The best clinic of eco according to oms. The best eco-clinics of Russia. “Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I. Kulakov": the ancestor of the ECO in Russia

The EKO facility is equipped with one of the best embryological laboratories in Europe. Vaughn pratsyuє for naivishchimi standards.

To the knowledge of embryologists, the new possession and the introduction of the American system for monitoring the quality of robots, we have been able to reach incredibly high statistical indicators. Imovirnіst zaplіdnennya from the first sample EKZ sygaє 50%. In this rank, the chances of being successful in the AltraVita clinic are higher, lower than the average in Russia, in Europe and higher, lower in the USA.

What is the reason for such a high efficiency of the work performed by the YBC?

  • Yakisna work of doctors-reproductologists.
  • Availability of ultramodern embryological laboratory.
  • Creation of an optimal microclimate for successful cultivation of embryos.
  • A selection of new technologies that will be planted in the USA.
  • Tіsna spіvpratsya with the best clinics of the world. We are adopting the current knowledge and in our own time we use the most advanced methods to improve the effectiveness of the EBC.
  • Yakіsnі vitratnye materia, scho vikorisovuyutsya at the embryological stage of the EKZ.
  • Compliance with the quality standards of the work of the College of American Pathologists, which is confirmed by the fact that we have a valid certificate.
  • The fate of scientific activity and the development of state technologies.
  • The work is consistent with the principles of evidence-based medicine.
  • Relative diagnostics at the stage of preparation before the start of the selection of the optimal method for achieving pregnancy, going out of age, becoming healthy, and the factor of safety and future healing.

About those that our branch of the EKO is among the best, witness the great drink on our servants from the side of the bulk of the far abroad. Nearly 20% of our patients are friends from Europe, USA and Asia.

The effectiveness of the extracorporeal filling is based on a variety of factors. Among them, one of the most important is the qualification of a doctor, who is to conduct preparation for IVF and the procedure itself, as well as the level of equipment of the clinic to modern facilities. Today in Russia there are over 100 installations to carry out extracorporeal flooding; choose the best clinics of the YBC to help, for us, statistical data and reviews of patients.

ECO statistics for Russia

To describe the general picture of the development of extracorporeal flooding in Russia, let's look at some statistical data:

- over 30,000 protocols (programs) of the YBC are being widely published in Russia;

- due to extracorporeal flooding, over 8,000 children are born;

- Average variant of EKO in Russia - from 120 to 230 thousand rubles. Chastkovo tі vitrati finance the state like federal quotas; since 2013, the possibility of raising the EKZ for the policy of ZMS has appeared;

- Mainly IVF clinics are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg; their number in the regions is small.

Read also:

Rating and reviews about IVF clinics

Planuyuchi extracorporeal flooding, it is necessary to collect not only the clinic, but also a specific doctor, reproductologist. It is necessary to pay respect for the number of operations performed by the doctor, their effectiveness, for the professional development of the doctor (probation, mastering new techniques, participation in scientific life).

Tim is not smaller, the choice is also more respectful. Aje in the clinic zdiisnyuvatemya procedure and preparation before it. The Russian Association of Human Reproduction, which promotes facsimiles in the field of reproductive health, based on objective data (ECF effectiveness, evidence of possession, acquisition of new technologies) and opinions of ECU patients, to establish a rating. Lower, in order of changing the rating, the best ones will be redeemed for sub-bags in 2017.

Clinic of Reproductive and Prenatal Medicine EMC

The team is doctors with the right to work at leading clinics in Europe. Differently see a human female infertility the clinic rejoices over the use of modern methods of DRT: IMCI, PIKSI, additional hatching, PGD skinny.

In folded cases, doctors organize a consultation for the participation of all necessary fahivtsiv (endocrinologist, geneticist, oncologist, etc.).

The ECO laboratory was created and equipped to the standards of the American Association. reproductive medicine which provides additional safety for patients in DRT programs.

About 3000 children came to the world.

Variety of programs - 3100 c.u. (Payment is carried out in rubles for the CPU rate).


3 years ago the trumpets blew me. Vagіtnіst Bula could only be done for the help of EKO. 2 times robbed EKO in the house near Petrozavodsk, but not far away, the embryos did not take root. My gynecologist, who has known me for 10 years, herself recommended going to the EMS. Here, my doctors advocated the use of IVF with the help of a special medium for the embryo, on kshtalt glue (Embrio-glue), so that the embryo was more likely to stick to the walls of the uterus and the vaginess came. Nareshti everything went, such a command of the EMC!

ECO Center, Smolensk

49.7% - such a performance of extracorporeal flooding programs, which are carried out at this clinic. Krim EKZ, near the center there is a jubilation without a flight. Variety of one program - 130 thousand. rub. The center accepts patients for a non-cash EKZ with an HMI policy. Let's take action reviews about the clinic ECO Center at Smolensk:

Nika:“The clinic is owned on the greatest level. But it’s important to bring not only those, but those who practice miracle doctors there. ”

Irina:“To the doctors for those who helped me become a mother. For 8 years, we unsuccessfully went to different clinics, made different diagnoses, but I still can’t help us. Only then did they solve all our problems, they appointed merriment, and after the YBC we became the fathers of two cottonmen.

Ganna:“My diagnosis may be hopeless -. I gave anonymous analyses at various places, they didn’t know anything right, but the pregnancy never came. I went back to the center of the city, we rapped around at once from a man, then we tried the EKZ, and everything worked out for us. ”

Clinic of likuvannya bezpliddy "For the people", Moscow

Clinics have different and modern reproductive technologies. Fakhіvtsі Center to regularly hold webinars, zokrema for patients; pratsyuє service of resettlement for women and family couples, yakі pribula on likuvannya from other places.

The number of new EKZ programs, with the improvement of drugs, is 223 thousand. ruble Before the price, the price does not include the primary furnishing. Cheaper (170-180 thousand rubles) Koshtuvatime EKZ with donor sperm or eggs. Characteristics Advice about ECO in the Center"For the people" come:

Margarita:“Behind my shoulders - a sprat of samples in Israel. Before votchiznyanoy medicine, I lay with mistrust, but, as it were, for nothing. At this clinic, you should try the first IVF.”

Milana:“Zavdyaki to the doctors of the clinic “For the People”, I became a mother from the first try. The center itself is small behind the square, but there is a high-ranking hospital and laboratory.

Evgen:“We came from a different place and didn’t know what to do first try to get interested. The only minus is that you don’t have to assign an hour to the reception. Ale, singly, to those who are already richly eager to admire themselves here.

Clinic "Center ECO", Moscow

As in all the best clinics of the EKZ, different reproductive technologies are used here, as well as diagnostics and diagnostics are carried out without any problems. For the tribute to the center, the effectiveness of the YBC, held in the new one, is higher 1.5 times, lower than the average in Russia; in okremih vіkovih groups won 60%. Clinic Center IVF zdіysnyuє reproductive programs with CHI. Variation of the program with the course of injections - 194 thousand. rub. Deyaki comments about the work of the center:

Nadia:“It is small not far away to see the glory in another place, as if they are already praised. I spent a few pennies and an hour, and later I read on one forum that stench does not freeze embryos. The EKO Center has been honored with the full availability of information - they tell you about all the procedures carried out.”

Olena:“The clinic is small, but only a plus - the situation is more calm and calm. Doctors are respectful and thoughtful. Before that, I robbed the ECO near Finland, where I bled less blood. And then the mustaches were shattered more and more neatly and neatly. ”

How to perform IVF in the nearest clinic "IVF Center"

Clinic "Mother and Child", Moscow

Center "Mother and Child" - one of the leaders in the rating of IVF clinics

"Mother and child" - a network of clinics near Moscow and regions of Russia. There are 6 centers near the capital under this brand, which provide medical services for adults and children. Branch of the EKZ - at the centers, distribution at Kuntsevo, Lapino (perinatal center), at the station. Savelivska metro station, on the street. Ostrovityaninova (Pivdenny Zakhid). Medical centers take part in the HMS program; total cost of ECO programs - close to 200 thousand. middle reviews about IVF clinicє both positive and negative:

Olena:“The atmosphere at the clinic was even better, it could be homely. In addition, the ECO borrows a whole lot more, there you can not only visit the necessary specialists, but also immediately create all the analyses.

Victoria:“Robila in the clinic two protocols. It wasn’t far away, suddenly the vaginess faded. Then we began to rejoice in another clinic, there the vaginess died down. Ale є iz chim porіvnyati. At “Mother and Child” I was honored with those that the doctors can always call, call at weekends in the evening.

Maria:“It’s more convenient that they work without holidays. It was also worthy of those who take analyses, as they were given earlier, in other clinics. Do not have to overpay for those same doslіdzhennya. I have my own pharmacy, there are specific preparations, which are not easy to know in other areas.”

Olena:“Everything was worthy, okrim cherg, with some of them it was possible to sit, to wind up like a distant leg was recorded. Another minus is that it is too expensive, and for the skin test of the EKZ they take the same amount. With this care, the vagity is paid well.

International Center for Reproductive Medicine, St. Petersburg

The average performance of the YBC at the center, which since 1993 has been specializing in reproductive technologies, is 49-54%. In 2015, the clinic decided IVF with the HMI policy. Variation of procedure warehouse 95 yew. rub. (without adjusting the price of the necessary faces). In their comments Patients, guessing a little plus in the center, to talk about yoga shortcomings:

Ganna:“For a long time they robbed the clinic for IVF, zupinilis on this center, moreover, one of the best in Russia. Likar was more respectful, if you could get in touch with her. An important official is even those who have lower prices, lower prices than the average in the market. The result is positive, we have a daughter”.

Olena:“I rejoiced at the 4th birthday, my diagnosis was without an unknown genesis. On the back of my head, we went to bezkoshtovnі lectures, like speeches from the center were held for everyone who was not interested. Suddenly, it became clear that the clinic was harmless. Virishili turn back there. I was given 5 embryos, having taken root one, the pregnancy came from the first try.

Irina:“Obviously, the main result is the efficiency that came after the EKZ. Ale, I especially rejected the human appointment of the doctor. Vaughn answered all questions, but it was still dry. For me, it’s even more important that the doctor verifies the result, that he succumbed, but I didn’t succumb.”

ECO Center, Volgograd

Clinic Center for IVF near Volgograd is one of the establishments of the great All-Russian Merizh. According to the statistics, the effectiveness of the procedure is 49%. This is one of the first private centers that will take part in the extracorporeal funding program of the state. Vartist EKZ with preparations to become 130 yew. rub.

Unfortunately, a lot of steam is stuck with the problem of conceiving a child. Most often they blame the stench through the absence of one of their friends. Tse disease can be absolute (to be blamed through defects and development, non-reversible changes in the state apparatus, etc.) and vidnosny (building up to exaltation). Por_vnyano recently learned a way to fight against absolute bezplyddy. The IVF procedure (extracorporeal flooding) allows a girl with a diagnosis without a child to give birth to a healthy baby. Її meta - to secure in a singing way the penetration of human clitin in women. Such bettors can return to special clinics, facsimiles of such zdіysnyuyut IVF procedure. The choice of a medical center is a particularly important moment, in view of which to lie down and the result. Mi z'yasuvali, on what varto turn respect for us in front:

  1. Service Spectrum. Availability of authorities' laboratories allows the center to provide its patients with a full range of services for one month. And the presence of higher education specialists (mammologist, therapist, etc.) can be allowed to spare an hour for the trip until the next time.
  2. Positive statistics Tell me more about the quality of the work of the clinic.
  3. Professionalism of specialists. Physicians may be aware of fahivtsy, even though we ourselves should lay down the result of the procedure. The staff of the clinic is to blame for the mother of a good reproductologist, embryologist and others.
  4. Wash up at the clinic- an important moment. An hour of preparation before such a procedure is necessary, so that a comfortable and sterile wash was created.
  • yakіst that range of services;
  • notes of patients;
  • professionalism of doctors;
  • wash your mind.

Top 10 best eco clinics in Moscow

10 Art-Eco

Doctors of the highest category, team selected
On the map: Moscow, Veliky Savvinsky Provulok, 12
Rating (2019): 4.5

Clinic "Art-Eco" occupies a leading position in the rating of the best scores. It was founded about 25 years ago by competent professionals in the field of reproductive medicine and embryology. The team of doctors consists of the best fahivtsiv. Over 8,000 babies appeared in the world in an hour's work to the center. Leather spіvrobіtnik - fahivets іz bagatorіchny dosvіdom. The first step is to establish a diagnosis and signify a way of healing, to be carried out externally, both for a woman and a human body. Usі zastosovuvanі techniques may bring efficiency. The importance of Art-Eco's expertise is that the clinic itself specializes in medical reproductive medicine. This gives you the opportunity to take a look at the results of that statistics.

Mortgage proponuє povny range of medical services, which allows you to spend an hour on the examination of the necessary facivists and the task of analyses. In addition, the most comfortable mind for patients has been created here. You can sign up for admission in a number of ways: by e-mail, through a special form on the site, by phone, or especially. The main advantages: miraculous fahivtsі with great success, high efficiency of methods, individual performance, good statistics. Nedoliki: find prices.

9 InTime

Bezlich vdyachnyh vіdgukіv
On the map: Moscow, Komsomolsky prospect 32/2
Rating (2019): 4.5

Bagatoprofilny center "InTime" to carry out diagnostics, treatment and prevention of reproductive processes in the body of a person and a woman. More than 60% of the couples who turned back were not satisfied with the result. In times of infertility, the most effective way to treat a specific skin condition is selected. Zavdyaki modern technical equipment reaches success in carrying out various procedures, including eco. All possessions are controlled by leading Japanese and German companies. Vlasna laboratory conforms to light standards and allows to carry out external obstezhennya.

Variation of the eco program (without urakhuvannya faces) to become 120 yew. rub. The clinic may have a lot of positive feedback from vascular patients. It's been ordered that the staff is always respectful and respectful, the hour of the change is best mind and an individual pidhіd allows you to take the difference in the result for the most vipadkіv. Headlines: best tips, the statistics of the results of the IVF procedure, the rich profile of the activity, the satisfaction of the patients, the good fahivts.

8 Mom

Great honor, a wide range of honors to be held
On the map: Moscow, st. Raskovy, budinok 32
Rating (2019): 4.6

Clinic "Mama" has been successfully functioning since 1999. For the whole hour, she became the winner of the "Krishtal's test tube" award. And over 12 thousand patients became happy fathers. Positive statistics after the IVF procedure is motivated by a large number of factors. They have a wide range of services, a large number of established methods, clinical follow-up and accurate diagnosis. Vykhodyachy s іndivіdualnyh pokaznіkіv vіdkarі choose yourself effective exuberance for tієї chi іnshої patієntki. Women, who had the honor to undergo the IVF procedure at the clinic "Mama", give a high level of comfort and an hour of rebuking at the center and the respect of fahivtsiv.

About zasnuvannya є impersonal vdyachnyh vіdgukіv. Positive statistics is another advantage of the clinic. Doctors of vicorist have the best access to international reproductive medicine in the totality of the possessions of leading light extractors. The first appointment of a reproductive specialist costs 3950 rubles, which includes an ultrasound scan for a woman. Here you can see different higher education specialists. Positive viability: effective methods, outstanding results, a wide range of achievements, democratic prices, free online consultation on the site.

7 Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I. Kulakova

First eco clinic in Russia
On the map: Moscow, st. Academician Oparina, 4
Rating (2019): 4.6

Science Center im. V.I. Kulakova is the oldest eco clinic in Russia and one of the leaders in the rating. Here it was conceived the first time “from the tubes” of 1985. From that hour, over 18 thousand children appeared in the world. With the fates of fahіvtsі the center has perfected the methods of likuvannya bezplyddya and mastered high-technological possession. A woman can be prosperous on the basis of finding the reasons for infertility. The center is considered the largest in the country and has over 53 nurseries and 17 clinical laboratories. Mustache fahіvtsі here may be a great practical advantage of the procedure. Academicians of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences work at the clinic.

Patients are often sent here from the quota for HMS. Here you can do all the necessary analyses, and go through the air outside. For any meals, you can turn to the information center for a hotline phone. The clinic may have a high success rate in jubilation without the need for eco procedures. Leading achievements: fahivtsy with high ranks, a new range of services, a rich profile of directing, the first eco-center in Russia, good results, new possessions. Nedoliki: prices of things in the middle.

6 ECO-Spryannya

Dekіlka program eco, optimal prices
On the map: Moscow, Prospect Mira, 184, building 1
Rating (2019): 4.7

The clinic "ECO-Spriyannya" was recently opened, but in an hour, over 4,500 babies came into the world. This is the result of the robotic provision of the best fahivtsiv, the exact follow-up of the problem in the skin of a particular patient, and the introduction of new technologies. In 83% of the cases, the woman becomes pregnant after the IVF procedure in "ECO-Spriyannya". In 2013, the regional clinic was awarded the prestigious city of Krishtaleva Probirka. For the care of the patient, the doctors charge for the examination of the patient's vacancies by the end of the term.

An important feature is the choice of filling programs. Here you can add a program, until you enter up to 3 samples of conception. Unfortunately, it is far from getting a positive result from the first time. The clinic gives its patients the opportunity to save their family budget. For example, even with a successful result of the procedure, for a term of up to 20 days, there was a change in pregnancy due to singing reasons, then another test will cost a total of 55 thousand. rub. Headlines: the best choice of programs, optimal prices, respect for the setting, more precisely, good results.

5 AltraVita

High value for comfort
On the map: Moscow, st. Nagirna, 4A
Rating (2019): 4.7

The time has come for the rating of the best eco-clinics in Moscow borrowed over 15 years ago AltraVita. Here they were able to create the best minds for women with a problem without a problem. Dosvіdchenі likarі svydko and yakіsno carry out outside obstezhennya z metoyu installation of an accurate diagnosis and a far-fetched path to the solution of the problem. Patients often come to the clinic for an IVF procedure. The development of effective methods allows reaching outstanding results. Perebuvannya in "AltraVita" - the right satisfaction. For women, the comfort will be guaranteed until the next hour of the procedure.

Zgidno z pіdrahunkami, over 13,000 vagities became for 15 years of work. The minimum cost of the eco program is 113 thousand. rub. The price is higher for the average price. Here is a powerful laboratory and a new possession. The clinic regularly introduces new technologies and masters innovative techniques. In 2016, Altravita roci took away the gold certificate of CAP. Narazі here to pass the action - without cost of the first introduction of a reproductologist. Main advantages: high level of comfort, impressive results, better reviews, impersonal services, regular promotions. Cons: find prices.

4 ECO Center

Quota leader with compulsory medical insurance, positive statistics
On the map: Moscow, st. Argunivska, bud.3
Rating (2019): 4.8

The large network of clinics "EKO Center" is represented in 12 places in Russia. In that number, in Moscow. An important feature is the new staff of specialists. Among them are mammologists, embryologists, reproductive specialists, geneticists, immunologists and others. At the center you can go through a complex of services at the stylist's terminus. The clinic sees its own statistics: over 62.8% of positive results after the IVF procedure. Women can choose the "ECO Center" as a clinic for the provision of services from the policy. Before speech, won є the leader for the number of quotas for eco compulsory health insurance in all of Russia. A lot of fahіvtsіv can dosvіd work at a similar gallery for over 15 years.

Patients can call their doctor at any time - call for a call. Merezha maє vlasnі cryobanks. The statement, like victorious here, was prepared by the best lighting companies. It is highly technological and efficient. Patients who returned to the center can make an accurate diagnosis of the reproductive system. Another feature is the individual selection and selection of techniques for skin-friendly people. Advantages: leader of quotas with compulsory medical insurance, positive statistics of results, a wide range of services, high level of service, excellent possession, a team of professionals.

3 European Medical Center (EMC)

Advanced equipment
On the map: Moscow, st. Shchepkina 35
Rating (2019): 4.8

The European Medical Center is the leader in high-tech medical assistance in Russia. Vіn є stanovoi vysokoĭ klass, scho nadaє zluzhennja proklezione extracorporeal filling. First of all, ask the woman for help, and the first person to carry out external obstezhennya and deliver an accurate diagnosis. Jubilation is carried out according to the best methods. Laboratory for the Center in support of international standards. Here you can look at the differences, take some analyses, and vicorist only some of the finest stained glass materials. In addition, the advanced technical equipment of EMC allows you to achieve the best results.

Over 3,000 couples have become happy fathers of the robotic specialists of the clinic. The center of the state cryobank. The 29th certificate allows to apply highly qualified help to women with a diagnosis of bezplydya. There is a team of professionals working here different lands with permission to work at the leading light clinics. An important feature is the practice center in the cylodobovo mode. Benefits: the best technical equipment, medical facilitation from the USA, Israel and other lands, access to doctors at the best light clinics, rich history to the center, wonderful vidguki.

2 Mother and child

Leader for the number of eco cycles, the best methods
On the map: Moscow, st. Aircraft designer Mikoyan, 12
Rating (2019): 4.9

Merezha Clinic of Eco "Mother and Child" is available for more than 32 installations throughout the country. Won is the leader for the number of eco cycles. Positive statistics - one more advantage for the center. There is no such thing as chіkuvannya, the staff is as responsive as possible, and everything is organized to meet the needs of patients. An important moment - most of the doctors were retrained at clinics in Europe. “Mother and child” has doctors of medical sciences, faculty of higher category, professors and associate members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. A team of professionals in the medical care of the individual characteristics of the skin patient and promote the most effective treatment without a problem.

Find your own restaurant on the territory with a varied menu. Rebuvannya in the center will be on the most important level. Moscow has over 6 clinics near the city. Vaughn maє vlasny perinatal center and clinical hospital. Here regularly held tsіkavі aktsії, scho allow zaoschadzhuvati on vіdvіduvannі spetsіalіstіv, as well as carrying out rіznih procedures. In front of both partners, they should pass outside the cladding in one place. Pluses: the leader in the IVF procedure, the best methods, the best statistics, the body’s level of care before the procedure, the best fahivtsі, the best advice, the highest level of comfort.

1 Nova Clinic

Best fahivtsі, іnnovatsіyne obladnannya
On the map: Moscow, st. Lobachevsky, bud. twenty
Rating (2019): 4.9

One of the leaders in the rating is "Nova Klinik" - with its advanced and productive methods. It is respected as one of the best in Moscow for professionals of the highest category, a respectful tribute to the most important result. Here, take patients of folding groups (idiopathic forms, senior reproductive age). High pokazniki reach the hearts of high-tech possession and certified stained glass material. Doctors with bagatory practice successfully help women in their careers. People can apply for a service from compulsory medical insurance.

Here we practice the necessary fahivts. Skin patients choose an individual scheme. Before the procedure, make friends with a new range of analyses. The stench reveals possible pathologies in the future child. Until the speech, after the conception of the clinic, we give the services of conducting pregnancy. Variety of eco programs starts from 76 thousand. rub. Main advantages: high-technological possession, the best methods, outstanding results, facsimiles of the highest category, good advice, comfort mind, vodnya vagіtnostі stretching the common term

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