V Zagalni rules. Dash (split sign) What is a dash point in Russian language

Fallen in the meaning, meaningful words between simple words in the unfortunate folding words, there are such different signs: coma, speck with coma, dvokrapka, dash. To reconsider the meaning of a non-successful collapsible proposition, one can use synonymous constructions of colloquial or colloquial sentences.

Coma in a bezspіlkovom folding rechennі put at times, as simple as propositions pov'yazanі vіdnosinami pererakhuvannya (one-hour and sequence). Between simple propositions, you can insert a split that.

SR: Zaviryuha did not smell, the sky did not clear up(Pushkin). - Zaviryukha did not smell, and the sky did not clear up; Potyag pishov swidko, yogo fire soon woke up, through the fluff there was no more noise(Chekhiv). - The train was fast, and the fires soon appeared, and there was not a bit of noise for the whiling.

Krapka with a coma in a bezspіlkovom folding speech, it should be put in a slump, as if the propositions are simple, they are connected with the refractions, but in the distance one is one after the other, or it is significantly wider:

Livoruch black glyboka gorge; / 1 behind him and in front of us, the dark blue peaks of the gir, smeared with balls of snow, painted on the bleak sky, which still takes the rest of the dawn/ 2 (Lermontov).

Dvokrapka in the unionlessfolding

1. Another simple proposition explains the difference of the first (see the blue explanation). Before another proposition, you can put the words but yourself, tobto.

SR: A terrible thought blew in my mind: I revealed it in the hands of robbers(Pushkin). - A terrible thought passed through my mind, and to myself: I found myself in the hands of robbers.

Get respect!

Dvokrapka is put obov'yazkovo, as in the first word without spelling folding propositions є words so, such, such, one and so on, a specific example of which is revealed by another person.

Sound like this: signed, so get off your shoulders(Griboyedov); I'll tell you only one thing: you can't sit with your hands clasped(Chekhiv).

2. Another simple proposition is to supplement the first one (additional blue). A conjunction can be inserted before another proposition.

SR: I know: the blow of the share does not hurt me(Lermontov). - I knew that the blow of the share did not hurt me.

Get respect!

Other words for the first person look, look around, listen that in.; word formation raise your eyes, raise your head that іn, scho ahead about the distant contribution. In this way, between the parts of the union-free speech, you can insert not just the union sho, but the following words: i pobachiv, scho; I feel, what; and guess what etc.

SR: I looked from the wagon: all bulo haze and whirlwind (Pushkin). - I looked out of the wagon and shook my head, that everything was cloudy and whirlwind; Vіn thinking, sniffing: smell of honey(Chekhiv). - Vіn thinking, sniffing and guess what smell like honey.

3. Another simple proposition indicates the reason for going to the first word (reasons for blue). A causal conjunction may be inserted before another proposition.

SR: Now everyone is at home mali suvoriy viraz: earthworm boov no good(Tinyan). - Now everyone is in the house of Mali Suvori Viraz, for the earth coward is not up to good; Birds didn’t feel a bit: the stench doesn’t sleep at the age of speck(Turgenev). - Birds didn’t feel a bit, because the stench doesn’t sleep at the age of speck.

Tyri to the unskilledfoldingwords to be placed in such vipadkas:

1. Another simple proposition is to avenge the failure to arrive, to change the order to change it. Before another proposition, you can insert the words і raptom, і unmatched, і raptovo, і once:

Sir vipav - bula shahrika taka with him(Kriliv). - Sir vipav, and the shahraystvo taka was not born with him; Blowing the wind - everything shuddered, came to life, laughed(M. Gorky). - The wind blew, and at once everything shuddered, came to life, laughed.

2. In another speech, the collapsible proposition is expressed in opposition. Mіzh simple propositions can be inserted a, ale.

SR: Serve b radium - serve tediously(Griboyedov). - Serve b radium, but serve is tedious; Vin guest - I am the master(Bagritsky). - Vin is a guest, and I am a master.

3. Another proposition is to revenge the consequence, result, visnovok. Between parts you can insert words to that, also, as a result.

SR: I'm dying - I'm dumb to what nonsense(Turgenev). - I'm dying, I'm dumb to what lies; I would have liotchiki pishov - let me teach you(Mayakovsky). - I’d like to help the liotchik pishov, so let me teach you.

Note. Even though the meaning of the consequence is not pronounced intonation, instead of a dash, put a coma, for example: People are not stupid, we know(Chekhiv).

4. Wash the first hour of the hour. Before the first part, you can put splits if, for example.

SR: The intestines grimace - the mice are privileged (adjective). - if the intestines are gritting, the mice are privilya; If there will be wood, there will be fungi (Pushkin). - If there will be wood, there will be fungi.

Note Like a friend of a proposition in a bezspіlkovіy foldable speech starts in part so that a coma is put instead of a dash, for example: Give it to the skin on the throat, so it will soon happen to go hungry(Pushkin).

5. At another rechennі mіstsya pіvnyannya. Mіzh simple propositions can put spіlki nachebto.

SR: Promote the word - the nightingale sleeps(Lermontov). - Speak the word, nibi nightingale sleeps.

6. Another proposition for a folding unfortunate speech may have an added value and start with words so, so, so:

Order є order - so yogo was swung(Vorobyov).

Another proposition may have additional meaning and before it you can put the word tse (another word tse є in the proposition itself):

Plan for the analysis of an allied collapsible proposition

  1. Specify the type of folding proposition (bezspіlkova folding proposition).
  2. Tell me, from several parts, a folding proposition is formed (see the grammatical foundations).
  3. Indicate the meaning (meanings in blue) between the parts of the non-split proposition. Ground the setting of the rozdіlovy sign (coma, speck with coma, double speck, dash).
  4. Encourage the scheme of a bezstupnikovo foldable proposition.

Zrazok razboru

Oak trimming - the reed fell to the ground(Kriliv).

Bezspіlkova folding proposition; consists of two simple parts: 1) oak trim; 2) the reed fell to the ground; grammar basics: 1) oak trim; 2) the reed fell. Another proposition can be replaced by a proposition (between parts you can insert a union a: The oak is trimming, and the reed has fallen to the ground). Therefore, a dash should be put between parts of the collapsible proposition.

- .

You can learn the nuances of Russian all life, so it's enough and not having mastered this difficult science. In this article, we will talk about special punctuation marks, which are called "hyphen" and "dash". Why is it important to know and how to write them correctly (or else) - to whom you choose.

What is it?

All the same, in the middle of nowhere, it is necessary to speak with the understandings themselves. Also, a hyphen and a dash - these two are absolutely different not only for the spelling, but also for the recognition of the punctuation mark. Warto say about those that the rules of their writing are not so simple - there are impersonal different nuances, if you correctly put that chi іnshiy punctuation mark. Rozіbratisya in tsoma - head meta tsієї statti. It is important to see the main rule, as follows, in order to avoid pardons:

  • a hyphen of designations for joining parts of one word;
  • a dash poklikane split two words (as the word is promoted, then there is a small pause on the space of the dash).

Head problems

Otzhe, razіbralis in what zovsіm raznimi for their recognition є hyphen and dashes (differentials are in the rules of their writing). Now let’s take a look at the most complicated situations, if in a person you can blame the doubts on the one you put - a hyphen or a dash.

  1. A hyphen should be placed at the hour of writing (Petrov-Vodkin, Gay-Lussac).
  2. A dash is placed at the names of these laws, as they are named for the honor of the names of a number of scholars (Boyle-Mariotte's law).
  3. A dash should be placed in numerical and space ranges (20-21st century, on sides 1-2, Kiev-Moscow). However, it is also necessary to put a hyphen in such a case (three-chotiri days).
  4. For other numbers, numerical values, a hyphen is written (tel. 5-36-42).

It is important to say about those that, as words, as if they are written with a hyphen, are transformed into words, then it is necessary to put a dash or a gap. Butt: "spoons-spoons" are transformed into "table-spoons".

What is the third?

The Russian language has two punctuation marks, which look approximately the same - a hyphen and a dash (when writing, dove's sticks are struck). However, the topography has one more relative, which looks approximately the same - minus. How to signify what is instructed on the side? So, the smut rule: marvel at the dozhina of the stick, which is engraved on the arch. Everything can look something like this:

  • Hyphen: -.
  • Minus: -.
  • Dash: -.

At first glance, perhaps, the vіdmіnostі y is not necessary to remember, it's definitely a stench. The hyphen is the shortest of the signs, there is a minus, and only then a dash - the punctuation mark found.

About typing on a computer

Having sorted out these punctuation marks, you should also recognize and remember how to correctly type a hyphen and a dash in "Word". So, for whom do you need

  1. To type a hyphen (hyphen, dash), it is simple to know the double sign on the keyboard (for this there are two keys).
  2. Minus (En dash). To type the character, you need to press the Ctrl + hyphen keys on the right numeric keypad (calculator).
  3. Dash (Em dash). To put a punctuation mark, you need to press the next key: Alt + Ctrl + hyphen on the right numeric keypad (calculator).

With this, you can also hack a special code for typing hyphens and dashes on the keyboard. Dash - 0151; hyphen - 0150. To enter, simply press Alt + the required character code.

About writing signs

Also, we know what a hyphen and a dash are. Why is there a difference when recruiting - they picked it up. Now varto look at a copy of the rules for writing. It is also necessary to signify what is written - hyphen chi minus (qi signs are similar to each other), remember that the hyphen is small. The minus is to blame but vir_vnyanim on the width of the plus sign. Another more important rule: a dash on a computer on both sides is entered with spaces, a hyphen - n. Another good fact: the dash on the computer is set to the width of the letter m, so in the English version it is called Em dash. The cost of other signs is worthy: minus - the width of n (En dash), hyphen - just a short stick (dash).

Rules: when to put a hyphen

Otzzhe, if you need to get used to the hyphen of the rules of the Russian language?

  1. For the arrival of particles (spike, kimos).
  2. For the arrival of prefixes (Russian, Persian).
  3. If necessary, under the folding words (chemical-biological).
  4. This is a necessary sign of speed (kіlkіst, fіz-ra).
  5. Word-findings (internet cafe, business lunch).
  6. Like a sign of transference (what is practically not discussed on the Internet today).

Forgive the rules: when put a dash

Looking like a hyphen and a dash, vіdminnostі їх zastosuvannі, sіd memorize the rules. Otzhe, if it is necessary to live a dash?

  1. For the purpose of direct mov.
  2. This sign is placed between members of the proposition.
  3. For z'єdnannya dates, vіdstany (11-12 centuries, Kiev-Moscow).
  4. To replace the repetition of words, to go to sleep in one heading.
  5. Other Russian rules.

Russian movie rules

Warto say about those who are impersonal in other aspects when writing such a punctuation mark, like a dash. Otzhe, if vin is guilty of zastosovuvatisya correctly?

  1. Mіzh adjudgment and pіdleglim, if the tie is filled with zero, and the head terms are either a name or a numeral (Lyubov is the charm of nature).
  2. Before such words: tse, from, mean, yakі znahodyatsya mizh adjudice і pіdlyagaє (dre - tse serious mental illness).
  3. For obviousness, pauses in incomprehensible words.
  4. Intonation dash between be-like members of the speech.
  5. In notes, if you understand the word, you need to vodokremiti in the very explanation.
  6. As a proposition may have an explanatory character, a dash may be used for resurrection.
  7. For a logical vision of the program, it is possible to know for example the words.
  8. For seeing insert structures.
  9. Also, a dash is placed in folded rows, as there is a place to put a mark, or a shift is changed.
  10. At bezspіlkovyh propositions(as the other part is marked first; as in the other part, it is equal to the first; in the other part, the visnovka is the same as the first part; as in the river, the change of the podia is pronounced; the other part of the proposition is the adjoining part of the first).

However, to say that it is far from being a complete translation of if a dash can be put. Zagal can make up to 50 rules and nuances. There are more representations of the widest range of punctuation of this punctuation mark.

When the dash is not put

Vivechayuchi so razdіlovі signs, like a hyphen and a dash, varto so look at the situation, if the dash does not get used in the words.

  1. Yakshcho before the award, there is a word, zaperechennya, chastka, union, clerk (I’m already at a loss that my man is not a doctor).
  2. Like before the award there is another member of the proposition, which is brought up to the new (All Russia is our garden).
  3. Pіdlyagaє pereduє іmenne pridok (Glorious place tsya valley).
  4. Do not put dashes, as if pdlyagaє at once they add up with a prize (an alien soul is dark).
  5. Yakshko pіdlyagaє was expressed by a special borrower, the assignment of expressions by the name of the obov'yazkovo to the native vіdmіnka.
  6. Have different words of pink style.

Sorry visnovki

Having sorted out, as if it is necessary to correctly insert such punctuation marks, as a hyphen and a dash, as well as to know how to distinguish between them already written text. Having read this article, you can easily understand all the nuances and do not get caught in an unacceptable situation, as if you are stuck with unwritten writing similar to your own sight of different signs.

Dash Dash(French tiret, ext tirer - pull), bad sign in looking straight horizontal lines between [-] with spaces on both sides (in European writing systems). In Russian punctuation, the victors are used to distinguish between pauses between words (parts of speech); podkreslennya іntonatsії (vyklikanої emotsіynіstyu vyslovlyuvannya) in movі; between pdlyagayuchim and adjudgment on the mist of the daytime connection; to see the direct movie, introductory words; acknowledgment to the union with the support of the chair, etc. T. hyphen.

Great Radianska Encyclopedia. - M: Radianska Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

Wonder what is "Tіre (rozdіlovy sign)" in other dictionaries:

    - ... Wikipedia

    Razdіlovі signs of the elements of writing, scho vykonuyut additional functions under (vision) of meanings in the text, speech, phrases, words, parts of the word, grammatical and logical inscriptions between words, ... Wikipedia

    This term may have other meanings, div. Dot. . Krapka (rozdіlovy sign) Punctuation ... Wikipedia

    Dash- a rozdіlovy sign, which is also used as a clever sign of replacing repeated words in the headings of headings and subrubrics, so that you can go to sleep. vkazivnik. For example: Offset paper from Drukars See books: for the method of material printing security ... Vidavnichesky dictionary-dovidnik

    Rozdіlovy sign. It means a proposition, to be placed at a simple proposition between a plyagayachim and an award, in a non-split collapsible phrase between parts, which are contrasted: “It’s cold in the autumn - the road is freezing” (A. S. Pushkin). Move the dash. Literary encyclopedia

    Tire rozdіlovy sign Tyre is one of the symbols of the Morse code Tire (Іzmir) place in Turkey Div. also Tyr ... Wikipedia

    - (Fr.). One of the rozdіlovih signs at the leaf characteristic (), an increase in the pass, a small tooth. Glossary of inshomonic words that have gone up to the stock of Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. dash (French tiret tirer pull) 1) razdіlovy sign at the sight of long ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of Russian language

    dash- (Dash) Single rozdіlovy razdіlovy sign [dot, coma, dvukrapka, dash, bagatokrapka etc.] who go... Font terminology

    - [Re], fixed; since. [French. tiret] 1. Rozdіlovy sign at the sight of a long horizontal line. T. mizh pіdmetom i award. Put t. Vidiliti enter the proposition for the help of the dependent t. 2. A sign of this kind in the Morse alphabet; beep, ... ... Encyclopedic dictionary

    Multiple since. 1. The variegated sign looks like a straight horizontal drawing, which takes root like a simple one, so in a common proposition and vikonu different semantics syntactic functions. 2. The sign of the Morse code like a horizontal drawing, like ... Modern gloomy glossary of Efremova


  • Type a table. Russian language. Spelling. 5-11 class (15 tables), . Rozdіlovі signs at animals. Uzagalnyuuchi words for the same members of the speech. Coma with the same members. Dash at the unfortunate folding proposition. Dvokrapka in bezsp_lkovom folding...

The latitude of the stasis of the dash in modern languages ​​is evidence of the sing of the universalization of this sign. Prote can still reveal the laws of yoga living.

A dash, persh for everything, means all the passages - the omission of a link in the adjudication, the omission of a member of the proposition in non-linear propositions and in the propositions with a zero suffix, the omission of the protracted splits. A dash, like a bi compensating for missing words, taking care of it, for example: Solotcha - a winding, shallow river (K. Paustovsky) - a transfer of a call; Behind the highway - a birch forest (I. Bunin) - a sign of a zero award in an elliptical proposition; Nina carried porridge, Vitya - an empty saucepan with a spoon (K. Fedin) - a transfer of the award in an inconsistent proposition; Vіn vvazhav, that Beethoven has his own "Mіsyachna sonata", and the new one has his own, and it's not even better, it's better (V. Kaverіn) - a re-entry into the wrong proposition; Not with him - with fire now I am moving (I. Snigiv); Inscribe in the history of the wine [Rik 1941] especially: not quiet, like a rich one, - thunderous (S. Shchipachov) - a pass of the protileous union of the mizh same members in simple propositions; Summer is in store - winter is coming (appendix) - transfer of the opposite union in a folding proposition.

The setting of a dash in the place of the crossover can lead to the thought that in this function of the dash, as a razdilovy sign, it may be similar to the trioma in speckles. However, the overflows, which are fixed by dashes and triples in speckles, are the overflows of different ones.

The gaps that are indicated by a dash are always "grammatical": the gaps are fixed not as a word, but as a member of the word, as a structural element of the word (bypassing a sentence, bypassing another row member of a word, bypassing a happy element - union - between members of a word or parts of a folding word) . Bagatokrapka indicates omissions of parts of the text, which either cannot be directly related to the main idea of ​​the difference, or for various reasons, the author believes. Let there be some sort of overflowing, so that the substitutional side of the text, and not the grammatical one, is tormented.

Another function of the dash is meanings: the transfer of the meaning of mind, the hour, the difference, the consequences, the indication and the indication in the fluctuations, if the value is not expressed lexically, then. splits; zreshtoyu, ce tezh fixation of their own transfers.

Such functions of power in a dash in unlucky folded speeches, with the formation of such a great role in playing intonation: the first part of such propositions moves with a sharply increasing tone and a deep pause before the other part, a dash is placed between the parts. Apply the following propositions: Fight one by one - do not turn life upside down (N. Ostrovsky) - the first part of the proposition means mind; Having prokinuvshis - the great-grandmother didn’t blush, but the reshta drank tea (V. Panova) - an hour was appointed at the first part; The bulanka rushed, fell into the troughs, hobbled - the cart didn’t collapse (M. Aleksiev) - an indication was laid at the other part; Vaughn guessed Winkler - the dead tightness tightly squeezed my heart and turned the forces (K. Paustovsky) - the other part to take revenge on her own consequence, the visnovo from that, about which one is told in the first part.

Like a bachimo, the meaning, which is transmitted on the sheet for an additional dash, is wide, but accessible for inspection, and the most important moment when the sign is implanted is an indication of the meaning of the parts of the proposition, as it works without the intermediary of splits. The substitution of these splits reveals one of the specific meanings of parts of such words. Porivn. with spіlkami: If you prokinuvshis, great-grandmother did not; The bulanka rushed, fell into slips, huddled together, but the cart did not burst; Vaughn guessed Winkler, and (and to that) the dead tight squeezed her heart tightly and turned her strength.

Dash can be called a sign of "inconsistency" - semantic, intonational, compositional. So, for an additional dash, a lack of arrival is indicated: Vaughn looked around wickedly - no one (V. Rasputin); Mikita can mirk in this manner the whole night - only a little rose in the ear (V. Shukshin).

The "non-spontaneous" composition can be illustrated with the butts of a living dash with an invisible rotting of the parts of the proposition, for example, if the appendages are placed in front of the head (sound the stench, the stench may be strictly fixed in the place - after the words, you can’t get the stench): Chi, telepathy nautsi ("Science and life"). SR: Science is unknown, what is telepathy, what is not telepathy.

Tyre can act as a kind of intermediary. Nasampered, the dash signals about the boundary between the author's words and the direct move: "Who?" - Powered out Pashka (V. Shukshin); I only if they whisper: "Mom! Mom!" - it became easier for you... (A. Chekhov).

The same, with a paragraph roztashuvanni replies to the dialogue: On the threshold, leaning her head to the back and both hands, pressing her hands to the breasts of a piece of homely fur, stood Iren.

  • – I knew that tse vi.
  • - Vibachte, why in such an early hour ...

Petya forcibly changed his spirit (V. Kataev).

The role of the intermediary victorious dash and with its own compression impulse: It’s such a miracle that the Organs have turned too much power (A. Solzhenitsyn).

Nareshti, a dash of old to convey and emotional bіk movi: dynamіchіchnі, rіzkіst, shvidku zmіnu podіy, for example: As if saying one not old mіy from the stock of an ordinary sign of the one who is deprived of wine, and of this life, front-line: "Fight - and all of you (A. Tvardovsky) Purely emotional urge to carry a dash in the forward rows from the top to A. Blok:

Scary, licorice, inevitably required

Meni - throw yourself into the rampant rampart,

You - green-eyed naiad

Sleep, squish the white of the Irish skel.

The expressive function is characterized by a dash, which reveals the intonation fluency of the phrase and in this way creates emotional tension and gaudiness. Axis deyakі apply z creativ M. Gorky: I'm making papers ... but the stench is no good; Death rozula trampled his feet, lay down on the stone and fell asleep; Throwing a radiant glance at the free land and laughing proudly. And then we fell and died.

All tsі podkrestlennya for the additional dash of the emotional side of the movie, її tension and dynamism, naturally, ordering manners and vikladu that are not regulated by the rules.

Also, the range of living a dash is really wide: in a first way, it is a fixer of strong "grammatical" passages, a dash fills in verbally empty spaces; in a different way, for the presence of special lexical and grammatical features of expression (in case of absence of spelling) the number of words is transmitted on the sheet of special meanings - wise-hourly and similar, in moving numbers the meanings are conveyed by intonation patterns; thirdly, є mark the creation of the emotionally expressive qualities of the movie.

Ale, the dash grows. The sign is beginning to "zahoplyuvat" other people's positions, as if the stench is signified by mischievous show-offs. Zakrema, there is a tendency to vyyavlyayutsya to vyyavlyayutsya dvokrapka sign dashes in quiet vipadki, if explanatory roses'explaining zmіst constructions are obvious - the meanings of the parts of the speech appear on the lexical level, lie on the surface.

The dash is actively played with significant concretization of sensation in the other part of the speech, for the sake of clarity, for example: For a long time, speak about one thing clearly - without revealing there is no right prose and no poetry (K. Paustovsky).

Such a sign is especially characteristic for the obviousness of the first part of the word with non-specific meanings: So stink - Adzhimurat in front, Chornogriviy on the reins, Sultanmurat behind him from the burden on his back, muttering the mongrel Aktosha (Ch. Aitmatov).

Particularly necessary is the dash when resurrecting, if such a situation is blamed in one word. Then a dash is put in one position, a double-dash (or navpaki) is put in the other: Whether it was buoyed for a long day, but without failing to end - a snowstorm, and a snowfall, and a lack of sun, and in the night it was quiet and urochisto: not clear light of gas lights , white nibs burnt with gauze silhouettes of trees, soft forging snowflakes (B. Akunin).

The process of a kind of universalization of the dash sign at this time of the day is active, that the dash takes positions and other signs, the zocrema - which in the primary folding proposition: You write a fairy tale to me not recklessly - so that you don’t blow out the thinnest file, like a wine cover (K. Paustovsky).

The practice of such a wide implantation of a dash instead of a double-flap (and sometimes Komi) can’t even tell about those who in the same minds can no longer stand a great sign: in parallel, it’s less important to mention about the trend choice of sign. The most traditional, severe, "academic" (double) and new, more free, energetic and expressive (dash). Choose to lie in the nature of the text, the manner of writing, the nareshti, the author's name, but one thing is clear - it is no longer possible to stream an offensive dash.

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