Urology. Urology: ailments, history, distribution, symptoms, treatment

Urology- the field of clinical medicine, how to develop pathogenesis, etiology, diagnosis of disease of the human state system, organs of the sech system, infection of supra-nervous diseases and other pathological processes in the back space, as well as methods of prevention and treatment.

Urology- Gilka surgery (surgical discipline). On the view of nephrology, it is most often involved in the nutrition of surgical methods in the treatment of disease of all systems of those organs, as if they were rehabilitated.

The doctor-urologist is guilty of helping with such illnesses, like: see different disease of the anterior lesion (adenoma, prostatitis), female human bezplidnist, impairing human potency, infection of supra-nervous ridges and nirok, sichoid system (pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, sechokam'yana ailment toshcho).

Urology can use its own state-of-the-art technology to make accurate and timely diagnoses, among them:

    Radiofrequency thermal therapy is a way to treat adenoma anterior lesion and prostatitis, based on non-surgical technology. A complex of foundations for directing radio waves of a specific frequency on problematic plots in front of the ridge (because healthy tissues are covered with short-lived ones). For the patient, this procedure is absolutely painless.

    Echourethrography - UV-finishing of the sich mikhur and sichivnik - obov'yazkove obstezhennia before the examination of the designated organs.

History of urology

Even in the period of Hippocrates (VI-V centuries BC), “stonecutters” were founded - fahivtsі, as if they could cut stone from cut michur with intermediate access. Avicenna in the "Canon of Medical Science" described in detail the technique of the operation of removing stones from the slash michur, and created the technique of catheterization of the slash michur.

Deyakі isttoriki vvazhayutsya founder of urology Francisco Dias, who in 1588 saw a monograph, attributed the causes of vindication, diagnostics, clinics, treatment of urological diseases, description of urological instruments, technical urological surgery.

A prominent "stone cutter" in Russia buv I.P. Venediktiv (XVIII century). For all his life, youmu received more than 3 thousand yews of vikonati. kamenesіch (postoperative lethality became close to 4%). The first monograph in urology was the dissertation "About ailments of sich mihur", written by H.I. Zeber 1771 rock.

The first time in the world of urological education was the 1830s in Paris, the head of which was Jean Sivial (the first one, having propagated cystolithotripsy). First urological examination in Russian Empire was announced in Odessa T.I. Vdovikovsky.

In 1823, roci vikonano pershu in Russia epicystolithotomy; 1830 year - the first cystotropsy, as a rule, following the method of Jean Sivial A.I. Paul. Development of urology named after A.M. Shumlyansky, I.V. Buyalsky, F.I. Inozemtseva, N.I. Pirogov.

In 1877 Maximilian Nitze first introduced a model of a cystoscope, but, while improving his winemaking, he developed different options cystoscope (irrigation, observation, operation, evacuation). In 1893, he won the first cystoscopic photograph, and also published the first cystophotographic atlas through the river. Cuban Yohim Albarran in 1897 finished the cystoscope for the help of a special attachment, which facilitated the procedure of catheterization of sechovodіv.

In 1895, after the introduction of X-ray development by Wilhelm Roentgen, X-ray was blamed, as it turned into a branch of radiology. In 1927, roci was the first in urological diagnostics, when X-rays were blocked, if through a catheter a contrasting speech was introduced into the sich michur and nirkov balia of the sick, after which the first pyelogram was removed, which demonstrated the organ of the sechovidilny system.

In 1907, the association was voted into the International Association of Urologists in Paris, and in 1908 the association held the first international congress of urologists in the same place.

1904 the fate of the initiatives of S.P. Fedorov in Russia, urology is seen as a part of science, in 1923 there was a decree about the opening of departments of urology in medical universities of the country. In Russia in 1923, the journal "Urology" was launched. 1924 on the basis of the Persh Moscow Clinical Hospital named after. N.I. Pirogov Professor N.F. Lezhnev went to the clinic of urology, I was inspired by the education of my mother.

In Moscow in 1926, the First All-Russian Star of Urologists was born. In the Soviet Socialist Republic of 1929, rock began to vikoristovuvatis excretory urography, from 1956 year - hemodialysis, for two more years - transfemoral nirk aniography, and transplantation of nirk from 1965 year.

Divided urology

Urology is shared on the other side of medicine, as if it could be straightened out.

  1. Uroginecology.

Uroginecology is the science of communication between gynecological and urological diseases. If you have a lot of illness, you can go as far as gynecology, as well as urology (for example, dysbiosis of the lungs, urethritis in women, cystitis).

  1. Andrology.

Andrology specializes in the study and development of human state organs, as well as the problems of development of human state organs. It can also be congenital problems (for example, phimosis), inflammation processes (cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis) and swelling.

  1. Child urology

The child of urology specializes in curative diseases, as well as in the development of sechostate system in children.

  1. Geriatric urology.

Such a division of urology deals with the problems of the sechostatic system in patients of a frail age. In the whole organism, there are changes, which negatively affect the work of rich functions, including protection. It becomes the cause of infectious urological diseases (for example, urethritis). Women in a shabby state often suffer from unrequited battles, viklikan for post-physical pretensions, or a low tone of minds (after a fall).

The peculiarity of geriatric urology lies in the fact that prompt delivery is more unsafe for the legacy.

  1. Oncourology.

Oncourology is a medical science, as it develops evil innovations in the organs of the sechostatic system, its pathogenesis and causes vindication, and also deals with methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of these diseases. Doctors-oncourologists are engaged in the treatment of cancer of simplicity, sich mikhura, nirok, swelling of the state member and testicle; Often such ailments fall into the 1st part of the urological nature of the illness. The main method of treatment is surgery, but sometimes there are alternative therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy.

  1. Phthisiourology.

Phthisiourology - a division of urology, attributions to tuberculosis of the organs of the sechostate sphere (sich paths, nirok, state organs).

  1. Nevidkladna urology.

Specializes in emergency, emergency medical assistance for the manifestation of such syndromes, such as severe hematuria, nirkova kolka, gostra zatrimka sich, anuria.

Symptoms of urological diseases

The organs of the sciatic system are characterized by specific symptoms. There are characteristic symptoms of illness, and the diagnosis can be made based on the given history. But with some specific symptoms, you are still guilty of knowing.

Anuriya- Opening of the session, as well as calling until new. Distinguish reflex, secretory and excretory anuria (deposit symptom). The secretory is manifested in degenerative changes in the parenchyma. Vaughn is lined with mechanical crossings to the current of the cut, for example, plump or stones with cuts of ailments. Reflex anuria vinikaє like a reaction bіl.

Until then, anuria is subdivided into 3 forms:

    Prerenal, nirkova vinikaє through the destruction of blood circulation in nirkah. On the cob, the ailing man shows signs of oliguria: folds appear, the motherland is covered in tissues.

    Renal, nirkova anuria develops under an hour of ailment nirok, which manifest themselves rapt; є the result of the primary injury of the tubular and glomerular apparatus of the nirk. Call the blame for pyelonephritis, chronic nephritis, tuberculosis, as well as after major operations, surgeries, transfusions of insane blood.

    Postrenal, pislyanirkova anuria vinikaє in case of a change in the current of the slaughter: ring out in case of a sechokam'yanіy ailment in a person.

Clinical anuria is manifested by damage to the work of the nervous, dichal, cardiovascular systems and the intestinal tract. A sick person may have the following symptoms: head bіl, temperature rise, drowsiness, m'yazovі smikuvannya, psychic disorder, galvanism, vomit, tedium, sudomi.

Leukocyturia- The increase in the number of leukocytes in the section - Most often it indicates the inflammation in the nirk balls, the section michur or in the interstitial tissue of the nirok. She appears with symptoms of such illnesses as prostatitis, interstitial nephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, and sechokam'yana ailment. Insignificant leukocyturia is often associated with acute glomerulonephritis in the first days of acute glomerulonephritis at times of amyloidosis.

Cylindruria- Appearance of cylinders at the section. The shards of the cylinder can be turned out to be the same as the nirkov's, they are approved by the Sich to talk about the defeat of the nephrons. However, a small number of cylinders can be seen in the section of an absolutely healthy person, especially since the active and regular physical pressure on the body. Hyalinous cylinders, as a rule, accompanies the ailment of nirks, as they appear in the presence of protein with proteinuria (urine). Granular cylinders are formed from the regeneration of cells in the epithelium of the tubules. Wax-like cylinders are established at the lumen of the tubules (through the death of the tubular epithelium). If there are erythrocytic cylinders, then the stench accompanies the infection of the sichoid organs with pronounced hematuria, leukocytes - with puria.

The greater ailment of the cross-sectional system can be accompanied by nirk rings, and we ourselves are sick at the crossroads. Sound the stench to indicate nephroptosis, hydronephrosis, nirkovokam'yanu ailment. Nirkov's ring is manifested by a sharp prickly pain across the leg, groin, and organs. Quite often it was more intense in the area of ​​the state organs and in the abdomen, lower in the nirs. Beware of steepness, and more often of cutting. attack nirkov rings you can provoke physical activity (big, walking skinny). Trivala nirkov kolka is accompanied by boredom, advancement arterial vice, zamorochennyam, vomit.

Nabryakovy syndrome develops with a variety of ailments: amyloidosis nirok, glomerulonephritis, nephropathy of the vagina. They are the best clinical manifestation of nephrotic syndrome. Moreover, localization can be different: stench can be on a tulub, disguise, kіntsіvkah. The speed of їхної osvіti can kolivatatsya from some years to some days. The marks themselves can be soft or sharp on the dot, or they can be more daily. Even before their adoption, the ailing will have a greater vaga at the link from the zatrymkoy homeland in the body and a change in the sect, as you can see, vomit, tedium may begin, it will appear in the stomach.

Proteinuria- Move the rive in place of the squirrel in the section. With urological diseases, it is one of the most widespread symptoms. It is due to the increase in the penetration of glomerular capillaries for blood plasma proteins. Proteinuria can be pozanirkova (khibna) or nirkova (right). In times the rest of the day protein in the section moves through the stubby endothelium of the nirk glomeruli (nephrosis, glomerulonephritis, stenosis, nephrosclerosis, amyloidosis nirok). see rightпротеїнурії – транзиторна протеїнурія (часто проявляється внаслідок анемії, травм, опіків та захворювань органів травної системи), фізіологічна протеїнурія (у новонароджених дітей у перші тижні життя), ортостатична протеїнурія (у підлітків та дітей при астенії у поєднанні з активним зростанням у віці 7) -18 years).

Pozanir's proteinuria viklikana disintegration of the elements in the section (clitin in the urothelium, erythrocytes, leukocytes), which leads to the consumption of protein in the section, which has already passed the nirk filter. The very same mild proteinuria is common in those who are ill, for which erythrocyturia or hematuria is characteristic. Often blamed for transitional proteinuria: centrogenous - after brain shock or attack of epilepsy, alimentary - after eating bright white eating; palpation - after trival energy palpation of the abdomen near the nirok area; emotional - after a nervous vision.

Nirkov's hypertension is the cause of that legacy of singing illness of Nirok. To that it is even more difficult to name what is first. Hypertension is divided into 3 main groups:

    renoparenchymal or parenchymal hypertension due to bilateral or unilateral lesions of the nirk parenchyma (with pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis of nirok, nephropathy of the vaginal junction);

    renovascular or vasorenal hypertension - damage to nirk vessels of various genesis (pressure through the ovary inflow, ringing through atherosclerosis, congenital ringing and other);

    changes in hypertension are due to the damage of nirk tissue and subsequent damage to the patency of the vessels (brushes of nirk, swelling, nephroptosis).

Uremia is a disruption to the body, caused by insufficient work of nirok, due to the accumulation of nitrogenous slags (creatinine, sechoic acid, sechovin) in the body, disruption of the neuro-hormonal regulation.

We see 2 forms of uremia: chronic and acute. The remainder manifests itself most often with hospitalization Nirk deficiency, which is caused by a disorder of the blood circulation. Surgical uremia develops with puffiness of nirok, sechokam'yanoy ailment, nephritis.

In our time, in urology, the following diagnostic methods are used:

    physical methods - radiological, ultrasound;

    endoscopic methods (pієloscopy, nephroscopy, cystoscopy, urethroscopy thinly), as well as with the help of special devices, allow visual inspection of the urethra, internal walls of the balus, internal surfaces of the sciatica;

    instrumental methods - a look at the slash mіkhur for an additional catheter, puncture biopsy (tissue sampling for follow-up), suturing of the sich іnshі;

    urofluometry - a method that is used for the help of a special tool, which controls the volume of the cross section;

    cystomanometry (analysis of the pressure in the middle of the sieve in the world of sechovipkannya or zapovnennya).

On our portal Doctoroff.ru you will find information about various urological diseases, about their symptoms and effective ways of treatment. But the material of presentations is only for recognition, diagnosis and jubilation can be dealt with by fahivets.

Ailments of the sechovivid organs in humans are considered as a medical division - urology. You see the ailment of the sciatic system, ways of recognizing, its symptoms, prevention and treatment. Urology may be a supplementary study - nephrology, which is more likely to be ill. In fact, urology is a surgical discipline, as it is important to develop surgical methods for the treatment of urological illnesses, and urology itself is fundamentally related to nephrology.

Urology: deep understanding

Not long ago, before the division of urology, the ailments of the state organs of the person also entered, but after an hour of illness, they began to get sick. let's call it a medical division - andrology. Irrespective of those that urology is often closely related to andrology, the insults of the medical division were more pronounced. Today, human urology is divided into different specialties: geriatric urology, child urology, phthisiurology, oncourology.

Urological illness can significantly complicate the life of a person, boost confidence in one’s own self-esteem, reduce one’s self-esteem to social adaptation, improve one’s self-esteem. Urological ailments in 2/3 of the episodes pass asymptomatically in people, so there may be a tendency to irreversible regression and transition to the chronic stage. In addition, often people who know about their ailment do not go to obstezhennia and do not proceed to yoga.

The reason for this can be a great fear or a litter, let the sound of everything go on self-fueling and a banal line. Tightening with a visit to fakhivtsya and the treatment of urological illnesses in people often cause serious consequences To that, do not forget that the cob of exuberance and obstezhennia at the early stages will give the opportunity to overcome impersonal problems and overcome the ailment.

See urological illnesses in people

Between 20-40 years of age, the most wide-ranging people see urological ailments.

Venereal disease:

Illness of the ignition character:

  • Balanoposthitis - inflammation of the head of the penis and foreskin.
  • Mochekam'yana ailment.
  • Urethritis - inflammation in the urethral passages.
  • Orchiepididymitis - inflammation of the testicle and tissues of the appendage.
  • Prostatitis - inflammation in the tissues of the anterior ridge.
  • Pyelonephritis - inflamed nirok.
  • Cystitis - inflamed at the cut michuri.

Ailments of an intimate nature:

  • Without piddya.
  • Impotence.

Signs of urological diseases

In most cases, urological illnesses in people pass without any symptoms and often go unnoticed. But still, there are severe symptoms, like the presence of rich urological ailments with a pronounced clinical picture:

  • Sverblyachka, liver, soreness.
  • Chervoninnya, seen, hanging on the genitals.
  • Bіl pіd hour chi after the statutory act.
  • Break up the cutting.
  • Improvement of lymph nodes.
  • Weakness and swedishness stubbornness.

Ailments of the sebaceous organs in people do not always have pronounced symptoms and can be characterized as damaged sechovipkannya, as well as in the form of pain.

If you have an active state of life and you have shown some signs of rehabilitated symptoms, then it is not necessary to go through a urological examination obstezhennia at the venereologist- At the same time, viroblene glee can help you save your health.


You can go through the chronic acute stage. For the acute form of human ailment, such signs are characteristic, like purulent vision, erosive hanging on the foreskin and the head of the state member, redness, white, swollen, sometimes white growths. Gostry balanoposthitis is characterized by an increase in temperature, weakness in the legs and in the mouth, which in some depressions can reach the point of being untidy. Under the hour of a chronic illness, the signs are significantly smoothed, the skin on the foreskin and the head of the penis is wrinkled.


The main signs of human illness are discomfort, vision from the urethral canal, rіzі pіd hour of sechoviperation liver. The reason for the appearance of urethritis, as a rule, is the ingestion of a pathogenic virus in the cutter canals or injuries during the entry of a cut stone.


The acute form of the disease is affected by such symptoms as severe pain in the scrotum, redness, increased temperature, and increased epididymis and testicle. Approximately after 5 days, the process develops into a chronic form, and the symptoms of the disease are smoothed out, and the appendage and testicle are filled with more and more.

prostate adenoma

In humans, anterior adenoma manifests itself in the presence of such main symptoms: at the sight of streaks or a weak streak, almost inconsistently deformed sich mihur. Prostatitis is characterized by such symptoms as soreness in the transverse and inguinal dilatations, disfunction of sechovi- sion , decrease in erection to erection and sexual dysfunction, increased ejaculation hour, increased temperature.


Most often, it develops as an aggravation of adenomiprostatitis, inflamed urethra, sechokam'yanoy prostate ailments in people for a century. For a severe illness, the following symptoms are characteristic: head pain, a sharp increase in temperature up to 39 degrees, dull pain at the top of the head, vomiting and tediousness, weakness.


For any human illness, the painful parts of the sechovi- sion are characteristic, the constant call to the new, white, liver, rіzі, the mucus of the blood appears in the section. More than that, weakness, a rise in temperature may be indicated. In the chronic stage, the symptoms are smoothed out, the section may have less mucus.


The main rank of impotence in people is characterized by erectile dysfunction: with this erection, it’s almost daily, or it’s weak, and sometimes it disappears without a hitch at the state contact, you have to do it quickly, complete the act, don’t have to go out.

Mochekam'yana sickness

This ailment is characterized by acute, aching and dull pains in the gaps, difficult and partial cuts, visions of blood. At the hour of the exit of the stones, attacks of nir's colic with sharp pains, which can suffocate the lower abdomen, the flank part and the transverse region, as well as “whip” into the testicle, crotch, or quilt.

Ways of diagnosing

So that in due time it is necessary to recognize that it is exactly the same that the nature of the illness is necessary turn to the doctor, vіn zdіysnit look at the sick and complex obstezhennya, laboratory and other necessary follow-up.

The first examination of the patient is necessary for the diagnosis of upcoming medical manipulations and the first diagnosis. A glance at the genitals allows one to identify the presence of ignition processes, as well as infectious diseases, as they are transmitted by state contact. Krіm tsgogo, looking at the urologist to turn off the puffy process includes obov'yazkove prostate matting through the rectum.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, the doctor takes a smear from the urethra for analysis in a patient. Smear required for laboratory clotting on the presence of pathogenic microflora, depending on the stage and the nature of pathogenicity. Urogenital smear gives the possibility to reveal the presence of an attached infection and the ignition process in the human’s organs. Moreover, a smear from the urethra allows the detection of various types of bacteria that have settled in it, for which the urologist prescribes good medical advice, as effective against the virus.

A smear is taken for clarification of the diagnosis of the first hour of symptoms of inflammation of the sich michur, anterior burr and urethra. Moreover, a smear can show the presence of such infections as chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, thrush, trichomoniasis, and mycoplasmosis. Taking a urogenital smear gives the possibility to establish a diagnosis for a single urological ailment more accurately.

The exaltation of any kind of ailment of urology in a person can be considered in a complex way and start from the exaltation of the reasons that її called out.

Under the hour for urethritis, I can sing on the uvazi:

The method of treating a doctor is selected individually only after an accurate diagnosis has been made.

Likuvannya balanoposthitis transferring:

  • Processing of a plot of land infected with antiseptic ointments (chlorhexidine, miramistin, xeroform, synthomycin).
  • Laser operational insertion.
  • Washing the head of the penis and the foreskin with water peroxide or furacilin.
  • In folded folds, they protrude to surgical insertion. If the patient has a ringing in the foreskin, it is necessary to perform a surgical operation. Then, if the symptoms of inflammation go away, start the operation of total removal of the foreskin. The essence of this operation lies in the expansion of the outer opening of the urethra.
  • Taking antifungal, antiviral and antibiotic drugs.

Likuvannya adenoma anterior follicle transfer so come in:

The treatment of sechokam'yanoy ailments, pyelonephritis and cystitis is carried out in a complex way with symptomatic therapy and antibacterial diseases. With a non-human sect, goodness showed itself such an additional zasib, like urological pads, which protect the robes from the vіd vmoktuvanna mimovіlno sichі. Urological inserts are specially designed to facilitate the socialization of patients who suffer from illness.

Celebration of whether ailments of urology among people can be combined with an indispensable transition to a balanced, healthy and eat properly, regulation of state activity, way of life, special care for special hygiene and improved daily routine.

Human ailments in urology

Just for the obvious symptoms that disrupt the normal way of life, people turn to fahivtsiv. An alarming sign may be the appearance of a stinger in the inguinal zone or on the state organs, rіzі during sechovipkannі, pain syndrome in the gap across, vision of the zі statiy member. Parts of the call before the sechoviparation, which are accompanied by cuts, cannot be ignored either. At such a time, one should think about the problems related to urology. If mothers are aware that urological problems can be checked for people, they should be familiarized in detail with the everyday systemic system.

If you take the age group from 18 to 45 years old, then the most common ailments among people are the same as urological ailments:

  1. Venereal and ZPSSH (gonorrhea and syphilis, chlamydial infection).
  2. Illnesses of the ignition character:
Illnessshort description
UrethritisProblems with the urethral canal
An ailment associated with lesions of the state penis, and the foreskin itself, which is characterized by burning
Pathological process in prostate tissue with characteristic inflammation
CystitisIllness, as if fighting a sich mіkhur
PyelonephritisDevelopment of the ignition process at nirkah
OrchiepididimitisDamage that is accompanied by inflammation in the tissues of the testicles and appendages

Before the ailment of the state system, two head ailments can be identified - impotence and infertility. It's a pity that the stink of likuvannyu stinks in the region smoothly and only in such situations the therapy is successfully carried out.

How to recognize urological illness: the first signs

Often, ailments are asymptomatic and remain unremarked until the moment I show signs of discomfort. However, fahivtsi saw low similar symptoms, which are ahead of the appearance of urological problems.

Problems with sechovipkannyam - one of the symptoms of ailments with urology in people

The clinical picture is manifested in the onset signs:

  1. When looking at the old state organs, one can see the redness, the dry visip.
  2. From the state member, uncharacteristic sightings are seen.
  3. Problems of sechoviprosy.
  4. Pain felt during sexual intercourse or afterward.
  5. On palpation, increased lymph nodes are smeared.
  6. For the infamous become of a person, weakness and swedish stubbornness are characteristic.

Get respect! Individuals can pass without obvious symptoms and in some episodes they turn out to be ill in the case of a cut or a statutory act.

How does cystitis manifest itself?

The first symptoms that can cause stinging of the skin person are pain during sechotomy. If you are afraid of obvious rіzі, then it is not possible to call for a visit to the urologist. In addition, ailments can be seen in the liver, and in the section blood will be seen interspersed, and in some drops of mucus. Dodatkovo can increase body temperature. Navpaki, for the chronic form of the disease, the symptoms are more smoothed out and appear less in the appearance of mucus during the discharge.

Dodatkovі skargi sick

The first characteristic symptom of cystitis is a sickly cut. After a deaky hour, strong rіzі appear. In case of severe forms of illnesses, partly go to the toilet. During the ignition process of the sich mіkhur, the cutting becomes calamous and plastics are established in it, causing an unacceptable smell. For the presence of the slaughter, the cut is characterized by a red mark. The number of cuts that can be seen, with one cut, changes to 10 ml. in the middle.

What provokes illness

The main reason for the appearance of cystitis is hypothermia. Ale, basically, the disease is blamed on the aphids, the rules of hygiene and the consumption of infection. Disease-causing micro-organisms are crushed by the sieve channel to the sieve mikhura, provoking the igniting process.

Respect! In humans, zocrema in the intestines can be anaerobic bacteria (for example, Escherichia coli), which are also provocateurs for the development of cystitis.

With an unprotected state act, a person can be infected with chlamydia or ureaplasmosis. Dodatkovo ci ill can be aggravated by cystitis. If the functions of the immune system are weakened, the human body will be threatened by cytomegalovirus, which will lead to a sickly secession. The non-infectious nature of the illness can be caused by the use of medicines or injuries.

How to pass diagnostics

Nasampered ailments may be taken to the urologist, who can be sent to the task of analyzing the manifestation of the infection. The analysis is made from:

  1. Follow-up section.
  2. Biochemical analysis of blood.
  3. Bacteriological culture of the section.

To confirm the diagnosis, the establishment of an accurate clinical picture is necessary ultrasonic follow-up prostate, sich mihur and nirok.

Carefully! Ignoring the treatment of cystitis, or inadvertent therapy, can lead to pathological damage to the cystitis.

What is pyelonephritis

Tsya disease more afflicts people with a frail age and guilt, as a result of prostatitis and inflammation of the urethra. In order to recognize the disease, it is necessary to pay attention to the following signs:

  1. Body temperature can drop up to forty degrees.
  2. Vinikaє strong bіl head.
  3. Weakness and body aches.
  4. The dilyantsi of the transverse vіddilu may have a dull character.
  5. Often blamed on boredom, that boo and vomit.

Get respect! Painfulness of the sechovipkannya is not ahead of problems with nirks, but about the ignition process in the urethra.

Chim characteristic prostatitis

If the ignition process starts in the front of the man's follicle, then you should think about prostatitis. Vіn can be both acute and chronic forms (vinicate, if daily therapy with acute manifestations). If you talk about the nature of the disease, then wines can be infectious and non-infectious.

Infectious cause of prostatitis

It's not surprising, but with an unprotected statutory act with an ill partner, you can become infected with an infection, as a provoking manifestation of prostatitis. Also, illness can lead to elementary ignorance of the rules of intimate hygiene. Not alone in the falls, if the burning in the front of the pit begins after a strong cold.

What to cause to non-infectious damage

Prostatitis of a non-infectious nature is blamed on aphid alcohol intoxication. At the same time, allergies can lead to the beginning of a pathological process in the anterior cavity. Leading causes that provoke non-infectious prostatitis:

  1. Stopping processes in the front of the mine.
  2. Vidsutnist regular state life.
  3. Often zastosuvannya interrupted state act.
  4. Constipate.

In order to block the manifestation of ailments, fahivtsі recommend complex treatment, which includes the use of antibiotics, antiseptic therapy, pain relief, the use of massage techniques for the urethra, water procedures.

Video - How to treat prostatitis in home minds

Yak vinikaє orchiepidіdimіt

To say more is available, the testicle and appendage are inflamed. Blame it as a legacy of prostatitis, urethritis and other ailments that may have an infectious nature and can be transmitted by a static way. In clinical practice, there are fluctuations, if orchiepididymitis is aggravated after influenza or mumps.

Orchiepididimitis - the inflamed testicle and appendage

If illness threatens life

Launched forms of illness lead to a purulent form of orchiepididymitis. Such a manifestation of ailments leads to the development of an abscess of the testicle. Through the ignition process, which suffocates the appendage, these ducts are blocked. As if inflamed, it is on both testicles, which means that the development of the absence of the development of the disease.

For the adoption of an illness, it is necessary in the first season to reach the bedtime regime and to finish the diet. Dodatkovo doctors prescribe vikoristannya suspensory. If the dynamics of the day is positive for such therapy, it is necessary to go into surgery. For whom the surgeon reveals abscesses that have disappeared, and dropsy is fixed by puncture.

Why cause balanoposthitis

May all human ailments begin to develop on the aphids of the ignition process, balanoposthitis is not to blame. The first disturbing symptomatology is manifested in the appearance of the liver of the head of the penis, which is accompanied by severbitis. Non-acceptance seems to be significantly increased after the sechovi- sion . The main signs appear in the onset symptoms:

  1. Swelling of the foreskin begins to move to the head of the penis.
  2. Beware of development of superficial erosion.
  3. You can see a rotten vmist.
  4. Illness, weakness, progressively low temperature.

Just don't start svoєchasne rejoicing, then the disease overgrows in phimosis. Also, the infection can infect all the organs of the sechivnik.

Video - Yak kuvati balanoposthitis

What is phimosis

Often this disease is called a child's disease. It is explained that the foreskin is sounding on the flooring, that the sheets are glued to the head of the penis. This pathology is typical for children from ages to three years, then it develops independently. However, the disease can get worse and go to phimosis. The start of the stage of infection is characterized by an aggravation of the cuts.

Phimosis - ringing of the foreskin

Basic complication:

  1. Accumulated sections in the preputial bear.
  2. The process of cutting the section.
  3. Zagostrennya balanoposthitis.
  4. Necrosis of the tissue head.

It's important! The use of traditional medicinal liquor in case of acute phimosis was found to be ineffective, shards help in lonely moods. For the adoption of an illness, it is necessary to hang the foreskin, or, in other words, circumcise.

First signs of impotence

One of the serious human ailments on this day was recognized as impotence. Її show an inconsistent character. However, in the course of time, a person begins to notice obvious problems with erection, which make it impossible to lead a normal life. Provocateurs of impotence can be obesity, the use of drugs and alcohol, nerves.

Before him, as the rejoicing begins, the mental cause of impotence is turned off in the sick person. For each patient with a doctor-psychotherapist. Just as it has been established that the disease has a physiological cause, it causes injections in the cavernous body of the penis. In extreme cases, a vessel operation may be considered.

Video - Impotence

Video - Impotence: exuberance with folk art

How to prevent the development of urological ailments

Don’t forget that it’s filthy for fungus and infectious diseases to lead to wrongful shoddy human health, provoking the development of ignition processes. To that, if you are afraid of ill health, then you can not call for a visit to the urologist. How do you come in to prevent the skin of a person, you can do the following rules:

  1. Do not forget about hygiene - a regular shower (not less than once per day).
  2. Vykoristovuvati vykljuchno іindivіdualnі zasobi hygiene.
  3. Do not wear white from synthetic and other non-natural materials, as they do not allow loose clothing.
  4. To lead a blessed state of life with one partner, to unify the troubleless bonds.
  5. Turn off the way of life shkіdlivі zvichki.
  6. Look over the diet of eating and turn on the new smoked meat, salty, lubricated zhu.
  7. Start to take advantage of your body with different physical urges to take gym, big, active sports games. In this way, the stagnant processes in the pelvis and the frontal folds are turned off.

With the appearance of the first uncomfortable symptoms, it is impossible to engage in independent diagnostics and self-talk. Tse can lead to wrong conclusions.

Urological care of the Moscow Clinical Hospital No. 71 near the metro station Moscow, we can help you with the treatment of ailment of the sechostate sphere.

The main directives in treatment of urological diseases in urology in the clinic No. 71 are the treatment of sechokam'yanoy ailment, benign hyperplasia of the anterior lesion, treatment of inflammatory diseases of the organ system.

Urological care I hope to help all patients with any pathology of the organs of the sechostate system, different high-tech surgeries are needed. Particular respect is attached to the stosuvanie of low-traumatic interventions with the use of modern technologies, which change the pain of patients, shorten the terms of their rehabilitation after operations. In the department of urology of the Moscow Clinical Hospital No. 71, we give our patients not only an emergency help, but also a planned treatment of various diseases of the organs of the sechostate system.

Zdiisnyuyuchi complex pіdhіd in nadanny medical services, we nadaєmo patients medical help, starting with an outpatient reception and ending with inpatient care and their further rehabilitation.

Department of Urology

A team of young, highly qualified doctors of urology specialize in different directions urology: traditional urology, andrology, neurourology, oncourology, plastic urology, etc.

  • treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis and urethritis;
  • treatment of prostate adenoma;
  • diagnostics and treatment of ailments of nirok, sich mikhura, sichokamiyanoy disease;
  • diagnostics and treatment of infections that are transmitted by the state route;
  • treatment of sexual problems

The most recent plastic surgeries in patients with urological illnesses of various degrees of folding are successfully performed in modern urology. The best functioning urology has the best facilities for diagnostics and other manipulations, be it folding. Practically all kinds of surgical treatment are actively vikoristovuyutsya, conducted critical operations on the organs of the sechostatic system, low-traumatic vtruchannya.

Є great dosvid of exaltation of patients with various oncourological illnesses.

Urology in DKL No. 71 near Moscow

At in urology vykonuyutsya such types of diagnostics:

  • Cystoscopy is one of the main methods of diagnostics in urology, which allows revealing and evaluating such diseases as chronic cystitis, newly formed sich mikhura and sich waters, as well as anomalies in the development of sich mikhura.
  • Ultrasound of nirok, sich mіkhur, front mіkhur vine.
  • Uroflowmetry (indicating the flow of the section) is a modern diagnostic method that is important in the diagnosis of adenitis and urethral structures.

A qualified consultation of a urologist at DKL No. 71 is up to your service.

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