Gym that vagіtnіst. Busy at the gym. Training program for women

Everyone can see that sports activities are pleasantly poured into the physical and emotional state of people. Chi bring melancholy occupied by sports pіd hour vagіtnostі? Surely so. Small-sized way of life with a set of zavoi vags, appearance of bruises, advancement arterial vice. It has long been no secret that sportsmen have the right to normalize the work of the dihal and the heart-vascular systems, to reduce pain, to take part in the birth act, to contribute beneficially to the psycho-emotional state, to improve sleep and appetite. Regular physical persons have the right to reduce the amount of complication of vaginess, to normalize the slopes, to change the risk of expansion of the crotch. Engaged in sports for an hour of vacancy to improve blood flow and exchange of speech in internal organs, which is pleasantly indicated for growth and development of the fetus, changes in the appearance of swelling. There are also scientific data that women's children are engaged in physical rights under the hour of vagity, less sickness to other illnesses, infections and stresses. In addition, the future mother, as she went in for sports during the hour of pregnancy, is more likely to be observed in the post-slyapological period, and the lack of development of post-slyapological conditions is significantly changing.

Before that, in order to start taking care of physical rights, it is absolutely necessary to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist, who will monitor your fertility. It is important to the fact that you become ill, for which training is categorically contraindicated:

  • placenta previa- Stan, if the placenta roztashovuєtsya low in the mother and crosses the exit from it. It’s not safe for the raptov blamed for bright bleeding, and be it physically daring, you can provoke it.
  • Illness of the liver, nirok, cardiovascular system. Dodatkove physical need for an hour of vagity in looking to take up fitness can help overcome these illnesses.
  • Uterine bleeding. For such states, physical rights can lead to increased bleeding.
  • Hypertonicity of the uterus, the threat of interruption of vaginess. Sport can also help this situation and bring it to a reversal of pregnancy.
  • Bagatovodya- Superfluous accumulation of navkoloplіdnih waters. Doing sports at to this particular type can bring to the front canopies or the growth of fruit michur and the front winding of the rainy waters.
  • Ignition and rotten processes. Physical preference to accept the expansion of the firing process.
  • Preeclampsia- a heavy aggravation of the other half of the vagity, with which the arterial pressure rises, the whites appear at the cross section and the swelling. Engaged in sports at times can aggravate the camp and provoke eclampsia - appearing in court.
  • Severe stage of anemia- A significant decrease in the level of hemoglobin can be accompanied by a lack of sourness in organs and tissues, and physical persons may be able to improve the sour deficiency even more, so as to m'iazіv with their robots, a strong rush of blood and stench is actively repaired to help the sourness.
  • blood poisoning zokrema in case of scaling up to thrombosis (setting of blood clots that clog vessels) or bleeding. In these cases, it is possible to suffer from an illness against the background of physical pressures under the hour of vagity.

Sports: what is not possible for vaginess?

In addition, it is necessary to remember that a healthy woman can be engaged in not all kinds of sports for a normal increase in vaginess. In a number of disorders, the cause of the fence is a high rate of injury. Up to the group level you can see horseback riding, boxing, karate, all kinds of wrestling, springboard haircuts, parachuting, horseback riding, skateboarding, rollerblading, snowboarding, etc. Motor sports, scooters, snowmobiles and water motorcycles are also consumed under the fence. The cream of high risk of traumatism, pratsyyuchy dvigun tsikh transport zabіv viklikaє Іntensive vibratsiyu, yak unacceptably vplyvaet on the pelvic organs and can become the cause of interruption of vaginess. Bicycling and exercise bikes can be powerful to increase blood flow to the uterus, which can increase the tone, which can lead to a threat of re-vaccination, so future mothers may be warned and faced with such vanity. Haircuts near the water and diving can also be found under the fence, shards are tied with a significant vise, which is very unbearable for a woman, like a check on a baby. It is also not recommended to take a job, it is necessary to take a breath, for example, a body flex.

The taboo is imposed and the power of the sport, lifting the weights over five kg, tobto. on all strength training equipment. Under the fence, the step is trampled, the dancing aerobics is right, tied with stretching and the tension of the abdomen.

Sports to vacancy

Nasampered, start going in for sports at the hour of pregnancy, it is necessary to ensure the level of physical training before conception.

Even though a woman regularly went in for sports, obviously, and during the hour of vagity - for the duration of the counter-indication - you can allow yourself to be active, but it’s true, all the same, I’ll change my mind and control my own. So, zokrema, the pulse rate after 5 minutes after completion is not guilty of overestimating 100 beats / minute, and the arterial pressure can independently normalize for that very interval of an hour. In the course of training, it is necessary to spend an hour of intensive physical work up to 15 min. More often than not, increase the hour, introspection for a warm-up and a warm-up. It’s not guilty to overthink 1.5 years of training with a barrage of training.

Future mothers, who do not go in for sports to the point of being pregnant, need to carefully go to the cob to take it, starting from small and step by step, in reasonable boundaries, increasing the vanity. In addition, it’s good to train under the curiosity of instructors, like you can see the work with female women.

Permitted sports activities during the hour of vacancy

Pishі walks and bіgovі lizhi

One of the simplest, most accessible skin women, and even more effective types of physical adventures, allowed absolutely to all women, regardless of their training and self-confidence - the same other walks. The stench tones up the m'yazi nig, the seat and the back, the appearance of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, fight against venous congestion in the small pelvis. Regular walks improve the utero-placental blood flow, after which the plaid takes more sourness and sour speeches.

You can ride on big licks for free in winter - this kind of sport is considered safe. On Monday 24-25 Monday, Friday, the hour of good afternoon walks, it is necessary to wear a supportive bandage for women.

Swimming and water aerobics

Naturally, on the first positions of cority and permissibility in the period of pregnancy there are also occupations, like swimming, yoga, special gymnastics for pregnant women. Swimming is, perhaps, the most optimal sport for future mothers. The stench is more pleasantly poured on both mother and baby. Right at the water, open the ridge, tighten the muck of the back and breasts, massage the tissues, improving blood flow and reducing swelling. In addition, swimming includes the possibility of overheating, water damage and trauma to the woman, as well as the overworld pressure on the loam. Swimming is the best way to trim your body in good shape and bring it to the right way after the baby appears in the world. Water is a miraculous shock absorber, which allows you to optimally spread the tension on the body for any kind of damage. You can just swim on the water, walk by the water, swim, do water aerobics for the women. At bagatioh fitness centers є special programs water aerobics for future mothers under the guidance of instructors.

Yoga and Pilates

Yoga is also a wonderful option for physical rights in the period of winemaking for a baby. Ale is recommended to do yoga specially adapted for women under the supervision of an experienced instructor. Krim good preparation for the body to a gentle argument for the melancholy of yoga є і those who, when vikonannі has the right to a lot of time, relax and relax. It’s already pleasantly embracing the development of a baby (it’s better to improve blood circulation, and the baby takes more sourness), and also prepares mother to fall.

Vіtayutsya under the hour of vacancy and busy Pilates. So, just like yoga, the stench helps not only to improve the m'yazi, to take an active part in the canopies, zocrema, m'yazi of the pelvic floor, but also to enchant with the skills of proper breathing and relaxation. The number of newcomers will become near the next hour for a change in pain sensations in the period of essence.

Special gymnastics for women

Іsnuє kіlka variantіv specially rozroblenої gymnastics for future mothers. Vaughn is thought out with the improvement of the physiology of vaginal women. Right in these complexes directing to the musculoskeletal and dichal systems, the spine, the cranial press and the pelvic floor, to take part in the process of the pelvic floor. You can do gymnastics for pregnant women at home independently, vicorist main right from magazines and websites for future mothers. Also, in rich fitness clubs, there are special groups for students, and in some occupations, they need to be certified by qualified instructors.

Features to play sports with pregnancy in trimesters

In the first trimester of pregnancy, fitness helps to fight with a mild degree of toxicosis, pain in the dilatation of the breasts, which is due to the pressure of a growing uterus, and relieves polypsynia of the intestines.

During this period, the laying of all organs and systems of the baby is observed, and the connection between yoga and the mother's organism is still weak, so the physical stress at this hour can be reduced as much as possible. In addition, it is recommended to snuggle up in the face of sharp breaks: nahilіv and proginіv, pіdёmіv corps s prone position, pіdёm straight nіg. During this period, the need for tissue to the body in sourness is growing, and for the future mother, toxicosis is often disturbed, or sensitivity to smells is increased, most often in this period, the need for calm sleep and lying walks and not in the air-breathing club was filled with suffocating aromas.

The most favorable for physical rights is the other trimester of vaginess - the pregnancy is already superbly seen in the mother, but if you show toxicosis, as a rule, you already know, and your life is not too great. As self-perceived as possible, mothers are more normal, after consultation with a doctor, you can increase physical excitement. Engaged in sports to take care of the varicose veins and the friability of the loam, and also become the prevention of varicose veins and swelling. In another trimester, it is recommended to do gymnastics for women, pilates and especially swimming.

In the third trimester, the pressure on the heart is already significantly growing, the dihati becomes more important, the venous outlet in the small pelvis is getting worse, the pressure is moving on the ridge and the crypt of the foot. Occupation in the period of nationalization of polypshenia blood circulation is carried out in all organs and systems. Zagalne navantazhennya again may be reduced.

And especially, going in for sports, it is necessary to remember that wine is guilty of bringing satisfaction. Only in this season of wine bring me the mischief of the future mother and її little one.


  • Navantazhennya can build up smoothly and step by step. After training, the female woman is guilty of this.
  • To play sports, it is necessary to choose more comfortably, yakіsne vzuttya and expanses of clothes and clothes. It is necessary to unify overheating.
  • Admission, in which to pass busy, may be well ventilated, in no one's fault, be stingy and suffocating.
  • Under an hour to play sports, my mother can respectfully listen to her body, and in other terms– and until the fetus’s rukhovoї activity, the next hour is right after its completion. As the activity of the little one decreases, it means that the physical challenge of the superworld will require corrections, moreover, if the spirits turn for joy to the doctor.
  • As soon as it is right, it is constantly turbulent head bіl, zamorochennya, nabryuks are being forced - it is necessary to pin down a busyness and turn to the doctor, which is a posterity of vagity. The drive for consultation may be a manifestation of illness.

I swear, sir, and especially sir! Yak Vee already, singsongly, guessed the names of the notes, today dedicated to our young mothers and their correct physical activity for an hour of rebuking in the cicada camp. To be honest, these stats could not but be, yakbi are not readers of the project, like a tsikave, the camp is not a bit familiar. And the right for the women is the very topic, yak їх hvilyuє. The very stench, Vee, my ladies, asked me to shed light on the food to support myself at the form of the hour of pregnancy. What light has come of this lita, I don’t know.

Otzhe, take your place, be tsikavo, let's go.

Right for women: everything you need to know about fitness during the hour of pregnancy

Axis and it became ... One day you had two wives. Accept my welcome - You will soon become a mother, your kingdom will have more! Motherhood is the main meta, the mission of a woman on this planet, through her it is realized as a person that specialness. lady, yak by vlasniy bazhannyam didn’t make people, it’s important to call her a full-fledged woman. The stench is to live for oneself, to speak to oneself, to keep one's figure in the pristine look, but let's be honest, as if it didn't sound rude, stink of him. Understandably, the skin woman herself virishuє she robs her life way Golovnya, schob vіn buv svіdomlenim, and naprikintsі life did not have a chance to swindle about the wrong choice of pills. Well, that one is closer to those ...

Vagіtnіst - the process of sacrificing health, and sometimes with physical beauty and privablivіst, zhіnki on the melancholy of our new people. At the very beginning of the hour, a woman spends her original youth, beauty and take all the additions, not good things, like that: zaiva vaga, stretch marks, diastasis, cellulite and other blemishes. The axis of the bula is thin, that twinkle, the prote passed 9 months, and your youthful forms have fallen, and your beauty has darkened. Why are our women good? Tim, who is not ready to put up with "stunned" and all the same wants to try to keep himself in shape for the first hour of vacancy. Axis of such “abnormalities of forms” and there were applications for a lot of research about the correct process of organizing physical activity for the breeders, and the right for the mothers. All the details are already in a few seconds ...

We understand, we read our article from afar, from Kamchatka, because on the Internet there is little audible information for women in the position, and the amount of remaining growth is with the skin day. So get ready for theory, pour water :).


For the best assimilation of the material, everything is further away from the explanation, the head of the head will be broken.

Stages of pregnancy: what can a skin woman know

Below we describe the course of the entire process of vaginess, which is the case for the average triva 40 tyzhniv, grouped in three trimesters. In such a rank, you are manifested that your child is seen at the skin of three stages. Otzhe, let’s s…

First trimester (1-12 days)

The greatest number of periods, by which the body of a woman knows a lot of changes. The most important hormonal changes are practically injected into the skin organ of the parent. Before the main changes are seen:

  • raised vtom, shvidka stomlyuvanist;
  • swollen milk spots, nipples, what to wash;
  • discord slunk, rankova nudota;
  • strong craving/expectation for effective products;
  • zbіlshennya vagi body (fatty masses);
  • beat your head, change your mood.

At the entrance to the world in the trimester, your body changes, the body becomes, so it is necessary to promptly make changes to your in-line vagity schedule of life. Up to these you can see - more early night packing, day dream, increased calorie content of the diet (at the middle 250-300 kcal), the number of priyomіv їzhі and short-term commitment of one-time portions In this period, as there is no contraindication, the woman may be especially entitled to the right for women.

Other trimester (13-28 days)

Sound vin protikaє easier lower first, wanting everything individually. Deyakі symptoms (nudota, vtoma) come on, prote commemorate the physical changes of your body, zocrema, expand in volume and begin to vipirate strongly forward live. your body (and especially alive) rozdmuhuєtsya, to secure the necessary space to help you for the fetus that grows. Before the main changes are seen:

  • aches in the body - back, abdomen, groin, pain in the leg;
  • stretch marks on the abdomen, breasts, quilts, seats;
  • hand shaking, carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • sverbіzh belly, dolon, pіdoshvi nіg;
  • a bunch of brushes, fingers, faces.

Third trimester (29-40 days)

The finish is straight, a trifle of patience has been lost. The child is gaining her end of life, through which women in this period become more important than dihati, more often be brought to the viberal. Stay blamed for critical fetal growth and greater pressure on the organs of the parent. Before the main changes are seen:

  • zadishka, difficult breathing;
  • oven;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • enlargement of the breast, for which there may be a round of water-milk rind (colostrum);
  • enlargement of the navel and yoga vipirannya;
  • the child begins to actively shtovhatisya and moves down the abdomen;
  • appearance of essence;
  • the cervix becomes thin and soft, which pierces the birth canal.


Vzagali, the excess of vaccinity and the change in the composition of the body of the woman can be compared with the pumping of the gum lyalka again. Visually (calling) all the same are seen, only a couple of internal bonuses are added, such an inflatable woman is vryatova.

In the picture version, the process of changing the body of a woman for trimesters looks like this:

Visually, you change in this order:

Later, now you know what and in what trimester checks and so be moving, prepared morally :).

Now let's lightly get to the practical side of nutrition, and itself - physical activity in this "cicavi" period. І well s…

Physical activity is right for the hour of vaginess: why are you fooling around?

It's no secret that the process of rebuking in the camp of the most important women takes place in a different way. What is the Decree throwing on all the hard:

  • pіznє pіdnesennia;
  • lyagannya on licorice;
  • permanent stress and depression;
  • minimal physical activity - shop, housekeeping, wihul domestic animals (not a person:);
  • sticking to serials;
  • Postiyni splkuvannya with girlfriends on the phone.

However, even if you are a big woman (and I still think it’s stink to read rows at once), if you want to be active and preserve your form as much as possible, it’s true, we don’t need to know exactly how and what you need to work in such a camp. Axis about tse mi at once and let's talk. The main criteria for all initiation of childbirth in the cicavia period may be the preservation of a healthy eye, dotsіlnіst dіy i niknennya ekrynoshchiv - tse stosuetsya and such, as it is right for women. A couple of words about the rest of my post...

Fitness and physical stress during the first hour of pregnancy - hyperactivity, which in the interim can lead to a reversal of the vacancy and the first half of the day. In her line, a woman's low activity and amoeba can bring to a complication and a complication of the slopes. In this rank, everything needs to have a golden middle, and itself - the optimal level of advancement, which shows your body that yogo level of fitness.


Numerical studies show that women, who are peacefully engaged in fitness during the hour of pregnancy, have healthy and healthy children, less inactive mothers.

Since then, the first crock of the fact that you veered the drink to fitness (or work at home)є consultation of a professional gynecologist. Itself up to yogo competence to enter the assessment of your will, the excess of vaginess and the provision of green light for that chi other physical activity. Respect! Only one more positive decision is to take over with oneself. Don’t hurt your friends, girlfriends, it’s not a good idea, but the medical profession itself.

Vlasne, You visited the reception before fakhivtsya, having said that everything is ready and not to waste your daily transfers for your fitness activities.

І axis here you have a picture to hand. And with another crochet, it’s not enough to understand what kind of bad and unsafe deyak is right for that zagal of physical vanity at the hour of vagity.

Vikonuyuchi special right, the breed will take such positive effects:

  • the optimal ratio of the excess of the pregnancy rate and the spread of the slope;
  • I will come (after the people of the child) effective fight against the zayva vaga;
  • increase in the level of endorphins (the hormone of happiness) in the blood and a decrease in mood / self-perception;
  • lowering the pain threshold;
  • promoted tissue regeneration to the body after a gradual process of getting into shape;
  • raising the strength of m'yazіv and vibrancy, which will allow you to better cope with the new people;
  • may be able to avoid gestational diabetes, which develops under the hour of pregnancy;
  • have the right to develop not only the strength of the mother's mind, but the brain of the child, as a result, the child of the mother, who is engaged, may be reasonable for the child of an inactive mother;
  • not active mothers are less calm to the point, it’s better to sleep and, later, more calm (hi live on dobranich!);
  • under the hour of training, they are not moving in the womb of an active mother;
  • important point! In active mothers, for the first time the vagity was physically activated, the canopies protrude without external insertion (incl. caesarean rosette) . Statistics seem to show that the average ability of friendly slopes is increasing by 40 %.

It’s far from rich to know, but the hour of vagity in your body is getting rhubarb blood. Tsey dodatkovy tsukor is transmitted through the placenta to the child, and vin can gain more pressure.

It has been scientifically proven that the physical ambition has the right to not give “freedom” to gestational diabetes, and the babies of such mothers are born with a normal weight for themselves.

For young mothers, it’s also good to know about the big beating of the medal, but for themselves:

  • for its full-scale development, the need to increase the number of generations / saving water, acidity, energy / calories;
  • hormones that vibrate under the hour of vaginess, pour into the ligaments, drift and m'yazi. (especially the lower part of the back/pelvis), because of what the greater risk of injury is to blame;
  • rise of the uterus to bring up;
  • zaiva vaga and yogo neuron rozpodіl transfer the center of gravity of the body;
  • increase in pressure and heart rate;
  • unrelenting ambition (like for the intensity, so for the hour) ensure a rush of blood to the m'yaziv, which reduces the blood flow in the uterus and obdіlyaє її. Tse mozhe negatively signify on the stage of the fetus that healthy baby;
  • the tightness of the breath and the different fitness belts lead to the rise of the intracranial vice, which can also be negatively signified on the fetus;
  • overly intense pressure can vibrate the beat of the rhythm of breathlessness, sour hunger, confusion and untiringness;
  • increased fluidity, lack of salts and insufficient drink for an hour to take until the blood is thickened and the delivery of living speeches / sour to the fetus is disrupted.

: terms to take that list of fenced rights

For young fitness mothers, remember to remember such important gynecological guidelines.

Rule number 1.

The first and third trimesters - these periods, if the physical pressure of the surroundings, then. stench can be a place buti, ale character can be worn “super lite” (like at the hour, and level of ambition). The preoccupation with the first vagity can lead to її pererivannia through those who are still extremely small, and the placenta has not completed its molding. In the third trimester, preparations are being made before the fall, which is due to the careful and protective behavior of the mother.

In this way, you can determine the optimal time frame for turning on your rights in your vagal activity schedule. cob - 4-5 1st trimester day to 30-31 tizhny third trimester

  • all right positions lying on your back / stomach. For example, abdominal twisting, plank, back hyperextension. The position lying on the back leads to the compression of the empty vein and the change in the flow of blood to the uterus and brain;
  • right to twist the waist, for example, press on blocks, cable twists;
  • squatting with a barbell on the shoulders / chests, squatting with a mountain top, haircuts on a skipping rope, superb haircuts on a mist (including side to side), swinging the legs uphill / sideways, moving the legs in the crossover from the lower block;
  • right on cardio (bіg on the road, elіpsoїd, stepper).

All qi are right / see activity can increase the fetal acid starvation, bring the uterus into tonus and acceptance of the onset of the day.

As for the pictorial version, the orientation atlas of the unique ones for the hour of vacancy is right to look like this.

Rule number 3.

The most optimal types of activity for a vaginal woman are:

  • swimming (including on the back);
  • aqua aerobics;
  • stretching / stretching;
  • ruhi from yoga and pilates;
  • group lessons with an instructor (including on fitballs);
  • cardiovascular activity of low intensity;
  • pishі walks at intervals up to 45 quilin;
  • walking on the big road (including with a twig);
  • stationary exercise bike.

Water pours into the relaxation flow into the body and calmly into the air. Walks in the fresh air (especially beyond the boundaries of the place) saturate the mother's body, as a last thing, the baby is sour. What is especially important in this period.

Rule number 4.

When you are busy with yourself during this period, it is important not to overdo it, and as soon as you show such symptoms in yourself, you should immediately apply more training. These are seen as:

  • bіl at dilyantsі in the lower abdomen, pelvis;
  • zamorochennya that easy untiring;
  • difficulty in breathing, vaginal bleeding and leakage of the radii;
  • difficulty walking;
  • essentially call.

Forces are right for the women: what can you do?

Tse mi all looked at the lights, see the vanity, ale, singsongly, є active mothers, like you want to get better with dumbbells, wagami and exercise machines. The axis is just for such “active-fitnyashok” we will analyze the training program under the name “Come on, baby!”.

The technical parameters of the training are as follows:

  • 3 power, 2 aerobic training for the day;
  • type of training - subdivision of language groups, split;
  • pomіrno-lung vagi;
  • number of arrivals 3 , repetition 15 ;
  • an hour of repair between trips 1,5-2 hvilini;
  • after training, right on the pelvic floor ();
  • hot hour of training 50-60 hwilin hvilin = 5 whiplash extensions+ 5 hvilin shvidkoї walking on the road + 5 hvilin zatrimka;
  • the intensity is medium-low (After the completion of the approach, you can speak without hesitation);


Vikonannya on post-yny bases to vagity and back to vagity (first 4-7 tyzhniv) right on the pelvic floor ointment, Kegel's zocrema, allow the canopies to run like butter. On the right, in the fact that the development of deep pelvic ulcers is more effective for the development of the fetus. In other words, vykonuyuchi right Kegel (i yogo variant) You do not happen to tear yourself up and push yourself to waste your pulse. Just like an obstetrician will give a command, after one hour you will get the result :).

An ideal training plan for female mothers.

At the same time, we will analyze a specific butt of the training program, as it can be for a young mother, as it has taken away the physical challenge that is right for the vaginal views of your obstetrician-gynecologist.

The training split itself looks like this.

  • Monday - chest arms;
  • second - aerobic activity (swimming, 1 pool session);
  • middle - legs;
  • Thursday - aerobic activity (swimming, 1 pool session);
  • friday - back, shoulders;
  • saturday / week - vіdpochinok.

The circuit version of the training program for women has such a look.


Today, we have added an hour to the women, as if they were resting at the cicada camp. Upevneniya, now you have formed a wild picture, like an adventurous and like you can rightly win over your vagi, and that means, you can add three hours and work on your belongings. To that we read the rows, we take the manatki that ... success!

PS. Girls, how can you be at the cicato camp, cicavo? Will you go to the hall, why bother?

P.P.S. Respect! 07.06 the possibility of editing questionnaires for that meal became available. I will be the Radium of our sleepy robot!

With honor and vdyachnistyu, Protasov Dmitro.

Zovsіm recently, be-yakіy probable mаmі prescribed chi not povny spokiy to pologіv. Today, they are less likely to be busy with fitness under the hour of vacancy. Zavdyaki reached the majestic melancholy of a peaceful, correctly disintegrated physical desire for a little winemaking hour.

Fitness instructors together with physicians and gynecologists have made a number of courses right. All the stinks, as they vibrate in this period, building, as if to improve the self-consciousness of the future mothers, so expand the okremі m'yazi, to prepare the body to the full.

Going to fitness - right for women, you can tone up your chest, arms, legs. Keep in mind that after 9 months of fitness training, you won’t be able to develop your ideal figure by yourself, you will need to work on it later. Right now - it's a way to improve your body in tone and prepare yoga to a gentle level. However, pomіrnі occupancy to change ymovіrnіst set zayvoї vaga.

Special attention will be required pres. Yogo swing is categorically fenced at any stage of pregnancy. Sliding into the right position, tied from the tension on the lower part of the abdomen. Pleasantly, buti is easy on the right on the stiles with the fringes. Tse dopomozhe pіdtremati press for such colossal vanity.

Properly picked up, you have the right to improve the blood circulation in the internal organs, relax the spine. Blood circulation in the mother's body is important for a good delivery of sour to the fetus. Busy fitness easier to feel sick at the back, which is blamed through the zatushannya.

Great retribution for fitness, which you were engaged in under the hour of pregnancy, to bring even after the birth of the baby. For example, occupied with directing to the treatment of pelvic malignancies and garnoy prophylaxis of non-manipulation of the cut after the slopes.

Physicians-gynecologists do not just seem to be able to do fitness during the hour of pregnancy, they stink to do it yoga and dihal gymnastics. Two types of fitness are preparing a woman for the right breath at a slow hour, stretching fabrics, like taking a part in this process.

Yoga for an addition to physical ambition to control yourself and listen to your body. Tse bude korisno in the process of gentleness, if you need to pick up, extinguish your fear and endure the husband's pain.

Going in for sports is not only a preparation for yourself, but also a training for the fetus. Child, perebuvayuchi in the womb, everything is familiar. And if a woman loves to go in for sports, for her it’s not a burden, if she’s out of work, then a child after the people is richer is easier to tolerate adaptation to the necessary light and physically right.

Also, the middle of the day to take up fitness during the hour of vacancy:

  • improved etching;
  • reduced risk of constipation;
  • change in the number of stretch marks on the stomach after the slopes;
  • burst of energy.

Contraindication for doing fitness

Viraz “vagity is not sickness” today more and more often you can feel among doctors and women themselves. We must prescribe walks in the fresh air and positive emotions. So nobody likes sports. Ale, if you have a new life under your heart, for which you show it, then varto buti is borderline respectful to the point of vanity. Also, you should know about contraindications, which cannot be ignored.

Establish an absolute contraindication for physical rights under the hour of pregnancy.

Absolute contraindication include whether or not the adventurousness is in the air. For certain types of behavior, a new bed regimen is prescribed. Until such dates are brought:

  • open the fruit shells;
  • imovirnіst front canopies;
  • rich vagity;
  • placenta previa;
  • open the fruit shells;
  • earlier more than 3 abortions;
  • presence in the anamnesis of wikidniv.

Other contraindications do not include sports activities. However, in any case, it should be borderline respectful, and you should be right in front of the doctor.

Until vіdnosnyh show vіdnosit:

  • anemia;
  • endocrine disease;
  • arrhythmia;
  • kolvannya vaga;
  • what was blamed for the posterior vaginess of the fetal malformation;
  • transferred earlier than the front curtains;
  • bleeding.

In this order, for the vagueness of the fortune-telling protipozan, vagіtnіst and fitness - a whole summіsnі speech. However, the expansion can be taken depending on the individual characteristics of your body and the nature of the excess of pregnancy.

How to go through fitness classes at the hour of vacancy

Having made a decision to take care of it, remember the rules about the rules, so that you can make them busy. We have to take a lot of respect for the intensity. The skin training is not guilty of ending with a repunch, everything is guilty of vikonuvatisya peacefully.

Varto remembrance about fenced ruhi: sharp ruhi, strong wigini of the back, leg swings, haircuts and stretching.

Sports are busy, as they don’t vibe for long pauses. Particularly worthwhile for sports is the hour of vagity. Irregular workouts can become simply marijuana, in a short period of time, or negatively slip into an excess of vaginess.

Before borrowing, it is necessary to do it in the future. In a first step, follow the best self-confidence for the hour that day is right. Whether it’s sickness is the reason for pinning busy. Also, drink enough water to get away from water.

The negative impact on the pld can be overheated for the first hour of training, this should be unique. Vletka, for example, do not engage in speculation, but work early, early, or in the evening. And the collection is collectible cold accommodation for borrowing. So, like a blood flow at the hour of vaginess, it is richly strong and the body heats up more intensively.

When choosing a program to take, do not forget to mention the coach, who went in for sports earlier, and who is a beginner. This fact will require different solutions for the development of individual programs.

All your duties are due to the warm-up and the play of the m'yaziv. Before the cob, add respect to the pulse. At the norm, the fault is to become 12-16 strokes in 10 seconds, after the victor is right, the sign moves up to 18 strokes.

Fitness in the first trimester

The first trimester is the period of the laying of all vital organs of the child. Engaged in sports at this stage may be reduced to a minimum. Don’t think too hard that you still don’t die, for the time being you can still take full advantage of yourself. Overworld ambitions can be brought before the weekend, shards can make the embryo stick to the walls of the uterus.

Fitness in early terms can be straightened out to the mark stegon. Also, dyhal gymnastics and chest compressions are not contraindicated.

Fahivtsі so characterize right in the first trimester - simply, but effectively.

Fitness in another trimester

Vagіtnіst protіkає normally, razmіri fetus still zavazhayut take up physical rights. After 12 tyzhnіv vagіtnostі vantagenja can be slightly increased. Now you can give respect to the pelvic area and the press.

Must be busy at this stage, bazhan vykonuvat at the bandage, in order to reduce the pressure on the ridge. So the mustache is right, as earlier they were on their backs, they replace them with occupations on the boots. The position on the back passes over the sourness to the fetus.

Fitness in familiar terms

We are rich with riches, great lives and sports in the rest of the trimester, varto vodklasti for later. But not so. At this hour, special respect can be given to hands, breasts and quilts. Next, think about the right, call to relax your back and lower the tension on the ridge.

Whose mind will be busy with fitball. In the rest of the trimester, there is a great improvement in the tone of the uterus. To that, for the least unwell, if the pulse is more frequent, then the busy hour should be taken and turned to the doctor.

Training under the hour of vaginess - super smart that spring moment for riches. Some things are hard, which cannot be dealt with in early terms, but some - in the rest. And who cares that the training is friendly to the development of the fetus, vagity and canopies. So how do you do it right? At this article, we will look at the program of power rights for women at the gym.

Can you do strength training at the gym?

Vitality is not an unsafe disease and not an injury, to that, physical activity is sharply reduced for the whole period, not varto, just as it is not superficial to treat the doctor's ascriptions. However, here it is important to show the pilnist and, it is possible, not to go down to one fahіvtsya. Another doctor can make you busy with force for no apparent reason, so that you don’t take on the responsibility. At the same time, an insufficiently competent doctor can, without respect, eliminate any symptoms, which can be contraindicated before exercise.

For the daytime, it is easier when the weight is exceeded, the strength training of the body for the child is for you.

Elasticity and flexibility of m'yazіv are moving at the vagity, so that it could be blamed for the birth of a baby, it is not necessary to think that the zayvi ruh during the hour of vagity can be unsafe.

However, there are contraindications:

  • zagostrennya be-yakikh ill
  • uterine tone
  • preeclampsia

Well, there is no counter-indication, training to bring significant melancholy:

  1. We see sourness in the body, which is even more important in the development of the fetus. At different stages, the development of a lack of sourness can lead to destruction of the robotic brain, nervous system and so far.
  2. M'yazi perebuvayut have tonusі.
  3. As long as you are engaged in fitness, you are practically not threatened with psychological depression.
  4. So you see fіnnavantazhen, like swimming, it makes the process easier.
  5. With regular training, you will be less likely to see problems with SKT.
  6. Well, zvichayno, it will be much easier to follow the vaga and the quicker to come to the form.

If you didn’t go in for sports until you were pregnant, then you shouldn’t start with strength training: rather, try yoga for women, swimming is more right. And already in a month or two, you can start doing strength training, but carefully and with small arms.

It has been brought to light that the military training does not lead to the destruction of the development of children's health problems for mothers. But the overworld ambitions can push the internal pressure, which is no better.

In order to take such rights like a plank, twisting those other rights on the press, it is necessary to take extreme care. The plank is not fenced to the right, it helps to fix the m'yazi of the back, but even more so, if you doubt it, you will not accept it, or rather, do not beat the whole period.

The fence is right for the women

For an hour of vacancy, turn off such a sport, for which you can strike, fall and sharp mail. You can spend the weekend on the early terms (first trimester) or the early canopies on the late days.

Can't do:

  • be some kind of fight
  • film sports
  • active games such as football, volleyball
  • skiing sports

As we are talking about a complex of power training, everything has the right to work carefully. The tightness of the obov'yazkovo is chosen less, lower significantly.

Right on the zrazok of Bulgarian vipadives, standing on one nose, such that you can spend jealously, turn off.

From the cardio right, you can get rid of the stepper, the exercise bike (the docks can be pedaled manually). You need to forget about the big path: start the risk of falling, that intense big may not be too dark.

Concentrate on insulating rights and basic rights with a small amount. Let's wonder, how can you put together a program of strength training, how is it suitable for taking a half hour of vagity?

Right at the hall for the first hour of vacancy

If you were engaged in the gym, then you can continue training, but you may have a chance to improve the program for the lower camp: change the load of shells, take the deacons right, reduce the burden in general.

Let's take a look at what your training can be.

Chest and arm workout

Considering such a right, like a bench press, it can be unsafe for a number of reasons: you can not hit the barbell, overstress the m'yazi. Vіdzhimannya to song period you can practice, but as a result, you will become completely unhandled.

Dumbbell bench press on the sickly lava

The bench press is replaced by a dumbbell press. We need lava with a back that is regulated.

  1. We put kut nakhil lavi 30 degrees.
  2. We take dumbbells to the hands and kick back on the lava.
  3. Legs are put from both sides in front of the lava on the whole foot, it is necessary, so that the five feet are not torn apart in the wake of the hour of vikonannya right.
  4. At the cross, we create a bend, spiraling onto the upper part of the back.
  5. Trim arms are bent at the elbows from the sides in front of the body.
  6. Kut have likti trimayemo 90 degrees.
  7. At the vidikha, we begin to wiggle the dumbbells on the mountain, but not zishtovkhuєmo їx one with one.
  8. On the inhale, we lower our hands to the top of 90 degrees, or a little lower.

With which you can win right, trimming the brushes parallel to one to the other, or having flared them with the palms at the back, or turning the brushes for an hour, I press.

Repeat 12-15 times, 3-4 times.

Metelik simulator

For the training of my breasts at the gyms there is an exercise machine, which is called a "blizzard". Vіn pratsyuє for the principle of linking hands (you can win such a right with a free wagon, wycorst dumbbells). In certain exercises, the simulator allows you to perform a bench press (yakbee pressed the bar while lying on a lava).

  1. We put the weight on the simulator.
  2. Sіdaєmo so that the back lay down to the back.
  3. Trochs bend across.
  4. We take care of special handles.
  5. We put our feet on both sides in the lava, steadily, on the whole foot.
  6. We move our hands at once with a strong movement, fixing it smoothly turning at the outside position.

Repeat 12-15 times, 3 times.

A good insulated right hand for m'yazyv breasts є zvedennya hands at the crossover. It is worth doing a functional simulator and on it you can pump over all groups of m'yaziv.

  1. Place the handles of the crossover so that the stench is approximately on the level of the breasts.
  2. Put the necessary weight on the blocks.
  3. Take the handles and work one or two steps forward. For clarity, put one foot forward.
  4. Heal a little forward, about 45 degrees. The back can become straight when it is possible.
  5. Raise your hands in front of you in front of you. Make a small pause and turn around at the exit position.

Qiu is rightly beaten for 10–12 times, 3–4 working times.

Training nig

Varto appears in such a right as we press our feet that squatting with a great vag. Increase more insulated rights, so as not to overstress the body, but basic rights watch out for small wags. In addition, safety is important, for example, sitting down with a barbell on your shoulders is better replaced by sitting at Smith's car.

Rozginannya nіg at the simulator

One of the safe ones good rights for the front surface of the quilt - stretching them out while sitting at the simulator.

  1. On the back, it is necessary to upgrade the simulator for your growth. Adjust the back so that the back is snuggled up to it, and the upper roller (or the seat) does not stick into the mud of the casts. The lower roller should not be roztashovuvaty not on homilki, as it is often slacken, but on the upper leg of the foot.
  2. Install a small wagon and sit on the simulator.
  3. Get your feet under the roller.
  4. You can touch the handles with your hands, but if you can’t, then sit.
  5. The back is trimmed straight and pressed to the back.
  6. Robimo inhale and in sight we straighten our legs. With whom it is important, so that the ruh is not sharp, or it can harm the knee swamp.
  7. At the top point, tighten the quadriceps and stretch for a few seconds.
  8. On the breath, lower your legs to the bottom softly, smoothly and not to the end.

Do not need to "throw" your legs, lower them down. In a first step, so the focus on m'yazi is saved for the whole hour. In other words, you don't compress in the knee (could be close to 90 degrees).

It is right to win 12-15 times, 3-4 times.

Zginannya nіg at the simulator

Zginannya can be seen standing up or lying down. Lying qiu on the right, you can work with two legs at once. For whom there is also a special simulator. However, when you lie down, you can only win on early terms, but you can still work standing up, but the principle will be left to yourself.

To the right, pump the back surface of the quilt (not the seat!).

  1. This simulator is also right on the back of the head so that the roller is lying in your troch, behind the Achilles tendon (not in the middle of the homin).
  2. Yakshcho є mozhlivist, the knee is to blame, and not run into the lava.
  3. We set the vag and kick on the life.
  4. We start the legs by the roller and take the handles.
  5. Robimo inhale and in sight we bend our legs in the knees, at which the roller is not guilty of jumping or moving in the air. Rukh may be more povіlny and smooth.
  6. One more important moment - your body can be squeezed tightly to the lava, if you bend your legs, so as not to perevantazhuvat across.
  7. The upper point is fixed (the buttocks do not stick out) and the legs are lowered correctly.

It is right to win also about 12-15 times, 3-4 times.

Vikonati zginannya nіg standing on a special simulator not visible, oskolki there also sound like a pillow is alive, so you can work zginannya on the simulator, in which you roam nіg.

Offenses are right to isolyuyuchi, and it will be better to work on them, if you win the squat, I become craving for vipadi.

Dobre proroblyayut internal m'yazi stegna and zmіtsnyuyut pelvis squatting plіє (with a wide setting of nіg), as it is recommended to vikonuvat vagіtnym.

You can rightly work without tightness, with a barbell, a kettlebell with dumbbells.

Let's take a look at the option with dumbbells (or one). Vin is the most efficient and careless.

  1. We take the projectile to the hands.
  2. The legs are placed wide (meaning wider behind the shoulders), the scarves are turned to the sides.
  3. The back is trimmed straight, life is pulled up.
  4. Hands with dumbbells can be used to trim the chest or the abdomen (still possible in early terms).
  5. Robimo inhale and start to sink properly to the bottom, bending the knees.
  6. The corps is healed three times evenly, you can get sick, but not much.
  7. Kolіna marvel at the bik shkarpetok.
  8. Z indihom sits up to the parallel of the quilt with the hem (because it is lower, which allows stretching).
  9. In vidihu, we rise uphill.

Wicked 10-12 times. 5 approaches will be enough.

Complex training on the back and shoulders

Deyaki is right, for example, pulling up to the chest, or “waving” with an excess of vagity, will become unhandy, prote is right for the shoulders and back (which is very important for the female girls), you can win over the long period.

Barbell row to chest

Tsya is rightly similar to pulling a barbell to the waist, but remain in the middle and the lower region of the trapezium and the widest, and even after 4–5 months, yoga will be unmanageable. Pulling the bar to the breasts opratsovu posterior bundle of deltas (shoulders).

  1. We take the bar with a direct grip wider for the shoulders.
  2. Let's get straight. Feet shoulder width apart or a troch wide.
  3. We push the body forward with a straight back to the parallel with a flat one, or a little more, so that the back is rounded.
  4. Kolіna is lightly zginaemo.
  5. Robimo inhale and in sight we begin to pull the bar to the chest. Lіktі at tsimu go ubіk.
  6. At the top point, we move the shoulder blades, fixing the position for 1-2 seconds and lowering our hands down.

Robimo 10-12 times, 3-4 times.

Video: Pulling the bar to the breasts of the sick

Vertical block pull to chest

One of the best rights to the widest back pain is the pull of the upper block. Qi m'yazi pass through the middle of the back to across. Vagіtnі often vіdchuvayut bіl at the back, it's too bad to practice over these m'yazami.

  • Without ribs, smoothly begin to pull the handle down to the level of the breasts. They made a pause, the m'yazi turned their backs and turned the bar in the right position, not bending the tongue to the end.
  • It’s a hell of a pardon, how to shy away everything - it’s not necessary to pull the bar on yourself, to the breasts, the wines collapse vertically - uphill and down to the level of the breasts.

    Repeat 8-12 times, 3-4 times.

    Dumbbell deadlift

    It is also given the right to be basic, to take the fate of a sprat of suglobivs, m'yazi hands - biceps, triceps, rear deltas. Ale, the greatest backs of m'yazami є trapezium and the widest.

    For cієї right, we need to know the horizontal lava and dumbbells.

    1. We put one foot with a knee on the lava. We take a dumbbell at the opposite hand, then we put the right foot on the lava, then the dumbbell at the left hand.
    2. I put my other hand on the lava.
    3. The back is obov'azkovo straight.
    4. Now, start pulling the dumbbell to the stomach, so that you can’t bring your hand back three times. Tse allow you to turn on the back of the robot itself. Like pulling just to the breasts, trying to pide on the back deltas.
    5. At the top point pragnemo bring the shoulder blade to the center.
    6. After whom we lower our hand down, bending our elbow.

    On the skin hand, we victorious 8-12 times, 3-4 times.

    Training program for women

    We suggest you a training scheme at the gym for a woman.

    Before training, we grind 7–10 quills. Training without a warm-up cannot be repaired.

    The back of the hand is folded in the base right. We borrow 3 times a day and dilimo days for groups of m'yaziv.

    Training is not due to the old ones - 30-40 quilin.

    Day 1: chest, biceps and shoulders:

    • dumbbell bench press lying on a lava bed - 10x5
    • barbell row to chest - 12x5
    • crossover hand link - 12x4

    day 2: legs

    • sitting down with dumbbells or kettlebell - 10x5
    • standing back swings - 15x4 each
    • zginannya nіg at the simulator lying down - 15x4

    Day 3: back

    • thrust to the breasts of a vertical block - 12x5
    • traction behind the head of a vertical block - 12x5
    • dumbbell row at the nakhil - 10x4 each
    • traction to the breasts for the sick - 8-10x4

    At the end of the day, during the period of pregnancy, reduce the intensity of power training near the gym, and also go in for swimming and/or yoga (є special yoga for women). Similar training to exercise the back and pelvis, as well as to teach you how to dihati correctly. It’s not only to ease the weight of that canopy, but to allow you and your child to be healthy.

    I go to the gym, I have the right to turn on all the power ... even more, which can be deprived of the first hour of vacancy, and which can be turned off. I knew the article I brought to you ... Tsikavo, why is it so good?

    Yoga, aerobics and swimming with vaginess - practice shows that it is even more effective. But what can you say about strength training during pregnancy? Obviously, the price is not a panacea, but, with the best of competent methods, strength training can have a noticeable positive effect, both for the mother and for the child. If a woman smells the word “barbell”, then before their eyes there is an evil coach, who, in turn, is navantazhu the girl with indescribable vagami! Soulless thinness, ready to do everything and everything on the majestic "kachkiv", not respecting on this difficult camp.

    More doctors against power training. Vono understood. With an unwritten approach, such training can be even more unsafe. Aerobics in this plan is not rich enough. But you can’t give what you can give strength training. I don’t call all the kids to the “rocking chairs”, but the use of power and aerobic strengths will give the best result, but only one.

    One more moment. Obviously, if you have enough power training to vagity - that's a great plus. Ale yakscho nі - nothing terrible. It's not good to start. Golovnya, schob zavzhda order was a tyamyushchiy coach.

    First workout:

    Rise of the bent legs on the poor lava

    Thrust for the head from the upper block

    Vipadi holding dumbbells

    Razvedennya nіg at the simulator

    Zvedennya nіg at the simulator

    Dumbbell french press standing/sitting

    Traction horizontal block sitting

    Deadlift with dumbbells

    Other training:

    Twisting lying on the bed / lava

    Closing on lava with dumbbells

    Bench press at the simulator seated (chest)

    Pullover with a lying dumbbell (vzdovzh lavi)

    Leg press at the gym

    Thrust from the upper block with a parallel grip

    Zvedennya hands at the simulator (blizzard)

    Mahi dumbbells to the side

    Really, you can be rich more rights. With vaginess, for a great chest, you can do without simulators and be satisfied with light barbells and dumbbells (I didn’t specifically write right with a barbell, so you don’t be lied to). Ale, naturally, є right, yakі robiti better not varto.

    Hyperextension (got sick through the dick)

    Zginannya nіg at the simulator lying down

    Sitting with a barbell behind your head

    Strong twisting on the press

    Standing barbell press from chest

    Barbell pull

    Zagalom, you need to turn everything on right, like working simply unhandedly, and rightly de vyyavlyaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє окоове а nawantazhennya on ridge (want yakshcho dіvchina dosit trenovana, then you can і try it). Now what are you giving us?

    Right on kshtalt deadlifts and squat even better to train the pelvic pain. I think you don't need to talk about their significance in the canopies.

    The deep blood circulation is getting better, and also, the child will take away more living speeches.

    Aerobic urge not to give such straining vibration to testosterone, like strength training. This hormone is needed by both men and women.

    Ideally, your workout routine should include 2 strength workouts per day (from 50 mins to 90 mins) and 2 aerobic workouts (from 50 mins to 90 mins). If you don’t win for an hour, then you need to win for some training - the choice is yours. Have a vipadku - smut collapses! I am sure that you have drawn your own from this material. Ale, before the cob, be some training, and especially the security forces, consultation with the obov'yazkov doctor. Tim is more, scho vagіtnim, like no one else, a necessary individual pіdhіd. I repeat once again that all my experience with work with vagits was only positive.

    Can you do fitness during the hour of pregnancy? Obstetricians and fitness trainers seem that physical vanity will take you out!

    Future mothers, like even more reverently set up to their camp - spend a lot of time at the bed, unique trippy walks, don’t swim by the pool, afraid of infections, don’t go to the gym, protecting the m’yazi from the rise, ring out until the end of your health physically active women. Not a lot of rubbish is indicated in self-perception.

    Rushing, you better know your body, protect yourself from varicose veins and back pain, learn how to relax properly, it’s even more important to lower the hour, and you don’t see more, it’s necessary. To the greed of my mother's activity and the baby: I will take the sourness, which is necessary for my development, and I will collapse more.

    Bezpeka over all

    Zvichayno, busying yourself is to be in the first place safe for you, that little one.

    Vagіtnim categorically fenced:
    • martial arts;
    • team sports;
    • hirska licks;
    • roller forging;
    • top ride;
    • scuba diving;
    • step aerobics, as well as a lot of stribkov activities.

    Likar obov'yazkovo ahead, so that your pace can be regular and not overly intense - otherwise, the heart and brain will sour the kiss on Skoda malyukov, so you can mess up your development. Choose a safe pace with the help of the formula: for an hour, take your heart rate up to 70% of the maximum heart rate. Roses are like that. Take your beat out of 220. For example, 220-30 = 190. 70% out of 190 = 130. This means that your pulse at the moment of tension is not guilty of overshooting 130 beats on the whip.

    At rich fitness clubs, instructors tell future mothers to wear special bracelets with a sensor that monitors the heart rate. Ale vіdhilennya vіd tsikh normativіv - not a single signal, scho take the pace more quickly reduce. The list of alarming signals includes back pain, pain in the lower abdomen and bloody sightings from the paths. At this moment it is necessary to interrupt the busyness and tell about the target doctor.

    Contraindications to take:
    • acute stages of disease of the heart-vascular system;
    • infectious disease and gostra fever;
    • inflammation of internal organs (gastritis, pneumonia);
    • tuberculosis;
    • disease of female organs;
    • important forms early toxicosis that preeclampsia;
    • placenta previa;
    • threat of pregnancy interruption;
    • the presence of wikidnivs in the past;
    • uterine bleeding;
    • movement of the arterial pressure;
    • bagatovodya;
    • obstruction of the development of the fetus.

    What do you need to win?

    Ideally - start to work up to vagity. At such a time, training with an ear of vagity will be more natural and safe. Swimming leading in the list of the most accepted, safe and brown views for women. Tim is not smaller, and here there are warnings: do not rush sharply, swim like a crawl and "like a dog."

    Do not raise your head high above the water, the shards will bulge across and strain the mud (the judges can tangle, which will protect the blood of the brain). Future mothers can swim breaststroke, or rather on their backs, with their heads on the swimming board and with their feet. Water masazhuvatime іkri, relieved venous fluid. Podolayuchi opir drive, m'yazi work without tension, but with maximum effect.

    Aqua aerobics it’s good to go to the one who swims badly, to the one on the water you will be trimmed by special belts. It’s better to take care of the things by the water, lower by the hall. However, you must submit one type of one, so as not to get anyone in the process of training.

    Yoga- Helpful knowledge for future mothers. You’ll do gymnastics, you’ll be right, you’ll be able to effectively concentrate and relax. All ruhi in yozі m'yakі and smooth, scho robbing їх safe for mothers. Remember that non-written activities can inspire absolutely healthy people, so train only under the coach's curiosity.

    We train without traces

    Іsnuyut global rules, yakі allow to vanish unacceptable naslіdkіv nasledkіn navantagen.

    • In the first 3-4 months of pregnancy, especially on the day of the menstruation, it is necessary to turn on the right side of the head.
    • Not sled namagatisya vikonuvaty the whole complex right once.
    • Under the hour of vagity, be careful, if you are under pressure and lie under the hour of vikonnanny is right.
    • After the 4th month, take a trival lie on your back for an hour (it will change the rush of blood to the uterus).
    • If you feel discomfort in the heart, you have a vice, you are diagnosed with such illness, like diabetes, anemia, thyroid disease, you can go in for sports only under the supervision of a doctor!
    • Take advantage of sports uniforms made of synthetic high-tech materials - stench, on the surface of the air, remove the sweat from the surface of the body and save heat.
    • Pick up the same about a sports bra, to save the miracle form of important breasts.

    Special training

    M'yazi, yakі without intermediary vіdpovіdat for canopies, require special training. You need the right Arnold Kegel.

    • Sit right on the chair with a great inflatable ball. Change, that the main vaga falls on the side brushes, and not on the krizh.
    • Squeeze the mud between the gaps and pull them up the hill and in the middle.
    • Treat the mud in this position for ten seconds, without troubling your breath, and then relax properly. Start from five times, incrementally bring the number of repetitions to ten. Get right two or three for the day. Kegel gymnastics can be done both lying and standing. The shortness of that relaxation of the pelvic floor and ancestral paths (the very stink to take the fate of the vikonnіnі right) zmіtsnyuyut cherevnu empty, spriyat more effective attempts, serve as a prophylactic of the unrestricted sich after the fall.
    Right "Metelik"

    Tsya has the right to stretch the fabric and the fabric is called to insure the birth of the child in the form of openings.

    • Sit on a bench, straighten your back and pull your legs up to yourself so that the knees parted in different sides, and the five boules were closer to the middle.
    • Snatch lightly with your knees, pretending to put them on the pidlog. The waves are due to be light, not rough, which imitate the flutters of the krill blizzard.

    Sports and pregnancy planning

    Otzhe, you seriously vyrishili take care of nutrition planning vaginosti. All the necessary analyzes have been done, doctors have been found, intelligent books have been read, the diet of eating is well served. And what about being involved in sports? Aje tse tezh is an important part of your life. Chi vpline sport on try zavagіtnіti? What needs to be done in the form of sports to take, what stench will bring more melancholy? In order to clarify the importance of nutrition, it is necessary to clarify all the nuances.

    How are you doing professional sports?

    In any case, you should definitely consult with your doctor and trainer. It is your fault to know clearly, like the need for adventurousness, and like the unfortunate. Yakshcho you saw the importance of vaginess sports achievements Follow the memory, after that, as soon as it is conceived, the urge to seriously speed up, and then you see the sport turn off the call. After the present ovulation, follow your camp especially respectfully - take better care of yourself.

    Professional athletes called dbati about the mode of eating, controlling yoga, which is an absolute plus. Ale varto vrahuvaty, scho rich doping drugs and anabolic necessities for planning pregnancy.

    How far away in the world of sports and physical adventures

    It's time to start tsіkavitisya physical culture. As a woman, she regularly felt the physical urge to vaccinate, so that it would be easier to ease the vacancy itself, the gentle process, and the post-natal period of renewal. Just don't overdo it and don't drag great vags. Remember that you can be vacant, navit not knowing about it, that light gymnastics and yoga will be quite enough. Navit simple exercise to measure your physical state. The ideal option is that even before the planning of pregnancy, the woman regularly exercised her physical right for a minimum period of time.

    Do you regularly check out the gym or group activities?

    For wine-making, the baby needs to have soft tissues and elastic m'yazi of the abdominal press and back. In addition, to pay attention to stretching, especially the m'yaziv in the zone of the crotch. Important is the role of the hour of vaginess and the gradual introduction of krizhov. Achieving this plasticity can be achieved by stretching the transverse twine.

    Next, specify what you understand about the appointment of "planning vagity".

    1. As if through some reason you are planning a present pregnancy through the pivroku, or a greater interval of an hour, for you there are no daily obmezheniya at the sport.
    2. Change the m'yazi of the abdominal press, back, krizh, work the right to stretch - you have a miraculous ability to prepare your body to wine-making that slope.
    3. Likewise, you are engaged in nutrition, conceived in close proximity, and you can appear as a vagit, be it a mit, turn off all the haircuts, jumps, and also engage in sports, fraught with falls, injuries, blows to the stomach.
    4. Disable doing fitness, dance fitness, callanetics, training at the gym and other types of sports with significant characteristics.

    Kind of sport, showing the hour of planning the vacancy:

    • Swimming

    Vіdmіnniy sposіb zmіtsnіt organіzm і pіdgotuvati yogo to vagіtnostі. In addition, swimming can be done for a long period of wine-making for children. Ale, be respectful - respect the cleanliness of the water near the pool. Various infections and bacteria can not only harm the process of conception, but also incapacitate it.

    An ideal sport for women who are planning to take on jobs. Stretching plus correct breathing - enough garna dopomoga future mothers. In addition, you learn to relax, calm your nerves and put your thoughts in order, prepare your body for the little one. In yoga, there are special features directly - asanas for conception, with vacancy, that posture is gentle. Qi have the right to help women, for some reason they cannot conceive a child for a long time.

    • Pilates

    When busy with Pilates, the m'yazi of the back, pelvis, and ridge are affected. Pilates helps to relax and control the breath. Ale, be careful with the rights on the stomach, and with the rights, tie with the tension of the press. Do not overexert yourself, follow your self-confidence.

    • Bodyflex

    Bodyflex for the abdomen the brown woman is only a little bit the same, if she's smitten, she's not yet pregnant. After the conception of the bodyflex, it is categorically impossible to engage.

    Active sports and menstrual cycle

    The main reference point for planned vagity is your cycle. Plan your training in a fallow way.

    1-3 days of the cycle: turn off pressure on the pres, pelvis and legs - stench can increase bleeding and make you feel self-conscious.

    Days 4-14 of the cycle: training can be increased and continued at a higher pace until ovulation. It has been proven that the growth of the endometrium is positively injected with forcefulness, especially to the right, like twisting on the press.

    15-23 days of the cycle: after the onset of ovulation, the “process of vagity” may already be started, and the ovum may be engorged, and the price of the fallopian tube to the uterus may rise. Intensive training of the press, the pelvic area and not better than the class, otherwise the egg will go its own way, either too fast, or too much too much, which can lead to post-uterine vagity.

    5 days before the beginning of a new cycle: the woman may be vaccinated, but still do not know about it. 5 days before the next menstruation, it’s better not to go in for active sports.

    In addition, take stimulants - creatine, caffeine and others.

    Yakshcho you will go sport is conceived little one, you should take care of yourself like a first hour, so then take up sports. If you don’t train at home, you blame the need for a soul - resolutely rub yourself afterward, put on a dry warm robe. Do not wear short jackets to the waist and without a hat - you will get sick, or you will earn a fuse of the pelvic organs, the chances of successfully conceiving will decrease.

    Remember, as a contraindication for sports, rather than rizikuvati.

    Irrespective of those who recommend physicians to recommend special inconveniences in the early terms of pregnancy, many women are guided by them. Some stverdzhuyut, scho do not last an hour, and skarzhatsya on zavu zavantazheniste on robots, but most of the reason is much simpler - a banal line. Adzhe vykonannya the simplest complex, which borrows only 10-20 quills, it’s not only easier to get the body up to innovation, but also to get rid of sick toxicosis and make the canopies easier.

    How can you rightly work in early terms?

    Permissible rights for women in the first trimester are not considered to be particularly foldable and different. During this period, navpaki, it is necessary to do the maximum care, unique training on the press, whether there are any kinds of stretching, as well as lifting the waist (including the gym). Such an impulse can lead to an active contraction of the uterus and a change in vaginess.

    Fitness for women: right

    However, it is not possible to take precautions in the future, it is not possible to ward off the recommendations of the physical right for women in the first trimester. For example, before the complex you can turn on the following right:

    Those who have the right to work with vaginess, lie down not only in terms of the term, but also in the form of your self-perception. Even if you feel discomfort, it is right to take it and replace it with others.

    In addition, do not forget that it is right for women in the 1st trimester to be light, the protea period is only 14 days. For this term, you can allow your own ideas to be taken advantage of (for example, right for the chest with dumbbells, which are allowed on the other terms).

    Vagіtnіst аt gym: what do you need to do for an hour of vacancy?

    Vagіtnіst - a special camp for the body of a woman, if from one side of the right to trim yourself in the form, from the other - be afraid that I will not become a child. It is a scientific fact that the weight of that gym is understood by the whole sum of money between itself. Sports are necessary for the cicada, but for the singing of the kilkost, that is the quality. Vagіtnі zhіnki more richly restore the reserves of the body.

    Take advantage in front of the curtains

    • Polypshennya physical, psychological become a woman at the "cicada" camp.
    • The control of the vag is relevant for those who, having begun to gain a lot of kilograms, start fast.
    • Polypshenya m'yazovy tone.
    • Occupation during the hour of vacancy helps to save the correct position.
    • Molding stars to lead a healthy way of life.
    • Polypshennia herbal processes.

    In women, who have the whole term of vagity collapsed a little, active women are more likely to reach the need for reduced vag, their body gains the need for gnuchkost, it is easier to endure the physical emotional tension, pov'yazanі z child's sight.

    How to identify risks for training

    In the body of a vagit woman, there is a low change, like in the skin trimester of life.

    1. At the lower ends, the venous pressure increases by approximately 1.5 times as far as the upper ends. It takes up to 5-6 months for the development of the fetus in the womb.
    2. The circulation of sour for 3 months becomes intense, for 36 months it is expected to peak the rise of this indicator (by 25-48%).
    3. There is obviously a 25-30% increase in the nirk blood flow, the cerebellar is overgrown on a large scale.
    4. After 27-30 years of the year, there is a lack of adaptation of the cardiovascular system, which is called the syndrome of the inferior empty vein.

    Occupation at the gym for women may be planned by instructors in tandem with a doctor, which is a poster for the excess of vagity. Fahіvtsі vrahuyut characteristic of the station of the woman change in її organisms.

    The program is folded with the method of reducing the upcoming risks for the future child:

    • fetal hypoxia: due to a sharp increase in the intensity of pressure, the blood flow increases to active ulcers;
    • hypoglycemia: develops as a result of glucose deficiency;
    • hyperthermia: the internal temperature of the body of the mother becomes higher, lower in the fetus.

    The plan to take up can be quickly adjusted to the improvement of the self-perceived future mother, the level of commitment is determined by a private coach, who will set the necessary appointment for a physical education. It is necessary to give a confirmation that it is necessary to confirm the date of contraindication before taking. High-intensity drive will need to be turned off, for good self-esteem it is necessary to drink at least 3 liters of non-gas water per day.

    Absolute contraindications to take є:

    • the threat of a mimicry interruption of vaginess (also more than 2 vacancies in the past);
    • pathological changes in the veins of the lower veins (expressions of varicose veins);
    • viniknennya after training pains in the bottom of the abdomen, similar to essences, on a permanent basis;
    • placenta previa;
    • the camp of the cervix, which is not respected by the medical norm (anomaly);
    • garyachkovy camp;
    • histosis;
    • bleeding.

    In all of the above listed activities it is impossible to work out at the gym, independently from the level of the overflowing adventure. There are also a number of prominent contraindications, which will require the obstezhennya and control from the side of the gynecologist. Before them, one can see such illnesses and conditions: diabetes, anemia, damage to the thyroid and cardiovascular systems (arrhythmia, tachycardia, a constant decrease in pressure), be it a stage of obesity, toxicosis, which are accompanied by confusion and vomiting.

    Differentiation of interest

    The planning of pregnancy is a vital process, the mother's future will carry the vitality for the life of that healthy child of her own. Use the gym regularly at least 3 times a day. The intensity can be taken to be average, for a warm-up and a finishing stretch it is necessary to add 15 strands, the main occupation can be no more than 40 strands. The force demand is small, the aerobic demand is low intensity.

    Vіdmovitsya varto vіd advancing right: bicycle, haircuts, sharp turns, nahili tuluba, vertical traction, bending/stretching down on simulators (lying down or sitting), walking straight down, victorious important vants.

    When planning, the plan is to take the next vrakhovuvat camp of the woman, the nature of the excess of vagity. Є vіdmіnnostі in іntensivnosti to take for zhіnok, yakі to vіdіnnostі vіdvіduvali gym ta quiet, hto priyshov at the cіkavy stіnі vpershe.

    A healthy plan to take in the skin trimester

    Women, like the hour of wine-making, the children are engaged in physical rights, they signify their positive influx in the wild, self-perceived that mood. Your opinions are just confirmation of that.

    For the skin trimester of the obov'yazkovoy є 10-15-hvilinna warm-up (you can take a walk on the big road, vikoristovuvat elіps, an exercise bike, for some є back for emphasis). Obov'yazkovo control pulse - yogo frequency can be overwhelmed by 140 beats per whilin.

    Activities for the first trimester

    Before trying on the early terms of the vacancy of the simulators, it is necessary to work on the chest in the right way, to properly stretch the m'yazi of the upper / lower limbs.

    1. Set the Kegel to exercise the vaginal ulcers.
    2. Opening/opening hands at the sitting position with dumbbells.
    3. Dumbbell bench press in the recumbent position.
    4. Nahil left / right.
    5. Craving at the sickly (alternately with a skin hand).
    6. Sit in a standing position (stitch behind a straight back).
    7. Walking on lava.

    Girls, who knows what you can do in the gym. and yakso...


    Girls, who knows what you can do in the gym. І akscho can yaksіs vinni buti navantazhennya??? On the right, in the fact that my friend, with which we were busy, she showed that she was arriving in the camp. Yesterday we went to the gym and asked the coach, but the boy is young, and in such nutrition you still don’t understand anything ... get busy and that's it...


    oliya sonyashnikova - 10.00 gr, sandwich with syrah with oliya - 100.00 gr, sandwich with cowbass 1pc. without shkiri - 100.00 gr, cava with frosted Glasi (GI: 60) - 50.00 gr

    • fat index: 274.0% "glycemic index: 67.9"


    Walking pace - 60 mins, changing in a standing position - 190 mins, changing in a sitting position - 90 mins, typing a text on a computer - 30 mins, picking up a text - 15 mins, sitting on a sofa - 30 mins, tidying up - 40 mins, preparing food - 30 mins, gymnastics (active) - 20 mins

    gymnastics (active) - 20 min., preparation їzhі - 30 min., tidying up - 40 min., sitting on the sofa - 30 min., picking up - 15 min., typing text on the computer - 30 min. sedentary - 1 year 30 min., resting at the position standing - 3 years 10 min., walking at a fast pace - 1 year 0 min.

    Activities at the gym

    Sports and fitness

    At the hour of the vacancy of a woman, she was brought to hear rich speeches, to which she sounded out of place, and in front of her, more important changes were checked. Ale vagіtnіst - tse not ailment, and if it goes on without difficulty, then you can try to save the primary way of life - for example, continue to engage in your favorite sport. Ale tse nutrition for a special approach, we will talk about it in the framework of this rubric.

    Natalia Prischepa Lekar of medical physical culture and sports medicine, Moscow

    Occupation in the gym is one of the most popular types of fitness. More women, like to practice the ideal figure, to know that you can’t do without the power ones. The stench is necessary in order to give the body a beautiful relief, to help the greatest amount of security and to effectively deal with such typical female problem areas, as the inner surface of the quilt, arms, seats, weak backs. Ale, it’s a pity, the result is hard to work out, so you try to train. Can you continue with the gym for an hour of vacancy?

    Chi can you take care of?

    The first step is a consultation with your obstetrician-gynecologist. Only wines, calling all the “for” and “against”, can competently answer the question.

    In this type of smut - remembrances that the first 12 years of pregnancy are the most safe from the point of view of the rediscovery of vagity, that occupation may be even more sparing. Starting from the 7th month of vacancy, it is better to occupy the gym more quickly, because. be-yakі, navіt neznachnі, silovі vantazhennya on tsomu termіnі become unsafe and can bring to nebazhannyh nasledkіv, right up to the front slopes. Also, there is a contraindication for all future mothers, regardless of the term vagity.

    Necessary precautions

    If your doctor doesn’t mind taking it, you need to cheat, for a long time you’ve been successfully doing it at the gym. If your trainings lasted three hours, were regular and tolerated them well, then you can continue your employment - of course, by making corrections in them. Well, just recently you started to work out on simulators, and after training they tried at the drug station, then for an hour of vagity in the form of security forces, it’s better to take it easy.

    The gym is not a trauma-free zone. And not less than one who can put a dumbbell on his leg. On the right, in what is busy on simulators, there is even more interest in drifting, especially if you don’t follow the rules of safety.

    On the back, it is necessary to “set” the simulator to yourself (put the seat on the required height, vibrate the arm, etc.), then take the correct position and follow it, so that all your hands on the simulator lie in a strictly singing flat. An instructor will assist you in all these aspects.

    Under the hour of vagity, the drifts become more and more infuriating. In the body, there is an increase in the production of a hormone called relaxin, which loosens the pelvic ligaments and allows them to stretch elastically: it is necessary for normal folds. The problem is less that relaxin does not matter if it is a tie-dye fabric, a cream on the ties of lanyards, collars, shoulders. And to that your zvichna vaga can appear for weakening the links with a risky one - you can take away the injury. Later, the simulator must be installed on the lower arm: it is not the fault of the driver to overestimate 60% of the arm, which you were engaged in to the vacancy. For reasons of necessity, it is necessary to take it with free vaults and the right to stretch.

    How to organize a lesson?

    It is possible to work out at the gym during the first hour of vaginess only personally with an informed instructor. Now, until you become pregnant, you regularly practiced on all simulators and know them well, you can’t do without the help of a trainer, who will provide you with the most safe and effective training program for the whole period. The scheme itself is left without changes: a little warm-up, then the main part and in the end - a zatrimka. You can do it 2-3 times a day. Training less than 1 time per day, "inodі" - tse schorazu stress for the body. Because, for some reason, you can’t work out regularly, so you better get busy in the gym.

    Start your workout with a 10-minute warm-up at the cardio room. Cardio hall or cardio zone is part of the gym, where cardio equipment is located: a large track, a vertical (high) and horizontal (with a back) exercise bike, an elliptical exercise machine, etc.

    To take a half hour of vacancy, it is better to use a bicycle with a back and a big track. There are no varto bigati on the big road. The optimal walking distance is no more than 4-3.5 km/year. Under the hour of training, and especially under the hour of warm-up, it is important to follow the pulse. Vіn will help you to correctly dose the change and to avoid possible change. Sochasnі cardio-simulators independently carry out pіdrakhuk pulse. In addition, you can speed up your heart rate with heart rate monitors. The stench is made up of two parts: belts, which are worn on the chest and read your pulse directly from the heart of that year, which put on your arm and reflect your pulse with a long exercise. It’s especially handy to whack at the gym, because. power simulators do not slow down the pulse and you will have to independently improve the pulse and keep pace with it, without overshooting 60% of the pulse of the maximum reduction of acidity (P 02 max) in the first trimester, 65-70% in the other and third trimesters. Razrahuvat P02 max is possible for the formula: 220-v_k. For example, if you are 25 years old, then 220-25 \u003d 195. 195 * 0.6 \u003d 117. So, the pulse is not guilty of overshooting 117 beats for the whilina in the first trimester in a 25-year-old woman.

    The main part of the occupation is dedicated to the occupations on the simulators. Try three more trochs more than 15-20 quills. Remember that your main method is saving the result achieved earlier.

    For which one, the best approach is to follow a scheme: two or three series of 10 repetitions each, with no more than 60% of your average work load.

    1st block to the right - front surface quilted cloth:

    • rozginannya nig;

    2nd block to the right - m'yazi back surface of the quilt:

    • death nig;

    3rd block to the right - the widest m'yazi back:

    • thrust of the upper block head;

    4th block right - chest pain:

    • zvedennya hands and nіg, sitting on the simulator;

    5th block right - delta-like m'yazi:

    • bench press on the simulator;
    • spreading arms through the sides, sitting on the simulator;

    6th block right: biceps and triceps of the arms:

    • thrust of the upper block with a straight handle;
    • arm extension at the crossover (a richly functional block simulator at the looking vertical frame).

    At the gym, contraindications:

    • with acute illnesses and acute chronic illnesses, for example with influenza, GRVI, acute gastritis;
    • with an increased tone of the uterus, bloody visions from the ducts, a threat of reversal of vaginess;
    • with sharply pronounced toxicosis (untidy vomit);
    • with gestosis of vaginess, which manifests itself in the development of an arterial pressure, the appearance of a protein in the cut, swelling;
    • for the obviousness of wikidniv at the past;
    • when bugatovdі;
    • with systematically appearing transient pains after taking.

    They turn on the right with free arms, right on the black press, twisting, rіznomanіtnі nahili, komplektіnі prava, such as squat or deadlift (pulling the rods, position in nahili). Choose the right one to sit with back support. Unique sharp changes, increase the vanity step by step. Between approaches (sets) you can afford yourself a small change.

    The training completes the 5-point trick. Like a zatrimka, the cardio zone is optimal, but the need may be less, lower the hour of the warm-up. On the vіdmіnu vіd vіd zvichaynogo trenuvannya, the right to stretching, for example, classes are not carried out.

    Until, at the next hour after training, try to drink enough water. Best of all, it will be simple non-carbonated water at room temperature. great value maє it is correct to breathe when vikonannі is right: if you see it, you can fight the most stressful stage right, indah - on the lightest one. Training to increase the temperature of the body, which can be squeezed onto the plate. The temperature of the body can take up to 38°C for an hour. That is why it is unique to train at some warm chivalrous places, and also to dress warmly. As if you had a backside, weakness or confusion, it seems that you should pull in the lower abdomen, bloody vision and be-yakі іnshi іnshі nezvichaіnі symptoms nіbіbno negayno pripinitta zapinittya and turn to the doctor!

    Simulators for women: how to do fitness correctly and how to choose a simulator for women.

    Under the hour of vacancy rich women lakaє idleness for 9 months. Deyakі zhіnki afraid to spend the form, yak forcibly napratsovuvali fates. The very same stench robs you of safe employment on home exercise equipment.

    Home fitness equipment for women

    The physical activity of a woman during the first hour of pregnancy is positively signified on the її wet station and the station of the child. Ale, for 8 and 9 months, the warto was stifled in the face of similar adventures.

    Required to work out on home fitness equipment 3 times per week If you take less time, you won’t give absolutely no sourness, but you will become more of an additional stress for the body.

    For a warm-up, you need to choose big tracks and exercise bikes. The stench, as it is impossible to speak, is suitable for borrowing from household minds. Even better, it’s busy on cardio simulators, so that for an hour of such a job you can constantly monitor the pulse and, if necessary, change the amount of money.

    Slid also choose simulators, on which it is necessary to engage in sitting, with an emphasis on the back. These simulators are even more effective, even if they stink at work with the muck of the hands, back, legs, delto-like and chest muck.

    By engaging in such simulators for an hour of vagity, the woman will take care of the light curtains, as well as shvidke revival organism in the post-slyapological period.

    Right on this home exercise machine, don’t worry about it, even more haircuts in the period of pregnancy can be negatively recognized by a self-conscious mother and a healthy child.

    Before we speak, read the article beforehand - you can ride a right bike for an hour of pregnancy.

    Vykoristovyte big path for walking. The most optimal walking distance can be no more than 5 km/year. With whom, it is necessary to follow the pulse, so that the wine can be changed often, but you will not remember whom.

    Turn on the right wagami, twisting, right on the goydannya press, complex right on the simulators, busy with such transfers are sickly.

    The adventage can't be too great. Try to improve step by step.

    Features of employment on simulators for women

    From a glance of vagity, 12 tizhniv is the most critical term. Therefore, the busyness of the whole period can be as sparing as possible. Starting from the 7th of the month, the varto step by step is busy, so that to instill an insignificant force of ambition on such a term is not safe and often leads to frontal canopies.

    It is not recommended to use the gym, the rocks in the trauma-free zone. The best time for vagity is to work at home, dotrimuyuchis safety rules. If you think that you are already well aware of the occupational system, that you were most likely to take the gym to vacancy, then you can forget about all those that you were engaged in earlier.

    Under the hour of vagity, the gloomy women become more contentious. In the body of a woman, the hormone relaxin is produced. Vіn rozm'yakshuє zv'yazki pelvis, allowing їm raztyaguvatis more elastically. Naturally, what is necessary from normal slopes. Ale on the right in the fact that relaxin is also applied to the ligament tissue (ligaments of colin, liktiv, nig). In this way, the occupation is given even more risky, and the simulator, on which you choose to work, must be installed on the lower arm.

    The organism of a vagit woman and the organism of a woman, yak not a vagina - two protylezhnosti. Here it is necessary to practice in 3 paragraphs: a warm-up, the main part (right on the simulator) and a trick. Going to such a right to radiate no less than 2-3 times a day. In another time, you will not bring the desired effect.

    Until, under the hour, and also after training, try to drink enough of the amount of water . Vіdmovtesya vіd juices and gas water. Drink plain non-carbonated water at room temperature.

    Correct dihannya also has a meaning. Breathe in on the folding element and work on the simulators and breathe on the lung. Be it training to move the temperature human body. Tse mozhe znachenitsya on self-confidence of your child, to that it can be aired, not over it, and warmly.

    Do not varto dress warmly. A light T-shirt and sports pants made of natural fabrics do not bind the body. And navpaki, to create a small condensate.

    If you have weakness, bloody vision, back and confusion, belly bottom of the abdomen, or be it unbearable pain, do not turn around to take it, but take a consultation from the doctor.

    It is important to remember that vagіtnіst is a disease. As if it’s running without any complications, then it’s busy at home simulators to work it out, and the canopies are light.

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