with the planets. The planets themselves, having sprung in during the people, roztashuvannya in the sky, form the energy of the eighth body, as well as the energy potential of the human organs.

9. Galactic body settle for the relationship between the astral-mental field of a person and the astral-mental field of the Galaxy.

Eight and nine bodies can see the structure of thin bodies and the water of a person.

As it was meant to be, matter manifests itself in humans in the energies of different ranges of vibrations: from the greater "rough", visible physical body to the "thin" and "thin" vibrations of the invisible human Triad.

The skin z tіl maє vlasny stock of strength - the energy of singing capacity and equal "strength", "subtle" vibrations. The person is guilty of empathy in harmony, in unity and purity of physicality and thin body. All thin bodies permeate the physical body similarly to the extent that water seeps through a sponge. Looming the power supply of strength (energy), stench can function independently in the physical body and not mechanically tied to it.

At great people function badly thin bodies less to the one that is wrong for us to live. I live less rudely, we notice that the death of our bodies. Eating with subtle energies saturates the growth of functioning like thin bodies, and the mouth of a person is scorched. In order to achieve success on the path of spiritual growth, it’s important to have more than that, like all the wealth of people’s bodies.

In advance of everything: and remember that the imperceptible light of the thought is controlled and observed by the physical light.

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