How to easily develop intellect, creativity and erudition: right. How to get up to nutritional development for yourself, so work, so that you don’t lose anything and why should you focus on I want to become a universally acclaimed erudite

In order to become erudite, sensible and literate, it is necessary to spend days and nights at the nearest library in sharpened encyclopedias and scientific articles. Enough to know sprat simple ways, for the help of some of them, you can become a more intelligent spy and raise your IQ.

1. Use the internet correctly

What do you think, how often do you see a good amount of whims and find the opportunity to indulge? But if you are sitting in a cafe on your own, and you don’t bring the dish for a long time? As practice shows, it is possible to “drive in” an hour, nudga, or that self-sufficiency for an additional phone. You start to look over the line on Instagram, follow up on the notification in social measures and so far. Aje tsey hour can be spent with grime. The Internet provides us with immeasurable opportunities and resources: online courses, educational information, blogs, current games and programs and a lot more. Spend 5 minutes of your time not looking at familiar sights and selfies of the same type, but on recognizing new core information.

2. Write down everything you know

To sound crazy, ale, to the thought of some scientists, writing down everything that you knew about the prolongation of the day, to help raise the level of your intellect. It’s not the fault of the whole opus, it’s enough to write a few words and phrases - plus it will miraculously train your memory until everything is so busy.

3. Compile a list of references

Previously, we put together lists of references, as if it were necessary for the viskonat, do not forget, catch up, do not progavit. Now the scientists stand up for those who created a list of these rights, for which we have already "corrected". In such a rank, we can "fool" our brains - having pumped, like a lot of everything we have already tightened, we want to increase the number of our animals.

4. Play at the table games

Actions from popular on the floor igor can be not only a help for rozvagi, but also to act as "reminders" for training memory, intellect and cunning. Most often, choose friends and relatives and play with them at "Scrabble", checks, "Sea Battle", checkers and so on.

5. Befriend Smart People

Joke around with such a company, de vie you can see yourself not being "in the know". Help yourself more often and more often than not among sensible, intelligent, high-illumined and erudovanih people, and then your IQ will noticeably increase. The axis of the third drive is one retailer of Manas Saloy:

I try to spend as much as possible an hour with my superiors. I didn’t have any problems with accepting that in me to get an average intellect, I’m equal with them, and there’s a lot of things that I don’t know yet ... Try to be modest and always joke about being able to read.

6. Read rich

So, it’s a pleasure for the “captain of obviousness” category, but all the same, reading is one of the most important ways to train the brain. Fahіvtsі sperechayutsya only about those that are the best to read today - newspapers, scientific literature, be it books, like to the like. But all stinks agree on one thing - you need to read and aknaychastishe.

7. Explain new information to others

It's not enough just to read science article otherwise, find out about the yakes tsikave, but before you didn’t see the appearance. It is necessary to understand new information. BUT shortest way distort your knowledge of the subject - try to explain the essence of it to others. If you see, you can boldly put your own “5”, but if you are deceitful, stammer, speak incoherently, and as a result, your speaker does not understand anything, which means you missed it and you need to repeat what you read again.

8. Vychayte raznі, tsіkavі you those

It’s possible, you always wanted to learn a painting, but at the same time you practice as a lawyer and think it’s good to go on such a course already. Doctors and psychologists are happy to give up similar thoughts and write down on all the stars, so you are a master-class and busy, even if you don’t know how much stench you can be good for you at that other moment of life.

Naochny butt tsієї please - Steve Jobs. After graduating from school and entering the university, the future founder of the Apple company enrolled in a calligraphy course. It would have been better if, in some order, that beautifully written letter could be in good fortune to accept that retailer? It seemed like it could. About his calligraphy skills, Steve guessed 10 fates by the fact that he created his first Macintosh. Zavdyaki Jobs on the computer showed up a set of different types of fonts and proportional scaling.

9. Watch the movie

In order to learn the foundations of the language, or raise your knowledge to a higher, higher level, to the current world neobov'yazkovo shukati tutor, sign up for the road course chi їhati in іnshу kraїnu for zanurennya movnu culture nіїv. The Internet is enriched by various brown and handy sites, retailers create more and more successful programs, which allow us to play movies in a game form. The most popular among such resources are Livemocha, Busuu, Memrise, LinguaLeo and English as 2nd Language.

10. Give yourself a sprat of hvilin

Doctors to give a sprat of hvilin for a day spend in silence. Don’t read anything, don’t marvel, don’t listen to the same old jokes. Just give yourself an hour to think about it, guess, think about it. You can take such a "rozum permit" with physical training, for example, with big.

Like 20 books you need to read to the skin, to feel well-read? On the Quora website, they put a note about those books that are necessary to read by a skin person, so that they are well-read - books that slandered various genres of that historical period and could serve as a garniferous basis for the selection of literary directives and books on earth.

Zahidna classics (antique and modern)

Jordanes, Jacob. Odysseus at the Polyphemus oven. XVII century, Pushkin Museum, Moscow

  • "Odyssey"(Homer): an epic about a hero who could not turn back home without a little help from the gods. (okremiya bonus, if you read another "Iliad"!)
  • "A story about two places"(Charles Dickens): the quintessence of novels about the French Revolution and love.
  • "Pride and preemption"(Jane Austen): a novel that conceived all future stories with the plot "hate at first glance transforms into love."


  • "1984"(George Orwell): the novel, the terminology of what has become a landmark for the recognition of the totalitarian regime.
  • "About the wonderful new world"(Aldous Huxley) Another classic dystopia.
  • "History of the Servant"(Margaret Yetwood): a feminist look at the genre.

science fiction and fantasy

  • "Volodar kilets"(J. R. R. Tolkien): the most famous tvir of the fantasy genre, which made a great impact on world culture.
  • "Pidstava" cycle (Isaac Asimov): a classic of science fiction!
  • "Neuromancer"(William Gibson): the canonical tvir of the cyberpunk genre, from one of the most important first rows: "The sky over the port was the color of a TV screen, glued to an empty channel."

American Literature

  • "Great Gatsby"(Francis Scott Fitzgerald): You can't think of Jazz City and guess the romance.
  • "Fire of ambition"(Tom Wolfe): A book that seems to be original for New York in the 1980s.
  • "Gronki anger"(John Steinbeck): Don't get into a Great Depression talk because you haven't read the whole novel.

Literary important athletes

  • "Uliss"(James Joyce): one day in the life of Leopold Bloom became one of the best books of the XX century.
  • "Infinite heat"(David Foster Wallace): a novel about podії, scho, which is found in a parodic version of future America.
  • "Raiduga of earthly gravity"(Thomas Pynchon): a lot of things are seen and a lot of people pretend to understand.

Classical literature in Europe and the USA (antique)

  • "Ramayana"(India): old Indian epic.
  • "Records of the Three Kingdoms"(China): historical chronicles of the period of the Three Kingdoms, which describe the period from 189 to 280 rr.

Classical literature in Europe and the USA (current)

  • "One Hundred Rocks of Selfishness"(Gabriel Garcia Marquez): one of the most characteristic and popular creations of straight magical realism.
  • "I came to ruin"(Chinua Achebe): a story about the distant past of Nigeria, about the tragic hours of the colonization of Africa.


  • "Koliska for the gut"(Kurt Vonnegut): order from "Slaughterhouse number five" is one of the author's most important novels.
  • "Vivert-22"(Joseph Heller): one of the most boring sights of the absurdist, phantasmagoric creation.
  • "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"(Douglas Adams): comedy and science fiction in one book!

Russian classic

According to the version given to the website "100 Best Books", the rating of Russian literature is as follows:
  • "Maister and Margarita"(Mikhailo Bulgakov): a book that has become one of the most mysterious and most read books of the 20th century.
  • "War and Peace"(Leo Tolstoy): an epic novel that describes Russian supremacy in the era of wars against Napoleon in 1805-1812.
  • "Zlochin that punishment"(Fyodor Dostoyevsky): a philosophical and psychological novel about one mischief.
  • "Anna Karenina"(Leo Tolstoy): more ancient, more melodramatic, more Russian, classic novel.

Insanely, this list is far away in order to take a look at it (you can add up the list again), but if you read all the books from this list, you will know the main works in different directions and you can verse what you read further.

It is impossible to say that, having read these books, you feel like you are well-read, but, from the other side, a well-read person does not feel like this.

Image: Hoary. License СС BY 2.0

Maybe, all of us want not only to say hello, but to be just, reasonable people. Who cares enough that even the singers are not laid in childhood, then we won’t get them any more. It is possible, a part of the truth in a similar case, but only not in the right mood - it’s not possible to become a sensible person, as a matter of fact, it’s the right thing to do.

As you have seen that the hour has come to advance your intelligence, it is recommended to begin this process with the improvement of some clumsy recommendations.

  • Train your memory. For this day, try to see at least thirty quills on those who remember the verse, adzhe, sing-song, get up and do it in school rocks. Tse duzhe garna is a warm-up for rosemary! Moreover, you can pick up a bunch of simple verses, and then move on to folded ones. You can train in memory and on the list of products - store a relic, read it carefully, put it in your bag and try to buy everything you need without looking at it. If you believe that you ran into problems, then take a look at the list to change your mind.
  • Drink kava regularly– you can stop the tonus for a long time, and also save concentration. Try not to overdo it with cym let's drink - a large amount of coffee will bring you to overexcitation nervous system and not be allowed to think rationally.
  • Live the “right” products. We are about to put respect on the hairs of the pea - the stench of us with our eyes will pull on those that are too brown for the brain. Living in my life, you improve your brain activity and memory. So bring a little crusty fish, yak, yak, rich in iodine, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, which will provide a strong surge of energy to the brain.
  • Crosswords. It would have been better to do it tritely, but it’s better to solve crossword puzzles in a way that stimulates brain activity.
  • Commemoration of foreign language not only bring you mischief at the rise in price, but also vpline for the development of memory, which, obviously, saves the memory of a greater amount of information, and, then, to make you smarter.
  • Knowledge. Do not waste the opportunity to take in new knowledge - for example, if you have a squirt of good whiffs, then we recommend that you open Wikipedia and read a squirt of vipadkovyh articles.
  • Vidpochinok. Give your brain a break from time to time - if you are engaged in active rozum activity, then it is necessary to do it if you want to for a year. Work hard physically right or allow yourself a small cup of natural kawi.

    Do not forget to hang out well, and even during the sleep period, the brain acquires information, I will take it off in a day. For pіdrakhunkami vchenih, grown-up people as a whole to get 6-8 years of sleep, but no less.

  • Try to fall asleep a new kind of activity. It’s not only acceptable to wake up to routine, but to shake your brain to stick to the previously unknown process for the new process, and also train.
  • Read more books , and vrahuyte, what you will create with folding, it is better for your brain.

How to become sensible with the navchanni

In order to achieve the reputation of the most intelligent scholar among the class, it is necessary to report the deacons zusil. Otzhe, why start:

1) Respectfully listen to the vikladach for an hour of lessons. The deyakі uchnі vvazhayut, scho for the wedding tієї chi іnshої by those enough to read the necessary division from the assistants. So, as a rule, yes deep knowledge But you can feel the details yourself from the vikladach. Before the speech, the readers often tell me that I can’t apply to the language school program, but the information will come to you at the right time and you can become lucky at the best moment. Until then, if you listen to the lectures in the classroom, it’s worth saving your time - as a minimum, you won’t be able to hear the information already voiced at home.

2) Start working homework. Never mind ignoring homework. Remember that you care that the topic is given to you, and you won’t be in luck, because you don’t say that it’s such a busy thing to become a miraculous exercise for the mind. Until then, you cannot guarantee that you will never need the information itself. In addition, one thing is insignificant, in your opinion, the topic can become the basis for a more serious one necessary material that without you ignoring the paragraphs, you will not be up to the end of the mind. Well, and, obviously, the regular attendance of household chores will provide you with bad grades.

3) Ts_kavisya and vivchay different sciences over the school program. Schoolchildren and students, who are defiantly educated, do not share knowledge, as they are included in the initial program. Viveyte all those that you have become worthy, better - singsongly, in such a rank, and make few hostile remarks for yourself. In addition, more knowledge is lost, to allow you to otrimuvat vіdminnі estimates, but it's also important. Vtіm, neobov'yazkovo more detailed vvchati less those, like already in the school program. Expand your borders - read about cicadas historical facts, chemical and physical studies. It is also recommended to get acquainted with the masterpieces of the classics and the highly appreciated modern creations, about which it was not guessed at the lessons of literature.

4) Read books. Crazy, this is one of the most obvious options for learners, as it is supposed to increase their intelligence. Nasampered, you take absolutely new information for yourself, so you can go, for example, about the chief's guide. Fiction literature also carries a little coriste - it stimulates you to think about that topic, to read correctly and beautifully, to improve your vocabulary. Prote knowledge is not the only thing to give us books. The last time you read books is a miraculous exercise for memory, and you will need the skill of quick memory every year in rich areas of life.

5) Listen to audiobooks. Listening to audiobooks is miraculously taught to them, as if they were fascinated by the world, and do not have enough time to engage in reading. Perhaps, you are training at the gym - at such a time, in parallel, listen to the headphones not in love with a musical vikonavtsy, but like a cicavi tvir. You can also listen to audiobooks, straight on the bus, to tremt on the train, take a break, sleep, and so on. For convenience, it is recommended to buy an e-book, or download what you are worthy of downloading to your phone, as some functions allow you to download it.

6) Solve different math problems and puzzles. A variety of different mathematical tasks and puzzles can become miraculous exercises for the mind. As a task of a high-school assistant, you are given more tedious, animal respect for different hoarding puzzles, which you can know on the Internet. You just need to drive in the poshuk system and ask: “Online puzzles”, and try your hand. I also recommend looking for various supplements, which you can download to your phone, and take care of extraordinary tasks in a casual way - standing in the blue in the store, sitting on the bus tongs and so on.

7) Don't give up, because it didn't work the first time. Forgiveness of the rich scholars in the fact that they stink to throw the material, as if only they are on the wrong line - for example, they don’t understand that chi and other topic. As you periodically see it, you see the difficulties in the development of such a subject, so you don’t have to look at the new call - go in a different way! It’s quite possible that once you didn’t take over as a rubbish, and now it’s indicated on the acquired all material. It is also not included, that your vikladach has little understanding of the topic (so it’s worth it!). Try to read an unintelligent paragraph from the very beginning, not missing any details. All the same, they all ran into difficulties, turned to a tutor.

On the back of the hand is a tribute to the word "erudovaniya". To go about a person, as a way of demonstrating the recognition of rich food, erudition, a memory of memory. Varto means that far from being an erudite person can be called sensible, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. A smart person, touching the information, to work with her virnі vysnovka, like in life (for example, having found out about alcohol, you won’t be evil), at the same time, the person is erudite, the awakening of your miraculous memory, you can know all the nuances more than that (for example, I know for sure that alcohol is bad, but it doesn’t mean that it’s not evil).

A person is erudovana with a hoarseness of quotations, rich knowledge in this chi іnshіy galuzі and іnshoy іnformatsiєyu, for the rahunka of which an animosity can be built up, that it is neimovirno reasonable. Often this is how it appears, but all the same, as we guessed, we make a lot of blame.

As you can see, in order to demonstrate erudition, it is necessary not only to read and marvel at documentary programs, but also to actively exercise memory, to remember the material.

Books to help you become smarter

1) Itzhak Adizes, “Think about special development”

At his own book, the author, who is one of the most famous world experts in nutrition to management and business, hoots rozmov z chitach, destroying the theme of the sense of life and global changes in them, rozmirkovuyuchi about proper eating, family vіdnosinakh, business and self-development.

2) Doug Lemov, Keith Ezzi, Erica Woolway, From Knowledge to Learner

This book can be called a kind of simulator for the mind, for the help of which you can know the basics. Authors should be aware of the changes in the rules, in order to promote the effectiveness of the escapism of legal rights, to help the student to get involved in professional tasks too soon.

3) Richard Branson, "My Rules"

4) Jack Lewis, Adrian Webster, Brain: A Brief Help

On the thought of the authors of the book, be it a person, being grown up, you can drastically change your thoughts in the light of the fact that you have worked on the brain of someone else directly. Crazy, to give a meaningful post to a special and rozum development.

Formula 33 of the gene for rozum or how to become a more intelligent person

It is a pity that autism is even more widespread disease, which causes pathology of the nervous system. According to the rest of the information, the skin of the sixty-eighth child is weak to the point of developing autism. The main symptoms of ailment are unsociableness, problems with education and communication. In any case, it’s easy to introduce autism to typical ailments - if you choose the right one, you can fully adapt a child with autism to a nasty middle ground.

For an hour before that, let us bring forth 33 new geniuses in the distance, as if we could bring diseases to the development. As it turned out, the skin gene is the result of a copious analysis, which included a sample of over 10,000 DNA from children who were found to have autism, their fathers, and also healthy children.

For information ZMI, 33 generations of genes may be directly linked to the DNA warehouse development of pathology. The blame for ailments is not only through genetics, but also through a connection with a certain influx of that inner inner being. Narazі fahivtsі pracsyyut over tim, schob skin gene pov'yazati z okremi processes. Nayіmovіrnіshe, tse led to the fact that the frequency of discord will significantly decrease, and also new data will appear about those, as for the help of genetics it is possible to increase the rosy vitality of a sane person.

The author of this miraculous (so relevant in our "clip" hour) materialJosip Sergiyovich Zavalishin (1912-1982) - hydraulic engineer, head specialist Institute Gidroproekt im. V.Ya.Zhuka, who, perhaps, took a part in all the largest military life-megaprojects of the HES. Veteran of the Great Vytchiznyanoi war, with a battle route Moscow - Stalingrad - Kharkiv - Kiev - Bucharest - Budapest - Prague - Berlin.

Josip Sergiyovich, the handkerchief of the People's Volunteer Fyodor Ivanovich Zavalishin is the most beautiful example of a right Russian intellectual, a highly enlightened professional practitioner, and an idealist, an educator, a miraculously humanely wholesome person, with earthly heavenly accomplishments. Brought to the suspіlny, and to the virobnic and family life.

Speaking about Josip Sergiyovich, it is impossible not to guess his companion, one-thinking companion - Eleonora Samsonivna Kuznetsova, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the MDPI named after V.I. Lenin,lecturer of the “Knannya” partnership, the author of bagatioh science practices from the theory of twisting,nathnennik and organizer of the All-Union movement of student pedagogical pens,trustee and propagandist of pedagogical ideas A.S. From її іnіtsiativi the museum of A.S.Makarenka was created.

At the apartment of Zavalishinyh under the ceramics of Eleonori Samsonivna Kuznetsova, a unique pedagogical seminar of its kind was functioning (the famous "Makarenkivska Seredovishcha"), in which Josip Sergiyovich was a permanent participant and a generator of ideas. For a decade (!) short work, the seminar has become the centerpiece of a living pedagogical search, the most important phenomenonvіtchiznyanoїculture.

Such is the life, the souls of the high spirits of the sim of Josip Sergiyovich Zavalishin, which christened the spiritual image of that pragnennya. Following the order of Josip Sergiyovich, the relatives and comrades-in-arms saw yoga practice:

I.S. Zavalishin. Life. Ideas. Projects. 1. Think about humanitarian topics. pp. 48-73. Vidannya 2nd supplementary in 2 volumes. Volume 2. Place of the future. lectures. 3 close sharpening. Ordering, editing, comments Belyakov E.A., Zavyalova N.I., M., 2017.

We bring the work up to date with a fee, and also, with the permission of the authors-regulators, upload the entire book for downloading and reading.

Photo: Viysk photo by I.S. Zavalishin.


A thought came to us ahead of us, that contagion is still alive, that it will be enough to inspire tens of thousands of schools, thousands of universities, and the task of illuminating the people will be fulfilled. It appears, we call it not so. The food is richly rich.

In the class minds, if the sanctification was obtained only by one thing, the so-called “suspіlstvo” was even smaller in number. The role of cultural centers was won by sadibis, and on the cob of the 19th century. all the consecration of society was at the Nobility's collections (Columned Hall near Moscow).

Special contacts were taken care of, exchange of thoughts, intellectual connections were improved. It was similar to that of the current Petersburg. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. the role of cultural centers was played by sadibis of patrons, mitts (Abramtsevo, Polinova, Talashkino, Voloshin's dacha in Koktebel). What kind of a hall is needed for a modern radiant society?! Even if it is technically and possible to create a hall, say, for a million people, then how is it possible for such a gigantic hall to be psychologically accessible and necessary for human interaction?

How about booty? Let's think. Aje itself suspіlstvo, zreshtoy, vikhovuє that utavlyuє. Great people, that and not only great, but zvichaynisinki, get the rest of the light (and it’s immeasurably more, lower those that get it from schools and universities) themselves in society. Pushkin took away his right light from the face, and from the soul, from the world. An hour too late, literally and unequivocally, we take, for example, Lermontov's rows: “Navіscho vіn uvіyshov tse light zadrіsny and stuffy…” At the singing sensi A.S.Pushkin, having suffered defiantly and by the fatal rank itself, in the “light”, but you don’t need to forget about those who are light - not only Dantes, but Pushkin’s friends, but without that splintering, without the support, Pushkin won’t be b Pushkin. Goethe has great words: “Aje, in fact, all the collective facts that we didn’t reveal about ourselves ... It’s my fault to learn how to be quiet, who lived before us, so in the quiet, who live with us. To find the greatest genius is not far away, the yakbi wanted to vibrate everything for himself. You can’t understand a lot of good people and they’re blathering like a dark one, mryuchi about originality”.

Ideas are always peopled by society, live with the new and develop, but we don’t get people together with people, as they naively thought earlier, as Maeterlinck thought in his beautiful story about the Blue Bird. Glinka virno said: “People write music, but we, composers, are more or less arranged”.

Yakos before Block came to know and ask: “Well, what have you written today?”, - On scho Block vіdpovіv: “I didn’t foresee, I don’t guess and I won’t fold”. Where did Blok take his wonderful thoughts? - At the comradeship. Ozhe, order with light, what is being created for help initial mortgages, the need is low for additional entries. How can you create the effect of enlightenment with suspense, like the people who got illumined, it became so rich and the suspense became so cumbersome? About ce mi y speaks for those who visvetlyuє problem number 3 - the enlightenment of grown-ups. Looking ahead, let's say that the whole problem can be solved. It was more than necessary to honor the victoriousness of modern technology and the prestige of our radian society. Sunset tse pitanya not pіd force. This problem can be a small topic: about the methodology of self-enlightenment and self-improvement.


It often happens a little bit that deak people can see zdіbnostі, phenomenal memory, zdatnіst shvidko splurge and through tse rich to know science, culture, life. Obviously, the zdіbnosti may be of great importance, but not only in them on the right. You can get better and better, you can learn from schools, institutes, universities, graduate schools, or you can be left behind by a poorly educated person. You can, relying on a good memory, even richly learn and remember, but still don’t go under the name of a cultural, erudite, highly enlightened person. "Rich knowledge does not add to the mind". (Heraclitus)

Why is it on the right? Chi is not a paradoxical situation? We will try to answer for food, which is to be exclaimed from the name of the article.


Life is different, different people, different furnishings. There are no two absolutely identical people, two identical furnishings. The skin of a person, who would not be out, is hidden from oneself individually, uniquely. Viroblyayuchi sobі yakіs principles, the most need to be afraid of template solutions and ready-made recipes, because the template does not harm the individual characteristics of the person, nor the peculiarities of the situation. Living with stereotyped appearances, a person sooner or later stumbles upon hostile wisps of misinformation, so that he can be properly bred in the most familiar environments and inevitably create a heap of revelations about the world. It is impossible to become an illumined person with hibnimi manifestations. "Irzha is cold, nonsense - the soul". (M. Gorky)

In front of a person, always, or, recognize, often stand folding and folding food, and you can put yourself up to it in a different way. You can put yourself like Dostoevsky's Raskolnikov and it is important to know the sense and understand the essence of a thorough pardon. You can do it, as if having blamed Balzac: if the hero has spent a lot of money at the base of the material camp, then, as if to tell the biographers, Balzac closed himself in the room, did not go anywhere for three days and thought out how to help his hero. Can you repair like the Nekhlyuds in Tolstoy's Resurrection, in the episode that conceived the tragedy of Katyusha Maslova. In the depths of the soul, Nekhlyudov wondered what was bad, bad, it was bad, what could be important notes for Katyusha herself, but without becoming a thinker, but saying her own trivial phrase: "Well, well, even if everything is so shy", - I calmed down for a long time. Dekіlka such mirkuvan in folding life furnishings, like having built Nekhlyudov, and the people to spend the building, to flaunt, to make the right decisions, to become baiduzhim, to perish for science, for the right creative work, for the understanding of "highly illumined people."

The skin is nourished, what hangs on life, I want to be yak vin buv foldable, I don’t want to see it for a long time, I want it to be an important yogo cherry, I can but it’s obov’yazkovo and residually virishenim. Virishenoy people, in front of which there is a chain of food, maybe not independently, but for the help of comrades, but obov'yazkovo vyrishenim. This is the first rule. If food is placed in front of a person, if there is a need for advice on them, then sooner or later you will know the evidence. There will be order at the head and soul of such people. The order will be on the right. Impossible for the current level of science human knowledge schos robiti for the minds of disorder, innocence. Back to the present day, having rebuffed Rene Descartes - this miraculous expression of "the order of the thoughts" is absolutely correct and millions of times turned life upside down. How is it possible to be an illumined human being and a mother unstoppable, a thoughtless thought? Otzhe: obov'yazkove vyrishennya all life important food, rozuminnya "physical sense" (Suvorov: "Zbagnennya and pilnuvannya over the mustache"). Be sure to know the sense of everything, get to the bottom of the truth, understand what is up to what. All may lie at the singing system. The order is in thoughts, pochuttah, in all right. “Farther you lay down, closer you take it”. (Russian order).

II. DO NOT STAY ONLY AT YOUR AREA OF ACTIVITY. Vivechati and touch mysticism

Don't get hung up on one, don't be just "fakhіvtsem z lіvoї nostril". (L.N. Tolstoy). Vuzky fahivets that vuzky professional cannot know well his own galleys. This is miraculously formulated by J.J. Rousseau on two occasions: “If you are engaged in sciences, the Daedals will change more, as different sciences support and help one another. Obviously, the human brain is impossible to master all the sciences. Ale, as if not the mother of such a statement about other sciences, then you will change with your own dark ones ".

Why start? - Z mystetstva. The simplest and most common. The art is necessary for everyone. In the different epochs of the first different times, you see mysticism. Zaraz the most significant Mayut theater and cinema, music, literature, architecture and painting. The art needs to live. Bachiti all more and less cikavi productions and paintings. To know a huge thought, that thought of criticism, to bring it up is not true. Mati vlasnu thought, navіt it’s wondrous and unlike those who speak or write, it’s important, so that it wasn’t far-fetched and empty and original for the sake of originality, but it went out of the heart, praised you and your comrades, with whom you discussed. Mothers of such roses should be encouraged more, not to be afraid to say zayve, risky, it’s more paradoxical. When roses with friends are risky, they will appear above them, the paradoxes will cease to be paradoxes, the zayve will be more riverine.

It is impossible to master how shakhi is without some knowledge of the theory, and the mysticism of this form cannot be understood without some knowledge of the theory, even if only a little. It is imperative to read books about art - biographies of great mitzvot, monographs of famous artists, mothers and mothers of rich reproductions, wanting to look at leaflets. Read music scholars while listening to music to maximize your imagination, so that you can understand and inspire those who are a good composer when writing music.

How to sort out folded food and even approximately formulate, we see this: a cultured person may want to know a little bit of art. What is so poor? This, obviously, is not the names of the leading actors and a few of the standard phrases: “I don’t feel bad”, but rather “it’s already fresh, juicy, etc.”.


There will be a HES

Like a person is drunk, joking, thinking, can you look at your own judgment, what is enough? - Ni. The hero, described by Dostoyevsky in "The White Nights", is such, and Dostoyevsky clearly shows: it's good, but it's not enough. Vin is dear, calls out sympathy, you can love yoga, but you can’t sting. You need something else. What kind of wine - "inshiy", Dostoevsky does not know exactly, and therefore it is small schematically, but this "inshiy" is not similar to the hero of the "White Nights" explanation, but without any translation.

What is needed, krim shukan, thinking about that knowledge of the art? Needed harmony development. If a person lives less with his head - it’s even one-sided. Need physical values ​​of the susilla. Sport. Tourism. Nebezpeka. Podolannya significant physical difficulties. Subdue fear. Vidvaga. Nareshti, you need inexhaustible love to nature and that її knowledge. How miraculously knowing Lermontov! Yogo hero (Pechorin) is taєmnichiy, like a mustache taєmniche - ignorant, but love to the point of insecurity, that unbelievable love to the nature of the hero Lermontov does not call out everyday sumnіvіv.

You can bring anonymous new applications:

“Budinok, in which hearts break” by Bernard Shaw, more expensive than Thor Heyerdahl on the “Kon-Tiki”, an expedition to the Pivnichniy Pole, the feat of Hans Has, who calmly saw sharks with an underwater movie camera, catching up on that filming of volcanoes and more. In a day-to-day life, it’s like a bright, cicava and productive, start a rich rizika and it’s not safe. It takes a lot of hard work and it’s hard to do it, it’s hard, seemingly figuratively, without thinking about climbing into the cold, restless water. Hi better way expand your values, how to go in for sports, tourism, live in nature and know well.

May the ration of that father, who teaches his son the art of bathing in the sea in stormy weather, if the waves crash ashore with noise. For whom, obviously, they often see a risk - well, well, nothing can be done without a risk, the natomist guilt for all life turns his son into a correct character. In the meantime, calmly close the right troubles with the right risk - what can be the best for the right vihovannya!

Є miracles literary examples, like miraculously preparing a person for the romance of fighting, masculinity, podannya almost fear Tse nasampered "Mtsiri" Lermontov.

The fairy tale by George Sand "Cryla of masculinity" is also miraculous (about those, like fishermen at night, sacked lads on a rocky island, the wind was blowing, and through this island the whil began to migrate). It is necessary to know the number and richly similar to them from a child's age. Kindly from the ten-twelfth age of the nobility, remember the verses of the Scandinavian epic "Fritief":

“Ni nіchlіg at budinki, nі nametіv on courts.
Sleep on a military shield, damask sword at the hands,
And the name is a bright sky star.
Like a thunderstorm, lift the windows,
Let's not make up, let's not roar, boyaguz, who blew the winter.
Chim buti boyaguz, zagin shvidshe ".

The unity of ideas, thoughts, dії, a little bit of evidence, the impossibility of being empty paper propositions is more likely to sway when coupled with nature, near hardships and difficulties. Tsya unity grows into unity of character - poednannya deep intelligence, knowledge from vіdvagoyu and arrogance. Russian literature has always dreamed about such a hero, but literature could not create it, did not catch it, because such characters appeared only on the crest of the whiplash of the revolution. Dostoyevsky dream, that Mishkin and Rogozhin were one special, ale yak and grow, not knowing - literature does not create life, people create, literature is less likely to inspire creativity, sometimes in the early, ice commemorate phases ...

Formulate an idea, if it’s only just born, it’s great on the right - you’ve found addicts, prodovzhuvachi, found talented people, how to move forward, develop an idea, revise it in practice and infuse it on the right.


At the Kiev HPP, 1966

Greater meaning may be known. Wanting a great vision of France Michel Montaigne and showing that “Mother’s need is not good, but I’m good with my head”, - I'm absolutely right, - all the same, the mother needs a great knowledge.

To know a good way to accumulate knowledge is to mean mothers of a great number. Literally, at least half an hour spends on replenishing the stock of knowledge, if you don’t mother a good way to gain knowledge, you will be a little. It’s important to talk about numbers, it’s even more important to reverse them - and sometimes it happens a little like this: knowledge, well-being at school, institutes, postgraduate studies - ten hundred thousand, vlasnyy dosvіd - two-chotiri thousand, reshta to share equally among people, literature and friends practical life. What is the method of taking away the greater part - the eighty-six hundred years of knowledge? Її can be called in one word - step by step.

Good mother, I will control the great library. It’s not obov’yazkovo to read all the books, how to stand there, it’s important to know that the book is worth it and talk about it. Viniclo is a food. You felt it. You got hooked. They took an important book, read a few of the sides, which sometimes the whole book - and it’s easy to remember the books for the sake of your interest, just like the most important ones in the long run of life.

You are turbulent. You don’t know how and what you know - they got it from a comrade, they killed everything for your recommendation and those that you knew when you knew it, know good and forever. If you are on a supply chain, do not go back to your books, go to your own library, take a look at the encyclopedia earlier - the key to the greater part of knowledge and, obviously, there can be skin. In the encyclopedia, there is always a bibliographic indicator - cite it, search for books you need, read them, as if tse tsikavo, roam with recognition by people. “Vechir rozmov with a good person more, less than ten years of reading books”, - seems to be similar wisdom. Otherwise, it seems, to live like this, so that you will be cursed, ask your comrades if they have books - the best way to get rich knowledge.

Greater value may be more expensive to enlighten "please". Let's get more expensive at the direct sensory - a trip at the opening hour in a new month, to a new country, or for a special route, a trip at the service delivery - win the same way, more difficult way - do not sit on one robot for a long time, do not sit alone on one place. Do not be an Old-timer Khinikat (the hero of the opi-dannya “We are at home” ...). What is “not long enough” - chotiri, five years, no more, in one place. Just after the richness of the fates of activity, if you can afford to solve a great problem, if you will be endlessly tickled and greeted by people, you can spend more than an hour in one city in one city - so, obviously, you can overcome the problem, do not overcome it. Indicated figures, obviously, not the law - in some moods they can change, but for more moods of the daily life of the stink, it's movirno, close to optimal.

If you need to take care of one and the same food for a long time, you can become a narrow fakhivtsy. As it was conceived more, specialization is necessary, but it’s necessary to have a specialty to supersede modern life, modern technology, modern science.

V. POLICY DEVELOPMENT. More and more lucidly її

Interest in political life and knowledge її. Today's life is full of politics. In the same historical epoch, politics did not play such a role, the share of skin people did not come so close, that self-perception would not so strongly pour into the mood, like an infection.

See Beethoven's note to his friend: “... I didn’t dare to come to the quarters, because there were wars. I'll come by Saturday ... " It can be seen that the Viyskovski Dії little praised the great composer. Tsi hours irrevocably passed. Problems of everyday life, okremikh galuzy industrialism, nourishment of various currents in the art - all this is politics.

The inconsistency and streak-like nature of politics for people is little known to be neumovirnoy, impossibly - everything is unreasonably forced to be correctly oriented. With the daily development of radio, cinema, diversity of illustration magazines, exhibitions, festivals, sports promotions, mass overseas tourism - the skin of the people will be taken away from the people themselves under diametrically opposed information. As it is not enough to know politics well, the svіdomostі to go out of the city of plutanin, plutanin. How much of this swindler pours into people, one can see from such striking examples, like Stefan Zweig's self-destruction and Hemingway's self-destructiveness. The situation becomes more complicated because not everything can be published, about a lot of speeches it is written schematically, mentally, not in the same world. Nothing requires such a deep and universal knowledge of theory, like politics. Dialectics, philosophy, create classics - without which it is impossible to grasp the essence of what is happening, and the closest prospects. The mother needs relish for these speeches, not marveling at the suspense of science and philosophy, as if it were a daily academic, book. A wealth of sciences used to be bookish, broken in life, utterly theoretical.

Atoms, electrons, protons, etc. - tsіkavo, tsіkavo, nezrazumilo... Who would have thought for a moment, what Hiroshima would be born from... Those same things were earlier with electricity. In the old courses of physics, the cycle of electricity began like this: "Take a burshtin, rub yoga - stick to the new paper". We went on to demonstrate electrostatics, followed Galvania, Ohm's laws, Kirchhoff's, the left rule right hand and etc. Everything was bookish, theoretical, non-sequitur, and it was given to the zovsіm vіdіrvanim vіd life. And from whom electrical engineering and electronics were born, as they permeate all modern life and as it is impossible to comprehend and develop without understanding all, it would seem, at first glance, old-fashioned and non-life theories.

What has been said about politics can be formulated in a shorter way: be the son of your century and the biased patriot of your Fatherland, do not worry about current problems and know them, live in them, cheer for them, be kind to them. Then you will have in your hands the key to the enlightenment of life and to the heart of the most important people, to the present enlightenment of life, and people, in their own hands, will teach you a lot of something - something that you don’t see in any books, newspapers, magazines.


Let's say that you have been slandered by the significant world of modern politics, you know well in rich food, you are in pain for actual problems. What is enough? - No, not enough. “Kozhen is your own strategist, bachachi is on the side,” said the great Georgian poet Rustaveli. "Become a strategist"... It is unacceptable to "think" in today's life. Today's life is rooted in technology. Most important people - robot workers, technicians, engineers - live by technology. One robot worker, like a pratsyuvav on the great Siberian life, hanging a miracle thought: “The current technique is not to love and not to pardon. You will have mercy once, and there you will be punished with trichi ”. How can you "think"? The requirement is not to “think”, but to be.

Hotch and on the arc of a small distance, ale obov'yazkovo buti.

The right characters are more likely to be forged in the thick of the actual podias. It’s better to see the crowd of people there, it’s foldable, it’s not safe, it’s the share of the right. Learn such people, it means a lot of things to learn from them. Be a participant yourself, it means to be wiser with the people of the Church and to learn even more. It’s not enough to learn, but to gain good knowledge and improve your good character, which is even more important.

Can you sleep, why is Frederic Chopin, alive and well all his life in France, writing such miraculous music? On the right, in that it is impossible to distinguish between writers, having sung that people of science with people of practical life. From the other side, the life of Suspіlstva goes through periods. In the course of time, knowledge, knowledge are accumulated, the most valuable food is gradually degraded - tse attachments, an invisible process. Now is the moment of the greatest concentration of formulas, visnovkiv, thoughts, theories. The writer, the artist sings, with a whimsical soul, chuє i vіdchuvaє і formulary and vysnovki and transfer them to the canvas chi on paper and vtіlyuє at the sounds of music. And in the 19th century, the greatest pleiad of writers and poets appeared, as if they had accumulated ideas that had accumulated for the second or two centuries, to transfer to paper and to gain a rich understanding of those who had previously been implicit, invisible.

The art, perhaps, more, less be-scho - the fruit of collective creativity. Everything that is written in the humanities by those, is less true in the singing minds than in the singing hour. Life will be uninterrupted and pripinyaetsya. Seventy fates of our century are far away in such a camp, like it was in the XIX century, - there are still hoaxing processes of shukan, formulas, new truths, a new way of life and thought. Stribok is getting better. Therefore, there are fewer such writers and poets at once, as if they were in the 19th century.

This article is addressed not to writers, but to practitioners who want to be illuminated by people. You can’t check the stench until the new Herzens and Turgenevs appear, and the guilty ones lie in the mustache of the valley, buti in the most important places, on robots that appear from the most important problems, on the most important days, take part in the underdogs, not a poster be an uninterrupted participant and do not be afraid of anything. If there was a war in 1941-1945, then there was a need to be there. As if the share of the country was victorious in the wake of war in Siberia - it was necessary to be there, etc.


Today's life is hanging, folding problems, both in a suspended and in a special way. Such problems themselves are often blamed on robots, on practical activities. On the cob of the article they wrote that it is impossible to deprive yourself of food, as if they praise you innocently, you can’t give it away, or, even worse, sound of life with innocent food and just work, that everything is shy - it’s a reasonable thread to perish and live a flock. A rich food can be broken with a path of logical worlds, however, the world has a more complicated life, technology and science, there are fewer daedals with easy food.

How about booty?

If at a distant hour the same food stood in front of mathematicians - arithmetic tasks became foldable. Virishuvati їх logical mirkuvannyami became impossible. As a result, algebra was found to have been found, as if richly folded tasks and richly arithmetic tasks, as if they were made incoherently, virishila. Obviously, it is impossible to call the art the algebra of human thought, but the art (music, painting, theater, etc.), some methods and techniques that can be accepted by the majestic world can make it easier to complete the versatility of foldable tasks and the richly incoherent tasks - virishity. People have bi-two systems - a logical system of reason, a system of feelings, attitudes and intuitions. Earlier it was respected that the mood of a direct approach to serious rights could not be done, but more, it was respected that it was more shkidli, pereskoda. "Give freedom to the heart - lead into captivity"- Tsya formula is false. For a long time, the problem of fighting addictions was discussed in literature and science: it was important that they established the order of life, that it was necessary to be vigilant, and that people feel, moods, passions, lead a kill - it’s also not true. Navit Gogol, it’s true, it’s just from a different perspective, but still talk about this problem ( "There are passions and passions"). The struggle between two soils among people is an old problem that suffices with ancient statements about Apollo and Dionysus.

In the Russian literature of the XIX century, and on the cob of our own, a lot of respect is added to the problems of mind that little bit. "With my mind, I will understand what is not good, but I will tell you a little more ...", or: “From the point of view of the mind, everything is good, but I’ll take it as if I’m hooked a little, like I can’t explain and signify what’s right”. “With my mind I will understand that this person is good, but the heart seems to be different” and so on. Why is it on the right? Chi may be the whole hour tsya razdvoenistvo?

Practically, it’s easy to drink such food. Іsnuyut volyovі cob among people chi volovі people - accept "volovoe" solution, and all sorts of discord arise. Two arguments can be made against such a technique of perfection.

Є miraculous mirkuvannya G. Heine. Vіn kazhe, scho we respect the willful last people and forgive them richly. Ale, as if it rose like a trace, then these people often appear as "slaves of their thoughts that they lived." The second argument is self-evident - for the modern life and, especially, for the technician, it is good to know that the “volovy” solution is more important than not. "Volovy" way is not good. Numerical applications in literature and life confirm this thought. Virishuvati put food in vіdіrvano in the life of that situation is impossible. Obviously, if in life there will be significant wipes, then there cannot be inner harmony.

Why did the Decembrists go to the grandiose, collapsible and possibly hopeless struggle, to the colossal, mayzhe stovіdsotkovy risik, if you want, it would have been better, everything was especially with them - beloved squads, - miraculous sim, safe life ...

But it’s obvious that great changes, richly wiped, tormented the people of a century - sunk and people, obviously, didn’t break all the promises, ale thought, what to stand on the right road - what to do? Chi will come by itself the harmony of feelings and thoughts? Maybe, no. Chi є such a technique, how would it secure b qiu harmony? Nasampered, you need to turn back to the mystic. Art is the sphere of human activity, in any case, no volitional solutions are possible. Yakbi mystetstvo curled up voluntarism, it would cease to be a mystekstvo. And yet, to set up a mysticism, to make a decision and most of all, it is more important for the significance of nutrition, to work simply, quickly, kindly and reliably. Modern art is the school of life. Gorky, Dostoyevsky, Beethoven, Balzac, Tolstoy, Surikov… What if one nourishment of life, if it were not for them to be properly set, good, universally enlightened, and in rich vipadkah virisheno? Sometimes it is given only a hint of a solution, but it is also super important.

On the right, in the fact that a person a long time ago, how to learn to think, to be vigilant, to have a low mood, emotions are thin. Rozum and thoughts appeared much later and through much less perfect. Intuitively, you write like a meal in a second or two seconds. In order to feed the food chain by the method logical thought, to be needed, it is possible, a sprat of a year, and, it is possible, and months. The decision in the rest of the day will be accurate, correct, in the majestic number of ways it will be absolutely correct, but even better.

Today’s life hangs even more folded food, like it doesn’t change everyday direct logical mirkuvannyami. Without Euclid, modern science is impossible, but the hours of Euclid have passed irrevocably. Zalizna logic to prove the geometrical theorems of Euclid, yakі dosі vchayut schoolchildren of the whole world, maybe, goodly showed equal or, virnіshe, obsyagu problems, yakі buli at that hour. Ale, try with pure logic to win, like a daily meal - you will eat on a palisade of hardships. The unknown will be richer, the lower equals, otherwise there will be hundreds of equals and the unknown. In a small number of cases, if your problem can be encoded into a mathematical form, you will come to the aid of the current programming of that electronic machine, but a small number of problems, as you can give a mathematical form, become even a small part of the problems. The greater number of today's tasks is important hundreds and thousands of times on electronic counting machines, until the results begin to converge. In the brain of a person, it is similar. Intuitively, you revise and suggest dozens of solutions - most of them are not obvious. Some options for your attitudes good decisions start to come to the truth, you have one mood, so that another one diverges. It’s important to describe the process, but it’s easy to understand, knowing and learning how to do it, great music, great magic.

Dear Vivchay on the butt of the creative of Mystics, Yak Tisyachi Vipadkikh, the ilintic ryshen, I will read Rohati to and the stroke, itching the pereshkudi on his hat, I am forced to do it, vydchuvuy, he was aircraft, but it was not enough, but it was noted. by the very same feelings, they were with you when you saw a folding meal, when you had a folding and important fight.

On the cob of your activity, you are often given, when you are trained with a practical method of some kind of food, that "the farther away in the forest, the more firewood," , you’re on the cob, it’s simple, how often it happens, you underestimated the possible difficulties of the work, what the author has, do what you read, listen to marvel, if you yourself are so confused, so cold, so obvious hopelessness, but it’s not clear , the ice almost became a road trip for the author, having believed and wiyshov on the enchantingly clear path of a virtuous, radiant perfection of nutrition ... , went through the walk, without talking, like the author of pishov for the necessary mood and feel, and you go for your feelings and go to the full expanses of victory, decision, reach. It is the method of unity that is felt by reason, the method that is widely recognized by the art. It is important, but not necessary, to describe the method. For whom it is necessary to know well and to understand mysticism.

The strength of the vied method of Polega in that, the Misteztna Nabagato wounded, nibe science і Technika, it took place in the field of the warehouse Pyly, Virishuvani Tilki in the way, the method of іntho -rations, the vibor of the Suvoro Kilovo. few options.

Otherwise, they would not have realized such phenomenal thoughts, like the feat of the engineer Belyubsky, who specially designed all the facilities on the Trans-Siberian zaliznitsi. It would be impossible to explain the phenomenon of Chekhov, who had found himself the greatest thinker and writer.

Without volodinnya by the method of unity, it is impossible for the mind to conduct a right creative work, it is impossible for the self-sufficiency of the foldable modern meals. Without the mind to independently develop folding nutrition, it is impossible to understand what you are seeing, it is impossible to know in a normal everyday life, it is impossible to put things right with your soul, to open up your thought for understanding that knowledge.

VIII. “FROM THE OLD-OLD WONDERFUL STONES To put the feet of the future” (N.K. REPIKH)

We live by manifestations. Statement about morality, statement about honor, obov'yazok. Statement about obov'yazki, about good and evil, about kohannya, fidelity, about life rules, about laws, about the state, then. Appearances help us orientate ourselves at folding meals, praise the right decision, save an hour. Ale minaє 20–30 years and the manifestations change - sometimes strongly, sometimes not richly.

It is important to be aware of current manifestations. The appearance of mayzhe zavzhdy vіdstayut vіd zhittya i tim bіlshe, chimіvshієєєєєє zhittya. What is the era of active and diyalnish, more, more unsafely corystuvatisya with old manifestations. Maybe there is a great stray in objects, like vivchaesh, the one on the right, like a robish. How to put together the correct manifestations? Where can you get it? It has already been said richly: the robot’s cicava, the penetration into the tovstu, the active part of them is necessary, but not enough. You need to know a lot and know from life, from pershogerel. The mother needs a solid “base of vimiryuvannya” and in the hour and in the open, the need to know what to think (and thought) about the food, what you need to say to other people in the other hour, what, thinking about the food of your people, a sprat to that. Even timchasov conjuncture, fluctuations in stratification fall and appear correctly. The position is easier because history is repeating itself as the world is repeating itself, developing in a spiral-like manner, and you can always know that coil of the spiral, the emergence of which (would you like to know about the actual facts of life and the virtuosity of mysticism, characteristic of this coil) will be. You can get away, what is more similar to fakhivtsy, but it’s not so.

Той, хто володіє справжнім знанням мистецтва, законами його розвитку, його історією, для того стають доступними і зрозумілими найскладніші і великі істини, той почерпне зі старовинних джерел багато свіжого, актуального, суттєво необхідного сьогодні і зуміє перенести з далеких, здавалося б, сусідніх. areas in their area are those that allow you to put together new manifestations, as the great Russian artist N.K. Roerich said: “From the old wonderful stones you will store up the slabs of the future”.

How many words are fair, we will change the butt of early and modern constructivism. The constructivism of the 1920s and 1930s was German, bold and deadly, having declared a fiasco. Only the less visible, perhaps, ingenious special features went into, following the path of early constructivism, to achieve good results. Let us reconsider Mayakovsky himself. The formula of early constructivism: "I'll curse the history of marriage ..."(V. Mayakovsky) that “I will write a tragedy like this, before which Shakespeare’s tragedy will look like a farce or a stingy vaudeville”(wine). None of the stupidity of these formulas is obvious.

1930 rock in Moscow, in the museum. A.S. Pushkin (the same wine was called the Museum of Imaginative Mystery) held an exhibition of old masters of mysticism, brought from Leningrad "Madonna Lita" of the Leonardo school, the miraculous canvases of Van Dyck, Titian and Rubens - everyone gasped and understood, create, create in front of such tragedies of Shakespeare, it is impossible to look like a farce like a stingy vaudeville, it is not necessary for a smut - obviously stupid. Adherents of early constructivism had a hard time experiencing the success of the exhibition and clearly realized that the people would not follow them. The fates have passed and a new constructivism has appeared, for the first time in the world. The sound of wines is similar to the old constructivism, but it follows the formula of Roerich. So, just like early constructivism, modern constructivism is solid, that art can change the form of speeches to change the form of speeches, so that people can be completely alienated.

And yet, on the cob of the 1930s, relying on the formula “I'll get married to history,” they accidentally ruined the reminders of ancient architecture, then the stench is resurrected at the same time. Our great interest, and to the Androniev Monastery, Kizham, Suzdal, to the works of Andriy Rublov and Rostov Yaroslavl with a ringing sound, to the ancient wooden architecture of Pivnochi. Our notice about these monuments has changed.

What is it necessary to know from the past eras? Nasampered, its own history and its own ancient art. In the rest of the hour, it was well popularized, a lot of good and sensible monographs appeared, a few good films. It is necessary to become familiar with these materials, to understand them and comprehend them. More often than not, after the wedding of literary dzherel, travel missions, de saving the old reminders.

Vlasnoi іstorії zavzhdya opposing the grandiosity of the zavdan, as if standing for hundreds of rich rocks in front of our country, opposing the minds, talent and geniuses of the people, which glimmeringly emerged as a victor from the most important positions, yakre often made great mouths.

Marveling at the sporudzhennia of the Moscow Kremlin, rushing along the river bank along the Kam'yany bridge to Moskvoretsky. You immediately guess miracle words Mendeliev, he said about science and may be close to science: "It's free, comfortable and joyful to live with science." Bashti turn around all the time - so that they are beautiful and accepting for the human eye. St. Basil's Blessed Vezh, miraculously inscribed in the architecture of the Kremlin walls, expands the space. Different epochs, different styles, all the same as a mustache in a single, solid ensemble, as obvious as the idea of ​​a triumphant, free mind. It’s like it’s good to go into thought at the sight of the Kremlin’s miraculous spores - it turns out that a lot of people who have been educated with knowledge, with clear ideas, with free judgments, will understand and educate you, fool!

The Moscow Kremlin is a reflection of the tsikavoi and unique Russian culture: it took in itself both Skhid and Zakhid and created the most uniquely beautiful of its own. The robot is a master, first class - the seams are not visible. True, for the sign of the battlements of the wall, it was the Italians, and the mark over the vezhs, richly rocky, therefore - Russian, in Russian style! Who can guess about it without knowing the documents? One of the stars of the Kremlin - Borovitskaya - is a sister of a similar vezh - the vezh of Syuyumbike near Kazan - de stick, de protirichya? You can't see it - I'm rediscovering the solidity of the ensemble.

The central controversy - the dzvinitsa of Ivan the Great was inspired by the Italians, and the extreme controversies - Godunivska Vezha and Filaretivska Pribudova - were Russians. The new sticks are not visible, the new logic of unity is new.

Fantastic, Kazkov firebird - St. Basil's Cathedral - miraculously harmonizes with the gothic style of the Spaska Vezha and with the mustache unique spores of the Kremlin! - Tse i є Russian culture. Miraculous fusion of great cultures to the world, like any fusion, new, never-before-seen... It is very important to understand the great music of the Kremlin. You need to wonder a lot, read a lot, think over.

Majestic infusion to get the Russian culture under pressure Skhid. Nothing so good Skhid knows how our country is. Reasons are plentiful. In the first place, we live together at the sovereign cordons with similar peoples - without intermediary we draw their knowledge, culture, wisdom. Zi Descent mi pov'yazanі y historically. The best minds of Russia were dragged by Skhid: Griboyedov, Lermontov, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Przhevalsky, Kozlov. What lubed them in there? - evidence of the majestic importance of a similar culture for Russia. Music by Borodin, Mussorgsky, Rubinshtein, Rimsky-Korsakov, Glinka. Where is the people of the world so enlightened, clear and miraculously revealed Skhid? In the Radian period of the history of our fatherland, this trend was strengthened. Widows of wisdom are even more beautiful and close to millions. The miracle work of the radiant scholars of S.F. Oldenburg and Bertels was given a tremendous amount. The very people of the Ryansk Gathering after the revolution made grandiose crumbs and helped in a right way to appreciate and evaluate the Skhid. Not amazing. And on the territory of the Radyansk Gathering lived the great sages of the world: the great Mohammed-Al-Khwarizmi is alive - the right winemaker of algebra, the first person, for 800 years correctly realized that in the heat of Archimedes there is a grandiose power of vibuhu - the power of the revolution of science.

Saadi from Shiraz, Nizami, Alisher Navoi, Firdousi - who knew them before the revolution? - only higher education fakhivtsi. Ninі classics Immediately seen in our mass circulation. "Gulistan", "Tales of the Pope", "Ramayana", "Shah Nami" are available to millions at a time.

What is the value of a similar culture for us? Skhіd richly earlier, having entered the path of the convergence of the tighter centralized powers, you know how the problems of centralization hang, you know how the stench rages, you know what a majestic infusion on private life can give state problems. What is not a parable of the great Saadi, then a miraculous joy for a modern person. The joy is wise, calm, detailed, inspired by miraculous humane ideas. Everything is here: for the sake of the people, that I have a great fortune, for the sake of the young, how to properly trim yourself with people...

In a different way, (we said the stars), the culture of the Skhod organically enters the Russian culture and understands it, without understanding the Skhod, it’s important. It is impossible not to know the culture of one's own country of people enlightened. If we have the right idea in our day: “The strength of projects is not in the fact that they stink, but in the fact that they are constantly perfected,” - they themselves can say about the idea of ​​​​that manifestation.

The knowledge of the culture of their people, the roseminnya, the basic Idai is all for an hour to be irrelevant, the great power of the orih, the bugato of the bagato, the no -legged virisenov, the noble, .

It's not enough to know the miraculous Russian artist Polenov from the Skhodom. The thinnest sign and sings of Russian nature, destroying trival and seriously more expensive to Skhid. There vin poachiv our nature, other people, farbi. Turning to Russia, to the Oka, tasting the Russian nature, those that were not tasting before: the subtle, invisible nuances of natural farbs. In addition, having swayed the farbi on a grand scale, like a wine, blazing at the Gatherings, they burned, made themselves known, opened up new, miraculous, inaccessible to that “unbroken eye” of the farbi of Russian nature.


At the front divisions, rich nourishment was destroyed - ideas, knowledge, active participation in the podia, knowledge of art, history. However, for the illuminated people, it was not enough.

It is required to love life in all yoga manifestations. Otherwise, the idea of ​​working on oneself will be one-sided. Maybe everything will come under the pressure of living conditions. Kokhannya, happiness, life, joy, suffocation, struggle, enchantment, rozcharuvannya, crying out to see what you yourself have found, rozuminnya, - failures, anxiety - all the same people are powerful and it’s impossible to act like one. The hour of asceticism, self-reflection is over! Modern culture, even though only a few know and respect it, allows you to do without these very important benefits for people. You don’t need to try to squeeze yourself into a yakus far away, I’ll come up with a scheme, you don’t need to be slaves to your thoughts that you lived. "Blessed, who is young when young." Domineering people love - love. Powerful people be happy - be happy. Do not super-chity life, but know yoga, understand that love. It would be given, obviously, the position, but how practical is it to reach them? Why kohati? - to that robot, the most elementary krіm, go well, if you love it, but life is not elementary.

We are far away from the vision of one of the heroes of Balzac: "Life is a craft, you need to learn it" But it’s good to know and do it right. “A person is made not to grieve in the presence of a gas, not to let go of filthy things, not to rob misfortune through a spent gum”(A.P. Chekhov). Nasampered, you need to organize your life in a good way. Blessing of life requires rozpochinati z work. Not long ago, one robitnik, speaking at the great gatherings on one of the Siberian everyday life, said: “Ordering us ahead of the robot, and then earning money”. Possibly, in a literary way, it is accurate, but the sense is deep and correct.

It’s not easy to choose your own work to the soul - it’s necessary to add a lot of factors to the success of your nutrition. Here, the natural sickness, the objective situation, and the turbulent growth of the economy, if the traditional transfer of specialty from the father to the blue is not possible, then the family furnishes it, most of the time, if the wine is most needed, the prospect is not good. Plutanina in thoughts, unfortunately, mіtsno іsnuє in our life. ale chim folded meals, we have more respect, strength, diligence that talent needs to be applied to the yogo cherry. Dosvid advanced people and advanced teams show what is possible. Earnings, material mind - this is the most important side of life, and ignore this bik stupidly. It is not possible, obviously, to lead everything to the material minds, the shards, whether one-sidedness is conducive (well, the order “One-sided fakhivets is similar to a flux”) is good. Our country has majestic possibilities. You don’t need to spend more money for the care of the mission. You don't need to be afraid of Vikhati - Angara, Yenisei, Olena, Amur, Vitim, Vilyuy, Khantayka, Amguyema - you can't list everything. And go not just for the old karbovanets, but for the knowledge of life, go, so that you yourself can stumble in the thick of the bottom. Work on the great Siberian houses, on the Pivnochi - not only a virishennya of material nutrition, a majestic life and a virobnichiy dosvid. Everyday misery in a special life intolerant (forget about bringing more miraculous words of Rene Descartes "Order makes a thought"). How can a person be illumined, like a thought in her mind, not right? Ale is so intolerant of happiness and love. It is possible to reach them, but it is not possible to reach them, it is no longer possible to make decisions about them. Prerechno guess Suvorov's vislovlyuvannya: "The enemy of visions is failure, weaning, misery - good luck". The enemy for being like a person, and for the illuminated vtrychi - non-blasphemy and laziness in a special life, daily happiness, daily life. That's why we have to think about it for ourselves. Kohannya, good luck - not the topic of this article, but it would be desirable to indicate all the same two provisions.

Perche. Don't go out on your own, get a kohannya. Nature bestowed a gift on people to everyone - to sleep smart and dance, paint, love and rich others. Ale, in nature, everything is given even in small quantities. They gave everything to lie in the form of people. Those same and kokhannya. Vaughn can be seen at a glance. It’s possible, to get the best kohanny, but then you need to spit, spit, look at yogo, as if I live in the bush, otherwise it will wither away, zahiriya or, on the other hand, with a good look at the rozkvitne.

Other. Universally sanctified people, sanctified people, who live by the principle formulated in the great words of Marx - "Nothing is a stranger to me", and, fortunately, more available.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the article does not pretend to be a complete food. Illuminated people it is necessary to know more richly. The article is less than a sprinkling of joys, as the author sees the suttevimi. Schopravda, є garna іdіyskа prikazka. "Nailegshe - give in, naivazhche - їх vikonuvati". Tim is not less, for the sake of Korisnі. It is possible to appear as a coris and tsia article.

Josip Sergiyovich Zavalishin


Yakіy bi oblasts have no letters: political, virobnichiy chi life (Note by І.S. Zavalishina).

As if I asked I.S. Zavalishin: what are the best routes to conquer your country. Vin said, what is the most beautiful thing from the Kremlin. Potim - Boulevard Kilce. Let's sweat "Zolote Kіltse", old Russian towns. Dali, like a possibility, the Urals, the Siberian rivers ... “You need to throw everything away,” I said. S. Zavalishin, - and raise the price of the Volga, Angara, Baikal, Yenisei ... ”Today it was important to raise the price. At the same time, there are a lot of travel agencies, but the stench is better to direct you to Canary.

So I.S. Zavalishin himself. It is obvious that such people should never set their main method of special wealth. Serm'yazhna wisdom of the new Russian philistinism, navpaki, exclaims "do not be idiots", for those who "ride everything" and ride yourself. Will the same ideology prevail? Isn’t it possible for my children to grow up, that onukiv also zamoktaє tsya quagmire of vulgarity? Like I mentioned to Zavalishin about the career. Vіn seated me in front of him and said: “You maєsh once and remember for yourself what you want: kar'єri chi comprehension of the great truths. Yakshcho kar'єri, then I can't teach you anything. Go and intervene with someone else."

How do I succeed new zmist. In the wake of the change of the social and economic situation of the krai, zokrema, at the people's state, it became great life on the periphery of Russia, places are not reconstructed and developed, new ones are not being discussed. As a result, vinyl has low problems. A sharp concentration of everyday life in the Center, and to be more precise, near Moscow, leads to total forgetfulness, which is safe for the historical center. There are no richly designed design institutes, they were sent to the country, and the design rose among small firms. Unemployed specialists appeared. This is far from being the same problem in my galusi. (N.I. Zavalishin)


Ordering, editing, comments Belyakov E.A., Zavyalova N.I., 2017.

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Good day, shanovnі chitachi. Today I would like to talk to you about those, how to become a literate, erudite and intellectually advanced person. Today, it’s not enough for success, but we’re just happy to be talented at someone alone. Everything is more and more highly valued by impassioned erudition and raznobіchna rozvinenіnost. Having grown all the right sprats, you can shine not only in the company of your friends and acquaintances, but also to strike the devil.

Be open to the new

First and most important - do not curl up. A lot of people dovey fates vibuduyut a system of values, vibrate a simple line of behavior, remind themselves of deaky knowledge. But the main problem lies with ossification. If you will only be true to one song of knowledge, you will not be able to expand your horizons. It is also important to remember the bachiti and the slightly new.

Don't hurry

Remember that the result will not appear quickly. Work all with happiness and satisfaction. And for whom it is necessary to hurry up. Don't check the result right away. A lot of modern people suffer themselves through the process of ochіkuvannya. People want to take everything at once. Relax.

To work everything properly, she does not hurry. Inform your skin. Otherwise, you may miss a lot of important details. Do not varto engage in enlightenment just for the sake of enlightenment. Remind yourself like a decanter. Viveyte all with interest, schirim that inexplicable.

The more you delve into the details, the better you will understand the essence of what you see. I think that all of us are miraculously aware of the difference between the short-lived and the beloved book. So be it with some knowledge. Just zaphati in yourself a bunch of facts, you will be an absolute idiot.

Obov'yazkovo vіdvedіt an hour for yourself on your own. Without a book, without a computer, that telephone. Just watch and be quiet. At such a moment, a person can think calmly. Aje the same tse and є guarantee success. Do not just remind yourself with all kinds of knowledge, but try them for relish, doubt, give different criticisms.

What to say

How can beginners help you at your reach? I think that everything will be fine with me, so that I will develop my Krasnomovstvo more crooked. For whom there is no need, but remember it beautifully and correctly, it’s better to speak in a coherent way. Zavdyaki current technologies you need to get out of the house for whom it is not necessary.

Today, there are anonymous programs for phones and tablets, which can ask you directly for the development of redism. If it’s not enough for you, then you can always sign up for a course with a living vikladach.

One more rіch, yak, without a peep, will be coris - the whole logic. Buy or download your own handbook of logic, write down the task, be logical language, learn to pick up the logical language of your thoughts. It is more important to remember the whole picture as a whole.

The study of psychology and sociology will help you with sensible people. Don't be afraid to start something small. Don’t throw yourself at the whole psychology once. Reply to yourself. Find out more about your character, pass a few psychological tests, for example, cattell test. Step by step, go deep in that sphere of science, like you have the best.

In addition, the understanding of what is being observed is already helped. Choose images of people for the help of literature and cinematography. Learn the situations that emerge from the main characters. Give sumnіvu їhnіy vybіr і fantasize, as if they had done it.

Precise science helps to put everything in its place. Mathematics, physics, chemistry will be good for you, don't hesitate. One of my acquaintances practically vryatuvav our company, if we went to the hike. One of the comrades was hung up, and the other one had everything for the fire. We began to freeze, but there were no igniters, no sirnikov under the hand. Then the young man removed the batteries from the camera and asked for a chew. Zavdyaki tsim batteries and folzі mi could zіgrіtis bіlya bagattya. Don't be fooled by such knowledge.

I am sure that my article has brought you a lot of new ideas and thoughts, so you can reach the bug. Share your thoughts on the article with your friends, if you want, so that the stench will also think about their lives.

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