The triumphal arch is like a distance. Moscow triumphal gate. Reopening of the Triumphal Gates: new place, new sensation

Triumphal Arch on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Author I.S. Buriv. Moscow. 1984 rikPhoto: Head Archive Department of Moscow City

The triumphal gates on Peremohy square are one of the most important monuments of the capital. And yet tse guessing about the important side Russian history- Vytchiznyanoy war of 1812. And a few old-timers were left behind, like they were succumbing to the great controversy of ours in another place ...

Triumphal Gate at the Tverskaya Zastava

In 1814, a wooden Triumphal Arch appeared on Tverskoy Square - it invaded the Russian army, as it turned from Europe after the defeat of Napoleon. The place was robbed impudently: ring out for yourself here, on the road to the city, Moscow mayors, nobles and honorable bulkers sounded the emperor, who came from Pivnіchnoi capitals. Tsya road to the past became known as the St. Petersburg (at the same time Leningrad) highway - it was announced in 1822.

The arch itself tezh bula vikonan in the best traditions - few such disputes were sent to the path of Russian warriors.

In 1826, Mykola I's rozіv vyrіshiv, scho the memory of the victory merited for more dovgovіchne and having punished the replacement of the wooden gates with stones. Their creation was entrusted to the famous architect Josip Bove. Budіvnytstvo began in three years, and ended in five years: for some vouchers, the treasury did not get money - the place continued to revive after the grandiose after 1812, for others, Moscow officials tumbled on the right, I don’t like the project.

At the spring of 1834, a monument was erected in the urochist. It’s a pity that the author did not live up to that moment and completed the building, his younger brother Mikhailo Bove. Spore on the style of architecture and sculpture looked like a real majestic one: six pairs of columns framed high pedestals with tight figures of ancient warriors at the topped sholomas and lamellar flasks. On the decorated frieze, the coats of arms of 36 Russian provinces were embossed, whose inhabitants took their part in the Witches' war of 1812, that medallion with the monogram of Mikoli I. The chariot of Glory, standing in the yakіy, ruled the sixth horse of Nika - the winged one. The pediment on both sides embellished with writing (probably in the middle of the place - Russian, called - Latin), which glorifies Alexander I as a ryativnik of the Motherland.

Restless share of the monument

In 1872, a line of horse-drawn carriage passed under the gates from Tverskaya to the Resurrection Square (at the same time the Revolution Square). In 1899, he changed the first electric tram near the city, launched it from Strasnoy Ploshcha (Pushkinskaya) to Petrovsky Park. Intense rush is not a moment to be seen on the site of the monument, and until the hundredth rock of the Battle of Borodino, the gate survived the first restoration - for the time being, it is cosmetic. Upcoming repairs radianska vlady, in the middle of the 1920s.

In 1936, the Tverska Zastava began to be redesigned in accordance with the General Plan for the Reconstruction of Moscow, adopted by fate earlier. The triumphal gates were dismantled, planning to turn later on the old place after the relay restoration. Opening hour for the dismantling of fakhivtsi to the Museum of Architecture named after O.V. Shchuseva changed the parameters of the spore, folded the report armchairs in tiers and photographed the arch from the sides. Most of the elements were cleaned and updated, and then they were put back to the museum on the territory of the Donskoy Monastery. The stench fit organically into the composition of the bedroom: the posts of the warriors were hung from the central alley, the high reliefs were placed at the wall niches, and the chariot of Glory was placed on a special podium.

The remembrance of the vorit did not mean ignorance of the term - the Great Vitchiznana War, after the capital, like the whole country, in fact, was rebuilt anew. Elements in the Donskoy Monastery were more tolerant in checking their hour. For example, it was less fortunate for the chavunny columns: the stench of a sprat of rocks lay on the Mіuska Square, and then they melted them down for the military needs - only one out of twelve was saved. It seemed that the monument was sued as one of the rich "remnants of the past."

Arches and gates: a look into history

The triumphal gates came to us from the depths of the century: classical zrazki - the arches of the emperors Titus, Septimius Pivnochі and Kostyantina near Ancient Rome. The stench served as a model for the linking of triumphal arches near Paris under Napoleon, and the gates on the Tverskaya Zastava, like the Narva Gates in St.

It is important that the ancient tradition was brought to Russia by Peter I: in 1696, the fate of the wines, having opened the triumphal gates in honor of the capture of Azov, and in 1709, by order of yoga, they set up an ode of these arches in honor of the holy celebration of victory under Poltava. Usi stinks, even though masterfully decorated with paintings, statues and allegorical posts, boules timchasovymi, preeminently wooden. They picked them up after the completion of the urochistas later, if the stench fell; often the arches would burn for an hour later.

The first capital dispute in this row was the Chervony Gate, founded in 1753 under Elizaveta Petrivna on the site of the wooden arch. Їx tried to bring more in the middle XIX century, and in 1927 the rock was built for the expansion of the Garden Ring. The name of the monument was preserved near the toponymy square, and in 1935 a one-story metro station was added here.

Vtіm, є at the triumphal arches and the other “relative”, which is a kind of neobov'yazkovo povyazaniya z peremoga, but means the central, front entrance to the city and most often to talk about the status of the capital - go about the Golden Gate. In Russia, the stench first appeared in Kiev for Yaroslav the Wise (XI century); They were created on the basis of the Byzantine arch of Emperor Kostyantin. In the past, the Golden Gates were also built in other places, to show their greatness, for example, near Volodymyr (XII century).

The second analogue of triumphal arches is the Tsar's Brama in Christian churches. The stench also declines the ancient tradition: at Ancient Rome, for sure, the gates, that doors, having opened the two-faced Janus - a deity, like marveling at the same time forward and backward, at the future, that past, that will appear various worlds. On the same day, the honor of the month, which rose the river, was called Sіchen. At the temple, the Tsar's Brama symbolizes the transition from the earthly city to the heavenly city, otherwise it seems - the entrance to paradise. In addition, for some reason, in the era of classicism (the end of the 18th - the beginning of the 19th century), iconostasis in the form of triumphal arches expanded.

Zagalom, radyanska vlada is small, and skeptically put up to a bright symbol of imperial greatness, which is like a tie-in with religion.

Reopening of the Triumphal Gates: new place, new sensation

The victory at the Great Vitchiznian war made it possible to look over the ideological positions. In early 1947, on Pushkin Square, a wide carved arch with traditional Russian vizerunkas grew; in the evenings, fires of various colors hung out. Tse buv is not just an entrance to the first post-war fair "Spring Bazaar", but a symbolic transition from the hour of hunger and devastation to the era of prosperity and prosperity.

On the cob of the 1950s, large-scale, truly triumphal gates appeared at the main entrance of the Central Park of Culture and Gorky and VDNG, which was the main maidan for mass folk festivities.

And in 1965, the Rada of Ministers of the SRSR nareshti recognized the great artistic value and the suspense-historical significance of the Triumphal Gates and punished them. Ale, the stench did not fit into the ensemble of the square of the Belorussky railway station, and they knew a new place - on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, opposite the panorama of the Battle of Borodino.

Strictly seeming, they didn’t renew the dispute, but they did it: for 30 years after the dismantling, a lot of details were ruined or became unacceptable. Maybe the restorers did not paint the reliefs and statues that were preserved on the territory of the Donskoy Monastery. Koristuyuchis armchairs and photographs of 1936, as well as the author's copy of the arch, as it was taken from the Museum of Architecture, all the elements were rebuilt. For example, chavun kolony was made at the Stankolit factory, and sculptures, coats of arms and high relief - at the Mitishchi factory of artistic casting.

Not without transformations: the basis of the structure became cast-concrete, and not solid, like the original; instead of a white facing stone, granite and Syrian Crimean vapnyak were victorious. And the inscriptions on the memorial plaques also changed: the riddle about Oleksandr I was removed, the rows from Kutuzov’s enlistment to the army were cited to the anatomy. This is clearly the key moment - the people, and not the emperor, were recognized as the ryativnik of the Motherland. In addition, the Triumphal Gates were no longer transparent: they were erected on islands in the middle of the avenue, building a small pagorb out of the ground, and from both sides of the highway, underground pedestrian crossings were ruled.

The urochist was timed, as usual, to the revolutionary saint: the ceremony took place on the 6th leaf fall of 1968. And through Vіsіm rokіv, until the 30th anniversary of the end of the Great Vytchiznyanoi war, the territory near the Triumphal Gates was called the Peremoga Square.

Arches of the new century: restoration and reconstruction

It's time to fly fast and don't miss the stone and chavun. On the beginning of the 21st century, fakhivtsy indicated that the Triumphal Gates needed restoration, and її carried out in 2012, until the 200th century of the Great Veteran War of 1812. Not only the arch itself was polished, but also the territory around it: green spaces were planted with new quarters, and engineers redesigned the system of artistic lighting. Renewal of the monument, becoming one of the gifts to Muscovites before.

For the work on the renovation of the monument, the jury of the competition "Moscow Restoration" handed over a small amount of prizes. Nagorodi was awarded one prize in seven nominations, including for the best project and for the high quality of the best work.

In addition, at the 18th International Exhibition of Restoration, bury the monuments and the renovation of the site, which is carried out under the patronage of UNESCO in Nіmechchinі, having taken away the stand of the Moscow Council, de nasamphally, they presented the restoration of the Arc de Triomphe.

Vikoristani dzherela

  1. Kraevskiy B.P. Triumphal gate. - M.: Moskovsky robotnik, 1984.
  2. Kharitonova O.V. Triumphal Gates of the Capital // Moscow Journal. - 2012. - No. 5 (257). - S. 91-96.
  3. Mikhailov K.P. Moscow, yak mi wasted. - M.: Eksmo, 2010.
  4. Posternak K.V. Non-Orthodox positions at Russian church interiors of the Petrovsky hour // Bulletin of PSTGU. Series V. Nutrition for the history and theory of Christian art. - 2015. - VIP. 3 (19). - S. 102-119.

The front entrance at the place and gate of the old fort, triumphal arch and engineering solution for warehouse premises - passable under the crypts of Russian architectural monuments.

Golden Gate near Volodymyr

Red Gate near Moscow

Triumphal Arch near Moscow

In 1826, Emperor Mykola I gave orders to induce an arch in Moscow to riddle about the victory over Napoleon. The project was created by the architect Osip Bove, the gates sounded like 1834 rock.

The stone gates were embellished with chavun sculptures - the goddess Nika at the chariot, harnessed by six horses, bas-relief compositions “French Chavnannya” and “Moscow Fortunate”. Їх vikonali sculptors Ivan Vitali and Ivan Timofiev. In 1936, the rotation gates were opened. Some of the sculptures of the Arc de Triomphe are taken from the Shchusev Museum of Architecture.

An exact copy will be made after three decades by architect Volodymyr Libson. A new arch appeared on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, not far from Peremoga Park.

Headquarters arch near St. Petersburg

In 1819–1828, the Headquarters of St. Petersburg was built for the project of Charles Rossi. To the riddle about the victory of Russia in the Vitchiznyanii war of 1812, the architect poednav two okremі budіvlі vishukana arch in the Empire style. Її decorated with bas-reliefs and sculptures on military subjects. The “chariot of glory” with the goddess Nikoya, who crowned the arch, was created by Stepan Pimenov and Vasil Demut-Malinovsky.

The back of the figure was made from thin midi leaves on a metal frame. In the course of time, the stench began to crumble: Nika was left without a bay leaf, horses - without tails, a two-headed eagle with one head. The arch and sculptures were reconstructed for a couple of times.

The Brandenburg gate in Kaliningrad is one of the seven savings of the city's gates. The stench dosі vykoristovuyutsya for direct confessions: under the arches, a part of the passage, like a transport, is stashed.

The first wooden gate at this place was raised in 1657. The stinkers were on the way to the Brandenburg castle, for some reason they took away their name. A hundred years later, following the decree of the King of Prussia, Frederick II, massive gates of neo-Gothic style were opened here. The arch with two passages was rebuilt in the middle of the 19th century, and the gates were embellished with beautiful decorative pediments, floral reliefs, coats of arms and medallions.

King's Gate in Kaliningrad

Two of the most important architectural symbols of Kaliningrad are the Cathedral and the King's Gate. An arch appeared at its present day sight here in 1850. The author of the project was a German military engineer Ernst Ludwig von Aster. On the sides of the central passage, there were casemates with battlements on the dakha and stylized sentinel towers on the lower tier. The bas-relief of the three queens that embellished the gate was created by the sculptor Wilhelm Ludwig Stürmer.

After the Great War of the Witches, the arch was not restored for more than 60 years, the bas-reliefs of Kaliningrad were nicknamed "three headless kings". In 2005, the rotating gates and decorative elements, which were embellished, were again inspired by archival photographs. Today in the middle of the architectural dispute is the exposition "Great Embassy" of the historical and cultural center.

Friedrichsburg Gate in Kaliningrad

The gate is everything that was preserved in the Friedrichsburg Fortress, founded in 1657. They called 1852 fate for the project of the German architect Friedrich Schluter. The central arch in the Neo-Gothic style, the casemates and the round ones were built from a singed figured cauldron. The gates were decorated with jagged parapets and fancy Gothic windows.

Budіvlyu boulo poshkodzhenno at the rocks of the Great Vіtchiznyanoї war. After the restoration in 2011, the rotating gates with vezhami, the coat of arms on the facades, the doors and the wrought-iron courtyard were filled with their original appearance. Today the stench lies at the Museum of the Holy Ocean. The exposition “Ship Sunday” was held in the middle, dedicated to the history of shipbuilding and the rebirth of historical ships.

Chogos treba zagalnovidome, and then I zadovbav to death as smitniks around my house. So the axis, for the vigalianna virishiv, I know over Kutuzovsky Prospekt, why not? Vzagali, Kutuzovsky flooring neorane field, scho here kolupati can be rocky, also vyrishiv trochnuts Triumphal Arch and lay down the outskirts. For the cob, all the same, let's take a look at the arch ...

The arch was marked with an arrow.

Ideya Sporuzhennya at the Moscow Trihumfalniy Vorіt Yak Pam'yatniki, to the izperistor Mikoli I, at the Kvіtni 1826 PID Hour of the Coronatical Environmental Vyn, wilting the Bazhannya Zbuduvati in the Pershopalni gate, it was up to Tikhi, the same Stasov introduced the wooden Triumphal Arch of J. Quarnega, built in 1814 on the Peterhof Road, into the new city of Narva.

The ordering of the project was entrusted to the largest at that time Russian architect Osip Ivanovich Bove. Having developed the project of the same fate, the draft resolution on the new planning of the front square of the head entrance to Moscow from St. Petersburg brought the project to the point of necessity.

The new version, over which Beauvais worked on two rocks, was adopted at the quarter of 1829. On the 17th sickle of the same fate, the laying of the arch was made in the tract. At the foundation of the gate lay a bronze barricade plate and reaping the silver rubles of karbuvannya 1829 - "for good luck".

However, through a shortage of koshtіv, that baiduzhіst from the side of the mіskoї vlady, life was stretched out for five years. The opening of the monument took place less than 20 March (2 August), 1834.
The sculptural decoration of the arch of the vicons by the sculptors Ivan Petrovich Vitali and Ivan Timofeev, as they worked for the little ones of Osip Bove. The gates were decorated with Russian heroes - allegorical images of Peremoga, Glory and Horobrost. The walls of the arch were lined with white stone from the village of Tatarova near Moscow, the sculpture of the column was made of chavun.

Written on the attic of Mykola I. Vaughn said: “Blessed by the memory of Oleksandr I, who arguing with ashes and embellishing the capital with monuments of the father’s pikluvannya pershoprestal city, pіd the hour of our galіv і with them twenty mov, lіta 1812 fire, 18 On one side of the arch, it was written in Russian, and on the other side, in Latin.

In 1899, under the arch of the Triumphal Gate, the first electric tram in Moscow passed. The yogo line extended from Strasnoy Ploshcha (nine Pushkin Square) to Petrovsky Park. The conductor of the tram deafened: “Tverska Zastava. Triumphal gate. Oleksandrivsky railway station.
In 1936, according to the concept of the General Plan of 1935, according to the construction of A. V. Shchusev, a project for the reconstruction of the square was developed. The arch was dismantled, some of the sculptures were handed over to the Museum of Architecture on the territory of the Kolishny Donskoy Monastery. After the completion of the reconstruction of the square, it was planned to build an arch on the square of the Belorussky railway station, but the scarlet was not crushed.

After the war, in honor of the 150th anniversary of the victory in the war of 1812, the Poklonnaya Hill beat the fate, having looked around Moscow for orders, Napoleon roused the Borodino panorama. I was stricken by the unfortunate rescheduling and rebuilding of the Arc de Triomphe.

So, it is necessary to say that at that hour it was for the district. Ninі pribuvayut and do not guess what is here, for a pіvkіlometer vіd practi cally central contagion TTK pіvstolіttya s not great ago boulo, vlasne, village. The most prestigious district of Kutzovskiy Prospekt (at the same time, it was the miserable Mozhaisk Highway - Kutuzovsky Stane only in 1962) was the city of Vigulu Korіv navkolishnіkh kolgospnikіv i take іnshe.

Os, Vlasne - Mozhaisk Highway 1959 in the area of ​​Poklonka.

Bіlya booth 2 to 2 ninіshny Moscow, vlasne, ended. You can switch:

Bachite - a sign to go to the countryside, why do you take tickets on the Uzbek zamіsky tract? Otozh.

So, obviously, from the very beginning of the 40s, the life of pompous quarters began, which became the ninth guise of Kutuzovsky and the apotheosis of the "Stalinist style", which was expressed in the "Pizny NKVS Style", which delight and nin us cunningly not a roll, as you can see on the front photo - at the booth 2 (levoruch) there is no whole wing, and the booths 1 "a" and "b" will only be.

"Poklіnka" was so vzagalі sche bula unoccupied, on її high schilas, that hanging over the Mozhaisk highway and the Moskva-river in the bushes hovpak ZhBOTov and wound trenches, which were left out of 1941.

Krіz kushchi can be seen at the booth 2 Kutuzovsky. The beginning of the 60s.

Garazd, let's just leave the unfortunate mountain and let's talk about the arch. On Tuesday, 1968, they celebrated її innovatory in a new place.

The axis is here in the photo of 1967, a rocky street overlooking Yermolova Street, in the distance, you can see a parkan in the middle of the avenue near life:

Axis more photo of everyday life:

Cherven 1967 rock.

Cemented crypts of the overlapping arches were replaced with cast-in-place concrete structures. The work with a forging in metal was made at the Mitishchi plant for more than 150 models; for the details of a single column, which was saved, 12 chavun columns (height - 12 meters, vaga - 16 tons) were seen at the Stankolit plant.

During the reconstruction, the writing on the attic was changed. The text of the boule of the uglytiy is on the PIDSTAVIK PAM'yatnik for the bronze doshka: “Tsi Trihumfalni gates of the laying of the trap of the traumatic wax of the Rosiyki in 1814 Rotovye, the equipment of the monstrous Pershoprestal City of Muscovites, and the conventional rupture in 1812 Rotzi galіv i z invasion galіv i z bulk galіv і z 1812 fate.

Horses were attracted to the Museum of Architecture, they inspired it and installed it.

The axis of the photo was taken in 1972, approximately the same month as the front, showing the arch:

More photos at a different hour:



In the hours of nayyaskravishi, the victories of the Russian people are recognized as a great pobudovoy, as if we were telling about the feat of the country. The very same monument is the Triumphal Arch, or the Moscow Triumphal Gate, built on the cob of the 30th century of the 19th century in honor of the victory over Napoleon Bonaparte.

History of the memorial

The history of the monument succumbs to its roots in the first half of the 19th century to the distant Tverska outpost, wooden materials. The chariot of glory was crowned with architecture, the cornice was suspended on monumental columns, as if it were a great gate, embellished with statues of vigilantes, and with images of the entrance of the viysk gate. Ale, the shards of the monument, having suddenly fallen and becoming unbearable, have not hesitated to replace the wooden arch with a stone, in order to save it for more trivaly terms.

The idea of ​​​​creating the Arc de Triomphe belonged to the Russian emperor, who was inhaled by the projects that were being created at that time at St. Petersburg, and encouraging them to be similar in Moscow. The project was entrusted to the most famous at that time, Osip Ivanovich Bove. And the marriage of finances and the day to help the ruler of the rich scourge of Russia, to that the everyday life was stretched out on a sprat of rock. For more than a century, the legendary monument of the Great Victory of the Motherland, having woken up at the Tverskaya Zastava, and only in 1936, at the junction with the reconstruction and expansion of Moscow streets and square, a decision was made about the transfer of the famous gates.

Transfer of the Arc de Triomphe

The arch was neatly disassembled, the architects of the museum built lanyards for further inspirational work, and the details were placed on the back of the museum. Renewed її not immediately, but only after thirty years. You can only show, how foldable that bit of the robot blew into the part of architects and engineers at that hour.

Behind armchairs, little ones and old photographs, it was necessary to create a monument near the cob image, filling in those details, as if irrevocably arose. On one cornice of the arch, it was necessary to place more than a thousand independent details! The majestic team worked on the restoration of the fragments that were used: on the basis of plaster casts, the forms of the details of the military obladunkiv and the coats of arms of the old towns were re-created. The panorama of the “Battle of Borodino” also helped in this process, from the pictures of which it was also possible to achieve such compositions.

On the vibіr mіstsya roztashuvannya tezh was too rich superchek. Without a doubt, if back in the 19th century the arch was sporadzhuvali, it looked majestically in a point of Moscow, that the budinki lay down were not shocked by their height, and a century later the capital changed to unfamiliarity, and it was important to save the middle of the highway for the architect.

They erected the Arch on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, not far from the Peremoga Park, and miraculously blended into the bustle of Moscow life, telling people about the great feat of the Russian people, like standing quietly on the verge of Vitchizni. The Arc de Triomphe is one of the most important memorials of the 1812 Roman war, which is silently guessing about those great podії, written by the writers of past fates.

Addresses: France, Paris, Charles de Gaulle Square (Zirka Square)
The beginning of everyday life: 1806 rіk
End of life: 1836 rіk
Architect: Jean Chalgrin
Height: 49.51m.
Width: 44.82m.
Coordinates: 48°52′26″N 2°17′41″E

The Arc de Triomphe in Paris is one of the largest monuments of history and architecture, if any literate inhabitant of our planet knows about it.

Vaughn is spread in the legendary eighth arrondissement of the capital of France, on the square, which is called Charles de Gaulle Square, or Zirka Square. When you look at two names, it became clear that one of them took away the square in honor of the great commander of the hours of the Other Holy War, and the axis of the “Zirka” square was called through twelve equal changes-avenues, which diverged in Paris in different sides. One of the twelve avenues is the famous Champs Elysees.

View of the Arc de Triomphe near Paris

The Arc de Triomphe in Paris was built for 30 years from 1806 to 1836. Life began following the order of the greatest French conqueror and strategist Napoleon Bonaparte Paris became a symbol of the great victories of the emperor and the people, as it “redrawn” the map of the Old World at once with its fearless army. The truth, the decision about the life of the arch, Napoleon praised the fate of 1805, inspired by the talent of the military strategist, which added to the victory of the battle of Austerlitz. Having developed the project of a future monument of history, the architect Jean Chalgrin, who, unfortunately, did not go far enough to indulge his brainchild: he died in 1811. However, the Arc de Triomphe is great, as it is one of the main monuments of Paris, it has increased its name for naschadkiv.

Triumphal arch. Before tsієї name people called for a long time. Before speech, Paris is not the only place where you can build a triumphal arch.

Triumphal arch from the heights of the bird's eye

It’s true, the stench is not the same as the one that was stashed in the center of the 12th Winter Zirka. Let's face it, not everyone knows the meaning of the word "triumph" itself: it has appeared before, what it means, and why the arch in Paris is called Triumphal. The word "triumph" is similar to the Latin language, and the nabula was widened in the Great Roman Empire. A triumph meaning the entry of the great commander of that yoga army to the capital with victory.

Moreover, the victory is small, but for the triumph of the gain, it is unguarded, the swede is with the least expenses. Triumph - even more expensive than the commander of the city, without some guilt I could not call myself that great legion. Only after his Triumph Gaius Julius Caesar was seriously accepted by the people and recognized by the great emperor. The word “triumph” itself, from the hours of the Roman Empire, led its history, and the arches, which the generals passed through with their armies, began to be called triumphal.

View of the Arc de Triomphe from the side of Avenue de la Grande Armé

History of the Arc de Triomphe near Paris

As already mentioned above, the architect Jean Chalgrin, having developed the project of the Arc de Triomphe, practically died after laying the foundation of the future life. Zvedennya sporudi was gradually pinned down, the emperor’s shards became known for the defeat on the battlefields. The arch itself has been so long.

Not having lived to see his great Triumph, Napoleon himself: all the work on the arch was completed in 1836, even though France was ruled by Louis Philipp. Pratsami cheruvav new architect Abel Blue. However, the dream of a great warrior, or, as someone else calls him, a tyrant, nevertheless sank into reality. At the breast of 1840, under the crypts of the arches, having passed the cortege, which was carrying a string, in which lay the remains of Napoleon Bonaparte, who died far from Paris on the island of St. Such an honor was not only awarded to Napoleon: under the crypts of the arch, called the Triumph, later they worked the teeth with the bodies of Victor Hugo, Gambette, Lazar Carnot and other no less special features.

Arc de Triomphe in Paris side view

The triumphal arch in Paris, unfortunately, has become a symbol of triumph not only for the high-ranking military chiefs, writers and rulers of France. In 1940, the passage of fascist zagarbniks passed through the Arc de Triomphe, which Paris was built practically without support, in order to preserve the priceless memos of history and architecture. Hitler miraculously knew the meaning of the word "triumph" and those that mean for the French the legendary Arc de Triomphe and the Champs Elysees.

The dictator and the evil genius of the 20th century, after giving orders to his army, that they defiantly passed through the Arc de Triomphe and then marched through the Champs-Élysées with a mighty march. In this rank, the fascists once enjoyed a great triumph, for which millions of people had to pay with their lives. Alas, it’s already history, as if the Parisians do not like to swear, even if for them that parade was nothing else, like humiliation and slander.

Sculpture group on the side of Avenue de la Grande-Arme "Svit 1815" by sculptor Antoine Etex

Triumphal arch in our days

Today, marveling at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, we can see the greatness of the city, the height of which is 50 meters, and the width is 44.82 meters. Prote tsi dry figures, zvіsno, scho impossible to convey all the majesty and beauty of the arch. The project of the architect of the letters of inspiration from life in the antique style. Glory and triumph are symbolized by beautiful divi with wings that blow from the fanfare.

The number of sculptures on the artsy vikonan by the architect Jean Jacques Pradier, who was born in Switzerland, who in his time was awarded the Roman Prize for his achievement not only in sculpture, but also in painting. On the artsy, you can also see a sculpture, which I can call "Marseillaise", as a symbol of the protest of volunteers against the Prussian army, as if Lothargin was buried. Give respect and "Triumph of 1810" - this sculpture of Cortot's robot, is dedicated to the signing in 1815 of the Vidensky Svit. The arch is embellished with the sculptures “Light”, and “Opіr”, as if to lie with Eteks.

Sculptural group on the side of the Champs Elysees "Marseillaise" by sculptor Ryud

About the rest of the sculptor is less known from the narrow stakes, wines, unfortunately, without taking away the light of knowledge, wanting to do it and embellish the legendary Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

The tourist, looking at the arch, will not hesitate to dance on the walls and name the bloody battles that France played at different hours. The names of the greatest French commanders are on this day. The arch itself is honed with a hundred pedestals, built between them by important lansyugs, prepared from a delicious chavun. It's not just an embellishment or a fence around the old monuments of Paris.

The hundred pedestals themselves are called to symbolize a hundred best days» Hours of the reign of the empire of Napoleon Bonaparte. Near the arts itself there is a famous, high and small life, in a museum there is a museum: at a new sight you can learn about the history of everyday life and learn about the triumphal walk that passed under the Arc de Triomphe.

Sculpture group on the side of the Elysian Fields "Triumph of 1810 Rock" by sculptor Cortot

How to learn to know the Arc de Triomphe in Paris without the help of a guide, it is impossible not to pay respect to the grave under these crypts. There is not the greatest ruler, but the commander: in 1921, there was a rank-and-file soldier who died on the battlefield for the first hour of the First Holy War, and I don’t have to miss out on such a dossi. To all those who see the greatest architectural memo, they should climb on the arch, with which one can enjoy the panorama of Paris. Naturally, the view, which was seen from a 50-meter height, did not go in the same day, which can be seen from the Eiffel Tower, prote and wine building, and even a tourist. Mandrivnik, who had come to Paris for help, had nobility to get to the Arc de Triomphe the best way through numerical underground passages, the shards of the flood of motor transport were not enough to get through the night. You can go up to the arch no matter what day it is, it will be open for tourists from the 10th morning until 23-00. Truth be told, for getting to know her, you have to pay a small fee of 10 euros.

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