The sword is magic 6 blessed heavens secrets. Kerіvnitstvo that passage through "Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven". Globally for the sake of running campaigns

Andriy Shapovalov

Heroes do not die - the stench turns around at the sales

Might & Magic is one of the oldest computer RPG series. The first game, which was called Might & Magic: Secret to the Inner Sanctum, made the world look like the 80s, and New World Computing never ceased to please fans of role-playing games other team).

Axis i now check for surprises on us, among them there will be:

– more trivi- merny playful world from the possibility of polyote;

– wonderful sprite graphics, which does not require hardware graphic devices and hard computers;

- Good thinking of the plot, which gives the gambler mayzhe povnu freedom of action;

- different spells, magical spells, and richly-richly different.

Zrozumilo, є at the grі th deyakі drіbnі vadi. The graphic engine is a bit more advanced, but a role-playing grace is not a 3D-action for you. Є th deyakі zanіkannya z drive "bugs", pov'yazanih іz virtual world (doors can't be fixed, deakі obezhennya, which are superimposed by the rules of the grid, can be easily repaired). Ale all tsі nedolіki not in zmozі skіlki-nebud seriously bolster the reputation of Might & Magic 6.

In short, the Fallout, Might & Magic 6 series is the coolest role-playing game of the rest of the hour. I tsim says it all.

If it’s bulo, from any side - it’s wonderful to say about it ...

Once upon a time, the Old Old Ones lived. Who stinks, the stars came and what called them on the road - nobody knows. These spaceships plied endless expanses of space in search of settlements of the world, on which the stench could settle. And even though there were no such svitiv, Old-timers created them. How the smells of Xeen (Xeen), a flat world, were created, at which the undersides of the front parts of the Might & Magic - Clouds of Xeen (part four) and Dark Side of Xeen (part five) were born.

If you played in the World of Xeen (which is settled when the fourth and fifth parts are angry), then remember what ended up on the right - Xin, having become a normal planet, was ruled by Queen Kalindra and Prince Roland, vryatovani you from the paws of the chakluna- the cyborg Sheltem and the yoga skeleton-skeleton of Lord Xin.

Ale, nothing is better on the moon, then more on the moon Xin. The century passed, and the war began again for the transfer of power. In the course of the bloody conflict, Lord Ironfist took power to the hands (about this war, Heroes of Might & Magic 1 speaks of war).

Ruled by the conqueror for a long time and happily ever after. But the hour has come, and Vin died, leaving the throne to his sons, the “good” Roland (do not stray with him, that the World of Xeen is evil) and the “nasty” Archibald. Ditlahi, as usual, could not get along with each other, and a new war and a new gra began - Heroes of Might & Magic: Succession Wars. They overcame, it’s clear, good. The guild of necromancers was disbanded, and Archibald, who interceded for him, died far away.

Zradiv Roland and becoming the ruler as a full-fledged king.

But not long ago I was judged to be the fruit of a peaceful life. One sumptuous day, a meteorite fell from the sky, which brought demons from it, like a quick start to put things in order in Enroth (Enroth, that’s the name of the kingdom, in which you are supposed to lead your nobility).

Having thought up a boulo Roland rozіbratisya with them, remembering about his victory over Archibald. Alas, you have never been out of him, and without a gambler, a hero is still waiting for a computer game. Axis and Roland pishov at pokhіd i turned around. And in Enroth, bad luck began - “sometimes in the city it’s not healthy, sometimes it’s thinness, then it’s pect to smoke from a nasty draft, or else it’s a shock on a big veda,” in the words of V. S. Visotsky.

Among the law-abiding payers, the tributes rose a little, that the wrath of the gods, more the Ironfist dynasty wasted by the good-will of the celestials, the title of Mandate of Heaven and gives the right to rule. And then there was a new cult - the cult of the Followers of Baa, who propagated a peaceful conspiracy with the demons.

But it’s true, as you understand, everything is not so. "Meteorite" was nothing else, like another spaceship, and the demons were evil aliens Kreegan, like from time immemorial they fought with the Old Ones. And now the stench has arrived at the colony, founded by their enemies, the pits of which have long forgotten the wisdom of their ancestors. Easy zdobych…

Ale good to laugh at the one who laughs at the rest. The demons messed up. Remember the little zagіn, which vtіk vіd them on the cob gri (would you like this episode for an hour of the introductory cartoon)? axis cym something forgive people with a clear mind, a firm gaze and flooded muds and happen to cross the plans of alien zagarbniks, reveal the secrets of the Old Ones and with their help, vryatuvati, or to misfortune your beautiful light.

Well, they will be commanded by the greatest hero of the kingdom of Enrot - vi.

We need a sprat of good lads.

Spravzhnіy іgroman nіkoli nіddast nіddast nіddast vіdkup kom'yutera yogo majesty nagodіn tak important іt's vіdpovіdalne avdannya, like stavlennya characіtіv. Tim is bigger, because the very process of creating heroes in M&M6 is more awkward, but at the same time it’s even busier. How to know little tricks ... Let's talk about them.

Zagalom at the grіst sіst klіv. See below for short descriptions.

Litzar- A true warrior, who doesn't care about all the Chaklun "tricks". The person who was inspired by the vow was taken, the building learned all types of military art: wear be-like types of possessions and fight with strong guards. The biggest living character, building vitrimati chimalo fortune-telling blows.

The rest of the situation, as you understood, is a plus. And the minus is the lack of time to chaklunstva.

paladin- is a cross of a person and a cleric. From the first wine, having taken lowly inaccessible batyushtsі fighting men for the first time, they were trained with a sword and pulled up planks of arms. In the fall of the cleric, the paladin gained deep knowledge from the magic of the Body, the Rose of that Spirit. The health of the paladin is not bad, the magic is bigger-less, that one will be better.

Cleric- Holy Father, what a stitch of war. In battles, wielding a mace is sprytno, chain mail is not guarded. To be honest, the cleric is in the middle fighter. This shortfall is compensated for by the achievements of the enchanting spheres. The main recognition of the cleric is in favor of zahisnyh and pіdsilyuyuchih vows, wanting step by step to popovnyuvatime their range of attacking magic.

Archer- a hybrid of a magician and a face; lad, who sees a greater part of the free hour of seeing far-reaching sights of the enemy. To wear chain mail, not to love close combat, to that in hand-to-hand combat inflict insignificant harm on enemies. Health is not so rich, then you will understand the magic of the Elements. Particularly effective in battles on the fresh air, the necessary room for maneuvering. Shvidko and carefully inspect the monsters that fought against the NATO.

Mage- tenditna stature, clear mind. As a result, I can find the least amount of "life" and the largest supply of mani. At the time of the battle, you learn the magic of the Elements. You can wear a shkiryany bib, with a strong vminn on the equal of an expert, kindly wave two daggers. Like and іnshi classy, ​​the mage of the building koristuvatisya with magic to inspire for both occupied hands.

Druid- One more hybrid. For the first time - a magician and a cleric, to that one will understand on the galleys the knowledge and wisdom of both. Perevaga - you can win seventy-six oaths, to win all available magic. In the distance, half a dozen of both "batks". You can’t dress the wearer for the shkiryans, strongly surrounded by the choice of armor. Vzagali, in magic, it is unlikely that you will achieve special success through the power of "wealthy planting": you can build up your wealth in all seven spheres, you are unlikely to become a master if you want to be a triokh-chotiriokh.

Rozrobniki half-heartedly teach us the offensive class warehouse: paladin, archer, cleric and mage. Give respect to those who all the members of the party represent sing magical vibes. Also, respect that the paladin and the archer do not have access to the magic of Light and Temryavi. Ale, don’t be too embarrassed: the magician and the cleric have wine. In principle, I will give us the best option.

Zrozumіlo, you can experiment with classes: for example, build more chotirma with faces (there is no magic, then there is a lot of slaughtering power) or you can lay down a death with one or more worthless enchanters and / or clerics, rozrakhovuychi on їх chimalіy knowledge of the battle. Just listen to the good cause, otherwise you are tormented by such parties! Faces chained in steel give in to a couple of chakluniv-Warlocks, and then after skin adversity, the rich will come to dovkolishhnі temples and pay chimalі pennies for clothes in the form of sickly ailments, bruises and prokloniv.

On the other side, there was a lot of trouble for the party with the magicians: it’s hard to finish with them, because they have a little trouble with cob spells. Do not forget that sooner or later you will see monsters with an impenetrable enchanting zahist. The rest can be like a natural one (minotaurs, dragons), so it is put in front of the enemy on oneself (magicians). In the meantime, there are no special differences, but the only thing is that a natural defender will be a little stronger.

Now let's talk about some characteristics and skills that you can ask your heroes.

Then, lower the paladin's intellect to the minimum, increasing it to the maximum (up to 25) the value of your splendor and strength overnight.

Let's go to the archer. Intellect and spritnist put higher, and special (Personality) - lower, all the way.

Who is coming? The great show of the special cleric's ability to allow him to accumulate a significant amount of mani, and the axis of the intellect is not needed by the clerk, believe me. Bazhano give the priest a little peace, so that he often drank his mace (mace) on the faces (persons) of the enemies.

With a charmer, the situation is reversible: add intellect and see that very Personality. In case of a heavy rozpodіlі 50 starting points can win. If not, then change the character's skin success by one or two points. Ale, do not overdo it, fortune - it’s not only good to rely on fortune-telling oaths, but it’s even better luck in important valuable objects and large sums of gold that can be freely converted. You don't want to be unlucky? If you want to minimize success as much as possible when generating a character, then in New Sorpigal it is possible to get a spring day, drinking water from one of the wells. A new portion of the water, which will increase your luck, will be available already through this day.

The hour has come to rise up with Skills (the stink of the newbies). Morally prepare yourself before the skin of the hero of the mother of his specification.

Give the archer the strength of the native shepherds that watchfulness. Only this hero can have the right to especially reveal any suspected screens - and it is necessary to constantly remember about it, so that the unacceptable traces of the sight early death. Let's teach the paladin to swell with a shield and wear chain mail. Let the cleric take your navichka appointed to add to the shield. Adopt the magician to recover the basics of water magic and give the opportunity to repair speeches.

At the same time, I strongly do not recommend the development of a mindless newcomer to the type of diplomacy or bodybuilding. Normal heroes don't care. On the cob gri raja podbati about the newcomers of trade, proteo intensively develop її not varto. Filthy metal does not spare the ever-necessary eyepieces for the improvement of comforts.


The management of your sub-options is carried out for the help of the keyboard and the mouse.

For ruhu missive, use the cursor keys.

To switch to big mode, press Shift and the cursor key.

For rush vbіk (Strafe) press ctrl and the cursor key.

To switch from the real time mode to the per-cock mode, press Enter. To gain respect, that in the cover mode you cannot collapse, you can only turn on the field and block the armor/magic/objects from the backpack.

For zdіysnennya, be-yakah diy (push on the important, knock at the door, shuffle the corpse, take the object) click on the bear in the right place.

To call up the Inventory screen, double-click on the mouse on the character's portrait.

To attack the closest enemy with a throw, press BUT. If the enemy is far away, shoot the character at the new bow / crossbow (like this at the new one), and try the nearest enemy with a sword / dagger / copy.

In order to cast spells to the nearest enemy, it is necessary either to click on the button from the image of the five-point star right-handed in the portraits of members of the corral, or to press S. At the same time, the character zastosu "Shvidka" spell, as if it were necessary to put it in front. For whom, click on the button with a star, choose the spell you need, then click on the image of the hand at the bottom of the page.

To sleep, click on the button from the image, right-handed in magic. Remember, the characters can sleep less at the careless mist (for example, there are no enemies).

To heal down / lift your head, press the keys Ins/Del.

To go uphill / go down (after casting the Fly spell), wink Page Up/Page Down.

With the decision of fine management, you will figure it out yourself.

Trochs about eyepieces beginner and information

About the eyepieces (Points) beginner - there are two ways to use this dish. The first and simplest field is bypassing the spreading out of the edge of the flock with the method of bringing the kіnsk pіdkіv. Let's click on the identity of the character (changing in the Inventory screen) - you'll find out (forge the stench of її, what?), having earned two points for yourself. Well, it’s true, the descriptions of the causal and inherited link can’t be seen as obvious, well, it’s a blasphemy with her, with logic. It has been scientifically proven that in a couple of months the coming harvest will ripen at the same time from the resurrection of monsters that linger nearby. Raju mother in reserve triyku-friend pіdkіv, schob to promote the newcomer, who was inexperienced in need.

Another way is less exotic and accessible for understanding… When the hero's account is raised, bad points are automatically gained. Їх іх ілкії to lie down due to the savage depravity of the character. On the cob, the heroes win five points; from the 10th to the 19th - shіst; from the 20th to the 29th - just like that. Taking away the hundredth rіven, bring the hero five fifteen points. Before the speech, you already, sing-songly, you know that equals move not only along the way of the accumulation of cobs to the knowledge, but also to further training at specially introduced missions.

The dosvіd itself is also accumulated in two ways: vikonannya zavdan-questіv and vvvivvaniya vsіh zustrіnutih you іstot (Crimea of ​​civilians). Vikonans quests give no less than a large amount of proof, but it’s better to change your reputation.

The second option is also indecent - you can grow up with gold and pick up a valuable item that sometimes drops from a monster (sorry, get one). Vzagali, mino vorogіv automatically pick up during the search of corpses, to that it is easy to comprehend, what you know.

The secret of steel

Before an uninterrupted description, the difference between the few and the other types of description is significant for understanding. The finisher is often asked to explain what a sword attack means on a 3d4. On the right, the M&M6 zastosovuetsya standard for the table games way to determine the result of your fighting game "throwing" by the computer of the cube.

At the time of the program, the trichi rolls a choti-faced die (dice 4 chi, shortened, d4). The biggest warrior has three lives at the enemy, and the shortest one (showing the cube to four) has 12 lives. Otzhe, Skoda lie at the borders of three to twelve. The arithmetic mean of seven and a half is the most important result of the task given to the monster. Bigger put in different swords will also give you a non-zero display, a kind of “add-on” before the attack, that chance to break through the enemy’s defenses. For example, a blow with a sword z "+ 10 3d4 + 2" increases the ability to hit the blow by 13 and the arithmetic mean value of shkodi by two. However, the rіven of the head of the shkodi lay not only in view of the type of combat capabilities of the enemy, but in the value of the strength of the warrior and the yogo of the strength of the Volodin with the sword. To find out, how to effectively fight members of the corral, to press Z- The Damage column has numbers.

A couple of joys with a choice of weapons. There is nothing coherent in it: the paladin is waving a sword, the cleric is waving a mace (otherwise, as they called it in Russia, a mace), the magician is wielding a dagger (and then we’ll keep a couple), the archer, as if you guessed it, is scorched by a distance shot. I didn’t show any particular special zastosuvannya for tridents, clubs, sokirs. The stench is rushing to get a rare and healthy one, and no especially brown prevag is possible, basing on a daily basis for diversity, “it’s bulo”. True, sometimes you can drink an exhausting Titanic Trident, which you can give to the paladin or face, as if one hand is occupied with a shield in them, you don’t want to part with it (you can change the characteristics of the character or give especially rich zakhistu). On the right in that the accuracy of a blow with a trident is greater, lower at the middle sword. True, b'єїm your hero is better, lower with a sword. The sword was fired - the most balanced and the most handy armor for close combat. Before speech, the rule is not only in the M&M6 gaming world, but also in the most important computer role-playing games.

With bows and crossbows, everything is simple - they stink really well, if the enemy is far away, and if on the right they go to hand-to-hand combat, the archer shoots and fights, as if he were in the hands of a new one.

A distance shot is miraculously suitable for fighting with enemies that do not shoot and do not beat magic. As if to conduct a fight at the real hour, at which it’s swishing backwards and scribbling incomprehensible zigzags (trim the enemy in the field of dawn), then the cibula is what you need. Even better than the mother of an archer, that paladin with a beginner shooter on the very cob of the grill for a quick and trouble-free passage of the Abandoned Temple of Baa, the enemies are less likely to fight in close combat.

Blasters, also resembling the armor of the Old Ones, appear closer to the end of the Control Center. Іsnuє impersonal differences on the topic, chi varto їх vikoristovuvaty or next rely on the practice of reversing swords and bows. In our opinion, it is possible to shoot a blaster with a towel, moreover, in a real time mode, in which case they shoot three shots at a time. Great plus blasterіv polagaє in їх piercing be-like armor and/or magic zakhistu. Not less than a great minus - at a recognizably small equal cost.

Mysteries of magic

Calling on everything, most of the respect of the rozrobniks was consecrated not to bringing the various types of destruction to the rose, but to balancing the curse of all nine enchanting spheres. Your efforts were crowned with success: you don’t have any one overworking (or rather, omnipotent) oath, if the sign of such an oath would be necessary to use all other spells.

Well, the time has come to walk through the magical divisions, to make up the most important and important curses. Vrahuyte, that the paladin has access to only the first three spheres: Spirit, Body and Rosum; the cleric of the Crimean set to learn the magic of the Light and the magic of Temryavi. The archer, on the other hand, the building touches the sense of less than the elemental fundamentals: Earth, Wind, Drive and Fire; and the magician to add to the th Chaklun repertoire those magics of Light and Temryavi.

As you can see, the cleric will not let the flames go out, and the enchanter is unlikely to learn how to juggle mercenaries, so in order to achieve the best results, try to combine admiration and shortcomings of the quiet ranks of the other classes and the spheres that are open to them. One more kindness of joy: evenly rozpodіlіt obov'yazki vygodnіvі v vyvchennі oath. The magician, who is trying to achieve perfection at the victoriousness of the six spheres, behind the back of the curses for bad luck. As soon as possible, let's go back to the heart and become the master of Water and Fire, and then we will “pump” the magic of Temryavi to the maximum.

Truth be told, the second option is to have all the members of the corral penned by experts in all areas of magic available to them, and then we’ll only “cheat” the magician and the cleric. The sense of the axis of the chomu is the power of spells in an expert, and the laying is greater in equal to the power of spells in an uninitiated one, but the power of spells of a master outweighs the power of spells of an expert. Prote “robiti” of an expert is cheaper, lower maistri. Work the visnovki yourself.

One more joy: not to work masters in one and the same sphere at the same time with two and more characters. As you can see, you will marry two hares ...

Also, try not to win magic with a great radius of fire in settlements and in the Temple of Snake dungeons, so as not to pick up NPCs who are celebrating Christmas.

There is a chance to duplicate only part of the spells in different characters. Paladin varto teach all healing spells and add two main attackers - Harm and Flying Fist, and let the archer learn part of the set of three elements Fireball (Fireball, Inferno and іn) and Water spirits of Fire).


The paladin’s heart is inspired by the magic of the Spirit, which specializes in oaths, how to increase the hero’s performances (luck, bad luck, hits), so that they rejoice and turn the dead comrades to life.

Particularly varto stands for the Shared Life spell, which miraculously works at the link with the body Power Cure. “Sub-life” and change the life of all members of the corral, and “Strong Rejoicing” at once improves their health. The tactic is the most effective, if the heroes are dead and unsound, then others will have a bad time.

Some people swear about the Turn Undead oath, which turns the undead into hell.

To the point, to hell with the kings of skeletons, I strongly recommend getting a paladin to get it Remove Curse: cursed goodies often smear, plus they have serious problems with chaklunstvo.

Unfortunately, there are no such riddles about the oath of war in the sphere of the Spirit.

Healing Touch is basically cast as a paladin for the exalted cleric who is in an unfamiliar state. Come to you, the rest rejoice at yourself and those other characters already yourself.


Clerics work deacons in the magic of Tila, vicorist for the exaltation of ailments and weaknesses, neutralize and heal wounds.

Tue, two attack spells are available to them. "Skoda" (Harm) helps a lot in the middle of the game through its cheapness and infamous driving power, and the axis "Flying Fist" (Flying Fist) often does not really do its magic vartost. Unfortunately, a significant part of the protruding monsters is good to endure as a “Kulak” and “Shkodi” (for example, those skeletons).

Before going to the Abandoned Temple, it is obligatory to buy the Protection from Poison oath, or (more shortly - i) Cure Poison - otherwise you will be tormented to the temple for the joy of close acquaintance with the mast snakes. After the resurrection of all the oath of Tila, shift the cleric to the resurrection of the sphere of Light.


Fairly seeming, diametrically protracted look M & M6 fans on the magic of Rozuma can spantelichity be-whom. In my humble opinion, from the circle of the sphere you really need less than three oaths, and not just need it, but show yourself important in life.

Pererahovaya: Cure Afraid (in the form of swaying characters it is unlikely that miracles of heroism can be achieved), Cure Paralysis (you should love to indulge in gargoyles with paralysis) and Cure Insanity (a mischievous magician - maybe a dead magician, even if you don’t need to repair the necessary mana).

It’s better for everything, you should know Feeblemind (for a certain hour you “see” all the magic at the enemy), or maybe you can get Telekinesis, if you don’t want it - it’s easier with your hand to replace the screenshot, vikoristovuyuchi the Disarm Trap. Cultivation of magic to Rozum falls as a whole on the paladin's tendented shoulders. Maystrom is not necessary for him, but the expert’s knowledge should be taken away.


The low efficiency of the magic of the Earth is obvious; In my opinion, the number of oaths of the singing world is unique.

Stun, as if yelling at the name, for some time stuns the enemy and at the same time injects some aggression, Deadly Swarm is a bad oath against the average strength of monsters, and Stone Skin (known to HMM gamers) is more offensive.

I will especially appoint two oaths from the opposite authorities. If you don’t need Stone to Flesh much, the shards of heroes turn Medusa into stone, which rarely grinds, then for the help of Flesh to Stone, you yourself will turn into a stone may be a monster.

Originally Rock Blast: throw a little stone, which will sway, in the air, in the walls and other crossings, may be like a grenade from Quake, and vibrate, having flown into the enemy. Try vikoristati tse oath in attacks from behind the horn, or let the stone near the small room, de vin always know your victim. In the meantime, I’m sure that the substitute for “Kamintsya”, “Fire Wall”, is succesful, accurate and dievish.

І rest: far-reaching Death Blossom – sooner minus, lower plus. Tim is more, but alone, without a rich oath, without delay independently, without forward guidance, drink to the point.


The main tasks of the archer will be the development of the magic of Povіtrya, with a couple of receiving copies of the combat chaklunstvo and with an indestructible selection of brown ones from the pobutі spelіv. Whatever you say, a professional without a Wizard Eye may be like no hands. Zgadane swears a curse until life is like a radar, on which the moving monsters and the place of rozashuvannya of rich valuable dribnits are indicated.

"Radar" itself allows you to look into the most serious "bug" of AI. Poljagaє wіn vіn pragnіnі brіvіn follow sіvіn krivdniki, vybirayuchi the shortest path. If the monster knows that the heroes are on the opposite side of the wall, then they will not try to go around the wall, but will stand opposite and check. More often than not, this clearing at the sight of monsters turns into their shtovhanini along the corners not far from the door opening, tucked behind a pedestal, or with a fluted zupinka through the nebzhannya around the corner. Take the Wizard Eye for help and visibly win such information about the wondrous behavior of your opponents.

As for Feather Fall, it practically doesn't win against another known "bug" in M&M6. For a safe fall from high heights, press “Enter” at once. If you land safely, turn back at once. Everything is ingeniously simple, why not, sir?

The advancing idea of ​​Lightning, it’s not necessary to talk about it a lot, bliskavka - out of Africa bliskavka. At the right time, the shooter has an archer, no doubt, tormenting the enemies of Implosion, the benefit of monsters, who can be immune to this oath, may not be.

One of the strongest spells (although not attached to victoriousness in places), Flight allows you to visit important locations, as well as to shoot at the beast and water the enemies with a meteor shield, so that little misfortune can opine under you.


Magic Water. It’s not surprising, but in the main, the scope of the Lord is to take revenge on your own attacking miracle. Ice Bolt, perhaps, is the only pleasant way to fight the spirits of Fire, wanting to win miraculously having proven itself when tested in the minds of the sexes against other monsters through the use of the spіvvіdnoshenna "churn - win money".

You can’t say the same about Ice Blast: wine is unsuitable for active congestion due to non-transferability and high price.

Acid Burst, due to its nature of indiscretions, is no more than a belligerent suffocation of a human being, even if there is a little known in the enchanting right.

Surely, in the sphere of Water there are daily spells of peace. Awaken - the only way to wake up team members who have fallen asleep with their hands. In another moment, the stench will spill out of your life.

Water Walk is easily replaced by Fly, if you want to stay more expensive, ale litaty richly cicave, just walk on the water.

Add to the list of non-combat oaths a sprinkling of methods for militant movement in space. Tse Town Portal (transfer you to the fountain of the city) and Lloyd's Beacon (essentially, teleportation at the back of the marked place).

Here's a little trick: theoretically, Master Vodi could create five Lloyd's Beacon's, but in reality they created up to twenty maidans for teleport. Enchanter fills all available slots, and then changes his position in the corral control, enter a new position) and deny access to the next five non-replaceable Beacon "iv. For the great bazhannya, the process of changing fitmen is repeated again. Twenty maidanchiks at once - five maidanchik positions at the skin one. all zusil, sob yaknaishvidshe otrimati in nіy masternist.


Without a doubt, the greatest set of attacking spells is with the magic of Fire.

Z nebagatyoh vlastvih tsіy spheres of peaceful people to curse apparently Torch. To enter the shoe set after waking up in the chergovy dungeon. You don’t need to strain your eyes (ay, Unreal!), to look at what kind of monster is coming to you. At the pіdzemelli, the tar skip burns steadily - it's an axiom. True, in nature, Torch is not corrosive, the haze of the night of the wines is weakly broken, so you better get the day.

If Haste is worth it, then wine is more corny, lower shkidlivy. We don’t give serious troubles, but those that the characters become badgers and actives are finished.

And now about licorice: about the oath that they will burn the flesh of the enemy. Good old comrade Fire Bolt - cheap for money and finances, ale verno against the average power of monsters.

To the services of Fireball "and go into the distance with the enemies that are squirming in the distance. A more effective oath, you won’t say anything.

The offensive spell Ring of Fire zastosovuetsya at the link with the Wizard Eye for the adversaries who are behind the walls and doors. Most of the vipadkiv veins contagiously burn opponents over (!) and pid (!) you (one top is higher and lower). It's great to be able to climb up to the camp of the opponent and a sprat of times to zasosuvati "Vognyanye kіltse" on the top speed.

However, if you already know Meteor Storm, then there is no sense of such tactics. In my opinion, it’s the most beautiful spell that gets used to the open world against all sorts of different monsters: starting from goblins to hydro, titans and dragons. Praise Meteor Storm no sense, yoga diyu requires bachiti.

It's true, there are two "ale". First, the enemy is guilty of buti on the ground, or parity to do it low to get rid of shkodi from a meteorite strike. And in a different way, tse oath vіdomo Demon King'u. Far away watering to you, lads - and if it were far away, try to spend the beat near the floor.

Inferno - you can’t imagine anything, but through its availability on the cob it will be not without reason when attacking hundreds of skeletons at the wild temple of Baa.

Incinerate is my choice, not only mine, but the absolute choice of a professional. Try yoga in the dії u pіdzemellyakh - vpevneniy, scho you like it. However, the appendage is near the middle of the gri, so it is closer to the end. In order not to miss and not waste such a valuable spell for nothing, use Incinerate in the turn-based mode. Before the speech, the tree in the grі gnestіyki, that will not fall for the fire.


Let's talk about the great and very Light sphere.

Create Food is simply invisible, so you don't want to work endlessly going to the tavern for a hedgehog. If you sleep on the grass (wander in one single їzhi), then you can instill a new profane at the magic of Svіtlan, you can slander zagіn. To give respect, that, having grown up with a camp on the road, spend twice more than їzhі (two singles їzhі). Zagalom, to efficiently win Create Food, train the character as a minimum equal to an expert Light.

With the appearance of Golden Touch in the event of a need for official flights nearest place with the method of selling speeches that were lost after the enemies. Miraculously replace the beginner of trade, don't use the oskelki in the expert Light in pennies anymore.

We did not know the true zastosuvannya of Dispel Magic.

Slow hot and cheaper, lower Paralyze, mayzhe vdvіchі, ale style w razіv yogo i hirshe. Trivality is the same for them, the enemy of paralysis is more of a receiving sight, lower yoga is simply a “galmation” brother.

If you see the undead, for which you can’t see Destroy Undead: for example, Greater Lich and Power Lich, and if you see skeletons like that, then the stench is too weak for the real zastosuvannya of such an exhausting oath.

Prismatic Light is an analogue of Inferno, it looks like a new subvoenoy Skoda and mani vitrates.

Sun Ray may not zastosovuetsya (hiba scho against dragons), so that only on open air, you can easily replace Meteor Storm.

I swear the Divine Intervention oath, allowing the cleric to go to heaven, so that I will rejoice over the whole group, along the way, znimayuchi all negative become. To swear on an amateur, in my opinion, it’s better to just visit the temple, to spend a good dozen lives for one service from the side of the gods.

About Day of the Gods and Hour Power, it's a special story. For a hundred loneliness mani you turn the group into a right machine of death. The process of depositing vorogiv at the stack will become an everyday and a lot of great work.



As there is no day without a night, so the magic of the Light cannot exist without its own dimension - the magic of Temryavi. A characteristic feature of the victorious Dark Chaklunstvo is the greatest in equal parts with other spheres of vitrati mani, which is compensated by the high power of the oath and its unconventionality.

The first step is to Reanimate. Yogo confession is not familiar, imovirno, it is necessary for reapring the pardoned NPC. A very possible variant of the monster's resurrection and further driving in with a method of increasing the group's standing.

The greatest friend of the otruynika, Toxic Cloud, works well against demons and other evils by advancing the support to greater fortune spells.

Shrapmetal is a good mark of "remarkable": the only spell that can be played (respect!) in all directions. Try to zastosovuvati yogo, pіdіyshovshi vpritul to the enemy, so that he ate less than three-chotiri pieces of baked metal. It is noted that if Master Temryavi eats at the dragon with all the shells, then the creature is no longer a lingerer.

On the vіdmіnu vіd Shrapmetal, the oath Finger of Death will only try to defeat the opponent, in case of which the ability of the one who is alive is great. Everything is reduced to "forgive - do not spare." Imovirnist vezіnnya at non-majstrіv Temryavi is miserably small.

Moon Ray - "neither fish, nor m'yaso". I rejoice badly, and Skoda is small for monsters. Tim is more, that normal people "like a thief in the night" do not fight, but vvazhayut for better virishuvati their day.

Dragon Breath can be named for beautiful eyes: luckily for you, dragons don't hide with it. In winged bests, when you appear, they blame difficulties on dihannyam. This is the strongest oath in M&M6, but it still has a decent hitting radius.

Now Armageddon - the right confession and the grudge in the eyes of divini - have become a mystery to me. If you bathe in pennies, buy - you can come in handy for something. If you want to get the reputation of the Filthy Boy for a fake, then stop in the Free Haven region.

What you don’t need to spend a penny on, so on Mass Curse and Shrinking Ray, or else cast a spell in gr, named Dark Containment, don’t just curse and change the enemy, but also evil, paralyze, turn to stone, change the reaction, enchant it yoga magic for a "ridiculous" price of 200 (two hundred) mani units. The only problem is that Dark Containment is closer to the end of the world after the completion of the mystery of the Obelisks.

Prerechno commemorate that in the presence of weak sores and richness of other ill-worn heroes to defend the Day of Protection, it squandered to a hot five spells, necessary for the survival of your children.

Good, trash and neutral

Looking back at the statistics of the groupie ( Z) You should mark the Reputation column, which reflects the setting of the average statistical bag of Enroth to all members of the corral.

Renown pours in like on your success in roses with NPCs, so there are a lot of game pods. So, especially shkіdlіvі characters can't fight with the lords, who linger at the castles, the shards of them are simply beaten up to the hole. However, bad things, and good things can be forgotten by the authorities in an hour, so, having gone through the river to freedom, you will lean on a neutral reputation.

Negative reputation:

Notorious - buti baked with a wicked one; necessary for the health of mastery in Dark Magic;

Monstrous - stingy; it is enough to kill the population of a small town for a swedish otrimannya tsgogo rank;

Despicable - irritated;

Vile - evil, pidly;

Bad - buy after a few recent attempts to blackmail some other obscene actions, and follow the quest after turning the candelabra;

Average - neutral reputation, does not change over time.

Positive reputation:

Respectable - which status will be given to you after a few donations to the temple; unfortunately, more Respectable your reputation does not move;

Honorable - it doesn't matter if you try to do it, just don't kill the filthy vchinkіv and win the quest;

Glorious - to take away the title of "glorious", perform feats more often, until the inhabitants of Enrot forget about them;

Angelic - "similar to an angel"; koristuetsya neabiyakoy povaloy, and the beastly baggage of the NPC is just a reverence;

Saintly - only a saint was given the opportunity to become a master of the magic of the Light; It’s important for the saints, but it’s possible, so that you can regularly win important quests (the handover of the lords of the lands of that Oracle).

Crime of the best guessing ways to improve / reduce the reputation of many others. It’s not easy to become super ugly, it’s even simpler, having lived for two dozen civilians, but it’s important to finish a good booty. Otzhe, it is permissible to sobі lka porad, as if left in the memory of the human kind and kind.

Do not threaten NPCs by any means, but ask them to buy them. Do not contact the human brush buyer at Free Haven. Do not rejoice at the temples that are sacred to Baa. At the Vishomu Temple of Baa (which in Kriegspire) do not hang around the gigantic stone image of this god - if you want a leather member of the group, you take 50 thousand singles of recognition, your reputation is sharply stribne down. Wrath, that deyakі characters, yakі suprovodzhuyut group, so much to add to the reputation. For example, hiring a newcomer to trade, a villain like a bard, glorifies the valor of heroes in our yards. Another pleasure - to speed up the time interval between the quests, check out Lloyd's Beacon and Town Portal. If you work well, do it once for a few months, then give Respectable right away.

It is logical that the practical employment of Dark magic is also step by step to change the reputation of the heroes.

About become

Mayzhe all shkіdlivim camps of power are characterized by the physionomy of the hero - to marvel at the appearance of the subordinates, and you will understand what is up to what. The stages of unsafe illnesses are attributed to the color of the inscription: greens - a minimal threat to health, yellow - a disease of moderate severity, and red - a serious death. It is easy to remember that some sores on the back of the head cannot carry in themselves unsafe for life (for example, Drunk), and some are only fatal (Eradicated). All types of sickness rejoice in the temple, for pennies, amazingly. Priests also don't mind maximizing the life and mana of a healthy character for a small wine town.

Sometimes a hero becomes "happy" as a volunteer of many shkіdlivih stanіv. The most ridiculous thing is that the stench is superimposed one on one and you bachite less one sickness. This is a serious "bug". For example, a dream was sent to the fitter. When you look at someone, you only look snarky, and the snarky hero of the building rises in front of the enemies, but when he falls asleep, he doesn’t! Don't get excited, don't show the right mouse on the portrait until you show another yoga camp. Go to the characteristics of the character and click on the column Conditions with a rodent, you will know how much time to sleep and be afraid of your child.

Afraid. An evil character spends half of his intellect, specialty and brilliance, natomist otrimyuyuchi little advantage in intelligence and strength.

Neutralization: Remove Fear (Mind)

asleep. I have two options to become. Abo is the dream of a group of buv being interrupted by the attack of monsters, or it is the cause of magic. A sleeping hero does not join in the battlefield, but like a comrade, it is the order to shout in pain.

Neutralization: a year, a blow, Awaken (Water).

Cursed. The damned hero is not happy with the motor, if he wants everything to be successful. A warrior cannot concentrate for a first strike, but often misses through it. Mages are no better - spratsovuє only one oath from three creations. So I want to say "Damn!".

Neutralization: Remove Curse (Spirit).

Dead. Life, as it seems, is given only once ... ex, once, that one time, that one more time ... After death, they teleport you to New Sorpigal, they take a penny (as you didn’t put the entire preparation in the bank), nothing will change anymore. Get rid of all the items from the inventory, all the skills and statistics, as well as one item, which you caught with a bear, but have not yet put in the "trunk". The number of deaths is recorded in the records about the reach of the heroes, so the only sense of uniqueness of death is that the mother did not write “N deaths”, de N is the number of deaths.

Neutralization: Raise Dead (Spirit).

Diseased. Infections with ailment the character suffers from a decrease in physical health (strength, vitality, flexibility, agility), and if there is more unsafe ailment - rozumovy (speciality, intellect). Success does not change. After a change, only a part of the lives and magical loneliness are restored. Moreover, if the sickness is unsafe, it is less healthy and mani to appear in the character after sleep (half - with a green step, a third - with a yellow one).

Neutralization: Cure Disease (Body).

Drunk. It is a sign of success, the flooring is changing strength and vibrancy. Reshta of other indications decreases even more, and spritnist falls by 90% in the weekend.

Sp'yaninnya is the only misfortune, as you can't give in to neutralization for additional magic. Sleep and everything is like a hand.

Neutralization: vіdpochinok.

eradicated. It is important that you become worse than death, the shards of the hero are dying, but you are consuming your body well. This camp is most often organized by the Terminators (Terminator Unit), and others and by themselves, not far off chiming with the bulbs. All the verses about death can be summed up in roses about the victorious.

Neutralization: Resurrection (Spirit).

Good. A normal camp, with a yakomu, the character is rebuffed under the infusion of any ailment. Beware of sores, and you will die in the same order.

Insane. In a half-witted short-witted magician, like in other heroes, displays of intelligence and specialness go down sharply, and after sleep, wines are thrown from a zero amount of magical energy. However, madness is not for warriors (especially for faces, like magic does not lead to shkodi), robloxes are berserkers, endowing with gigantic strength that unimaginable insensitivity to pain. The madness of the second wife increases the strength of the characters, the second one has more vibrancy and a little more.

Neutralization: Cure Insanity (Mind).

paralyzed. The paralysis is actively overpowered by gargoyles. The hero is constantly marveling at one point, not reacting to the outrageous teasers and not robbing the everyday ones. Tovk of a paralyzed character is pragne zero.

Neutralization: Cure Paralysis (Mind).

Poisoned. According to the injection, the poisoning is rich in what is similar to an ailment. So the quantity of mani itself changes and healthy after sleep, however, judging by the smaller change in the statistics of the heroes, it is less evil, that oath, which is merciful, the stained mani is twice as less.

Neutralization: Cure Poison (Body).

Stoned. Transformation of a well-taken fit onto a stone statue; zastosovuєtsya less than jellyfish. The effect is similar to paralysis, the prote steps of insecurity appear not with a yellow color, but with a chervonim. Vartist rejoicing in the temple at the same time.

Neutralization: Stone to Flesh (Earth).

Unconscious. Nesvidomy camp, which has a heavily wounded hero. Occupies an intermediate position between life and death: if an untiring character starts to finish off the enemy, then he will die. At the unfamiliar camp of the heroes (perceived) not to shy away the annual days, but to check the term and the proper glee. If all the heroes are uneasy, then the group will die.

Neutralization: recovery, restoration of lost health.

Weak. Weakness on the main characteristics does not add up, but if the worn-out hero has more breaks between attacks, then the task strike appears to be weaker for points.

Neutralization: Cure Weakness (Body).


Before seeing the shoes, you should go to the seer (Seer) near the Ironfist region, to consult about the shrine, which is about this month. For praying for the next time, the character takes away 10 units of singing characteristics, and for repeated visits at the upcoming fates - only three. The month is spent not only on the vіvtarі, but also on the “Cart share”.

Bootleg Bay Intellect Mist (trochs on pіvnіch vіd mista) Individuals of the Silver Cove Vitrivality of the White Cap (order of the lord's castle) Spatnosti Free Haven Shvidkist Mire of the Damned (at the exit from the place) Good luck New Sorpigal (island at the exit from the pier) Fire Kriegspire (in the middle of the volcano, next to the castle) Electricians Castle Ironfist Cold Kriegspire (center of the card, order with a hut) Otruta Eel Infested Waters Magic Blackshire
Month Type of vіvtarya Region
Sichen seely
leaf fall

Share cards

Before that, how to win on the characters of Decks of Fate, to sort out their features. It has been established that the effect of the cards should be deposited on the month of that day, at the hour of such stinks were stained. For a month of strength, the stench will increase strength itself, and for a month of success - success. Building cards increase one characteristic from one to four alone. The minimum (+1) increase in success will be the stretch of the first day of the month of success, the maximum (+4) - the stretch of the fourth day of the next month.

Practical activities for alchemy

Leather from the members of the corral can (and will) wear sprats with alchemy zills. For the help of tsikh zillya, you can heal the character, remove it, restore it to health, or magical energy and bring back more deeds from yoga characteristics.

It’s easy to get ready for the zillya - the sik grows into the little bun, then we sip the sik with the juice from the other buns. Given the number of possible options for mixing bulbs among themselves, it is effectively large - for the most modest estimates, it exceeds two hundred. However, don’t worry about the number, it’s not a fact that the experiment will end successfully and you’ll take the combinations out of the potions and new ones out of the different traits and power. Moreover, singing ways of sounding call out a small vibe, the tightness of which to lie in the strength of the bulbs, which vicorist in good fortune.

Before we speak, the necessary empty and freshly packed bulbs are found in various screens or boxes and are freely sold in alchemy shops. There, bathing and necessary for the last growth, the stench is also scattered across the territory of any regions. Sound the walk along the banks of the river, let the grass grow, be sufficient for the preparation of a pair of black potions.

Theoretically, for the strength of the injection, those values ​​\u200b\u200bof all the zillas are divided for chotirma by the main groups, or equals. In the description, there is a little about the color of the bulbs, then they are indicated by their English name (as it is used in other colors similar to the color), the components of the effect of the sill.

Zilla of the first river

Get ready with a path to pour magical dewy on an empty bottle. Koshtuyut ten gold coins.

Chervone\u003d red berries (Widoweep berries) + bottle.

Effect of renewal of 10 health units.

Blue= black root (Rhina Root) + bottle.

Effect: Renewal of 10 mani units.

Zhovte\u003d Zhovt_ tickets (Poppysnaps) + bottle.

Effect: Timchasovy zbіlshennya seven main characteristics of 10 units.

Zilla of another equal

Bulbashok are created from the resurfacing. Cost twenty five five gold pieces.

Green= Zhovte + Blakitne.

Effect: timchasovy zbіlshennya vsіh oporіv 10 od.

violet= chervone + blakytne.

Effect: neutralization wipe off.

Orange\u003d chervoniy + zhovtiy.

Effect: timchasovoe increase in protection by 10 od.

Zilla of the third river

Up to tsієї group enter utі zіllya white color yakі, at his heart, come out of alchemy experiments with different-colored bulbs. Cost f'fifty gold coins.

Bile(Super Resistance) = blackitene + green.

Bile(Bless) = violet + black.

Effect: similarly to the one-name oath, bless the characters. Trivality - 6 years.

Bile(Stone Skin) = orange + black.

Effect: acting similarly to the one-named oath, provoking a defense. Trivality - 6 years.

Bile(Haste) = yellow + green.

Effect: similarly to the one-name oath, quicken the character's death. Trivality - 6 years.

Bile(Extreme Energy) = orange + yellow.

Effect: temporal increase of seven main characteristics by 20 od.

Bile(Heroism) = red + orange.

Effect: similar to the one-name spell, zbіshuє Skoda, which is applied by the character. Trivality - 6 years.

Bile(Restoration) = purple + green.

Effect: more formidable character in the face of stormy misfortunes, death and skam'yanennya.

Bile(Extreme Protection) = green + orange.

Effect: timchasovoe increase in the level of protection by 20 od.

Zilla of the Fourth Rivnya

Up to the tsієї group enter the zіlla of black color, yakі, insanely, є the strongest and most foldable in preparation. Koshtuyut a hundred gold pieces. Rejoice that all the seven “Essense of…” bulbs are permanent.

Chorne(Essence of Intellect) = blackite + white (Stone Skin).

Effect: increase intelligence by 15, change rank by 5.

Chorne(Essence of Personality) = blackite + white (Restoration).

Effect: increase the person by 15, change the speed by 5.

Chorne(Essence of Luck) = purple + white (Super Resistance).

Effect: Increased success by 15, reduced scatter by 5.

Chorne(Essence of Might) = red + white (Heroism).

Effect: Increase rank by 15, decrease intelligence by 5.

Chorne(Essence of Speed) = red + white (Haste).

Effect: increase speed by 15, change special by 5.

Chorne(Essence of Accuracy) = yellow + white (Bless).

Effect: Increase sprit by 15, change success by 5.

Chorne(Essence of Endurance) = yellow + white (Supreme Protection).

Effect: increase person by 15, change strength by 5.

Chorne(Divine Cure) = orange + white (Restoration).

The effect is similar to 100 health units. The character is old on river.

Chorne(Divine Magic) = green + white (Super Resistance).

The effect is similar to 100 mani units. The character is old on river.

Chorne(Divine Power) = violet + white (Extreme Energy).

Effect: the character of Timchas gets 20 rubles. The character is old on river.

Chorne(Divine Cure) = green + white (Extreme Energy).

Effect: removes from the character the traces of magical antiquity. All the main sim indications are reduced by one.

In case of independent alchemy activities, be careful to protect that choice. Don't beat yourself to the last, vicorist like one of the two ingredients of black sill. However, if you came to visit your best friend (which is the same guy in M&M6) and if you want to rule over you, or just fire it up, then send it to you for a moment:

Bile zilla (Haste) + Chorne (Essence of Personality);

Bile zilla (Haste) + Chorne (Divine Cure).

Vіyna - nіsenіtnitsa, smut - maneuver

Might & Magic 6 has a non-crossing postulate. Itself to maneuver to give the opportunity for a weak corral to resist and remagnetize strong enemies. Axis of mi th is considered deyakі z mozhlivih maneuverіv.

Strategic access

As soon as your magician becomes the master of Water and the new Town Portal and Loyd's Beacon spells appear, you can perform one of the easiest and most effective maneuvers with the gr.

Let's say you need to clear the Dragonsands area. Get to the area so that there are no dragons (for which you get to the area at a cost from the Blacshire area), and let the magician set up a beacon (Set Beacon). Cast all possible cast spells on the entire group. Look around. As soon as you commemorate the dragon, let forward in zigzags (so that the dragon does not consume it with its fire) triumphant attack (your zagin), which, with the kick of the company, chant the words of one of the characters of the Golden Calf: “Look at the million!”. Having approached the dragon, switch to the cover mode and quickly deal with it, after which let the magician negainoly transfer the entire group for the help of the Town Portal spell to the New Sorpigal place. Now lead the group to the mystic temple. If all the members of the corral are alive (enough, if they only have one hit point) and if you are not smart enough to dizzy spells, or turn away, then outside the restoration of your health and mani, it will cost you a total of 10 gold per person (at all other temples for likuvannya you will be rich in riches). Viyshovshi from the temple, the mage will re-zastosu Loyd's Beacon (Recall Beacon) and turn the group to the Dragonsands area. So, as a really few hours have passed, then all the spells have been cast in the future, as before, you don’t need mana on them. for the damn dragon.

The Danish method allows you to quickly pass underground that area, thereby raising the reputation of your heroes, which is even more important, if you want to hire some of them as the mayor of the Light.

The uniqueness of hawk shells

The tactics that are described are more suitable for the masters of the Fly spell. Once you've beaten the enemy, choose one of the two patterns of behavior. If you don’t shoot vin and don’t corrode with magic, you can’t prove vin on direct attack to the beast. If the monster throws itself with any kind of hyodotoy with the method of hitting the heroes that fly, then get close to the new one and switch to the protection mode. In this mode, the heroes are impromptu to move around, but they can be able to ( pg upі PgDn) rise and fall, by the same token uniquely “shells”. For a sharp exit from the fortune-teller, I sang to press Home. Another good moment - in the covert regime, the chance to spend at the enemy’s curse is approximately 85% - 95%, so that one stands on the spot and does not get smartened up, inspire to kill.

"Bug" with teleporting spells

As in the real time mode, the hour of the battle with the enemies goes to the look of the book with spells, then the hour, as it seems, will chirp. However, if the mage zastosuva Town Portal or Lloyd's Beacon, that hour will be new, and you will be attacked by enemies, so the mage still chooses where the group needs to teleport, so that you do not finish reading your magic book. If you don’t kill the enemies, in order to avoid the repetition of situations, go to the safe mode.

Hang around for an hour in big mode. Unfortunately, the Auto Run function is not available for this person, so trim the key Shift. In the open, practice running diagonally, in the landings - backwards backwards, sob, organized in steps, not letting the monsters out of the field at dawn. At the hour of such an exit, periodically look at the "Radar", so that the unexpected appearance of opponents at the body did not find the heroes of the znenatska. Leaning on the fresh weather, immediately put an oath on the fold: in the eyes of the thieves it is easier to see, the visibility is far away, that once the swidkistity of the card is doubled. For example, for an hour and a half, you can get around any region for three-chotiri hvilini.

Search the corpses of the enemies. So you will pick up a sum of gold and you will know the price of riches. More than that, it seems that some types of monsters (dragons, titans, efrits and great virms) can mother with their own artifact or relic. Particularly often, objects are guessed to live with red dragons. Obov'yazkovo to bring the novice of caution (Reception) to the level of an expert or a master - it is necessary to open the doors at the Great Temple of Baa, and also to be needed when revealing secret doors, pastes and transitions. Information about them is displayed on the "radar" - automaps. It is also noted that the hero of the most fervently guarded can have more chances to take the river from the corpse of a fallen monster, lower comrades.

Actual enemies of the building lamati of speech in the inventory of the characters, after the battle, have a good time. If you remember that the hero has bad armor or armor, then it’s better to please them in the hour of battle. Know the character, give a friend a newbie to repair, clack the mouse, and pull back. Continue your ratna practice.

Do not "powder" Skoda, what the enemy is doing. Wait a minute, even better to drive in one monster and not to cheep the others, to beat them all. To restore respect, that the monsters may start to regenerate "life" again, so that you will deprive yourself of accommodation, or you will move to the offensive area.

Handy at the computer, to “pull up” to M&M6, prepare a clean arkush paper and a pen or a sheep. Such preparation is obov'yazkovo zadoblyaetsya, shards significant part of the information is not automatically displayed in the next note. Zakrema, I happen to write down or remember all the thoughts of the villagers in the drive of speeches, what to call you, and also especially important information for the plot tasks - I divided the "Quest" to finish talking dryly about your assignment.

Heroes, like the mafia, are immortal. The characters, brought to the thousandth anniversary for the sake of fun, lost their lives and health. Obviously, the stink of the military art has decreased, and a number of characteristics have been added, but, judging by the appearances, the heroes have become young and unturbulent. The second fact: there is a large number of stained women at dear fates, it is necessary to change the statistics after the end of the fire.

Experiment with both soft and real-time modes.

The first miracle for battles on the surface, the other is more needed in the undergrounds. Call for good results in the battle with one or the other strong and strong monsters;

Bring on the magic for bringing graves to light. Leaning against the underground, immediately stop your feet singing: Day of Gods, Day of Protection, Hour of Power, Torch and Wizard's Eye. protected by such a rank, the characters for a proper approach without a risk for life will be healed like a creature.

Be sure to tell us about Create Food - you can always stock up, so you won't be able to sleep. In nature, when you see Torch, fly at the speed of Fly, and change your clothes less at the station. Summer of life is important in the Dragonsands region and is especially relevant in the perk mode.


Graemo cunningly

Vikoristovuvaty pardons and shortcomings of programmers ("bugs") in grі - no longer shahrayuvaty, but to show clemency and clemency. For lovers of this kind of makeup, we reveal the secrets of Might & Magic 6.

Removal of access to the fences for the first class

Let's take it as the butt of a magician. At rich gamblers' grandeur, pack a chaklun in plank armor and hand him a two-handed sword, theoretically an impossible enchanter, and a viable newcomer. Good, go to the nearest guild Berserker's Fury or Blade's End, buy the mage all the props to him. Then, continuously click the bear on the writing to say "Seek knowledge elsewhere ..." (the loan process is approximately pivkhvilini), and as soon as you feel the sound of pennies, that they are shaking, take note that the magician has added one new, inaccessible to you Navik. If you want to take away other benefits, continue the process of recruiting newcomers. Seeing the insults of the fortune-telling of the guild, you can train the enchanter with a sword, a copy and a sword, and also be able to wear chain mail and plank armor, koristuvatisya with a shield. Such a trick is practiced by all members of the party, regardless of the current century, the status of that class movement. Like it or not, but the plank armor is the best, and in all of them, without a fault, the characters are less sensitive to the attacks of the witches, that sword in the hands of the cleric looks richer than the maces. If you see yourself speeding up with a fortune-telling cheat, then get ready to tinker a little, as much as possible, so that the heroes happen to leave the guild's quarters, and then take them back again. Patience, only patience, and everything you see.

Change NPC individuals

As soon as you save the game and immediately zavantazhite fresh “save”, then talk about the villagers, who wander around here and there, remember the professions. Tick ​​this bug to know the required companion type.

Change items

Drive in a monster (for example, a hydra), save yourself and scour the creature in order to know whether there is an object. After the remembrance, it is not important to remember that the object raised from that very corpse will be known differently.

If you really want to and spend ten minutes, then there is a chance to know how to do it right.

Swords on the stone

Even on the cob itself, trochs on the way out of the New Sorpigal place, there is a sword by the stone. The attacking sword of rotting on the island of Trochy on the pivnich in the Ironfist castle. The list can be continued for a long time. In order to reach the sword, the character needs a song of strength: ring out that you tighten your armor, then the hero is more responsible for reporting for a successful copy. For example, in order to make the miraculous Excalibur break from the stone, which beat the Alamos castle, the warrior is guilty of a mother force of at least 200 (!) Ones. So the axis of the secret lies in the fact that the gra is not vrakhovu, the natural strength is victorious, but it is timely enhanced by a magical rank. For tієї meti miraculously spratsyuє oath Power (Strength).

Lift yak zasib fight

In many dungeons for the descent and the descent, the heroes are corralled by pylons, as if they were induced by the onslaught of buttons. With a diligent approach, the lifts vicorist to ease the fight against part of the rotting of nearby monsters. Cast the spell Speed ​​and Haste on the whole group, after switching to the cover mode, call the driver from the monster as a passenger. The first one wakes up, bezkarno vdarte yogo kіlka razіv three heroes; and the axis of the remaining member of the corral presses the button to lower the elevator.

The trick of identifying speeches

If you favor the evil spirit, then you can automatically assign all the powers to the identity of the identity.

Cunning from old oaths

After the zastosuvannya of the laborious spells, the magician is guilty of the fact that it appears at the yogo’s insufficiency to make it prolong the singing interval of the hour. Sometimes checks are brought in the first year of the game hour, that is the whole truth of the attack of the offensive military cunning. Otzhe, zastosovuєte oath and immediately go into the inventory of any character, clicking the bear. Choose a "busy" hero and push Esc. Now you can speed up again, be like a sang from your arsenal, turn on the light bulb of readiness until the diy (as instructed by the portrait) has not yet fallen off.

And how can you win?

First of all, bring a leaf to the successor of Baa, who you have, in a tavern in New Sorpigal. Gave this leaf to Prince Mikoli's guard at Ironfist Castle. Further, see the Oracle near the castle. There you will know that you need the viscount of the head of all the lords of the kingdom. It's easy to take the task - to see the castle, which is in some areas of Enroth, and talk to the lord there. Vikonannya zavdannya to provide you with the support of the lord, who gave you the zavdannya.

If you see all the goals, see the joy in the Free Haven area. There sit the representatives of the lords, whose needs have allowed you to eat up to one more Oracle.

However, you have a check on you. In principle, it is your fault to let you through, even if you can support all the lords. Ale, the representative of the royal guardian from the Ironfist castle is going to give his fortune for an audience with the Oracle. Turn back to the Ironfist castle and talk to the guard. Vіn you will be given one more day, after having worked it out, you will prove that the representative of this radnik is a cult of Baa. Zradnik will be vanquished, but you can eat until the new Oracle.

Tsim Oracle appears as a computer, deprivation of the Old Ones. Vin will give you the devil's task to know the crystals of yoga memory. If you know (the stench is found in dekilkoh undergrounds), the Oracle will remember its memory and remind you that the sounds of alien-demons (and turn Enroth) can be like destroying the reactor of their spaceship. Ale vibuh, which is inevitable for the winter, the building destroys the entire planet. You need to know how to localize vibrations.

The only one who can help is Archibald, brother of King Roland. Vin, appearing, didn’t go anywhere, they just turned the statue onto a stone statue and took it away from the royal library at the castle of Ironfist.

See the castle and talk to Prince Mikola. You happen to take Yogo to the circus, and then turn to the right castle, after which you will tell you that for Archibald’s birth, you need a “third eye” distance. Tse eye to lie at the well on the pіvnіch vіd Ironfist castle (for two kroki from the wall of the castle). Take an eye and bring it to the prince. Vin will give you an item needed by Archibald. Go to the library and cheer up the conqueror's misfortune. We will give you a gift with the necessary spells and teleport away (maybe, pick up an army for a new conquest of the world in Heroes of Might & Magic 3, the date of the release of which has already been announced).

Go to the Oracle Computer at Free Haven. If you have access to the Control Center, you will be able to find blasters - a bunch of Ancients, dbaily fitted with them just for the occasion of sorting out guests from outer space.

Take blasters and break into the world of aliens - Vulik, roztashovaniya in the area of ​​Sweet Water. There, just kill everyone and destroy the reactor with blasters. Like in one of your characters in the middle of speeches by Archibald suviy from spells, everything will be good - the ship of aliens will vibrate at once, and the spell from the scroll will stream the power of vibuhu.

The second variant of the completion of the gris is the destruction of the reactor near the underground without the gift given by Archibald (you can not take it out of the blue, just pick it up). Offenses are beautiful and I will look again.

Well, nasamkinets - one more little trick. For the idea, the reactor is only equipped with blasters, but practice has shown that it is enough to shoot from a bow or two-three hvilin crossbow. If you want to keep the information about the expenditure in a row, the actual “life” of the mechanism changes step by step.


In this region you rozpochinaєte your charitable deeds. Go back to the tavern and there, give people a leaf, which is in one of your pods. Take away a decent amount (on the cob moment) of pennies.

Enemies on the vіdkritіy mіstsevostі you will see two species - goblins and mages. With goblins, try to fight on the front, firing at them with spells / arrows (as long as goblins are for you an unacceptable opponent in close combat). And fight with the mages yourself at close range, maneuvering all the time, so that other mages could not get spells before you. Raju to conduct battles in real time, in this way you take away the possibility of slacking off in the post-shooting control) and step in at the right time (if your children are hurt badly).


Pump up the heroes of the level to the fourth, which is not easy to do - it’s enough to bring a leaf to the cult of Baa, and then deliver Yogo to the Ironfist castle. Hire a villager from the building Gate Master (like you have the daily oath of the Town Portal), try to change the inventory of the heroes in the form of obscene speeches. Go to the bank in the New Sorpigal region, put all the cooking that you have left on the rack. Click with a bear on the pivdenniy side of the jar, so that you can know there the suviy from the oaths. Now get close to the pivnіchny part of the guild Buccaneer's Den, fly up and land on the eaves of the bud. Switch to turn-based mode and click on the wall in front of you. having mercy on NATO dragons, go to the real time that shvidko fill in the middle of the application. Like a crying creature to catch a quail in a piv-corral, take care of a saved game and try again. In times of success, the Shrine of the Gods will appear in front of the heroes in the eyes of God. Get to it with a skin member of the group, so that you have to take off 20 singles each. all characteristics, and not less to the main seven. Torkat the shrine of the bagan at the turn-by-turn mode. Now look at the pivnіchno-zahіdnu wall, tick in it and you will be transferred to the secret underground. Here the right gaiety will start to sprout: a sprat of dozens of villagers, who are stupidly curling up, plus two goblins. In the office of the NWC, there is a terrible misfortune - a screeching roam of purchases of homeless gold, all kinds of objects ... Rise up the gatherings and go to the library. Look out for the book police, save some things in them. Insanely, the magician of the health of the ability to recover Inferno from the new book of spells. Nearby, the stars were planted on a sideboard, what do you give when skin look 500 gold. Without interruption, you can win over five thousand coins, you will reach a sum of 10,000 gold coins - more, unfortunately, until you win from the sideboard. If you have an oath Lloyd's Beacon and Town Portal, then put a yakіr bіla dzherel pennies and teleport to the place. Having left all the finances in the bank, turn around for an advancing portion of pennies. If you wander around the underground, then it doesn’t matter to bring out shafkas with unstained herbs and empty bottles. To pick them up, you need the stench to prepare black and white potions. click on the white cube on the table, to get some respect for the leader of the NWC. This cube gives +250 to all the main indicators of the heroes. If your life becomes simpler, your life becomes more fun. Don't forget to install Lloyd's Beacon.


There are two kіnskі pіdkovi lying near the city in a stajn. Take it. There are two more places to lie on the order of the obelisk No. 15 (near the vent of a dead volcano on the pivnichny entrance).

Go to other districts

Pishki can be reached to Castle Ironfist in 5 days (on the way).

You can get to Castle Ironfist on post horses (from the studs in the area) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (Monday, Wednesday, Friday).

You can take a boat to the Misty Islands area on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday).


On the island, on the pivnіchniy skhіd, in the goblin camp, on the Gharik's Forge underground and on the self-sustaining place, on which you can cook in a cauldron. Carefully, tse pasta! ) Magicians If you don't have a Majstra of the elements Fire or Povіtrya, then cast the spell Water Walk, Town Portal or Fly and take your legs, then sprout a sprat of forks on the island, roaming the enemy in parts.

As the Master of the Elements of Fire or If you have it, then stomp against the enemies Meteor Shower or Starburst. Vtіm, against such opponents as a whole you can win an expert.

volcano eruption

Press on the buoy (instruction from the ledge on the pivnochi in the zanedba temple of Baa, nearby the chotiri villagers are walking).

Enjoy the barvist view. If you want, repeat the process.

Screenshot attached

Walk along the guards to the pivnichniy skhіd in the view of the mіsk temple, to click on the boulder (the screen is actually disguised).


Show the sheet to the people in the tavern (the sheet is in one of your characters).

Find out and tell the girl who is ruined (the woman will give the quest, as she lives in one of the houses near the city). You will find a girl at the zanedba temple of Baa.

A person in one of the villages at the city ordered to buy cobra eggs from you. Remember yoga. Eggs will strike you a sprat once. First you will know them at the zanedbanom temple of Baa.

Remove the candlestick from the temple of Baa (give it to the very man at the tavern, to whom you showed the leaf on the cob itself).

Rozіbratisya from the fortress of Goblinwatch (hang out from the bad guests). Take off this quest at the town hall.

Vryatuvat zhіnku z lіgva Shadow Guild (give at the town hall). Tse lіgvo roztashovan in the area of ​​Castle Ironfist.

In one of the houses near the city, a person will order you to kill the queen of spiders and bring her as proof to your heart. The queen is bagging in the abandoned temple of Baa.

Find the Chime of Harmony in one more temple of Baa (this temple of rotting in the area of ​​Castle Ironfist).

Fortress Goblinwatch

It's just a pidzemella. Your foes are spiders and that is the way to kshtalt kazhaniv. For the rest, if you happen to tinker - it’s important to drink on them, wanting to live with them, they don’t have much.

For a successful passage of the underground, you will need to know in one of the sheets of the sheet with instructions on how to lead the fortifications at the entrance. Dali know the remote control from the keyless buttons. The skin of the buttons opens one of the doors, and immediately closes the other. Press the buttons in the next sequence (the name of the buttons can be recognized by clicking on it with the right mouse button): D, F, L, B, O, G you can’t go faster for this type of party (guess the name of the fortress, and then read the password backwards).

Open all doors. Do not press the M button - when you teleport, you will go far into the bottom of the shaft, de vie lean into a sharp monster.

Leave the Temple of Baa

Your enemies are spiders and cobras. From the cobras you will get drunk. The stench is like a swede and unsafe for your weak (for now) corral. It is best to fight with them in turn-based mode for additional magic.

The candle you need to lie at the screen in the room is right-handed at the first crossroads at the entrance to the temple. And there you are checked by cobris. Get ready! If you get a candle, carry yoga to the tavern near the city.

Turn around and stumble around the underground, kill everyone you hit there. In one place you will find a room, lined up on the side of the main corridor. A girl appeared there. She's coming with you. Turn to the place and look to your mother - take away the city for work.

Under the hour of blukan under the walls of the abandoned temple, you will know the eggs of cobras. Bring them to the locality, and there you can buy them for bad things at any stage pennies.

And the axis with the queen of spiders you can have a funny story - sometimes in the fuse of the beaters you can not remember, if you put it down, the queen's shards are just one majestic spider. So do not forget to scour all the corpses (click on them with a mouse or press the key Probіl, so beautiful) - so you automatically take the heart of the queen. Take yoga to the place and take it to the city. If you can't possibly find the queen's corpse, cast the Wizard's Eye spell. So you can slaughter the corpses on the ground, wind up at the top of the darkness.

Gharik's Forge Underground

Respect! You need to go through the Silver Helm Outpost dungeon in the Misty Islands area, and then see the forge. More than that, I’ll drive, if I don’t reach the 35th equal, don’t tumble here more quickly - take your strength off your nerves, if you want to pass the underground, you can (like to be patient).

Your enemies here are the spirits of Fire and enchanters. With the spirits of fire, it’s easy to finish everything - wink against them spells of the elements of the water (Ice Blast, Ice Bolt) or arrows. And the axis fights with enchanters - on the right, it’s vain. The best tactic is as follows: put Loyd's Beacon in front of the empty room, then go further, stun the enchanters. Switch to a turn-based mode and spend all the fire on one of them. Goddess, if you love to force enchanters on them, you go to the temple. True, you didn’t vilify the characters in the form of a god, or the stench will perebuvayut at an unfamiliar camp, then you will exultation troch more dearly. And so - until a possible end.

It’s easy to finish the pidzemella itself. As soon as you fall into the lava, then quickly run to the red stone, which is in the skin area with lava. This stone is a teleporter that takes you to the entrance to the qiu room with lava.

In order to stretch the place through a friend (after entering with spiral descents) such a room, you happen to rummage around with the right wall of the stone. You will know the secret room, in which case it is important that you take the necessary place.

We gave you the district, filled with lava, with a lot of doors, entrusted with some kind of roztashovani important (do not miss the other district). You need to hit on those important things, access to those you have, to gain access to other important things, and then move to a new place. Do not try to get stuck on the necessary ledge. If you have been in the lava and the stars have shot down the mountain in the world, then you will continue to burn, wind up resting on the earth in absolute safety. In other ways, the exit from the lavi means negaine zagasannya the fire that bakes you.

So you take away the possibility of reaching the rest, eight doors. Vazhel instructed her to open a secret room in the corridor, which leads to the whole area with lava (look at the automap, and see that room). There, in one of the screens, there are sketches from the magazine, take some sort of varto.

Having finished there, go by the bridge through the eighth door. Another sprat with enemies is checking for you. You are welcome to lean before the small room. If you have the key to Garik's laboratory (taken from the Silver Helm Outpost underground), then you can see that room. On її vnutrishnіy stіnі є vаlіl, yaky to lower you down. There I'll have to fight again. If you clear the gates of the majestic hall, go to the farthest kіmnati, climb the gatherings - and lean in the room with a book coat and screens. In one of the screens, lie the Hourglass of Time, the meta of your campaign. Take them and bring them to the castle near the Misty Islands area to the local Vladitsa. After that, your chaklun takes off the title of archmagus (before that he had already become a enchanter).


On the vіdkritіy mіstsevostі your enemies will be followers of the cult of Baa and archers-serpents. Nothing complicated.

Go to other districts

Pishki can be reached to New Sorpigal in five days (at the exit).

Pishki can be reached to Bootleg Bay in five days (on pivnoch).

Pishki can be walked to Mire of the Damned in five days (at the entrance).

On the ship you can eat in the Misty Islands area on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (Monday, Wednesday, Friday).

On the ship you can eat in the New Sorpigal area on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday).

On the ship you can eat until the end of the Bootleg Bay area on Tuesday, Friday.

On the royal yacht, you can have a meal in the Hermit's Isle area (although we will be able to do it later, if you find one of the quests here).

On post horses (from the stay near the city) you can get to the arena in less than a week (Sunday).

You can get to New Sorpigal on post horses (from studs in the city) on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays (Monday, Wednesday, Friday).

You can get to Free Haven on Tuesdays and Saturdays on postal horses (from stay in the city).


There are three fountains, one gives +10 od. fast food for a day, another fountain - +10 od. accuracy for the day, the third - 10 points of life.

At the training hall, you can raise the score up to the 200th level.

Divovizhna Arena

You can spend at the Arena in less than one month: by scurrying to the servants of the stay in the Ironfist area. Save the game in front of the team like to gather on horses. After spending a long day, you will lean at the spacious place - the center and the Arena. Return to the lord-titan and choose the balance of the future battle. Leather from chotirioh rіvnіv foldability will be paid twice more, lower in advance. “Coolness” and the number of creatures that have appeared, also lie without a middle ground in equal to the corral, the amount of “life” and mani at the yogo members. Pumped up to two heroes, they mostly matimute on the right with dragons and titans, so it’s not enough for them to dare to hit the “Page” for folding. Seriously assess your strength, even if you can’t save yourself in the Arena. Killed monsters do not carry gold or items, prote titan obliges to pay for the battle won.


Show the leaf to the lord in Ironfist Castle (the same ones you showed the people at the tavern in New Sorpigal). Take away 5000 gold pieces.

Turn the people at the place where the castle was lowered by the harp (the harp lies at the screen at the underground Dragoons "Caverns, so it's in the same area).

Know Lord Kilburn's shield and bring the prince's yoga guide to Ironfist Castle. The shield is located near the Blackshire area. After victorious quest, the gladnik will give his fortune to see you the Oracle in New Haven. Ale Silvertongue (representative of the guardian of this place) should be allowed to admit you to the Oracle. Then you need to turn to Ironfist Castle and talk to the guard again. Radnik will give you an upcoming quest.

You will need to have a look for a representative of the guard at the Free Haven area. Truly, the guardian is a guardian, and you will need not to likuvat, but to victorious yoga. For whom you happen to see the Supreme Temple of Baa (Superior Temple of Baa). Vіn raztashovaniya order іz Kriegspire lock.

Dobuty at the Supreme Temple, proof for the sake of Silvertongue must be brought to the Sake of Free Haven. Zradnik vteche, swearing allegiance to you at the eternal place. Ale, you won’t get along with him more. Obviously, she has hooked up the upcoming Might & Magic series. After the arrival of the castle, once again see the guard at the Ironfist castle, and that one will allow you to be a king's yacht, standing at the bay of the castle, for some time. Qia yacht will take you to Hermit's Island.

See the seer (Seer) near the mountains at the pivnіchny entrance to the Ironfist castle. On the back of the Seer, tell you that you have completed the quests of all the lords of the kingdom, so that you will be allowed to go to the Oracle in Free Haven. If you see these quests, then the seer will give you the next day- Find memory crystals for the Oracle (computer). Crystals lie at three castles - Darkmoor, Kriegspire, Alamos, and the remaining crystal - on Hermit's Island. Then take away the passage from the Control Center and you will be able to shoot your heroes with old-fashioned armor - blasters.


Another way to promote the main performances of your brave lads is to show the best. For that, on the cob of the skin month, you need to see a seer in the Castle Ironfist area (for a walk in the castle) and ask about the pilgrimage. Vіn tell me, what a vіvtar you need to curl up. If the seer doesn’t sleep, then you won’t do it, you’ll come to the new one in the next month.

Otzhe, the sequence of vіdvіduvannya віvtarіv:

To take away the rank of Christian bearers by the paladins, you need to know that vryatite "lady in the bidi" (Damsel in Distress). The lady's name is Melody Silver, you can find it in the Mysty Islands area near the Silver Helm Outpost underground.

After the removal of the title of Christian bearers, the number of paladins should be reclassified as heroes. For whom it is necessary to put an end to the atrocities of the dragon on the name of Longfang Whitehide, who lingers in the furnace instructed by the Darkmoor castle.

The cheer of Prince Mikolu. After that, as you talk to the boy, you will ask for yourself at the zagins, saying that you even want to marvel at the circus. With the first prongs on nothing, the cotton will flow in front of you and the circus itself will get away. You need to come to the circus and know the prince there. The circus roams around the countryside, periodically ringing at three months - at Blackshire at quarter months, at Bootleg Bay at chest, at Mire of the Damned at sickle. Respect until you return the prince to the Ironfist castle, you will not be missed inside and you will not be able to talk to the guard.


The circus is an important part of the world of Enrot. The circus does not stand in the city, but roams all over the country. You can catch yoga only in three months - at Blackshire from autumn to rainfall, at Bootleg Bay from breast to birch, at Mire of the Damned from sickle to leaf fall.

At the circus you can take the fate of the magicians (you can earn prizes, you can exchange them for golden pyramids in the circus). And you can exchange these pyramids, at your own hand, in the Dragonsands area at the bazaars with merchants for money or money, moreover, they are good.

However, there are some tricks here. First, to win the zmagannya at the circus, the mother needs high showings from the members of the group. For this, cast the Lloyd's Beacon spell, and then the Town Portal, for the help of some kind of death, you will be transported, say, to the Sweet Water place (there the fountain will give you 50 points to showcases) or, even more quickly, you will be transported to the secret underground - NWC ( already visited new and installed Lloyd's Beacon). There, for the help of a white cube, increase the showings of the members of the group for 250 points. Let's go back to the circus for help from Lloyd's Beacon and start playing. So just win prizes with a total score of 30 points, go to the great name, and there you take away the gold pyramid (you see the pyramids only one at a time, so you happen to get rich here and there).

If you take a look at the Oracle of Free Haven and destroy the reactor of the ship of aliens, turn back to the castle and talk to Prince Mikola. Let me remind you that in order to turn Archibald to life, you need a third eye. Tse "third eye" is located at the well in order from the wall of the castle. Click on the well, and take away the need for riches (before the prince gives you the commission to know the “third eye”, you won’t be able to get the object from the well).

After taking the item away, the prince will give you a little ring. Climb to the other over the castle and find the stone archibald at the library. Stop ringing - and Archibald is alive. Vin will give you special suviy from spells. Chi don't waste yoga!


Underground Dragoons" Caverns

It is not easy to finish the underground. However, the enemies are worthy (as your death does not reach the 10th level and your arsenal has no strong spells). Luckily, the stench doesn't corrode with magic.

Your task is to search all the dungeons and in one screen to know the flute and the sheet, which confirms the sound between the dragons and Guild Tinea. Turn all the way to the town hall in New Sorigal and take over the city.

At tsomu p_dzemelli zastr_ you and vile creatures Slime. Behind them, at any time, do not enter into a close battle - the stench can build up and create things that will destroy your characters. In addition, against these pogantsiv, there is only magic spell that spell. The most suitable spells are the elements of Fire.

Continue to furnish the underground, and you will spend five screens. The one that costs others the left hand is right, and the harp lies in the new one, as if the people in the village needed to be on fire, to stand the royal castle. For tse reward you.

As far as the other screens, then the dot to them will teleport you to the other places near the underground.

Underground Temple of Baa

Tsіkave pіdzemellya, yak you can go through the paddock 6–10 rіvnya, yakscho show the rightness to the right.

Look at fig. (1. ??? De vin?)

The number 1 marks the stones, in which you are checked by spiders, skeletons and priests. Your task is to deal with them step by step, cleaning one room after another. Golovnya - hourly rush and see, after which turn around and finish them off. And you need to finish the obov'yazkovo, because then you can blame the additional difficulties.

Let's go to point 2, search the statue and take the key. Open the door to the room 3. There, the screen has one more key (check the skin once, if you open the screen, the death of the clerics of Baa and the skeletons is nearby). This key opens the door to the room 4. There is a key on the screen, which opens the door to the room 5. At this room in the screen there is a chergovy key.

Now go to the center of the hall at point 6. Open the doors at the following order: pivnichna, skhidna, pivdenna and zahidna. The middle of the room is a charcoal screen. The new one has the key to the room. If you finish with them, go to room 7, and there at the screen you will find the key to the treasury.

Axis and the hour has come to open the door 8. As soon as you work, see the kill. From the opening of the doors, from the enviable postiynistyu, the vilitatime of the fire sack. Surround yoga, clinging to the walls (for which you happen to splash on the water at the fountains). Let's move on to the gatherings and clean up one more room. Here you will get drunk through a great number of strong enemies (yakscho your death does not reach a high equal). If you beat them all, go to the high ground. There, strike a stone stil, and on a new gong. Warto you go around the steel and go through the gong, how to ring the wine, and the hall to remember hundreds of repetitions of cheerful skeletons.

How to deal with the situation?

The first way: as soon as the gong rings, run to the wall instruct them and smear them (point 10). Open the hidden doors, and you can quickly run through the corridor, turn right-handed or left-handed (all the same) and go to the balcony (point 12), you can calmly shoot the skeletons from the bows.

Another way: turn around and tack between the rows of skeletons (it’s already thin on the right, go out infrequently), flow out of the hall, after which kill them with parts, then run into the hall.

The third way: deposit all the pennies in advance into the bank at some place, then come to the temple of Baa, enter the hall, and, after the appearance of skeletons, heroically fall into battle with them. Zagin “come to life” at the New Sorpigal city, the stars can turn and look like skeletons.

Have a quick turn, after finishing with skeletons, take a gong (you can then sell it for 2,000 gold to one huge man in the Free Haven area), open the hidden doors behind the stone table and go to point 12. There, smear the wall - and spend up to the room 9 You will find a screen where to lie Chime of Garmony (put it in New Sorpigal) and the key to the treasury. Go to another balcony and open room 11. There are a lot of pennies there. Before the speech, obov'yazkovo click the bear on the tar-skips on the walls near the rooms 9 and 11. You are in for a welcome surprise.

Shadow Guild Hideout Dungeon

It's obviously small underground. Your enemies are villains of various stripes. For additional help of buttons on the walls and in the dark, go through the underground. Do not hurry, clean the mustaches of the stones from the gates. Zreshtoy, you know the screen, in which there will be a key to a closed room, roztashovanoy not far from the entrance.

Open the room and you will find the girl Sharry. You need to drive to the New Sorpigal place (it will automatically arrive at your paddock).

Underground Corlagan's Estate

In every place you have faceless ghosts, evil spirits and other flying evil spirits. Wrath, if these creatures can make members of your pen, then fight them with magic and arrows.

Your task is not to rush forward, to open all the doors and look at all the doors. Doors can be opened, just by pressing a button on the wall.

Then you will be asked to open it at the bottom, so that you can spend it on the bottom top. Bazhano in front of the haircut at the well, put the Featherfall curse on the corner.

Zreshtoy vizstrіnetesya s Power Lich. It’s best to deal with him in close combat, switching to turn-based mode, to the one who can advance the opirnist to a greater spell. If you finish with him, open a screen, in which crystal you need to lie (you need to bring the owner of the Misty Islands to your castle).

Snergle's Caverns Underground

Before coming here, walk through the Snergle's Iron Mines dungeon near the Mire of the Dammned area. There you take away the key from the room of Snergle himself. Krym tsgogo denies the quest for the appearance of the cave gnome, who sits at the tavern that beats the Darkmoor castle.

The Snergle's Caverns dungeon itself is even simpler - go ahead and open the doors. To gain respect for gold and diamonds lived on the walls.

The cream of gold-bearing veins will strike you and some crystals, having rummaged among them, you can find expensive stones, and you can sell them at your own hands at local stores.

Eat Nasamkinets on closed doors. Let that one of your people, who has the key in his backpack, take away Snergle's Iron Mines underground, fix these doors. I will sharpen you from two sides of the natovp dwarfs and pochnetsya bey. , which, to be respected, is not particularly cool, skin his corpse and take juice, as you need to take a dwarf to a tavern in the Mire of the Dammned area.

To get out of the underground, to press important things on the throne. Open doors. Go far and press on the bones of a dinosaur immured in the wall. You will be transferred to the entrance to the underground.


Go to other districts

On the ship you can eat in the Castle Ironfist area on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

You can take the ship to the Silver Cove area on Mondays and Thursdays.

On the ship you can eat until the last part of the Bootleg Bay area at the second, Thursdays and Saturdays.


There are chotiri fountains: one yes +20 od. Good luck for one day, the other - +10 od. Intelligence and Personality for one day, the third fountain gives +5 od. to support all the elements for one day, the fourth is 10 points of mani.

You can buy the required spells Water Walking, Lloyd's Beacon, as well as the Lighting Bolt spell and other spells from this area.


At the town hall, you are ordered to know the evidence of the filthy lives of Silver Helm Sholomiv, for which you happen to see their underground (Silver Helm Outpost).

At the castle of the mystic lord, you will be ordered to know the Hourglass of Time. The Easter Year lies at Gherik's Forge in the New Sorpigal area. If you need a key, then see the Silver Helm Outpost. After seeing this quest, the representative of this lord for the sake of Free Haven will allow you to see the Oracle.

Drink water from the fountain of magic. The fountain of rotting near the Bootleg Bay area is an order of the circus. After you accept the quest, you will ask for wine (until you name it and don’t give anything). Drinking water, turn to the Lord Mysty and your Sorcerer will become Mage.

To get the artifact from Corlagon Estate, go to Mire of the Damned. After completing this quest, your Mage will become Archmage.

Silver Helm Outpost

The lads are solid here, but on the 14th-15th of the day, calmly reflect on them. Approach in advance and engage in hand-to-hand combat, switching to turn-based combat mode. And with the fighters, navpaki, fight in a real time mode, stomp the whole hour in the march, watering them with fire from bows / crossbows. To squeeze at the kut, cast a Lighting Bolt spell.

One of the rooms is closed; to get to her, you need to press a button on the wall.

Your main meta is here - to know the sheet with a list of mystical bagmen and the key to the laboratory (the list will be in one screen with the sheet). Pick up the leaf at the town hall and complete the quest. And you need the key for an hour to search for one artifact. How do you take yoga, curl up to the miserable lord. If you have the key, you can guess what you need to go to the Gharik's Forge underground in the New Sorpigal area to see the yoga mirror.

Near the pivnіchno-skhіdny hut of the underground there is a kіlka kіmnat-darkness. They don’t see anyone, but if you go inside one of them, then you will have to talk swearing. V_n rozpo_st about the hidden passage. Get out into the corridor and go to the pivnіchniy skhid to a deaf hut. Click on the walls, and the hidden doors open (until you talk to the brother, the doors will not open). Give you a little bit of money, but as a result you will find a girl who needs to be brought to the prince's palace in Castle Ironfist. After whom the paladin at your pen will become a cross-bearer.


Go to other districts

Pishki can be reached to Castle Ironfist in 5 days (on pivdni).

You can walk to Free Haven in 5 days (on the way).

On the ship (from a similar pier) you can eat to the western part of the Bootleg Bay area for 150 coins on Mondays and Wednesdays.

On the ship (from the landing pier) you can eat up to the Castle Ironfist area for 150 coins from Tuesdays and Thursdays.


There are three fountains, one gives +20 od. strength for a day, another fountain - +2 od. Personality (only once, then forever), third - +2 od. Intellect (more than once and again).

There is also a fountain in the order of the outlines of the circus. Vіn pochne pratsyuvati only after you take the quest from Lord Misty and drink water from the magic fountain.


At the temple, I was instructed from the training room (naming) to ask you to find the crystal from the Temple of the Fist (the temple is in the same area, in the western part of the mainland). After vikonanny take 3000 gold.

Temple of Tsantsa distributions on the islands in the pivnіchno-shіdnіy part of the map. This is the temple of Ludozheriv. Your task is to kill them all, so be careful with cobras. Mayzhe on the cob of the dungeon respectfully furnish the room at the pivnoch. There are secret doors, behind which gold is tacked.

At the pivnіchnіy part of the pіdzemelle є vіvtar іz vazhelem. siknіt for vazhіl i turn tієyu road, which came. You've added three new switches, to which you now have access. Press on your mustache. You have access to the central vіvtarya (in the middle of the map).

Behind the vіvtarem there's a little trouble, in which you know Sherell Ivanaveh, as you need to deliver to the Free Haven place. The key to the vault lies in one of the screens at the rooms of the ludozherivs.

To show respect, if you see the underground more than once, then there may be embarrassment: Sherell Ivanaveh will come to your pen again. There will be no special shkodi, you will not be able to get any more.

Temple of the Sun

All the dungeons are made up of one great hall and two rooms. The hall is full of chents. Kill them one by one, not forgetting to step in at the same time.

After finishing the new quest, drop the bowl at the Temple Stone in the Free Haven area and turn back to Castle Stone. Your Priest will become High Priest.

Let's turn back to the Temple of the Sun. The right-hander behind the vіvtarem in the main hall, like clicking on the wall, opening the hidden doors, which lead to the treasury. Ale її guards Minotaur King. Hit it even more smoothly, cream of it, the whole hour the Finger of Death spell has been stagnating against you, and near the head of the beggarly strikes with your sword. In fact, there is only one way to go after him - your mage, being the Master of Fire, can cast the Incinerate spell 5–8 times. True, you can try Dragon Breath on a high level of craftsmanship, but if you rise to that level, you won’t be able to save money any more.

І nasamkinets - do not stop clicking on the tar skips. You take away a sprat of suvoys from the spells of Sun Ray.

Temple of the Fist

I know you will meet your mother on the right with chants. Majte on uvazi - against various chents, it is necessary to cast spells.

Well, the pidzemella itself is simple. All the hour to go forward - and lean in the room with the great red crystal. Drive in the guard and click on the crystal. Now you can turn around to the temple in Bootleg Bay to see the city. Ale in front of him, like leaving the temple, crying out from one screen of a sheet. Dali pididit until the exit from the temple. Now again go down the left path, look into two warehouses. At the other place, click the torch; there is a panel at the wall, behind which there will be a switch. Vіn vіdkriє kіmnatu, yak raztashovana once the right-hander in the output.

Hall of the Fire Lord

Here, it’s already unacceptable to land, because it’s already entangled, and it’s difficult to orientate yourself.

Clack on the back on the face on the wall levoruch. Take the appointment. They gave a screenshot and ordered to take the pieces to the burshtin. Put yoga to one of the heroes at the speech bear. Need more burshtin? At the pіdzemelі you will shake the stone guise. If you press on them, then you will be transferred to the ear of dungeon 9 before the entrance). Ale, with whom the quiet members of the corral, who have no burshtin in a speech bear, take a little life. Whoever has a burshtin - that one can be transferred painlessly.

Dali go at the pass in front (the doors of the fire lord are not controlled, tse - "bug" gri). You will fall down and roll under yourself more richly passing. Your task is to fall into the skin from the passages and go through it to the end, after which you click on the stone face on the wall and be transported to the cob of the underground. Let me go forward again, fall down again, etc. You will often fall down, cast the Featherfall spell on the raja.

Zreshtoy in one of the rooms at the screen you will find Crystal Skull. The same object, which can open (open) closed doors.

If you go around all the undergrounds and open all the doors, turn on the cob and talk to the Fire Lord. You vikonali yogo prohannya, and vіn reward you.


Go to other districts

Pishki can go to the Frozen Highlands (at the pivnoch).

Pіshki can go to Blackshire (on the way).

Pishki can go to Mire of the Damned (on pivdnі).

Pishki can go to Bootleg Bay (at the exit).

On the ship you can take a drink to the Misty Islands area on Mondays and Thursdays.

You can take the ship to the Silver Cove area on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

On the ship you can take a drink to the Castle Ironfist area in the middle.

You can get to Silver Cove on mondays and thursdays on post horses.

You can get to Castle Ironfist on the post horses (from the pivnіchnі stаnі) on the second that Friday.

You can get to Darkmoor on Wednesdays and Saturdays on post horses.

You can get to Blackshire on Mondays and Thursdays on post horses.

You can get to Kriegspire on Tuesdays and Fridays on post horses.

You can get to White Cap on Wednesdays and Saturdays on post horses.


Krynytsya in the pivnіchno-shіdnіy part of the building dates +2 od. Might last three.

Round fountain near the center of the place invigorating health (+25 Hit Points)

At the first meeting, it is the very joy that allows you to reach the Oracle.

The entrance to Sewer is located at the magnificent booth opposite the doors of the Guild of Earth.

One more entrance is found at the booth of a similar pier.

Є third entrance - at the booth on the pivnіchnіy outskirts of the city.

On the skhіd vіd Guild of Earth є budinok, in which a person is alive, yak to buy a gong from you, you know in the temple of Baa (there, de rich skeletons).

Trochs on the slope overlooking the lake in the city you can know the houses, in which the merchant lives. If you hire one, then you deny the benefit of the Merchant display.

Opposite the jar there are booths, de sack the cook. You will get ready for the corral zhu (so you don’t happen to zhu kupuvati). However, it's hard.


At the pivnіchno-zahіdnіy part of the map there is a chink. If you try to drink something new, you will be attacked by nine Fire Archers, not safe and strong opponents.

Important spells: Town Portal, Loyd's Beacon, Heroism, Fly, Flame Blast, Incinerate, Inferno.


Know Mordred (give a man to the booth at the pіvnіch vіd round fountain). If you bring a dagger, the merchant will give you 30,000 gold pieces, and deprive you of the dagger. Otse life!

Vryatuvati zhіnku (give a man to the booth in the order of the next pier) from the hands of ludozherіv (go near the Bootleg Bay area).

Find the skull of Etrik the Divine (take 7500 gold). The skull is found near the underground in the same area.

After vikonanniya all zavdan given by the lords of the kingdom, you will be honored to take one of the representatives of the lords to the Oracle. Go to Castle Ironfist.

Lord Osric at Castle Temper will be glad to let you in to the Oracle after the Devil's Outpost is found near Kriegspire.

Lord Ozrik to pick up faces at the Cavalier, but for which you need to look into the tavern at the entrance to the Free Haven area and talk to the faces of the faces there.

For the cavalry to become champions, you need to defeat the Warlord at the brewery entrance in the Icewind Pass area.

Dragons Keep

Here the opponents are hard, but, if the children do not hurry up, they will die on the 17-18th. I'm passing on level 21. Strike against them with Mass Distortion and Flying Fist. Enemies have no magic, and the axis is even worse.

The Mordred dagger is found in Dragoons "Keep (pechera for the day from Free Haven). It's too hard for a mage, so don't waste yoga!

Tomb of Ethric the Mad

Raztashovaniya on skhіd vіd міsta.

The main population is skeletons different mind Now you don't stink. Ale, in the depths of the underground, checks on you with liches (Liches). Not safe enemies, especially Power Liches. Do not attack on the forehead, attack with forks, trying to finish off the enemy, otherwise you will be inspired! Lichs are always abandoned in the rooms, so eat like this: you got in, turned your respect - and immediately take your legs. Then go to the sub-mode and finish off the client who follows you.

Your meta is one of the Power Liches, after death click on the corpse and take away the skull of Etrik. Bring yoga to the place.

Temple of the Moon

Here you are checked by other people of different colors, a sprat of jellyfish and a lot of snakes. I know, though, as children are not quick and smart, it’s easy to get in touch with them. Cast magic on fire or drive.

If you want to open the great doors, you will happen to be vikonati like a zavdannya. For whom to clear the head from the avenues of the bichnі kіmnati. The stench is toiling in the vіvtarі. You need to hit them in the following order:

Altar Of Accuracy,

Cobra eggs will be splattered by you under grounds. Bring them to the peasant in New Sorpigal, bring them to you (300 gold each).

In the rest of the room you will find the Altar of the Moon. You need to pray (click the bear on the vіvtarі) on the 15th day of the month. As a result of the operation, Grand Druids become Arch Druids.

Free Haven Sewers

Complete the Shadow Guild dungeon on the back near the Frozen Highlands.

Go down to the sewer to Sergio Carrington's booth. Light up for a kut, there you will dance the sewers. Fumble її - take pennies and the key. This is the key to the doors in the pivnіchny kіntsі kanalіzatsії.

At the very western part of the sewerage there is a bedroom, in such a crim there is another screen to stand. If you already talked with Lord Anthony Stone at Castle Stone, after giving you the order to get the villainous prince and you passed the Shadow Guild dungeon, then, having pressed on the crotch, you will automatically spawn the prince. You will lose more than turning yoga to Lord Stone by turning to Castle Stone.

Oracle of Enroth

Vlasne, navit not a dungeon. Your task is to just talk to the Oracle, now you need to click the mouse on the control panel on the cob itself (turn on energy). Let's go to the control room. There I again click on the control panel, go down to the passage, which I saw. You will find a black screen at the new arrival. Tse i є Oracle.

At the first time of your memory with the Oracle of wines, it was necessary for you to know the crystals of memory. The stench of roztashovanі in the Supreme Temple of Baa, Castle Kriegspire (here you have a black “bug”, and shukati crystal you happen to be in Castle Alamos), Castle Darkmoor and Castle Alamos.

As you know the crystals, place them on the vіvtarі (what a vіvtar, what a crystal is there - baiduzhe). Let me talk again with the Oracle.

He will tell you that for the sake of all the progressive Enroth, a blaster needs to be born. To take a look, you might happen to visit the Tomb of VARN in the Dragonsand area and know the Control Cube. Let's see the Oracle again, and it will give you access to the Control Center (to drink there, click on the Oracle screen and select the Control Center theme to browse).

The oracle is ahead of you, because the protection of the control center is not ordered. Let me tell you what the powers of the alien demons can be like destroying the reactor of their spaceship. Ale vibuh, which is inevitable for the winter, the building destroys the entire planet. You need to know how to localize vibrations. The only one who can help is Archibald, brother of King Roland. Go to the Ironfist castle and talk to Prince Mikola there.

Control Center

Mayzhe on the cob p_dzemella click on the screen - and take away the boost and building of the volody with blasters (Blaster Skill).

Let's go underground. You need more strong and unacceptable opponents - robotic terminators. But if you are more tolerant, then you will be able to get around all the dungeons. In this case, you take away not only weak blasters-pistols, but also stronger blasters-towels, like in real-life combat mode they shoot short strokes of three shots. Rahuyte that blasters (pistols and towels) against all the enemies of the city (that is why there is no defense against them).

In one screen, it will be super, that I will deafen you Super Goobers (you are respected by the city, and for that you take away additional points when you get a bad rating after the end of the gry).


Go to other rivers

Pіshki can go to Free Haven.

Pishki can go to Castle Ironfist.

Pishki can go to Dragonsands.

Vorogiv here is rich on the vіdkritіy mіstsevosti. Especially beware of harpies (old with wings). Acts can age your heroes.


Є fountain, which gives the skin hero 2 od. Endurance forever.


Castle Darkmoor (in the region) has the next to know and find the Book of Liches. Give a person in the village an order from the castle.

Drive in Snergle at Snergle's Caverns and bring Avinril Smythers yoga juice to the Haunt Tavern at the castle village. Back off you need to see Snergle's Iron Mines dungeon.

Snergle's Iron Mines

At the very entrance there are two pools that inspire health and magic. Your opponents will be Slimes (against some kind of only magic and magic bullets) and Devils (with some of them you can get tense).

Go to the exit, and knock the doors there. Shchob vodkriti її, a great ostentator is needed for the mind. Behind the door is a library, where there are a lot of books on the police. Vtіm, at the screens there is something to profit from.

With this key you can open the camera, in which the gnome needs to be. Win will give you the Key to Snergle's Chambers, which is required to complete the Snergle's Caverns dungeon.

Dragon's Lair

Everything is simple here. One room that one dragon. And to score yoga is easier than parenoї ripi. You need to move quickly and stand under the dragon's heart so that at the upper part of the screen you can see less than one leg. Now go to the pokrokovy mode and beat your legs. With this, the dragon will not be able to hurt you with his breath. After driving the dragon, take your claw and go to Castle Ironfist. So you win one more quest.

Castle Darkmoor

I hate your eyes. Oh god!

On the right, in what is sometimes seen as a stupid situation: the stench (eyes) trap you through the closed doors and begin to attack. Axis rocky! And here there are more faces, zustrіchі with some kind of subway unacceptable.

In order to open the doors, you will need to check, until the cubes lie on the tables, dress in a red color, and click the bear.

In one of the rooms, a welcome surprise is waiting for you - a hundred eyes, as if you needed to be afraid. Still the robot...

In one of the rooms you will find a burial place in the middle of that sprat of squares. If you step on the square, then call out the lich (their number is not limited, you can try to raise yourself up in such a rite).

Zreshtoy, you will know a room with a cube, which will become a chervonim, if you put all of them at this room. Written under the cube to say "The fires of the dead shall burn forever". At the entrance to the niche lie the Memory Crystal Delta, which you will need to bring the Oracle to Free Haven.

If the cube at the cіy kіmnati becomes chervonim, click on the new one and you will be transported to the kіmnati. There are three sarcophagi there. Ale, if you see them, your reputation will go down a little. And the Book of Liches is on display. Click on it - and the head of the vikonan, you can turn around to the village beyond the city.


Transfer to other regions

You can pass Silver Cove at the exit.

Pishki can go to Free Haven on pivdnі.

Pіshki can go to Kriegspire at the entrance.

You can get to Free Haven on Mondays and Thursdays on post horses (from the station at the town).


The fountain next to the castle calls for the purchase of Fire Archers.

One more fountain, to rob those yourself, to be found in the city (pivnichniy zahіd karti).


The first fountain gives 10 rubles per day, the other gives 20 rubles. Might for the day, the third day - 5 od. Might forever (only once) and drive in the one who has been drunk from the new one (we can resurrect him later), quarter - +5 od. Endurance forever (only once) and drive in a drink (we can resurrect it later), five - +20 od. Speed ​​\u200b\u200band Accuracy for one day and one day - +20 od. AC for doba.


Give Anthony Stone (pivden-shidna part of the map, skel behind the ridge).

Hire Stonecutter and Carpenter (you can find them at Free Haven), bring them to Temple Stone at Free Haven. Fuck the temple, if you have to turn to Anthony Stone at Castle Stone. Win from your Cleric" of the right Priest.

Get the prince of villains and bring yogo to the Anthony Stone at the Castle Stone. For an idea, the prince is guilty of being in the Shadow Guild, but if you go through the underground, then you know that you are at Free Haven, de chasing in the sewers. Go there. Drink evil and bring Yogo to Castle Stone. Then the Lord encourages you to see the Oracle at Free Haven.

Retrieve the Sacred Chalice from the temple at Bootleg Bay (the temple is called the Temple of Fist), deliver the chalice from the Temple Stone at Free Haven, then turn to the Lord Stone at the Castle Stone. Then your Priest will become a High Priest.

Yes, Eric von Stromgard (pivnіchno-shіdna part of the map).

Embrace the eternal winter and turn back to Lord Stromgald at Castle Stromgald. For a visitor see Hermit's Hut in the Kriegspire area. Wherefore Lord Stromgald welcomes you to the Radiant Free Haven.

Obtain the keys to the dragon's veil in Icewind Keep for a day from White Cap and bring the keys to Lord Stromgald at Castle Stromgald. The next Archer will become a Battle Mage.

For the help of the knowledge of the keys, raise the mustache of dragons in Enroth and turn to Lord Stromgald at Castle Stromgald. You’ll be safe at the next places: White Cap (Frozen Wastes area), Silver Cove, Free Haven, Misty Islands, New Sorpigal and Kriegspire. Click on the back of the castle on the Sverdlovsk Castle, then click on the great button. You'll become a chervonoy - bashta is strengthened. Lord to kill for the sake of your Battle Mage more cool Warrior Mage.


Icewind Keep

Everything is simple here. Break the gates across the dirka at the gates behind the fastenings of the doors right in front, then look into the two corridors and press the bullets there. Crimea, in one of the rooms you will find a note, as if there was a secret passage from the throne room. Turn to the door, behind which stood the enemies. Vaughn screamed. Go further. There are more than one door, like the same vіdchinenі (yakshcho you pressed insults important in the beach rooms).

Take a meal to the throne room. Kill them all and look around the little throne. Yogo's arm is important. Smiknіt for the new one and go to the passers-by, who looked up. There, in one of the screens, lies the meta of your quests - calling the keys to dragon veils. Go to Castle Stromgald.

Shadow Guild

Here, just kill everyone and in one of the screens find out a note, so to speak, that the prince is a villain right now at Free Haven. May you know that in order to open the doors you just need to go through it (not clicking the bear).

Do not go near the pub room. Tse pasta, there is nothing of value there. One more pasta - a sign before you is clear, and you will fill a pit with chicks for days. Press the button on the edge of the holes, and a new pass at the room will appear.


Go to other districts

Pishki can go to Frozen Highlands on the way.

On the ship (from the place) you can eat to the Misty Islands area on Mondays, Thursdays, Saturdays.

On the ship (from the city) you can have a drink to the Free Haven area on Tuesday, Friday.

On the ship (from the city) you can have a drink in the Eel Infested Waters area (pіvnіchny island) on Wednesdays.

On the ship (from the island) you can drink to the Eel Infested Waters area (pivdenniy ostrov) overnight.

You can get to Free Haven on Mondays and Fridays on post horses (from the stay in the city).


The first fountain gives 20 od. Intellect and Personality for a day.

Another fountain is worth 25 magic points.

The third fountain gives 2 od. Accuracy forever.

The fourth fountain gives 2 od. Speed ​​forever.

And the filthy fountain, which robs the divine, which drank from the new one, the wines were poured on the pivnіchny gathering of the card, on the island.


Daє Eleanor Vanderbilt (a row of locks was placed near the pivdenno-skhidny kuta of the place).

Go to the bottom of the Monolith underground and head towards Silver Cove and turn around to Eleanor Vanderbilt.

Give Loretta Fleise (at the castle on the pivdenny skhodі).

House with the rulers of the stables throughout the kingdom about the new price policy. There are a total of nine stables, stinking at Silver Cove, Darkmoor (in the Mire of the Damned area), Kriegspire, Blackshire, Castle Ironfist, New Sorpigal, White Cap (in the Frozen Highlands area) and Free Haven (there are two schools here) . Look at all the secrets and talk with the Vlasniks. Look at the new mind. And Lady Fleise welcomes you at Radio at Free Haven.

See the Altar of the Sun by the stones on the silver cove at the singing days (Equinox or Solstice). Tsikh days chotiri: 20 birch, 21 worms, 23 spring and 21 breasts. Your Druid will become a Grand Druid.

See the month of the month at the Temple of the Moon opivnochi (the temple is located in the Free Haven area).


You need to click on all the trees in order to give you gold to build doors. You know about it from the note, you will know the order from the cob of the underground. True, in one moment you happen to click on the column (there will be a sprat near the room). Why fix the devil's doors.

Zreshtoy you know the whispers of vіvtar. Click on it, and all the clerics and others at the corral will take away +5 od. Personality forever.

Warlord's Fortress

Here is the whole mess - how to get through the troch far from the entrance, the doors are not visible. Hurry up behind the hidden doors, like roztashovani on the right wall, about 2/3 of the way down the stairs. And there is one more secret door - at the third exits (as you have the ability to cast the Wizard Eye spell on the “master” level, the exits will glow with a blue color).

Use the Warlord's Key to open another room and find out the paper you need to turn to the lord in Castle Temper.

But do not hurry - go through all the dungeons, and in the closet in the barracks you will find one more Storage Key. Now you have two such keys, and you will be able to open the great gate in succession.

Silver Helm Stronghold

You need to head over to the Silver Helm Outpost at the Misty Islands area and turn in Melody Silver there.

And in this dungeon, you will send the mayor, as if to help you, as you have already vryatuly Melody Silver. Vіn rozpovіst to you about the Ankh (Anhk, the subject is such) and vіdkriє new district.

Kill us there, and on the corpse of the military chief Gerrard Blackames you will find the whole ank.

Go Loretta Fleise (near Silver Cove), there you go to Anthony Stone (near Castle Stone in the Frozen Highlands area). There you take away the city.


Go to other districts

You can walk to Free Haven at the exit.

Pishki can go to Kriegspire on a pivnoch.

Pishki can go to Paradise Valley at the exit.

Pishki can go to Dragonsands on pivdnі.

You can get to Free Haven on Tuesdays and Fridays on post horses (from the stay in the city).


The first fountain gives 50 od. Luck for a day.

Another fountain gives 30 od. Magic Resistance for a day and transforms the one who has drunk it on the stone.

The third fountain gives 5 od. Magic Resistance forever, and the one who has drunk from the new, sickness.

The fourth fountain recalls 50 balls of magic.

Fifth fountain gives 5 od. Intellect and Personality forever, and the one who has drunk from the new, sickness.


Yes, Joanne Cravitz (at the town house).

Call Emmanual from the Temple of the Snake (wine right there, near the other area).

Yes Maria Trepan (at the house near the city).

Find the vіvtar at Lair of the Wolf.


Go to the booth at the Blackshire town, you can find yourself at the exit from the central fountain. Having taken the order from the old magician, take five figurines from the screen and from the booth. You need to arrange them according to p'estals in five different regions. The best shukati in the field, planning low above the ground. Let the knowledge p'edestal get to know the character that pulls the figurines.

I will change the month:

1) Bootleg Bay

2) Mire of the Damned

3) Dragonsands - at the center of the mantled place,

4) Kriegspire - at the pivnіchno-zahіdny kutku,

5) Sweetwater - far away in the night, near the field.

For services, you take away the price of the city from the chaklun - the Percival artifact, which can increase the rate of fire and arrows that vibrate. The best shooter of the armor in all grі.

The quest itself is neobov'yazkovy for passing through storyline.

Lair of the Wolf

At the pivnіchno-zahіdny kutka of another oven-vіdgaluzhennya you will know the ghost of a paladin. I'll tell you about the perlin, for help you can beat the vіvtar. Vin will give you one more quest - drive in the head wolf-turner and take the Pearl of Putrescence into the new one. And that pearl, which you find in the Pearl of Purity, needs to be brought to the Ironfist castle. You will know how to stop the perlin, so you will go point-blank to the pivnіchno-zahіdny kut of the cave. Take it and go until vvtar vovka. Click on new and you can go to the place beyond the city.

Another quest, given by the mayor, don’t hurry to win over - if you turn it over, it will stink to bury you. Diet step by step. Mayte on the court, which part of the inverted people is constantly reinforcing. So clean the underground again, you won’t get away. Vykorist Lloyds Beacon and Town Portal, so that you will be reborn in the city and re-transferred to the city of Vovka.

If you take the Head Flip and take away the Pearl of Putrescence, add the Primary Paladin.

Shield of Lord Kilburn - there are trochs on a private descent from the site, they are protected by NATO's enemies. Take yoga to Castle Ironfist to the prince's guardian.

Temple of the Snake

Be careful, do not drive in the villagers - it will greatly reduce your reputation!

Walking a troch forward, you lean in the aisle, de pozvoz you the whole hour of passing Ice Bolt. In the middle of the aisle there is a large room, where the golden dragon takes refuge. Walk to the edge of the rock and call on the beast. Then let's step in at the pass and stand like this, so that Ice Bolt will fly through the cart (press up to the wall, or stand at the door opening of the small white room). With this, you can bachiti a part of the dragon (for example, the lower paws). It’s a funny picture to go out - the dragon can’t reach you with its breath (make a low stele of the aisle), but you can reach it with arrows of the udziku. The process is long, painless. After killing the dragon, sit at the yogo room and press the button on the wall: the pass is answered.


Tsey rіg shows the life of the enemy.

At the Temple of the Snake, drive the golden dragon and stribnite down into the room guarded by it. Having pressed the button and opened the passage, kill the jellyfish that have three hosts. Carefully, the heroes get stuck with the overpowering forces of the enemy, prote, as if to lure jellyfish and run into them one by one, then they do not have any particular difficulties. Lean against the wall, entrusted with a pivdenno-shidny kut of the kіmnati, de bulo a lot of monsters (extremely pivnіchno-skhіdne accommodation). There is a narrow passage; follow the new and sound earlier than the unkempt enemy Q, which is purely similar to Chance (actually, Q is a character in the fantastic Star Trek series, similar to Lorien (Napershy) from Babylon 5). Fight with a club, often let out Finger of Death and, which is the best, hostilely tenacious. The only weakness of Q is weak in yoga. Attack yogo hand-to-hand, hitting him swiftly, and standing back to back (so you won't miss), zastosovuyte combat magic. And there is one more option - so, so that Q up to half prihovuvav kut walls (wine in no way go out of your own niche). Todi yogo spells are cast for the ledge of the wall and do not reach you. True, your magic doesn’t reach the new one, but then part of the arrows fly, and if you get closer to the wall, then you can beat Q with all the members of the group (manually). After the enemy's death before the hour, scour his body to name the Horn of Ros. The subject is a dragon's rig, which allows you to accurately, in numbers, determine the amount of health in any case. At the first screen there are three books with spells already given to you, and the axis instead of another cicave - five clubs to avenge the magic.


Go to other districts

Pishki can go to Frozen Highlands at the exit.

The pishki can be walked to Blackshire on pivdnі.

Pishki can go to Sweet Water at the entrance.

You can get to Free Haven on Wednesdays and Saturdays on postal horses (from stay in the city).


The first fountain gives 30 rubles per day.

Another fountain will take you to Castle Kriegspire.

The third fountain gives 5 od. Endurance that burns (Eradicate) you.

The best fountain, which you will be blessed with, exchanges 5,000 gold coins for 5,000 points of proof (fortification at the city).

Fifth fountain gives 5 od. Opir to the elements forever and drive you in.

The Shost Fountain gives 40 pieces. AS for a day.

Traveler on the mountain

Vіn to pin the eternal winter, as if you were taking away the final quest.

Quest near the district

Yes Emil Lime (at the city).

Know Jeweled Egg in Castle Kriegspire.

Devil's Outpost

We go in and kill everyone here without any problems. Take paper from one of the dead devils and give it to Lord Osric.

Superior Temple of Baa

You can use a special raincoat here. And the cloak will be given by the prince's guardian in Castle Ironfist, if you need to visconate the song quest (obtain faces for the representative of the guardian at the Free Haven area).

At tsomu pіdzemelli pіdzemelli pіdatіnі pіdatіnі to mаії vorogіv, so scho zadalegіd krіpitesya.

You will find High Cleric's Key from one of the dead. Walk far away, you can see the screen on the table. It is closed, but if you click on it, you will be attacked by a group of enemies.

In a deaky hour you will lean in the room, de on the wall є bas-reliefs (Baa Heads). Їх chotiri, і stinks are numbered. Press 1–2–3–4 and stink right.

Walk far. Please close the screen. A few more miles away in one room near the driven-in fence will be High Sorcerer's Key. Now turn to the closed screen and for help High Sorcerer's Key and High Priest's Key open it. Someone has a note with instructions for Slicker Silvertongue, that's what you need. Go to Free Haven.

Ale before tsim go through all the undergrounds to the end. You will have to walk down the corridor, in which you can shoot Spark and Fireball spells. Obov'yazkovo pass yogo, to that scho pіd end you will reveal the Head of Baa on the wall. If you have passed the corridor (tse, it appears, it's a test), then the head will give you 50,000 points to complete. Do not hurt, but cheat - your reputation will significantly decrease!

Castle Kriegspire

There are minotaurs, lads - seriously nowhere. Diet with the utmost care and lay on the magic of Fire.

Crim the minotaurs, give respect to the drakes, the little dragons. Sometimes I don’t want to go out to drink on them, at this moment I can turn the fold, if I can help.

Until the speech, in one place you will be ordered to buy the secret of this underground for a ridiculous sum - 50,000. Don't wait - it's tricky. You will simply be transferred to another one on top of the colony, de є button. You yourself will know.

In another place, you will sing "Curator of Kriegspire". He will order you to change the group for 10,000 gold. Vrahuyte, scho tse pіdіrve your reputation.

In one of the screens you will find Jeweled Egg. Ale, do not relax, you need more.

For example, in one of the empty (at first glance) cells there will be the son of King Roland.

And the most important is Memory Crystal Epsilon. This crystal is hanging in one of the rooms, you need it to commemorate the Oracle in Free Haven ) .

Agar's Laboratory

Everything here is easy to do. There are no annual quests, smut - kill them all. І Agar himself for extra.

Just be careful, there are plenty of eyes! Crimea, in the room with Agar, there are screens, like to drive in someone who will try their vіdkriti.

Cave of the Dragon Rider

There is little treasure here, there is little to see, but on the monsters themselves (on the corpses, obviously) you can know a lot of good things.

In one of the rooms there are three screens, in one of them there is Rider's box, which shows his approach to the plan.


Transfer to other regions

On the ship (at night) you can have a drink to the Silver Cove area on Mondays.

On the ship (on pivdnі) you can have a drink to the North Island area on Saturdays.

Sword on the stone

Here at the stone is the magic sword Excalibur. You can pull yoga, looming the show of strength 200. Use different spells on yourself to show the show and win the sword.


The first fountain gives 20 od. Opir magic for a day.

Another fountain gives 20 od. Opir elements for a day.

Castle Alamos

If you start cleaning the underground, you know you will have inscriptions on the trees. If you need to go - and take away the password.

I'll tell you more solution, puzzle lovers can not read it.

Otzhe, the password is "JBARD".

In the screenshots you will also find a list of information from Archibald to Gharik about the crystal (may be on the memory of the Oracle), Teleporter Key and Treasure Room Key. For the help of Treasure Room Key, you can see the room, in which there is a screen. Treasures in them, calling on everything, are generated by the vipadkovy rank, but twist their varto.


Transfer to other regions

Pishki can go to Blackshire on a pivnoch.

Pishki can go to Hermit's Isle on the way.

Pishki can go to Mire of the Damned at the exit.

Bazaar of "discounted" goods

In this region there is a bazaar, you can exchange the golden pyramids (earned in the circus) for the order of the order (for sure). I strongly recommend that you take up cym.


The first fountain has 50 hit points.

Another fountain gives 10 od. opirnosti to all the elements forever and spit (Eradicates) of the one who drank from the new.

The third fountain gives 10 od. to all the show-offers forever and spit (Eradicates) of the one who drank from the new.

Є two screens (hidden pyramid), їх guard 4 Fire Lizards, 4 Lightning Lizards, 5 Wyrms, 4 Giant Wyrms, 1 Great Wyrm, 7 Red Dragons, 15 Blue Dragons and 13 Gold Dragons. At these screens lie the artifacts of Morgan and Aphrodite.


The most invisible, cryptic and cicavi quest. Heroes are guilty of seeing all five obelisks - high stone statues, scattered throughout Enrot, apparently up to the principle of "one region - one obelisk". The scribe is given the number of the statue found by the group and part of the encrypted information. You have five fifteen writings written in the book, but you don’t understand what the biliberda means. Rewrite the information on a sheet, replacing the rows on the columns, so put the text on the back. It is proper to enter like this:

1) In_the_land_of_

2) the_dragon_to_n

3) orth_by_far_nor

4) theast,_lies_th

5) e_cache_of_the_

6) captain_"neath_

7) the_weight_of_t

8) he_least._Hid_f

9) or_the_ship_of_

10) the_sun_before_

11) her_functions_c

12) eased,_lift_the

13) stone_and_you_h

14) ave_won;_this_r

15) iddle "s_puzzle_

16) pieced.________

At the Dragonsands region, at the pivnіchny gathering, there was a marvelous colo, folded from a bunch of stones. Press on the great stone at the center, and you will see. In the middle lie two magical books with Dark Containment spells and Divine Intervention plus three artifacts, which together increase the power of all spheres of enchantment.

Having solved the riddle of the obelisks and revealed the belongings, do not hurry to go. Press again on the screen, so that you can add additional two hundred and fifty thousand gold coins. One more time, one more ... doty, doty, do not satisfy the power of greed. Now go straight to the Kriegspire region - you can find a well at the settlement’s place, which exchanges gold for the consolation of one to one large portions of five thousand coins. Having speeded up with him a sprinkling of time and having exhausted the possibility of that, sleep for a couple of days, to restore the unique vigor of the water from the well. Ideally, in such a rank, the riven of all the characters after they have finished zusil rises to the two hundredth. If you run out of pennies earlier, but you still can’t be patient, then turn to the pirate’s screen to collect gold.

Tomb of VARN

You will need to know the manuscripts with the codes, so you can know the Control Cube, which is needed to complete the game.

Trochs in the entrance, turn the faces to the front red doors in the middle of the underground and go left-handed. There, on the screen, you will find a manuscript with a code for the captain and a skull, which is often protected from radiation.

Then look for other manuscripts. The process is more correct, but as a whole you will be given strength. Before speech, give respect to the code. Stink Axis:



Communication Officer - aruhu,


Fisrst Mate - kcops,

If you know all the suvos, go to the great place with tricutny fountains. Walk through all the fountains so that we stop becoming the Well of Varn. Then you can go up on the elevator and take the Control Cube.


Transfer to other regions

Pishki can go to Paraside Valley on a pivnoch.

Pishki can go to Dragonsands at the exit.


Fountain, which is unnaturally ancient (like those that are necessary).

Supreme Temple of Baa

At the entrance, go at the back passage, after the horn, beat the cylindrical object. Click on the new one - and take away the teleporter, which will take you from the secret room to the Free Haven sewer. The teleporter is more practical only after you get yoga in the Supreme Temple of Baa.

In one room you will find three vitars - Altar of Pain, Altar of Earth and Altar of Fire. Press on the skin of them. Tse troch zіpsuє zdorov'ya to your heroes, but allow me to pray trohi zgod in other vіvtarіv. Tse vіvtarі: Shrine of Air, Shrine of Earth, Shrine of Water and Shrine of Fire. Kozhen move your opera of this element back to 10 ones. Diyut vіvtarі once.

You will be safe until tomorrow, on which to lie Memory Crystal Alpha. Bring yoga to the Oracle at Free Haven.


Go to other districts

Pishki can go to Sweet Water at pivnoch.

Pishki can go to Hermit's Isle on pivdnі.

Pishki can pass Blackshire at the exit.


The first screen has the Percival artifact (on the way).

Another screen has an Odin artifact (at the exit).


Here is a necessary fountain, which gives 100 points of magic and 100 points of life (pivdenno-shidny kut). Put on Lloyd's Beacon.


Go to other districts

Pіshki can go to Paraside Valley on pіvdnі.

Pishki can go to Kriegspire at the exit.


The fountain gives your lads 50 od. to all showings for the day

The Hive

Well, the axis, the rest of the disassembly. Everything is simple here - rushnitsy-blasters are ready, battles in real time (the same rushnitsy shoot with cherts in three shots).

Problems - you will not be allowed to cast spells to teleport. So how to collect a zillya, which will restore the magic and health.

Another problem is that you need to keep an eye on the Flush System. If "Flush is in Progress" appears, then the corrals will be injured, so do not stand on the blue squares (if you hover over the squares, then "Protected" will appear).

You still need to know the Hive Sanctum Key, otherwise you won't get to the reactor.

If there is a population, then just kill them all, then shoot the reactor (with blasters or shoot with bows, but in the rest of the day you will not take away the information about the task of the shkodi mechanism).

After the "death" of the reactor, all the spells cast by you on the zagn will develop, and you will be honed from the sides of the demon that queen. Put them on the bed and leave them (there, the queen appeared).

Like in one of your characters in the midst of Archibald's speeches and giving by Archibald to conjurations, everything will be good - the ship of aliens will vibuhne with them for supplementation (wishing you were killed like that), and the conjuration will lose the strength of vibuhu.

The second variant of the completion of the gris is the destruction of the reactor near the underground without the gift given by Archibald (you can not take it out of the blue, just pick it up). Until the speech, the filth will end and in that fall, as if the demons will kill you after the reactor is down.

retailer: Black Hole Entertainment

Vidavets: Ubisoft

Seen from Russia: Buka Entertainment

Exit date: 13.10.2011

Gra viide on:

Genre: pokrokov strategy


singleplayer, multiplayer

Rating: PEGI: 12+


Fires are roaring for hundreds of years before the end of the Heroes of Might and Magic V campaign near the world of Ashan. The main heroes of the campaigns will be the children of the Duke of Glory from the family of the Griffin, who are fighting against the General Archangels, who will take control of Ashan, and also against the invading demons. Five campaigns will be available at once, and you can play them in any order.


Order of Order

See also: Faces of Light.

Short: The feudal Sacred Empire, which is protected by middle-class people and priests, has access to the Holy Magic and elite military Angels.

Dzherela Nathnennya:Середньовічна Західна Європа (загальна атмосфера та дизайн), Римська Імперія (військова організація та ”Pax Romana” концепція, тобто світ усередині імперії побудований за образом Римської Імперії), Тамплієри (уособлення релігійної місії), Вікторіанська Англія (суворий класовий поділ)

Koloru: blakitno-blakytny, white, gold.

Symbolism: the ”solar cross”, sun, sokil, sword.

Shanovni deities: Elrath, the Dragon of Light and yoga first servants - Angeli.

Basics of the skygazer:
Law and Order perevischuyut Goodness and Justice.

Country/Kingdom: Holy Empire.

Capital: Falcon's Reach

Social organization: The system of government of the Holy Empire is a feudal theocracy. In theory, the emperor has absolute power, but in fact the territory of the empire is divided into 6 duchies, dozens of other volodynias, accepted, 9 so-called “independent powers” ​​and so on, so that the emperor has to spend a lot of time on managing his nobility. Often, deacons under control of the territory organize riots and insurrections, however, they rarely end in serious bloodshed.
Theocratic system of government may change your mind, but the main one is the presence of Angels, the children of Elrath. Although many of them perished in the old wars, their energy and charisma inspired people, they lived in their calm territories and moved in worship of Silat, the Dragon Povitrya, to the greed of Elrath. Angels can rarely be seen in the Holy Empire, but they played a great role in the history and culture.

Architecture:*be quieter*

Magic: The Order of Order exclusively relies on the Magic of Light, the "sacred" magic of Elrat and the yoga ideals of Truth, Justice and Integrity.

Strategy for the Order of Order:
"Not a moment back"
The Order of the Order miraculously feel in the defense and in the presence of them, that they will frighten their enemies to fight on that territory, as they respect the vigilance.
The generals of the Order of Order are guided by the tribal defense essences, as far as possible, reducing the damage that the enemy is in charge of.
Hero of the Order of Order, that special vminnya іstot іt dіyut dіyut on weakened, poglinannya that redirection of the fortune-telling attacks with the method of changing the shkodi, which is applied.

Strengths: mass positive spells (Mass buffs) and blissful health, timchasovy and new immunity to shkodi, which is applied (racial health), survivability of units, high morale and high loss of strength.

Weak sides: remote beat, visible low beats.

Racial building: Guardian Angel - good-natured zagіn becomes indifferent to physical attacks and other negative effects.

With the best shots to the Order of Order, it’s a triumph, so it’s necessary to focus the blow on the most unsafe in the plan’s leaders of the fortune-telling pens, in order to reach that moment, if the enemy can be ”outhealed” (definitely not an outhealed more often than not to turn over the shkodi, who are in charge of the enemy).
Soothsayers, builders, or leaders of the great shkodi viysk supporters of the Order of Order, are also guilty of one of the priority goals.

Canonical hero to the Order of Order: Paladin (Sword Hero)
Persons of the Empire, whose faith in Elrath does not act like this among the Priests of the World. In exchange for future knowledge, they take away the ability to bring from their own, oriented towards the near future, “Miracles” (“Miracles”), they themselves can copy the ability, as they give the Light of Magic.


"We will burn the world to ash and dance upon its ruins!"
"We burned the whole world vshchent and stantsyuєmo on yoga ruins!"

So let's see: Demoni, Lord of Chaos.

Short: Demoni є particular Chaos. The sole value of the stink is to respect the special freedom and independence and do not consider the need to be true to your own actions. The stench is driven in, because they can do anything they want.
That stench is seen as “evil” and unsafe, that other factions of Ashan are respected for better, that you were enslaved to your kingdom, Shio, created by Sar-Ilam.
However, among the nations there are individuals who are at peace with the idea of ​​freedom of Will, and vreshti-resht become demon-worshippers.

Dzherela Nathnennya: Greek menadis/Bacchantes (companions and shanuvalnits of Dionysus), Rome during the hours of its fall (Nero, Caligula (wine Gaius Julius Caesar), Geliogabalus toshcho), Carthaginian and Aztec priests and priests.

Koloru: black and red.

Symbolism: Ouroboros (a snake that eats the vlas's tail), Unicursal hexagram, Chaos spiral.

Shanovni deities: the creator of all demons is Urgash, the Primordial Dragon of Chaos.

Basics of the skygazer:"Truth in power". Build up evils and sufficient groundings, so that you can do it. Hoot, rob and drive in the weak - chi ni, like zabazhaєsh - do not encourage yourself in his mystical bajanny, calm the fools, as they do not understand the true meaning of "freedom". The strong rule the weak.

Country/Kingdom: Shio, Vognyana V'yaznitsya.

Capital: Ur-Hekal, "The Brama of the Burning Heart".

Social organization:
The Suspіlstvo of demons is organized according to the principles of absolute monarchy. All the punishments of the skin from the six Demon Lords are being beaten. Navіt naimenschi show bad guys chi disobedience punished quickly and suvoro. I’m arranging my orders in a rude way and founded on the strength of the hierarchy, the strong punish the weak. The greatest demons can call themselves Lords and give themselves a territory in hell, like power. The strongest of them cherish the cities and other places at the court of their Owner and jealously protect them.

Magic: The demonic magic is called out from the untidy chaos and ruined by its nature. In general, the demons demonstrate the unperfected victoriousness of building the most negative side of all kinds of magic (without middle ground, shortcomings, damnation).
Most of their spells are practically cast versions of traditional elemental spells.

Inferno strategy:"Submit, call and cry"
Call for more of the additional troops, while at the same time spreading chaos and fire near the lavas of the enemy, and after that order your shock pens to kill the enemy.
The generals are inferno oriented to the speed and unsafe attacks, high offensive vigor of their troops, as well as to the lowering of the guards and the vision of tactful thinking, viklik podkriplen.

Strengths: non-overturning potential of attacking spells, high fragility, melee combat survivability and lethality, building control Chaos (Share / Luck, Space and Hour) for your needs.

Weak sides: there are no opportunities to support one’s own troops, low fighting spirit.

Racial building: Vidkrittya Vorit - military Inferno can call timchasov's reinforcements right on the battlefield.

The whole nation of Demons is one great army. The skin is alive in order to nisporit at the jokes of the vidobutka and to be low, the skin may be vinyatkovі zdіbnosti to bring chaos and ruin. United at once in a disciplined viysko, Demoni practically do not stumble.
Fortunately for the enemies, the discipline of the demons is much more foldable, lower, and the other demons often require control from the side of the great rulers, who are good at wielding the boat.
And to inspire the lingering presence of the legions of demons on the battlefield - that’s not all, the demons will go into various tricks, such as ruining Maidan spells, control of the mind, change of form, damnation, etc.
And only then, if the enemy's defense is like a next broken, the demons will begin to advance. As if in the ranks of the demons panuє discipline, the stench sang bliskavichno permeate everything that is known on this way. In another turn, the stench transforms into non-organizations, spragly make a profit on the natovp.
Demons may also have other perevagi over their enemies:
Being zdatnymi change the space-hour continuum, they can teleport on the battlefield.
Also, the building of the "Vidkrittya Gate" allows it to call for reinforcements directly from Shio.
The evil demons are covered with thorns, teeth and hooks, all in order to get the maximum shkodi, call out the stingy white and grow the glee, be it inflicted, and borderline collapsible.
Chaotic after nature, Demoni has a wild character and an inexpressible manner of fighting.
These are not transferable and hostile to the large area of ​​\u200b\u200bzdіbnostі primіtnі і tim, scho can pour on їhnі vlasnі vіyska, so їhnі meta on the battlefield often lies in the fact that the supernik just suffers more, lower stink yourself.
Call out more often to donate by calling military men, lower regular, so that the back of the head can be passive and trivay, accept, the commander’s docks do not lie, that enough troops have been called, so that you can hit them on the enemy.

Canonical Inferno Hero: Hell Face (Sword Hero)
Demon worshipers gain this status, miraculously showed themselves in the service of their master.
The faces of Hell are not right demons, but People (Elfies, Dwarfs ...), as they took away the “blessing” of Urgash and the “change” of the Magic of Chaos.
These vicious bodies are now buried in armor, built to the point of suspicion, and it is already impossible to take them down. The stinks are bewildering by the legions of Demons on the lands of Ashan.
At the sight of the right demons, the stench is also not tied to Shio and can freely overwhelm them, to rob them with the beautiful agents of Volodar on the territory of Askhan.
Faces of Hell є great masters of the Magic of Chaos with powerful forces, and with them the ritual grants them different "chaotic" vibes.


“Life is change, chaos, filth and suffering. Death is peace, order, everlasting beauty.”
“Life is change, chaos, that suffering is empty. Death is the world, the order is inexhaustible beauty.

So let's see: Necromancers, Live the dead.

Short: The necromancers have settled down like a small sect of the Magi, and they have spread among a mighty nation. The stinks worship Askha at the sight of a spider, the most gloomy image. When Necromancy interprets it in its own way, giving a special meaning to death and magnifying the power of the unliving, such a mustache Necromancy lies. The stench wields the magic of death, which allows them to live forever, while on their way to immortality, stench also wields a way to control the souls of dead people (ghosts aka ghost) and a way to raise the dead from their graves (skeletons aka skeletons).

Dzherela Nathnennya: Ancient Egypt (The Book of the Dead), Buddhism (asceticism and rejection of the world of flesh and blood, like illusory and svidkoplinny), all sects (fanaticism, the cult of the leader, pragnennya to order, freedom in the minds of the most commonly accepted moral pivalins).

Koloru: black, white, fluorescent (black) greens.

Symbolism: Pavuk Death, Number 8: vertically spread (Asha - volodarka Hour - a dog year) or horizontally (Asha - volodarka Prostor - inexcusability).

Shanovni deities: Necromancers worship Asha, the Original Dragon of Order in a twisted "dead" form.

Basics of the skygazer:“Hug me empty. Enlightenment can be found only after the sound of the flesh. The hour is our ally, for everything that is alive and if you ever die ... » The charm of death is unhealthy and fanatical appeasement to all causes of death.

Country/Kingdom: Save the place.

Capital: monday pid hour podіy Heroes VI.

Social organization:
Necromancers are wine ascetics. Flat contentedness calls out to them unpraised, as if you saw the celebration of that holy day. Citizens vvazhayut for better speak quietly or whisper whispers, nothing is going anywhere and the streets are not very windy in the daytime and nighttime. Tі, who may be like handed over, calmly wink and then go home, where the main rank is to be childless social grouping, like they call "homelands", the osks of the shortest term so no one saw. Necromancers mark their days of birth in isolation and kayatt. Tvіr offspring sing to be praised, shards are vvazhaetsya in vіdvolіkannyam vіd podnesenih to take.

Magic: The Lords of Death specialize in the ruinous directions of Magic with a particular passion for the Primordial Magic Order (voted by Sar-Ilam, Somim the Dragon) and the elemental spheres (?) Darkness and the Earth.
The stench also created a powerful magic spell, they called it Necromancy.
More of their spells are cast in a ruined, weakened body and controlled by the spirit.

Necropolis strategy:"A dead enemy is a good ally."
The generals of the Necropolis are trying to win for an hour, at the same time I weaken the fortune-telling of the army and raise the soldiers from the dead, creating by themselves an unseparated army.
For whom the stench can rely on a sprat of health, which will secure the trivals of mass curses and “beats with the hour” (toil on the evasion of the spell on the “Plague” kshtalt), the saying of the fortune-telling viysk and the resurrection of the fallen viysk.

Strengths: mass curse and “waste of the hour”, the purpose of the exclamation of that resurrection (mova, it seems, is about the spell “resurrection, and not about the racial building of necromancers, po'yazanu z pіyattyam dead), tenacious viiska, zavzhdi neutral morality.

Weak sides: low friability, not high waste, lessened by the ability to support their own troops.

Racial building: Necromancy - whether the essence is alive, or the living ghost, which, having perished on the battlefield, “live” on a special scale. Gravets can win її to increase the number of one of his pens. A deyaky vіdsotok pіdnyatih at the battle іstot zalishаєєєєєєєєєє і after the battle.
Necromancers, just like magicians, rarely rush in the middle at the front. The stench vvazhayut for better zalishatisya in the body like a command depot chi drive pіdtrimki.
The armies of the Necropolis are a numerical horde of living dead, absolutely submissive, unacceptable to fear and pain that comes one sickness after another.
However, the living flickers ring out in full and inconsistency, but with their number, the enemy will literally drown in the bodies and a row of dead enemies will rise to replace the fallen troops.
Necromancers also get primaries for fast and point strikes before the battles. Rich in what you see for the Lords of Death - analogues of Genies for Magicians.
As a rule, Necromancers delay their attacks on the old year, miraculously knowing that this is one of their main achievements. Zreshtoy, їхні війська in no way get tired.
In the light of the greater factions, Necropolis, relying on your ability to "survive" the enemies, do not focus on the subversion, but rather on the inflicted damage.
With your method on the battlefield, you can strangle the witches of the building more than shkod, lower your army of building vitrimati.
So, be it a pidtrimka on the side of the enemy, zdatna znіmati and skasovuvat your curse, is guilty of one of the primary goals for strangulation.

Canonical Hero of Necropolis: Necromancer (Hero of Magic)
Most of the high-ranking Lords of Death rob the paths of the Necromancers, the masters of dark prokloniv, earth-based enhancements (?) (earth-based enhancements), and, first of all, orient themselves to fundamental control over the hour.


”We Walk our own Path, Alone”

"We go on our wet way, on our own"

So you know: Barbarians, Orcs.

Short: Enchanters experiment with the blood of Demons, transfusing її people - slaves and condemned evil-doers In the wake of which the Orcs come.

color: Bury, red

Virospovidannya:Wishing Orkіv and not have a god, їх Shamani give more "Mother Earth" and "Father's Heaven", such stinks are heard, if you go near your "Light of Dreams".
Combining the demon's blood, human flesh, and other words, the enchanters of the Seven Mist created a bunch of "mutants": Orkiv. One-blooded brothers Demoniv, Orcs began as a people to become a residual Nemesis. The stench overcame the Demons and turned them back to the shack of Shio.
Like in the city for their majestic acts of goodness, the people of Ashen virushiy robit їkh ... slaves! Before the hour of the Other Darkness, the Orcs gained their freedom and divided themselves into three tribes: the deacons went to the pivnіchniy trek to the Ranaar plains, the others went directly to the pіvnіchny at the desert of Sakhaari, and the others went to the pіvnіchі хіd through the Jade Island of the Sea, to enter.

Krajina/Kingdom: Ranaar, also Skhidni Islands, Pao zokrema


Not long ago: The whole thing was storіchchya, if Orcs zlamam in їхні lancers, on choli with Kunyak Vizvolitel. All the same, this new freedom is still crying, and the greatest insecurity can actually arrive in the middle. Starting from the death of Kunyak, the land of Orc has lost its unity and is now divided into innumerable tribes scattered on the islands of Pao.
Since the death of Kunyak, the land of Orkiv has lost its unity and is now divided into indistinguishable tribal tribes, scattered on the islands of Pao and in.

Strategy Stronghold: "Rush faster, you will think better!"
The Orcs were created like a shock army, to fight against the Demons, and their tactics are perfect. Easily armored and the great world is broken, stench rush straight at the enemy, roaring on their numbers, speed, fierceness and tightness, to break the line against the army, do not carry too much money. Through the journey, the Orcs are naturally resistant to chaklunstva and especially to magic, which is the power of the Demon (fire, order, illusion ...).

Viyskova perevaga:
Strong ushkodzhennya, high friability, protection to magic.

Viysk's weaknesses:
Poganі zdіbnostі to pіdtrimki tactfully surrounded.


Order of Order


Mighty watchmen are the first line of defense of the Holy Empire. Tse volunteers, yaks brought their allegiance to the Emperor and faith in Elrata. The wolves swore to protect their brothers in defense with their shield, and as necessary, then life. For his special zakhist, the stinks rely exclusively on faith.


I am writing impersonal stories about those, like Ronan Sokil, who had no more than that honor, having gained victory over the leaders of the clans of people, like vins having united in the Empire, like wearing this name. Ale, to be honest, the right reason for the victory was the drive of crossbowmen. And in our days we have to be afraid in the narrow corners of Ashan!


Priestesses of Elrat are in service to the Dragon of Light. Chosen for their spiritual talents, these women give their life to bear light and warmth to all lonely people.

The priestesses of Elrath are shanty and loved by the people of the Empire, and during the hours of war they always stink on the front line, to exult the wounded.


Volodinnya Elrat at the Light of Spirits is re-arranged by myriads of elemental Lights. The deyakі from them took away Elrat more high status. Judges of the will of Elrat, sent as emisars and guardians of his faithful followers, Gloria is a sibling creature, sleeping with all her writings, blinding the enemies. The generals of the Empire knew the stagnation of these blind light.


Griffins were created in the Age of Legends in the aftermath of the magical magical landscape of the lions and the eagles. So along the Face of Askhan flowed rivers of blood of the Cob Dragons, which had lost their essence after that. And the things that the untidy rivers of dragon's blood and magic drank were changed forever. As a matter of fact, it was the cause of the people tsikh istot.

Tops of Sontsya

The Sacred Empire has a rich face, and only a few quiet ones, whom Elrat especially blessed, accept to the Order of the Holy Son. Vіdomі, like the Leaders of the Sun, and the champions of Svіtlan, sit on top of the enchanted horses, calling from the monastery of Elrath. The horses of the building will walk along the narrowest promenade of the Svіtla.


Physically hostile to their advance, the Angels of the Light are the messengers of Elrat and the shock wave on the face of Askhan. Being great and richly beautiful wonderful people, stink and vibrate the aura of strength and courage. Seraphim are lower than angels and more like people. The stench vinicked after the creation of the Empire of the Falcon. Їхнє the right trip is chained to the secret place, but the faith in Elrata is absolute. At the battle, the stink of the victorious swords of Justice and Mercy.



Maniacs are the hallmark of Ur-Wormoch, the Lord of Madness. Qi demons are the spirits of neurotic, said that untransferable nature to Chaos.
The right tips of their creator Maniacs miraculously spread panic and fear. Maniacs shriek shrilly in pain when they attack, and laugh when they hurt.


Deyakі z children Askhi (People, Elfi, Dwarfs too soon) were given service to Urgash and the lords of hell, and resurrected after death like Incubi (men) and Succubi (women).

Like the reincarnations of demon-worshipers, the stench may be a perceptibly high and very specific rank in the hierarchy of demons. However, if someone thinks that they must have the necessary intelligence, intelligence and strength to reach the status of a god, but really, someone will end their life, like an incubus / succubus * (servants, servants, then).

It's "mortal" like to rob them with excellent spies, spies and diplomats. For vikonannya tsikh zavdan stinks know the building of creating illusions, enchanting and changing the shape, looking beautiful, cute and adding dumb angels, but at the same time sensitive, “corporeal”, which allows them to cloud the mind.
Zokrema of the appearance of sects of demon-worshipers, ce mayzhe inevitably on the right of the hands of a succubus or an incubus.


Cerberi are the servants of the Lord of Negligence. Tsі dvogolovі vagnedishnі psy turn over navіt shable-toothed tigers and the most terrible volokіs at rosemіrі, shvidkostі and zhorstokostі.


The wombs were the result of Urgash's experiment in creating a material form, as if translating a part of the cob force. Especially the power of the cursed mani and the power of the creation of the istot loyal to Chaos. Presented to Ur-Mesfarot, the Lord of Reproduction, Uterus - guards, pulsing masses, like constantly generating imps. Impi, such stinks give rise to, - these are "splashes" from various openings that appear on the body of the Uterus at the vipadkovy mіstsyah.
All the same, these demons may not be able to move, the stench is constantly writhing and rushing in their inhospitable sprazy to breed. The whole force before the people constantly devours them in the middle, and even richer forces are needed to control the mutations of the body. The stinks for an hour devour the imps created by them.
Uterus vikoristovuyut energy mani, as if, schob zaplіdnyuvat yourself, and control the power of oxidative mutations, the necessary cycles of generation.


Tormented - the servants of Ur-Traggal, Lord of Pain. The tormentors are the inexorable sufferings of Urgash and instill fears in their bodies. The stinks draw strength from their agony and victorious deformations (?) to attack enemies. The tormentor's skeleton is the main armament, the shards of the building's vines extrude parts of the body's body, to beat them in battle. Yogo ribs of the building to pierce the chest of the enemy; yogo brushes of the building podzhuvatisya and glimpsed krіz fingers, caressing hospitality, like a climb, pazuras.


Servants of Volodar Ruynuvannya, Juggernauti are easily recognized, zavdyaki їhnі majestic horns and cover with basalt fists and kopits. At the hour of the battle, the stench fiercely (and at times blindly) crashes into the ranks of the enemy, piercing the enemy with their horns, and smashing their majestic fists with their swings, and also trampling them at the crooked saws. If necessary, the stench also beats like a miracle ram.

Pecherni genera

Punished and imprisoned by the yaznitsyu Urgash, the Cob Dragon Chaos is filled with fierce hatred before Asha and his creations. Ur-Haazel, the King of Hatred, who is the evangelist of inexcusable fortune-telling, the lord of the cavernous breeds, who turns over for his bitter nature rich Archdemons. Pecherni Breeds are the most terrible creatures among the legions of Chaos.



Skeletons - no more, lower dead bodies that rotted, lifted by the will of the necromancer. Alternately blind fidelity, baiduzhist to starvation and help, and the daytime feels like fear and doubt, stench is recognized as being ideal servants.


Tse careless spirits of the dead, lifted by magic from inanimate bodies. Guli - tormented by the stony, spovneni hatred to all living things.
The necromancers of the building can control them, but at any time the stench of wild and ruinous. Reincarnation on a walk - it’s more terrible punishment in Yerish, and may be on the vіchne of the soul from the stake of death and rebirth.
They live with bodies and save the infection in the blood and the sleigh.


After death, the children of the God-Dragon will rise like spirits until the month to spend eternity under the share of Asha. Vtіm, neshchasnі vpadki can bring to the people having seen, the spiritual connection with the material world is even stronger.
For the help of a special rite, necromancers can transform the mayor into faithful servants, who are under their absolute control.


If the Lichs become stronger, the stench will gain the right to give life to the Goddess-Pavuchikhi and be reborn like Akhharus, otherwise seemingly, “Vampir”. Go through the ritual that gives them a young body, let them be free of water. Vampires no longer need to eat, drink, sleep, or dihati so their organs “skam'yanili”, and in the veins - not shelter, but pavuk's dust.
However, it is necessary for them to drink people's blood, in order to reduce the number of wipe off, I will destroy the destruction of their bodies in the middle.


High-ranking necromancers (Priests of the Goddess-Spiders) take the elixir, which continues life, creations of sacred spiders. This elixir of the stench will bring you to death.
Tse “rejoicing” Zvertaє єх at Asakkus, and still seeming, “Lіchiv”, hanging їхні bodies, but svіlnyayuchi їhnyu vіdminnіst vіd carnal passions. Vtіm, the stench continues to grow old, until they become similar to the dried mummy ... Tse otruyna dare also to rob your eyes green.


Lamasu - a recent experiment of the magician of the creation of the divine breed of animal people for the help of the anti-natural creation of people (importantly, slaves of that evil spirits) and magical essences (in this case, manticore).

Vihіd, scho wiyshov, wiyshov too weak (?) and short-lived, but all the same dark for necromancers. The necromancers lifted their dead bodies and infected them with any infection. The function of carriers of infection in the future with majestic physical strength is to rob the vanguard of the army of necromancers with their miraculous warriors.

Spinners Sud

The spinners Judge are the avatars of the Goddess-Spider, who controls the aspect of Death Asha. The stench represent the will of the Goddess on the person of Ashan. The spinners of the Doli often become a gift for the Necropolis, changing their rows and supporting their growth.

Nemov is the queen of the vulika, she will take care of the growth of the necropolis. Pod її zakhistom undead other territories in search of lost souls, like to reclaim their lava. Spinning mills Shares of the same building to look like a hybrid of a woman and a spider with six hands and a pair of legs.


Digital Deluxe Edition

Digital Delux Edition may come stock (everything that comes in for locking up to the standard lifted a seat):

  • Edge of Chaos - mighty sword
  • Akasha - unique playable character
  • Heart of Nightmares - bonus card
  • Yume, Kraal, Svetlanna, Aguirre - some unique characters
  • Staff of Asha - Arcane Mace
  • Staff of Cleansing - unique armor
  • Artbook with 164 sides (in PDF format)
  • Game soundtrack by Rob King and Paul Romero (for MP3 format)
  • Poster size A2 (in PDF format)


Type of: Naplich

Brush adjective.+2 physical defense. Part of the "Recruitment of the Leader".

Type of: namista

Namisto life force.+2 to healthy friends.

Type of: Books

Grimoire of the master.+60 mana, +6 mana regen.

Type of: Shields

Left Shield.+3 to leadership, +3 to physical defense. Part of the Guardian set.
Banner Shield.+2 to physical damage, +10 to magic damage against fire magic.

Type of: obladunki

Zbroya Shantiri.+4 to physical heal, +6 to magical heal against corn magic spells.
Legendary Hero's Possession. +2 to all hero's primary stats.

Type: Mittens

Mittens of a bully.+2 to physical strength (might power, I don't know how to put it exactly).

Mittens of the intestinal villain. Give building "Poshuk way" on the river 1. Part of the vagabond's set.

Type of: Sholom

Sholom Lord Golia.+7 to leadership in battles by the sea, +2 to exploration radius
Sholom thunder climb.+4 to leadership, granting the blaze strike spell

Ashan Map


Vognyu School

Fire Shield
Ability Ribbon: 1
Magical zakhist meti zbіshuєtsya for 4 moves. Enemies attacking the target in hand-to-hand combat take 1 shkodi per istot.

Fire Elemental's Call
Ability Ribbon: 3
A deck of fire elementals are called on the battlefield.

Magic Fire
Ability Ribbon: 1
Magic Fire becomes more effective
Passive building

Fighting frenzy
Ability Ribbon: 3
The vibranium is friendly or a fortune teller, negainally attacking the nearest corner, the manager of the big shkod.
Chi does not stain the diyu meti in the current head.

fire arrow
Ability Ribbon: 1
The head of shkodi will fire the prophetic unit

fire sack
Ability Ribbon: 2
Head of shkodi we will fire at us units in the division of 3x3 cells.

meteor storm
Ability Ribbon: 3
Head of shkody in the area 5x5.

Riven Possibility: Unique Building Inferno
The head of shkodi all objects, so as not to lie Inferno.

Ability Ribbon: 1
The morale of the acquired friendship will increase, and it cannot be changed by incantations and stretching out two rounds (walks).
Usі efekti, scho negatively vplyvayut on morality, znikayut.

Internal fire
Ability Ribbon: 1
Increase the force of the strike and the initiative of the reversed friendly corral.

Sealy School

Mastery of shooting
Skoda is getting worse, which is applied by friendly corrals in the direction of the shooter.
Passive building
Riven: 1

Counterstrike II
All corrals of the hero take away an additional blow from the enemy.
Passive building
Riven: 2

Just like the death of a hero of three attacks, his physical defense and health will increase until the end of the battle.
Passive building
Riven: 3

heroic attack
The greater distance of transferring the opposite friendly paddock and pushing Skoda for the skin passed clitina.
Activated buildings
Riven: 3

no back
Vibranium zagіn otrimuє one additional blow in the air and yogo physical defense moves. Trivaє 3 go.
Building is activated.
Riven: 1

Commander's order
Vibranium zagіn, which is not robbed of the annual days, I immediately take away the right to move, not checking my lines.
Activated buildings
Riven: 2

Uhilennya that ukrittya
Protective wall and transition is effective for friendly friends.
Passive vminnya
Riven: 1

Posilennia II
Once in a while one friendly core or elite stack can be bolstered. Bonus points disappear after the battle.
Active vminnya
Riven: 2

Tactics III
After the phase of the larynx, if you can see the enemy, two stacks can be remembered by missions. Even if offending the lands can be remembered, offending can speed up with them, but not to indulge in permutations one by one.
Passive vminnya
Riven: 3

Architect III
Once a day, the hero can see the place and encourage a friend to wake up in a day.
Passive vminnya
Riven: 3

mine sabotage
At the cost of all his eyepieces, which are lost, the hero can sabotage the mine. The production at the mine is delayed for 7 days. A fortune-telling hero can help the mine, at the cost of all eyepieces.
Active vminnya
Riven: 2

There is a greater chance to recruit a fortune teller, and the cost of gold is reduced.
Passive building
Riven: 2

Show the skills of the fortune-teller hero on the map and the exact size of the corrals of the yoga army.
Active vminnya
Riven: 1

The hero does not spend a point in the rush for the selection of resources, considering the future and other similar ones.
Passive building.
Riven: 1

If the hero hits another friendly hero, the other will take 50% of the success of the first.
Passive building.
Riven: 2



Biography: Mokka was narodzhena by a great orc at the Skhidny Stepakhs of Ranaar and was a great soothsayer, a good steward among the orcs and centaurs.
Once a group of refugees from the islands of Pao arrived before the village, the stench spread a story about those who were attacked, and their children were sold into slavery. Mocha bula was overwhelmed with shanty and swore to Batkov-Heaven that the orc would not be in lansy, while she was out.
With a small army, she immediately broke down on the pivden at the expense of her share. Like only a few male ordes of Mokka, they overturned the mountains and stinks, they ate the duchy of Vovka in an ambush, and they were all buried in full, or beaten.
Moved to the robot to the mine, Mokka planned the flow in an extravagant way: she drove in some guards for help pickaxe, she rode on the back of a centaur.
Nini wona is a permanent inhabitant of the islands of Pao. In insurgent moods, the won became nathnennyam for mri orcs about freedom.
Specialization: Master of battle cries (improving the effectiveness of battle cries)


Biography: Confidence, as if not religiously striving among the warriors of his tribe, Mateva was small in fate, but wise as a long time ago.
The orc shaman said that he felt the angry voices of his ancestors in his first childish dreams.
Mateva having completed his devotion to the catcher of dreams at six fates and wear not twisted or mutuyut following the arrival; behind the grapevine, the scar looks like glints, which tangles all the breasts.
Miraculous orator and spritny brazier, Matev draws on the wisdom of thousands of orcs-warriors and hundreds of shamans-roses.
Vin is often hot, so if the wines get rid of their scargs, the day will come, if the orcs rule over us Askhan.
Specialization: Meister of catchers of dreams (increase of catchers and vikradachiv of dreams +3 for a day)


Biography: Quan, who was born in sіm'ї pirates and took away the ship under her command in her young age, accumulated a lot of trophies, plundering the merchant ship of the Seven Mist on the way to the Jade Ocean.
Її share turned sharply, if її the ship was built by a giant sea monster, and it came to you 100 leagues below the surface of the ocean near the majestic palace of the daimyo naga.
Quan Bula was happy to be left alive, but she suddenly realized that she was in full custody. After 5 years full, by protyag yah won’t know about the great and rich culture of the nag more, if there were a person before her, the daima was rewarded with freedom and the island, with which you can order it like a zabazha.
Specialization: Last (+2 before moving on land and sea)


Biography: Yugen turned to the dancer in the imperial corpse of Nari, Shovkovy Khvily. I will build a human death, over a hundred people and women, stepping on the river, if the Empress of Eternity fills her majestic palace under the ocean waters, to see the islands of the provinces over the yoga waters.
The prestigious corpse was plundered by the Assassins for reasons that left them with invisible ones.
Yugen was one of the three quiet, who was alive, and became a servant of Shalassie in tribute to the Dragon-Goddess for a miraculous order.
The Eternal Empress prote to ask for the trinity that she lived, to perform once on the river, and the first one, if Yugen dances in public.
It seems that yoga is such a sumptuous dance, that dragon-vugri cry, if wine is dancing.
Specialization: Meister of perfumes of strumkivs (production of perfumes of strumkivs and mizugami increased by 3 per day).


Biography: If you were a majstro of a broiler at the court of the Emperor Connor himself, Loris at once diligently worked at a cerberus broiler at the very heart of Shio. A person of principles, having changed his vіddanіst, as if not calling, if he followed the order of the emperor to pick up young orcs, they stole an apple in the garden. The sound of his post, stumbled before the gloomy prospects, Lorish flooding his grief with spruce, until the enigmatic beauty denounced him a new life for a dozen of information about the royal watering, scheduled for the end of the month for the first hour of the visit to the princedom of the Greyhound. Lorish having accepted this proposition, and in the aftermath of the attack, half of the imperial mail was broken. Under the tortours for the fate of the zmov, Lorish died in his wounds, but he didn’t reveal the specialty of the woman - he was taken to respect when he was given command in Shio.
Specialization: Meister Cerberus


Biography: Do not confuse Deleb, the servant of the king of pain Ur-Traggal, with a succubus, not so.
And in order to bring it to you, we are pleased to ask you to try a new mechanical spore - a machine for picking up, prikannya that scalding shkiri in unknown ways. Not without a laugh, of course.
Being the master of fire magic, she could gladly tell you for years about the difference between scorching and scorching, or between branding and scalding, or more richly shvidshe will demonstrate it to you.
Specialization: Meister of fire (the effectiveness of fire magic spells is increased)

Ser Jaywoods

Biography: Ser Jaywoods, who used to be the face of the Duchy of the Unicorn, tell you that having become a vampire, he who brings more life in five dozen, lower in a hundred of the living, who die of the townspeople, and on the right is not far off.
Ser Jaywoods is obsessed with the future, the charisma of such an osyayan I will addict my father to history. You want to know who is ruling Ashan in five hundred years, to what extent they can bring regular performances of occult magic and there will be room for such gallant people, like wine.
Only one way to become an immortal vampire. Vіn is ready to fight, that life will be zhorstoy and crooked independently in vіku, but while vin checks the ability to recognize chi tse so, viz for the joy of falling on demons.
Specialization: Illumination (The hero starts with the building "Illuminate" and with an effective bonus to it)


Biography: Skata robbed the kingdom of Tuidani at the 24th century, violating the way of the sword to Sim Mist on the request of the blade magician Deras Ban, one of the largest masters of Askhan's escort. Vaughn was a brilliant student and began to doti, doki її the queen was not attacked by the Holy Empire of the Falcon. Deras Ban, having immeasurably adored his priceless student, having set her up in the village in his native place of Al-Betil, fearing that the top of the Magi of the Seven Mist would be on the side of Emperor Liam, and could throw her into prison just like a gesture of good will. While Stingray was rehabilitated at the rich undergrounds of Al-Betil, she got to know the cult of the Spider Goddess. Її the beast is chained by the veil of the mystery, but it is godly and venerated by the trust of Mother Namtar and the necromancer Svіtlani.
Specialization: Meister of Agony (Hero starts with an Agony building and an effective bonus to it)

Lord Haart

Biography: The protégé of Budinka Deer, Lord Haart, having demonstrated the character of the young Vіtsі, taking a part in the Elven Wars, as Lord Cyren fought in the Vіtsі thirteen rokivs.
After the mystical appearance of Lord Kien, Lord Haart once again dedicates the way of the sword to himself, becoming the youngest face in the history of the duchy, not seeming already about those who became wine and the best face of faces. for yoga movchasnist in the agreed dosvіdu, otrimana in the Elven Vіyny, Lord Haart ekspormtom reworking yoga cloth - with a tip he climbed from three crooks.
Specialization: natural leader (hero starts from +4 to leadership)


Biography: First, Lady Eileen became famous for giving birth to identical triplets. The marvelous blessing of Elrato was obscured by it, that the three blue ones were stolen by hirelings greedy to the vikup and settled down in the fullness of these fates.
At that hour, when the emperor Liam himself, having proclaimed the majestic wine-city for the return of children, Eileen turned to Elrath and became a super-pious priestess. After the children were turned back by those strata of their vikradachiv, the blue ones were far from being the same lower angels, which, if anyone knew, they were sent to the school of inquisitors for re-education.
Eileen continues to regularly attend to them, but she relies more on prayers for Elrat and church consecration for them, no special respect.
The secret of the fierce Eileen at the turn of the share of her life, which gave her even more pragmatic, and then to say a little more justice.
Specialization: Master of the Sisters

Head Heroes

Bіlya vitoіv dynastiї stand Duke Pavlo Griffin, like a fanatical servant of the Light and a faithful lieutenant of the Emperor of the Sokoliv dynasty. Vіn zustrіv his death, protecting his Duchy from a host of demons, calling out to the dying bajans of the soothing army.
Yogo sin became Paul's remaining support Glory, like a cotton at this hour.

Pavel's sister Sveltana, as she had deprived her native lands, to learn Necromancy from the 7 Mistakh, she turned to the fatherland, to win the role of regent for Glory and teach yoga way to the Griffin family. It's been 15 years since the quiet days, and ninth Duke Glory Griffin father five children. The stench themselves will be the main heroes of Heroes 6 and will lead the armies of different factions from the battle.

First child: Anton - Empire

  • Senior son Duke Griffin. Golovny spadkoєmets on the duchy.
  • From the children I hear the voices of the yangoli.
  • Stop talking to you about glory and integrity, as well as about venality and evil.
  • Confusion and anger, guilt is guilty of victorious nonsense and take their side.

Another child: Anastasia - Necropolis

  • Batko-killing.
  • Strachena by her beloved brother Anton.
  • Turned to life like a Necromancer, undead.
  • Did she really knock her dad in? For what?
  • You can find out your mind, so that you can find out the truth!

  • Knows a friend and a mentor in the person of a zbroyar of his father ... Orc Kraal.
  • Vignany from the Holy Empire for those who interceded for their family under the hour of the witches from the father's suze Duke Vovk.
  • Under the grave of the Kraal, breaking on the wild islands of Pao, the territory of the Orcs near the Sea of ​​Smaragdov.
  • Turn home with the army of Orkiv, to become a conqueror ... a ryativnik.
  • Bosi

    Hay Ro


    • Health Eyepieces (OZ): 75004
    • Attack: 4650 (Magіchna-Water)
    • Initiative: 50
    • Defense Physical (ZF): 43%
    • Magic Defense (GP): 43% The ode gave birth to the world, and then gave birth to six Elemental Dragons for cherubing them.
      She will take the shares of all mortals, start the wheel of the share at the moment of her birth, control the stretch of life and celebrate her year at the moment of death.
      Askha is more protective of the support of neutrality. The stinks never stand on the side of good or filthy, dwarfs, elves or orcs. The whole universe is for є її creations.
      As if there was no bulo, she is diametrically opposed to the principles of chaos of her crazy twin brother Urgash and yoga of abnormal children - demons.
      After the Vіyn Creators Askha broke at her porches, which are being protected, in the depths of the month to sleep, heal and sleep.
      Really, the moon is a cocoon, plexus їy around itself. This is the fermentation of the Holy Egg, the very hour, the rest of the month, where the dragons can rise, the gates to sweat (from which all souls come to Ashan and where they turn after death).
      The true Asha is not worshiped by anyone. There is more than anything else, but to serve as Bili Spinners, Sleepy Brothers and Movchaznі Sisters, like helping with curtains, tlumachit signs (I don’t remember exactly, like a fairy at the Sleeping Beauty), perform funeral rites (defeating the roles of midwives, oracles, funeral organizers) around the world.
      Note: Necromancers (Necropolis) have taken Asha as their divine patron. However, their strength and strength are the peculiarities of Ashy nevirnі, the scourge of their fatal day.

      Three Faces of Asha:

      Holy: Share - Justice - Future - Month, scho growth.
      Holy Slipa Mati is the provisnik of the valley, which is straight here and there, invisible, which is to be lashed, so that all alive vikonuvaet its role. Vaughn - “Hand”, as if you could shoot someone, to vryatuvat yogo or drive it in.

      Mati: Life - Creation - Help - Last month
      (Vіchno vagіtna) Mother succumb to everything, so the very same as the creation of that її child. Giving life, it gives a chaos form, gives a sense potential. It was the first thing that Askha ruled them empty, that created the omnipotence and allowed it to develop. Vaughn _ "Heart", insane love, like a svіvchuvaє vsіm - good and filthy.

      Vidma: Death - Ruinuvannya - Minule - Month recession.
      Witch is the image of death. Old and wrinkled, she cuts the thread of life with a sickle, trimming yoga at her bulging fingers. Vaughn - "Head", sensible and innocuous, endowed with infinite wisdom and absolute knowledge.

      Symbolic images:
      Month. Number 3 (behind the trioma її aspects). The number 8 (behind the shape of the dog year and 8 - a symbol of inconsistency).

      Image description:
      Asha is a majestic winged dragon, noble looking and completely refined, as if to aim at the buti of the Empress and the Mother of the Elemental Dragons. In її ovnіshnostі override kuti, lower roundness, zovsіm symmetrical, it was supposed to be foldable, but absolutely ordered. Її luska of a deep black color, similar to the space between the horizons, ale miriadi ignited constantly on її skins, as a rule in a singing way, nibi microsuzir'ya. Її eyes vibrate softly with bright light, and the stench can vibrate with a blind sleeper, like up to a new star.

      The span of the wings is majestic, so that the stench of ordinary people is incomparable.


      The Dragon of Chaos is an untidy and wild force, primordial chaos from boundless energy and endless diversity of forms.
      Vіn nezherlivyy and inhospitable, vin "the snake that devours its own tail."
      Vіn batko stupid snischennya, crazy creation and madness, scho napozaє.
      Vin is the ancestor of the demons.
      Urgash is absolutely unstoppable. Yogo "logic" does not lend itself to the understanding of mortals. One time you can vryatuvat, and the next - kill, in a second you can go from laughing to crying, go from bitterness to calmness.
      A long time ago Yogo was driven to Shio, the heart of Askhan, where demons live in this world and help Yogo at the reach of Yogo Bazhan.

      Symbolic images:
      Number 0/circle

      Image description:
      Urgash is a colossal dragon, with created forms that change constantly. Yogo zdіbnostі zhahlivі, it's scary to think about them. Yogo tovsta black luska never stays in one position and is given that it is crushed from hot molten metal.
      Virosity brushes (horns, thorns) constantly climb from the yogic body and are immediately drawn back. Blood from yoga wounds gradually transforms into an aggressive slurry, as if destroying everything that stuck with it.
      Urgash is constantly alerted by a haze, which creates a real world for a long time.
      The mouth of Urgash is lined with rows of serrated teeth and can be widened to a nameless width. Vіn is true, the inhospitable devourer of the world.
      After the centenary, spent at the burning heart of Ashan, in his eyes, only white, divine, hunger and hatred are seen.


      Silanna is enamored of the elves, the silent rulers of the lisiv.
      The Dragon of the Earth is the most phlegmatic, common and vrіvnovazhena among Elemental Dragons.
      Peaceful is that protective, the Earth is less than after long thoughts that vivchen.
      Vaughn often acts as a peacemaker among her brothers and sisters.
      She takes care of nature, love the growth, the creature and the life of the stone, which grows from її "backs", and the only way to awaken її anger - defile or desecrate її sacred gaї and stone stake.
      Silannas are worshiped by friends, sledopiti, myslivtsі, farmers and shepherds, as well as carving on stone and wood.
      Vaughn is the patron goddess of elves (Lisovyi Soyuz).

      Image description:

      The strength of a hired dragon. Її looking at the reminders of stability and calmness. Її schіlna smaragdova luska is hard like a diamond and covered with moss, roslins, thin trees.
      The strength is without wings, the legs are massive and short (so that the earth may be worth it). In anger, with the stupidity of their nigs, they cause earthquakes.
      The goddess's dihannia is the darkness of stone ulamkivs, which will tear the target into pieces, or “roll into the stone”, bending them in full, mute the empty breed.


      Youthful and impulsive, Dragon Povitrya swindler of unsafe knowledge, crafts, like they are passed on from the father to the blue, unremarkable tributes about the world, like wines to bachel from the heights.
      Nemov's wind, vin mandruesh everywhere, picking up everything that you can smell and feel on your way.
      Tsikavy and volodіє іntuїtsієyu, vіn shvidko penetrates into the essence of speeches, but all the same, vin is too restless and light-hearted.
      Іlat nіkoli not shukav bowing to yourself. The only commandments apply to those who are the followers of guilt, victorious and enjoy the life of the world, but the most important are those who can stink, what they want, while the stench respects and shuns the world of creations by Dragons (the most important є homemade rice between Ilat and Urgash).
      Vіn is the patron god of people (of the youngest people, oskelki Іlat the youngest God-Dragon), ale buv of dreams of the Holy Empire with his brother Elrat.
      Tim is not smaller, since earlier it was known as nomadic barbarian tribes, as if they strayed with wide territories beyond the borders of the Holy Empire, as well as at the union of the pivdenny Vilnih Mist.
      Likewise, mantras, bards and spigunis, bastards and actors, pidlabuzniks, gulvises and villains, and inspire with deaky enchanters (for this great secret knowledge, and also for this exercise, forgive the knowledge that they are “hermetic”).

      Image description:
      Ilat is the least of the Elemental Dragons. Yogo way to talk about swidkіst i spritnі. Yogo tinted luska with a bright white color. Yogo krila are made screaming, but the stench is exhausted, to give rise to a whirlwind.
      Dihannya Ilata - a category of bliss, as if fighting with absolute accuracy.


      Dwarfs climbed under the wings of Arkat, masters of forge and fire.
      Dragon Fire is reckless, flamboyant and drastic. Hisstical and ardent, fierce in battle, weak to the point of passions and blows.
      Vіn shovels shukachy gostrih vidchuttіv, timi, who takes life like a constant struggle, and carelessly spends strength on the tse, but also as farriers, like shedding their blood and blood like a symbol of sacrifice to fire.
      Arkat is the patron god of the gnomes (Pivnichni clans).

      Image description:
      Arkat is the largest of the Elemental Dragons. Yogo looking spovneniy physical strength, ferocity and passion. Yogo tovsta of red-gold luska nemov lava - hot and baked.
      Yogo dihannya - potik fire, which burns everything that is shoveled.
      Arkat is knuckleless and free to move on two legs (standing on its hind legs, hanging over the opponent).


      Shalassa inhabited her Volodynia with snake-like Nagas, who can freely move around both by the water and on dry land.
      Dragon Vodi is modest, quiet and secretive. Vaughn is an indestructible mystic, the most wise of dragons and deepness, knowledge is less than a trifle to do to the knowledge of sister Malasi, for this kingdom is full of forgotten knowledge and belongings.
      Of all the speeches, diplomacy, gnuchkіst and propriety are the most valuable. Tim is not smaller, if you do something wrong, then you will be swedish and untidy. Fighting with the sickness, do not try to overcome.
      Sailors, fishermen and pirates, as well as prophets, sages and wise men, are shunning Shalasa.
      Vaughn is the patron goddess of Nag (Sanctuary, People of the Waters).

      Image description:
      Shalasa is the most beautiful of the Elemental Dragons. Seeing peace and wisdom. In її lusts harmoniously blend jade greens and turquoise colors.
      Shalasa does not make a krill, but the deputy of a swimmer. Vaughn looks like a sea serpent or an Asian dragon.
      Dihannya Shalasi can be tidal, which is scorched by a geyser, or by a blizzard, which freezes to brushes.


      Malassa panues over the frowns and the mysterious faceless ones.
      Dragon Temryavi, Faceless Enemy, Singing Tin from a hundred osіb and a thousand whispers. Temryava - minliva and unsafe lady.
      Temryava is given to be stupid and formless, but richly knowing. Vaughn at once here and there, watching near and far, picking up your words and cries.
      At її glybins to lie mustaches forgotten, buried by the crypts of the past.
      Malasya is mainly worshiped by the madmen and the springers of fate, the fearless spy and the beaten.
      If she was the patron god of the faceless, protest the stench of all the blames for the hours of the Ancient Wars.
      Mabut, she laid a sinister agreement with the dark elves (League of Shadows)

      Image description:
      Malassa є imperceptible zі Elemental Dragons. Significantly її looked impossible. Її tilo and krila in dark luska with violet vidlivy, alevona may be without body, like to schіlny dim, or gray light and tint.
      Kryla is endowed with dozens of "eyes" that look into the invisible light and inspire the forgotten secret places.
      Malassa does not seem to be, only insipid. Її words are always enigmatic, so only truly believers can be able to comprehend її.
      Podikh Malassy is the darkness of Temryavi, which dulls the senses and reminds the mind with stingy visions.


      Elrat is very shining and immortal angels.
      The dragon Svitlana is shunned as the god of dreams and the patron of (true) power, truth, honor and justice.
      Yogo servants pragmatize the rise of the darkness, overcome the evil and glorify the special spirit and heroism.
      If you were beaten by angels, but maybe all the stinks perished in the hours of Ancient Wars.
      New hour Elrat becoming the patron god of the Sacred Empire (Alliance of Light).

      Image description:
      Elrat is the most beautiful of the elemental dragons. Vіn vіlene nobility and power. Yogo vishukana is a sheen of the purest gold, though it does not shine through the light, but itself shines in the middle. Crila yogo vkriti not luskoy, but pir'yam, like in yogo children.
      Elrat does not have a "dragon's breath", but with his righteous anger, he changes the blind light.

    Heroes do not die - the stench turns around at the sales
    Might & Magic is one of the oldest computer RPG series. The first game, which was called Might & Magic: Secret to the Inner Sanctum, made the world look like the 80s, and New World Computing never ceased to please fans of role-playing games other team).

    Axis i now check for surprises on us, among them there will be:

    – more trivi- merny playful world from the possibility of polyote;

    – wonderful sprite graphics, which does not require hardware graphic devices and hard computers;

    - Good thinking of the plot, which gives the gambler mayzhe povnu freedom of action;

    - different spells, magical spells, and richly-richly different.

    Zrozumilo, є at the grі th deyakі drіbnі vadi. The graphic engine is a bit more advanced, but a role-playing grace is not a 3D-action for you. Є th deyakі zanіkannya z drive "bugs", pov'yazanih іz virtual world (doors can't be fixed, deakі obezhennya, which are superimposed by the rules of the grid, can be easily repaired). Ale all tsі nedolіki not in zmozі skіlki-nebud seriously bolster the reputation of Might & Magic 6.

    In short, the Fallout, Might & Magic 6 series is the coolest role-playing game of the rest of the hour. I tsim says it all.
    If it’s bulo, from any side - it’s wonderful to say about it ...
    Once upon a time, the Old Old Ones lived. Who stinks, the stars came and what called them on the road - nobody knows. These spaceships plied endless expanses of space in search of settlements of the world, on which the stench could settle. And even though there were no such svitiv, Old-timers created them. How the smells of Xeen (Xeen), a flat world, were created, at which the undersides of the front parts of the Might & Magic - Clouds of Xeen (part four) and Dark Side of Xeen (part five) were born.

    If you played in the World of Xeen (which is settled when the fourth and fifth parts are angry), then remember what ended up on the right - Xin, having become a normal planet, was ruled by Queen Kalindra and Prince Roland, vryatovani you from the paws of the chakluna- the cyborg Sheltem and the yoga skeleton-skeleton of Lord Xin.

    Ale, nothing is better on the moon, then more on the moon Xin. The century passed, and the war began again for the transfer of power. In the course of the bloody conflict, Lord Ironfist took power to the hands (about this war, Heroes of Might & Magic 1 speaks of war).

    Ruled by the conqueror for a long time and happily ever after. But the hour has come, and Vin died, leaving the throne to his sons, the “good” Roland (do not stray with him, that the World of Xeen is evil) and the “nasty” Archibald. Ditlahi, as usual, could not get along with each other, and a new war and a new gra began - Heroes of Might & Magic: Succession Wars. They overcame, it’s clear, good. The guild of necromancers was disbanded, and Archibald, who interceded for him, died far away.

    Zradiv Roland and becoming the ruler as a full-fledged king.

    But not long ago I was judged to be the fruit of a peaceful life. One sumptuous day, a meteorite fell from the sky, which brought demons from it, like a quick start to put things in order in Enroth (Enroth, that’s the name of the kingdom, in which you are supposed to lead your nobility).

    Having thought up a boulo Roland rozіbratisya with them, remembering about his victory over Archibald. Alas, you have never been out of him, and without a gambler, a hero is still waiting for a computer game. Axis and Roland pishov at pokhіd i turned around. And in Enroth, bad luck began - “sometimes in the city it’s not healthy, sometimes it’s thinness, then it’s pect to smoke from a nasty draft, or else it’s a shock on a big veda,” in the words of V. S. Visotsky.

    Among the law-abiding payers, the tributes rose a little, that the wrath of the gods, more the Ironfist dynasty wasted by the good-will of the celestials, the title of Mandate of Heaven and gives the right to rule. And then there was a new cult - the cult of the Followers of Baa, who propagated a peaceful conspiracy with the demons.

    But it’s true, as you understand, everything is not so. "Meteorite" was nothing else, like another spaceship, and the demons were evil aliens Kreegan, like from time immemorial they fought with the Old Ones. And now the stench has arrived at the colony, founded by their enemies, the pits of which have long forgotten the wisdom of their ancestors. Easy zdobych…

    Ale good to laugh at the one who laughs at the rest. The demons messed up. Remember the little zagіn, which vtіk vіd them on the cob gri (would you like this episode for an hour of the introductory cartoon)? Let us forgive the axis of people with a clear mind, a firm look and sleazy m'yazami and happen to cross the plans of alien zagarbniks, reveal the secrets of the Old Ones and z їhnoy help vryatuvaty or to bring their beautiful light.

    Well, they will be commanded by the greatest hero of the kingdom of Enrot - vi.
    We need a sprat of good lads.
    Spravzhnіy іgroman nіkoli nіddast nіddast nіddast vіdkup kom'yutera yogo majesty nagodіn tak important іt's vіdpovіdalne avdannya, like stavlennya characіtіv. Tim is bigger, because the very process of creating heroes in M&M6 is more awkward, but at the same time it’s even busier. How to know little tricks ... Let's talk about them.

    Zagalom at the grіst sіst klіv. See below for short descriptions.

    Litzar- A true warrior, who doesn't care about all the Chaklun "tricks". The person who was inspired by the vow was taken, the building learned all types of military art: wear be-like types of possessions and fight with strong guards. The biggest living character, building vitrimati chimalo fortune-telling blows.

    The rest of the situation, as you understood, is a plus. And the minus is the lack of time to chaklunstva.

    paladin- is a cross of a person and a cleric. From the first wine, having taken lowly inaccessible batyushtsі fighting men for the first time, they were trained with a sword and pulled up planks of arms. In the fall of the cleric, the paladin gained deep knowledge from the magic of the Body, the Rose of that Spirit. The health of the paladin is not bad, the magic is bigger-less, that one will be better.

    Cleric- Holy Father, what a stitch of war. In battles, wielding a mace is sprytno, chain mail is not guarded. To be honest, the cleric is in the middle fighter. This shortfall is compensated for by the achievements of the enchanting spheres. The main recognition of the cleric is in favor of zahisnyh and pіdsilyuyuchih vows, wanting step by step to popovnyuvatime their range of attacking magic.

    Archer- a hybrid of a magician and a face; lad, who sees a greater part of the free hour of seeing far-reaching sights of the enemy. To wear chain mail, not to love close combat, to that in hand-to-hand combat inflict insignificant harm on enemies. Health is not so rich, then you will understand the magic of the Elements. Particularly effective in battles on the fresh air, the necessary room for maneuvering. Shvidko and carefully inspect the monsters that fought against the NATO.

    Mage- tenditna stature, clear mind. As a result, I can find the least amount of "life" and the largest supply of mani. At the time of the battle, you learn the magic of the Elements. You can wear a shkiryany bib, with a strong vminn on the equal of an expert, kindly wave two daggers. Like and іnshi classy, ​​the mage of the building koristuvatisya with magic to inspire for both occupied hands.

    Druid- One more hybrid. For the first time - a magician and a cleric, to that one will understand on the galleys the knowledge and wisdom of both. Perevaga - you can win seventy-six oaths, to win all available magic. In the distance, half a dozen of both "batks". You can’t dress the wearer for the shkiryans, strongly surrounded by the choice of armor. Vzagali, in magic, it is unlikely that you will achieve special success through the power of "wealthy planting": you can build up your wealth in all seven spheres, you are unlikely to become a master if you want to be a triokh-chotiriokh.

    Rozrobniki half-heartedly teach us the offensive class warehouse: paladin, archer, cleric and mage. Give respect to those who all the members of the party represent sing magical vibes. Also, respect that the paladin and the archer do not have access to the magic of Light and Temryavi. Ale, don’t be too embarrassed: the magician and the cleric have wine. In principle, I will give us the best option.

    Zrozumіlo, you can experiment with classes: for example, build more chotirma with faces (there is no magic, then there is a lot of slaughtering power) or you can lay down a death with one or more worthless enchanters and / or clerics, rozrakhovuychi on їх chimalіy knowledge of the battle. Just listen to the good cause, otherwise you are tormented by such parties! Faces chained in steel pass before a couple of chakluniv-Warlocks, that and after the skin misfortune will be brought to the nearest temples and pay chimali pennies for clothes in the form of sickly ailments, bruises and prokloniv.

    On the other side, there was a lot of trouble for the party with the magicians: it’s hard to finish with them, because they have a little trouble with cob spells. Do not forget that sooner or later you will see monsters with an impenetrable enchanting zahist. The rest can be like a natural one (minotaurs, dragons), so it is put in front of the enemy on oneself (magicians). In the meantime, there are no special differences, but the only thing is that a natural defender will be a little stronger.

    Now let's talk about some characteristics and skills that you can ask your heroes.

    Then, lower the paladin's intellect to the minimum, increasing it to the maximum (up to 25) the value of your splendor and strength overnight.

    Let's go to the archer. Intellect and spritnist put higher, and special (Personality) - lower, all the way.

    Who is coming? The great show of the special cleric's ability to allow him to accumulate a significant amount of mani, and the axis of the intellect is not needed by the clerk, believe me. Bazhano give the priest a little peace, so that he often drank his mace (mace) on the faces (persons) of the enemies.

    With a charmer, the situation is reversible: add intellect and see that very Personality. In case of a heavy rozpodіlі 50 starting points can win. If not, then change the character's skin success by one or two points. Ale, do not overdo it, fortune - it’s not only good to rely on fortune-telling oaths, but it’s even better luck in important valuable objects and large sums of gold that can be freely converted. You don't want to be unlucky? If you want to minimize success as much as possible when generating a character, then in New Sorpigal it is possible to get a spring day, drinking water from one of the wells. A new portion of the water, which will increase your luck, will be available already through this day.

    The hour has come to rise up with Skills (the stink of the newbies). Morally prepare yourself before the skin of the hero of the mother of his specification.

    Give the archer the strength of the native shepherds that watchfulness. Only his hero can have the right to especially reveal all sorts of suspected screens - and it is necessary to constantly remember about it, so that the unacceptable traces of the sight of death will be forgotten. Let's teach the paladin to swell with a shield and wear chain mail. Let the cleric take your navichka appointed to add to the shield. Adopt the magician to recover the basics of water magic and give the opportunity to repair speeches.

    At the same time, I strongly do not recommend the development of a mindless newcomer to the type of diplomacy or bodybuilding. Normal heroes don't care. On the cob gri raja podbati about the newcomers of trade, proteo intensively develop її not varto. Filthy metal does not spare the ever-necessary eyepieces for the improvement of comforts.
    The management of your sub-options is carried out for the help of the keyboard and the mouse.

    For ruhu missive, use the cursor keys.

    To switch to big mode, press Shift and the cursor key.

    For rush vbіk (Strafe) press ctrl and the cursor key.

    To switch from the real time mode to the per-cock mode, press Enter. To gain respect, that in the cover mode you cannot collapse, you can only turn on the field and block the armor/magic/objects from the backpack.

    For zdіysnennya, be-yakah diy (push on the important, knock at the door, shuffle the corpse, take the object) click on the bear in the right place.

    To call up the Inventory screen, double-click on the mouse on the character's portrait.

    To attack the closest enemy with a throw, press BUT. If the enemy is far away, shoot the character at the new bow / crossbow (like this at the new one), and try the nearest enemy with a sword / dagger / copy.

    In order to cast spells to the nearest enemy, it is necessary either to click on the button from the image of the five-point star right-handed in the portraits of members of the corral, or to press S. At the same time, the character zastosu "Shvidka" spell, as if it were necessary to put it in front. For whom, click on the button with a star, choose the spell you need, then click on the image of the hand at the bottom of the page.

    To sleep, click on the button from the image, right-handed in magic. Remember, the characters can sleep less at the careless mist (for example, there are no enemies).

    To heal down / lift your head, press the keys Ins/Del.

    To go uphill / go down (after casting the Fly spell), wink Page Up/Page Down.

    With the decision of fine management, you will figure it out yourself.
    Trochs about eyepieces beginner and information
    About the eyepieces (Points) beginner - there are two ways to use this dish. The first and simplest field is bypassing the spreading out of the edge of the flock with the method of bringing the kіnsk pіdkіv. Let's click on the identity of the character (changing in the Inventory screen) - you'll find out (forge the stench of її, what?), having earned two points for yourself. Well, it’s true, the descriptions of the causal and inherited link can’t be seen as obvious, well, it’s a blasphemy with her, with logic. It has been scientifically proven that in a couple of months the coming harvest will ripen at the same time from the resurrection of monsters that linger nearby. Raju mother in reserve triyku-friend pіdkіv, schob to promote the newcomer, who was inexperienced in need.

    Another way is less exotic and accessible for understanding… When the hero's account is raised, bad points are automatically gained. Їх іх ілкії to lie down due to the savage depravity of the character. On the cob, the heroes win five points; from the 10th to the 19th - shіst; from the 20th to the 29th - just like that. Taking away the hundredth rіven, bring the hero five fifteen points. Before the speech, you already, sing-songly, you know that equals move not only along the way of the accumulation of cobs to the knowledge, but also to further training at specially introduced missions.

    The dosvіd itself is also accumulated in two ways: vikonannya zavdan-questіv and vvvivvaniya vsіh zustrіnutih you іstot (Crimea of ​​civilians). Vikonans quests give no less than a large amount of proof, but it’s better to change your reputation.

    The second option is also indecent - you can grow up with gold and pick up a valuable item that sometimes drops from a monster (sorry, get one). Vzagali, mino vorogіv automatically pick up during the search of corpses, to that it is easy to comprehend, what you know.
    The secret of steel
    Before an uninterrupted description, the difference between the few and the other types of description is significant for understanding. The finisher is often asked to explain what a sword attack means on a 3d4. On the right, the M&M6 zastosovuetsya standard for the table games way to determine the result of your fighting game "throwing" by the computer of the cube.

    At the time of the program, the trichi rolls a choti-faced die (dice 4 chi, shortened, d4). The biggest warrior has three lives at the enemy, and the shortest one (showing the cube to four) has 12 lives. Otzhe, Skoda lie at the borders of three to twelve. The arithmetic mean of seven and a half is the most important result of the task given to the monster. Bigger put in different swords will also give you a non-zero display, a kind of “add-on” before the attack, that chance to break through the enemy’s defenses. For example, a blow with a sword z "+ 10 3d4 + 2" increases the ability to hit the blow by 13 and the arithmetic mean value of shkodi by two. However, the rіven of the head of the shkodi lay not only in view of the type of combat capabilities of the enemy, but in the value of the strength of the warrior and the yogo of the strength of the Volodin with the sword. To find out, how to effectively fight members of the corral, to press Z- The Damage column has numbers.

    A couple of joys with a choice of weapons. There is nothing coherent in it: the paladin is waving a sword, the cleric is waving a mace (otherwise, as they called it in Russia, a mace), the magician is wielding a dagger (and then we’ll keep a couple), the archer, as if you guessed it, is scorched by a distance shot. I didn’t show any particular special zastosuvannya for tridents, clubs, sokirs. The stench is rushing to get a rare and healthy one, and no especially brown prevag is possible, basing on a daily basis for diversity, “it’s bulo”. True, sometimes you can drink an exhausting Titanic Trident, which you can give to the paladin or face, as if one hand is occupied with a shield in them, you don’t want to part with it (you can change the characteristics of the character or give especially rich zakhistu). On the right in that the accuracy of a blow with a trident is greater, lower at the middle sword. True, b'єїm your hero is better, lower with a sword. The sword was fired - the most balanced and the most handy armor for close combat. Before speech, the rule is not only in the M&M6 gaming world, but also in the most important computer role-playing games.

    With bows and crossbows, everything is simple - they stink really well, if the enemy is far away, and if on the right they go to hand-to-hand combat, the archer shoots and fights, as if he were in the hands of a new one.

    A distance shot is miraculously suitable for fighting with enemies that do not shoot and do not beat magic. As if to conduct a fight at the real hour, at which it’s swishing backwards and scribbling incomprehensible zigzags (trim the enemy in the field of dawn), then the cibula is what you need. Even better than the mother of an archer, that paladin with a beginner shooter on the very cob of the grill for a quick and trouble-free passage of the Abandoned Temple of Baa, the enemies are less likely to fight in close combat.

    Blasters, also resembling the armor of the Old Ones, appear closer to the end of the Control Center. Іsnuє impersonal differences on the topic, chi varto їх vikoristovuvaty or next rely on the practice of reversing swords and bows. In our opinion, it is possible to shoot a blaster with a towel, moreover, in a real time mode, in which case they shoot three shots at a time. Great plus blasterіv polagaє in їх piercing be-like armor and/or magic zakhistu. Not less than a great minus - at a recognizably small equal cost.
    Mysteries of magic
    Calling on everything, most of the respect of the rozrobniks was consecrated not to bringing the various types of destruction to the rose, but to balancing the curse of all nine enchanting spheres. Your efforts were crowned with success: you don’t have any one overworking (or rather, omnipotent) oath, if the sign of such an oath would be necessary to use all other spells.

    Well, the time has come to walk through the magical divisions, to make up the most important and important curses. Vrahuyte, that the paladin has access to only the first three spheres: Spirit, Body and Rosum; the cleric of the Crimean set to learn the magic of the Light and the magic of Temryavi. The archer, on the other hand, the building touches the sense of less than the elemental fundamentals: Earth, Wind, Drive and Fire; and the magician to add to the th Chaklun repertoire those magics of Light and Temryavi.

    As you can see, the cleric will not let the flames go out, and the enchanter is unlikely to learn how to juggle mercenaries, so in order to achieve the best results, try to combine admiration and shortcomings of the quiet ranks of the other classes and the spheres that are open to them. One more kindness of joy: evenly rozpodіlіt obov'yazki vygodnіvі v vyvchennі oath. The magician, who is trying to achieve perfection at the victoriousness of the six spheres, behind the back of the curses for bad luck. As soon as possible, let's go back to the heart and become the master of Water and Fire, and then we will “pump” the magic of Temryavi to the maximum.

    Truth be told, the second option is to have all the members of the corral penned by experts in all areas of magic available to them, and then we’ll only “cheat” the magician and the cleric. The sense of the axis of the chomu is the power of spells in an expert, and the laying is greater in equal to the power of spells in an uninitiated one, but the power of spells of a master outweighs the power of spells of an expert. Prote “robiti” of an expert is cheaper, lower maistri. Work the visnovki yourself.

    One more joy: not to work masters in one and the same sphere at the same time with two and more characters. As you can see, you will marry two hares ...

    Also, try not to win magic with a great radius of fire in settlements and in the Temple of Snake dungeons, so as not to pick up NPCs who are celebrating Christmas.

    There is a chance to duplicate only part of the spells in different characters. Paladin varto teach all healing spells and add two main attackers - Harm and Flying Fist, and let the archer learn part of the set of three elements Fireball (Fireball, Inferno and іn) and Water spirits of Fire).
    The paladin’s heart is inspired by the magic of the Spirit, which specializes in oaths, how to increase the hero’s performances (luck, bad luck, hits), so that they rejoice and turn the dead comrades to life.

    Particularly varto stands for the Shared Life spell, which miraculously works at the link with the body Power Cure. “Sub-life” and change the life of all members of the corral, and “Strong Rejoicing” at once improves their health. The tactic is the most effective, if the heroes are dead and unsound, then others will have a bad time.

    Some people swear about the Turn Undead oath, which turns the undead into hell.

    To the point, to hell with the kings of skeletons, I strongly recommend getting a paladin to get it Remove Curse: cursed goodies often smear, plus they have serious problems with chaklunstvo.

    Unfortunately, there are no such riddles about the oath of war in the sphere of the Spirit.

    Healing Touch is basically cast as a paladin for the exalted cleric who is in an unfamiliar state. Come to you, the rest rejoice at yourself and those other characters already yourself.
    Clerics work deacons in the magic of Tila, vicorist for the exaltation of ailments and weaknesses, neutralize and heal wounds.

    Tue, two attack spells are available to them. "Skoda" (Harm) helps a lot in the middle of the game through its cheapness and infamous driving power, and the axis "Flying Fist" (Flying Fist) often does not really do its magic vartost. Unfortunately, a significant part of the protruding monsters is good to endure as a “Kulak” and “Shkodi” (for example, those skeletons).

    Before going to the Abandoned Temple, it is obligatory to buy the Protection from Poison oath, or (more shortly - i) Cure Poison - otherwise you will be tormented to the temple for the joy of close acquaintance with the mast snakes. After the resurrection of all the oath of Tila, shift the cleric to the resurrection of the sphere of Light.
    Fairly seeming, diametrically protracted look M & M6 fans on the magic of Rozuma can spantelichity be-whom. In my humble opinion, from the circle of the sphere you really need less than three oaths, and not just need it, but show yourself important in life.

    Pererahovaya: Cure Afraid (in the form of swaying characters it is unlikely that miracles of heroism can be achieved), Cure Paralysis (you should love to indulge in gargoyles with paralysis) and Cure Insanity (a mischievous magician - maybe a dead magician, even if you don’t need to repair the necessary mana).

    It’s better for everything, you should know Feeblemind (for a certain hour you “see” all the magic at the enemy), or maybe you can get Telekinesis, if you don’t want it - it’s easier with your hand to replace the screenshot, vikoristovuyuchi the Disarm Trap. Cultivation of magic to Rozum falls as a whole on the paladin's tendented shoulders. Maystrom is not necessary for him, but the expert’s knowledge should be taken away.
    The low efficiency of the magic of the Earth is obvious; In my opinion, the number of oaths of the singing world is unique.

    Stun, as if yelling at the name, for some time stuns the enemy and at the same time injects some aggression, Deadly Swarm is a bad oath against the average strength of monsters, and Stone Skin (known to HMM gamers) is more offensive.

    I will especially appoint two oaths from the opposite authorities. If you don’t need Stone to Flesh much, the shards of heroes turn Medusa into stone, which rarely grinds, then for the help of Flesh to Stone, you yourself will turn into a stone may be a monster.

    Originally Rock Blast: throw a little stone, which will sway, in the air, in the walls and other crossings, may be like a grenade from Quake, and vibrate, having flown into the enemy. Try vikoristati tse oath in attacks from behind the horn, or let the stone near the small room, de vin always know your victim. In the meantime, I’m sure that the substitute for “Kamintsya”, “Fire Wall”, is succesful, accurate and dievish.

    І rest: far-reaching Death Blossom – sooner minus, lower plus. Tim is more, but alone, without a rich oath, without delay independently, without forward guidance, drink to the point.
    The main tasks of the archer will be the development of the magic of Povіtrya, with a couple of receiving copies of the combat chaklunstvo and with an indestructible selection of brown ones from the pobutі spelіv. Whatever you say, a professional without a Wizard Eye may be like no hands. Zgadane swears a curse until life is like a radar, on which the moving monsters and the place of rozashuvannya of rich valuable dribnits are indicated.

    "Radar" itself allows you to look into the most serious "bug" of AI. Poljagaє wіn vіn pragnіnі brіvіn follow sіvіn krivdniki, vybirayuchi the shortest path. If the monster knows that the heroes are on the opposite side of the wall, then they will not try to go around the wall, but will stand opposite and check. More often than not, this clearing at the sight of monsters turns into their shtovhanini along the corners not far from the door opening, tucked behind a pedestal, or with a fluted zupinka through the nebzhannya around the corner. Take the Wizard Eye for help and visibly win such information about the wondrous behavior of your opponents.

    As for Feather Fall, it practically doesn't win against another known "bug" in M&M6. For a safe fall from high heights, press “Enter” at once. If you land safely, turn back at once. Everything is ingeniously simple, why not, sir?

    The advancing idea of ​​Lightning, it’s not necessary to talk about it a lot, bliskavka - out of Africa bliskavka. At the right time, the shooter has an archer, no doubt, tormenting the enemies of Implosion, the benefit of monsters, who can be immune to this oath, may not be.

    One of the strongest spells (although not attached to victoriousness in places), Flight allows you to visit important locations, as well as to shoot at the beast and water the enemies with a meteor shield, so that little misfortune can opine under you.

    Starburst doesn't need any recommendations - you'll have to kill any titan in the battle with Meteor Storm, no matter how weak it is.
    Magic Water. It’s not surprising, but in the main, the scope of the Lord is to take revenge on your own attacking miracle. Ice Bolt, perhaps, is the only pleasant way to fight the spirits of Fire, wanting to win miraculously having proven itself when tested in the minds of the sexes against other monsters through the use of the spіvvіdnoshenna "churn - win money".

    You can't say the same about Ice Blast: wine is unsuitable for active congestion due to non-delivery and high price.

    Acid Burst, due to its nature of indiscretions, is no more than a belligerent suffocation of a human being, even if there is a little known in the enchanting right.

    Surely, in the sphere of Water there are daily spells of peace. Awaken - the only way to wake up team members who have fallen asleep with their hands. In another moment, the stench will spill out of your life.

    Water Walk is easily replaced by Fly'em, if you want the rest of the road, but let's go richer, lower just walk by the water.

    Add to the list of non-combat oaths a sprinkling of methods for militant movement in space. Tse Town Portal (transfer you to the fountain of the city) and Lloyd's Beacon (essentially, teleportation from the far end of the city).

    Here's a little trick: theoretically, Master Vodi could create five Lloyd's Beacon's, but in reality they created up to twenty maidans for teleport. Enchanter fills all available slots, and then changes his position in the corral control, enter a new position) and deny access to the next five unfinished Beacon's. For the great bazhannya, the process of changing fitmen is repeated by more girls. Twenty maidanchiks at once - chotiri positions from five maidanchiks at the skin. Otaka out, Vodi's sphere. Report all the zusil, so that you can clearly see in it the mastery.
    Without a doubt, the greatest set of attacking spells is with the magic of Fire.

    Z nebagatyoh vlastvih tsіy spheres of peaceful people to curse apparently Torch. To enter the shoe set after waking up in the chergovy dungeon. You don’t need to strain your eyes (ay, Unreal!), to look at what kind of monster is coming to you. At the pіdzemelli, the tar skip burns steadily - it's an axiom. True, in nature, Torch is not corrosive, the haze of the night of the wines is weakly broken, so you better get the day.

    If Haste is worth it, then wine is more corny, lower shkidlivy. We don’t give serious troubles, but those that the characters become badgers and actives are finished.

    And now about licorice: about the oath that they will burn the flesh of the enemy. Good old comrade Fire Bolt - cheap for money and finances, ale verno against the average power of monsters.

    Before the services of Fireball, go in with the zestrichi z the enemies that squirm in the distance. More effective oath, you won’t say anything. For example, one day, once you are caught in a goblin’s coupe, you can calmly quiet the little non-guys. Beware, as if on the right, go to hand-to-hand combat: once again, go to the Fire Bolt fortune-telling.

    The offensive spell Ring of Fire zastosovuetsya at the link with the Wizard Eye for the adversaries who are behind the walls and doors. Most of the vipadkiv veins contagiously burn opponents over (!) and pid (!) you (one top is higher and lower). It's great to be able to climb up to the camp of the opponent and a sprat of times to zasosuvati "Vognyanye kіltse" on the top speed.

    However, if you already know Meteor Storm, then there is no sense of such tactics. In my opinion, it’s the most beautiful spell that gets used to the open world against all sorts of different monsters: starting from goblins to hydro, titans and dragons. Praise Meteor Storm no sense, yoga diyu requires bachiti.

    It's true, there are two "ale". First, the enemy is guilty of buti on the ground, or parity to do it low to get rid of shkodi from a meteorite strike. And in a different way, tse oath in the Demon King's house. Far away watering to you, lads - and if it were far away, try to spend the beat near the floor.

    Inferno - you can’t imagine anything, but through its availability on the cob it will be not without reason when attacking hundreds of skeletons at the wild temple of Baa.

    Incinerate is my choice, not only mine, but the absolute choice of a professional. Try yoga in the dії u pіdzemellyakh - vpevneniy, scho you like it. However, the appendage is near the middle of the gri, so it is closer to the end. In order not to miss and not waste such a valuable spell for nothing, use Incinerate in the turn-based mode. Before the speech, the tree in the grі є gnestіyky, that does not go to hell.
    Let's talk about the great and very Light sphere.

    Create Food is simply invisible, so you don't want to work endlessly going to the tavern for a hedgehog. If you sleep on the grass (wander in one single їzhi), then you can instill a new profane at the magic of Svіtlan, you can slander zagіn. To give respect, that, having grown up with a camp on the road, spend twice more than їzhі (two singles їzhі). Zagalom, to efficiently win Create Food, train the character as a minimum equal to an expert Light.

    With the appearance of Golden Touch in the fall and the need for official flights to the nearest place for the sale of speeches that were lost after the enemies. Miraculously replace the beginner of trade, don't use the oskelki in the expert Light in pennies anymore.

    We did not know the true zastosuvannya of Dispel Magic.

    Slow hot and cheaper, lower Paralyze, mayzhe vdvіchі, ale style w razіv yogo i hirshe. Trivality is the same for them, the enemy of paralysis is more of a receiving sight, lower yoga is simply a “galmation” brother.

    If you see the undead, for which you can’t see Destroy Undead: for example, Greater Lich and Power Lich, and if you see skeletons like that, then the stench is too weak for the real zastosuvannya of such an exhausting oath.

    Prismatic Light is an analogue of Inferno, it looks like a new subvoenoy Skoda and mani vitrates.

    Sun Ray may not zastosovuetsya (hiba scho against dragons), shards are less on open air, de yoga can be easily replaced by Meteor Storm.

    I swear the Divine Intervention oath, allowing the cleric to go to heaven, so that I will rejoice over the whole group, along the way, znimayuchi all negative become. To swear on an amateur, in my opinion, it’s better to just visit the temple, to spend a good dozen lives for one service from the side of the gods.

    About Day of the Gods and Hour Power, it's a special story. For a hundred loneliness mani you turn the group into a right machine of death. The process of depositing vorogiv at the stack will become an everyday and a lot of great work.
    As there is no day without a night, so the magic of the Light cannot exist without its own dimension - the magic of Temryavi. A characteristic feature of the victorious Dark Chaklunstvo is the greatest in equal parts with other spheres of vitrati mani, which is compensated by the high power of the oath and its unconventionality.

    The first step is to Reanimate. Yogo confession is not familiar, imovirno, it is necessary for reapring the pardoned NPC. A very possible variant of the monster's resurrection and further driving in with a method of increasing the group's standing.

    The greatest friend of the otruynika, Toxic Cloud, works well against demons and other evils by advancing the support to greater fortune spells.

    Shrapmetal is a good mark of "remarkable": the only spell that can be played (respect!) in all directions. Try to zastosovuvati yogo, pіdіyshovshi vpritul to the enemy, so that he ate less than three-chotiri pieces of baked metal. It is noted that if Master Temryavi eats at the dragon with all the shells, then the creature is no longer a lingerer.

    On the vіdmіnu vіd Shrapmetal, the oath Finger of Death will only try to defeat the opponent, in case of which the ability of the one who is alive is great. Everything is reduced to "forgive - do not spare." Imovirnist vezіnnya at non-majstrіv Temryavi is miserably small.

    Moon Ray - "neither fish, nor m'yaso". I rejoice badly, and Skoda is small for monsters. Tim is more, that normal people "like a thief in the night" do not fight, but vvazhayut for better virishuvati their day.

    Dragon Breath can be named for beautiful eyes: luckily for you, dragons don't hide with it. In winged bests, when you appear, they blame difficulties on dihannyam. This is the strongest oath in M&M6, but it still has a decent hitting radius.

    Now Armageddon - the right confession and the grudge in the eyes of divini - have become a mystery to me. If you bathe in pennies, buy - you can come in handy for something. If you want to get the reputation of the Filthy Boy for a fake, then stop in the Free Haven region.

    What you don’t need to spend a penny on, so on Mass Curse and Shrinking Ray, or else cast a spell in gr, named Dark Containment, don’t just curse and change the enemy, but also evil, paralyze, turn to stone, change the reaction, enchant it yoga magic for a "ridiculous" price of 200 (two hundred) mani units. The only problem is that Dark Containment is closer to the end of the world after the completion of the mystery of the Obelisks.

    Prerechno commemorate that in the presence of weak sores and richness of other ill-worn heroes to defend the Day of Protection, it squandered to a hot five spells, necessary for the survival of your children.
    Good, trash and neutral
    Looking back at the statistics of the groupie ( Z) You should mark the Reputation column, which reflects the setting of the average statistical bag of Enroth to all members of the corral.

    Renown pours in like on your success in roses with NPCs, so there are a lot of game pods. So, especially shkіdlіvі characters can't fight with the lords, who linger at the castles, the shards of them are simply beaten up to the hole. However, bad things, and good things can be forgotten by the authorities in an hour, so, having gone through the river to freedom, you will lean on a neutral reputation.

    Negative reputation:

    Notorious - buti baked with a wicked one; necessary for the health of mastery in Dark Magic;

    Monstrous - stingy; it is enough to kill the population of a small town for a swedish otrimannya tsgogo rank;

    Despicable - irritated;

    Vile - evil, pidly;

    Bad - buy after a few recent attempts to blackmail some other obscene actions, and follow the quest after turning the candelabra;

    Average - neutral reputation, does not change over time.

    Positive reputation:

    Respectable - which status will be given to you after a few donations to the temple; unfortunately, more Respectable your reputation does not move;

    Honorable - it doesn't matter if you try to do it, just don't kill the filthy vchinkіv and win the quest;

    Glorious - to take away the title of "glorious", perform feats more often, until the inhabitants of Enrot forget about them;

    Angelic - "similar to an angel"; koristuetsya neabiyakoy povaloy, and the beastly baggage of the NPC is just a reverence;

    Saintly - only a saint was given the opportunity to become a master of the magic of the Light; It’s important for the saints, but it’s possible, so that you can regularly win important quests (the handover of the lords of the lands of that Oracle).

    Crime of the best guessing ways to improve / reduce the reputation of many others. It’s not easy to become super ugly, it’s even simpler, having lived for two dozen civilians, but it’s important to finish a good booty. Otzhe, it is permissible to sobі lka porad, as if left in the memory of the human kind and kind.

    Do not threaten NPCs by any means, but ask them to buy them. Do not contact the human brush buyer at Free Haven. Do not rejoice at the temples that are sacred to Baa. At the Vishomu Temple of Baa (which in Kriegspire) do not hang around the gigantic stone image of this god - if you want a leather member of the group, you take 50 thousand singles of recognition, your reputation is sharply stribne down. Wrath, that deyakі characters, yakі suprovodzhuyut group, so much to add to the reputation. For example, hiring a newcomer to trade, a villain like a bard, glorifies the valor of heroes in our yards. Another pleasure - to speed up the hourly interval between the quests, check out Lloyd's Beacon and Town Portal. If you work well, do it once for a few months, then give Respectable right away.

    It is logical that the practical employment of Dark magic is also step by step to change the reputation of the heroes.
    About become
    Mayzhe all shkіdlivim camps of power are characterized by the physionomy of the hero - to marvel at the appearance of the subordinates, and you will understand what is up to what. The stages of unsafe illnesses are attributed to the color of the inscription: greens - a minimal threat to health, yellow - a disease of moderate severity, and red - a serious death. It is easy to remember that some sores on the back of the head cannot carry in themselves unsafe for life (for example, Drunk), and some are only fatal (Eradicated). All types of sickness rejoice in the temple, for pennies, amazingly. Priests also don't mind maximizing the life and mana of a healthy character for a small wine town.

    Sometimes a hero becomes "happy" as a volunteer of many shkіdlivih stanіv. The most ridiculous thing is that the stench is superimposed one on one and you bachite less one sickness. This is a serious "bug". For example, a dream was sent to the fitter. When you look at someone, you only look snarky, and the snarky hero of the building rises in front of the enemies, but when he falls asleep, he doesn’t! Don't get excited, don't show the right mouse on the portrait until you show another yoga camp. Go to the characteristics of the character and click on the column Conditions with a rodent, you will know how much time to sleep and be afraid of your child.

    Afraid. An evil character spends half of his intellect, specialty and brilliance, natomist otrimyuyuchi little advantage in intelligence and strength.

    Neutralization: Remove Fear (Mind)

    asleep. I have two options to become. Abo is the dream of a group of buv being interrupted by the attack of monsters, or it is the cause of magic. A sleeping hero does not join in the battlefield, but like a comrade, it is the order to shout in pain.

    Neutralization: a year, a blow, Awaken (Water).

    Cursed. The damned hero is not happy with the motor, if he wants everything to be successful. A warrior cannot concentrate for a first strike, but often misses through it. Mages are no better - spratsovuє only one oath from three creations. So I want to say "Damn!".

    Neutralization: Remove Curse (Spirit).

    Dead. Life, as it seems, is given only once ... ex, once, that one time, that one more time ... After death, they teleport you to New Sorpigal, they take a penny (as you didn’t put the entire preparation in the bank), nothing will change anymore. Get rid of all the items from the inventory, all the skills and statistics, as well as one item, which you caught with a bear, but have not yet put in the "trunk". The number of deaths is recorded in the records about the reach of the heroes, so the only sense of uniqueness of death is that the mother did not write “N deaths”, de N is the number of deaths.

    Neutralization: Raise Dead (Spirit).

    Diseased. Infections with ailment the character suffers from a decrease in physical health (strength, vitality, flexibility, agility), and if there is more unsafe ailment - rozumovy (speciality, intellect). Success does not change. After a change, only a part of the lives and magical loneliness are restored. Moreover, if the sickness is unsafe, it is less healthy and mani to appear in the character after sleep (half - with a green step, a third - with a yellow one).

    Neutralization: Cure Disease (Body).

    Drunk. It is a sign of success, the flooring is changing strength and vibrancy. Reshta of other indications decreases even more, and spritnist falls by 90% in the weekend.

    Sp'yaninnya is the only misfortune, as you can't give in to neutralization for additional magic. Sleep and everything is like a hand.

    Neutralization: vіdpochinok.

    eradicated. It is important that you become worse than death, the shards of the hero are dying, but you are consuming your body well. This camp is most often organized by the Terminators (Terminator Unit), and others and by themselves, not far off chiming with the bulbs. All the verses about death can be summed up in roses about the victorious.

    Neutralization: Resurrection (Spirit).

    Good. A normal camp, with a yakomu, the character is rebuffed under the infusion of any ailment. Beware of sores, and you will die in the same order.

    Insane. In a half-witted short-witted magician, like in other heroes, displays of intelligence and specialness go down sharply, and after sleep, wines are thrown from a zero amount of magical energy. However, madness is not for warriors (especially for faces, like magic does not lead to shkodi), robloxes are berserkers, endowing with gigantic strength that unimaginable insensitivity to pain. The madness of the second wife increases the strength of the characters, the second one has more vibrancy and a little more.

    Neutralization: Cure Insanity (Mind).

    paralyzed. The paralysis is actively overpowered by gargoyles. The hero is constantly marveling at one point, not reacting to the outrageous teasers and not robbing the everyday ones. Tovk of a paralyzed character is pragne zero.

    Neutralization: Cure Paralysis (Mind).

    Poisoned. According to the injection, the poisoning is rich in what is similar to an ailment. So the quantity of mani itself changes and healthy after sleep, however, judging by the smaller change in the statistics of the heroes, it is less evil, that oath, which is merciful, the stained mani is twice as less.

    Neutralization: Cure Poison (Body).

    Stoned. Transformation of a well-taken fit onto a stone statue; zastosovuєtsya less than jellyfish. The effect is similar to paralysis, the prote steps of insecurity appear not with a yellow color, but with a chervonim. Vartist rejoicing in the temple at the same time.

    Neutralization: Stone to Flesh (Earth).

    Unconscious. Nesvidomy camp, which has a heavily wounded hero. Occupies an intermediate position between life and death: if an untiring character starts to finish off the enemy, then he will die. At the unfamiliar camp of the heroes (perceived) not to shy away the annual days, but to check the term and the proper glee. If all the heroes are uneasy, then the group will die.

    Neutralization: recovery, restoration of lost health.

    Weak. Weakness on the main characteristics does not add up, but if the worn-out hero has more breaks between attacks, then the task strike appears to be weaker for points.

    Neutralization: Cure Weakness (Body).
    Before seeing the shoes, you should go to the seer (Seer) near the Ironfist region, to consult about the shrine, which is about this month. For praying for the next time, the character takes away 10 units of singing characteristics, and for repeated visits at the upcoming fates - only three. The month is spent not only on the vіvtarі, but also on the “Cart share”.
    Month Type of veterinarian Region Sichen Sili Bootleg Bay (peace and west island) Lyutiy Intellectu Mist (trohi pivine town) Berezen Individuals Silver Cove (peep and west island) Kviten Vitrivalost White Cap (charged from the lord’s castle) Free entrance Mire of the Damned (at the exit from the place) Lipen Luck New Sorpigal (island at the exit from the pier) Serpen Vognyu Kriegspire (in the middle of the volcano, handrail from the castle) Yada Eel Infested Waters
    Before that, how to win on the characters of Decks of Fate, to sort out their features. It has been established that the effect of the cards should be deposited on the month of that day, at the hour of such stinks were stained. For a month of strength, the stench will increase strength itself, and for a month of success - success. Building cards increase one characteristic from one to four alone. The minimum (+1) increase in success will be the stretch of the first day of the month of success, the maximum (+4) - the stretch of the fourth day of the next month.
    Practical activities for alchemy
    Leather from the members of the corral can (and will) wear sprats with alchemy zills. For the help of tsikh zillya, you can heal the character, remove it, restore it to health, or magical energy and bring back more deeds from yoga characteristics.

    It’s easy to get ready for the zillya - the sik grows into the little bun, then we sip the sik with the juice from the other buns. Given the number of possible options for mixing bulbs among themselves, it is effectively large - for the most modest estimates, it exceeds two hundred. However, don’t worry about the number, it’s not a fact that the experiment will end successfully and you’ll take the combinations out of the potions and new ones out of the different traits and power. Moreover, singing ways of sounding call out a small vibe, the tightness of which to lie in the strength of the bulbs, which vicorist in good fortune.

    Before we speak, the necessary empty and freshly packed bulbs are found in various screens or boxes and are freely sold in alchemy shops. There, bathing and necessary for the last growth, the stench is also scattered across the territory of any regions. Sound the walk along the banks of the river, let the grass grow, be sufficient for the preparation of a pair of black potions.

    Theoretically, for the strength of the injection, those values ​​\u200b\u200bof all the zillas are divided for chotirma by the main groups, or equals. In the description, there is a little about the color of the bulbs, then they are indicated by their English name (as it is used in other colors similar to the color), the components of the effect of the sill.
    Zilla of the first river
    Get ready with a path to pour magical dewy on an empty bottle. Koshtuyut ten gold coins.

    Chervone\u003d red berries (Widoweep berries) + bottle.

    Effect of renewal of 10 health units.

    Blue= black root (Rhina Root) + bottle.

    Effect: Renewal of 10 mani units.

    Zhovte\u003d Zhovt_ tickets (Poppysnaps) + bottle.

    Effect: Timchasovy zbіlshennya seven main characteristics of 10 units.
    Zilla of another equal
    Bulbashok are created from the resurfacing. Cost twenty five five gold pieces.

    Green= Zhovte + Blakitne.

    Effect: timchasovy zbіlshennya vsіh oporіv 10 od.

    violet= chervone + blakytne.

    Effect: neutralization wipe off.

    Orange\u003d chervoniy + zhovtiy.

    Effect: timchasovoe increase in protection by 10 od.
    Zilla of the third river
    This group includes mustaches of white color, yak, with its blackness, come out of alchemy experiments with different color bulbs. Cost f'fifty gold coins.

    Bile(Super Resistance) = blackitene + green.

    Bile(Bless) = violet + black.

    Effect: similarly to the one-name oath, bless the characters. Trivality - 6 years.

    Bile(Stone Skin) = orange + black.

    Effect: acting similarly to the one-named oath, provoking a defense. Trivality - 6 years.

    Bile(Haste) = yellow + green.

    Effect: similarly to the one-name oath, quicken the character's death. Trivality - 6 years.

    Bile(Extreme Energy) = orange + yellow.

    Effect: temporal increase of seven main characteristics by 20 od.

    Bile(Heroism) = red + orange.

    Effect: similar to the one-name spell, zbіshuє Skoda, which is applied by the character. Trivality - 6 years.

    Bile(Restoration) = purple + green.

    Effect: more formidable character in the face of stormy misfortunes, death and skam'yanennya.

    Bile(Extreme Protection) = green + orange.

    Effect: timchasovoe increase in the level of protection by 20 od.
    Zilla of the Fourth Rivnya
    Up to the tsієї group enter the zіlla of black color, yakі, insanely, є the strongest and most foldable in preparation. Koshtuyut a hundred gold pieces. Rejoice that all the seven “Essense of…” bulbs are permanent.

    Chorne(Essence of Intellect) = blackite + white (Stone Skin).

    Effect: increase intelligence by 15, change rank by 5.

    Chorne(Essence of Personality) = blackite + white (Restoration).

    Effect: increase the person by 15, change the speed by 5.

    Chorne(Essence of Luck) = purple + white (Super Resistance).

    Effect: Increased success by 15, reduced scatter by 5.

    Chorne(Essence of Might) = red + white (Heroism).

    Effect: Increase rank by 15, decrease intelligence by 5.

    Chorne(Essence of Speed) = red + white (Haste).

    Effect: increase speed by 15, change special by 5.

    Chorne(Essence of Accuracy) = yellow + white (Bless).

    Effect: Increase sprit by 15, change success by 5.

    Chorne(Essence of Endurance) = yellow + white (Supreme Protection).

    Effect: increase person by 15, change strength by 5.

    Chorne(Divine Cure) = orange + white (Restoration).

    The effect is similar to 100 health units. The character is old on river.

    Chorne(Divine Magic) = green + white (Super Resistance).

    The effect is similar to 100 mani units. The character is old on river.

    Chorne(Divine Power) = violet + white (Extreme Energy).

    Effect: the character of Timchas gets 20 rubles. The character is old on river.

    Chorne(Divine Cure) = green + white (Extreme Energy).

    Effect: removes from the character the traces of magical antiquity. All the main sim indications are reduced by one.

    In case of independent alchemy activities, be careful to protect that choice. Don't beat yourself to the last, vicorist like one of the two ingredients of black sill. However, if you came to visit your best friend (which is the same guy in M&M6) and if you want to rule over you, or just fire it up, then send it to you for a moment:

    Bile zilla (Haste) + Chorne (Essence of Personality);

    Bile zilla (Haste) + Chorne (Divine Cure).
    Vіyna - nіsenіtnitsa, smut - maneuver
    Might & Magic 6 has a non-crossing postulate. The maneuver itself should be given the opportunity to resist the weak corral and overcome the strong enemies. Axis of mi th is considered deyakі z mozhlivih maneuverіv.

    Strategic access

    As soon as your magician becomes the master of Water and the new Town Portal and Loyd's Beacon spells appear, you can perform one of the easiest and most effective maneuvers with the gr.

    Let's say you need to clear the Dragonsands area. Get to the area so that there are no dragons (for which you get to the area at a cost from the Blacshire area), and let the magician set up a beacon (Set Beacon). Cast all possible cast spells on the entire group. Look around. As soon as you commemorate the dragon, let forward in zigzags (so that the dragon does not consume it with its fire) triumphant attack (your zagin), which, with the kick of the company, chant the words of one of the characters of the Golden Calf: “Look at the million!”. Having approached the dragon, switch to the cover mode and quickly deal with it, after which let the magician negainoly transfer the entire group for the help of the Town Portal spell to the New Sorpigal place. Now lead the group to the mystic temple. If all the members of the corral are alive (enough, if they only have one hit point) and if you are not smart enough to dizzy spells, or turn away, then outside the restoration of your health and mani, it will cost you a total of 10 gold per person (at all other temples for likuvannya you will be rich in riches). Viyshovshi from the temple, the mage again zastosu Loyds Beacon (Recall Beacon) and turn the group to the Dragonsands area. So, as a really few hours have passed, then all the spells have been cast in the future, as before, you don’t need mana on them. I'm starting to take on the black dragon again.

    The Danish method allows you to quickly pass underground that area, thereby raising the reputation of your heroes, which is even more important, if you want to hire some of them as the mayor of the Light.
    The uniqueness of hawk shells
    The tactics that are described are more suitable for the masters of the Fly spell. Once you've beaten the enemy, choose one of the two patterns of behavior. If you don’t shoot vin and don’t corrode with magic, you can’t prove vin on direct attack to the beast. If the monster throws itself with any kind of hyodotoy with the method of hitting the heroes that fly, then get close to the new one and switch to the protection mode. In this mode, the heroes are impromptu to move around, but they can be able to ( pg upі PgDn) rise and fall, by the same token uniquely “shells”. For a sharp exit from the fortune-teller, I sang to press Home. Another good moment - in the covert regime, the chance to spend at the enemy’s curse is approximately 85% - 95%, so that one stands on the spot and does not get smartened up, inspire to kill.
    "Bug" with teleporting spells
    As in the real time mode, the hour of the battle with the enemies goes to the look of the book with spells, then the hour, as it seems, will chirp. However, if the magician zastosuva Town Portal or Lloyd's Beacon, that hour will be again, and you will be attacked by enemies, you will still be able to find the magician, where the group needs to teleport, so that he does not finish the reading of his magic book. If you don’t kill your enemies and don’t give a change. To avoid the repetition of such situations, go to the cover mode.
    Zagalnі oradi
    Hang around for an hour in big mode. Unfortunately, the Auto Run function is not available for this person, so trim the key Shift. In the open, practice running diagonally, in the landings - backwards backwards, sob, organized in steps, not letting the monsters out of the field at dawn. At the hour of such an exit, periodically look at the "Radar", so that the unexpected appearance of opponents at the body did not find the heroes of the znenatska. Leaning on the fresh weather, immediately put an oath on the fold: in the eyes of the thieves it is easier to see, the visibility is far away, that once the swidkistity of the card is doubled. For example, for an hour and a half, you can get around any region for three-chotiri hvilini.

    Search the corpses of the enemies. So you will pick up a sum of gold and you will know the price of riches. More than that, it seems that some types of monsters (dragons, titans, efrits and great virms) can mother with their own artifact or relic. Particularly often, objects are guessed to live with red dragons. Obov'yazkovo to bring the novice of caution (Reception) to the level of an expert or a master - it is necessary to open the doors at the Great Temple of Baa, and also to be needed when revealing secret doors, pastes and transitions. Information about them is displayed on the "radar" - automaps. It is also noted that the hero of the most fervently guarded can have more chances to take the river from the corpse of a fallen monster, lower comrades.

    Actual enemies of the building lamati of speech in the inventory of the characters, after the battle, have a good time. If you remember that the hero has bad armor or armor, then it’s better to please them in the hour of battle. Know the character, give a friend a newbie to repair, clack the mouse, and pull back. Continue your ratna practice.

    Do not "powder" Skoda, what the enemy is doing. Wait a minute, even better to drive in one monster and not to cheep the others, to beat them all. To restore respect, that the monsters may start to regenerate "life" again, so that you will deprive yourself of accommodation, or you will move to the offensive area.

    Handy at the computer, to “pull up” to M&M6, prepare a clean arkush paper and a pen or a sheep. Such preparation is obov'yazkovo zadoblyaetsya, shards significant part of the information is not automatically displayed in the next note. Zakrema, if you happen to write down or remember all the thoughts of the villagers in the drive of speeches, what to call you, and also especially important information behind the plot tasks - I distributed the “Kvesti” to dryly talk about your assignment.

    Heroes, like the mafia, are immortal. The characters, brought to the thousandth anniversary for the sake of fun, lost their lives and health. Obviously, the stink of the military art has decreased, and a number of characteristics have been added, but, judging by the appearances, the heroes have become young and unturbulent. The second fact: there is a large number of stained women at dear fates, it is necessary to change the statistics after the end of the fire.

    Experiment with both soft and real-time modes.

    The first miracle for battles on the surface, the other is more needed in the undergrounds. Call for good results in the battle with one or the other strong and strong monsters;

    Bring on the magic for bringing graves to light. Leaning against the underground, immediately stop your feet singing: Day of Gods, Day of Protection, Hour of Power, Torch and Wizard's Eye. The sequence be-yak, but rather start with the Eye of the Enchanter, so that you can commemorate the enemies in order with you. Strengthened and protected by such a rank, the characters, for a proper approach without a risk for life, will be healed like a creature.

    Be sure to tell us about Create Food - you can always stock up, so you won't be able to sleep. In nature, when you see Torch, fly at the speed of Fly, and change your clothes less at the station. Summer of life is important in the Dragonsands region and is especially relevant in the perk mode.
    THIRD PARTY Smartly cunning
    Vikoristovuvaty pardons and shortcomings of programmers ("bugs") in grі - no longer shahrayuvaty, but to show clemency and clemency. For lovers of this kind of makeup, we reveal the secrets of Might & Magic 6.

    Removal of access to the fences for the first class

    Let's take it as the butt of a magician. At rich gamblers' grandeur, pack a chaklun in plank armor and hand him a two-handed sword, theoretically an impossible enchanter, and a viable newcomer. Good, go to the nearest guild Berserker's Fury or Blade's End, buy the magician all the skils, as if to preach to you. Then, continuously click the bear on the writing to say "Seek knowledge elsewhere ..." (the loan process is approximately pivkhvilini), and as soon as you feel the sound of pennies, that they are shaking, take note that the magician has added one new, inaccessible to you Navik. If you want to take away other benefits, continue the process of recruiting newcomers. Seeing the insults of the fortune-telling of the guild, you can train the enchanter with a sword, a copy and a sword, and also be able to wear chain mail and plank armor, koristuvatisya with a shield. Such a trick is practiced by all members of the party, regardless of the current century, the status of that class movement. Like it or not, but the plank armor is the best, and in all of them, without a fault, the characters are less sensitive to the attacks of the witches, that sword in the hands of the cleric looks richer than the maces. If you see yourself speeding up with a fortune-telling cheat, then get ready to tinker a little, vp

    rolova gra Vikovi
    ratings ESRB: T - Teens Creators Game designer Van Kaneghem, John Technical data Platform Windows Gri mode odnokoristuvatsky Wear Steamі digital distribution Management keyboard and mouse

    Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven- computer role-playing game, shosta from the series Might & Magic, created by New World Computing and released by The 3DO Company in 1998.


    Diya gree comes after Roland's victory over Archibald (passage option Heroes of Might and Magic II for a bright beak). However, Roland himself, violating the whispers of a new invisible opponent, who threatens Enrota and a sign near the village of Solodki Vody. The power is expanding the secret cult of Baa, there are no creations “to make life easier”, even though the creations of the Kreegans are true. Now the death of a large number of warriors is the responsibility of recognizing what has become of the emperor. And it is not uncommon to say that the heroes are guilty of turning Enroth into the Kreegan.


    On the cob itself, a zagіn is formed from chotyroh characters (it is impossible to change the warehouse later), so different characteristics may be different. Let's help this zagіn rozpochinaє vykonannya questіv.

    The game is carried out as the first individual (which brings them closer with shooters), however, the battle has a possible pochergovy ("pokrokovy") mode. Characters make backpacks, save different items, armor, quest items, etc., but their expansion is not unlimited. Nareshti, zbroya, zbroya, droplets, rings, amulets can be put on them (this element will be stuck in the sub-strategy Heroes of Might & Magic III).


    New Sorpigal

    Sydi Falagar having created four heroes, so that you learned a new skill. Pochatkov dot gri, a small settlement on the pivdenny skhod Enrot. Immediately after death, the team is resurrected. Near the place, goblins roam - peaceful inhabitants of this world, here there is a citadel buried by them - the sentinel tower of goblins. At the pivnіchny entrance of this region, near the majestic pecherі, there is a zanedbany temple, in which all aggressive living creatures suddenly appeared. On the outskirts of the Crimea, magicians are wandering, and on one of the volcanic islands there is a forge of Garik, an associate of Archibald.

    Ironfist Castle

    At the entrance to New Sorpigalu, the castle of Ironfist rises up, as soon as Roland lay down. Yogo son Mikola and regent Wilbur Humphrey live there. The roads are teeming with lizardmen and followers of the cult of Baa, yakі іnоdіt navіt go near the village entrusted to the castle.

    Near the location there is a shadow guild's chamber, dragoons' ovens, a temple of Baa, the names of the priests of this cult, as well as skeletons, the ovens of the dwarf king Snergle, who was unfriendly to the guests, and the gloom of Korlagon, another companion of Archibald, standing at his feet.

    misty islands

    Archipelago, roztashovanny pіvnіchnіshe New Sorpigala, the head ruler of which is the magician Albert Newton, an associate of Roland. The islands are teeming with evil-doers and cultists of Baa, to fight against them, the authorities tried to get members of the Order of Silver Sholomiv, the protégés began to relocate on the islands of their country. Having established their outpost, the warriors of these organizations, in fact, engaged in health and terror among the civilian population, zocrema, and merchants.

    Headland Misto - Mist, stars are officially traded with Erafiya (HOMM3, M&M VII) and unofficially with Regna (M&M VIII).

    Influx of smugglers

    Under the name I will call the grit on the river bank of the designated inflow, if it is a favorite place for pirates, as well as the archipelago near the coast. At the same time, the territory is inhabited by lizardmen and cannibals, as if they were happy to cook on the riches of people (the faint of heart should not respectfully look at their camps).

    Near the location there is a small village, temples of the Fist, Sontsya and Tsantsa (the serpent god, who is worshiped by cannibals), as well as the chambers of Lord Vognu, inhabited by goblins and vegetables.

    Vilna Harbor

    Enroth's smut place - overturns all places in all games of the M&M series. Raztashovaniya at the very center of the continent. A lot of meshkantsіv mista just vіtaє mandrivniki. Fortunately, the guild and the sellers of the roztashovani are visibly compact. There is a majestic sewer under the place, which is teeming with boys, bandits and priests of Baa (the stench is present there through those in the sewer there is a portal that leads to the Supreme Temple of Baa). To rule the region, the person Ozrik Temper, who sacks in the castle in front of the city. Vin and the commander and for the presence of Roland engaged in the preparation of war with the Kreegans.

    On the hump in the city there is an Oracle, you can eat in which you can only finish the quests of the six lords of Enroth, which will establish the Royal Rada. If I allow access to the new connection, which is the Oracle of Poshkodzheniya, and for this repair, special memory crystals are needed, which are found in castles and undergrounds, more importantly near the faraway cities of Vilna Gavani regions. When the knowledge of these crystals is revealed, the Oracle is the computer of the Old Ones. Todi wine is given even more zavdan and admits to the Center for Controlling the Population of Disrupted Robots.

    On the outskirts of Vilna Gavan there is a temple of the Month, suffocation by druids, cobras and snake-like "jellyfish", the tomb of Etrik the Bozhevilny, the nin lich, and the fort of dragoons.

    Swamp of Curses

    The territory is gloomy on the afternoon from Vilna Harbor and on the way to the Ironfist castle. Days of rest in the landless domain of some undead, as well as harpies, and on the pivnoch roztashovan settlement of Darkmoor, to roam the streets of some undead together with civilians. The castle of Darkmoor is known from the settlement - a stronghold of the restless dead. Yogo lord - Archibald's colossal henchman mage Terrax, who took up necromancy and became a lich, and yogo handy-lich - members of the guild of necromancers. As a guard, they serve as an ogre and flying eyes, the creation of another guise - Agara.

    Krym tsієї spore in the location and bays of the mines of the rebellious king of the gnomes Snergl and the dragon's lіgvo. Vzagali, The swamp of curses in the visual plan is one of the most terrible places in the wild.

    Frozen fire

    On the pіvnіchі vіd Vіlnoї Gavanі there are great zasnіzhіnі territorії, z'єdnаnі z the main territory of the continent by the passage of the Ice Wind. Passers-by are guarded by one-man vezha, ogres and people linger in it, with such stench they are piling up.

    At the location, until the end of the special quest, there will be snow, which seriously complicates the orientation. Two important associates of Roland live here - at the brewery gathering there is the maetok of Lord Eric von Stromgarde, and beyond the mountains in the valley - the high priest of the kingdom Enton Stone. Headland location - Bily Sholom (Bila hat, White kovpak, White Cap)

    Not far from the castle of the Reverend Stone, there is a villainous guild, as if with their spirits they cast a shadow on those who live in the kingdom.

    Sribna bay

    Location at the exit from Frosty Nagir'їv and at the pivnіchny exit from Vilna Gavan. The Great Port (in fact, what is done at the borders of Vilna Havana), like Lady Loretta Flis, friend and financier. Obviously, part of the її zavdan will be tied to magical rights, and part - to mercantile ones. The location has bags of faceless rebellious friends, as well as gargoyles.

    On this territory there is a citadel of the Order of Silver Sholom, whose members have long been engaged not in the zahist population, but in health and terror, the commander’s fort, which is teeming with thugs, soldiers and faces of death, , calling the spirits of the elements. On the pіvnochі region there are about kamenіv z vіvtarem Sontsya.

    Inspired by the water

    The location is roztashovana far away at the pivnіchny meeting. It can be reached by ship from Sribnaya Bay or from the Misty Islands. Mіstsevі vody swarm with water elements, sea snakes (the stench and toil in the air under the “vugry” in the name of the region), and the sprat of the islands - with the “creations of Agar”, giant indulgent birds with fluffy wings. On the other side, in the very same inhospitable place on one of the islands, Meister Svіtla lives.

    The head object of the location is the Alamos castle, which previously lay in Garik. At the same time, the inhabitants of the enchantment are occupied with doslids with the elements of the wind, so that it is tedious to walk around the castle.


    Nice place on the way to Vilna Gavan. Among the inhabitants of the city, there is one unacceptable power - in the new month, the stinks are transformed into inverted ones (they become the same as the words of the inhabitants, in fact, they do not appear in the Greek). Crimea is upside down, elemental winds linger at the location, and half of the region is pivdenny, water-kremlin in the pivnichnaya mountain, part of the largest desert of Enroth. The desert part of Blackshire is inhabited by elemental lizards. In order to deal with the problem of transforming the inhabitants into inverts, the heroes will have to destroy the Lair of Vovka. When the situation is reduced, the situation will normalize. On the other hand, for a new order, it is necessary to rally with Lord Spindler, a band of changelings, who, as a result of his explorations and calling, I will attack the region (the entrance to the yogi is known to Vovchomu lіgvі).

    There is one more place in the location - the Temple of the Serpent on the Dawn Lake. Budova is full of peaceful villagers, who can't be beaten to the brink, jellyfish, one golden dragon and a character with a Q prize, which has a colossal scale of health and great knowledge in magic. Then, after yogo driving, you can take away an artifact - rіg, which shows the correct health of the opponents, that screen in yogo lіgvi is reminiscent of elite belongings.


    To be found on the Blackshire Pivnich and on the Frostbread Mountains. Divided by the mountain range into two parts - stone and snow. Near the stony one, the human settlement of Edenbruk was saved, on the pіvnіchniy skhіd vіd knoditsya Great temple of Baa. At the same part of the location, there is a stove, as if to serve as an outpost for the Krigans. Ale naitsіkavіshe here - gloomy castle Crigspire, chock-full of minotaurs and small dragons. Here are the traces of the fallen King Roland. These things linger in the region itself, among them - the earthlings of the elementals, and also the product is carried out in this world of magical events.

    On the borders of stones and snows there is a cave of nazniks on dragons. Faces of death, similar to the Commander. And their dragons - tse undivided without wings, named with the word "wyrm"

    There is a small well in the village, which adds 30 rubles to the character's equal. It’s much more difficult and much easier to grow, so put Lloyd’s lighthouse on the bridge.

    Rayska Valley

    Known to the West of Blackshire. Vipalena land іz innumerable cacti. Inhabited by NATOs of hydro and titans who roam the whole territory. The village of the region, which I am emptying, is inhabited by dragons. There are settlements here, titans walk around the streets and call hydras. In addition, the location does not avenge internal undergrounds. If you have reached level 40 and have cast the spell Shrapnel magic Darkness, if you want two characters, then you can become even richer and decently raise your level by cleaning up the territory.

    Dragon piski

    Majestic desert and three deserted volcanic islands on a day off from Blackshire. Inhabited by vinyatkovo reptiles. Natural lizards, dragons, wyrms without wings. At the desert there is an oasis, in which the Abdul's resort is the only place in the desert, where people linger. Abdul himself lives here, the biggest entrepreneur on Enrote, who is the guardian of the castle on the whole continent, that same caravaneers who play games of chance at the great trade fairs. There is also the Temple of the Gods, which can be taken to the office of New World Computing; there is a stone at the pivnochі lokatsiї є kamіn, vіdkrіti such obіyshovshi obіyshovshi obіїїsі at all locations (intelligibly, zagіn will not be enchanted by znahіdki). In the middle of the river - in the center of the mountains there is the grandiose tomb of Varna, which calls to mind the pyramid of Cheops. Tilki tse zovsіm not budіvlya, but cosmic zorélіt, who recognized catastrophes here. Navit after the demise of all the genies and the vartovs will happen to break their heads in the jokes of a distant way. Rozmir's place is simply hostile - it took an hour to pass them on to the big man.

    Ostrіv Samіtnika

    The location is far away at the pivden entrance. Truly an island, but a desert-volcanic landscape. The populations are titans and hydras, and the coastal waters are swarming with sea snakes. There is a volcanic island near the waters not far from the coast, on which the upper temple of Baa is located. A new adept of this cult works at the same time from the Kreegans, and they are engaged in the collection of fire elementals.

    Licorice water

    Pivnіchno-zahіdna location gri. If the bula is inhabited by people (the deserted ruins of their village were preserved). At the same time, the Krigans reign uncontrollably here - what is on earth, what is in the sky. And in the farthest corner of the territory there is a kіntsev metagravity - so the ranks of the vulik, de most of them. It is necessary to walk around and cross the path to the reactor. If so, it is necessary to kill the Queen of Devils. Where the game ends, if not the mother of a special suvo Ritual of Emptiness: the planet just vibrates. For this manifestation, the vibes are localized in the Ul'i itself, the heroes are transported to New Sorpigalu, and the engraver takes honorary diploma, as you can rozdrukovat and hang it on the wall. Heroes may be able to continue to blaze with light, blaming the enemies that are reborn, and continuing to gain good fortune and equals.

    Other riddles

    In the strategic game Heroes of Might and Magic III, one of the good cards is called The Mandate of Heaven. There is an adapted version of the M&M VI card, which allows the graves to nostalgize about the role-playing game.

    When pressed on the door in the main menu of the HoMM2 game, a trailer appears.


    Gravets can look at the calendar. The game starts with the internal game calendar at exactly 9:00 am, at Monday 1 September 1165. On the basis of the earthly chronology, the rotation is not 365 or 366 days, but 336 - the skin month is equal to 28 days each, so that the other number of the month always falls on the same day of the day. For example, on the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd of every month, fall on Mondays; 2, 9, 16, 23 - on the second, and so on. There are no leap years.

    Heroes 6 is the continuation of the series of games of the Sword and Magic, to present us with a new rethinking of the plot, similar to the light of Ashan and the exchange between the updated factions. Change not only the gameplay, which is still overwhelmed by it itself, and not only the graphics, as it has become even more realistic, but also the balance, which will be one of the most important in the series.

    Nedoliki Heroes of sword and magic 6:

    not optimizing the engine;

    you can not call heroes;

    the mechanics of the novice are not described;

    beginners with zero characteristics (n., with a trivality of 0 moves).

    For the sake of running campaigns:

    How to download a hero? Zahalne

    Acquisition (call wіysk), enlightenment (+20 reach), training (75% to other heroes), logistics (+3 moves - in principle, not required, yakby not stealing), stealing (selection of resources from suсіdnіkh clitin).

    For the magician: Calling the elementals, Zupinennya hour, Skam'yanennya.

    For warfare (zrazkova gіlka): illuminating, logistics, knowing the way, landing, economy 1, training, stealing, economy 2, hitting the enemy 1-2, knocking down the enemy / tactics 1, pіdkrіlennya 1-2, tactics 2 / killing giants, 15: economy 3, hitting u vіdpovіd3, stamina, rampage, rossіchennya, reinforcements3, scary, vibrancy/luck 1-3, archery / siege master 1-3.

    For the side hero: search the way, the whole economy of the economy

    Why not?

    On the high rivers: Polypshennya of great heights; the movement of plenty of air in the middle / posture of the territory of the castle; supplementary taverns; Inferno portals; support to the Alliance of Light.

    Artifacts of dynasties

    So, the heroes are launched with the /offline key - no cracks, ale ... everything will end up tim, without a coach, it’s easy to stall on any kind of fair play. Artifacts of the dynasty, which accumulate dosvid and grow among equals (you can actively change between heroes during the battle). Dynastic achievement (for example, "250 gold per day"). The deluxe version of the sight of personal belongings. It’s not enough, what else will the retailers look for. Krіm tsyogo - zhorstok truth of life, in which - the heroes are less and less guessing strategy, even though the skin card may have its own subtle passage, for which it was written dane kerіvnitstvo.

    Play campaigns by story in this order:

    Heart of Nightmares (only available in collections);

    Nepokirnі tribes (1);

    Sanctuary (1);

    Alliance Sweet (1);

    Inferno (1);

    Necropolis (1);

    Nepokirnі tribes (2);

    Sanctuary (2);

    Alliance Light (2);

    Necropolis (2);

    Sanctuary (3);

    Inferior Tribes (3);

    Inferno (2);

    Necropolis (3);

    Inferno (3);

    Sanctuary (4);

    Nepokirnі tribes (4);

    Alliance Light (3);

    Necropolis (4);

    Alliance Light (4);

    Inferno (4);

    Ale, for the sake of clarity, I will describe how to lay them down, also:


    Prologue– Campaign for Duke V'yacheslav, father of the Griffin dynasty

    1 Death of the Griffin. There are clues.

    2 Will of the Emperor.

    Necropolis- Anastasia's campaign, vbivtsi V'yacheslav. The way of blood is a warrior (you will be given a magician, and so, if you want to pay for a magician pumped in tears, sacrifice, stone, elementals of dark earth, a grain of time - it will not be easier to grab a butt).

    1 Bida don't come alone

    At the exit from the underground, you can see the first castle. Let's sweat a new underground and a new castle. We take the quest to the list of the Inquisition. Vipade is the first scripted hero. Lose the 2nd castle in this campaign, take away the docks forty. For clarity, you can see the mustache. After the burying of all the castles, we go to the portal with Jorgen. I know I still need a decent army, or bonuses to the dynasty.

    2 Forward and in the middle

    Find the mission of another equal. You will not be able to take away your back. Do not waste your winter time (Sunday, hanging) until you get married with a spider. With the minimum expenses, we can help Irina, and with the help of Anton. On rozdorіzhzhі vіdkrivаєmo schodennik and read the quest - stink help us pick up the army. Let Kirila and Jorgen transfer us to the citadel - the rest of the battle - the lightest wine ...

    3 Svіtanok from usіh sides

    Not zatyagyuchi stomp in the underground, de vіdbiraemo at the orange castle and sprat of fortiv. In the same place, the lich will give a quest for Sandro's dynastic staff. Just then let's go to the zone, which is not protected, so as an ally we will take the quest to destroy the orcs. Orcs are conquered, for which vampires are possessed by allies. We deal with our ally Lyudmila, attacking the castle (if you kill her alive, then in the coming mission there will be Kaspar's deputy). We spill the sea and at the very bottom we flood the base with an orc. The main hero of the enemy is Chekatime on the upper mission of the lower island near his castle with a decent army. Download both heroes to the maximum level (24) and attack.

    4 Spiderman reception

    From above, the castle of Inferno is angry, the same day you can buy one from below at Zahodі. Portals were given to us - we go into them and repair the fortune-telling castle in the skin, after which the portal closes, and the fortune-telling onslaught subsides. Your remaining adversary - the archangel, will not be a great problem with the good accumulation of the army. Focus on the new with all your strength, and then we will overcome the excess.

    Alliance Light - Anton's campaign, direct recession. Way of tears - warrior.

    1 I'm sorry

    Zahopluemo mines and the fort from below. Script orcs. Idemo to Skhid near the oven for Griffon's eggs ( sound wild). Now you can be Grif. Let's bury the castle on the Skhodі. Potim fort on Pivdni. We clean the south-west, prepare the army for the south-fort and the B-castle. Zakhoplyuemo PZ castle. Climb computers. We immediately take the lock from the skin of them. The final castle of Djerj the ram has been abandoned.

    2 Everything was confused, true and false

    A fort, a mine, on the way to the castle to the south-east, take crystals over a flock, as well as a tartak and a dwarf's pick, right-handed. We take the castle of Trochi on the way and there is a mine in the middle of Volodin. We go down to the ground, take a fort and live and immediately see. Zakhoplyuyemo: South-West fort, castle to the south-west, castle Sokil near the center, Castle to the north-east, only potim north-east fort, Castle on the way. Let's go to the oven. sprat of battles and the final battle with necromancers. Before going to the cave, the map will be accepted by the pumping of the dynastic armor in 5 months.

    3 Do not calm the angry

    Let's look at the mines. You can pick up the tricks of the monthly disk (chervonim), but more important. Idemo on ST 2 forti, up to dermal in the shaft. Beremo N-V castle. I will be clean and take it on the birch opposite. Pirnaemo in 2 viri - one more. Now it would be bad to take the grail. Let's get the castle of Trochi on the way out of the center and forti, right-handed and left-handed in the middle. Idemo to Flamshtein, accept the quest (all 3 days will be marked on the map). Let's go. Final battle from Mukao (illuminate the portal under the castle).

    4 Defeat and win

    The maximum level is 30, soon all the heroes of the computer will be on the same level. But they don’t have any relics and dynastic armor. Let’s hope for the upper forty, for the sake of an ally (having occupied 2 villages, a titka rushes to the “pіdmogu” and rushes the company’s castle, if I could complete the campaign with the whole army - not an ally!, but stand on the spot). From the eggs in your intestines, a golden goose hatches - 2 thousand / day. If you can build the next village, go down to the upper underground and tell about the orange, do not hurry

    to the center of the dungeon, visit the archangels, pump yourself up, go back to the village. Having transcended the spirit - we drive in the center of the underground - we will take the grail - yoga, before the speech, it’s easy to wake up in the underground, but not in the center, because there are more often red ones. We clean the map around the edges, the quest from the doctors can not be beaten (for the rest of the patches), but 4 villages need to be obov'yazkovo. We blame the tit. Now May 11th. We build an army, we pick up to the center. We add a month to the army before the final battle. The blow of the boss takes away 10ths.hp.

    Sanctuary- Campaign of Irina, young squad. Way of Blood - magician (dynastic mace of the driver).


    "Let's run." We take the building to swim without a string, as we have less than water. Otrimavshi pershu dynastic armor for the magician. Let's go to the oven. Proyshovshi її, take the first castle and sprat of forts. On the pivnochi islands from the mines. Darkness comp. For in the new the castle was abandoned and there were no signs to help the check.

    2 Defeat and win

    Here tears look more visible. We have a day to cover the territory and bury 2 forts. Then let's go down to the midst of the sunset, take another castle and order with the stove of the dragon Kirin, we will take the quest. Vіdbivaєmosya vіd rozbіynik, scho tide (otrimuєmo oak quest for the fort). Kirin's quest is calling us, for it gives life to all creatures. Now we see one more castle on pivdni. Then let's go to the oven, for as long as the computer is in full view. There is one more lock on the way out and another one on the day. The remaining gates are being opened. After a modest battle, the tyrant will surrender. We can see to our friend a dynastic armor for a warrior.

    3 Crooked pribіy

    4 sacred villages on the map, and 3 of them pass under the control of necromancers in a day or two.

    Be your own place, in the new, through a one-sided (!) vir, the undead will periodically appear. I go right-handed - there is a castle-village. Let's help the orcs and, having accumulated an army, we will send a horde from the yard (independently, we choose the way of tears) and we will take 2 villages near the gifts (not perebudovuєmo їx). We choose parts of the monthly disk and in the capital we will be crying for Ashy. Now you can rozbudovuvati usі mіsta. Come pumping orc. Let's bury the rest of the settlement. Let's go to the pіvnіchny zahіd karti nischuєmo remnants of the Zhovtoї army. I plyvemo far away - hoarsely the remaining castle.

    4 Life in death is death in life

    Well, I know the same foolish task - do not hoard the place of the enemy - timidly on the spot. I’ll immediately fill up the place at Pivnochi. Right the hero to the S-V, through the vir to Pivdni. There, at the very edge of the map of the island, all things will come - the army is not good for the GG, but we don’t go into the portal - it’s too early (the blitz-krieg on the map still doesn’t show up, be pratsyuvati for demolition). Then one more at the Skhodі vіd capital (the quest for the lighthouse can not be completed, because if you are resting, the path of tears will fail all the same). You can see a place above us (we have 4 places). Zaglyuyuchis coal on Pivnich, zahoplyuemo 5th. The order of the pecher, de after the victory over the barefoot (to finish the qualia), we will take away the tears of Asha. There are 2 more places that the gates of Vovka are to be controlled.

    Inferno- junior son

    1 I angels that burn in the eyes

    Find the first mission. I will clean up the area around the place again. Then we seem to be attacked by a purple demon (YOGO STILL DO NOT CHIPAEMO). Let’s bury the castle at the bottom of the map and there will be a small portal. Bizhimo right-handed and uphill (dosit long), hooting 2 orange locks. Now you can roam with purple, attacking the upper castle, and the one that is in order with the portal will be buried in the rest of the castle. Attack brown wine. During the storming of the castle, a battle with a demon checks on us: we curse the dogs, teleport that armageddon.

    2 Zhakhliva Symmetry

    Idemo uphill levoruch and down (approximately per day castles: 2 alliances, 1 necropolis). Shvidko їх perebudovuєmo, schobi to speed up the building of the hero. We put її buff (+10% to the call), and in the big necropolis - buff the portal. We take the army and go to the very bottom there are 2 castles. If you can't take a deep resentment, take levi. In the same place, it’s more like a task for the queens, who open their spores at all the suffocated locks. When a fort of a demonnese is occupied, it’s clear that in one of them a demon is involved - to slay yogo (the fort is the first turn right-handed from a large necropolis) and you can be a ruin. As soon as I see more necromancers, you will have 4 green spots, go down to the underground and fight with one of Asha's isolations.

    3 At night forests

    Nothing miraculous. Dodatkovі zavdannya lest on dosvіd she will not give help. Let's start cleaning up from the castle below. Let's go and clean up the right side of the orcs again. Pirnaёmo to the oven there is another orc castle. Now it is being developed and we are going to move the levoruch to the 2nd castle. There is a castle with 2 portals. We go in and clean up the insult. Let's keep the rest of the orcish fort under the castle. If you can pick up the tears of Asha. We see the plot quest and in us there are castles and forti of the sanctuary (everything!). Topaєmo in the "attached" cave, because from the rest of the castle there was a path leading to it. There will be no battle.

    4 Shlyub between heaven and hell

    From that time on, the archangel’s castle was not a storehouse of majestic practice. Dolіdzhuєmo pіdzemella that vіdbudovuєmosya. When you come out, we are attacked by a scripted immortal face. On the surface of these lands, 7-8 cups of tіnyovih elemental stench and safe yogo tsim immortals. I impersonal locks and expi. After burying 3-4 locks in the face of a person from resources. I calmly drive in the elementals (I repeat all the stench on the surface of the islands). Peremagayemo face, go down the subway to the exit from the central castle from the shipyard. Peremagayemo impersonal elementals at the sight of the final boss (lightly rozcharuvannya). I epichny happy-end.

    Nepokirnі tribes - Sandor's campaign, unloving son, and that great love for his relatives is not dear.

    1 Orcs have no place here

    We’ll zahoplyuyemo mines that place from below, then we’ll right-hander in the center, and we’ll clean the stove in the same place. At the bottom of the "non-budding place", de give resources and soldiers. Let's go ahead and leave the place. Open the first gate - there is a quest fort. We’ll fill up the final place (it’s neobov’yazkovo) and just pour it on the line down.

    2 Good, rotten, crooked

    Let's not hurry on the way to the castle to chat with us, to ask a chauvin and we'll go to the devil on sticks. Vіdbudovuєmosya s obmezhennyam at resources. Sidaimo on chauvin, take 2 forti and impersonal mines. If you don’t have any problems to get a castle, for which you fight among yourself purple and yellow. The 1st vikonati is more than a leader, having become a maranchi. Like in other campaigns, it is necessary to vikonate on the sidelines for livestock, so that you can take away the holidays at your castle.

    3 Barbarian Simka

    And so we have
    one castle and the enemy, which is periodically visited. The head of the office
    4 months (!). We are friendly to each other
    Quest orders for upgrading units are not the same. spit
    and take away all forti. Mati Sandora give task to calm down
    dragon. Vіn trohi below the fort of necromancers - barefoot, the city - the tears of Ashі.

    4 About hrobakiv and demoniv

    Shvidko mastered the island - there are 2 portals from which demons look. After mastering it, sit in the chauvin and on the adjacent ridges of the map, you can see castles (total їх 3). Now, if you can not worry about oranges, the accumulation of crystals will not be foldable. Ale, don't hurry. The final boss to destroy the capital and hide in the oven (you need to click on the city) - stock up on the army behind.

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