The most important settlements near the world. The village of kіmzha - pivnіchna idilіya - the place and vag of Russia Naipivnіchnіshe village

Anna Gruzdeva 28 years

The author is the head editor of the Siberia and Tochka project, she lives and works in Krasnoyarsk. Behind the light is a journalist, master of arts. She is a graduate of the School of Cultural Journalism of the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation and a student of the PhotoDepartment's course “Adding Photography”. Listener of the School to the text of the Russian Fund for Culture. Published in, "Hirkiy", "Seance",, "Siberian Forum" and many other publications. RBTHtravel journalist.

Anton Petrov 29 years

Independent photographer from Krasnoyarsk, lighting engineer. Member of the Siberia that Point project. Participant of the exhibition “Sibir. Poles” near the museum center “Ploshcha Svitu” near Krasnoyarsk and near the Sovereign Center of Contemporary Art near Tomsk.

actuation - in the regions of Kraynoi Pivnochi, this is the name of the voice about the storm wind, blowing which can reach 15-30 m / s. At the same time, it’s busy at schools, and they’re working in certain regulations of the place of the settlement.

Dikson is loudly called "the edge of the world": the wines are located on the springs of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, on the birch of the Yenisei inflow of the Kara Sea - near the Pivnichny Icy Ocean. The nearest great places, Dudinka and Norilsk, are five hundred kilometers away from the uninhabited tundra. You can get to Dikson, a closed village, only with a special pass and only on the old AN-26, which flies from the airport "Alikel" only once a day, and then if there is no blizzard or fog. For local residents, everything that is not Dikson is the “mainland”. On the "motherland" - Siberia, the taiga is deaf, the roads, the change of day and night is ringing. At the "edge of the world" - budinki on fire, "did you run like a fox kicking a dog in the yard?", wild tundra, open to all winds, and neskіchenni lodi. Arctic.

For the local bagmen, everything that is not Dikson is the “mainland”.

Map of Dikson at the village school No. 1

Dikson 102 fate, but his history is not just a biography of a lonely point on the administrative map of modern Siberia. All the history of the people and powers from the Extreme Pivnichchyu is gone. Back in the 11th-12th centuries, Pomori, departed from Veliky Novgorod, went to "all the provinces of the icy sea-ocean" to find new trades and trade on their own. At the beginning of the 17th century, Mangazeya, the first Russian polar place-fortress, became the center of the colonization of the majestic territory of Siberian beer: for "soft moth" and "walrus brush" there went merchants and selective yasak. In the late 18th-19th centuries, Russian and European seafarers made their way to Pivnich, like they were joking along the sea path between Europe and the Far Gathering - to trade.

On September 15, 1875, the Swedish geographer and navigator Nils Nordenskiöld sailed on the animal schooner "Preven" to "the safe harbor of a small island in the Yeniseysky Zatots". “I am stubborn, Sho Zya Haban, Nini Porozhnya, at a short hour to cross the zbirne of the Mass for the Bezlichi Klabliv, Yaki is not the same as the same as the same as the same as the same. Nordenskiöld, naming the harborless harbor "Dikson" (in honor of Oscar Dixon, patron of yoga polar expeditions) and put it on his sea charts.

In the 20th century, Pivnich became for the SRSR a place of trade in the development of genera, sending in scientific research, and, obviously, the life of new polar places and settlements. Among them, Dikson was the "capital of the Arctic", where from other countries of the Union came to "master Pivnich" meteorologists, alarm clocks, teachers, hydrographers, viysk, polar pilots, radio operators. Today, this arctic settlement, like the greater number of rural settlements in Russia, is going through important times. In the 1980s, Dikson's "golden rock", there were about 5,000 errors. Narazi, according to official statistics, less than 600 sacks were left near the village, but the squires specify: in fact, close to 500 sacks.

At the hour of the polar night, for a great part of the day, the streets of Dikson are deserted. The village comes to life mainly only early in the morning, if Dixonians go to work, and about 5-6 years of the evening, if the stench turns home, pick up children from nursery go to the store or on the other right

Here, after the zvichkoy, one should say not “to Dikson”, but “to Dikson”: historically, the settlement began from an island in the Kara Sea, but later it began to develop on the shore Taimir Brewery. To that, Dikson is two parts of the village: an island and a mainland, separated by a half-mile duct. In 2009, the “island” district was shut down, and at the same time, it was practically deserted. People moved to the mainland, the streets were empty, the wind knocking at the empty houses of the window and the door, at the empty school No. 2 - only hares follow the memorial snow. The only place, where to shine and where the robot is, the hydrometeorological station and the airport.

The mainland part of Dikson has more life. People walk along the streets and drive radian caterpillar snowmobiles GAZ-71, brand new TREKOLOS and “blizzards” walk everywhere, work shops, a school gym, a library, and a church. And then there are more and more clogged viscons and closing doors with skin rock, and about the greatness of the greatness "theft into the Arctic" is only a little reminder to the polar explorers and the court in the port.

Oleksandr Surkov, graduate of school No. 1, student of the Polytechnic Institute of Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk). “Krasnoyarsk has a lot of people, don’t worry. On Dikson viyshov - and no one. I don’t fit in buses, that fare is 22 rubles. At the village, you can have a lot of pishki, wherever you want. Trees are also invisible. In Dikson we have only a few pieces of wood that shine, and in the tundra only a few low modern ones. I'll wait until I get home, honestly. Sumuvav for fathers. In Dikson I can see the sea from the sky, and in Krasnoyarsk I can see life. Por_vnyano from Krasnoyarsk Dikson is special, "- even Oleksandr

Merezha of polar stations, a geophysical observatory, the port of Pivnichnogo sea way, the headquarters of marine operations, a merezha of coastal airfields, clubs of polar explorers, myslivsky winters, a fish factory, an art gallery - now only in local books, newspapers of the Arctic unwelcome Kraynya Pivnich. A cordon gate, an airport, a hydrometeorological station, a boiler house, a diesel station, a school, an administration, a library, and a sprinkling of shops - everything that was left today.

Still, people live on Dikson. They go to the tundra and catch riba, start children and paint and sing, write "Total dictation" and give ЄDI, collect archival photographs and bake bread, stomp behind scorching cauldrons and swedish wind, perchson that polar night. Here, on Dikson, the skin is zanedbana winter, the doors are fixed, which are black holes, or all the way, which shines - this is history. The first history of the development of Pivnichnogo sea way, and the history of the "root of Pivnochi" in the era of the Soviet Socialist Republic, but the smut is a private history of this people.

On Dikson, the skin is zanedbana winter, close the doors, what is the blackness of the holes or the window, what shines is the story.

One of the streets of the island village. The wooden road, covered with snow, is trimmed on empty metal barrels of fire, the scarlet charge is not visible. Disposal of rusty barrels is one of the main Arctic problems, both in Russia and in Canada, Norway, and Alaska

View of Litakov Bay, abandoned by fishermen and myslivtsy, "Shanghai" and winter foot stock. “A beam of mist and a hangar for a chovn, and a main, and a small bottle, it was possible to get together for this hour in the face of the anger of the squad. Often, under the beam, they cut the freezer with small chambers for storing meat and ribi. Until the middle of the 1990s, the number of balkivs was large, the stench was spread chaotically, because there was a lot of gathering for those who didn’t know the way home. Stars and "Shanghai", - even Anatoly Lomakin, Dixon's bagman

The sign was for the life of the Dixon airport. The airport accepts passengers once a day, on Wednesdays. Sometimes through snowfall, fog, or other “unfriendly weather minds” Dixon citizens can check for a flight Dikson-Norilsk or Norilsk-Dikson two days a week

From 16 to 24 September 2015, the expedition of the Association of the most beautiful forces of Russia was sent to the Yaroslavl, Vologda and Arkhangelsk regions. As the main points of the route, the villages of Velyka, Yaroslavl region, Ferapontov and Pozharishche, Vologda region and Oshevensk, Arkhangelsk region, were planned, so that it would be necessary to evaluate the entrance to the association. The final chord of the expedition was to take the fate of the saint in Oshevensk and talks with the regional governor of the Arkhangelsk region about the organization of the competition for the most beautiful village in the region. In addition, quite lawfully and logically, the tricks of the beautiful forces of the beautiful forces were carried out as much as possible, if possible, by the path of education of the local inhabitants along the entire route.

Picking up short bags, we can say that the trip turned out to be productive. Two potential candidates for joining the association were found - Ferapontov and Oshevensk. Otrimany rich practical dosvіd ta ryasna їzha for razdumіv. For example, it became clear that such expeditions are more effective for the search and the front selection of beautiful forces. Possibly, cost better, lower the regional competition for the most beautiful settlement. There were plans to carry out similar expeditions to the Caucasus and the Volga. The weather, despite the gloomy weather forecasts, favored us. We got ready until the cold weather, but as a result, there was less than one short-hour rainforest and it was warm, and at times it was scorching. 1600 photographs were smashed, over 200 of them for you to thank each other.

Later, having left Moscow a week early on the 16th sickle, we passed through Pereslavl-Zalessky, having refreshed the memory of this region, and came to Rostov for a while, to have mercy on the Rostov Kremlin and trochs on the road. Yaroslavsky straight ahead, starting from the very beginning of the cob, already rich in memos. Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zaleskiy and Rostov are the places where you can boldly recommend whether you are a person. Not everyone was so lucky.

The next stop on the road was the village of Velika, closer to Yaroslavl. Into the village, we accepted that, as if we were scurrying about, embarrassing us - primer, overgrowth of hogweed, that kupa swept into Uzbeks.

On the old street of the zvichayn, you can see the middle Russian village of the 21st century - there are pretty wooden buds with cuts, deyak budins sewn into the siding, filled with buds, including the fall of the radyansky selskogopodarskogo past. Under an hour of pushing to the center of the village, that farther reach of the yogo territory, it became clear why we were recommended to see Velika. At the new truth, it was a great past, the celebrations of its faceless kam'yanits and the future (school, college, church) were greater for all 19 centuries of life. Across the garne is a lake in the middle of the village.

Vivian Vivian "Museum of the Potato Riot".

It's a pity, not caring for our strongest hope to see the museum with such an intriguing victoria, we couldn't do it, close the shards of it. Trying to clarify at the susіda, to the house of such a bulo literally stuck to the great future of the museum, it did not bring success. Vin don't know anything about it, not at all, etc. etc. It’s dangerous to admit that a flying saucer landed at the door with a yakbi raptom, it’s unlikely that she could have hit it off. Prote, the great Yandex gives a lot of specific information about the Potato Revolt Museum, div. and , it’s good to see some cafes and hotels there.

The signs of the great past village are unfamiliar in appearance. Great is the presence of reminders, the current yoga camp calls out confusion. It’s a pity, it’s typical for the greater Russian Russia, so it’s especially close to the inhabitants of the Great Nemachnogo Sens. Ale, all the same, we blew a decent amount of p'yanikh and quiet, squealing, booths, sho rozvalyuyutsya, and faceless plastic siding. We could not have known even if there were parts of the village that preserved the authenticity and integrity of the forgetfulness, which is familiar from the tourist point of dawn.

Far away, we crashed down on the winery of the Vologda region, having passed through Yaroslavl, after evening in the Daniliv area and speeding off Vologda, late in the evening we spent the night in the Voloshki camp site next to the Kiriliv area. In these outskirts we planned to see the village of Ferapontove, as it was recommended in advance, to look for a village on the outskirts of Kirillov and see the village of Sizma. The power of the military personnel will be supplemented by passion for the good forces, we took away the joy of visiting Bilozerska, where you can know the deaf places of sacred places. And also see the village of Goritsy not far from Kirillov. They waved the back at the bik of Bilozersk, where it was necessary to go along the unpaved road and on the ferry across the Sheksna river. The crossing must be more expensive.

Having supplied black food about the beautiful villages to the practitioners of Porom, we explained that Shukshin's film "Kalina Chervona" was filmed in one of the most powerful forces. The Axis is so unsettled, but even more symbolically poїzali our trip to the Altai, demi buli literally 10 days before the next, and the expedition to the European pіvnochi Russia. I didn’t mind, but they told me that the whole village is called Sadovo, just like in the film. The great name of Merinov was commemorated by Sadov as a riddle about the work of Vasil Makarovich. On the photographs of the month, where winters passed.

Insanely, the village of Sadové could become a "mecca" of rural tourism - there are continued to come chanuvals of yoga creativity, come and visit mementos. Previously, having worked at the Museum of the Peasants' Life, I tried the film "Kalina Chervona", but now I'm closing it. Also, on the outskirts of Bilozersk, we were recommended to see the village of Glushkovo, but it didn’t turn us on. The city of Bilozersk impressed with its old age - it was founded in 862 districts! There, the garniy kremlin was saved, surrounded by an earthen rampart.

Turning to Kirilov, we drove to the village of Goritsa and, with wonder, showed that a magnificent thermo-ship was standing on the quay of Goritsa.

Natovpi іnozemtsіv sat in the bus, looked around the outskirts and huddled with goods in the face of Frost, which, as it seems, lives near the Vologda region. Obviously, the stars of the tourists are being taken to look around at Kirillov's important memorials. Near Goritsy garni budinki, and also they made a monastery for me, but, unfortunately, at the zhalugidny camp. On the most beautiful village is not a burden.
Near the village of Sizma, it didn’t happen, because it would have been possible to build a hack for 150 km, and judging by the observations, we wouldn’t have seen there what we needed. To this, they once said to go to Ferapontov, as it was closer to Kirilov. Outside the village, confusing the ruins of the Radyansk hours, the Ferapontovsky Monastery and its surroundings are beautiful.

A haunting view of the monastery, a garniy edge view of the lake, unimaginable buildings and fences of the monastery, folded from wood and a bay, richly covered with wooden flooring, the remnants of the stone masonry, the miraculous museum.

Obviously, a beautiful monastery is not enough to claim the title of the most beautiful village, the important thing is the harmony of the village's savage appearance, and the presence of the new genteel inhabitants. It’s a pity that little respect was attached to the radian hours, and it was possible to navit zovsim was not attached to the nourishment of the aesthetics of the old-looking forces. Perevaga was given to the lord's dignity, so we can often carry the remains of cattlemen and other forgery spores on the way to the village or in the most important places. Ruinuvannya of the historical look of the Russian forces, the flooring is typical, that we would like to often save their architectural identity of the village. Tse mozhe buti її ії ії ії ії ії ії ії її ії ії ії ії ії ії ії ії єї ії ії єї ії ії ії ії ії ії ії ії ії ії ії ії ії ії ії ії ії ії іїї іnіt. Vtim, the practice of accepting forces is not new, but partly expanded and among foreign associations.

On the territory adjacent to the Ferapontovsky Monastery, sadibis were pumped by us, like a great world, they preserved their strong identity, without plastic siding, but a fence with corrugated board. And to build new houses, like we were swayed, to be in a rural style - cut down and wooden fences.

Near the bag, Ferapontovo became the first village behind our route, which could really claim the title of the most beautiful. Accepting the village can be safely recommended to tourists. Prote, in order to join the Association of the most beautiful forces, it is necessary to go through two more stages - to pass a full-fledged expert examination and to praise the decision to join the joint assembly of meshchants. It’s even more important that the bagmen of Ferapontov understood that participation in the association is not less than a right, but a serious goiter.

Natkhnennі vіdvіduvannyam Ferapontovyi, rushed farther on pіvnіch to the village of Pozharishche, on the yak they laid great hopes. On the Internet, yak, as you can’t lie, Pozharishche is called “the national village of Russian Pivnochi”, “pearl of Russian folklore” and other adoptive epithets. Tse, however, not obov'yazkovo can be on the verge of a beautiful oznishny-looking village, but all the same, it was given that the inhabitants, like attaching respect to folk traditions, do not forget about the architectural aesthetics. We succumbed to it and really wanted to believe it.

For a whole day we didn’t get to Pozharishchi, and then we landed on a nichlіg near the tourist center Extreme Bil Kharovska. In a flash, we wanted to stay in the hotel of Kharovsk, but it turned out to be closed. Tse was an unacceptable surprise for us, even though on the website of the tourist and information center of the Vologda region, the won was listed as right. It’s like a mess, we thought, and we went to the Extreme, which appeared as a well-arranged and stashed camp site in the garni, which pleased us with a savory meal, which compensated for our unacceptable experiences, which became ahead of the evening.

In a good mood, we expanded our program and saw the village of Timonikha, the fatherland of the village writer Vasyl Belov. Judging from the Yandex maps, it is not far away 10 km from Kharovska, ale, as it was in the Russian library, it was necessary to go there for about 70 km and the rest of the road passed along a dirt road, but not a leather car would pass. Our car would have passed, but it was clear that Timonikha was actually not a resident, only summer residents came there. To mean a candidate for joining the association won’t be possible and work like that, it’s not reasonable to look at it all the time.

At Pozharishchi, we have an unacceptable surprise on us. We didn't know anything about the cic. The girl at the door told us about the old church, but we could not know. Having rounded the village on a stake, we were surprised. Possibly, there were chanuvals of folklore, active people, ale old look villages zovsіm not nadyhav. We were embarrassed and didn’t shy away from our own photographs, for that there was no sensation. Jumping ahead, I’ll say that after a few days, while already staying in the Arkhangelsk region, it dawned on us that we were not in quiet Conflagrations. If we put together a route, Google saw a single village with the name Pozharishche, which is located near the Vozherichsky district and fits well into the route, which was created by itself. Well, we need the Fire to be found on the skhіd, near the Nyuksensky district. The axis is such an incident among us. Even so, we still spodіvaєmosya pobuvat in the right “pearl of Russian folklore”.

Father, we may already be between the Arkhangelsk region. We need to get to Kargopol, de mi matemo 3 days to see all the greater or lesser forces of the city. Oshevensk chimed in front of us, the debulo was planned by the governor. Oshevensk was recommended to us by a lot of knowledgeable people, and we were invested in a new great hope. Ale here became a blockage with a route, which we needed to collapse. The navigator took us to the M8 highway, maybe by a garnoy road, but it was about 550 km to Kargopol. And Yandex-cart told us to go straight through Konosha to Nyandoma for 270 km. It’s obvious, but knowing in practice that Yandex can re-evaluate the country of Russian roads, and being afraid that we didn’t happen to be 100 kilometers behind a tractor, we wrote everything in a report from the inhabitants of the city. It was clear that the road was straight after all, and they explained to us how to eat on it.

However, the road turned out to be quite difficult, the navigator might have tried to save us. Zhodnih mark asphalt stretching close to 150 km. If the main purpose of the grader was to level the dirt road with crushed stone and get stuck there, it would hardly be possible to do it, but the comber often screeched and the car quickly ran up to 60-80 km / year on a flat road, then on the combers it began to jump , including a roadside ditch. Once we were hit by one such small vintage car, which, having galloped on the Uzbek, was helped by the knights. So the depressive, navkolishnі landscapes were remembered, perhaps for the most important time the bula of the swampy mіstsevіst and the bog-like looking tree did not inspire optimism. Wanting a solid stele, we were shot at the cordon of the Vologda and Arkhangelsk regions, pulled on, scho mi їdemo one of the central roads.

Early in the morning we reached Nyandomi and the Nyandoma asphalt, the sight of us was left to complete the remaining 70-kilometer run to Kargopol. Behind the asphalt, that one easily!

At Kargopol, none of us are up to anything, even if they are. It’s obviously one of the pearls of the Russian pivnoch, or maybe we were stunned by something richly tabooed unacceptably. From one side, near Kargopol, there are a great number of monuments of wooden and stone architecture. Have mercy on someone. Ale, the blazing-looking place is still strong in all the existing budinki from silicate chains, napivzruynovanі budinki. It is worth standing on a wide, wide turn of the Onega River from Lake Lache (also known as Lacha). For historians, architects and mysticists, who develop pivnichnu architecture, as well as for tourists-enthusiasts of Kargopol, there is a wine-growing place, no strangers. However, we already called to evaluate the aesthetics of the wild views and it was even more summarily to bachit the beauty, zmіshanu with the indulgence of that devastation.

I really want to agree with the administration of the Kargopilsky district, in which we were told that the villages are more beautiful to see. As a result, we had 4 directions for looking for beautiful forces: Kalitinka-Nokola on the shores of Lake Lache, Lekshma-bor, Lyadini-Morschikhinska and Saunino-Pozdishevo-Oshevensk. So we were recommended to see the center "Bereginya", which was more worthy.

At Beregina, like a spark, we fed about the garni of the village.

Unforgettable vrazhennya having celebrated a cafe-shop in the center of Kargopol, like having pierced the miraculous mіstsevu vipіchka - ribniki, khvirtki, kіnchiki. We are under the impression that gastronomy is one of the key aspects of tourism, which is most often underestimated. Having eaten savoryly, the tourist from the building has a lot of things to do, but I can easily make amends for the filthy zhu. We, for example, having eaten the local fishmongers, realized that Kargopol had become richly dear to us.

On the back we sang poїhati at Bik Nokoli. Before the speech, here verbally explain one cicava the peculiarity of the names of the Arkhangelsk forces. You can be rich. It would have been given, the village on the map with its own name, but it shows up with it a little of the unofficial chi of the official names. In addition, the village sounds like it is made up of a lot of forces. We could not always perceive what kind of official status it was, but the local residents could see the axis of the qi 3 budinka, like the village of Kukuyivka, and he 5 like Gadyukine. Unprepared people can get confused. For example, those who called the place yak Oshevensk (perhaps incorrectly), may also be called Oshevensk. But we don’t know the official name, but the municipality is Oshevensk, and the village is called Shiryakha. On the turn of the road, the order from Kargopol is also written Shiryakha, but only a part of the settlement, to which the Graveyard adjoins, Down below, the order is Great Khaluy. Oshevensky chi Oshevensky nibi is called all at once, and maybe including the Great Khaluy, we did not specify. Tsіkavo, what is the tradition for the names of people. For example, the official name of a person is Vasya Pupkin, for a passport, but in a yogi village there is only one nickname - Zakharov. Zagalom, the Arkhangelsk region is a deeply conserved region, you can hardly sing along to the pedantic conquerors, like a stink raptly vilified the region. Think of the creation of everything in order to get lost and get lost.

Otzhe, let's go to Kalitinka and Nokoli. The sounds of a dirt road interspersed with crushed gravel and profiled by a grader are already well known to us, but here it’s only 40 km to ride. The road went to the majestic Lake Lache / Lacha, but the first half was on the vіdstanі vіdny, so it was not visible, but after Kaіtinka it was close to the shore. Before the speech, Yandex-cart knows Nokola and shows it on the map, but I’ll name Menshakovsk. And if you try to set the route of Kargopol-Nokola, then in the field where you killed Nokola, you’ll sing “the village of Morshchikhinske”. Calling me, we know, we will go to the coming day at Bik Morshchiinsky, and let’s go straight ahead. Well, from Yakos so it works. Someone with a sword before us will come looking even more stupidly.
And all the same, we reached Kalitinka, as it was worthy of us, but not the flooring, so that we could call it the most beautiful. Tsei is straight up a dead end and is deaf to that. At the result, there were few budins here that preserved the first look, but a lot of budinks at the wrought mill. Immediately, the remains of a wooden chapel and a chain-link were revealed.

Dali at Nokolu. On the way, there is a beautiful wooden place across the river Kinema, from which a majestic landscape overlooks Lake Lache. The place is chosen by the fishermen and the fishermen, but through the distance, the place is not so rich here.

Far away to get to Nokoli, the village of lower Kalitinka appeared larger. Before the speech, at Kargopol, we were told that an hour ago, the miserable wealth of the Meshkans of Nokoli did not let summer residents into their village. It hit us, because it could mean that there would be no newfangled spores there. In addition, tse means the presence of a hromada suspenstvo, high and in such an insulating form. Nokola, on the vіdmіnu vіd Kaіtinka, roztashovana without a middle on the birch Lachі, scho, obviously, nada types of predatkovoї malovnichestvo. Budinki roztashovani for kіlka ryadіv uzdovzh coast.

At Nokola, a wooden church of an unimaginable configuration appeared, which was in the process of reconstruction, and the ruins of a chain-link. There is also a FAP that shop, which used to have its own bakery.

On the same day, we caught sight of another straight line and saw the village of Lekshma-bor on the protractile side of Lake Lache. For whom it was necessary to turn around to Kargopol, do not forget to pick up the fishmongers, and drive 30 km more. Vlasne, Yandex-maps vzagalі do not know what Lekshma-boron is. We have a paperov’s buil, a secret map, seen by us by the administration of the Kargopil district.

If you want to marvel at the site of our military glory, then search Yandex for the Volosivska-Kononivska-Makarivska-Shulginska agglomeration. Regardless of the presence of a paper card, we also needed the advice of local residents.

At Lekshma-boru, we have revealed villages, which you know, photographs can be shown at once. We lost the most hostility from a small picnic on an incomprehensibly prepared place with a beautiful overhang and a beautiful wooden bridge and a beautiful river. One of the advantages of the small population and remoteness of the Arkhangelsk land is the presence of death in such places. At the center of the European part of Russia, everything would be fucked up. Vibatchte, for a rude expression, ale and vain too soft for a description of the widely expanded Russian tradition.

Having returned to Kargopol for the night, in the evening we had another photo session of the place.

In the early hours, having read our messages and having taken a portion of the information in the administration, you hung in the middle of the Lyadina agglomeration, yak nibi Gavrilivska plus Dudkinska, Stoletivska and Fominska. Here mi Mali spend the night in guest booth look at the memos. Lyadini is famous for its complex of two wooden churches and dvinitsya, one of the churches, that dvinitsa, unfortunately, burned down on Great Day 2013. Reshta was repaired, but the bagats were not far away. For example, farbuvannya was white in color, from one side, from afar, I looked at the white stone, but nearby I looked unnaturally. Traditional gray color the old tree is given more to the older ones. The master of the guest house, Nadiya Fedorivna, organized a wonderful museum of impersonal exhibits at the former school and at the guest house, de sibrano impersonal objects of folk pobutu. On one of the photographs you can see an image of a bearded man on the ground. Tse Leo Tolstoy, who, like an apostate, in such a way the people's dislike was expressed.))

In the evening, a chic supper was on us, a master class with the preparation of kinchikiv that bathhouse.

The people were worthy of us, well, you remember our thought about the significance of gastronomy. When the appearance of a burned-out booth, the booths, which are rotting, the booth covered with siding, there is something to marvel at and є as a wholeness to the image. Even though the ice still does not reach Lyadini to the title of the most beautiful village. If it was possible to correct it, the yakbi Meshkants would have wanted to, but, it seems, they don’t take initiatives at all.
Having spent the night, we went to the village of Morshchikhinska, which was planted on the territory of the Kenozero National Park on the birch of Lekshmozero. Here, one of the offices of the national park was restocked; On the way, we brought the beautiful woman Alla Mikhailivna to the village of Orlovo and photographed her on the aphids of beautiful leaves. Our main interest is in the Morshchikhinsk Polehaw near the village of Maselga, which was recommended to us. Zvichayno we have rounded up Morshchikhinsk.

Morshchikhinska did not fit into our description of the most beautiful village, going to Maselga. On the front, we were minted with cicadas of architectural installations made of wood.

Across the road, there is an architectural park “Kenozersky biryulki”, which is a model of a village with toy booths. Prote, don't spit on us, we need villagers to live, so we briskly passed through without breaking any photographs. On the way to Maselga, the checkpoint of the national park is cleared, the passage by car is only possible for a special pass. Hungry, we sighed and prayed and had mercy on the edge of Lake Maselskoe.

It appeared that Maselga no longer lived. As far as we understood, part of the cottages are occupied by summer residents, and part of the cottages, judging by the standardized look, are guests. See, zvichayno, chic, that garni garni, but it's a pity. We need living villages. Until the speech, this month, with the legendary blessings that were roztashovan on the White Sea-Baltic watershed. On the way to Morshchikhinsk, we rode in a low ridge, sharpened by lakes. The left-handed water flows early at the Baltic Sea, and the right-handed flow near Bile.

Well, let's finish the final chord of our expedition, those that we left for dessert - the view of Oshevensk. We turn 80 km to Kargopol and then back to Saunino, de Oleksandr Bikov, head of the Pivnichniy Veter travel company, showed us a wooden complex from the church and dvinitsa.

Dali Pozdishev, Vorobyovskoe, Pozdishevskoe.

Pogost Navolochny with a beautiful church and a beautiful wooden bridge. Irrespective of those that are obviously new, we were honored that they were ruining the old times. Tse in our opinion.

І nareshti pіd'їzhdzhaєmo to Oshevensk. On the v'їzdі roztashovanskij Oleksandrо-Oshevensky monastery, named so in honor of St. Oleksandr Oshevensky. Unfortunately, the monastery is located near a privately ruined camp.

But the monastir chinny wants to be inspired, to start restoring it. Oshevensk itself is built after the traditionally wooden bridge over the river Chur'yoga. See the garni.

Having crossed the river, we were left-handed and right-handed wooden houses of classic pivnichnoy architecture.

Poїhavshi levoruch, we reach one of the main pearls of Oshevensk - the complex of the wooden church and dvinitsa.

Navkol mi bachimo budinki, scho nefariously took care, well.

Arriving before the governor of timing before turning earlier stolen icons from the church, three active preparations before sunset.

Dolіdzhuєmo far. Charming, isn't it?

The head of the Oshevensky rural settlement showed the place, looking at the badge of the most beautiful village.

The administration of the Oshevensk Ministry of Defense does not know why.

Light that dark side Skoda.

Oshevensk is a very large population center, for the sake of saving time we get to know him, ob'zhzhayuchi yogo machine. Quiet, plastic siding is not too rich. Є quarter, zbudovanie for radianskih hours, there are other houses, yakі call cottages. In Oshevensk, there is a school with its own boiler room, a liquorice (it is possible to get a FAP at once, but it’s great to finish it), a cafe. It's wonderful, but in the Arkhangelsk region there is a majestic amount of hogweed. On the cordon of the Vologda and Arkhangelsk regions, there were a lot of plantations. І under Oshevensky, the axis is so beautiful.

We know another church near Khaluy, and a chapel on the way there.

Sіlskogospodarski vyrobnichi sporud roztashovanі on zadvіrkah, scho even competently.

At the post, we were sent to the local residents and were ready for the new season.

Preparing to the holy day, on the street, and in one of the houses, three preparations are made to the laying.

At the judge's booth there is an exhibition "Spadshchina Ruska Pivnochi".

Arriving before us, arriving before us, timchasovuyuchiy tying the bindings of the governor of the Arkhangelsk region I.A. Orliv.

In the distance, a sprat of a photo from a branch was harvested. They just don’t let them in there, because it’s old and not safe, but at the link with the tract, it’s a sign and it leaks far away. There you can clearly see the quarter of classic Radyansky budіvel.

Preparation of grouses, ritual Arkhangelsk stoves.

Saints come in.

Our forward thought - Oshevensk can be brought to the most beautiful forces near that part of the city, which adjoins the church. Even farther away, the whole order of the budinki in the street of the white church was well taken away from the single stylistics of the pivnichny wooden architecture. In order to praise the residual solution, it is necessary to conduct a full vision of expertise from the side of the Association and a global selection of bagmen from the side of Oshevensk. In front of the head of the Oshevensky MO, the Kargopilsky district of the governor mi bachimo, that the interest is in the side of the ruler. It is a pity that we are not less able to see other districts of the Arkhangelsk region, in which, judging by the findings, there may be candidates for joining the Association. In fact, we were surprised only by the pivdenny edge of the region.

Podbivayuchi pіdbags ekspeditsії, duzhe priєmno, scho was productive - we knew two candidates to the Association. It didn’t happen without curiosities, Skoda, we confused one Zgarishche with another, perhaps, there was only one candidate. We practiced one more model in practice for a joke and a preliminary selection of candidates to the Association. We plan to develop expeditionary practice.

Anatoly Karpov
Expert of the Association of the most beautiful forces of Russia
Member of the Russian Geographical Association

Pivnich. A marvelous land of boundless, snowy snows, which can be seen on the sun-bearing ice-floes and permafrost. The polar day here changes into a new night, which hangs with various overflows of pine forest.

Farther, on the afternoon of the evening, the snows come to the tundra swamps, we will decorate with roses of wild berries, lakes and a river with fresh fish. In these latitudes, for a long time there lived a few pivnіchnі people: Nenets, Evenki, Saami, Nanai. As a rich thing to say, reindeer farming is the main way of life in these suvorih minds. The wretched growth is suffocating them constantly to overtake their flocks to new flocks.

Longhir, Norway

To the largest populous settlements, Crimean Viysk bases and doslidnitsky stations, to the Norwegian settlement of Longyearbyen, to roztashovans on the Spitsbergen archipelasis. Vіn know less than 1305 km from the pіvnіchnogo pole. Here, in neat, colorful buds, they linger close to 2000 osib. Tsekavo tse misce tim, that there is a treasure of the present here.

Under the ground at a depth of 120 meters, 4.5 million species of agricultural crops are taken. Longir stretching out from the valley to the sea shores into the archipelago. There are not a lot of monuments near the village, there is a monument to a coal miner in the center of the main street, where there were a few small shops and cafes.

There is also a likarnya, a small church and the Svalbard International University, where seminars are held on arctic geology, biology and other sciences related to the nature of the brewery region. Tourists come and visit, so they can enjoy themselves miraculous landscapes wild, avian nature.

Barentsburg, Russia

Trochs on pіvden vіd Longrії, vіdstanі 1325 km from the pivnichny pole, there is one more settlement - Barentsburg. Even if there are roztashovans on the territory of Norway, lie down the settlement of Russia, about which countless radyansky disputes can be celebrated.

Barentsburg is a mine-type mining settlement, founded in 1932, the smallest population is about 500 people. There is a hotel, a restaurant with its own brewery, which is very popular with tourists.

The tourism business, to the point of speech, has recently begun to actively develop. Є th chapel, built from a tree in the Old Slavonic style. And it is extraordinary, like in any Russian city, near the center of Barentsburg, to hang a pedestal with a bust of Lenin.

Siorapaluk, Denmark

Another Pivnichne settlement that can be found in the country 1355 km view of the pole, was given to the largest, snowy island - Greenland. Near the village of Siorapaluk lived only about 80 families, native eskimos, yaki arrived here from Alaska about 1200 years.

Greenland is the home of the desert, not spared, prote, its special natural beauty and enchanting snowy landscapes. The main part of the villages, those small places stretched out on the verge of the pivdenno-western coast, the de climate is mild. Near the capital of Greenland - Nuuk there are booths of Santa Claus. Itself at the address of the children to force the leaves, from those to ask for gifts for the occasion of that new bazhan.

Alert, Canada

Alert is a military base and a meteorological station. This is a strategically important object and the most important settlements in the world, like the workers of the station and the military personnel. Walk up to the pole 835 km.

Gris Fiord, Canada

One more pіvnіchne settlement - Gris-fjord is found in Canada on the island of Elsmir. Vіn є to other pіvnіchnym settlements of the region - 1505 km to the pole. Gris-Fjord was created by the Canadian order in 1953 for the settlement of savage lands. Vono called on eight Eskimo families, who lived on the outskirts of the paved boudinka and myslivsky ugiddya in the new city. They didn’t care for their own clothes, and the settlers themselves had a chance to settle down on the deserted Arctic land, where the temperature of the winter could drop. up to 60 °C.

Through many years, the settlers, as they survived, and to their families were brought official remissions and paid compensation, and in memory of the patrons, a monument was erected in the place, with the figures of a woman, a child and a husky.

Barrow, Canada

Canada has the most famous place in the world, named in honor of John Barrow, the famous geographer and mandriving man. Barrow is located at the distance of 2075 km to the Pole, a little more than the very point of the edge.

The population is getting closer 4200 osib, most importantly, the indigenous inhabitants of the Inuity - the Eskimos of Alaska. The temperature in these months rarely rises above +5°C, and in the winter months it can drop to -50°C.

The Suvorian climate is not conducive to the turbulent development of industry. The main occupation of the local population is whale fishing. On the shores of two majestic whale cysts, an arch was built - a symbol of the fishing place.

Nagursk, Russia

The most important settlement of Russia is located on the Franz Josef Land in the countryside 1020 km from the pivnichny pole. The village of Nagurske is inhabited by the practical meteorological station, the military base and the airfield. In 2008, the most important Orthodox church in the world

Dikson, Russia

On the island of Dikson there is the largest population point in Russia. 1830 km to the pole. More precisely, it is the western part, and it is hidden - on the mainland, it is watered by a five-meter duct.

The widest transport among the local population, which is about 600 cars, is not buses and minibuses, but Burani, TREKOLO and caterpillar snow and swamp vehicles GAZ-71, which have lost more of their radio hours. The village is a cordon zone, therefore it has the status of a closed object, and it is not possible to come here without a transfer. Wanting to do it with permission to kill is not easy.

You can only get here by helicopter, as there is no fog of blizzards, yak, in the Arctic latitudes it is on the right. In the present hour, Dikson is napivzanedbany, the port is closed and no one is alive on the island part of the city. Then, hour after hour, Bili Vedmedi comes to Dikson.

Norilsk, Russia

Russia has the best place for the population over 100 000 osib- Norilsk. As early as 1956, 99% of the population became involved in the Norillag, a labor camp of the GULAG, created in 1935 for the life and development of the Norilsk Nickel Plant.

Then the tabir was eliminated, and the large number of politv'yazn became the great bagmen of the pivnichny place. At the plant, at the same time, there are three shifts in the number of city dwellers. A bulldozer is laying the road to the plant in a strong wind, followed by a column of buses from the workers of the enterprise.

Iceland - "Krizhana krajina". So i є. Tse most important country, from the very beer capital- Reyk'yavik. The island of Iceland is mostly known for the polar stake. In this case, the climate here is far from being the coldest, the winds of the Pivnichno-Atlantic current. The temperature rarely drops below -6 °C. However, the strong winds do not allow winding a snail, because in the country there are many who are engaged in winemaking.

There are countless volcanoes and geysers on the island. Vіn, zahalom, and udovaniya at the result of volcanic activity is less than 20 million years ago. Zavdyaki tsomu here you can see a lot of thermal pools on the open air. While for tourists to swim near a hot lake at sub-zero temperatures and frosty winds, it’s an extreme rush, but for hart-harvested Icelanders, it’s a hell of a lot.

Irrespective of those that Iceland is a European country of origin and practically has its own side on facebook, the inhabitants of Iceland are even more forgiving. And it’s not surprising, even if the reconciliation of the life of life here is little changed from long ago. People believe in trolls and elfs, and the fairy-tale landscapes groan in vain and realize that they themselves are full of spells.

In the Vologda region, there are special types of rural houses, which are no longer common in Russia. head office homemade rice tsikh budinkov є suvorіst and monumentality. Today we are virushimo in the zanedbani of the village of Ruska Pivnochi and we know why these houses are unique.

The basis is a wooden log - garni with its primordial strength, natural beauty, simple rhythm of mighty winds. Try it, cover it with a chimerical visor, neatly sawn boards, plaster or farboi - and all charm will be lost. The very appearance of a rich, splendid well-being gives these houses their own uniqueness.

I will start my research from the pivnіchno-shіdnoї part of the Vologda region. Here, on the birch of the river Nutrenko, two villages of Mykil'ske and Velika were thriving with their mikil'sko-great houses. Behind the words of the old-timers, most of the budins were transported here from the pivnichnoy hut. And, indeed, there are no such majestic ruins in the countryside villages. At the Radyansky rocky, there was a great statehood, a bula sіlrada, a club, a school, and even more.

First of all, this majestic double-surfaced booth with a great light. With that, not one, as you can see at first glance, budinok, but two huts - two independent logs from logs, strongly pressed one to one and may sleep sleeping.

Kіntsі decks on kutakh covered with filamentous blades, embellished with overhead cuts.

The next two houses are not less grandiose in nature and also have the type of hati-dviyni, under one trischilim cover and light. Zovn_shny ozdoblennya here is less than one hutch of the bill of lading on the apical shoulder blades. These budinkas still have a life.

In the distance, one can see again a hefty double-topped booth with blues arriving behind. At the Pivnochi, the living quarters were put only as a komori, a pit and a threshing floor, and the sheds and pits were the back part of a Russian hut. Tse allowed the peasants to carry out the work of the state in disgrace (often for the local lands) without going out into the street.

Tse budinok five hundred with a cut in the center. From the decor, there are less those that are sheathed and critized with wood.

This hut is smaller for roses, but everything is bigger for the houses of the Middle Smog. As you can see, the houses stand on the pіdklіtі z 8-9 vіntsіv, dah crit with the tesom, like the walls of that light. Zovsіm not decorating (hiba cornice). Shvidshe for everything, lords were not able to lay the sheets.

Right in the order I renew the butt of the hut, the skin of them squinted in its beak, which I create like a booth, which rozpovzaetsya. More precisely, it is true. And the axis of the lamp here, not in the butt of the wall, is even masterfully and roughly embellished with ornaments.

We are catching on to the artifact - the tractor "Kazakhstan" of the so, maybe, 60s.

Budinkiv is already rich here. All the hopiti - all the stars, and I'm going to show it to other places, moreover, a few personnel and work in other villages.

"Here was Silrada" ...

Russia is like that.

Our betmobilchik is directly ruined among such domains.

The village of Velika (on the maps) is left behind, there is Mikilsk (on the map). With an advancing series of signs, I will present a sprig of budinki in the stale village of Novo, planted along the other side of Vologda - on the Bilozersk ridge, on the birch of the Toitsya river.

Budinki are more attached and less viraznі, like in front. Ale is also on pіdklіtі, p'yatistіnki. Truth is, there is no light here. Here the mountain is at the end, and in the booth, which is lower, it is more thrown off at the attic. Yogo navit was decorated.

The second budinok has a twisted shape with an entrance in the middle through an inflexible high ganok.

I do not attach any respect to the internal interior of the booth, that there is nothing there.

From the cіkavih znakhіdok there were no more qi-axis, obviously old-fashioned forged majestic screens.

І navіt koshiki here weaving handmade robots.

The rest of the sack was here in 1995. Prodovzhuyuchi Rukh Bilozerskoy ridge, zalishaєmo and the whole village.

And at the same time we are in the village of Ulyankino with an extremely colorful village. Restoration, schopravda, beat the booth of our hour.

It can be seen that a lot of work was put in at the decorated booth. The castle is beaten, we pass through the middle.

There is a note on the table saying don't ruin the hut.

On the third facade there is a loggia on the mountain.

Not far away, in the same village, there is another creation of a handy ruler - a "mysly" house from a greenhouse and a corral for animals.

Darkness, but we can see a couple of forces from their pivnichniy booths. Tse, in my opinion, is already the village of Bubrov.

Like a leader, the front part is a hut for a life, the other half is for your own creatures and stocks of food.

And for the sake of radian's fates, you don’t poshikuesh here, but at the same time prepare. Axis i lost, scho throw qі mіtsnі budinki.

If you want and it’s foldable budinki rubany, that’s how to live, if there’s no road, transport to go two days a day and the whole infrastructure has come up.

Have tsomu village budinki vzhe covered with slate. Nachebto and budinok are more simple, ale shchos є in this simplicity.

Well, let's say a little positive - the village of Artyushine, where not everything has been spent, even though there are tendencies to the last.

Divny and old mega-domina of ten walls. Chi is for robots, chi ... I don’t know for whom.

Two representatives of different epochs and resentment for forgetfulness. And there is nothing new!

Nedobud, to the point, even global. Budіvlya for the settlement of colossal rosemіrіv. Tsіkavo, there is not enough buti here.

And tse "Bubrivska" school іz pedestal V.I. Lenin. Rіk zasnuvannya school 1878 rock! He had two Heroes of the Radyansk Union: Malozemov Ivan Prokopovich (Rik 21, February 1942, went to the front, near the birch in 1943, having died at Stalingrad) and Oleksandr Mikhailovich Nikandrov Radian-Japanese war of 1945).

Completely good arrangements and pіdtremuvany in order "Park Peremogi".

“Until the last breath, the stench was left behind by the Batkivshchyna virn. Save the names of the Ridniy land forever, as they did not come from the war.

To the warriors of the Artyushinsky sila, they gave life for the Batkivshchyna ...

On why our winter is more expensive than the Russian villages of the Vologda region has reached the end.

To stand on empty pivnoch huts. Nin in the be-yakoy village of obov'yazkovo zustrin two or three darkened in the hour, old chisels that squinted, we are thin, rotten with a dash and black eyeglasses of vibitih vicons. It is not rare there and more and more zanedbani villages and villages, with large streets from old kondovih huts. The heart is covered with blood, if you stand on such a deserted street, which is overgrown with weeds, among the old, almond trees of Budinkov and Komor. And if it was booming loudly and richly crowded here, the saints walked merrily with dashing Christmas katans and round dances on Chervona Girka, celebrated fun; here the outskirts, far beyond the pivnich, were a little overpowered by the rozudal talyanka, and the mane was deafening with hoarse sounds in the morning.

People hung around here. Here the stinks were nasty and died, laughed and confused, loved and dreamed, drenched in salty sweat and admired the clear stars of the frosty night sky. Here the Batkivshchyna is full of a generation of simple, innocent villagers, whose names have been lost in the darkness of the century, and the heat of a long, long time has smoldered on modest rural flowers.

Quiet all the way. Less than a quiet wind, more thick bushes of wild cherry under the windows of a majestic hut-five, which has grown into the ground. Who is alive here?.. I make my way through the thickets of the sprinklings to the gank, squinting, with rіzblenimi stovpchiks, I throw off the clear passage of the cobweb shroud, which ripples in the wind, and I go into the cold blue. After a bright sun, the eyes do not chime to the dark. Navkolko chaos and lack of space, the road is blocked by fire and wicked furniture. In the midst of the old mothloh, right masterpieces are trawling, as if they could embellish any metropolitan museum. Here there are cut strands, tripala, and humpback salmon with bent handles, polished to a shine by laboring peasant hands. A majestic wooden stupa is lying near the hut, and on the ground there is a whole warehouse of strong cooperage and wickerwork - cebra, barila, chepuri, mosquitoes, various-caliber faces of strongmen.

I go to the very hati. The right-hander through the doors of the high adobe bulk of the Russian stove, which she asked. Above the head is a wide coat. Benches along the walls, a goddess was plundered, a stele was smoked low. Musty that siro. The ford is near, on the bed are beaten mountaineers, torn robes, a pile of straw from a torn mat mattress.

Ale spochatku on all tse zovsіm do not betray respect. Varto only go to the hut, first, as you fall into the vіchі, - ce painting! Paintings are creased, little things can be spread, if not on the bed of that stele. Painted and golbets, і stalls, і pіdpіchnu shіstka; at the barvy framed viconn jambs and navit entrance doors. Mov not in a hut, but in a Kazkovy tower. Zvіdusіl, z uѕіh kutіv i stіn marvel at you fantastic birds-syrinis and different marvelous animals. Axis, for example, lion's mane, like walking one by one on their hind legs with good-natured smiling muzzles ... And more flowers: yaskravі, juicy purple, lower-blakitnі with white separations, stink at the top of the temryavі nache to shine, I'm warm inside planted in them by an immeasurable artist, creating the atmosphere of that holy spring. Word of honor, at this moment you can greet people who have grown up and lived all their lives in this Garden of Eden. You only show up - the shoranka scattered at the right kazci, among the non-working animals and the miraculous tickets! Axis to you and dark strong, men-bast shoes with a single thought about daily bread.

As if I had recently thought: what is the power of shtovhay me on a school trip to the Russian Pivnoch? Like a mysteriously heavy zmushuy shholita get off the train on deaf distant pivstanki and wind tens of kilometers along broken routes in order to find a way to reach some kind of fox zanedbany village or a self-sustained piled-up tsvintar? I realized that Pivnich for me is a niche of my own, where I’ll go in the middle of the current. Itself here, far away from the reach of civilization, I try to muffle in my soul a little tightness for a long time and, unfortunately, for hours far away, bilinous Russia, which irrevocably went. Some people know I guess that I've forgotten about the people for hundreds of years. Ale with a skin day mіtsnіє mіtsnіє in the soul perekonanna: arrange the share in a different way, I do not live in the "civilized" world of the XXI century, but there it is, in the depths of the century, - do not love me Russia the axis like that, with all my soul , do not understand b, do not understand those, calmly Russian. I would just be alive - yelling, sіyav, fighting, whiled away the winter evenings for the zvuchnoy muzhik's practice - and it's unlikely that I would start to cry like that with a lingering Russian song like a bilina, look in the cunningly wise rіzblennі khabarіv і platznikіv, v_shivіvіdіvіdі zhіno zhіno . There, even then, everything would be primal and everyday, like here and at once - a transverse tram ...

Мандруючи ж північною сільською глибинкою - цим занедбаним заповіднику російської традиційної культури, - постійно стикаєшся з відлуннями простого і мудрого патріархального життя наших предків, стаєш до них ближче і сприймаєш їх час як свій, але підходиш до нього з розумінням сьогоднішньої людини.

The Russian Pivnich itself preserved for us the ancient Kiev bilini and pearls of wooden architecture, the ornamental archaic folk embroidery and carvings, preserved pagan rites in essence and sounds. Luckily, everything has been chosen in due time and has been carefully recorded by more than one generation of domestic ethnographers and folklorists. Even on the beginning of the XX century, after one of his trips to the Russian Pivnochi, M. M. Prishvin wrote: “In Pivnochi, knowing the people’s vіruvannyam, funeral lamentations and funeral rites, you can see yourself raptom among the words of the pagans. An impersonal sign here to talk about them ... "

A lot of water has flowed from that hour, a lot of which has changed to the point of unrecognizability in the world, ale and ninth land has saved the priceless treasures of our thousand-year-old tradition and culture. If you listen respectfully, then here it is still possible to catch a faint moon of quiet, loud funeral feasts and wealthy brothers, which our distant ancestors celebrated; it is possible to separate the ice with a sensible whisper - the words of the taєmnichih spells-spells, which storіchchya zletili from the mouth of the old man-enchantment, unknown to us; you can live all those rudyan viserunka weaving and embroideries, which, when you see the mirror of the Dnipro water, if you embellished the shirts of the ruddy kiyanok hours of Svyatoslav and Volodymyr Krasna Sonechka.

Himself here at fucked up by Godлісових північних селищах, спілкуючись з місцевими вісімдесятилітніми стариками - останніми хранителями величезної неоціненної спадщини наших предків, записуючи від них обряди і змови, голосіння і бувальщини, переймаючи життєвий досвід і знання, а то й просто слухаючи їх просту живу і образну мову, як би поринаєш into the atmosphere of tієї wise patriarchy, if you had a panuvala at the blessed pre-Petrine hours ...

A.V. Aleksiev. 3 field shoden

Pivnichni expanses ("historical landscape")

So looking Volomsky tsvintar in 1997. Photo from the door. Mustache budinki died ... (

Holy Cross Church of the Volomsky Tsvintar (

"Altanki" 2008

Chervoniy kut at the vimorochniy hut. Speeches found right there

Tsi important massive doska mi z Volodya Koval in 1997 tax 35 km lіsom from Volomsky tsvintar. Ninі stinks embellish the Zvenigorod Museum. Tse frame lining of the sidewall of the gobtsya. Fillonki were inserted between them

Painting of the Exaltation of the Cross Church of the Volomsky Monastery (

So, most of it is already at the museum. They caught vryatuvati vіd plundering that bayduzhostі. Wonderful baiduzhіst of local museums. We had a chance to reach 1,200 km of the city, and the stinks themselves to sit on the golden material and not be swept away. Aje, everything goes more smoothly - after 10 years, it’s less likely to guess about the whole thing.

Adzhe everything is trimmed in front of us. At the local museums of the city, they practice (sit) baiduzhi until the right time, as if they were thinking about their own family problems. The stench, as a rule, is assigned by officials of culture and to sit until retirement, so nothing worthwhile and not dying. And from the ascetic ascetics to the tsієї, do not let them in - do not block it! The axis of the stink and sit on their unseen handwritten manuscripts, as if, after their exit, they are being spat by their relatives.

"Boil the samovar - do not order to go" Painted Vologda shafa

At the foetus. 1992. Knowing "Snake"

Katerina Kirilivna Borbolina behind the trunks at her hut. In the photo, the frame is right-handed, it is in youth. 1997 rec. (she died 9 years ago)

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