Allied call. Folding propositions: a non-split and allied link Foldable propositions with a non-split link


Section 2090 yak, dumb, nibi, exactly) abo turnover, union union yak at the value (in capacity).

Por_vnyalny turnover, utavleniya іmennik і formі ім. etc., vykonuє at the warehouse of simple propositions, the primary function for the advancing minds.

1) As for this proposition, due to the changes in its turnover, the informative integrity will be destroyed: Axis red cloak, what to fly povz, Axis zhіnochiy voice yak string(Block); Yogo retinue - Masha - cheerful balakunka h ochima yak cherries, bula dressed up brightly(Hirko.); Bouv wine non-grabable, undersized, h hands dumb rake(Journal).

2) How this turnover is brought to the mark and through the new to the name, characterizing at the same time and the object of that mark: Katyusha, slyly chuckle і black, yak wet currant, ochima, flew youmu naustrich(L. Tolst.).

About other vipadki vzhivannya por_vnyalnogo union divas.


§. split chimlower) serve for the expression of the gradational alignment, so that the alignment for the sympathy of the vimiruvana: pear malter, chim apple; greater, chim snow; more cold, chim zavzhdi. With comparatives, the word form іz spilkoyu chimlower) take the position of the filling form: on the dark sky started flicker stars, і wonderful, meni gave up, what stink richly more, chim at us on the pіvnochi(Lerm.); Here bulo lighter, chim in field(Czech.); Won bula, zbentezhena more more, chim I(Kataev); Osika more get together h pivnichnym siruvatem sky, lower h burning blakittue heaven(Soloukh.).

Note. The comparative position can be occupied by borrowers of the type other (otherwise), other (on-otherwise); life on the others planets maybe opine succinctly other, chim on the Earth(Journal).

Such motives have a fallow part of the union chimlower) cannot express propositions by itself.

§. split yak і (one yak і, So and yak і) expresses the veneration of the blue ((equal rank), (in the equal world)); Vіn z'єdnuє parallel terms on pіdstavі їhny їhny zavlennja to award: mushroom pickers, yak і fishermen, not love zayvogo noise і roses((Mushroom pickers do not like and fishermen do not like)). On the vіdmіnu vіd yak equal, union yak і I point to the similarity, similarity of objects not for their day (if the similarity is not excluded), but according to their date, up to one day, signs, signs. split yak і demonstrating the orderly setting, indicating the fallow position of the word form that is introduced by him, ale element і to bring in the meaning of the sentence and bring it closer to the coordinating ones, which are expressed by the union (por.: a one і, yak... So і): on the war tree, yak і people, toil skin my share(Sholoh.); Lyudina clearly being afraid be late, one yak і Skutarivsky(Leon.); Captain ENAKIV, So and yak і yoga soldiers, h first I'll have a look falling in love boy(Kataev). split yak і often spіvvіdnosit okrem situation іz zagalnoy: Vin, yak і all too many viysk, not mind dress up on-fashionable(L. Tolst.); Yak і in all over villages, in booth not bulo no vote, no sound(Lipativ).

When ordering WORD FORMS

§. The word form, which is in a row connection with another word form, can be connected with the rest of the chain for an additional union: I yoga I know, і for a long time; Us check infirmity, ale (a all-so i) separation. There can be splits і, ale, So, like a, and also close to creativity wanta. All stinks can speak in different occasions, which are more or less unity. The order of the splits is the words of the type navіt, only, especially. Do not get used to these constructions split splits, explanations (crim be then), gradation.

The allied link is superimposed on the link of word forms, taking on the meaning of this and adding the same meaning - happy, disgusting, accommodating. Such a construction will be more important on the basis of weak contractual links, but it is not included for strong links. The fallow word form is often followed by the union ( On right collapse, ale adequately), but you can blow youma ( On right adequately, ale collapse).

The allied link is superimposed on the link of word forms of different types: contract (1) or characteristic only for speech (2): 1) Hero our hour exactly portrait, ale not one people(Lerm.); I writing, ale dribnitsa(Czech.). 2) Won tezh go h him, ale already easy, straight, free view petulant anxiety(Leon.); Axis і now planted city, So not all: three Sim'ї started more h autumn, rose up on life places(Rozp.). Such a call can be bidirectional: Meni sell peasants oats, So already sore filth(Czech.; filth oatsі sell filth); Eyes, wanta і polished brown ten, shone proudly і unfavorably(Lerm.; eyes, polished tenі shone, polished ten).

Superimposed on the link of word forms, the split turns out to be blue as the subject of that її sign ( infirmity, ale separation) or mіzh deієyu ta її sign ( I know, і for a long time), and th mіzh qіlimi situations: Batko where, ale more not soon((father is here), (they will not come soon)). When tsimu spіlka introduce a word form, yak wins the role of another rémi; equal: I turn around not soon(rema - not soon) that I turn around, ale not soon(persha rhema - turn around, friend - not soon).

A fallow word form can be included not before the award, but before the next member of the sentence: Per Nastya came one Mrs., tezh yak-then loan G-on the Totsky on maєtku, ale already in other, distant provinces, і took Nastya h yourself(Dist.); Death Napoleon embarrassed yoga, ale wine not falling into the water in renewal wanta і crippled, ale all-so i kingdoms Polish(L. Tolst.); Zustrich h Tanya, So more in such day, what does it mean Swedish end winy, gave up youmu deep banner(Kozakevich). The fallow part of the proposition, which is introduced by the union, often includes lexical indications of modality and hour to its warehouse, such as obov'azkovo, zavzhdi, now, already, more, renew, maybe, give up, navpaki.

§. Z'ednannya subordering, given in the links of words, and create, given in the spilets, confuse the syntactic specifics of the union part: it is formally fallow, although the waters between the parts are identical to the parts of the creation. In constructions with a coherent subordering of word forms, it is possible to have such blue.

1) Additions, extensions, extensions (unions) і, і before that, і before to that and, і navіt, navіt і not only, So, So more): [Famusiv:] Falling into, So So, what trochs utility room not knocked down(Mushroom.); housekeeper, on extreme peace, not naked beard, a tsey, navpaki Togo, shaving, і, for rent, milk rarely(Gogol); Well So know, what I make friends, і now already not at once(Dist.); Through two specks pass straight, і before that only one(Pidruchnik); Mi ready, і for a long time, systems per style negotiations(Gas.).

2) Opponents with an intermediary match (unions ale, ale not, ale all-so i, ale all and, ale already, ale now, ale liche, ale at tsyumu; So, So not, So already, So only, So і then, і then, however, wanta b, only): At then hour boov more naming Її man, ale casually(Pushk.); pong p'yut - however not water, walk few(Lerm.); Now I only want buti kohanim, і then more nebagatma(Lerm.); Insariv siv, ale not on the sofa, a on the become, at її nig(Turg.); І So more rarely, ale boova і h people(Shv.); W fog valleys vote, ale already off the beaten path(Paust.); Dear at a cost, ale learned live one(A. Kron).

3) Concessions with an intermediate or a blower ( wanta [і], hoch [і], wanta і... ale, hoch і... a, come on ... ale, come on, come on, ale truth, ale then, hoch b [і]... So [then], truth, a, a all-so i, all one): Risi її, wanta wrong, could be worthy(Turg.); ale P'er, wanta і reluctantly, leaned out on the volume, what vvazhav fair(L. Tolst.); Wet infantry At new gusto curse swamp, Not dream about friend - hoch b death, So on the dry(Tward.); marvelous, in such places, a nowhere five(Hermann); Zavzhdi wiser come on gіrke, ale knowledge, Chim fearful ignorance clue(Єvtush.); Ide board, truth, small(Rozg. Mova).

4) Explanatory and inclusive (specifying and visual) ( for example, especially, in peculiarities, in zokrema, in everyone vipadku, smut rank, more often of all, a especially, і in zokrema, і in peculiarities): Vin becoming read, all more on-English(Turg.); Your presence, especially today, for less necessary(Dist.); pennies come in handy, a especially in Taganrozi(Czech.).

Crim spіlok, as a sign of zv'yazkіv in the order of word forms can act introductory words that phrase ( obviously, ymovirno, maybe buti, before happy, maybe, well), so prislіvniki, yak chastkovo, hour, other, zavzhdi, hour, on the cob, already, more: Few-little by little won learned on the new wonder, on the cob speed, bevel, і all sumuwala(Lerm.); Talk, note brought, - guilty buti, view sickly(Turg.); Individual її all more palalo, maybe buti і furious(Dist.).

Examined in § - constructions, which to avenge in oneself the signs of both simple and folding propositions, in divisions about folding speech not to be deviated from the system of folding propositions, and they are described in the middle of the following types of yoga.


A link between homogeneous members and parts of folding propositions with additional unions. div. homogeneous members propositions, folded words. since. : bezspіlkovy zv'yazyok.

Glossary of linguistic terms. 2012

Marvel at the cloudiness, synonyms, meaning of the word and what is the SPILKOVY ZV'YAZOK in Russian language in dictionaries, encyclopedias and docs:

  • ZV'YAZOK in the Illustrated Encyclopedia
    - div.
  • ZV'YAZOK from the Galactic Encyclopedia of Science Fiction Literature:
    Venturi made a small screen and removed a silver mirror disc with a number of small important ones. Lifting chi lowering ts important, vin ...
  • ZV'YAZOK in the Encyclopedia of Japan from A to Z:
    This information service (merezhі tekhnologii) is one of the leading galleys of the Japanese economy. The very bogeyman of a promissory state is one ...
  • ZV'YAZOK Glossary of economic terms:
    Causal - div. Causal call. ZV'YAZOK TELEKSNA - div. TELEKSNA ...
  • ZV'YAZOK Glossary of economic terms:
    central exhibition of the system of the Sovereign Committee for the Radiation of the Ministers of the SRSR at the right of exhibition, printing and book trade. Get to know Moscow. Cob ...
  • ZV'YAZOK in Encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Chem.) div. Budova chemist or…
  • ZV'YAZOK from the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • ZV'YAZOK in the encyclopedic dictionary:
    1) transmission and reception of information for additional technical assistance (mailing calls, electric calls and other). 2) The bogeyman of the people's dominion, what do you care about ...
  • ZV'YAZOK in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, about the sound, at the sound, that at the sound, f. 1. (at the link). Vіdshenie vzaєmnoї zalezhnostі, umovlenostі, svіlnostі mіzh chimos. …
    transmission and reception of information for help decomp. tech. koshtiv. Vіdpovіdno to the nature of zastosovuvanih zasobіv S. podіlyaєtsya by mail (div. ...
  • ZV'YAZOK from the Great Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Philos.), Mutuality of mindfulness of the appearances, divisions in space and in the hour. S. classify for the objects of knowledge, for the forms of determinism (unambiguously, imovirnіsnі...
  • ZV'YAZOK in the new accentuated paradigm of Zaliznyak:
    connection, connection, connection, connection, connection, connection, connection, connection, connection, connection, connection, connection, connection, connection, ...
  • ZV'YAZOK in the Popular Tlumach-encyclopedic dictionary of Russian:
    -i, about the call, at the call, f. 1) Vіdnoshnja vzaєmnoї zalezhnostі, umovlenostі, spіlnostі mizh kim-l. but chim-l. Zvyazok theory and practice. …
  • ZV'YAZOK the dictionary for solving that folding of scanwords:
  • ZV'YAZOK in the thesaurus of Russian language vocabulary.
  • ZV'YAZOK at the Thesaurus Russian language.
  • ZV'YAZOK at the Glossary of synonyms of Abramov:
    zcheplennya, happy lanka. A chain of thoughts, to understand - an association of ideas. Union || spitting …
  • ZV'YAZOK at the glossary of Russian Synonyms.
  • ZV'YAZOK at the New Tlumach-word-work dictionary of Efremova:
  • ZV'YAZOK at the Glossary of Russian language Lopatin:
    call, ...
  • ZV'YAZOK at the New Russian Spelling Dictionary:
    call, ...
  • ZV'YAZOK in the spelling dictionary:
    call, ...
  • ZV'YAZOK in the Glossary of Russian Ozhegov:
    part of the budіvelnoї design, scho z'єdnuє її main elements Spec zv'yazok podomlennya z kim-nebud, as well as koshti, scho give the opportunity to znositsya, povіdomlyatisya ...
  • ZV'YAZOK in the Daily Dark Dictionary, Wikipedia:
    1) transmission and reception of information for additional technical assistance. Depending on the nature of the zastosovuvannyh zasobiv, the call is subdivided into ...
  • ZV'YAZOK at Tlumach's dictionary of Russian Ushakov:
    zv'yazku, about zv'yazok, zv'yazku ta (z kim-chim-n. Buti) zv'yazku, w. 1. Those who pov'yazuє, go sho-n. from chim-n.; …
  • ZV'YAZOK in the Tlumach dictionary of Ephraim:
    and. 1) b) Conscience, mutual understanding, internal unity. 2) a) Compilation with kim-l. b) Love...
  • ZV'YAZOK in the New Glossary of Ephraim:
  • ZV'YAZOK at the Great Modern Tlumach Dictionary of Russian Language:
    and. 1. Vzaimnі vіdnosinі mіzh be-kim, chim-nebud. ott. Spіlnіst, mutually intelligible, internal unity. 2. Splikuvannya z be-kim. ott. Love stosunki, sleeping. …
  • ERFURT UNION CONVENTION OF 1808 from the Great Radian Encyclopedia, BSE:
    union convention 1808 p. secret, between Russia and France. Viroblenno during the negotiations of Alexander I and Napoleon I in Erfurt (15 ...
  • CHEMICAL RING from the Great Radian Encyclopedia, BSE:
    links, mutually heavy atoms, which bring the molecules and crystals to the solution. It is customary to say that a molecule has crystals between succes...
  • Potsdam Union Convention of 1805 from the Great Radian Encyclopedia, BSE:
    union convention of 1805, between Russia and Prussia. Signed at Potsdam on 22 Zhovtnya (3 leaf fall) from the side of Russia by Prince A. ...
  • PONDICHERIE (SOYUZNA TER-RIA AT WAREHOUSE INDIAN) from the Great Radian Encyclopedia, BSE:
    Puttuchcheri, union territory near the warehouse of India. Area 0.5 yew. km2. population 0.5 million people (1971). The administrative center is the Pondicheri place. …
    Data: 2009-07-29 Time: 14:13:17 Navigation Topic = NATO war against Yugoslavia Wikipedia = NATO war against Yugoslavia Wikimedia Commons = Kosovo …
  • SPILKA in the One-Volume Great Law Dictionary:
    1) sovereign illumination with a single supreme (central) power, which is formed from a number of united powers (for example, the Union Republic of Yugoslavia) or self-ruled colonies ...
  • SPILKA from the Great Law Dictionary:
    - 1> the state of illumination with a single supreme (central) power, which is formed from a large number of united powers (for example, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) or self-ruled ...
  • Pivdenoslov'ya at Dovіdnik Krayin svіt:
    UNION OF THE REPUBLIC OF Pivdennosoverzhnoi Power (FRY) Power on the Balkan Peninsula, which is composed of two republics of the largest Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia - Serbia and ...
  • CROATIA at Dovidnik Krayin Svit.
  • KAZAKHSTAN at Dovіdnik Krayin svіt:
    REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Power in Central Asia. At the pіvnochі between Russia, at the gathering - from China, at the pivdni - from ...
  • AZERBAIJAN at Dovіdnik Krayin svіt:
    SKY REPUBLIC Power at the Transcaucasian region at the west of Asia. At the pivnichniy between Russia, at the pivnichny entry - from Georgia, on ...
  • Pivdenoslov'ya from the Great Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Jugoslavija) The Union Republic of Yugoslavia, a power on the pivdnі of Europe, a country on the Balkan pіvostrovі, in the Danube basin; on the pivdenny entrance it is washed by the Adriatic ...
  • UKRAINIAN RADIAN SOCIALISTIC REPUBLIC from the Great Radian Encyclopedia, BSE:
    Radian Socialist Republic, URSR (Ukraine Radian Socialist Republic), Ukraine (Ukraine). I. Zagalni vіdomostі The URSR was established on 25 December 1917.
  • SRSR. INSTUP from the Great Radian Encyclopedia, BSE:
    National sovereignty and the number of population of the SRSR, union and autonomous republics (as of September 1, 1976) Union and autonomous republics Territory, …
  • PETROPAUL DEFENSE 1854 from the Great Radian Encyclopedia, BSE:
    defense of 1854, heroic defense of Petropavlovsk (Ninі Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) 18-24 sickles (30 sickles -5 springs) during the hour of the Crimean war of 1853-56. P. …
  • Malaysia from the Great Radian Encyclopedia, BSE:

c) splits of causes. So like, to that, to that, to that, to that, to that, to that, to that, to that, to that, to that, to that, to that;

d) a summary of the evidence. So what;

e) double splits. Yak, nibi, nibi exactly, similarly before that, yak and in;

e) mental splits. Yakshcho, yakshcho, if, if, if there are others.;

g) concession splits. If you want, let it go, let it go, don't care about those who don't;

h) unions of the whole. Schob, schob, potim and in.

union of investigation div. contractors splits (at the statistics split).

allied call. A link between homogeneous members and parts of folding propositions with additional unions. Div. homogeneous members of the speech, folding row of the speech. SR: bezspіlkovy zv'yazyok.

union order div. subordering of the union (at the state ordering of propositions),

allied word. It is a famous word that serves as a link between an adnexal word and a head word and simultaneously functions as a member of the word. The role of allied slavs is played by prominent borrowers who, what, what, whose, what, skilki and borrowers, servants de, where, stars, yak, if, now, why, why that other. homonymous union yak and allied word scho, union if and allied word if, union yak and allied word yak. I thought that Konovalov had changed into a wandering life (Gorky) (which is a union). Gregory smelled of sum and desolation, if through the fallen gates you entered the door of the swan overgrown, (Sholokhov) (if - the union). e x o c) (if the allied word of the role is set to the hour). Extremely moving his head and swaying, like a column of cars (Popov) entered at the gate (like a union, close to the meaning of the union, like and living with a method to turn respect to diy, about how to go in a contracted speech). - Everyone marveled at how they turn around and come in from the airfield (Fedin) (yak is an allied word with the meanings of "yak" and in the role of furnish the way of doing).

special vocabulary. Words and phrases that name objects and understand that can be seen in different spheres labor activity people, and є zagalnovzhivanimi. Special vocabulary includes terms and professionalism.

spiranti. Those same, scho schіlinnі prigosnі.

spontaneous(Latin spontaneus - mimic). Independent, neumovlennaya, free. Spontaneous sound changes (not aware of the position of the sound).

Dієslіvnoї dії method. The lexico-grammatical category of the word, which, in conjunction with the category of mind, expresses those meanings, as it relates to the process of diї (which is the moment of its development, the intensity of the manifestation, the internal dismemberment of the words). The main values ​​associated with the virase method are the following:

4) the meaning of pochatkіvnosti in dієslіv of a thorough mind, adopted for additional prefixes visa; vz; for-, for-. Engage, falter, wave, scream, croak, grimiti, run, blow;

2) the meaning of the exchange of water at the hour, at the same time I will show it at the time of the thorough mind, adopted with the prefix on- or kіlkom prefixes. Lie down, die, cry, swim, streak, whistle, sit, stand, trample, make some noise, meditate, think;

3) the value of effectiveness (completion of diї, completeness of the process, finality of diї) in children of a thorough mind, adopted with prefixes pro-, vіd-, u-, s-. Sleep (all night), sit (trousers), lie down (arm), vdvantazhity, vіdіgrіtisya, evening, vіdshumіti, vmiyatisya, die, pom'aknuti, injure, pokalіchiti, dry, write off (all paper);

4) the meaning of the rozpodilne (distributive) of the dієslіv of a thorough mind with prefixes re-, over- and kilkoma prefixes. Perebіliti, choke, bite, perelamati, peremiti, perepsuvat, leave, bite, zakrivati, vіdkrivati;

5) the meaning of the intensity of the cob dії in the dієslіv of a thorough mind, adopted for the help of the suffix -Well-.. Grimnuti, rinuti, regotnuti;

Two or more simple ones (they are also called predicative parts) enter the warehouse of folding propositions, which are connected by different types of svyazku: the allied author, the unsophisticated and the allied pidryadny sv'yazok. The very presence or presence of splits and their meanings allow us to establish the appearance of a link in the speech.

In contact with

Appointment of a contracting tie at the river

Order, or order call- a kind of link, for which one of the predicative parts is the head, suborder, and inshu - fallow, adnexal. Such a link is passed on for the help of contractors chi union slavs; power can be supplied from the head part to the appendage. In such a manner, a regular link (in the form of a written language) conveys syntactically inconsistency between the predicative parts of the speech.

For example: At the lessons of geography, we found out (about what?) de In geography lessons we recognized- head part, buvayut swell and vіdlivi- a contracting part, why - a contracting union.

Pіdryadnі splіkі аnd allied words

Predicative parts of collapsible propositions, connected by a sub-order link, call for help sub-order splits, allied words. At your own hand, the order of the splits is folded into simple and foldable.

To simple splits one can see: sho, schob, yak, if, ice, poke, yakscho, nibi, nacha for sure, bo, wanta and others. We wish that all peoples lived happily.

Folding splits include at least two words: to that, to that, to that, to, to, like only, bye, bye, no matter what, like bi and others. Yak only the sun shone, all the birds sang.

As allied words can speak out, borrowers and servants: who, sho, yaky, chiy, yaky, skilki(for all vіdminkah); de, where, zvіdki, if, yak, navіscho, why and others. The allied words are always pronounced on whether they are nourished and є one of the members of the appendage speech. There I curled you, where I didn’t beat the syriy vovk!(Rosen)

It is necessary to know: what is it, apply yoga to literature.

See the order in the folding speech

Zalezhno vіd zabu, pov'yazuє predicative parts.

  • allied subordering - parts of folding propositions are combined with simple chi folding splits. I made the doors wider so that the process went smoothly.
  • vodnosne subordering - between the predicative parts there is an allied word. After death, people turn back, stars the stench showed up.
  • food-visiting order - parts of the folding propositions are tied for help food-visiting borrowers and servants. At the appendage part, the expressions are explained by the devil or by the name of the member of the head speech, what can be the meaning of the speech, the pinkness of the activity, the sense, the sprinyattya, the inner state. Berlioz glanced around vaguely, not understanding what had gone wrong.(M. Bulgakov).

Often in one collapsible river there are more than two predicative parts, which are fallow to the head part. U zvyazku z tsim distinguish between sprat types and order:

Tse tsikavo: at the rules of the Russian.

Considering which member of the main proposition explains how the fallow is expanding, supplementary propositions at deyakih dzherelah podіlyayutsya on pіdlyagayut, awards, initial, dodatkovі and furnishing.

  • Kozhen, whom I am here to help. Dodatkova part of the pink part leather.
  • Never think that you already know.(I. Pavlov) think.
  • No way to mess up, which you can’t change anymore. At to this particular type a part of the contract to support the nutrition of the priymennikovy vіdmіnka.

The most wide-ranging classification, zgіdno z some kind of fallow food, on yak stink you can see, adnexal parts are subdivided as follows:

Folding propositions allow you to convey general information about the situation of some people, to speak more widely and informatively. Most folding propositions get used to artistic creations, journalistic articles, scientific practices, texts of official business style.

What is so folded rechennya?

Folding word - a proposition that consists of two and more grammatical foundations, an intonation-shaped unity of meaning that expresses the same meaning. Fallow in spіvvіdnoshnja chastín, vіdіlyаyаyа foldіnі rechennya z coordinating і і spolkovym zv'yazkom.

Folding propositions with a creative link

Folding propositions - allied propositions, which are formed from equal parts, united by a creative link. Parts of collapsible speeches are united in one unit for the help of written, opposite or different splits. A coma is placed in front of the union on a sheet between parts of a folding proposition.

Apply foldable words: The lad shook the tree, and the apple succumbed to the ground Katya went to the institute, and Sashko stayed at home. Chi htos me poklikav, chi zdalos.

Folding propositions with a stringy link

Folding propositions - allied propositions, which from the wrong parts, yak z'ednuyutsya in a row zv'yazyk. In folding rivers, one can see the main part and fallow (additional). Parts of the SPP are united among themselves for additional support and alliances. On the sheet between the parts of the collapsible proposition before the union ( allied word) put in a coma.

Apply folding words: Win a ticket to give to mom. Present blu tsikavo zvіdki arrived Ivan Petrovich. Mishko zayshov at the store, about what kind of rozpovіd yogo friend.

Sound from the head proposition to the successive proposition, you can put food. Apply: I came home, if it was already supper. We got to know about those that happened yesterday.

Folding propositions from a non-split sound

Bezspіlkovі collapsible propositions - propositions, parts of which are only combined with additional intonation, without the choice of splits and allied words.

TOP 3 articlesyakі read at once with tsієyu

Apply collapsible propositions from a non-split sound between parts: The music began to play, the guests began to dance. It will be frost, we won’t go anywhere. Tanya turned around: there was a cry of mowing up to the wall.

A coma, a dash, a dab or a speck with a coma can be placed between the parts of unlucky folding propositions (it’s not necessary, since the parts of the BSP express the meaning).

Folding propositions with different types of linking

Changed folding propositions can include a few propositions, made by the author himself, with a sub-order and a non-split link. Punctuation is added to the sheets in mixed folded sentences, which is typical for folded, folded and unlucky propositions.

Apply: Vitya virishiv: as a teacher to ask for advice on the question, to know that you were not preparing for the lesson. Right-handed hung a picture, like a bow of images a flourishing garden, and left-handed stood a table with carved legs. The weather turned worse: a strong wind rose and the woods began to rise, but in the sky it was warm and dry.

As a folding word in a warehouse of mixed words, logical and syntactical blocks are established, between such blocks a spot is placed with a clod. butt: On the ganka, the gorobets pecked grain, like a vipadkovo granny rose; at this hour veyshov tato, and ptah quickly vіdletіv.

What did we recognize?

  • Folding propositions can avenge simple and folding propositions.
  • For the meanings of parts of folding speeches, they can be equally correct and unevenly correct.
  • Behind the type of linkage of elements, one can see folded rows, folded rows, and non-union propositions.
  • Punctuation is taken care of in folded speeches, the power of folding speeches with a clear type of connection.

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