Preparation of ailments to radiological methods following the algorithm. Zdiisnennya preparation of the patient to contrast x-ray studies (excretory urography). Ultrasound of milk follicles

The choice of x-ray changes in diagnostics is based on their ability to penetrate through tissues. Tsya zdatnіst to fall in vіd shіlnostі organіv і fabrics, їх comrades, chemical warehouse. Therefore, the penetration of Ro - changing the difference and creating a difference in the thickness of the shadows on the screen of the device. R - Dosledzhennya allow you to determine the shape, size, frilliness of the organ, to reveal the fold, the plumpness and other pathological changes.


1) X-ray - otrimannya image of the object, which is reported, fixed by X-ray changes on the swimmer, in order to avenge them;

2) Fluoroscopy - taking the image on the screen.

X-ray examination of the herbal tract

X-ray examination of the duct and the twelve-fingered intestine

Meta: diagnosis of sloughing of the duct and twelve-fingered intestine.

Contraindication: Virazkovy bleeding.

Preparation before the procedure:

2. Explain that it is not necessary to prepare for the deadline. If the intestines are swollen in the evening, you can put a clean enema in the evening.

3. Take the patient to the X-ray room at appointments by the doctor for an hour.

Vikonannya procedures:

1. At the X-ray room, the patient takes an internal suspension of barium sulfate in a quantity of 150-200 ml. In some cases, the dose of contrast speech is determined by the radiologist.

2. Doctor to make signs.

Irigoscopy - X-ray examination of the colon

Meta: diagnostics of malady of the gastrointestinal tract: determination of the form, position, mucosal state, tone and peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract.

Equipment: Esmarch's kitchen and 1.5 l of suspension of barium sulfate (36-37 degrees C).

Preparation before the procedure:

1. Explain the patient's overage and the need for further follow-up.

2. Explain the course and cost of the possible preparation before the final:

Turn off gas-producing products from eating (vegetables, fruits, dairy products, yeast products, black bread, fruit juices) 2-3 days before the next appointment;

Give patients 30-60 ml of castor oil about 12-13 years of the day before the due date;

Deliver two clean enemas - evenings ahead of the date of that date, with an interval of one year;

Give the patient a loan for the day of follow-up with a light protein meal.

Teach the patient how to prepare for follow-up. It is necessary for the prevention of flatulence (flatulence) and the elimination of a reliable result.

3. Escort the patient to the X-ray room before the appointed time. The rest of the cleansing enema is given two years before the due date.

Vikonannya procedures:

1. Enter for an additional enema dependent on barium sulfate (36-37 degrees C) 1.5 liters prepared in the X-ray room.

2. Get ahead of the patient about changing the color of the feces and the difficulty with the bowel.

3. A series of signs.

One of the key minds effective rejoicing other illnesses - accurate diagnosis. X-ray investigations can be safely recognized as one of the broadest and most advanced methods for identifying a specific problem in the body.

What are radiological findings

The basis of this type should be the ability of X-ray changes to penetrate through the tissues of the body. Fallow in the field of thickness, comradeship and physical and chemical warehouse of fabrics and human organs of the steps of claying X-ray changes can be changed.

Because of the reasons for the organs of tissue, which are more subtle (brushes, great vessels, liver, heart), on the screen appear in looking shadows, and, for example, legenev tissue, in the aftermath of the obviousness of the great volume of light, looking like an area of ​​bright candlelight.

Preparing for the follow-up process

X-ray examinations will be carried out for accurate diagnosis if I become ill. If you want, it would be better, there is nothing coherent in this process, it is necessary to prepare some kind of ailment both physically and psychologically. The medical sisters, in their own right, are responsible for the technology of preparing sick people to patients. It is important for the patients themselves to give respect to those who were vigilant on the side of the medical staff.

Preparing for radiological follow-up of the visual type is used to prevent any processes in a particular organ, which can lead to the removal of accurate results. For example, when diagnosing nirok, the method of preparation will be to prevent gas creation in a new one. For this evening before the day of the follow-up and the next day, the patient should be given a cleansing enema and intermedium with the intake of radini. So, the ailing person without intermediary before the X-ray procedure should be taken to live in the hedgehog and the radii.

The patient is delivered to the radiography room one year after the bowel has been empty.

Internal urography - preparation

If the patient is being prepared for radiological examinations, which may be used for intravenous urography, it is also used to prevent gasification and bowel cleansing. As shown, the disease of the sechovivid system is indicated. Before contra-indication, it is possible to introduce the setting of a cleansing enema and increase sensitivity to such an iodine.

With whom, such speeches are made, like an urotrast and a verograph. For a sprat before radiography, such products are included in the diet that can cause a gas-forming effect: apples, black bread, legumes, milk and other. In times of flatulence, the doctor prescribes carbolene. Take the drug 4 times a day, 2-3 tablets each.

In the evenings, the patient should be given a cleansing enema, and in the evening before the end of the day, they should be surrounded by the intake of radini. If the patient has an appointment, the hour is delivered with a history of illness to the office, where further investigation is carried out, the nurse will introduce him radiopaque speech internally.

If all the stages of preparation have been completed, X-ray follow-up is carried out. A similar algorithm may be used later, using the method of deforming the valve and advancing gasification (cholecystography, follow-up of SHKT and others.).

Last sluice

Shards of schimala part of the widened ailments may be brought to the etching system, radiological follow-up of the sluice is more relevant. Tsey view diagnostics can be used as an additional one, shards of yoga are important for suspected gastritis. The translucence of the shunt allows you to accurately reveal the presence of various anatomical pathologies and assess the relief of the epithelium for the presence of feathers, grizh, veins and polyps.

As a rule, X-rays are prescribed in case of manifestation of such symptoms, such as impaired deformity, non-severe pain in the sac and tedium, such as turbulence post-yny bases. Preparation for X-ray follow-up of the tube may look like this: a 12-year fasting is carried out with novіy vіdmovі in the case of chewing humoks, this chicken, with whom the patient is drinking barium rinds, and sometimes - iodine rinsing, for the help of which you can take a contrasting image of the walls of the slug on the signs.

If there is a case for a patient, which may be a suspect, then in that case, the initial factor is the so-called niche. Not much else, like filling a defect caused by a virazka, a contrasting speech. X-ray examination of the tube more accurately reveals the fold, if it is ripped for a small curvature. And the axis of pyloric and pre-pyloric lines is much more important. And yet, the greatest number of pardons in the process of diagnostics is observed when the subcardiac duct is detected. Varto indicates that when the evacuation tube is designated fluoroscopically, I change the accuracy of endoscopic indications.

Follow-up of the duct-intestinal tract (GIT)

In this case, x-rays are taken in order to evaluate the status of the etching system. X-ray follow-up of the SHKT zastosovuetsya until the end of the upcoming days:

visualization of other morphological details (shlunk fields among those);

Vivchennya motor function SKT;

Documentary fixation of taken information about any changes revealed, including the areas of rigidity of the wall.

For what reason, respectful correct choice stage of compression, motility, optimal projection, and that stage of filling for aiming shots. More detailed descriptions are more likely to be possible with an additional variable after the examination of a serial sighting radiography, as a result of a high expanse of space.

X-ray legen

The essence of this variety of radiological investigations is to improve the image of the organs of the chest. Zavdyaki nerіvnomіrnіy shіlnostі exchange, scho to go through them, you can form a total picture of the state of the organization.

X-ray may also be indicated for: different diseases of the bronchi, lungs and trachea. Tse can be swelling, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia and various professional ailments. With this type of investigation, the doctor can take information about such organs as the heart, diaphragm, as well as about the thoracic spine of the ridge and ribs.

X-ray study of the thoracic cavity, which is one of the most popular, is focused on the sighting signs that appear in two projections (straight and straight) in the standing position.

At the time of consumption, it is possible to carry out a buti, which allows you to take a sprat of znimkiv, as it is vibrated on various clays of legenev fabric. For the help of such doctors, it is possible to more accurately examine the pathological cavity.

On vіdmіnu vіd vіd situatsії zі shnukom, roentgenologicheski є є key method yakіsnoї diagnostiki i will become legen, moreover, in absolutely different circles of medicine (therapy, thoracic surgery, pulmonology and phthisiatry).

Follow-up nirok

The method of X-ray in the field with nirks is an effective assessment of their morphological and functional features, as well as the sich paths. Such data allow us to determine the size, the position of the shape of the organ, the localization and the presence of calculi, as well as the state of the cup-milk system.

X-ray investigations (because of the use of contrasting speeches) are not necessary for the sick, as they may significantly reduce the function of the organ. In order to identify any allergic reactions, it is necessary to find out if such patients had previously undergone similar follow-up and if there were no side effects after the introduction of drugs.

Although there were no negative manifestations, the preparation of the patient for radiological follow-up is due to include remedication with vicarious steroid hormones and antihistamine preparations. It is also necessary to carry out a re-test for the sensitivity of a sick person to various iodine preparations.

Contrast radiography

Vchayuchi different methods of radiological follow-up, this type of diagnosis, which is also called angiocardiography, it is also necessary to pay attention. Yogo method є precisely I will become the chambers of the heart of that yogo great ships for the help of special probes. This type of diagnosis can in principle be considered as surgical intervention. This process is carried out in the operating room, as it may be specially obtained and processed on the territory of cardiosurgery (through special procedures).

To conduct X-ray studies of this type, it is necessary to take samples for the tolerance of antiseptics and iodine preparations. The very next thing is to be carried out in vain. Moreover, the need for constant respect for the patient from the side of the nurses, shards of radiopaque speech, introduced into the empty heart, can lead not only to early, but to late sleep.

It is important to know that contrasting radiological findings can cause such symptoms, such as heart rhythm disturbance, buttocks, decreased arterial pressure, heart pain, weakness and severe deterioration. For this person, it is necessary to turn to the nurse, for example, at your house, goiter, you should tell the doctor about similar changes in the camp of the sick.

Intestinal diagnostics

This part of the body, like and іnshі, will also require an accurate identification of negative changes in cases of suspected development of any illness. X-ray examination of the intestines directs the delineation of functional features and structure of the torso and small intestine. In the follow-up process, the patient takes a contrast ratio (100 g of water and 100 g of barium sulfate). After 2.5 years, you will need to find the intestine at the blind. By itself, the transition of the suspension into the colon (whether or earlier than the designated term) may indicate the presence of any impairment of motor function.

In the larynx, an x-ray is carried out after the fact that it depends on the vishіdny vіddіl, and so the translucence of the building will reveal the camp to the relief, spikes and sounding in the diagnosing dilyance.

Contrast radiography of the bronchi

The method of this investigation is the manifestation of puffiness in the bronchi, emptiness in the legenium tissues and expansion of this organ. The process of diagnostics is based on the choice of contrasting speech, as it is introduced at the empty bronchi.

Preparation for bronchography includes premedication, testing for drug tolerance, iodine control, bronchial tree cleansing (as it was revealed pus sputum), explaining to the patient the relevance of that method of further follow-up, necessary changes in the radiograph ahead of time.

Shards after the diagnostic procedure can cause a lot of complications, patients are given special respect when the examination is completed.

Follow-up of chewing michur

The meta of this radiological follow-up is the designation of the form without intermediary chewing michur, yogo deformation, position, step of deformity and manifestness in a new stone. With such a diagnosis, the radiological speech is also victorious, the concentration reaches a maximum in 10-15 years from the moment of admission.

In times of intravenous administration of contrast speech, it should be called intravenous cholegraphy. The Danish method is victorious in quiet situations, if it is necessary to contrast the internal liver of the gallbladder.

X-ray follow-up of children

It is important to note that the number of diagnostic procedures carried out on x-rays is not unsafe for children.

X-ray examination of a child is carried out with the method of determining all life indications. Varto also indicates the fact that the potential risk is significantly lower in terms of a possible threat, as it will be left unmarked for the specificity of the diagnostics.

The system of X-ray follow-up is zastosovna for diagnostics I will become pregnant women, like they are breastfeeding. What is the cost possible shkodi, then mothers, like breastfeeding, have no reason to worry. At the same time with women, like wine-making a child, varto respect that the risk of scalding with vicarious X-rays is rich in why to lie down according to the type of procedure and the term of vagity.


On the basis of visceral information, it is not important to develop a visnovka, which radiological findings can help to detect illness, which affects the differences in the organs of the system human body. Therefore, one can use one of the effective methods of daily diagnostics.

Ultrasound of the organs of the empty stomach

Patient preparation

Doslidzhennya carried out in the meantime - a year before the procedure it is not possible to eat and drink. .
3 days before the last date, a light diet is recommended: products that support intestinal peristalsis and gas production are included (boroshkovi virobi, black bread, blueberries and fruits, legumes, milk, juices, carbonated and alcoholic drinks). .
In case of advanced gasification, it is recommended that patients take preparations-adsorbents for three days (activated coal, hydrolysis lignin, dioxide of coloid silicon). .
For 3 days before the procedure, do not conduct x-ray follow-up with barium.
Do not perform gastroscopy, colonoscopy, enemas until the end of the day.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

Transfer of documents for follow-up
  • Directly (form No. 057 / y) and MKAB (form No. 027 / y) - as a further follow-up is carried out in the next future polyclinic or other MO.
  • Dani priperednіh doslіdzhen / stationary likuvannya - yakscho є.
Patient preparation

For women of reproductive age, the bajano should be carried out on the 5th-7th day of the cycle (including on the first day of the cob of menstruation), for daily special purpose gynecologist.
For women in menopause, follow-ups can be done if and when.


  • Dani priperednіh doslіdzhen / stationary likuvannya - yakscho є.
Patient preparation

It is not possible to conduct TRUS of the anterior cavity with anal fissures.

Ultrasound of milk follicles

Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up
  • Dani priperednіh doslіdzhen / stationary likuvannya - yakscho є.
Patient preparation

For women of reproductive age, follow-up should be carried out on the 5th-10th day of the cycle (including the first day of menstruation).


Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up
  • Directly (form No. 057 / y) that vitag from the MKAB (form No. 027 / y) is still carried out in the next future polyclinic or other MO.
  • Dani priperednіh doslіdzhen / stationary likuvannya - yakscho є.
Patient preparation

For women of reproductive age, carry out bazhano from 6 to 11 days of the menstrual cycle.
For women in menopause, the period can be spent at any hour.
On the next day, it is recommended that patients do not use deodorants based on talc and ointments based on zinc.


Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up
  • Directly (form No. 057 / y) and MKAB (form No. 27 / y) - as a follow-up is carried out in the next future polyclinic or other MO.
  • Dani priperednіh doslіdzhen / stationary likuvannya - yakscho є.
Patient preparation

Follow-up is carried out strictly in the future! The rest of the day - the evening before, no later than 19:00.
If the patient is constantly taking some preparations, it is necessary to take them three years before the due date, drinking a small amount of water!
Якщо пацієнт приймає препарати, що впливають на згортання крові (антикоагулянти: гепарин, натрію гідроцитрат, неодикумарин, синкумар; антиагрегантні засоби: ацетилсаліцилова кислота, дипіридамол, пентоксифілін, тіклопідин), необхідно напередодні проконсультуватися з лікарем про подальше дослідження з можливою біопсією.
5 days prior to the procedure, the patient should not take saline-containing preparations, activated vugill, bismuth-containing preparations. Important: for patients with epilepsy, the EGDS is shown less for the minds of internal sedation! Patients with arrhythmias, suffering from myocardial infarction, should consult a cardiologist and a neurologist in advance. Patients with diabetes mellitus need to sign up for EGDS at early hours and take medications that they take with them (tablets, insulin). Obov'yazkovo to control the level of glucose before follow-up. Review the glucose ratio before the appointment. Patients with bronchial asthma should take an inhaler with them.


Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up
  • Directly (form No. 057 / y) and MKAB (form No. 027 / y) - as a further follow-up is carried out in the next future polyclinic or other MO.
  • Dani priperednіh doslіdzhen / stationary likuvannya - yakscho є.
  • The results of the analyses: RW, VIL, Hepatitis B and Z with a term not less than 6 months old. OAK and Coagulogram - upon request.
Patient preparation

3 days before the due date, it is necessary to take a diet with a low amount of cellular tissue. Allowed milk, syrah, sour cream, butter, yoghurt without additives and flavorings, fermented milk products; meat, poultry and riba of low-fat varieties (when boiled, steamed or stewed looks); pasta virobi; good boiled white rice without additives, eggs, zukor, honey (not combs). Allowed products are not guilty of mischief, dry brushes, grains, nasіnnya, visіvki. Homeland: broth (clearance, protsidzhenі), juice without pulp, tea, water, non-alcoholic non-barreled drinks. Included: sausages, cowbass, hard meat with cartilage, canned food; vegetables, including potatoes, greens, mushrooms, seaweed, seaweed; fruits, including dried fruits, berries, jams, jelly, jam, marmalade; all bakery and boron grains, cereals, cereals, cereals, legumes; peas, nasinnya, sesame seeds, poppy seeds (whether you look at it, including in dryers, buns, etc. seafood, chips, hamburgers, chocolate. Ridini: alcohol, soda pops, kava, compote, sour.
In advance of the day, you can take it until 13:00, give you a clear view of the day in any quantity: vranci - light sleep (subject to the list of allowed products), until 13:00 - obid (also included in the list of allowed products), evening - tіlki allowed rіdini (clear broth, tea, juice without pulp, water, non-alcoholic non-barred drinks). It is recommended to turn it off again by taking firm advice.
You can drink licorice tea on the day before the end of the preparation, see the light. Please accept all the next dates later, like 2 years before the deadline.

Taking preparations to purify.
  • The drug for bowel cleansing - the drug is recommended for low-volume drugs, for example, low-volume macrogol 3350 (polyethylene glycol 3350 / PEG 3350) with an ascorbate complex - the drug moviprep (2 liters). Pіnogasnik - simethicone.
  • Likewise, colonoscopy is recognized from 8:00 to 14:00, a two-stage preparation is carried out. In the evenings before the day before, it is necessary to drink 1 liter of moviprepa from 18:00 to 19:00 (or from 19:00 to 20:00), after which you drink 500 ml of allowed rindina (water, prozory broth, fruit juice without pulp, compote without yagid), non-alcoholic non-barred drinks, tea). Allowance on the day of the due date to drink 1 liter of moviprepa (from 6:00 to 7:00, which is due at 10:00 or 11:00), until it is necessary to add 1/4 bottle of simethicone emulsion (syrup, tobto * Rare form! Not a drink and not a capsule!), After drinking 500 ml of permitted rindine (water, prozory broth, fruit juice without pulp, compote without berries, non-alcoholic non-barred drinks, tea). The hour of the early dose of the drug in the patient should be chosen in such a rank that, from the moment of completion of the drug received, at least 2 years and a maximum of 4 years have passed.
  • The due date is recognized from 14:00 to 19:00. Rankova one-stage preparation. Drink 2 liters of the preparation (moviprep) for bowel cleansing and after skin liter, 500 ml of allowed rindine each day (water, prozorium broth, fruit juice without pulp, fruit juice without pulp, compote without berries, non-alcoholic drinks, tea), and another liter it is necessary to add 1/4 bottle of simethicone emulsion (syrup, this is a rare form! Not tablets and not capsules!). Razchin should be drunk dryly, in small bowls (do not drink in one gulp!) of 250 ml (1 bottle) skin 15 quills. On the cob, I will take the drug, or if I take it with a swedish yoga, a large number of people may experience tedium, vomit.
    If it is difficult for you to take the medicine, which is tied with savory savory qualities, you can drink cold drinks, through a cocktail tube (straw), at intervals, drink or drink a small amount of water, licorice tea, as well as rosemary caramel baris”), honey, lemon, etc. It is easier to take the addition of simethicone in retail to moviprep. In the first hour of taking the drug, it is recommended to increase the rukhovo activity: walk around the apartment, circle the body in circles, hurt to the sides, back and forth, squat, you can do self-massage of the abdomen, especially in the case of the drug. The drug is started individually: in the middle, after 1-2 years, the first cob appears on the cob. The activity of the drug is three-fold individually: in the middle for 2 years (at this time there will be an intensely rare discharge). Until the moment of completion of the preparation, the old man is guilty of changing to a vision without a bar, or a little bit of a barrage of the homeland, which will tell you about the readiness to the fire. It is necessary to stop taking the drug 2-4 years before the due date. The follow-up was carried out at the interval between 2 and 4 years after the completion of the received drug.
  • additional information. If the patient takes drugs, if they normalize arterial vice, Heart rhythm, etc., taking them into account in an excellent mode! The intake of these preparations is recommended not earlier than in 1 year after the completion of the intake of moviprep. If a patient is taking medications that will redeem the blood, it is necessary to register in the ICAB and to be ahead of the endoscopist until further notice.
  • In case of chronic constipation - 3-5 days (delayed in the case of constipation) before preparing to continue to take more non-mud travel (Guttalax, Dulco-lax, Slabilen, etc.), but for the recommendation of a gastroenterologist. Diarrhea (rare stool) is a clear effect of the bowel preparation hour.

It is not recommended to additionally (or instead) carry out the procedure for cleansing the colon with enemas.

X-ray of the upper vіddіlіv shkt

Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up
  • Directly (form No. 057 / y) and MKAB (form No. 027 / y) - as a further follow-up is carried out in the next future polyclinic or other MO.
  • Dani priperednіh doslіdzhen / stationary likuvannya - yakscho є.
Patient preparation

Doslіdzhennya vykonuyut strictly in vain, you can not eat, drink, drink alcohol, smoke.
Before taking medications, please wait with the doctor, who prescribes these medications.
Until the end of the last day, the time of the rest of the reception may pass at least 6 years.
Ahead of the day before - early light supper, no later than 20:00. Ahead of the day, it is impossible to eat products that call for flatulence - cabbage, legumes, fresh bread, white wine, malt and so on.

Further monitoring of the ECG

Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up
  • Directly (form No. 057 / y) and MKAB (form No. 027 / y) - as a further follow-up is carried out in the next future polyclinic or other MO.
  • Dani priperednіh doslіdzhen / stationary likuvannya - yakscho є.
Patient preparation

Don't care.

by stretching it is necessary to fill in the patient's wallet;
it is necessary to describe in the article the activity, which is timid, with the general language of the hour: waking up, resting, walking, transport, watching the TV, reading, taking a walk, walking, big, going out, sleeping, waking up at that time, at the appointed time in the first column;
it is necessary to designate a period of rest in a horizontal position on the day and specify those moments, if you doze off;
obov'yazykovo indicative of the symptoms: pain in the heart, head bіl and so on;

Dobove AT monitoring

Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up
Patient preparation

Don't care.

Attachment vimiryuvatime arterial pressure of the patient, pushing the cuff on his shoulder and then step by step descending from it again. Vymiryuvannya vіdbuvayutsya automatically through the singing interval of the hour. During the day 15 or 30 min, at night - 30 or 60 min.

In the course of follow-up, the patients are to blame for the following recommendations:

stitch behind the cuff stand. The lower edge of the cuff is to blame but more than the elbow fold on 1-2 fingers. As if the cuff had zigzag down on the elbow, ruffled, or twisted and puffed up with a “bulb” from one side, it is necessary to correct it;
it is necessary to rattle and trim the arm, including the hand and fingers, relaxed, fastened, as if only a slightly sound signal will be attached, or it will be pressed into the cuff again. Otherwise, the date of death may appear in the near future, and after 2-3 weeks, you may repeat it, which you can bring to painful sensations. The warfare will end if I repeat the cuffs again. It is necessary to note that the tube that connects the monitor with the cuff has not been squeezed; as if the patient is delivering supernatural discomfort to the patient, it is impossible to ensure the unruliness of the hand, it is necessary to press the "STOP" button. The onset of death will be met through tasks at an hour interval;
to carry out an additional test (for example, in case of symptoms of a vice), it is necessary to press the "START" button on the front panel of the device. If the cuffs are not bled again, otherwise there are signs of a malfunction of the monitor, the patient can remove the cuff, but it is necessary to bring the monitor to the doctor's office;
as there is no hour indication on the monitor, it means that the elements of life are discharged and away from the robot monitor is not possible. At some point, turn off the monitor and bring yoga to the doctor's office;
as the patient needs to take the cuff off for the next hour, it is necessary to see the monitor. In another fall, it might break;
the patient is guilty of retrieving the patient's student's child; at the table activity write, robiv: waking up, resting, walking, transport, watching TV, reading, taking a walk, walking, big, drinking gatherings, sleeping, waking up at night, and from the appointed hour at the first stop;
obov'yazkovo to designate a period of rest in a horizontal position on the day and specify those moments, if you doze off;
obov'yazkovo indicative of symptoms and pain in the heart, head pain is stingy.
obov'yazkovo vyznati in stovptsі priyom likіv, priyom usikh medicinal preparations.

During the orthoprobe, it is necessary to instruct the patient

The test is carried out either during the first two years after the first monitoring, or in the evening (20-22 years).
In a vertical position, the patient presses the “START” button 3 times at intervals of 3 times between skin pressures, following this wild rules behavior during the death of AT Not varto stand unruly in the course of the entire episode of the follow-up, but the obov'yazkovo zupinyatisya in the moment of the death.
It is necessary to move to a horizontal position. After 1 min. press the "START" button up. With an interval of 3 times, press the "START" button 3 times. As soon as the hour of the test was carried out, the patient had an unacceptable observation, it is necessary to fix them with the student.

Navantage test (Treadmill test, BEM)

  • Directly (form No. 057 / y) and vitag z MKAB (form No. 027 / y) - as a further follow-up is carried out in the next future polyclinic or other MO.
  • Dani priperednіh doslіdzhen / stationary likuvannya - yakscho є.
Patient preparation

It is necessary to administer (otherwise adjust the therapy individually) the following preparations before further treatment:
beta-blockers - 48-72 years before follow-up;
nitrate, vasoactive preparations - skasuvannya on the day of follow-up; antiplatelet control therapy.
The patient is obliged to take with him for follow-up all the preparations that are regularly taken. Adequate correction of indications of arterial pressure on aphids timchasovogo skasuvannya beta-blockers - obov'yazkova umova.

Day of due date:

do not store blood tests;
don’t burn and don’t drink kava 2 years before the deadline;
easy sleep - less than 2 years before the date of departure;
for people with an intense hairline, burn the chest;
take sports pants, scarves, sports shoes.

Information about the follow-up

Before delivery, an electrode is applied to the patient's body, which is brought to the computer. In addition, an electrocardiogram is recorded, which is displayed on the monitor in real time.
Under the hour of the test, the patient is willing to pedal the exercise bike. On the skin patch, there was an increase in interest.
The trivality of the skin level becomes 2-3 whilini. Before the appointment and under the hour of the new medical sister control the arterial pressure of the patient. The doctor maintains for the electrocardiogram dosledzhuvannya and yogo self-confidence. Cause stress test:

  • the onset of symptoms, which may lead to anxiety (bearing in the breasts, weakness, buttocks, stubble);
  • pronounced ST depression >2mm;
  • ST elevation > 1 mm;
  • significant arrhythmia;
  • sustained decrease in systolic arterial pressure;
  • marked hypertension (systolic AT > 250 mm Hq or diastolic AT > 115 mm Hq), no DAPT parameters specified;
  • the maximum reach for a given patient of a rosary heart rate;
  • idmova ailing to continue the adventure. Like a stress test bulo pinned at heart rate
  • to assess the significance of the IXC patient and the choice of tactics, it is necessary to develop the Duke index: the hour of arrival - (5 x ST deviation) - (4 x stenocardia index). When the Duke index is less than -11, the sick person has a high rhizic of unfriendly cardiac and vascular podia. Necessary nutritional support for coronary angiography;
  • ECG stress test has no diagnostic value in case of visual blockade of LBBB, pacemaker rhythm, WPW syndrome.

Contraindications for stress test:

  • hemodynamically significant arrhythmias;
  • active endocarditis;
  • symptomatic severe aortic stenosis;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • BODY;
  • active myocarditis or pericarditis.

Follow-up Functions of the Outer Dihann

Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up:
  • Directly (form No. 057 / y) and MKAB (form No. 027 / y) - as a further follow-up is carried out in the next future polyclinic or other MO.
  • Dani priperednіh doslіdzhen / stationary likuvannya - yakscho є.
  • Give the OAK result.
Patient preparation

Follow-up should be carried out now, or not earlier, lower in 1.5-2 years after a light illness.
For 2 years before the follow-up, the patient is not guilty of burning and drinking kava. Do not use inhalers before going to bed:
short-term inhalers (to be taken up to 4 times a day) are due 6 years before the due date;
inhalers of the middle term (calling zastosovuyutsya 2 times a day, early in the evening) must be paid 12 years before the due date;
inhalers trivalo dії(Zastosovuyutsya 1 time on the doba) skasovuyutsya 24 years before the due date.

The patient is to blame for the unification of intensive physical challenges.
It is necessary for the patient to come to the follow-up 15-20 minutes before the ear, so that the mother can get a little bit.


Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up

Dani priperednіh doslіdzhen / stationary likuvannya - yakscho є.

Patient preparation

The patient should have a good sleep, take a shower and apply lotions and creams on the body.
Light snack, without caviar, tea and energy drinks 1.5-2 years before the next appointment.
Not later than 1.5-2 years before the deadline, turn on the chicken and physical adventure.


Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up
  • Directly (form No. 057 / y) and vitag z MKAB (form No. 027 / y) - as a follow-up is carried out in the next future polyclinic or other MO.
  • Dani priperednіh doslіdzhen / stationary likuvannya - yakscho є.
Patient preparation:

Not later than 1.5-2 years before the due date - take water without caviar, tea, energy drinks.
For 1.5-2 years before the appointment, the patient is recommended not to smoke and not to lose physical rights.
Usі lіkarskі drugs and the patient can accept without change.


Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up
  • Directly (form No. 057 / y) and MKAB (form No. 027 / y) - as a further follow-up is carried out in the next future polyclinic or other MO.
  • Dani priperednіh doslіdzhen / stationary likuvannya - yakscho є.
  • Data Ultrasound, MPT, CT - yakscho є.
Patient preparation

Get ahead of the patient to remove all metal objects in the genital cavity (piercing).
After the patient is informed, it is necessary to live in more motherland, in order to improve the situation, which is seen. Get ahead of the patient, that with a stretch of 1-2 decibels the appearance of blood in the section is possible - this is normal. Also after further possible pain in the lower abdomen, liver in the urethra. Recommend to patients not to take intensive physical training, for example, playing tennis, playing tennis, or running a program of physical training during the next session after the procedure.
Попередити пацієнта, щоб негайно повідомив лікаря, якщо будуть наступні симптоми: тривала затримка позивів до сечовипускання, постійна присутність у сечі яскраво-червоної крові або кров'яних згустків, підвищення температури тіла після цистоскопії, озноб, що супроводжується тремтінням, неможливість допомоги до сечовипускання, call quickly, which are accompanied by the liver and the rіzі at the sechіvnik, more than three days, that bіl across.

Oglyadova and excretory urography

Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up
  • Directly (form No. 057 / y) and MKAB (form No. 027 / y) - as a further follow-up is carried out in the next future polyclinic or other MO.
  • Dani priperednіh doslіdzhen / stationary likuvannya - yakscho є.
  • biochemical blood test for serum creatinine levels in advanced groups of patients: ;
    - in women older than 60 years; ;
    - what may be in the anamnesis of nirk disease (transplantation, single nirk, cancer of nirk, surgery on nirks, fuse of illness); ;
    - arterial hypertension, as required medicinal treatment; ;
    - circulatory diabetes; ;
    - Gout; ;
    - proteinuria/albuminuria with equal A1 and more;
    - recent intake of nephrotoxic medicinal products(Non-steroidal antispasmodic treatment for chronic constipation at high doses (more than 1 gram per day for more than two years), diuretics for regular trival intake, cyclosporine, cisplatin, aminoglycosides, amphotericin and others).
Patient preparation

3 days before the end of the day, it is recommended to take a diet with wine products that support intestinal motility and gasification (boroshni bread, black bread, blue vegetables and fruits, legumes, milk, juices, gaseous drinks and others). Vikonati cleansing of the colon in advance on the day before (cleaning the enema or taking a carry-over method (Endofalk / Fortran / Movіprep / Lavacol / Flіt) for instructions). For patients, if you stop taking metformin-injectable preparations, you should start taking these preparations from the moment of administration of the contrast agent, and resume taking them 48 years after the next appointment.

CT of the organs of the cerebrospinal emptying and small pelvis

Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up
  • Directly (form No. 057 / y) and vitag z MKAB (form No. 027 / y) - as a follow-up is carried out in the next future polyclinic or other MO.
  • Dani priperednіh doslіdzhen / stationary likuvannya - yakscho є. Data Ultrasound, MRI, CT - yakscho є.
Patient preparation

For 2 years before the follow-up, the patient needs to be taken into account in the life of the patient.

After the patient is informed, it is necessary to live in more motherland, in order to improve the situation, which is seen.
The follow-up is carried out until the X-ray examinations of the herbal tract with a barium suspension, or after the next day.

MRI of the organs of the empty stomach

Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up
  • Directly (form No. 057 / y) and vitag z MKAB (form No. 027 / y) - as a follow-up is carried out in the next future polyclinic or other MO.
  • Dani priperednіh doslіdzhen / stationary likuvannya - yakscho є.
Patient preparation

3 days before the last date, a light diet is recommended: products that support intestinal peristalsis and gas production are included (boroshkovi virobi, black bread, blueberries and fruits, legumes, milk, juices, carbonated and alcoholic drinks). In case of advancing gasification, take a preparation-adsorbent (activated vugillya).
Antispasmodic medication should be taken 1 year before the due date (the specific drug and dose should be discussed with the doctor). In front of the patient, remove all metal objects from the sphere of scanning (piercing).

MRI of the pelvic organs

Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up
  • Directly (form No. 057 / y) and vitag z MKAB (form No. 027 / y) - as a follow-up is carried out in the next future polyclinic or other MO.
  • Dani priperednіh doslіdzhen / stationary likuvannya - yakscho є.

Obov'yazkovo check with the patient the presence of the type of implanted medical vibrators. Stents and metal structures are not contraindicated before MRI. If the patient has a pacemaker and other electronic devices, it is necessary to provide supporting documents that allow identifying the virus as MR-madness, MP-non-madness or MR-madness for singing minds. In older patients, a consultation with a radiologist who specializes in MRI is necessary.

Patient preparation

6 years before the due date, take a meal (for persons with diabetes, it is necessary to wait for the possibility of such training).
1 year before the due date, it is necessary to take an antispasmodic drug.
On the next day of the follow-up, the patient is living in the homeland in an excellent regimen.
Drink 700–1000 ml of radin 1 year before the next appointment.
In front of the patient, remove all metal objects from the sphere of scanning (piercing).

CT scan without contrast (usі, krіm of empty stomach and organs of the small pelvis)

Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up
  • Directly (form No. 057 / y) and MKAB (form No. 027 / y) - as a further follow-up is carried out in the next future polyclinic or other MO.
  • Dani priperednіh doslіdzhen / stationary likuvannya - yakscho є.
Patient preparation

Don't care.

CT and MRI with contrast

Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up:
  • Directly (form No. 057 / y) and MKAB (form No. 027 / y) - as a further follow-up is carried out in the next future polyclinic or other MO.
  • Dani priperednіh doslіdzhen / stationary likuvannya - yakscho є.
  • The results of biochemical analysis of blood, zocrema, indicators of creatinine.
Patient preparation

Follow-up should be carried out in the meantime, or in 2-3 years after the rest of the reception.
Follow-ups are carried out to radiological examinations of the herbal tract with a barium suspension or after 1-1.5 days after. Patients who are taking metformin-containing drugs (glucophage, siofor, etc.) should start taking these drugs from the moment of administration of the contrast method and should take them 48 years after the follow-up.

13C-urease dichal test for the diagnosis of H. PYLORI

Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up

Directly (form No. 057 / y) and vitag z MKAB (form No. 027 / y) - as a follow-up is carried out in the next future polyclinic or other MO.

Patient preparation

4 days before the follow-up, it is necessary to take antibiotics and bismuth preparations.
2 days before the follow-up, it is necessary to take a secretion blocker - proton pump inhibitors. In advance of the next day, it is recommended to have a light evening.
Before doslіdzhennyam it is not possible to take down that fire.
The test was not followed up immediately after esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) with a biopsy.
Physical advancement ahead of time and in the process of victorious testing can lead to the conclusion of 13С / "2С spіvvіdnennia in povitri, as you can see, in bіk zbіlshennya vmіstu іzotopu ¹2С.

Preparation for laboratory methods follow-up

  • Hematological blood test (clinical blood test).
  • Biochemical analysis of blood, hormone hormones.
  • Coagulological analysis of blood.
  • Immunological investigations (oncomarkers, infections (hepatitis B and C, syphilis, VIL).
Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up

Form - referral for follow-up from the appointment of the necessary indications with a signature and a seal of the doctor.

Patient preparation

1-2 days before the due date, it is not possible to get used to fat and alcohol. It is necessary to maximally enclose the physical space, overcooling and overheating.
1 year before the due date, turn off the physical and emotional stress, chicken.
On the day of the due date of taking medications, it is necessary to wait with the doctor.
On the day of the next day, the dietary regimen: only water at the splendid obsyazі, it is not possible to drink tea, kava, sik and in.

Contraindication up to date

It is not possible to give blood after physiotherapeutic procedures, instrumental obstezhennia, radiological that ultrasonic performance, massage and other medical procedures.

Special rules for the preparation and supplementary exchange for low tests for supplements to global recommendations:

Sechovin, sechoic acid - 2-3 days before the date, it is necessary to take in the liver, nirok and maximally include meat, fish, kava, tea in the diet.
Cholesterol, triglizeridi, lipoprotelya of leaps in the lipoprotelysti - 1-2 days before the rolled doslizn, do not get used to the fat, lubricated, 2 tizhni to pre -Sliznnya of the preparations, and pyremi in the slycami (behind megaples.
Glucose - vrantsі include the use of contraceptives, sechoginal contraceptives (depending on the weather from the doctor).
Hormones of the thyroid pelvis - include taking any medications on the day of the due date (what to add to the function of the thyroid pelvis, aspirin, tranquilizers, corticosteroids, oral contraceptives).
PSA (salt, vіlniy) - blood for follow-up can be given no earlier than 2 days after the biopsy of the premural lesion and prostate massage; Post-surgery riven is due no earlier than 6 days after the date of delivery.
CA-125 - more informative to give 2-3 days after menstruation.
Follow-up of blood for the presence of infections - 2 days before blood donation for viral hepatitis, include citrus fruits, orange fruits and vegetables in the diet; blood for the presence of antibodies to the class IgM before the outbreak of infection should be carried out no earlier than 5-7 days from the moment of illness, antibodies of the class IgG, IgA not earlier than 10-14 days, for the presence of doubtful results, it is possible to conduct a second analysis after 3-5 days !

General recommendations and rules for preparing for the collection and tasks of analysis of the section

Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up
  • Hot analysis section (form f.210 / y).
  • Biochemistry section in a single portion.
  • Microalbumin in the section.
  • Microbiological research section (post).

The patient takes the entire rank portion of the slaughter (the first slit of a million slaughter is poured into the toilet), before the slaughter is due, but not later than the 2nd year of the night. The patient takes the cut with a free cut in a dry, clean container with a wide throat, mix and take it into a special medical container with a lid that closes, in a volume of no more than 50-100 ml. The selection of sections should be carried out after the toilet of the state organs without stopping antiseptics.
Women are not recommended to put together an analysis of the section for the hour of menstruation.
It is not possible to vikoristovuvat for the completion of the cut from the ship, miner! With the recognition of the sivbian section, only a sterile medical container should be vindicated!

Patient preparation

On the eve of the evening, 10-12 years before the due date, it is not recommended to drink alcohol, gostra and salty zhu, and also food products, what change the color of the section (beetroot, carrot), the diet is normal. Taking medications is necessary to wait with the doctor. If possible, switch on the use of sechoginal preparations.
If the seeding is recognized, the selection of the seeding must be carried out before the cob of medicinal treatment and not earlier than 10-14 days after the course of treatment.

It is recommended that the sample be delivered to the laboratory immediately. It is necessary to save the cutting at the medical container and it is allowed at T=+2; +24 °С for less than a non-trivial hour, in the refrigerator at t +2 °С; +4 °С - more than 1.5 years. The patient is responsible for delivering the sample container to the laboratory on the day of collection, and not later than the 1st year, after sampling.

General recommendations and rules for preparing for the collection of additional sections for analysis

Biochemical studies (calcium). For glucose protein.

The selection of sections should be carried out after the toilet of the state organs without stopping antiseptics. Women are not recommended to put together an analysis of the section for the hour of menstruation. Sich for doslіdzhennya is taken by stretching doby (24 years), at the same time at night. Immediately after waking up (about 6-8 years old), the patient urinates into the toilet (the first early portion for follow-up is not covered!). With a long stretch, the patient takes the whole battle into a clean container, with a volume of at least 2 liters. As in the nighttime, the patient does not have many positives before the session, it is not necessary to make a special trip for the session. The remaining portion of the slaughter in the main chamber was taken exactly at the same hour of the offensive wound, if the day before it was chosen (about 6-8 years of the wound, the first wound portion). After taking the remaining portion of the patient, it is necessary to carefully measure the quantity of the removed section, gently mix and add to a medical container of 50-100 ml. Obov'yazkovo write on the container volume of section, which was taken for production.

Patient preparation

Samples for follow-up, the patient chooses for the minds of the great dietary regimen (1.5-2 liters) and the nature of eating.
In the period of sample collection, the patient is guilty of switching off excess spondylitis and drinking alcohol.
On the day of sampling, the patient must be switched off taking sechoginal preparations.
In advance of the cob of sampling, the patient needs to take into account physical challenges.

Wash the storage of biomaterial at home and delivery to the laboratory

zberіgat єmnіst, in yaku zbiraєєs slash, medical container with breakdown is necessary in a cold and dark place, optimally zberіgannya in the refrigerator at t +2 ° +8 ° С on the lower police. Don't let it freeze! The patient is responsible for delivering the remaining portion to the laboratory on the day of withdrawal of the remaining portion, and not later than the 1st year after the withdrawal.

Global recommendations and rules for preparing for the collection and building of fecal analysis

Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up
  • Global analysis of feces (form f. 219 / y).
  • Feces on I/g, attached blood, stercobilin, bilirubin (form f. 220/y).
  • Microbiological studies of feces (pos.).

Feces are collected after a mimic defecation (before collecting feces, it is necessary to urinate in the toilet bowl and kill). The sample is taken into a universal container with a lid that closes, in volume, equal to 1/2 teaspoon or a spatula, in the lid of the container from different places, a single portion, not more than 1/3 volume container.

Special remarks:

For microbiological studies, the stool sample was collected only in a sterile medical container with a screw-on lid.

Patient preparation

The sample for follow-up is taken in the minds of the best dietary regimen and the nature of eating.
3-4 days before the due date, it is necessary to take medications that are injected into the secretory process and peristalsis (passage, enzymes, sympathomimetics, preparations for the oral cavity), and also to take care of the follow-up (rectal candles).
When feces are recognized for microflora, the biomaterial is taken to the cob with antibacterial and chemotherapeutic drugs, which is impossible, but it should not be carried out earlier, but after 12 years after the administration of the drugs.
For a reliable appointment of blood attached to the patient, it is necessary 3 days before the due date to turn off the diet of meat, fish, green vegetables, tomatoes and licks, which are avenged by metal (zalizo, mid).
Return the patient's respect when collecting feces in a container, unify the house of the section and view from state bodies. It is unacceptable to deliver feces to the office in sirnikov, cardboard boxes, attached dishes.

Contraindication before collection and analysis

To obtain reliable results, follow-up is not carried out in patients with bleeding (hemorrhoids, constipation, illness is clear with signs of bleeding, menstruation), after an X-ray follow-up of the intestinal duct (fecal analysis is acceptable not earlier, lower in two days). It is not possible to carry out follow-up after enemas!

Wash the storage of biomaterial at home and delivery to the laboratory:

It is recommended to take a sample of feces immediately to the laboratory, otherwise not more than 30-40 minutes after sampling, take it in a medical container at T \u003d +2 +4 ° C (may be especially important if it is recognized, it’s easy!).

Global recommendations and rules for preparing for the selection of sputum for wild analysis

Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up

Global analysis of sputum (form f. 216 / y).

It is recommended to collect sputum for deep clinical follow-up in the morning and then during the next hour, I will attack a cough in a special medical container with a wide throat and a lid that closes. In order to prevent the mouth from sputum emptying the mouth, before coughing up, sanitation of the empty mouth is carried out - it is necessary to clean the teeth, rinse the mouth and throat with boiled water. In case of filthy water-creaming sputum, in advance of the day, take good care, warm drink. Sputum is collected by the patient independently for the help of a deep cough. Keep ahead of the patient, which is necessary to collect less sputum, which is watered down when coughing, and not when breathing!

Patient preparation and sputum removal technique

After the sanitation of the empty mouth is carried out, the patient is obliged to sit on the wall opposite the open window.
Zrobiti 2 deep vdihu and vidihu.
On the third breath, stand up from the style, to remind the legends again and again, following him with strength and sharply turn again from the legends, so that the diaphragm strikes the legends. Such a vidih ​​vikliche natural cough.
The patient is guilty of coughing up sputum and spitting into a special plastic medical container, firmly close the container with a lid that will screw up.

Wash the storage of biomaterial at home and delivery to the laboratory

It is necessary to deliver the sample to the laboratory as soon as possible, and no later than 1 year after departure. Take the medical container out of the breakdown in a cold and dark place.

Rules for preparing for a glucose tolerance test

Obov'yazkovy transfer of documents for follow-up

For a glucose tolerance test, a patient needs to write a prescription for glucose in the dilution powder (Glucose 75.0).

Follow-up is carried out strictly in vain vranci. .

Patient preparation

3 days before the date of arrival, the patient must take the normal regimen of eating with carbohydrates not less than 125-150 g per doba, including alcohol, and taking the usual physical intake; during the period of night fasting, one cannot smoke; before reaching the maximum limit of physical saturation, overcooling and overheating.
The day before the due date, the rest of the reception is no later than 19:00.
On the day after the wound, it is possible to have more than water at the great obsyaz, it is FORGET to drink tea, kava, sik and in. Before the test, it is necessary to turn off the use of offensive drugs (adrenaline, glucocorticoids, contraceptives, caffeine, sechoginine thiazide series, psychotropic drugs and antidepressants) before the test.

Contraindication to follow-up

It is not possible to give blood after physiotherapeutic procedures, instrumental obstezhennya, x-ray and ultrasonic follow-up, massage and other medical procedures. It is not recommended to carry out follow-up after and after the first hour of stressful infusions, after operations and downtimes, with inflammation, alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, after the hour of menstruation, with ailments of the intestinal tract with impaired glucose absorption.

X-ray follow-up.

X-ray methods allow determining the shape, size and friability of the duct, revealing the fold, swelling and other pathological changes. The nurse can help prepare the patient.

X-ray examination of the colon.

Preparing for the completion of the colostomy depends on the nurse and the patient's significant zusil. Slid vrakhovuvati, scho tse see doslіdzhennya create sevnі psikhologichnі problems.

X-ray examination of the colon (irrigoscopy) is carried out after the introduction into the colon for an additional enema of barium suspension. The patient is responsible for knowing the future follow-up and the skin stage of preparation to the next one.

X-ray investigation of zhovchny michur.

Cholegraphy is based on the ability of the liver to see the presence of iodine preparations, which gives the ability to capture the image.

The preparation of the patient for cholegraphy varies in terms of the method of introducing contrast speech.

Under the hour of preparation until the end of the zhovchnoy michur (cholecystography), the patient takes a contrast agent (cholevit, bilitrast) internally.

When preparing to reach the liver michur and hepatic ducts (cholegraphy), a contrast agent (bilignost, endographin) is administered intravenously.

Remember! Before carrying out the test, follow-up on the diagnosis, if the patient did not have a sign of intolerance to the preparations earlier, which should ward off iodine. As such signs were feared, the test and introduction of a new dose of the drug is contraindicated!

In times, even during the test, there were signs of increased sensitivity to iodine preparations (severe weakness, tearing, spitting, undead, fluttering of the skin, nausea, vomiting, as well as hyperemia, soreness and swelling. about the healer.

At the same time, a sign of increased sensitivity continues the preparation of the patient to obstezhennia.

X-ray investigations of nirok and sich paths.

The main method of preparing the patient for radiological follow-up of nirok and sichway paths. (Intravenous urography)є retelle cleansing the intestines from gases and feces, yakі zavazhayut otrimannya akіsnyh x-ray signs. For a skin patient, it is stale, especially the nature of the illness, the functional state of the herbal tract of the drug, which determines an individual preparation plan. However, there are also general recommendations that should be made during the preparation of the patient before internal urography.

For 2-3 days before the radiological follow-up, it is necessary to exclude from the diet the products that allow gasification (vinaigrette, fruit, zucchini, milk, black bread). In case of flatulence, the doctor can prescribe Carbolen 1 tablet 4 times a day. Ahead of the day before the other half of the day, it is recommended to visit the house with a reception. Evenings and vrantsі for 2-3 years before the end of the day, the intestines are cleaned for additional enemas. As the patient has a daily discharge, daily scars for constipation and grumbling in the stomach, there is no need for enemas.

For urography, vicoristate radiopaque speech triombrast (verografin) - 60 and 76% of variances, to avenge iodine. Before ingestion, the drug should be reviewed individual sensitivity of the patient to iodine, usually in 1-2 days to inject into a vein (more than enough!) more than 1 ml of triombrast. In case of increased sensitivity (appearance of sverbly, kropyvyanka, undead, sagging, wild ailment, tachycardia, etc.), the drug is contraindicated. Although there is no contraindication, then in the X-ray room, intravenously inject 20 to 60 ml of trimbrast with swidkistyu 0.3 ml/s.

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