See divine revelation. Christian vchennya about the revelation. The prophecy of that їх vikonannya

Divine Confession– having manifested God in the world, which shows people the knowledge of Yogo and the true faith in New; self-discovery of the God of man. It is revealed in nature - the visible light, the history of humankind, the conscience of people, and in the supernatural, if God speaks about Himself without a trace Himself (having come to the earth of the Savior) or through righteous people - prophets, apostles and the holy fathers of the Church.

Divine Confession - God reveals to Himself the people at the sight of the people on the bazhannya to know their Creator. The creation of the people by God transmits the deepest whisper of God from the side of the people. God created all kinds of people, so that people joked about Yogo, “we don’t see Yogo, we don’t know, even though we’re not far from our skin” (Dії 17:26, 28). Pragmatic God, a person cannot recognize God with his susilly, but the very pragmatic people have a price before God, What kind of people turn on a good joke.

Naturally, revelation is revealed in what God reveals to Himself in His creation, just as an artist reveals to himself in his picture, or the author in his own creation. Ale, such a method of God-knowledge is very large, even if the Divine buttya is uncooked. At his own buttocks, God turns over all his creations. Not being an intelligible object or a phenomenon that can be perceived by the senses, Vin cannot be known by the susillis of the human mind, but as a part of the whole world. To Himself, roaring Himself, God descends to the people Himself. “The Savior hasn’t even said, it’s impossible to know God,” read St. Irenaeus of Lyonsky, - having said more, that no one can know God without Divine will, without learning the sight of God, without John's revelation (“and to whom Sin wants to speak”). And so, as the Father allowed, so that we would know God, and Sin told Yogo to us: then we may know about the New Necessary Knowledge.

Growing up people, God helps you to know about Himself by a supernatural order. “Supernatural knowledge is those that seem to fall on the thought of a path that outweigh the natural ways and forces,” read St. Theodore Studit. - Well, let’s see the one God, if we know We’ll cleanse our minds from all speech addictions and suffocate with Divine love. The supranatural knowledge of God is brought to the attention of the human soul by Divine grace, to go out in the form of the Father through Sin at the Holy Spirit. Itself through the Divine grace of the Holy Spirit, a person will acquire the truths of the Divine Revelation. Apostle Pavlo affirms that: “... no one can call Jesus Christ Lord, as only by the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor. 12:3). This means that only the one on whose mind and heart the Divine grace has poured into Christ the Lord can profess.

Divine grace rests in the Church, is served at the Holy Mysteries. Therefore, the Church is the custodian of the Divine Revelation. “God is known only by the Holy Spirit,” St. Silouan of Athos. “Our Most Glorious Church was given by the Holy Spirit to enlighten the mysteries of God.” With all the truth, I have cut off the image of Christ, the apostles confided to the Church (Dii 20:27). Behind the words of St. Irenaeus of Lyons, the apostles laid before the Church everything that is worth the truth. Being “the stand and affirmation of the truth” (1 Tim. 3:14), the Church guards the God-doors of the truth, which they call dogmas.

Chapter VI


One of the essence of the elements, like a Christian, so be it any other religious gazer, it is possible to change the possibility of that need for a person of the Divine Confession. If you want to read about the Odkrovennya in different religions, you may have your own peculiarities, and often suffer and in the depths of unreasonable nature, the very faith in the Odkrovennya will always be saved. Christianity as a whole and for the most part is rooted in Odkrovennі, for you goitre is for its guilt, it "live and collapses and lives". Therefore, it is important to look at the main food, connected with the roses and meanings of the Epiphany in Orthodoxy.

§one. See the bloodline

It is necessary to resurrect the supranatural natural God-knowledge, which is often also called revelation. Under the supranatural Confessions, it is especially understood that God is on a person, that he gives correct knowledge about God, about a person, about salvation. Vono podіlyaєtsya on zagalne that іndivіdualne.

Zahalne Odkrovennya given by God through especially enlightened people - the prophets and apostles for the knowledge of these basic truths, the knowledge and viconnancy of those necessary for the skin of the skin of the people, the whole world of the sane people. So, first, the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Announcement of the Lord the Holy Spirit, to that. All Holy Letter and Transmission of the New Testament, in a different way, "the law and the prophets" (Matt. 7, 12) - the Old Testament Odkrovennya, written in the Bible (Old Testament), although there is a lot of rich in what and not zovsіm, not exactly, not maє of that universal character, a kind of pritamanny Odkrovennya of the New Testament.

For individual documents It is called such a supranatural vision by God of the blessed ones, most importantly the saints, in whom the secrets of the Kingdom of God, the souls of people, the world were revealed. The greater number of similar backgrounds may have such a character that other people, who do not have a strong spiritual background, "cannot be told" (2 Cor. 12:4). Therefore, in the writings of the Holy Fathers and in the life literature, even if they are told about the facts, the secrets of the saints, prote, as a rule, are transmitted exclusively to the outer side. In case of this, in individual confessions, whether any fundamentally new truths are compared with the Evangelical ones are not mentioned, but more knowledge is given, more knowledge of what is already given in the infamous Announcement.

Natural revelation, but the natural knowledge of God, is a roaming of God, Yogo buttya and authorities, as well as people and meti yogo life, like otrimu people, like jokes, on the basis of education and recognition of oneself and the needy world. The Apostle Pavlo writes about the knowledge of God: "For the invisible Yogo, the eternal power of Yogo and the Godhead, in the creation of the world through the sight of the visible creatures" (Rom. 1, 20). True, a lot of pagan thinkers of old, they did not know the supranatural revelation, but joked about the truth and deciphered the reality of buttya and the sense of human life, came to a firm reconciliation in the heart of the one God, the Creator, the Providence that, the Judgment, Socrates, Socrates . The whole process of natural God-searching and God-knowledge is the life of the native people. It is enough for someone to come to believe in God, actually not knowing the Announcement of the supernatural.

However, it is natural to instill the knowledge of God in one’s great fortunes, always suffering from significant incompetence, great insignificance, incompetence, vagueness, and to this often lead people into the true religious way of life. So called natural (linguistic) religions (for example, modern African religions, Hinduism, Buddhism), as well as impersonal various religious and philosophical systems, mystical and syncretic sects and "churches" seeing God." It made sense. De there are no reasonable criteria, de "a person is the world of all speeches" and you can respect your own understanding with the measure of truth, there you can open the door to recognize whether it is an idea for the truth of that entrance, in such a rank, in the Self of Truth. Zvіdsi and it becomes obvious the need for a special Confession of God, the truth of which bula would be certified by the official rank.

§2. Signs of supranatural revelation

What are the signs, with which one can boulo b_drіznit zagalno nadkrovenny Odkrovenny vіd prirodnyh ludskih navchan, prozіn, zdogadіv? Do not stick around The revelations of the Old Testament, which has already consecrated its main mission and, in fact, has become the epitome of history [Div. Goal. XI: Old Testament religion.] (Heb. 8; 7, 13), we speak in the words of the Holy Cross.

The first sign, the most obvious for the skin, who begins to read the New Testament, is the moral highness, holiness and deep purity of that ideal, to which a person is invoked. Unpaid by evil for evil, love for all, inspire to special enemies, readiness of one’s soul to fight for others, nareshti, the dazzling butt of the specialness of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself - God, who humbled himself to real people and hellish hare for the sake of saving people - everything is inconspicuous with life . vchennyam svіtu, z zhodnim z yogo іidealіv. Similar zahal did not know any religion (including the Old Testament), any philosophy. Tse already gives the possibility of seeing the unworldliness of Christianity, its supranatural turns.

A hostile fact, which is to say about the God-door of the Christian faith, is another dogma about God-the Trinity, the Divine, Poryatunok through the Cross, Resurrection and others. The central truths of Christianity are laid on the floor and, in essence, in front of their religious and philosophical counterparts, skilki, so to speak figuratively, a child for a woman looks like a tієї lyalka, with which she won a grail in a child. Nevipadkovo the Apostle Paul vigukuє: "And we preach Christ crucified, for the Jews peace, but for the Greeks foolishness" (1 Cor. 1, 23). Later, the history of Christianity confirmed this idea with the whole world. The fact that the Christian faiths were constantly slandered and slandered "corrected" and robbed, or else, to go away "calm down", - to the natural extensions of Judaism, resurrecting from the new faith in the Divine that month's hymn of the Lord Jesus Christ, and before denouncing the gods pagan light, - it is logical to "verify" the ethical and philosophical beliefs, we will reveal the evidence that the New Testament Odkrovennya is not the wisdom of the people. It is unique, in its own kind, "in the past" of Christianity among other religions, its philosophical "absurdity" (guessing Tertulian: credo, quia absurdum est) once again pointing out on the unearthly dzherelo of the Christian doctrine, on those "wiser God", like "wiser for people" "(1 Cor. 1, 25).

Let's celebrate the supremacy of the Odkrovennya, which is avenged by the Holy Letter, is a prophecy. Under the prophecies to this particular type toil on the uvazі so peredbachennya, yakі not ґruntuvalis і could not be founded on any scientific researches chi special knowledge of psychology, іstorії, ekonomіki, politiki just; tsі nezrozumіlі nіyakimi natural causes і the prophets to richly move forward the transfer of future podіy zavzhd bе serious religious argument.

So, in the Gospel of Luke (written 63 p.) [New Testament. Brussels, 1964. P. 420] it is remembered that the Virgin Mary in the camp of a special spiritual occasion was singing: "Luke 1.48 will please Me." The Evangelist did not hesitate to write down the words of the young maiden, wanting to grow in the natural order similar to madness. І axis, from the first century and until now її glorify the Christian peoples.

In the Gospel in Matthias we know the direct prophecies of the Lord Jesus Christ about the future of His Blagovist: "I will preach the Gospel of the Kingdom in all the world, for the sake of all peoples" (Mt. 24, 14); about the share of the Jewish people that Jerusalem: "Truly I show you: not stone upon stone will be left here; everything will be ruined" (Matt. 23, 35-38; 24, 2; Lk. 21; its Gospel, imovirno, close to 62 p. after A.D. "[Ibid., p. 408], and the destruction of Jerusalem began in 70 p.); about the Church: "On this stone I will build My Church, and the gates of hell will not heal" (Mt. 16, 18); about the future of Christianity: "Sin of the People, come, who knows the faith on earth?" (Luke 18:8); about the appearance of false Christs and false prophets (Matt. 24:23-26; Luke 21:8); about the future persecution of Christians (Luke 21:12-17); about those who "deacons ... do not mourn death, how to promote the Kingdom of God, which has come in strength" (Mk. 9, 1) (here we go about all the saints, starting from Mother of God And the Apostles, yakі survived, "bashed" us before their own, end all the power, glory and bliss of the Kingdom of Christ).

Seeing these prophecies can bachiti (and not just believe in them) the skin of a modern person. Suvore prophecy is known in the Apostle Peter (2 Pet. 3, 10), as understood by the light possible traces new scientific and technical experiments and military cataclysms.

There is a similar sensation and rich prophecies of the Announcement of St. John the Theologian (div., for example, ch. 16).

It is necessary in case of any significance of the sutta vіdmіnіst іnіnіnіі genus to transfer the mystical character to the christian prophecies. Qi peredbachennya, first, do not take revenge on your head - an incentive to morally change people and її spiritual renewal (repentance); in a different way, stink, if you think of a specific character (which is vinyatkom), then, if you don’t take rare zbigivs to respect, you just don’t beat yourself up (finish, for example, respectfully revise the transmission of astrologers); thirdly, it is more important to carry on the floorings of insignificance, a roaring character, that the stench can easily be stagnant to any variant of the offensive approaches and to the other approaches. I have a plan to show more, for example, the recognition of one of the most important providers - Nostradamus.

"I witness that ... most of the prophecies were accompanied by the rush of heavenly crypts, and I stared like a bi in a glittering mirror in a foggy tower (here and far away we saw - A.O.) great, vague, marvelous and unfortunate adventures, yakі approached the nastiest cultures..." [Maxim Genin. Nostradamus. Centuries. Selected fragments. Kharkiv, 1991. S. 67-08].

I think that I can talk a lot, so that I can get away with my innate instinct from the mystical mind. But for whom you need a great spiritual zeal, which turns to the prophecies of the camps of the mind and the vivilnennya of the soul in the wake of the turbot and praise. I have given the greater part of my prophecies for the help of a bronze tripod "ex tripode oenio", wanting someone to ascribe to me the magic speeches..." [Ibid., p. 152] they slandered me in the year of inspiration, moreover, my mood and emotions were reduced by me in view of my ancient ancestors "(Nostradamus bov jevry)". Z. 154]. Defensiveness is building up, you can’t marvel through the lens and you can’t see it in the great mist and sumnі podії and tragic podії ... " [Ibid. Z. 155].

The astrology of the "prophecies" of Nostradamus does not call sumniviv dzherelo. Tse dzherelo for a long time in the house and my father of the Church it is called obsession or beauty.

One of the explanations of nature is quiet, not rich in conversation, but they still zbuvayutsya, lie in the fact that in the skin of a person, as in the image of God, there is power in the transfer, before feeling - wanting to be shown to be touched by a haunted world, it is rare to hear. However, people who are not cleansed of predilections for the Evangelical commandments, who have power in such a rank, "nebi marvel through the lens and bachish neb in the fog." With whom, all similar clerks (magicians, astrologers, chakluni, vespers, etc.), deacons are known, otherwise uninformed, through their spiritual impurity, they are known to be under the influx of dark spirits of nonsense. Therefore, the voice of the holy fathers of the past epochs is more strongly hindered to reach them, believe them, expand their "information". If the blind lead the blind, then it will be insulting to fall into the pit "(Matt. 15, 14) to deception, discord, enticing, robbing, self-destruction.

Mayuchimi great value for the companions of Christ and the apostles, and those who save their significance for the reconciliation in the Divinity of the Christian Blagovist and Donin miracles.

Under the marvel, such an over-the-top infusion of God on human nature, as a rule, goes beyond the boundaries of natural laws and puts a person with obviousness and ineptitude in front of the real presence of God in the world. Miracles happen outwardly (for example, the resurrection of the dead, caused by a storm) and internal (for example, the moral rebirth of a robber, a mitar, a harlot is not morally reborn; a resurrection is the hour of prayer of an over-the-top inner joy in case of severe sorrow and sickness of people), that nail The divine response to the new inflow and the first reaction of the mind (positive or negative) in relation to God. Spravzhnє marvel (batchennya, zlіlennya that іn.) zavzhdė pov'yazane with the spiritual and moral snake of a person (kayattya, turning to God abo, navpaki, zhorstokіst, theomachism) (since Lk. 19, 8 and Іn. 12, 10). This is how it looks like magic tricks, hallucinations, hypnosis, extrasensory perception, so like "miracles" that foreshadowed by human fantasy (Buddha, for example, to prove the truth of his own vchennya distav your potilice with a finger: otherwise, for one small Christian apocrypha, Christ from the clay of the bird and reviving them, etc.), as if they were awake, psyche, people's nerves, but they fill up with too much yoga heart, do not change the moral and spiritual state of yoga soul, the nature of yoga life.

Miracles, in Christianity, in all hours, were one of the quiet forces, zavdyaks like yonder, sharpened from the sides with deadly enemies: the Jews and the pagans, the kings, the commoners, the slaves, the slaves, - corroborated the greater part of the All-world. Until now, in front of the people, as if to get to know the Gospel, the Deities of the Apostles, the history of Christianity, the miraculous preservation of that widening of the Christian faith in the midst of terrible persecutions is a miracle of the foundation of the Church.

Chudovim historical fact, which confirms the unearthly adventure of Christianity, є ti gifted and consecrated, yakі otrimuvali ti, scho to go along the path, appointed by the Blagovієm of Christ, - Christian saints. Reverends, martyrs, righteous, glorified and unglorified saints themselves different lands brought not by dry logic and bare mind, but by life, deeds, suffering, by their very death, miracles, insights, manifestations of superhuman spiritual strength, which is in them, that Christianity is not plaid chiєї"fantasies, morality is not vitiated, but its own philosophy, the way of the people to the right goodness, timchasovy and eternal, to the knowledge of the Truth, to the discovery of the Truth - the way, God's blessings and what leads to the New.

Such are the deeds of arguments that confirm the "unnatural" movement of the New Testament Blagovist, its unearthly, God-door character. Remaining well, the life of knowledge of yogo is mindful, obviously, not the style of vagomist proving and proving, but how many bazhannym people themselves will reach this holy place, as if they were showing it at the Gospel.

Zі vyznannya Divine christening of the New Testament Odkrovennja, naturally, vyplyvaє vznannya of the same and for the Okrovennjam Old Testament (Matt. 5, 17-18), although, obviously, does not mean their equalness, the oskilki Old Testament was less than preparing for the coming of Christ Heb. 7; 18-19, 22; 8; 5-8, 13; 9, 8-10; 10, 1), incomplete (Mt. 5; 21-22, 27-28, 31-48) character. The Old Testament Epiphany, in fact, was focused exclusively on psychology, that spiritual riven of the Jewish people (Matt. 19, 89) and not only that, the universal, all-human character, which is like Bachimo in the New Testament Epiphany: "Other glory of the sun, other glory of the month ... "(1 Cor. 15:41).

§ 3. Signs of individual documents

Let's add more and more to the subtle nourishment є z'yasuvannya is a sign of the truth of an individual revelation. The food is superimportantly important, the shards stand for the essence of spiritual life, and the entry into the spiritual world is tied with a great risk: whoever does not enter before the new, is given the share of the villain and the robber (Іv. 10, 1)! Tsіkavіst, neserioznіst, mrіylivіst іt іy galuzі іbіbnі іnіnі to easy peeping into the flask іѕ deadly bacteria. It is good to see, for example, that those who are actively engaged in spiritualism, as a rule, either end their lives with self-destruction, or else they will confuse their psyche. Until then, to induce people and see occultism.

Illegal penetration of the spiritual world is more terrible. It invariably gives rise to nonsense, as if it were more hooting and destroying spiritually and bodily people who are not well-informed, who do not know the basics of spiritual life, in the Holy Transmissions of the Church. From the rest of the yaskravih butts of similar "bloodlines" can be pointed out to the conclusion that the so-called. "Mother of God Center" or "belikh brethren", it is fantastic to svaville those in the interpretation of Christianity to report eloquently about the nature and viability of these "bloodlines" [Div., for example: ZhMP. 1992. No. 6. "About falsehood ..."].

What is necessary, for the Orthodox vchennyam, the mind "divided spirits"? The evidence on the food chain is grounded and exactly given, for example, in the article of St. Ignaty Brianchaninov. Create: 5 volumes have 3 types. SPb., 1905. T. 3.]. Here, perhaps, it’s less on the most important at whom food.

A sacramental substantiation of the legal entry into the spiritual world for the acquisition of true knowledge (confidence) about the new and correct (righteous) spiritual life, as if conveying knowledge of the foundations of the Orthodox faith, the principles of spiritual life.

For the consecrations of the Holy Letter and the confessions of the Church, the head of the mind, that sign of the correct spiritual arrangement of people, the presence of their souls is almost repentant, the heart is broken, for which the most important in spiritual life is humility. In the Gospel they are called spiritual evildoers (Mt. 5, 3), under which there is evidence wet bezsilly in the fight against addictions, the battle of the ruin of my right spiritual state. Tsya spiritual vigilance and є ієyu єyu єєyu єєyu єєєєєyu mіtsnoy basis, on kakіy it is not possible to take away the person's true blood, which shows the path of entry to the Kingdom of God Himself. For the Lord gives the secret to people not for the satisfaction of the crowedness of the martyr mind of that empty heart, but only with the method of salvation of that spiritual perfection.

St. Ignaty wrote that "the first spiritual bachenna is the bachennya of one's sins, that the dosi hid behind forgetfulness and ignorance" [Ibid. Z. 56]. "Zir shortcomings of ours - the axis of a safe bachennya! Zir of the fall and purchase of ours - the axis of a needless bachennya" [Ibid. T. 2. S. 59]. "All the saints recognized God as their own: they showed stench and their own goodness, as if they were in humility" [Im. Z. 126].

The very nature of the bloodline is also important for the designated truth. Even before the fall, a person was built up to an uninterrupted storm of spirits and intercourse with them, then in the present state of the її її її ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї y s ’ s special for God’s judgment and the hour of extreme needs [Ibid. T. 3. S. 18], with the method of correcting that poor people. “Tilki for the founding Christians,” the saint of the izhnatiy, “the shit, was passing, they were demanded by the sincere ponds, Buv Vidkriti Svit Duvyv: Ale of such Christians in the Naikvituchi hour of the Chernodtsiy, he was visible to the sovereignty of the Great. God, - I respect Saint Ivan Lіstvichnik, - I believe in the fact that stinks bring souls humility and dissatisfaction, win over the fear of God, witness to one's sinfulness and worthlessness. and zarozumіlosti "[Ibid. T. 3. S. 18].

Therefore, all the holy fathers and ascetics, brought to the spiritual life, richly and boldly outperform the Christian in the fall of the so-called. belonging, to spiritual self-deception, when a person has his own neuro-psychic, and often bіsіvskі zbudzhennya and falsehood, which are born by them, and false blood is taken for the deed of God, for the truth.

Why can a person fall into beauty? The fathers say that "everyone sees the Bisivska beauty, like an ascetic of prayer, they blame it on the fact that prayer is not based on repentance, that repentance did not become a dzherel, a soul, a method of prayer" [There itself. T. 1. S. 255].

Reverend Isaac the Sirin points out another important reason. Tse shukannya, ochіkuvannya gracious vіdchuttіv, vidіn that іnshoy. Pointing to the words of the Savior: "The kingdom of God will not come for the rest" (Lk. 17:20), then. commemorate the rank, - your great mentor of chernets seems to be: "Why are we talking about dotrimany, God's mind is high gifted, then they are not praised by the Church of God; God, ale spiritual ailment "[Vikl. Isaac the Sirin. Words of the mover. M., 1858. Sl. 55. S.372].

Saint Ignaty, continuing the thought of the vikl. Isaac, writing: "All self-satisfied respected the gods of God; they showed pride and bіsіvsku beauty, which voiced their soul. Others of them received bisiv, which they presented to them at the sight of angels, and sent to them; and they seemed to be able to overcome them with a prayer, by which they introduced them to bestiality, they awakened their soul, spat blood, robbed their nerves in their hands, took it for graceful malt and fell into self-deception, completely obscured, and zarahuvalis for their spirit to the heart of the spirit "[ Ep. Ignaty Brianchaninov. Create: 5 volumes have 3 types. SPb., 1905. T. 2. S. 126].

Wikl. Grigoriy Sinaїt (XIV century) guessed: "Beauty, it seems, in two types of є, or, more beautifully, to know ... - at the sight of the mriy and spitting, wanting to have an ear of one's own reason in one pride ... The first image is given - in the dream Another image is given ... the cob of your maє ... in wickedness, which people grow up in natural lust. imaginatively representing to them the saints, giving a little bit of their words and bachiti disguise "[Reverend. Grigory Sinayit. Chapters about commandments and dogmas. Goal. 131 // Philokalia. M., 1900. T. 5. S. 214]. In such a rank, I have been chained, and sometimes pride is obvious, call upon God, the saints, and supplanted by inner goodness, I will become the cause of that, which will lead a person to false spirituality, the greatest self-deception and residual death.

Other than that, put some calmness in you, you can induce Roman-Catholic mysticism [Div. a short and precise description of Catholic mysticism, for example, from the priest. P. Florensky at the yoga book "Stovp and affirmation of the truth". Note No. 400]. Back on the cob butt first pretend to mind, from the appointments of St. Grigory Sinai.

Right father її Francis of Asia (XIII century) "Humbly" to say to himself: "I will not see any sin for myself, as if I did not buy for forgiveness and repentance" [Lodizhensky M.V. Holy Invisible. Pg., 1915. S. 129]. Once, Francis prayed for a long time (over-the-top demonstrative with whom the subject of prayer) "for two graces": "The first - so I ... now ... survive all those sufferings, like, Ty, the youngest Jesus, recognizing from Your painful addictions. And another mercy ... - tse, schob ... I instantly saw ... that unbounded love, which is the mountain of Thee, the Son of God. (Not considering his sinfulness and underdevelopment, Francis was turbulent, but he made claims for jealousy with Christ!) At the hour of prayer, Francis "believing himself to be absolutely transformed into Jesus," Whom I win and shake at the image of the six-eyed seraph. After a long battle, Francis had sick wounds that bleed (stigmi) - follow the "suffering of Jesus" [Ibid. Z. 109]. Before his death, Yogo Buli: "I vykonav those scho mav vykonati" [There by itself. S. 112]. For equalizing, we will induce the very moment before death from the life of the Monk Sisoy the Great (V st.). "At the moment of your death, to your brother, to that whiling, if you spoke with invisible guises, Sisoy to feed the brothers:" Father, tell us, with whom are you talking? I pray to him that the stench has deprived me for a short hour, to repent. "If, on the whole, brother, knowing that Sisoy had a lot of honesty, she rebuked you:" You can't demand repentance, father, "then Sisoy repented like this:" Truly, I I don’t know why I have created the cob of my repentance” [Ibid. S. 133]. Tse deep understanding of one's lack of knowledge and head homemade rice all right saints.

Another kind of accessory Illustrated by the knights from the "Announcement of Blessed Angela" - also a Catholic saint (1309) [Confessions of Blessed Angela. M., 1918].

The Holy Spirit speaks: "My daughter, My licorice, .. I love you more" (p. 95): 96). And so Angela herself says: "I'm running at the temryava of the Holy Trinity, and in the Trinity itself, I'm running at the temryava, I guess that I'm standing and resting in the middle of the Trinity" (p. 117). His position before Jesus Christ is out of line, for example, in such words: "I could bring my whole self into the midst of Jesus Christ" (p. 176). Abo: “I screamed in sorrow for Yogo’s death and wanted to die” (p. 101) - and at the same time, she began to beat herself so fiercely that blueberries of zmusheni were often blamed for the church (p. 83) .

Rizku, ale, in fact, the whole assessment of Angela's "underlying blood" is given by one of the largest Russian religious thinkers of our century A.F. Losev. Written, zokrema: "Calmness and calmness of the body to cause the Holy Spirit to bless Angela and inspire her so zakohani mov:" My daughter, My licorice, My daughter, My temple, My daughter, My sweetness, love Me, more I love you more, richly more, I love you less. "Holy to know in a licorice znemozi, you can’t know your own place in love languishing. Christ's beloved bed...

What could be more similar to the Byzantine-Moscow suvor and valuable asceticism, if not the post-post-blues-nir-speak: "My soul was received in the uncreated, lightly and brought", look at the Cross of Christ, at the wound of Christ, on the wound of Christ, surrounded by it. forcible viklik crooked flames on damp wood, etc. etc.? On top of everything, Christ hugs Angela with his hand, as if nailed to the Cross, and there, all walking in languor, torment and happiness, it seems: there, and the light of the rose is unbearable, even if the stench is so great, that sometimes I could not stand on my feet, but I lay and my tongue climbed into me ... I lay, and my tongue and limbs of the body were seen in me" [Losev A.F. Draw ancient symbolism and mythology. M., 1930. T. 1. S. 867-868].

No less ostentatious є і "consecration" of another great Catholic saint. "Doctor of the Church" Teresa Avilska (XVI c.) Singing before her death: "Oh, my God, my friend, I'll treat you!" Tsei supra-divinely wondrous viguk is not vipadkovy. Vin is a natural consequence of Terezi's entire "spiritual" feat, the essence of which is revealed even if it is an offensive fact.

Considering the number of his appearances, "Christ" is like Teresa: "From this day on, you will be my squad... I am not only your Creator, God, but my Cholovik" [Merezhkovsky D.S. Spanish mysticism. Brussels, 1988. S. 88]. "Lord, suffer for Thee, otherwise die for Thee!" - pray to Teresa and fall at the aggravated pіd tsim caresses, zakochuє eyes, go wild all the more often and in all body її probіgaє zdrigannya. Yakby is wicked, but the woman is known in the kohanna, write Merezhkovsky, - she pumped її into that whimper, then she would understand what it all means, and she would only chime in, that there is no person with Teresa; and if the woman was known to the chaklunstvo, then she would think that Teresa would replace the person with that unclean spirit, which chakluny is called "inkub" [Ibid. Z. 73]. “The soul of the cry of Love is so piercing with a whistle, Teresa guesses, - it’s impossible not to feel it. S. 69]. Not Vipadkovo Vidomiy American psychologist VILAM JEMS, Otznychiy, Mostichy Dosvіd, writing, ShO "ї Vyanovnna about relay was called, Yakshcho can be so wilted to the undeveloped love of flita of the yogo deity." / Per. from English M., 1910. S. 337].

On the methodical development, the mystical evidence of one of the stovpiv of Catholic mysticism, the founder of the Order of the Eucharist Ignaty of Loyoli (XVI century) is shown. Yogo book "Spiritual right", for which, for yoga words, "to inspire the Gospel becomes a zayvoi" [Bikov A.A. I. Loyola. Yogo life ta suspіlna diyalnіst. SPb., 1890. Z. 28], there is even great authority among Catholics. There is yet another bright illustration of the deep wisdom of the understanding of the spiritual life in Roman Catholicism. Seeing the crucified Christ, trying to penetrate the light of Yogo, feel that suffering, reveal the rozmovi z Rozip'yatim thinly. - everything is principally superimposed on the foundations of spiritual feat, as vin is given in the life of the saints of the Ecumenical Church, and to bring the ascetic to complete spiritual and spiritual discord, and the stars - to be some kind of "bloodline".

Axis of a sprat of short vitiagivs from "Dukhovniy Pravo". So, gazing at the "First Day of the Insight of God the Word" is made up of a number of preludes. The first prelude is based on the fact that "to reveal yourself, nibi tse boulo in front of the eye, the whole historical spirit of the mystery of instillation, - and itself - like the Three Divine Persons of the Holy Trinity marvel at this earth, .. like the Holy Trinity, called to the suffering, sending the Word , like ... the archangel Gabriel became a messenger to the blessed Virgin Mary.

The other prelude is said to be "in the living spirit of the moon, how the Holy Virgin is alive."

The third prelude - "This blessing is known to me ... the mystery of the instillation of the Word ..." [Lodizhensky M.S. Holy Invisible. Pg., 1915. S. 139-140].

And one more example of looking out from Christ. “Tya Rozmov,” Loyola instructs, “it’s the same, if a person reveals Jesus Christ, crucified on a cross…” my heart.. The right rose can be matched with the rose of two friends ... "[There by itself. Z. 140].

The Monk Nil of Sinai (450 r.) is ahead: "Do not be afraid of Angels, abo Sili, but Christ, sob not to be god-willed, having taken a vovka for a shepherd, and having bowed to demonic enemies" [Rev. Nil Sinaisky. 153 I divided about prayer. Goal. 115 // Philokalia: U 5 v. v. 2. 2nd view. M., 1884. S. 237].

The Monk Simeon the New Theologian (XI century), murmuring about those who in prayer "reveal the blessings of heaven, order the angels and the abodes of the saints," to say directly that "this sign is given." “Standing on this path, calming down and ti, as if to dance lightly with your bodily eyes, smell the odor with your scent, smell the voices with your ears and like it” [Rev. Simeon the New Theologian. About three images of prayer / / Philokalia. T. 5. M., 1900. S. 463-464].

The Monk Gregory the Sinai (XIV century) said: "Do not accept, as if you were feeling spiritually, posture in the middle, if only it were the image of Christ, or an Angel, or some kind of saint ... The one who accepts you ... easy to get lost... God does not overwhelm the one who reluctantly hears to himself, as if he were afraid of peace, do not accept what he sees New, .. but rather praise Yogo, like the wise "[Rev. Grigory Sinayit. Nastanova is silent // Same there. Z. 224].

As a rule, the camp is characterized by fanaticism, which rages at spats and aggrandizements [Ep. Ignaty Brianchaninov. Create: U 5 t. T. 1. 3rd view. SPb., 1905. S. 559]. For we repeat the memorials of Sts. Ignaty Bryanchaninov and Feofan Govorov, as well as the Optina elders, I would like to write at home the book "About the Inheritance of Christ" by Fomi Kempijsky (1471) that mass of both Catholic and Protestant-sectarian and ascetic literature [There. T. 4. S. 499].

In this way, in order to judge the truth of the hypocrisy of individual bloodlines, it is necessary to know the spiritual state of a given Christian, the correctness of this practice of an ascetic vchennya Orthodox Church What sounds to be heard clearly from his creations, leaves, etc., it is necessary to protect the very nature of vision and blood. The more solemn and firmer rule of the Church is to unikati, usuvatisya and not accept the daily sights through the spiritual blindness and pride that is attached to all of us.

§ 4. Evaluation of natural god-knowledge

In the estimation of natural God-recognition, the Sacred Transmission of the Church is the only reliable criterion, the shards of it are nothing else, as it was confirmed by the knowledge and at all depths that accuracy is revealed by the saints of the Orthodox Church of the Blessing of Christ. It gives the possibility of judging about the truth or the wickedness, the good or the evil of different ideas and concepts that are blamed on the path of God-bearing. For the natural knowledge of God at its highest points reached no more than the knowledge of the most powerful powers of God, which, so to speak, on the surface, could not give people the full understanding of God, nor the knowledge of the true path of the day with Him. natural religions and the whole history of philosophy must be reconsidered about it.

What greater understanding of God did the natural thought come to? - One, Special, Light-creating, Almighty, Just Judge. The main principle of natural morality is justice (the so-called "golden rule": do not work for others that you do not protect yourself).

The natural knowledge of God could not, in principle (!) (the shard did not squeal any of the natural gifts, but it superchilled the very logic of a "healthy mind") to reach the enlightenment of God as a Trinity, as Lyubov, a friend of the Ipostasis of Who is real, immutable, immutable, Indestructible and for a long time adopted human nature in Herself; reconciled to her for the sake of the salvation of the people until Christ; healed in Sobі Samіy and resurrected human nature (Christ is Risen!), becoming the "First of the Dead" and starting the blazing Resurrection, commanding the sacrificial love (sending to the gates) like an uncrossing and single bristle law of human life. ^

All Christian dogmas go beyond the natural manifestations and philosophical developments, such as the human thought about God came before Christ. Tim the dogmas themselves to witness about the unnatural, God-doored nature, confirming at the same time the deep insufficiency of the human mind and the need for the self-confidence of God [Div., for example: Verb S.S. Kharkiv, 1900]

It’s a pity that the truth about abnormality and lack of perfection is not accepted by the mind, and the truth is not joked like God, who grants order in the face of the absurdity of sin and spiritual death, but as intellectually, logically, in the reserve of abstraction, helpers of abstraction without changing your inner person.

This is especially clearly manifested in quiet religious shukaci, philosophers and philosophies, like, inspiring knowledgeable people, for their memories, the truth in Christ, to go along with it no less than in no three philosophies (it is often called the theologians In the plan) Solovyov, N. Berdyaev, archpriest S. Bulgakov and others). internal reason such a cleverness lies in the fact that the Divine Truth vimages the vision of one's "old people", the truth is abstract on the other hand "freedom" "vodkrittya" mystery spiritual light, zalyshayuchi all passions (especially Marnoslavl and pride) in peace.

Similar to the "burrowing" of "philosophy and empty peace of mind for the orders of people, for the elements of the world, and not for Christ" (Col. II, 8), the sickness is especially widened to touch the illumined, but spiritually empowered part of the clergy, theologians, intellectuals, lovers of philosophy. Wisdom - holy fathers, and melt on the path of their life.

I will invaluably help in evaluating the various ideas that are popular on the path of natural God-bearing, the Orthodox Fathers of the Church can create, the truth of the testimony of those is especially accessible, deeply and accurately for the modern people in their creations on the pages of St. Ignatius.

Divine revelation is revealed to a person, if God reveals His skin to us in a natural way - through the light that we see, that nature through our summation.

Looking at the present world, we know God through beauty and harmony, which is reminiscent of yoga. We are pleased with the view of the gloomy, scho bіzhat, and fluffy dews, like the most tempting sights and views. Hearing the birds sing, singing miraculous melodies... Looking into the depths of the sea, enjoying the unparalleled beauty of the ribs...

Looking at the stars, piercing the sky with nibi beads, we never cease to marvel that all the light is alive. Rich star - just like our sun and moon, but still, like richer. All the stinks are stridently and viciously collapsing with their trajectories.

Looking at the vastness of the space, people put their own food - who is the Creator of all the variety and art of our planet? Aje in nature there is nothing vipadical, everything is thought out and mutually explained. The whole world of today is a great book of the revelation of God, which bears witness to the omnipotence and wisdom of God the Creator.

However, one natural revelation through nature is not enough. Sin zamaryuet in people's mind, conscience and will, the heart becomes callous, and people become ungrateful to marvel at the marvelous harmony of the world. To this, the Lord and add natural revelation to the supernatural - by miracles that words, as if it were people who Himself and through their Angels.

Not all people are able to accept the revelation of God Himself, and the Lord chooses special, righteous people, who can accept the revelation. The most intimate revelation was brought to the earth by the inspirations of the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. Tse Divine secrets and now spread among people and are saved in the true Holy Orthodox Church through the Holy Transmission and Scripture.

From the beginning of the world before Moses there were no sacred books, and the vchennya about the faith of God was transmitted orally - Transmissions, so that the word is butt, in the same way, and in the eyes of the ancestors. Nadali, so that the Divine Revelation was saved in full exactly, on the inspiration of the Lord, the holy people wrote down the head of the book. God the Holy Spirit Himself invisibly helped him, so that everything that is written in these books was right and true. All the books written by the Spirit of God through the prophets, apostles and others consecrated to those people are called the Scriptures or the Bible.

We podіlyaєmo the Bible on two nerіvnі for obsyagy parts - more old, the Old or the Old Testament, and I will write - the New Testament. At Old Testament The majestic historical process is depicted, which passed in front of the eyes of the present for about two thousand years. The New Testament embraces the period of the earthly life of the God-man Jesus Christ and her closest followers. For us, Christians, the most important is the New Commandment.

The head zmist of the New Testament lies in the fact that God justly sent people the Savior, His Only Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, Who gave the New Testament to people. We need to read the Scriptures and the Sacred Transmission in order to know more about God, who has created light for the life and skin of people - for our skin. God loves us so unconditionally.

And if we love God and live according to the Law of Yogo, then richly in the world we will become clear and understandable. And our soul will be filled with harmony, love and joy. It’s a joy not to stumble, and you won’t take anyone away, for God Himself will be with us.

Mi know about God, in Yakogo vіruєmo, us forward through those who Vіn Himself speaks to Himself to people. This knowledge is called Confessions, i is written in Bible. Sprynyat Announcement may be less than a mind, we will grow with a living faith.

The need for an acknowledgment of the death of the grandparents. The person fell into the sight of God, begged for that uninterrupted intercourse “vіch-na-vіch” with his Creator, like it was in paradise.

Vіddalena vіd Dzherel's life, looming the nature of sin, a person cannot correctly evaluate the past, cannot powerful forces touch today, do not know the future. The people know only those that the Lord reveals to you: Prihovany lie down to the Lord our God, and vіdkrit - to us and our sons until the age, so that we vikonuyu all the words of that law.(Deut 29:29).

God is resting on His impregnable glory. Vin is the omnipotent Spirit, and the human being is the essence of the earth, of Kіntsev. Like Blessed Augustine, trying to touch the mystery of the Holy Trinity, rushing and vyishov on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Winning the lad, he dug a hole and carried water with his arms. Blessed Augustine having slept, what to rob the wine. "I want to pour the sea into the hole," - the old boy. The saint greeted and said that it was impossible. Passing a trifle, I looked around. There was no one on the birch. Then the blessed Augustine understood that God sent an Angel to show the marnistness of Yogo Zusil.

Navіscho God gave people Odkrovennya? The main reason for biblical revelations is the love of God before His creation. The Lord wants us people to turn around and reach the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4).

In order to give the people a revelation, the Lord chose one of the peoples - Jewish: the Jews themselves in the person of Abraham saved the right chanuvannya if pagan pardons spread throughout the land. To whom the people in a hundred years it was, as the Apostle Paul wrote, the word of God is entrusted(Rom 3:2). With the coming to earth of the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ, the revelation of the Bible is preached to all people.

With the least dzherel of our knowledge of God є perfection, beauty, and dotality of the world created by the Creator. Tse - natural revelation. It is more accessible to everyone, but especially spontaneous people, who consecrated their lives to the cult of the most important world - clergymen, philosophers, artists.

The nature is visible as if a book were written to witness about the wisdom and omnipotence of God. Whole for a superfluous person the world shows the miracles of God: arranging order, peace, regular repetition and dozilnist. A pagan, not illumined by the God-doored truth, more discerning, less wise. The old-timer people thought, and understood, that the whole natural world, in which I live, is the silent anthem of the Creator: Behind the word of the Lord, the deeds of Yogo appeared: the sun is astonished at everything, and all the words of Yogo are full of glory to the Lord(Sir 42:16).

Volodymyr Degtyaryov

The word okrovennya resembles the Greek word apocalypse, which means vіdkrittya, rozkrittya chi znyattya pokrivala. Therefore, the secret means those that God revealed to Himself to the people. Zavdyaki God's revelation of theology, but God's upbringing, Yogo nature has become possible. Yakby God, without revealing to ourselves, we would not have little knowledge about New and could not understand Yogo in the smallest world. In a wide understanding, the word “confidence” means those that God revealed to Himself for the help of His creation, the history of the world, the conscience of people for the help of the Bible. In this rank, you can make a visnovka, which God, the revelation is twofold:

□ Zagalne or natural revelation - God revealing to Himself through the history of mankind, navkolishniy svit(Vsesvit) that conscience.

□ Especially or supernatural revelation - God reveals to Himself through Scripture and in His son Jesus Christ.

A. Zagalne chi natural revelation.

First of all, God, the secrets are gradually guessing about the Creator. Through the spiritual secret, God reveals to Himself, first, through the present light, the all-light (Ps. 18:2-7; Rom. 1:18-21). These quotes point to those that the omnipotence points to the foundation of God and reveals God's glory, as well as those that God's creation, that is the greatest light, shows us the omnipotence of God and speaks about the future judgment. In this rank, the revelation of God in nature reveals to us the important truth that God has, and that Win has such attributes, such as strength, glory, divinity and kindness. Ale, the revelation about God through the present world is surrounded and not enough for salvation.

In a different way, God reveals Himself in the history of the human race for the help of turbot and control over His creations. Theologians call it God's providence. The word provide is similar to the Latin word providere, and means to transfer, transfer, transfer. God, as the creator of everything, is open to the hour, changing the posture for an hour. Vіn bachit and know everything that bulo, є, will navit those that can be. The following verses from the Scripture confirm the following: Matthew 5:45 - show God's favor to all people, Di 14:15 -17 - show those that God will provide for all people. Dan. 2:21 - show those that God gives rulers and spares their dominion.

Thirdly, God speaks about Himself through the conscience of a person (Rom. 2:14-15). Conscience is the inner law, which God has put into the heart of the skin of a person. This internal law, present in the heart of the skin of a reasonable person, points to the presence of a single Legislator.

Biblical vchennya about the secret revelations to bring to such important vysnovkіv: (1). A lot of facts, which can be revealed in a familiar world, point to those that the Creator is really aware of. (2). The conscience of the people instructs them on the moral law, which is sacred to all, and that is the right to stand before God. You can tell about those that a skin person can be justly condemned, to that skin of us by this world, having repaired the voice of conscience. (3). The present light (Rom. 1 and Ps. 18), the history of the human race (Dії 14:17), as well as the internal moral law - conscience (Rom. 2:14-15), confirm the foundation of God. (four). Deeper secrets lead us to the truth about God's foundation, but not being able to give us everything we need to know about God. For example, a full confession cannot tell a story about the Trinity, but those who love God and want to betray a person. (5). Podad those, having spared the people of the building, "read" and understand the secrets of God in nature in the whole world.

B. Especially chi supernatural revelations.

Especially the secrets can be straightened out, the lower part of the secrets and the focus on Jesus Christ and the Scriptures. Obviously, everything that is known about Christ comes from Scripture, to that the truth about New is central in Scripture, we can say that I will especially reveal the revelation in the Word of God. In a special secret, God, as we have already said, reveals to himself in the Person of Christ the secret (Jv. 1:18; 14:9 - revealing God the Father to us; Heb. 1:1-2) and in Scripture as a whole. God's love, spontaneity, power and standing up to a human being is most often manifested in the description of the life of Christ, His character, Yogo is right that Yogo's vision. Only through the revelations of the soul can a person reach the true and best knowledge about God. This is true for two reasons:

1. God, for His Substance, is inaccessible to creation. Its attributes are indescribable, such as omnipotence, all-present, omniscience, thinly, unforgiving for the human mind. Yakby a person could herself touch God at all times, she would be a god.

2. It is also necessary to protect the fact that through the fall a person has lost contact with God and that is why he is going through spiritual death. Grishna, unbroken people, burn without a people, not in the presence of the Kingdom of God, do not understand it, do not increase it to the new (Jv. 3:3, 5).

We may have enough facts to confirm that the Bible is a special revelation of the sight of God for all people. For example, in the Bible itself we know that the Bible is the Word of God, that it is a supernatural revelation of the sight of God (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:21). History of the Bible to tell us about її supranatural nature, then all attempts to find її turned out to be unsuccessful. Writing to avenge even a lot of prophecies that have come true. According to statistics, approximately 20% of the Bible text is occupied by prophecies. Some of them have already been vipovnivshis, some of them have been vipovnisya often and deykim still need to be vipovnitisya.

Grounded on everything that has been said, you can write a thread that the Bible is not the same Book that a person could write on her own, without the help of a burn, the shards of a person could not describe the way of the world, sin and about punishment for sin, as well as about salvation, like given by the grace of God. Lyudina could not describe the high standards of God's holiness, for those who stink are alien to the old nature. Vіn not zmіg bi prophetically accurately describe the future, yakі vіdbuvatimutsya in the future. I didn’t understand the reality of inconsistency and, folding such a book, like the Bible, humbled myself with it, like the Holy Spirit did not take part in the folding of Scripture. Lyudina could not possibly write about the trinity of God, the shards of the church will overturn the vigor of the human mind. That is why we have the right to affirm that the Bible is God’s special revelation, given by the grace of God to us, people. God did not reveal to us all that which we, for our nutritious nature, would like to know (Deut. 29:29). Ale Vin having taught us all that is necessary for us, and we are guilty of being satisfied with them, so that we can live well in this world, serve God and glorify Yogo (Jv. 20:30-31; 2 Pet. 1:3).

Volodymyr Degtyaryov, Foundations of the Christian Theology. (DMin Dissertation), Ukraine, Zaporizhia, 2007

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