Zavantage of a year-old chair with a wooden mechanism. How to prepare the material? How to grow a pidlog year

Clayton Boyer vіdomiy tim, scho rob different mechanisms from wood and tse have a new one to go out even better. The person is out of the box and for the development of their mechanisms of vicorist CAD, otherwise it is necessary to work this way, and even with such accuracy - it is inconceivable.

You sell your robots at the shop.

You can also find out about yoga robots on the site On this site, their robots, applications are installed by a woman named after Lisa Boyer, honestly, apparently, these robots did not call out any hoot. Also, Clayton Boyer's 10 Mechanisms.

1. Wooden Yearbook "Paradise Bird"

This year's anniversary is practiced silently. The whole structure freely collapses on the wall, allowing the pendulum to collapse.

2. Wood year "Model T"

Even more beautiful is the day of dark and light wood - gray light and darkness.

3. Wooden Yearbook "Just"

Clayton recounts that having completed this year's anniversary in two days, having started by Saturday, evening, the stench was already gone, and in a week they were ready again.

4. Wooden kinematic construction "Bicycle of Galilee"

Wooden kinematic design "Galileo's Bicycle" respects the skin entrance to my store, through the faceless, synchronously roaring parts.

5. Wooden yearbook “Heavenly mechanical calendar”

The heavenly mechanical calendar shows the day of the month, the day of the month and that month. In addition, wine shows the phases of the month.

6. Wooden Yearbook "Nautilus"

Tsegodinnik s fight, loudly sound shokhvilin.

7. Wood yearbook “Floating wheels”

The godnik is called floating wheels, through the opening of the front wall, and the gears of the wheel, it is not possible to hang from the window. Yearbook of preparations from the Baltic birch.

8. Wooden Yearbook "Solaris"

The year-old man sees a familiar sound and turns his respect to himself.

9. Wooden Yearbook "Vortex"

Classic year old look, about 9 inches of rim, made from hardwood.

10. Wooden Yearbook "Nahil"

Dzhe tsіkavyy-looking year-old in the form of a shabby stele or vezhі. Yearbook of preparations from maple. An hour of work at one factory is 32 years old.

Platinum chi board- this is the main detail of the annual mechanism, on which all the details and knots are attached. The diameter of the platinum depends on the caliber of the year. Wart mechanisms with a diameter of platinum less than 22 mm are worn by women, 22 and more are worn by men. The mechanical intestinal year "Bliskavka" has a plate diameter of 36 mm. Platinum can either be round or not round. We prepare platinum from brass brand LS63-3t, quartz year platinum can be made from plastic. For the installation of that roznuvannya details on the plate, open the roznі raztochuvannya and open it, yakі mayut raznu height and diameter. At wrist year at the fee, stones are pressed in, which play the role of bearings in the wheel system and balance. Stones are prepared from synthetic ruby ​​and can be highly precious. Small-sized alarm clocks "Slava" have brass bushings instead of stone wheel systems. The stench is pressed into the fee and the place of engagement, as if the removal of the bushings is required (they are open in an oval shape), then the stench will be replaced. In a large-sized year-old, the board does not have any stones or brass bushings; when the opening is bent, they are pulled together with a punch. Platinum is rare to come at a disadvantage, so when repairing a year old, it is rare to replace it. So, for the details that are wrapped (wheels, balance, etc.), sound the two bearings. stone, then for the installation of another stone, vicorist bridges. At the bridges, as if in platinum, open up different rosettes. Open in platinum and in the bridges, buti suvoro spivvіsnimi, to ensure the correct position of the details. Spivvіsnіst secure landing pins or bushings, as if pressed into platinum (for some types of bridges). Brass platinum and bridges ring with nickel, for a rustic look of oxidation and an ominous glowing look.

Wheel system chi engagement stacked with four and more kolіs. The main collective system is to take revenge on your own:
1. Central wheel
2. Intermediate wheel
3. Second wheel
4. Anchor wheel
To be more precise, not all anchor wheels, but only pins of the anchor wheel. The canvas of the escape wheel is brought up to the outer system, the descent system.
The tendrils of the wheels at the annual mechanism are folded from the advancing storage parts - all, tribes, canvas. For a wrist year, all and tribes are the only goal, and the one that bears the most important advantages is prepared from steel. The upper and lower parts of the axle may have a smaller diameter and are called trunnions. The canvas has teeth, the cross bars are made of brass. Vinyatkom is the canvas of the escape wheel, it is made of steel (their own annual mechanisms). When repairing the yearbook, it is necessary to know the rules of the kilka:

1. The canvas of the central wheel enters at the hook from the tribes of the intermediate wheel.

2. The canvas of the intermediate wheel enters at the hook from the tribes of the second wheel.

3. The canvas of the second wheel enters at the hooked from the tribes of the escape wheel.

central wheel most of the annual mechanisms are roztashovuetsya in the center of the payment, for which it took away the name - the central one.
second wheel to rob one wrapper for one quill, then a second hand is dressed on one of the yogo pins.
Intermediate wheel be known as "mizh" by the central and second wheels. Between the paws of the one who in the year with the central second hand, the intermediate wheel will be entrusted with the central and second, the second wheel will pass through the center. To that “mіzh” is the place of the position, and the order of transferring energy from the engine to the pendulum.
Chim tovstіsha all the wheels are closer to the dvigun, they will be roztashovuєtsya on the spot, not the place of roztashuvannya on the board, but the place of energy transfer. Tobto naytovstіsha all will be of the central wheel, naytonsha at the anchor.

Dvigun. Dvigun y mechanical yearbook serve for the accumulation of energy. There are two types of dvigunіv weight and spring. Gyrovy dvigun is the most accurate, ale through great rosesі design features vikoristovuєtsya only in the stationary year. It is folded out of weight, lancet and strings (seam thread). One and the same breakdown of the kettlebell engine - shaving the lancet or the strings. In case of 3rd operation, the lancets of the lancet can be stretched out, they can be used for additional pliers. The stretched-out lances of the lansyug squeeze at the later one directly in order for the lands to rise, to rise.

Spring dvigun less precise, but more compact yogo vikoristovuyut at the wrist, wall, intestinal year. The spring engine is composed of a spring, a shaft (bark), a drum. The drum serves to zapobіgannya spring vіd hit on her saw, vologis. The drum is built from the body and the covers. Along the perimeter of the body there are teeth, which serve to transfer energy to the wheel system. At the center of the bottom of the body there is an opening for the shaft (bark), the same opening is in the center of the drum cover. Most often in the krishtsi there is one more opening for the spring lock, it is found on the edge.

Springs in the year can be S-shaped, and spiral. The spring can be opened for fastening to the shaft on one end (in the center) and the lock for fastening to the drum on the other end. At the year-old man with an automatic plant, the springs are frictionally fastened, if the spring does not have a hard fastening to the drum, but slips at the factory.

Anchor fork to enter the warehouse of the system and the descent of the annual mechanism. The escapement system is intended for converting the wraparound swing of the wheel onto the swinging swing of the pendulum. Before the warehouse of the descent system, the canvas of the escape wheel, the balance roller, also enters. Anchor fork foldable from:

1. The old masters call all the anchor sights її siskin.
2. The body of the anchor fork, which is single-arm

3. The ribs are located at the tail part of the body of the anchor fork.
4. List roztashovuєtsya from the bottom of the rivers exactly in the center.
5. Pallets are located at the grooves of the body on the shoulders of the fork.
All anchor plugs are made of steel, like all axles of the annual mechanism. Vaughn may be the smallest expansion in relation to the other axes of the mechanism, for which її i was nicknamed siskin. On the whole body of the anchor fork is pressed, as if it is made from steel or brass.

At the groove of the body, pallets are inserted, prepared from a synthetic ruby. Pallets are attached for additional special glue, which is called shellac. When heated, shellac expands and fills gaps between pallets and grooves of the body of the anchor fork. When cooled, the shellac is harder, which makes it possible to make pallets stronger at the grooves of the body. To glue pallets with additional shellac, use a special tool called a brazier.

At the tail part of the body of the anchor fork, the ribs and list are ripped. The ribs are made as a single unit with the body, and the axle is made of brass and fastened to the body of the anchor fork by pressing.
A list of appointments for preventing the exit of the ellipse from being hooked with the anchor forks of the so-called jumps. ZASKOK tse if the eleeps are not known between the ridges, but beyond the boundaries, then it jumps for one of the ridges of the anchor fork.

Balance, pendulum.

The kolivalna system or the speed controller turns on the balance (it is victorious in wrist, bowel, floor and in other models of years) or the pendulum (it is victorious in real and sublog years). The pendulum is metal or wooden, on one end of which there is a hook, on the other end there is a lens. Vіd roztashuvannya lenses schodo shrezhnya to deposit the accuracy of overrunning the yearly mechanism. Chim more, tim svidshe kolyvannya, which is lower, more povіlnіshe.

The balance is formed from the offensive ones - vis, obid, podviyny roller, spiral (hair).

Obid with the crossbeams creaking along the center of the axle, obid is guilty of but strong pressure, to make it impossible to turn it around for an hour to balance. Under the rim on the entire pressing of the roller, to the warehouse of which the elіps can enter, or else it is also called an impulse stone. There is a spiral above the rim, it is guilty of rotting in parallel to the rim and at the same time not sticking with it. On the inner edge of the spiral there is a block, for the help of which the spiral is fixed to the axis of the balance. There is a stovpchik on the zovnishny kіnci, for the help of such a spiral to fasten to the bridge of balance. Vіd dovzhini spiralі to lay down the accuracy of overrunning the yearly mechanism. To regulate the accuracy of the course, a thermometer (regulator) is used, which is fixed on the balance bridge. The thermometer is important on one end of which there are two pins or a special lock; Between the pins of the thermometer, go through the old coil of the spiral, when the thermometer is turned, the pins forge the uzdovzh of the old coil of the spiral, and by the same token, either slowly or quickly, I work part of the spiral. The working part of the spiral is important - the length of the spiral from the block to the pins of the thermometer plus one third of the length from the pins to the column.

BRIDGES– bridges fix all the details before payment, balance area, anchor fork area, engagement area, dvigun area.

The mechanism for the plant and the shifting of the arrows (remontoire) is composed of the following parts:
1. The cross tribe of yogo is also called barilo
2. Clockwork trib or drink keg
3. Clockwork importance
4. Translating importance
5. Mist remontoire chi fixator

The barrel (1) has teeth on two sides, on one side of the stench it has the correct shape and serves for shifting the arrows, on the other side the teeth are beveled and serve for hooking with a baby bird (2), which through the crown and drum wheels wind the spring of the year.

Let's figure it out like a robot

ає Remontuar system.

SHOT MECHANISM- it is formed from the wheel of the year, the wheel of the bill of exchange and the hvilin tribe.

Calendar attachments in the year.

One of the additional additions to the anniversary is a calendar attachment. The calendar addition is victorious both in the mechanical and in the quartz calendar. There are two types of calendar attachments:

  • 1. show the date at the end of the dial
  • 2. show the date on the additional dial scale

The most widely expanded calendar extensions, which show the date, and days of the day at the window of the dial. Such calendar attachments can be divided into two types:

  • 1. calendar attachment of the mitteva diy

calendar attachment roztashovuetsya on platinum of the annual mechanism under the dial.

The hour, by which the display of the calendar changes, is called the trivality of the calendar extension.

The calendar attachment, for different models of years, may have a different design and storage parts. Ale є deakі details, є є є є є є є є є є є є є є mnoy part in all types of calendar outbuildings, before them one can see:

Calendar disc or digital disc.
May have its own surface numerical values ​​from 1 to 31.

Add a wheel. The name speaks for itself, robbing one turn for doba. On the final wheel, a cam is roamed, like a ruhai disk of the calendar.

Clock wheel.
Maє additional ring of teeth, which is called the first wheel of the calendar.

Fixing value or fixer calendar disk.
Appointments for zapobіgannya mimolyny wrapper disk calendar.

Avtopidzavod. The calendar attachment does not have an autonomous energy supply and works as a spring to the plant. Tse own line is signified by the accuracy of the course of years. Keep in mind that it’s better to start the year with a calendar attachment and without a car factory in the evening, you should allow the calendar to change the date at that moment, if the spring energy is maximum.

At the year of the year with the help of an automatic winding plant, the spring is guilty of starting when the inertial sector is turned to whatever it is. If the spring only winds up when the inertial sector turns one beat, it can be brought to the point that the spring will not start up again and the year will start to chirp. The sector of the autopilot plant wraps around for any ruhіv of the hands of a person, irrespective of the fact that the spring of the yearbook is wound up. So that the spring does not break; it may be frictionally fastened to the drum. If, having reached the maximum value, the spring slips in the drum for two or three wraps, it gives the autopilot the ability to permanently repair and avoid any breakdown. Anniversary with an autopilot plant is a great and important anniversary for the account of the mechanism of an autopilot plant, which is rotting over the main mechanism of an anniversary.

At the anniversary of the Russian brewery Slava 2427, Skhid 2416, friction and transmission wheels are installed in the system of the automatic plant. In order to start the spring of the yearbook, the system of the automatic winding plant uses little energy for the wrapping of these wheels. At the year of import production - Orient, Seiko, Sitezen and others, the automatic plant system consists of an eccentric, a comb, an oxamite wheel. The inertia sector wraps around turning the eccentric on the entire comb, which is dressed up, the comb in its turn begins to turn the oxamite wheel, as if interacting with the drum wheel, start the spring. Moreover, the sector of the autopilot plant rotates independently in the same direction, the oxamite wheel can only spin in one direction. For the wrapping of one oxamite wheel, less energy is required; therefore, the coefficient of core development of such a design is richer for the plant.

Year's descent- often equalize with the human heart, although the equalization is not known to each other. The age of the heart, moreover, that victories the function, that regulates, takes on the role of a spring (primarily a pump). It would be more correct to align yoga with the heart valve,
Differently see the descents “sound” in a different way, and the yearbook clatters through it in a different way. Dante mav the honor of guarding the robot of the anniversary, in which the trigger sounds, "like the sounds of strings on a lyre."
Zagal, for the fates of the anniversary, hundreds of different types of trigger mechanisms were created. Ale, richly someone was prepared only in a single copy, or else in a series of interchanges and, in such a rank, they were forgotten. Others woke up later, but some of them were left to rest through the difficulties of theirs, or through the middle of the vikonnanny. Have tsіy statti pointed a short look of the main types of descents, playing their role in the historical development of the annuals in the fire and descending outbuildings of the zokrem.

Spindle head . The reason for the use of trigger mechanisms is the spindle head, found by the great Dutch mathematician and physicist Christian Huygens (pp. 1b29-1b95). Huygens zastosuv yogo shche in the pendulum year. In 1b74, behind the project of Huygens, the Parisian year-old Thuret was preparing a year-book of a portable type. Spindle head, savings for the intestinal year, continued to stop and follow Huygens. From the early years to the 80s XIX century the spindle head did not change in their own rices. With a head short spindle run, the wheel rolled back the running wheel, which put a destabilizing effect on the accuracy of the yearly mechanism. The anniversaries of England and France began to deal with this defect. However, we tried our best to save the spindle head, unfortunately, we didn’t win were successful.

. The spindle head began to move step by step after the appearance of the cylinder stroke. Thomas To mpion, what a yogo vinaishov, zoom in to solve the problem of rolling back the running wheel. Ale wide zastosuvannya tsilindrovy khіd added only s 1725 to rock, after yogo thoroughly by the Englishman George Graham, who was slandered and accepted to be called the culprit of the tsylіndrovy go. Tsіkavo, shocha tsey hіd buv inventions by the English, yogo often victorious in France. ії.

And this year, being the fault of France, having taken a wide stosuvannya middle of the year in England. This wine is attributed to Robert Hooke and Johann Baptist Du-Tertre of Paris. P_znіsha i zvichaynіsіnka form duplex-go the bula was founded on the winery of the prominent French year-old Pier Leroy (1750 rіk). There were teeth in the replacement of two wheels with one and in the teeth on the same wheel, as if they were scattered on two wheels. Tsey hіd znayshov zastosuvannya in the so-called "dollar" years, recognized for mass production. st year-old firm "Waterburry" (USA). Duplex heading is now obsolete, but saved in some old-fashioned years.

1750 - 1850 R.R. the year-olds choked with wine-making of all new and new moves, which, according to their own arrangements, were found to be over two hundred, and only the deaks took off their breadth. In the “Help for the Year of the Year” (Paris, 1861) it was stated that from a large number of trips, as if they had become familiar, at that hour no more than ten or fifteen were saved. Before 1951 blazed up to two.

Vіlny anchor ny xid. In this hour of the year, in the gut and wrist year, the most frequent stasis is the anchorage found by Thomas Muge in 1754. Yoga Bulo was based on an unwieldy anchorage, which was broken up by teacher George Graham for the pendulum year. On the vіdmіnu vіd vіd vіlny vіlny anchorny hіd vіlne kolyvannya balance. The balance of pulling a significant part of your hand is not sensitive to any kind of inflow from the side of the trigger regulator, so it’s like breaking the balance, but you enter into it at to mite for the movement of the running wheel and the transmission of the impulse. Sounds like the English name for the move detached lever escapement - "a free anchor move". Ankernim vin is called the one who guesses yakir with the form (French - anchor). The first annual anchorage at Viconan Thomas Mudge's stasis at the anniversary, prepared by him in 1754 for the squad of King George III Charlotte. This year is now known at Windsor Castle. If Mudge himself had prepared more than two pairs of intestinal anniversaries with a cyme course, but yogo wines had begun all victorious nins at all intestinal and wrist anniversaries such a free walk. Muge rightly respecting the guilt of him was important in preparing and stosuvanni and navit not trying to know the possibility for the expansion of his child. The presence of high technologies in the mid-18th century was widely zastosuvannya anchor move. And for the same reason, I haven’t had any good ratings for a long time nstv.

Vinahid Myuja did not victorious for a long time, until George Savage, the famous year-old from London, unraveled the ideas of M'yuja and did not inoculate them to a greater modern look lasichny type English anchor run . The Swiss took up further improvement in the arrangement of a free anchor passage. The stench itself propagated the head, at some running gear the wheel was prepared from a wide tooth on the tip (in the English version, the tooth will be sharpened). Winahid Swiss anchor way ripisuyut vidatny odinnikarev Abraham Louis Breguet. Mayzhe today at the dermal anchor passage in the exact portable years, the teeth of the running wheel are made with a wide tip.

Stift anchorage hіd at the intestinal year of the year of stasis by Georg Frederik Roskopf near 1865 and before the first performances at the Paris exhibition in 1867. Call these walks to the type of free walks, recognized for stasis in intestinal and wrist year-olds. However, at the new stasis of pin metal pallets (for poring: in English and Swiss anchor passages, pallets are made from ruby ​​or sapphire). For its fineness pin anchor head stomp at all vіdnosinah usіm types of free walks and mає nezvrіvnjano more zastosuvannya sphere. Vіn vikoristovuєtsya only in an inexpensive year of mass virobnitstva. Often hіd zі shtiftovim I see with pallets for Roskopf's walk, but I don't get it right. Tsey hіd can't get into the wine walker Roscoe pfa. The merit of the cunning Swiss lies in the fact that wine zooms far away united the winemaking process in the creation of his construction, crushed by others, and organized it. Ace collection of cheap years with a cym move. Roskopf zastosuvav simplest and economical in the preparation of details and knots. Chimalo wines popratsyuvav і over the improved technology of their mass production. Stiftovy khіd widely zastosovuєtsya not only in cheap gut and wrist year-olds, but also in alarm clocks, which are also made to be mass-produced. I have a pinned head to stand t posture competition. Vzagali, the pin head of the sensitivity of accuracy and strength of antrohi is not higher for English and sh Swiss anchor moves. Before yoga, the next thing is to kill the indestructibility. The year-old with a pin move earlier wears out.

The idea of ​​making a yearbook out of a tree hung in my head for a long time, it matured like this.
Then I worked at a wood-working plant, I was not quick to be able to grow for myself.
Later, after poring over at the merezhi, knowing a few sites, they urged to buy ready-made model armchairs. On one of the sites with access, there were chairs in PDF format. You can buy it, but you can make it yourself, if necessary, make a change to the chair.
The site itself:

Angry look:

Collection scheme:

Scheme of the robotic anchor mechanism:

Model rendered in PowerShape:
breakdown by blanks:


I wrote all the work, obviously, myself. Obrobka was written by PowerMILL.
Obrobka dial and other robots.

Written worksheets for gears.

Year-end robiv from gorіha and oak. Three mountain frame, dial, arrows, other details. Gorіkh zastosovuvsya zavtovshki 16mm.
Made of oak with gears. The preparation is so called "deck" - the 3mm veneer of the veneer is glued between itself under pressure and calibrated at a size of 8mm. Robiv from re-glued material, because vvazhav scho re-gluing will be more mіtsnim and less shilny to warp.
Osі kupuvav at the store, tovshchina 6, 8 and 10mm from beech. At the plant, there is no possession for the preparation of such rubbish.

All processing was carried out on the FlexiCAM layout. This is such a rather big layout, in the photo there is a sheet of plywood 2.5 * 1.5 meters. There are other details in the photo, it is possible to tell about them like nowhere else. I was also timid about the job at the typing table, not trusting the operator. Ale, as the hands were occupied and there was no camera under the hand, there is no photo of the work itself on the layout ((.

Preparations after typing:

Vіdshkurenі gears

First folding

And tse drіbny pomіchnik. Having saved the halves of the ramie, let's make bigati out of them. Shout - I'm a tractor!
After a new one, one of the halves of glue happened. Good is a tree Garniy material, navіt do not know de gluing after gluing.

Dry folding

Side view.
The axis of this version is still missing any metal parts. If I only read the author's website, then I guessed that there was no trace of the OS from the tree, there will be problems with them, but even if I missed the climb.

Krykhitka second hand

All the details are covered with teak oil. Oliya does not change the texture of the material, but visvichue, to create the richest colors. Well, the details are becoming matte. Mení ol_ya is more appropriate, lower varnish.

Blocks for pіdvіshuvannya vantage.
If the vantage is strong right up to the anniversary, then the plant is already 12 years old. I let the hank on the bed and in the den, de vantage does not respect anyone. Zastosuvav polyspast). At the result of the plant, we get a sprat of dib. If the vantage is at the pidlog - it’s better to love popinati yogo, smikati))). Lai.

The material of swaggers is that I took scraps from blanks at the factory. Such material - re-gluing pea and maple is called laminate. Put on a new one, look even more beautiful. Ale tse yak bi exclusive. Sound tse gorіh pіd olіyu chi buk pіd farbuvannya.

After it was covered with oil, it was explained that the year did not want to go. They just walked without any problems, and then we started to stumble. I had a chance to grind all the axes to the opening, smear with graphite. Vzagali, on the coming anniversary I will put the bearings, well, yogo in the well ... such problems.

Anchor closer.
While regulating - zahopivsya and zrіzav zayve. I had a chance to stick some meat on one of the teeth of the anchor.

anchor wheel
Vzagali, the anniversary is a thing, as it requires accuracy and accuracy when preparing. Like here, without having cleaned a tooth, having left a bad mark - they are snarling.

Remaining folding
The author's design had a chance to make changes to the mechanism of the plant. Brian pierced the plant with a robiti key. I’ve worked it out so well, but for a month of exploitation I’ve realized that if you don’t overdo it, then the anniversary is worth it. Notice that in order to start a mining operation, it is necessary to wrap the wheels, a thread is wound on the yak. 24 turns - tse 48 ruhіv hand on pіvobert.
To improve the fact that the year is hanging high - the hand is simply banally soaked. I turned it over so that you pull on the black cord - the year-old winds up. Shvidko is simple.

Preparation of a place for fixing on the wall

Installed on the wall. The wall did not appear even, the upper point of the anchorage happened to be suspended on a sprat of millimeters in the wall, otherwise the pendulum hangs at the bottom of the wall.

Blocks installed, pass the cord through the blocks

Preparing to vantage. As long as the pipe is brudna, to finish it, the lead has not been stuck in the middle. Zagalom for a robotic year-old man wins vantage in the second kilogram. Planned vantage is to be added to the third polyspast, so the plant will need three dobi, and the vantage will need 4 kg here. The pipe will need to be cut short, but not rich. The result will have a length of approximately 330 mm.

Well, and what was wrong, a sprat of photos.

Too many people think that a wooden yearbook is not an exact yearbook. Not so. This is the mechanism, everything is tied in the Russian of the pendulum, and also on the force of gravity. I have ceased to pidlashtovuvat, if the accuracy has become here 30 sik for production. I did not become vbudovuvaty in the pendulum metal rod іz razblennyam, and vantage just walk on wood with tension. How to make a bar with cuts, you can adjust it to the accuracy of a second.
The meta, when prepared, was to rob the harn and corisnu of the river, and not to rob the chronometer))).

What was unstoppable - to finish the annual year. Tobto. stench hanging in the kitchen and at night a little bit near the room)). This is the reason why stinks hang in the kitchen. Zhona barked. The stench didn’t deserve
Alemeni befits me. And befits like a stink clatter.
The stench creates a lull in its peaceful course.

The video can be viewed on the side in my world.

In the post-tradyansk expanse, the development of vicissitudes and western cultures is expected. Sometimes people gravitate towards the aristocratic English style, which dictates the choice of wooden accessories in a decorated interior. Luxury furniture made of natural wood will definitely fall to our taste. One of the most expensive interior items English style- pіdlogovy derev'yany year.

Carpentry business from the preparation of a log year

A lot of entrepreneurs turned their eyes on the carpentry business, showing in the assortment of wooden doors, individual furniture on the floor. Expensive goods can drink among the common people, but the quality is necessary for a high class. And tse at his heart - the road of possession. Combinations of typesetting are cheaper, arranging a sprinkling of functions and for the cob you can manage with such possessions. Ale potim, for high-class virobnitstv, it will be necessary to come and make a good typing:

The place will need more space: it is not guilty to make one to one, it is necessary to secure a safe free passage. The best, yakscho є vlasny warehouse for drying gray wood. So the syrovina for the harvesting will cost a lot cheaper, equal to the dried-up wood.

On the back of the head, the master can work alone or with the submaster (possibly, blue): it’s just more awkward to hand over the robots to the robot, and to take care of the master’s carvings, armchairs, and the preparation of finished parts.

How to grow a pidlog year

Not wishing to know, you can try a little vikonati corpus of a podlogovogo year for yourself. Choose and remember the yearly mechanism, which, having become worthy of it, having come out of this world, and features, christen the project of the future building. You can also get ready chairs, proponated on websites (for example, axis). There is a lot of information on English sites, it is not necessary to use the translator or to look at the information in the Google Chrome browser.

Sliding apart the workpieces, looking at the surface of the parts. It is necessary to choose the corps more carefully, uniquely, whether it’s a poor thing or a tricky one. Polishing the surfaces of the future year’s anniversary is covered with balls of varnish of a special warehouse, allowing the skin ball to dry for three hours. Special care will be required for the insertion of the annual mechanism, the curly doors. Not hurrying to win the skin process, you can work on the same year's anniversary on your own.

Guests and friends, bachachi is such a marvel at your house, obov'yazkovo want to bring yoga for yourself. Otrimuyuchi zamovlennya, you can understand your mastery. Tim is better, who knows with pleasure to give an overpayment for the extra charge, taking a small nizhka for the work.

Mayuchi good information from your right, you can go to the middlemen to create your own online store. The New Year's Eve is even more popular in all countries. But, obviously, you will have a lot of luck in the country you live in: even if the delivery of such a windmill is a little expensive, you will need to be careful.

Surely, this is an exclusive product. A high drink on the ground near the great megacities, to reach a high water of the middle of the local hulks, as they live on their own. Otrimuyuchi miraculous recommendations, it is possible to form a wide range of clients every year, as a labor time to prepare for the preparation of rich types of carpentry.

Try vipility axis such virib. Vaughn singsongly befits your loved ones, rozmіstivshi її in a prominent place, for example, in the police. To prepare such a virobu you need:

Vipilation tools.

Get your working style

It is necessary for you to prepare your own style in front of you, according to your practice. On no one's fault, but zayvih speeches and leather tools can be under the hand. Not everyone can think of their working style and singsongly already thought about his creations. It’s not easy to make a stіl - it’s easy to choose for a new place in a booth. The ideal option is to insulate the balcony, on which you may be able to vikonati virib. I have already written about the preparation of the table in an okremіy statti and tried to describe the whole process of its creation more clearly. If you don't know how to prepare your job, then read I will step on the article. After you have completed the process of creating a table, try to proceed to the selection of your future choice.

Selected yakіsny material

The main material is ce plywood. Choose її zavzhdi folding. Leather from us singsongly sticking with such a problem, like rozsharovuvannya plywood from the end part and put such food, why such a rozsharovuvannya? Well, well, zdebіshgo tse through non-yakіsnu plywood. If you took the jigsaw to your hands not the first time, then you can pick up plywood from the leftovers in front of the front. If you are new to the shop and you don’t have enough plywood, then you can buy it in a buddy shop. Choose the material for vipiliuvannya zavzhda smoothly. Choose plywood respectfully, often marvel at the wadi of a tree (knots, cracks) and robiti visnovki. The complexity of the choice of plywood lies in the fact that one wants to guess the vices and the term of saving. For example, they bought Vee plywood, cleaned it up, rearranged the armchairs and raptom began to crack. Zvichaynno well, such a thing happened to the skin and it was unacceptable. So it’s better to add respect when choosing and choosing plywood garne. I wrote a special article, which describes step by step all the principles of choosing plywood.

Cleaning plywood

We clean our plywood for the help of an emery paper. Yak Vzhe already knows that to clean the plywood from the sawing, put in the “Medium-grained” and “Dribno-grained” skins. At the budіvelnih shops, Vi, singly, sacked shkіrki (sandpaper in a different way), we ourselves need the stink. In the robot you need “Krupno-grained”, “Medium-grained” and “Dribno-grained” skin. The skin has its own power, but if it’s different, it’s not enough to classify. "Coarse-grained" skin to serve as a piece of rough plywood, tobto. which has impersonal defects, chips, and also cracks.
“Medium-grained” skin to serve for plywood trimming after “large” skin and maybe a little sawing. "Dribnozernista" or otherwise "Nulivka". Such emery paper serves as the final cleaning process for plywood. You will give the plywood smoothness, and the plywood will be accepted on the dot. Sand the prepared plywood in stages, starting with medium-grained and finishing with fine sandpaper. Grinding zdіysnyuyte vzdovzh sharіv, and not across. Good polished surface is due to buti equal, smooth, glossy on light and shovkovisty on dotik. How to better prepare plywood before vipiluvannya that kind of emery paper is better to choose Read here. After stripping, turn the plywood over for scuffs and for small unevenness. Since there are no visible defects, you can go through the process of moving the chair.

Chair shift

For me, the shift of the chair is the head process of the robot. I'll tell you a couple of rules, and I'm also glad to move the armchair for you. Somebody transfers the chair to the plywood, not only for the help of the olive and the copy, but also for the help of the "Black Stitch", gluing the chair to the plywood, then we swipe the chair with water and the mark of the chair is stripped on the plywood. There are a lot of ways, but I'll tell you about the widest way. To transfer the armchair to the prepared plywood, it is necessary to draw a copy, a line, a hostile olive and a pen, whatever you write. Close the armchair at the plywood for additional buttons, or just trim with your left hand. Perevirte, chi to go chair for dimensions. Roll out the armchair of the year so that you can economically vicorate a sheet of plywood. Shift the armchair for the help of a pen, if you don’t write, and lines. Hurry up not varto, even if in the chair to lay down your future virib.

Open in detail

Yak Vzhe already mentioned that in the details there are parts of the grooves, it is necessary to vip in the middle. In order to drill such details, it is necessary to drill into them, open for the help of a hand drill, or, as in the old way, open with an awl. Before speech, the diameter of the opening can be no less than 1 mm, otherwise it is possible to damage the elements of the armchair, which, unfortunately, can be easily combined. In order not to damage the working steel when drilling through, it is necessary to put it under the preparation of a plank, so as not to damage the working steel. Open the door for one person, then ask a friend to help you with your help.

Vipilyuvannya details

Rules for vipiluvannya are rich, but it is necessary to govern to the widest. We need to chime in on the internal details, only then we will follow the ringing windshield. It is not necessary to hurry when vipiluvannya. Golovnya, when vipiluvanny trimming jigsaw zavzhd directly under the hood 90 degrees. Vipilyuyte details precisely defined by you lines. The movements of the jigsaw can be washed up and down. So do not forget to follow your post. Try not to allow bevels and unevenness. As soon as the hour of vypilyuvannya you z_yshli z linії, do not worry about warto. Such bevels, unevenness can be seen behind the help of flat files or coarse-grained skins.


When vipiluvannymi often vtomlyuєmosya. Often the fingers and eyes are touched, as if in tension. When robots, of course, everyone wakes up. In order to change the vanity, it is necessary to work a couple of rights. Right you can Look here. Have the right to work at the process of work and work for a few times.

Stripping details

It is necessary to clean the details of the possible future virobably. On the very cob, the robotic Vs already cleaned the plywood with an emery paper. At the same time, you will have a small part of stripping the plywood. With a “medium-grained” skin, clean the edges of the parts and the back of the plywood. "Dribno-grained" skin is important as the final stage of cleaning parts. With a fine brush, it is better to clean the front part of the parts. When processing plywood, do not hurry. You can speed up with a rounded file, for the help of which you can manually clean the inner part of the opening. Make sure that the details come out without sagging and unevenness.

Parts storage

The folding of the details of our virobu is not the same here. In order to correctly compose the details, you need to read the next article, in which it is written about all the details of the folding. Since the parts are assembled into one assembly without any particular problems, then proceed to their gluing.

We glue the details

It is necessary to glue the details of the police with additional glue "PVA" or Titan. Rich glue lithium is not needed. Zibrany virib on glue is better tied with a cotton thread, tightened and put to dry. Virib stick together approximately 10-15 strands.

Vipaluvannya virobu

To embellish our viroba with a viroba (for example, along the edges of the viroba) you need an electric coating. Garno vipality vіzerunok more smoothly. Vipalyuvati vіzerunki need to be painted in front of vіzerunok with olive oil. You can read how to practice with an electric vial and add a cap to the police here.

Virobu varnishing

Behind the bajans, you can remake our viroba, covering it with lacquer “On Wood” more beautifully without a bar. Read yak more beautifully Lakuvati virobi. Try to choose a yakіsny varnish. Lakuvannya vykonyte for the help of a special penzle "For glue". Don't hurry. Try not to get rid of visible separations and streaks on the floor.

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