What is better than taobao or aliexpress advice. What is better than Aliexpress or eBay? Why are the prices different for the same goods

Who deserves the title the shortest internet shop in China. We have a tight battle - among the giants

Taobao chi Aliexpress. Who will be a helper for this difficult thing?

Hello boys and girls. I am Vasyan. Vasyan Petrov. I often buy all sorts of necessities and no less than a piece in the Chinese Internet.

I’m extremely smart in shopping, I haven’t even bought a cup, but I’ve just recently started making videos.

This is my YouTube channel, it will be said there before the speech, if you have a lot of food connected with purchases on aliexpress or taobao, but whoever you want you can marvel at.

Let's remember our unrealistically folding battle. We will have monsters of light sales, in order with such companies as ebay and amazon (at once) - cardboard bullshit, and one taobao to rob this company for obligations of sales, the other one for bagatma and other showcases.

Do you know that TaoBao and Aliexpress are one company?

Її Vlasnik - Jack Ma, founder of the Alibaba Group.

Jack Ma is a seemingly familiar short Chinese, you will pass by and you won’t think that he is one of the most successful and most productive Internet businessmen in China, the one who is already there, in the whole world.

The same wine having fallen asleep with such a company, like the Alibaba group. The first site of Alibaba, the specifics of which is to make a wholesale purchase on the Internet handy. - vzagali worthless on the right.

Alibaba - those names who know a lot of people. The fairy tale Alibaba and 40 robbers know from the very childhood, and її know in 90% of the countries of the world.

A new site was founded - taobao, on the basis of which it was picked up in a right way by the mass of speeches, practically all the goods that are sold in the PRC. І with a different price cut.

80% of the sales of Chinese speeches on the Internet are taobao and the closest relative of aliexpress.

Beating flowers in the lid of their rivals such as eBay and Amazon was created by Jack Ma of the power payment system. AliPay (AliPay) . This crop made Alibaba Group inaccessible to its competitors for a few years of light in advance.

Now we know that Aliexpress and Taobao have one dad.

І in both stores go postiyno

Let's talk about the niche of the skin shop.

What's the deal?

  • Magnificent vibіr product. Really great diversity. Here you can find practically everything.
  • Free delivery. Zvichayno, she is mentally bezkoshtovna. Just vartіst goods are already included to zagalnoї vartostі parcels. Obviously, it’s handy and it’s not necessary to fool around with the drive of the rozrahunka vartosti. I already wrote.
  • Є hoch yakas zahistu system like deception.
  • Compliance with the seller. Yakshcho you can ask the seller for a discount, or a better delivery and, in addition, put some food.
  • It is worthy to finish the number of shares and the opportunity to come coupon.

Why is Taobao overwhelmed?

  • In a right way, millions of goods. Razi has more, lower on the same ali.
  • You can bring branded clothes.
  • Fairly low prices.

Tse all you say? So. I'm sorry, that's all.

Also, for the results of the aliexpress vs taobao battle: Win aliexpress.

Let's talk about shortfalls, who will have less of them:

Why is there a lack of aliexpress?

  • Obviously, delivery terms. 15-45 days - the average hour of delivery. Sounds like a lot.
  • The price for a unique speech is fixed.
  • Great kіlkіst cheap goods low cost.
  • Deception from the side of sellers.
Why is there a lack of taobao?
  • All Chinese mine. The great number of ієroglіfіv and їх kostrubaty translation vіdlyakuє.
  • There is no return of pennies. Bought a product - what came to that and please.
  • It's hard to finish the delivery bag.
  • There is no opportunity to ask the seller. Most of the time they just don't understand English.

Approximately half the number of small ones. And the axis z perevag peremagaє ali.

Really good order, the ability to consult with the seller and not fool around with the delivery drive - the best price, which is the Internet - hypermarkets.

You can't help wondering what you can sign up for on Taobao only through intermediaries. Tse is not true.

Now the bagmen of the other lands can also beg. If you don’t care about the crooked translation, you can boldly twerk. Naturally, the intermediary is waiting for you to write about it, even though they earn not a few pennies on each other. On such sites, how to buy and other prices can easily reach 50%, so plus shipping will cost a discount.

The world of Chinese commodities has risen - this is a good thing.

Delve into the new of great satisfactions.

The absolute majority of Russians literally called to shopping on Aliexpress. This Chinese site has become the most popular place for shopping, regardless of the miracle of the design of goods. Photos on Aliexpress are often low quality, but don't talk about texts. More illiterate texts are easy to express, and they can be used both in the Russian version and in the English version.

The shortfalls are offset by a fantastic range of goods and reasonable prices. Having made a purchase on Aliexpress once, it’s not easy to shop!

To people of power, mothers of different names, zokrema of a sign, to make purchases in the same stores. Only in our hour everything changes quickly. Because you want to make the most of your purchases and save money, you need to periodically update the prices and wash the service at retail stores.

I also need to work shopping in online stores, but for more people, for me it’s not only necessary for me to spend an hour, but also a robot. That's why I automatically remember the price of an anonymous product, and on the butt of a few dozen purchases for the rest of the month, I'm growing visnovok - at a time I'll buy it on ebay.com.

1. Speed ​​of delivery. All purchases made on ebay.com were shipped within 2 days, or more likely 3-4 days. Similar purchases on Aliexpress are carried out more richly. Sometimes you need to check for 7 days or 14 days until the seller completes the purchase and finishes our purchase.

3. Photos of the best quality. ebay.com sellers are more likely to post pictures of their items great expansion that high quality. I make purchases exclusively from a stationary computer with a great monitor, which gives me the opportunity to see the goods in more detail.

4. Prices. Checking the prices on ebay.com and Aliexpress I usually check out the deals on ebay.com. There are sellers from the whole world, including sellers from Aliexpress, and on ebay.com stinks respect buyers and sometimes offer prices 10-20 cents lower!

The cost of the most popular goods: clothes and accessories, clothes, household goods, special equipment, electronics and gadgets. For example, a 256 GB Kingston flash drive can be bought on ebay.com for 20% cheaper, the lowest price on Aliexpress.

Obviously, not all vigіdnі propositions lie on the surface, sometimes you can be diligently shukati commodities, vikoristovuyuchi all the wisdom of poshuku on tsikh trading maidanchiks, but without any navigation within the framework of one Aliexpress you can constantly overpay cunning sellers.

For other goods, you can use other services, but you may have a quick service on ebay.com. All orders from ebay come faster. It is possible that in the future the situation will change and sellers on Aliexpress will work better, but for now my opinion is unambiguous - buy on ebay.com more and accept, lower on Aliexpress.

Belong to one and the same company - Alibaba Group, which was founded by Jack Ma in 1999 in Hangzhou, China. In addition, these sites are united with a single electronic payment system, as the company itself did in 2004 - Alipay.


Online destinations resource for great wholesalers. The site of creations for the creation of goods for the purchase and sale of factories and shops of great stores. At the stated prices, only approximate prices, minimum, available before the consignment, the seller’s price (you can pick up the goods), payment methods, as set by the seller himself, and contact the link. Vlasniki resource practically do not control the process and do not give annual guarantees for the removal of crops taken by the seller and the buyer, tobto. please no scoundrel. A lot of shakhraiv are trapped through all the resources.

As a matter of fact, this maidanchik can be called more informational, less commercial. There are no daily pluses and benefits for a great retail purchase.


The auction is the largest online shopping mall in China, targeting the end of the world. We can list the main ones, remember it was given pluses and minuses, as we see ourselves more newcomers.


  • uniquely majestic selection of goods

  • low prices

  • retail trade


  • Chinese language

  • delivery from the seller only in China

  • for sending to a foreign country it is necessary

And now let's look at the process of buying on Taobao in detail

The great choice of goods without sumnivu is even more vagomic and indisputable pluses. However, you yourself should try to search for a necessary product in such a long time and not forever productive. And if you add to the Chinese language interface, then the task of knowing the necessary speech becomes more important.

The low price is one of the main storage facilities of this trade maidan and one of the largest pardons of buyers. Since the delivery of goods from Taobao is important only in China, post a message about the intermediary. For this, you need to add % of the intermediary to the price of the goods (in the average vіn to become 5-10%), % for transferring pennies to the intermediary (call the PayPal payment system, so I take close to 5%), the delivery rate in China (which is how it will be) + variability of delivery to your country (deposit according to the delivery method of that country). Pіslya vsіh rozrahunkіv go out, the price of goods increases by 20-50%, fallow vіd vаgi pleas.

The need to use an intermediary for purchases on Taobao does not only mean an increase in the number of bidders, but also a clear/attached method of deception. Axis of action from them:

  • purchase of goods for the purchase of goods;

  • delay in the terms of the processing and the correction of the notice, so that after an hour of disputation in paypal, the buyer could no longer return a penny for the wrong product, which did not arrive;

  • zbіlshennya vagi donations with the help of a large amount of paper and smittya.

For the sake of justice, respect that the purchase through an intermediary transfers the goods to the shlyub, if the purchase is still known from China. At the time of the wrong rozmіru, color or poshkodzhennya, rich, you can promptly correct the seller back.

Due to those who deliver within China, the processing of the goods in the warehouse of the intermediary and the delivery to the point of purchase takes more than an hour, and the protection of payments through PayPal wastes its own sense, because. the system gives less than 45 days from the moment of payment for the possibility of withdrawing money for the return of pennies.

In this way, purchases on taobao.com seem to be more profitable with large and large purchases. Never forget that, regardless of the economy of the budget (and the hour of the day), the stink is still associated with a singing risk (and sometimes with a total cost of pennies from an unfortunate intermediary).


created by the company Alibaba Group as the young brother of taobao.com, oriented to the international market. The retailers of the trade maidanchik did not invest money in the promotion, advertising and promotion of the resource on the Internet, and it was just a gibberish for growth in the electronic commerce market. Without adding to the popularity of the resource and the fact that earlier there were few sellers, they trade in lots (3-5 and more items of the name). However, for example, 2012 - 2013, the fate of the site took on a new one. As a result, the interface and the system for increasing the rating were reduced, the trading rules were strengthened, the Paypal payment system was replaced by a larger payment system - Escrow, and the rules for conducting disputes were gradually improved. So it’s necessary to pay tribute to the clerks of the shopping maidan for those who stink their hands on the pulse and quickly react to the situation with the terms of delivery - the maximum number of days per lichnik on the back grew up to 90, and then up to 120, on the situation there were more disputes - there were more disputes a list of reasons for filing a claim was formulated, and it was cleaned up for a break, for example, it is no longer possible to open a dispute for private compensation for a parcel that is expensive.

If you look at Aliexpress in the light of your ninth look (we will be on the serpent of 2014), you can see the advancing pluses and minuses:


  • low prices;

  • great choice of payment methods;

  • the presence of the system for the protection of buyers - escrow;

  • English and Russian language interface and search;

  • contests, sales, discounts, and visibility;

  • the ability to get reviews for goods in Russian, English, Spanish and other languages ​​and attach real photographs;


  • lower selection of sellers and goods from the port of Taobao

  • no consolidation of parcels

  • it is possible to recheck the goods for delivery

  • a number of delivery methods are exchanged (no cargo and shipped by sea)

Taobao.com and Aliexpress.com may have a similar positive moment - low prices for goods. Let's take a look at the butt, where it's cheaper, on Taobao and Aliexpress? Fully resized pictures are shown on the click

Bag on Ali cost $7.51 with China Post Air Mail free shipping. You can turn up to 2% cashback for a purchase for an additional bonus up to that. It will cost approximately $7.36. A bag of Tao at the current exchange rate (10 CNY = 1.6 USD) will cost $ 3.15 + 15% for the intermediary and the transfer of pennies via paypal (the price becomes ~ $ 3.62) + shipping (on average for the same China Post Air Mail to Russia intermediaries charge 18 yuan for 100 grams, a bag is 400 grams, we charge $ 11.66). A taobao bag costs about $15.28.

That’s right, it’s a straight line and averaged roses “on the forehead”. Very few people are interested in one inexpensive and easy delivery from Taobao, before the leather intermediary sets its own price for delivery and offers a different method. You can choose shipping via cargo (approximately 300 rubles per 500 grams, minimum packing weight 5 kg) or delivery by sea (although with which term the payment is significantly more). Rosrahunok is less likely to show that you can buy cheap and light goods on Aliexpress.com, and important ones on Taobao.com.


American company founded by P'er Omidyar in 1995. In 2002, the company added the PayPal payment system, for the help of which earlier payment was made at auctions. An unparalleled victory over other Maidans is the availability of different versions of sites for such countries as Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, which actually means a richly different variety of goods from other types of Chinese, de more non-verbal sellers, trade.

  • mozhlivist robiti rates and otrimuvati goods literally for kopіyki;

  • presence of original, authentic goods;

  • dependent purchase purchase (from ebay and paypal);


  • the seller himself regulates the rates;

  • the seller may not sell the goods to the buyers, which he won at the auction, as if the price was lower for the one he planned;

  • vartіst goods vіd chinese prodavtsіv vishcha, nіzh na tao chi alі;

  • part of the product is not nadsilaєtsya to Rosії, Ukraine chi іnshih kraїn near zarubіzhzhya navіt chinese sellers;

  • a small choice of delivery route (more important than the state mail);

  • kіlkіst symbolіv vіdguku commodities are surrounded by a small number, tobto. it is not possible to write a complete, open-ended comment.

I would like to explain authentic products on ebay.com. Sorry, keep it that way. It is not so rare to blame doubts on the originality of speech bought on eBay, so it is necessary to be extremely respectful if you take an expensive branded version. Do not forget about resellers, periodically you can sell American and European sellers of goods from Chinese sites. Let’s talk about those that are better than aliexpress or ebay, that it’s cheaper, I’d say b, that you can buy goods from Chinese sellers on Chinese Maidans, and ebay wins for buying European and American goods and original branded varieties. The axis of the butt stock is similar to the product in one and the same sale on ebay.com and on aliexpress.com. Images are enlarged on click.

Porіvnyaєmo vishchenavedі trade maidanchiki z , and others small Chinese online stores. Auctions and online megamarkets take their own rent from the sellers, which attracts a price increase for the goods. I’ll give you a quote for the phone on the site buyincoins.com and in the shops of which seller on Aliexpress.com

How can you make a difference at the price to make it high. However, sometimes it’s a pity for the trade maidan:

Mi Bachimo, scho on aliexpress.com, the cloth is cheaper for the store, before that, you can get a coupon for $ 3 and $ 5. Let's look at a similar version in another popular Chinese online store - romwe.com:

In this way, you can buy visnovok, what other cheap goods (make-up pencils, stickers on the wall, rubber bands are thin), you can buy electronics on the same store sites on taobao .com aliexpress.com, ebay.com.
Like visnovok once again I will write the main visnovki :

  • at a glance, buy about the important goods, or work wholesale and get great savings and save money for cheap delivery.

  • buy goods by the piece in small lots on a regular basis. This is the best option for those who can’t or don’t want to take a lot of speeches.

  • it is better not to buy goods from Chinese sellers and remember about resellers, if you sell more expensive than those that you can buy in another place for a lower price.

  • from small okremih it is cheaper to take a piece of food, a part of electronics and technology.

Nasamkіnets hotіlosya b guess, scho need porіvnyuvati tsіni on rіznih resources, vvazhati kіtsevu vartіst goods, do not forget about dodatkovі vitrati for the services of tretіkh osіb, and marvel not only for profit, but for the safety of the purchase. I swear, the article was a corian to you. Your additional help You can remit at .

What's better: buy goods on aliexpress chi vigіdnіshe robiti tse on ebay? There is no single-valued food supply. First of all, to the fact that these trading maidanchiks have different specifications and, obviously, the clients are different. In a different way, the criterion for choosing goods by the buyer is tezh іndivіdualnі.

Online purchases of cіkavі tim, scho to give mozhlivіst kupuvat speech, technology or gadgets of any brands, do not go out of the house or any point of the world. Get buyers and those who actually save the budget by buying goods from first hand. A great range of models allows you to easily select the ideal option for yourself. Ale scho better - robiti purchases on ebay or voddati perevagu aliexpress?

Significant moments and principles of authority

Aliexpress has a lot of sleep on ebay. Offensive Maidans are resurrected by a handy service, the simplicity of a request and the ease of registration of an order, the presence of guarantees for a seller and a purchase. Wash the lot of the lot with a borderline understanding, you don’t blame anyone for the difficulties of buying. The main idea of ​​both services is to ensure comfort for laying the Internet platform between the manager and the seller. Maydanchiki themselves do not sell anything, they are less likely to play the role of a trading intermediary.

But there are still more vіdmіnnosti. Just need a simple river at a low price, not obov'yazkovo brand, without pretensions to the quality, ale nova, better than shukati її on aliexpress. Maydanchik specializes in trade in goods from China and the country of Asia, and here you can know everything you need to know, start with clothes, to the technique and souvenirs of the craftsmanship. Posting European goods on aliexpress is blocked. Chinese stores act as sellers, they show their wishes regularly and often they are able to give discounts for one product to a group.

Ebey is the all-worldwide American Internet auction, where you can buy jaks, firms, and most of all exclusive speeches. Prices for goods here are rich in everything, ale and ochіkuvannya vіd purchases zovsіm іnshі. The seller here is a private person, so is an organization, and you can put up for auction everything that is worth it. Often sales may be one-off. Then the seller breaks the Maidanchik and turns around, just as it is necessary.

On aliexpress, there is the possibility of a special listing with the seller. As soon as the goods are honored, you can write a note and ask for details about what to add. For example, to recognize the chi є rіch in reality, specify її characteristics, dimensions, size, possible delivery method. Under the hour of dialogue, you also don’t hesitate to bargain and lower the price of the lot even more, often the postal workers themselves will try to convince the buyer to make a cheaper offer.

Here you can also add your goods to the special list. If there will be a stink, the system will inform about it by e-mail. If there will be a discount for the need for riches, the purchase will also be ahead of it. If you need help, you can look over the skin day of the site manually, seeing the option you need for yourself.

Delivery and payment for the goods

As there are no such problems with the delivery of ordered goods on a daily basis, this procedure itself can be cost-free for a purchase. If you want to pay for transport services on ebay, the side that gets it. Cost-free service is available from Chinese sellers, but rarely from Europeans. On aliexpress, it’s also necessary to call these okremo food. Definitely say that the delivery of the lot is cheaper, it’s hard to finish it. V_dpov_d lie down in the way of overpowering, vag and dimensions vantage. Important is the region of residence of the deputy.

Sellers on ebay don't wait to wait for the delivery of the parcels to the specified address. Some people don't care, some people just can't help it. Іz Chinese goods are richly simpler. Delivery by aliexpress is available from all directions.

Timchasov framework can also be lifted. Zamovlennya from ebay call to go further. The Chinese are managing the goods quickly, as if spivpratsyuvati with an honest and overturned store.

On aliexpress, you can pay for the purchase in any convenient way. The following options are available:

  • bank cards;
  • Yandex money;
  • webmoney;
  • QIWI;
  • Western Union.

On ebay, the following forms of payment are accepted:

  • bank cards
  • QIWI;
  • PayPal.

The remaining option is chosen most often. The payment method is chosen by the seller, indicating that in the text of the announcement about sales. The other side is left to either wait on such a mind, or else shukati another option.

On aliexpress, the buyer may have the right to pay for the purchase within 20 days after the order is received. Until then, the purchase is left in the reserve, in case of non-payment, the favor is canceled automatically. On ebay, the terms are richly smaller and smarter. The buyer has 4 days to pay the full payment for the lot, but the payment from the other side is repaired earlier. After 2 days after the end, please, the seller can submit a fee for a non-refundable payment to the administration of the site.

Purchase Program

All purchases on aliexpress fall under the control of your own system. Vіdpovіdno before the rules of the price for the purchase at the last moment of making the purchase, please switch to the reserve rahunka of the maydanchik and save until the hour of confirmation of the withdrawal of the parcel. The maximum term of blocking becomes 60 days, for consumption you can spend an hour. It’s better if you’re the seller himself, if you want to tell the rest about it at the helper, so the deputy himself, if you can’t get home from the opposite side.

Available option for arbitration. In case of guilty disputes, the bones will also be frozen until the decision is made to blame one side. In addition, the system talks about buying and ahead of forgetful customers about the end of the term zahistu.

On ebay, the guarantor of honesty is PayPal. The insurance covers the full coverage, including transport costs. Ale, schob zahist nabuv chivalry, it is necessary to remember one rule and pay for the purchase in one payment. Paypal does not work for private redemption of sumi. The system gives its clients the maximum terms for protection, which is good for 180 days for the redemption of money. Claims are accepted by the term up to 20 days, after the emergency situation.

After you have cleared the mind of two Maidanchiks, you should be able to make up your mind on ebay or aliexpress, and make the purchase yourself. Skin from them has its pluses and minuses. On which option the choice of your choice is stale, it is important in the case of special needs, setting up the process of bidding. Іmovіrnіst far away chi not far away purchases skrіz however.

P.S. Friends, roblyachi purchases in online stores, obov'yazkovo koristaytes. As it seems, having spared - tse zarobiv!

Why do I want to say goodbye to you all in the distance shopping!

The stocking of goods in online stores is no longer a rіdkіst koristuvachіv "All-World Pavutini" for a long time. Either "Ibei", "Taobao" or "AliExpress", on the skin of Maidanchik you can know everything you need to know: from small stationery to furniture.

Chinese online stores

But why is there a lot of people who override goods from China, if you get checks on a monthly basis, tim, that you can check at the shortest availability in any kind of market in a native place. The clue is simple. "Taobao" and "AliExpress" allow you to buy speech without intermediary from sellers, uniquely colossal rates.

On tsikh maidanchiks, the buyer can find the same model of the product, but also the rіznih kolіrnih varіacіyakh, as well as follow the sales and promotions. For example, "Taobao" or "AliExpress" is leading a global price reduction, timed to coincide with the day of the store's birthday, holy or "Black Friday". In such a period, products that have been honored can be brought with a generous reduction.

However, not everything is so simple with Chinese online stores. Often, buyers spit on unscrupulous sellers who sell goods that do not match the description. To avoid such situations and understand, which is better: "Taobao" or "Aliexpress", it is necessary to read at the high pardons. It’s enough to remember the difference and the lack of skin care from the Maidanchiks, and remember the rules when making a purchase.

"Taobao" chi "AliExpress"?

The choice of goods on the Chinese maidans is naming wide. Thousands of sellers carry out promotions every day, as they allow you to come at a reduced price. Ale de cheaper: Taobao or Aliexpress?

Offended maidanchiki mayut one structure. Products are divided into categories for a quick search on the site. Koristuvach can filter the proponated products by price, color, delivery method, size and so on. How else does "Aliexpress" look like "Taobao"?

Head office of tsikh maidanchikiv: delivery and price. When buying, it is necessary to bring one product, for example, headphones, clothes, shoes, stationery, and make out a request more quickly on "AliExpress". Here the delivery cost is cheap.

And if I want to buy a lot of goods in one day, then I’ll be quicker with the services of Taobao. It’s great to ask for this maidanchik to have a little less time, less on Aliexpress. Here everything is packed in one parcel and will be delivered in the shortest term. Alece is far from being the only view of "Aliexpress" in "Taobao". To that we proceed with the food.


Offended by online stores - Chinese maidans, and it is important to understand why it is different. "Taobao" and "AliExpress" offer a wide range of products. Ale less "Taobao" insurance for the domestic market in China. We know that recently only Chinese people could make purchases on the site. There was simply no international delivery on the site. In order to take away the goods, it was necessary to reach out to the help of the intermediary, which signifi- cantly increased the wareness.

Now it is possible to register as a foreign purchase and work without intermediary. However, the addition of international delivery did not change the interface of the site. The entire text, like before, was presented only in Chinese language, and the automatic translation helps only rarely.


Like "Aliexpress", "Taobao" offers a wide range of goods to the buyers. Skin category has over a thousand names. Koristuvacham are left only to choose the seller, what he was worthy of, and make a request.

Taobao presents not only Chinese news, but also branded speeches. I, on the view of "Aliexpress", on the Maidan, the stench is not covered by other names.

Mayzhe all goods, representations on Taobao, v_dpov_daє declared equal to the quality. Without a doubt, and here there are unscrupulous sellers, but they are less, less in other Chinese online stores.

The lowest prices are presented to yourself on Taobao, and all through those that are the site of orientation to the domestic market, to the Chinese themselves. For buyers, sellers save a low price.

It’s too hard to say that the parties with the chosen goods are already bidding for a long time. Alece is far from a marriage. All right in the fact that on "Taobao" there are photographs of high quality, which contribute to the interest of all images.


Through those who are "Taobao" insurance for the domestic market, the interface of the site of presentations is only in Chinese language. If there is no official translation, if there is no English, then the buyers of the call will have to go into the help of translators. The axis of only the translation is not the beginning of wisdom, but sometimes it is the same as the hive.

On the side of the goods there is no residual amount, so I can pay for the purchase. Delivery is made on the other side, and the main variant can be recognized only at the stage of payment.

The buyer has practically no defense against unscrupulous sellers. Money for the goods should immediately go to the seller, and as soon as the koristuvach took off the goods of low quality, it is impossible to turn the stained boxes. The administration can request to send the goods back to the seller, but the delivery will cost such a sum that the whole package is losing sensation.


On vіdmіnu vіd "Taobao", "Alіekspres" insurance for the export of goods. The same global side of the site is presented on English language. So, in the menu itself, you can choose a native language for yourself. Naturally, the translation will be a little inaccurate, but the wild zmіst will be understandable.

"Aliexpress" appointments for retail trade. On this maidanchik, it is reasonable to buy goods from small quantities. Delivery at bagatioh vpadkah cost is inexpensive and included in the variant of the purchase.


One of the main advantages of the site "AliExpress" is the wide selection of goods and the purchase without intermediary from the seller. Also, the buyer can always contact the seller through special information. In this way, it is easy to find out what the goods are in reality, specify the details and accurately state the information about the real dress and clothing.

On "Aliexpress" it is necessary to manually insure the purchase price of the bag. As a rule, on the side of the goods it is indicated that the delivery price is specified. And after the choice of color, rozmіru chi kіlkostі koristuvachevі bude will be presented the total variety of all parcels.

Small accessories, stationery and decor items can be hand-crafted through "Aliexpress". On the Maidanchik, a cost-free delivery was transferred, in order to allow speedy vitrati and save.

Another plus for "Aliexpress" is the program to protect buyers. So, if the goods did not arrive at the definitions of the term, or the quality was lower than that declared by the seller, then the buyer can always correct the spir and turn part of it, or all the stains.

Coupons are often found on the Maidanchik, which allows you to save a lot of money on big purchases.


The main minus of "Aliexpress" is the number of goods. Many of the speeches presented on the site do not correspond to the statements made by the speakers. The photographs, displayed on "AliExpress", that otrimane zamovlennya razyuche vіdznyaєєєє. In order to avoid such unacceptable situations, buyers need to carefully select goods. I give special respect to the comments. Buyers often post actual product photos.

Another shortfall is unscrupulous sellers. Often, taking a parcel from "Aliexpress", you can find in the package a small gift from the seller: a ring, a keychain, scented bears. A small trinket raises the mood and fills the garne of hostility about the seller. Ale on "Aliexpress" is a group of sellers, as they are engaged in shakhrayism. The stinks do not force the goods, otherwise they force you to call them else. Administration of the site to fight against similar trends. And all buyers need to take care of the rating of the seller when making an application.

Long-term delivery - tse those who have to pay for leather, who bought on "Aliexpress". Delivery is borrowed from fifteen to sixteen days, if not more.

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