How can we read? How to develop yourself to nourish yourself, so work, so that you don’t say anything and why should you focus on how to become erudovanim and intellectually

In the pursuit of high technology, the intelligence of people is the basic foundation for life's success. Vminnya shvidko memorize and revise information, erudition, competence - these are the signs that lie before the understanding of "intellect". Let's figure out what to do with this term, and also find out how to develop the intellect.

The essence of understanding

Formerly, the intellect and yogo warehouse described the German visions of Wilhelm Stern at the beginning of the 20th century. Then there appeared an impersonal scale of methods for diagnosing rozumovyh zdіbnosti, famous IQ test - among them.

The intellect signifies as a steady state of mindfulness of the human being, which allows it to adapt to too much middle ground, know and change її.

It is impossible to equate understanding to familiar, rosy sensibilities. Stink less of a working tool for the intellect.

The best developed model for this term was uttered by the American psychologist Joy Paul Guilford. To put it another way, intelligence includes 120 factors.

Usі voni can be classified for three pokazniki:

  1. zmist (reasonable human robot);
  2. operations (method of information processing);
  3. result.

The development of the intellect is capable, yakscho zdіysnyuvat work z usіh tsikh ptіv. However, in a great life, a person can mother impersonal ideas, as if they analyze everything, but in life they cannot realize. It's just that I don't have a beginner for whom. Here it is even more important to know how to promote your intellectual rіven in all directions. Ale about tse trohi zgodom.

Charging for Rozuma

Let's take a look at the report on how to develop intelligence with additional special processes. First, move on to specific applications, next to designate that the development of the intellect is impossible without compromising on full development.

The brain of a person can be active, reshape the great communication of information. Tse is impossible without a warm sleep. Normal people have enough for 8 years, but to lie down in the form of individual features. Golovnya, that individuals should recognize themselves as having a new life energy to the full extent of their intellect and the development of creativity.

In addition, it is important to have an active vіdpochinok. For whom it is ideal to go for walks, big, cycling, swimming. The head, at any time, may be able to turn on for the next hour in the event of the completion of global tasks.

And now let's move on to the right ways to develop the intellect:

  • Table games

This is the most recent and most recent way to improve the rosy habits of a person. Gras in chess, checkers and backgammon allows you to develop intellect and creativity. Here, thoughts, memory, will, emotions are actively practiced. Gravets logically plan your move, try to transfer the opponent's enemy to the enemy.

Let's go around the city, encourage good intellect and psychological flooring. Before them one can hear the games "Mafia", "Evolution", "Dixit" and others. In such games, not only knowledge is important, but communicative competence is more important in the world, in order to convey your thoughts to others, especially graves.

  • Puzzle

The name itself is talking about those that the brain happens to get popratsyuvati. Rubik's cube, jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles and crossword puzzles, mathematical and other riddles come to puzzles.

Zavdyaki tsomu can be competently organized intellectually, both for grown-ups and for children. It is even more important for aje to bring the child up to the rozumovyh operations from the child. When puzzles are solved, the robot and fine motor skills are turned on, which leads to the development of the development of the zonal analysis, thoughts and thoughts.

  • art

Here it is most common to see the interplay of intellect and imaginative creativity. While a person is engaged in creativity, the brain is actively working and you can know the solution for important tasks. Tse sche is called osyanny chi insight.

On the right, in the fact that when painting that limp, an individual falls into a light trance state, moves into everyday life. It helps to create unknown impulses, as if they give brilliant ideas.

Vminnya malyuvaty and lipiti at tsymu sensi have no equal meaning. Golovnya - respect the creative process. You can just paint those lines with the patches, turn the picture and receive the melody.

  • foreign movies

How to develop the intellect for help foreign language, apparently to everyone. The more knowledge, the wider the field of their zastosuvannya. What matters here is not the number, but the number.

The person is guilty of showing interest in the mov that is being played, and the very culture of the country, knowing the sound of words, compiling the verses, singing the words of mine. Axis tse i zaluchaev v'yazku "intellect and creativity".

  • Reading

Books for the development of the intellect are an indispensable helper. Through reading, a person does not only learn new things, but gets bogged down in invisible light, get to know the secrets of science, embrace new cultures

Here important is the correct selection of books. As it was described more, it is necessary to read it thoughtfully and from satisfaction. Like a book of netikava, do not varto gossip to yourself. Reading like this does not bring joy, but it means nothing.

  • Opening the template

Lyudina, life, which follows a clear order, is often driven by inertia. The work that is based on the automatic machine does not allow the individual to think about it, as it promotes intellect, and what is required is the work. Unfortunately, most people live like this.

It is important to know the strength to break the closed ring. Start ringing the need for small things. For example, change the route to work. In the evening, walk in the park for a long time. At the end of the day, those who were not robbed before. The deputy of household inquiries will take you to the child's house of a court place. Expanding the template allows you to marvel at the world in a different way, actualizing Rozum's activity.

In this article, there are only a few ways to advance the intellect. For this process, it is more important to understand how life will change, if the intellectual rіven becomes greater. What will become of the inner light, sim'yu, how to change the wealth, mutually with the comforts? If the picture is positive, then the development path is correct.

Link to the intellect with mental processes

The human psyche is a complex structure, so all processes are in mutual understanding and mutual understanding.

Zocrema, the following internal realities are poured into the intellect of the greater world:

  • Myslennya

The deyakі vchenі navit respected і understand with synonyms. Ale tse dokorinno wrong. Myslennya is the process of knowing and processing information, and intellect is supposed to competently capture knowledge at the right moment. Without rozumovyh operations, the intellectual riven of a person would be even low.

Volovі zusillya is necessary for that, in order to master new material, to read important books, to bring thoughts to the final result.

  • Memory

Vminnya zberigati, zberigat and vodvoryuvat _information - nevid'mna part of the intellect.

  • Uvaga

Intellectual people are raised with respect to the level of the necessary world. The stench of the building remember the most important details, analyze and see them. The development of the intellect of the buv іz to the full respect of the people.

  • Creativity

About this licorice couple: intelligence and creativity, writing Gilford. Under this term, it is possible for people to think creatively, so that they synthesize original ideas in an unconventional way.

Main indicators of intelligence

Psychologists have seen several key characteristics of the intellect:

  1. The deepness of the mind - building to get to the bottom of the phenomena and the way.
  2. Dopitlivist - dopitlivist, pragnennya to learn new things.
  3. Flexibility and fragility - in the meantime, work out of the box, ominate the bar'eri, make it difficult.
  4. Logic - building bring your thoughts, competently present the material.

Erudite and intellect

Development of the intellect from such understandings as erudition. Let's figure it out, what is it?

Erudite is a collection of deep knowledge in the gallery of science and life.

Erudite mayut dopitlivy roz, always whisper new information on the topic for them. Well, an intellectual person does not grow on one sphere, it develops in different directions. The line between the two understandable dosit hitka. An erudite can also sing once in a while with spheres, but, for example, at a splurge but a layman.

It is important to take the step: to raise your intellectual raven, it is necessary to practice becoming an erudite person in a be-yakіy galuzі.

How to promote erudition zvichaynіy people? The best way is to read thematic books. Moreover, the very quality of reading is superbly important. Vono can be thoughtful, comprehended. Lyudina may vipisuvati chi vіdznachiti vouchsafed chi syllable phrases, nutrition, shukati them vodpovіd.

After reading the book, you can discuss it at a special forum, so that the knowledge is practiced, and not lying in the memory of a dead vantage. In the special psychological and pedagogical literature, one can find ideas about how to develop the intellect.

Why do we need erudition? For some reason, there are no superfoods and discussions on the food chain these days.

One side of the participants is convinced that erudition is something like a divacuated hobby, as you can mentally call “I want to know everything!”. Those who have drank in the volume of hoarding, to gradually expand the horizons of their knowledge and, like the right bibliophagists, “devour” all the books without parsing, as if they were trapping their hand. Htos collects badges and marks, and erudite people love new knowledge and incessantly whisper new ways, like promoting erudition.

Otzhe, vodpovid the first group of nutrition, chi need erudition, more negative. The stench vvazhayut erudite without carrying superfluous knowledge, but they are not reasonable people, building new, robit scientific opinion and secure the technological breakthrough.

The other group tells its opponents with a familiar phrase. If you don't like light, then try non-government!". І to suggest impersonal applications, if non-government is effectively costly:

  • a doctor who is not smart enough to make a necessary diagnosis in his own time,
  • teacher of history and literature, whose knowledge is exchanged with a school assistant,
  • a lawyer who is weakly educated on a legislative base,
  • a psychologist who makes diagnoses by “phone” ...

Behind such a skin depression is often not less than a little professionalism, but a low level of ambient light, which leads to a critical assessment of the situation and the selection of adequate tools for analysis and correction.

Vlasne, erudition in the primary meaning of the word i meant " beyond the borders of non-dominance and rudeness»(ex-ruide). Otherwise, hanging on, having such a breadth of knowledge, as if allowing primitive and naive explanations, I will arrange the world. Otzhe, spryaє development of a special mindset!

The erudite has a critical look at the world

Advancing erudition to expand knowledge in different directions and scientific disciplines which by itself is already beautiful for being a person, oriented towards the development of the mind and special growth. And yet another unique result outrageous erudition: collection of knowledge from different gerels allows them to compare with each other, to make critical assessments.

Today, such a critical look at the light of the world like no earlier. A flurry of information that is now falling upon us, step by step rob us indulgent to the point of deceitfulness. We are not able to її overturn and “forge”, ignoring doubts in її reliability.

We need to evaluate the information of an individual's erudite. For example, stating how the very fact is described (for example, historical background) in rіznih dzherelakh, the stench easily reveals the inability to wipe. So their "superfluous" knowledge of history helps them to see information in their own time, written with insufficient scientific summation.

Erudite to marvel at the elephant from different sides

At science center Bonn in the middle of the park area is a sculpture that symbolizes the scientific objectivity - an elephant, which is covered with 4 slips from the different sides. One pinches the elephant's leg, the other - the trunk, the third - the tail, and the fourth to run his hand along the elephant's coat. This sculpture is an illustration of the famous parable about the super girl who is blind and leads to one who looks like an elephant, dekozhen і of them repeating about those to which he was stuck:

« Elephant - tse wide stovp!»

"Z bosom - tse tovsty gnuchky hose!»

« Elephant - tse little motuzochka!»

« The elephant is a short wall!»

And just put together all the chotiri at once, you can understand what an elephant is like. It is better for others to go to the erudites themselves.

Abo is an example. How do you give advice on nutrition about information. If you don’t stop this term as a professional, then you’ll just say for everything that this person is angry with the creature. It’s possible, you’ll victoriously have such words in your own words, like “ myslennia», « rozuminnya» ta « svіdomіst”, as close to the light of chi to inspire synonyms.

But the professionals will give advice on food in a different way. The philosopher recognizes that knowledge can be suspile and special. The doctor will tell you that you can be unsettled, or you can change in an unfamiliar state. The lawyer vkazhe, scho importantly vrakhovuvaty, chi pіdozryuvany reached his age. Psychologist zv'yazhe svidome that nesvidome.

Erudit, as a rule, is a constructive person who looks at the category of evidence from the best points of view..

From Vіkіum you can promote erudition online»

How to promote blatant erudition

So, if you put yourself in such a metaphor, then take on the following recommendations.

  1. Know and learn new words

At schools and institutes, they learned about new terms, learned about scientific concepts and categories, looked at them in the context of a specific theory and technology. At once, from the completion of the training, clinging and flowing new words-symbols at your sight. You spend the whole hour in that very semiotic space, not giving your brain a drive to make new neural connections, but to the development of your intellect.

Themselves, on their own, acquire new words, do not automatically shy away at a person who is a scholar. And then, following the new understanding, the whole lansy of their native ties lingers. Tsі zv'yazki re-structure the notification about the world. The more such connections, the more active cognitive simplicity of thought changes to cognitive folding.

How specific to stand behind this joy:

  • Put in front of you the task of recognizing and memorizing 3 new words. And not just memorize, but vindicate them in your own words and letters.
  • Wishukuyte and conquer the words, as in different galuzah knowledge means different things, for example, the reconstruction of the future and the reconstruction of the underside. Having learned an unknown word, do not hurry to marvel at its meaning from the dictionary. Try on the back of your mind what it means, and then you don’t need to revise the correctness of your mindfulness.
  • Read technical and scientific literature And try not just to understand what this new term means, but also, with some other concepts and categories of faults.
  1. Expand your thesaurus

Thesaurus is your personal vocabulary. Yogo can be zbіlshuvati for the practice of vikoristannya in your promotional synonyms. Synonyms are called words that are distinguished by sounds, but the same by zmist (apply: reveal and know, continue and vivchati). Corsting with synonyms, you can discriminate your promo.

In addition, synonyms often mean the same for an unprepared person, and an erudit is easy to explain to you the difference, for example, between:

  • I skeleton that mountain
  • typhoon and tsunami
  • change the meaning.

  1. Read analytical articles and critically look around

Allow me to read your statement about food with the comments of competent fahivtsiv.

As a result, you take away three points of the zoru:

  • vikladenu in pershogerel,
  • fakhіvtsya, which is known on the basis of food,
  • your power.

Particularly correct remarks of a critical character, which will help you to sort out the differences in the author's logic of the work that is being analyzed, and make two points to the dawn yourself. This is the kind of work that transforms reading from passive processing of information into Rozum's work, which is called sequential analysis.

  1. See special sites for the promotion of erudition

Understanding, go about sites, rozroblenі for pros. There you will not only increase your knowledge, but also practice with the method of development of rozum's novice erudite:

  • induce an objective picture of the world,
  • critical mind,
  • peer-to-peer analysis
  1. Write more, smaller people

Start writing texts on a singing topic. Ale, I’m not popular for chi, but for philosophic-mystical scientific chi. Letter language allows you to structure your thoughts, contribute to the singing logic.

Writing the text in accordance with your testimony, it will be easier for you to recognize who is strong and good, and which is still in the zone of your closest development.

  1. Read more!

And let there be more than just books with stories about them. Read descriptions of scientific experiments, philosophical reflections, serious artistic literature.

As if they didn’t slander z erudite in different merry people, and even though snobbish people didn’t carelessly think about them, erudite people are always full of demands and in a working environment, and at the moment of recovery.

It is not for nothing that one of the most important roles in the management team or the project group is called an “expert” - a wearer of various knowledge, who is well oriented in different areas collapsible meals yakі get up on the path to the command mark.

Fools allow themselves to work leather. You yourself are miraculously bachish, that we live in the suspіlstvі dosit stupidity and thoughtless decisions. In a right way, there are fewer people with a wide svetoglyad and rich knowledge. If you happen to fall into a hand of erudite, then maybe, you’ll think that the lads for the obligatory service require knowledge of the stylists, that the wines are broken into their knowledge, or in a new rich free hour, even “you can’t know a rich worker”. Ale tse all madder. Buti is a well-read erudite - all for the better. The more you know, the more you can explain, the greater your stock of vocabulary, the greater the chances for those who go beyond the limits of their poor possibilities and become a human being, how to instill the most divine dream into reality.

Tse dopomozhe razumitsya s be-what kind of person

One of major problems splkuvannya z by unknown people- Tse vіdsutnіst zagalnyh topics. If you are an auto mechanic and you know less about auto mechanics, then it’s tedious to talk to everyone who doesn’t work in your auto mechanic. But if you are a broad-minded person, then it’s easier to talk to you. You can easily know spilnu mova z be like that, build the most ossified person, if you are miraculously conscious of cinema, literature, cars, sex, space, science and brands of cigars. Eruditsia spriya psychic roses, like easing stress. Vaughn signifies the “tsіkavіst” of the people. However, just knowing is not enough. It is necessary to take taxes and knowledge so that the spy will be cicavo.

For whom it is necessary to vicorate as naturally as possible folding words and understand their meaning. Verify your erudition today, simply pass the test of the vocabulary of Russian language. If your result is harsh, then take up the dictionary, read books, read, analyze.

Tse to create a dilovi vіdnosini that will not let you fail

There is no equal difference in the fact that you are practicing. You can be forgiven as a sovereign serviceman, you can work in the office, or you can mother your own business. If you are a robot, you will communicate with clients, partners or a robot supplier, you won’t be erudite - you will become a help for the future, go to the career Olympus. On the right, obviously, the one who is a reasonable person, who knows the wisdom and the strength of his words - the same practitioner, whom you value, and that partner, whom you trust. You don't know an investor, what a penny's contribution to a deaf kut, which can't be combined and two words, to inspire such an idea to appear brilliant. An investor does not succumb to genius for the image of a stupid person.

Help to bring knowledge to trust

Great knowledge in different galuzyah, yakі nebhіdno postіyno accumulate, not to become a dead vantage for your life. If you learn how to give them correctly, then you will be one of the most important resources of the present - the resource of trust. How is it tied? On the right, the image of a sensible person, how to say it well and know it well - is the image of a successful person, which you can trust not only your pennies, but your life. Sered eruditіv stilki w negіdnikіv, skіlki i sered wonderful people And if in the middle of them and є negіdniki, then tsі negіdniki are successful in their own right - they trust them.

Smart lads are good for girls

If nature has endowed you with growth and m'yazami, then one trump card is left in you - become sensible and well-read. Today, the girls are getting no less significant biceps. Give special respect to your vocabulary stock, which is the basis for garny speech. However, the next is not just to know the words, it is also necessary to kindly zastosovuvat them - it is not possible for a right-handed and left-handed person to spread scientific and technical terms. Similar speeches are less relevant for the professional middle. Greater splicing has more vikoristovuvaty literary language, moreover, vikoristovuvati dorechno that to the maximum. Bagata ta Garna Mova add to your image, which will be an accepting friend.

Like 20 books you need to read to the skin, to feel well-read? On the Quora website, they put a note about those books that are necessary to read by a skin person, so that they are well-read - books that slandered various genres of that historical period and could serve as a garniferous basis for the selection of literary directives and books on earth.

Zahidna classics (antique and modern)

Jordanes, Jacob. Odysseus at the Polyphemus oven. XVII century, Pushkin Museum, Moscow

  • "Odyssey"(Homer): an epic about a hero who could not turn back home without a little help from the gods. (okremiya bonus, if you read another "Iliad"!)
  • "A story about two places"(Charles Dickens): the quintessence of novels about the French Revolution and love.
  • "Pride and preemption"(Jane Austen): a novel that conceived all future stories with the plot "hate at first glance transforms into love."


  • "1984"(George Orwell): the novel, the terminology of what has become a landmark for the recognition of the totalitarian regime.
  • "About the wonderful new world"(Aldous Huxley) Another classic dystopia.
  • "History of the Servant"(Margaret Yetwood): a feminist look at the genre.

science fiction and fantasy

  • "Volodar kilets"(J. R. R. Tolkien): the most famous tvir of the fantasy genre, which made a great impact on world culture.
  • "Pidstava" cycle (Isaac Asimov): a classic of science fiction!
  • "Neuromancer"(William Gibson): the canonical tvir of the cyberpunk genre, from one of the most important first rows: "The sky over the port was the color of a TV screen, glued to an empty channel."

American Literature

  • "Great Gatsby"(Francis Scott Fitzgerald): You can't think of Jazz City and guess the romance.
  • "Fire of ambition"(Tom Wolfe): A book that seems to be original for New York in the 1980s.
  • "Gronki anger"(John Steinbeck): Don't get into a Great Depression talk because you haven't read the whole novel.

Literary important athletes

  • "Uliss"(James Joyce): one day in the life of Leopold Bloom became one of the best books of the XX century.
  • "Infinite heat"(David Foster Wallace): a novel about podії, scho, which is found in a parodic version of future America.
  • "Raiduga of earthly gravity"(Thomas Pynchon): a lot of things are seen and a lot of people pretend to understand.

Classical literature in Europe and the USA (antique)

  • "Ramayana"(India): old Indian epic.
  • "Records of the Three Kingdoms"(China): historical chronicles of the period of the Three Kingdoms, which describe the period from 189 to 280 rr.

Classical literature in Europe and the USA (current)

  • "One Hundred Rocks of Selfishness"(Gabriel Garcia Marquez): one of the most characteristic and popular creations of straight magical realism.
  • "I came to ruin"(Chinua Achebe): a story about the distant past of Nigeria, about the tragic hours of the colonization of Africa.


  • "Koliska for the gut"(Kurt Vonnegut): order from "Slaughterhouse number five" is one of the author's most important novels.
  • "Vivert-22"(Joseph Heller): one of the most boring sights of the absurdist, phantasmagoric creation.
  • "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"(Douglas Adams): comedy and science fiction in one book!

Russian classic

According to the version given to the website "100 Best Books", the rating of Russian literature is as follows:
  • "Maister and Margarita"(Mikhailo Bulgakov): a book that has become one of the most mysterious and most read books of the 20th century.
  • "War and Peace"(Leo Tolstoy): an epic novel that describes Russian supremacy in the era of wars against Napoleon in 1805-1812.
  • "Zlochin that punishment"(Fyodor Dostoyevsky): a philosophical and psychological novel about one mischief.
  • "Anna Karenina"(Leo Tolstoy): more ancient, more melodramatic, more Russian, classic novel.

Insanely, this list is far away in order to take a look at it (you can add up the list again), but if you read all the books from this list, you will know the main works in different directions and you can verse what you read further.

It is impossible to say that, having read these books, you feel like you are reading, but, from the other side, a well-read person does not feel like this.

Image: Hoary. License СС BY 2.0

In order to become erudite, sensible and literate, it is necessary to spend days and nights at the nearest library in sharpened encyclopedias and scientific articles. Enough to know sprat simple ways, for the help of some of them, you can become a more intelligent spy and raise your IQ.

1. Use the internet correctly

What do you think, how often do you see a good amount of whims and find the opportunity to indulge? But if you are sitting in a cafe on your own, and you don’t bring the dish for a long time? As practice shows, it is possible to “drive in” an hour, nudga, or that self-sufficiency for an additional phone. You start to look over the line on Instagram, follow up on the notification in social measures and so far. Aje tsey hour can be spent with grime. The Internet provides us with immeasurable opportunities and resources: online courses, educational information, blogs, current games and programs and a lot more. Spend 5 minutes of your time not looking at familiar sights and selfies of the same type, but on recognizing new core information.

2. Write down everything you know

To sound crazy, ale, to the thought of some scientists, writing down everything that you have known for a long day, to help raise the level of your intellect. It’s not the fault of the whole opus, it’s enough to write a few words and phrases - plus it will miraculously train your memory until everything is so busy.

3. Compile a list of references

Previously, we put together lists of references, as if it were necessary for the viskonat, do not forget, catch up, do not progavit. Now the scientists stand up for those who created a list of these rights, for which we have already "corrected". In such a rank, we can "fool" our brain - having pumped, as if we had tightened everything, we would like to increase the number of our animals.

4. Play at the table games

Actions from popular on the floor igor can be not only a help for rozvagi, but also to act as "reminders" for training memory, intellect and cunning. Most often, choose friends and relatives and play with them at "Scrabble", checks, "Sea Battle", checkers and so on.

5. Befriend Smart People

Joke around with such a company, de vie you can see yourself not being "in the know". Help yourself more often and more often than not among reasonable, intelligent, high-illumined and erudovanih people, and at the same time your IQ will noticeably increase. The axis of the third drive is one retailer of Manas Saloy:

I try to spend as much as possible an hour with my superiors. I didn’t have any problems with accepting that in me to get an average intellect, I’m equal with them, and there’s a lot of things that I don’t know yet ... Try to be modest and always joke about being able to read.

6. Read rich

So, it’s a pleasure for the “captain of obviousness” category, but all the same, reading is one of the most important ways to train the brain. Fahіvtsі sperechayutsya only about those that are the best to read today - newspapers, scientific literature, be it books, like to the like. But all stinks agree on one thing - you need to read and aknaychastishe.

7. Explain new information to others

It's not enough just to read science article otherwise, find out about the yakes tsikave, but before you didn’t see the appearance. It is necessary to understand new information. BUT shortest way distort your knowledge of the subject - try to explain the essence of it to others. If you see, you can boldly put your own “5”, but if you are deceitful, stammer, speak incoherently, and as a result, your speaker does not understand anything, which means you missed it and you need to repeat what you read again.

8. Vychayte raznі, tsіkavі you those

It’s possible, you always wanted to learn a painting, but at the same time you practice as a lawyer and think it’s good to go on such a course already. Doctors and psychologists are happy to give up similar thoughts and write down on all the stars, so you are a master-class and busy, even if you don’t know how much stench you can be good for you at that other moment of life.

Naochny butt tsієї please - Steve Jobs. After graduating from school and entering the university, the future founder of the Apple company enrolled in a calligraphy course. It would have been better if, in some order, that beautifully written letter could be in good fortune to accept that retailer? It seemed like it could. About his calligraphy skills, Steve guessed 10 fates by the fact that he created his first Macintosh. Zavdyaki Jobs on the computer showed up a set of different types of fonts and proportional scaling.

9. Watch the movie

In order to learn the foundations of the language, or raise your knowledge to a higher, higher level, to the current world neobov'yazkovo shukati tutor, sign up for the road course chi їhati in іnshу kraїnu for zanurennya movnu culture nіїv. The Internet is enriched by various brown and handy sites, retailers create more and more successful programs, which allow us to play movies in a game form. The most popular among such resources are Livemocha, Busuu, Memrise, LinguaLeo and English as 2nd Language.

10. Give yourself a sprat of hvilin

Doctors to give a sprat of hvilin for a day spend in silence. Don’t read anything, don’t marvel, don’t listen to the same old jokes. Just give yourself an hour to think about it, guess, think about it. You can take such a "rozum permit" with physical training, for example, with big.

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