Kudi beat you alive. Azi self-defense: yak i kudi beaty, sob blow is serious

Fahіvtsі dotrimuyuyutsya different thoughts shkodo kіlkostі different points. The Chinese, for example, got close to two hundred. Our fahіvtsі have their pіdrakhunkah richly modest. The average stink has about 30 such points. It’s not without reason, the oscills are more dots, like there are Chinese maistris, covered with clothes, and it’s not easy to break through such a “zahist” with your fingers, frankly. In addition, in order to successfully strike the points, it is necessary for the mother to train the fingers, otherwise you risk smashing them. Krіm tsgogo, at the process of biyka it is important to kindly "aim" at the need for a point. It’s better for him to beat not behind them, but in the smart zone of the body. Let's go through them reporter.


The crown of the head is affected by the m'yazovoi part of the fist, tobto. yoga lower part from the side of the little finger. You can also kiss badly on the darkness with a lyktem, and if the enemy has given you such a gift that he has become sick, then God himself commanded to give you the toe of the toe. As a result, your action will cause shock, loss of knowledge, and a strong brain shock.

Skroneva region.

Everyone knows that hitting the fold is more unsafe. A similar blow can cause shock, indifference. strong blow you can call the death of the enemy, for that the skroneval cyst pierces the brain and great blood-bearing judges. To that, if you didn’t put yourself as a target to drive in the enemy, be careful with this blow. The blow is delivered with a fist, a lyktem, or, as if the enemy is hacked up, or lying on the ground, then with the toe of the foot. Hit close.


Opponent's eyes are a wonderful meta for hitting. For their defeat, great strength is not needed, and the effect is reachable miraculous (for you) - the enemy is trying orientation, trying to shock the station, and the loss of knowledge is possible. For life, strike like this not unsafe, but the stink miraculously lead out of harmony. Try to fight if you don't fight anything! Until then, such a blow is already not painless. The foldedness of the one who zavzhda vdaetsya will definitely have a drink at the vіchі.

The blow is applied with a tick of closed fingers (so we call it a dzhob), you can simply press on them. Krіm tsygo you can zavdat hlos blow with your fingertips. If you don’t have great luck in hitting the eyes, don’t hit the eyes with a “goat”, that is, with two splayed fingers.


By transfer, you can beat anyone for good. It is better to beat with a fist or with a rub of the palm. So the whole head is suitable. Strike the transference screaming bleeding and shock. It is possible to waste information. If you hit it harder, then the nasal brush and cartilage pierce the brain and it means death. So beat the love of the heroes of the militants at the final battles.

Nose base.

Hit here with the edge of the valley from the bottom uphill, with the base of the valley, with the fork of the fingers and with the phalanges of the fingers. Hit causing bleeding, shock, beat. It is best to strike at the base of the nose in order to make the enemy open his throat for an attack, if he throws his head back.


At the top, beat with a fist from the bottom uphill or straight (under the lower crack), the base of the valley or the elbow from the side and from the bottom. In case of need, varto hit with the toe of the foot. The blow calls out shock, the loss of information, it can become a cold of the brain.

Area of ​​the carotid arteries.

When struck at the qiu region, a person gets shock, loss of knowledge, out of sight strong bill. It is necessary to beat with the edge of the valley, with a fist with a fist. In any case, your opponent will know the numbers of non-transferable perceptions.


When struck at the throat, the kadik is the most popular. You can hit with a rub of the palm, with a fist, especially with the brushes of your fingers, you can hit with a fork, so that you can hit it with your great fingers. The blow causes a strong bіl. It is possible to vomit, with a strong infusion of evidence, that death.

skull base

On the roof of the country they strike with a fist, with the edge of the valley, or with the foundation of the valley. A blow with a lіktem can deliver a little “joy” to the enemy - such blows shout out a strong bіl, vtrata orientation at the expanse and svіdomosti. Mozhlivy trembling brain. A strong blow to the building damage to the ridges.

Vukha and privushni pits.

On the ear pits, press with the thumb. This calls out a strong blow from the enemy with diligent onslaught.

As for the wahs themselves, it’s miraculously recommending a blow to both wahs at the same time, which calls for a pain shock and a loss of orientation. Beat the need with dolons. A strong blow can be caused by bursting the drum webs.


The clavicle is a very sensitive brush. To that, hit him with more pain. Beat with the edge of the valley, or with the m'yazovy part of the fist, right down to the beast. Strike for shock and fracture of the clavicle, after which the enemy cannot put great force into the strike, to inflict a strong blow. If you hit too hard, the clavicle is traumatized legeni.

Heart area.

Hit with a fist, an elbow, a toe. The damage to which nerve plexus calls for a waste of information. A strong blow can cause death to the tooth of the heart.

The region of the liver and spleen.

Tsya area is ruffled under the ribs. You can beat on the liver and spleen with a fist, an elbow, an edge of the palm and a toe of the foot. Strike to cause the loss of information. When the liver or spleen is opened, in the event of a strong blow, there is great internal bleeding and death.

Sleepy gossip.

Strike the new one more beautifully with a lyktem, a kolіn, a fist, and tassels of your fingers. A particularly destructive blow, as if you could reach the enemy for an hour in the air of the enemy. Vіn vikliche hostry bіl, zupinka gasp, choke that death. If you can beat the enemy, beat from the bottom of the hill.

Groin area.

Strike in this area for more pain. You can apply them with a fist, a knee, an edge with a long toe. It is no less joy to deliver a tariff to the enemy with the hand of yoga state organs.

Do not hurt less and hit the lower part of the abdomen. The stench calls out the shock of pain and the waste of information.

Cross section of the ridge.

Strike on the ridge, seemingly, more painfully. To beat in the qiu region of the ridge is recommended with a fist, an elbow or a toe. Strike, call out a pain shock and waste of information.


On the krizhah, beat with the toe of the foot. A strong blow calls for shock, it is not turned off that the enemy is unstoppable.

Sidichny nerve.

The sidnic nerve passes under the seats. Strike on the new one, call out the pain shock and the timely exchange of the rukhovo building. Give under the ass with the best toe of the foot.

Kolinny suglob.

Even more successful and available meta. Strike on it, call out to the enemy painfully. If it is applied with all the strength, then the enemy in the shortest time (for the new one) is secured by breaking the knee ligaments, and in the larger one - a fracture of the bones of the knee joint. Hit with a foot, without a middle foot - with a toe, or with a foot part, as it is better for you.


Hit the gomіlki more painfully, the shards of the brush are practically not covered with m'yazami. So be it, hit them to bring your opponent "into ecstasy." Best attack with a chop stop or a kick. A strong blow calls for a pain shock and a waste of information.

Come on, stop.

This place is also not protected by m'yazami and is more sensitive to spitting. Pour on the new one with foot strikes, especially with a pickup. Crime of severe pain, similarly strike the excrement of the rukhovo building, it seems simpler, your enemy will collapse with your foot where it is less fast. A strong blow destroys the feet and breaks the bonds.

Pidkolinny zgin.

The underbelly zgin is afflicted by the kicks of the foot. The stench calls for a strong bіl that fencing of the enemy's rukhovoi building for a deyaky hour. A strong blow to the building rozіrvat zv'yazyki and seriously damage the snow.

Lithuanian m'yaz.

Attack with the toe of the foot. To bring in a strong bіl and surround the rukhova building.

Achilles tendon.

Hit the new one with the toe of the foot. The consequences are similar to the consequences of strikes on the limestone. A strong blow to the building rupture the tendon.

Like a bachite, human body to dosit in spill. Golovna - to know, where and how to beat. Ring out the beats, as it happened to posterize the practical skin of us; It is necessary for those who know little about how it is right and where it is necessary to strike. In addition, the great beaters have no sense of the number of one of one. However, in an extreme situation, you will least need to think about the integrity and health of your opponent and opponents. If your life is at stake - there is no time for gentry. Your task is to survive. I survive by any means. You were attacked near the dark park by three chipped frostbites. Just like that, for gris. Chi varto chekati in them gentry chi to demonstrate її most? The more so the titles of those who were defended by sports, you will win victorious, then your greater chance is not to give vicorist to your opponents and, then, to live. And your truth is about those that you want, so that everything will be fair, zapіznyat on your life.

Fahіvtsі dotrimuyuyutsya different thoughts shkodo kіlkostі different points. The Chinese, for example, got close to two hundred. Our fahіvtsі have their pіdrakhunkah richly modest. The average stink has about 30 such points. It’s not without reason, the oscills are more dots, like there are Chinese maistris, covered with clothes, and it’s not easy to break through such a “zahist” with your fingers, frankly. In addition, in order to successfully strike the points, it is necessary for the mother to train the fingers, otherwise you risk smashing them. Krіm tsgogo, at the process of biyka it is important to kindly "aim" at the need for a point. It’s better for him to beat not behind them, but in the smart zone of the body. Let's go through them reporter.


The crown of the head is affected by the m'yazovoi part of the fist, tobto. yoga lower part from the side of the little finger. You can also kiss badly on the darkness with a lyktem, and if the enemy has given you such a gift that he has become sick, then God himself commanded to give you the toe of the toe. As a result, your action will cause shock, loss of knowledge, and a strong brain shock.

Skroneva region.

Everyone knows that hitting the fold is more unsafe. A similar blow can cause shock, indifference. A strong blow can call forth the death of the enemy, to which the skroneval cyst pierces the brain and great blood-bearing judges. To that, if you didn’t put yourself as a target to drive in the enemy, be careful with this blow. The blow is delivered with a fist, a lyktem, or, as if the enemy is hacked up, or lying on the ground, then with the toe of the foot. Hit close.


Opponent's eyes are a wonderful meta for hitting. For their defeat, great strength is not needed, and the effect is reachable miraculous (for you) - the enemy is trying orientation, trying to shock the station, and the loss of knowledge is possible. For life, strike like this not unsafe, but the stink miraculously lead out of harmony. Try to fight if you don't fight anything! Until then, such a blow is already not painless. The foldedness of the one who zavzhda vdaetsya will definitely have a drink at the vіchі.

The blow is applied with a tick of closed fingers (so we call it a dzhob), you can simply press on them. Krіm tsygo you can zavdat hlos blow with your fingertips. If you don’t have great luck in hitting the eyes, don’t hit the eyes with a “goat”, that is, with two splayed fingers.


By transfer, you can beat anyone for good. It is better to beat with a fist or with a rub of the palm. So the whole head is suitable. Strike the transference screaming bleeding and shock. It is possible to waste information. If you hit it harder, then the nasal brush and cartilage pierce the brain and it means death. So beat the love of the heroes of the militants at the final battles.

nose base.

Hit here with the edge of the valley from the bottom uphill, with the base of the valley, with the fork of the fingers and with the phalanges of the fingers. Hit causing bleeding, shock, beat. It is best to strike at the base of the nose in order to make the enemy open his throat for an attack, if he throws his head back.


At the top, beat with a fist from the bottom uphill or straight (under the lower crack), the base of the valley or the elbow from the side and from the bottom. In case of need, varto hit with the toe of the foot. The blow calls out shock, the loss of information, it can become a cold of the brain.

Area of ​​the carotid arteries.

When hitting the qiu region, a person gets a shock, the loss of knowledge, there is a strong bіl. It is necessary to beat with the edge of the valley, with a fist with a fist. In any case, your opponent will know the numbers of non-transferable perceptions.


When struck at the throat, the kadik is the most popular. You can hit with a rub of the palm, with a fist, especially with the brushes of your fingers, you can hit with a fork, so that you can hit it with your great fingers. The blow causes a strong bіl. It is possible to vomit, with a strong infusion of evidence, that death.

skull base

On the roof of the country they strike with a fist, with the edge of the valley, or with the foundation of the valley. A blow with a lіktem can deliver a little “joy” to the enemy - such blows shout out a strong bіl, vtrata orientation at the expanse and svіdomosti. Mozhlivy trembling brain. A strong blow to the building damage to the ridges.

Vukha and privushni pits.

On the ear pits, press with the thumb. This calls out a strong blow from the enemy with diligent onslaught.

As for the wahs themselves, it’s miraculously recommending a blow to both wahs at the same time, which calls for a pain shock and a loss of orientation. Beat the need with dolons. A strong blow can be caused by bursting the drum webs.


The clavicle is a very sensitive brush. To that, hit him with more pain. Beat with the edge of the valley, or with the m'yazovy part of the fist, right down to the beast. Strike for shock and fracture of the clavicle, after which the enemy cannot put great force into the strike, to inflict a strong blow. If you hit too hard, the clavicle is traumatized legeni.

Heart area.

Hit with a fist, an elbow, a toe. The damage to which nerve plexus calls for a waste of information. A strong blow can cause death to the tooth of the heart.

The region of the liver and spleen.

Tsya area is ruffled under the ribs. You can beat on the liver and spleen with a fist, an elbow, an edge of the palm and a toe of the foot. Strike to cause the loss of information. When the liver or spleen is opened, in the event of a strong blow, there is great internal bleeding and death.

Sleepy gossip.

Strike the new one more beautifully with a lyktem, a kolіn, a fist, and tassels of your fingers. A particularly destructive blow, as if you could reach the enemy for an hour in the air of the enemy. Vіn vikliche hostry bіl, zupinka gasp, choke that death. If you can beat the enemy, beat from the bottom of the hill.

Groin area.

Strike in this area for more pain. You can apply them with a fist, a knee, an edge with a long toe. It is no less joy to deliver a tariff to the enemy with the hand of yoga state organs.

Do not hurt less and hit the lower part of the abdomen. The stench calls out the shock of pain and the waste of information.

Cross section of the ridge.

Strike on the ridge, seemingly, more painfully. To beat in the qiu region of the ridge is recommended with a fist, an elbow or a toe. Strike, call out a pain shock and waste of information.


On the krizhah, beat with the toe of the foot. A strong blow calls for shock, it is not turned off that the enemy is unstoppable.

Sidichny nerve.

The sidnic nerve passes under the seats. Strike on the new one, call out the pain shock and the timely exchange of the rukhovo building. Give under the ass with the best toe of the foot.

Kolinny suglob.

Even more successful and available meta. Strike on it, call out to the enemy painfully. If it is applied with all the strength, then the enemy in the shortest time (for the new one) is secured by breaking the knee ligaments, and in the larger one - a fracture of the bones of the knee joint. Hit with a foot, without a middle foot - with a toe, or with a foot part, as it is better for you.


Hit the gomіlki more painfully, the shards of the brush are practically not covered with m'yazami. So be it, hit them to bring your opponent "into ecstasy." Best attack with a chop stop or a kick. A strong blow calls for a pain shock and a waste of information.

Come on, stop.

This place is also not protected by m'yazami and is more sensitive to spitting. Pour on the new one with foot strikes, especially with a pickup. Crime of severe pain, similarly strike the excrement of the rukhovo building, it seems simpler, your enemy will collapse with your foot where it is less fast. A strong blow destroys the feet and breaks the bonds.

Pidkolinny zgin.

The underbelly zgin is afflicted by the kicks of the foot. The stench calls for a strong bіl that fencing of the enemy's rukhovoi building for a deyaky hour. A strong blow to the building rozіrvat zv'yazyki and seriously damage the snow.

Lithuanian m'yaz.

Attack with the toe of the foot. To bring in a strong bіl and surround the rukhova building.

Achilles tendon.

Hit the new one with the toe of the foot. The consequences are similar to the consequences of strikes on the limestone. A strong blow to the building rupture the tendon.

Like a bachite, human body to dosit in spill. Golovna - to know, where and how to beat. Ring out the beats, as it happened to posterize the practical skin of us; It is necessary for those who know little about how it is right and where it is necessary to strike. In addition, the great beaters have no sense of the number of one of one. However, in an extreme situation, you will least need to think about the integrity and health of your opponent and opponents. If your life is at stake - there is no time for gentry. Your task is to survive. I survive by any means. You were attacked near the dark park by three chipped frostbites. Just like that, for gris. Chi varto chekati in them gentry chi to demonstrate її most? The more so the titles of those who were defended by sports, you will win victorious, then your greater chance is not to give vicorist to your opponents and, then, to live. And your truth is about those that you want, so that everything will be fair, zapіznyat on your life.

/ Beaty chi not beaty?

Beat chi don't beat?

Just as you are aware, that the beaters will not succumb, do not drag out the hour, beating first. By outperforming the enemy for a second, you win even more. Often the beat will end after the first blow.

It is especially important to strike the first blow, as if the enemy will clearly overturn you with physical strength, or as if the opponents were sprat.

Forget about criminal liability, forget about all sorts of dumb "beating people unkindly." At the same time, thoughts do not lie to you, but on the contrary, they can bring you to the likarnyan easily.

How to guess the moment, if the opponent is ready to go to the right? Stitch for mimics and gestures. Just before the blow, the man leans forward and shakes his head. Inode - put forward the lower slit and clench your fists. Look at the straightening of the body, where it is planned to strike.

Ale, lie, that the informed street buffoons will be able to mask their intentions well. At a glance, we can be zowsіm rozslablenym, wondering where to call you, unmistakably basic - and rapt strike at the last moment. So do not check for non-verbal cues, huh! beat, like only Rozmov, in your thought, went into a deaf kut.

As opponents of the kilka, it is necessary to beat the leader. You can see the vin at once. Tse neobov'yazkovo is the most healthy of the attackers. You can be small and small. Ale natomist - the most active. Most often, the leader himself enters at Rozmov and Nazhdzha. Whoever is the most trembling, that bey, you will not lose.

The gentry are foolishly. It was necessary to beat hard, rush, in the most diversified places. Don't try to control the force of the blow. It’s hard to kill a person, so don’t fight to “invest”. Vіd tsogo infect your health, and then th life.

In order to disguise the blow, we will do yoga as quickly as possible, you can pretend that you are correcting your clothes or hair, moving your hand to the hand to strike the position. Happy youthful swings! Every day try to take the correct fighting stance. What matters to you is agility and accuracy to the blow, not strength. Points of difference are called so, so that they do not imply a strong physical force. Just finish it accurately and sharply drink on them, so that you can take away the necessary effect - the enemy, who is disorientated, but we call him out of the beaten path.

The axis of the most accessible points for rapt attack:

1. Eyes. A blow to sleep, causing severe pain and demoralizing the enemy. It’s neobov’yazkovo to tick at the vich with your fingers - take it easy, that fingers can suffer. Fully finish the whipping blow with a penzle.

2. Brow arches. Timchasovo pogirshuetsya zir. In addition, you can cut your eyebrows. Bleeding at tsimu arc is strong. Tse demoralize the opponent and make it easier to look around.

3. Nis. A weak blow calls for brightening tears, a strong one - lamai nіs and bring the opponent out of harmony all the time and for a long time.

4. Pickup. Knockout the opponent. You can vibiti chi zlamati slit. Ale є th rizik - if you hit it wrong, you can mess up the brush.

5. Throat. It’s even more interesting to find a place for inflated lads. In addition, navit weak, ale accurate
a blow to smuggle the opponent to pin a beat and think about the sense of butt. Minus two: it’s hard to swallow an unprepared person in the throat, you can make a strong blow to your ears, crazy from life. So don't try too hard for your throat.

6. Woo. The blow is more painful. Maybe call the yaduhu. Ale, I’m starting to do it again - without preparation, it’s easy to have a drink on the vuhah. Until then, the blow is commemorative and the new one is simply to be defended.

7. Cookie. A good blow to the liver means the end of the battle. The flooring is strong, which literally deafens the people. Breaking through a m'yazovy corset, especially a trained athlete, is not easy, but it is possible. For whom it is necessary to catch the opponent in the breath and pierce the liver hard. To clarify: the liver is right-handed approximately on the lower (floating) ribs of the sternum.

8. Sleepy gossip. Approximately the same story, like a liver. Ale folded away to drink, the area that is hostile is clearly small. Kudi beaty, schobi have a drink? At the upper part of the line, there, where the ribs converge. Accurate blow to lead to a short-hour flutter of breath. That th already. Disadvantages: it’s easy to drink, you can’t break through a m’yazovy corset, like a person in a sharp robe (for example, a charge), beat in a fire, cloak to help mitigate a blow.

9. Heart. A double point. Ale guess її it’s necessary, for those who have a lot of mastrіv vvazhayut її dosit at ease. I especially didn’t have to worry that a strong blow at the villager’s heart would lower the people’s combativeness. Whose organ is crooked ribs, pierce with a knife like a folding one. Prote, theoretically, I can admit that here someone was so virubled.

10. Lower abdomen. Even more painful blow.
Serious ushkodzhen not in charge, but vimic
an opponent with a high level of intelligence. Just lie, it’s not easy to reach the lower abdomen with your hand. You need to beat your legs.

11. Groin. After eating, the beat is finished. It's rotten those who have a good time, in spite of Hollywood films. Sound the people, navit absolutely unprepared, better react to the attack to the zone. Vіrazu automatically curl up. So I don’t recommend putting the first blow.

12. Bichna surface of the quilt. With your hands, you know, beat Marno. But about the technique of kicking us, everything says the same thing, so you can guess about the qiu at the same time, even if it is attacked by a kick or a knee. It would have been given: well, what could be frivolous there - that m'yazi is a brush. Really hard blows on the steg often lead to a technical knockout. After a good low-kick, the leg simply needs to function. Athletes call it "dry your foot."

13. Kolinny suglob. A strong direct blow to incapacitate an enemy without a leg. Ale, I’m sure, without preparation, it’s hard to finish milking there. You need to beat it not with a toe, but with the edge of the foot - so it’s better.

14. Gomilka. The blow is harmless, but even more painful. That th drink there is simpler, lower by the column of the cup. You can briefly hit the toe of the cherevik. Minus - for the bazhannya tsey bіl can be endured.

15. Come on, stop. Beat the need with a rub, stop, the beast to the bottom, you step on your foot. A strong blow easily shatters the feet.

If you don’t have any good evidence in you, don’t experiment better. Biy z usієї forces in disguise, bazhano in nіs chi pіdboriddya, and then once again - at the groin. Other points may be sensible to attack, as in you there is a military training.

Good, as in you, under your hand, there is an object, a building that will turn into a shield.

With a parasol you can poke far into your eyes and throat. Zvyazuvannya keys can play the role of pigs or brass knuckles, so squeeze the keys in such a way that the guests erased the fingers between their fingers. Folder, as if to hit her in disguise, close it for a second, look around. A club, a stone, a piece of fittings are the main “percussion instruments”. Try to pick up everything that you can take up to your hands.
Attack the need quickly and rіshuche - whoever ate the first one, won that one. Yakshcho beat go vych-na-vych і the enemy having fallen, you need to finish him off. Obov'yazkovo. I’m still in the camp, and everything will be rebuilt in a new way. And there it is already unknown, how everything will turn out. To that, after hitting the enemy on the ground, just hit him with your feet, wherever you happen to be, the best on the head. Don't think about those who hurt you more, and don't beat yourself up. Remember, sho, yakscho pikluvatimeshsya about yoga zdorov'ya, you'll be sicker. I repeat: it is not easy to grow a person with a kalіkoy. And a small coward to the brain is not scary.

Like the opponents of the kilka, forget about finishing off. You just won't be given a chance to grow. To that having filled up one - vіrazu perekykaetsya on іnshoy. As if there were two or three hooligans on their feet, try to change your head so that the stench would constantly lean on one line. If you don't happen to be hit from both sides. If it’s more rich, try to stand with your back to the wall, to the tree, to the car, etc. It’s important for you, so that no one can attack you from behind.

More beautifully - robiti legs. Having hit - and escaped. If you carry out an attack in the distance and zoom in on the leader, you will have a few seconds to spare. Opponents obov'yazkovo trohi rozhublyatsya, switch their respect to a fallen bat, begin to explore possible options for the development of the future. For the whole hour you can do it far. It may be so, that the enemies are called upon to be re-examined.

If it doesn’t happen and the stench starts chasing, you can either just hit on all the foolish things, de є a chance to infiltrate the police, or just shovatsya, or zastosuvat tactics "the most seen - take it off." Polegaє out in the fact that, having chucked, until the next stretch, but it’s inevitable, even if everything runs with a different swirl, you’re unstoppable and sharply galmuesh and rapt attacking the most visible one. Well, I know, it’s not necessary to vitonchuvatisya. Enough to hit once. Then we need to continue in pursuit until we reach the next. As if you were cold-blooded, you can call the whole company with such a rank.

Ale, I’ll honestly say that this method is still more suitable for more or less enlightened soldiers. How to fight, you don’t know how and don’t win by strength and growth, it’s better to get on your feet that luck.
So, I summarize: the soldiers have a brand memory - there are no rules, no laws. Forget about the word "defense". Yakscho strike is inevitable - beat first, do not check for the opponent's blow. The one who is the first, has a lot more chances to win. To protect yourself from the blow, the mother needs a rightfulness. Beating is much simpler, there is no need for special knowledge here. Therefore, be the first. Hit with a fist in disguise and kick in the groin. You need to take care of those places at home - the hooligans are most often used by themselves. To protect yourself, do not lower your hands, cover your head with them and stand sideways to the opponent’s side, so that you don’t present a blow to the inguinal lot.

specifics / Beat chi don't beat?

It’s too early for the enemy to lie behind the pіdbags of the street beater. It’s entirely possible, having managed a lot of such injuries, to judge and sit down for yaki in our country. In front of you is a text that will help you not to drive a person through stupidity and not to rob a person with a disability.

Sob with bare hands to set the enemy there, the stars don’t turn, let’s not oblige Mykola Valuev and Fyodor Omelyanenko, to finish the people’s consumption at a distance to the singing point. We talked about “hot spots” with Leonid Gatovsky. Youma don't know chi! Leonid is a champion of the world and a finalist of the European championship in grappling, a champion of the SND and a finalist of the European Cup in jiu-jitsu, a champion of Moscow in Thai boxing and pankration, a champion in fighting without rules (MMA), vice president of the Federation of Grappling of Russia, ADCC President Vlasnik of the Lyon sports club.

POTILOK - not a safe place, the point of reporting the forces of hired killers is loved. There is a particularly different brain, the danger of death is even greater. If it is necessary for an hour of a street beat to hit the opponent with a blow to the head, then it’s definitely not a varto beat from the back. The safest way is to hit the forehead with a troch from below. Eat properly, throw your head back, and let your opponent fly.

The skroneva brush is so thin that it breaks easily, and even the same tricks can be swallowed into the brain. The person is so powerful that her flank side is more protected (boxers-armored shoes are used to specially take hits on the forehead). Either way, hit the head on the side of the injury-free one, because with them the brain in the cranial box shakes more strongly, lower with straight lines, and can become bloody.

NOSE Even more unsafe strike the bottom of the head on the top, as if to drive in the nose. With a straining blow, you can break through the transfer, and even then the brushes will see the corner of the cranium. Lay deposits due to the strength of the blow. Yakshcho raznitsya vazі is great and at the reproach of the one who b'є, the injury will be right up to a fatal result. Hit the nose on the side - tse zsuv, majestic dark bears under the eye and, perhaps, sprat of tizhniv at the mass of plaster.

Cracks A blow at the crack is not safe, so that a person can opine in a knockout. To win the good, but a deep knockout - ce strus to the brain, not safe facial injuries and other serious consequences. Zlamana slit - a couple of months of life with special medical support and diet with a rare diet. In addition, if it is wrong to grow up, there will be problems all life. Shorter seeming, legal my, "heavy corporal ushkodzhennya."

KADIK If a person is hit in the kadik, he may choke, his trachea may be damaged. If you hit the side of the neck, then it does not include zatushkannya, fractures, insufficiency (when it gets into the carotid artery). Podvіyno unsafely, like a whole person, like she’s been sitting in front of a computer all her life, — she has a weakened cystic and m'yazova structure, her body is weaker to the point of scoliosis, osteochondrosis. To miss such a blow and you can become disabled for the rest of your life.

NIRKI A clear, concentration blow on the nirkah to the point that a person dies - the nirka is driven or it is driven, bloody. Unsafe strike in the lower part of the empty stomach - there is a spleen, a liver. As if to drink in them a column of chi with just a foot, you can also drive it in. Zvichayno, like delivering a blow.

INTERIOR SURFACES The inner sides of the hands are not even sensitive to blows (it’s true, it’s apparently safe for both participants in the beat - you can’t hit a person with such a blow). The sound of our mitzna armor is m'yazi, from the inner sides of the vein and artery, which is close to pass to the shkir. To that, strike, for example, on the outer side of the shoulder, it is equal painless, and on the inner side - to make it clear. So painfully hit the weakened m'yazakh.


We asked the lawyer Anatoly Tkachenko from the law office “Shcheglov and Partners” to tell us about those who are “heavy for health” with a look at the law.

“Easy Skoda - either through injuries, which pass in a period of less than 21 days, or calculus, the traces of which are forgotten forever, but the stench is not much more significant: teeth are knocked out, small (no more than 5%) damage to the eye or hearing, fractures of other bones, it’s not surprising, the insertion of the finger of the hand (cream of the great and vkazivnogo). Punishment for tse - a fine of up to 40,000 rubles. but at the rozmiri salary sentenced for three months, vipravnі work and term until the date of arrest term for two to four months. "Tyazhkі tіlesnі" - not safe for life traumas, vtrata dawn, mov, hearing or any organ, reversal of vaginess, mental discord, falling ill with drug addiction or substance abuse, unforgettable creation of an individual ... For this they can give from two to eight years or from five to fifteen, as if the victims died through injuries. Report about the legacy street clubs read at articles 111, 112 and 115 of the CC of the Russian Federation "

Today it is simply necessary to know the rules of self-defense and honesty. If any man ever wanted to shine in front of his maiden's masculinity and remember to stand up for her and for himself, theoretically everything is allowed, wherever you need to beat, but in practice it’s not even good to go out.

Why do you need to know, kudi biti?

First, to secure you and your adversary. It is not possible, in the course of a battle, to re-examine the metaphor of serious bodily ears, tse, as it seems, the article of the RF Criminal Code. If you know where you are, then you are convinced that your super hero will not die from such blows.

In a different way, a blow, which is directed purposefully, has a greater effect, lower than the one that is necessary for the sake of “hitting”.

Thirdly, knowing where you need to hit, you can re-hit your superman and parry as a last hit.

Kudi beaty, why did the person fall?

The body of the people on the floor is different, what is important to think about. Navitat the most inflated that strong athlete є weak mіstsya, yakі can call yogo s nіg, not seeming already about a person, yak not engaged in physical improvement of his body.

Then, mentally, the body can be divided into three parts - a face with a shiny widdle, a tulub, a lower tip and a pelvis.

To call a person from nig so that she won’t be tired - it’s hard to do it smoothly, it’s possible to do everything. The most prominent places of the facial part are the chin, the eyes, the kadik (like a person) and the shii, as if to marvel at the shoulders. A blow to them is guilty of falling with a different force. For example, it is necessary to hit hard in the fight, so that the person is disorientated and irritated by sprats of whilin. By this means, people can be curly, as they do not grow up with high growth. A blow to the kadik softens the mind of the people, so that the strength can be relaxed, to give an understanding to the supernik that you have the ability to knock down. As far as the neck, then a blow to it is guilty of vikonuvatisya ideally to finish sharply with the edge of the valley. It’s not enough to beat your adversary, but rather to secure his loss of information, because your meta is a sleepy artery.

Tulub maє, in fact, is more than one indifferent place (as we are talking about a blow with a method of self-defense with a method to call a person from nig). The blow is guilty of falling right-handed, de-rotting the liver. Such a trick is to beat the fact that the liver is the internal organ of a person, which is often not stolen by the ribs.
If the lower part of the body is standing, where the pelvic region and legs enter, then the blow, which is to bring down from the foot, is guilty of falling either in the groin, or in the chest under the knee cup. Qi hit the best zavdavat sharply for help legs.

Do not put naughty people as a metaphor. Vykoristovyte all pererakhovanі vishche accept only the method of self-defense.

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