Barinov Mykola Ivanovich A good look at corruption – LiveJournal. intercessor of the head of the department of the Federal Penitentiary Service

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© "Komersant"

A large intercessor of the director of the FSVP, typing "vodkativ" for contractors for 110 million rubles. she spent the field in the field of investigation. As it was said, the most penitentiary institutions of Russia were for free.

Specialists of the DSU of the ICR in St. Petersburg and the FSB caught the colossal intercessor of the director of the FSVP of Russia, and the ninth officer of the clerk of Rosreestru Mikola Barinov. According to the version of the investigation, Major General, who was engaged in the life of the largest SIZO Khresti-2 in Russia, having taken care of 110 million rubles as contractors.

For unofficial tributes, the director of the FSVP, who was a huge defender, was hung up on 2 leaf fall in his Moscow apartment. After Mr. Barinov's dressing was delivered to the central office of the TFR, the stars will be sent to St. Petersburg. The investigation is planning to present to you a call, and before the court you will hear murmurings about your arrest. As explained to "Kommersant" in the TFR, the arrest of Mikoli Barinov was taken as part of a criminal law, violated for part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (deletion of swag in a particularly great expansion). At the same time, he became the intercessor of the director of the FSVP for the rest of the hour, as he leaned in the pre-trial detention center. 160 million rubles. during the implementation of contracts for the purchase of tsukra and PMM, Oleg Korshunov appeared, who supervised the office of tel.

According to the version of the investigation, under the suspicion of Barinov, taking part in the life of the SIZO "Khresti-2" near the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg, from June 2007 to March 2012, having taken part in the implementation of the project. Zokrema, a certifier of Petroinvest company Ruslan Khamkhokov, who himself has been under arrest since spring, having paid representatives of the prison department 12% of the budgetary expenses that the company will charge.

As you can see, for the yaki, the robots were taken to the SIZO, they went to the intercessor of the head of the UFSVP of Russia in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, Sergiy Moiseenko, who later shared the sums with General Barinov. Zagal, for the help of investigators, Sergiy Moiseenko was handed over khabari in the amount of 350 million rubles, for which Pan Barinov took 110 million rubles.

Corruption schemes that worked during the life of the insured for 4 thousand. inmates of SIZO (the cost of the project to be 12 billion rubles), they revealed during the investigation of another malice - the shooting of the chief on the 2nd of Birch, which was responsible for the technical observation and operation of the operation of the FSVP administration in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region of Mikoli Chernov. The main version of the following tales explained the evils of the colonel's service life: in the presence of Pan Chernov, the terms adopted by the worker, who were hired by contractors of Khrestiv-2, lay in a significant world. In addition, Vіn volodiv іnformatsієyu pro vodkatіv system, scho іsnuvala, і nіbito z low reasons for namagavsya іy protidіyati. After zatrimannya ymovirny vikonavtsya malice, a resident of St. Petersburg Sabir Sadikov, the investigation went to the deputy, in the role of Sergius Moiseenko.

Having problems in mutual relations of two high-ranking officers of the FSVP, the latter took data on the number of financial damages, the admission of the first hour of the new Khrestivs. A number of criminal records were violated, including 57 million rubles for spending 57 million rubles.

And just before the hour of investigation of the indictments of Moiseenko and Kudrina, investigators took away data about the illegal activities of Pan Khamkhokov. For unofficial information, substituted for the criminal investigation of the colossal defender, the directors of the FSVP became the very head of "Petroinvest" who was actively involved in the investigation.

[Fontanka.Ru, 02.10.2017, “A lot of the defender of the director of the Federal Service for Foreign Affairs was caught at the right side of Khrestiv-2”: Mikola Barinov has declared 9.6 million rubles for 2016, a 130-meter apartment, Volkswa cars, Moskvich -407", motovsyudikhid. Yogo's squad showed up more with help. Won with a regular salary of three more than a million rubles, there are six land plots with a total area of ​​1,000 square meters, living houses, three garages, cars Audi A7, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Nissan Murano. - Vrіzanna]


Vladislav Litovchenko

Specialists of the DSU of the ICR in St. Petersburg and the FSB caught the colossal intercessor of the director of the FSVP of Russia, and the ninth officer of the clerk of Rosreestru Mikola Barinov. According to the version of the investigation, Major General, who was engaged in the life of the largest SIZO Khresti-2 in Russia, having taken care of 110 million rubles as contractors.

For unofficial tributes, the director of the FSVP, who was a huge defender, was hung up on 2 leaf fall in his Moscow apartment. After Mr. Barinov's dressing was delivered to the central office of the TFR, the stars will be sent to St. Petersburg. The investigation is planning to present to you a call, and before the court you will hear murmurings about your arrest. As explained to "Kommersant" in the TFR, the arrest of Mikoli Barinov was taken as part of a criminal law, violated for part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (deletion of swag in a particularly great expansion). At the same time, he became the intercessor of the director of the FSVP for the rest of the hour, as he leaned in the pre-trial detention center. 160 million rubles. during the implementation of contracts for the purchase of tsukra and PMM, Oleg Korshunov appeared, who supervised the office of tel.

According to the version of the investigation, under the suspicion of Barinov, taking part in the life of the SIZO "Khresti-2" near the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg, from June 2007 to March 2012, having taken part in the implementation of the project. Zokrema, certifier of the company "Petroinvest" Ruslan Khamhokov, that in the spring of which year he himself was arrested, having paid to the representatives of the prison department 12% of the money received by the company of budgetary funds. As you can see, the robots that were victorious in the SIZO were taken for yaki, they went to the intercessor of the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Sergius Moiseenko, who then shared with General Barinov Zagal, for the criminals of the investigation, Sergiy Moiseenko was handed over khabari in the amount of 350 million rubles, from which pan Barinov took away 110 million rubles.

Corruption schemes that worked during the life of the insured for 4 thousand. inmates of SIZO (the cost of the project to be 12 billion rubles), they revealed during the investigation of another malice - the shooting of the chief on the 2nd of Birch, which was responsible for the technical observation and operation of the operation of the FSVP administration in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region of Mikoli Chernov. The main version of the following tales explained the evils of the colonel's service life: in the presence of Pan Chernov, the terms adopted by the worker, who were hired by contractors of Khrestiv-2, lay in a significant world. In addition, Vіn volodiv іnformatsієyu pro vodkatіv system, scho іsnuvala, і nіbito z low reasons for namagavsya іy protidіyati. After zatrimannya ymovirny vikonavtsya malice, a resident of St. Petersburg Sabir Sadikov, the investigation went to the deputy, in the role of Sergius Moiseenko.

Having problems in mutual relations of two high-ranking officers of the FSVP, the latter took data on the number of financial damages, the admission of the first hour of the new Khrestivs. A number of criminal records were violated, including 57 million rubles for spending 57 million rubles. And just before the hour of investigation of the indictments of Moiseenko and Kudrina, investigators took away data about the illegal activities of Pan Khamhokov. For unofficial information, substituted for the criminal investigation of the colossal defender, the directors of the FSVP became the very head of "Petroinvest" who was actively involved in the investigation.

[Fontanka.Ru, 02.10.2017, "Kolishny intercessor of the director of the FSVP was caught at the right of Khrestiv-2" : Mikola Barinov, the head of Rosreestru, declared 9.6 million rubles for 2016, a 130-meter apartment, cars Volks, "Moskvich -407", motovsyudihid. Yogo's squad showed up more with help. Won with a regular salary of three more than a million rubles, there are six land plots with a total area of ​​1,000 square meters, living houses, three garages, cars Audi A7, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Nissan Murano. - Vrіzanna]

The voucher for the return of over 110 million rubles was presented to the great intercessor of the director of the FSVP of Russia, Mikola Barinov. Major General Barinov Rosreestru, having become a chergovy vysokoposadovtsy, inquire about the theft at the life of the largest SIZO "Khresti-2" in the country. Budіvnitstvo suprovodzhuєtsya numerical scandals, po'yazanimi z corruption, vіdkaty and vbivstvami.

Zgidno with unofficial tributes, the director’s colossal intercessor FSIN hung 2 leaf fall near yogo moscow apartment. After Mr. Barinov's dressing was delivered to the central office of the TFR, the stars will be sent to St. Petersburg. The investigation is planning to present to you a call, and before the court you will hear murmurings about your arrest. As explained in the TFR, the arrest of Mikoli Barinov was imprisoned as part of a criminal law, violated for part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (deletion of swag in a particularly great expansion). At the same time, he became the intercessor of the director of the FSVP for the rest of the hour, as he leaned in the pre-trial detention center. Oleg Korshunov, who supervised the administration of til.

According to the version of the investigation, under the suspicion of Barinov, taking part in the life of the SIZO "Khresti-2" near the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg, from June 2007 to March 2012, having taken part in the implementation of the project. Zokrema, certifier of the company "Petroinvest" Ruslan Khamhokov, that in the spring of which year he himself was arrested, having paid to the representatives of the prison department 12% of the money received by the company of budgetary funds. As you can see, they were taken to the SIZO robots, they went to the intercessor of the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia near St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Sergius Moiseenko, who then shared with General Barinov Zagal, for the clerks of the investigation, Sergiy Moiseenko was handed over khabari in the amount of 350 million rubles, from which pan Barinov took 110 million rubles.

Корупційні схеми, що діяли при будівництві розрахованого на 4 тис арештантів СІЗО (вартість проекту становить 12 млрд рублів), були розкриті в ході розслідування іншого злочину – вбивства 2 березня цього року начальника відділу технічного нагляду та експлуатації об'єктів будівництва управління ФСВП по Петербургу та Leningrad region Mikoli Chernova. The main version of the following tales explained the evils of the colonel's service activities: in the presence of Pan Chernov, the terms adopted by the worker, who were hired by contractors of Khrestiv-2, lay in a significant world. In addition, Vіn volodiv іnformatsієyu about the system of vіdkaіv, scho іsnuval, і nіbito z nіbito z low reasons for suggesting іy іy opіdіyati. After zatrimannya ymovirny vikonavtsya malice, a resident of St. Petersburg Sabir Sadikov, the investigation went to the deputy, in the role of Sergius Moiseenko.

Having problems in mutual relations of two high-ranking officers of the FSVP, they took data on the number of financial damages, the admission of the first hour of the new Khrestivs. A number of criminal certificates were violated as a subpoena, including about the spending of 57 million rubles, in which case the head of another subcontractor company - VAT "General Budіvelna Corporation" - Viktor Kudrin is suspected. And just before the hour of investigation of the indictments of Moiseenko and Kudrina, investigators took away data about the illegal activities of Pan Khamhokov. For the version of "Kommersant", substituting for the criminal investigation of the colossal defender of the director of the FSVP, they became the very head of "Petroinvest" who was actively involved in the investigation.

Last month agency "Ruspres" told about zatrimanya one more intercessor of the director of the prison department Oleg Korshunov as a suspicion of criminal inquiries about the evil of the hour of life in a pre-trial detention center. Korshunov sounds especially in two episodes great stained glass. According to the evidence, in 2015-2016, in 2015-2016, arranging the laying of two state contracts - for the supply of oil-oil materials and food products at the stipulated prices. As a result of the accusation of that yogo spіvuchasnikі FSVP Rosії zavlo zabіkіv on the total amount of over 160 million rubles. Together with Korshunov, the huge guard of the Minister of Energy, Marina Dyukova, and the guard of the armored vehicles, Colonel Oleksiy Danilov, who was stunned at the FSVP, were caught.

Decision about building a temple on a riddle about those who perished under the viconan service binding of spivrobitnikov in the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation It was adopted by 2000 roci, after the glorification of Archimandrite Pimen among the saints.

On September 7, 2001, the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexii II and the Minister of Justice of Russia Yury Chaika laid a commemorative capsule at the foundation of the future church. The main turbot from yogo power was taken by the Head Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Ministry of Justice (the Federal Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation). R_k according to that, 22 spring 2002, at the day of the holy day of Christmas Holy Mother of God Holy Patriarch Oleksiy II consecrating the temple. In the middle, marmur plates were installed with the names of those who died at the end of the service dressing. Among them are the names of 29 spіvrobіtnikіv criminal-vykonavchoї system, yakі perished in the first hour of carrying out counter-terrorist visits to ensure law and order and public safety in the territory of the Pivnіchno-Kavkazsky region.

On the day of the 15th anniversary of the temple in honor of the Monk Pimen Ugresky, the Divine Liturgy in the temple was celebrated by the monk of the monastery, hegumen Bartholomew. The monk of the monastery was served by the rector of the Mykolo-Ugresk Seminary, Igumen John, as well as the guests of the monastery:

Archpriest Kostyantin Kobelev,senior priest of the Intercession Church at the next insulator N2 of the Moscow metro (Butirskiy v'yaznitsi);

Ієrey Oleg Kotov, Spіvrobіtnik of the Synodal Viddіl іz vzaєmodії zі zvroynimi zі zvroynymi zі zvroynymi zvі zvroynymi zvіrnymi zvіrnymi zvі zvіrnomi zvіrnymi zіdnymi i pravohonnymi organs;

Deacon Kirilo Markovsky, assistant to the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service at the Moscow Metro, organizing work with the believers.

Priest Mikhailo Kuzemka, assistant to the head of the UFSVP of Russia in the Moscow Region, prayed for the divine services, organizing work with believers.

Prayers for the liturgical services were prayed by the workers of the FSVP, the soldiers of the special forces of Moscow and the Moscow region, the guards of the escort service and the guard, and also those who were present at the consecrated Church in the historical 2002.

Volodimir Uvenalievich Yalunin, Colonel-General at the head of the department, who served at the rock as the head of the Head Office of the Punishment Ministry of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation;

Mikhailo Oleksandrovich Lviv, lieutenant-general at the post;

Barinov Mykola Ivanovich, radnik of the kerіvnik Rosreєstru;

Oleksandr Oleksiyovich Pirogov, Colonel of the Internal Service, Head of the Head of the Personnel Department of the Federal Service for Military Police of Russia;

Boris Volodimirovich Nikolaev, colonel of the internal service, head of the pen of special recognition "SATURN" of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia near metro Moscow;

Sergiy Ivanovich Gurov, lieutenant colonel of the internal service, head of the responsible organization for cooperation with the religious organizations of the Federal Service for Military Anti-Virus of Russia.

After the service at the Mykolo-Ugresky Monastery, a commemorative exhibition dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the consecration of the church of St. Pimen Ugresky was held. The rector of the seminary, hegumen John, opened an exhibition, telling the guests about the history of the church's foundation. Also, a tour of the Mykolo-Ugresky monastery was organized for the guests, after which a meal was offered to the participants of the holy boulder.

Volodymyr Uvenalovich Yalunin, colonel-general at the head of state, sharing his thoughts about that famous day and about the future, they said to you: “At that hour, when the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bliving the temple to the riddle about dead spivrobitniks was born, the GUINI had 427 thousand special warehouses that 67 thousand hired. At that moment, we had warm stoks with Archimandrite Veniamin, and in one of the conversations of the wines, chanting the sound of the main monastery cathedral - the Transfiguration of the Savior (for some reason there were active resurrection works) - a temple at the vikonnі service obov'yazkіv. In the early 2000s, we were asked for the first Liturgy at the Transfiguration Cathedral, as if Patriarch Oleksiy II had recovered. After the service, I had a chance to have a meal with the Holy Ones. If the word was given to me, I turned around to bless the life of “our” church on the spot, de commemorated Archimandrite Pimen, singing the Patriarch, that all our supporters would like to take the fate of this good right. The Holy Father chuckled, marveling at the archpriests, who had lost their minds, and, turning to them, saying: “They take light with us.” I gave my patriarch a blessing.

Indeed, the life of the temple in honor of the Monk Pimen went with all the light: for a small term, the spivrobitniks of the criminal and vikonavcho system were donated chimalih koshtiv, which made it possible to build a temple for the shortest term. Trochy more than fate after the laying of the memorial capsule

On September 22, 2002, mothers and close relatives of spivrobitniks, whose names were engraved on memorial plaques, were asked for consecration. There were people of different religions who came to pray for their relatives. I remembered the words of the Patriarch, who said that you yourself need to take care of it - unite people under the ensign of Christ's faith.

I am dedicated to the ninth monk of the Mykolo-Ugresky monastery, hegumen Bartholomew, the rector of the spiritual seminary, hegumen Ioann, that they remember this date, that under the crypts of the church in honor of the Monk Pimen Ugresky, a prayer constantly sounds. Today, marveling at the memory of the children with the names of our dead comrades, I think the hearts of all those present in the service of the people, who more than once fought death close, reminded me of a particularly pochutt - outrageous memory for the memory, like they take here, from the monks. If a person goes to the zavdannya, tied up with a risk for life, it’s important, so that she was internally sung, that she wouldn’t leave, that she would be given a support, that she would remember. A lot of spіvrobіtnikіv, whose names 15 years ago appeared on the marmur tablets, especially knowing, and being a head officer of the Head Office, I punished, for the obligation of the service, I spoke with the mothers of all those who died. May I say that the skin rose from mother about її dead sinus covered a scar on the heart. To this I once again want to thank Father Bartholomew for the opportunity to visit here again and guess how important the honor for all of us was given 15 years ago.

"Prison March" of FSVP generals?

Three generals were sent to the FSVP. Who among them will turn to vyaznits like evil-doers?

At Federal Service vikonannya pochalos personnel cleansing. As the UtroNews correspondent says, three generals have spent their posts.

So, on the 9th of the fierce call, Yury Barinov, head of the department of engineering and technical and information security, liaison and organization of the FSVP, Leonid Klimakov, head of the legal department of the service, and Anatoly Kilanov, head of the head office of the FSVP for the Irkutsk region. Officially, the decree about the relocation was not published.

For the tributes, the stench came "with neutral formulas." Why did the three high-ranking residents of Raptov at once go to retirement, and why did they change the place of work? For one of the versions, it can be connected with the broken on the cob of the fierce criminal law about the distribution of 141.6 million rubles for the purchase of walkie-talkies by the Head Center for Information and Technical Security and Communication (GTsITOIS). Tsya sovereign establishment under the control of Yuri Barinov.

Vtіm, behind the skin from the appointments of three generals and without a radio, a trail stretches, like a trio of crimes ...

"Cold pomsta" by General Barinov.

The history of the GTsITOIS started spinning at the leaf fall of 2015. Igor Shaykov, the center's chief clerk, corrected an additional statement in the name of the Minister of Justice Oleksandr Konovalov, and spoke about the facts of corruption from the side of Yuriy Barinov. Nearly 10 facts appeared in the document, which, in a slander, could have set the budget for over 1 billion rubles.

In addition, in the records of the wines of the investigations, that a "replacement" audit was carried out, for the results of which Shaikov was "hard-nosed to call out." Tim an hour, the main figures of the illegal ones, like the ex-head of the GTsITOIS, didn’t spend the planting time, but they were promoted.

Having organized the barinov on the right for the right person, to get rid of it yourself?

At the end of 2017, Shaikov’s fate was hushed up, as law enforcement officials allow, at fabricated rights, they stink, what a place for General Barinov was.

The version may have the right to use: General Yuriy Barinov to enter up to five of the highest paid officials in the FSVP for pіdbags 2016 and rebuy, judging from the bottom line, on a good job at the kerіvnitstv - yoma, for example, they saw more than 15 million rubles in income for pribannya to the fact that the apartment is in the new one. Chi bagatioh rosіyan so eager to serve?

Declaration of Yuri Mikhailovich Barinov.

Vtіm, mova ide less about official income. And the axis of skilki of the moment was taken away by General Barinov for those same postachannya walkie-talkies, the history of the castle.

"Insurance Vipadok" by General Klimakov.

In 2016, Klimakov's job was to declare an income of 27.7 million rubles. Divine figures for the state administration! 15.3 million of them were contributed by the social payment, redirecting the retinues like vins. Vaughn made a land plot and a living house on the basis of money.

Everything is going well with the Klimakovs now: three apartments, two land plots with a total area of ​​1418 square meters. m. that living house with an area of ​​​​327 sq.m.! Don't be afraid to get lost in such a booth? And then there singsongly litaє the mayor of budget pennies.

Klimakov spivpratsyuvav іz Korshunov?

Ale tse good, subsidy. Vibiv, hot, it is possible, and illegally, to extort such pennies for the presence of a life. And the axis yak win reshtu 12.4 million rubles in vain? According to a million for a month - "fatty", despite the fact that the director of the FSVP Pan Kornienko himself does not take the insole.

You can know raptovo: Klimakov is arbitrarily named as the ex-protector of the director of the FSVP, Oleg Korshunov, who was caught last autumn for a suspicion of corruption. And you don’t want to attribute the creation of the OPS to you? To that, Klimakov, it seems, has completely “fitted in” with this scheme.

So, Klimakov and Korshunov three years ago (from 2014 to 2017) laid down an agreement on the insurance of spivrobitniks of the FSVP with one and the same insurance company "CHSK" to enter the recreation center "Ingosstrakh". But it is practical to transfer 1.5 billion rubles from a specific hand. The proposition of the company "MAKS", as it took part in the auction, it propagated those services for a lower price, the commission in the specialty of two generals saw something.

Vtіm, know vіdpovіd tse pitanya you can dosit shvidko. How did you know, Klimakov from 2006 to 2013 worked in Іngostrakh and navіt embraced the post of vice-president of the group of companies!

Leonid Klimakov's business card was changed by the vice-president of the insurance company.

The visiting card has one e-mail address assigned to it, but if you want to pay attention, it will end at "CHSK" is the same insurance company, which takes billions of contracts with the Federal Penitentiary Service for three years... And here the mosaic, as usual, was formed. And Klimakov’s income ceases to be so great, and, shvidshe, they are untruthful - enna part, singsongly, chained to relatives and friends.

And now the people do not break until the silence of the CIZO and the covenant, like curating, but simply with a calm soul, in another place, work for retirement! And who will plead for mischief?

Irkutsk cunning of General Kilanov.

The remaining general, who arrived at the post office on the 9th fierce, was the head of the Irkutsk regional UFSIN Anatoly Kilanov. I would like to be somehow wondrous, zdavavsya zbіg, vіn tezh already love to insure their supporters.

It goes without saying that, in 2016, the representatives of the UFSVP in the Irkutsk region were anxious to lay out VHI agreements with the Everest insurance company. Qia firm is known to the authorities big deputy City Council of Irkutsk Oleg Gendin, who became famous, having bought the right to voicing in the name of the company named after fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev. In the meantime, the popularity of Yomu was brought by the second time in life - in 2008, Yomu was arrested for suspicion in the valtuvanni.

What naytsіkavіshe, vytorg, otrimaniy "Everest" for the entire rіk, 94% folded s pennies, otrimanih vіd FSVP! The administration "on a silver platter" brought 20 million rubles there, and not from the budget, but from a swarm of spivrobitniks.

The investigators established that Kilanov knew everything. Ale yak win the moment to know and not take the fate of whom swavill? Perhaps, I don’t know the fault of Gendinim? As a result, Pan Kilanov was injured by the hand-me-downs.

Kіlanov leaving the office for a long time?

Vіm here, if you want to, you can use it. And the axis of self-destruction is irreversible. In Irkutsk, last Monday, the intercessor of the head of the Head Department of the Federal Service for the FSVP for the Irkutsk region, lieutenant colonel of the internal service Viktor Shevchenko, laid his hands on himself.

Even more quickly, the official version came out about those who had suicide in a moment because of family discord. Ale, let's marvel at those who see? In the Irkutsk region, on the 9th of the fiercely they call Kilanov, and on the 12th of the fiercely self-destruction of the intercessor. Perhaps Shevchenko, taking the fate of some schemes of kerivnitstva, was afraid of being punished? Why did they help you?

The collapse of the FSVP.

In this rank, at SIZO, all three levels of generals can be ranked with an equal level of ymovirnosti. As a show of Shaikov's butt, let the authorities help you to splinter after the call of the service - especially as it is necessary for anyone.

Half of the main team of Gennadii Kornienko has already been transferred to SIZO. Tse and Oleg Korshunov, who, according to the version of the investigation, profited from everything that was only bachelor. I Mikola Barinov, who organized a swing for his own good and took the swag from 100 million daily hours of life at the Khresti-2 SIZO. Inquire about insurance, khabari, drank ...

In the Presidential Administration, they have been discussing for a long time the introduction of the FSVP from the MVS with the adoption of the first. And for the sake of the fact that the torik ex-fellow of the FSVP Oleksandr Reimer, having destroyed the colony for the last few years, is sure that the protectors of Kornienko will follow him without a hitch, and the wine itself - the new department of wine is not needed by anyone. Yak, zreshtoyu, already at the ninth.

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