Ultrasound dopplerography of the vessels of the small pelvis. Duplex scanning of the pelvic vessels in the female. Technique of the procedure

Ultrasound examination of veins at once occupies one of the first months for accuracy of the middle of other diagnostic methods;

The purpose of ultrasonic follow-up of the veins of the small pelvis

Basically, it is prescribed for varicose veins. Women of childbearing age suffer most from it. This type of ultrasound is also more important in gynecology, shards behind the frame of the vascular system can be judged on the presence of inflammation, thrombosis in the arteries and veins of the small pelvis, the legs of the female organs, differential diagnosis of newborns, assessment of fetal development and uterine function in case of pregnancy.

Ultrasound examination of the veins of the small pelvis is also prescribed to patients, because they smell such symptoms, as if they felt heaviness in the lower abdomen, may be uncharacteristically seen or bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Ultrasound of the veins of the small pelvis straight vyvchennya structure yoga circulatory system, become arteries and veins, the functioning of venous valves, directly and intensity of blood flow and blood supply to tissue organs.

Indication before the passage of ultrasound examination of the veins of the small pelvis

Ultrasound of the veins of the small pelvis Bazhano pass not earlier, nizh times on the river to us women, as well as to people who are suffering urological illnesses. Do not go, lower the girls to the river, then go through an ultrasound examination for persons to enter the risk group, and yourself:

. people who have a history of cerebrovascular diabetes,

With increased concentrations of cholesterol,

Evil chickens,

Women, yakі suffered vaginess, which went with complications, as well as important canopies,

Patients who suffer from varicose veins of the lower veins or hemorrhoids,

Obov'yazkovo regularly follow the ultrasonic examination of the veins of the small pelvis and thym, who may have chronic venous congestion in the organs of the small pelvis through those who are responsible for the genus of activity, and they are responsible for supra-mundane important speech, for a long time to sit or stand,

People who suffer from dysfunction of state organs.

It is better not to flood the medical center later, because varicose veins of the veins of the small pelvis threaten with such complications as thrombosis. In addition, chronic venous stasis can cause damage to visually damaged robots and other state organs and lead to a safe, unsafe day with pregnancy or innocence.

Features of the ultrasound examination of the veins of the small pelvis

Sound, obstezhennya veins of the small pelvis vikoristovuetsya Doppler technique. It is based on the fact that the ultrasonic signal is seen in the form of the elements in the blood and at the same time gives information about them directly to the circulation through the veins and arteries. The sensors can change the transmission frequency. The doctor chooses the most suitable, fallow due to the need for a larger lost legacy. Also, the diagnostician chooses and the method of conducting ultrasound examination of the veins of the small pelvis is transabdominal or transvaginal.

The ultrasound diagnostic procedure itself is simple and does not take a lot of time. With the transabdominal method, the patient should take off his pants or back and pantyhose. The area to be treated is covered with a special gel, which does not miss a second. Drive the car along the scale with a sensor. Signals from the new are transmitted to the monitor of the ultrasonic scanner, which displays a picture of what is being seen. With the transvaginal method, a condom is put on the sensor, which is processed with a gel and inserted into the patient's womb. After the end of the ultrasound examination of the veins of the small pelvis, the patient is taken to the hands:

. follow-up protocol with the final interpretation of the results,

Likarsky visnovok,

Photographs or videos, savings on a hand-held nose,

And if necessary - a consultation of a phlebologist or other expert diagnostic findings or methods of likuvannya.

De best to undergo ultrasound examination of the veins of the small pelvis

Our medical center provides the services of practitioners from various fields of practical medicine. Ultrasonic vein obstruction of the small pelvis may be needed for diagnosis by a gynecologist, urologist, internist, angiosurgeon and other pharmacists for differential diagnosis, varicose veins can often be masked or go to other gynecologists. The appointment of an accurate diagnosis is based on the possibility of a negainous rozpochat likuvannya. You may need more time in quiet weather, if:

. the pathology of the vascular parenchyma of the veins of the small pelvis is revealed,

Beware of damage to the integrity of the venous wall,

Damage to the functioning of the valve apparatus,

Suspicion of presence of parietal or floating thrombi,

Dysfunction of the deep veins,

If there is a need for thrombosis or bleeding development.

Acknowledged phlebologists of our medical center will help to reverse the most optimal method of treating varicose veins of the small pelvis. All lie in the zanedbanosti zahvoryuvannya. Although in the cob її period you can get by with conservative exuberance (occupation with jubilant and general physical education, taking venotonic drugs and wearing compression knitwear), then with a delay in making a diagnosis, you can work.

In the complex diagnosis of varicose veins of the lower veins in women great value maє Ultrasound of the vessels, rotting in the galusia of the female state system. More problems with the veins of the state organs and the vessels are not found in more cases, so it is practically necessary to carry out a course examination directed to the vessel pathology. Most often, ultrasound of the organs of the lower part of the abdomen is becoming a diagnostic method, as it reveals that it is a sign of venous damage.

Ultrasonic follow-up options

Fallow, according to the indication of the pre-diagnosis of the doctor vikoristovuvatime so see the ultrasound of the vessels in the region of the pelvic organs:

  • transabdominal, in which the doctor needs to drive the sensor over the stomach;
  • transvaginally, if it is necessary to introduce a sensor at the pixu.

For the identification of problematic veins in the lower part of the abdomen, the work of transvaginal ultrasound should be performed, so as to improve the visualization of healthy and enlarged vessels.

In most cases, for accurate diagnosis of vascular pathology, it is necessary to carry out dopplerography, for the help of which the drug can detect problematic blood flow of the vessels in women in the pelvic area. Modern ultrasound machines are equipped with a special attachment for conducting Dopplerographic follow-up, which allows you to evaluate the veins.

Hour of ultrasound in women

It is important to check the diagnosis of ultrasound at the singing hour. If doctors need to take away information about the pathology of the pelvic organs in women, then it’s better to follow up in the 1st phase of the menstrual cycle (once after the end critical days). For the detection of vessel problems, especially those associated with venous congestion, the optimal hour for ultrasound is 2 halves of the cycle, 1 day before the recovery of critical days. At the same time, the blood pressure of the veins of the reproductive organs reaches its maximum values, so it is easier to detect the congestion of the vessels.

Preparing for delivery

The pathology of the veins in the area of ​​the crotch in women is most commonly seen with transvaginal ultrasound, so the sensor can be used in direct proximity to the venous plexus and vessels. Get ready just come in:

  • to resurrect the sich mikhur;
  • not ahead of the day gas-forming vegetables (cabbage, grapes, apples), so that the intestinal gases do not cause an accident;
  • deform the intestines.

Dosvіdcheny fahivets vpevneno that shvidko vikonaє diagnostic manіpulyatsіyu, podtvervshi or prostuvavshi previous diagnosis.

Detection of pathology of the pelvic organs

The technique of ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs in women is composed of a number of standard stages. The doctor after the introduction of the vaginal sensor sequentially evaluates the onset of indications:

  • rosemary that camp of the uterus;
  • designation of the structure and expansion of the ovaries;
  • manifestation of concomitant pathology;
  • assessment will become a judge of the pelvic organs;
  • detection of varicose veins in the small pelvis.

Dopplerography should be carried out in order to assess the blood circulation in the vessels of the female organs. Duplex scanning (usually ultrasound with dopplerography) is indicated during skin diagnostic procedures. It is possible to stop the triplex technique (the volume of the color image of the vessels of the small pelvis), but only after the indications, if the varicose veins are confirmed, that doctor chooses the method of treatment.

Additional diagnostic methods

In folding situations and half an hour of preparation before operational intervention on the female organs of the doctor, you can indicate additional obstezhennia:

  • phlebography of the veins of the small pelvis;
  • computer tomography from the field of research;
  • contrast magnetic resonance imaging

In case of any kind of fluctuations and expensive methods, only after transvaginal ultrasound, it is possible to work in any polyclinic.

ultrasound control

Carrying out a complex liturgy transferring obov'yazkovy control over the positive and negative dynamics of likuvannya. For whom it is necessary to perform ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs - the simplicity and accessibility of the technique allow the examination to be carried out as often as it is necessary for a doctor. It is especially valuable for chronic pelvic pains, enlargement of the veins of the female organs. Otherwise, in case of vascular pathology of the uterus, appendages at the stage of preparing a woman to be pregnant.

At all stages of obstezhennia and treatment for pelvic injuries associated with varicose veins, the first diagnostic option will be ultrasound with dopplerography. Duplex scanning allows you to reveal problems at the early stages of the disease, and at the same time you can find relief.

Obov'yazykovy control over positive changes in the vascular system of the small pelvis is carried out for the help of ultrasound diagnostics. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, being the main and most accessible method of early diagnosis, is victorious by gynecologists at all stages of a woman's life.

Individuality of life female organism transmitting not only zovnishnі stateevі vіdmіnnosti and especially hormonal decay. In the internal circulatory system of a woman, there are also characteristic rice, associated with childbearing function. This is explained by the development of pathologies of the venous system of the lower limbs and the syndrome of chronic pelvic pain. For early diagnosis and prevention of development, the modern and safe method of duplex scanning of the vessels of the small pelvis is more complicated.

Why do you have a debt

The human pelvis is equal, narrow and straight, just like a woman’s pelvis is aired with a wide empty and frailty. The peculiarity of the budovi of the cystic frame obumovlyuє the passage of vessels and yogo sharp stretches. Zaiva vaga, vaginess, trivale perebuvannya in a vertical position to cope with impaired blood flow, which is accompanied by chronic pain.

Duplex scanning transmits a variety of high-frequency sound waves, the frequency of which fluctuates from 2 to 29 MHz. Sensible for a human ear, the range should be up to 20 kHz, which is 1000 times less.

To carry out the follow-up, it is necessary to have a modern ultrasound diagnostic device with the possibility of duplex scanning.

The peculiarity of this method is subway (duplex type) visualization of small pelvic structures:

  • "B-mode" - vіdobrazhennya structure of soft fabrics, schіlnostі and uniformity, comradeship of walls. The result of the zastosuvannya tsgo mode є black-and-white image to the body of a two-dimensional projection. The richness of the black color reflects the richness of the fabric.

Visualization in real time is explained to the "M-mode" victories as "motion"-ruh.

  • "D-mode" of the foundations on the Doppler effect. The phenomenon affects the change in the frequency of sound waves, like a vibrating object that is collapsing. For duplex scanning of the vessels, the objects are to carry out red blood cells (erythrocytes). The closer the erythrocyte is to the registrar, the greater the signal frequency.

The method is based on the registration of high-frequency signals, which are reflected in internal structures and are fixed by the sensor. For the help of a computer program, an analysis of the impulses is carried out and two images are displayed on the monitor screen.

Change the method

Duplex scanning transfers the visualization of the vessels, as well as deep stitching under the ball of the skin, under the skin of the cell and internal organs. The following options for carrying out the follow-up are distinguished in the following ways:

  • Transabdominal ("trans"-through, "abdomen"-stomach) - attachment roztashovuetsya on the anterior vertebral wall and predictably more ultrasonic follow-up of internal organs. This method is most commonly found in children, young girls, women with flare-ups and other ailments.
  • Transvaginal - the sensor is inserted at the woman's pelvis and through a thin back wall, blood circulation is visualized in the vessels of the small pelvis. This method is more informative, the images are more clear.

Important! The introduction of the sensor at the woman's womb does not indicate discomfort, but the stones for this follow-up zastosovuetsya an attachment of a smaller size. Before the beginning of the procedure, a condom is put on the sensor, so manipulation does not threaten infections.

In addition, there are different options for visualization of blood circulation by vessels in the "D-mode":

  • Colourful (spectral) - fallow directly into the bloodstream of the blood cells of the image, the blue and red color of the image is filled.
  • Energetic - chim is the speed of the circulation of erythrocytes, it is the light that brightens the blood flow. Vykoristovuetsya gradation of yellow and bright-red color.

The method of capturing a color image is called Doppler mapping, and the result of the follow-up is called a cartogram.

Indications and contraindications before the follow-up

The appointment of duplex scanning of the vessels of the small pelvis is carried out by a doctor-gynecologist or a court surgeon, depending on the patients' scars and accompanying clinical signs. The method wins for the presence of such symptoms:

  • Appearance of varicose veins of the lower veins. Varicose veins are associated with impaired blood flow through the veins through the loss of elasticity of the wall of the judgment and functional insufficiency of the valvular apparatus. What is the cause of the abnormal (retrograde) bleeding. Motherland is accumulating in thin veins with the decrees of "variksivs" - their own judge's bears, which make a crown for grapes and lay down the organs.
  • Severing pain in the bottom of the abdomen, especially after a whole day in a vertical position. The blame for this symptom is explained by the presence of varicose veins of the small pelvis.
  • Seeing coldness in the legs, impaired sensitivity - symptoms that are blamed for impaired digestion and sourness of vital speech through pathologically sounding arteries.
  • "Promіzhna kulgavist" - the impossibility to pass a small distance without teeth, which is the reason for the scorching bіl. The most common symptom of progressive impairment of blood flow in the arterial vessels through atherosclerosis. Tsey camp is characterized by damage to the exchange of fats in the body, poor integrity of the vessel wall and the formation of "atherosclerotic plaques".
  • A sharp pain attack from the bottom of the abdomen or in the lower endings, including the thigh. Tsei camp can be called out by blockage of the lumen of the judge with a blood clot (thrombus).

In addition, the method is victorious for the diagnosis of vascular anomalies of the uterus and ovaries, neoplasms in the empty pelvis, myomatous nodules, ignition and spike processes in the internal organs.

Important! Duplex scanning of the vessels of the small pelvis can be carried out at 23-24 th vagity with the method of fetal hemorrhage, early removal of the placenta and congenital anomalies of the cardiovascular system of the child

For transabdominal follow-up to contraindications, there is a fresh opik at the follow-up. Transvaginal duplex scanning is not carried out for women with flare-ups of the flu, at the hour of menstruation and on the chest rows of vagity, the shards are threatening with the development of the front canopies.

How to prepare for duplex scanning of the pelvic vessels

Visualization of the vessels in case of expansion of the sensor of the anterior ventral wall is between the presence of gases in the intestines. Therefore, it is necessary 2-3 days before the date of inclusion in the diet of products that promote gasification: legumes, cabbage, potatoes, malt, boroshnia and gaseous water.

In addition, ultrasonic winds in such a state of mind invigorate the sechovy mіkhur, which is known in front of the uterus. To turn off this exchange, the procedure is carried out with a stocked sich mіkhurі: the woman is obliged to drink 1.5-2 liters of water for 2 years before the last one.

For transvaginal follow-up necessary mentalє carrying out the procedure on the 10th day of the menstrual cycle, empty mesh mіkhur and dotrimanny rules of intimate hygiene.

How to carry out follow-up and possible aggregation after scanning

Duplex scanning of the pelvic vessels is carried out in the office of ultrasound diagnostics of women's consultations or, emergency, hospital. Naychastishe the procedure is carried out on the spot.

For transabdominal follow-up, the patient takes off her clothes (top, and lowered her pants or lowered her back) and rests lying on a couch with an ultrasound machine.

For the transvaginal method, the woman wears pants (back), sleeps and sits at the gynecological chair. There is no need for a special outbuilding, the woman is standing on the couch with her legs bent at the knees and raised to the side.

Before the beginning of the procedure, a special gel is applied to the sensor, which will adhere to the gap contact with the skin (or the mucous membrane of the fluff) and smooth forging on the surface.

Under the hour of follow-up of the doctor according to the needs of changing the modes of the apparatus for assessing the state of soft tissues (walls of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries) and blood flow. In some cases, the patient may feel a characteristic noise, in such a manner, the apparatus is able to carry out a sound interpretation of the circulation of blood in the vessels.

Trivality of scanning should be made from 10 to 30 quills, which should be deposited in case of folding clinical situation. Immediately after the completion of the procedure, the woman wipes off the excess gel, dressed up and can go home.

Advantages of the method

For the diagnosis of impaired blood flow in the vessels of the small pelvis, ultrasound (duplex scanning) and radiological methods(Angiography).

Por_vnyalna characteristic dosl_dzhen induced at the table.


duplex scanning


Image capture method

Registration of records of internal structures of ultrasonic waves

Internal introduction of radiopaque speech, after which X-ray examination is carried out

Razdіlna zdatnіst


  • Ran chi opik at the doslіdzhuvanu dilyantsі.
  • Illusion fuses
  • Children age up to 3 years.
  • Allergy to contrast speech.
  • Vagity.
  • Cardiovascular insufficiency.
  • Nirkova and/or liver failure

Visualization of soft fabrics


Only structures great expansion that high power

Assessment of venous and arterial vessels

Held one hour

Evaluation of the vessels of the skin bed is carried out okremo


Safe procedure, you can spend a few times a day

  • Risk of development of allergic reactions to contrast speech.
  • Influx of x-ray changes

Trivality of the procedure

10-30 hvilin

20 hvilin - year

In addition, duplex scanning can be carried out with the help of portable devices, which is an important priority for emergency tests.

How to decipher the results of the follow-up

Under the hour of scanning, the doctor is guilty of assessing the removal of data from two groups:

  • Pelvic organs: shape, number of localizations. In addition, the comradeship is the uniformity of the walls, the presence of the cloak.
  • Blood flow in the vessels: type of flow (“calm” laminar or “chaotic” turbulent), the presence of a shift (thrombus or embolus), the diameter of the lumen, the speed of the blood flow and the functional structure of the venous valves.

Indicators of the norm and pathology are presented in the tables.


Indications on the scan

Norm variant

  • The uterus is moved forward, clear contours.
  • Rosemary 7x6x4, 2 cm.
  • The type of blood flow in the arteries is laminar, in the veins it is triphasic, and the type of blood flow is in the respiratory phase.
  • Speed ​​of blood flow in the uterine arteries 22-35 cm/s

uterine myoma

  • The uterus is enlarged in size, it can move back.
  • At the empty organ, round-shaped closures with smooth edges are visualized.
  • Increased blood flow in the uterine arteries 40-54 cm/s.
  • Speed ​​of intratumoral blood flow 8 cm/s

Cancer of the endometrium (inner lining of the uterus)

  • In an empty uterus, there is a large newborn with fuzzy, uneven booths.
  • The presence of emptiness, reminiscent of the homeland area of ​​swelling.
  • Speed ​​of intratumoral blood flow 15 cm/s

Varicose veins pelvic veins

  • The thinning of the wall and the expansion of the lumen of the club veins is more than 5 mm (the norm is up to 4 mm).
  • Decreased speed of blood flow in the veins to 5-6 cm/s (normal 9.1-13 cm/s).
  • The presence of abnormal (retrograde) blood flow.
  • Functional retardation of venous valves

To establish the diagnosis, it is necessary to check the age, the phase of the menstrual cycle, the balance of hormones and the individual characteristics of the skin woman. Therefore, the result of duplex scanning can be evaluated by an obstetrician-gynecologist or a court surgeon for the diagnosis of pathology and the choice of tactics of examination.

For medicine, there is more information about the internal organs and the vaginess of ultrasound of the small pelvis with Doppler, which allows you to detect damage at early stages.

Vaginal scans are assigned:

  • at Shvidky rostanni otherwise, looking at the development of the embryo;
  • attachment over 1 fruit egg;
  • pіd hour recommended dolіdzhen і 20 ta 30 tizhnіv;
  • with a difference in the Rh factor;
  • with non-physiological for the gentle position of the fetus;
  • with ailments of niroka and liver.

Ultrasound for people to carry out:

  • with damage to the testicles;
  • problems of children;
  • injuries;
  • inflammation of the state organ;
  • rozumovomu chi physical vіdstavannі;
  • disruption to blood flow.

Zhіnok, yakі not perebuvayut at position, direct on ultrasonic obstezhennia through:

  • the presence of puffy-like lighting in the matt or sich mikhuri, changing the composition of the walls of these organs;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • pain sensations;
  • bezpіddya;
  • waste the fruit.

Doplerometry of the vessels of the small pelvis for prophylaxis is necessary to pass 1 time per river. UZDG is carried out painlessly, does not require intervention in internal organs, not harmful for the health of doctors and patients.


During the passage of ultrasonic follow-up, it is necessary to follow the recommendations for obtaining accurate results.


  1. Dopplerography of the pelvic organs is performed on the 7th day of the cycle.
  2. People should pass if it is not necessary to get ready.
  3. As it is passed through the stem wall, for a stretch of 3 days, food is consumed without gas-forming products. Sich mіkhur may have some napovneniya. Live close to 1 liter of water. The intestines are supposed to be cleansed. Zazdalegіd can accept Mezim, aktivatane vugіllya or Espumіzan.
  4. In case of transvaginal doslіdzhennі sich mіkhur need to be removed.
  5. The addition of barium for x-rays one hour before the ultrasound may lead to an accurate result.
  6. For women, preparation is not necessary.

For dotrimannya fahіvets rules to establish an accurate diagnosis and reveal damage at the bud stage.


Є vipadki if follow-up is not recommended. Before them one can see:

  • Ultrasound on the surface of the abdomen (transabdominal) is not carried out for wounds or fresh optics on the follow-up interval;
  • with flamboyant illnesses, menstruation, in other terms vagity transvaginal duplex scanning is not carried out;
  • in case of rectal ailments, intrarectal obstruction is contraindicated;
  • allergy to latex - contraindication to transvaginal ultrasound.

To watch over the dynamics of the pathological process, ultrasound should be carried out a lot of times.

Yak shy

One of the different types of ultrasonic follow-up of accurate and early diagnosis of illness sechostate system, caused by impaired blood flow, as well as the hour of vaginess, ultrasound of the small pelvis.

Duplex scanning of the pelvic vessels in women

For follow-up, stop over-high-frequency sound waves - from 2 to 29 MHz. The range that catches the ear of a person is 1000 times smaller.

For the help of a special apparatus with the possibility of subvariant scanning, an examination of the small pelvis is required. The registration of high-frequency signals is carried out, which are reflected in the internal organs and are fixed by the sensor. With the help of modern technologies, an analysis of the results is being developed. The monitor displays a two-dimensional image.

The Doppler method gives an otrimannya kolorovogo vіdvorennia in the studies. The result of the work carried out was a cartogram or an ultrasonic follow-up from the TsDK. Sound waves are seen in the elements of the blood, which are moved by the vessels. The sensor captures its speed directly. The monitor displays the color mapping of the blood circulation system.

At the end of the hour, the patient is placed on the couch. Swipe with a gel device on the stomach or inject yoga in the pihva (a disposable condom is put on the sensor in front) or the rectum. The cartogram is displayed on the monitor.

The follow up is about 20 minutes.

With vagity

Ultrasound is carried out either along the vertebral column or in the middle of the cavity.

Starting from 3-5 gestations, transvaginally it is possible to identify a fruiting egg. Transabdominally early pregnancy date for 6-7 days. Pozamatkovu vagіtnіst diagnostuvati smoothly, to the fact that blood clots can be taken for a fruiting egg.

For the help of ultrasound, you can assign a term, become that number of embryos. You can listen to the heartbeat in 6 strokes, in 8 – it means that the placenta is deforming.

Follow-up should be carried out less than 3 times. Ultrasound for genetic pathology is carried out on the 9-13th day. At 16-20, one should become, marvel at the development of organs (show the breath of the heart and the brain).

Correct rotting of the fetus, rosemary, vaginal bleeding of the uterus, placenta, vascular picture of the small pelvis, the number of navcoloplidnyh waters is assigned to 30 days. Everything is necessary for preparation to the fall.

For singles

For the diagnosis of human organs (testes, veins, veins, etc.) there should be an ultrasound follow-up with Doppler.

Ultrasound allows the identification of the newborn, changes in the structure of the testicles, expansion of the vein and in. Carried out with a special device. For the help of the sound whistle, which are vibrating, they signify the flow of blood on the vessels.

The person is standing on the couch, lifting the organ and bending it with a towel. Carry out the lіkar with a gel-sensor along the scale. The canceled signals are transmitted to the device. On the monitor, the doctor takes information about the status of the patient's judge. Such doslіdzhennya give naytochnіshi pokazniki.

Also, I will become prostate transrectal. The device is to be introduced near the rectum to the blood flow of the human organ. The results of the vivchaє likar, shchobi recognize vіdpovіdne likuvannya.

Transabdominal, transvaginal and transrectal

The main methods of conducting ultrasound:

  1. Transabdominally. Lead the sensor along the skin of the abdomen. Information is displayed on the computer. The method is suitable for girls, men, women in the third trimester.
  2. Transvaginally. Introduced internally pikhvi. For the help of this method, you can take the report information about the blood flow of the internal organs of the woman.
  3. Transrectal. An ultra-thin probe should be inserted into the patient's rectum, so that it does not cause malformations. They make prostate disease for a person, and they clarify the diagnosis for girls, so they don’t live a state of life.

On the skin from the ultrasound scan directs the drug.

Deciphering the results

After completion of the follow-up, a protocol is seen, which will be written by a clinician (proctologist, gynecologist). After taking an anamnesis, the doctor appoints a cure.

Ultrasound shows which organs show normal dimensions, their echogenicity, which are correctly staggered, the appearance of new growths, cysts, inflammation, vagity, sagging of the spiral thinly.

Fahivets signifies the result of the diagnosis, compares the data with the norm, reveals the recovery, which indicates the presence of illness.

Tovstі walls of the uterus and tubes to tell about the presence of cancer. The brushes of chi fibroma are visualized as round dentures. Polycystic disease is manifested by a change in the size of the ovaries and uterus. Fibroids or endometriosis are indicated for changes in echogenicity. With varicose veins, you will see the obstruction of the venous valves, the sound and expansion of the lumen of the vessels, and the change in blood flow.

After the end of the ultrasound scan, the result is seen on the disk, or in the screen you can see the letters of the decryption.

Skіlki koshtuє

At diagnostic centers and polyclinics, you can undergo ultrasound scanning. Prices at different clinics vary from 650 to 2300 rubles. Fallow view of the procedure.

If the vascular activity is damaged, and if it is necessary to diagnose ailments of the sciatica, then the first plan is to have an ultrasound scan of the small pelvis (ultrasound of the small pelvis with Doppler or Dopplerography) - a different type of ultrasound, which is indispensable in the pathologies of the small pelvis.

Organs of the small pelvis - cecal mіkhur, in women - the uterus with appendages and the neck, as well as the ovaries, in humans - the bulbs, the cords, the prostate. Healthy transfer of organs is rich in why to lie as a source of blood. If there is a lesion in the system of bleeding, there is a legacy of any pathological changes, it is important to immediately reveal it.


For women who do not need to change at the station of vaginess, indicated before the procedure - ce:

  • breaking the cycle;
  • pain in the lower part of the abdomen;
  • vіdsutnіst vagіtnostі stretching the fate of stately life without contraception;
  • repeated indifferences of innocence and wickedness;
  • the appearance of swelling in the sich mіkhurі chi matzi;
  • change in the walls of the walls of the organs of the small pelvis;
  • problems of sechovipkannyam.

For women, duplex scanning of vessels is indicated:

  • with vagity in twins or triplets;
  • when the fetus appears at the development;
  • with a swedish set of vaga a baby;
  • within the framework of screening obstezhen (on 20-25th day of the month and on the 30th-32nd day of obov'yazkovo);
  • in different Rh-conflict;
  • like a child trying to change at the wrong position in advance of the slopes.

It is important to undergo an ultrasound scan of the woman's veins, as if she may be ill, which provokes the pathology of the vessels., for example, diabetes, hypertension, liver disease and nirok.

For singles

For patients-humans, such a study is more relevant, as such pathologies have been revealed:

  • bezpіddya;
  • changes in the structure of the testicles (strengthening, changing the number of expansions);
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • prostate ailments.

Why marvel?

Scanning vessels, like duplex, and triplex method, allows you to evaluate in detail:

  • vessels in front of the mihurova slough and її gossip (among people);
  • uterus, vessels of the ovary and endometrium, as well as spiral arteries (in women);
  • arcuate and club veins and arteries (in all categories of patients).

Obstezhennya ultrasonic method plays a key role in the evaluation of the vessel, its permeability and other significant indications in the blood flow.

When to roam?

Individuals can sign up for doplerometry at any hour, and the axis for women is the exchange of water.

To establish the causes of judicial pathologies, especially as the stench associated with venous congestion, best to go to the doctor in the other half of the menstrual cycle, Approximately 7 days before premenstrual period.

On the right, in the fact that during the whole period the female reproductive organs are filled with blood as much as possible.

That is why the pathology of the court is seen most clearly.


As a rule, further pelvic vessels are not required. However, if the procedure is to be performed transrectally, bowel cleansing will be required.

Dovidka! Before abdominal ultrasonography, check tridenal diet, which will prevent the development of flatulence.

At the same time, patients will be treated to the cultivation of cabbage and legumes, alcohol and soda, the cultivation of milk, bread and fruits.

How to swear?

Є two different types of ultrasonic obstezhennia: transabdominal and transvaginal. As for them, they should be given to a specific patient, virishuvateme likar, sick person with sickness, and an indication to follow-up.

Transabdominal ultrasound is carried out through the vertebral wall, so that the sensor is in contact with the patient's abdomen. Transvaginal ultrasonography is successful for women's obstezhennaya and invariably, as a result of vascular pathology in the lower part of the abdomen. Same Danish view diagnostics will give the opportunity to look at all the features of the vessels, both healthy and pathologically expanded.

To install in detail all the features of the vessels of the small pelvis, doctors of vicorist:

  1. Duplex scanning - gives the possibility of recognizing the expansion of veins and arteries, directly to the blood flow and throughput of the vessel.
  2. Triplex or color ultrasound - looks at the color images on the monitor. Directions and speed of various blood-bearing flows are indicated on the screen in different colors, which allows you to quickly assess their specificity and compliance with the norms.

At the basis of all the representations of the methods lies the building of the object, which is known in Russia, inspiring sound whistle. The advantages of color docu- mentation and triplex scanning are smoothness, painlessness and safety(Therefore, contraindications before procedures are practically daily).

For the obstezhennia of the vessel, the patient needs to lie down on the bed and take a position, like a doctor. It will be deposited as follows: transrectal (through the anus, carried out to people with prostate pathologies), transvaginally (by inserting the sensor into women) or transabdominally (through the anterior wall of the vein). Procedure in the middle three years.


For the results of the procedure, the doctor-diagnostic sees the visnovok, in which there will be reports, deciphered in advance.

Important! The visnovka may have some information about the blood flow in the veins and arteries, as well as about the organs of the small pelvis.

The function and features of the vessels allow the identification of the state body and the assessment of the effectiveness of the juvenile methods. The axis of why UZDG is not only a diagnostic procedure, but it plays an important role without intermediary in the procedure.


For additional ultrasound, taken from the scans of the vessels, you can find out about:

  • atherosclerotic changes that have begun;
  • presence of thrombi, swelling and cysts;
  • judge's grip;

And also immediately diagnose:

  • myomatosis chi ob'єmnі utvochennya in the empty uterus or on the її walls;
  • Okremi fuse processes in the ovaries and matts;
  • varicose veins of the small pelvis;
  • inflammation of the anterior cavity (prostatitis and abscess);
  • prostate adenoma (good puff);
  • varicocele;
  • oncological newborn;
  • ancestral pathology development of vessel organs.

Video 1. Varicose disease of the small pelvis on ultrasound.


The exchange of the procedure carried out to lie down in the way of ultrasonography. So, for the transvaginal method, the contraindication is the fuse of the female state sphere. Transrectal obstezhennya is not carried out with hemorrhoids and other local inflammations. Transabdominal follow-up is recommended to be transferred to a different term, as the patient may have significant fluctuations in the skin curve in the area of ​​the sensor or infection in the hospital form.

Pluses and minuses

If any type of vessel is absolutely safe, it is not only widely vikoristovuetsya, but often zastosovuetsya without harm to the patient.

Where do you want that skilki cost?

As for the case with other ultrasound, the procedure for the follow-up of the vessels of the small pelvis can be done in a paid clinic or without a medical mortgage. The first person will have to pay from 1500 to 2500 UAH. Another person needs a doctor's direction.

Dodatkovі doslіdzhennya

In the course of preoperative preparation before surgical insertion, or in folding diagnostic cases, the doctor may additionally indicate:

  • phlebography of the vessels of the small pelvis;
  • CT (computed tomography with contrast imaging);
  • MRI with contrast;

However, before we put together that expensive service, we can carry out a classic transvaginal ultrasound, so you can go through the medical region.


Varicose veins of the lower veins and small pelvis will require a comprehensive approach to diagnosis and treatment. One of the key procedures of such a complex is ultrasound of the vessels, which provide blood to the organs of the female system.

Often pathologies of the vessels of the small pelvis, along with ailments of the vessels of the small pelvis, create a potentially unsafe situation for a healthy patient. Therefore, the treatment of judicial pathologies will require complex solutions. The most popular diagnostic method, which allows you to quickly reveal venous damage, stop ultrasound of the vessels.

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