A dozen extraordinary speeches with unique powers on the planet. The finest matter, the home of people.

In the world of a lot of marvelous speeches and unimaginable materials, all of them can claim the fate of the category of "the most amazing among people invented by people." Without a doubt, these speeches “shatter” the rules of physics only at first glance, in fact, everything has long been scientifically explained, even though the speeches do not become less marvelous.

Speech that breaks the rules of physics:

1. ferridity- This is a magnetic motherland, for which you can make even more beautiful and vigilant figures. Vtіm, while the magnetic field is absent, feroridity is viscous and is not noticeable by anything. Ale axis varto pour on it for help magnetic field, like її particles of vishikovuyutsya vzdovzh force lines - and create schos neimovіrne ...

2. Aerogel Frozen Smoke(“Frozen Dim”) for 99 tons is added up again for 1 - for silicon anhydride. As a result, even more damaging magic comes out: the chain hangs in turn and so on. In addition, this gel is fireproof.

Being perhaps incomprehensible, the airgel can, at the same time, reduce the practical gravity of the burden, which in 4000 times will turn over the case of stained speech, moreover, the wine itself is also light. You can beat the cosmos: for example, for the "wiggle" saw in the tails of comets and for the "insulation" of the astronauts' suits. At the future, it seems to be a nobleman, he will show up in rich booths: a very handy material.

3.Perftorvuglets- tseridina, scho to avenge the great number of sourness, and as a matter of fact, you can go wild. Speech was tested back in the 60s of the last century: on mice, demonstrating a small part of efficiency. It’s a pity, less than a song: the laboratory mice perished after many years, spent at the facilities from the motherland. Vcheni dіyshli thoughts, scho to all fault - houses ...

Today, perfluorocarbons are vicarious for ultrasonic measurements and navit for coagulation of piece blood. It is not possible to uncontrollably vicorate speech at any time: it is not environmentally friendly. Atmosphere, for example, "increases" in 6500 times more active for carbon dioxide.

4.Elastic conductors viroblyayutsya from the "mix" of ionic rodin and carbonaceous nanotubes. Vcheni do not get tired of this wine-making: even, in fact, these guides can grow up without wasting their authority, and then turn around to the first rose, nothing happened. And tse give reason to seriously think about all the elastic gadgets.

5. Non-Newtonian homeland- tseridina like you can walk: in the light of the report, the strength is stronger. Vcheni shlyah zastosuvannya tsієї zdatnostі non-Newtonian homeland in the development of the army order that form. So that the soft fabric and the light fabric under the hood became hard - and turned into a bulletproof vest.

6. Prosorium aluminum oxide And with the help of metal, it is planned to win as for the creation of a thorough army order, so in the automotive industry and to create a new hour for the production of vicons. Why not: you can see it is good, and if you don’t, you don’t have to.

7.Carbon nanotubes already present at the fourth paragraph of the article, and the axis is a new zustrich. And all the things that have the ability to be really wide, and you can talk about the powers that be for years. Zokrema, tse - the most important of all the found human materials.

For additional material, supra-threads are already being created, super-compact computer processors and a lot of other things, and in the future pace there will be only a few build-ups: super-efficient batteries, more efficient sleeper panels and winding a cable for a space lift.

8.Hydrophobic pisok that hydrophobicity is the physical power of a molecule, as a "prana" to escape contact with water. The molecule itself is sometimes called hydrophobic.

Hydrophobic molecules sound non-polar and "will" to change among other neutral molecules and non-polar retailers. Therefore, the water on the hydrophobic surface, which may be at a high point where it urinates, is collected in droplets, and naphtha, drinking near the water, spreads along the surface.

Wonderful speeches with cikavimi chemical and physical powers created by science.

Metal that melts in your hands.

The basis of rare metals, such as mercury, that building of metals is accepted by a rare camp for the same temperature as a galvanized house. Ale is a hard metal, which is in the hands of a frosty - tse unimaginable manifestation. Zey metal is called gallium. Wine melts at room temperature and is not suitable for practical use. How to place an object from gallium in a flask with a hot motherland, wines will open up right in front of your eyes. In addition, the gallium of the building is made of aluminum even more screaming - just put a drop of gallium on the aluminum surface.

Building gas saturates solid objects.

This gas is important for the repetition, and as if reminding them of a closed container, it settled to the bottom. So, just like water, building hexafluoride is visible to smaller objects, for example, a boat made of foil. Bezbarvny gas smothers an object on its surface, and you will be amazed that the boat is expanding. Sirka hexafluoride can be taken from the container with a wonderful bottle - then the boat will smoothly sink to the bottom.

In addition, due to its heaviness, the gas reduces the frequency of any sound that passes through the crisis, and as if inhaling a little sirka hexafluoride, your voice sounds like an evil baritone of the Doctor of Evil.

Hydrophobic coating.

The green tile in the photo is not jelly, but water. It is located on a flat plate along the edges of a chipped hydrophobic coating. Cover the water, and the droplets swell into swollen shapes. In the middle of the white surface is an ideal unfinished square, and water accumulates there. A drop, placed on a cultivated area, will flow negligently to an uncultivated part, and it will seep out of the water hole. As soon as you make the additions to the hydrophobic covering your finger at the bottle of water, the wines will be left completely dry, and the “mikhur” will become more soothing - the water will most likely flow into you. On the basis of such speeches, it is planned to create a water-shuttle dress and glasses for cars.

A powder that spontaneously vibrates.

Nitrid trioda looks like a breast of a brud, but the evocativeness is deceptive: the material of the flooring is unstable, it is enough to lightly feather the feather, so that it becomes vibrating. The material is chosen exclusively for experiments - it is not safe to move from place to place. If the material vibrates, then a garniy violet smoke is declared. A similar speech, є fulminat srіbla - vin also does not stagnate anywhere and is suitable for making bombs.

Hot ice.

Hot ice, as well as sodium acetate, is native, which is harder with the least influx. In the form of a simple dotik, vin from a rare place will become mittevo transformed in hard like ice crystal. On the whole surface, visceral ridges are settling down, like frost on the windows, the process takes a few seconds - until the whole speech is “frozen”. With the onslaught, the center of crystallization is established, in the form of which information about the new camp is transmitted to the molecules with a lancet. Obviously, at the result, it’s not ice-cold - as if it’s a name, the speech on the bunker is getting warm, it’s cooling down more properly and victorious for the preparation of chemical grills.

Metal can be remembered.

Nitinol, an alloy of nickel and titanium, can affect the building "remember" its original shape and turn to it after deformation. All that is necessary for whom is a trifle of warmth. For example, you can drip warm water on the rafting, and the buds will form in the future, regardless of how strong the creations are. Ninі rozroblyayutsya methods of yoga practical zastosuvannya. For example, it would be wise to use eyepieces with such material - as if the stench would be bent, it would be necessary to simply present them under a stream of warm water. Zvichayno, nevіdomo chi will be if robiti z nitіnol avtomobilі but more seriously, albeit against the alloy of power.

We can laugh at our ancestors, like they used gunpowder with charms and didn’t understand what magnetism is, however, in our illumination of the century, materials created by science are similar to the result of the right chaklunstvo. Most importantly, these materials should be taken into account, but there is more than that.

1. Metal that melts in your hands

The basis of rare metals, such as mercury, that building of metals is accepted by a rare camp for the same temperature as a galvanized house. Ale is a hard metal, which is in the hands of a frosty - tse unimaginable manifestation. Zey metal is called gallium. Wine melts at room temperature and is not suitable for practical use. How to place an object from gallium in a flask with a hot motherland, wines will open up right in front of your eyes. In addition, the gallium of the building is made of aluminum even more screaming - just put a drop of gallium on the aluminum surface.

2. Gas, building and solid objects

This gas is important for the repetition, and as if reminding them of a closed container, it settled to the bottom. So, just like water, building hexafluoride is visible to smaller objects, for example, a boat made of foil. Bezbarvny gas smothers an object on its surface, and you will be amazed that the boat is expanding. Sirka hexafluoride can be taken from the container with a wonderful bottle - then the boat will smoothly sink to the bottom.

In addition, due to its heaviness, the gas reduces the frequency of any sound that passes through the crisis, and as if inhaling a little sirka hexafluoride, your voice sounds like an evil baritone of the Doctor of Evil.

3. Hydrophobic coating

The green tile in the photo is not jelly, but water. It is located on a flat plate along the edges of a chipped hydrophobic coating. Cover the water, and the droplets swell into swollen shapes. In the middle of the white surface is an ideal unfinished square, and water accumulates there. A drop, placed on a cultivated area, will flow negligently to an uncultivated part, and it will seep out of the water hole. As soon as you make the additions to the hydrophobic covering your finger at the bottle of water, the wines will be left completely dry, and the “mikhur” will become more soothing - the water will most likely flow into you. On the basis of such speeches, it is planned to create a water-shuttle dress and glasses for cars.

4. Powder that spontaneously vibrates.

Nitrid trioda looks like a breast of a brud, but the evocativeness is deceptive: the material of the flooring is unstable, it is enough to lightly feather the feather, so that it becomes vibrating. The material is chosen exclusively for experiments - it is not safe to move from place to place. If the material vibrates, then a garniy violet smoke is declared. A similar speech, є fulminat srіbla - vin also does not stagnate anywhere and is suitable for making bombs.

Hot ice, as well as sodium acetate, is native, which is harder with the least influx. In the form of a simple dotik, vin from a rare place will become mittevo transformed in hard like ice crystal. On the whole surface, visceral ridges are settling down, like frost on the windows, the process takes a few seconds - until the whole speech is “frozen”. With the onslaught, the center of crystallization is established, in the form of which information about the new camp is transmitted to the molecules with a lancet. Obviously, at the result, it’s not ice-cold - as if it’s a name, the speech on the bunker is getting warm, it’s cooling down more properly and victorious for the preparation of chemical grills.

6. Metal that can be remembered

Nitinol, an alloy of nickel and titanium, can affect the building "remember" its original shape and turn to it after deformation. All that is necessary for whom is a trifle of warmth. For example, you can drip warm water on the rafting, and the buds will form in the future, regardless of how strong the creations are. Ninі rozroblyayutsya methods of yoga practical zastosuvannya. For example, it would be wise to use eyepieces with such material - as if the stench would be bent, it would be necessary to simply present them under a stream of warm water. Zvichayno, nevіdomo chi will be if robiti z nitіnol avtomobilі but more seriously, albeit against the alloy of power.

These speeches “break” the rules of physics at a glance, for in truth everything has been scientifically explained for a long time. Ale tse all the same do not rob them less marvelous

No. 1. ferridity

Ferrodidity is a magnetic motherland, for which it is possible to make even cicadas and vigilant figures. Vtіm, while the magnetic field is in the daytime, feroridity is viscous and is not noticeable by anything. Ale varto pour on it for the help of a magnetic field, like particles of vishikovuyutsya vzdovzh force lines - and create invisibility.

More ferodichnіst vmіє stavati now solid, then rare: fallow in the presence of a magnetic field. To make this material meaningful for the automotive industry, for NASA, and for the Russians.

No. 2. Aerogel Frozen Smoke

Aerogel Frozen Smoke ("Frozen smoke") is 99% folded over and 1% - from silicic anhydride. As a result, even more damaging magic comes out: the chain hangs in turn and so on. In addition, this gel is fireproof.

A different type of airgel is the so-called air glass (Airglass) with a thickness of 0.05-0.2 grams per cubic centimeter. It’s not enough to finish the gap, and if I don’t want to be more mіtsne, then, according to the heat shield, I’m going to turn the worst of it.

Vzagali vcheniy vcheni vvazhayut that in the next hour aerogel can know dozens of areas of congestion on Earth. And here space helps again. At Rest of the Rocks on the shuttles, we carried out the next trial of the aerogel in a non-vago bridge.

Being mayzhe incomprehensible, aerogel at tsimu can utrimuvaty practical neimovirnі heaviness, scho 4000 times perevshchuyut obsyazh g of stained speech. Why is the vin itself light. You can beat the cosmos: for example, for the "wiggle" saw in the tails of comets and for the "insulation" of the astronauts' suits. At the future, it seems to be a nobleman, he will show up in rich booths: a very handy material.

Number 3. Perftorvuglets

Perforated coal is a solid that can avenge the great amount of sourness, and that, in fact, you can go wild. Speech was tested back in the 60s of the last century: on mice, demonstrating a small part of efficiency. It’s a pity, less than a song: the laboratory mice perished after many years, spent at the facilities from the motherland. Vcheni dіyshli thoughts, scho to all fault - houses.

Today, perfluorocarbons are vicorous for ultrasonic performance and navіt for mixing piece blood. It is not possible to uncontrollably vicorate speech at any time: it is not environmentally friendly. Atmosphere, for example, "increases" in 6500 times more active for carbon dioxide.

Dzherelo: slavbazar.org

No. 4. Elastic conductors

The matrix of transistors, like an elastic conductor, can be stretched. A group of recent scientists from the University of Tokyo under the ceramics Takao Someya (Takao Someya) for the first time took away the elastomer, which is considered to be of high conductivity and chemical stability. Yogo feature - introduction of carbon nanotubes into the polymer matrix.

The elastic material was taken away for the active mixing of the black maw, removed for the additional grinding of nanotubes in the Ionian homeland. Sumish, which has been settled, is combined with a fluorinated copolymer (giving the material additional elasticity), letting it catch and dry. Then we cover with silicone gum. Thus, the conductor becomes established in the sight of an elastic sheet, the power of which does not change for a stretch of up to 70%.

In my opinion, this material can easily be victorious for the production of richly larger flexible and elastic integrating electrical circuits. It is also known that this technique can reduce the complexity of the preparation of flexible displays, as well as create a custom skin for robotic systems and an interface for interfacing a person with a computer.

1. The finest matter, at home people
What happens if you put one on one edge of carbon-carbon nanotubes and draw a ball from them? Weide material, which is clay 99.9% light, which is used on new. The microscopic surface of the material is uneven and short, as if it breaks lightly and at the same time the filthy surface, which breaks. Then try victorious carbon nanotubes like superconductors in a singsong order, to rob them with beautiful clays of light, and you will have a black storm. Vcheni alloz spantelic with potential options for stowing the speech, so that in fact it is not light to “spoil”, then the speech could be victorized for the addition of optical attachments, for example, telescopes and sony batteries, which can be practiced with 100% efficiency.
2. The most gory speech
A lot of speeches to burn with a razuchoy shvidkistyu, for example, styrofoam, napalm and just a cob. Ale scho yakbi bula rechovina, yak could burn the earth with fire? From one side, tse provocative food, but it was set as a rightful point. Chlorine trifluoride has a sumnіvnu fame like a greedy combustible speech, despite the fact that the Nazis respected that this speech was not safe for robots. If people, as if they are discussing genocide, respect that the method of their life is not to be victorious, to that it is too deadly, keep guarding the occasion with these speeches. It seems that once a ton of speech was spilled and it began to burn, and 30.5 cm of concrete and a meter of sand with gravel were burned, the docks were not all dry. It's a pity, the Nazis were malice.
3. New language
Tell me, what would you least want, what could spend on your guise? The whole thing could have been the most deadly otruta, as by right it took 3 months of the middle of the main extreme speeches. Such a disgustingly blown up in the presence of concrete, and in the presence of the strongest acid in the world (it will soon be blamed). Although we don’t know that, but all of you, without a doubt, chuli in medical reports about Botox, and zavdyaki youmu became famous for the most deadly poison. Botox vicorist botulinum toxin, which is generated by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, is even more deadly, and its size is more than grains of salt, enough to kill a 200-pound man (90.72 kg; approx. mixednews). They really forgot that it was enough to spread a total of 4 kg of speech to kill all the people on earth. Singingly, the eagle made a richly humane attack on a rattling snake, lower it on a human.
4. Naigaryachіsha speech
There are already few speeches in the world, in the home of people, as if hot, lower, the inner surface of the recently heated in the Hot Pocket micro-furnace, ale tsya speech, here, break the whole record. Created by closed atoms of gold for the lightness of light, speech is called quark-gluon "soup", and it is beyond the reach of divine 4 trillion degrees Celsius, which may be 250,000 times hot speech in the middle of the Sun. The amount of energy that is released during the shutdown would be sufficient to melt protons and neutrons, which by itself can have such special features, they did not suspect that they could be born. It seems that this speech could give us a revelation about those who were similar to the people of our All-World, that varto z razuminnyam will be put to the point that the crisis of new things is not created for the sake of fun. Tim is not less, really good news is from the one who “soup” takes one trillionth of a centimeter and three times a trillionth one trillionth second.
5. Finding acid
Acid is a suffocating speech, one of the most terrible monsters at the cinema was injected with acidic blood, so that we could kill it more suffocatingly, it’s just a machine for driving in (“Alien”), it has taken root in the middle of us, having injected acid - it’s already bad. Yakby "strangers" were filled with fluoride-antimony acid, then the stench would not only fall deeply through the sloga, but the bet that escaped from their dead bodies would kill all of them. Tsya acid is 21019 times stronger, lower sulfuric acid and can seep through the slope. I won’t be able to vibrate, as if adding water. І pіd hour її reactions are seen otruynі vypari, yakі can beat anyone in the room.
6. The most vibration-free vibration
In fact, it is possible to divide two components at once: octogen and heptanetrocuban. Heptanetrocuban is the leading rank used in laboratories, and similar to octogen, but it has a larger structure of crystals, which carries a greater potential for disruption. Octogen, from the other side, is used in the production of great quantities, which can threaten the physical foundation. Vіn vikoristovuєtsya in solid fire for missiles and navіt for detonators of nuclear weapons. I remain the most important, shards of no respect for those with such ease to be seen in the cinema, an ear of fission / thermonuclear reaction, like to bring to a nuclear gloom that glows, similar to a mushroom, we can’t just cope with the task, but the will of the octogen
7. The most radioactive speech
Speaking of radiation, guessing about those green shear "plutonium" that shine, shown in the "Simpsons" - is nothing more than a guess. Although it is radioactive, it does not mean that it should glow. Varto about tse guess, shards of "polonium-210" radioactive flooring, which shines like black. Oleksandr Litvinenok, the big Radyansky spygun, was brought into Oman, if they put him in the mouth of speech, and he died of cancer in no time. It’s not the same speech, if you want to fire it up, the candles call out more and more like a speech, radiation is poured into it, and objects can actually heat up. If we say "radiation", we think, for example, about a nuclear reactor, or vibukh, where the reaction goes down. It was only a matter of seeing ionized particles, and not the splitting of atoms, which did not go well with control.
8. Naivazhcha speech
You thought that the best speech on the Earth is diamonds, it’s good, but it’s an inaccurate guess. Tse tekhnіchno creations diamond nanorod. This is actually a collection of diamonds on a nano-scale, with the smallest step of squeezing and navigating speech, seeing people. We don’t really know anything, but it would be even more ancient, the shards mean that if we could cover our cars with this material and just get lost in it, if there will be a zіknennya z train (unrealistic approach). Tsyu speechshina vinayshli in Nіmechchinі in 2005 roci i, it is possible, її vikoristovuvatimut so itself, like craftsmanship of diamonds, behind a winyat tієї furnish, scho new speech more stіyka to wear, lower zvichaynі diamonds.
9. The most magnetic speech
The yakby inductor was a small black piece, then that speech itself would have been tse bula. The river was split in 2010 due to flooding with nitrogen, the magnetic strength is 18% larger, the lower front "record holder", and the floorings are tighter, so that you can look at them differently, like magnetism. Lyudina, Yaka Vidkrili Rechovin, distanced the zi with his own viscenics, Shcheko, not for the same time, not snake -bite yogo rabot, the okelka was raised analogue Z'ydnannya, in Japani, he did not go to the past 1996, ale official speech was not accepted. It was unbelievable that Japanese physicists could claim the “Sepuku” for these furnishings. Like this speech can be done, it can mean a new century of efficient electronics and magnetic motors, perhaps an order of magnitude stronger for the effort.
10. The strongest overhang
Supplementation is the bed of speech (similar to solid or gas-like), as it can be at extremely low temperatures, it can have high thermal conductivity (skin ounce of speech is to blame for the very temperature) and low viscosity. Helium-2 is the largest characteristic representative. A cup of "helium-2" miraculously rises and falls out of the container. "Helium-2" is also more penetrating through other hard materials, so much as the totality of the force of rubbing allows it to flow through other invisible openings, through which the splendid helium does not instantly bi vite (because water for given vipadku). "Helium-2" does not come to the required camps with the number 1, it is necessary in the new building of work on your own investigation, although it is also the most efficient thermal conductor on Earth, which is hundreds of times less for the mid-range. The heat moves quickly through the “helium-2”, which is more easily shifted by fluffs, similar to the sound (it’s true that it’s “another sound”), it rises lower, when it just moves from one molecule to another. Mіzh іnhim, forces, like cherishing the possibility of "helіyu-2", call on the wall, called "the third sound". It is unlikely that you will have more extreme, lower speech, as you longed for the appointment of 2 new types of sound.

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