A dash is placed in front of my direct line. Dovіdnik s spelling and stylistics. Union and allied words for the transfer of other people's words

1. If the words of the author stand in the middle of the straight line (which are seen with the paws), then the paws are put on the cob and in the end of the straight line (and not be placed between the straight line and the words of the author: such punctuation was used in the works of writers of the 19th century):

“I came to command,- stating Chapaev, - and not with papirs to fight"(Furm.).

Notes: 1. A special way of punctuation in the case of “exploring” the words connected at the paw (names of literary works, various enterprises, etc.) is known in such an application: "Pіkova ..." chi tse "... lady"?(Remark of the spy of the clerk at the conclusion on the assertion that the text was filed in the urvkom from the “Pikovoy damy”).

2. You can’t see straight language with your paws in such views:

1) as there is no exact statement as to who should get it, or as if to be directed by the head of the house, order:

They said about Ivashka Brovkin: mits (A. T.); At home and sickness is easier and cheaper to live; and it’s not without reason to say:houses and walls help(Ch.);

2) how direct language is directed at such a looker, which may be mothers and indirect language with this very lexical warehouse:

Alemeni falls into a thought:Chi varto rozpovidat my life?(T.);

3) as if in the middle of the straight line of the insertion, it’s descriptive to say what role it plays opening speech, what do you say to the dzherelo reminder:

I'll die, it seems, and thank God, it seems; I don’t care, it seems, to live (T.); I seem I want to shoot the commander of the gendarmerie himself with a pistol(Versh.);

4) as in the middle of the speech, which is to remind of the periodic friend, an insert is inserted on the reminder (such an insert is seen as lumps):

speech of the speaker, continue correspondent, called out a hot podtrimka to the majority of the attendees

The same, like a whistle-blowing promotion, is transmitted approximately (this is how the character of a direct move is used): Promotion project,having indicated additional, having already taken practical approbation.

2. As if on the spot “I’ll open” straight ahead with the words of the author, it’s not the fault of the boulo b but any kind of rozdilovoy sign, but it’s the fault of the bula to stand a coma, a dot with a coma, a double-dip or a dash, then the author’s words are seen from both sides with a coma and a dash, after which the first word written in small letters:

"We vyrishili, - continuing the assessor,- h I will allow you to spend the night here"(P.) - at the place of "exploring" there would not be a suitable sign; "Ni, - having promoted Yermolai,on the right is not garazd; need a distance choven "(T.) - there was a coma on the "rozrivu" place; “We happen to spend the night here,saying Maksim Maksimovich, - in you won’t cross such a khurtovina through the mountains”(L.) - there would be a dvokrapka on the “rozryu” place.

3. If in the place of “exploring” the direct speech, the words of the author are guilty of a bula b there is a speck, then a coma and a dash are placed before these words, and after them - a speck and a dash, moreover, another part of the direct move is written from the great letter:

“I don’t have anything to do with anything,— guessing wine about yourself. -The wisdom of me is a fortune teller"(M. R.); “You want to kill me, Olenko,having stolen the head of Voropaev.Well, why don't you let me go?(Pavlo)

4. Yakshcho on the mіstsі "rozrivu" direct movi words of the author mav bi stand energized or hail sign, this sign is taken before the words of the author and after the new one is put a dash. Whenever the words of the author are written in small letters, then they are put with a dot and a dash, and the other part of the direct language is written in great letters:

“Then call you Pavka?— interrupted Movchannya Tonya. - Why Pavka? Tse ugly sound, better for Pavel "(BUT.); “Axis of wines, end of the world!wiguknuv Mokhov.Great! Never traveled so far!(Azh.)

5. If the words of the author do not cost enough bagatokrakka in the place of “exploring” straight lines, then it is taken away and a dash is put after the new one; after the words of the author, put a coma and a dash (like another part of the direct language does not make an independent speech, - it is written in small letters): “It is not required ... - Vershinin said,no need, boy!(Nd. Іv.); or a dot and a dash (like another part of a new proposition, - it is written in great letters): “Watch ... - saying Frost gloomily."Give me a leaf..."(F.)

6. As in the words of the author, which are in the middle of the direct movement, there are two words for the meaning of the expression, for which one is brought to the first part of the straight line, and the last to the other, then after the words of the author are put doublet and dash, moreover, the first word of the other part is written in the great letter:

"I don't feed you— Suvoro saying to the officer and sleeping again:Stara, tell me?”(M. R.); "Pokirno dyakuyu,calling Mєshkov, humbly taking off his cap, but once again nadiv and bowed, adding quarrelly:Great for you, comrades"(Fed.).

Naturally, a person who does not allow pardons at the leaves, makes a friend a hundred times better, wins his literacy. Pragnennya become such a person, insanely, commendably, but when splintering Russian, they blame sometimes such comical situations, if you can get lost in the rules, it’s wisely folded Russian language, її richly faceted. It is up to these situations themselves to go and design other people's replicas, other people's speeches. Їx can be transferred for help direct mov chi indirect. As with another option, everything is borderline simple and understandable (it is designed as a collapsible proposition with inline explanatory), then when writing a straight line, it’s not so easy to correctly place paws, two-folds, specks and komi in their own places. It’s rich to lie down in the city of roztashuvannya to the text of the author and direct mov. Let's take a look, let's take a look at all the aspects of the greater report and in person.

In a vipadku, as if the language is directly following the words of the author, then the rules of the Russian language are followed by a two-pointer, then the paws are opened and the writing itself begins to write from the great letter. It is important that the sign of the call, the sign of food and the speck in the end of the proposition are drawn up differently. If the proposition may be an opposing character, then the dot should be placed after the paws;

Oleksiy said: "I'm going this year about the fifth year of the wound."
Vin chuckled: "Why aren't you at school?"
Vіn vyguknuv: “How terribly cold the water is!”

Insha rich, if the words of the author stand after the straight line. Ale got it right here. We open our paws, we write a direct language in great letters, we curl our paws, then the words of the author go in small letters. “Are some kind of roaring sign between my direct words and the words of the author?” - sleep you. Vidpovid - put a dash between them. The design of the paws looks like an analogy with the first fall, we add it to this text.

“I will turn around on the tenth evening,” Andriy said.
"Hiba don't you know?" - after sleeping wine.
“Go stare negainally!” - wiggling vin.

Buvay th take, that the direct language is interrupted by the word of the author. How to arrange? For the sake of simplicity, I am going to explain myself with schemes, and then I will also supplement them with butts. Sentences will be as follows: "PR" - direct language, "A" - the words of the author.

"PR, - A, - PR."

Did you mark the note to whom, and not a spot, after the author’s note? Like a butt: "Go get out," said the girl, "you'll live with me."

"PR!(?) - A. - PR".

For example: “Why don’t you give up, my friend, that today everything looks so marvelous? - Lovingly asked Nadia. “I am completely enchanted by this mystical beauty.” Here we can remember that the call of that spontaneous proposition is formed in a different way, the verse is directly inspired by the words of the author from the great literature.

Buvaє so, that the direct language is “introduced” in the middle of the words of the author, so the words of the author are spoken by the direct language. Here we place punctuation marks for such schemes:

A: "PR", - O.

Let's look at an example for accuracy:
Vіn єkhidno pomіtiv: "The stele is crooked" — and once again looked into the next book.

A: "PR! (?)" - A.

A axis i butt:

I felt a cry from afar: “You see?” - and we immediately sent nazustrіch comrades.

A: "PR..." - Oh.

The sailor said with annoyance: “The sea is bright ...” - and began to look at his uniform. On the vіdminu vіd hail that food sign, at points, the arrangement of signs is similar to the arrangement of paws at points.

As for the nutrition of the design of the dialogues, then there are two options.

First way:

It is possible to write all the phrases in one row, with which you can add the words of the author. All replicas, author's words are written in one row, between them. Wislovlyuvannya can be laid in the paws and strengthened between oneself for an additional dash.

Let's look at the example:

Quiet nothing. In the middle of the rural mass, two people walked, holding hands. The girl asked: “How did you get away?” - Let's get rid of the secret. - "The axis is hidden, you people!" - "I'll take it as a compliment."

Other way:

A new row of leather is a new replica, do not put paws, ale and dash on the cob of the proposition.

- Where are you going?
- Where do you want to marvel.

Quote formatting

  1. The quotation is written down as a form of direct speech.
  2. Part of the quotation is skipped and replaced by three specks through її єmnostі.
  3. The quotation must include the author's text or Yogo Chastina to this particular type next lay yoga (її) at the foot.
  4. The citation of the verses should be taken from the dotrimany stanzas and rows, but without reference.

G. Heine vvazhav: "The Romans are unlikely to have mastered the grammar, they would not have conquered the world."

Ivanov ironically respected his hour: “I’m wondering if I can buy the next accessory until the end of the world.”

Behind the words of A. Belyakov, Beethoven's work was permeated with "the same" revolutionary hero ".


Most of the time, it is necessary to appoint, by some members of the speech, words. The back of the head is called pidlyagaє and the award is a grammatical basis. So you will already have a whole song "pich", so that you can "dance". Then let's rozpodіlyaєmo according to the members of the speech other words, vrakhovuychi those that stench is divided into pridlyagaє i group of award. At the first group, at the friend - that furnishing. Throw even those who say words are not members of the speech (for example, splits, wiguks, introductory and insert constructions), but so, that in a row a bunch of words all at once add up one member of the speech (dієєprichetnі and prichetnі zvorot).

Otzhe, you already have a postal scheme of proposition. If you take away the words themselves and leave out the lines, with which the members of the speech are substantiated, you can still use the scheme. However, let's say, everything is more folded in your mind. For example, your proposition is complicated, so, for example, in the new one there is a dijection. Such a turnover is usually underlined as a furnishing, and on the water-cream scheme it can be seen in other lines with vertical risks: ,|_._._._._|,

What do you have folded word, then on the scheme it will be necessary to display all the predicative parts, as you know in your community. The predicative part can be seen by looking at the proposition of all grammatical stems: one grammatical stem - one predicative part. So, as we have a folding proposition (tobto, parts in nіy equal rights and one in іnshої nіyak cannot be deposited), then offending parts of us are seen as square arches, and between them there is a rozdіlovy sign і union, which їх з'єднує: , і.

If you have a coherent proposition, then you will have to show all the interrelationships between the parts, the shards in such a speech are one part of the suborder. The one who is subdued is the head, the one who is subordinating is the subordinator. The head is signified by square arches, the podryadne - by round ones:, (like ...). Such a scheme would be more appropriate for the proposition, for example: "We beat the budinok, like Jack," and the proposition would be foldable with the consecutive signifier.

When folding the scheme, insure your vikladach’s helpers, the shards of your vimogi can be resurrected. Also, do not forget that the scheme is just a prelude to the analysis of propositions, the more you write in the scheme, the more you can understand and then say. Ale, do not change the scheme: for example, often there is nothing to show on the scheme of the great folding proposition all the members of the proposition, like there є. You can add more grammatical basis.

The design of the direct movement in the text allows you to create all the features of a living movement.

Understanding the direct language and the words of the author

Direct language - tse in the creation of a foreign language, in which it is saved yogo lexical, syntactical and intonational features. Direct movement is accompanied by the words of the author, from which it is known who should think, for which conditions and how it will be hanged.

The design of a direct movement allows you to show all the features of a living movement: expressiveness, animalism, wiggles too thin. The direct language saves not only the versatility of the language, but also its lexical, grammatical and stylistic features:

"Vasya! Come here!" - buzzing from the yard of the father.

Rozdіlovі signs that straight move

Decorated with the paws of a straight move and a binding rule, moreover, in the paws you should take the signs of nutrition and the call, as well as the rich speck, which ends the proposition. Point and who needs to be blamed for the paws. However, even though there are signs in the paws, food or a hail, or a speck, then no dot, no coma behind the paws. Direct language can be formed in one or a few words, as well as many parts.

It seems that the design of the direct language in the text, the words of the author can be before, in the middle or after it.

  • Grandmother asks: "And what, children? Do you want pirіzhkіv?"
  • "And what, children? - Ask the grandmother. - Do you want cakes?"
  • "What about, kids? Do you want cakes?" - Ask grandma.

It is possible to acquire the incorporation of different signs in constructions with the execution of straight lines (P, p) with the words of the author (A, a) by using offensive schemes:

Follow the respect that the words of the author are seen in a dash on both sides, if they are in the middle of the pronounced proposition of the straight line. As the words of the author end with a vkazіvka (adding, saying, rebutting, vіdpovіv), which is three straight lines, the design of the other part of the next start from the great letter; after the words of the author, in his mind, it is necessary to put a double dash and a dash.


A variety of direct mov є dialogue. Dialogue - ce rozmova two chi more osib. Okremі podomlennya that food, from which a dialogue is formed, are called replicas. When replicating, the words of the author are often missing. In dramatic works, the words of the author are called remarks.

Razdіlovі signs at dialogues

The dialogue begins with a paragraph and a dash before the replica:

- Mother! Does the sun have children?
- Є.
- What about the stink?
- De? And in the sky ... those little stars that shine at night, those children of the sun ...

In dramatic creations, the dialogue is written after naming the individual and the point:

M a l k. My boobs are frozen ...
D about in h to a. Put on your hat!

In all aspects of the design, the direct language is based on great letters.

Transfer Direct Movie Indirect

In life and in literature, it is often necessary to replace direct language with indirect language, so that you can convey it in your own words. A proposition with a direct language becomes even folding, in a kind of head proposition I make up the words of the author, but I fit - a direct language; for the connection of the head and the substring elements of the vicorist, there are splices "schob" or "a", as well as borrowers and appenders:

  • "Will you go by boat to Kanev?" - after sleeping a senior school teacher.
  • Having asked the teacher, the high school students should go on the boat to Kanev.

Nutrition, which is contrary to the following words, are called indirect; for example, such a proposition should not be marked.

Alien speech, conveyed in the name of the author at once with the words of the author, is called indirect mine. If someone else's words are conveyed to themselves, then by indirect language, the words of the author should be swayed by the head proposition, and the direct language - by direct language.

Quotation rules

The quotation is a literal citation of urovok from any creative text to prove chi іlustrаciї ієї chi іншої thoughts. Quote obov'yazkovo taken at the foot.

  1. Nothing in the quotation can be changed, you can create different signs. If the quotation is in full obsyazi, the gaps next to it should be marked with three dots.
    The quotation is made in two ways: in looking at a direct move, and looking at an indirect move.
  2. If the quotation is directed at a straight move, then the design of the rozdilovyh signs with it is necessary to work the same way, as if the design of the direct move on the sheet.
  3. As a quotation is induced like a warehouse part in the author's speech, then before it it will be the same vimogi, like before an indirect mov.
  4. If a quote is given in the form of a verse, do not take it into the paws.

2. If the words of the author stand in front of the direct mow, then after them a two-piece is put, and the first word of the direct move is written in the great letter: Days to walk Marko, and nights in the forest over the river Danube, all shukkaє, all stacks: De fairy? Ale hvili laugh: "Don't know". Ale vin shouting to them: "You are lying! You yourself are playing with her!(M.R.)

3. As a direct mov to stand before the words of the author, then after it a coma and a dash are put; if there is a power or a wiguk in a direct mov, then after it a power is placed, a sign of a call or a speck and a dash. The words of the author always begin with a small letter:

  • 1) "Shukati friends with the future - the share of self-sufficiency" Kulkov said. (Leon.);
  • 2) "Arrived..." Litovchenko thought foully. (Leon.);
  • 3) “What is the number of people we have today?”- wiggling vin, not turning to anyone. (Leon.); four) "I confessed!"- thinking wine. (L. T.)

Note. Vipades are trapping (dosit rіdkіsnі), if the language is straight roaring the words of the author. Then, before the direct line, a two-pointer is placed (div. p. 2), and after it - a coma (an energizing or a sign of a call) and a dash (div. p. 3), for example:

  • 1) Vіn saying: "I'm sick today", - I lock;
  • 2) I only if in whispers: "Mother! Mother!"- Youmu felt better. (Ch.);
  • 3) On my request: “Chi is a lively old watcher?”- No one could give me a positive opinion. (P.)
  • a) As if on the spot, straight lines are not guilty, but there is no sign, or there is a small coma, a dot with a coma, a double-dot or a dash, then the words of the author from both sides are seen as coma and a dash. The words of the author and the first word of the other part of the direct language are written in small letters, for example: 1) "Don't sleep- Mom laughed, - chill your throat". (Hare.) (Without the words of the author it would be b: "Don't sleep, you'll chill your throat.") 2) "Radium,- saying wine, - safe return to yours from an important voyage ". (Paust.) (Without the words of the author it would be b: "Radium to your safe return from an important swimming.")
  • b) As a matter of course, a direct promo is small and there is a dot, then after a direct promo, a coma and a dash are placed before the author’s words, and after the author’s words, a dot and a dash. Another part of the direct language is based on the great letter, for example: “Our presence on the missions at such a moment of tension is necessary,- Finished Bartashev. - I see tomorrow". (N.O.) (Without the words of the author, it would be b: “Our presence in the places of such tension is necessary for the moment. I look forward to tomorrow.”)
  • c) If on the spot the direct language of the language is to blame for the sign of food or the sign of the call, then the author’s words are preceded by the sign and a dash, and after the words of the author - a dot and a dash. Another part of the direct language is based on great letters, for example: 1) “What about the shost? sleeping Pavlo. - Aje change about somy". (N. O.) (Without the words of the author it would be b: “Why about the stost? Aje change in this.”); 2) "Ah well!- sing along, the officer said. From i vіdminno. We need a deserted sea". (Paust.) (Without the words of the author it would be b: "Oh, so! From and miraculous. We just need a deserted sea.")

Note. If one part of the author’s words is added to the first half of the direct sentence, and the other part is to the other, then after the author’s words, a double dash and a dash are put (before the author’s words, the signs should be put in front of the rules, included in paragraph 4, “b” and “c”) , for example:

5. When transmitting to a dialogue, the skin replica sounds (especially in the press) starts from a new row, a dash is placed in front of the replica, and the paws do not sing, for example:

- And you, Maxim Maksimovich, are you going to go?

- What is it?

- That I am not yet a bachelor of the commandant ... (JI.)

Note. The dialogue can be made out in a different way: the replicas are written later, at the pidbir, the skin is taken from them in the paws and cremated in the next dash, for example: Buvalo asks you: “What are you sighing, Belo? Are you crazy? - "Ni!" - "What do you want?" - "Ni!" — Do you care for your relatives? - “I don’t have relatives”. (L.)

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