To the glory of the place. Architects Guest house Shlіsselburg. Awards and prizes





After breaking through the blockade at the fierce 1943r. Among the architects, a competition was held for the best monument, dedication to the great honor - breaking through the blockade of Leningrad. 44 individuals took part in the competition, the prizes among them were awarded to V.A. Kam'yansky, A.I. Knyazev, L.G. Golubovsky and A.S. Gintsberg. The author of the most opposed sketch project A.V. Vasiliev. The mountain of Preobrazhenska near Shlіsselburz was unfailingly chosen as the place for the roztashuvannya of the monument. However, most of these grandiose projects have been left behind on paper.

One of the projects of the monument on the Preobrazhensky Hill dedicated to the break through the siege of Leningrad

(architect A.V. Vasiliev)

Historical proof:

Architect VASILYEV Oleksandr Viktorovich was born in 1913. at the sіm'ї zaliznichny master.

At 16 rokіv vіn came to Leningrad to enter the Academy of Mystics. Ale didn’t get away with it after a day of work experience. That future architect had a chance to work as an armchair at the architect's office Lenradi.

Three years later, Vasiliev again submitted documents to the Academy of Mystics. Alec once not to the faculty of painting, but to the faculty of architecture. He graduated from the Academy in 1938, and still worked as an artist.

Before the cob of Great Vytchiznyanoi war Oleksandr Viktorovich seriously fell ill, through which he consumed a legenia. So they didn’t take yoga to the front. Ale Vasiliev survived the blockade of Leningrad. Here, having created anti-fascist cries, many of them were glued beyond the borders of the place. Malyuvav vіn and mailed leaflets, deeds from these were made with a circulation of up to 25,000 copies. In 1944, Vasiliev became the head designer of the exhibition "The Heroic Defense of Leningrad".

Vasiliev took an active part in architectural competitions. Winning the 3rd prize in the competition for the best project of the Victory MonumentMoscow Park Peremogi, 2nd and 4th prizes in the competition for the design of the metro station "Ploshcha Povstannya".

Under the ceramics of Oleksandr Viktorovich Vasiliev, an ensemble of the Piskaryovsky memorial was created, dating back to 1960. Vіn engaged in the design of the Yuvileyniy Sports Palace, the lobby of the Narvska metro station. An ensemble was created behind the yoga projectSverdlovsk embankmentpromptings the first large-panelled booth in Leningrad.

For a long time the architect has looked at the 4th master of NDI "Lenproekt". After the death of Oleksandr Viktorovych, I took the post of Yogo son Georgiy.Dzherelo "Walks in Petersburg"www.

GOLUBIVSKY Lion (1914 - 1974) local communities that budіvel, sporudzhenikh like in Moscow, and in other places of the Radyansk Union: Leningrad, Alma-Ati, Sukhum, Minsk, Sochi and іn.

Wonderful master of monumental architecture richly rokіv plodno pratsyuvav іz famous sculptors M. Tomsky, L. Kerbel, V. Tsigal. that in. Volodiyuchi unabashed talent of the artist, Golubovsky having created rich artistic creations, In the midst of some special place, little ones are occupied by little ones about the tragic events of the Leningrad blockade of 1941-1944, Vikonannim at the besieged Leningrad. L.G. Golubovsky, a participant in the Great Vitchiznian War of 1941-1945, before rest days the topic of war did not deprive the people of that heroic feat, such a victory for fascism. Even during the hours of war, hovering at Peremoga, the architect dreamed about the creation of the Great Monument - the monument to Peremoga, and all the future fates were intently working on the creation of such a monument.

Subsumed for work on becoming a project for the Peremogi park on Poklonniy Gori near Moscow, recommendations for a remote work project. The main ideas of Golubovsky, one of the authors of the author's team, found their place in the sprouted Peremoga Park on Poklonniy Gori in Moscow.

Kam'yansky Valentin Oleksandrovich

(1907-1975), architect, people's architect of the USSR (1970). Member of the CPRS since 1941. Graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Industrial Engineers (1931); scribed in the same place (1931-1939) and in LISI (from 1941, professor from 1959). In 1951–1971 he was the head architect of Leningrad. One of the authors of the projects of the General Plans for the Development of Leningrad (1942, 1966), since 1944, cherubing and forgetting the Kirovsky district, ceriving the project planning and forgetting Stachok Avenue (1951-1955), Komsomolskaya Square (1955-1962), in the area 1954), the Dachna district (1960s), one of the authors of the Zhovtneviy Great Concert Hall, the residential area on Vasilevsky Island (1967), the planning and landscaping of Moscow Square (1969-1970), the monument to the heroic defenders of Leningrad (1971-1975 ). Lenin Prize (1978, posthumously). Burial at Literary Places.

  • - Granatkin Valentin Oleksandrovich, athlete, merited master of sports. From the 14th century, the goalkeeper of the team of the Moscow City Power Plant "Chervoniy Promin". In 1933-34 he played for the Astakhov Working Club.

    Moscow (encyclopedia)

  • - , Radiansky architect. People's architect of the SRSR. Graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Industrial Life Engineers; posted in the same place and in LISI. In 1951-71 the head architect of Leningrad...

    Art Encyclopedia

  • - Rid. in 1907, pom. 1977 AN SRSR. Doslednik of the Tungus-Manchu language, problems of typology, historical-historical philosophies, sociolinguistics.
  • – Head of the Department of Design of Special Forestry Machines of St. Petersburg Forestry Engineering Academy since 1986; was born on May 6, 1941. in the village of Lomi, Pskov region.

    Great biographical encyclopedia

  • - Spec. at the region history and philosophy. logic, philosophy. that history of science; Dr. Philos. sciences, prof. Rid. at Kazan. Finished physical. Faculty of Kazan State un-tu, asp. departments of philosophy...

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  • - President of the road-building company "Agrodorspetsbud"; Born on 12 Lipnya 1958 near the metro station Nerchinsk, Chita region, from workers; 1981 r. graduated from the Irkutsk Sіlskogospodarsky Institute.

    Great biographical encyclopedia

  • - Rid. 1906, pom. 1979. Football player, engraver for the Astakhov Working Club, Moscow Lokomotiv, USSR national team, Spartak. Volodar cup of the USSR. Head of the Football Federation of the USSR...

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  • - Rid. 1929, pom. 1995. Thermophysicist, specialist in cold exchange of heat, including at low temperatures. Corresponding Member Academy of Sciences of the SRSR, born in 1981, Corresponding Member. RAS since 1991 Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, leading scientific researcher of the MEI.

    Great biographical encyclopedia

  • - Dogel, Valentina Oleksandrovich, son of the front, - zoologist. Born in 1882, having studied natural sciences at the Imperial St. Petersburg University, practicing in the zootomy office under the professor's ceremonial work.

    Biographical dictionary

  • - Radyansky novice, specialist in the gallery of the Tungus-Manchurian language, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR. Graduated from the Faculty of History and Ethnology of LDU. Golovni pratsі: "Grammar of Nanai language".
  • - Radyansky sportsman, community hero, merited master of sports, merited practitioner of culture of the RRFSR, engineer. Member of the CPRS since 1939.

    Great Radianska Encyclopedia

  • - Radyansky architect, people's architect of the SRSR. Member of the CPRS from 1941. Graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Industrial Engineers. In 1951-71 the head architect of Leningrad...

    Great Radianska Encyclopedia

  • - Gneushev Valentin Oleksandrovich, circus director, honored child artist of the Russian Federation.
  • - Russian scientist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

    Great encyclopedic vocabulary

  • - Kamensky Valentin Oleksandrovich, architect, people's architect of the SRSR. Pratsyuvav near Leningrad; one of the authors of the General Plan for the development of the city for 1960-1960.

    Great encyclopedic dictionary

  • - Russian architect, national architect of the SRSR.

    Great encyclopedic dictionary

"Kamensky Valentin Oleksandrovich" in books

KUPTSIV Valentin Oleksandrovich

From the book Naizakritish people. From Lenin to Gorbachov: Encyclopedia of biographies author Zіnkovich Mykola Oleksandrovych

KUPTSIV Valentin Oleksandrovich (04.12.1937). Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPRS from 07/13/1990 to 23.08.1991 Member of the Central Committee of the CPRS since 1986 Member of the CPRS since 1966 Born near the village of Mindyukino, Cherepovets district, Vologda region, from a peasant. Russian. In 1966 graduated from the Pivnichno-Zakhidny Polytechnic Correspondence.

SEROV Valentin Oleksandrovich

author Fokin Pavlo Evgenovich

SEROV Valentin Oleksandrovich 7 (19) 1.1865 - 22.11 (5.12). 1911 Painter, graphic artist, theater artist. One of the organizers of that participant in the "World of Art" association, not wanting to be a member, but "asking to be a permanent exhibitor." Fancy paintings "Girl with peaches"

TERNAVTSIV Valentin Oleksandrovich

From the book Sribniy vіk. Portrait gallery of cultural heroes at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Volume 3. S-Z author Fokin Pavlo Evgenovich

TERNAVTSIV Valentin Oleksandrovich 1866–1940 Theologian. Official with a special hand at the Chief Procurator of the Synod. One of the founders of Religious and philosophical gatherings. Spіvrobіtnik magazine "New way". “Tse buv theologian-erudite, half-witted Orthodox, but like wine

Kuptsov Valentin Oleksandrovich

From the book From the KDB to the FSB (on the back side business history). book 1 (from KDB SRSR to MB RF) author Strigin Evgen Mikhailovich

Kuptsov Valentin Oleksandrovich

From the book From the KDB to the FSB (the main sides of the vitchiznyanoy istorii). book 2 (from MB RF to FSK RF) author Strigin Evgen Mikhailovich

Kuptsov Valentin Oleksandrovich Biographical note: Valentin Oleksandrovich Kuptsov was born on December 4, 1937 near the village of Mindyukine, Cherepovets district, Vologda region. In 1966 graduated from Pivnichno-Zakhidny Correspondence Polytechnic Institute, in 1988


3 books of 100 great artists author Samin Dmitro

VALENTIN OLEKSANDROVICH SIROV (1865–1911)V. Bryusov wrote: “Serov buv realist short value which word. Vіn bachiv bezpomilkovo taєmnu truth of life, and those who wrote vin, revealed the very reality of the phenomena, like other eyes do not mind. Valentin Oleksandrovich Serov

Avrorin Valentin Oleksandrovich

From the book of the Great Radianska Encyclopedia (AV) of the author Wikipedia

Serov Valentin Oleksandrovich

From the book of the Great Radianska Encyclopedia (РЄ) of the author Wikipedia

Kam'yansky Valentin Oleksandrovich

From the book of the Great Radianska Encyclopedia (KA) of the author Wikipedia

Granatkin Valentin Oleksandrovich

From the book of the Great Radianska Encyclopedia (GR) of the author Wikipedia

Dogel Valentin Oleksandrovich

From the book of the Great Radianska Encyclopedia (DO) of the author Wikipedia

author Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky Petro

D. N. Bantish-Kamensky Field Marshal Count Petro Oleksandrovich Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky

From the book Great Mala Russia. Pratsi and days of the field marshal author Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky Petro

D. N. Bantish-Kamensky Field Marshal Count Petro Oleksandrovich Rumyantsev-Zadunaysky Count Petro Oleksandrovich Rumyantsev-Zadunaysky, son of General-General Count Oleksandr Ivanovich and great-grandson of the famous boyar Matveev, born in 1725, memorable, bo Russia

D. N. Bantish-Kamensky. Field Marshal Count Petro Oleksandrovich Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky

From the book Great and Little Russia. Pratsi and days of the field marshal author Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky Petro

D. N. Bantish-Kamensky. Field Marshal Count Petro Oleksandrovich Rumyantsev-Zadunaysky Count Petro Oleksandrovich Rumyantsev-Zadunaysky, son of General-in-Chief Count Oleksandr Ivanovich and great-grandson of the famous boyar Matveev, born in 1725, memorable, bo Russia

Kuptsov Valentin Oleksandrovich

From the book of Lyudin, it is similar to the Prosecutor General, but Love is all the same author Strigin Evgen Mikhailovich

Kuptsov Valentin Oleksandrovich Biographical note: Valentin Oleksandrovich Kuptsov was born on December 4, 1937 near the village of Mindyukine, Cherepovets district, Vologda region. In 1966 graduated from Pivnichno-Zakhidny Correspondence Polytechnic Institute, in 1988

V. A. Kamensky was born on 16 (29) spring 1907 near Tula. 1931 graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Industrial Engineers. Worked at the Leningrad Institute of Industrial Life Engineers (1931-1939), at LISI (since 1941). Professor (since 1959). In 1951–1971, he was the head architect of Leningrad.

V. A. Kamensky died in 1975. Funeral near Leningrad at the literary places of the Volkivsky tsvintar.

Sin - architect N. V. Kam'yansky.

Awards and prizes

  • Lenin Prize (1978 - posthumously) - for the "Monument to honor the heroic defense of Leningrad in 1941-1943 and the defeat of the German fascist troops near Leningrad in 1944"
  • people's architect of the USSR (1970)
  • Order of Lenin
  • Order "Badge of Poshan" and medals


  • One of the authors of the draft master plan for the development of Leningrad for 1960-1980
  • Forget the planner for the project:
    • Prospekt Straykiv (1951-1955)
    • Komsomolskaya Square (1956)
    • in the area of ​​Avtovo (1954)
    • Dachna district (since 1960)
    • experimental housing area on Vasilevsky Island (1967)
  • Cinema and Concert Hall "Zhovtneviy" (1967) (architect St A. Kamensky, Zh. M. Verzhbitsky, A. St Zhuk, engineers E. B. Galkin, N. St Maksimov)
  • Memorial to the Heroic defenders of Leningrad (designed by M. K. Anikushin, architects St. A. Kam'yansky, S. B. Speransky)
  • triumphal arch in Avtovi (not saved)


  • Kam'yansky St. A. Decembrist Square. - L., 1943.
  • Kam'yansky St. A. Taurus Palace. - L.: M., 1948.
  • Kam'yansky St A. Architecture of Leningrad. Squares, embankments, avenues, monuments, gardens and parks. - L., 1957.
  • Kamensky V. A. Leningrad today and tomorrow. - L., 1962.
  • Kam'yansky St A., Naumov A.I. General plan for the development of Leningrad. - L., 1966.
  • Kamensky V. A. Place to marvel at tomorrow. General plan for the development of Leningrad. - L., 1972.
  • Kamensky V. A. General plan for the development of the place. - L., 1972.
  • Kam'yansky St A., Naumov A.I. Leningrad. Mistobudivnі problems of development. - L., 1973.

V.V. Popov,

people's architect of Russia

Named after Valentin Oleksandrovich Kam'yansky, people's architect of the SRSR, for 20 years cherubing the Head Architectural and Planning Department of Leningrad, is memorable rich. But not all of the year to establish the correct meaning of this non-transverse specialty.

It is not surprising that there are few other special publications about the new one, famous for the past Radian architect. These two short encyclopedic background biographies and other articles by S.B. Speransky in the journal "Business and Architecture of Leningrad" No. 10, 1967. that I.I. Fomina in the journal "Architecture of the SRSR" No. 8 for 1971. and publications in the collections “Architectors about architects” (1999, styled by Yu.I. Kurbatov) and “Architects of St. Petersburg, XX century” (2000, styled by V. G. Isachenko). Axis, maybe, and everything. Obviously, the folding hour of the country's architecture of the other half of the past century is still in check on its successors, but for the time being it is set until this hour by the greater world of the beast.

In his autobiographical notes, Kamensky is a typical, not called an ordinary person “of the people”, who lived in the country with a difficult life and reached a high camp at her professional hierarchy.

I took up this drawing, I often guess about the new one. Meni reached a sort of yogo to finish the near, prazuyuyu pіd yogo -hearted Kerivnitsy over the projects of the transport of the Plane Oleksandra Voskomniy Tu Togo Planning Partnia Vasilivsky Island, and he was the same with the Nomosa, and the Poterena Lenephopta different types of non-service communication.

The professional quarry of Kamyansky is made up of two different parts.

In the first, advanced, wines - an ordinary architect - worked with the venerable professor A.A. Olya, taking lessons from the St. Petersburg architectural school at yoga master. Then, at the rocky battlefield, in the lined frontline area, we built defensive masquerade facilities, cleared the non-evacuated part of the Leningrad branch of the Split of architects and helped our colleagues who were lost in the blockade. For the whole hour lie a series of miraculous watercolor landscapes of the besieged place, like the Russian Museum, the Museum of History and the place seen in a special album.

If it began to sound like a hope for victory in the war, and there was a need for the foremen, I was entrusted to the Lenproekt maisterna, yak worked in the pivdenno-zahidny district of the city, which suffered the most in the war.

In the first war, the fates of wines created one of the best monumental compositions about war in Leningrad - a memorial in honor of the heroes of the defense of the Hanko farm on the reconstructed booth on Pestel Street.

The staff of the master of Lenproekt, which carried out the work after the war, worked on the reconstruction projects of the entire zone of one of the main highways of the highest importance - Stachok Avenue. Here the Kam'yansky performer is already the creator of that realizator of the grandiose local concept of a folding volumetric and spacious and functionally diverse ensemble of the majestic city district. Among the richness of other objects of wines, the joint authorship of the architect Solomon Grigorovich Maiofis is projecting that future greatest ensemble of Komsomolskaya Square.

At this hour, you already enter a number of majors of Leningrad architecture - a maker of one of the famous regional masters for Lenproekt, the institute, de buli selected all the best architectural frames of the city, that head of the Leningrad branch of the Split of architects of the SRSR.

The cob of the other part of that sharp snake professional car'er of Kam'yansky was the recognition of the certifier of the Architectural and Planning Department of the Lengorvikonkom, as the vin keruvav from 1951 to 1971. Twenty-five years of important work of ker_vnitstva was established, as it became nadaly to the Head Architectural and Planning Departments, bula yogo recognized, on the right of the entire offensive life.

Before New Radian hours, there were two places in the settlement of architectural stoneworks.

First - Lev Oleksandrovich Ilyin. Superintelligent from the pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg school of architecture, Moscow architect of the hours of devastation, NEP and the first feast of the life of a new life. Vin was the creator of the post-revolutionary general plan of the place and, moreover, the creator of the Radian local school on the basis of the organized Leningrad project group. The expansion of the Illinim General Plan, allowing the development of Leningrad to be more important, with the creation of a new center near the pivden, the most remote cordon from Finland, directly. Later on, the general plan of the confession was pardoned, and during the hours of Stalin’s cool transformations, the place became uncommon, including through the non-proletarian campaign and suspected a different erudition.

Mikola Varfolomiyovich Baranov, talented, young, fakhivets with great ambitions, came to you to change. Vіn vіdrіznjavsya uncompromisingly, napoleglivіst at the reach of the put meti and miraculously fit into the era, if the radyansk architecture became sovereign right. Himself a non-transversal city dweller, Baranov, having continued the development of the scientific city development of Leningrad by Il'inim on the right, having developed an offensive, compact and realistic general plan, from low perspective city life ideas. Being an adherent of zhorstkogo administrative kerіvnitstv, vіn began to zmіtsnyuvat the entire system of management of the Leningrad architectural practice. In 1951, the brothers of Baranov, having fallen into disgrace on the "Leningradsky sprav", prote potim yogo rehabilitated, turned all the ranks of that fence and appointed them to the forest, lower earlier, put them in Moscow.

The entry of Valentin Oleksandrovich Kam'yansky to the landing of the head of the APU began with the setting of the "great Stalinist era", the onset of the XXth century of the CPRS, the rise of the cult of specialness (and in fact - the transfer of the cult of the cult of others, but less of the great person), didn't play anyone. About those who were trapilos with the same Radian architecture, which we wrote like that, everything that is possible has already been written. Here, it is worth noting that Kamensky, having been recognized by Kamensky, having stumbled upon one of the earlier separate settlements of the head architect and the head of the administrative office, the fragments of their functions were directly swayed and navited by others. For hours of global industrial typization, that “record of supernaturalities” could turn out to be a disaster for architecture. Kamensky zavzhdy, to inspire in the most vivacious moods a budding onslaught, graciously victorious with his ability to zahist.

I can tell you about such a characteristic vipadok. When passing through the Lansky Highway (the same as Smirnov Avenue), Khrushchev sang, so that the five-overhead booths became six-overhead and stand on shops with windows. The cost was inconceivable for the hours of wild “cheremshok”. In anger, it was punished to know and severely punish the guilty. It is important for the Moscow authorities to save the head architect. And Lanskoe shose and today look badly.

Zvichayno, as in all great leading architects, in Kamensky buv theirs, splits with the staff of the master of Lennіїproekt, Kerovan Oleksandr Ivanovich Naumov, the general plan of Leningrad and the yogo primіskoї zone, which in 1966 was approved by the Council of Ministers At the heart of the city of work lies the weight of the richest historical background, which is a small unique Leningrad local school, and the main motto of the general plan has become "fly away from the city to the sea." In a new way, the grandiose works of the development of the coastal territories, the foundations and in the general plan of the offensive generation, which continue in our days, were flared up.

Vzagali, zdiisnenі at that hour mistobudіvnі vnіvnі near the districts of new Lenіngradі and pobudovanі vіd vіd vіd vіd Kam'yanskogo, kotriі іnоdі for yоgo bessredneї ї uchіstі, znachny budіvlі і monuments like Zhovtnevy hall, Pulkovo airport, Monument to the defenders of Leningrad, good described. And the axis of the schoden routine yoga robot bula, obviously, is attached to wide popularity.

With the irreversible vicentan Zhorstsky Vimog, the Otvodo, the Masovy Budinnitvva Masoe Budinnitva (INAKSHE simply could not) in Lenindhradi, behind the sole of the Piditrimtsya Kam'yansky, on the Vidmin vid of the muddy in the region, architecture. So, I had the opportunity to transfer the standard design for Leningrad from Derzhbud to Lenni project. Так було і з розробкою та впровадженням якісно нового блок-секційного методу в масовій забудові, який згодом набув поширення по всій країні, і з масштабним упорядкуванням номенклатури індустріальних виробів у прогресивній системі Ленінградського каталогу, і з впровадженням уніфікованого каркасу для перших поверхів усіх магістральних будинків, independent of their types, which was not possible to grow in Moscow.

The left part of the work of Kamyansky as the chief became, zvichayno, kerіvnitstvo The main architectural and planning departments - the brain center for the design and development of the city, de buv a great team of specialists of higher qualifications, design, development and organization of the organization of funerals , who knows the placement of all objects on the territory of the place and the species allowed for their design and life. This tight mechanism of the buv, with the new laying of taxes, which yogo roboti lashed out at the entire term of the attacking chief of the head office, right up to the hour of the collapse of the Russian state.

Before obov'yazkіv Kam'yanskogo - the lead architect included methodical and creative kerіvnitstvo vsієyu arkhіtekturnoy and mіstobudіvnoy work in the city, in the form of rozrobki general plan and detailed planning of the city's zones to the projects of any significant other objects. For the sake of constant work consultations on organization and effectiveness, the work of Mistobudivnoy became a sign for further succession.

Okremo should be said that the special turbot of the Kam'yansky Boulevard is the area of ​​the historical center of the city, the value of which is quite convincing before entering the head architect's quarters. I would like to mention the article “Creative Heads of Architects of Leningrad”, published by him, also by the head of the Leningrad Branch of the Split of Architects of the SRSR, in the journal “Architecture of Leningrad” No. 1 for 1945. It says in his zokrema: “Having taken away the right to be on the streets of a great place, it is required to be elevated above all that there is architectural and historical value.” Having become the head architect, having taken upon himself the whole world of responsibility for the conservation of architecture in the central regions, you could fight back, as if you were able to cope with the results. I don't know how it was possible for you to take away the authority of those who respect their special competence and authority. And yet the same zavdyaki zim veins robbed even more impossibly, frightened by rich dashes zazikhan on thoughtless transformations in the center, as often went and in the sight of people, as if they stood above him in service.

Under yogo kerіvnitstvom folded organizational work was carried out by regional architects and inspectors for the protection of monuments from the regulation of food. overhaul znoshnikh tsіnnih budіvel near the central regions. The stinks saw the manager, the weather was right for the design decision, and they gave the necessary help and support to the architects of Lenzhilproject from their vzayminah and their deputies and repairmen, yak bazhali, as much as possible, to industrialize and simplify repairs for the likeness of a new life. It is easy to see, as for the presence of zhorst control and grand obsyagіv total overhaul, it would be possible for a long time to spend more and more architecturally like any other historical ordinary middle center! What kind of defender of UNESCO would they say today?

Let me give you another characteristic example - the reconstruction of Nevsky Prospekt. It was like this. Kerivniki, who traveled through the great places beyond the borders, made their way from Nevsky Prospekt, a kind of similarity to the sights of other shops and canteens, the “European” street. It was necessary to reconstruct the first buildings on top of all the buildings on the avenue. Kamensky entrusted the best architects with sketches of usunennia of quiet calisthenics and conspiracies that appeared in the lower zones of the houses for the fates of wretched exploitation. At the vіdpovіd vіn having taken away the wide-ranging sounds of the bulk of the vandalism, like a tolerant wearer.

Vzagali, vitrimka tsієї people for an hour hostile. For example, yogo was heard in the lowlands of the Tsar's-Kosilsky garden of the Katerininsky palace, if overgrowth was climbed behind it, the facade was reattached, and historical flower stalls were made. Who now remembers, imagine what you had to endure! There are a lot of such butts, ale, perhaps, we will tell you about the most useful for a new one.

At one foreign conference, the chief ceremonial worker of Leningrad from the podium slammed Kamensky with a professional bully, who is afraid, for the butt of Moscow, more prac- tically at the center of our place. Without telling anyone, Valentin Oleksandrovich, having written a statement about the dismissal, as if for a long time, lay at the vіdpovіdny safe and bula vinnyat, if it was necessary to call.

Yogo postyni think about the problems of work at the center of the city, you can understand from such thoughts. I quote: “How can an architectural characteristic be new in the old part of the place, what has been formed? The basis of the ensemble is a single stylistic characteristic, and a single modularity and scale of spores, which are included in the ensemble. Abo axis: "Creative spadkoєmnіst, and not on top of stylistic copying may lie at the heart of our art." It’s better to speak exactly about traditions: “Wine food: how do we understand traditions in architecture? Assimilated the tradition of the field in the local life of the place, as it was successively carried out by generations of great architects. Pіd tsіm next subscribe and today.

Characteristically, under the head architect Kam'yansky, there were practically no pardons, except for one thing - the hotel "Radyanska" appeared with a blunt and rough silhouette next to the dome of the Izmailovsky Cathedral in the Fontanka panorama. Vіn qiu pardon recognizing his own, experiencing that zrobiv concrete visnovki. Already in that computer-free hour, for some reason, the mechanisms for determining the visibility of high-rise buildings, which are located in all areas of the city, were introduced.

I want to say at the end, that at the possibility of turning the place historically, I є chimala part of the merit of one of the best of the leading architects - Kam'yansky, for the signs of Leningrad to call St. Petersburg again would not have bothered.


Valentin Oleksandrovich Kamensky(-) - Radian architect. People's architect of the SRSR (). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (- posthumously). Member of the CPSU (b) since 1941.


N. V. Baranov
Head architect of Leningrad
G. N. Buldakov

Lesson that characterizes Kamensky, Valentin Oleksandrovich

At the NATO officers and in the ranks of the soldiers, becoming a roc, so that a little more clearly those who are guilty now.
- And the axis scho, brothers. I know it's important to you, that scho robiti! endure; badly lost. Viprovadimo guests, vіdpochinemo todі. For your service, the king will not forget you. It’s important to you, but you’re still at home; and stink - bachite, what a stink they are, - having said wine, pointing at the captives. - Hirshe for the zhins of the rest. As long as the stench was strong, we did not mess up, but now you can blow them. Tezh i stink people. So, lads?
Vіn marveling at himself, and in zazyaty, stunnedly zdivovaniyah, straying at the new glances of the wine, reading spontaneously to his own words: everything became bright and bright in the eyes of an old lagadnoy grin, which wrinkled like stars in the eyes of the lips. Vіn muttered and nibi zdivovano bowed his head.
- And then say, who clicked before us? Right їm, m… i… y r…. - Raptom saying vin, raising his head. I, waving my naked, at a gallop, leaned on the whole campaign, went to get out of the quiet, who roared and roared cheers, lined up the ranks of the soldiers.
The words spoken by Kutuzov are unlikely to be understood by Viysks. Nobody zoomed in and handed over to the ear of the urochist and to the innocence of the old movi of the field marshal; ale heart sens cієї promote not only the letters of reason, but the same, the same, the same, the same, the same feeling of a great celebration in the days of pity for the enemies and the truth of your rightness, the expression of sim, the sim of the old, the good-natured husky, - the tse itself (almost a skin soldier lay in And there was a radiant, long-term unstoppable cry, if after all one of the generals was asked about those who didn’t punish the commander-in-chief to arrive in the carriage, turning up to the sky, Kutuzov, reluctantly sighing, perhaps, perebubayuchi in a strong whimpering.

8 leaf fall the rest of the day of the Krasnensky battles; it was already dark when the soldiers came to the place of the night. The whole day is quiet, frosty, with light, rare snow; the eve began to ring out. A crisis of snow was seen in the black-purple dawn sky, and the frost began to rise.
The Musketeer Regiment, which was from Tarutin in the number of three thousand, now, in the number of nine hundred people, came one of the first on the recognized place of the night, near the village on the great road. The quartermasters, who shot the regiment, voiced that all the huts were occupied by dead Frenchmen, cavalrymen and headquarters. There was only one hut of the regimental commander.
Regimental commander pіd'їhav to his hati. The regiment of proishov village and built the last huts on the road, putting towels in goats.
Like a majestic, rich-membered creature, the regiment, taking up the work of vlashtuvannya its logo that їzhi. One part of the soldiers dispersed, by the number in the snow, into the birch forest, right-handed in the village, and at once they felt in the forest the sound of sap, cleavers, crackling knots and cheerful voices; the other part was pored over to the center of the regimental carts and horses, put at the kupku, distributing boilers, biscuits and giving food to the horses; a third part roamed in the village, the military headquarters, picking up the dead bodies of the French, which lay in the huts, and stretching boards, dry firewood and straw for fires and tini for the zahist.
Fifteen soldiers behind the huts, from the edge of the village, with a merry cry, roamed the high tin of the shed, from which it was already known.
- Well, well, at once, lean on! - shouted the voices, and in the twilight night it was blowing with frosty majesty, snow-covered canvas with mud. More and more often, the lower forks crackled, and, nareshti, ting, falling at once from the soldiers, who pressed on him. Feeling a deep radio cry and regit.
- Take two! rochag give here! axis so. Where are you going?
- Well, at once ... That's it, lads! .. To shout!
All the locks, and a voiced, oxamite receiving voice, sang a song. At the beginning of the third stanza, at once from the end of the remaining sound, twenty voices shouted in unison: “Uuuu! Ide! Together! Pounce on, children!.. ”Ale, not respecting the friendly susilla, the mud is a little ruining, and in the Movchans there was an important fir.
- Hey vee, shosty roti! Damn, devils! Pіdsobi ... we need you.
About twenty people who went to the village came to the quiet, who pulled; і tin, sazhnіv in five yards and a sazhen width, bending over, pressing and rіzhuchi the shoulders of the soldiers, who pihtіl, rushing ahead along the streets of the village.
- Go, chi sho ... Fall, eco ... Why become? Then those ... Cheerful, accommodating likes did not close.
- Vi what? - Raptom felt the voice of the soldier's boss, that he had run into the carriers.
- Panov is here; at the hut, he himself is anaral, and you, devils, devils, swearers. I'll! - Shouting the sergeant-major and whacking at the back of the first soldier, who turned up. - Hiba can't you be quiet?
The soldiers shut up. A soldier, as if having hit a sergeant major, becoming, correcting, wiping his disguise, like a vine at the blood, having stumbled upon a mud.
- Bach, devil, fuck yak! I’ve already opened my muzzle, - saying whispers to the timid ones, if the sergeant major is on the way.
- You don't like Ali? - saying a sweet voice; And, streaming the sounds of voices, the soldiers went far away. Having scrambled out of the village, the stench began to speak again in such a loud voice, overflowing with roses and aimless huskies.

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