The astral world can leave the body for one hour. What is Astral? What can you work with Astral? Rise in the Astral - reality or hallucination? What can you see when entering the astral plane

How to go to the astral plane, take away unforgettable feelings and learn about those that are inaccessible to other people? Іsnuyut special technіki, yakі will help you to get out of the body and recognize, like the power of parallel world.

At the article:

How to go to the astral plane - the rules and technology of safety

Before that, how to get up to the astral plane, you should learn that you can work practically as a child. Іsnuyut especially, astral dreams. It seems that the astral component of a person's building is to rise in price with a change of worlds. It's possible and unseen, it's true, because of which it's impossible to fall into the astral plane. Ale, you can see that you can work and see.

Like a vapadku, pіdsvіdі vіhodі in the astral u vі snі can more often after reading vіdpovіdnoї literature. Ale, if you want to know, how to go to the astral plane vlasniy bazhannyam, but not the same, if you come in your pіdsvіdomosti, you will have to learn the rules of that methodology.

The rules of conduct in the astral building will save you from the threats of parallel worlds. It’s worth trying them out, it’s more expensive to become safe and secure. The consequences of not understanding these rules can become a nightmare dream, when a poltergeist appears subset of entities, and also seriously spend energy.

It is not necessary to engage in astral practices under the hour of thunderstorms or other weather disasters. A storm and a thunderstorm are seriously vibrating on the astral plane. Krіm tsgogo, bliskavka zdatna zavdati shkodi not only the physical body, but also the astral one. In extreme weather, you can’t rise in price to such a price, in which you can hit a bliss.

Under the hour of ailment or filthy self-feeling you can read about those, how to drink to the astral plane. Ale zastosovuvati read practically not varto. The back of the head will be sorted out from physiological problems. Under the hour of ailment, the astral body is weaker, sound lower. Your natural defense of the essences that inhabit other worlds will practically not be children. For some reason, it is impossible to practice moving out of the body into the astral plane, as you are tired and aware of stress. Nebazhana practice is also after the conflict of welding. Quietly, vrіvnovazhene began to walk for someone richer.

It is not necessary to go into the astral at the kіmnati, de xtos є, kіm you. Ask the household members not to disturb you, turn on the telephones and TV. Nothing is to blame if you testify to cremation in the body. The clothes are guilty of buti zruchnym, bazhano from natural materials.

Sometimes it is recommended to take a vegetarian diet the day before the technical meeting. However, the rule is so individual. Yakshcho vіdsutnіst m'yasnih fears positively contributes to the results, you need a diet. Although there is no staleness between the diet and the results of practices, it is unlikely that you will be helped by the pist.

Okremo varto tell about the camp of the body. Understanding, you can be handy. A non-permanent posture is not to blame for you, in the form of a sample, in the form of a body. Do not cross your arms and legs; The best approach is to lie down or sit in a handy armchair. Start from the first, possibly, with the best knowledge of the best position of the body.

The first stage of the astral rise in price when leaving the body is the relaxation of that part of the internal dialogue. Know the impersonal relaxation techniques, choose the one that suits you the most. As long as the grains of the internal dialogue, there is also a need for an individual approach. Before the cob of training, give your own installation about those who, after relaxation, will deprive the physical body and throw you into the astral plane. The meta is more expensive tezh it is necessary to formulate a zazdalegіd, otherwise you will simply forget about it if you are afraid of the new world.

For the time being, it is not recommended to leave the room from the apartment. Follow the light step by step, everything will come with good luck. Experiments with a magic stake on a physical body can also be more effective, even if a specially created zahisna energy cooler can be filled with an unexplored mandriva astral. But you can’t bring yourself to be left without a zahist - you can sill with amulets of a zahis character with other speeches, but remember that the stench zavazhayut exit from the body.

The heady change of newbies is fear and other emotions, for example, zdivuvannya. Most of the astral roads will end on their own, after which the astral body turns back, and it is necessary to finish it sharply. It is possible to express your emotions when you leave the body only with permission. On the right, in the fact that that part of the astral body, as it is left behind by the physical body, attracts back, which rises in price in the astral plane, shards of fear enter into the threat. The "rough" astral shell of a human being is contorting its function under the hour of the astral journey.

If you don’t want to enter the astral plane, don’t worry. There are few people to go out of the first time. To whom for the sake of good health, it is necessary to spend a few days, but it is worth spending close to fate. In times of failure, repeat the test of the coming day. You will wake up early, what an astral light and someone in a new life. Better for everything, it will be the same, if you have the least check of success.

How to trapit in the astral plane using the astral rope method

It’s more expensive to get to the astral plane to help visualize the rope, but it’s not about the same to the shredded cord which poov'yazuє astral component with the physical body. Far from everyone can sing and care for themselves. Possibly, you see, do not remember the yoga of presence. Indeed, the link from the physical body cannot be deposited in any way, the thought form is only instilled in the soror's image. As if you didn’t get far into the astral reality, a part of the astral body, as if it didn’t overwhelm the physical, pull you back.

The essence of the method of the astral rope lies in the visualization of the rope, which starts from the wall and comes right up to you. After that, as you have introduced yoga, chop on the rope with your hands, as if by the astral body. The goal is to see how your hands are stomping on the rope, to see the texture and to begin to stretch. Climb with a visual rope, maybe, folded, lower in the stellar way. It is not possible to break the hour of the procedure, you are guilty of being completely relaxed.

It is necessary to concentrate your respect on the obvious transfer of the obvious rope in order to deprive the body of the physical body. You are to blame for the understanding that the astral body is thinning out the ruins, or rather, it is growing. Possibly, you see the vibration with your whole body. You don’t need to lie, it’s a sign of success - you’ll start to think, how to spend time in the astral world, and work everything right.

Why is the technique good? Vaughn advocates concentrating only on one simple task - try to see on the tightrope, vyyshovshi from the physical body. Tsya is right miraculously suitable for newcomers.

Persha is more expensive to the astral plane - exit from the body

How to reveal a rope that stretches for the astral and can become your means of transferring from the physical body, you can’t get out, there is another technique. Vaughn is also suitable for beginners. Tse meditation for exit from the body - you will need to relax and try viklikati vіdchuttya, scho mіstse pіd hіdokremlennya vіd physical body.

Later, before that, how to properly enter the astral plane, take a comfortable position at the bedside or on the armchair. Relax, be so strong that the unruly camp does not invite you to meditate. Supin the internal dialogue. Concentrate on the breath. Follow the breaths and the sights, try to make them more equal and deeper, sound lower.

If control over the breath will be achieved, you will see that you fully understand your physical body. Listen to the most important sounds, take in the surroundings around you. Let him give respect to the inner self. Be calm, but get ready for the first exit into the astral plane.

Ceilings preparation stage. After that, go to try to get rid of the physical body. Do not strain your respect, try to pass into the astral plane properly, without sharp disturbances and thoughts. Your mind can be relaxed, but it can be heartbroken at the exit from the body. It is allowed to think about those, as if you were wrong. You can concentrate on the gap between the eyebrows, where the third eye is known, or the ajna-chakra. It is important that the sound of the astral body begins to deprive the physical.

Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and show how you get up from an armchair or a bed, not collapsing with it, the docks cannot see the vibration, but you are on a rag. Zrobіt і vіdchutya vrazim, direct їm nazustrich. They are always accompanied by the exit from the body. Just let him know, getting up from your armchair, continuing your thoughts, and you can easily understand that you have entered the astral plane.

It is possible to see a noticeable fall down. Yogo rich someone who knows for a while. This seems to be accompanied by zanurennya in the astral dream, in the air, astral. Do not repair the opir ilusory fall and you can take a positive note.

What to do at the first hour, rise to the astral plane

Otzhe, you have gone far away to learn how to get into the astral plane of the newcomers. You have left the body, and a new world is checking on you. Ale, do not hurry up and tell me your due diligence. The Astral is not as careless as one might think. I'll be able to get comfortable in a new world and understand how to behave there.

What can you do in the astral plane, if you are stronger there? Try to move different ways. Possibly, you will pass through the walls, but you can’t go out at all and not at all. In order to get out of the stone or wander around with it, you only need to think about it. Increase the distance from the booth at a more expensive astral level step by step, according to your knowledge, so as not to make problems.

How do you remember those who are in the astral plane?
Navischo cherubate your dreams?
You can know new information in the astral plane...
Astral is the most serious scientific achievement.
What is the astral space for the great inhabitants?
We are all to one - the inhabitants of that Meshkantsi astral!
What will you do, how will you learn to enter the astral plane and speed up with it?
For the help of the Astral, it’s easy for me to go at once ...
Astral іsnuє, navіt yakscho you don't believe it!
More science: what is "Astral"
Є our special astral and є spіlny
Astral vіdrіznyаєєsі vіd physical reality
Look, you don’t know the position of the body
Mindfulness of the astral worlds and expanses for our mind and body
Astral bags and our intercourse with them

Astral - tse reality! Tse part of reality, we knew, having voiced fantasies, that they called to the darkness with additional dream books. Aje mi can passively marvel at the rare memory of dreams, and change the astral reality.
How do you remember those who are in the astral plane? Navischo cherubate your dreams?
And then you buy cars, go wherever you want, you get a dacha, you will be on your own taste, buy apartments, to remember them with speeches dear to you.
You can change your astral light, and it will be significant in your life. Podії vіdbuvatimutsya іnakshe, people will be put before you in a different way, not strong ailments - to go, and the “halves” - vipadkovo zustrіchatsya ... See you see that you have succeeded on the future day, and you will be ready to go, that you have earned the exam paper ...
You can know new information in the astral
Carl Jung created his analytical psychology in the Astral expanse. Albert Einstein, having created his theory of visibility, chanting in Astral. Nikola Tesla, the author of practically all informational innovations of our century, shukav in their ideas in Astral. Yakbi vіn їх todі zvіdti not vityagnuv, you would not call on your mobile phone, or would not repent of the blessings of the Internet.
A lot of great people drew their inspiration and ideas from Astral. Do you ask why children are not taught at school, how to mandruvat in Astral? Why is Astral inaccessible to us? I'll tell you - the people that we perekhuvali, stink - Vibran, stink could afford to be others ... Genius, stink bad, what to take from them? Can you do it quickly?
Astral - the most serious scientific achievement
  • The Monroe Institute - from the 70s, got people ready. Anybody can come to the Robert Monroe Institute and learn the art of perceiving dreams and astral practices. Astral is more expensive. Wee about tse chuli hoch time?
  • At Nіmechchinі Institute of Steven LaBerge. Lucidity Institute.
  • Stanislav Grof taking up cim vzagalі from the 50s. The whole science is transpersonal psychology, which develops these phenomena.
    Ale and tse - alone!
    What is the astral space for the great inhabitants?
    And the great inhabitants of the Astral cluck like it's wrong. Adzhe, really, these are relics of the past, archaism, the shaman's wave of the moon and the p'yana beacon of the gate. Zvichaina people I am guilty of living, "like a mustache", earning pennies, huddling at my own commissary-box, people and vikhovuvaty children, and then die from a pure conscience ... So I did not look beyond the curtain of the taєmnitsa ... To the one who is available, let's Defend!! ! The one who needs to go rocky to the center of darkness, it is necessary to put life on those who reach between the Astral, it is necessary to mother ten bullets on the forehead! Do you believe in tsyu nisenіtnitsyu? So? And for free!
    We are all to one - the inhabitants of that Meshkantsi astral!
    Skin from you sticking with the Astral more than once and not twice. Have you ever dreamed, at least once you have dreamed in reality, you have been traipsed by a dream, and at least once you have seen that a dream is a dream? So? Todі vy buli on the cordon of the Astral. They simply didn’t teach you how to squirm, how to collapse far away, how to break the Astral at the taemnitsa. What is not taught in schools, or in institutes, about it is not told at home, about it is not talked about from the TV screens. Tilki now started talking, this and that at the rozvazhnyh broadcasts on kshtalt “You can’t boot!” or "Battle of psychics". Bo want to, schobi were “like a mustache”, “they thought, like a mustache”. Bo thinking people unsafe. Adzhe tse zhahlivo - natovp, it’s impossible to curse, people who don’t fall for “brainwashing”, for whom there is no television advertising, people who “know” ...
    What will you do, how will you learn to enter the astral plane and speed up with it?
    Articles Let's take it easy, the real knowledge about the Astral lies on the surface, it's just that we don't say anything at all, like we're koristuvatisya. If you start porinati in the name of knowledge, you should be mindless, as if you hadn’t thought of such simple speeches before. Ax, for example, I ...
    For the help of the Astral, it’s easy for me to go at once:
  • Virishuvati daily food without any labor costs. We need creativity - be kind! And earlier, I sat at night and faced such problems.
  • It's possible to talk to people on the street. More importantly, zvichayno ... But you can get through to the people, telepathically ask, you can call. I'm not even talking about those who have improved their minds in dialogue. I catch the sense from the word, I convey to the people what I want to say - it's easy. For I contact him not only through physical reality.
  • I will rise in price with different beautiful lights. Earlier, I never dreamed of such a thing. Vtіm, tse zalishimo on licorice - sip yourself!
  • And sex in Astrali... About yourself. I about those how to request a partner through the Astral from reality.
  • Until about one out of 10 participants in the seminar, I come to bed. I don't know how to get out. So it seems. And so will you! You come to someone who has a dream.
    Astral іsnuє, navіt yakscho you don't believe it!
    Astral e! And the new one needs a child! Tse is laid down in human nature. Like you yogo vikoristovuvatimete, like you will be in a new life - you are already on your right. Your ability to expand in a rich way, and the axis of how to zasosuvat – it’s already on your own.

    More science: what is "Astral"

    Astral is the whole range of figurative spontaneity, similar to auditory and kinesthetic ones. In fact, the Astral is the same as mi Bachimo, having flattened his eyes, without victorious physical sight. Those who are my bachimo, tse i є astral light. How to translate from the English "astral", then tse "zoryany", in sensi not what to lay on the Earth earthly. Tse thin, intangible, non-physical sprynyattya. Call to speak for yourself about the visual impression.
    The astral is the whole ball of our soul, which is similar to holograms, through which divine light is projected onto matter, shaping the physical light and moving into the new. Therefore, our life and inspire our mittevy camp is so sensitive to the point that we feel in our astral plane.
    You can boldly say that Astral is the information that can change your camp. Whether we can take the information, as if we learned to cherubate our relatives in the astral plane. Nikola Tesla recognized that, having scooped up all his wines, he came from the visualized astral. Vіn stverdzhuvav, scho just flattening his eyes, and vision clearly stood in front of him. I potіm yomu needed more than sіbrati more z details. And everything worked out right away! And zavdyaki youmu mi at once koristuєmosya with a change of stream from sockets, electric motors and impersonal others, the outbuildings found for them. Nothing matters to us, like zealous Tesla, to learn to draw new information from the astral plane.
    We cannot be spared the astral and astral sprinyattya, we can only forget about the new one ourselves, or not conquer the boundless opportunism of the astral.
    Є our special astral and є spіlny
    The astral can be divided into "dominant" and "outward" ones. Our own astral plane is all visual, visualization, internal modeling, bachelor, in fact, everything that we can “not see” and everything that we can cherubate, change visually. Tse those that we create. You can match with little ones and video files on our personal computer. "Zovnishnim astral" will see everything in the same rank, but it will not be possible for our attempts to change. Tse yak are those who are seen on the TV screen or at the window behind the fold. Before the “holy” we can see all the options for the astral, which belong to others, and those options for marriage through the astral, if the reality of such a world is accepted. Like a butt - our physical world, which is also possible to bachiti through the astral (a.k.a. to the astral towers, the astral "zor"). A private butt will be our bank of our internal organs. The second butt will be the “batch” of the one that is seen near the court room.
    Astral vіdrіznyаєєsі vіd physical reality
    Astral may be especially specific. Our linear hour does not surround those who are in the astral plane. So, without yakіsnogo trenuvannya, nalashtovoyuchis on yaks mіsce, we can sing like a podії of the past, so it’s possible, and, apparently, mothers are difficult for the appointed date.
    The second specificity of the astral spriynyattya are those that at some stage of the underhand are visible in the astral plane, and then out of the physical world. Tse allows you to conquer the astral for practical, earthly purposes.
    The greater vipadkіv vy, practicing that chi іnshiy sposіb priynyattya astral, do not obmezhuєtes only visual vigilance. Often you are accompanied by sights, sounds and smells!.. And, naturally, you think about it, if you “mandruet the astral plane”, then the mental (mental) body is with you.

    Set your own food and want to try your strength in order to reach the next world.

    Updated 10. 11. 2019

    Named this world Astral, but - Astral, Subtle world (named in a different way, but the essence of the species does not change). It is possible to say, in another world. There are some ways to get out and get out of the astral plane, about which it was written further.

    How to go to the astral plane

    It is necessary to protect the head moment, and the intermissions themselves, as a result of which you can leave the astral plane. Although the entrance may be difficult to overcome, then turning the real light may appear sometimes problematic.

    Three methods for getting into the astral plane correctly:

    1. The first method is tse awakening . This is the best way to go for beginners, but for the team, who are more expensive to the astral plane. How do you feel? A person can improve his body so that he doesn’t leave the rest, the esotericists can stay together. To come out is such a picture: a person is sleeping, but when you need it, the knowledge is already included in the work and it’s easier to make it as it is necessary. How can you blame? The attacks are absolutely different, they blame like an image, the vibration starts all over the body, the person feels that he is not in his own body.

    2. Another method - sipannya . Vin may not appear on the floor for the first method. Lyudina, obviously, I want to sleep, and don’t get into it, go out, catch the very moment of the transition from the real world to the astral. You can blame different pictures at your head, but sometimes a person just falls into a deep sleep and nothing happens. In this order, this method is not suitable for those who plan to see the astral in the future.

    3. The third option, the most convenient one, is meditation . So to go out, to the one who stands in front of a person, from a total lack of sleep, to go to the brain. This way of not recommending to beginners, to that through meditation, going into the astral plane is accessible only to professionals, as it has already worked for a few times.

    Why do you need a technique for entering the astral plane

    On the other expanses of the Internet, there is a great number of technicians, who can help people who are smarter to get more expensive to the astral plane. At this point, the reader is recognized, now the stink itself is needed.

    We need technology in order to help improve the brain on the need for fluff for going to the astral plane. Under the hour of a zanurennya, a person appears in the real world, if they are robbed.

    The techniques themselves are directed to those that call to human style visibly vibrating, the whole camp is similar to a small blow of a strum. Vіdminnіst at tsomu, scho tse process is painless. The very camp is the most accommodating for entering the astral plane.

    Professionals, as a rule, do not beat the everyday techniques and exciting moments for entering the astral plane. Pochatkivtsy, first for everything, it is necessary to start from them.

    Three techniques

    • 1. Technique of phantom awakening, in short, occurs during awakening. The bottom line is that when you wake up, it is necessary to try to move it, whether it be a part of the body, not straining when you feel it. There is a great pardon in this technique - to show that the hand is collapsing, the leg and so on. Tsgogo robiti is not possible. If nothing is seen for a few seconds, then the technique needs to be changed.

    • 2. Another technique is beaten up when shinned. It is necessary to reach deep failures at the witness and try to win phantom rozgoduvannya, stench help not to fall asleep and at the same time reach significant zanurennya in the necessary camp.

    • 3. Another no less effective technique for beginners is the wrapping. When you wake up, you will notice that the astral body wraps itself around the material. If the vistava starts, the real sights appear, and immediately the astral body needs to be lifted from the material. Otherwise, in a few seconds everything will be over.

    - Do not eat before going to bed, you can drink a bottle of drinking mineral water.

    - Relax and calm down nervous system. Tse mozhe buti: calm music, the book is just quiet. Even help mentally right.

    - Look at your inner light. Close your eyes, think "clothe dark eyepieces" and go deep, deep into the middle of yourself. In such a rite, you can take away food, what to chirp, and even more smut - to fix (give your installation) your own astral body for entering the subtle world.

    How to enter the login process

    It’s even richer to talk not to the food itself, how to get to the astral plane, but information about those who have a similar process and how to see it clearly.

    It is necessary to show what a great, important backpack, like a plank stuffed with a whole. A person wears the whole backpack for a whole day, without knowing it, and then at a miraculous moment yoga is spared. At the station of the astral plane, a person is visibly neumovirn lightness, not sensible of a woman’s vag, why there’s a feast.

    Please, give a small recommendation when entering the astral plane. At any other time, it is impossible to rise in price to the next world without preparation, the shards can be unsafe or otherwise unsuccessful. You can blame the wondrous sounds of that sight, if you easily pick up a novice, it’s better for safety to win the first day under professional kerivnitstvom.

    If the astral was more expensively associated with more than s fantastic films and books, but in the rest of the hour, it would be given, secret knowledge became available. Finding astral mandrowners are the same shamans who carry on other worlds and win the stars of the necessary knowledge. In the mind of the esotericists, it is possible to enter the astral plane absolutely be a person.

    I will rise in price between the astral and sleep

    There is only one way to get to the astral world - through sleep. Really, sleep and going to the astral plane are very similar in some ways, the astral prote is more expensive - it provides more sleep, if it’s physically different from the mental, spiritual shell, but the mind doesn’t sleep when you don’t sleep, it’s like an hour of sound sleep. Viddilennya physical body in the spirit of the spiritual vіdbuvaєtsya dermal for the people of the day, with whom it is necessary to fall asleep less. Vchenimi brought that zasinayuchi, mental body cremated and roztashovuetsya at the same position, like a physical body, but about a meter above the person.

    Therefore, the main effect of sonic sleep and drowsiness in the astral plane is manifested in the control of the mind of all the spiritual body, with sonic sleep, the brain induces the maximum, which can be marvelous - but the dream is dictated by the most part of the mind.

    How to get into the astral as a novice. What do you need to know

    For those who know little about the astral journeys, do not hurry to move on to practice, let's change the varto to add respect to the rich nuances of going to the astral plane, in order to secure oneself, as a newcomer to this practice, in view of the unsafe heritage. It will help you to enter the astral plane by knowing such basic principles of astro-price, such as:

    • Signature control. Vіn polagaє in that, schob often razraznyat and see the very moment, if you zasinаєte.
    • Rosvitok dosvidu visualization. It is necessary to want to train the manifestations about those who have already become astral.
    • Confidence in oneself. We are preparing very respectfully morally buti until we enter the astral plane.
    • Calm. Often, newbies blame the fear of not turning to the astral plane, so you should take care of calm and reason, so be it, if you want to turn around, you can work it out.

    For the newcomer, remember about those who rarely go out to the first place once in the next world. To that, not to be embarrassed, as if nothing happened and you, for example, just fell asleep. It is important not to stick to the practice, but to stick out with more crochets to your goal - a hoarsely astropath.

    Why do you need a technique for entering the astral plane

    Absolutely all the techniques of entering the astral plane are in order to properly train the robot's brain for future travel. On the right, if the practitioner learns clumsy techniques, the wine will automatically turn on in the light of the world and turn on the internal monologue. Also, these techniques allow you to “roll” the body and launch the vibrations necessary for astral practice.

    Before the speech, the masters of the astro-pricey ones are seldom corrugated by the advanced techniques, because Your body has already mastered the technique of entering the astral to automatism, and the axis for beginners is recommended to start with the technique itself.

    Methods, techniques for astral travel

    In order to get into the astral plane, you are impersonal, that the practice of astral rises in price, which you start, after having tried a few techniques for boredom, choose the most convenient for yourself and practice every day, in this way you yourself develop your exit into the astral plane.

    Finish off in a way zanurennya in the astral plane is the so-called vortex method. The essence of this method in pre-trimannian especially vegetarian diet, as well as in the introduction of caviar, alcohol, cigarettes for two drinks.

    Next, take a sitting position (stitch behind it, so that the back was straight and that energy passed without crossing), without crossing the hands of that nig. Also, the practitioner of astral travel is expensive - Minnie Keeler, recommending that you entrust your obov'yazkovo mother with a flask of pure water, so that, for її words, to protect you for an hour of practice from evil spirits that linger in the astral plane.

    After the end of the cycle, you should let it go, what you are doing at the center of the great cone. For additional information, we follow up to the top of the cone, then reveal ourselves in the middle of the vortex, moving away from the top of the cone. Tsyu vіzualіzatsіyu sіd repeat doti, the docks of the shell of the cone are not lusne, and for the help of the whirlwind do not hesitate to call.

    It should be noted that the best vortex method is suitable for those who have a good practice of visualization, shards for help of wine help to translate respect from the body to the mind. This method also has other options:

    • You know in the barrels that you step by step fill up with water, if the water fills up the barrel, you should know in the opening of the side and through the new one enter the astral plane.
    • You are sitting on a kilim, it’s a chance for a couple to pass, to show yourself that you and a couple are climbing uphill, flooding the body.

    Technique for the beginner

    One of the simplest ways for pochatkіvtsіv polygaє is to remember about 10 main objects in one of the rooms of your apartment, the smell of the place, the illumination of that smoky atmosphere. Let’s sweat, you’re already out of the room, it’s necessary to flatten your eyes and show yourself anew in your place. If all the information about the room was chosen correctly, then it should be shown without any special zusil. Nadal, having risen in price already by the routes of thought, it is possible to develop daedals more building of the astral exit.

    Hypnotic method

    For additional hypnosis, you can break into the astral team, for whom the method of visualization is a great folding, or other methods to see the astral plane. Such unacceptability is blamed on the vipads, if the person's knowledge is closed and galvanized. The hypnotic method allows, bypassing the knowledge of the mind of the people, to practice with її pіdsvіdomіstyu.

    This technique has two options:

    • practician's release from the astral itself to enter into a trance, vicorist technique of self-hypnosis;
    • hypnotic infusion on pіdsvіdomіst to rob fahіvets.

    Varto respect that the technique of self-hypnosis has seen a sprig, a lot of them are described and reported on in the specialized literature and do not become a serious problem for the practitioner.

    Method "Goydalka"

    Such a way is more expensive in the astral plane, like "Goydalka" є obvious rozgoduvannyam. Zastosuvannya can’t be surrounded and everyone can squirm with him. The essence of this method lies in the fact that, having taken a handy position, having flattened your eyes, it is necessary to reveal how warmly spreads over the body and how sleepy change the body. Farther it is necessary to show that you are riding goydalok, like step by step they will hurry up and lift you up to the very sky, do not be afraid of war, but you need to fly in the presence of goydalok. In the first session, it is recommended to land near your body, in the world to pass in this methodology, you can break the road in any place, or start moving next to the body.

    Method "Goydalka"

    For the help of astral contact

    One of the safest technicians enters into another reality for the help of astral contact like a mentor. Ale next dosit seriously go to the choice of a partner in practice, because. the main idea is to lie with the newcomer, but not with you. The teacher itself will help you to become astral and at times you will need to turn around more, controlling your perebuvannya beyond the boundaries of the body. Before that, among the astronomers, they told about those, how dishonest the mentors at the time of the rise in the price of the mental body added to the physical body of our soul, depriving the practitioner beyond the threshold of the real light.

    Method by Alice Bailey

    Alice Bailey's method is based on the fact that before going to bed you shift the mind over your head, at which time it is impossible to exercise control over the mind, as in the case of a great dream. It is necessary to pragnate before the fact that the ceremoniality was lost in secrecy - it is even more important for entering the astral plane. Zavdyaki razvitku vminnya relax and step by step zmіschuvat svіdomіst z shogo tіla in the head, you can learn to control yourself when you enter the astral world. Alas, it is a pity that this method cannot be called swidkodіyuchim, so that for the help of yoga, it will take a lot of time to master the astral road.

    Method by Kate Harari

    Kate Harari's technique is not the easiest way to prepare before entering the astral plane. Vіdpovіdno to tsoy method, your zavdannya choose a room in the apartment, as the most loved by you. In addition, as a choice of deaths, it is necessary to know that you will also receive a place outside the boundaries of the apartment, or a booth - on the street. At tsomu mіstsі slid to spend 10-15 quills, standing there for close ochima and entering the atmosphere of the city. Sweat, still perebovayuchi on the streets, deeply inhaling as necessary, reveal that you are on a sofa or armchair that is comfortable for you. In the world of that, as you see, you should properly flatten your eyes and reveal that you can see everything at a glance - I will appreciate the legacy of your posture. Through the next step, take a good look at the spot, and step by step, almost collapse into that room in the booth, as the bula was chosen by you for practice. So, as for your reconciliation, you immediately take away your first posture of the body, then it’s better to uniquely communicate with people, so as not to destroy the important for this method, the linguist roboti zvіdomistyu. Then, after that, after you spend 10-15 hours at the apartment, turn to the street, flatten your eyes, deeply inhale, reveal that you are staying in the apartment, on your sofa or armchairs. After all, it is necessary to turn around to the apartment. Having taken a comfortable position, relaxed and guess about those places in the fresh air, de viciously boules. Try to guess how you felt yourself on the street, what you felt, yapping, you sit on the sofa. Dali through the trails to reveal, you stumbled again in the presence and tried to reveal what you felt, if you stood on the street and showed, your physical body already knew at home.

    Irrespective of those that the technique given at first glance can be confusing, rozіbratisya in nіy varto, even technіk, like a є її basis, the best way to get ready to go to the astral plane.

    "Matema Shinto" - Exit from the couple

    Technique "Departure at a couple" is based on the fact that two people, who practice dreaming and perceive one of the other non-verbally, vicorist in astral projections of transmission, be it important information. For whom it is necessary, changing the posture with the body, to strike at one wiser place, and, having made exactly 60 krokiv, knock on the door, which the winkli order. If you її vіdkryut, sіd transmit the information and turn back on the vіdstan exactly for 60 kroіv. For such a session, zrozumіlo, you need training, but in that case, if you go to the astral plane with a couple, you will find a good opportunity for a mother to follow a close friend, practicing the posture with physical practices.

    Meditation for the widow of the astral body from the shell

    One of the main tools of preparation before entering the astral plane is meditation. Moreover, in the opinion of practicing astro-pilots, to occupy it, it is better to take a sitting position and “start” the relaxation of the entire body in a new way, spiraling on the offensive algorithm:

    • relax your arms and legs;
    • tolerably relax on m'yazi body;
    • relaxes the face;
    • the body becomes soft like plasticine, and the robot is attached (for short work you can concentrate on dihanni).

    There is also a version that as a garnish for going into the astral plane to serve as a bagatum "Shavasana" - one of the relaxing asanas of yoga. The main feature of such meditation lies in the fact that the body of the body walks from the camp lying down, and not sitting, as it was said above.

    What can you do when entering the astral plane

    For people who are unacceptable to astral benefits, use the standard description of such a place, like the astral and overcome it often with the reactions of people who have experienced clinical death. Definitely, practicing going to the astral plane, we are going to work out some kind of corridor or a deep tunnel that wraps around and shines.

    Zagalom is more expensive in the astral world - it is more expensive in the same place, like reality. Tse means that in the astral plane there are no checks of stars with the heroes of fantastic films, whether they be some kind of divine istots. Here, there is a great imovirnіst zustrіti is less quiet, who has long been quiet in the other world, but it is quiet, since you have not seen the zustrіchі for a long time, but these people are significant to you - on the right in what in the astral expanse there is no understanding of the hour, until which we called.

    What can you see when entering the astral plane

    Perebuvayuschie in the astral plane, you can see how your presence here is based on reality. For the knowledge of practicing astroleters, the astral world is given supplements, boundless feasibility of the body, such as the passage of the crisis of the wall, vminnya litati, razumiti movu creatures and roslin and richly іnshoy. In a flash, the manifestation of such possibilities is explained by the fact that whether or not a child in the astral projection is behind the help of thoughts, and the vigilance of our mind, as it seems, is boundless.

    As soon as you look at yourself, then a person, moving in the astral plane, recognizes his mental body as a cool, or as a clear figure, the world has a development in practice, entering the astral plane, a person can begin to bachiti himself in a splendid image.

    Walking into the astral world ahead, you can see calmness and relaxation in the whole body, lightness and a sense of it, neither do you widen in the air. Before speech, the first trip from the body is not guilty of exceeding the limit of 5 minutes, so it is not recommended to go far from the body.

    Zhahlivі nebezpeki chat on the astral

    Practicing going into the astral plane, especially if you don’t follow the rules and “walk” to reach far from the body, you can drink on acts of inacceptability, so that we can then make impressions in reality. The astral light is on the cob to lie with the spirits and ghosts and the skin of them may have your mind, do not make good. In this rank, walking into the astral plane without zakhistu, zavzhd іsnuє rizik:

    • don't turn up divine light, stuck in the astral;
    • get out of yourself from the astral world of negative reality, on the basis of which it is possible to get mentally ill, called “obsession” among the people.

    Sob not to spend in such a situation, it is recommended to carefully read the literature on this subject and to follow the rules, so that they do not allow “mandruvat” at home and as a result of three sessions, then you need to insure yourself for the help of technology to go to the astral plane.

    Rules that lie in the astral plane in the face of death

    First, take up the practice of astral travel, varto put your own food "What do I need it for?". Having received enough information from the crowd of those, and having practiced the recognition of a dream by your own bajan, you should add a little respect to yourself for an hour of seances. Zichayno, the greatest zahist - that prayer is that native cross like creating a kind of shield on the mental equal. If you don’t lie down to the Christian faith, then you can victorious, whether it’s other symbols of faith, smut – it’s light energy, as it blames you for such zabiv zahistu.

    Dear friend! We went to the astralp about the truth - a unique opportunity was given to us by God! Vikoristovuyuchi її, people can take access to the majestic baggage of knowing their unfamiliar mind.

    In the astral plane, you can take away the naming of sexual satisfaction, enter into state relationships with us, with whom you could not in the earthly atmosphere, with which you will be stronger and stronger beyond the earthly.

    In the astral plane, you can take part in wars, mate with great teachers, look at dinosaurs, and create great masterpieces.

    Astral is the laboratory that master of your creative self.

    The day's techniques for exiting the astral do not, in fact, differ in any way in any other technique. Є kіlka minds:

    1. You are guilty of being excited

    2. You can heal before bed

    3. You already have a chance to get a microscopic proof of entering the astral plane, let's go mimic.


    The astral void during the hour of meditation is the least energetic and one of the simplest. This visnovok is confirmed by the number of people meeting, as if there was a small spontaneous astral connection at the meditation station. Deyakі traditional ways of astral projection po'yazanі z vzaim and trivaly trainings, but the meditative method does not require additional zusil.
    Sit by a handy armchair with a reclining back, close your eyes, relax and think about the reception. By stretching dekіlkoh khvilin, gradually relax all the m'yazi doti, the docks will not become "cotton".
    Otzhe, physically you are relaxed. Let go of all your thoughts and reach for the fact that your svіdom_st was angry with absolute emptyness. Every once in a while, the hour of rosy relaxation comes unexpectedly, for example, it’s a little cold, as if in a light wind. Hour after hour I smell a quiet, receiving homin at the wuhah. Before an internal glance, they can vindicate different forms and outline them. Look at them, but do not allow the activation of the romatic process.
    Once you have relaxed your body and mind, kick and check. You can blame it on the fact that your head has grown bigger at the rose. Spontaneous movements are also not included. Easily abducted, you can go over to an alert, uninterrupted vibration. Itself at this moment it is important not to think about anything, the shards of vibration appearing pointing to those that you will deprive the physical shell of the axis.
    Think about the route of the future more expensive. Call to help your fantasy and create a clear image. In case of this, try not to think about those who are fighting. Try to get angry to buy more with a clear picture.
    Now you can destroy wherever you are: visiting until close people; in the past, for the sake of a long-time thinker; Tudi, kudi jumped to spend all their lives. It doesn’t matter if you look at yourself in the present, the past and the future. Conversation with such a triune "I" can appear both brown and white.
    Take a good look around. Do not try to analyze those that appear - for evaluating the possibilities, you will have enough time after the experiment.
    Concluding the dosvіd, punish yourself to turn to the physical body. Lie down a couple of hvilins unruly, and, having blown up to five, flatten your eyes. Think about what you have tried. Tsey method calls out deyaki sumniv and low nutrition. Chi buv vihіd astral chi manifest? Chi enough yaskravimi bul zorovі asotsіatsії? How easy was it to splurge? As if your eyes didn’t wake up in the air, they were in the astral plane.
    If you have lost your money, repeat it again for a few more times. Just like in any other way, beginners get better with practice. Be easy-going and easy-going, and one fine day you will enter the astral plane for additional meditation.
    It is not turned off, that the floor will be unstoppable, that you will immediately turn to the exit camp. Prote z to the moment you see the viability of the method.
    There are a lot of meditation methods. For example, you can repeat the mantri chi zoseredzhuvati looked at the candle; it is important to effectively beat meditation as a springboard for astral flight.


    Tsey method especially priєmny. Repair from progressive (sequential) relaxation. Having become somewhat relaxed, I show myself on goydalks, repeating my thoughts from the tip of the nose to the ceiling. Concentrating on these missions, you will see that all the body takes the fate of Russia. Like on the best goydalks, increase the amplitude of the expansion - until quiet feast, until the next wrap around the obvious axis appears. Approaching the highest point of a clear steep, concentrate your thoughts and leave your physical body. With all this, you will know nothing is not equal: in the world of roaming you "grow your spirit" and, moving into the astral plane, you can watch for the unruly physical body on the side.
    In addition, as you try this sprat method once, the need for a forward progressive relaxation in the fall. For the astral exit you will have enough system, flatten your eyes and imagine the amplitude of the expansion, so that everything will increase.

    taken from R. Webster's book "Astral Roads Are Expensive for Pochatkivtsiv".


    The method is simple, but more people need a sample of a successful exit. Tse, better for everything, after the foldedness of the one-hour implementation of svіdomih and pіdsvіdomih oxen zusil. To that, the first time you take the method for ozbroєnnya, it is necessary for a deaky hour (the day or so close) to think about the astral more expensively. Think carefully about the importance of the experiment, and the appropriate setting will be fixed in your mind.
    Change your mind so you don't hurt anyone. The room is to blame for being warm and dark. Dosvid carried out on your own.
    Flatten your eyes, focus on the dihanni, then - on the tips of the toes of one foot. Think only about them and not about anything else. Reveal how the astral body is re-created in the physical self of that space.
    Repeat the process, thinking about the toes. Look how the astral body is recreated, starting from nothing and ending the potilice. At this moment, you will see, like a twin around the body.
    Center the will in the region of the chola and encourage you to enter the astral plane. At this moment, you can spratsyuvati like a svіdoma, and a pіdsvіdoma of motivation. Indulge him with all the fibers of your soul, and you will see how golden you are under the bed, guarding the beast behind the body, which is lost on the bed.

    taken from R. Webster's book "Astral Roads Are Expensive for Pochatkivtsiv".

    Vortex method

    The method itself is divided into two stages, the first of which is especially the diet. Instructions for the first time looking like an offensive rank.

    The neophyte is guilty of cultivating the meat. For deyakim people there is a corny fist, but all without a blame is guilty of passing the kіlkіst їzhі, scho spozhivaєєє.

    For one or two years before the astral exit, the next time you see yourself in the air.

    Bazhano switch to a vegetable and fruit diet; especially the carrot.

    Syrian eggs are also easier to go to the astral plane.

    Peas, especially peanuts, may be completely excluded from the diet.

    Mustaches are redini korisnі, so don't drink too much. Alcohol and kava are contraindicated during the day of astral exit.

    Don't smoke and get used to other drugs.

    For example, following a note, a novelty is received: "After five or six months of spiritual development ... stick out adepts can eat everything that is tempted."

    The hour of waiting for a special diet, which is the next time to finish before the first try of the astral exit, is not indicated. Ale vono can become prinaimnі two tizhnі.
    If you see yourself cooking before the road, rule more handily near the warm room. It is recommended to "trim the body straight, lower the circulation, shards of blood pressure are one of the primary chinniks" *. Do not cross your arms and legs at any other time.
    It is wrong to put a container near with water. As an alternative, it was said to "dip your hands near the water" or to win "bet drive" *. It is better and more practical to put a glass of water in front of you, and before you make your hands go up.
    Potіbno it is necessary to start deep relaxation and relaxation. "The pulsation of the brain should be synchronized with the breaths. For those senses, it is necessary to help the respiratory right... For the exit from the body, it is essential to stop the breath in the breath; the breath in the breath does not bring the desired coriste." After the wild right, that zastosuvannya tekhnіki razslablennya thought, paint the coming picture.

    Show yourself in the middle of the majestic cone. Thoughts rise to the top. Show yourself in the epicenter of the vortex flow. Push your thoughts away from the point of the top of the cone, until the tuft breaks through the shell and you are called guilty.

    Possible options. Reveal to yourself the gigantic sickness that is forged on the comb. Like only її ridges start to twist, wind up in the form of a bodily shell.

    Show that you are tying a rope to the bay. Vіn starts to loosen up and pull you along; at this moment you will fill your body.

    Show yourself at the barrel, as if step by step you will be filled with water. As soon as the water reaches the boundary level, know the shore of the open and enter the astral plane.

    Show yourself as you look in a mirror. Respectfully looking at your widbitok, show, as if you were able to go to your beaten twin.

    Find out for yourself who is sitting on the cover, in the form of which a couple rises. Ototozhnyuyuchi yourself with a couple, scho rise, fill the physical body.

    The main tasks are the introduction of respect for the body of the body. Aimed at the application of visualization, it is the most suitable for the purpose of measuring, the shards are easier to create new visual images.

    taken from R. Webster's book "Astral Roads Are Expensive for Pochatkivtsiv".


    Before that, how to create a real astral is more expensive, a lot of people's thoughts paint a picture of the exit itself. As far as you have achieved success, the proposed method is of great interest to you.
    We have to go over our own vibes to the point of visualization. Sit down and close your eyes. Reveal your own scenes from childhood, thanks to that period, if you were no more than five years old. Vividly show the picture that vinyl. Give respect to the current situation and people are in order with you. Guess the sounds, smells and other things, connected with the whole scene. Having rested on these tasks, you will see a clean screen in front of you.
    Paint your thoughts on the screen entrance doors your booth. Clearly fix the visual image. Remember the skin fold on the surface. Walk with a clear glance at the door opening, the castle Sverdlovsk and other places, as you can guess. Let's imagine a clean screen again.
    Guess the contours of your bedroom. Show it as clearly as you can. Marvel at the lightness, other furniture, drapery that door. It is more accurate to work out the skin detail, up to such frills, as if the surface was covered with a saw. Look at the shafu; marvel, de know clothes, vzuttya; objects are laid out in order on a table, a bed, an armchair.
    In front of the inner gaze, a blank screen appears again. Concluding with the right, show yourself that you are wandering over the surface of the month. Take a close look at the landscape. Concentrate on your sights and look down on your eyes.
    Look at the eyes and check the brightness of the bad scenes. How could you see them? In principle, unequivocal evidence cannot be, to which one person creates pictures from the distant past, or represents a hypothetical experience more vividly, lower down, that they spent the whole day.
    Prote, try to designate the scene, vrazhennya as it was the most beautiful. Give respect to those who have left the most diverse trace in their memory. It is not included that the scenes themselves were the most beautiful experiences, but the smells, the sounds of the other senses.
    You might want to take a fresh look at the bedroom and the front door of your booth. Don't be surprised if you make speeches not in quiet places, because the stench was at the hour of visualization. As much as possible, the obvious picture reflected yesterday and the day before yesterday's action. One of my acquaintances showed that the doors of the booth were given to him, in which he was alive in his early childhood, the same way he imagined the entrance to his current life.
    All people are different. While some do not trespass on the real fermentation of action, then the same way others cannot think of realizing the life of proponing pictures. The majority of people think of average zdіbnostі to vіzualіzatsії: pictures of thought are created, but with a different degree of diversity.
    If you messed up, because your figurative idea is not stable enough, this method is not for you. Well, whoever admires a rich vein, take into account the best of proponings. If a person is in the middle of life, he should go through one more test.
    You will need an absolutely white wall, a clean sheet of paper or a screen to review the slides. In front of the screen, put a mountain worker with a ticket, or be some sort of sage object. Sit down for one or two meters from the object and marvel at the new stretch of chotiryoh-five hvilin. Close your eyes, create a manifest image of the object and reveal its contours as a reporter.
    Raise respect for the created image by stretching out a few whimpers. As soon as the image becomes split, open your eyes and look at the object again.
    Having run into these tasks, you can proceed to the next stage. Put the flask turned upside down on the table and sit on the opposite side. Close your eyes and see that your witness is placed in the middle of the bottle. Tsezovsіm is not difficult. Concentrate on the inverted object. Having mastered the front right, you easily fit into new tasks. After a deaky hour, you will see that the building will take more than a bottle and your knowledge. In the future, you will ottozhnennya svidomosti of that object, and you will reach meti.
    Now you should learn how to move your marriage from one month to the next. You change in that you can marvel at yourself sideways, moreover, the intellectual process will not be interrupted and stale in the mind of your "I".
    It is important to re-evaluate from the point of view of the effectiveness of astral activity.
    Sit down, flatten your eyes and take a deep breath. Breathing in, take a deep breath, then let's see clearly. Zatrimka may not be less trival, lower inhaled.
    Think about your body and see how the astral twin is properly lifted and stripped of the physical shell. Having resurfaced in the wake of the body's kaydaniv, break into the political. Once you have set the task, you will see how the twin turns back, and in the same moment you will again know the physical body.
    A similar method of visualization was taught by his successors Aleister Crowley. The skin was learned to represent the door or the majestic white wall, on which they engraved their special symbol. The student "posterigav" how the doors are opened and the doors open every day. Practicing such a right, learn more quickly from the astral plane.
    It is possible to criticize the methodology through those that show the real efficiency and victorious power as the main instrument. Vaughn is similar to the training of pilots in heavy workmanship on simulators. Having obtained the necessary practical skills in a reception, safe environment, the pilot is violating the real policy. While engaging in the study of visualization techniques, it is important to determine the stages of readiness before the astral exit. However, they do not call out sumniviv, that training to develop the building to the point of sensible images and, early on, the person will have a good luck.

    taken from R. Webster's book "Astral Roads Are Expensive for Pochatkivtsiv".


    This method is a logical addition to the front (visualization technique 1). Having learned to clearly understand the recognition of two of the most proponated scenes, you can proceed to the farthest thoroughness.
    Close your eyes and lie with your back on the bed. For clarity, put a pillow or a roller under the head. Make sure that it’s warm in the room, and you have a wide, spacious training suit on your clothes.
    Reveal that a twin is widening a meter above your body, old look which is not disturbed by anything in your oldness. Focusing on this image, you will reveal that with a skin second you become more and more real.
    Try to identify your right "I", and for a few seconds you can see a little insignificance, until you change your mind that the right specialty lies on the bottom.
    Feel free to blame again, so you put your own question: "Why am I not a broad subject?"
    Striking the image in your mind, try to make a twin of your identity. If it happens, you can be seen again sumniv. At what stage it is necessary to be calm and relaxed; otherwise you can turn around at the physical body.
    As soon as you see yourself in a new obolontsi comfortably, marvel at the body that lies under you, and break it on the way.

    taken from R. Webster's book "Astral Roads Are Expensive for Pochatkivtsiv".


    This method, like the previous one, is not suitable for everyone. As a rule, people don’t dare to change their way of life, or throw a badge of zvichka to one zusilly. This is how you feel through those that our emotions overcome the mind and try to win over it. Really, a man who wants to lose weight, is tormented by a diet and in a singing sensation is thrown into an emotional shock, unable to stand up after drinking an appetizing passion. Poglinayuchi їzhu, tsya person, svіdomlyuyuchi, scho repair wrong, vіdchuvaє feeling emotional relief.
    So, otherwise, the ox method of infidelity, and I [Richard Webster] know of many applications of how people have achieved hostile results for it.
    Sit down by a comfortable armchair. Like a zavzhd, the room is guilty of being warm, darkened at the dark, or darkened. The phone needs to be unplugged. Put your hands on the quilt with your palms up.
    Sprat once deeply inhale and perekonaytes, scho podikh rhythmic. At to this particular type there is no need to take care of someone else.
    Think about the need for an astral exit and clearly state the cost of it. Be absolutely in tune with in power that chill until the exit.
    The time has come to zastosuvat willpower. Thoughts say: "I will leave my body. I am ready to leave my body. My astral body is ready to leave. I want it to be THIS SECOND!"
    Check for a few seconds and try again. Possibly, the procedure can be repeated a dozen times, repeating the phrases like a mantra.
    About the successful implementation of the exit, note that the appearance of a slight sound. Reaching what, break on the road. If the exit test ended in failure, open your eyes and take a walk in the fresh air.
    Under the hour of walking, think about the reception and get married, think about bad luck, like you were stunned, like you should look like a devil's foot uphill, to the heights of success. Having completed the macion, try one more test. After a walk, your brain becomes sour, and the chances of entering the astral plane are significantly moving up. If suddenly you don’t laugh at success, don’t be embarrassed and know that the wind didn’t pass for nothing and you fared away to work the devil’s rock on the path to success. Pіdbagyortes and vіdkladіt come try for tomorrow

    taken from R. Webster's book "Astral Roads Are Expensive for Pochatkivtsiv".


    This method is of unparalleled interest for people, who are called to give their own attitudes in quiet and other life situations. I don’t think that wines will bring mischief to them, who do not believe in the efficiency of self-navigation.
    Under homing, at some point, a phrase may be on the verge, like, like a mantry, they repeat again and again.
    The installation, which is often repeated, the flooring deeply penetrates into the environment, so that at the right time, the person will automatically pick up the command. Please note that faith in the installation is not important. For example, if you change your thoughts from wealthy wealth and kindness, a person can fully understand a far from blissful financial camp, in a kind of wine at once. However, I don’t suspect about those that a person will lead the way to the financial success.
    Settings can be given on a be-scho. For example, for a long time you won’t dare to put things right at the tool shed. Every day 20-30 times repeat the phrase to yourself: "I'm cleaning up the shed." Reveal that the installation is victorious at the given hour. I won’t tell you later ... ", shards can be like tomorrow, so in ten years.
    It’s completely immovable, it’s not yet an hour, until you know the hour for tidying up, but the installation of the mіtsno “settled” in your head and, early chi pіzno, you’ll be vikonan on the right.
    This technique may be more difficult for a successful astral exit. On the eve of the astral journey, do not be tempted to repeat: "I'm going to the astral road. I'm going to get rid of the physical shell." It’s bad to repeat these phrases out loud, but not less than I renew and repeat my thoughts anew.
    As if in the evening, be smarter, close your eyes and watch right from the progressing relaxation.
    Once more relaxed, the girls repeat the setting: "I'm ready to go astral. I'm ready to give up my body."
    Repeat the installation again and again.
    Repeating these words, you mobilize your "I" to be ready for the astral exit and create an atmosphere of purification. Do not fall at the sight of many unsuccessful trials, but continue your busyness, and you will be sure to observe the vibration and open the body's uzi.
    Installation on the floor, which is repeatedly repeated throughout the day, may be a friendly mother and then, if you are trying to enter the astral plane for the help of other methods. Pdsvіdomіst concentrate on the task of the program, and you will obov'yazkovo zdіysnite your mriyu.

    taken from R. Webster's book "Astral Roads Are Expensive for Pochatkivtsiv".


    Zavdyaki this method can lead people into the astral plane, as they are not sympathetic to any other methods. This method is a good one, but there is no need to practice with the patient's information, but you can directly pour into the patient's information.
    There are two steps to get into a hypnotic trance. In the first one, a person enters the trance independently, and in the other, he goes to the services of an experienced hypnotist. Another method is shorter and more efficient.
    Tim is not less, you can be first-rate, having mastered the technique of self-hypnosis in advance;
    Entering into a trance independently, the next step is to add the greatest respect to the technique of progressive relaxation. As soon as you see that you can loosen up quickly, without suspense, you will be left to think about the future more expensive and show yourself out of the physical body.
    You will need to fasten an electric drill with a hypno disc on the wardrobe. Increase the slightest swirlness of the wrapping, lightly spread yourself in an armchair with a retractable back and, wondering at the disk, what to wrap, proceed to a progressive relaxation.

    taken from R. Webster's book "Astral Roads Are Expensive for Pochatkivtsiv".


    This is perhaps the easiest and most natural method, which makes it safe to sound at once the relaxation of the body and mind. Lie down in a comfortable position, if you are tired of sleep. In the world of that, as you relax and begin to fall asleep, trim your Rozum respect for whatever reason, close your eyes. If you reach the borderline between sleep and insomnia, destroy your relaxation by concentrating on darkness behind your centuries. The thing is, to save a thin cordon between a svіdomim and a sleepy camp.


    The method of a gray tricoutnik Draw a tricoutnik not great (Devil, you can see if you want a smut, you can see it. Candles are lit on three sides of the tricoutnik gray color. The burning candle is more important for the activation of the triangle. Їх rozmir regulates the hour of the tricutnik.
    In the middle of the tricoutnik, a coristuvach lies, with his head on the pivnich, flattening his eyes and looking at his astral body. Astral will come by itself, coristuvacha just by the strength of a hero to the new. Any talismans and zakhists are not recommended for months, the stench simply does not work, to become unrealistic.
    The way can be robbed by the more prosperous or even more courageous people, but if it’s a fluke, it’s the daily fear of death that’s to blame, the rest is obov’yazkovim in a flurry of fluff. The most ideal variant of the choice of the necromancer method.

    The easiest way to enter the astral plane!

    To learn how to avoid misunderstandings and without trying the astral roads, a technique is given to help you learn without transition and simply to strengthen your astral body in the form of a physical one. Having discovered this unique technique, you will really learn how to fly in the astral body. You are checked for amazingly expensive and hoary goodies:
    Even though you have already tried different methods of astral exit, and nothing came out of you, do not fall into it, I will give you the most accessible and most effective way of astral travel.
    What is needed to visit the astral plane?

    First and unity of mind - vmiti enter the camp of trance. If you haven’t learned your skills, then try all your doomsdays for failure. Exit to the astral plane is zdіysnyuєtsya at the changed camp of knowledge, for the mind of new relaxation, relaxation.
    How to learn how to enter a trance?

    You don't need to read anything! Now you have a new, unique method, natural for its nature. Studies have shown that at the moment of awakening from sleep, the brain is working itself in that mode, which is necessary for the astral exit and other magical operations.
    How to enter the astral plane?

    Really, everything is simpler, I will give you special rights, so that I can help you in these tests. Exercising every day, you can easily leave the body and manage your own airy room just in the astral body with ease and without special efforts.
    How to correctly master the exit technique?

    Ozhe, as if you had just rolled over, do not hasten to flatten your eyes, do not collapse! Remember, think more importantly!
    Throwing yourself over - do not break in and do not smash your eyes!

    * Try to steal with different kіntsіvkami, do not steal them. Yak bi, stating what you are stealing. Thus, you can expand your astral body and learn to cherub it.
    * Try to get angry at your witness and go beyond the boundaries of the material body.
    * Try to get out of the physical body.
    * Try to hang on from your body.
    * Think about this place and try to think about it there.
    * Try to wrap yourself up and go around your eyes.
    * Roby try to listen to the inner sounds and marvel at the images that appear.
    You are obov'yazkovo zrozumiesh, about what I'm talking about, if you opineshsya in this position. Start trying the attacking wound. Practice 10-15 quilin.
    It is necessary to practice slowly over the activation of your astral body. If you change your mind at a changed state, immediately after awakening, such practices go much simpler and smarter, lower in a deep trance, not seeming already about the camp.
    How to turn back at the body?

    Forgive the order, say the thoughts "TURN!".

    And why don't you see anything?

    The word "yakscho" is not guilty buti in the dictionary of the magician. If you are not peven, then don’t bother. The power is stronger in the spirit of the strong mind, take away those that you pragne! And if you don’t see the truth, then go to sleep anew and repeat anew on awakening, and so try again today. It's too early to see you, I believe in you!

    After the first try, you may not find anything - do not fall into the sight and continue until the coming day. Schodenny training will give its fruit for 16 days. Ale, as a rule, was successful in coming back after 2-3 days of practice. Begin to conduct a special student, children describe the omission of the dosvіd, tse even help your pіdsvіdomosti for the concentration of energy and namіru.

    About the departure of the soul from the body, my mother told me from the childhood (she is a practitioner). She said that we are all, if we are sinning, if we want more, but we can see from the body and mandruemoly by the astral light. Vіn invisible to the wealthy of us, but in the new love to walk our astral projections. It’s just that everything is unbearable, because we don’t choose a place, in a way we want to make people happy, under that situation.

    How to enter the Astral? My unique "techniques" and recommendations

    You are guilty of understanding that, in fact, not all of your soul has gone out of your body. Tse dopomozhe you will be afraid of fears. Only the astral body can come out, as if it were only a storehouse of your majestic and all-season energy. Once again, it turns back, if you miss something, or when you gain awareness, if it’s more expensive, it smoothly flows into a wonderful dream.

    Recommendations and ways to enter the Astral:
    1. I never eat before bed. I can drink more than a bottle of water.
    Zha "tight" Your physical body, and also, the energy from the astral is also spent (even if it's a little bit) for processing even that other body.
    2. I listen to relaxing calm music. This helps to calm the nervous system, hence, the body becomes lighter. Emotions to "go" to another plane.
    3. Before going to bed, I start my thoughts with my Vishchi Ya.
    In fact, the church is from itself, only with a greater Aspect. I can sing to youma for the signs of that kind, taken away by the prolongation of the day.

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