What does it mean if you choke a lancelet. Natіlny cross. zvіdki z'appeared the tradition of wearing khrestikіv and the newcomer to wear it? Why is it necessary to wear a national cross

Did the tradition of wearing crosses appear? Should I wear yoga? “I believe in God in my soul, but I don’t need a cross. The Bible does not say anywhere that you need to wear a cross, and it is not written anywhere that the first Christians wore crosses. So why say people like that, if they respect themselves as Orthodox Christians, but if they don’t show their faith. The majority of unchurched people do not think of the Christian understanding of what such a cross and nave to wear on the body. What is a natural cross? Why do you hate Yogo Satan so much and rob everything, so that you don’t wear yoga, just wear it like a stupid embellishment?


Sound at once from Vodohresche, put on the neck of the newly christened natural cross, appearing without a hitch. In the first century of Christianity, they did not wear a cross, but wore medallions from the images of the slain Lamb chi Rozp'yatt. Ale Khrest, as a sign of the salvation of the world by Jesus Christ, was the subject of the greatest inspiration of Christians from the very beginning of the Church. For example, the church clergyman Tertullian (II-III st.) at his "Apology" notes that the chanting of the cross arose from the first hours of Christianity. Even before the arrival in the IV century, Queen Olena and Emperor Kostyantin of the life-day Cross, on which Christ was born, even among the first followers of Christ, if the expansions sound, forbid the mother with you the image of the cross - like a divination about the suffering of the Lord, so for the confession of your faith others.According to Pontius, the biographer of St. Cyprian of Carthage, in the 3rd century, the Christians imagined the figure of a cross to be wound on their foreheads, for this sign they recognized the hour of persecution and sent them to torment. In the same way, the first Christians, like a small cross on their chests. Guess yoga that dzherela of the II century.

The first documentary evidence about the wearing of crosses lies until the beginning of the 4th century. So, the acts of the VII Ecumenical Council to certify that the holy martyrs Orestes (†304) and Procopius (†303), who suffered under Diocletian, were worn on the shii cross, vicons from gold that sribla.

After the weakening of that far away persecution of the Christians, the bearing of the cross became commonplace. At the same hour, crosses began to be installed on all Christian churches.

In Russia, this sound was adopted by itself from the gods of words to 988 fate. Starting from the Byzantine hours in Russia, two births of native crosses arose: "vest" (what to wear on the floor with clothes) and sov. « encolpioni" (From the Greek word "chest"), which is worn not on the top, but over the robe. About the rest, let's say two words: a bunch of pious Christians carried from themselves (on their own) an ark from parts of St. relics of other saints. On this ark there was a cross. In the course of time, the reliquary itself became shaped like a cross, and such a cross began to be worn by bishops and emperors. The current priestly and episcopal pectoral cross conducts its history itself in the form of encolpions, tobto a screen with the relics of other saints.

The Russians on the crosses swore at fidelity, and exchanging their crosses, they became brothers of the cross. During the life of churches, houses, bridges, the cross was laid as a foundation. Having sounded from the church bell, that you broke, you heard the faceless crosses, as if they were chiding for special chanting.

The cross of Christ is the symbol of Christianity. For a modern person, a symbol is only a sign of recognition. The symbol є nibi with an emblem, which indicates on the right, for which we can right. Ale, the symbol may be much more significant, lower is just the meaning of the emblem. In religious culture a symbol of reckoning to tієї reality, yaku vіn symbolіzuє. What is the reality, what does it symbolize for Christians the Cross of Christ? Tsya reality: Calm the human race, imposed by the Lord Jesus Christ through Hell Death.

The vshanuvannya of the Cross was forever enlightened by the Church’s Veins as a bow to Jesus Christ at the light of Yogo’s peaceful feat.The Cross of Christ, which Orthodox Christians always wear on their heads, shows us and guesses at what price our Savior was bought.

For Christians, the cross is not just a sign. For Christians, the cross is a symbol of victory over the devil, an ensign of God's urology. The Cross tells the believer about Christ, about those who sacrificed for us the Savior.


What does the cross symbolize?

Cross is the greatest Christian holy place, we see the memory of our peace.

The cross is like a sign of the terrible and painful hare of the fire of the sacrificial feat of Christ the Savior, becoming a symbol of the calmness of the signs of the salvation of all people from sin and death. Itself on the Cross through bіlі suffering, death and Resurrection The Son of God is building up the order of the healing of human nature in the face of mortality, prejudice and decay, brought to her by the fall of Adam and Evi. In such a rank, a person, like wearing the Rose of Christ on oneself, to testify about one’s accountability to suffering and the feat of His Savior, followed by hope for salvation, and also, and resurrection people for eternal life with God.


The natural cross is not a talisman and not a jewelry embellishment. For some kind of beautiful vin not buv, for any kind of expensive metal vin not b v b v razrobleniya, tse usam before us is a visible symbol of the Christian faith.

Orthodox native crosses are already a long-standing tradition, and to that they are even more recognizable for their looks, fallow at the hour of that month of preparation.

The iconography of the Orthodox Rozp'yatt won its residual dogmatic priming 692 year at the 82nd Rule of the Trulsky Cathedral , having confirmed canon of the iconographic image of the Rose .

The main mental canon is becoming the foundation of historical realism with realism Divine Confession. The figure of the Savior expresses the Divine calm and majesty. Vaughn nibi is laid on the cross and the Lord reveals His embrace to everyone who turns to New. In this iconography, the artistically vilifies the more dogmatic imagery of the two hypostases of Christ - the Human and the Divine - which show one hour death, and I will overcome the Savior.

Catholics, having looked at their early glances, did not understand and did not accept the rules of the Trulsky Cathedral and the symbolic spiritual image of Jesus Christ. So, in the middle ages, there is a new type of Rozp'yattya, in which the rice of naturalism of human suffering and the flour of horseradish hare become more important: the heaviness of the body, which sags on the wrought hands, the head, crowned with a crown of thorns, the crossed feet are nailed with one flower. Anatomical details of the Catholic image convey the truthfulness of the stratum itself, prote to win the brand - the triumph of the Lord, which has overcome death and makes us live forever, concentrate respect on torment and death. Yogo naturalism is only a more emotional influx, introducing into calmness the equalization of our sinful suffering by the quiet Passion of Christ.

The images of the crucified Savior, similar to the Catholic ones, are also embroidered on Orthodox crosses, especially often in the 18th-20th centuries. Naturally, Orthodox piety means wearing the Orthodox cross, and not the Catholic one, which destroys the dogmatic foundations of the Christian faith.

The most widened form of the Orthodox cross is the cross of eight-pointed, on the back of the bow, most of the time, a prayer is applied. "Vryatuy and save."


Christians, like wearing a cross on the head, do not give a silent prayer to God. I win forever protect the nose.

Among Christians, the thought has been broadened that the cross of Christ, the image of God, the Lord Himself is guilty of protecting us from the evil of life and that be. And, obviously, it’s rich who is quiet, who wears a cross, they are cherished by the most pragmatic motive. Ale, indeed, the sense of wearing a cross, I will write that which we read on the back: "Vryatuy and save", zovsіm іnshiy.

By itself, the appearance of a cross on the breasts does not yet stand and does not have a reasonable meaning for a person, as it is not confirmed by those who symbolize the Cross of Christ. Hocha, well, Lord, impeccably, saving the one who believes in the new bagatioh pobutovyh misfortune that day. That is, if a person wears a cross with faith and spodіvannyam to God's mercy, there, mentally seemingly, is "included" in the special "God's plan" and nothing fatally wrong will happen to her in eternity. The concept of "God's plan" here means the very plan of our salvation, and not the management of the world on a wide, universal scale, so that the whole world, obviously, is avenged by the rule of God and is guarded by Yogo's Divine providence. Ale, as it’s not scary to sound, is “necessary” itself, and sometimes painful death becomes a door for people to the Kingdom of God. It doesn’t mean that God wants such a thing for us, but it means that the one who knows the unfair borosh, will get well and the great wind. Yakshto zavgodno - tse law of God.

So what does the Lord promise us to save? Not in the face of life, misfortunes and hardships in the first black, to that everything is necessary to inspire souls, unfortunately, that forgetfulness, weak to the point of relaxation, mark your butt. ale save us, we promise the Lord, we will repent in the face of the terrible power of sin, for the sake of helping the enemy of the human race to destroy our souls. I dominion is truly great, so that a human being cannot rise up in it by his own strength. Ale for the help of God is possible. Possibly! Holy fathers say: "The enemy is strong, but the Lord is almighty!"

Forgive the words "Vryatuy and save" they mean innocence, in the light of our wide hearts, our hearts are ready for God, for the prohannyam about those, so that Vin helped us to reach a blessed eternity.


The Natіlny cross is placed on us at the Sacrament of Baptism for the vikonannya of the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: "Whoever wants to follow Me, turn to himself, and take your cross, and follow Me."(Mark 8:34).

We can carry our life cross, and that cross, which is on our chests, tells us about it. Cross “Forever for the believers, there is a great power that allows for all sorts of dashing, especially for the evil of the hated enemies”,- write holy righteous John of Kronstadt.

When the Sacrament of Baptism occurs, at the consecration of the cross, the priest reads two special prayers, in which to ask the Lord God, so that Vin at the cross poured heavenly power and that the cross saved not only the soul, but also the body in the presence of the enemy, chakluniv, charivnikov, in the presence of all evil forces. The axis of what on the rich crosses was written "Vryatuy and save!".

To the point, they often ask: what can be done with consecrated crosses, what are sold in stores, what cross should be carried to the church for consecration? The cross must be consecrated at the temple. Sprinkle holy water on the budinka, it will not be enough - you may be enlightened by the priest yourself, because at the temple, the crosses are consecrated with a special rite.

Use zaboboni, that at the consecration of the native cross, the magical powers of the gods are filled. Ale next unique Zaboboniv. The Church to learn that the sanctified matter allows us not only spiritually, but bodily - through this sanctified matter - to reach the Divine grace, which is necessary for us for spiritual growth, that salvation. ale the grace of God is not crazy. In the light of a person, it’s better to live spiritually according to God’s commandments, and the very same spiritual life gives the possibility of the grace of God to infuse us with salvation, healing in the face of addictions and sins.

For an Orthodox Christian, wearing a cross is a great honor and a great honor.Take for yourself the cross and wear it, you have been enlightened, and it is like a godly intercession. During the 2000-year history of Christianity, a lot of people suffered for their faith, for the vіdmova they recited Christ and took the lower cross for themselves. This feat is repeated at our hour.

Even so, if you can freely follow your faith, do not wear a cross, then you will hardly dare to put on yoga, if you happen to suffer for it. Can you repeat the feat of a simple Russian lad Evgen Rodionov ?

... He was a grenade launcher, serving at the 479th cordon corral of special recognition. Exactly a month, Zhenya served at the outpost near Chechnya, and on February 13, 1996, he drank a lot of wine. Together with him were three friends: Sashko Zheleznov, Andriy Trusov, Igor Yakovlev. At the full stench they tried 3.5 months. For the whole hour, they knew as much as they could. Ale at Evgena buv vibir, they came up to the new day and said: You can live. For whom you need to take a cross, accept our faith, become our brother. And all these nightmares for you will be expelled at once.” Ale Zhenya did not succumb to the cі vmovlyannya, without taking the cross. On May 23, 1996, at the Holy Ascension of the Lord, near the village of Bamut, Evgena and his friends were killed. The day of the death of Evgena bov and the day of the birth. Youmu was raised for less than 19 years. They decapitated Zhenya, but to bring Zhenya from the dead body, Zhenya's enemies did not dare to take the cross.

I think that this great feat of the warrior Yevgen can become a butt for riches, for all those who, for such bad reasons, do not wear a cross or wear yoga as a kind of embellishment. And then they change the holy cross for an amulet, the sign of the zodiac or something else ... Let's not forget about the cost of anything! Remember about you, wearing your cross.

ABOUT Blessing

The great Russian elders did what you must always wear the cross and do not know it anytime and anywhere until your death. "Christian without a cross, writing the elder Sava, - tse warriors without armor, and the enemy can easily be healed.” The name of the cross is called that, which is to be worn on the body under the robe, by no means naming it (priests are less likely to wear the name of the cross). It does not mean that the lower cross is necessary to attach and hovat for any furnishing, but all the same, it’s not customary to put it on a deep glance. By the church statute, it was established to celebrate the cross of the earth after the end of the evening prayers. If you have trouble, or if your soul is anxious, kiss your cross and read the words “Keep it safe” on your back.

“Do not wear a cross like on a hanger, often repeating the Pskov-Caves elder Sava, — Christ having flooded the light of that love on the Cross. In the light of the cross, there is a change of the blessed light of love. Cross foreshadowing evil spirits. Kiss your cross in the early evening and in the evening, do not forget to kiss it, breathe in the change of grace that comes out of it, the stench invisibly passes through the soul, heart, conscience, character. Under the influence of these grace-filled exchanges, the godless people become pious. Kissing your cross, pray for your close sinners: pyanits, fornicators and others you know. Through your prayers, the stench will be corrected and will be kind, for the heart sends a call to the heart. The Lord loves us. Guilty for all suffering for the sake of love, and my duty to love all for the sake of New, to build your enemies. Don’t forget to be so timid, don’t eat better, don’t forget about the cross!”.


Elder Sava said prayers, as it is necessary to read at the hour of kissing the cross. Axis is one of them:

“Spill, Lord, I drip Your Holy Blood in my heart, withered in addictions and sins and impurities of the soul and body. Amen. With some shares, lie to me and my relatives, and my knowledge. (names)».

You cannot wear a cross like an amulet, like an embellishment. Natіlny khrest and khresne znamenny є no more than a sound expression of that which can be in the heart of a Christian: humility, trust, hope in the Lord.

The cross of the earth - we see evidence of belonging to the Orthodox Church, the confession of the Christian faith, thanks to the grace-filled zakhist.


Cross - tse real power. He strove and created a lot of miracles. The cross is a great Christian shrine. At the service on the Holy Exaltation Church, the tree of the Cross of the Lord is filled with praises: "Christ is the guardian of all the world, the beauty of the Church, the power of the kings, the strongest firmness, the glory of angels and the demons of the sky."

Cross є zbroєyu against the devil. About the miraculous, ryativnu and healing power of the cross of that goddamn banner, the Church can speak authentically, relying on the knowledge of the life of its saints, as well as on the numerical wedding of ordinary believing people. The resurrection of the dead, the healing of illness, the defense of evil forces - all these and other blessings until this day through the cross show people of God's love.

Ale, with an inexhaustible zbroєyu, that all-powerful force, the cross becomes less for the mind, believe that reverence.“Christ not to work miracles in your life. Why? - inquire of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt and himself give evidence: “To your nevira.”

Pulling on the lower cross on the chest, or illuminating yourself with the cross banners, we, Christians, we know that we are ready to carry the cross in pokir, humbly, voluntarily, for the joy, more beloved of Christ and we want to sing with Him, for the sake of New. Without faith and reverence, it is not possible to embrace the ranks of other goddamn banners.

All the life of a Christian, from the day of the birth to the rest of the earth, and after death, is accompanied by a cross. A Christian will sing to himself with a hell of a banner when he wakes up (you need to accustom yourself, so that it was the first fluff) and when you go to sleep, the rest is fluff. Christians should be christened before the day after, before the day after the wedding, at the entrance to the street, before the cob of the skin, before the acceptance of the licks, before the opening of the cut leaf, in case of failure, radio and summation, at the entrance to someone else's house, at the train, on the steamboat , vzagali on the cob, be it a path, walks, go up, before bathing, seeing the ill, going to court, to drink, at the bailout, to send, before the operation, before the battle, before the scientific chi іnshoy dopovіddu, before and after the collection ta naradi ta etc.

Hell of a banner, you need to create with strength of respect, with fear, with trembling and with extreme reverence. (With three great fingers on the cholo, say: "in the name of the Father", then, lowering your hand in the same way looking at your chest, say: "i Sina", moving your hand on your right shoulder, then on your left, say: "and the Holy Spirit". Zrobivshi on yourself this holy sign of the cross, put it in a word "Amen". Abo, if you depict a cross, you can say: “Lord Jesus Christ, Sin of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen.") Demoni, as the Reverend Simeon the New Theologian writes, be afraid of the image of the Cross and not tolerate the banner of the cross, we can see it on the street, but it’s ticking in the new negaino. “As long as you keep the holy Cross alive to help you, then “you will not become evil, and you will not be able to come close to your donkey” (Ps. 90.10). Shield yourself with the Chest Cross, depict your members of the heart with it. And don’t just lay a hell of a banner on yourself, ale and at your thoughts, zakarbuy ї all your busyness, and your entrance, and your leaving at any time, and your sitting, and rising, and your own, and be-like service. .. mіtsno tsya zbroya, i nіhto not nіhto nіhto nіkoli zrobit you shkodi, yakscho ti їm plunder.(Rev. Ephraim of Syria).

Glory, Lord, to Your Holy Cross!

Material prepared by Sergiy SHULYAK

for the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills

A row of jokes: cross

Records found: 551

Good afternoon! Can an Orthodox Christian cross be with Jesus? Isn't it important? Vira is nowhere to go anywhere. They just gave me a cross, and in the center there are fireplaces. Such vvazhaetsya Orthodox?


Hello Svitlano. Those about what you say are embellishment, stylized under the cross. For a gift they said "dakaya", and save it for a riddle. And wear a normal cross, without embellishment, according to the Russian Orthodox tradition.

Priest Oleksandr Bilolyudov

Is it possible to wear a consecrated cross from a consecrated icon on one lancet?


Katerina, for example, a native icon can be worn at once on one lanyard with a cross. And the axis of the cross is not possible.

ієromonakh Viktorin (Асєєв)

I have such a request for you: before us, to Karachay-Cherkessia, they brought the icon of the Transfiguration, and they sold plastic crosses from the images of Jesus Christ. Tell me, why can you hang this cross on the wall, for it seems to me that such a cross should be put on the dead?


Oksano, the head of the head is the image of the Khresny Banner, and for any material the Khrest was crushed, it doesn’t matter. Buy and natіlnі chrests іz plastic, buvaє, і hovayut іz khrests іz plastic. Before the speech, the cross can be hung at home, as if such a cross was made on the funeral of the dead.

ієromonakh Viktorin (Асєєв)

They gave me a stranger’s cross, not consecrated, golden, how can you deprive yourself of it, sanctify it and wear it?


Oksano, crosses can be given and accepted as a gift, only if you need to sanctify the shoes in the church, and then you can wear them.

ієromonakh Viktorin (Асєєв)

Good day! Os, I want to change the wooden cross to a silver one. Suggest, where to put the wood, what do you need to bring to the temple? Dyakuёmo for vodpovid that for your respect.


Olena, a wooden cross is not needed anywhere to take it, take it at home in a clean place, maybe, if you live in good fortune.

ієromonakh Viktorin (Асєєв)

Good day, explain, what does it mean to enter a cross with a lancet? Zazdalegid vdyachna.


Tetyana, tse means non-balance according to the date to the shrine. Who needs to repent in the church on the savior and bring a new cross.

ієromonakh Viktorin (Асєєв)

Not long ago, she remembered that her daughter had bent the base of the silver cross (the feet of the Savior sank down). What is the work of this situation? Bring it to the church and replace it with a new one, why deprive it like that, how? And why did it happen (do not go out with your hands)?

Heaven, maybe, they bent here, and they themselves did not remember it. It’s not necessary to change the cross until it’s necessary, try to bring it to the main, it’s better for everything, you can fix it there.

ієromonakh Viktorin (Асєєв)

Good afternoon. I have food - you can wear the Hand of the Lord on a skein with a cross at once (brought at the temple in Jerusalem, consecrated at the temple of the Holy Sepulcher). If the priest, in the process of churching, put on a cross on a child, he gave respect to her, drank, what stars, and hung a cross on a child, not knowing his hands. Chi can vvazhat tse for allowed to wear їx at once?


Katerina, in Persian black, it is necessary to wear an Orthodox cross in obov'yazkovo, and that is enough. Show again the "hand" of the priests in the temple and drink more specifically, so ask - you can not wear it.

ієromonakh Viktorin (Асєєв)

Good afternoon. Tell me, be kind, what can the increase in the cross on the front door mean?


Eugenia doesn't mean anything. For the Orthodox people, the cross is a chain of command, the hope of that life forever.

ієromonakh Viktorin (Асєєв)

Good afternoon. I am that my mother embroidered icons (bought sets in a needlework shop). I am a bead, without embroidery of faces (the face of the Mother of God and Jesus Christ is already painted), and my mother is a cross, but with a full embroidery, so that the faces are also embroidered. On one site I read that especially pious people can only hang the faces of saints, but in monasteries. We choose to consecrate the icons at the church. Can you continue to embroider with a cross from a new embroider? Dyakuyu.


Katerino, don’t be shy, show your embroidery to the priest, from whom you choose to consecrate icons, take blessings for good and discuss all the nuances with him.

Priest Volodymyr Shlikov

Good evening. I'm baptized, but I sing the theme of slov'yanstva. Want to find out if you can wear a cross on a lancet and a charm "Oberezhnik" - to bring health, happiness, that joy. From one side, mind, that the cross and the amulet cannot be balanced, but how do I respect that the cross is faith in God, and the amulet is tse rich, how will you bring me happiness and health? From the other side, faith in God can bring health, happiness. Vibachte, I don’t know how to hang a thought correctly. The result is nutritional: why can you wear a cross on a lanyard and a charm on a skein on your neck, what a cross on your neck, and a charm on your hands?


Volodymyr! Find out who you believe from. "Oberig" - not a Zakhist, but a pagan paraphernalia. "Amulets" do not think of anything known to Orthodoxy and faith with the Living God. These pagan attributes and the stench are not the fault of the mother of the mission in the life of a Christian. And the axis of the cross is just a symbol of faith and the power of the enemy against the evil one. The recognition of Christian shrines in similar speeches is due to the fact that the wearer of the talisman and the "amulet" is considered to be "passively protected", even as a Christian needs the inner strength of those spiritual symbols to be worn by such saints, as it is necessary for them to wear It is impossible to take God off the aid, having no more hanging a cross on yourself, or having bought an icon in the temple, and at the same time being baited up to God, not looming in the heart of any pranayama until New.

Priest Volodymyr Shlikov

Good afternoon. I want to know, why can I wear a cross and an amulet "Zirka Rusi" at the same time?


Oleksandre, an Orthodox Christian can wear an Orthodox cross. Cross - tse our hope that zakhist. Cross - glory to the angel, and viraz to the demons. Cross - victory over death. What is an amulet? A piece of soulless stone of another material. Tse idolatry that manifesting pagan zabobony. You can’t just wear yoga - not at once with a cross, not okremo - it’s necessary to put it into a smitnik.

ієromonakh Viktorin (Асєєв)

Good day! I wear a golden cross on my shii, without inserts, robes on the cross. Not long ago, they gave another one, a garni, a golden one, with fianitas. Can you wear them at the same time? Present close people I don't want to lie at the screen. I do not want to know my old cross.


Valentino! The Orthodox cross is not an embellishment. Tse svіdchennya vіri. Choose one cross, which is more canonical, and not the one that is more worthy.

Priest Volodymyr Shlikov

Good day! I came to the Temple with. Godenovo (where the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord is located) a wooden cross from the image of the Savior's Rose, as I thought, metal and fasten to the beast of a wooden cross. Already worthy of blame for me. As if he lay on his soul, I can’t part with him. At the process of the unshakable scarp, it appeared that it didn’t throw, but plastic to the beast of a tree, furbing with a golden farboi, farb to climb around, and the very image of the Savior would suddenly appear again like a cross. I wanted to glue it with some kind of glue, but I tried to clarify first how to properly put it in such a situation. At the same time, I wear just such a thing, like a vein out of wood. What work from the images of the Savior, how did it turn out? Help, be kind, how to fix it? What is your thought - do you ever let out such non-religious speeches, recognized for a child’s wear, how to lie down to which Church? Thank you very much. Probach, Lord, for my incomprehensibility!


Olena, of course, it doesn’t matter, for some material the cross was crushed, the smut is the same image of the Cross of the Lord. Rosp'yattya need to be glued to the cross and again wear yoga. I don't know why shy of inaccurate crosses. When choosing, be it a speech, in that number there is a cross, always it is necessary to marvel not only at the beauty of the viroba, but also at the yoganess.

ієromonakh Viktorin (Асєєв)

Good day! I am baptized, but I don’t wear a cross and I live in this way, so I don’t believe in God. Mom is put to the church with disrespect, at the walk to the church there is no sensation. I want to buy a cross, but I don't know how to ask my mother. I'm afraid she'll laugh and say, what is the right thing to be in the soul. Where and for skilki can you get a great golden cross? Thank you in advance for your advice.


Svіtlano, the skin of an Orthodox Christian can wear a natural cross. The cross is a symbol of victory over death. Don't necessarily buy a golden cross; But if you want gold, then I think it’s not necessary to be afraid, ask your mother to buy your own cross (to wind it up and you will laugh). The Gospel says: "Ask and take." You ask your mother for a sprat once, don't waste your time. Once you advise, you ask for more - vreshti-resht їy tse nabridne, and there comes a cross for you.

ієromonakh Viktorin (Асєєв)

Hello, children bought a golden cross at baptism. The child (2 births) її constantly chewed, the docks of the father did not babble, and as a result, Christ is often appreciated. Why work with such a cross, how can you transfuse it and re-consecrate it? You can give a child a mother's cross, like a child wore a child (when you wear a different cross). What do you need to re-consecrate this cross?


Hello Hanno. You were impudently blamed, having bought a golden cross unmovable. My Vlasny son for the first three-chotiri rocky zzhuvav kіlka khrestіv, and one z'їv. The crosses on the non-moving ones are “vitrate material”. Іz cym need to reconcile. It is best to buy a small silver cross on a string. And poshkodzheny gold pererobebiti. After reworking, sanctify.

Priest Oleksandr Bilolyudov

Hello, father! Please help! My friend cannot wear a cross, choke her, she becomes nasty, she knows yoga. You can’t go to the church for the rest of the hour, it’s dirty there to the point of being untiring. Now they are afraid to go to the church, and the cross is not dressed in a yak. І shchos іz it rotten vіdbuvaєtsya. How can I help? Vaughn is good. What happened, I do not understand. І їй vіd tsego vsogo filthy, chi then crying, chi then starting to get angry. Help, please, scho work. Dyakuyu.


Olga, those that you describe are completely obvious demonic demons. If your girlfriend is not worthy of standing up to fight with cim bіsom, which if she had allowed herself earlier, I’m afraid, and life, that death can be unfortunate. Give me joy, even if it’s important, drink in remembrance, and from the beginning of your path to purification.

Igumen Nikon (Golovko)

Why burn the native cross?


Karina, honestly, apparently, I don’t understand food anymore. Possibly, your cross is warmed up (for example, by the sauna). I don't give a second explanation. The cross is the sign of our poryatunka, it protects us against any evil, for which the Christian is guilty of being placed before the Cross with reverence. Cross to the speech witnesses to the belonging of a person to the Church of Christ. Vodnocha vіn є gostroy zbroєyu at the spiritual struggle.

Priest Volodymyr Shlikov

Hello Oleksandra.
Then you see, they came to the church, then they came to GOD KOHANNYA Jesus Christ, that’s why it’s a budinok, those who were behind you stink to GOD came, stink is not the master here, but it’s similar that the stench with their actions dug in you, but it still means , let GOD let it go, bachite, whoever is after you, stink like you, and you singly thought, what the stench of the master, they thought that you were not among them. Bachite vy pishli, in the presence of the guests of the Lord, and stink so yourself, like you. That's why you have a place in the church, and you've got ranks and ranks, the candle has gone out, you need to light it up again, and everyday problems. Christians know what it is nasty to build up the enemy, but the cross of wine is not up to the enemy. but to CHRIST. That’s why they put on the BLESSING CHRISTIAN, and it’s become bad for you, sack the axis of wines, disorder at the heart, but it means that it’s the enemy at the sins at the heart, it’s not GOD but the enemy is already so corrected by your heart, that’s what you need build the right visnovok, and it means that your heart is a sick heart, and you already need to go to the church, like to the liquorice, and you need to polish your heart like you want to cheer for the Christians. Bachite the enemy, which is cunning, ringing a cross in all your filthy self-esteem, but it means that GOD is already guilty, and not the enemy. And as the enemy of wine can be consumed in the heart, and then the axis is like this, the enemy of the wine steals the world from the heart of that joy, to create filth self-feeling and if the commandments and laws of GOD are violated, if we change God's love with a word and a promise, the axis of the stench of the gate through like a gate can go into the heart, and if the enemy is consumed in the heart through sins, then the enemy is guilty without work do not deprive, the enemy of the wines of the obov'yazkovo begins to steal, then after the cost, at the enemy of our discord, our torments, our hell on the earth and in the sky, then bring it on. You see, you see, you don’t have enough joy in the world in your heart, but it means the enemy is wrong. The axis marvels at being alive, and even as the axis does not lead the Christian ryativny way of life, do not follow the camp of the heart, then the enemy of guilt enters through the sins in the heart, and the axis accumulates strength in the rich sins, and already it is possible to zasosuvat this strength, and buvaє sho b reveal, sho є in the heart of the enemy, the ailment of the heart chi is not ill, buvaє, sho need to pretend, bachite the axis you came to the church, and the axis of you laughed, and the axis of the stink of your thoughts, you made the wrong visnovok, just you took and formed yourself became dissatisfied with their deeds, the axis and everything, the axis of the wines showed a disorder in the heart, the axis of the wines of the enemy led you out of the church, out of the likarni, and so why did they come to the church, sing along for help, then they came to the church , and you don’t know how to work, but keep the axis so GOD allowed you to cheat, you made an analysis, and the axis of the enemy in your images unsatisfied yourself, you saw you made an analysis for the ailment of the heart, and once you were in the church, in the spiritual medicine, then it was necessary for the heart to rejoice more, but vice versa Tue ekli z likarni. came home, and began to engage in self-delusion, and the axis of your bajanna appeared to be a cross, the cross of BLESSING was raised, and all the axis of the enemy is in the heart, showing itself again on your mood, the axis of the enemy of the enemy is activating its strength, SO THE EVERYONE WANTED YOU TO KNOW THE CROSS, and now you call the cross, then the enemy is in the heart, and the enemy of the wine in the heart, having consumed through sins, through the inauspiciousness of GOD, devi violated the commandments of GOD. Bachite axis de vzhe NEED to dig bachite the presence of the cross on the shii is not connected with it, that it has become nasty for you, NAVPAKI, YOU SHOULD BECOME GOOD, ALE GOD'S GRACE, YOU CAN'T PASS IN YOUR HEART, WHAT IS OUT IN THE VID HOUR, OUT FOR JUST GOD Vіn through the cross, having planted your GRATITUDE to work on the enemy, which, through sins, has wounded at the heart, and the axis of the enemy has begun to torment and embarrass you. Bachite like a bi cross vіn yogo, the power of BLESSING sacked the enemy, and the cross showed like the strength of the enemy having bought from the heart, YOU SHOULD BE GOOD, and if you know the cross, then the enemy will win the adzhe in the heart, then the enemy of the wines will be able to give you more hit hard , EVERYTHING you can be bad, it’s like you’re sick, now your health is in the hands of the enemy, now your finances, your friends with your neighbors, and here the enemy can take his strength, see how the strength of the enemy is in the heart, and you don’t if you hit, and for now, the strength of the enemy, the price on your mood is visible, but if you raise the cross, then the hands of the enemy will be untied, and even the enemy can win his strength, kneeling in sins, throw it on your other hand, healthy skinny. You know, like in the war, the axis is so buvaє scho as if with a small force, forge the enemy on my own, and it’s clear, what a foe, I’m in the power of volody, and it’s already clear that you need to work, and with such forces you need to overcome the enemy, then here you go like that the cross of the wines, having taken the fortune of the fortune-tellers on one’s own, GOD, through the cross, having crossed the enemy, show His strength, on your mood, and the axis of the enemy’s strength has manifested itself, and GLORY GOD you are healthy, and you can’t spend any more money, and for the time being, your mind is in the mood, to that the enemy will attack you more quickly and stronger than you, and you could have suffered great losses, but keep the cross do not let the enemies flare up, and at the enemy to come out until only you will give peace and joy, and your health, do yours, make yours so far not broken. See the axis win the cross, and the axis so through the cross is already the enemy to yourself and showing your strength with you, you work hard, you write that you read prayers, you write that you are reading prayers, you are collapsing in the right direction, you have already become other faces for exaltation of the heart to add Christian practices, and tse GLORY TO GOD, but you don’t help, since you don’t get easier, it means the enemy at the heart or does not waste strength, it means the enemy is at the sins at the heart, I SHOULD YOU DO NOT KNOW, you need to know already your sins, de facto in your behavior thwart the enemy at your heart, MAYBE DE THAT DOES NOT LOOK AT YOUR SERVICES, AND THE THIELD VIN IS SUCH, WHAT GOD FIGHTS, THAT THE HEAVY GIVE WANTS, chitbachit de or maybe not try to find out from you , you read prayers, but you need to forgive, but you figured out who from your neighbors and LOVE, then you need to go and ask for forgiveness, you need to know the enemy of your heart in sin, and you need to light, A VOROG VIN LIGHT Be afraid, but bachite you already ready to do everything that would make it easier for you, and you need to know the sins, and you need to be inspired to serve the enemy with sins. Bachete, already you can’t go out for the help of the BLESSED CROSS, and through prayers, change the camp of your heart, from i you need to go to the church, like to the likarni, you already have to go, if your heart is seriously ill, and now you need more help, i otherwise, you need to know for yourself a confessor of a priest, who has already helped you to change the camp of your heart, you can’t recognize the enemy, in such wines you have sins at your heart, and since the enemy was not recognized, the enemy was not spared the strength of yoga in your heart, the prayers of the marne, you need to whisper your sins, maybe you have sounds like sins, and you need to joke. You need to change the enemy in your heart, and GOD KOHANNYJESUS ​​CHRIST needs growth, and you need to work not like that, as you work in the minds of your home, even you need a fahivets like that to help you remember the camp of the heart, and the special priest is a priest to be in the church wherever you don't want to go. All God grant you need to know in the church, GOD I am to whom є LOVE Jesus Christ is guilty, having said Who is my blood and їst my flesh, I am asking for that, but the Christians have communion, the axis of the tablet is GOD, in your illness , but first, I need to cleanse my heart for sins, for the enemy on the basis of repentance, run the axis on the support of that penitent for the help of the confessor of the priest, and I need to give light on all my sins, but I need to open my heart, and with special help in the sins of the enemy, and you know that you did not obey Christ. if you know that you broke the commandments, then you can already say you knew the reason for spending the world and joy in your heart, then the Lord have mercy, you need your repentance to GOD, and if you need to act, serve as sins on the enemy, on the basis of that repentant heart I will be cleansed in the presence of the enemy, and already at the sacrament already in the place, scho zvillos, enter GOD im'ya є LOVE Іsus Іsus Christ. TAKE ANY ENEMY IN YOUR HEART, NO ONE SHOULD ROBIT YOU THE DISAPPOINTING MOODS. Take a pill of GOD, GOD GRACE through communion and you need to start eating, but you need to cleanse your heart a little more. VІD VOROGA, through spoіd i repentance. Bachite, yakі pratsі need. You need to tidy up your heart in general, you need to take care of your heart, and then the next day, and more prayers will help you to get rid of good sins. If you don’t follow the camp of your heart, then your heart is already taken away, then prayers may not help, even if you need strong faces, the axis is such a camp of your heart, it’s like you didn’t lead a Christian life, not lived it’s a skin day behind the camp of your heart, from i it went, that the enemy zaishov through the sins in the heart, and until these sins in your heart did not show, and the axis attacked you like that, tse GLORY TO GOD that GOD through the cross bored the strength of the enemy, i Because God will show you the strength of the enemy, and so stomp at the enemy, already a little strength has been squandered in your heart, and if you don’t show it, and if everything is gone through the ailments of the body, then even the enemy of guilt already has a moment of mood for you. GLORY GOD GOD to LOVE you, and do not give the enemy the strength of his strength on other lines of your life, to that GOD LOVE gives you an hour, so that you begin to lead a Christian ryativny way of life, and that you would choose from the camp of your heart, like you should change the camp of your heart, then it means that the enemy will change in your heart, and CHRIST will be given in your heart, and GOD, chatting with your heart, will give you peace in your heart and joy, and you will be accompanied by garniy moods, bachite and cross on your chest, and CHRIST at the heart, the axis if you matimete be the creator of your share. And so it is still to go out, the cross is upon you, and the axis of CHRIST in the heart is a great shortage, that is required, on the cob to cleanse your heart from sin, from the enemy, on the part of repentance, and you need to accept CHRIST in your heart through communion , but for whom you need to go to the doctor, to CHRIST, and GOD LOVE JESUS ​​CHRIST with his GIFTS checks you in the church, where you don’t want to go. How do you write? === yakbi and far away didn’t wear a cross, then the enemy already attacked you like that, and the flour would have been in another way, and you would have been even worse than this year, and so you bachit it is bad for you, and through it you can see your ailment heart, then you need to go to the church, like to the liquorice, and you need to polish your heart with other faces. You know, it’s the axis of the body, and the axis of the stink of pain, accepting some faces, but the pain will not end, as if it were trimming, but it seems that it’s already necessary to go to fakhivtsya, it’s already necessary to build an analysis the liquor, then here the doctors of the body help to know the ailment, and prescribe the necessary faces, if it’s good to go out. See the axis of the war, your sickness, you accept the faces, the axis of the wine cross, and the axis of the stench of your prayers, and you don’t help, it means you need to work the right visnovok, it means the heart is seriously ill, it means you already need a fakhivets, confessor priest, yak teachings, and some kind of building help to recognize the reason, to help you to rise in the camp of the heart, to mean to help you know the sins, and tse means the enemy, which torment you and confuse you, and also the confessor is a priest, write down the words for the exaltation of the heart, help the heart, help IF YOU ARE ILLNESS, IF YOU HAVE A HEART, SOUL, THEN YOU NEED TO STICK UP TO LIKUVANNYA WITH YOUR PRIEST Confessor. It’s like the same sickness, but in the same way, the strength of the enemy is in the heart, like a triva, it’s like you, that you won’t pass by yourself, you need more likuvannya and you need a specialist and you need a spiritual medicine, but the whole church.

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Talk to an expert

The cross is a sign of belonging to the Christian faith. From our article you know why you can wear someone else's cross and why you can't wear yoga over a robe.

Natіlny khrest - the most important attribute of any Christian, it is reasonable to choose this varto. If you need to pick up a cross, then you can find yoga in the shop of Saints. There are a number of different forms and different materials.

Khrestik, at the thought of the clergy, may you live on a believing people. Ale іsnuyut і fences, po'yazanі z him. Deyakі of them є more nizh zabobonami, about yakі vіruyuchіy people not varto th think. Before such it is possible, for example, to darken the cross. Ale is far from being the only food, as if you could blame a believing person for your cross.

Can't be worn on a lanyard

There are absolutely no fences for a lancet. Here, sooner, more important is the nourishment of the zruchnosti and the sounds. If a person wants to wear a cross on a lancet, then they can be timid, the church does not defend such deeds. The most important principle that must be followed in to this particular type- so that the cross is not ruined and not angry from shiї. І lace, і lancet are acceptable. Zabobonnі people, prote, zapevnyayut, scho z usikh prikmet khrestik not just use it.

Can't wear over clothes

Tse is absolutely true firmness. The cross is a symbol of faith and zakhistu. Not wearing a cross of a name, a person shows the breadth of faith, not rolyachi її ostentatious. So the mustache is warm and blessed, as the priest puts on the lower cross at the hour of consecration, they are only passed on to you.

Can't bestow

You can give a cross to give. Well, miraculously, it’s like the fathers are chanting about the christening, like one of the gifts at the chrestin. Ale does not mean that another person cannot give you a cross. It is also such a tradition, if two people exchange their crosses, becoming brothers and sisters with Christ. Ring out to cheer for the people close to you.

I can’t understand, as it is known

Zabobon, I can’t seem to get myself into my daily life. It is also guessed that zabobons are absolutely not recognized by the church and are respected by the insane of the Christian faith. And people, yakі vvazhayut, scho, raising the knowledge cross, you can take on the problems of those people, yak її spent or lost. Khrestik, shards of wine with a shrine, I would like to bring it to the temple. Otherwise, deprive yourself of yourself and save yourself from a red little hutch in a booth.

Can't wear someone else's cross

If you get a cross from your father, whoever you know, you can wear it. The church is not going to build a living fence here. Tim is bigger, because you don’t have a cross. A lot of people are respected, that the speeches are filled with the energy of their lord, and they can be transferred to the new ruler. You can also make sure that you give a cross, people give a part of their Share. Just like that, I don’t think of anything sleeping with the Christian faith and lie down to the occult light-gazer.

You can't wear a cross from roses

One more zabobon, for which there is no varto, pay respect. And people, as it seems, what a cross іz rozp'yattyam to cause to a person's important life. Tse zovim is not true, only people's guesses. Such a cross symbolizes the salvation of that sacrifice of Christ, there is nothing nasty in it. But you need to wear yoga correctly: the rose may be turned not to you, but to your name.

You cannot wear a cross without consecration

Consecrate the cross the most. And there is no such fence bearing an unconsecrated natіlny cross. It is important that the evil spirits bypass the side to wind two crossed tsipki. Prote believing people varto still consecrate your symbol of faith.

You can choose the cross, whether it be the one you deserve: gold, silver, copper and wood. The material is not very important. It is important to sanctify yoga and do not wear like a cross embellishment, bought in a jewelry store. It follows that the church Orthodox cross, which symbolizes faith in God, looks like beautiful, but purely decorative crosses. The stench does not care about spiritual ambition and does not care about being born to faith.

It is also richly applied and povіr'їv, tied with a cross. Vіriti in them chi nі, lie down less than you. Good luck to you, and do not forget to press the buttons

22.07.2016 06:16

Our dreams are the reflection of our evidence. Stink can tell us a lot about our future, past ...

I have been a Christian for almost 10 years.

I, consciously, for ten years I stumbled over a million different meals on the topic "Can you drink?", "Do you have candles in the church?" And what do you think about Orthodox Church?" and so on.

Ale tsya posada will be dedicated to one food "Why I do not wear a cross."

As if a long time ago I traveled with a friend to the USA, and as if my friends there asked me to sit with their children, the docks stink where they were. I, axis, scene: my friend is sitting with a child in her arms, and the child is putting food, bachachi on her friend’s cross:

- Hanno, do you wear a cross now?

Anna in panitsi marvel at me and vigukuє:

- Deer! What do you think?!

I turn before them and tell the children to sit on the knees of a friend:

- Hope (tse im'ya girls), do you know what the cross means?

- So! Tse cross, on which Jesus died for our sins!

- So everything is correct. BUT a cross on the shiї - tse divination about those that Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

I respect that the cross is the ideal symbol of Christianity. The first wearing of a cross is the truest nayyaskravishy guessing about those who have grown Christ. The problem is that most people who wear yoga at the same time do not put more sense into the cross.

Now it’s just vikonannya of the singing ritual:

1) otherwise they put on a binding after baptism in the temple;

2) otherwise, they put a new function on the talisman of the talisman.

3) abo (which is similar to vishchezgadanim) - can you help? (Who is only unreasonable).

In my opinion, there are two options.

You don’t believe in Christ as God, you don’t think of a special revelation about the Christian God, or about Christianity in principle - it’s only inconspicuous here that it’s a little bit different a cross on your neck. And the type of evil spirits also does not ryatuє.

Well, you are a believer, you recognize Christ as your Lord and Savior, you know that the first commandment is not “do not drive in”, but “I am the Lord, your God ... let there be no other gods in you before my face”, seeing the church not only at the holy place "for the sake of a tick", but in principle it is part of the way of your life, as you are not afraid of the word "Bible", then cross on shiї you do not rob the best Christian chi believing. Evil spirits will not vanish. If you are a Christian in essence, then you are the same with a cross without .

Why do I not wear a cross, regardless of those who respect the cross as an ideal symbol?

I have a new perelіk.

Well, in a better way, it’s not important, - yakscho ti essentially a christian , Added accessories to which nothing can be added.

In another way, the cross is like a symbol already "beloved". I don't know how much to sound rude. The bottom line is that the appearance of the cross at once on our people does not mean belonging to Christianity. Vin can be just like an embellishment. It's like a tradition. None of those, none else can be seen until the confession of faith in the heart. In whose plan I respected for better wearing a richly fateful symbol. fish: in Greek language, the word "riba" sounds like " їхтіс The Christians vindicated the word as an abbreviation "Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Savior of the world." About such a decoding, it was known to the consecrated stake of the osib, who was "in those". This symbol was especially helpful for the hour of the fierce persecution of the Roman Empire. "Chrest" was a symbol too commemorative, the fish was victorious for that.

At the same time I don’t wear a cross or a ribbon. I want to stink. I have a silver cross at home, I want to put it on yoga axis. But not to the one that I put into the new one, special money. And what suits. Such a cute wine. Small. Not a chimerical one, and without special embellishments. And well, earlier it was wood. Meni wines are likewise. Ale yoga was technically taken by a friend and began to wear it herself. Friends stink like that ... like they zabazhayut what their neighbor has, that's all. Gone.

Do you wear a cross? Why? Abo for what? What do you believe with whom in Christ? Chi with all my soul?

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