History of Egyptian medicine. Embalming that accumulated knowledge about the life of the human body. Natural and supernatural ailments

The Egyptians respected that people continue to live
after death, their announcement about eternal life
passed the reason not only immortal
souls, ale and imperishable body, it brought to
appearance of the rite of mummification

Mummification process
The priests were given the right to embalming, more
The Egyptians believed that God made me mummify
Anubis, moreover, he mummified the body of the god Osiris, driven in
Sitom. In tsimu behind the legend, youmu was helped by the squad of Osiris - the goddess

Mummification tools

Yak tools
vikoristovuvalis: gaki
for the cultivation of mіzkіv, glechik for olії, virva,
lower balm.

Embalming technology

1. Relatives bring the deceased to
2. Priest vytyaguє through the nostrils part of the brain.
3.Clean the empty stem
4. Wrap the body of the deceased with bandages and
smear gum.


Organs, taken from corpses, were not thrown and not
underestimated. The stinks were so careful. After the foreshadowing
the organs were washed, and then they got busy at the special
sudini with balm - canopy. Mustache skin mummy lay
4 canopies. Canopic lids, as a rule, were embellished
heads of 4 gods - blue Horus. Їх was called Khapi, yaki maє
baboon's head; Duamutef, with the head of a jackal; Kebeksenuf,
scho maє the head of a falcon that Imset with a human head. At
the songs of the canopy were moved by the songs of the organs:
Imset saved the liver, Duamutef - the slug, Kebeksenuf the intestines, and Hapi took the legends from his own.

Another way of embalming

For help, the tubes for washing should be pushed into the empty cherevnu.
method of embalming
heavenly cedar oliya, not roaring, however, groin and not vityagyuchi
gut. Inject oil through the rear passage and sweat,
plugging yogo, so that the oil does not flow, put the body in the soda meadow
on a penny kіlkіst dnіv. On the rest of the day, let out
intestines, pour in the oil beforehand. Oliya dіє nastіlki
strongly, what to lay out the slack and insides, what to come out
at once from olive oil. Soda meadow spreads m'yaso, so you see
nebіzhchika zalishayutsya seldom shkіra and tassels.

The third way of embalming

The third way, appointments for bіdnyakiv, i
even simpler: “At the heart of the empty pour in
radishes and then put the body in the sodium meadow for 70
days After that body is turned around by one's own"

"Clothes" of mummies"

Mummies don't like mandruvati

Kozhen captain knowing how important it is to transport through
a sea of ​​wrappings in pіvzоtlіli shrouds
mummified corpse. Crew often
starting to protest loudly, threatening to leave
ship - the sailors were afraid of the death of the galleries and others
misfortune. Others, vtim, helped prayers that
mummy sprinkled with holy water.

Statement about the life of the human body in the ancient world

Recognition of ancient Egyptians in the sphere of life
the body (anatomy) was high. pong
knew great organs: the brain, the heart of the judge, nirk
, intestines, ointments, etc., although they did not give them
special wedding.
At ancient Greece roztin corpses not
viroblyali otzhe, the life of the body of people
they didn’t know, they were notified about Budova body buli
empirical. In the era of Hellenism (the last stage
the development of the slavish suspіlstvo on the Ancient
Greece) it was allowed to anatomy the body
dead. Until then, the doctors were given for
vivisection of condemned evil-doers.


- At last the embalming appeared
new knowledge in the gallery of anatomy.
mummies were prescribed magic
exuberant power.
-Artists vikoristovuvali tsey powder
Prepared black farbi.

Medical knowledge in Ancient Egypt was changed by a high equal. Until our time, there have been texts that avenge the great number of reports about ailments and the ways of their exultation. On the most equal level, there was a diagnosis. Deyaki likarsky preparations, which were victorious at that hour, are actively zastosovuyutsya and donin.

Medicine and religion

Like other ancient civilizations, medicine in Egypt was inextricably linked with religion. The founder of її was the god of wisdom. The one who was credited with the authorship of 32 hermetic books. Six of them were dedicated to medicine. Ninі all tі pracі vtrachenі.

The cream of hermetic books, medical knowledge was also based on papiruses. The most prominent of them, which have survived to this day, are the papyruses of Ebers and Smith, written around 1500 BC. In the Ebers papyrus, major medical topics are described, as well as over 900 orders and prescriptions. Papirus Smith to avenge vіdomosti about the rejoicing of the wounds and the downtrodden mіsts. Found also practice in pediatrics and gynecology.

Doctors of Ancient Egypt

The first healer, named after him in ancient manuscripts, around 3000 BC, Sekkhetenans. That’s right, the court physician, “what a healer of the king’s mind.” A statue with a memorable inscription about Tsyu Podiya was erected in honor of this youmu bulo.

Most known by the Egyptian healer buv Imhotep, which is about 2975 BC. In addition, he was the head vizier of the pharaoh and the architect. Years later, Imhotep became the patron saint of medicine. However, reliable information about yoga was not saved.

Ancient Egypt had a special caste of doctors. Її representatives were trained at specialized schools near Saisi and Heliopoli. Doctors were especially fond of the rules described in the sacred texts of the Hermetic Books. While the doctor was waiting for him, nothing threatened him, so the patient died. Ale for any access to the new check was punished by death.

Knowledge about the life of the human body and ailments

Irrespective of the practice, rosetin and embalming of the dead, knowledge about the anatomy and physiology of people were left on a low level. Tse z tim, that there was an impersonal fence around the dead body. It was not physicians who were engaged in embalming, but special fahivts.

The statements about ailments were grounded on the ideas of the universe of evil spirits. To that, an invisible part of the jubilation of the boules was inspired by those special magical rituals. The other reasons for falling ill were the bad weather. Surgical exuberance practically didn’t stagnate through the fear of hurting the body before sweaty life. Only the simplest procedures were carried out: the repositioning of the wilt and the application of splints in case of fractures.

Prote, the diagnostics was to finish the slipped equal. So, the Egyptians were able to measure the pulse on various arteries and little evidence of blood circulation. The life of an important organ was respected by the heart, and one the most important functions- gasp. The temperature was controlled by hand application. For some kind of tribute, the Egyptians were able to listen to the heart of that legend, applying their ears to the chest of the ailing.

Medical therapy

Pharmacotherapy was well established. Bula vіdoma large number of likіv and descriptions of their exact doses for quiet chi іnshih ailments. Deyakі iz them actively vikoristovuyutsya to this day, for example, olive and castor olії, saffron and opium. On a high level, there was also knowledge about hygiene. And in the treatment of various illnesses, great respect was attached to diet.

The enrollment of ancient Egyptian texts began recently, after the fact that the French scholar J.F. Champollion unraveled the mystery of the Egyptian hieroglyphic sheet. The first notice about the matter was broken on 27th of April 1822 before the collection of French judges. This is sacredly respected on the day of the people of the science of Egyptology. The confession of Champollion was inscriptions on the Rosetta stone, found by an officer of the Napoleonic army in 1799. when digging trenches, there was a place of Rosetta in Egypt. Before the decipherment of the ancient Egyptian leaf, the only dzherels from the history of Ancient Egypt and yoga medicine were in the home of the Greek historian Herodotus, the Egyptian priest Manetho, and the ancient Greek poet, and also the work of the Greek writer, Paul Diodora, Plub. the tombs of that papyrus suvo were left for the “nimimi” elders. First of all, about the basis of medical treatises in Ancient Egypt, one can find in the entry on the wall of the tomb of Uash-Ptah, the head architect of the king of the V dynasty, Neferirk-Ra (XXV century BC). In his writing, a clinical picture of the rapt death of the architect is induced, as for the current manifestations, one suspects a myocardial infarction or a brain stroke. The most recent medical treatises are written on papirus. To this day, the stench has not been spared and we know about them only from the records of ancient historians. Thus, the priest Menefon recounts that Athotis (another king of the First Dynasty) wrote a medical papyrus about the body of a human being. At the present time, 10 main papyruses are seen, more or less frequently consecrated to the liturgy. Use them with lists from early treatises. The oldest medical papyrus, which has come down to us, is dated approximately 1800 r. BC e. One yogi divided the devotions to the guardianship of the slopes, and the other - the jubilation of the creatures. At that very hour, papyrus IV and V from the Romesseum were compiled, in which there are descriptions of the reception of magical jubilation. The most recent information about the medicine of ancient Egypt is given by two papyrus, dated approximately 1550 BC. e., - the great medical papyrus of G. Ebers and the papyrus of surgery by E. Smith. Offending papyrus, perhaps, written by one special and copies of an old treatise. Egyptologists vvazhayut that this ancient papyrus, which was not saved, was folded by the legendary physician Imhotep on the cob of the III millennium BC. e. Zgodom Imhotep buv burns

2. The link between the mythology of ancient Egypt and the glee. The Egyptian religion, which was based on the mayzhe chotiri thousand, was based on the cult of creatures. Kozhen the Egyptian nome (city-power) maw his sacred creature or bird: gut, lion, bik, ram, sokil, ibіs and іn. The snakes especially scurried about. Cobra Wajit was the patron saint of Lower Egypt. The image was on the pharaoh's headdress. A row of falcons, bjolas, and shulikas won the tsar's power. On the amulets, the cobra was placed with a sacred eye - a symbol of the sky god Horus. The dead cult creature was embalmed and hovered at sacred tombs: intestines at the Bubastis municipality, ibіsіv at the Iunu municipality, dogs at the places of their death. Mummies of sacred snakes were buried at the temples of the god Amun-Ra. At Memphis, at the grandiose underground necropolis, great number stone sarcophagi with mummies of sacred bugs. Killing a sacred creature was punishable by death. Behind the manifestations of the Egyptians, the soul died of people with a stretch of 3 yew. rocky perebuvaє at the bodies of the burning creatures and birds, which help to unique the unsafeness of the sweating world. Tsim Herodotus explains the severity of punishment for the driving in of a sacred creature. The head gods of jubilation were the god of wisdom Toi and the goddess of motherhood and birthright Isis. That image was like a person with the head of a bird, ibіs chi insinuated the image of a baboon. І ibіs, і babіan added wisdom in Ancient Egypt. Having created writing, mathematics, astronomy, religious rites, music, and especially importantly, the system of curing sickness with natural remedies. The most recent medical treatises are attributed to Jom. Isis was respected as the creator of the magical foundations of exultation and the patron of children. Faces for the names of Isidi Navit are conjured at the practice of the ancient Roman pharmacist Galen. Ancient Egyptian medicine had other divine patrons: the might of the lion-headed goddess Sokhmet, the protectress of women and mothers; the goddess Tauert, who was portrayed as a female hippopotamus. The skin of the newly-born Egyptian is independent of his social status, lying in charge of a small statuette of Tauert.

The culture of ancient Egypt has lost a deep trace of the history of light culture. The ancient Greeks and Romans, just like the people of the Close Descent of Africa, drew richly from the literature, science and science of Egypt.

In order of mathematical, astronomical, geographical knowledge, the ancient Egyptians had little knowledge in medicine. Priyomi likuvannya originated in Egypt 4000 years before the stars. e. Medicine in Egypt was in the hands of the victims. The doctors of Egypt have a high reputation. Postupovo from the accumulated evidence for 2000 years BC. i.e., Egypt has developed a great medical specialization. The Egyptians had doctors-surgeons, doctors-internships; Among the surgeons, doctors were divided, and they were engaged in operations on the eyes, rejuvenation and filling of teeth.

During the period of the so-called ancient kingdom (III thousand years), the Egyptians achieved significant success in medicine.

Jerels of our reports about medicine in Egypt, as well as about ancient Egyptian culture in general, and hieroglyphic inscriptions on sarcophagi, pyramids and other houses, and on papyrus.

In ancient Egypt, until our time, medical papyruses have been used, like collections of descriptions of various illnesses, symptoms of ailments, from prescriptions for recognition and recognition, with translations of recipes. For saving the papyruses of the old ones Kahunskiy, dedications to women's ailments and writings around 1850 BC. e. For 1550 BC. e. were folded two of the largest medical papyruses in the world: papyrus smith, knowledge at Luxor, assignments of surgery, healing of wounds and anatomy, that Papyrus Ebers, knowledge from Thebes, assignments to ill parts of the body. The papyrus of Smith is respected with a new copy of the ancient papyrus, which was not saved until our time, attributed to Imhotep. Written later - close to 1450-1350. Don. e. - papyrus brugsch treats about the health of mothers and children, about children's ailments and is the most recent document in pediatrics. Other types of medical papyrus were written in 1200-1300 BC. e. Compilation of papyruses is the result of numerical warnings, citation of more old materials, copying and rewriting of essential medical documents, which have not been passed on to us.

The Egyptian medical papyruses make you look at the sickness. The most recent papyrus gives special respect to the empiric rules of likuvannya, vkazіvka likіv and may not avenge religious motives. In an hour before us, the folding of the papyrus of Ebers, a series of empirical guards, is accompanied by the inclusion of a mystical, religious character, sooth the magical spirit of the doctor. The papyrus Brugsch, which is closest to us in an hour, is written with religious mysticism and avenges a lot of remarks on magical procedures and prayers. The famous German Egyptologist Trapov iz zdivuvannyam stating that "medicine in Egypt every hour more and more pierced that mystic into chaklunstvo".

Zgіdno z vіruvanniami egyptians, the soul of a person continues to sleep after death, prote only for the mind of saving the body, in a yak she could move in. With the method of slaughtering the corpses, the embalming was stagnant. Whom the knowledge of anatomy has taken on. The embalming is not a little broad in character, it only slandered the privileged top - the kings (pharaohs), the victims, the greatest possible people, on the basis of which the embalming was evenly obmezhenim. A number of anatomical terms, like in Ancient Egypt, tell about the knowledge of certain organs, brain, liver, heart, vessels. However, the knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of people among the Egyptians was scanty.

The description of the symptoms of the disease was broken down in detail. In papirus, intestinal ailments, ailments of the wild ways, bleeding, ailments of the intestines, elephantiasis, ophthalmic ailments, and important febrile fevers are described. A number of galleries of likuvalnoy medicine were insured with the satisfaction of the promotion of drinking of possible people. Here you can see massage, water treatment, zastosuvannya expensive likіv іz already folding recipe thinly.

The elements of sanitation and landscaping, revealed by archaeologists like the ruins of ancient Egyptian places, were also less common in the palaces and quarters of the nobility and spread to the settlements and dwellings of other versions of the population.

Viysk doctors, as they accompanied the Egyptian military during the campaign, accumulated wounds in the galley of healing wounds, breaking those other injuries. On the tombs of the Ancient Kingdom, images of operations on kintsivkah were preserved. In one of the most recent papirus, which is attributed to the healer Imhotep, who was burnt for a year, describes the operations.

In Egypt, dressings of wounds, amputations, circumcision, and castration were stagnant. At the papyrus of Imhotep to take care of the analysis of injuries, as the prognosis is subdivided into vicious, doubtful and hopeless. Statements are given, as a way to recognize the term vagity and “a woman, as she can and cannot be born”. Vluchni descriptions of paralysis and in. In papyrus, there is an indication of the significance of the brain and spinal cord for the human body, it is described by injuries of the head and spine, and it is shown that after the brain damage, the whole body is not too strong.

At the temples, schools were founded for the preparation of doctors. For 600 years before the stars. e. qi schools began to accept foreign students. In Egypt, the Greeks often taught medicine.

The medicine of Ancient Egypt has already spilled over the medicine of the Greeks, Jews and Arabs.

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